#one thing is to offer valid and constructive criticism
moonkissedmeli · 2 months
🌺harsh realities that changed my life🌺
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❀I have had disordered eating my whole life; I started experiencing binging and restricting in the third grade. I'm not going to just wake up some random Monday morning and suddenly be able to change all my eating habits and my entire relationship with food. And neither are you. If you are struggling with anything regarding your weight, eating habits, or exercise habits: you will not fix this overnight. Especially if you are the type of person to say "okay, I will have just one more bad day then it will all change tomorrow." It won't.
If you have read Atomic Habits by James Clear you are familiar with the 1% rule. You need to be 1% better everyday and you will be nearly 38% better by the end of the year (1.01^365 = 37.78%). Start by changing one snack, or reducing the portions of one meal, etc. Your goal is to not just lose weight and have a healthier body - it's to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle that will last a lifetime. And this is how you do it.
❀ You need to stop spending all your time with people who constantly offer you validation and reassurance. No one has ever improved by avoiding being challenged or constructively criticized. As a (recovering) textbook people pleaser, this was a hard lesson to learn as I expected everyone to treat me how I was treating them (i.e., telling them exactly what they want to hear).
It is one thing to seek support when you need it, but it is an entirely other thing to surround yourself with people who will always tell you that you're in the right, that you have nothing to change, or that everything you're experiencing is outside of your sphere of influence. Sometimes you will be wrong, sometimes you will be over-reacting, sometimes you will be being avoidant, or sometime you will be coddling yourself, etc. and someone needs to tell you this. They might not always be right - but, it is always important for us to consider other perspectives even if we do not agree with them. People who really care about your progress a will do this.
However, you need to be able to tell the difference between valuable feedback with good intentions and rudeness, gaslighting, and/or abuse. I've spent years dwindling down my close social circle to only people I feel safe hearing feedback from because I can be reasonably certain they have good intentions.
❀ Stop coddling yourself. It is one thing to allow yourself time for productive emotional processing and healing, but it is entirely another to allow yourself to rot and make unhealthy choices as a sole coping mechanism for weeks, months, or even years then pat yourself on the back for the smallest of gestures toward health or normalcy.
For example: you can't just do nothing but eat junk food and scroll on your phone for months on end instead of actually doing the work to process a big emotion, then celebrate yourself for getting out of bed, brushing your hair, or drinking water.
You are holding yourself back by this. You are not doing your best, you are not doing great, you are not okay. It is insulting when people say this to us when we are at our worst because when you think about it, it implies that our worst is in fact our best. You should always try to push yourself, but not beat yourself up. You can do better and you owe it to yourself.
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night-market-if · 14 days
Helloo, while I agree with you that Milo is also a victim, I also think that the other anons are also justified in feeling that way about him. I'm really sorry if I'm wrong, but the way you reply to other people's thoughts, about things that you don't have the same opinion on, feels like you're telling them that they are wrong to feel that way.
Let's unpack this for a minute. Because I think this is a great opportunity.
I am not invalidating that anyone has an opinion. They are allowed to have an opinion. And, if they approached me like you just did, I would most likely respond to that opinion in a constructive way. But someone messaging me and just throwing out a random feeling they have that is negative, and then getting mad at me in return when I don't agree with them, is childish. I will not be apologizing for that because most of the people that are "angry" about something, come at me in a really negative context. And then when I state something differently (without attacking them even) they get irrationally upset. I mean, a prime example is me saying that Milo is also a victim. That there can be more than one victim. I then got a response saying I was the one flying off the handle. Following that was another response telling me that I am a hated author. That my game is terrible. That I am a bad person. I mean, think about that for a minute here. Does the response corelate with what I said? Does it warrant that? No.
People are always valid to have an opinion, but there are two things to say about it. Most of the time, the people coming at me, are internet trolls. Not actual readers. And I'm sorry, we were indoctrinated at a young age to "ignore the bullies" and I just don't think that is the right response. Because now we have a generation that ignored the bullies and they got way worse because no one had a social contract to call them out.
Two, the ones that are not trolls, are lacking a lot of media literacy. That is actually an extreme problem within our society. And, since I am the author, it is my job to offer what I was trying to say within my story. That may not align with someone's opinion. But me having my own opinion, does not warrant someone getting mad at me. I didn't get mad at them so why am I suddenly greeted with toxicity.
I get where you are coming from saying that people are allowed to have their own opinion. And I have stated over and over again that everyone is valid for it. I'm not even saying for someone to change their mind or go away. But, someone else's opinion does not invalidate my own. Just as my own does not invalidate theirs. And if someone feels like it does, and this is going to sound cruel, but it is not my responsibility to regulate that for them. That most likely stems from a personal standpoint. I am not responsible for someone being offended by what I have to say about my own story and my own fictional characters. You don't see me coming on here and crying out that someone on anon made me "feel bad". That's not a thing.
There is a difference between just saying something out loud and engaging in a conversation. Constructive criticism is where you offer a opinion, give why you are offering it, and then explain how it does or does not work for the narrative. Then, I can come back, ask questions, respond with what maybe I was intending, and figure out a better way to get what I was intending across.
Non constructive criticism is just coming to me as an anon, and saying they are angry and want to hurt someone. Or that they don't like something of my story without giving why.
To further some points. Milo is a triggering character. I knew this from the beginning. The things that he did is not for the faint of heart and speaks to betrayal. And a lot of people who have been in a situation where they feel betrayed, are going to respond negatively to that. But, that is on them. That is for them to work through and own. It is not the responsibility of my story to change because of that. And coming on to say that you hate a character and want to harm them. Or coming on to say that I'm a bad writer. Or even coming on to say that I'm hated on reddit (to which I say, isn't everyone?) is providing nothing to this community, world, or our author reader relationship. It is done solely with the intent to try and hurt someone because the reader themselves was hurt.
To end this, I am going to make this statement. Telling me it "feels" like I am telling someone they are wrong is based in a personal feeling towards a situation. It is not based in facts. It is not based in anything that I have said. And while everyone has a right to their opinion, just because I am an author and a content creator, does not mean I don't get to defend my story or my characters. If I was being racists, sexist, transphobic? All things to come at someone for. But because I wrote something that makes people angry and they don't want to continue going on a journey with the characters and would rather just block their minds to character growth? I can't do anything about that. If there is no conversation they want to engage in, if they simply want to come on and troll me, then they need to not be surprised when I treat them the same way they are treating me.
