#oops i had posted this to Deku first lol
farawayfroppy · 10 months
Evergreen – I am swept up in you; please don't dispose of me
part 2 ↣ part 1
izuku midoriya x reader
cw: aged up characters, pro-hero au, lots and lots of angst, some canon-typical violence and deaths, Izuku experiences triggers, panic attacks, and nightmares, Reader has a dream-altering quirk, adult language, Reader is referred to as she/her. i see a lot of myself in midoriya so i gave him the therapy that i need
~3k words
hey all! been a while. oops. i started my first year of teaching, so i have had no time to write. i wasn't even planning on posting this i til i had written more of it, but i wanted you to know that i tried lol. i know it's not much, but i hope you enjoy. - Jean xx
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Just like that, Izuku found himself back at work.
He knew it was probably too soon, knew it wouldn’t look good to the press or feel like anything other than painful for himself, but he also knew he had a job to do. One of the bastards that had aided in stealing two lives, right in front of him, had gotten away and he hadn’t even known. Hell, beyond that, there was an entire crime ring that seemed to be growing, getting bolder, right under all of their noses.
As much as he didn’t want to relive any of it, to think about it even in the slightest, he knew that as the only hero on the scene that day, he was also a witness. Shouto had wanted information, and now he had it—first hand.
Once inside the doors of his agency, away and safe from the cameras and prying eyes, he made a beeline for his office. He took the stairs today, not bothering with the elevator, where he might have felt like an animal in a cage. That panicked feeling was happening again as he ascended the stairs. Up and up, around and around, it was all blurring together. When he finally reached his floor, he burst through the door, startling an intern standing near a water fountain that was placed a little too closely to the exit.
Izuku mumbled, “Sorry,” but didn’t slow his pace.
He tried not to think about the astounded looks he received from his coworkers as he flew down the hallway. He realized then that he probably should have notified someone, at least his secretary, of his return. As he neared his office, he passed by her, and she rose from her desk with a surprised expression.
“Oh, Deku, you’re back already?” She asked, trying to disguise the shock in her voice. Thinly veiled, painted over with politeness in a way he knew all too well. The customer service voice was like the landlord special of communication, skirting around and covering up the real issues.
He knew it was for his benefit. She was gentle and kind, but he couldn’t handle it. He didn’t feel like he deserved gentle. He didn’t have the capacity to accept kindness, didn’t know how to hold it while already juggling so much. But he wasn’t mean.
“Yep,” he replied, trying to muster up a smile. Tight-lipped, but passable. “Sorry about the disruption, Jane, but I’ll be pretty busy now, so don’t let anyone in. Thanks!” He rushed out before all but diving into the sanctity of his office.
“But—“ he heard her start just as he closed his door, locking it for good measure.
Izuku sighed, slumping against the door with his head down. He felt like crying. He felt small again. How could a man who had accomplished so much, who drew so many eyes, feel so minuscule unto himself? It was hard to live like this, feeling bad for feeling bad, for complaining when he had such privilege and responsibility. There was no end.
“Hey, squirt,” he heard a gruff voice say.
Startled, he shot up, being met with the sight of Bakugou standing near his desk.
“Wh—how did you know I would be here?” He stammered, floored by his friend’s presence and immediately sobered. “Also, I told you to stop calling me that, because—“
Bakugou cut him off, “It’s gross and weird, I know.” He snickered, his shit-eating grin somehow a sight for Izuku’s sore eyes at that moment. “Your mom called me,” he explained, and Izuku cursed to himself quietly.
He should have known. Mama Inko always needed a spy on the inside to make sure he wasn’t lying about being okay. Which, to her credit: he was totally lying about being okay.
“She said you were coming back here today and asked me to make sure you weren’t throwing up and pissing everywhere," he said, and Izuku raised a questioning eyebrow at that.
“My words, not hers,” Bakugou continued. “And you haven’t puked yet, which is a good sign I guess, but do I spy a little pee running down your leg?” He taunted, making his way closer to his green-haired companion to place a large, gloved hand over his face.
Izuku groaned, prying Bakugou’s hand off of him, “Why do you always have to be so gross? And do you ever wash your gloves?”
His friend scoffed in response, “Tch. Haven't you heard I smell like caramel?"
Izuku shuddered, "Caramelized onion maybe. Go take a bath."
Bakugou gave him a long, pointed look before speaking again," So you're really gonna be okay this time, eh?"
Izuku felt his eyebrows furrow in confusion, knowing his expression was probably all too readable to his friend of many years, at least if his stupid smirk was anything to go by.
"What do you mean?" he said indignantly. "I'm here, aren't I?"
"You look like you're here," Bakugou started, "and you may even feel like you're here," he continued, giving Izuku just enough of a shove to make him lose his balance momentarily.
"Hey–" he started to protest, stopping when Bakugou jabbed at his forehead, right between the eyes.
"But up here, you're somewhere else. And usually, you stay there longer," he explained, pulling his hand back to cross his arms, "but you're coming back to us. I can tell 'cause you sound like an idiot again–less deranged, though–but still stupid. I'm way past hoping you'll give up on being perfect or whatever, but you're making a little more sense than you were when I came by your apartment," he said, rolling his eyes as he continued, "Ya know, before you so rudely kicked me out and left me arguing with the fuckin' door. Anyway, that's a good enough sign for me to tell your mom not to get her panties in a twist," he finished.
"Because you care so much," Izuku stressed the words, "I am fine, just like I said when you barged into my apartment before," he paused. Then, with a face of disgust and exasperation, he screeched, "And can you not talk about my mom's panties?"
"Yeah, yeah," Bakugou relented. "How 'bout that neighbor chick that lives next to ya?" he smirked. "Bet hers have little cherries on 'em. And let me tell ya, they were all tied up in knots over you."
Izuku froze, feeling his ears get hot with a blush as your face came to mind–all pinched up in concern–and he immediately stared at his shoes.
"My neighbor?" he asked in disbelief, "When did you talk to her?" He peeked up.
Bakugou grinned, knowing he had struck gold with this line of conversation, "After you locked me out of your place. She came home and saw me arguing away with your closed door–asked if you were okay."
"And?" Izuku prompted, watching as his friend shoved his hands in his pockets so nonchalantly, like he didn't just say something potentially life-ruining. "What did you say?"
"Nothing," Bakugou shrugged, watching Izuku's mouth open in shock. "Didn't know you had the hots for her. Not just gonna give some creep info on you in your time of dire need."
Izuku must have visibly deflated, because he continued, "Don't implode; I wasn't mean to her. She looked all...concerned and shit, so you still got a shot."
Izuku sighed, half-relieved that he didn't scare you off and half-annoyed by his friend's tendency to be nosy.
"She's just nice, okay?" He asserted. "Not that you're ever gonna shut up about this, regardless of what I say," he groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. "And don't talk about her panties either," he ordered.
Bakugou mockingly put his hands up in defeat, "Got it, squirt. I'm heading out now, anyway, now that I've busted up your pity party," he gestured vaguely as he headed toward the door. "I'll tell your mom you haven't keeled over and died yet," he said finally.
He unlocked the door and started to turn the handle as Izuku went to his desk and took a seat, newly determined and ready to get to work.
Bakugou opened the door and began to step out, pausing as he said, "I'm glad you're better now. Than you were that day, I mean." He then added, without any real bite, "Won't have to pick up your slack."
And Izuku didn't know what to say. He nodded, and the other man left. Slumping in his chair, Izuku breathed deeply, not feeling as much of the weight that had been there before, but deep down, he knew that calling himself 'better' was too generous. He understood, though.
The last time he saw Bakugou was right after he had gotten home. Post-incident, post-bullet wound–could you blame him for not making sense? And he was so angry. Just so angry, like he hadn't been in a long time. His friend had come by to try to put an early end to his downward spiral, but he wouldn't listen to any of it. He couldn't. It's like his eyes and ears and, hell, his entire head had been filled with cotton. There had been one time like it in the past, a time that Bakugou had bore witness to just how much the job really affected Izuku.
A few years back, fresh out of school, they had been called on to a kidnapping case. This girl in a small town had disappeared, and people feared it might have been the work of a trafficking ring from a nearby city. They were right. The two of them managed to infiltrate the house that they had been holding the girl hostage in. They even found her.
Izuku still remembers how he had scooped her up, promising that she would be safe again. Promising that she would feel safe again. Bakugou had been fighting close by, securing their exit, a plan they had become accustomed to by then.
They both agreed that Izuku was better at the hands-on rescuing stuff, a more calming presence during a really traumatic time for the victims they saved. And Bakugou was doing what he did best, fighting with an almost reckless abandon. They were almost out, the majority of the suspects involved had been subdued either on the way in or by Bakugou's hands on the way out. But they missed one.
They missed a man who waited for them right at the top of the stairs, one who shot without hesitation. The bullet should have hit Izuku right in the chest, but he was holding the girl he had promised to save. It hit her instead, saving his life but ending hers almost instantly.
It wasn't instant, though. And he remembers how she had looked up at him, with shock, disbelief, pain, and fear. But more than that, he remembered the look of hope. And he doesn't know if it was confusion, or ill-advised optimism that would never cease despite the odds, but she spoke her last words to him then.
"Don't worry," she had choked out, with a smile and the tears on her cheeks that betrayed it.
"Deku will save us."
Izuku felt too warm, trying to shake his head to rid himself of the memory.
"Work," he reminded himself. "Work, work."
He knew that his best chance of preventing anything like that from happening again was to stop it before it started. He had to find the evil in the world and snuff it out before it could spread. But evil doesn't exist in a vacuum.
Evil is born and raised. It's shut out, dealt a bad hand. Loved or unloved; seen or unseen. Evil is a product of generations of the product of an evening. It can sometimes be found in minds and hearts, but always in places it shouldn't be.
It had been hard for Izuku to learn that evil wouldn't be going anywhere despite his best efforts. Like the the night to the day, it just is. He didn't know if it was necessary, and understood that ultimately, he would not be the one to decide. He could only be evil's consequence, but that had consequences for him as well. Everything balanced out, one way or another. All he could do was try to tip the scales in favor of the righteous and the good.
He spent the next few hours pouring over any and all footage from the incident, as well as witness testimonies. From that, he could gather a decent description of the second perpetrator despite his face being partially obscured. The guy was too coward to even show his face, so he'd worn sunglasses and a baseball cap. He did, however, neglect to cover the tattoos that covered his arms, and some were familiar.
At this point, Izuku had seen criminals of all kinds, and was starting to be able to tell who ran with who just based on their tattoos and general demeanor. But while these looked familiar, he couldn't exactly place them. They were slightly different than those of the main gang that ran in his area, so he decided he would send an enhanced (as enhanced as possible based on grainy footage from the scene) photograph of the tattoo he was looking at to both Dynamight and Shouto's agencies. Maybe they would recognize it.
There wasn't much else to go on at the moment, so as difficult as it was, Izuku turned back to the less pressing but very necessary task of filing reports from past cases. Cases--at times very loosely called so--could mean anything from a traffic violation to a minor dispute. Of which, there were many, especially in a big city. It wasn't glamorous, but it was work that needed doing. And, in his absence, the reports had started to pile up.
"Alright," he said, cracking his knuckles. "Paperwork."
To Izuku, the minutes seemed to pass more quickly than usual, which was probably due to the fact that he could basically hear the humming of his heartbeat. His leg was bouncing too, unconsciously, a dull anxiety nipping at his throat while his heart turned over in his chest. His vital organs thrumming with energy made him feel connected to the moment in a way he wished he could reject. It came out of nowhere, that thief of focus. Not completely unwelcome, but uncomfortable in a way that made him start to realize the sweat on his skin and the scratch of his collar.
He had been productive, at least, and had burned through the daylight. He checked the time, eyes growing a bit when he realized how long he had been working. He was completely caught up on paperwork and had even started to get ahead on some things, so he should've known that he had gone way beyond working hours.
