#or maybe those are sensor pads
glambots · 2 years
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Monty and Freddy literally have the same hands and it's freaking me out.
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crying-fantasies · 9 months
Rodimus wasn't ready to be a creator (1)
Part 1: Glimpses of you | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
The silence was present in the room again when one of the sensors were pressed, going straight to the very beginning of the visual record.
"Well, okay, good, we are-" there is a fleshy in the screen, it's young for it's kind, looking with tired eyes at the little, probably custommade, data pad, little finger searching and pointing till something finally catches the attention in those little and watery eyes "in the entry number 3065... I guess? I lost count of it after the first 4 digits number" there is a sound, like the fleshy is annoyed, it comes from the mouth, no, throat, "anyway, this is more about good news, I know that the last entry was of me shouting out loud about the end of the world" there is a pause, the hand of the fleshy goes straight to it's forehead, a sigh, a heavy one, "I don't even know how we survived that last one but here we are, at least 5 days since the last near to the death experience of the ship" again, that sound, a move of the mouth, a smile, a forced one, it looks at the end of it's sanity, especially when other voice just appears.
"It wasn't that bad" there is a bot behind, bigger than the fleshy, it's easy to tell when all that can be seen it's the midsection, bright red.
"What part of near death experience wasn't bad?" There is a laugh, almost bitter before it gets real, warmer, "anyway, the topic of today, the matrix: part 8, well, Rodimus is going to help us with the topic, again"
"Who could do it better, right?"
"Um, Great OP-?"
"Now you just want to tease me-"
There is a little cut, mainly because the video record is stopped at the appearance of another voice, but he just pushed it so hard that the record is on and out, even going to other entries, letting the voice in the video and the one in the present to be heard almost at the same time.
A present one, in the very same room.
"Aw, I remember that one" the very same voice, the very same bright red, yellow and orange paint job with the same freaking smile on his face plate.
And the very same problem of disruptive behavior, especially when entering other bots chambers.
"Why did you get in here? When?"
"Well, I just heard the voice of your mo-"
"That doesn't give you the right to enter my hab suit like nothing!"
"Hey, my ship, my rules, and before all that, I'm your fa-"
"Ugh, you can't say that everytime, what about my privacy?!"
Those words apparently seem to stir something inside of him, big blue optics go wide open while one servo goes straight over his chassis, just above his spark chamber.
"You sound just like your mot-"
"Agh, I don't want to hear you anymore!" And with that the younger bot changes his alt mode to try and overrun the older one, quite a joke really, it was obvious that the alt mode of his 'sire' was far more than capable of surpassing him.
"I just want to spend more time with you, Sunny!"
"Leave me alone!" Both just got out of the area at high speed, but the screen was still showing the video record.
"-Rodimus, seriously, respect my privacy" the fleshy was smiling, words losing strength, the tired eyes present as always, while the big bot smiled alongside the human, one could describe them as close, maybe too much.
"Aw, but this is also my hab suit, you know-?"
"-Entry number 5809" the very same human, now showing a little thing, gray in color with newly formed optics tightly closed, wrapped in soft and fuzzy blankets to keep the sentio metallico, the birth metal, warm till the moment the new born is finally ready to at least show a more defined face, the little thing kindly wrapped between loving arms, as small as a human baby "well, um, it was harder than expected, I kind of died at least 4 times before this little thing was out and finally took form", the human starts to laugh, more tired than ever, almost looking at the edge of it's own sanity, again, it looks like a few pounds were stolen from the organic's body, hands and arms wrapped in patches of new synthetic skin.
"Don't bring that up again" there is the very same bot, he looks exhausted, maybe even scared, while both his servos are still holding the human for dear life itself next to his chest armor, looking at the pair with big eyes, fearful ones, his whole demeanor showing that he is protecting the human and protoform with his whole body if necessary, "never again..."
"Heh, quite the adventure, right Sunset?"
The protoform only moves a little, trying to be as close as possible to the nearest warm place, that being his mother's embrace, mouth forming slowly.
"You're really going with Sunset?"
"I like it"
"Hum, yeah, me too, let's see what the little bitlet chooses later"
"What? Sunset Eve is a good name"
"I get you but, we don't exactly have those in Cybertron or in space"
The video finally ends, while it could still be heard in the distance the shouting of the young bot and the older one, now in some kind of father and son activity while other bots just get out of their way to prevent an accident.
This is so self-indulgent, I'm sorry but this is a phase that I can't escape.
You are my inspiration, I love your work
@my-writings-and-musings @lost-light-incorrect-quotes @montyuh @compaculaaa
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spinchip · 2 years
He turns the clippers off and sets them on the counter.
Maybe in a few weeks, he’d want it all back. He’d go to Jay- no, Pixal, because Jay got bored with the tedium of rerooting his hair and Pixal liked that sort of thing- and restore himself back to the before. In only the physical sense, of course. As it stands now, he’d cut his hair off at the base and all that's left is a buzz cut still fuzzy because of how his hair curls. He’d shaved off all the bleached white-blonde so his hair was all black roots now, too.
He runs the soft sensor pads on his fingers over his scalp and resists the urge to run the electric razor over his head until he's shaving off titanium and copper wires. This was necessary. The hair cut. His hair was natural fibers, it behaved like human hair. Sixty years with that helmet strapped under his jaw left his hair brittle and horrifically matted and stiff with grime. He’d tried to wash it and couldn't stomach it, wrapping it up in a towel once the water ran red with the blood of a warrior who’d died in a particularly explosive fashion. Fun little surprises.
It had been cut previously, too- another reason for the shave. Vex cared for Zane's image only when it might affect his authority, and the people of the Never Realm weren’t so intimidated by a man dressed in pajamas with his hair a tangled bird's nest. He’d tried to comb it first. The memory triggers the feeling of phantom fingers prying apart curl clumps and Zane shivers, fingers twitching to take the razor in his hands again. Once it was apparent that Vex was hopelessly clueless about his hair, he’d take a knife and cut it choppy and messy before giving that up to and slapping a samurai helmet over his head and calling it a day. That was the extent of  his hygiene.
He looks in the mirror. There’s something about this too, that calms a howling and brutalized piece of himself. Zane from before had hair that grew up into a flat top. The ice Emperor did too, at first. The man in the mirror isn’t either of those people. He isn’t. The distinction is important to him right now. It’s the most important thing in the world. He clings to it- that he is the after. That the before has passed and will stay past.
He has changed fundamentally. He will never be the same. The idea of looking in the mirror and seeing what he's always seen- of the experience stripped from him as if it never happened, as if to encourage him to pretend to be fine, to be pushed back into the before with the horrors of the future waiting for him- the idea sickens him. The idea thrills him. He could make it all go away, really. Go back to being the before. Lock it up nice and tight in a puzzle box in his mind, sealed tight that only trickles of trauma ever reach him- what ignorance, what bliss.
The box will go unmade, and the agony will replay itself over and over until it is integrated into his coding in a way that can never be blocked out again. He cannot forget the blood. He isn’t allowed to close his mind to the screams in his memories- echoing and compounding into a shrill screech that keeps him up at night and falters his ice when he dares to use it. He knows their names. It is his punishment to know them all. It is his responsibility to remember them. Before, the names were meaningless. After, it is his burden to keep their names alive.
His head is shaved. Maybe someday it won't be.
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wolfsclothing6 · 2 years
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You were tired of living a life where your inner self failed miserably to match what you wanted to look like. Growing up, you always wanted to be a big, studly, masculine bear of a man. Sadly, genetics didn’t cooperate. You tired seeing a personal trainer to bulk up, but all you did was develop some minor lean muscle and lose what fat and padding you had. You tried bulking shake after bulking shake, but your metabolism simply outpaced whatever you ate. You tried to quit shaving, and even uses some chemicals and supplements to encourage facial and body hair growth, but it came in patchy at best.
You had all but given up on reaching your ideal image of a man when you saw this ad when you were browsing some hot bear-on-bear porn. The pop up ad advertised a way to “unleash the ideal you”, and showed a before and after of an average looking college aged guy next to a bear version of the same guy. You thought it almost certainly would be a hoax, or some sort of minor change, but you decided to check it out on a whim. It ended up being some sort of specialized jockstrap. Small magnets in the elastic supposedly realigned your body or something, and it would allow you to become your ideal you. You dismissed it as garbage, the same crappy pseudoscience you had tried before, but for some reason you couldn’t make yourself exit the page.
You sighed, and looked at the reviews. There were a lot of before and after pics. They all actually looked like decent mock-ups too. There were about four dozen pics of guys in just a jock on the left, and pictures of their new bear bods on the right. All the details matched too. Hair color, facial structure, even the tattoos on two customers matched. Maybe this might be something worth while. When you got to the checkout page, you were surprised to find it was only $25.00. Even if it was just trash, the boner you got from the thought of all these guys turning into bears was worth that price, so you ordered the ‘strap and went to beat off to the customer review images.
The jock arrived three weeks later. You had all but forgotten about it, and it came just in time for a trip to the mountains with your buddies for some skiing. You opened the small package, and found the simple white jockstrap and the instructions. Apparently you had to wear it for a continuous 24 hours for the effect to occur, and for its patented magnets and sensors to realign your chakras or something. You were going to try it later, but you decided to slip it on now. It would be funny to start changing on your trip, and you could play the change off as some sort of guy thing if by some miracle it actually worked. After pulling it onto your smooth frame, you snapped a before pic for the website. There was a mention of a money back guarantee, minus shipping and handling, so if it was a flop at least you could get some cash back.
The car ride up was uneventful. It was you and three of your best friends in an SUV for a 6-hour trip. You had to readjust your crotch frequently through the trip, as it turned out the jockstrap was not the most comfortable pair of underwear you never worn. By the time you got up to the small cabin the four if you were renting, you could not wait to get to the bathroom and readjust. When you went to check yourself out in the mirror, you were in for a shock. The area right around the jockstrap was thoroughly coated with dark colored hair. It seemed that your pubes had to come in rather thickly, and were growing outwards from the jock. Already you could see a large coating of hair enveloping your ass, the upper parts of your calves, and making its way up your belly. You noticed that your butt seemed to stick out more, and when you grabbed your cheeks, you felt a great deal more mass. It was not just fat either, there was definite muscle tone on your booty now.