I hope this makes more sense and provides some understanding.
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nientedal · 2 months
On Constructive Criticism.
Hey friends. You ever want to leave a critique on a fic, and the author says they like constructive criticism/"concrit," but then you leave your critique and you try to make it complimentary but the author still seems less than thrilled with you? You may have missed the point of "constructive!" Don't feel bad, you aren't alone. Took me until I started writing and receiving feedback to really figure it out.
The key to remember is, "constructive" doesn't mean "nice." It doesn't mean phrasing gently, or doing a compliment sandwich (although those are fine things to do as well). "Constructive" feedback is feedback that would make the story as the author has already written it stronger.
"The execution of this character's decision to do XYZ felt a little bit out of nowhere, to me. Was that your intent? It didn't seem like it was meant to be a big twist, either. Maybe some extra foreshadowing would make it stronger, or some shock on the part of the other characters." THAT'S constructive criticism.
This is NOT constructive criticism: "This character doing XYZ thing really doesn't make for as strong a story as it could. I think he should have done NQD thing, instead. That would have been better."
The first example offers some ideas on how to help a character's decision land better when the reader couldn't tell what the author's intent was. It's possible the reader didn't like the decision and that's why they noticed - maybe some foreshadowing would have helped them accept it better, or some indication that it was meant to be shocking would have validated the reader's surprise & displeasure. But, crucially, the reader did not suggest anything that would require a massive rewrite. Some tweaking, sure, maybe the addition of a few paragraphs. But not a change to the character's decision as a whole, the way the second example suggested. The second example does describe something the reader thinks would make for a stronger story...but it is not something that would make THIS story stronger. It is describing a different story than the one the author has already written so far, so it's just plain ol' criticism. Constructive criticism makes the existing story stronger.
That's the difference. You aren't workshopping. You are commenting on something that is already being written, that is already planned to the point where someone is already posting it. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between workshopping a story and simply giving concrit! Unless the author has specifically asked for workshop-style help, offering things to do differently from what was already written is worse than useless. Don't.
Rule of thumb: if what you're saying can be boiled down to "I think this cake would be better if it was pie," say something else. The cake is not pie. It's not GOING to be pie. I didn't ask what you think I should bake, I put cake on the table and asked what you thought of this cake. Tell me what would make THIS cake better. Not the pie you were thinking of, and not a different cake you might have liked better. THIS CAKE.
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saltminerising · 5 months
seeing the drama go down about the auraboa lore has made me super anxious. as a writer and also an autistic person, it can be hard to fully know and prepare for every single issue ahead of time, and it worries me that i’ll accidentally write something problematic into my own lore on flight rising without realizing it. (also i don’t have the funds to personally hire a sensitivity reader for all my flight rising lore.) it makes me wonder if one day i’ll write something and get cancelled and called racist for something i didn’t intend for it to come across that way at all, despite my best efforts to be cognizant of such things.
i’m not saying people shouldn’t call out these things. as a writer, there’s a lot of pressure to perform, but also the responsibility to get things right, to not spread misinformation or perpetuate harmful stereotypes. but i really think some compassion should be extended to the other side too, that people are human and they do make mistakes, unintentionally causing hurt. should flight rising hire sensitivity readers? absolutely. should they fix and change the issues present within the lore? absolutely. but i also don’t think they intended to belittle or dehumanize a group of people with their recent lore, either.
i know i’ve certainly taken the time to rewrite entire chunks of my own lore when something just felt… off to me for whatever reason. and i think that’s something that no author should be afraid to do. but the sheer hostility that comes from some people can be really daunting and anxiety-inducing. discouraging, even. to some extent, it makes me personally wonder if i should even try to tell stories when people try to find as much fault as possible in them, and aggressively tear them down rather than offering constructive criticism. it creates an environment of hostility rather than a learning space where we can all be better people.
i’m not talking about the folks who have valid criticisms, and voiced those things politely and with respect, who have brought up real concerns. that should by all means get discussed and acknowledged. i’m talking about the ones who are going overboard and getting angry at staff and just straight up calling them extremely racist. not that i’m defending racism. of course not. just that i think being that as accusatory as possible doesn’t get us anywhere other than high tension and mob mentality.
i also think there are definitely people who are being dismissive of these concerns as well, and those folks need to back down too. (especially that individual who posted a baby image as a reply to what an individual stated. that’s such a childish thing to do. please be better than that.) i’m just sad to see some people can’t remain civil about these topics, i guess. i feel like, we’re all people here, we all bleed the same, we all make mistakes. perhaps a little bit of empathy would go a long way from both sides of the equation.
on another note. for the folks who are being equally dismissive of the phobias that genes like medusa and scuttle trigger: people are people, and what bothers one person might not upset another. expecting everyone to feel the same way, and to not have a certain trigger because it doesn’t personally bother you is a very narrow-minded way of thinking. let people exist in the way that they do without making them feel unheard and unseen, as though they are ridiculous or foolish. they’re not.
i love these genes myself, but i can understand if someone else was unnerved by them, because the world is a larger place than my own narrow perception of it. again, compassion and empathy go a long way. please don’t be unkind to the folks who may be dealing with things you are not. wouldn’t you appreciate it if someone was as understanding about the things that upset you?
anyways. sorry for rambling. i’m sure most of you will think this is too much to read, and that’s fine too. i can understand that. regardless of whether you did or not, i hope you all have a good week. rest, hydrate, and take care of yourselves.
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ihopesocomic · 5 months
i know i'm late but going back to the sexism talk and how people criticize the comic as a whole, do you think it's more about MP stans saying "you can't write either" because you said that show has bad writing vs. actual criticism or a bit of both..? Because everything i've read so far just sounds like either nitpicking or is just made in bad faith and that's just my take on things
I know you're probably aware but just in case: I wouldn't go as far to say all the criticism we've got is made purely in bad faith. A lot of criticism we've received has actually been super polite and helpful.
Bad faith criticism is actually relatively easy to pick up on because people posting it will generally just drag the piece they're "criticising" and then offer absolutely nothing constructive to the issue. Because they don't actually know/care about anything in regards to giving actual criticism. Because yeah: shocker, folks. Saying things like "this story/characters are full of clichés" or "the dialogue is bad" is actually not valid criticism. You can't throw out buzzwords like 'cliché' and then call yourself a 'critic', you need to actually 1) know what that word means and also 2) recognise that using them is not always a bad thing. Especially when the latter point is demonstrated through what you claim to enjoy.