He packed his things and left, noticing how he seemed to be the last one in the office. Jane had really taken it to heart when he asked not to be bothered. In some ways, he was relieved. He felt like he'd had enough conversation for the day, so he found a guilty pleasure in walking out in silence. It seemed that even the camera and news crews had taken their leave, and Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
Once he arrived home, he had only just turned the key when your door was thrown open. He flinched, visibly startled, before taking you in.
You looked flustered as you rushed out, "Oh, did I scare you? I'm sorry." Sheepishly you added, "I totally wasn't waiting for you to come home or anything. Just wanted to...look...at the hallway." You nodded then, as if trying to convince yourself, "You know, for fresh air..."
Izuku laughed, slightly confused, but like felt that was the right move.
"Do you want to come over?" You asked suddenly, and he saw something hopeful swimming in your eyes, which were much more open now than the last time he had seen you. He was thankful for that.
Before he could even agree, you said, "I promise I won't fall asleep on you this time."
He really laughed at that as he nodded, "Sure. Give me 10 minutes? I just need to put my stuff away and change."
"No," you whined playfully, slipping back into your apartment. "Don't change. I like you how you are!"
Izuku just laughed at your antics as your door closed, glad to see you much more full of energy. He hoped you were able to get the rest you needed, but knew that fixing that level of deprivation would take a bit of time. You can't catch up on sleep, after all.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
I recently read your Something (just like this) fic and oh my god IT'S SO GOOD!! I love how you wrote Deku, Sero and Mineta. He feels like his pervert self, but more mature and fleshed out?! I even thought about his dumbass 'offer' for a second LIKE WHAT, HE KINDA CHARISMATIC...'ok Deku boy I'm switching sides' . You made him so tolerable I even looked forward to reading more of him in the latest chapter, and I audibly shrieked for real, worrying about MINETAS safety at one point like- … You made me look forward to read about this grape-of-a-man…. Your writing skills got me flabbergasted fr.
If you could answer, do you have any future projects you're thinking of writing in mind? Like any characters you'd like to write about as well? Whatever you may be working on in the future it'll be a delight to read! (The question might've been answered but I'm not too familiar with navigating tumblr Oop I apologize!).
The way you structure your sentances is top tier and so easy to understand and follow for someone who's first language isn't english, like mee lmao. Also happy to see an author who take their time on writing and updating as they self seem fit!!! So many authors get burnt out and tired of writing because they ‘must’ update regularly.
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could you imagine if like, Mineta had accompanied Reader back to the suite and then stayed to be drinking buddies on the balcony???? omg…. and then like, they’re passing the bottle of Champange that like, Mineta lifted for them and their eyes meet…. dark and glittery….. I like to think they wouldn’t make out, simply because Mineta is for the Bros and not the Hos, but like…. you know, the tension would’ve been there, and then like, naturally that’s the moment that BAM, DEKU!
don’t mind me im just cackling to myself imagining it. actually, Anon, you’ve reminded me that i’ve been meaning to write a something!mineta one-shot for @vivianvampyric!! we’re a rock-star in it, and if i can find a way to shoehorn like, a theme of repeating damaging patterns/behaviours then i absolutely will. timeline wise it’ll have to happen after something ends sooo… hmm. 🧐 will have to plot it. but it’s on my list of future projects!! don’t apologise for not being able to navigate around this blog/tumblr—i think tumblr is quite a hard site to do anything more than like, click through blogs!! especially when you come to blogs like mine that like, just have no links LOL. i should probably fix that…. i’ve just been lazy. 😔🥺 and tbh i hate any kind of coding, no matter how minimal!!!! i had to get tumblr support to step in and help me fix my links in the blurb/header thing. 😔😔
but omg, please, you have no idea how much your ask delighted me!!!!!! apart from the fics i’ve listed in the above link (which i consider “high priority”), there’s a couple of other fic ideas floating around in my head. Like, there’s a second cowboy idea I’d like to write, but i keep calling it my not-a-fic because a) i don’t want to write the ending (lmao) and b) i’m not even sure i’ll post it when im done. 🧐 i can’t make up my mind, which means i’ve been slow with working on it (and only doing it for fun!).
Thank-you, though. 🥺 You’re very kind for coming by and saying hello—and for saying such nice things. 🥺🌷🌾🍊💜🌴 I’ve been working on the fifth chapter for something so i will make it a point to work faster—and to try and make it just as fun to read. 🥹📖🌷
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thelazyhermits · 4 years
A Hero In Their Eyes
Earlier this week, for my birthday, @euan112358 posted an epilogue to the Fortune birthday fic they wrote which included presents from Melissa Shield and Kouta and the Pussycats. This drabble, which is honestly too long to really be called a drabble, has to do with the conversation Iida and Midoriya had about Kouta that was in the fic. 
I hope y’all enjoy it! ^-^
A week after your talk with Hawks, you find out from Aizawa that Kouta and the Pussycats will be paying Class 1-A and Class 1-B a visit later that day. He asks you to pass along the message to the students and puts you in charge of keeping everyone in line while the visitors are here. 
Shortly after your talk with Aizawa, your Quirk activates, showing you a brief vision of Ragdoll tackling you with a hug. Obviously, the older woman is going to be very happy to see you when she comes to visit today. 
Apparently, after she eventually regained consciousness, one of the first things Ragdoll said was that you had been kidnapped that night along with her. While you had no idea that she had also been taken until you saw the news articles, she could tell thanks to her Quirk during the brief period of time you were both in the same building. 
Despite her obviously traumatic experience, Ragdoll’s first instinct upon waking up after being rescued was to find out how you were doing. She wanted to make sure that you had been rescued too and that you hadn’t been hurt. 
You had been completely moved to tears when Aizawa told you that. Even though she could’ve been resentful over the fact that you were able to use your Quirk to save your students but not her, she wasn’t. Instead, the older woman was just genuinely worried about you and even regretful over the fact that she wasn’t able to save you. 
Ragdoll truly is a hero through and through. Even though most people might not recognize her as one now that she has no Quirk, you’ll always consider her to be a hero. 
That’s why you want to do something special in preparation for today’s visitors. Even though Aizawa said they won’t be staying for very long, you’d like to make something they can take with them and enjoy later when they get the chance.
So, after giving the students and Eri the big news, you head for the kitchen. While the kids are running around the dorm, working to make everything presentable for guests, you start baking a variety of cookies with the help of Satou and Eri.
Considering how much Pixie Bob and Ragdoll enjoyed the cookies they pilfered at the camp, you figure they’d be happy to receive some cookies as a present. You decide to make more than one kind since they all likely have different tastes, and you want to make cookies that they can all enjoy. 
As a result, you end up spending a good amount of time in the kitchen. When the Pussycats eventually arrive for their visit, you’re actually still in the kitchen, making a few last minute touches to the cookies.
While Satou offers to stay with you to help, you tell him to go welcome the guests while you and Eri take care of finishing the cookie decorating since you’re both almost done. Once you’re completely satisfied with your work, you and Eri quickly clean yourselves up before heading for the living room.
Almost immediately after you leave the kitchen, the event from the vision you had earlier today happens.
Faster than you can blink, a green haired blur tackles you with enough force to knock you to the floor. Dimly, you’re aware of Mandalay scolding Ragdoll for her behavior while Tiger and Pixie Bob are laughing in the background. Most of the students are either fighting back the urge to laugh or are grinning at your current predicament. 
Ragdoll affectionately rubs her cheek against yours as she squeezes you as tightly as possible. “It’s so good to see you, Kitten! Have you been doing well?! You look great!”
The corners of your lips quirk upwards as the older woman finally pulls her face away from yours, giving you the chance to speak. “It’s good to see you too, Ragdoll-san. I’m glad to see you’re doing well. To answer your question, I’ve been doing great. Right now, I’m feline paw-sitively purr-fect!”
And now all the Pussycats are laughing. Mandalay has a hand over her mouth in an attempt to muffle her laughter while Ragdoll is giggling so hard she has rolled off you and onto the floor. Naturally, your puns just make Tiger and Pixie Bob laugh harder.
Eri giggles from her spot near you, thankfully far enough away that she didn’t get knocked down along with you when you got tackled. The majority of your students react like her, with the exception of Todoroki who just huffs in amusement and Bakugou who rolls his eyes, looking as if he wishes this visit would hurry up and end for the sake of his sanity.
As this is happening, Kouta, who reacts like Bakugou, finally decides to take action. While he was originally standing with Midoriya, the dark haired boy moves to approach your current location.
Just as you push yourself into a sitting position, a pair of hands abruptly grabs your cheeks and starts pulling on them, making you wince. When you turn to see who the cheek puller is, you’re surprised to see Kouta glaring at you.
Mandalay’s laughter abruptly cuts off as she gives her nephew a scandalized look. “Kouta! What are you doing?!”
Everyone else also stops laughing when they see what Kouta is doing. While the rest of the Pussycats appear amused by his actions, most of your students are staring at him with wide eyes. Midoriya appears panicked while Bakugou has his eyes narrowed. 
At his aunt’s shout, Kouta finally releases your cheeks, releasing a huff as he does so. A pout forms on your lips as you move to rub your sore cheeks. “What was that for, Kouta-kun?”
He scowls, “That’s what you get for being a liar. You’re lucky I decided to go easy on you.”
Confusion dawns your features. A liar? What does he mean by that?
Eri frowns at the other child as she moves to clutch your shirt. “Y/N isn’t a liar.”
Iida starts aggressively chopping his hands this way and that. “Eri-kun is correct! Y/N-sensei is one of the most honest and trustworthy people I know! I ask that you cease this slander at once, Kouta-kun! I will not tolerate such words being spoken about our teacher! I-”
Before he can continue defending you, you raise a hand to silence him and the other students who looked like they wanted to add in their own two cents. After thanking the bespectacled boy for his kind words, you bring your gaze back to Kouta and raise an eyebrow. “So, why exactly am I a liar?”
Kouta crosses his arms. “You told me you weren’t a hero.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “But I’m not.”
His scowl deepens. “Don’t give me that crap. The reason you got kidnapped at the camp was because you saved your students, right? Last time I checked, heroes are people who save others when they’re in danger even at their own expense which is exactly what you did that night. You even came with Eraserhead to save me and Midoriya-nii-chan. Do you seriously expect me to believe you’re not a hero after you did all that?”
All you can do is stare. Of all the things he could say, you definitely weren’t expecting that. 
As you try to think of a response, an unexpected voice breaks the silence that had enveloped the room after Kouta finished speaking.
“The brat’s right.”
Immediately, every set of eyes moves to focus on Bakugou who’s calmly approaching you. When he sees your wide eyed expression, the blond rolls his eyes. “Why do you look so surprised? I was one of the people you saved, remember?”
Looking surprisingly serious, Bakugou holds your gaze after he crouches before you. “You can say that you’re not a hero all you want, but I ain’t ever gonna buy that crap. And neither is anyone else who actually knows you. So, you’re better off just giving it a rest, Sensei.”
Tears prick the corners of your eyes at your student’s words. “Bakugou…”
At that moment, a familiar weight wraps around your shoulders, and you turn to see Dark Shadow grinning at you. “Me and Fumikage feel the same way, Y/N! It’s because of you that the villains couldn’t hurt us! You’re our number one hero!”
The urge to cry grows when Tokoyami nods his head after coming to a stop beside Bakugou. “It is true. I cannot think of anyone else more deserving of the title ‘hero’ than you, Sensei. I can only hope to one day become the kind of hero for others that you were for me.”
Iida vigorously nods his head as he chops one of his hands in your direction. “I am in full agreement! I’ve said it once and I will say it again. You will always be seen as a hero in my eyes and in the eyes of the Iida family for what you did to save my brother.”