While those changes were astounding, even more surprising was what was filling out the pouch of the jockstrap. Before the change, having a nice somewhat narrow seven-incher, but you would be struggling to measure anything less than nine inches now. Your dick had grown thicker as well, and the lightest touches caused it to firm up and begin drooling precum. As your dick moved, you couldn’t help but feel your balls were enhanced as well. While you could not see them, as the ‘strap was in the way, you could only imagine the pair of fat low hangers that would be nestled beneath your dick, constrained and held in place by the mesh of the jockstrap.
It had been just barely eight hours, and already the change was so noticeable that you felt your heart rate increase as you scoped yourself out in the mirror. You began adjust the strap, preparing to take some pictures with your phone, when you recoiled when you saw the hair start to recede, and your ass start to deflate. The label did say you had to wear it for a continuous 24 hours, but it looks like you wouldn’t be able to adjust much at all. You had about enough time to quickly pop your dick out and take a piss, but anything more than that seemed to start to revert to the transformation. You dressed quickly and rejoined your buddies, hoping they wouldn’t notice your nervous energy or thicker rear.
The evening, while fun, was not terribly eventful. You all cooked dinner, play cards and drink beers, and went to bed around midnight. You were struggling towards the end of dinner, since you could tell your stomach was definitely starting to grow bigger. Your new gut was coming along quite nicely, and you knew that dinner had barely taking the edge off of the newfound hunger you possessed. You ended up sneaking into the kitchen once everyone else was asleep and gorging yourself on beef jerky and chips until you finally felt satisfied. A quick look in the mirror show that the hair had to come all the way up to your sternum, and that your new belly now was easily twice the size it was before. It was a little softer than a muscle gut, certainly more gut the muscle, but you can feel the firmness under the fat. Your new quads were incredibly thick, and were starting to stretch out your jeans. You switched into a large comfy pair of pajama pants and a hoodie to sleep in, knowing that by the time you woke up, your new body would be almost complete.
Instead of being aroused by your alarm clock, you were surprised to be woken up by a loud snapping sound. Groggy, you checked your phone to find you had turned off your alarm in your sleep, and it was almost eleven. You searched around for the thing that caused the noise you heard, and it wasn’t until you begin examining yourself that you realized it was the sound of elastic breaking. You pulled down your pajama pants, a task that was much harder to do now, and looks down with chagrin as he saw your jockstrap now lay in tatters. As much as you wanted to be upset, you noticed the changes were not reverting. Putting two and two together, you realized it was exactly 24 hours since you first slid the ‘strap on. You bolted out of bed, impossibly eager to see what transformation the night had brought.
You rushed to the bathroom and locked yourself in, closing your eyes as you turned on the lights, waiting to see the new you. As you looked in the mirror, it was everything you had wanted and more. You were about two inches shorter than before, standing at a proud five-foot-nine now. You also were surprised to find that you looked a little older, with a little bit of gray in your hair. But that paled in comparison to the fact that you had a thick and full beard. It hugged the rugged contours of your face, emphasizing your overt masculinity now, showing off the strong jaw and confident smile you now possessed. You eagerly pulled off your hoodie and pajama pants and stood in front of the mirror naked. A grin split your face as you now had trouble seeing your skin under all the fur. While there was a clear delineation between beard and fur, from your collarbone down it look like you were wearing a second shirt made out of black body hair. It completely coated your pecs and your gut, thickest at your groin and at your armpits, but it reached all the way from the tops of your feet around to your back and upper arms. While you were apprehensive about having a hairy back and biceps, it looked so evenly spaced that you knew you would not mind.
Your body had continued to pile on weight while you slept, a sexy mixture of fat and muscle that showed off the strength of your large arms and legs while also demonstrating the fact that you certainly were not cutting calories. A comfortable layer of pudge coated the muscles, and you knew instinctively that plenty of people would love the fact that you could be described as cuddly now. You your cock and balls looked about the same, maybe a little bit larger, but you were not able to tell. The biggest remaining change was in your ass. It seems like someone has shoved an air hose between your cheeks and pumped until it could not grow any bigger. Two large wobbling mounds of hair-covered flesh stuck out from your previous flat ass, and you couldn’t help but play with them. You groped and grabbed and slapped your own rump, slowly getting turned on with how large it was and how much it jiggled.
Between your new endowments and your new ass, you knew you would have no problem finding someone who was physically interested in sleeping with you. The most noticeable change of all though was a sense of relaxation and peace. While you were far sexier than you ever hoped to dream, the fact that you now felt like your view of yourself matched what other people would see was an incredibly good feeling. You love the fur, the size, and the enhanced aura of masculinity about yourself. You carried yourself with better posture now, not only because your new body was more equipped for it, but because you felt more confident and empowered. As you got changed to go skiing, you knew that even if you might lack the skills and abilities, with your newfound body, you would give it your all. As you finished zipping up your jacket and headed outside, you briefly wondered what your friends might think of you. That thought was quickly tossed away as you smiled, realizing you didn’t care what they would think. It might be a shock, but you loved the new you and we’re not at all afraid to show off your new bear body.
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First, I applaud their efforts to stop senseless violence, even if I personally think it is as much wasted air as thoughts and prayers. The "Lightguard system" is a non-starter, it will make things much less safe than the actual confrontation itself. Here is their "proof of concept" clip.
First, we're in 2023 not 2003 lets make this a little more presentable and less like a high school digital project.
I'm speaking as someone who spent a career as an LEO and in the military, when I make these observations I'm not just shooting from the hip as it were. This clip shows the offender dropping their gun and running away blind, and the clerk looking back at your system lovingly, two problems. 1. Your clerk would also be blinded, thus rendered defenseless to anything that follows on. Light of this magnitude is all encompassing, it will bounce off every surface and it will blind in all directions except for maybe directly behind it. The light will not care if the person is looking at it or away from it. Everyone recovers from this kind of event exposure differently, the criminal may recover before the clerk. 2. The very last thing you want to do when someone is pointing a gun at you is to shock them or surprise them. There is a greater than average chance that the activation of your system will scare the criminal causing them to shoot reflexively. Now you have a clerk who had a criminal pointing a gun at them shooting blindly. As I said, good in concept, but practical application may need a little more attention. Also see strobing firearms lights, strobing crowd control and Laser dazzlers systems. As for "Smart guns", where to start? One of the two companies mentioned LodeStar, admits the fingerprint sensor may not be the most effective means to unlock the firearm for use, think your phones finger print reader and how often it fails. So they added a PIN pad AND a near-field communication signal to increase the probability that their concept would work. They had to put a finger print reader, an electronic signal receiver and a freaking PIN pad in the weapon. That tells me two things, the tech is so bad that they had to put multiple systems together to TRY to ensure the firearm would work most of the time and if you are putting your life on the line hoping all of those gadgets work when you need them too you are already dead. LodeStar says their firearm's will start at about 895.00 or about 355.00+/- more than your standard Glock 19 Gen 5. Every time I type LodeStar I hear... "Not so fast Lonestar!" from Spaceballs (1987), I digress. The other company, SmartGunz, is marketing towards Law Enforcement with a side market to everyone else. Their concept requires an RFID chip to make the firearm work, Oh, but there's more. Their concept only works on a 1911 style firearm, it will only work if the user depresses the grip safety WHILE ALSO WEARING A FREAKING RFID GLOVE to activate it. I don't know about all y'all but I don't often walk around or sleep with a glove on like I'm Michael Jackson.
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Sorry Mike, I still love your music. On 8 July 2021 the firearms were projected to cost 2,695.00 for LEO's and an astounding 2,995.00 for all the rest of us peasants. I say "US" because I am no longer an LEO and can't get their gracious discount. On 12 July of that same year Tom Holland, president of Free State Firearms, LLC announced that the cost for pre-orders would be 1,795.00 for LEO's and the low price of 1,995.00 for everyone else. As far as 1911's go that is the cost of a Colt Gold Cup Trophy or a Dan Wesson Valor 1911 without all that tech to get in the way of you saving your own life. It's also the cost of 3 Glock 19 Gen 5's or or 3 Palmetto State Armory "PA-15 16"NITRIDE M4 CARBINE" 5.56mm riles. With all that said, these technologies are not in place to make the end user safer, they do nothing to address violent crime, it only lays the burden on the person who at their point of most need, when their mind is in survival mode, it adds roadblocks to their chances of survival. SIDE NOTE: A German company named Armatix came out with a smart gun in 2014, soon after people figured out that with magnets on the sides of the firearm it would bypass the guns radio signals and allow anyone to use it, it was pulled from the market there soon after.
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six-of-ravens · 2 months
daily update:
for some reason since last night my brain has decided to get Big Mad about something that happened like 6 months ago. just basically trying to Constantly Distract Myself lol. Idk why my brain is this fucked up but I blame it on the weather, the wild swings between sunny and warm spring weather and dark cold winter are brutal on the mental health lol.
also i haven't left the apartment since Monday (except a quick trip down to the mailbox today) so that might be why my brain is acting up. my anxiety gets real bad if I don't leave the house for more than 1 day in a row (lockdown was a FUN time in this brain) and I think for lack of anything real to be anxious about my brain is just going "hey remember that asshole from July? let's be mad at him again!!"
on the plus side, was actually able to be productive at work today! the past 2 days were just a lot of spinning my wheels while the PM for this project works herself into a tizzy, because I don't know what I need to do (if anything) and I can't handle her ranting anymore. Apparently the boss is getting pretty tired of her too tho so I think he had A Talk with her about not skype-spamming with her whole thought process. Also, she always intersperses her updates with "I have other things to work on too!" type comments which are driving everyone insane bc like yeah, we all do too! so just fkn get this last list of revisions sent over so we can finish this!!
so yeah, work is a...joy. right now. at least we got to work from home today too lol, we got waaaaay more snow than they predicted.
i did take a 3 hour nap after work today tho (necessary, bc last night I was up until 2am and my brain would not get off this spiral) and had those good good adventure-quest dreams, so.
oh also I finally checked the mail and my laika pin from pangur-and-grim arrived!! she is baby 🥺 she lives on the pin jacket now:
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anyway, plan for tonight is to try and decompress by listening to music and maybe writing. i also *still* haven't really started Fellowship bc I just haven't been in the brainspace for it (though maybe I should try...having to intensely focus on a book with very small print might be what my brain needs)
also, going from reading children's books with like 18pt font to a dense fantasy novel with like 8pt font is quite the change. highly intimidating!
