#ok NOW im gonna get back to writing hogwarts aus
gukyi · 7 years
pen pals | jjk
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⇒ summary: to put it simply, pretending to be jungkook’s pen pal when you were both eight just so he wouldn’t be disappointed was a bad idea, because now he’s in love with them. or, well, you, he just doesn’t know it. 
⇒ friends to lovers au
⇒ pairing: jungkook x reader
⇒ word count: 11k
⇒ genre: fluff, light angst, lighter smut
⇒ a/n: no, i don’t have an obsession with writing cute jungkook fics, idk what you’re talking about. this is unedited, as per usual. 
Lies. They’re a pretty damn funny thing, if you’re being honest. Some lies can ruin lives, while others can save them. Some mean the entire world to people, others are about as insignificant as the pebbles that crumble off of the edge of the sidewalk. But one thing is for certain, and it’s that all lies, every single one of them, have the ability to take something as small as a ladybug and turn into something as big as a whale.
It starts when you’re eight, sitting at your desk at school. Actually, you’re not really sitting, you’re doing that thing where you push yourself off of the ground and balance on the chair’s hind legs, which never really works out, because you always fucking fall every time you do it.
Truthfully, the whole thing starts a long time before that, a whopping two years prior to the inciting incident, when you first met Jungkook as little children marching into the first grade together, but who cares about that? The eighth year of your lives is where things really begin to kick off.
“We’re getting pen pals,” your teacher says to the class, making all of the children gasp in excitement. The mere mention of it makes you fall flat on your back, though that would have happened had she not said a word.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m fine, I’m fine,” you reply, rolling off of your chair and pulling it upright, sitting back in your seat like the well-behaved child you should be.
“There’s an organization that connects kids like yourselves to others all over the world, meaning none of you will have a pen pal from the same place. I have the names and locations assigned to each of you, and I will be handing them out, along with a blank sheet of lined paper, for you to write to them.”
You turn to Jungkook, who is bouncing up and down in his seat excitedly as he waits for the slip with his own pen pal’s information on it. When the teacher places it on his desk, he shows you with a rectangular grin on his face.
“Look! Look, they’re from South Korea! Isn’t that neat? I wonder if they know Korean,” he says aloud. “Maybe I can get Jeonghyun to write to them in Korean.”
“But then if they responded in Korean, you wouldn’t know what they’re saying!” You point out.
“Oh, I guess you’re right. I’ll just ask them.”
And then off he was, pulling a pencil the length of a decently-sized ant out of his backpack’s front pocket, and writing away.
Having pen pals is one of those things that you read about in books meant for higher-grade elementary-schoolers, where you think it’s super cool and exotic and special until you actually do it yourself, and it turns out to be none of those things. Your contact with your pen pal dies exactly one week after you receive their letter back, one of those standard ‘Thanks for writing to me! Hope we can continue speaking!’ that you never follow through with. Your pen pal is from somewhere in Europe — Italy, if you’re not mistaken — but it’s not as if the place interests you so much that you desperately want to keep talking.
Jungkook, however, ever the overzealous and over-engaged eight-year-old, finds himself enchanted by the basic information his pen pal provides, avidly writing back everytime he gets a letter from them in the mail.
Eight-year-old Jungkook is a pretty dynamic fellow, if you do say so yourself, the boy involved in nearly every extracurricular on the planet. You feel so bad for his poor mother, who has to drop him off at swim practice only to pick him up and immediately drive to chess club, then to the mathletes, then to his piano lessons, then to dance. Kid only gets home at nine at night, even for an elementary schooler, so it seems pretty typical for him to be equally as intrigued with the concept of pen pals as he is everything else.
And, as his honorary best friend and the only one willing to put up with his ridiculous schedule in order to plan play dates, you hear all about it.
“Y/N!” He shouts, bounding down the hallway as you sit patiently on his couch, let into his house by his mother as you wait for him to leave his room to greet you. He’s holding a torn envelope and an unfolded letter in his hand as he rushes over to you, pulling himself up onto the couch next to you. “Look! She wrote back.”
“What’s her name, again?”
“I told you, it’s Hari,” Jungkook reminds you, like it’s such a big deal that you’ve completely forgotten everything about his pen pal. “Look, look what she said,” he repeats, shoving the letter into your hands.
“Dear Jungkook,” you begin to read. “I can’t believe you’re also Korean! Just my luck. It must be very cool to be Korean but not live in Korea. Can you speak Korean? I can. What’s your favorite color? Mine is purple, but I also really really like pink. Do you have any pets? I want pets, but I can’t because my younger brother is very allergic. Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are their names? Hari.”
“Isn’t she just the coolest?” Jungkook beams as you hand the letter back to him. “She’s so fun to talk to.”
“Isn’t this only your first letter from her?”
“Yes, but she responded very fastly.”
You open your mouth to tell him that that’s not a word, but you close it, deciding that it’s not worth ruining his mood to point out one of his mistakes.
“What are you going to write back to her?”
“I don’t know,” he says, huffing as he looks down at the letter. “Help me?”
“Okay,” you agree, following him to his room as he brainstorms all the answers to Hari’s questions. Once he’s closed the door, you lie on your stomach on his carpet as he sits at his desk and writes, keeping your eyes focused on the way his feet dangle off of the chair, too short to reach the ground.
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The letters go back and forth for the next couple of months or so, Jungkook easily being the only kid in your entire class to somehow manage to maintain a relationship with their pen pal past the first few weeks. He talks about Hari like she’s actually there with you, sitting in the same class and listening to the same lesson. Any average person would probably grow to be a bit jealous of his relationship with a girl he’s never met, but considering the fact that you know Jungkook would never drop you, his only friend, you’re pretty unfazed by the whole thing.
“I’m trying to get her to send me a photo of her,” Jungkook admits to you one fine day outside, the two of you sitting under the shade of a thin birch tree as you watch the rest of your grade run around on the field, playing something along the lines of ‘Chase the Girls’. You’re glad you have Jungkook to guard you from being dragged into that mess of a game. “But she won’t. Why?”
“Maybe her mom won’t let her.”
“But my mom let me send a photo of myself to her,” Jungkook whines, throwing his head back in anguish and knocking it right against the bark, an unsettling hollow sound echoing by your ears.
“Maybe her mom is different,” You suggest.
“I’m gonna keep asking her. Maybe she’ll send one eventually,” Jungkook decides firmly, like every other eight-year-old when they make the decision that they want something, and they’re gonna get it.
“You shouldn’t make her feel bad for not showing her face,” you inform him. “That’s rude.”
“I won’t, you sound like my mom.” Jungkook frowns at you, raising a disappointed eyebrow your way.
You choke back a snort. “Maybe she doesn’t want to send you a photo because the one of you was so ugly, that she didn’t want to make you feel bad.”
Jungkook scoffs, as if the scenario is impossible. “That’s dumb. I’m the cutest eight-year-old you’ve ever seen. Don’t you agree?”
“I don’t know, I mean, I’m sitting right here.”
Jungkook places a hand over his chest in mock offense before he pushes you over and into the grass. You retaliate by grabbing the edge of his cobalt blue shirt and pulling him down with you, leaving the both of you in a fit of giggles as the teacher opens the door to signal the end of recess.
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Much to your relief, Jungkook receives a glossy photo of Hari by the next week. She’s grinning from ear to ear in the photo, messy bangs covering the top half of her eyes with fairy pink icing all around her mouth and almost none on the chocolate cupcake she’s holding. It’s one of the photos printed from an old camera, you can tell by the orange letters at the top right corner, signalling the date it was taken. You’re just glad you don’t have to hear him whine about it anymore.
The day he receives the photo is the day that Hari officially cuts off all contact with him, only he doesn’t know it yet. He’s too busy gloating in your face about the photo, getting his oily fingerprints all over the nice, shiny paper as he waves it in your face at his home.
“And you said she wouldn’t send me one,” he taunts, marching around with the photo like a damn champion holding a trophy.
“I didn’t think she would,” you reply, squinting your eyes at him. “What are you gonna say back to her?”
“I think those cupcakes look delicious.”
“That’s it?” You say, furrowing your brows.
“Am I supposed to say anything else?”
“Tell her she has nice hair.”
“Do girls like being told they have nice hair?” He questions, scrutinizing the photo.
“Some of them do.”
“But I think she has bad hair.”
You take the nearest throw pillow you can grab and fling it at him from where you stand, throwing it over the couch in between the two of you as it socks him in the jaw.
“Hey!” He shouts from where he’s fallen over.
“Trust me, Jungkook. I know girls, and she’ll like being told she has nice hair, even if you don’t think it’s very nice,” you insist. “No one cares about what you think.”
Jungkook purses his lips in disgust, very obviously not wanting to compliment her hair in the letter he sends back. “Do you like being told you have nice hair?” He asks, turning his attention towards you.
“As a matter of fact, I do,” you state, standing up tall.
“Well, your hair looks ugly today, too.”
This prompts a full-on pillow fight between the two of you, knocking each other over with every pillow in sight, as well as a couple tissue boxes. Hopefully, his mother doesn’t have anything very expensive sitting on wobbly tables in the room, because neither of you will relent until the other surrenders.
Spoiler alert: you win.
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Nearly two weeks pass and Jungkook still has no response letter from Hari, him informing you of this as he mopes about having to visit the mailbox every day, only to be let down every time he opens the flap.
“Maybe she’s running late. Maybe Korea is busy and can’t send letters right now because something came up. You know, sometimes, when my mom has a really important letter to send, she waits an extra day just to proofread it like five times. Maybe she’s doing that.”
“But it’s been so long,” Jungkook whines. “I complimented her hair just like you told me. I want to know if she likes it.”
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Truth be told, you never find out if she likes his compliment about her hair, because by the third week, you can pretty much tell that she’s given up, just like every other eight-year-old on the planet who ever attempts to maintain a relationship via pen pal. The only thing is, is that Jungkook is still as hopeful as ever, his faith in her not dwindling even the slightest.
You have to admit, it’s a little bit disheartening to see some girl give up on a guy as involved and genuinely interested as Jungkook, but you give Hari the benefit of the doubt anyway, as she likely has much more enjoyable things to do than write letters to a boy who once bragged to you about he could fit his entire foot in his mouth, and then proceeded to show you.
It’s still a shame, because Jungkook truly seemed pumped about his pen pal, and for it to just vanish in front of his eyes can be a punch to the gut to any child.
If anybody asks you, you do it because you can’t bear to hear the kid moan and groan about how the mailman has started to tease him for always waiting for the mail after school, and not, under any circumstances, because you actually care for the boy’s feelings and don’t want him to get hurt. You’re doing this for you, not for him. The greater good. Taking one for the team.
As you sit down to get writing the letter to Jungkook, praying that he’s too stupid to recognize the differences in handwriting, your mother opens the door to the reserved computer room you have, and you get an idea.
There’s no way Jungkook can call you out for handwriting similarities if you type the thing.
Dear Jungkook,
Sorry for the late reply! My family just got a new computer, so I was busy figuring out how it worked instead of writing to you. We even got it connected to the printer, how cool is that?
Thank you for the nice thing you said about my hair. It was kind of a mess that day, but I’m glad that you like mess. Those cupcakes were really good! I wish I could send you some. I’m sorry if I stop replying for a while. I’m getting very busy these days. Korea keeps me occupied. But I hope you are well! Please send my regards to your friends and family.
Okay, so you do feel a little bad about lying to the boy, but it’s all for his good. If he gets the message that she’ll stop replying, then he’ll stop feeling the need to send letters to her, and eventually he’ll forget, problem solved. The plan is foolproof.
What isn’t foolproof is how you’ll manage to fake the return address so it seems like the letter is coming from South Korea and not your house, but if you can do anything, it’s come up with a plan.
Jungkook once opened one of the letters from Hari at your house, meaning the envelope was likely strewn somewhere on your absolute disaster zone of a desk. You sift through papers and papers, math worksheets and torn coloring books and arts and crafts from book tutorials, until you finally manage to locate the envelope under a large pile of what appears to be every single thing you worked on in the second grade. How it got there, you haven’t the slightest idea.
The return address on this envelope is handwritten and in English, which is good, because you were not about to copy Korean characters onto the top right corner of the crisp new envelope that sits on your unmade bed. However, getting the right return address is only half the battle, because now you need a way to mail it to him, without worrying about where it will get redirected should the mail folks lose it.
Eventually, through precise timing and a quick Internet search of the local mailman times, you decide that the best time to leave the letter would be when your mother drops Jungkook off at his house after picking the two of you up at the end of the school day. The mailman would have just arrived, the new mail fresh in the mailbox, and Jungkook walks into his house through the garage, meaning he can’t see you once he hits close on the garage door. This leaves you the perfect window to slip the letter in the mail.
The plan follows through with pretty decent success the next day, if you do say so yourself. Not to toot your own horn, but everything went exactly as planned and Jungkook did not notice a single thing. Your mom did ask what you were doing, snooping in the Jeon’s mail, but you merely replied that you had something to send to him, and that was that.
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What you did not foresee coming was the excitement the next day at school as Jungkook runs over to you right before class starts, waving the letter frantically in his hands, held high above his head. He nearly falls over as he darts towards his seat to show you the letter as he glows.
“I knew she would respond, I just knew it!” He says, pointing at the letter as if you need reminding that he was right. “It’s so fancy now that it’s typed.”