For example, I'll see somebody saying the above but then I'll also see them being the biggest stan for Disney/Pixar movies... which are absolutely full of clichés in storytelling/characters? It doesn't necessarily make them bad movies but I'm just gonna call a spade a spade here and say a lot of those movies actually wrote the rulebook on using clichés shamelessly.
Like we're aware that we're using some basic character archetypes like Adamant and Quiet being your stereotypical annoying younger sisters. We just don't care if it's "cliché" because 1) it gets the job done and the audience understands their role in the story without having to consume too much exposition and 2) it's an archetype we enjoy.
Same goes for any criticism that calls the comic a 'ripoff' or a 'copy' and the person proceeds to list off a bunch of things that are either inaccurate/untrue (i.e. saying that Clever is Hope's grandmother when she's not) or citing things that are not exclusive to My Pride. For example, we apparently can't have white lions in our comic because of the one white lion that appears in My Pride... and it's not even confirmed that's how he's actually meant to appear. Ghost could just be white because... well, he's a ghost (or at least not alive in the strictest sense). lmao But in conclusion, we've both been in this game a long time and we know when people are being constructive and helpful. There is an element of 'let's give you a taste of your own medicine' out there but it just pretty much confirms to us that these people haven't watched all of our MP video three years down the line or else they would know how actual criticism works.
Because it's not always about dragging what you dislike. It's often about getting disillusioned with something you saw a lot of potential in and expressing your disappointment and how things could've been better in your eyes. - RJ
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Do you have any plans for Alderheart? I always thought Alderheart was a boring pov in AVoS, and I kinda wished that they kept his anxiety, and have another WAYY less ableist reason for why he became a healer.
Okay. So I don't wanna do a page for him JUST yet, mainly because AVOS is under so much construction, but I do have some general ideas I can bounce off as things stand.
1. Alderheart is NOT a main point of view. He technically is at the beginning as a bit of a fake out. His POV in canon is a slog to get through anyways, and I personally think it should have always been Sparkpelt.
2. He has anxiety, and he does keep it. He isn't just "worried" often, he constantly feels like everything is going to go wrong, his mind often wanders when he is supposed to focus, he's irritable and tense, and while he wants to be perfect, he also... Isn't doing a lot to help himself. He projects towards Sparkpelt out of jealousy. He never means to, he's just... He's a lot like his dad.
3. The thing about him becoming a Medicine Cat is Squilf going up to her son and gently speaking with him about struggling with his training. She suggests him to be a Medic, proposing cool things he can do. He can make friends in other Clans easier, he can go wherever he wants in their territory at any time, he will be able to visit the Moonpool whenever he wants, and he'll get to work with Aunty Leafpool! She knows he is hating his training, and she doesn't wanna see her son struggling like that. He takes it to heart pretty badly, but he gives it a try when his dad says he doesn't have to stick with it if he doesn't want to.
4. But... He REALLY likes being a Medicine Cat. Sure, it's scary at first, but between Leafpool being supportive and Jayfeather having proper development in the arc to become a better person, the position is enjoyable. It helps that he sees the power that the position offers. He has more influence than his 'perfect' sister will.
5. He is proper mates with Velvet, and still sees her after she goes home. He does it under the guise of herb gathering, and often times WILL bring back herbs, including Velvet Thyme, a very valuable herb.
6. He is still exiled during TBC, and in the end, decides he is done with Clan life. He goes to live with Velvet and Hattie. He recovers, takes his mental health seriously, and improves his outlook. He becomes a better person, and visits Sparkpelt in secret later on to tell her he is sorry.
Please note, I... Really don't like canon!Alderheart. I don't think he is very nice and I really dislike the way the narrative bends other characters to make him correct. I know he is one of Kate Cary's favorites, and the way she treats male characters she likes gets on my nerves, and while I am redoing some male characters to be better, I... Just don't want to with Alderheart.
Embracing his flaws makes him interesting to me. He says kind things, but if you don't validate him often enough, he will try and pull out the same crap Bramblestar does with others. He gets jealous, feels like others are trying to show him up, or replace him. He is loving and patient, but he often projects his insecurities on/towards others and can get wrapped up in a slightly frail ego, an inferiority-superiority complex. He won't take criticism because he needs to be right. He wants to be better than Sparkpelt and Dandeliontuft, not getting/seeing that they're struggling too. He LOVES them, but he's a bit emotionally short-sighted.
He's a good guy, but he needs to work on himself, which is difficult with his father around. When it's just Velvet and Hattie, he does a lot of self-reflection.
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marginaletchings · 3 months
Personally I feel like the rushed pace of Hazbin is more of an indictment of The Industry of making shows, especially animated ones, rather than of Vivzie and the crew.
There are also some issues I have with some interpretations and expectations people are having, like… Media also has its logistical limitations, especially “alternative” (subversive) media and media spearheaded by women. I personally would much rather they use their time wisely, even if payoff and key character moments aren’t always earned, than waste multiple episodes doing slice of life in an 8-episode season. (Looking at you, Steven Universe.)
I also don’t think y’all understand the limitations of the process of animating (in terms of time, manpower, budget, etc) —but also of how they may not have been able to get signed on with A24 and Amazon if they didn’t have big name actors going with it.
Y’all act like this is just Vivienne stomping around being a mean old Karen, when in reality, that is not how creative productions work. There is so much we don’t know but everyone is content to condemn the series largely based on emotional reactions, assumptions and too often, bad faith. It’s not even done airing yet.
Hazbin Hotel has its flaws—cram packed pacing being the main one—but as a huge fan of animated shows, who grew up in the 90s, to me it is a damn breath of fresh air. Do I wish they’d stop and just let us feel something more often? Sure! I’m sure Viv and the crew do too, if Helluva Boss is anything to go by.
Criticism of a creative work is valid, but only when it takes into account how that thing is actually made and most importantly, the context in which it exists. If you ignore those two things, your criticism is always going to ring hollow and come off as shallow and uninformed.
Shockingly, opinions aren’t always constructive criticism, and some folks seem to have missed that distinction.
EDIT: Would also kindly like to add that as a survivor of SA, abuse, depression, Husk and Angel’s song in ep 4 did not come across as victim blaming to me. Self pity and self hatred lie at the root of self destruction, and no matter how much you’ve earned the right to sit in that mire, admitting that you’re in a fucked up place is the first step toward acceptance and the path to healing. When you’ve been hurt, you grieve, and Angel was in a stage of denial and depression.