A proud smile forms on his face. “Now, I have two heroes that I admire and aspire to become more like!”
Just when you think your heart can’t take anymore, Eri gently tugs on your shirt, gaining your attention. When your teary eyes fall on her, she sweetly smiles, “You’re my hero too, Y/N. You were the first person to show me kindness and give me hope. You saved me from the darkness.”
Having reached your limit, you pull the silver haired girl into a hug and start bawling, unable to contain the happiness you’re currently feeling thanks to everyone’s words. Even though it’s true you had heard Iida say similar words before, you never expected for anyone else to consider you a hero. To think, your students and Eri had been feeling that way about you all this time.
“Look what you bastards did! You made her cry!”
“Shut up, you fu-I mean-stupid brat! You’re the one who started this stupid conversation in the first place!”
“Bakugou-kun! Kouta-kun! Cease your fighting at once! We should focus on consoling, Y/N-sensei!”
“Fumi, come join me in hugging Y/N! That’ll cheer her up!”
“I...I think someone else would be better suited for that role, Dark Shadow.”
While Eri returns your hug in hopes of offering comfort, Ragdoll gently pats your head as she smiles, “You’re really loved, huh, Kitten?”
A wobbly smile forms on your lips as you sniffle, “Yeah, I’m really lucky.”
Not wanting to worry everyone further, you quickly start scrubbing your eyes and attempt to rein in your tears. Yaoyorozu kindly offers you a handkerchief to help you with this endeavor. 
Once you’ve finally calmed down, you release your hold on Eri after giving her a smile to show you’re alright. You then direct your gaze to Kouta and focus that smile on him. “While it was unintentional, it looks like I did lie to you after all. Sorry, Kouta-kun. I hope we can still be friends.”
Kouta averts his gaze. “Whatever. I’ll let it slide this time. Just don’t do it again.”
That’s when Mandalay approaches your group, wearing a mischievous smile. “Hey, Y/N, check out what Kouta has attached to the belt loop above his left pocket.”
Her nephew gives her an annoyed look as his expression turns embarrassed. “K-Knock it off, Mandalay!”
Curious, you turn to look at where the older woman is pointing. That’s when you notice the cute calico cat keychain hanging from one of the belt loops on the dark haired boy’s shorts. 
The corners of your lips curve upwards to form a large grin. “Awww, it’s so cute! I didn’t realize you liked cats as much as the Pussycats, Kouta-kun!”
Mandalay’s smile grows. “He’s not wearing it because he likes cats, Y/N. Kouta saw it in a store and immediately wanted it because it reminded him of a certain someone. Check out the color of the cat’s eyes. Looks familiar, doesn’t it?”
When you look to examine the keychain again, your eyes widen once you realize the cat’s eyes are the same color as yours. Kouta scowls when you lift your surprised gaze to meet his. “Like I keep telling her, it’s not like that. Don’t start getting any weird ideas.”
Considering how flustered he is, it’s obvious the child is lying. He just doesn’t want to admit it.
Warmth bubbles in your chest. To think, you had such an impact on Kouta. You had no idea he felt that way about you.
Grinning, you pull the startled boy into a hug. “You’re so cute, Kouta-kun! Thank you! I’m so happy!”
He immediately starts squirming in an attempt to break free from your hold while several people laugh at his expense. “L-Let me go, dammit!”
While you could mess with him some more, you decide to have mercy on Kouta since you just remembered something important you need to tell him. As you release him, you say, “I should’ve said this sooner, but no swearing around Eri, alright? I know she’s technically older than you, but I’d prefer that those kinds of words don’t get added to her vocabulary just yet.”
Once he’s sure he’s out of hugging distance, Kouta gives you an incredulous look before directing his gaze to Eri, who’s watching him curiously, after you gesture toward her. For some reason, his brows furrow shortly after he does this.
His gaze then starts moving between you, her, and the Pussycats, who all stare at him with amusement when they see his puzzled expression. Before anyone can ask him what’s wrong, Kouta finally asks, “I thought you were younger than Mandalay and the others. How do you have a kid that’s older than me?”
Several students snort at his question while others immediately try to shush them. Meanwhile, all the Pussycats have hands over their mouths like they’re trying to fight the urge to break into another fit of laughter.
An amused huff passes your lips. “She’s not my kid, Kouta-kun. Eri is under UA’s protection, and I was asked to look after her since she’s the closest to me.”
Eri nods her head. “Y/N is my hero and my best friend, not my mom.”
All the ladies coo at her response while Kirishima starts sniffling. A warm smile forms on your lips as you gently ruffle the silver haired girl’s hair. “That’s right! We’re besties!”
After saying that, you return your gaze to Kouta, smiling all the while. “I hope you can become friends with Eri like how you did with me, Kouta-kun. It’d be nice if she could have someone around her age to talk to every now and then.”
Kouta gives the other child a scrutinizing look. After several seconds pass, he asks her, “Who’s your favorite hero?”
Her expression brightens as she beams, “Y/N, Deku-san, and Lemillion-san!”
You clutch your chest at her cute response while a flustered Midoriya happily smiles as several of his classmates either smile at him or give him encouraging nudges and pats. Meanwhile, Kouta dons a small grin. “You got good taste. Guess being friends with you wouldn’t be so bad.”
He then asks her who Lemillion is, so Eri excitedly starts telling him all about the blond. You and Mandalay share a grin at the sight of the children getting along. 
Unfortunately, the two can’t chat for long since the Pussycats and Kouta still need to pay Class 1-B a visit. Remembering the presents you prepared, you quickly head for the kitchen, asking for the guests to wait for a few more minutes.
Thankfully, you put all the cookies in some tupperware before you and Eri cleaned up, so they’re all ready to go. After grabbing the tupperware, you rush over to where the Pussycats and Kouta are waiting for you.
Smiling, you hold out the tupperware for them. “After finding out that you guys were coming to visit, I thought I should prepare something special, so with the help of Eri and Satou, I made something you can take along with you since you can’t stay long.”
Mandalay accepts the tupperware and opens it after Ragdoll and Pixie Bob keep pestering her to do so. When she finally relents, the pro heroes’ eyes widen at the sight of all the cat-themed cookies inside.
Rather than just bake regular shaped cookies, you brought out some cookie cutters and made cookies in the shapes of cat faces and paws. You found those cookie cutters a few weeks ago and just couldn’t resist buying them since they were so cute.
For several seconds, the Pussycats just stare, and then, it happens. In a blink, you’re pulled into Ragdoll’s arms and start getting twirled at a rapid pace. “They’re so cute, Kitten! What a paw-some present! You really are the cat’s meow!”
When the twirling eventually comes to a stop, a laughing Tiger strongly pats your back. “Nicely done! That’s the Plus Ultra spirit!”
Meanwhile, Pixie Bob has already started eating a cookie. After taking a bite, her eyes grow large. 
She quickly turns to face Mandalay and asks, with complete seriousness, “How mad would Eraser be if we took his TA home with us?”
Mandalay, who’s also happily eating a cookie, appears to be deeply considering her teammate’s question. Meanwhile, Kouta just rolls his eyes as he swipes a cookie for himself. 
Immediately, all the students start protesting, declaring that they won’t hand you over so easily, with Eri vigorously nodding in agreement. You can’t help but laugh at everyone’s antics.
Looks like your surprise for the Pussycats was a complete success. Hopefully, this means they and Kouta will be making more visits in the future.
After all, who wouldn’t be happy to have such purr-fect company?
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today is thank you for the music by @a-piece-of-shipping-trash !!
it’s a soulmate au + no quirks au w music stuff-that’s an awful summary but it features izuocha as best friends and it’s lovely :D
linking it in a reply 🙌
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reality-shifting · 3 years
could you tell us about any of your shifting experiences? :0 (i'm so sorry if this has been asked already)
nothing to apologize ^^ i love getting asks (even tho it took me a while to answer, but that was for different reasons ^^)
now, i haven’t shifted very often yet (just a couple times actually), but i’ll be telling you some of my favorite stories/things that happened!!
but before that i’ll kinda explain what my dr is (all these stories are from the same dr (as that’s the only one i’ve shifted to yet) (technically i did shift into one other reality too the first time i shifted, but i wasn’t there for long so i don’t really have much to tell about that))
basically my dr is a combination of bnha, death note, black butler, yuri on ice and my cr! (it sounds chaotic ik, but the way i scripted it, it actually all fits pretty well together! i might make another post talking about my dr in detail later, we’ll see ^^) and yeah, some of the characters might be somewhat out of character compared to their source material in this reality (due to what i scripted) & in my dr i’m in a poly relationship with misa amane (death note) & katsuki bakugou (bnha)
so now on to the stories :3
one time my cr best friend, bakugou (bnha) and mello (death note) had a snowball fight during our school’s christmas party- it was honestly hilarious, but they knocked over the snowman i’d built with yaomomo (bnha) and my other cr best friend. later that same day tho, deku (bnha) and my cr cousin rebuilt our snowman tho- which rly surprised me cuz i didn’t know my cousin was even at the party lol- (in my cr she rarely attends parties, but apparently someone dragged her along to that one XD) (the rest of the party was fun too btw! and the food was so good omg!!)
btw!! misa (death note) loves making snow angels!!! that’s literally the cutest thing ever!! and one time shortly before new year’s eve in my dr, she asked me to take pics of her while she was making snow angels and they turned out so good and cute and omg- sidhjdbxkdjdkdj!!!
something that really surprised me about my dr is that one of my cr best friends is also a really close friend of yuuga aoyama there!! and i actually hadn’t known until my friend invited me to go shopping together and also invited aoyama (without telling me lmao)- but tbh it makes sense they have a lot of similarities!! and hanging out with them was literally so much fun!!
so this probably only happened bc i literally scripted that someone was going to find out that i’m a shifter (cuz i thought that might be fun lol- (which it actually was, i was right :P)), and yeah this is less of a story but more of a lil fun fact about my dr ig- so i hadn’t scripted who was gonna find out and i just had no idea before at all lol. but then one day at school during break, deku (bnha) comes up to me and like tells me that he has something to ask me, and i was like “oh what’s up :0” and he basically listed a few things about me that confused him (like the fact that i have 6 quirks, and that i’m immune to certain quirks lol-) and just like asked me about that! then i like told him that there’s a reason for that, but he might not believe it & he promised me that he would indeed believe me no matter what (he was rlly curious- it was kinda cute ajdjjsmmsjdkdbdk-)! and yeah in my dr the idea of shifting is vaguely well known, and so while he didn’t exactly know what it was, he had like heard of it before which made explaining it a lot easier- i didn’t tell him anything about my cr tho (not yet at least). but i asked him if he has a big secret too that he could tell me, so we’d be even (i was hoping he’d tell me about OfA), but he didn’t ;-;
this is also not quite a story but i want to mention how much i love hugging bakugou- that was literally one of the first things i did when i got there and i still love that memory so much ajdjdkdbjdjdjd-
and misa braided my hair a few times- ajdjjdbxkdjdkd that made me so soft like omg- [insert heart eyes]
ALSO- bakugou’s cooking!!! agdjbdkxhdkd it’s so good!!! if you ever shift go mha (or any reality he could be in), you have to try literally anything from him (if you like spicy food that is)!! like it’s so delicious it’s not even funny lol- (the way this is already the second time i’ve mentioned food- oop-)
i also scripted that L & light (death note) are actually friends in my dr!! and let me tell you- when they actually get along they are so mean to others akdjdkbdkdjdk- like not mean as in insults but like it’s just so obvious that they think of others as idiots- which like understandable but still- ajdjkshdjdjd- and fun fact: light is lowkey a teacher’s pet sometimes- and he gets along surprisingly well w iida- (stain hasn’t shown up yet in my dr, but i’m curious to see if their almost-friendship would change after that)
if you’d like me to tell more stories in the future, or you have any other questions, lmk!! :D and thank u if you read this far uwu
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kiribakuhappiness · 4 years
I wanna know your thoughts on the possible new my hero moivee With all the different theories going around I wanna know you standing point
I’m glad you brung it up ‘cause I’ve been dying to talk about it for a hot minute, first of all -
Okay. I have so. many. thoughts. on this and I’ve been waiting until I felt a bit better after being sick to answer this ask because I tried to write up a response already and my brain was so foggy that it literally made no sense, I was just *rambling* and then I pointed to a picture that was completely unrelated and went - see?!?! Ahaha! Like, oh my god.