“Wait, but look here,” you say, pointing to the line where you wrote that you would be busy. “She said she’s gonna be busy, so she won’t be able to talk to you.”
“No worries,” Jungkook says like it’s not a very big deal at all. His reaction frightens you, making you raise an eyebrow in panic. “I’ll just keep sending letters to her. She doesn’t have to respond.”
This was definitely not in the plan. Not at all. Oh no.
“Are you sure? You’re wasting the money your parents spend on stamps,” you say, wracking your brain for any valid reason as to why he should not do that.
“I’m the only one that sends letters in the house,” Jungkook proudly proclaims. “My parents use e-mail, which I’m not allowed to have, and Jeonghyun texts on his phone. He makes fun of me for sending letters, think’s they’re ‘old fashioned’. All the stamps go to me, anyway.”
“But… But…” You say, at a loss for words. There goes your hope that all contact with Hari would cease after what was supposed to be a final letter.
“Why, is something wrong, Y/N?”
Jungkook may be dynamic, but he is a little bit oblivious at times, a quality that saves your ass more often than you’d like to admit.
“Me? I’m fine,” you say, coughing to distract from your stutter.
“Really? You seem stressed,” Jungkook notes.
“I’m stressed these days,” you quickly spit out. “It’s fine, just a little bump in the road. Hey, we should go get ice cream today after school. My mom has a coupon.”
Any mention of food is enough to catch Jungkook off guard and change the topic completely, something you desperately need.
“Sounds good.”
At the ice cream place, Jungkook informs you that he’s too busy to respond to Hari today, so he’ll have to do it tomorrow, when swim practice doesn’t meet. That makes you breathe a sigh of relief, thrilled to hear that you have at least a bit of time to plan how you’re going to go about this.
You try and wean him off the topic of Hari by asking him about the moving truck in front of a house a couple of doors down, the one you saw for the first time yesterday, as you dropped him off.
“Oh! We’re getting new neighbors,” Jungkook says cheerfully. “No one’s lived in that house since before I was born, so it’s nice that they’re moving in. I hope they have a kid my age.”
Jungkook doesn’t suspect a thing, and if it makes him a little bit happier, you suppose there’s really no harm being done.
Is there?
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Just as planned, Jungkook leaves a letter for Hari in his mailbox the very next day, and just as planned, you pick it up the following day as you drop him off after school, his new neighbors keeping the mailman stalled for just the right amount of time, so you reach the letter before he does. You don’t know how things are working out so well for you, but you’re glad they are.
“Stop fishing in the Jeon’s mail,” your mother instructs. “It’s rude.”
“Jungkook is giving me letters, though,” you try to explain.
“Then why isn’t he sending them to our house?”
“I’m tricking him.”
You refuse to elaborate further, but your mother merely sighs, probably dropping the topic because it’s just one of those kid things that she won’t understand.
You tear open the letter on the drive to your house, but when you pull out the piece of paper, another falls onto the car floor. When you pick it up, it’s a photo of you and him, one that his mother took at your school’s spring fair. The photo actually makes you feel a little bit nostalgic, looking at your smiling faces as if you were not one of the people in it.
Dear Hari,
I hope Korea does not keep you too busy! Even if it does, I will still send you letters, but you don’t have to respond super fast if you can’t. I still like to talk to you.
I hope you like the photo I’ve sent! It’s from my school’s spring fair. Do you have fairs in Korea? We have them every year, and they’re lots of fun even if the prizes kind of suck. I only go there for the hot dogs, to be honest. The girl in the photo with me is my best friend. Her name is Y/N. We spend a lot of time together! She helps me write my letters to you. I really like playing with her. She’s the best.
I’m going to send you another letter next week, if I can. Don’t feel pressured to answer me. I just want to keep you updated on what’s going on in my life.
It’s weird to see Jungkook talk about you to a person neither of you have ever met, as you never imagined you’d be present to hear him describe you as a human, let alone his best friend. He speaks to Hari as if she’s just another new friend he’s showing around his house, and it’s reminiscent of when you first met each other and completely new all at once.
“What did he say?” Your mother asks as you begin to fold the paper back up.
“Nice things,” you reply, staring down at the letter in your hand, never meant for you.
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In order to conquer the problem that is preventing the mailman from picking up your response letter and whisking it away for it to get inevitably lost in a flurry of envelopes, you leave a note for him on a Post-it attached to the inside of the Jeon’s mailbox as you stuff the letter inside while Jungkook walks into his garage the following week.
On it, in your tilted handwriting, says, ‘The letter in here is already adressed addressed to the Jeons. Please take this Post-it with you but do not remove the letter. This will happen every now and then, so pay no attention to it! Thanks’. You believe that a lime green Post-it won’t be particularly difficult to miss, so you can only hope the mailman follows your request.
You get your answer the next day during recess, when Jungkook gambols over to you, opened letter dangling from his finger tips. You’re more than relieved to see him, especially after finding yourself confronted with a game of ‘Chase the Girls’ without him by your side.
“She mailed me back!” Jungkook says, whistling pleasantly. “I’m glad she did, even if she said she wouldn’t.”
“She probably didn’t want you to be the only one sending things,” you tell him as he plops down in the shade next to you.
“That’s exactly what she said!” Jungkook cries, a surprised look on his face. Your eyes widen, but you say nothing in response and hope that he’ll forget about it as soon as possible. Sure enough, he does. “Wow, you really do know girls.”
You simply beam in response, hands under your chin to display your angelic qualities. “You gonna keep writing things to her?”
“Of course,” Jungkook says, rocking back and forth on the grass contentedly. “She’s so easy to talk to,” he continues, taking the silence between the two of you as a perfect cue to keep speaking. “Like, I feel like I’ve been talking to her for ages. Especially recently, you know? It’s like we’ve already known each other for years. I don’t think I’ll ever want to stop talking to her.”
And for once, under the shade of the tree as you watch the other kids dash around the field, you wish that you were apart of ‘Chase the Girls’, because then, maybe you wouldn’t feel so bad for lying to a boy after hearing about how something that’s not real makes him so happy.
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The charade carries on into your higher levels of schooling, the lie only ever snowballing. Jungkook, despite your outward refusal of the fact, has become something of a looker as he’s gotten older, filling out the meat on his bones and growing a good several inches taller in the transition from middle to high school, nearing six feet tall. But, regardless of the self-awareness of his good looks, the only two constants in his life in terms of girls happens to be you and Hari. Well, you and you-but-not-you. His schedule is still as hectic as it’s always been, meaning he hardly ever has time to actually go out and date.
Over the past eight years, you’ve amassed quite the collection of random photos Jungkook decides to include whatever letter he’s sending Hari, the photos ranging from him at one of his swim meets, sopping wet with a Disney branded towel wrapped around his shoulders, to one of him taking a selfie with a fresh head of lettuce. You sometimes wonder if you would ever be able to see such photos if you weren’t posing as his pen pal.
And while your horde of both flattering and unflattering Jungkook photos is quite impressive indeed, it’s been getting increasingly difficult to hide the entire thing from Jungkook every time he stays over at your house after school on the off chance that he’s free for the afternoon. You store all of the extra things he sends you in a shoebox at the bottom of your bed and the letters reside in another shoebox at the back of your closet, behind all of the shirts that you buy on whims but never fucking wear, and you just have to keep Jungkook away from those areas.
By now, the conversations between the two of you as pen pals are just like old friends reconnecting, no basic nonsense like what your favorite colors are and how many pets you have. No, the two of you have started writing to each other about the mindless things, like when Jungkook did a school presentation on anime just to see how many weeaboos he could find in your class, or when you got totally socked in the head by a dodgeball he had thrown during gym.
Admittedly, it’s sort of fun being this ‘Hari’ character, because you’ve been able to fabricate her life into whatever you want, since she’s not physically there to call you out on it. You’ve taken your brief knowledge of her, from what Jungkook told you when you were mere children, and you’ve made a whole new life. She plays tennis, she acts, she loves classic English novels, but hates poetry. She has friends who are twins, she stinks at math, she’s never had a boyfriend before. These are all things you’ve turned her into, and who’s to say you can’t?
One thing that hasn’t changed is the guilt.
Every time you open your laptop to type up another letter, every time you hit print, every time you sneak the envelope into his mailbox when he’s walking up his driveway, you are guilty. Guilty of lying to your best friend, and guilty of letting it catapult into this huge, ridiculous, act that you are too afraid to drop. People always told you that lies only get bigger and never smaller, but you never believed them. Until it happened to you, of course.
What makes the guilt a thousand times worse, however, is how happy Jungkook is every time he gets a letter. He’s already a cheerful boy, always lighting up whatever room he’s in and charming everyone’s pants off with that smile of his, but the happiness he gets when he sees a letter from her is like nothing else. It’s the same excited feeling he had when he was eight, eleven, thirteen, and now, sixteen, and you hate that it’s all fake. You hate that you’re the reason it’s fake.
Jungkook’s over at your house, just after having received a letter from ‘Hari’ the day prior, and he is glowing.
“What’d she say, this time?” You ask as you sit down next to him on the floor, where he leans against the side of your bed, your textbooks and homework strewn all around you, practically untouched.
“She was just telling me about the antics that the twins get up to,” Jungkook tells you, sighing as he lets his head fall back, just making your mattress. His hand is on the floor, a little too close to the shoebox right beside it, and you need to move it, stat. “They’re so funny.”
“You’ve never even met them,” you say, carefully trying to push the shoebox further back with your fingertips.
“But they do such funny things! They break out into song and dance in the middle of class and always make jokes about the teacher,” Jungkook says. He has not noticed the box yet.
“They sound very entertaining,” you say, like a mother talking to her child about something she doesn’t care about, but the child does. “You get along with her well, you know?” Wonder why.
“I know, I just — I feel like I can tell her everything. I could tell her my whole life story and she wouldn’t judge me. She’s so easy to talk to, like you,” Jungkook says, smiling at the mere mention of her. “I never disagree with her on anything. She’s like a fucking dream.”
“Well, dream on, kiddo,” you tell him, patting his back. The shoebox is successfully out of reach of his hand. Crisis averted.
“I can tell you anything, right, Y/N?” He asks out of the blue, turning to you.
You scoff. “Of course. We’ve been best friends for years, I’d never betray you.” The words taste like bile in your mouth. You swallow them down without missing a beat. “Unless you’ve killed someone, Jungkook. Then I’m sorry, but I’m turning you into the police.”
Jungkook laughs at that. It rings through your ears, making you grin at the sound. “No, I haven’t done anything illegal just yet.”
“Then, what’s up?”
“Uh, you know the one girl in our English class?”
You roll your eyes, making wild gesticulations to emphasize the fact that you don’t know which girl he’s talking about. “Oh yes, very specific, I know exactly the girl you’re talking about. The one girl from our English class. Wow.”
He frowns at you, glaring and unimpressed. “She sits right behind you. You know her.”
That you do. Just last week, she asked you if Jungkook had a girlfriend.
You think you know where this conversation is headed.
“Mmm,” you hum in response, letting him continue.
“Yeah, anyway, um—” he begins, scratching at the nape of his neck, “—she asked me out yesterday.”
You figured as much. Jungkook was incredibly easy to read and you were also well aware of the fact that she liked Jungkook anyway, so it was only a matter of time before she made a move.
“And?” You ask, knowing that there’s more to the story than he’s letting on. “Obviously you didn’t say yes, I know you. But you’re hiding something in that tiny brain of yours,” you say, poking him in the noggin as he scrunches up his nose.
“Hey! My brain is not tiny, thanks very much,” he defends. “I think it’s above average, actually.”
“Explains your big head.”
Jungkook sort of walked into that one, if you’re being honest. It looks like he knows he just got played too, because he’s tackled you almost instantly, pinning you down on your hardwood floor with his hands right by your ears. You can see the muscles just barely bulging out of his arms, likely a result of the countless hours he spends at swim practice, and you laugh. This is a compromising position for anybody, especially when dealing with unresolved emotional anguish and sexual tension, but for you, it’s laughable.
“I did not ask for this disrespect,” he tells you, pretending to be incredibly offended as he hovers over you. “Who do you think you are, telling me I have a big head?”
“Your best friend,” you retort. Neither of you are very uncomfortable despite the otherwise incredibly suggestive position you’re both in. “You had something else to tell me?”
“I didn’t say yes because I think I have a crush on someone else,” he admits.
“Oh God, alright,” you say, pushing him off of you and sitting up, rubbing the spot on your lower back that first made contact with the floor when he tackled you. “Lay it on me, who is it? A senior? Another girl from our English class? An artsy emo kid you’ve never spoken to?”
If you were concerned about the slight bruising at the bottom of your spine before, you most certainly aren’t now.
“Hari?” You ask incredulously. Suddenly, you feel a lot more guilty.
“Yeah,” he admits softly, rubbing the nape of his neck again, an action he does whenever he gets hesitant about something. “I like her.”
You hate to be that friend, but, “You’ve never even met her, Jungkook.”
“I know, I know, I just…” He says, trailing off as he turns away from your perplexed gaze. “I was thinking about all the things we’ve told each other, all the secrets I’ve spilled that only you and she know, and how she just accepts me for who I am and listens to every word I have to say, and I think I like her.”
You’re speechless.