I have made progress on ToTK and FFIII though, in totk I beat Master Kogha and then finally got my purah pad upgraded with the sensor, travel medallions, etc etc. I can't believe i missed all of this stuff at the beginning of the game lol. in FFIII I'm back at the Nepto Temple, which is one of my least favourite levels due to having to use Mini which makes your weapons useless. Ah well, the quests after this are interesting at least.
oh and finally, I got some sprouts in my garden! I'm kind of amazed at how much stuff has already sprouted, most notably the lettuce (but also a half-dozen other random things):
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
i have officially been sucked into Tears of the Kingdom. Any willpower to finish out Symphonia first died the moment I had the chance to save and quit to 'test it out'. That said, I'm just gonna have to swap between the two games because I do want to finish my Symphonia replay.
TotK spoilers next
So I like that TotK gives a reason why Link's been nerfed once the game 'really' begins. So after the prologue beneath the castle, it makes sense why Link's down to his three hearts/default stamina ring when he wakes up again. Admittedly, there are other things not making sense but I'm going with 'Zelda stole Link's clothes' and 'Rauru's hand flew Link up to the sky before merging with him'.
I did kind of feel like the awakening in the sky was a little too much of a parallel to his awakening in Breath of the Wild. I guess this Link just does that now. It's his thing. Waking up naked but for his underwear in strange, ancient temples and then hanging out with a ghost who is mostly non judgmental about Link's state of undress. *snicker*
I like the new powers. Fusing is super useful, rewind is also super useful, and the ascend power is pretty awesome too. I am wondering why we've got a knock off Sheikah Slate - the Purah Pad - but hopefully if I seek out Purah later that'll get explained. And despite not having the Sheikah Slate's special abilities, the Purah Pad seems like it's still pretty useful - still has the map, camera, and warp abilities, I'm assuming I'll unlock a sensor and item glossary later - so it compliments the new source of Link's special abilities quite well.
I've done 4 shrines thus far - I was hopeful that maybe the Temple of Time would be a starter dungeon, but nope. I'm hoping for more actual non-shrine dungeons as I get further into the game and that they're bigger and more complicated than what BotW had. The shrines are interesting mini-dungeons and I do enjoy having lots of those. But there's something really satisfying about a proper Zelda dungeon that the shrines don't quite manage to embody.
Anyway, I only really went as far as completing the training ground and then making a splashdown in Hyrule. So tomorrow I'll start checking out my old BotW stomping grounds and, hopefully, starting to re-fill in that map.
There have been a lot of references to previous games in the series already. Rauru has shown up in the past, previously as the Sage of Light in Ocarina of Time. Now he's a Zonai ,the previous, uh... owner... of Link's new hand, and our latest ghost friend who apparently got to know Zelda during Link's most recent long nap. Zelda geeked out over the Zonai ruins beneath the castle which included depictions of the Imprisoning War, which has been mentioned in previous games though unless it's Skyward Sword (i don't really think so) i can't remember which (so many wars as backstory in these games). The Demon King is depicted as well - Ganondorf, of course, who shows up just a little further down in the caves.
The ruins in the sky is itself a reference both to Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, where people lived on floating islands. The bird shaped gliders remind me a bit of the Loftwings - miss those guys, such loyal and kind birds...
As far as old enemies made new go, Like Likes are back and as unsettling as ever. I'm just glad they don't make the weird squelching noise I associate with the OoT/MM version of these things.
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jayeshkhade10 · 1 month
Have you ever stared into a regular mirror and thought, "there's something missing"? Maybe it's the lack of proper lighting, making it difficult to see your reflection clearly, especially during your morning makeup routine. Or perhaps you're craving a touch of modern elegance in your bathroom or bedroom. Well, fret no more! Enter the world of LED mirrors – a brilliant (pun intended) innovation that combines a classic Wall Mirror with the functional benefits of lighting.
But before you rush out and buy the first LED mirror you see, there are a few things to consider. This blog post will be your guide, helping you navigate the world of LED mirrors and choose the perfect one to illuminate your space (and your reflection!).
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Why Choose an LED Mirror?
Let's be honest, traditional Wall Mirrors can sometimes feel a bit, well, plain. LED mirrors elevate the game by incorporating light directly into the frame. This provides several advantages:
Enhanced Clarity: LED lights strategically placed around the mirror's edge provide bright, even illumination. No more squinting or struggling to see your reflection in dim lighting – perfect for flawless makeup application or a close shave.
Improved Ambiance: LED mirrors don't just illuminate your face; they bathe the entire bathroom or bedroom in a soft, welcoming glow. This can create a more spa-like atmosphere, making your daily routine a touch more luxurious.
Modern Aesthetic: Let's face it, LED mirrors are just cool. The sleek design and integrated lighting add a touch of modern sophistication to any space.
Choosing the Right LED Mirror: A Step-by-Step Guide
Now that you're sold on the idea of an LED mirror, here's a breakdown of the key factors to consider when making your choice:
Size & Shape: Consider the space where you'll be installing the LED mirror. Will it be the main focal point in your bathroom or a more subtle addition in your bedroom? Rectangular mirrors are a classic choice, but round or square options can add a touch of personality.
Light Color & Temperature: LED lights come in a variety of color temperatures, ranging from cool white to warm yellow. Cool white light is ideal for tasks like applying makeup, while warm white light creates a more relaxing ambiance. Some LED mirrors even offer adjustable color temperature, allowing you to customize the lighting to your mood.
Dimming Function: Not everyone needs a super bright mirror all the time. Look for LED mirrors with a dimming function so you can adjust the light intensity to your preference.
Additional Features: Many LED mirrors come with additional features that can enhance functionality and convenience. These can include:
Demister Pad: A godsend for foggy bathrooms! This feature helps prevent condensation on the mirror's surface, keeping your reflection clear after a hot shower.
Touch Sensor Controls: Gone are the days of fumbling for a switch. Touch sensor controls provide a sleek and convenient way to turn the lights on and off, adjust brightness, or change the color temperature.
Magnification Panel: For those who require a closer look, some LED mirrors incorporate a built-in magnifying panel, perfect for applying makeup or tweezing.
Real-World Examples: Shining a Light on Different LED Mirror Options
Imagine this: You're getting ready for a night out in your glamorous Hollywood-style bathroom. A large rectangular LED mirror with cool white light hangs above your vanity, providing the perfect illumination for flawless makeup application.
Now, picture a serene spa-like experience in your master bathroom. Here, a round LED mirror with warm white light creates a calming atmosphere, while a built-in demister pad keeps the mirror fog-free after a relaxing soak in the tub.
LED mirrors can also add a touch of modern elegance to your bedroom. A sleek square mirror with adjustable light temperature lets you set the mood – bright and energizing for mornings, or warm and relaxing for winding down before bed.
FAQs: Illuminating Your LED Mirror Concerns
Are LED mirrors energy-efficient? Absolutely! LED lights are known for their low energy consumption, so you can enjoy the benefits of a well-lit mirror without breaking the bank on your electricity bill.
How difficult is it to install an LED mirror? The installation process for LED mirrors can vary depending on the specific model. However, most are designed for easy wall mounting and come with clear instructions.
So, there you have it! With a little planning and consideration, you can find the perfect LED mirror to illuminate your space and enhance your daily routine. Remember, the "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" quote doesn't have to be a thing of the past.
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terra-vent · 11 months
anyways part 2
So one thing thats curious about terras that i see people forget is the little.. claw thing on their ankles, little lumpy thing i dont know what it is but i think it's interesting and i like drawing them.. justice for your terras with little bumpy things we need more of those please
terras also cannot have any feral form though curiously in one of the original batches of designs there was a based used that presents terras in a suggested feral like form, however it was later cleared up that it was just the pose of the base and was not intended to be seen as feral and that terras must remain as bipedal.
Terraliens visor has a selection of various elements being the visor tank itself, the band that circumferences the visor and the sensors aside their head with icons on. See, as terras tend not to have any visible.. face.. they use the sensors to be able to move about and 'see' I personally imagine it like bat but continuing on from this it's worth noting well.. they aint got no mouths now have they.
Communication for terras is something that fascinates me deeply, their language, how they communicate is all so greatly interesting for me, because it acts as an opportunity to be creative with how your terra might speak to the world, maybe they carry around a note pad, maybe they're fluent in sign language, it's kinda up to you to decide, which is super fun to be as someone who enjoys writing because it adds a new challenge to depicting these characters that I had yet to consider before.
One thing else to note about visors is the different variations, the 'snout' of the visor can vary in shape, but most visors have to remain smooth. See how I said most there? See bug visors are quirked up in the sense that they can also include appendages such as those present in real life bugs, such as their weird like grabby mouth things i'm not sure what they're called but I think they're cool. It's also a cool trait to distinguish one of the most common varieties of terras in its own one of manner.
