#order 66 au
veny-many · 9 months
Did I mention about Order66 AU that Plo is alive and wandering with Wolffe?
And I just can't take it anymore and what have I done
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Where was I? Ah yes
Plo and Wolffe wandering around the space to find any survivors from Order 66 and still trying to save innocents that suffered under Empire. Because why not.
Somehow Plo survives the plane crach(it is will of the Force) and barely hides from troopers with broken mask and critical burns. But his Commander hunts down him, and points blaster to his General.
But for some mysterious reason(maybe because of his trauma that received from Ventress, or will of the Force again) Wolffe resist the chip for just a moment, and Plo managed to find out that Wolffe isn't doing this with his will, and approaches him and destroy the chip. But the blaster shot came and Wolffe gains his mind only with his General fallen from his blaster shot.
For some miracle, Plo survives. But because his mask was broken for long time, his vocal cord was burned down, and his half of the body has burn too, and his right arm is amputated for critical burn. And Wolffe is never happy about it. And blames himself for all of this.
Despite the injuries he received, Plo still can use his telepathic ability, and reaches for Wolffe, telling him it's all right, it was never his fault. And anyway Wolffe is broken to cry again.
After all, Plo receives new prosthetic arm, but with five fingers because is was hard to find and suspicious to find four fingered arm. And Plo is just interested and tries to adjust to his new arm.
Wolffe had to throw his beloved armor because anybody can recognize it was from Wolfpack.
Wolffe worries about his General's safety because first, he is Kel-Dor, and he lost his right arm, and he can't speak and he got burn all over his body, and most of all he is Jedi. And he tries to protect his General by putting him behind Wolffe.
And all Plo witnesses is Wolffe got lost in market because he never have been in those place, and got confused over aggressive owner of shop because he never had to buy things from civilian, and etc about got confused over by many civilian life and underworld things. And Plo finally decides "Good or bad, I need to stick with him for his survival." And offers him to wander together.
Wolffe: I need to protecc my General!
Plo: No, guess I need to protect you.
That's all for now. Thank you so much.
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 years
The Chancellor made a mistake
All it takes is a single mistake and generations of planning goes down the drain.  It’s actually kind of impressive when you think about the sheer amount of forethought that the death of the Jedi took.  Because all it takes is moving just a little too fast and a thousand years of hiding go out the window. 
Sheev Palptine was a font of patience when working toward his aims, but, well he had been listening to rants about Obi Wan Kenobi being the ‘Perfect Jedi’ for years. That he was detached, alien to the wider galaxy in a way that few beings ever were. Those rants sparked an idea. A way to isolate the Jedi further from the galaxy by showing them the ‘Perfect Jedi’.
And yes, Obi Wan Kenobi is one of the best representatives of what it means to be a Jedi who currently lives. But it was not for the reasons that Anakin (encouraged by Palptine) thought. The mistake Palpatine truly made was forgetting that the ‘Perfect Jedi’ image that Anakin held was created by Palpatine himself. 
There is an artifact in Palpatine’s collection (one of the few that he had both legally and visibly) that is the center of Palpatine’s plan. It is a thing of Sith magic (and could be considered a device of torture, not that any one outside of Palpatine realizes that at first) that projects key moments in the subjects life for everyone to see, to hear, and even to feel a reflection of what the subject feels (It could be considered torture becaus the subject is forced to relive these memories in their entirety, as if they were happening again. Also they have no control over what memories are being shown and once started this process cannot be stopped until it has found all of the key moments).  As it uses the Force the moments can be seen from a third person point of view.  Palpatine had even found a way to connect the artifact to a broadcasting system, meaning that the entire galaxy can see and hear and feel what it is to be the ‘Perfect Jedi’. 
At first the plan goes exactly as it was supposed to. In the guise of ‘fostering relations to disprove the horrible rumor of Jedi warmongering’ Palpatine maneuvers the Senate and the Jedi Order into Obi Wan Kenobi being the subject of this artifact and putting himself on display for all the galaxy to see. Anakin is visibly excited about this. Obi Wan is put in a Pod hovering in the center of the Rotunda, visible to all. Many Clone Commanders (and, though Palpatine had no way of knowing, Ghost Company) ring the top of the Rotunda, looking down at the General. Mace Windu and Yoda are in the Jedi Pod, looking weary (they know what a violation this is, even if no one else seemed to. The Clones, particularly those assigned to the 212th understood as well). 