“No, I — I know I like her,” Jungkook decides firmly. A weight lifts off of his shoulders the second the words leave his mouth, and you can see it. “I know it’s weird. I know. I’ve never met her but I wanna kiss her. I know.”
“Jungkook, this is insane,” you say, desperately trying to think of something else to tell him, but your brain comes up empty. “Are you gonna tell her?”
“Should I?”
“Beats me.”
“I don’t know if I should,” he says. “I’m worried she’ll think I’m weird, or stupid. Or if she’ll think that it’s not possible since we’ve never met. I don’t want her to think that.”
You roll your eyes. “No person wants to be outright rejected, you’re the same as all of us. Just do whatever you feel makes you comfortable.”
“I—I don’t think I’ll tell her,” Jungkook says, and it makes you breathe a metaphorical sigh of relief. Thank God. “Not yet, at least. I don’t want to come on too strong.”
“Sounds like a good decision if I’ve ever heard one,” you say, stepping all over your homework as you collapse on your bed. “You sure you’re okay with not telling her?”
“I’m sure,” he tells you, joining you as he climbs onto your bed, sitting up straight and maneuvering your head so that it rests on his thighs.
“So what are you gonna do about all the girls that ask you out on a weekly basis?” You wonder aloud. Surely, it will break their hearts to hear that Jungkook is desperately in the throes of love with a girl he’s never met who lives thousands of miles away.
“I’ll just say I have my eye on someone else,” he says, shooting you a wink. You chuckle, knowing that that ‘someone else’ is you that he’s referring to.
You don’t notice it, or, maybe you just refuse to allow yourself to notice it, but the wink that he sends your way has your heart fluttering just the tiniest amount, a single butterfly taking residence in your stomach.
It’s too bad Jungkook likes no one more than a character you’ve created.
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You’re in English, packing up your school stuff five minutes in advance for the end of the day. It’s Friday, and you’re desperate to get out so you can go home and take a nine-hour nap on your couch. Your notebook has just made it into your backpack when you see Jungkook walking over to you, a happy grin on his face.
“Hey, Y/N,” He says, hands in the pockets of his grey jeans (“They’re a faded black, not grey!” “That’s what grey is, Jungkook!”).
“And why am I being graced with the presence of the one and only Jungkook today?” You ask without even glancing towards him.
“I have a free night tonight,” he says. “Wanna go out to get something to eat?”
“Like a date?” You scoff. “What makes you think I also have a free night tonight, huh?”
Jungkook nearly laughs. “When was the last time you stood me up because you already had plans on a Friday?”
“You got me there,” you say, pointing a finger gun at him as you zip up your backpack. You turn your head ever the slightest, and see the girl who asked him out a week ago, pouting. Jungkook truly has absolutely no shame. “Sure. Where to?”
“How about that Greek place downtown?” He suggests.
“You hate Greek food.”
“I’m trying to broaden my horizons, here. Stop calling me out.”
“Alright then, Greek it is. Dress code? Do I have to wear something expensive, Jungkook? A pearl necklace, diamond ring? Six inch heels?”
“You know what you wore for the awards ceremony last year? Wear that. It looked good on you. Your hair looked nice.”
“Is that what you say to all the girls, Jungkook?” You joke, an eyebrow raised.
“You bet,” he says back. “A good friend of mine told me girls like that kind of stuff.”
“They were right.”
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It doesn’t really occur to you that you’re going out on an actual date with an actual boy until your mother asks you where the date is, making you stop dead in your tracks as you fix your hair in the mirror in the main living space.
You’re going out on a date. With your best friend. Nothing wrong with that of course, it’s just that this particular date happens to be very romantic, despite your insistence that what you and Jungkook share is strictly platonic. He’s picking you up, taking you to a moderately fancy Greek place downtown, and the both of you are wearing some of your nicer clothes.
The doorbell rings, and when you peek out of the window, Jungkook’s terribly old car sits outside.
“Look at you,” you say, foregoing any sort of greeting as you open the door. Behind it stands a dare you say, dapper looking Jungkook is a pretty decent getup, playing with the collar of the dress shirt he wears. “I don’t think I’ve seen you dress this nice since our elementary school graduation.”
“Hey, you’re wearing the thing,” he says. “It looks good.”
“It looked good last year, it’ll look good this year. Ready to go?” You ask, grabbing your wallet from the coffee table and wrapping the strap around your wrist.
“Let’s do this,” he replies, letting you link arms with him as he leads you to his car.
Sure enough, at the restaurant, Jungkook turns his nose up at every single dish on the menu, muttering to himself that there has to be something better (there never is). He eventually settles for the saddest salad you have ever seen, while you go for a selection of appetizers you’re hoping to coax Jungkook into eating.
“You’re so uncultured,” you comment as his salad arrives, simply a heap of lettuce with some tomatoes decorating the edge of the bowl. “We’re at a nice Greek place and you get a salad.”
“I hate Greek food,” he says, like that makes it any better.
“Then why did you suggest this place?” You ask, taking a large bite of one of the several dolmades in front of you. “Here, eat this.”
Jungkook scrunches his face up as you shove the fork in front of his mouth, hand under it to catch any drips as you force him to take a bite. He doesn’t immediately spit it out, so you call that a win for you.
“I wanted to focus on you instead of the food,” he says, mouth full.
“Oh, stuff it,” You say, though you can feel your cheeks heating up at the comment.
“No, I’m serious. I feel like we’re losing touch,” Jungkook insists. “We don’t talk as much anymore.”
“We text every day.”
“We don’t talk about deep shit anymore,” Jungkook rephrases.
You chuckle. “Did we ever talk about ‘deep shit’? What’s your definition of ‘deep shit’, Jungkook?”
“Why don’t you ever go out on dates?”
“What kind of an asshole question is that, hey?” You frown, stuffing another dolmade into his mouth.
“I’m not kidding, Y/N. You’re funny, pretty, easy to talk to, you could get lots of dates if you wanted to. Why don’t you?”
“I guess everyone just thinks I’m dating you,” you shrug, like it’s no big deal. The compliments he laid on you are making that butterfly in your stomach lose its butterfly mind.
“I guess they do.”
“How’s Hari been?”
“Good, good. She just finished reading Macbeth.”
“Did she like it?”
“She thought Macbeth was kind of an asshole.”
“I agree.”
“I wasn’t joking when I said you were funny and pretty,” Jungkook says randomly.
“I know.”
By the end of the night, the butterfly has friends.
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First things first, you do not have a crush on Jungkook. No way.
Okay, so maybe you have a slight crush on him. But it’s manageable, it’s fine. No big deal, you’ll get over it. Maybe you’re just confused after the mess that was your date-not-date with him. Yes, that’s it. Your brain’s just playing games with you.
The main reason as to why you have to get over your crush as soon as physically possible is because Jungkook doesn’t seem to be giving up on Hari anytime soon. Despite not confessing directly to her, he’s definitely made a show of how much he truly likes her when he’s around you, and it’s not helping your case whatsoever. The faster you stop liking Jungkook, the easier it is to clear up this whole mess whenever you decide you need to.
The Hari thing has been going on much, much longer than you wanted it to, but you can’t stop just yet. Imagine how that would break Jungkook’s heart.
You and Jungkook haven’t really discussed your whole date-not-date since it happened, and it’s been several weeks. Neither of you appear very keen to bring it up, pretending like it never happened. You’re not exactly sure why, though, since it’s been pretty damn clear to the both of you that you’re just friends.
So, you’re essentially stuck, trying to worm your way out of having a crush on your best friend, watching him fall in love with another girl, who just so happens to be you posing as someone else, and the cycle endlessly repeats.
You have to admit, you most certainly did not foresee this when you were eight-years-old and writing a letter to Jungkook just to get him to stop his whining.
Having a crush on Jungkook isn’t all that rare, anyway, since you could probably list ten girls off the top of your head that also fancy him. The problem is that you actually talk to him, all the time, which makes falling for him even worse.
“Coach is letting me have the pool to myself on Wednesday, after school,” Jungkook says while you’re over at his house. You’re actually doing your homework this time, but you can’t seem to say the same thing for him. “Wanna come?”
“Am I allowed?” You ask, sort of laughing. You already know you’re not, but Jungkook’s never been very good at following rules.
“What Coach doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Jungkook reasons, and you take those words as a ‘yes’.
“If we get caught, will you take the blame?”
Jungkook sighs, knocking his head back and into a picture frame, making it fall to the floor. “Why do I always have to take the blame?”
“You’re always the one that comes up with the dumbass idea in the first place,” you retort, but you notice that he’s not really listening to you anymore. When you finally look up from the notebook in front of you, you see that he’s looking at the photo, expression soft and fond and regretful all at once. “You good?”
“What?” Jungkook says, spurred out of his trance as he places the picture frame face up on the floor. A closer look, and you see that it’s the one he framed of the photo Hari sent when you were eight.
“You good?”
You motion to the picture frame, pointing the end of your pen towards it. “Has she sent any more photos?” You feel terrible just asking the question.
“No,” Jungkook sighs. “But she doesn’t need to, I mean. I’m not gonna force her. I just wish I knew what she looked like now.”
You’re looking at her, you think to yourself.
“You could use one of those age progression websites,” you suggest jokingly.
“Yeah, and come up with a shitty Photoshop job,” Jungkook says, laughing to himself at your recommendation.
“You really like her, don’t you, Jungkook?”
“Of course,” Jungkook replies, eyes crinkling up at the mere mention of her. “I think she’s amazing. A best friend, just like you.” He nudges your shoulder, flashing his pearly-whites towards you in the warmest of smiles. You take it in, letting the memory of his glowing face sink into your mind, and you think that perhaps, crushing on him isn’t so terrible after all.
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Jungkook swims like a maniac. You’ve been to his meets, watched his performances, and he’s like a shark, tearing through the water at almost an alarming rate. It’s no wonder he’s his coach’s favorite, the pride and joy of the school’s swim team. There’s no other way he could be hooked up with free time in the pool. But you’ve never seen him swim just for fun, so you wonder how this could be any different.
“Is it cold?” You ask as you leave the locker room, seeing the boy already doing laps around the pool.
He stops mid-freestyle. “No. But that’s probably the swimmer in me talking.”
“So, it is cold?”
“Why don’t you see for yourself?”
What a tempting offer. You tentatively step towards the pool, dipping a single toe in before pulling back sharply, nearly toppling over.
“Holy shit,” you say. “It is so cold. How do you swim in this?”
“You get used to it,” Jungkook says. He swims up to you gracefully, an elegant butterfly from where he stands at the opposite end of the pool. “Come on, jump in.”
“I don’t want to,” you decide. “You said absolutely nothing about the temperature of the pool water.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” he says, pouting. “Just jump in. You’ll warm up straight away.”
You can’t resist him. Goddamnit. You inhale a deep breath and brace yourself before jumping right in, splashing Jungkook with the force as you pop your head up, drenched.
“I knew you could do it,” he says, shaking his head, water droplets flying every which way.
You thought Jungkook looked pretty good in his swimsuit from afar, but up close he looks practically irresistible. The water rolls down his neck, shoulders, chest, glinting in the fluorescent light of the indoor pool and making his torso shimmer.
“It’s so cold, I hate this,” you say, arms zooming to your sides as you rub them up and down, moving around slowly in the water.
“You’ll warm up in no time, you know,” Jungkook says. “You just have to get used to the water.”
“And how do you expect me to do that?”
Before your mind can even register it, Jungkook splashes you, letting you stand there, mouth gaping wide, as he cackles to himself.
“You’re in for it now, Jeon!” You shout, barrelling towards him as he begins to make his getaway. You already know you’re toast, since Jungkook could probably lap you if he really wanted to, but you chase him down anyway, fuming.
He’s giggling the entire time he’s running away, stepping through the water rather than swimming, splashing behind him as a defense mechanism. You let yourself get soaked, following the path he makes in the water as the two of you laugh your heads off, a full-on splash war on your hands.
Later, when the war comes to a truce — not an end, it’s not an end until one of you surrenders — you find yourselves in the middle of the pool. You’re lying flat on your back as he holds you up, soft hands pushing onto your skin, like a coach helping a child learn to float. It’s strangely intimate for the two of you, though you imagine any sort of conversation you’ll have will ruin the mood instantly.
“Is this how you charm the pants off of all the girls, Jungkook?”
“Oh yeah, this and splashing them until they’re screaming ‘bloody murder’ is a real smooth move,” he responds.
“I can do this myself, you know,” you remind him.
“I know. I just like holding you up.”
“Makes for a nice view,” you joke.
“Oh yeah? My double chin looking good today?”
“Especially handsome.”
The exchange leaves the two of you in giggles, the low rumble spreading from his chest to his fingers as he moves you up and down ever so slightly. It’s certainly a view, where you float to where he stands beside you, drenched hair, gleaming torso, warm smile.
You wonder if he wishes Hari were in your place.
But you savor this, savor the view and savor the feeling, because platonic or not, it’s something worth treasuring.
“You’re cute like this,” he says, removing one hand from under your back to poke your nose.
“Am I?”
“Very. If you want boys to date you, you should get them in the pool like this.”
You actually at the comment. “As if. I don’t need the school’s ugly pool to attract boys. I’m irresistible.”
Besides, you think, the only boy I’d want to date me is you, and you’re already here.
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Remember when you said you’d get over that tiny crush you had on Jungkook?