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Customer States Haven't Changed Oil In 78000 Miles & Does Not Start
Just Rolled In
0:00 Intro 0:05 A new engine got installed and the customer paid for it. 0:25 Brake pads and brake rotors were too small. Always check the old ones you are taking off when replacing brake pads, rotors, and other parts. Could save you a lot of time and money. 0:37 The customer failed the inspection again and told the customer they need to be repaired properly. The customer decided to get the shop to install new brake rotors and pads. 0:52 The customer did not know they had a spare key in the center console as they said they thought they left a spare key in the safe at home. 1:01 An inline fuse should be installed for the power cable for the amp and as close to the battery as possible. The customer declined repairs for the sound system. 1:14 The rattling noise was caused by the upper control arms. The technician had to remove the medals pinched between the glove box to find the noise. 1:26 There was not a cabin air filter where the engine air filter should be, in case you are wondering. 1:34 Hubcap and center cap. The technician said was wondering why. 1:38 No extra info. 1:46 Ford Focus with dual-clutch automatic transmission. Had the typical transmission shudder. Since the vehicle was bogging down due to the "spinny thing" he could not accurately diagnose the issue using a scan tool. 2:02 Mass airflow (MAF) sensor was not installed. It measures the amount of air entering the engine. 2:10 The technician has no clue how this got here and said he definitely did not fake this as he is flat rate (paid by the job, not hourly). Let us know what you think about how those got there. 2:19 The technician said he has no clue why somebody would put JB weld on an engine oil filter as they are fairly cheap, and if it leaked out all the oil while driving the customer would have most likely needed a new engine. 2:28 The shop welded the differential axle tubes and plugs. 2:40 The technician said this was on a Jeep but did not mention the model. Also apparently "another shop" did this. The technician told the customer to bring it back to that shop and never heard back from the customer after that. 2:47 The technician didn't mention or was informed of what happened. Maybe the PTU (power transfer unit) broke and took out the driveshaft and cv axle in the process. 3:04 The vehicle came in for a recall.
P.S. Here's another good example of why you shouldn't buy a used car with no maintenance history, because you never know how big a fool has used it before...    
0 notes
sahinskovsgaard33 · 2 years
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0 notes
nymandnilsson7 · 2 years
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critical-derolo · 2 years
Commotion wakes Liara up late into the night. Or early in the morning, perhaps. She’s still not really on the same schedule as the rest of the ship, and with multiple suns through multiple systems, it’s nearly impossible to tell what time of the day it is. Her day. Or theirs. Again, she’s pretty confused. Being on a ship is - more difficult than she thought it was going to be, for numerous reasons.
Not that it’s bad, per se. She’s enjoying her time here, despite the danger of it all. For the most part, she gets to stay in the back room of the med bay, studying her own research on the protheans. Trying to find something, anything on these Reapers. Hints, clues, even just a pattern. Something she missed or couldn’t see before.
The crew is nice to her, as well. There was initial fear, boarding an all human ship. Her lack of experience and general knowledge of them made it a tad on the frightening side, had nervousness flipping her stomach over and over, but everyone has been surprisingly welcoming. They’re curious, more than anything, very curious. In fact, she might go as far as to say it would be their defining quality, in her eyes. Asking questions, peeking in on her. Always reaching to answer a new question. 
“What’s that star?”
“Is that a habitable planet?”
“What do you eat, Garrus? Can we eat it too? Can you try this? It’s a family recipe.”
“Are all asari blue or are there other colours and shades? Are there male asari? Monogendered, you say? Fascinating! How does that impact your society?”
It’s… endearing, and Liara can see why humans have come so far in such a short amount of time. Their thirst for discovery rivals that of salarians.
It’s her own curiosity that has Liara tapping the door controls, waiting for them to swish open to see what is happening in the med bay. Her eyes widen and she jerks forward, hand out to try and assist the Commander. Shepard paces along one of the walls of cupboards, the stomach of her shirt held up to her bloody face as she searches for something. A data pad goes skittering off the counter and to the floor and only then does she notice the asari standing there.
For a second, neither of them do anything and Liara has to force herself not to look at the Commander’s abdomen. For-For scientific inquiry, of course. Learning about human anatomy is, is, is logical. Practical, even. That’s it, yes, it’s practical. Ergo, maybe she should take a peek.
Shepard’s green eyes widen as she finally moves. “Doctor T’Soni, I’m sorry. I know you’re usually sleeping right now, I’m not sure where the doc went or how to work the medigel dispenser.” There’s a slight pause before she brings up the hand not currently clutching her shirt to her face, and mimes waving it beneath... something. “Is it a, you know, like... one of those motion sensor kind of deals? Am I missing a button on it?”
Her shirt flips down and a steady stream of blood resumes dribbling from her nose.
“Com-” Liara shakes her head and opens one of the drawers, taking a cloth from it. She’s already pushing at Shepard’s shoulder, guiding her to one of the medical beds, before she realizes she’s never touched a human before. Never touched Shepard. “Commander, what happened to you?”
Those dizzy eyes looks up at her and immediately Liara starts going through a medical checklist, unsure what might apply to a human as well, but surely all species suffer concussions? The Commander grins, slow and lazy - and bloody, a smear of it on the edge of the bed as she holds herself upright. “Wrex headbutts like a fucking freight train.”
“You got into a fight with Urdnot Wrex?”
“He asked for it,” Shepard replies and waves off a look she’s very familiar with. “Literally. Ash and I were going through some drills, he wanted in on the sparring. I told him to go all out, don’t hold back.”
A click of her tongue, disapproving, but Liara holds the cloth against Shepard’s nose steadily. Her hand is moving again, not letting her think first, and she’s brushing black hair back from the Commander’s face. “Why would you do that? Krogan are - surely you have basic judgment just by looking at him!”
Shepard shrugs and groans as her nose gets jostled. “I wanted to see what he could do, how they fight hand-to-hand. Wasn’t sure how hard they headbutt… now I know.”
“Was it worth it?”
It takes a minute but eventually that green gaze focuses, and Liara feels the strong grip on her hip. Feels the warmth from Shepard’s hand seeping into her own skin, through her uniform. She prays to the Goddess that Shepard is too out of it to notice the purple of her cheeks. “Yup,” the Commander drawls. “Pretty sure I know how to take it for next time.”
The main door of the med bay swishes open. Wrex’s hulking form comes staggering in, kept upright with Ash and Garrus under each of his arms. “I still think we should have brought Chakwas down to the rhino instead of carrying him up here!” Ash huffs.
“Listen,” Garrus puffs and strains, shoving Wrex against one of the beds. “I don’t want to be on the same level of the ship when he comes to and realizes Shepard cheated.”
“Hey! I didn’t cheat!”
“Last I checked, biotics are illegal in hand-to-hand sparring,” Garrus grunts. He leans back against a dazed Wrex, huffing and puffing as he catches his breath. “And I lost twenty credits to Alenko on that move.”
Shepard scowls and Liara clicks her tongue again, blue fingers dragging the Commander’s chin back around to her. “He rattled my L3’s,” Shepard grumbles. “I didn’t cheat, it was reactive. Your eyes are so blue.”
Big and blue as they widen in surprise, so much surprise that she squeezes just a little bit. Shepard wheezes in pain again and her own eyes roll back as she slumps forward into Liara, passed out cold. “I think, perhaps, someone should get the doctor,” she breathes and looks up at the other two with a burning face.
Turians are hard to read, but she’s pretty sure Garrus is smirking at her. And humans, being much easier to read, lets her know that Ashley Williams is definitely scowling at her.
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olivia200312 · 3 years
Prime Missing~ TFP! Optimus x Half-Predacon! Reader *Request*
Requested by the lovely CreatorCat
Plot: Hi there! Could I please request a TFP Optimus x half Cybertronian and half Predacon female Autobot reader? Only Optimus knows she is like that. Her Predacon form is a dragon and her vehicle form is a mustang car (Wildstyle colors from Lego Movie). Her fighting style is dancing (dance fighting, usually coordinated with music only she can hear in her earpiece, unpredictable). It takes place during Beast Wars where they meet Ultra Magnus. Optimus goes missing and the reader is very upset because she has a crush on the Prime.
Ultra Magnus grows a crush on her after seeing her fight in battle. He is concerned she'll get hurt because her style doesn't fall into the protocol and can't be monitored. He forbids her from joining the ranks in battle until she 'shaded up'. The reader is devasted and falls into sort of depression because that she wouldn't be able to dance or fight anymore and that was what she lived for. Optimus returns (finally) to find his crush (the reader) not herself anymore. They have been 'broken' and fight the way that Ultra Magnus saw fit. He's horrified because this wasn't 'his Y/N' and confronted Ultra Magnus. Afterward, Optimus takes the reader aside and confesses and she smiles for the first time in 'forever'. The next battle she's in, she breaks protocol and does her original style of fighting much to everyone's happiness (except Ultra Magnus). She also reveals her Predacon side to protect everyone from the Decepticons and Predaking.
What do you think?
That's a long request ever since I got a request to write a high school version. Lol. So, I read the entire text here and began to think. Do not think it is a bad way. I absolutely love the request but however, I don't like a few things. I'm not familiar with Beast Wars at all. I know only like literally one character and that is Optimal Primal. He is in fact the new Prime in Power of the Primes after Optimus' death. Don't believe me? Watch the 10 episodes or follow the OC book that I'm working on since I'm partnered up with Alita-One and others on Quotev. Furtonaly, I don't like Beast Wars at all since it's different. I also couldn't help but cringe a bit since it's TFP playing in Beast Wars. I remember some clips and scenes where Optimus actually goes missing after the base got exploded and Ultra Magnus appearing. I also remember Predacon's Rising.
Also since I don't like hurting other lovely characters (either rejected or friend-zoned), I made Ultra Magnus different. He'll be not crushing on the reader, but don't worry, he'll get tasted with his own medicine. Revenge will arrive.
