#some of these asks have been a week in my inbox
911bts · 13 hours
A little PSA:
I am just a fan of the show and have limited information on what goes on behind the scenes. I do know things from following along with what's shared but I've been getting a lot of questions about like scripts and post-production that are out of my wheelhouse. Anything that's public knowledge on that stuff is stuff that might have been mentioned in interviews, so it's limited.
I've been getting some PR based questions too that I also don't know all the inner workings with that.
I've got maybe 20 asks right now in my inbox from the last week or two about this stuff. And I feel bad not answering so I want to make a post and just say if you've asked and I didn't answer, it's probably because I don't know the answer.
I appreciate that people think I know all of these things. I wish I did. I find it all interesting and understand why people are curious. It's all just not something that we'd really know though (at least not specifically for 911).
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taralen · 3 days
Thoughts in Reflection
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A prequel to an INBOX Story idea proposed by @clowny-rolls (Thanks for the idea!!!)
NOTE: This story won't make as much sense unless you read the stuff I wrote here for better context: Click Me.
The illustration is inspired by a drawing a friend of mine did of Spamton, but it's currently not uploaded anywhere. Sorry guys. 😭
The year was 1994.
Spamton G. Spamton, a former Addison and a now esteemed entrepreneurial businessman who founded BIG SHOT AUTOS was one day asked, "Mr. Spamton, are you seeing anyone?"
Much to Spamton's chagrin, the one asking was his close friend Bant, a Blue Addison who was the only one of his former friends and coworkers with whom he stayed in contact. He leaned against the wall, waiting for any chance to talk to Spamton once he was off the phone.
Spamton rolled his eyes. "Why are you asking?"
"You haven't seen any ladies, have you? I figured with your newfound success, the women would be flocking to you." Bant chuckled.
Spamton raised his hand and dismissed this with a gesture. "I'm too busy."
"Not too busy for me, though." Bant smirked.
Spamton froze and his cheeks flushed pink.
Bant tilted his head, flashing that iconic closed-eye Addison grin. "Hey, if you're interested, one of the restaurants Sen's been running fliers for is setting up blind dates. I've been the one coordinating things to bring people together. The restaurant has had a nice uptick in business since! The campaign is running for another week. It might be kind of fun to try it out. I can set you up with a cute girl, exactly your type!"
Spamton narrowed his eyes at the mention of Sen, or Yahoosen, the Yellow Addison he once worked so closely with but did not believe in his vision. Hearing Bant's involvement softened his expression but not his demeanor. "That sounds stupid. How will this benefit me at all?"
"If you have a good time, you could leave them a good review, and then I can convince the owner to vouch for your shop whenever they need a new car or some fixing. What do you think?" Bant's smile widened.
Spamton raised a brow. "Uh, give me a moment. Step out of my office for a bit."
Bant sighed. "What for?"
"I need to make a call, obviously!" Spamton said as he sat down at his desk with his finger already on the dial.
Bant huffed and pushed off the wall. "Fine. Let me know when you're done." He slipped out, closed the door behind him, and paced the hall. Although he was just outside the office, he could not hear what Spamton was talking about. Thankfully, the call was brief, and only a few moments later, Spamton opened the door, looking up at Bant. "OKAY. I will do it!" He adjusted his collar and flashed a handsome, toothy smile.
Bant blinked. "Huh? Really? Did whoever you were talking to on the phone tell you it was a good idea?" He laughed a little awkwardly.
"Huh?! Why would I ask my esteemed business partner about something so silly?" Spamton laughed, dismissively waving his hand. "Go on! Set me up with this blind date! I trust you know my tastes in women well."
Bant furrowed his brows. Having known Spamton for years, he knew when he wasn't totally genuine, and this seemed to be one of those moments, but he smiled anyway. "Okay, I will. I'm sure not to disappoint you!" ☎️☎️☎️
Waiting in a hallway near the restrooms was a small lady, a White Addison. She wore a silken pink dress far too expensive for her salary and tied her hair up in a matching pink bow. People passing by stared at her, whispering words she did not want to hear.
Bant approached her. "Ah, Ms. Thetalan, you look quite lovely. That dress Orvar loaned you fits you nicely!"
Orvar, short for Orvarstok, was an Orange Addison who worked with Bant. He advertised clothing curated by Queen herself, ranging from everyday wear to fine garments. Through their established trust, Bant easily convinced him to loan a dress on the promise he'd foot the dry-cleaning bills afterward.