But! Now I’m back on my coherent rambling bullshit so - here we go. (Please be aware of any slight spoilers regarding the manga / series in this post and that all of these are my own opinions and my own theories, which you are more than welcome to disagree with or have some kind of rebuttal for. I’m just here to be a part of the discussion and throw in my two cents on a few things since some of my followers are curious!)
These are all of my first immediate thoughts upon seeing the promotional image and the tagline included.
*cracks knuckles*
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Their new costumes??
Their new costumes?????
I don’t know how to describe this feeling that I have nor do I have any evidence to back up this first claim that I am about to make but my only thought on the costumes is that they are government-issued or specially-made specifically for a certain mission or training exercise, mostly because of the NHA (National Hero Association???) logo printed on the sides and also because they’re not shown in the manga or anything like that outside of this promotional teaser -
But damn, are they sleek as FUCK.
Like, if Todoroki went the rest of his days using that suit, I would die happy, because wow, immaculate. I am so in love with Bakugou’s new gauntlets. Just fucking send me to heaven (or hell idk the rules) now.
As for the “HE” in the teaser sentence shown on the original image – I think, like most people do, that it is meant to be inferred that they are referring to All for One in some degree (though I don’t think that All for One is going to be the main villain of the movie. I think there will probably be a side villain or something that takes precedence over All for One and that All for One might appear just for a bit at the end or something).
HOWEVER, I have other theories about who “HE” is referring to, which I will get into in a moment.
(Quick side bar here –  Do any of my followers also think that All for One is Deku’s father or something? Because let me tell you, ya girl just can’t get this damn fan theory out of her head ‘cause like... Deku was born quirkless, All for One is about borrowing and lending quirks, all the other parallels, and we know how much my man Horikoshi loves parallels… I just... I don’t know what happened along the way and I think someone posted something ages ago that may or may not have debunked that entire theory already but after the Dabi reveal of recent chapters it just feels very in line with the BNHA mindset and previously displayed plot twists, but WHAT DO I KNOW, BACK TO THE SHOW!)
The three musketeers.
There’s a lot to unpack there.
Firstly, I think Todoroki is going to experience One for All at some point in some way, because Bakugou already experienced it and the whole slogan for the three musketeers is “all for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall” - which is obviously a play on the quirk and All for One, blah, blah, blah. So I think that at some point Todoroki is also going to have One for All for a short period of time just like Bakugou had in Heroes Rising (but boy, if they try to pull the same bullshit they did before where they were like “OOP. He used OfA but he doesn’t remember any of it lul” I’m going to lose my fucking mind, cause that really pissed me off in Heroes Rising LOL).
But. I also wanted to take a closer look at Alexandre Dumas’ novel “The Three Musketeers” - just for funsies (stay with me on this wild ride, I promise I connect all the dots at the end):
Disclaimer: I am a huge literature nerd. I’ve read “The Three Musketeers” so many damn times, it’s insulting, and there’s A LOT that happens in those novels that I won’t ever be able to ramble on about for long enough to do it justice for those who haven’t read it and that’s fine because there’s only a few things that I would like to bring to everyone’s attention in regards to the original stories and how they may or may not connect with this movie.
1. None of the three musketeers are the protagonist of the story.
The protagonist is actually a man called D’Artagnan, or sometimes he is referred to as “the fourth musketeer” by readers, who arrives in Paris because he wants to join the King’s musketeers, but somewhere along the way he ends up offending/pissing off the three musketeers and they all end up challenging him to this duel (because of course they do, violence solves everything, don’t you know?) and the duel ends up getting interrupted by a bunch of guards working for the ‘bad guy’ (who I won’t name just to keep this as simple and straight forward as possible) and D’Artagnan ends up fighting WITH the three musketeers to defeat the guards and they all end up being friends (LMAO I am way oversimplifying this but that’s literally what happens and now you get the point).
2. The ‘bad guy’ has a lot of his work done for him by his right-hand woman; MiLady de Winter.
I believe (and this is just one of my theories) that MiLady from the three musketeers is SUPPOSED to make us believe that it’s the reflection of the UA traitor, but I don’t think she actually IS, and I will also explain what I mean by that in another moment.
With these two pieces of information in mind, I theorize that the aforementioned “HE” in the tagline actually doesn’t have anything to do with a villain or All for One at all, but it’s actually referring to whoever ends up fighting alongside the three musketeers (Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki) in the movie, and who the entire movie is going to be centered around in some way or another (don’t misread this; I still think that Midoriya will be the main NARRATOR of the movie but I don’t think that means that he will be the main CHARACTER – there’s a very distinct difference between those two roles. One of them is telling the story, the other is who the story is actually about).
Now, IF we’re sticking with the three musketeers theme (which you can tell I’m obviously leaning very heavily on that being the case in all of my theories because that is literally all that we are given to theorize about at this time), then I would like to provide my take on who is who, because I think it’s a very important distinction, which are as followed:
Bakugou is Porthos
Porthos is generally known for being very extroverted, loud, he is known for his physical strength, and he is described as being “gullible” (which, that word by itself with its reflexive connotations doesn’t seem to fit him at all, but when you think about what the word gullible actually means – easily persuaded or manipulated – then yeah, it fucking fits the boot LMAO). Not to mention that he (Porthos) is often used as a sense of comic relief, which I truly believe that Bakugou is ‘used’ sometimes as a comic sense of relief throughout the manga and anime, because it off balances his ferocious nature in a way that further proves to the audience that just because he is feral, that doesn’t inherently mean that he is bad.
Midoriya is Aramis
Aramis is generally known for being vastly ambitious and never satisfied in the sense that he is always working for more, which stumbled me at first because I was originally picturing Bakugou as Aramis, but he (Aramis) craves to live the life of a solider (see the parallel? Midoriya craves to live the life of a hero), and he (Aramis) sees every new victory as a step in the right direction to a ‘greater power’ (which, if my characterizations are correct, parallels Midoriya’s mindset that every new victory or challenge he overcomes is another step towards better handling and controlling One for All and making it his own quirk).
Todoroki is Athos
Athos is generally known for being very noble, handsome, and he is a bit of a sad or melancholy character, as he has a very depressing and mysterious backstory that he actually ends up telling to D’Artagnan, but he doesn’t end up telling D’Artagnan that the sad story is based on him (which, I don’t know about you guys, but that damn near sounds like Todoroki Shouto to me).
Are you guys ready for this? We’re gonna get into the really good theories here.
I would no doubt be flooded with inboxes and messages if I didn’t mention the poses that the boys are portraying in the teaser image and how it all connects to the mysterious UA traitor and how everyone (including me) is losing their damn minds over the fact that Bakugou is using Kirishima’s pose, and so people are theorizing that must mean that Kirishima is the traitor since Midoriya and Todoroki are mimicking both Shigaraki and Dabi, respectively.
Here is my theory on all of that, and here is the detail that I think a lot of people are overlooking that I think might be really important IF (seriously, all of my theories ride on this) IF Horikoshi and the producers are indeed leaning heavily on the comparisons between “The Three Musketeers” and the BNHA characters (which I can only assume that they are, otherwise they would have chosen different wording, etc, for their promotional images).
So, Athos’ big sad backstory is all about how he was married to this woman who then ended up being revealed as this convicted thief and all this angst happened and by the end of it, Athos believes that his thieving wife is dead.
Athos believes that his thieving wife is dead.
Athos (TODOROKI) believes that his thieving wife (MURDEROUS BROTHER - DABI) is dead.
I just. I feel like this is really important BECAUSE in “The Three Musketeers” story, Athos’ thieving wife who he believed to be dead (drink every time I repeat that line ahaha) is actually alive and well and working for the aforementioned ‘bad guy.’
It’s my theory (and my own opinion) that this whole movie is going to be heavily driven by the Todoroki family and all of their Keeping up with the Kardashian type drama in some way (maybe not directly because manga and spoilers and blah, blah, blah, but in some sort of significant way), because the first movie was all about Midoriya going to I-Island and learning more about One for All and All Might and everything like that, and then the second movie was all about Bakugou and how he ended up using One for All and how he and Midoriya worked together and they showed snippets of the LoV doing their things back in Musutafu, and now I just assume that Todoroki is probably going to be given One for All at some point in this movie, or he’s going to share it amongst Bakugou and Midoriya, because the three musketeers, and the fact that he’s in the promotional teaser when literally nobody else is, and the fact that his character heavily seems to reflect Athos character in the novel to an almost absurd degree.
So, for me, the whole ‘Kirishima being the UA traitor’ and that being proven by Bakugou using his signature move in the teaser photo is not anything to seriously worry about - and I don’t say this just because I’m a KiriBaku fan or anything at all like that (though seriously, if it’s true, what the fuck am I gonna do with this damn blog, I-?? Ahaha!) but I say this for a few different reasons;
I don’t think the “convicted thief” or whatever that is heavily implied within the three musketeer story is connected to Bakugou in anyway, I think it’s all a contrasting parallel to Todoroki and the Dabi reveal somehow, and that the UA traitor won’t be making any kind of appearance in this film in that way.
I don’t think their relationship (Bakugou and Kirishima) is center stage enough to be used as any kind of plot twist in the story, unfortunately. And what I mean by that is; I think that the entire relationship was built up as a way to influence the audience into rethinking their original thoughts about Bakugou’s character from the beginning of the series (since in the beginning he was literally the most horrible shit kid to Midoriya and everyone hated him and he was treated as a villain – blah blah blah – thus building up the suspense leading up to the rescue arc in which the audience was genuinely divided at the time on whether or not Bakugou was actually going to side with Shigaraki and join the LoV), because then once he (Bakugou) declines the offer to join the LoV and he accepts Kirishima’s helping hand, it was supposed to be a turning point for the audience to realize that they may have been misled by his feral ambition into believing that he could really be a bad guy when in the end, he’s just as much of a hardcore hero fanboy as the rest of his class, and that if such a great guy like Kirishima can befriend him then he must not be all that bad.
We have already seen Kirishima’s backstory. We have already seen the struggles he faced to get accepted into UA, we have already seen how much he looked up to Mina’s bravery, we have already been introduced to his undying love for the most chivalrous hero Crimson Riot, and hey, maybe this whole persona thing he has going on is all an act, sure. Maybe the villains got to him when he was still dark-haired and weak, and maybe they are copy+pasting Crimson Riot into Red Riot as a way to slip under the radars, yeah, maybe. But I really fucking doubt it. Mostly because, unfortunately, I believe his relationship with Bakugou (as mentioned above) was written specifically to reverse the audience’s opinion of Bakugou, but then since he became so popular and was such a loved character, that then his inclusion in the Eri rescue operation sort of solidifies him as the man that Horikoshi says he is. It just wouldn’t make any sense, in my opinion as a writer, to turn Kirishima right around in a 360-twist to be revealed as the traitor, since it would just feel like too much of a stab in the back in regards to the trust that the readers are giving Horikoshi in believing that what he shows us is more or less the truth because we don’t have anything else to go on and he went into such great detail into his backstory that it would be such a waste to then say, ha, SIKE.