Head area:
Brain: Processor / Brain Module
Head: Helm
Face: Face plate
Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials
Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor
Eye brow: Optical Ridge
Eyes: Optics
Mouth: Intake
Lips: Dermas
Teeth: Denta/Dentas
Tongue: Glossa
Chest area:
Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity
Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula
Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour:
Chest plate
Back plate
Mid-section plating
Neck guard
Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus
Forearms: Bitarlueus
Hands: Servos
Fingers: Digits
Arm armour:
Shoulder pads
Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis
Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate
Thighs: Tibulen
Calves: Cadulen
Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour:
Skirt plates
Aft plate / Skid plate
Thigh guard
Ankle guard
General/Internal components:
Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question.
Veins: Fual lines
Stomach: Tanks
Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating.
Heart: Spark
Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark
T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
"Jack, meet Ultra Magnus," Arcee introduced her human partner to the missing commander of the Autobots.
Jack looked shocked as he took a look at Ultra Magnus. He was light blue while Optimus was dark blue. The commander had a strict look on his faceplate. What was his problem? Sure, there was a war still going on because since Cybertron, the home planet of the Cybertronians, including the Autobots, Decepticons, and the Predacons, was dead so the idiotic Decepticons moved the war towards Earth when they discovered that the Autobots had been hiding there. Honestly, Megatron was too evil and stupid for actually settling the war on Earth. Earth! The planet was involved in many wars already, especially WWI and WWII.
But let's get to the point: what's been happening?
Well, the Decepticons discovered where the Autobots had been hiding. Before it got blown up, Optimus ordered everyone to leave the base and a serious warning: don't use the phone to call or send anything. If they do, then the Decepticons can track your signal, which can lead a serious danger. Jack went with Arcee, Miko with Bulkhead, and finally Raf with Bumblebee. Eventually, the base got exploded. Optimus got seriously wounded that Smokescreen found him. He was a smart rookie for hiding him so that Optimus can possibly heal and be safely hidden. Sadly, the damage was too much that Optimus was slowly offlining. He didn't want to leave, especially not Y/N. She was a half-Predacon and half-Cybertronian. She was an Autobot. So, it means that Y/N's carrier or sire was a Predacon while the other was Cybertronian. She was found wounded in a forest by Optimus and he took her to the Autobots base. Poor Y/N... She remembered how scared she was when she was there. I mean, she was wounded, lost on Earth, and didn't know anyone. She lost her creators thanks to the war. She eventually learned fast how to take care of herself.
When Optimus met her, he couldn't help but thought that Y/N was a unique and beautiful femme he'd ever seen. I mean, she was half-Cybertronian and half-Predacon. He had seen full Predacons before like Predaking. Soon, he'll meet Darksteel and Skylynx who were brothers. Y/N had wings and a tail so she was very unique. She was thankful to fly and control her balance more. The human kids loved Y/N. Miko, of course, asked too many questions that at one point, Jack and Raf had to stop her since they noticed when Y/N got uncomfortable and scared.
But anyway, that all happened before the big explosion. Optimus grew in fact closer to Y/N that he was the only one at the base who Y/N trusted. She would stay by his side, help him and ask questions. Optimus gladly helped her whenever she was scared or asked questions. He also found her adorable in secret. He sometimes asked himself about her like her wings for example. Were they sensitive? Maybe they were? He will only know if he touched it. If Y/N ever allowed it.
While Y/N was with the Autobots, it didn't mean that she met everyone. She didn't meet Ultra Magnus at the time. He was a strict commander of the Autobots and was light blue and red. His vehicle was very similar to the Prime. His shoulderplates were weird, kinda. No disrespect. But oh boy, Y/N hated Magnus. When he saw her, he was only coldhearted and strict towards her. Y/N's fighting style was dancing but the commander didn't like it that he forbid her to do so. It was like this:
The Autobots just came back after a fight again with the Decepticons. The fight was brutal this time. Apparently, the Decepticons had a new 'weapon' and it was a full Predacon! It was a male and in fact, the ruler of the race when they went instinct many years ago thanks to Megatron himself. Shockwave managed to bring the king back from the dead. His name was Predaking. He was huge! After all, he was a male and a ruler. Since Y/N was half-Predacon, she actually can't transform. Some Cybertronians who were half-Predacons, couldn't actually transform. Some can, some couldn't. Y/N didn't mind that she couldn't transform. She liked how she looked, even having a Predacon tail and wings.
But everyone was wounded. Y/N fought against the male Predacon himself. Their fight was rough and they bit and clawed. But Y/N managed to trick him by dancing. Fighting was a little bit of dancing if you didn't know. You were moving and using your whole frame. It was exhausting for Y/N, but she won.
Ultra Magnus, however, didn't like her fighting style that he brought her into a private chamber. He closed the door and faced her, with his usual strict expression. "Soldier, I want you to change the style."
Y/N lifted her optical ridge up in confusion. What did the commander mean by that? Her armor? Her outgoing? What was it? "What do you mean?"
"Change your fighting style. Also, I forbid you from ever going to fight with us."
Y/N couldn't believe what she heard. Was he really serious? Was he going to forbid her from going out to fight? But what about Optimus Prime? He still wasn't found! He was missing ever since the big explosion that the Decepticons caused weeks ago. The human kids spread around together with their guardians and they weren't allowed to not use any technology or else the Decepticons will track them down. Jack, stupid enough, used his cellphone to text his mother that he was fine. It was understandable for a kid to text its parent to let them know that they were fine. But when it came to the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, then it was important to listen to the advice.
Ultra Magnus simply left the private chamber, leaving the poor half-Predacon femme alone.
That's basically how it happened. Ever since that day, Y/N didn't come out a lot from her berthroom. She was very spark broken ever since the strict commander told her those words. He forbid her from searching Optimus, who was still missing at the moment. How could he say that? Y/N cared deeply for Optimus just like the entire team. He was their leader but also someone that would protect others and be willing to sacrifice his life.
Y/N would only recharge all day. She ate and drank of course but it wasn't a lot like she used. Basically, how a normal Cybertronian ate. If you didn't know, humans can die from broken hearts. It was in fact a Broken heart syndrome, also known as stress cardiomyopathy or takotsubo syndrome. It was very sad to have that like heart disease. Not only humans can have that syndrome but also Cybertronians, especially the Predacons, full or not. Y/N attracted that syndrome. Everyone says that action speaks louder than words, but words hurt more than actions. Y/N had shortness of breathing and having chassis pains. That was the most common syndrome of heart disease.
Ratchet, the medic of the team wasn't blind at all and was trained to notice signs of any health problems. Since Y/N was showing those signs, he did the tests and diagnosed her with Broken Heart Syndrome or should I say Broken Spark Syndrome? Ratchet kept a close optic on her and made her take medication, especially if she showed signs of chassis pains and shortness of breath.
But meanwhile in the main room of the base...
Ratchet was updating Y/N's health on the Cybertronian computer since it was important for the medics to keep new updates so that they can keep the information. There was actually no standard treatment for the syndrome that Y/N had, but you can survive with medication and as long as you're being careful. Not only do doctors like Ratchet keep updates safe but also dentists as well. Ratchet was mad at Ultra Magnus for saying hurtful words but kept it quiet. It was time that others should watch out for what comes out of their mouths. Words can damage someone and give an illness. He began to ask himself how would Optimus react if he found out about that...
Bumblebee then walked up to Ratchet and beeped a question at him.
Ratchet signed and looked over his shoulderplate. "No, Bumblebee. Y/N is still a little bit weak to come out. I am doing the best I can to help her on track. But her syndrome doesn't have a standard treatment. Just like on humans."
Bumblebee frowned and let out a sad whirl. He saw Y/N as his good friend and cared for her as a friend. He was mad at the commander for saying those words that he nearly attacked her. Didn't the idiotic commander notice at all how much he damaged her? Why was he even doing this?! Just because she was a half-Predacon!? Bumblebee clenched his fists in anger as he started to shake.
Ratchet, being a smart aft medic, noticed it and quickly placed his servo on the scout's shoulderplate. "Easy, Bumblebee." Just as Ratchet wanted to say something further, his computer caught a signal. He quickly went to the device and Bumblebee looked curiously over his shoulderplate.
"Hahaha!" Ratchet began to laugh and clapped his servos happily. That caught everyone's attention as they walked up to him, except Y/N, who was still sadly in her berthroom to rest. She did hear Ratchet's happy laugh, which was confusing, but she didn't bother to check since she felt weak. Ratchet turned around fast with a big smile on his faceplate. "Optimus is alive!"
That caused everyone to cheer happily. Y/N fell asleep at that time. She didn't hear Ratchet's loud voice that said that Optimus was alive and coming soon to the base.
2 hours later~
"Awesome! Optimus is now like 2.0!" Miko happily jumped as she was fascinated by Optimus' new look.
"It's good to have you back, Optimus," Arcee said with a smile.
Everyone was saying how happy they were to see and have Optimus Prime back. The leader was smiling as he listened to everyone with respect. He was happy to see them as well. Even though he was almost offline for good, he thought about others, especially Y/N. But wait, where was she? He saw his friends but not Y/N. He frowned. What happened to her while he was missing? He wondered about her every day. He nearly did join the AllSpark and taking the servo of his mentor, Alpha Trion. The old smart mech understood his student's decision. He even teased Optimus to get the spark of the half-Predacon. He blushed.
Ratchet seem to realize Optimus' frown and he immediately knew that it was about Y/N. He walked up to his leader. "Optimus, I have to speak to you. It's urgent."
Optimus nodded in understanding. Of course, he heard Ratchet's serious tone, which meant that he was deadly serious, especially for being a medic. His job was to take care of others and help if needed. They both went to a private chamber to speak while others stayed. Ultra Magnus, however, got a bad feeling...
Ratchet closed the door and turned to face Optimus. "Optimus, while you were gone, others had a fight against the Decepticons. They had a new 'weapon' it was a full Predacon... a mech. He's named Predaking, the ruler of the Predacons. Y/N fought against him. I must say, I am impressed with her fighting moves. Dancing. Ultra Magnus didn't like her style at all. I saw them going to a private chamber. I learned from Y/N that Magnus forbid her from going out and he forced her to change her style..." He sighed and took a deep breath. "As a result, Y/N has Broken Heart Syndrome, also known as stress cardiomyopathy or takotsubo syndrome in humans. But I called it the Broken Spark Syndrome. She has trouble breathing and having chassis pains. I made her take medication."