You’re nearing the end of high school, the idea of university and moving away looming over your heads, and you can say with too much affirmation that you have fallen, head over your goddamn heels, in love with your best friend. Nice going.
Unfortunately for you, nothing seems to have changed about the relationship between Jungkook and Hari, and if she weren’t thousands of miles away, he probably would have taken her to prom.
But here you are, a collection of photos of your best friend sitting under your bed, growing by the month as he unknowingly adds to it with each letter he sends. You’ve got photos from prom, winter break, sports meets, summer vacations, stacked up in a careless pile in a box, and you’d be lying if you said you don’t look through them on occasion. There are pictures in here that you, as his best friend, haven’t even seen, pictures meant for someone who he likes, not someone who he hangs out with.
Jungkook’s opinion of Hari hasn’t changed in years.
“She’s wonderful,” Jungkook muses as the two of you walk through the nearest mall. “I feel like I can tell her anything and everything, and she’ll always listen, never judge me. She teases me sometimes, like you do, but she’s easygoing and heartwarming. She’s so easy to get along with, even if we don’t have all of the same interests. I feel like I’ve known her my entire life.”
“Haven’t you, though?”
“Not as long as I’ve known you.”
“But you like her?”
“Well, I mean I like you too,” Jungkook says. “But I just feel that—that thing with her, you know? You know that thing?”
“This must be why you’re in an AP Literature class,” you say, “ your descriptions of things are simply outstanding.”
Jungkook frowns, shoving you a little as he fights the smile growing on his face. “I’m serious, Y/N.”
“So am I,” you insist. “But I know what you’re talking about.”
“Have you ever felt that thing?”
“Once or twice.” The with you goes unspoken, and you’re glad.
“With who?”
“It was when we were children, Jungkook. I don’t remember.”
“That’s fake. Surely you remember your first love.”
“Not really, no.” I don’t need to remember you when you’re right in front of me.
“Well, that’s what I feel with her. I don’t know man, I feel like she’s just the person I was waiting for.”
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“So, he thinks she’s funny, easy to talk to, and that it feels like he’s known her for a lifetime?”
You nod along to your friend’s words as the two of you sit on a bench in the local park. You’re lamenting your Jungkook troubles to her, since you obviously can’t go straight to him, and she’s providing insight as to what you should do.
“Sounds like he’s in love with you, not her.”
That makes you bolt up from where you were slouching back, like a dog hearing the word ‘squirrel’.
“I’m serious,” she says. “If he likes her for all of those reasons, there’s no reason he shouldn’t like you as well. He basically described you.”
You have neglected to tell her about the whole pen pal fiasco, finding it too long of a story worth telling. The less she knows, the better. She’s already told you enough information, anyway.
“You think he’s talking about me?”
“Sounds like it.”
Maybe he is.
You are Hari, after all.
Maybe he likes you, too.
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(Jungkook sits in his room, surrounded by college acceptance letters and textbooks he still needs to turn into his teachers. The blank piece of paper stares back at him as he glares at it, twiddling the pen in his hand.
This is what he writes in a letter to Hari that never makes it into the mailbox:
Dear Hari,
This is going to be a weird opening sentence, but I think I like my best friend. Actually, I think I’m in love with her, but I don’t know how to go about it. She’s been getting a bit distant from me, though I suppose that’s my fault as well, since we’re nearing graduation. What do I do? Do I confess?
I think I’ve loved her for a while know, but I didn’t realize it, hung up on another girl.
I think she’s funny, easy to talk to, and pretty.
But I think you are, too.
Jungkook stares at the finished letter, wishing that it could respond to him. He crinkles it up and tosses it in the trash.)
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The last letter Jungkook ever sends Hari includes a photo of him, his family, and you together at graduation, dressed up in your gowns and caps and grinning happily, and a sentence that catches your eye:
Don’t expect any more letters for a while, if that’s alright. I think I’ll be a bit busy.
It’s unusual for him to take a break from writing to her, the letters being weekly for almost ten years, now. You wonder what he might have in store, but you shrug it off. If anything, you’re glad for the respite. The lying has gone on for too long, anyway.
The two of you stroll along the sidewalk, high school graduates with coffee cups in your hands, passing by the local park. He suggests that you sit down with him, pointing to an empty bench in the distance, before making a dash to it in order to prevent anyone else from taking your spot.
“Can’t believe we’re going off to university,” you say, sighing as you sit down. “It feels like just yesterday you were walking up to me on the playground in elementary school, asking me if you thought the shade under the tree was big enough for the both of us.”
“I remember that. You stood out to me because you weren’t playing ‘Chase the Girls’ like everyone else,” he says, the memory popping back into his head.
“I never really liked that game.”
“Neither did I.”
It’s weird, some kind of out-of-body experience to be talking about your relationship with Jungkook over the years. You feel as though you’re watching yourselves grow up from a third-person perspective, watching you fall in love with him the same way he’s falling in love with Hari.
“Are you doing anything this summer?”
“Packing. Crying. Stressing.”
Jungkook chuckles at your response. “No, anything fun?”
“Hanging with you, I guess?”
“How would you feel about taking a vacation with me?”
You look at him, an incredulous expression on your face. “What, to the beach?”
“I was thinking something more along the lines of South Korea.”
Your mouth drops open, like it’s been pressed down by weights. “Korea?”
“Yeah. It’s been something I’ve sort of been keeping a secret from you. I think it’ll be fun,” Jungkook says, grinning.
“Why Korea?”
“I have family there I haven’t seen in awhile. But mostly, I want to meet Hari.”
If your eyes widen, he makes no comment, but you’re totally, one hundred percent, absolutely, without a doubt fucked. To meet Hari?
The charade ends here.
“You were hiding it from me?”
Jungkook shoots you a guilty smile. You bet you could top it in an instant. “I wanted to make sure everything was in order before I asked you.”
“I’ve been hiding something from you, too, Jungkook,” you say, bracing yourself for the worst while foolishly hoping for the best.
“What?” Jungkook asks, more curious than shocked. You hate to wipe that interested smile off of his face.
“Hari—Hari hasn’t spoken to you since you were eight,” you say, shrinking in on yourself as you wait for his reaction.
Jungkook scoffs. “What do you mean? Of course she has. I sent her a letter just a few days ago.”
“No, she hasn’t,” you repeat. “The person writing you those letters, she wasn’t Hari. She was—”
“You,” Jungkook finishes, and sure, you were prepared for anger, sadness, fury, but you weren’t prepared for the look of absolutely betrayal scrawled on his face as your words set in. “You were writing those letters. For ten years, you sent me things under her name.”
“Why did you do it?”
“I care about you, Jungkook,” you insist, grabbing onto his arm so he can’t leave before you explain yourself. “I didn’t want to see you sad.”
“So you kept it up for ten years? You lied to me for ten years? I don’t think that’s better than me being sad for a day,” he says, heartbroken.
“We were eight, Jungkook! I didn’t know it would turn out like this. I didn’t know you’d start to fall for her,” you say desperately, trying to salvage the friendship you already know you’ve knocked down.
“Still, you couldn’t have just told me? What else did you do, huh? What other things are you hiding from me?” He says, eyebrows raised, not angry, just hurt. How can you do this to him?
You wonder the same thing.
“I’m in love with you,” you whisper. The words settle around you like dust, dust he’s about to walk over and forget about.
“You what?”
“I’m in love with you,” you say again, louder. “That’s what I’m hiding from you.”
“Y/N, you don’t—you can’t just go around telling me that,” he says, and for once his expression is unreadable. “You can’t just say these things.”
“Why not, Jungkook? I’ve lied to you enough already,” you reason. “You ought to know I love you.”
“You can’t just—you can’t just—”
“I can’t just what, Jungkook?”
“I love you, too.”
God, if you thought you had the biggest surprise of the afternoon, he has you beat.
“Can we take a break?” You ask, mind swirling. “We need a break.”
“No, Y/N, we have to sort this out,” Jungkook says, grabbing onto your wrist as you stand up. He won’t let you go without a fight, you know that much. “We can’t just let it go.”
“We’ll sort it out another time, okay? I need to clear my mind. I need to think about things.” You try to wriggle out of his grasp, but he refuses to part with you, keeping you firmly planted to your spot. “Please, Jungkook. I can’t do this right now. Please.”
Jungkook relents.
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For a week, the thoughts fly in and out of your head, leaving you dazed and confused.
He loves you.
You lied to him.
He likes Hari.
You were Hari.
You love him.
You lied to him.
Jungkook leaves you breathless without even being by your side.
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Eventually, as the new week dawns on you, he convinces you to talk. You suppose you kind of need to, anyway.
He meets you back at the park, same bench, same foofy coffee drink in his hand, grinning as you jog towards him.
“Hey stranger,” he says. “I think this week was officially the most boring week in my life.”
“I don’t think we’ve gone a week in ten years without contacting each other,” you say, taking a seat. “It feels like I don’t even know you.”
“How are you feeling? Mind cleared up?”
“I think it’s always gonna be a bit fuzzy, but I’m feeling better. You?”
“Fantastic, now that you’re here.”
You purse your lips, letting the silence fill the air around you as you think about what to say next.
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out, catching his attention. “I don’t think I ever apologized to you for lying. So, I’m sorry for deceiving you. I shouldn’t have.”
“Apology accepted.” He beams. “I’m sorry, too. Sorry you had to hear me gushing about Hari when really, I was gushing about you.”
“No, it’s fine, I understood,” you assure him.
“You know, I originally thought I started liking you earlier this year, but I realize now it was a long time before that. I just didn’t know it was you.”
“You still love me?”
“How could I stop?”
And then you’re kissing, pressing your lips together in the heat of summer, sitting on a park bench covered in bird poop, kissing. It cools you down and warms you up all at once. Jungkook tastes like chlorine and coffee and happiness.
“I’ve always wanted to do that,” he sheepishly admits when you break apart.
“You can do it again, for all I care.”
He leans into you, noses brushing. “I think I might just take you up on that offer.”
And take it he does.
To say that, post-kiss, the two of you part ways calmly and happily and head home is a complete lie. It’s quite apparent that neither of you can resist each other, sneaking kisses onto each other’s skin the entire way back to Jungkook’s, where he presses you against each wall in his house before you stumble into his bedroom, giggling.
“I’ve never done this before,” you say.
“Never been this close to me, hey, Y/N?” He says, winking.
“I’ve been this close to you before,” you say, thinking of the time he tackled you on this very floor. “I’ve just never been kissed while doing it.”
“There’s a first for everything,” Jungkook tells you as he presses you into his mattress, pulling off his shirt in one fluid motion.
If anything, his body’s only gotten better since the last time you saw it, floating in the school’s pool.
“That there is.”
Needless to say, he gets even closer to you. Toying with the hem of your shirt, he takes it off, relishing in the view below him as he presses his lips wherever he can, from your lips to your collarbone to your bellybutton.
“God, I knew I wasn’t kidding when I said you were pretty,” he smiles down at you, and you giggle, slapping his arm. “You’re gorgeous.”
“You’re stating facts, Mister,” you respond. “Get me out of these clothes.”
He is more than willing to follow your orders, ridding you of your bottoms and flinging them to his bedroom floor before moving his lips down even further. His nose is right by your drenched center, and he smirks to himself as his fingers hook onto your underwear.
“Ah, wait,” you say, tugging lightly on his hair to catch his attention. “You too, you know.”
Once the two of you are fully naked, reveling in the glory that is each other, Jungkook presses his body into yours, making you gasp at the feeling.
“Do it again,” you whisper into his ear, begging. He is happy to oblige, letting you grind down on him as you openly moan, brokenly moan.
“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do this,” Jungkook admits, honest and whole and nervous. 
You grin, letting your eyes rake up and down his body. He’s beautiful. He always has been. “I think I have somewhat of an idea.”
In order to wipe that cheeky grin off your face, he presses a kiss to your lips as he slides home, making you sigh at the feeling.
“I’ll go slow, alright? Neither of us have a very good idea about how to do this,” he promises, and you nod as you feel him pull out, little by little.
He gets a good rhythm going after a while, enough to make you moan with each thrust but not to hard to cause either of you any pain, and it’s not long before the both of you reach your highs, climaxing with gasps and promises escaping from your lips.
Afterwards, when the towel he came in with to clean the two of you up is hanging over his desk chair and you are lying comfortably in his bed, head resting in the space between his arm and his chest as he pulls you in close, he whispers.
“Do you think you would have still fallen for me without Hari?”
“Do you?”
“Can you stop responding to my questions with more questions?”
You giggle into his skin, warming the spot. “I think we were meant for each other.”
“Yeah,” he says. “I think so, too.”
“You know I love you, right?”
“You know I love you, right?”
“And here I was, the one who responds to questions with more questions,” you joke, earning yourself a flick on the forehead, followed by a kiss to the exact place where his fingers met your skin.
“I love you,” he tells you.
You snuggle in closer. “Yeah,” you say, the words feeling like falling asleep after years of being awake. “I love you, too.”
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You sit on the airplane as you watch it drive away from the gate, rolling along the tarmac to where it will take off. Next to you sits Jungkook, already dozing off despite having only been on the airplane for less than an hour. He rests his shoulder on your chest, little snores escaping from his lips. You worm your hand into his and he makes a noise of satisfaction as you prepare to head to South Korea.