The one concession that Obi Wan had managed to get is that neither he, nor those he was working with, could be prosecuted for anything that might appear in the memories (using the logic that he did not want to be prosecuted for giving away military secrets if that is something that is shown to the entire galaxy). 
The plan went wrong from the first memory (and it could not be stopped, even if Obi Wan was killed and the artifact destroyed, the Force itself would continue projecting until the memories had run their course). 
The very first memory comes with the echo of fear and pain and the sensation of being unable to breath.  The galaxy watches a tiny redheaded toddler being held under a river by a woman that could be his mother.  A jedi of Togruta descent comes upon them and pushes the woman away and gently lifts the toddler. The reflection of a warmth easing the feeling of drowning echoes and comforts, the fear also easing. The woman then shrieks that the boy is cursed; is Obi Wan Kenobi. As she runs off the Togruta looks down at the toddler, smiles sadly and says “Not to worry, little Obi Wan, where we’re going, having the Force is no curse.”
A ripple of horror spreads throughout the galaxy. The darkness that the Sith had worked so hard to cultivate begins to thin, as beings of all kinds absolutely fall in love with the red headed toddler whose earliest memory is being rescued by the Jedi.  It thins further though moments in Obi Wan’s childhood. Instead of seeing indoctrination or baby stealing the galaxy sees sentients doing their best for the children under their care. Yes there is bullying, the misunderstandings and teasing of any group of children and too few caretakers. But there is also Grandmaster Yoda playing prank after prank on and with the younglings.  There is sleeping in a pile of crechemates, feeling safe (even in the presence of a bully). There are ‘adventures’ of sneaking into the kitchen with friends. Daycare workers, Nannies, and caretakers the Galaxy over have never felt closer to the Jedi than experiencing Obi Wan’s memories of the Creche.
The galaxy sees the teachings of the Jedi from the eyes of their children, and it is easier to understand there is so much emphasis on self control when a tantrum causes every toy in the room to shoot up to hit the ceiling then rain down on children. They see the mistakes, because there are always mistakes and things that could have been done better when raising children. They see Obi Wan’s visions and nightmares, and how they are handled. They see the places where rigid tradition is to the detriment of the Order but they also see the soft moments. The moments of comfort. They see Yoda calming Obi Wan after a nightmare and how the words “Always in motion, the future is” is not just an admonishment but also a comfort. 
And they see the mystical powers of the Jedi being taught. That it is not just some magically granted power, but something that is taught and studied and worked for. They see behind the magic, what’s more for the first time the majority of the galaxy feels the Force the way the Jedi do (an odd consequence of the artifact being tied to the broadcaster like it was, is that most of the galaxy never really lost that sense after, even if they were not Force Sensitive enough to use the Force) for the first time.
And Sheev Palpatine is undeniably evil, there is no question about that. He is, in fact, proud of that. But even he feels…something when he watched a grown man tell a twelve year old Obi Wan that he is destined to fall (that memory alone swelled the darkness again).  Through the memories, and armed with hindsight, the galaxy can hear the Force whisper to Obi Wan, telling him he is destined to be a knight. Compassion lights up the galaxy, shaded with horror, when the bomb collar locks home.  And for many of the comfortable in the galaxy, even among those that consider themselves ‘good’ this is the closest they have come to experiencing slavery, the fear, the cruelty, the hollow ache. They hear and feel the secrets that slaves keep and vow to take action (it is a vow that turns to words again for many, but on dozen worlds it sparks into a bonfire that roots out slavery where it finds it). 
When Cody hears Qui Gon Jinn tell Obi wan that the reason he is taking him as a padawan is because he was willing to die, he scoffs softly and murmurs “so that is where that comes from”. (Gree asks him why he is not surprised by any of this, since Skywalker visibly is. Cody looks at Gree and says that the General had already told these stories, all they had to do was ask).
It is with the memory of Obi Wan leaving the Order for the Young that it first occurs to Anakin that this was a violation. They should not be watching Obi Wan’s most intimate memories. This is not how Anakin should be learning about his former Master.   The horror grows as he feels with every moment of the war that is shown. Then Cerasi dies. Three quarters of the galaxy sob outright for this young girl, who in her last moments spoke of Peace.  It is nigh on impossible not to feel for these tired child soldiers and the Jedi Padawan that fought with them, they find the peace that they fought for but it took so much. Too much.