Sometimes, the only way to break through that powerful fog is for someone to tell you, yeah, shit is fucked up and you’re an absolute disaster, but you are not alone and I am here with you. I personally would rather have someone just be honest with me instead of spouting some saccharine nonsense. People always talk about how there’s a better place beyond what I’ve walked through, but I hated that, because it offered no honest assessment or comfort for me while I was still in the thick of it.
You can be so hurt that you’re lost in the pain and misery and you lose the perspective you need to hold onto any kind of hope. Husk offered him that hope, and without engaging in the Suffering Olympics. He was open and straightforward and genuine. No more bullshit.
And Angel doesn’t need bullshit, he needs honesty and people that care about him, who will be there through whatever comes next.
But that? That’s just my opinion.
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zot3-flopped · 5 months
I think one of the most frustrating things about Taylor Swift discourse to me is trying to have meaningful conversations with some of the more rabid Swifties. They hype her up as some groundbreaking artist, and it’s often hard to offer any constructive criticism without being smeared as a “hater” or “misogynist”.
On the popheads subreddit, Swifties will often post ridiculous takes or ask ridiculous questions. There was a post just recently asking if Taylor has received more criticism in her career than Madonna. This was very quickly pointed out as ridiculous, as the Catholic Church tried to cancel Madonna for being blasphemous, and Madonna also broke boundaries by loudly advocating for AIDS patients in the 80s. Taylor’s attempts at advocacy have been very tame (“You Need to Calm Down” was quite pathetic IMO), and there was also a vocal alt-right section of her fandom that worshiped her for years. She took ages to condemn them. Not to mention that she loves portraying herself as a victim. Whilst I don’t deny she’s had hardships as a woman in the music industry, she has also benefited from much privilege (She’s a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed attractive woman who came from a well-off family and her dad was able to purchase a significant stake in a record company to help get her career off the ground).
Then, I’ve seen such preposterous statements from Swifties such as Prince being overrated because he only made 4-5 good albums and Taylor Swift popularizing the concept of cohesive albums. This to me just shows their lack of popular music knowledge. Prince may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and he did need someone to hold him back from dumping as much product out as he did in the late 90s-early 00s, but albums like “Dirty Mind” and “Sign ‘o’ the Times” were ambitious pieces of work that showed Prince was not afraid of taking huge risks. Taylor has made some excellent albums and songs, but she plays it very safe, and IMO seeks too much validation from places like the Grammys. If she threw caution to the wind occasionally, we’d probably get a more exciting song or album from her. I can’t ever see her making a song like Prince’s “Head” or “If I Was Your Girlfriend”.
And the statement about Taylor popularizing cohesive albums is just stupid as hell. Frank Sinatra had one of the earliest concept albums in 1955 with “In the Wee Small Hours”, and there was an entire era of popular music called “the album era” from mid-1960s to the mid-2000s where the album was the main way of consuming and discussing music. This era began in earnest in 1965 with such albums as Bob Dylan’s Highway 61 Revisited, The Beach Boys’ Today! album, and especially The Beatles’ Rubber Soul. I was very happy to see that user on r/popheads being mocked for suggesting Taylor Swift’s Red popularized cohesive albums (especially since that album isn’t even particularly cohesive).
Agree that she's given far too much credit for innovation and is actually quite mediocre.
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behindthewox · 2 months
I hurt people, and I apologise
I've been trying out a few different approaches with this blog. I'm still experimenting, going by the principle that if you never try you'll never know. It means I'm gonna make mistakes, and since I'm addressing issues that a lot of people have a lot of varying feelings about I'm bound to upset someone no matter how I try to avoid it. And frankly, I'm not trying to avoid upsetting people: I'm trying to spark discussion and action to push towards better and more sustainable practises across WoX, and I'm aiming for the top people since that is where the change really needs to happen.
A few days ago I made a seemingly innocent post that upset a lot of people. It had consequences, and the worst of the consequences are unfortunately ones that will affect other people more that it affects me.
To those people, I'd like to apologise: I was careless, I messed up and I failed to consider the possible consequences of my actions and how people would get hurt as a result. I can't undo it or make it better, but I am sorry and if I could offer you something in apology, I would. While I can't take responsibility for the actions of others I do realise that my actions triggered a series of negative events that hurt other people, and I should've known better.
I've tried a few different approaches with this blog so far. Tea and gossip got a lot of attention but was met with criticism, and the criticism was very valid. So I changed tactics slightly, going for a more respectable and productive approach that seems to have been appreciated. I let myself go a bit wild recently, getting a bit offensive and baiting for reactions, and while I had fun and some readers liked it some people were very upset by it, and it doesn't seem to be the right approach for making an actual difference. I went out on a limb and did something risky I knew would piss some people off, and while the consequences were bad (again, I'm sorry for those negatively affected by my actions) it also exposed a serious flaw in the WoX structure and it's got people talking.
I try to do what I'd want to see from other people. I try to set a good example, and I hope that people will see and learn from what I think is the responsible and respectable thing to do.
When I fail, I will usually acknowledge it. I admit to my failures and shortcomings, and I learn from it and do better next time. When people get hurt as a result of my actions, I apologise and I learn from it so that I hopefully won't hurt people like that in the future. When people criticise me, I acknowledge their criticism and if they make valid points I take that into account and adapt my ways. I do not, and will not, sweep criticism under the rug - I will post every anonymous Ask I get (unless there's strong reasons not to) regardless of tone, message and opinions. I try to provide good examples of how to provide feedback, how to criticise in a constructive manner and how to respond to criticism. Sometimes I make exceptions to try other things and sometimes I simply fail, but overall I try.
I'll make one last jab at Dan: I would expect him to do the same, except I already know that he doesn't do that. I wish he would and I hope he'll be motivated to try, becase I believe it'd do a lot of good for WoX in the long run. And with that said, I'm going for a less personal and more neutral approach from now on.
(the blog is still open for tea and opinions though, the "say something" button somewhere above this post is there for anyone to click and share whatever is on their mind either anonymously or from a tumblr account)
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Oooooooooooooooomygosh. EAW #15, so much, so much, so much. The writers packed a lot, A LOT, into this episode. SPOILERS! This was a fun one. LONG, LONG POST WARNING!
1) A post I re-blogged over the weekend noted critically that us fan reviewers have not been paying enough attention to the connection between the cases and the personal matters of the characters, and I think that criticism is so valid and spot on for this episode. Because what did this case ultimately focus on? That’s right, what we’ve all been asking for throughout this series: COMMUNICATION!