She turned to the Blue Addison and smiled meekly. "You think so? I hope he likes it, too."
"He definitely will. You are exactly his type." Bant winked. "He is an esteemed businessman, so he has fine tastes. He should be here within the next five to ten minutes. Just wait here for now."
"Fine tastes?" She blushed. "Okay. I will wait right here," she answered meekly. She watched him disappear down the corner. She was certain this guy was the same Blue Addison she saw with that man she fell in love with a year ago—a man who appeared to be a White Addison like her but with black hair. She etched his name into her heart: Spamton G. Spamton.
Despite her suspicions, Thetalan didn't dare pry too much about the Blue Addison's possible relations. He approached her directly while she was walking down the street and asked if she would like to participate in a blind date with all the expenses paid to support a local restaurant. Usually, she'd be wary of such things, but because of his familiarity, her intuition told her to trust him and take on this offer. She told him about the kind of man she wanted to meet, and he said, "Ah, perfect. I know just the guy for you! He is a handsome businessman and not too unlike an Addison." He raised his head and pointed at his own nose. "What, with one of these just like us!"
Few Darkners chose to court Addisons outside of work-related reasons, but this Blue Addison described someone so specific that she could only think of one person, and it was him. To have this opportunity of seeing Spamton again... It made her tremble with excitement.
With bated breath, she gazed into the nearby mirror, trying to collect herself. Though she was excited, anxiety swarmed her entire being. She hadn't seen this man since last year and wondered if he remembered her. He occupied her mind constantly, and as she stared into her beautified reflection, her hands wringing restlessly, she thought, "He has no idea how much I wish he could see me."
(To be continued...)
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fleetways · 5 months
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response to this. chimera baby has her shounen moment
does she have what it takes? find out next time on dragon ball z @sonic-oc-showdown!
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liesmyth · 1 year
Theory: Jod is a trans man
-grew up playing with barbies
-tumblr kid
-constantly dressed in the worst fashion sense youve ever seen but is making it work (t shirts, greek bone crown, and shower curtain lychtor cloak? And he looks good in it?)
-flesh magic enjoyer
-is weirdly confused Mercy was able to steal semen from him for a man who regularly participates in threesomes. Mercy was working overtime with the flesh magic
Ok but you forgot the best part: trans guy John means that there's a significant chance he named himself after John Homestuck.
(Also on the barbie thing: I think that even beyond any gender headcanons and interpretations, that IS a telling writing choice on Muir's part. She said, about John "the God of the Locked Tomb IS a man; he IS the Father and the Teacher; it’s an inherently masc role played by someone who has an uneasy relationship himself to playing a Biblical patriarch" and made this guy a STEM nerd whose fondest childhood memory was of playing with his mother's dolls. THAT is the memory he turns to as he's losing his humanity. Regardless of John's gender identity, playing with barbies is not something associated with traditionally masculine gender roles. idk what I'm saying but I do feel some kinda way when the main takeaway from "I loved Barbie as a kid" is "he forced the earth into a shell of patriarchal beauty standards because he thought it was hot." Like... that's boring)
Anyway. Diversity win! The first man to end humanity is trans.
And I'm YELLING irl that the lyctor cloack is a shower curtain. You're... You're not wrong.
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questionablealibi · 10 months
Hi hello! Apologies for the lack of posting - I've been in a stump recently because I've been brainstorming ideas on how the HELL to build around my Stanley and Narrator and their individual backgrounds and how their parable came to be because i've been wsnting to build them into something cool but i've BURNT myself out in the process and now i cant even pump out a single DOODLE
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All you lot are probably only gonna get some sona doodles for the time being- i cant bring myself to screw around with elias and o'neil yet my brain is RHEGHD mussed right now :')
I might make a few exception on occasion though ^^; cant ignore them for too long ive grown to love them
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miffysrambles · 1 month
requests are now officially closed !!!
i will only be answering requests up to April 3rd or oc time! (things about li, feng, xin yi or rab-bot) things sent by friends/others !!!
anything else sent otherwise will be deleted, thank you !!!
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thsc-confessions · 8 months
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"Rupert Price & Reginald Copperbottom are divorced British exes." submitted by anon
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lady-harrowhark · 15 days
are you working on any fics atm? 👀
Mmmmm yes and no? I have a few that are marinating, but I wouldn't say that I'm actively working on them. I've got a griddlehark fic (companion piece for my BRE fic from this summer) outlined and some scenes started, and two Royai fics outlined. I'm trying to jam on some school writing for the next little bit, but I'm really missing working on writing for fun, so I'm hoping to get back to them soon!