The butterflies are back. You hope they never leave.
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⇒ leave any feedback/requests here and check out my masterlist here!
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littlejeanniebean · 4 years
what would happen if jily worked at a theme park? 🤔
Thank you so much for this ask! Hope you like it! xx
Lily’s parents used to take her when she was little and after they passed on, she didn’t find joy in anything anymore
not her job as a high school chemistry teacher
not her volunteer work at the local garden club
not her old friends
(ok, one friend, who seemed more interested in starting a relationship with her than actually helping her work through her grief)
She started working at the theme park for the memories and because it meant she would have to move to the next town — away from Petunia.
The theme park is called Hogwarts and it’s a medieval castle with:
a “potions” dungeon (Lily discovers her old chem prof works here now that he’s supposed to have retired)
“Ms. Evans! What a pleasant surprise! Jolly good to see you! How’s the family? ... Oh, terrible business, terrible! My deepest condolences, dear girl...”
a flying broomsticks ride (James works here)
“Alright, Evans? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Just...” She blinks rapidly to stem the flow of her tears. “Just remembering... Used to come here all the time with my parents.”
“I used to come here with my parents too, may they rest in peace.” James had been told to stop bringing up his recently lost parents in first conversations with people, but he didn’t see the point. He wasn’t ashamed of them, he loved them, and he wanted to talk about them as often as he could.
“I — I’m so sorry.” It takes Lily a bit more time to open up about her own loss to him...
dragon rides (Hagrid works here)
boat rides over the Black Lake ft. giant mechatronic squid (Sirius and Peter work here)
“I’m Captain Blackbeard and I demand that you surrender yer ship to me and me mates!”
“Argh!!” the kiddies in his boat scream at varying pitches. 
“Just because your last name is Black doesn’t mean you have to pretend to be a pirate every time we —”
“Get ‘im, me hearties! Show no mercy!”
The kiddies duke it out while Peter looks on in horror and genuinely wonders if they’re gonna be fired for this
(they aren’t, they never are, one of the perks of being bffs with the boss)
The gift shop is called Hogsmeade and it’s practically a whole village on its own:
Honeydukes (Remus works here for the free candy)
“I also play the werewolf in our Halloween special. Welcome to the family, Evans.”
Three Broomsticks (everyone has a crush on Rosmerta, but she doesn’t give a damn and only cares about perfecting her custom brews)
Madam Puddifoot’s Teashop (Mary MacDonald works here and hates it)
“It’s a bloody insult to romance is what! I’ve read trashy novels with more class than that place!”
“You can join me over in brooms —”
“Nooo thank you, Marls, the only thing worse than dealing with lovesick idiots is dealing with a pack of unruly children. I would know, I was one once.”
“A lovesick idiot or an unruly child?”
Mary just glowers at her. 
On her breaks, Lily goes on all the rides, but her favorite is the broomstick ride. 
it has nothing to do with the fit attendant
it has nothing to do with the fit attendant
it has nothing to do with the fit attendant
James gets promoted to manning the new Quidditch game booth (it’s like bumper cars but with balls)
James gives the best Quidditch commentary for the kiddies
Lily falls a little more in love
A couple who met at the theme park (the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Weasley) book the castle for their wedding
James looks good in a tux
Lily falls even more in love
The mysteriously never-seen, eccentric, but very wealthy theme park owner, wants to add ghosts and other special effects to the main castle
The Marauders offer their services and chaos ensues
James gets to spend a lot more time around Lily, who works in the “potions” dungeons
stuck in a broom cupboard™️
Lily decides to go back to school for her PhD at Slughorn and James’ encouragement but continues to work at the theme park part-time
James is the mysteriously never-seen, eccentric, but very wealthy theme park owner (inherited the business from his late parents)
excuse me while i blatantly copy the plot twist from Shelf Awareness by @ghostofbambifanfiction
I honestly don’t know if/when I’m ever going to get around to writing this, but @solstilla​​ has this lovely Jily/Marauders Disney World AU, Cast Connection!
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tsumusamu · 3 years
asks :D
sorry i took so long to answer these! i just put them in one post so i wouldn't spam too much
Um I read both your series recently and I just wanted to tell you omg I love them so much I couldn’t put down my phone I got so invested into it and if it’s not a bother if you could add me to the tag list for Amorentia and Call you mine🥺💜👉👈
of course! it’s not a bother! i’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the series! <3
hello, i just want to ask if you have any haikyuu fic recommendations (preferably abt bokuto or atsumu)? Or know any other acct/s that write them? im currently on a fic hunt and i just want some writing that’s as good as yours 🤧
hi there! honestly i havent read many haikyuu fics as of late but alkhale on ao3 is probably my favorite author of all time. they have explicit fics but their rated t fics are just as good. i admire them so much!!
I LOVE UR WRTING omgosh am looking forward to the next part of call you mine SO MUCH u have no idea !!! heheh take ur time will be patiently waitinggg <3 take care!!!
i’m so happy you like my writing it means so much! you take care as well ok <3
My emotions went everywhere!! can you add me to the Call you mine taglist please?😆
Of course!
Omg omg omg I really enjoyed the most recent chapter of ‘call you mine’!! I know you were stressed about writing/publishing it but GIRLL IT WAS AMAZING AND HEART-WRENCHING - and it was a great read! Keep up the awesome work, and I’m looking forward to seeing reader and Atsumu’s interactions in the future like UGH MY HEART. PLEASE, YOU LOVE BLINDED IDIOTS. Take care, lovely!! <3 stay healthy and get some good many hours of sleep! :)) 
GLAD THAT YOU ENJOYED IT!! yes i dont think it was my best work but i will do my best to keep writing in the future! they are such idiots that i felt myself cringing so hard while writing LOL </3 i will take care of myself and i hope you do too!!!
can I be tagged in the next update of Call you mine? 
you are such a talented writer and i just love “call you mine”. i saw that you apologised for making part 4 12k words long, but honestly write as much as you want to bc we all need as much of this series as we can get. (btw i saw that you said you don’t know when you’ll post the next update, but i kid you not when i say that i’ll check your blog daily to see if you’ve posted another part of the series and to check our your other content as well 🤭) 
YES HAHA sorry i do get really long winded sometimes hence the huge chapter that i posted a few weeks ago LOL the last chapter will be even longer so prepare for that....... sorry abt my inconsistency that i cant tell you when i’ll update next but thank you for being so patient and supportive!!
could i be added in the taglist of both atsumu fics 🥺
i am speed
and would love to be added to your general taglist whenever you update any of your fics!! thanks🤍
of course! <3
can i be tagged for the call you mine 🥺 
yes i’ll tag you :)
i’m in love with the hogwarts haikyuu au! i think it’s an amazing idea that needs more stories
ME TOO ANY HOGWARTS AU HAS ME GOING INSANE I THINK IT’S ONE OF THE MOST ENTERTAINING AUS TO BOTH READ AND WRITE. i will definitely be writing more hogwarts haikyuu in the future!!
i forgot to add to that last post that what you’re writing is wonderful and amazing and can’t wait for part 4!
thank you so much for your support!
call you mine is such a masterpiece, you’re such an amazing fucking writer (like the plot and everything???? GENIUS) and i can’t wait for the next update sndnkejdh 
AHHH ANON thank you im so happy that you liked call you mine uiefdiasifua im currently working on the update rn thanks for being patient!!
Hi i was the ao3 reader who discovered you and wanted to drop by and say i am sooo excited to read your latest chapter!!! i also wanted to say I love LOVE major love your hogwarts au fic! idk if you know james potter but you probably do seeing as you made an au but atsumu reminds me soo much of young james potter!! i read some fics of james potter and i find him and atsumu so alike in a a way i would love if you could do more takes on your hogwartsau!!! i could send you the links if you want!!
OMGJOIJAI I hadnt even thought of it that way?? now that you mention it james and atsumu in my story do seem to have some similarities but i hope i didnt make atsumu too much of a dickhead D: i will definitely be writing more for hogwarts haikyuu!
can i mayhap get added to your general taglist? your writing is AMAZING, never fails to send me into the stratosphere from how good it is.
sure thing! i’m happy you’re enjoying my work thank you for your message <3 pls dont stay too long in the stratosphere though it’s kinda hard to breathe up there LOL
hiii!!! can you please add me to call you mine taglist?? 
for sure!
Hello!!! Can I please be added to the Amortentia and Call you Mine taglist please? ❤️❤️ I think about them all the time, Atsumu brain rot for life!
Also super hyped for your upcoming Osamu fic! You’re amazing, I hope you’re not too stressed! Stay hydrated and get enough sleep you wonderful human being ✨✨✨❤️❤️
YES OF COURSE U CAN AND ATSUMU BRAINROT FOR ME 24/7 AS WELL. i hope i’ll be able to finish that osamu fic soon aaa thank you for being patient <3 please take care of yourself as well!
Will ch.5 be the last chapter of Call You Mine?
i just wanna say 'call you mine' is 10/10. your writing? *french kiss* i love how you go into detail - we see both atsumu's reader p.o.v - it gives depth to the characters! it's so realistic too. reader's hesitance is very valid - like how can you be sure of atsumu's feeling, when he's getting his dick wet everyday LOL! thank you for writing this, i am enjoying it so much! <3
HDSUUFHASUHF ANON PLS AHHH IM SO HAPPY THAT UR ENJOYING IT and also atsumu will get his dick wet one last time in the final part... u will see ;)
HELLO AMORTENTIA AND CALL YOU MINE ARE SO NICE im gonna cry my favorite tropes + one of them is a hogwarts!au + your writing 🥺❤️
i can’t wait for part 5 of call you mine. this series of yours is literally so GENIUS
i really hope that it will be satisfying!! thank you for your kind message!
I wanted to say that your writing is absolutely perfect. The way you capture these characters I’m truly speechless, and each chpt it just gets better and better 😭😭💛 could I ask to be added to the call you mine taglist? Truly, thank you for ur amazing writing !!!! 😭
AHHHH IM LITERALLY BLUSHING... THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENTS IM T___T yes of course you can be added to the taglist and thank you for reading my work!
Hi there! I love your Call You Mine atsumu x reader fic so much, it’s so well written! Would it be possible for me to be added to the taglist please?
thank you! and yes you can be added!
hi, just caught up with call you mine! i know this might be an odd comment on it but i'm currently going through a similar situation with my best friend as reader is (gray area, we haven't talked in a while) and reading both of their perspectives really brought me comfort. anyway thank you for writing it :)
ooo wow :O i really hope the situation you’re in gets resolved soon im wishing you good luck!! im happy that my writing was able to give you comfort <3 thank you for reading and supporting my writing!
your video edits are just *chefs kiss* my friends and I have been laughing at them for days in our gc and have even inspired memes of our own 😅 hope to see more them, they’re too good istg sending you love from three art school kids from Europe 🥺💕✨
??!#())(!@ OMG HAHAHA i would love to see some of the memes you guys came up with LOL sending love right back at you <3
hi love !! can i be added your gen tag list if you have one?
yes, i’ll add you!
Hello! Sorry for the bother but I’m suck a HUGE fan of your smau! And I’m talking about “Call You Mine” it’s so good and depressing...but that isn’t the point! I know you are busy with something else but I would like to ask if it’s be alright if I made a small fic about that story? If not, that is completely fine and understandable!
Thank you for your time and cya next time!!
yup yup that series comes with an angst tag for a reason! you’re not being a bother don’t worry! i would prefer for no fics to be made based off of the story, i’m sorry :( but thank you for asking!
I just discovered your blog and I love your writing so much.
I was wondering if I could be added to the tag list for call you mine with atsumu x reader? This story hurts me so much and it's written so well.