The case focused on ways in which information gets communicated (or hacked, or leaked, or whatever).
The legal question at hand is: the private data of most of the population got leaked. What should the punishment be for this leaking?
To phrase the question very differently (ha): what should be private? What does privacy mean?
One of the main issues that the show grapples with is how Young-woo communicates, as an autistic person in a mostly nautistic world. I’m going to play with this for a bit, and I welcome constructive criticism on my thinking.
I’ve mentioned previously that I went to grad school for social welfare (note: I’m not a therapist, but I took many courses in direct clinical practice). Therapists very often struggle with setting up a micro-macro understanding of the world for their clients. In other words: if Young-woo is a client of a therapist, how can that therapist help Young-woo understand that her own style of thinking and communicating is not a, or the, primary way in which the majority of the population interacts with each other?
This is a tremendously difficult issue to grapple with in the therapeutic relationship, and it speaks to a societal push-and-pull, a give-and-take of our society to offer SPACE and VALIDITY to our fellow humans who do not communicate like the majority of our societies. As well, it speaks to Young-woo’s own push-and-pull of how she learns to engage with society herself as she grows and gains in her adulthood. Micro-to-macro, macro-to-micro: from Young-woo out to the world, from the world back to Young-woo.
Going back to the hacking for a second: it is generally understood that mass hacking and sharing of personal data is bad and subject to prosecution. (Although the plot doesn’t necessarily condemn hacking itself.)
Connecting this to the interpersonal relationships displayed in this episode: Attorney Jang is punishing Young-woo for her style of communication as “bad,” or arrogant.
Separately, many folks on the tag have been talking about how Young-woo and Jun-ho communicate, and some folks have even demanded from Young-woo more communication from herself. There’s been incredible feedback from folks who are autistic combating that back and recognizing Young-woo’s non-communication in difficult emotional moments as authentic and valid. 
I want to tie this all together, because I think it speaks to how absolutely nuanced and in-the-moment the nature of communication is. Every second of our waking days are spent negotiating how we all, as humans, communicate with the world and ourselves. We type on Tumblr. We get coffee from baristas. We argue with our parents. We argue with our partners and our children. We love and connect and verbalize with the people around us. We self-deprecate to ourselves.
AND. We DON’T always say things. We DON’T always verbalize. We give our parents the silent treatment. We take a break from our partners to zone out. Our non-communication.....is communication.
I say ALL of this, because I think this episode really neatly tied together a lot of loose knots we’ve been feeling about the way in which the “world” of EAW accepts Young-woo in society and vice versa. Ultimately, the case was about how communication of a certain kind (data) was mishandled. This episode demonstrated, from an interpersonal perspective, how communication and information can also be handled, and mishandled, intimately. 
2) Which takes us to Young-woo and Jun-ho, and Young-woo and Attorney Jung, because I think their stories in this episode were linked. 
Young-woo ran to the hospital to literally plead to Attorney Jung to not die (ha). What’s that we saw from Young-woo? Empathy! (She’s such a badass, y’all, I so love her. Running into that hospital like that.)
And Jun-ho. Young-woo is concerned for his loneliness. A commenter on one of my previous posts noted the same loneliness connection to Young-woo’s dad, and it’s so spot on. Young-woo has internalized this shame for supposedly rendering folks lonely. She believes she will make Jun-ho lonely.
What is she showing to Jun-ho? Empathy. Even if the content of what she’s saying is not what we want her to say -- she’s communicating a love and empathy for Jun-ho that demonstrates an adult kind of growth that anyone can appreciate and emulate, regardless if you are autistic or nautistic. 
What I truly appreciate about this show is that, for me, Young-woo’s growth is contextualized from the frame of her autism. But it is ABSOLUTELY APPLICABLE TO EVERY ONE OF US AS ADULTS. We can all grow and become more empathic. We can all appreciate that we might make our partners lonely. It happens. Divorce rates are high for a reason, y’all! We ALL need to work on our empathic responses, right? We’re not perfect.
Young-woo is WORKING on herself, to understand herself as a partner, even while she thinks her lens is still self-centered. She’s learning. I don’t know of a more empathic meditation that any human, autistic or nautistic, could undertake. It’s just gorgeously written. It literally makes me want to weep, because it is all SO HUMAN, and Young-woo embodies this beautifully.
3) One other Jun-ho note. “Why can’t we be together?”, he asks. Remember what I said about that micro-to-macro-and-back existence, the push-and-pull of your intimate self to the world and back again. My gorgeous homeboy (heh) needs to reflect on what Young-woo’s positioning is in the world to understand the meaning of his question, and I’d like to see some self-reflection on his part (although I will totally get if the writers don’t have space to do that). That would be my ideal scenario. He’s putting a lot on her, and I am gently criticizing that set-up, and would like to see it addressed if possible. (But I get that the writers are also using that moment to demonstrate Young-woo’s empathy.)
Okay, this is so long already, but a few more quick points and then two footnotes, sorrryyy.
4) WTF, Attorney Jang, how the hell did you become a senior partner? Seriously, you do NOT act in court like that! W.T.F. Not being able to carry out MULTIPLE arguments, especially in the face of counter-arguments? Seriously embarrassing. 
That little, conniving, sniveling, little POS. Oof. CEO Han, pay attention! 
Okay, with that out of the way (ha), he was a great demonstration for arrogance and insecurity. I liked comparing his insecurity to Young-woo’s total security in her legal analysis, and insecurity in her personal life. An easy reflection on a lack of empathy vs. a growth in empathy.
5) I don’t know what’s happening with Min-woo, y’all, lol. I’m going to wait to pass judgement until tomorrow. Is he fighting himself between wanting to have a relationship with Su-yeon vs. his desire for world domination between Hanbada and Taesan? I have no idea. Let’s just see.
6) I saw some criticism on the tag regarding Su-yeon and her pushing Young-woo in ableist ways, and I think the criticism is worth meditating on, again from this push-and-pull framework of how Young-woo interacts internally and externally with the world. Su-yeon, at least from my POV, is framing the way the world works, from her POV, to Young-woo. I think some folks might want Su-yeon to help Young-woo exist in the world in only Young-woo’s way. But, as I said up above, that’s unfortunately not entirely the way the world works. In my mind, Su-yeon does demonstrate bravery for representing Young-woo’s legal analysis in court, but I do VERY much get that that can be criticized. 