Then Obi Wan returns to the Temple. These are sentient beings, with hopes and dreams and flaws, the galaxy is reminded again and again. Nearly every memory has something that someone in the galaxy can relate to. The successes and failures that they can see through Obi Wan’s eyes. 
When the child version of the Hero with No Fear is brought before the council the entire Galaxy feels the ache of never being enough, for always feeling like the second, the third, the last choice. Not even a thought during Qui Gon’s last moments. The grief of losing a parent is all too common, the stress of having to suddenly raise a younger sibling, of subsuming your own grief to be there for someone else and feeling alone in the world are not much less. And every parent in the galaxy knew the feeling of the teen years, where it seemed like everything Obi Wan did was a mistake or a misstep (Anakin remembered those years differently, shaded in a defensiveness that he was not sure the origin of now). Most of all everyone could feel the love that suffused Obi Wan every memory of Anakin,  this boy who should have been his brother but instead was his son.
The attempted assassination of Senator Amidala drew Obi Wan to Kamino. For the first time the galaxy and, almost more importantly, the Senate saw the Clones through the eyes of the Jedi. Instead of rows of identical, interchangeable faces, it was constellations of stars in miniature. Each unique. Each beautiful.  It was profound. It was striking. 
Reflected horror only grew with each memory of battle. With each memory of grieving with Clones, they became more real.  Even the Kaminoan Senator was discomforted, could not quite maintain the line that the clones were flesh droids. 
There were memories of Obi Wan meeting with other Jedi, with Commander Cody, with Commander Fox, within his own Battalion trying desperately to protect the Clones and the Jedi. It hurt a number of the Senators and representatives to realize that they were the ones Obi Wan was protecting them from. An ache that served to Lighten the Force even further grew when Obi Wan and Cody acknowledged their desire to be together, but put that desire to the side so the could always be ‘above reproach’ to be able to protect other relationships (Padme/anakin, Aayla/ Bly, a number of others that involved either Jedi or Clones). An ache that grew when they watched from Obi Wan’s eyes as Fox and Quinlan Vos did the same.  When several Lieutenants came forward with a plan to reduce Bacta (and other resources) use enough that they could send the excess to the Coruscant Guard, since they are never given enough.  Countless discussion of where to move Clones to, either for their own protection or to protect others. The updating lists about which Senators the Clones must never be alone around.
There is a flurry of notes taken when Obi Wan explains to Ghost company that relationships with Jedi are not forbidden by the Council, but formalized relationships (marriage, parent/child, any relationship that have a legal basis) were made illegal by a treaty with Naboo some three hundred years before. This treaty does allow for exceptions to be approved with restrictions (Ki Adi Mundi’s exception is cultural, he is only allowed to have contact with his wives when trying to get them pregnant and is not allowed contact with his children. If he has a boy he will be required to dissolve that marriage and if the ratio of male/female stabilizes he will be required to dissolve all of his marriages).  The consequences for breaking this treaty are severe, particularly for the non Jedi party.  These consequences include imprisonment for approximately 1/10 of the beings potential life span, with any children born of the union to be surrendered to be studied (The law does not say that they will be studied expressly, but it is certainly implied). This was explained as part of a lesson on how to subtly discourage gossip about a topic (primarily Padem and Anakin’s marriage). When asked he also explains that there are two reasons that he would ask them to do that. One reason is personal, Anakin loves Padme and it would hurt him if something happened to her. The Second reason has to do with what happens with Politics and Scandal.  That once it becomes known that they had married, Padme would effectively become poison to anything her name was on. And Padme had long been a champion of the underdog. Her name was on a lot of less than popular measures, including everything to do with Clone rights (He had tried to bring this up with both Padme and Anakin, they didn’t listen). He explained how important image was in this case, that was why he tried to make sure his troops were both visible and seen doing positive things. He was hoping that by the time the marriage became common knowledge they had enough goodwill to survive the fallout. (In the audience three of Padme’s advisers along with Padme herself start hyperventilating slightly when they do indeed find that little known treaty. Up with the Clones, Commander Thorn went ‘huh. I wondered why the 212th rarely got arrested on shore leave anymore’)  When asked why the Jedi of that time let that treaty be signed, Obi Wan sighed and told them that he Jedi were not consulted.