I think that Bakugou using Kirishima’s pose is a deliberate red herring – I think it’s specifically meant to throw the audience off in all these different directions and to get the theories growing in the fandom, and I actually think that it’s meant to pull attention AWAY from Todoroki, because in my opinion, the entire movie will most likely focus heavily on Todoroki in some way or another (whether because of Dabi or not), since I believe that he will probably gain the use of One for All at some point during the film, just like Bakugou had, and I believe that the LoV (and more specifically, Dabi) will have some part in this film outside the realm of All for One.
I just think that the narrative is constantly trying to lead us in different directions so that you don’t end up paying much attention to all of the other little details that would then point towards something else, much like how (spoilers for some of the manga chapters here - if you don’t want to read then skip the rest of this paragraph) they keep kind of hinting at Bakugou’s death, over and over again, like dangling it on a string and being like, is he gonna die this time? What about this time? What about now - with his guts all over the place after he fucking saved Deku’s life? Could happen at any moment!
So, I just think that Bakugou using Kirishima’s pose is just because Kirishima has had a huge influence on his character development and it would be the perfect red herring to lead the fans on some wild goose chase in the interest of gaining public awareness for the movie.
(Also - in the discussion of the UA traitor, I really believe that it’s Class 1-B’s sensei, actually - ahaha! Either that or Aoyama, but I’ve started to kind of lean away from that one because Class 1-B’s sensei is fucking sus and I don’t care what anyone says, that’s my own theory until proven wrong! Just let me live in this world a little longer, okay?! :,D)
Soooo... to sum this shit up (TLDR AMIRIGHT LMAO), because holy shit this got way out of hand and I haven’t even really gotten into the meat of all of my theories regarding the fucking PLOT of the new potential movie yet but whatever –
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-        I think the really cool NHA suits are temporary costumes issued specifically for some type of training exercise or undercover mission or something like that.
-        I think Bakugou posing like Kirishima is some kind of red herring meant to make everyone panic, but I don’t think it really holds any weight in the UA traitor discussion/theory, and I don’t think the UA traitor will be revealed in the movie – because it would kind of be dropping a BIG plot point in the series into a separate movie that maybe a good portion of the manga readers / anime watchers might not even see and therefore would not fully understand once the series caught up with the movie (whenever the timeline might be). I just think a lot of the stuff that happens in the movies are not directly related to the series for the very purpose that if somebody watches the anime but then doesn’t watch the movies, they don’t miss anything too important.
-        I think the movie might lean heavily on Todoroki and perhaps include some of his family drama, especially in regards to Dabi (since the reveal happened right before the promotional teaser dropped and generally speaking it takes about 8-9 months after initial speculation for the movie to then come out with a trailer of some kind, which would be plenty of time for those who want to read the manga to have done so by then), and that at some point during the film Todoroki is going to use or obtain One for All in a similar manner that Bakugou did in the second movie in order to help fight off a random side villain that doesn’t have much of an impact in regards to the fight between heroes and villains happening in the main storyline.
-        I think the “HE” in the teaser image doesn’t have much to do with All for One, but actually it’s referring to some mysterious side character who is going to end up fighting with Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya (playing the parallel, inferred role of D’Artagnan) and that All for One won’t actually be the villain in the film, but he may show up for a bit at the end.
All of these theories revolve HEAVILY around the basis that the producers and Horikoshi are attempting to lean on any of the other parallels regarding “The Three Musketeer” novels – or if they just thought that The Three Musketeers sounded dope as fuck, let’s throw that on there because there’s three of them, right? Get it?
Which, if that’s the case, then literally most of my theories go right out the damn window and I have no idea what this movie could be about, LMAO!
So… yeah. What do you guys think?? I’d love to hear your ideas – rip this post to fucking shreds if you want to, because there’s like an 87% chance or higher that I’m completely off base with everything I’ve just said and that my over-active imagination clung onto The Three Musketeers relevance and just wouldn’t let go of it and it totally sent me off in the wrong direction, I don’t know! It’s possible, ahahaha!
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tenseifucker · 4 years
Yan Izuku x quirkless Idol!reader
I'm almost sorry with how hyperspecific this... Also, this is definitely before he gets in to UA!!
Okay so first off, I feel like the thing that would make Izuku notice you, more than any of the thousands of other idols in the country, is the fact that you're quirkless.
He would probably just have the tv on for background noise and you and your group would be on some variety show introducing yourselves, and you would not only mention that you're quirkless but that you look up to All Might.
Bitch if that doesn't make something in him snap idk what will
Plus ur cute lmao
Anyway so Izuku would 100% be enthralled and as the show continues he falls for you more
You're really making his heart skip a beat with the All Might references in your jokes ngl
Like, he's genuinely laughing along bc you confidently told the host "I am here!" just to get smacked upside the head
And holy shit did he really sit through the entire show??? Oops lol
Anyway from now on he's hooked and oh snap your group is having a handshake event nearby next weekend? His ass is THERE
So he'll go to get a chance to meet you (and the other members but who tf are they lmao) and since he's a Fuckin Nerd he probably has a whole conversation planned out
But there's a fatal flaw
The only girl he's ever seen irl ever is his mother
Also you get like 5 seconds to talk to each member but that's not the point
You're the first one that he gets to shake hands with and his mind is instantly broken
Like holy shit you were cute on TV but irl???
Beautiful. Perfect. Legendary.
Izuku, once again being a Fuckin Nerd, prob has some All Might shit on him that you notice and you just get so pumped
You spend your short first meeting geeking out at him and as he's walking away, dumbstruck, he realizes
Uh oh
He's screwed
I mean, you're screwed too but you don't know it yet lmao
Anyway, that obsessiveness that he's got going on for heroes?
Expect that same amount of passion aimed at you. Just you.
This dude goes full on fanboy.
100% the type to preorder multiple copies whenever you guys have a new CD coming out to help boost sales
Probs one of those guys who posts about his purchase online tbh. But like only under a separate account
Goes to every local handshake event
Because he buys so many copies he definitely has multiple handshake tickets.
He uses all of them to loop around the line over and over again, all just to talk to you for just a few more seconds
He will ask you if you remember him at every event, without fail.
Even if you don't, you say you do bc holy hell do fans feel special when you say that lol
Anyway, after each event he'll write down what you wore, how your hair was styled, what your makeup looked like, what you talked about, etc etc.
Will read social media posts from other fans about their conversations/observations with you
One fan will post that they figured out the perfume you were wearing at an event and posts the name and pic of the bottle
Deku's a little freak and will go buy a bottle to hide under his bed so he can sniff it and think of you
Will send you gifts regularly
Reads your blog posts religiously and checks to see if you have any of his gifts in the background of your photos
Saves the pics to his phone if you do
He has an embarrassing amount of your merch under his bed
Including magazines where you maaay have had done a beach shoot
Enough said
Let's hope his mom doesn't clean his room lmaooooo
((I have more but I'm making myself stop 💀))
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singingcookie · 4 years
11, 17, 19 c:
Thanks Star!! 💖
11. How do you structure your plot?
So my plots are a little all over the place lol. In pretty much everything I’ve written I come up with my ending first. I think it’s because of the way I prefer to write...? I like to “work up” to the thing I’m really excited for. If I write just that scene, I don’t end up writing much else around it. So my final scene is usually the first of what I come up with. And then I try to go however far back to “build up” to that last scene.
This sounds complicated now that I read it back so I’ll just give an example!! When I came up with I Roll to Seduce, that final moment with Deku freaking out over the double nat 20s with disadvantage was my ultimate scene that I wanted to write. I knew it would have to be the end, or close to it. So then I sat back and thought “well okay, so I need to set this up. How and why would it just be Deku and the girls? How does he get roped in?” So the first scene had to be Deku noticing Uraraka acting odd and then him offering to help because that’s the first bit of set up. Then why exactly she accepts the offer. Then how hard Deku works before the first session to show his investment. And at least their first session all together to give the reader an idea of the kind of exhaustion he would feel and why.
So that’s it on a smaller scale. Though, tbh DoJ is a similar beast with all of my scenes being there to provide a bit of information. Sometimes they’re massively important, sometimes they’re small details, but they all build into something in the story. I know not everyone works that way but it’s how it’s always worked for me lol
17. Post the last line you wrote in your WIP
Technically I have a half written sentence. But here’s the sentence right before that 🤷‍♀️
He really shouldn’t be so distracted though.
So take from that what you will I guess lol
19. Do you know how your story ends before you start writing?
Oop I already answered this one because of how my plots are structured haha
I guess I’ll say something more just because this just feels too sad and lacking info. I definitely know where my story ends but the middle section (especially in regards to DoJ) still has a lot of mystery for me! Like, my current arc in the story (the festival) I only actually came up with in...October? Like, late October I got hit with a “omg it’s almost July in the fic...I could totally do something for Tanabata!!” and then it spiraled out of control from there. Especially once I roped it into my overall story >:)
But yeah so while I know where the story ends the middle is a lot more flexible for me!!
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lemongogo · 5 years
bakugou & jirou separately?
yeah !! im gonna separate them into different posts so it doesnt get too long :3
bakugo!! :
favorite thing about them: his ambition and his movesets !
aa ! bakugou is such an ambitious and admirable character in the sense that he’s essentially his best advocate. he works his ass off every single day, practicing, training, analyzing, etc. and doesnt hold back or hide behind excuses. hes a rly good example of a perfectionist, bc you can tell he strives to be the best, but he also puts way too much pressure on himself to perform to certain standards (panic attack in season 1 !!!). i like how he’s rly perceptive too !! AAA i love all of those scenes where he’s deep in thought and i love love love trying to study his microexpressions. trying to figure him out and watching him gain more respect for his classmates has been a v nice payoff. i cant wait to see where he’ll be at the end of the manga
i also think he has some of the best movesets in all of bnha !! it feels like horikoshi has fun figuring out all of the ways bakugou can use his quirk to the best of his advantage; its probably one of the most fleshed out powers imo. he had some really cool moves in the first deku v kacchan battle ! and that was just the first of many !! the way he’s able to maneuver himself in space is super cool (like when he dodged todoroki in the sports festival) and his howitzer impact is one of my favorites :3c im also a big fan of his ap shot, the “flying” back at kamino, etc. etc. its just . Wow i love it
least favorite thing about them: he’s too prideful to admit his shortcomings. i think he’ll get there eventually, but it would be nice to see some sort of apology towards midoriya at some point in time. the things he did back then were Really bad. and im afraid that with the way he’s written, we won’t ever get the conclusion that i feel like izuku deserves. maybe thats ooc, but i think he’s a smart kid and he’s capable of it lol
i also feel like bakugos presence as one of the most competitive / best characters in the class makes it so that other students have to live in his shadow. i rly enjoy his victories and i see the reasons behind them but! you dont need to reduce the rest of the cast in order to elevate him. if that makes sense.
favorite line: “if you keep looking down your nose at everyone, you’ll never recognize your own weaknesses” we love character development
brOTP: bakusquad (kaminari, sero, mina, jirou, kirishima)!!
OTP: kirishima ;--; hes the only one. if kirishima weren’t in the manga, i dont think id ship him w anybody
nOTP: midoriya 
random headcanon: hes super good w makeup, fashion, and hair. perks of being the son of a fashion designer and model (i actually dont know if mitsuki was a model, but she met masaru on the job so id assume she is bc of her quirk?)
unpopular opinion: uraraka could definitely smoke bakugou in a sports festival match if her quirk got the same attention his did. his quirk has been shown to be incredibly versatile, but that’s also because someone had to sit down and map out all of the ways he’d be able to use it, and in battle no less. i feel like uraraka’s zero gravity could have so much potential, but it doesnt because the mangaka doesnt care about her like he does the guy mcs , an i oop-
song i associate with them: ok this is more a krbk song but i Always think of for forever in dear evan hansen during that one verse where the music picks up and theyre basically running one after the other and climbing the trees, higher and higher and the music is so energetic and that gives me BIG krbk vibes. like them always chasing after each other, pushing each other to do better, work harder. and they get to the top ! and the sun shines on their face ! and they want to keep it that way; the two of them, on a perfect day, for forever ;-------;
favorite picture of them:
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basically all of deku v kacchan part 2
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eternalmarco · 6 years
Mun Face under cut!