Optimus couldn't believe what he heard. How could Ultra Magnus do this? He was getting angry. The commander took it too far by his words. He look calmy at Ratchet and nodded. "Thank you for the information old friend. I will speak to commander Ultra Magnus and see Y/N."
Ratchet nodded back and they left the private chamber. Ultra Magnus knew that he was busted. Optimus slowly walked up to the commander, with a disappointed and angry expression on his faceplate. He took the commander to somewhere private and let's just say that Optimus was so stern. He also finally punished the commander for what he said to Y/N. Ratchet was satisfied and mumbled under his breath: "As humans say: 'Get rekt'."
Optimus then walked through the hallway corridors, searching for Y/N's berthroom. Each bot had a nameplate hanging against the door. It was easier for everyone to find each other, except for humans since they were so small. But good that the kids remembered which room was who. They drew small symbols on each door of the bot. Ratchet got a symbol of a doctor, Bumblebee got a bee, Arcee a motorcycle, etc. Y/N had a dragon, even though she couldn't transform into a Predacon.
Optimus knocked on the door gently as he found Y/N's door. After no response, he softly opened the door and peaked in. He smiled softly once he saw Y/N recharging peacefully. But he was still worried about her health after all. He walked to Y/N, closing the door softly to not wake her up. He caressed her helm with his gentle digits and he smiled once he heard her purr. Predacons can purr a lot. Yes, even Optimus can too but not a lot like the Predacons can, even half ones. Optimus continued to caress as he sat down carefully, lifting Y/N's helm and laid it on his lap. For some reason, laps were so comfy. No wonder humans and Cybertronians fall asleep easily, even falling asleep on someone's body. It was so cute when a male slept on top of the female as a couple or friends. Family too. But mostly, females slept on top of the males.
Y/N softly moaned in her sleep as she moved a bit. She felt very comfortable. But that's when she groaned and had trouble breathing. She panted and Optimus got worried. He then noticed the medication on her nightstand. He grabbed it and then Y/N gasped and sat up, her servo on her chassis.
"Easy, Y/N," the familiar deep voice said.
Y/N snapped her helm towards the very familiar deep voice and gasped. it was Optimus! Wait, he was really here?! She was about to say something but Optimus silenced her by cupping her cheekplate, causing her to blush a lot. He helped her take the medication and soon, she breathed normally. But she felt then sleepy again. Optimus noticed it and softly pushed her down. "Recharge, Y/N. Your body needs more rest."
Y/N smiled softly and fell asleep. She can now catch a lot of rest since Optimus was alive and well. She found him more handsome. His new look, now strong body, etc. But she loved his hips, smile, voice, and smirk. As she was sleeping, she felt soft dermas on hers. Optimus was kissing her, just like in the movie Sleeping Beauty.
I apologize if it isn't familiar a lot. I decided to try and make it a little cuter for the fans, especially the ending part.
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tennessoui · 3 years
1. Soulmates AU please! It is definitely my guilty pleasure trope
hello im only three months ish late maybe four but this is also 3.4k long and it's just wild i mean we're talking soul mates, superheroes, rushed world building, superhero names this is a trip this is something i wrote after waking up from a four hour nap this ever had a chance and also it's sad
1. Soul Mates (+ 42. Star Crossed Lovers)
“You shouldn’t have come,” Obi-Wan says harshly, pulling the children--they’re just goddamn children--into his apartment and slamming the door behind them. “Did anyone see you?”
The children--all four of them--stay quiet. Obi-Wan wants to wring their necks. He knows why they’re here. He’d rather them die on the streets than suffer through what they’re obviously here about.
But if that were really true, he would have just left them on his doorstep.
“Did anyone see you?” he asks again.
“Not that we noticed,” one of the girls in the middle says. Shili, dressed in a blue and white striped sensible jumpsuit and sporty cape. The leader of the new generation of superheroes and she sounds like she hasn’t even hit puberty yet.
Obi-Wan is suddenly very, very tired.
“Kam,” Shili gestures to the person next to her and a little behind, a tall boy with a helmet covering his face and white and blue armor covering the rest of him, “says he didn’t pick up anything with his sensors. We were safe. We’re not trying to get you caught, sir. We just need to talk to you.”
“You could kick us out,” the other girl points out, crossing her arms over her chest. She’s not even bothering to wear a domino mask, but Obi-Wan doubts very much he’s looking at her real appearance. She’s Mirial, of course.
Which makes the other boy in a padded white and orange suit Mando. Four of the fifty or so remaining Jedi superheroes are in his house.
Obi-Wan sighs and turns to pad down the hallway. “Shoes off,” he calls behind his shoulder. “And does anyone want any tea?”
“No thank you,” Shili responds politely, falling into step behind him.
“Sit,” he tells them roughly when he notices the four of them standing awkwardly in his cramped dining room. “Sit down.”
He puts the kettle on anyway, and bangs around the cabinets for a few seconds to find an unopened bag of chips and a sleeve of probably stale cookies.
He doesn’t have much else to offer them though. Not now.
Weren’t you the one always telling me to eat my vegetables? A laughing voice murmurs into his ear. Look at you now.
Obi-Wan has to stand for a second in his small and dirty kitchen, chips clutched in one hand and cookies in the other, and breathe for an impossibly long moment.
This is why he had not wanted to ever see another Jedi in his life. All they brought with them were questions and ghosts.
Obi-Wan has enough of those as it is.
The kettle goes off and he pours the hot water into his mug. The cowardly part of him that hasn’t faced a fight in ten years now wants to wait here until the tea has finished steeping and then think of a thousand other excuses to not ever leave the kitchen again. He's good at thinking of excuses. He calls them reasons and lives his life with them.
But he has always known someone would eventually come looking for answers. That had always been one of the prices he knew he would eventually have to pay.
He notices immediately upon entering the dining room that they’ve saved him a seat, if it counts as saving someone a seat when they’ve rearranged the chairs so one is on one side of the table and the other two are squeezed opposite it.
“I hope you don’t mind that I’ve brought snacks to my own interrogation,” he says blithely, depositing them onto the table in front of the children.
Kamino stares intently at them for a second, and then nods once to Shili, who reaches out to open the bag of chips. In a show of good faith, she takes one and eats it. Obi-Wan can’t see her eyes underneath the white lenses of her domino mask, but he’s quite sure she hasn’t stopped looking at him once.
“Are you sure you do not want tea, now we have established I am not going to poison you?” he asks, crossing his ankles and taking a sip from his own mug.
“It’s a bit too warm out there for hot tea,” Mirial says disdainfully, looking at her nails. “You know, what with the world on fire.”
“But I’d take an iced one, if you have it,” Shili leans forward.
Obi-Wan pauses, drink halfway to his mouth.
He sets it down gently on the wood of his table. “Ah. Going straight in, aren’t we?”
“There’s not much time for anything else,” Mando says, and at least he sounds a bit apologetic.
“A weighty statement from someone who can manipulate time itself,” Obi-Wan hums.
“Only for a few seconds,” Mando mutters behind his helmet, rubbing at the back of his neck.
“That’s because you don’t have much in the way of training, young man,” Obi-Wan tells him gently with a hint of steel behind it “Back in my day--”
He cuts himself off. He doesn’t know why. Clearly, they know who he used to be. Otherwise they wouldn’t be here. He’s really just delaying the inevitable, but his throat feels tight. This truth, so long unspoken, is hard to drag into his mouth. And yet, every second he doesn’t speak it, it’s bashing itself to death against the backs of his teeth.
“Would you like us to tell you what we’ve found out about your days?” Mirial asks, looking up from her nails. “Would that make it easier for you, Ilum?”
“Meer--” Shili starts to say, reaching out to touch the girl’s arm, rein her in, but it’s too late.
The planes of Mirial’s face change and shift and suddenly for the first time in ten years, Anakin Skywalker is sitting across from him. “Would you like to talk about the old days, or would you like me to talk about the old days?” Mirial in Anakin’s smooth baritone asks.
It’s cruel. It’s so cruel that for a second Obi-Wan wishes his heart could just stop from the pain of it all. “Please put that away,” he tells the tabletop coldly. “And please. Do not call me that.”
“Meer,” Shili murmurs, and there’s a shift in the air.
When Obi-Wan looks back up, Mirial is back to the way she always appears in press releases, green skin and all. “That was a decent impression,” he tells her. She bristles at the perceived slight, but he holds up his hand. “But when I knew him, his eyes weren’t gold. They were blue.”
“Mustafar has had golden eyes since he joined the Imps,” Mirial argues back in a way that reminds Obi-Wan of another young teenager, who never could learn how to take criticism well.
“And he was someone else before then,” he tells the girl. “He had another name and he had a mother and he had a soulmate and a--fiancee and everything.”
His hands have started to shake, so he clasps the mug tightly, though it burns him.
“Tell us,” Shili insists forcefully but compassionately. Obi-Wan had wondered before why they had chosen to make the girl whose only ability is to fly the leader of the newest Jedi team, but it must be that. It must be her compassion. “Please. You’re the only one who can.”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan says. “I know. I’m the only one who is left. But if I am to demask myself, I will not do it to a table of strangers.”
The children turn to look at each other. Kamino cocks his head at Shili, who inclines her own head. Mirial shrugs. Mando shakes his head once, but Shili seems to override him, because she turns back to Obi-Wan and takes off her domino mask.
“My name is Ahsoka Tano,” she says, stumbling over the name. Obi-Wan wonders how many times she’s unmasked herself before. “Or Shili.”
She nudges Mirial, who sighs. “I’m Barriss,” she tells him grudgingly.
Kamino takes off his helmet to reveal a strong-jawed boy with a blond buzzcut. “His name is Rex,” Ahsoka says. “He can’t speak except through minds.”