Thank you and have a nice day 🧡
hi! thank you for supporting my writing! yes you can be added to the taglist and im sorry it hurts </333 hope you have a nice day too bb
When do you think the next part of amortentia will be up? It’s my favorite series 😫 (no rush though!!!!)
hmmm im really not sure unfortunately :(
Sorry to bother, but I literally went through every part of Call you Mine just now AND I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT. Oh my goodness it hurts how much I love it. The friendship and the unspoken love for each other that leads to a long yearning for each other is literally my fanfic bread and butter. ITS SO DARN GOOD and I felt like I needed to tell you that. Anyways, I hope you are having an amazing week, you’re taking care of yourself, you’re safe and healthy! Thank you for what you do! 🤗
Hi! I recently saw your atsumu x reader fic on ao3 (Call you mine) and I haven't read it yet but I've seen others talk about it on tumblr so I was wondering if I could be added to a tag list for that fic (if you have one ofc). Feel free to ignore this ask if you don't have one or it's full!
yes i can add you the taglist! i hope you’ll enjoy the fic whenever you decide to read it! <3
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readyplayerhobi · 3 years
Ahhhh the way I squealed the whole way through ch6 tho!!! At the start where she's worried he's avoiding her after their kiss... I was a lil worried too. Like maybe he wanted to prolong that conversation bc he was afraid of rejection?? But alas, this really is the sweetest story with the best man/wizard hoseok!! I love the way you incorporate amortentia! Very clever, and a fun Easter egg to read about in this hogwarts au. OK.. This ask is about to get NSFW so look away children!! But the way the both of them were affected by the amortentia and were quietly horny had me cackling. And when she noticed the erection he was sporting I about lost it I thought they were gonna fuck in that potions stockroom HAHAHA and the way SHE pushes HIM against the door and just kisses the life out of him is such a contrast to their soft, sweet first kiss after the ball. And the way he tries to stop everything to make sure it wasn't just the influence of the potion- that she actually wants him- just yeet me into the ether. But imagine my face when he decides he wants to have her right on her desk... I'm sure that's been one of his premiere fantasies for a while 🥵🥵 and it was STEAMY the way you can FEEL how desperate they are for each other. Despite that, can we pour one out for hoseok for being the more level headed one and remembering magical contraceptive hahah I'm surprised that while all his dreams are coming true he's still able to remember that detail haha and the way he cums first but manages to keep fucking her through the overstimulation long enough for her to cum too?? SO HOT SOOOO HOT. And then when he sucks her fingers into his mouth for a taste I about combusted. My favorite part was the look of love he has on his face after they've gone a couple rounds and she can sense it but doesn't push him about it. You really conveyed his longing and ardour in one sentence. That whole scene in her bed where she confesses she might want more with him if he does too and he's just "I want it." right away haha had my whole heart!! And my favorite line "if our age difference is ever mentioned again, this is what I want you to remember most." PHEWWWW 🥵🥵This whole series is the perfect combination of sweet and sexy and I'm so so so happy you kept writing it. When I read it a while back I fell in love with the storyline and the characters, and I'm eternally grateful you returned to it!! Thank you so so so much for sharing this couple with us. I know I'll be coming back to revisit them for a long time to come 💕💕
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 ahh I love how you went through some of your favourite things. Im glad that you enjoyed reading it and stayed stayed me! :D
They were both sweet to write and i knew that they needed to have insanely hot and frantic sex given everything that had happened haha. She took charge a little bit but he had a lot to prove with her! She's definitely thinking of him as a full man now 😂
But I'm so happy to read this and know you enjoyed it so much :)
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stormcrawler75 · 5 years
A possible prompt for your Hogwarts -AU if you’re ok with that: Roman accidentally turning Virgil’s hair rainbow when a spell goes VERY awry, and consequently kicking the ass of anyone that bullies Virgil for it in the time it takes to reverse the spell. (Sorry if you’ve already done something like this and I just forgot, please don’t feel obligated to write this.)
Hey! I haven’t done anything like this yet and I’m so glad you requested this! I loved writing this so much! Thank you and I really hope you like this!
Virgil my badger, please look at me!” Roman cupped his younger friend’s face and turned it towards him so he could see the pout on Virgil’s face. It was a little hidden by the hood of Virgil’s cloak that was pulled up over his head. It did nothing to hide the tears tracks on Virgil’s cheeks though.
“Go away,” Virgil grumbled. He reached up and scrubbed at his eyes. “I don’t want to talk, Roman.” Roman sighed and sat down next to him. Roman had found his little friend hidden in a small secret nook behind a tapestry.
“I know, little badger,” Roman cooed. “But, it’s okay. Those horrible seventh years are gone now, they won’t be making fun of you anymore.” 
Virgil hiccuped and shook his head. “I, I look like a walking rainbow! I look ridiculous, Roman! They were right to make fun of me!” Roman shook his head and rubbed a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“No, Vee,” Roman said sternly. “They weren’t.” He sighed and pulled Virgil close to his side. “I know that this is all my fault and I’m so sorry. I should’ve made sure you were out of the line of fire before trying out a spell I was still experimenting with. Especially since it’s a spell that I myself made. I should’ve known better and I’m so relieved that the only thing that happened is your hair changing different colours.”
Virgil sniffed and shook his head. “It’s not all your fault,” he whispered, “I shouldn’t have gotten in the way.” He shifted a little and the hood was moved back a bit so Roman was able to see a small lock of bright yellow hair.
Roman lifted one of his hands and gently took the hem of the hood in his fingers. “May I?” Virgil bit his lip and Roman squeezed him tightly to reassure him. “It’s only us here, Vee. No one else is gonna see, I promise.”
Virgil hesitated and then slowly nodded. Roman tugged the hood back so that Virgil’s multicoloured head of hair was visible. Virgil ducked his head in embarrassment and Roman ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair gently. 
“It actually looks really good on you,” Roman said softly. “You pull it off well.” 
Virgil scoffed and glared at Roman half heartedly. “You’re joking. I look like a clown.”Roman smiled at him teasingly. “If that’s so, then we better keep Logan away from the circus because he obviously has a type.” It was a lame joke but it pulled a startled laugh from the tiny badger. “C’mere.” He pulled Virgil into a tight hug.
Virgil sighed and went limp in Roman’s arms. When he pulled away, he froze and stared at the tiny speck of blood on Roman’s cheek.
“Roman,” he said slowly, “why is there blood on your cheek?” 
Roman shrugged and grinned wickedly. “What. you thought I was going to let those idiots get away with making fun of one of my best friends? One broken nose and some creative spells later and they promised to stay far away from you.”
Virgil’s lips quirked up into a small smile. “Thanks, Ro.”
Roman hummed and squeezed Virgil’s hand. “Anytime, Virgil.”
Taglist Undercut
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gwoongi · 5 years
𝖼𝗅𝗂𝖼𝗄𝗒 𝗉𝖾𝗇 ☽ taekook
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𝖼𝗅𝗂𝖼𝗄𝗒 𝗉𝖾𝗇 + "𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍'𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀" kim taehyung / jeon jeongguk hogwarts au words: 3464
a/n: if you wanna send requests, im taking member/member + member/reader requests for the drabble game, based off this post :-) gonna eventually try and do all of them, but feel free to request one!! ((also jk is wearing platform boots thats why he’s taller ok hes an emo ok leave him alone)) (((also this is not a drabble im sorry)))
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Exam season at Hogwarts, like at any school regardless of name and status, was insanely intense. Jeongguk hadn’t noticed it change over the years, because when you’re in first year, and figuring out how to use magic properly and safely for the first time in his life, exams feel like the least important part of going to school. As years roll by, and examinations come and go, Jeongguk finally realises the seriousness of the OWLS exactly one month before, and he swings his bag over his shoulders and leaves the dark Slytherin Common Room to head towards the Great Hall, already knowing that every Ravenclaw in school would be occupying the library.
Not that he had anything against Ravenclaw’s, or even any other house - Jeongguk was seriously sensitive about house stereotypes, but he supposes he has the British Hogwarts Students to thank for those. When South Korea partnered with the school and created a sister school in the mountains of the country, he thought the stereotypes wouldn’t follow. Sadly, when he left the train and was placed into Slytherin, it took him awhile to figure out why his sorted Hufflepuff friends no longer wanted to talk to him in the hallway.
He didn’t mind that much anymore - the Slytherin’s he spent most of his time with were nice, and friendly, and loving like a weird dysfunctional family. The Common Room was his second home in his heart; the green and teals and dark shades of brown comforted him in a way no other room could, and a burning orange fire and recently renovated viewing room, where glass walls and a ceiling viewed the underneath of a giant lake, the mer-people dancing for the students on particularly tiring days, communicating through sign language and perfect pearly smiles. Jeongguk loved being a Slytherin. He didn’t feel like a Slytherin sometimes, or what people expected of a Slytherin, but he liked it. He could roll with it.
The Great Hall was bustling, tables divided into mismatched houses. The sight nearly took his breath away, as he glanced towards the usual Slytherin table and noticed a group of Gryffindor’s occupying the middle section, a few younger Slytherin’s leaning over to their textbooks to mutter the answers to practise potion questions. Exam season was intense, but also incredibly friendly- Jeongguk doesn’t think he’s seen a Gryffindor and Slytherin be this nice to each other since the rumours of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, which he honestly didn’t believe.
Keeping his head down, Jeongguk made his way towards the Slytherin table anyway, approaching the very end near the podium of teacher’s seats where it was mostly empty. He sat down, sliding slightly, and tossed his bag over the desk to the other side, preventing anybody from sitting near him. Not that he would have caused a scene about someone sitting there, but Jeongguk preferred to work alone, without distractions. At that, and after pulling out his worn DADA textbook and quill and ink, Jeongguk dug into his jumper pocket and froze, patting ferociously before letting out a quiet groan. Trust him to leave his earphones in the Common Room.
When a boisterous laugh cracked into the silence, Jeongguk winced, turning to glare at a Hufflepuff table across the room. They didn’t notice, or care, and he turned back around, pinching his nose and pulling his hood up around his face.
Jeongguk was about three pages into taking notes from the textbook- because, at this point, how else is he supposed to revise the stuff that his Professor doesn’t teach?-, and he lets out a deep yawn. cracking his neck. As he dips his quill into the bottle of dark ink, Jeongguk writes “How to do this spell,” before slamming down his quill in fury, because someone is getting on his nerves and furiously clicking his Muggle pen over, and over, and over.
Now, he has nothing against Muggles. He likes Muggles. Not that he fits into this category, but there’s a group of Slytherin’s who fantasise about Muggles. Muggles are like a forbidden person, everybody kind of wants to be with one. Jeongguk also likes Muggle inventions, like the radio. But, oh my God, this could quite possibly be the single most annoying sound he has ever heard, and Jeongguk has been through three one-night-stands this year with the “Howler” of Ravenclaw, and trust me, she lives up to her name.
Jeongguk glares over at the boy sitting further down on the Slytherin table; he stares off into space vacantly, his mouth slightly agape, tapping his pen on the wood with obnoxious clicks. He has half a heart to shout, scream, cause a scene- but that’s not him. That’s not Jeongguk, not really. Looking around the room, Jeongguk notices a few heads looking up in the boys direction, frowning, and then looking at Jeongguk, who is honestly the closest person to him. Now he feels obliged to intervene.
He sighs and wipes away spilled ink off the desk, and slightly leans over the table to toss a ball of paper at the boy. Suddenly he flinches and bounces back into reality, looking at Jeongguk and finally registering who he is, his eyes widening and his mouth hanging lower. Honestly, Jeongguk doesn’t really know who he is, only taking notice of his Gryffindor robes and light brown hair.
“Can you, like, stop?” Jeongguk asks quietly. He curses to himself, because that definitely sounded rude. The boy gulps and looks at him, all confused.
“Stop…? What?”
Jeongguk looks at the pen. “The clicking.”
“Oh,” he replies. Then, he stares at the pen as if it’s an alien. “Okay. Sorry.”
He nods, successful, appreciating the apology. And then, when he turns back to his notes and enjoys three minutes of blissful silence, the clicking continues.
At this point, he doesn’t know if the boy knows if he’s even doing it, and he chances another look; he’s definitely spaced out and lost, ignoring his notes and staring right ahead at the Hogwarts crest hanging above the large fireplace. Another boy sits opposite to him on the left, not even paying attention, airpods in his ears. Jeongguk rolls his eyes slightly and clenches his jaw, just as the boy happens to look in Jeongguk’s direction. He doesn’t even stop.
“That’s starting to get annoying,” Jeongguk grits, slightly louder than before. “Like, really fucking annoying.”
The boy opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out, and from across the table, his friend glances up from his own work, the music paused. Several other students look over too, curiously staring at Jeongguk as he stares, confused and irritated, at the Gryffindor.
“Are you doing this on purpose?” Jeongguk continues, sounding exasperated. “Can’t you see that we’re all trying to study? Don’t you care?”
“I do-”
“But, as usual, Gryffindor’s do whatever they want to stand out,” Jeongguk huffs, already loading up all of his stuff. He’s already doing it, causing a scene, and a flush reaches his neck underneath his black turtleneck, “and ruin it for everybody else.”
Hastily, he shoves his stuff into his bag and zips it up, already ignoring how the Gryffindor has closed his mouth and raised his brows to speak, starting with a, “Hey!” that dies into silence as Jeongguk collects his things and struts out of the hall, down the corridor towards the Common Room where he thinks it can’t get any worse than what it already is.
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“So, you yelled at a Gryffindor.”
From behind him, Yoongi- his Slytherin big brother - sits on the end of his own bed, shoving his cold feet into some woolen grey socks. He glances up through his fringe at Jeongguk as he flops down onto his covers, a groan tearing from his mouth.
“Okay,” Yoongi continues, dragging it out. “So what?”
“I didn’t even give him a chance to reply,” Jeongguk sighs, looking at Yoongi as he moves around the room. “Now I look like the douchey Slytherin. Nice one, Guk.”
Yoongi shakes his head. “You’re being hard on yourself. It probably wasn't even that bad. You know, you do this thing where you over analyse every single bit of your life until it becomes a memory that didn’t even happen.”
Jeongguk considers this and closes his eyes with a tight and sharp intake of breath, rolling to face the canopy. He has a habit of doing that - over analysing - thanks to the controlling stereotype of Slytherin’s being the devil incarnate. Truth be told, Jeongguk is probably overly paranoid about conforming to that stereotype, even when sometimes, he naturally slips. Staring up at the canopy, he thinks back to the hall the afternoon before, and the way he looked confused and startled and cute-
No, he wouldn’t go there.
“What even happened?” Yoongi asks, suddenly taking a seat next to Jeongguk’s thighs. “Tell me.”
“I made a scene,” Jeongguk replies, looking up at his friend. “Said to him that him clicking his pen was annoying, and that because he’s a Gryffindor, he’s ruining it for everybody else. I dunno why I even said it, it had nothing to do with his House.”