Just want to post the cosplay’s I’ve done lol I started to Cosplay in 2013 and back then I only had 1 cosplay because I had loved Law from One piece and i had bought his hoodie online. I remember getting written up many times for wearing that hoodie in school lmao.
2014 I did make a Blaster cosplay (humanized) from Transformers, but that’s the year my father passed and I’ve lost the photos.
2015 My then boyfriend went with me and made the entire experience miserable and I swore I was done, but then we broke up and All was better. I will never again bring a S.O. to a con with me lol.
2016 The first cosplay I hand sewed (Marco) and After that I was like hell yeah. I did bring an new S.O. to the con in October but i didn’t dress up and he didn’t like it too much so I’m like cool well I’m still going on my own. He was fine with that so I kept him ;)
2017 My friend moved in with me and I convinced her to make me Piccolo XD She swore to never again make a cape for me cus I get claustrophobic/panicy if it’s hanging from my neck.
2018 All new cosplays. Inuyasha and Rin were bought online. Seeing how it’s made I’m going to try and make my own using the bought ones as a pattern. Deku was last second decision that was I have green pants, a green wig, and I can buy the hoddie in time. All Might was more planned out, actually got the clothes from Target and forgot to get a belt. Oops. His wig was online and I put it on a foam head, hung it upside down, and attacked it with hair spray. First time doing the make up was the day of the con I wore him. >D lmao I was so stressed out doing it then and there but got so many compliment’s I’m so happy with it.
2019+ I’m planning a Hawks, to fix up Marco, and I bought a super girl Halloween cosplay/costume that I plan to do too! I’m gonna be one of those that wears like one costume in the AM changes in PM so I can do like five different ones lmao
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Cosplay; OC Mistwatch (Transformers)
Date; June 2015
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Cosplay; OC Mistwatch (Transformers)
Date; October 2016
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Cosplay; OC Wildling
Date; June 2016
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Cosplay; Piccolo [far Left can be interchanged with young Gohan] (DBZ)
Date; June 2017
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Cosplay; Skywarp (Transformers)
Date; June 2015
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Cosplay; Traflagar D. Law (One Piece)
Date; June 2013
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Cosplay; Portgas D. Ace (One Piece)
Date; June 2016
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Cosplay; Portgas D. Ace [BFF on the right] Marco [Me On the Left] (One Piece)
Date; October 2017
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Cosplay; Marco (One Piece)
Date; June 2016
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Cosplay; Inu Yasha (Inu Yasha)
Date; June 2018
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Cosplay; Rin (Inu Yasha)
Date; September 2018
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Cosplay; Lazy Day Deku  [My Mother] (My Hero Academia) 
Date; September 2018
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Cosplay; Lazy Day Deku  [My Mother] Toshinori Yagi [Me] (My Hero Academia)
Date; September 2018
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Cosplay; Lazy Day Deku  [My Mother] Toshinori Yagi [Me] (My Hero Academia)
Date; September 2018
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kingdomoftyto · 6 years
Vega Nuzlocke liveblog, part 7
A relatively short post, but long enough to have another run-in with Team D.H.!
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Seriously how is this a Normal-type Pokemon???
(I’m passing on Low Kick btw because it’s only useful in very specific circumstances.)
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Seriously what is this moveset??????
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Truckin’ right along. Rush is now level 25, nearly caught up with the rest of the team. All the trainers on Route 519 are defeated. And now, a detour to 518 to meet a fresh face!
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My interpretation of the Dupes Clause sees this as kind of a gray area (I’ve already caught a Pineco, but she’s dead, so the “is this a duplicate encounter?” question doesn’t really have a solid answer). 
Since Hishi is thus far the only one deceased, we’ll choose not to besmirch her memory with a replacement Pineco. For the sake of seeing more fakemon, we’ll not count this as the first Route 518 encounter.
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Now that’s more like it
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Little punk put Deku to sleep before she went down, lmao
She’s got spunk, I like her
Per a friend’s suggestion, her name shall be Hedwig :3
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New city ahoy.
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Interesting theme for a town. Steel-type gym? Electric?
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Oh, I thought this was a Bike Shop, but looks like they sell fancy skateboards instead. And to get one, I have to play some kind of hide-and-seek publicity game lmao
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You tricksy bastards
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Okay, found ‘em all
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Interesting concept
And a useful item for such a snowy region!
Gonna have to change my keybindings so the “Select” button is easier to reach lol
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Gdhfjdsjghds this is so freaking silly 
Now to explore the town
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1) who the frick is REGINALD
2) why is Team D.H. lurking around this building labeled “Perimeter Labs”
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This old man inside the building offers to trade a Spheal for Baizeast. 
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O-oh. Is this a dungeon?
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Oh, this IS Larch’s lab, cool
I mean, not cool because he’s being attacked by criminals, but you know
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There’s so much dialogue in this game I keep forgetting what I’ve screenshotted and what I haven’t. In case I missed documenting it: the Secure Styler is necessary to get Pokemon affected by the meteor disaster in Hoenn under control, because normal Ranger tools don’t affect them
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They dragged Larch off into a back room so I guess I’m free to explore this front area of the building now
The scientists seem less concerned than you’d think lmao
And as you can see Team D.H. is kind of goofing off too
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oh HI there
“New boss”?
... just a typical fight with a grunt
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Ah, I’d suspected as much, but I guess that confirms that D.H. is made up of the leftovers of Teams B.H. and W.H.
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LMAO I love this guy
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Pffsfsdg everyone is just taking turns dragging them
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Second room in this hallway was uninteresting BUT THE THIRD ROOM...
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Where can I get a Fang Fossil, though!? I NEED A SCIMITOOTH
HHhhhh we’ll be back later when we have the right fossil
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okAY? I examined this panel on the wall and apparently my character just started pressing random buttons 
Uh, oops?
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This whole scenario is so bizarre lmao
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A second panel that apparently mangled another grunt
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Steel goat ftw
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Aww, never enough cat Pokemon. Especially ones based on Japanese folklore (we’ve had Pokemon based on maneki neko and nekomata, but not both at once, so I guess that’s still kinda neat)
This one appears to be either Dark or Normal-type since Karate Chop was super effective
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Hmm, are you the next distant scream I’m going to hear?
Pfffff I didn’t screenshot it but another grunt’s intro line was “Our boss has a big heart. He forgave me for oversleeping and showing up late!”
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pffFFF YEP, the next wall panel I found resulted in this guy disappearing
That’s kind of dark lmao
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All right, we’re nearing the end
I’m on my way, Professor!!!
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This grunt’s Nidorino knows a TM move, which is interesting
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Wuh-oh, here we go
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Omg I love that my reputation as Hoenn Champion precedes me
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He really is a nice boss lmfao
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Okay, smartass, but what are you going to DO with it
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You wanna fight? Let’s fight
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THIS asshole lmfao
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Seriously what is his deal 
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Wh- what
(This was in response to Reginald asking him “Why are you even here?”)
Was I supposed to be picturing him as some kind of gay stereotype just because he called his underlings “adorable”
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I don’t know what’s going on or how to feel about it but okay
So Mosmero says he’ll get rid of the grunt if I take care of “the effeminate one”
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Reggie, my dude, I think I might be on your side with this one
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Shit, dude, Reginald doesn’t look “effeminate” at all, he looks badass
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He-- he switched out his Houndour for a Skarmory... against my Fire-type...
Listen, I said he looked cool, not that he was smart
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Centurions never die, they just go dormant for a while
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Oh COME ON, it survived with THAT LITTLE HEALTH and now it’s using some kind of crazy new move, fuck
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Ugh, Toark moved first on the last turn but I don’t know if she actually out-sped the Skarmory or if that drill move just always goes last or what
Persephone has a priority move with Ice Shard, but with her defenses I wouldn’t expect her to survive the first attack, especially if it’s Steel like I’m assuming it will be
Ggghhhh Mentha, you’re up, girl
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Good, at least she’s faster
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Karma, asshole
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Sigh, Tenebrae would have been best for this, goddammit
Haunter levitates so Ground moves won’t hit, leaving Mentha’s Hypnopulse as my only supereffective move, but she’s hurt too badly to risk staying out
We’re going to try to brute force it with Persephone, I guess
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That doesn’t bode well
I’m glad he wasted a turn, but his next attack will not end well for me
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Oh Jesus, Icy Wind lowered his Speed so now Persephone will still probably go first, which is reassuring, but that HP bar looks to be at exactly half which means the next attack might not be enough
Hold onto your butts
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You motherhecker
This was Persephone’s last Icy Wind, too, and it’s her highest-damaging move. (I came into this battle with low PP because I didn’t expect to be automatically thrown into a cutscene after talking to that grunt. Damn it.)
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Yeah, no shit
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I’m going... to kill this man
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Okay, she didn’t take burn damage because of the KO, so I was free to switch to Deku to take out this Staryu
I threw down a Leech Seed and am now using a turn or two to use Potions on Mentha, in case Deku needs backup
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I’ll give the dev team this: they made the villains really hate-able 
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Ohhhhhhh go fuck yourseeeEEELF
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Phew, duh, even with the X Special Reginald used on it, this thing doesn’t get STAB for Psychic and is still unevolved. No need to panic
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The paralysis still let the little twerp get another attack in, though <_<
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Okay, no, we’re switching Deku out
I think Mentha can handle this
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Might be a good time to mention I found a Twistedspoon in the lab, so Mentha’s Hypnopulse hits hella hard
Eat dirt, Reggie
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We could have been friends, dude, or at least foes with an understanding of each other
But you killed my goddamn dog
Which makes you my sworn enemy
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Hey, Professor. Give me some good news.
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The joke seems to be that red text is more feminine than blue text? I don’t... I’m just not even going to comment
Anyway Mosmero says some more weird nonsense and runs off 
Then Larch thanks me again and says to come see him so he can “give me something”
Quick pit stop at the PC, first, though:
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Sleep well, Centurion of Darkness
Hyrax will be rejoining the party for now
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I’m... hesitant, because I worry it’s a Pokemon, and my personal rules for Nuzlocke mean if I got handed a Pokemon as a gift here then I wouldn’t be allowed to get another from the fossil reviver guy
I have a full team, though, so hopefully it’ll ask my permission before giving me anything
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I worry about all the wrong things in this game, holy spit :’D
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Oh shit, I don’t know if I even have a Pokemon capable of learning Surf
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lmao shuT UP
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God, I hope I have someone who can learn it
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Oh hell
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Uhhhhh well I can catch something new on Route 520... I may need to creep around the edges of the grass and hope I can get a fishing rod or something first
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Oh, whoa, I made it to a gatehouse on the other end of the route and apparently there’s been a landslide
Related to the quake earlier??
Either way, no dice on fishing rods here, but no water to fish IN, either, so... 
Let’s catch something?
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Oh whoa, three Velvelts and a Hoothoot later, here’s the new team candidate
Welcome to the crew, Cavendish
Let me head back to town to see if I missed anything that might... save me
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But seriously is this a legendary
How many legendaries does this game HAVE
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Backtracking even further now and I just ran into a wild Tyrogue in Wiseman’s Cave. Was that a thing before? Are they just really rare?