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coffeeshib · 1 year
Hiiii! So I can't thank my favourite authors monetarily BUT I can drop by and anonymously give them lots of love. Thank you SO much for your awesome fics. Just re-read 'in the middle of the night' and busy reading 'something tender and uninhibited' now and I wanted to say I love you! <3 <3 <3 I just melt for your sweet, soft girl Lena.
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sorry for taking eons to answer but hi hey thank you guys so much!!! it's really heartwarming, to see you take some time of your day to send something kind & sweet. every comment means a lot to me & i appreciate you all ���
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corrodedcoughin · 7 months
hey so what’s your favourite part of the hit song ‘peg’ by steely dan? Mines when he says peg at 0:39
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hella1975 · 2 years
that™️ coworker: have I complimented you today?
me knowing he has twice already: no
him: well we can’t have that, you look lovely :)
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Hey! It's the mod here. I know it's been a while, so I wanted to make an update post regarding the unannounced hiatus I've been on.
As you may have guessed, based on the (aside from reblogging my ask for help from my main), I got a bit of burnout with this blog. I've been wanting to start it back up again for a while, and I've been plotting out a bit of plot for a while so I'm not just making this all up as I go along and can keep track of things lol. Now, while this is fun and all, there are some things I want to address.
Firstly, as some of you may know, this blog started because Levi's mod and I were going back and forth with a prince donnie idea, initially to help him sleep, in fact. As you can tell, it spun up into this blog and an entire universe of its own. Unfortunately, Levi's mod and I had a falling out. For those of you that do follow my main, back in August, there was a debacle from me freaking out over something and some confusion over who I was upset with, leading to a chain of hate mail that has continued to the point that I'm even less sure of my identity and self-worth than before. Levi's mod contacted me via DMs to talk about the situation, but never responded after I did. To my knowledge, at least as far as Tumblr is showing me when I look at old asks on this blog, their blog has since deactivated. I'm unsure if they have received harassment or anything on my behalf from this entire situation, but if that occurred, I do not condone it and I am ashamed of those of you that partook in that. In light of these developments, unless I am contacted by Levi's mod either directly or through a mutual contact, I will be leaving their contributions to this au and the origins intact out of respect. If he wishes to no longer be included in this au, he knows where to contact me, and I will overhaul as necessary and restart the blog to do so.
Secondly, as things have been somewhat bogged down as of late, for the sake of plot, I may timeskip to when everyone has been safely returned home to their universe. Before doing this, I will consult with the lovely mod that was assisting with the pizzaplex crossover arc before doing so to see what course of action I should take. If I do timeskip, I will answer the ask that Pride's mod has sent me to tie up a little bit of Michaelangelo and Ali's adventure into the canon Rise universe, and then proceed with the timeskip.
As of right now, anon will be remaining off to avoid further hate mail, insults, and threats to my life and safety, along with attempts at doxxing me in my own inbox. If there are questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to send in an ask, and I will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience with this long wait, and I'm excited to continue the story of this blog, as I have a lot in store!
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hellguarded-moved · 10 months
// i disappear for a month pretend i don't exist then i respond to everyone within 10 minutes. 👉😎👉
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fiiiiiiinally done with the estate agent visit which means i can do something other than housework now
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samwise-handwich · 2 years
if imnowt got a second season what would you want to happen?
oh boy oh boy i have done so much research on what happened and it would be great if we got a second season since they would wrap the story up, but i dunno
it makes sense that they weren’t able to end it like the comic, with syd killing herself, but i don’t see why they weren’t allowed to recut that last scene
but i have done a whole lot of theorizing about the figure (i’ve been calling him Mr Shadow in my wip) and stuff it could lead to and rambled at my sister until the told me to shut up so now i guess im kinda writing it? i’ve plotted it all out i just have to get going which will totally take a while
but if we did get a second season it would’ve been great to finish the storyline obviously, but also seeing stuff like dina and syd, and their journey, and more syd stan dina being cool together, liam, aftermath of brad and hoco, also finding more about syd’s dad (who im calling bill since that was his name in the comic), what the fuck happened to the diary, also the probable tension with syd and stan and how that might be impacted even more by Mr Shadow
also fuck the show syd’s bisexual
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emilynightshade89 · 2 years
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