The very last memory shown is Obi Wan, being told that he would need to be hooked up to a Sith Artifact and expose all of his best and worst memories for the Galaxies entertainment.  His quiet dread looking at the pod that they were currently seeing him in. 
For a moment the Light overtook the Force. Every being in the galaxy was bathed in the Light of Force. They saw themselves, both their flaws and their beauty as it truly was. 
The Artifact shuts off and before anyone else can do anything, Ghost company descends on Jetpacks. They landed the Pod and bundled their General out of the Rotunda.  
In the aftermath there were many that weren’t affected by what the Galaxy had seen, there always would be, but there just as many that did. In spite of the assholes, most people thought themselves as good, wanted to give more than they took, wanted to be happy and have those around them be happy. 
A young scientist on Kamino looked into a mess hall crowded with Clone cadets. The day before they would have seen one cadet indistinguishable from another, mechanical instead of organic. Today all they could see were shining stars, individual and unique.  In that instant they made a choice that would change the galaxy. They approached Shaak Ti and Commander Colt asking to speak privately. They explained that each clone was decanted with an inactive inhibitor chip (knowledge of which had been explicitly barred from being given to the Jedi) and that on these chips there was a set of orders hardcoded, they did not know what the orders were, that would take precedence over even the clone own free will. They handed over a flimsi with a frequency on it. This frequency would shut off the chips once they were activated, but would not do anything to them until that point. They could not be removed without alerting whoever included the orders and the chip in the contract.
Colt asked the scientist why now. The Kaminoan was quiet for a moment then said ‘yesterday you were interchangeable. Today you are not.’ and leaves. 
On Coruscant a senatorial aide moves toward her next meeting. A few of her colleagues were further down the hall talking and complaining about the clones, the cost of creating more, calling them things and equipment, and jokes about their deficiencies. Not five feet away is a member of the Coruscant Guard, standing guard.  She considers herself a good person, a kind person but it strikes her how many times she has seen this exact scene play out. It strikes her how many times she has ignored the beings protecting her, and how she was considered among the kindest beings in the senate for it. Looking at the red painted guard all she can see is Obi Wan Kenobi's memories of meetings with Commander Fox, lists of people they needed to protect the Clones from, a tiny list of people outside the Jedi and the Clones they can trust.  Abruptly she decided that her meeting could wait as she squared her shoulders to confront the talkers, she knew what list she wanted to be on and it was time to prove it. 
It took a thousand years of planning to carefully darken the Force to the point where the Sith could hide on Coruscant itself. A thousand years to cloud the Force, all to be ready to destroy the Jedi.  It took a thousand year and all it took was one day, not even a day. It took the six hours that Obi Wan was in the clutches of the Artifact to destroy all of that planning. 
Palpatine didn’t even realize what it meant, at first, when the entire Galaxy seemed to get six shades lighter. Then, two tenday after, a new bill was introduced contending that the Clones met all the requirements to be considered a previously unknown near human variation.
It should have failed. He owned 75% of the senate outright. It should have failed. 
It passed. It passed overwhelmingly because too many of the voting morons thought they were giving a pittance they could then ignore. Not that being declared a near human variation automatically granted the rights he had spent so long denying the clones. 
Then some sour apple tried to prosecute Amidala for marrying a Jedi (Palpatine was holding that in reserve, to get ahold of any children), Commanders Cody and Fox for the very obvious collusion to assist in the desertion of GAR Clones, prior to their rights being granted, and Jedi’s Vos, Windu, Koon, and Kenobi for the same reason. Which was now impossible because a blanket pardon was issued for any crimes that came to light as a result of Kenobi’s memories. 
Petitions were already streaming in to have the treaty that makes Jedi marriage illegal broken and they seemed to be going to people that would actually do it (A spontaneous group formed, nearly 40,000 people strong across six system composed of both Republic and Seperatist citizens, whose sole goal is to get Codywan together and married).
At first Palpatine tries to wait it out, tries to keep with the plan because he is not one to act impulsively. Six tenday later, he realized differently. The Galaxy continued to lighten, kindness springing up. Slavery was in a downward spiral as more people stood up, spoke up, and tried to make things better. His empire was slipping from his grasp. 