I take that along with the question of why Jun-ho drove away with Attorney Jang. Attorney Jang got rid of Young-woo. Su-yeon spoke up. He was about to get rid of Su-yeon when Min-woo spoke up. Young-woo, Jun-ho, Su-yeon, and Min-woo each interacted (or were interacted with) POWER, as represented by Attorney Jang, in different ways. They all met or stretched their own limits in the face of power. Su-yeon, representing Young-woo’s legal analysis in court, was grappling, in her own way, in the face of the power that Hanbada put in front of her in the figure of Attorney Jang.
AND -- we can see that Attorney Jung, our beloved senior partner, demonstrates HIS power far differently than Attorney Jang. With -- what? EMPATHY. Full circle, baby!
Alright. WOW. THAT’S IT, except for the footnotes. SEE YOU TOMORROW! AAAHHHHH!!!
* I’m definitely processing the news of season two. I’ll get more clarity on my feelings after we see what happens tomorrow. I’ll be particularly curious about how they handle Kang Tae-oh’s enlistment.
** Speaking of Kang Tae-oh, I saw on social media that he wondered to the writers and directors the line from ep. 14 -- “are you kidding me?”, as too harsh. It really speaks to me that the writers are doing what they’re doing with presenting that kind of emotion. Even though we think it’s harsh, it’s real for the character of Jun-ho, and I appreciate the risks the writers are taking there.
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chaoswithcausation · 1 year
Free To Feel
I’ve been considering writing a Sanders Sides oneshot or something for a while now and well I guess I’m finally doing it.
High school au hurt/comfort with Janus and Patton. Patton has learned something from his mom, and he’s pretty upset about it. He doesn’t know why- it took place years ago, so he doesn’t have any reason to feel sad about it, right?
Then why can’t he stop crying?
It takes a talk with Janus to let him know that his feelings, no matter what they are, are valid.
Warnings for: discussion of past miscarriage(s), Remus (he only shows up briefly and says one thing to warrant this, though), some swearing
If you read it and have any constructive criticism, please share!
Patton was having a shitty day, and Janus could tell.
It wasn’t like it was hard or anything- he was great at reading body language, and Patton’s had been practically screaming “THIS SUCKS!!!” all day long.
Granted, that was what Janus saw. Patton was actually very good at concealing his negative emotions, so it was no big surprise when none of their friends seemed to pick up on the distressed vibes radiating from the usual sunshine. Janus had roughly half his classes with Patton, so he had plenty of time to observe his mood. Rather than excitedly volunteer answers like he usually did in History, Patton had sat quietly in his spot looking out the window. That in itself didn’t seem like much cause for concern at the time, but when he offered no topics of conversation at all during lunch Janus began to worry.
There wasn’t much he could do about it until after school, though. So he waited, keeping a careful eye on the softest of his friends while in the classes they shared, and formulating a plan for talking to Patton after school. Since he didn’t know what the issue was, he figured that he’d swing by his house after school before heading to Patton’s. They lived only a few blocks away from each other, and were regularly coming and going between houses as if they lived together. This was essentially the norm for their entire friend group- though the twins and Logan did live at slightly greater distances than the rest.
When the bell rang, Janus totally didn’t run out of the classroom. Nopity nope, he definitely did not. Doesn’t matter what you heard, the hall monitors are bitchy liars.
Regardless of the verity of what the hall monitors may or may not have seen, Janus did arrive at he and his friends’ designated meetup spot at the front of the school very quickly— but was somehow still the last to arrive, excepting Patton.
What? It wasn’t his fault that his final class was all the way on the other side of the school!
He didn’t plan to stop and chat, though, considering two things. A) he was on a mission, and didn’t have time to listen to Roman talking about the upcoming theatre production today, and B) he had absolutely zero I desire to get involved in whatever was happening.
Virgil and Roman were lounging on the ground against the wall, watching Logan and Remus scream at impressively loud volumes.
“YOUR MOM IS- oh hey Jannie!”
Janus rubbed his temples. “Hello Remus. Have any of you seen Patton?”
“He already went home,” Virgil piped up. “Said he was tired and didn’t feel up to listening to these two go at each other like a couple of wild animals. Well, not in those words, duh, but that was the general vibe I got.”
Remus snickered at Virgil’s comparison of him and Logan. “Y’know, going at it like a couple of wild animals sounds pretty fun, huh Logan?”
“Why you-”
Janus didn’t stick around to hear the rest.
When he arrived at Patton’s house, he knocked on the front door and called out as he stepped inside to let them know it was him entering, then poked his head into the kitchen where Patton’s mom always sat at the table working. “Hi! Is Patton home yet?”
She had scarcely opened her mouth to respond when Patton came sliding down the hallway in socks at top speed, bowling over Janus and knocking them both onto the floor.
“Oh, sorry Jan!” he exclaimed, hauling them both back up to their feet. “C’mon, let’s go to my room so Mom can work.”
Patton’s mom was clearly suppressing a laugh. “Pat, honey, what have we told you about sliding down the hallway at Mach 4?”
“Sorry, mom. Won’t happen again!” he called, already moving back towards his room. Janus followed, and after setting his bag down on the floor, immediately flopped down into the absolutely enormous beanbag chair occupying the corner of the room. Patton shut the door then followed suit, plopping himself down onto the other end of it.
It was huge. They could have easily fit another person in between them— although at that point it would’ve been a bit more like a cuddle pile.
“So, what’s up?” Patton asked. He wore a calm smile on his face, but the emotion he was trying to convey did not reach his eyes. He looked, like Virgil had said, tired.
“It’s vibe check time,” Janus replied. “And before you start spouting some ‘I am a-okay!’ bullshit, let me tell you that I know something’s been off with you all day. Whatever’s going on, you can tell me about it.”
“Right to the chase, huh?”
Patton sighed heavily and sunk down in the chair. “I don’t want to burden you with my garbage.”
“You aren’t burdening me, Patton. I asked. And I sincerely hope that your ‘garbage’ is referring to the contents of your trash can, and not your personal issues.”
Patton sunk a little deeper into the chair. “So, I was talking with my mom yesterday.”
He paused for a long time.
“I don’t think you know this, since we didn’t really hang out then, but when I was littler my parents tried really hard for another kid. That’s my brother.”
Janus was very familiar with Patton’s little brother. The kid was smart as a whip, just as silly and sunshiney as his older brother, and had probably seen every Disney movie in existence. Their entire friend group doted on him like he was an angel- especially Logan, who normally was awkward around kids at best. The others liked to tease him about it, but it was clear to anyone that they all adored Emile as well.