Yoongi hummed, listening. “Well, he was being annoying. You were honest, Guk, now let it go.”
“But he looked so embarrassed!” Jeongguk groans. “Everyone was looking.”
“Can’t you just...say sorry, then?” Yoongi suggests. “If you’re already super against being a “Slytherin”, then it won’t matter to you if you go up to him and admit you’re in the wrong. Who knows, he might not even care about it.”
At that, Jeongguk scoffs. It’s only him who sticks outside of the box- every other house looks away from him, as if he’s about to present himself as the next Lord Voldemort if they even look him in the eye. Deep down, he knows that the Gryffindor boy probably hates his guts, or is scared of him, or will avoid him and tell his friends about the time Mean Jeon Jeongguk yelled at him for clicking his pen. He clenches his eyes closed, wishing for it to be a bad dream when he opens them.
(It’s not.)
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With exams creeping closer every passing day, Jeongguk avoids the hall unless he can help it, and takes a liking to the Room of Requirement, which, thanks to a spell set up by their own headmaster, has now presented itself as a study space for desperate students.
Jeongguk stopped by yesterday, noticing the candlelit tables and parchment rolling itself by a small and roaring fireplace, only a few students present. When he steps in today, it seems fuller, with more students accommodating tables in flocks, their heads down and the sound of firewood being all he can hear. He takes in a deep inhale of the burning smell and takes a seat right near the fire, shrugging off his jacket and laying it on the seat next to him.
He tucks in- his herbology textbook spread out in front of him and his slightly smudged mind-map on the mandrake before him, Jeongguk dips his quill in the ink and is writing when hushed whispers emerge behind him. He doesn’t mind, because it’s not against the law to whisper and talk quietly. In fact, it’s comforting, and he subconsciously listens in.
“...and I don’t know how to do it. I asked Seokjin to help me, but because he’s a mean older brother, he said no.”
“I’d help, Tae, but you know I suck at charms. I suck at everything- that’s why you had to help me with herbology last year.”
Jeongguk insists he’s not totally invested in their conversation, but, honestly, he could use that herbology tutoring, as he glances down at his mind-map and realises he has no idea what any of it means. As he stares, frowning, at his work, he moves to look at the textbook one more time when he freezes. It’s an automatic reaction, his whole body tensing as he hears the faint click of a pen, followed by a series of other erratic and fucking irritating clicks.
Jeongguk snarls to himself, slamming his hand on the table and whipping around the stare behind him, where he sees the back of someone’s head and a boy he recognises sitting opposite. The boy is another Gryffindor, with faded blue hair and wide eyes, staring back at him. Jeongguk looks at him for a moment, and then at the boy in front of him, who sits slouched, with his hand clicking away like it’s nobody’s business. Jeongguk pointedly looks at the other boy once more, pleading, and the Gryffindor instantly looks away, kicking his friend under the table and when he looks at him confused, jerks his head in Jeongguk’s direction.
Jeongguk turns around, fed up. Burying his head in his arm, he continues to work, trying to tune it out. Behind him, both the clicking and the whispering has stopped, and he has half a mind to turn around and see what has happened when movement makes him shudder, a breeze carrying past him as the Gryffindor with a clicking obsession moves out of the room for a moment, heading towards the stacks of shelves. Jeongguk watches as he goes, making note of the way he wears the tightest clothes underneath his robe which has left behind at his desk, and Jeongguk immediately flushes and looks away.
Then he looks back.
The boy sighs, mostly to himself, and reaches up for a book on a higher shelf. Jeongguk silently watches from afar, observing how he jumps on his tippy toes to get a big book that is apparently the wrong one, and Jeongguk’s eyes jump from the book to the boy’s face, to the way his stomach slightly pours from underneath his shirt as he rises. The Slytherin gulps, looking back and forth from his work and the boy, feeling suddenly quite hot.
He swears that when he rises from his seat, a breath hitches from the desk behind him and Jeongguk rolls up his sleeves, striding across the length of the hall to reach the stacks, where the Gryffindor stares at the book and the one he wants. Jeongguk draws closer, not even knowing what he’s going to say when he’s over there. He just knows that it’s now too late to turn away, and when he reaches his side, he takes the book from his hands and reaches up to switch them for him. He can feel the Gryffindor’s eyes on him as he reaches for the second volume that he wanted and hands it to him, taking in his dazed expression.
“This is the one you wanted, right?” Jeongguk asks quietly, pushing the book to him.
The Gryffindor nods dumbly, and opens his mouth; Jeongguk expects a thanks, but instead: “You looked shorter.”
Jeongguk steps back. “What?”
“N-no, I didn’t mean that. Um, thank you, for the book. I-”
“No, fuck, okay,” the Gryffindor hisses, to himself and he recoils at his own voice. “Sorry. For that. And for the pen. And for the book- I mean, thank you for the book, sorry you had to get it for me.”
“Don’t you have any shame?” Jeongguk asks, his voice rather gentle. “With the pen- can’t you see that it’s annoying people?”
“Oh, no, I can see,” they reply easily. “I just have that really weird thing where I can’t stop doing something even when I know that it’s really annoying and today I really didn’t mean it and- well, you don’t care.”
Something about the Gryffindor’s rambling makes Jeongguk’s heart stutter, and without even knowing, a smile spreads over his face. “It’s okay. You can’t help it. I-” Jeongguk sighs, “Look, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. For embarrassing you like that, in front of everybody. I’m not like that, I don’t like doing that. I guess I was just annoyed. I, um. I’m Jeongguk, by the way.”
The Gryffindor takes a well deserved pause, taking everything in. “Taehyung.”
Jeongguk nods. “Well, Taehyung. I hope we’re not on...a bad foot? I just- can’t you just use a quill?”
“I can,” Taehyung replies, “but they’re so messy, and tiring, and it’s so much easier to use this. I grew up around Muggles, okay, it’s habit to use a pen.”
“I get that,” Jeongguk says gently, and when he looks at Taehyung over the frames of his glasses, Taehyung’s breath hitches. “Can’t you use a silencing charm on it, or something? I know that sometimes you have to move your hands- my brother used to do this annoying thing of biting his nails when he had nothing to do with his hands, and eventually, we bought him this weird cream that stopped him doing it. If you’re gonna use a pen, can you not just put a silencing charm on it so we can’t hear it? I know clicking is an instinct, but, it’s really so annoying when that’s all you can hear.”
Taehyung looks back, feeling shy. “You could always use headphones.”
“I come in here so I don’t have to use them,” Jeongguk explains.
“Well, I don’t know how to do that charm. It’s not your average Silencio. I suck at charms. The only thing I’m good at is being annoying and herbology.”
Jeongguk looks at the pen stuffed in Taehyung’s jumper pocket, and eyes it for a few moments before taking it out with two fingers. He observes it closely, fingers it between two and then mutters a small charm, wandless, rendering Taehyung speechless. When he’s done, he turns to click it, and when he does, not a single noise rings out. Jeongguk grins to himself, turning back to Taehyung and passing back the pen.
“There,” he says, satisfied.
“I,” Taehyung starts. “Thank you…How did you....?”
“No problem. In return, I have a favour to ask, though.”
Jeongguk has no idea where this burst of confidence has come from, but he’s learning to roll with it. He grins at Taehyung and cocks his head to the left.
“I need help in herbology,” Jeongguk says, sounding shy himself despite the confident smile. Taehyung’s brows raise behind his fringe. “I suck, and I don’t know what any of it means, and you said so yourself that you’re good at it. All I need help with is the methodology-”
“Why?” Taehyung buts in. “Why would you want me to help? Would you even want me to help, since I’m a Gryff-”
“Wow, don’t judge a book by its cover, Taehyung,” Jeongguk replies, sounding serious through a smile. “Of course. I’m flunking, I need all the help I can get. Would you mind? Helping someone like me?”
Taehyung pretends to think about it, humming and looking idly at the shelves, and then back at Jeongguk. His eyes wander around his face and then up and down his body, and it’s a miracle that Jeongguk suppresses a shudder of excitement.
“I don’t mind playing teacher for a little bit,” Taehyung agrees. “Even if you’re a Slytherin, which means you can’t help but be mean, and ruin it for everyone.”
He barks out a laugh, and Taehyung’s heart leaps. “Yeah. Yeah, okay. True.”
They stand there for a few moments, giggles slipping past their lips as they hide in the stacks. A few students look up for a brief moment and then look back down, not caring enough to search for the lion and the snake in the bookshelves, and it’s only Park Jimin who cares about gaping when the two emerge from the stacks with large smiles, Taehyung with two books in his arms and Jeongguk with his hands in his pockets, walking a foot behind the Gryffindor.
“Did you just pull a Hermione Granger and hook up with a Slytherin right in front of me?” Jimin whispers as Taehyung slides back opposite him. He looks as Jeongguk sits down without even another glance, straightening his back and returning to his work. When he looks back at his best friend, his eyes narrow at his smile widening.
“No,” Taehyung replies, and he falls silent. Jimin looks, knowing there’s more to that story. Taehyung peers up and smirks, “not yet, anyway.”
(Jimin has to stop himself from laughing out loud at that statement, because, even though Taehyung is now living a Hermione life making friends with Slytherin’s, Jimin’s not sure that he can sway him the same way Taehyung did. He almost wants to try and see how far he can push Jeongguk into cracking, but when a second Slytherin with black hair and equally depressing attire meets Jeongguk and joins him at his table, Jimin promptly shuts up and stops looking. It’s round about now that he wishes he had his own clicky pen.)
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jeongguk | taehyung
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lovewrm · 6 years
jenna headcanons for jenna week: day five
Day five- Random AU (Draw/Write about Jenna in an AU of your choice) this is late sorry @jenna-week​
okay so this is gonna be a hogwarts au aka. the most self indulgent thing i’ve ever written in my life. but on on the bright side im probably gonna make a whole series out of this so uh STAY TUNED I GUESS! @the-mangoos-n-craem​
she’s a half blood (half blood father muggle mother)
she grew up in england even though her father was born in america and her mom’s italian
so basically: no close family history at hogwarts (although she has a HUGE family so probably there’s some third cousin who’s gone) and she’s nervous as heck bc she doesn’t really know what to expect??
although on the other hand this means there’s no pressure to be in a certain house,,,,
at the train station she’s v scared and a bit teary bc she doesn’t want to leave her parents and muggle friends behind af;ldkjsl;afdks so when jenna gets on the train she’s just looking for an empty compartment of which there are basically none
near the end of the train she’s giving up hope and she walks into a compartment she thinks is empty but there’s a few first years sitting in there
 immediately jenna apologizes and tries to walk away but this girl bounces up from her seat and swings the closing door open and says, “come sit with us!! what’s your name? this is,” she added, pointing behind her, “jeremy and michael and we’re all new to hogwarts. oh, and im christine by the way!” and well. jenna hasn’t figured out she likes girls, but flip if christine’s swinging black hair isn’t mesmerizing, and she seems to actually want jenna to sit down, and maybe even be friends? and that’s an offer far too tempting to resist, so jenna grins, and says, “i’d love to sit with you. my name’s jenna.” and so the train ride flies by, and she barely even thinks about how much she misses her parents already, and how terrified she is to be sorted....
as soon as the train reaches the station jeremy rushes off to go throw up (he gets carsick) and michael, unwisely perhaps, follows close behind
and so jenna sticks with christine
they make their way to the boats but when it’s time to go jere and mike are nowhere to be seen so instead jenna and christine find themselves in a boat with two girls named chloe and brooke
jenna doesn’t. quite know what to think of them — brooke smiling quietly at them, looking rather green with seasickness and fear, chloe asking almost as many questions as christine (”what house do you think you’ll be in? where’re you from? do you know any magic yet?”) in a notably more aggressive fashion, though she says nothing outwardly mean
finally their boat hits the shore (brooke practically collapses onto the dirt in relief) and jenna follows christine as she — there’s no other way of saying it — skips after the professor up to the castle
after a few minutes of nervous waiting around in the great hall the first years are told to line up by last name and christine impulsively hugs jenna before dashing up to the front of the queue 
therefore jenna is a blushy gal as she slips into line in front of another girl with a cloud of fluffy dark hair who grimaces tensely at her and whispers, “i’m madeline russell. what’s your name?” and they joke back and forth a few moments, with madeline at one point reaching out and fixing the twisted sleeve of jenna’s robe and jenna later laughing aloud until people start to stare and she quiets down
so as rolan is one of the later names in the alphabet jenna has to stand, stomach churning, and watch as each of her — well, she’s afraid to call them this after knowing them for such little time, but — friends are sorted into different houses — jeremy and chloe into slytherin, michael and brooke into hufflepuff, and christine into ravenclaw
but at last it’s her turn and madeline murmers, “you got this!” encouragingly in her ear
she’s a bit sweaty and downright terrified jenna is not a fan of all the eyes on her
after maybe twenty seconds with the sorting hat it’s determined: gryffindor!
shaking, she goes to sit with two boys who she will later learn to be rich and jake...