He executed Order 66.  For a moment the light of clones dimmed and their minds compressed. Then the Clones who had taken his call jolted as if stung. There was a sharp crack and the remaining darkness fell apart. And Palpatine learned a lesson that few Sith lived long enough to, too long standing in the dark make the light fatal. 
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mosswitch219 · 2 months
I can't find this one failed order 66 au post pls help
I was reading an order 66 but failed au and in it was: the clones saw how the jedi as they were being controlled by the republic like the clones and they had been told jedi have power but since they saw the jedi didn't have much power against the republic when order 66 happens it fails miserably with clones only killing imperials or smth and not the actual jedi bc of a miscommunication/misconception. When anakin continues to go to the temple to execute order 66 the clones r so confused when he tries to kill actual jedi they believe hes possessed lmao and put him in like a coma or smth. Then when obi wan goes to the temple to figure out whats going on he has this convo that I remember kind well:
(ill try to write this from memory best I can
Cody:We had to kill the jedi bc they are traitors effective immediatly
Obi-Wan:I don't remember anyone trying to kill me?
Bly (very confused and slightly offended?) : you're not a jedi
Obi-wan: I-I'm not?
Cody: no the jedi have power
Obi-Wan internally: WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??
That's the best I remember it. pls help me find it i've been looking all day :(
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thegreenlizard · 3 months
Post order 66, Obi-Wan goes after the clones
In the grand scheme of things, stealing an army from the empire mattered slightly more than stealing two infants.
Or: It’s the love and loyalty of brothers, not fathers and sons, that saves the galaxy.
After the Order 66, Obi-Wan makes a different plan. Instead of watching over an infant, who in the grand scheme of things matters very little and for whom Obi-Wan can do very little right now, Obi-Wan goes after the clones.
He had felt his men go dim and cold in the force—right before executing the entirety of the Jedi Order and taking over the republic. Something was terribly wrong, and Obi-Wan had a terrible suspicion that something was a Sith plot. And nobody fucked with his men, least of all the Sith.
(And, in the grand scheme of things, stealing an army from the empire mattered slightly more than stealing two infants.)
Or: Obi-Wan doesn’t decide that the fate of the known universe hangs on the shoulders of one infant (because of thematic reasons about fathers and sons). Instead, he comes to the much more reasonable conclusion that the fate of the galaxy might just hang on two million or so enslaved genetically enhanced supersoldiers, who might be controlled by Sith magic, Kaminoan technology, brainwashing or other nefarious means.
So he leaves the infants with their new families and starts plotting how to steal his men back. At least he hopes he can steal them back, because if they went willingly—well, something happened and Obi-Wan will damn well find out what. (Perhaps Bail gets him some info or he remembers Tup and Fives, or has something to go on. Or perhaps just his stubborn hope and attachment.)
Stealing and freeing the first soldier is something of an ordeal on his own; but then the first helps him nab a second; soon he has a whole squad, a platoon, a company. Then the snowball really gets going, as Obi-Wan’s terrifyingly competent men start planning another war, one with more personal stakes than ever before.
Really, Obi-Wan is only needed for convincing them that their actions after the activation of the chips weren’t their fault and that freeing their brothers is possible. After that, the war practically plans itself, with a slightly worrying degree of glee (and maybe Obi-Wan is also needed to redirect the most jare’la suggestions and give his men a direction, but he’s happy to provide).
On a more practical level, they’re stealing back not just men, but ships, provisions, and funds. (Or perhaps they’re keeping the whole thing under wraps until they can dechip everyone, although that would be a logistical nightmare.) And without an army, the empire has no power.
(Obi-Wan’s men might or might not be planning to install him on the throne when the Sith is slain. He is, after all, the GAR’s highest ranking officer left.)
- Obi-Wan tells Yoda where to stick it. If he believes so much in the chosen one and prophecy (when Obi-Wan has been told to mind the present and ignore his visions since infancy), then *he* can go guard and train the boy since he seems determined to exile himself anyway. Obi-Wan is going after his men. His brilliant, loyal men for whom he never could do enough; who didn’t have civil rights even under the republic, never mind this new empire. Leave two million souls to slavery and mind control? How about fuck no. Who’s going to berate him about his attachments now, Yoda? Go right ahead, Obi-Wan thinks hysterically, see how much it matters now.