Obi-Wan blinks in surprise at this. He had known that Kamino had an advanced sense of the senses, could tell something’s molecular makeup just by looking at it, could smell a gas leak from two miles away, etcetera, etcetera, but he hadn’t known the boy could communicate telepathically as well.
“And I’m his twin,” Mando sighs, taking off his own helmet and revealing a startlingly similar face, marred by a scar just across his temple. “Cody.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Obi-Wan tells them, drumming his fingers on the table. “You know already. I fought under the name Ilum. I could--”
He searches for words to describe his own powers, and settles instead on a demonstration. With a flick of his hand, the liquid in the mug rises and freezes into a miniature wave, suspended in the air.
He lets the ice drop into the mug, and inclines his head to Ahsoka. “Iced tea?” he asks wryly.
“Tell us about Mustafar,” Mando demands. What a heavy thing to carry, Obi-Wan finds himself thinking. The knowledge of all that time.
What Obi-Wan wouldn’t give to be ten years younger again. Not to even change anything, though he would be stupid to not try to. But to just enjoy the moment for what it had been in the end: just a moment.
“We didn’t call him that then,” Obi-Wan sighs and rubs a hand over his face. “We called him Iego in uniform, and Anakin in civvies.
“He was...radiant. In battle and off the field. I was the leader of our team for six years until Anakin came along. And I just knew as soon as I saw him that he would take everything from me. But he wouldn’t have had to take it. I would have given it to him right then.”
“I didn’t think he was that attractive,” Ahsoka mumbles, and then slaps a hand over her mouth as if afraid she’s spoken out of turn and ruined the story so completely that Obi-Wan won’t say anything else.
Instead, Obi-Wan laughs but it doesn’t sound much like a laugh at all. “Well, to each is his own, of course,” he says when he thinks the hysteria has worn off. “And finding out he carried my soul mark certainly helped.”
The room is blissfully silent, which Obi-Wan is beyond thankful for. He just wants to let those never-before admitted truths hang in the air, just for a few more seconds. He almost wants to say them again actually. Anakin Skywalker is my soulmate. Anakin Skywalker carries the same mark I carry, and he always has.
“But…” Barriss says slowly, “But Mustafar’s soulmark is on his neck.”
“It’s not,” Obi-Wan murmurs, staring at the wall behind their heads. “What he has on his neck is an ice burn scar in the shape of a hand. In the shape of my hand. His actual soul mark is on his mid-back, right over his spine.”
“You tried to kill your soulmate?” Ahsoka gasps, looking horrified.
Obi-Wan smiles with no joy behind it. “I tried to save the world,” he corrects her gently.
“You said earlier…” Cody speaks up. “That Mustafar--that Anakin had a fiancee. It wasn’t you, was it?”
“No,” Obi-Wan admits. “I never told him. I...couldn’t. I wanted to wait I suppose. I. Well. My soulmark is identical to his, but it’s on my thigh. And. You know what they say about a soulmatch whose marks aren’t in the same spot.” “Star crossed,” Ahsoka whispers.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan confirms. “I decided to wait. I was a few years older than him, he had so much to learn, he needed a friend more than he needed a soulmate. I had a long list of reasons, all as iron-clad as the next. But they were excuses. I was afraid. This man, my soulmate, could control fire and sunlight itself. He burned with passion, shone with power. And I...I was cold. Too pragmatic, too quick to criticize when he needed praise. The marks were just marks. Maybe they fit together, maybe they matched. But I was terrified that we wouldn’t.
“And by the time I thought to tell him, he came to find me instead. He was in love, he said. He had been seeing a girl for months and was going to ask her to marry him. And I suppose I must have asked about his soulmate, because he told me he would rather never know his soulmate, if knowing meant losing her.”
So. So Obi-Wan had let him go, though that part doesn’t make for a good story. He had distanced himself as much as he could get away with, which is not much really, seeing as how Iego and Ilum fought best when they fought together.
But in the end, his heartbreak had been too much, even for someone as cold as Obi-Wan had been known to be. He’d put in for a temporary transfer. A remedial medical leave, a Jedi-sanctioned sabbatical so he could ostensibly connect with himself and his powers. Nothing longer than a year.
You’ll miss the wedding, Anakin had told him, heartbreak shining in his own eyes.
But his heartbreak had been nothing compared to Obi-Wan’s, and so he had left. He had needed to. It had felt like rending his soul in two, but he had.
Two weeks into his stay at a different Jedi training base, Obi-Wan had died in an explosion. “That hadn’t been Jedi sanctioned,” he tells the children in front of him wryly. “We thought it was an accident at the time, but there were too many coincidences. Too many casualties.” But Obi-Wan’s death had been the only casualty Anakin had felt. It hadn’t mattered that someone had managed to restart his heart only a few minutes later. He had died. He had died and Anakin had felt his soulmate die. He had burned his fiancee in his own uncontrollable agony. She had not survived Obi-Wan’s death, even though Obi-Wan himself had.
“I...I don’t know what happened. Still. It’s been years and I have thought of little else. She may have been standing too close to him when it happened. Or...the house may have caught on fire and she was trapped inside. Or...I don’t know. I don’t know,” he spreads his hands palm up on the table and looks at the faces of the children.
He sighs and continues. There is so little left in the story now. “The Jedi Order decided to tell the press that there had been no survivors, though there had been a few. We couldn’t know if the Imperials were behind the attack or not, so we had to be careful. The survivor’s families were told, and their soulmates. Officially, I had no family. I had...no soulmate. They didn’t tell anyone I had survived. Ilum died in that explosion. Still to this day, he's dead.
“Anakin had always been absurdly powerful...and dangerous. He’d killed the love of his life, had felt his soulmate dying, and then...heard that I too had died. The first two had destabilized him, but my death and the Jedi Order’s staunch rejection of his request to see my body, to give me a funeral...it made him even more vulnerable to outside manipulation.”
“The Imperials….” Cody murmurs.
Obi-Wan nods, lip curling up. “The Imperials,” he agrees. “The timeline is fuzzy. I spent a good part of these weeks partially dead, one foot in both worlds. I didn’t know what was going on. When I was well enough to watch the news, the Jedi told me there was a new super villain working with the Imperials, going by the name Mustafar. I trained to kill him as he was helping the Imps decimate the Jedi. All of my old team was dead. Anakin was missing. I didn’t--”
He cuts himself off and runs a hand down his face. The children are waiting on his words. He’s telling them why they’re fighting wars adults should be fighting. He’s telling them why they’re out in the field after only a month or less of training. He’s trying to tell them why he isn’t out there fighting with them, but he knows already they won’t accept his excuses.
They shouldn’t have to.
“They gave me a new uniform and a new name,” Obi-Wan picks up the story. “Hoth. And I went off to kill my soulmate.”
“But you didn’t,” Barriss says, and she sounds vaguely confused and vaguely accusatory.
“I almost did,” Obi-Wan admits, like it’s a sin, like it's salvation. “Everything about him was different. He was not the passionate but warm boy I had known. He was a forest fire. A volcano. And Mustafar’s fighting style was completely different from Iego’s. I only realized it was Anakin--my Anakin--when I managed to knock his mask off. I had my hand around his throat, but when I realized who I was fighting...I let go. I couldn’t kill him. Even after everything he did. Even knowing...knowing Iego was gone.”
The dining room is silent for a second, before three voices burst out angrily at once.
“Why aren’t you helping the Jedi?” Ahsoka asks the loudest. “Hoth--Ilum, Obi-Wan. We need you. Mustafar--the Imperials...they’re not going to stop. They’ve killed so many Jedi. We need you to help us.”
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan says. “I cannot.”
“You used to be a hero,” Barriss accuses. “Now what are you? A hollowed out, sad man.”
“I was never a hero,” he snaps. “I followed orders. Anyone can do that.”
“You were the best,” Cody says quietly, cutting Obi-Wan to the bone. “You led the Geonosis team for six years. I studied you in class. You were...the best.”
“I wasn’t,” Obi-Wan disagrees just as quietly. “But perhaps you all are.”
“You haven’t even told us any weakness we could use against him in battle!” Barriss shouts, standing up suddenly, which causes the chair to clatter over. “You’ve been no help at all! I’m leaving, this is a waste of time!”
“Barriss--!” Ahsoka cries after the girl, grabbing her discarded mask and taking after her.
Cody opens his mouth and then closes it. He jams the helmet back onto his head. “The soulmark. You said it’s on his hip?”
Obi-Wan smiles mirthlessly. Cody is trying to see if he can catch him in a lie, if this is actually good tactical information or not. “It’s a few inches below his shoulder blades, right over his spine.”
Cody nods once and then files out, leaving Obi-Wan alone in the room with the silent, still helmetless Rex.
“I just told him how to kill my supervillain soulmate,” Obi-Wan tells Rex, even though he’s really talking to himself. “Soulmarks, even dead ones, are extremely sensitive. If Anakin had hit me with his fire on my other thigh, I would be dead. Not just crippled. Muscle, young man, doesn’t grow back easily.”
He rubs a hand over the leg in question, staring down at the uneven way his pants lay over the old injury. It aches from the walking he’s forced it to do today, from trying to walk normally im front of these powerful strangers.
Rex taps the table to get him to look up, and then gestures to his own eyes.
“I?” Obi-Wan asks, confused.
Rex rolls his eyes and then mimes writing something.
“Ah, there should be a pen and pad in the kitchen?” he trails off as the teenager goes to retrieve the aforementioned things.
It takes a second longer than it should, and he comes out carrying just a slip of paper with his helmet forced back onto his head.
With a flick of his fingers, the paper’s lying on the table and Rex is following his teammates out the door and out of Obi-Wan’s apartment and hopefully out of his life forever.
Curious, Obi-Wan grabs the note and unfolds it to read.
We thought Musta. had yel. eyes because all the top Imps have yel. eyes. But if Ankn had blue eyes, then mybe none of the imps should have yel eyes.
No one knows what sidious power is -> what if it’s mind control?