I just spent a longer time than I’d like to admit scouring my Pokedex and the internet for hints as to what the hell I can do about this Surf situation, and after spoiling an unfortunate amount for myself (all small things, fortunately--mostly typings of various Pokemon... Deku IS going to be Grass/Flying c: ), I’ve found a handful of people saying the Old Rod can be found in Gamboge Town
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Specifically, in this house
Blocked by a lousy Team D.H. grunt
I’m left to assume he’ll only leave after I beat the gym
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The Water-type Gym
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The only member of the squad with a weakness to Water is Toark
Therefore, for safety’s sake, I think I’ll go ahead and swap Cavendish in for a backup Grass-type
And... considering how gyms are in this game (from the forum posts I’ve seen, the difficulty is a COMMON criticism, which makes me feel like less of a failure)... I guess it’s time for 
m o r e
t r a i n i n g
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capncapnk · 6 years
hey there! umm for the fic ask: 4, 11, 17, 21 😁✨
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?Ha ha oops I have a few :,)
-a bkdk multichapter, slowburn fic that I have been chipping away at for a while now. Pretty fresh pro-hero bkdk working at the same agency and trying to reconcile, more or less. Really want to explore their dynamic and character in this one. I want to have four chapters complete before I start posting anything, but unfortunately this is the project that gets the backburner before any others since other fics have some degree of priority for whatever reason ;__;-I’m participating in the bkdk big bang! This one is also a Big One, and since it has a deadline it takes priority over the first lol. But it takes place when they’re in their 30’s, and a despondent Bakugou, after resigning as a hero for Reasons, starts teaching at UA where Deku also teaches. I’m like, 7.6k in of a 15k minimum but uhhhh I’m probably going to exceed that :x-I have a bkdk commission fic I need to work on lol-I have the tdbk zine I’ll be a part of, which is cool!! I am bouncing a few ideas right now, but I’m pretty sure I can’t publicly share anything yet ;__;-I’m going to wrap up a tdbk + tamaki fic tonight that uhhh thanks to SOME PEOPLE influenced me to do lmao
And….I think that’s it? I have prompts and little ideas for other things, but this is the Big List :,)
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?Hobby, mostly? I do other art stuff for a living, but writing was something I always wanted to do but never really had the courage to, so to speak. Fanfic def helped me get more confident in it, so I hope to make an original comic or short or pitches someday!!
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?I am a fucking mess lmao
I usually start writing where the idea I have is the strongest and build things around it. Sometimes it works out, other times I kinda fuck myself and there’s heavy editing. That multichapter fic I was talking about has about 10k+ written for it, but it’s not cohesive and jumps around, hence why I have not posted anything yet lmao
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?I have the bad habit of editing as I write so I couldn’t really tell you the exact number, but I do a full, thorough edit after I finish writing and one after it gets beta’d!
THANKS!!! :)
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franeridart · 7 years
fran i dont understand the last art?? is it a noragami au since the weapons are people?? help my dumb ass senpai
It’s !!!! okay anon why would you be dumb just for not knowing a fandom with an anime that finished airing eight years ago and a manga that finished publication four years ago haha it’s called Soul Eater! An incredibly good manga in my opinion, one of the best shounen ever, I would look it up if I were you :D 
Anon said:Could you possibly do a Tokoyami and Shouji fusion? I just love your art style with bnha!! It's fine if you don't want to though! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
I already did!!! :O and thank you so much!!!
Anon said:i love your art, so i looked through all 64 pages of your art tag. cant wait to see more!! ;)
Thank you!!!! °O° though.... the older stuff... we could maybe pretend that never existed ever........ that’d be nice......... lmao
Anon said:followed you the second I finished reading that bakugou analysis
I take you’re of my same opinion on the matter!!! That’s nice to know hahaha 
Anon said:You really don't need to respond!! but I thought you might get a laugh at this idea. Denki convinces the squad to do GOTG w/ him for a costume party (A LOT of begging involved... he was obsessed with GOTG at the time) and gets Momo to make their costumes. Katsuki finds out the day of that he assigned him Rocket (assumed he'd be Drax) 😂. (Kami=SL, Mina=Gamora, Sero=Groot, Kiri=Drax). Denki tells him don't worry, all he has to do is be himself to get into character and runs off cackling.
Okay this is adorable hahaha I love it, though I gotta admit I can totally see Bakugou having Rocket as his favorite anyway, he’s exactly the type of character Bakugou might relate to (the “of course I care about the planets and the plants and the animals on those planets!” “and the people!” “...meh” exchange is an incredibly Bakugou thing haha)
Anon said:🌺 Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (。’▽’。)♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Anon said: Shoosh pap
.............I should have expected this ask haha
Anon said:you used the tag limit lmao (for the comic doodle about bakugou's temp)
:O I can see all of them, tho! If the last one you can see is “and yet”, then that’s exactly where I meant to stop lol
Anon said:As far as whether Baku gets cold fast or slow; it's not the same because I don't have a sweat related quirk obviously but I run a constant temperature of 105°F or 40.5°C (maybe that's my quirk) and it takes me a long ass time to get cold so maybe it's like that?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the info!!!! :O that actually does make sense!
Anon said:I actually do like inko and I think she's a pretty good parent, all things considered-- but I cannot condone the whole "I'm so sorry izuku" thing, simply bc inko is more important to izuku than bakugou. If bakugou says something like "deku, youre worthless", while it is very cruel it definitely 100% will not hurt as much as izukus own mother saying "izuku I'm so sorry that your dreams will never come true". But the good things that she understands her mistake and has apologized to izuku for it.
I mean, yeah! For a long while in the manga I was like, okay, easy to say “oops I was wrong” now that you have actual proofs of the fact you were wrong and you can’t deny the fact that Izuku could make it as a hero since he’s into UA, easy to say “I support you” now that it’s obvious he can make it, using the easy way out much, but I’m always 100% open and supportive of characters that realize their mistakes and change for the better, so even if she had to wait for every condition to be in her favor before she could realize her mistake as long as she got it, that she had finally decided to be a supportive mother I was!!! Super happy for her and about it and ready to like her as much as possible! 
And then she had to go and tell Izuku she wasn’t letting him back into UA. Like, don’t get me wrong, I understand the fear for his life she has as a mother - she didn’t have fifteen years like everyone else to get used to the fact that her boy was set on becoming a hero (...since she refused to acknowledge the possibility, even though Izuku was working to become one without a quirk anyway like, she should have been even more worried for his safety before he got the quirk but WHATEVER) so she’s scared for him, and Izuku’s been hurt a lot since starting UA so I get it, but you don’t just pull the “I’m pulling him out of school” card, in front of Izuku’s teacher, mentor AND greatest hero, without ever discussing the thing with Izuku first? Without even asking for his imput on the matter, or giving him an heads up? As if she owns his whole life? 
I’m your mother I decide what’s best for you and what you want doesn’t matter at all - that’s.... that’s not growing up and learning, and that’s the literal opposite of being supportive. That’s allowing your son to have fun as long as it’s okay with you, and then going “okay, game’s done, who cares that you finally found a way to reach your goal, a place you belong to and are way happier than I’ve ever seen you before, I don’t like it so you can’t keep going”
I’m sorry, but I really, really can’t like Inko if she keeps on being like that. She’s literally the biggest hindrance on Izuku’s path to a fulfilling, happy life, and I need her to stop being like that before I can actually change my mind about her orz
Anon said:side note re: asshole bakugou and deku's development - the manga's translation is //very liberal// in trying to make it sound more 'western' in regards to how in japanese things are more formal (?) baku's demeanor and language would be considered incredibly rude so the translators try and shift the language for the english reading audience. what's probably considered absolutely reprehensible for english readers only seems that way because of how they've tried to adapt it.
Oh, yeah, that too! As long as you stick to mangastream’s translations they’re a bit more literal, but there’s a lot of things that Bakugou says/does that are just... a localization to give the “rude” feeling. Then again, he is an asshole, so you never know what he actually said and what’s just a liberal interpretation haha
Anon said:I love your art style so much! And all your Bakushima doodles and comics are super wonderful!
Ohhhhhh gods thank you so much !!!!! *O*
Anon said:are kendou's feet backwards?
...anon... my friend... why would I draw Kendou’s feet backwards.........
Anon said:Fran the comic about kiribaku and the balconies is--well, let's just say I have a new headcanon and a new otp.
THAT!!!! Makes me super happy to know!!!! :O I’m glad I could make you like those two a bit more
Anon said:Can I suggest you to draw todokami (todoroki and kaminari) please? It's a really rare pair and I would love to see it in your style but if you don't want to or are uncomfortable doing so I understand ^^ ily keep up the good work
Ahhhhhhhhhh it’s not like I’m uncomfortable with it, I just... don’t understand the ship at all? So finding inspiration to draw it is really hard for me, I wouldn’t even know where to begin! sorryyyyy m(;_;)m
Anon said:Everytime I see u posted I honestly gasp a little and then literally whatever it is just makes me happy and smile and ???? Honestly I'm blessed you're so good and lovely and * throws confetti* I hope you have a lovely day and I just wanted to let you know you bring light into my life
Holy smokes thank you so much??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;O; this really really means a lot to me, I’m so glad I can make you smile? Ahhhh mannnn!!!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
Anon said:the sweet little bakushima comic that u just posted is my favorite ! piece of ! bnha art ! I've ever seen ! so good. so warm. thank u for sharing ur talent and ideas!! sending u love
Your favorite???? Oh my g o d ;O; thank you??? I’m super glad you liked it aaahhhhhhhh
Anon said:Fran I'm w e a k for everything u do... esp soft boys. You kill me with those.
Soft boys are the best and also my very own weakness too so I!!! try!!!! I’m glad you like them too!!!!!!!! (♡´艸`)
Anon said:KENDOU!! IS SO GOOD!! YOU DRAW HER SO GOOD!!!! ily fran
G O D S thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m!!!! seriously glad I could make her pretty, she’s so beautiful to me!!!!
Anon said:is it possible to have a crush on someone's art ??? bc i sure do have one on yours it's gorgeous
92 notes · View notes
Morose Mononokean 3 – 13 (FINAL) | Nanbaka 19 | ACCA 5...and anime from 2016, ranked.
(Morose Mononokean ep 3)
LOL, the kaomoji scroll.
Hopefully your handwriting won’t be illegible, Fusshi.
The Japanese place a lot of emphasis on independence, hence th errand running comment.
It’s so threatening to get pointed at with a stick.
I didn’t quite get the “five years again?” joke, but the jokes were going pretty rapid fire there. I might’ve just missed one and that’s OK. *shrugs*
Technically Ashiya lied when he said “you don’t have to believe me” because she believed him in the end…kinda sorta…?
Oh, to grandstand means to be showy. I don’t think I solidified that into my brain until just then.
Are those weeds or onions?
…Oops, not onions at all. Close enough (since they’re blub plants), though.
Where’s your dad, Ashiya?
Zenko’s not crying, you’re crying, I’m crying. Everyone’s crying!
…Oh, that’s the punchline of the joke…but Abeno’s scary when he’s really angry.
(ep 4)
I think even lil’ Fuzzy nods in the OP near the end.
The d and b thumbs are very inventive in regards to kaomoji. I like inventiveness.
Exhibit A of how Comic Sans ruins a mood, CR subbers.
So that’s Abeno’s writing (and not Comic Sans)?
Ashiya and Abeno have really creepy eyes on the eyecatch.
Shizuku means “water droplet” IIRC.
Ashiya, Super Sentai!...or something like that.
The Fuzzy Ashiya knows has 3 tails. This one only has one.
Ashiya, getting coerced into deals he can’t handle. *sigh*
(ep 5)
Fuzzy’s basically a Pokémon now.
What happened to Abeno’s jar?
Where I am, there’s three arms to the government: the legislative arm, the judicial arm and the executive arm. This show must run off a lot of the same principles.
Fuzzy seems vaguely unimpressed when Ashiya learns he doesn’t have to die.
How is that communicating with a fuzzball? Sad life for Abeno-san.
The sad thing about Abeno is that he’s very grumpy. While that does make him basically a male tsundere, his grumpiness isn’t something everyone can live with. Rippou (Legislator) included.