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laurabwrites · 6 months
Living Temple vs. Order 66
A new fic is up! This one is inspired by BitterChocolateStar's Living Temple AU.
The Temple cannot defy the Will of the Force. But it can, it will prepare for the possible outcomes.
It can damn well fight back.
Chapter 2/epilogue up Wednesday
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haat cuyir let dayn ~ Truth Revealed Chapter 5 has been posted on ao3 as of 12/29/22
Chapter Summary:
Fox continued speaking, stating, "Like I said when you first arrived, this isn't the Front. The Guard has different regulations then you did out there and until I can trust you to understand this and follow the rules that have been put in place, I can't rely on you to not act like arrogant Shinies."
"How many rules do you need for Flimsi work?" Wolffe muttered to Bly who slightly shrugged in response.
"We do more than just Flimsi-work Wolffe." Fox stated, "Contrary to popular belief apparently." Fox muttered loud enough for all of them to hear what he said. How long would it take for them to understand this simple concept?
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whyboi12 · 5 months
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Writing an Order 66 AU and having such a fun time. Have some pain <3
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sinqueen69 · 7 months
Hi was reading your beskar collar fics (which I love btw) and was wondering if we could get a mace/ponds one? Feel like if anyone of the major members of the council were so overworked there clones would step in like that it would be Mace.
Would also be interested in how if the other jedi are subjected to the collar and how it would work on various members
Like of a Jedi can't be stimulated like a regular human how do the clones go about that? Do they just leave the collar on and force-feed them and stuff? Basically, make them rest or do they use it to keep their Jedi out of the way and hide them when they are supposed to go on some half-baked deadly mission?
Like the potential if this is just wild and not all of them have to be sexual most probably would but I think a lot of it would end up just a way to curtail the jedi into not endangering ther lives and get them to take care of themselves.
Also imagine how order 66 would have played out with them?! Like would they still recognize them as jedi with the collars or would that be a glitch they could exploit so they don't kill off the order
Sorry for the long prompt but I just love to see the various ways it could all play out!!
I actually have Mace/Ponds and Fox/Quinlan fic's planned out for this series! So you will get your wish to see the overworked Mace catch a break! I will be honest with you, I mainly thought this idea up to be sexy, not so much anything else, but the non-sexual and Order 66 aspects you brought up of the collars are interesting!
I think you're right, the clones start using the collars to give their Jedi some proper rest damnit, but as they keep fighting and keep getting hurt or put on suicide missions from the Senate, they start to waver in their determination not to use the collars for anything else.
I think Cody and 212th would break first, the moment they catch wind of the Rako Hardeen mission [they totally bugged the temple/Obi-Wan/The Senate/Chancellor's offices] and all it takes is a snap of the collar around Obi-Wan and everything change.
I'm not sure how the idea the Jedi wearing a collar wouldn't be a Jedi anymore [lack of Force = not a Jedi?] would play into Order 66? The clones might be able to twist the Order around enough to keep their Jedi [collared and hidden away], but I know that Rex would give Appo the collar and be like 'If Anakin does anything insane, snap this on him and spirit him away'
So Order 66 might still happen, but not so much a Jedi purge as a Jedi kidnapping lol
Thank you so much for such an interesting and fun prompt! I hope I can get the Mace/Ponds one worked out soon so I can post it!
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trudemaethien · 2 years
I do? I do.
Fox/Mace for Lady_Iwa for Spread Your Wings Rarepair Exchange 2021
Fox has the master of the order (what order? There’s no Jedi Order now, is there?) clutched, dying, to his chest, as they weave through the congested lanes of traffic toward the undercity.
He races toward his bolt-hole and his emergency medical station that has discreetly saved the lives of as many brothers as he can get away with—never enough, held against the men who he must let slip through his fingers. The weight of failure rests uneasy with him, but he cannot throw it off.
He saves his breath for more important things than useless platitudes.
Windu is still alive when Fox hefts him out of his speeder and through the door. He wastes no time in cutting away the man’s clothing—too recognizable and in the way of triage. This is field medicine, efficient and brutal. It would probably be more merciful to have let him fall and die.