Patton pulled his sleeves down over his hands and balled them up to make sweater paws. “I remember, when I was really little, I used to ask for siblings all the time. I wanted a bunch of siblings to play with and hang out with and have little sleepovers with— all that fun stuff. I never really stopped to wonder why it took so long for Emile to get here.” He paused for a moment to breathe— in for four, hold for four, out for four. Virgil used the same trick to help with his anxiety.
Patton let out a small chuckle. “I was so excited when he arrived. I finally had a brother! Yeah, he was really tiny and squishy at first, but as he got bigger he started to grow into this amazing person who is so much fun to be around, and now he’s one of my best friends. Sure, he can be a goober sometimes, but so can I! I love having him as my brother!”
Another long pause.
“But… I didn’t stop hoping for more siblings. As we both got older, though, and he got to be old enough to actually talk and stuff, I kind of forgot about it, but… not completely. I wondered, sometimes, why it was just me and Emile. Heck, once I was old enough to realize that we aren’t getting any more siblings, I even felt sad that he wouldn’t get to be a big brother too.”
Patton rubbed at his eyes, and remained quiet for a bit.
“Yesterday, my mom and I were talking. I can’t even remember now how it got brought up, but…” he took a shaky breath and continued. “We wound up on the topic of siblings, and she— she told me that she—”
There were tears flowing down his cheeks now, but he seemed determined to continue.
“She told me that she miscarried! And I— I don’t— I don’t know why I’m so upset, because it’s not even like I knew the babies existed back then and it was years and years ago so it shouldn’t matter now, but— I couldn’t stop thinking, about how I never knew how risky it was, and then I started thinking about how it just as easily could’ve been me or Emile and— and that just scared me so much because I can’t imagine not having him in my life because he’s such an incredible kid, and then I was thinking about how we could’ve had more siblings that probably would’ve been just as amazing as him and— and—”
Patton buried his face in his sweater-paws and wept. Janus reached out an arm and gently wrapped it around his shoulders— enough so that he could feel it, but still light enough for Patton to move away if he wished to.
Instead, Patton collapsed into his embrace, and Janus enfolded him in his warm arms, not saying anything, just letting him cry.
“Four,” he sobbed. “There were four.”
They stayed there like that for a while, as Patton cried out the word ‘four’ again and again. When he did sit up and dry his face, he wouldn’t meet Janus’s eyes.
“Sorry to dump all that on you. It’s silly to be so upset about something so long ago-”
Janus cut him off. “Patton, you don’t have to apologize for anything. I came here because I noticed that you seemed sad, and specifically asked you to share with me what was wrong— and I am so glad that you did. There is absolutely nothing silly with the way you are feeling. This is an entirely natural and reasonable response to learning what you have, and your feelings are completely valid. Additionally, you don’t have to hide when you feel upset over something. You have one of the biggest hearts of anyone I’ve ever met, and you have friends and family who love you so much. Please don’t ever feel like your emotions are silly, or that you can’t talk to anyone about them.”
Patton’s eyes welled up, and he wrapped Janus up in a huge hug. “Dang it, Jan. How do you always know what to say?”
Janus wrapped his arms around his friend once more, and held on tight. “It’s my specialty.”
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nalyra-dreaming · 10 months
As someone who reads and writes fanfiction, what are your thoughts on receiving negative feedback/advice in the comment section? Do you welcome constructive criticism or do you find it rude when someone criticizes your work, no matter how respectful they may be, because you're ultimately doing this for free?
I do value constructive criticism, but sometimes that is only a "he would never do that" opinion veiled in more or less harsh words.
I think it depends whether it is respectful, and coming from a place of knowledge. I just had a comment like that where someone argued, with examples, that my characterization might be off - and I then explained where I was coming from in contrast to them, and that for example was a constructive discussion imho. But I also had ones in December, that were not that at all (in-between one that was), but full on accusations, because I wrote something they didn't like.
Fanfiction authors are ultimately doing it for free and for enjoyment. For the reader, that means if you do not enjoy, you click the little x on the tab and go and choose another fic.
Or, if you still like the fic "enough"... you suck it up, or note why you didn't like that one thing while saying what you liked. Because...
If the criticism is in regards to writing style or the story connections in general then that can be valuable information, even if it may hurt at first. And sometimes a note from a commenter you know* as to why something is off can help immensely. Imho.
(*that is an important bit for me, too - does the person criticizing you comment regularly? Engage with the story? Or are they only ever coming out to criticize? The emotional impact is very different then, obviously.)
So it... kinda depends on whether the person wanting to criticize is able to do so without becoming personal. Since fanfiction in general can be pretty emotional that is a thin line to walk? And sometimes people confuse criticism with the permission to hate on what was offered...
If you are getting negative feedback and do not wish to have it, then put that into the notes of your fic would be my advice - and tell the commenter, kindly but firmly. Set a line. If they persist, block them, and if they are not logged in put the comments to moderated and delete the comments you do not wish to see on your fic until they've stopped (trolls in general do want their posts published, in my experience these things stop when they aren't anymore. Which is not to say that the person criticizing is always a troll, but this shit happens.) This is your fic, you can decide the level of engagement you allow.
And the level of criticism you wish to have.
And - it is valid to change one's mind about that, too.
Writing should be fun.
And your mental health always comes first (and I know how taxing receiving something like this can be).
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Tbh I feel myself being drawn in by your analysis and perspectives on twst rather than your general headcannons and one shots (no criticism on your writing at all btw! Your writing is absolutely lovely and I could go on a rant on how much I love it-which I am now seriously considering) nothing compares to opening up tumblr and getting a huge surge of dopamine when you post a personal thought. The quality and the manner in which you articulate your thoughts so sophisticated and well written, your points just glide right off the page. Even thought I might not necessarily agree with all your points personally, I still feel excited to read up on whatever you post because it’s such a deep dive into a character’s motivations, personal issues, etc. or how a ploy should have functioned that I find myself convinced by the ending of the post and agreeing with you. And even if I have seen a certain point before stated by someone else, hearing you go into your own personal reasons and often going into even more detail than other people i have seen before makes my heart pound out of my chest istg; everytime an new event comes around I immediately start waiting for your thoughts and what you enjoyed and what you think would be improved. You’re such a fantastic writer and I wish I could find the words to give the praise you deserve. ahahaha….i hope that didn’t come off as too intense or fanboyish..