she’s SO relieved that the sorting went okay but quickly realizes she’s not with any of her friends — especially after the hat shouts “ravenclaw” nearly the second it touches madeline’s head
what will happen next?? who knows not me
ok this is a lot longer than i expected it to be and im tired so that’s all.... for now
if you read all that you have my unending love and support im highkey nervous to post this so
my writing tag
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lunuanaki · 7 years
burntofight replied to your post“ღ ☼ - teavy”
anyway i always wanna write with you cna you uncupped egg i love ur sweet ass // also i see where you're coming from but also x2 I See Where You're Coming From which means this isn't a you problem so much as it is most ppl don't really actively offer/initiate plotting so much as toss random starters or maybe i've been totally out of the loop if active offers are supposed to be normal (i feel like they're not anymore) // lad i love you more than my ass loves dick so sending the confidence symbol was very much real and not an empty ass pat from me i mean i fawned over your prose all those years ago and snooped ya threads also pop yevon where we first really wrote was /divine/ im not gonna be some yoga pants wearing summer blogger and tell you to Chin Up :)! expecting probable years of insecurity to suddenly dissolve but i am here for you ok
Nah you’re probably right, maybe I shouldn’t have said plot specifically - but even like. Starters are rarely done for me, I did twelve or so a couple of weeks ago and I think like seven are still on my tracker, but if I like other peoples’ calls, I’m lucky if I get one out of ten back. Part of that is people have a habit of making them then vanishing BUT YAKNOW. It contributes to my not being here much because I don’t wanna take up space no one wants me taking up. sighs. I do really miss daddy yevon. He is not the most cooperative, though. I can thread him, but he doesn’t want to be bothered or touched or dragged into anything emotional. This is partially why I tried to dial it back and only keep some of the more accessible ones. I have Seifer, a canon Boy, two multi verse OCs, Velka will never go anywhere, Izana the easiest creature in the world, and Hoid, also ridiculously easy to interact with because he appears anywhere and doesn’t need an intro to whatever verse. Like I said to J thought I don’t know how people reach the point where anyone gives a shit about any of their muses. I think I used to be better for that??? 2014 was my peak that was last time i was gud.  I JUST SUCK TOO MUCH FOR THAT KINDA THING NOW THAT FUCKING PANSY ASS SEVERELY PROBLEMATIC(TM) OC WE SAW THE OTHER DAY IS COOLER THAN ME. ANYWAY I LOEV U TEAVY. THANK U MY GUY you are my lad 4 lyf and even if I eventually decide to give up on pretending to be able to form a sentence I promise I will never stop making you My Immortal AUs for every character you love. Next: Shinji reappears at Hogwarts, he didn’t die, he apparated
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sorreltail · 7 years
ill delete this soon
bad cop hogwarts au
points to cover: houses, prefect stuff, meetings, classes, Naughty Stuff, other cats, pets, life after hogwarts, quidditch >:((, HYDRATION, teachers, uhhhhh and anything else i can think of
HOUSES: rumples a gryffindor. the sorting hat took about three seconds. alonzos a hufflepuff even tho his family have always been ravenclaws and he desperately wanted to be a gryffindor, he cried after the sorting ceremony also: jenny is huffpuff head, skimble is p much hagrid, jelly is raven, gus is gryffdor and grizabella is slytherin,,, headmaster deuteronomy lmao
PREFECT STUFF: alonzos a prefect. Obviously, i mean come on. he takes it so seriously,,, hes already dating rumple when he becomes one and she delights in the fact that he can sometimes b persuaded to let her go with a warning bc yo thats what u get for fucking a prefect,,, once she wanted to get in ravenclaw tower and she didnt know the answer to the riddle so she was like "LONZYYY I HAVE A RIDDLE THAT I NEED TO FIND THE ANSWER TO FOR HOMEWORRKKKKK" and hes a library fiend so he spent like an hour looking it up and then he told her and she was like "ok thanks im going off 2 ravenclaw tower now" and he was so distraught he took ten points from hufflepuff for helping her. the other prefects Donut Understand their relationship ghdkhgd bc mungo and rumple r worse than fred and george but eventually it gets to the point where they catch her doin some rulebreaking and shes like... do u seriously feel like dealing with me so they just go get alonzo. she gets drunk on firewhisky one time and he takes her back up to gryffindor tower and spends ten minutes trying to get the fat lady to let her in but the fat lady is annoyed and refusing and it goes like "rumple tell her the password" "nooOooOoOooOo" "do you know the password" ">:3c" "rumple teLL HER THE PASSWORD" for another half hour and eventually gives up and decides to wait for the next gryffindors to come along and let her in but the next one to come along is mungo and then its twice as bad when alonzo becomes head boy (munk is the year above them) he cries, and rumple opens her letter like I GOT HEAD GIRL??!!!!????? and hes like. What. and shes like hehehehehe just kidding who the fuck do u think i am,, also. prefects bathroom. he ends up letting her find out the password and then shes constantly in there and then Somehow (i wonder how) mungo finds out and then they have to change it before the whole school knows,,, oh my god the other prefects tease him so much and at first hes like eh..heh...yeah but after a while hes like fuck off please, stop shittalking my girlfriend to me, and he gets a wee bit defensive about it so they give up especially in their final year when hes head boyyyy
QUIDDITCH: OKAY so alonzo wanted to play quidditch as a seeker bc ofc he did right?? i mean theres so many rules. such nice uniforms. but he never made the tryouts bc he wasnt willing to take the risks needed to get the golden thingy (also, vitiligo, hes got autoimmune shit and he has 2 b careful w his health),,, rumple however. rumples grown up loving the harpies and desperately wanting to be a beater. then she meets mungo and the two of them are fucking terrifying beaters, they are So Good, its honestly the only reason why gryffindor hasnt lost the house cup every fucking year, them helping win p much every game kind of balances out all the points they lose for being shits lmao,,, we had a thought that she gets hurt sometime in a game, and alonzo is. so terribly smothering he brings in all his books to study by her bed in the hospital wing and takes notes for her and is way too cautious after that and begs her to stop playing and she just. Looks at him. :| anyway she does eventually become quidditch captain nyehehe and so shes captain, hes head boy, they are a glorious power couple,,, the nerds love alonzo, the delinquents and sportheads love rumple, together they are So Respected,, it also means she gets actual access to the prefects bathroom which changes very little except for how sneaky she has to be to get in
MEETINGS: okay so in true hogwarts au fashion they first meet on the train as first years,,, rumple: hi can i sit here (she says as shes sat down) are u muggleborn im a halfblood alonzo: im from an old wzarding family my name is draco malfuck you rumple: wow u sound like an asshole. what house r u gonna be in. im gryffindor alonzo: me too rumple: u dont seem like one alonzo: you do :// rude fuck. this is my owl her name is aegolius im pretentious rumple: cool name. this is my cat her name is gwynog GO HARPIES alonzo: ive never had physical contact with a living thing in my life can i pet her rumple: sure alonzo: soft anyway after they get sorted they never talk again. End Of Au. jks but forreal they dont talk for years until they get their electives and theyre partnered in care of magical creatures and finally talk again and it goes like rumple: hey youre that kid who cried at the sorting ceremony alonzo: rumple: sup somehow the whole Falling In Love part is the one bit we havent really talked about but it happens and its cute
id also like to add that alonzos parents are an old italian wizarding family but they pride themselves on being chic, modern wizards who incorporate certain muggle things, mostly fashion, his mums a fashion designer, so all his clothes are beautiful and tailored and more Modern than most,, ANYWAY they also Want The Best for him and when he tells them who hes dating (A HALFBLOOD RAISED AMONG MUGGLES??? A GIRL BEATER???? LOOK AT HER SCHOOL RECORDS DARLING SHES A DELINQUENT!!!!!!) and they refuse to let him stay at her house or let her come over,,, until he writes home one day like. shes captain of the quidditch team what more do u want shes going to do it professionally) and theyre Sporty Folks who are So Fucking Into Quidditch and by this point theyve realised that she's not turning him into a Bad Kid so they finally accept her
CLASSES: ive forgotten like all of their classes kmn anyway alonzo wants to be an auror. thats all he wants. thats his ambition. so he studies his ass off from day one and gets perfect grades and is a model student. rumple is. perhaps not. just think fred and george thats her and mungo, shes a terror but somehow she still manages to pass everything through an annoying natural talent. alonzos kind of hellbent on making her get good grades and they spend much of their time in the library, hes in there Every Day, he pretty much has a reserved table, rumple sits around practicing jinxes on any unfortunate passerbys and trying to pester him and/or make him kiss her he loves presentations, hes so good at them, he prepares for weeks and then the entire time rumples in the back of class making Naughty Gestures. he chokes on his water when she does presentations theyre short but shes really charismatic so he just kind of sits there staring at her like an idiot because gosh she has a nice voice rumples a pro at brooms obviously, alonzos Hella Nervous on them, he has the best and safest model, she offers to give him private lessons but really its just an opportunity for dick jokes what can u do. he gets her a really good really SAFE and fast broom for christmas one year bc what else does a rich boy get his girlfriend who kicks ass at quidditch which brings me to
NAUGHTY STUFF: kittens look away! look for like. a full three months hes like Im Not Having Sex At School Its Against the rRULES!!!!!! and rumples like. well then we either abstain until we graduate or we can do it at your parents place and. No. The Horror. he changes his mind very quickly. they happen to stumble across the room of requirement a few times when.uh. the need is great. u know how it goes. im also gonna go out on a limb and admit that alonzo is rather fond of the Luxury Baths in the prefects bathroom and rumple is very good at catching him when hes in there and enchanting the door or some shit so nobody disturbs them :-)) this is from one of those hogwarts au headcanon posts but i love it, he gives a presentation on sex ed and shit (lets pretend hogwarts is better than it is) and rumple sits in the back asking the worst questions and inside he wants to scream u KNOW what that is we did it last nIGHT
other cats: yes ok here we go. in their year is misto, victoria, admetus, mungo, coricopat, tantomile and im sure im missing people here, year above them  is munk, tugger, deme, bomba, cassandra, macavity (???!!!???) and everyone else is younger by a year or two, also worth mentioning is etcetera being rumples younger sister and theyre adorable and lovely etcetera for president of the world munk and cass or deme are probably head boy and girl of their year,  cass is dating tantomile, bombas dating demeter, alonzo has the biggest crush on munk as well (optional polyamory for u fucks) (worth saying that the reason rumple went to sneak into ravenclaw tower was to see victoria btw),,, alonzo and victoria are head boy and girl of their year, and probably jemima andddddddd idk maybe g eorge fuck me man idk admetus is another prefect, so's tantomile tbh,,, id say victoria but she wants to focus on her studies
PETS: alonzo has this beautiful eagle owl, scariest of all owls, her name is aegoleius (pronounced ay-JEE-lee-us) it means bird of prey and he adores her. shes beautifully trained. rumple has a kitty that im personally in love with who is basically rumpleteazer as a cat lol shes a calico but her name is gwenog after the famous beater of the harpies <33333 eventually they'll get another cat thatll be a suspiciously familiar black and white patched triangle shorthair named Faolan (sorta like FWAY-larn) even tho it means little wolf because he thought it sounded cool and he read it in a book and thought it was pronouned faow-lahn, honestly they probably end up getting a whole ton of cats
LIFE AFTER HOGWARTS: WOO im excited for this bit. okay. so. alonzo wants to be an auror. hes spent his whole life training for this. he immediately applies after graduation and gets in and starts his rigorous three year training process. in the meantime rumples gone into professional quidditch, and shes really really good at it but shes like.... this isnt fun anymore. bc its not just a school game anymore, its a professional sport, and what do u mean u cant jinx the opponents!!!! so for a while she just helps him train "ok so if you walk like THIS and use this charm your footsteps will be totally silent blah blah boh my god i should be an auror" and hes like. You. want to be an auror. and shes like. Yup. and its a damn good thing he was so obsessive about her getting good marks bc her newts are good enough that she can apply. they do a criminal record check, but mind u that altho rumples done naughty stuff, shes never actually. Been Caught doing anything particularly bad. so her record is somehoW CLEAN and she gets in. its a miracle. "what did you do. who did you blackmail" "i sucked every single aurors dick lonzy" "HOW DID YOU GET IN" "EVERY! SINGLE! DICK!" but hes also really really prouD AND THAT MEANS THEY CAN HELP EACH OTHER TRAIN!!!!! cue training montage. rumple pulls a tonks and coasts thru a lot of it rlly easily and almost fails some but they both eventually graduate and become aurors and work together and she covers her trenchcoat in patches and he keeps asking if he has to wear his because sweet jesus it is ugly ITS BROWN, and at this point his parents r more than content with rumple lmao, anyway they live together in a lovely little house that is kept in perfect order, rumple enchants EVERYTHING to talk, its cute, fucking domestic shit yes please
HYDRATION LOL look this isnt even important but alonzo is so deeply into that health shit. he only eats dark chocolate, and most importantly he fucking loves spending time in the kitchen with jenny. she cooks, he makes custom face masks, and also infused water. so much infused water. he has different """recipes""" and he always has a bottle of lovely chilled water with fucking apple and ginger and lemongrass shit in it that he made the night before, and since rumple fucking hates drinking anything thats not tropical sunshine punch fruit juice he constantly is trying to figure out a recipe of infused water that she'll drink becUSE ITS NOT HEALTHY RUMPLE!!!!!!!! YOU NEED WATER, but she thinks its disgusting and eventually he gives up and carries a bottle of juice with him in case he sees her because its better than nothing,
yeah ok im,,,,, i assume there will be more to come but for now this is what u get
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