Fox isn’t thinking about the hum of the purple kyber in the saber that came right to him, falling into the footwell of his speeder on routine patrol under the senate towers. He doesn’t want to know if it was a deliberate plea or if the Force works in mysterious ways. He doesn’t want to contemplate the moment when he looked up to lightning dancing in unnatural arcs, or how it felt to—
He’d caught Mace Windu, though. That’s something he can think about.
read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/35636617
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kanerallels · 2 years
Good news, it's Fan Fic Friday!
The less ideal for some people news is that it's High Republic fan fic, and I don't know many people who're into that
I'll tag all the usual people, but if it's not your jam feel no pressure to check it out! First lines under the cut
Taglist: @accidental-spice @laughingphoenixleader @heckin-music-dork @firefoxtessa @day-to-day-thots (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list)
Reath Silas had never been the sort of Padawan who would actively seek out conflict. He had preferred to spend as much time as possible in the Jedi archives, researching and studying to his heart’s content. Unlike his fellow Padawans, he was never eager to join the fight against the Separatists. And thankfully for him, his Master, Jora Malli, seemed to share these thoughts. At the very least she didn’t think they ought to take up military titles, and for this reason most of their missions weren’t involved in the direct conflict of the war.
But then, in the last few months of the war, the Jedi had been stretched thin. Far too thin. And so Reath and Master Jora had been assigned to Ibaar, to Reath’s own great sorrow.
The conflict there had been intense, but short-lived. This was partially thanks to the hard work of Master Jora, Reath himself, and Master Jora’s former Padawan Dez Rydan, who’d been in charge of the battalion eradicating the Separatists there, and had called for their aid.
But almost before the conflict had ended, something worse had happened. Something darker.
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veny-many · 7 months
some sketches about my Plo alive AU
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Pencil tool is interesting.
I have my headcanon that Wolffe is not a great negotiator, and when he is struggling with aggressive people, Plo appears and says "we can still negotiate, but it just they became for aggressive" and handles it.
Star wars rations are looking so terrible to eat. It's sad, because many Clones and even some civilians had to eat them for whole life. Give them a nice meal and treat.
Plo would never understand my diseased mind that 'loves Wolffe so much, wants to make him hurt, suffer, and get comfort and care'.
Comet once was Commander because he rarely had sanity in the Wolfpack.
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theyreondanatooine · 2 years
Happy Star Wars Day!!
Thank you so much for your patience as we got our shit together and took a full year to update.
In this chapter, conversations are had, decisions are made, groundwork is laid, and our characters begin to move forward.
Fic Summary:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Galactic Republic still stands: damaged, but not shattered.
All it took was one person, one decision, to alter the course of the future. Ahsoka left the Order, but she refused to leave her friends. Little did she know that in keeping her attachments, she would ultimately bring about the defeat of Darth Sidious and save thousands from Order 66.
But what happens next? The story doesn’t stop with Sidious’s death. As the Republic rebuilds, the galaxy and its heroes must slowly begin to heal. The war may be over, but the cleanup is going to be just as much work.
After all, it’s hard to plan for a future you were never meant to see.
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corukant · 6 months
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mourn them do not…
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…miss them do not
sketch for my lil headcanon that anakin had a pre mustafar moment on naboo as well,, knowing this might be the last time he remembers it like this…. i am insane
rlly taking yoda’s speech to heart 🥲
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laurabwrites · 6 months
Living Temple vs. Order 66
Chapter 2 / the epilogue is up! Again, this was inspired by BitterChocolateStar's Living Temple AU.
The Temple cannot defy the Will of the Force. But it can, it will prepare for the possible outcomes.
It can damn well fight back.
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ominouspuff · 3 months
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Downtime with the disaster lineage
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shellshooked · 1 month
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there’s enough brainrot abt this au to write like a book series so I thought i would finally introduce it properly,, so here goes NOTHING !!
image descriptions:
jedi knight (botw) zelda conversating with padawan ahsoka tano strolling through the jedi temple on coruscant
there’s a firm reason the jedi council never allow commander link (botw) and general anakin skywalker on the same missions during the clone wars
general zelda and link (tp) of the rebel cell referred to as the twilight squadron debriefing their next attack towards the empire
jedi padawan link (ww) and his pirate best friend tetra have no idea what they’re about to face up against when his clone captain suddenly aims his blaster in their direction, claiming to execute the unknown directive of order 66..
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