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Uwawawawawawawawah… (〃▽〃) Thank you very much, Anon!!!
It’s not every day when I receive such lengthy and detailed feedback for my work, so I really appreciate it!! I actually really like receiving asks like this, as it gives me something substantial and meaningful to chew on, reflect on, and incorporate into my writing as I move forward.
I’m happy that you’re enjoying both my creative writing and my more analytical/theory posts (I’ve been doing more of the latter lately because I’ve been busy with irl things 😅)! Depending on my mood, sometimes I find analysis and theory posts more entertaining to write than creative pieces are.
I’ve always been an advocate for being critical of the media one consumes, and that means sharing thoughts and inviting differing opinions in so that everyone comes out of it with something new. It also means being okay with constructive criticism—realizing that you can love something while also being unhappy with aspects of it and wishing for better. You don’t necessarily need to overanalyze everything to enjoy it, but I find that doing so brings entire new worlds’ worth of meaning to me. Analysis is what I personally choose to do (others may not and just wish to enjoy the franchise casually, which is equally as valid).
I just hope that by mindfully sharing my own thoughts and rambles, I can impart some of that wisdom onto the TWST fandom at large. I want to encourage intellectual discussion about the characters we love and how the lessons TWST teaches us can apply to the real world. I want to open minds to the possibilities that the rich world of Twisted Wonderland has to offer.
I’m always eager for new content 😌 and I’m just as eager to word vomit my thoughts on that new content out. jxhsvsjsbjwns I didn’t realize that people (like you, Anon!) actually looked forward to it; I feel like I mainly make posts on new content for my own records (so I can retroactively look at it later and wonder “what was I thinking back then???”)… but I’m happy that my ramblings were noticed and deemed to have value.
Maybe I really am making a little bit of a change through my writing 😌 Maybe… my words really have reached someone.
What a nice thought~
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zuppizup · 2 years
Hi! Please just ignore this if this question is weird and convoluted, I figured you’d be a good person to ask because you’re one of my fav fic authors and we’ve had a couple interactions in the past (I don’t expect you’d remember me lol) Anyway, I wanted to ask some questions about leaving comments on fics, obvi not all authors are the same but I’d really value your opinion. I read a lot of fanfic and I frequently see posts from authors talking about how valuable and enjoyable comments are, I don’t often leave comments but I’d really like to be offering that response and engagement. My issue is I have hella social anxiety and overthink the whole thing until I convince myself it would be better not to say anything. I think it would be a good challenge for me to push through that, and I think it would help to have some consistency in what I say. This is all a decidedly long winded way to ask if leaving comments just outlining my fav parts of a fic/chapter is good or helpful feedback? Also is it appropriate to comment regarding spelling issues and grammar mistakes? (I; a dyslexic queen of run-on sentences am obvi a connoisseur of the english language) So um yeah, thank you regardless of whether you want to respond ✌🏼
Hello! I most certainly do remember you! I think most creators have a pretty good memory for people who interact with their stuff. Certainly the ones I talk to do. ☺️
I absolutely get where you’re coming from with comment anxiety. I get it all the time myself! I was actually talking about it with some of the fandom writers recently. In fact, I often put off reading fics I’m super excited for until I have the time and energy to comment. I don't think that's particularly unusual either.
As a writer I most certainly adore getting comments. Short ones, long ones. A comment that’s just “kudos” or a smilie?
Love it! Someone read my stuff and took the time to leave me a wee note? They are precious and to be loved.
But a comment saying what someone liked about the chapter?! Oh, those are the absolute best! I can't think of a writer I've spoken to who doesn't love that style of comment.
When it comes to spelling and grammar, well, things get a little more complicated. I personally would much prefer someone point out a mistake like that to me. I don't have a beta (beta anxiety is real!) and I have a number of ways of editing a fic to try and capture typos, but they are sneaky and slip through. AO3 especially makes it quick and easy to edit a typo and boom, fic is better and more easy to read. Love that.
Some people are writing fic for fun though, and would rather not get comments like that. Which is totally fair and valid.
Your best bet is to see if the writer has a statement or notes saying they welcome constructive criticism. If not, I think it is probably best to err the side of caution.
For me personally, any type of comment is welcome and cherished. I yeet fics into the universe because otherwise they will go round and round in my head, so it’s really lovely that there is a community of people who read, kudos and comment on fics.
The Dragon Prince fandom really is one of the nicest, most welcoming fandoms this grandma has been in (and I’ve been in a few). I’ve made quite a few friends through commenting on fics and art, so there’s that angle too, if you are interested in developing fandom friendships.
Ultimately, we’re all here to have fun and enjoy the show. If commenting makes you anxious, it’s totally fine not to. People understand and you definitely shouldn’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If you really do want to try, you can just start small. Even a little emoji or a couple of words can make a difference in a writer’s day.
And if anyone has any tips, additions or comments, feel free to add them!
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therazgar · 1 year
this could be just me, but maybe the things i feel about myself after 9 pm (you know, those thoughts everyone tells you not to listen to) are actually pretty good at sparking criticisms of myself that are genuinely worth listening to and valuing to at least some extent.
sure, it tends to get overwhelming sometimes with how deep these thoughts tend to go and maybe even turn into downright self-loathing, but no matter how often it may paint some things as more negative than they are in reality, i always find myself coming out of it all with points that i can hopefully keep with me as building blocks for genuine constructive change for myself. certainly, recognizing problems is a start.
i’m just saying, for all the times i’ve seen silly “self-help” memes, as i call them, telling you “never trust how you feel about yourself after 9 pm”, i’ve never seen anyone accept those feelings for the constructive criticism they have the potential to bring to the table (unless it’s just me who has thoughts that aren’t just vicious, unforgiving self-loathing). i don’t know if it’s me being paranoid, but looking at how many (especially young) people on the internet seem to spiral into a worldview way too black-and-white for their own good, i feel it’s maybe somewhat valid to fear that some people seeing those memes might end up taking those words too literally. both the more positive and more negative sides of you have their own thing to offer, they both have entirely valid things to say. it just has to be up to you to decide what they say is valid and what’s invalid. recognize what’s actually harming you, and have those be the only things you throw away.
i mean, it may depend on your sleep schedule, but those post-9 pm thoughts are still ones you have to live with. so, please accept your whole self. it’s healthier.
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Having the right filtering programming set up will guarantee that client PC are safeguarded from any infection assaults.
Before using goodies to collect customer information, get permission.
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