Obi-Wan puts the note down onto the table with shaking hands. He wishes desperately he had never read it.
Because those words plant a seed of hope in his chest he isn’t sure he’ll be able to live without now.
What if Anakin--his Anakin--what if he’s in there still? What if Obi-Wan had abandoned him to ten years of brainwashing and mind control with not much of a fight at all?
But more pressingly, what if there’s hope for him? For both of them? Still, after all this time?
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buoyantsaturn · 3 years
megamind type beat (1/1)
summary: If Nico asked, Will might even let the world fall to ashes around them.
word count: 2025
read on ao3
Will Solace was a little bit in love with Nico di Angelo.
Everything about Nico was perfect in Will’s eyes, despite how opposite the two of them were. While Will was incredibly extroverted, Nico was quiet and reserved, though when the two of them were alone, Nico would light up - and sometimes, it was difficult to get him to shut up once he got excited. The two of them already spent almost every waking hour together, but Will would make it more in a heartbeat if he could.
If Nico asked, Will might even let the world fall to ashes around them.
Nico knew more about Will than anybody in the world, though there was one secret Will had never been able to share, no matter how much he wished he could, and that was the truth about Will’s identity.
He knew nothing about Will’s superpowers, or the high-tech weapons that Will kept locked away but always nearby in case of a supervillain-sized emergency. It was the only thing that Will had ever kept from Nico, but every day Will felt like Nico never really knew the real him.
And, okay, he’d never told Nico how he felt about him, either.
Will never wanted to risk ruining their friendship over a dumb crush (which was how it started, but now Will really was fully head-over-heels in love with Nico), especially when Nico didn’t really seem to have many other friends, so Will had never acted on his feelings.
It didn’t help that, just about every time that he did plan some way to confess, the world would start falling down around them. And, of course, it was Will’s job to fix that.
As Solar Flare, Will was the perfect hero to fight Nightmare, a villain who only attacked the city at its darkest times, both physically and emotionally. He had confessed to Solar Flare once that he often waited until the city was at its weakest, late at night or after some kind of tragedy, because it would be easier to cause mass chaos and destruction. Will sometimes wondered if Nightmare caused those tragedies as a setup for the next night’s evil plan.
Will had been on his way to surprise Nico with pizza and video games when he heard the city’s siren go off. It was one that had formerly been used to warn about incoming tornadoes, but now was recognized to mean supervillains are attacking, take cover. Will had hastily handed off his box of pizza to a homeless man on the nearest corner before ducking into an alleyway to change into his bright white-and-yellow spandex suit. (Why did heroes always have to wear spandex? There was never any padding in those things, and he bruised like a peach.)
Will had appreciated the quietness of the last week - he’d gotten to spend plenty of time with Nico and caught up on some of the homework from his community college classes (because he couldn’t rely on a superhero’s salary forever) - though he’d been getting antsy about his next fight with Nightmare. He could feel that the other had had something cooking for sometime, and Will had a few new weapons he wanted to try out, as well.
He caught up with Nightmare in the middle of Central Park; it hadn’t been difficult to trace the pained screaming back to that spot. The villain’s clothes were always black as night, likely to make it easier for him to move around undetected in the darkness, and his head was surrounded by something similar to a solid black motorcycle helmet. When Will had first seen it, it had reminded him of Daft Punk - though mentioning that had gotten him shot with some kind of laser-ice-beam gun that left him with a minor case of frostbite in the middle of summer. Will was certain that the inside of that helmet was full of computer screens, similar to how Iron Man’s helmet looked in the movies.
Will tried to sneak up on him, but his helmet must’ve gotten an upgrade recently - new sensors, or maybe a backup camera - because that creepy, auto-tuned voice that the helmet produced announced, “You’re late to the party, Lampshade Man.”
Will huffed. “It’s Solar Flare, and you know that.”
“Sure,” Nightmare replied, “but you’re cute when you pout like that.”
Will blinked, thrown off guard for just a second, though it wasn’t long enough for Nightmare to spin around and shoot him with some kind of stun gun. Will avoided the shot easily, and charged forward in an attempt to tackle Nightmare, though the other seemingly vanished into thin air before appearing again a few feet away.
“What’s the plan, Nightmare?” Will demanded, staying on his toes but knowing that this game of cat and mouse would only tire himself out.
“I could ask you the same question,” he replied. “Haven’t you figured it out yet?”
He had, actually, but he’d wanted a confirmation. He’d stayed up too late after too many fights, piecing together little bits of information here and there until the wall of his bedroom looked like a total conspiracy theory board. Some of the weapons Nightmare had been testing, some of the things he’d mentioned from his past in his evil monologuing, it was all leading up to one thing. A machine that could suck the soul out of a person in order to bring someone back to life. The only thing Will couldn’t figure out was why.
His mind jumped back to Nico, as it so often did. How he’d mentioned the loss of a sister, and how he would do anything to bring her back, if only he’d had the power. It had broken Will’s heart at the time, and now, seeing Nightmare trying to do something similar, Will was filled with rage.
“You can’t play God,” Will told him, his voice shaking with anger. “Everybody loses somebody important, and there’s nothing you can do to bring them back. All you’re going to do is hurt innocent people, and make others feel the same pain of losing a loved one. Now, destroy your machine, or I’ll be forced to do it for you.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Nightmare said, holding up a remote and hitting one of the buttons. Suddenly, the screaming around them amplified as more people succumbed to what must have been a horrible pain. Will glanced around, trying to locate some sort of central point, though the noise was echoing all around them.
“What are you doing to them?” Will demanded, his eyes searching for Nightmare, though he only saw subtle flashes in the dark - the villain was taunting him, moving just too fast for Will to see.
“Draining the life out of them, of course,” Nightmare said, suddenly right behind him, and Will barely had a second to whip around and attack. Normally, he would aim for the head to incapacitate his enemy - a bank robber, or some drunk trying to start a street brawl - but the helmet prevented Nightmare from taking damage that way, so Will aimed for the stomach instead.
Luckily for him, it appeared that villains were a part of the spandex curse as well, because Nightmare had nothing to cushion the impact of Will’s elbow into his gut. Nightmare groaned from the hit, curling inward and allowing Will the time to spin around and continue his assault.
He’d never gotten close enough to touch Nightmare - always fighting with ranged weapons at a distance - but now that he could, he hardly believed that there was really a person inside Nightmare’s suit. His body was so cold to the touch, and whenever Will tried to grasp at an arm or a leg, his hand almost seemed to pass through him before finding purchase.
And Nightmare, it seemed, was better at hand-to-hand combat than he was with a weapon. Despite being smaller in stature, he nearly overpowered Will more than a few times, leaving Will to resort to reaching for a weapon for what he hoped was the last time.
He could end it all - he finally had Nightmare in his grasp, and he could finish him. Will could go back to fighting petty crime and spending his nights on the couch beside Nico, stuffing himself full of junk food and bingeing movies. He could get his life back, and all it would cost was him taking the life of someone else.
Wasn’t that what this was leading up to all along?
Will pulled a small, golden dagger from his belt and lodged it between Nightmare’s ribs, feeling the other man suddenly solidify, hearing him gasp through the strange auto-tuned effect, and then he collapsed, the remote falling out of his hand as he did so.
Will lunged for the remote. He couldn’t see it very well in the dark, but there were only a few buttons, so one of them had to be off. He jammed at each button until the screaming around them started to die down, no longer cries of active pain but of a slowly fading injury, shouts of fear and shouts for help.
Will would check on all of them soon. First, he needed to unmask his long-time enemy.
He could hear Nightmare’s pained breathing being projected through his helmet, though his breaths were shallow. Will could barely see any movement of his chest in the distant glow of the streetlight, though he saw the shine of blood pouring from the knife wound in his chest. Will knelt beside him and reached for the helmet, tugging it off without trying to cause any more unnecessary injury, and the object nearly slipped between his fingers when Will’s eyes landed on the face he revealed.
He tossed the helmet aside, bending down to get a closer look and brushing the hair out of the other man’s face and there was Nico, his Nico, the love of his life with a knife wound in his chest, Will’s knife sticking out of his chest, and Will couldn’t breathe.
“No,” Will choked, forgetting everything he learned from his CPR training and pulling Nico’s head to rest on his lap as tears started to streak down his face. “No, this can’t be happening. You can’t be--”
“Will,” Nico croaked, and Will’s heart stopped, but no, Nico wasn’t looking at him - he was looking past Will. He wasn’t about to beg Will for mercy, or plead for his life, or demand to know why his best friend had done this to him. He was calling, reaching out for some sense of comfort in the end, and Will felt himself sob.
“I’m right here,” Will whispered, reaching to apply pressure to the wound without jostling the knife, though Nico still grimaced in pain. “Sorry, I’m sorry. Nico,” he cried, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, I would never-- I love you, Nico, and help is on the way, okay? I’ll save you - I’ll do whatever it takes. I promise.”
“Will,” Nico tried again, and the movement of his tongue pushed a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth, “hurts.”
“I know,” Will replied, his vision clouding with tears. “Don’t talk, Nico. Save your strength. You’ll be okay.”
“Can’t--” Nico wheezed, and coughed, and choked.
“Nico,” Will said, louder than before, begging for his attention. “Nico, look at me.”
Nico’s eyes rolled back, and his head tipped to follow. Will patted his cheek, trying to wake him up once more, though all he did was smear Nico’s face with his own blood.
“No, no, no,” Will choked, curling forward to press his forehead to Nico’s. “I’m sorry, Nico, please, I’ll do anything!”
Nico didn’t move. He didn’t breathe.
Will lowered him back to the ground, and felt his hand hit something as it slid out from underneath Nico’s head.
The remote.
The remote to the machine Nico had created to bring his sister back to life. The remote that, at the cost of one other human life - or more, Will didn’t actually know - could bring Nico back to him.
Could Will bring himself to make that sacrifice?
His thumb hovered over the buttons.
thanks for reading!!
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