(ep 6)
The Ring? Like a horror movie? (This is the last of the Mononokean episodes I’ve seen before, so it’s not a horror movie, but I had to make the joke while I was at it.)
Fuzzy looks like an offering to the ancestors there on that cushion.
The Mononokean went “If you’d followed my instructions [yada yada yada] but…” Note the “but” – that wasn’t in the translation.
Where does Abeno sleep?
Fuzzy wrapped up is like a fuzzy sushi roll. I wouldn’t like to eat a fuzzy sushi roll, though.
Edo = old Tokyo…so are all Edoites (or whatever you call them) meant to be non-honorific users?
Manjiro must’ve been easy to draw if this were in the source material. However, since this is obviously a CGI Manjiro, it must’ve been easier to animate than, say, Fuzzy. (Apparently fur is hard to get right in CGI.)
“15 whole minutes”…hardly anything impressive…LOL.
Ashiya will never give you up, he’ll never let you down, he’ll never run around and desert you…
Even Fuzzy’s sweating up a storm just thinking about how to return the ring.
Ow. Getting headbutted by an eel is not the way to go.
The salve on Fuzzy looked like a box for a frame or two.
The irony of an eel shop with an eel youkai…
(ep 7)
It’s fresh impressions from here on out.
Butterflies don’t fly like that…
Since middle school is years 7 – 9…okay…Ashiya is that childish? *laughs awkwardly*
I just realised this show doesn’t do flashbacks very well.
I saw a grave in the back that said “Abe Family Grave”. It’s not the kanji for Abeno, though.
Don’t be so proud of your status as a hide and seek veteran, Ashiya.
“Yoko” is the word for a fox spirit. it’s why, in Tactics, the fox spirit is called Youko. Even I knew that much and Ashiya didn’t, LOL.
Oh right! Abeno calls Fuzzy “hairball”.
Abeno is 15?! I’m absolutely positively flipping out!...Abeno and Ashiya look like they’re 17!
(ep 8)
I thought something was up with the subs. Turns out “Haruitsuki” was spelt wrong.
Remember “–sama” is of more respect than “–san”.
I think Mr Chips from Eldlive was like this critter. Gets drunk on green tea.
Tsundere flying green youkai. That’s probably better than an annoying, possibly tsundere fairy (<- reference to One Wish They Never Wanted).
Benkei? I’ve never heard anyone yell “Benkei!” when they stubbed their toe. I get that it’s Standing Benkei though.
Aww. Even if it’s a youkai proposal, it’s so sweet…
(ep 9)
How do you spell “dispirited”? Two Ss? One?
Dangit, Ashiya would do well in job interviews…
The eyecatches always look unnecessarily dramatic, don’t they?
Does Abeno’s question about amateurs include Ashiya?
Abeno must’ve gotten a “Don’t come near my daughter again!” sort of thing a lot.
Fuzzy’s body went “boomph!” when he jumped on to Ashiya’s shoulder.
Fuzzy absolutely fails at rolling on balls, LOL.
(ep 10)
Why did I think of “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” when it came to large!Yahiko?
The title of this episode is “deku”, like Boku no Hero Academia Deku.
How did the eyecatch manage to put shojo sparkles on Nobou and turn him into something that’s vaguely appealing (in a handsome sense)? It must be the magic of the shojo sparkles…Also, henohenomoheji scarecrow.
“Phantasmagoria” aka “fantasy” or “illusion”.
Wow, basically this show is an ethics lesson…
Who knew a mutant scarecrow could cause such a heartfelt story? Also, please stop hitting yourself with a potato.
(ep 11)
I don’t think I’ve seen the character for “purple” being read as shi before.
Stop using Fuzzy as a shield for your words, Ashiya.
Fuzzy jumped on to Zenko’s head. It’s kinda funny to see Fuzzy acting like a Swablu.
Fuzzy with a leaf hat is aesthetically pleasing. It soothes the soul. (Uh, hey. Come to think of it, Mononokean’s a lot like the works I’ve done on Honeyfeed, eh? Light comedy and a lotta drama.)
I keep stumbling upon spoilers for shows I’m not caught up on, this show included. So I technically knew about Yahiko and never mentioned it, and I’m going “oh no” here because I know what will happen to Ashiya…
Tomori. That was the name from the spoilers…oh no!!!
Fuzzy looks particularly round in the eyecatch.
Apparently Ashiya began as a doodle in the margin of Kiri Wazawa’s sketchbook, but he became the protag of Morose Mononokean. That’s the ultimate upgrade in life for a character, eh?
Abeno’s logic…I get it, but I guess it was played for hilarity. Well, it worked. Really well.
A 9-11. I thought it was funny at first, but now it’s scary and solemn.
Simultaneous equations? I want nothing to do with them anymore.
Come to think of it, Aoi may have been a woman due to the woman’s cloak.
(ep 12)
Oh? A sister? I’ve haven’t seen her in the show yet. I wanna see her.
One of the lil’ pine cones is sleeping. It’s strangely adorable.
(ep 13)
Yahiko’s so spoilt by Zenko.
*squints at Ashiya’s book* Oh hey. I haven’t done this in years! Yeah, that sort of stuff is “first year of high school” stuff, but speaking from experience as an advanced maths student, I have a skewed perspective of what “normal maths” is for a year level. Add that to the fact Japan has the idea that they have to push their geniuses to the limit by being ahead of their years (sometimes going up to one year ahead of the “usual” standard) and…yeah.
From the lip reading, the word could’ve been tera (Buddhist temple) or jinja (Shinto shrine). Knowing how Zenko is built off the ideas of Buddhism anyway, it’s tera.
Well, out of sight, out of mind, as they say.
Abeno looks like such a bad boy in that eyecatch, it’s hilarious.
Seriously, how does Nobou talk with no mouth?!
I thought the hand was Yahiko. Turns out it was Abeno.
Fuzzy looks downright ill when Ashiya’s scared.
A boss normally doesn’t bow his head to his subordinates, let alone call them “lord” (dono), which is the highest type of honorific one can give to a person.
See, the kaomoji scroll really is fun. If someone could make one for me, I’d love to play with it for a little bit. Maybe you could make a (computer?) program that could function mostly the same way…huh. That’s a good idea, actually.
Notice the Mononokean uses “watashi”. I guess it doesn’t have much of a gender anyway.
Nice hat, Ashiya. (LOL.)
Welp, that’s the final episode of all my 2016 anime. I moved the top 10 anime of 2016 to the bottom of this post for the surprise factor, but knowing my reactions to the anime means you can’t be too surprised by the results.
(Nanbaka 19)
Honey’s still on arrow mode.
The scream. It’s like a horror movie, but so funny because it overlays the OP.
The sparkles actually helped viewers see something for once.
Rokuriki. So that’s the guard’s name. It has “six” in it.
Deer hook swords. I’m not quite familiar with them but they look cool.
I only just realised, but they left Nico behind in the supervisor’s office.
The rubble is so beautifully rendered.
What was Jyugo doing behind the pots? Something for humour, I suppose, because I laughed.
“Hachiman” can mean 80000.
Kawaisouni… translates to “unfortunate” or “how unfortunate” but I probably wouldn’t peg it as “poor baby!” like the subbers did. It’s probably the tone Uno used that caused them to sub it the way they did.
Here we go again with this Jyugo comeback from episode 1…
It’s around the part where Upa’s trash talking Hachiman that you can identify Upa’s VA is Yuu Kobayashi (SGRS’s Konatsu’s VA). Even Nico is voiced by a dude and yet Upa is not.
(ACCA 5)
Seriously, this blue haired guy (Magie) reminds me of Japan from Hetalia. Must be the haircut.
How does a guy not remember toast? Probably because this is of Japanese origin, where rice and fish are more common than bread.
I still think his name should be Gene Otus.
CGI fits flawlessly into this style, and if you’ve been around these parts long enough, you know I don’t like obvious CGI.
Dowa Travel.
Hotel Akevitt. They have some weird names in this show.
Reindeer…? I’m not very good at identifying deer vs reindeer.
I heard you like wheat bread, so I put some wheat bread in ACCA to keep you happy, Jean. (insert more memes about wheat bread here)
Lotta really likes walnuts, eh?
Crow/Nino’s a free agent hired by Grossular, right?
Ah. I get it. Lotta’ll keep an eye on Nino for Jean.
Isn’t a sandpiper a bird?
Oh. So that’s why Grossular has such long hair.
Lilium’s bro? Gotta remember him for later.
Grossular’s an older Kyosuke Kuga, LOL.
 Anime of 2016, Ranked
Since I have 17 entries this year and it took a lot of shuffling to get right, I’ve decided to show my entire 2016 rankings. Only shows I saw in their entirety at least once over in 2016 (with the exceptions of D Gray Man Hallow and Morose Mononokean, which are applicable through the simulcast commentary process but were only watched to episode 6 before 2016′s end, and fall anime, which due to being AFK at 2016′s end were unfinshable until 2017), and had at least one new seasonal entry in 2016, apply:
17. Prince of Stride Alternative
16. Mr Osomatsu s2
15. D Gray Man Hallow
14. Kiznaiver
13. Morose Mononokean
12. Nanbaka s1: can’t talk about this yet because its s2’s not finished!
11. Classicaloid s1: can’t talk about this yet because it′s not finished!
10. Flip Flappers: The art style and fight scenes really make this a show worth watching. However, it did get somewhat confusing at the end so that’s where most of the drop in the rankings comes from.
9. ReLIFE: While the themes were pertinent and the art style on point, it was a bit plain and there wasn’t much of an explanation as to why the pills work (even if that isn’t Yoake or An’s role). I guess I’m still used to it living in the shadow of Detective Conan, after all.
8. Boueibu s2: This was a step up from s1, but unfortunately there were prime contenders this year that knocked it out of higher places. Also the fact that it does seem more rushed than s1 due to the time constraints does give it a bit of a toll.
7. Bungou Stray Dogs (overall): 2 seasons makes this show stand out as a strong one, especially near the end when it really hits its stride. The fact light novel stories took up up to 4 episodes did make me worried, but the fans definitely have more than enough material to work with as a result, right?
6. Yuri on Ice: I don’t mind the off model in this one if it means the good stuff can come with it, but the fandom is quite intimidating and it was a “show of the year” in ways some people now consider to be a negative thing, so it did suffer a bit from that. I give it merit for the things it does well, but it’s not the saviour of anime the talk of the town can make it out to be.
5. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: Stunning visuals, a Sayuri ED and good thrills with well executed cliffhangers. My only gripe with this one was the very end, but you’ll have to see the relevant posts for why that is.
4. Boku no Hero Academia s1: Even if it is repetitive, it rises above (Plus Ultra!) to become something more than just a fusion of East and West like I always try to strive for. It’s an emblem and it’s definitely something Horikoshi should be proud of after what happened to Barrage and Oumagadoki Zoo.
3. Sakamoto Desu Ga: This show also managed to go above its repetitive trappings with inventiveness and humour. The fact it’s also touching at exactly the right points shows you why Takamatsu is one of my favourite directors.
2. ConRevo s2: Colourful and politically striking as always, ConRevo was one of the shows I always looked forward to watching, even if it meant staying up past midnight to document things on the wiki. Even if I’m not that fond of the Urobuchi episode, this show managed to reach awesome highs without losing the fans it got from s1.
1. SGRS: With a soundtrack that brings you to the past, humour that can make you laugh no matter how many times you watch it and visuals to wow even the most serious of artists, you can tell SGRS is a labour of love in every aspect. Its second season has already surpassed its predecessor in only 4 or 5 episodes, so...only time will tell whether anything can challenge SGRS for the throne.
winter 4
spring 5 (incl. Bungou Stray Dogs s1)
summer 4
fall 5 (incl. Bungou Stray Dogs s2)
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