#ogres have layers
kishona · 2 months
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i thought this was a joke 😭😂💀
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Like onions.
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You rumple, you're the mystery.
He looks so THOUGHTFUL at her words.
Like there's a spark of a chance.
"I could never give my heart-"
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He hasnt had this much hope since he talked to that dickbag old man about taking the dark ones powers.
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She knows what she said.
She knows the point she made.
She knows the meaning behind her words.
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You've got some idea rolling around in their rumple, get it out of your head.
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There's a spark of an idea there.
A test.
He can give her a test.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
You say 21 years, I say timeless classic
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aura-dragonfly · 4 months
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My therapist said the word layers when talking about me and I couldn’t get the onion and Shrek out of my mind. And so, I learned how to draw an onion using an online guide.
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pendragon1400 · 8 months
Person: I am who I am! People need to know the real me! See we get along just fine as ourselves!
Me *currently in the process of reassembling my personality like Mr. Potato Head to match who I am around*: Uh huh totally.
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chungledown-bimothy · 4 months
the show's absolutely not avoiding percy's struggle with his identity. but my favorite representation of that, one of my favorite things about the books period, is people calling percy perseus.
perseus is The Hero, both past and present. the people who call him that are chiron, gods, monsters, etc. people whose primary/only interest in him is as this forbidden child who is going to save or doom olympus.
percy is the kid, the actual person who is being manipulated and traumatized at every turn. who literally carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and went through hell.
perseus is poseidon's son, percy is sally's. that seemingly small thing adds so much to any given scene, and i miss it.
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
What if Wild Dedede meets Wild Bandee?
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OH. OHOHOHO~ OH MY GOSH. Father-son rabies!!!!! Beast King and his Awoofy Prince!!!
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our remaining protagonists would be in distress.
This isn’t canon to the Forgotten Land Roleswap story and I won’t personally be writing this universe in detail, but HEY- It’s super fun to think about!
It’s an AU within an AU. Like a Roleswap² AU! Roleswap multiverse, haha!! 😂
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maretriarch · 2 days
youre such a good and interesting hater
my problem is that im actually a liker a deep deep liker and enjoyer of things. just often disappointed. things could be so good. but they arent. some see the glass half full some see it half empty i see it half empty and think why isnt this glass completely full!!!!
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the-faramir · 18 days
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I'm trying something out here. I just need to get a lot faster and maybe figure out how to do this with the Wacom tablet instead of the mouse.
Next, I need to finish adding allllllll of her tails and figure out how to get a top hat to fit on her head with those big ol' ears and not look stupid.
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The layers of a glass onion are like the hole in the middle of a donut. I will not elaborate.
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loveaetingkids · 1 year
Missing Link(2019):movie review 
(Contains minor spoilers)
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As a big fan of Laika films I was excited to see their recent stop-motion work.But after finishing it I felt kinda…let down?To understand as to why I was dissatisfied with Missing Link I decided to divide my impression of this movie into pros and cons.
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Is anyone surprised that Missing Link has one of the most pleasing color palette to look at?Pacific Northwest,California,the boat,Himalayas-every new location has its own theme with it.This film also emphasizes the space of each place the mains go to, so the audience does not get the impression that everything happens in one room, but in the existing terrain.In other words the design here looks convincing and artistic.As for the characters-we can easily depict their personalities from the geometric shapes that they’re based upon,like triangles for the main character-who comes off as bold and charming,or circles for the Sasquatch-good-hearted and a bit oblivious .So yes,they rightfully won the Golden Globe Award for their animation alone.
Action scenes
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Inspired by the adventures of Indiana Jones and Sherlock Homes,it would only make sense if this movie would include well-written fights and escapes.And they sure did!Keeping in mind that the cartoon is made in stop-motion,the ship chase or the ice bridge battle looks even more impressive.The choreography (I don't know if this term can be used for the non-human objects tho) is excellent, so instead of static shots, we see various dangerous situations the characters find themselves in,which glues the viewers to the screen.
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Missing Link presents itself as an adventure comedy,but the jokes in it come off as iffy.The reason for it is that gags about blowing raspberries and making noises don't fit well with the story, which takes itself quite seriously. There is a dissonance: the funny insertions seem to be intended for a younger audience, while the story itself is for an older one.It looks like the film crew wanted to add some funny phases here and there to lighten up the mood,but it didn’t work out as planned.
The main character 
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Despite Mr Link being the symbol of this cartoon,Sir Lionel Frost is the protagonist,since the conflict revolves around his want to be part of “Society of Great Men”.Based on James Bond and similar heroes,Frost fits into the “self-sophisticated but nonetheless good” trope. However, for the majority of the running time he is simply rude and changes his views at the end of the film just because his companion Adelina gave him a talk.The audience rarely sees Lionels positive side,instead we witness his disrespect for Susan and his numerous advances towards Adeline, who might I remind you,is the widow of his deceased friend, and who responded to his flirtations with a no until the boat chase.It would’ve been a good opportunity to condemn or humor his bad actions,but even through Sasquatch and Ms Fortnight point it out a few times,most of the things the main characters says either gets brushed off or is shown in the neutral light.It felt as though Frosts problematic behavior was ignored before making him suddenly compassionate to progress the plot.
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Overall,this movie felt like the weakest among the Laika stop-motion works to me.It’s not exactly bad,but it can’t be compared to ParaNorman or Coraline.Missing Link is alright to watch a few times just for the animation and overall aesthetic of an old explorer films,but that’s it.
(What was your impression of the movie?Feel free to write in the comments section!)
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amyintherapy · 2 months
Trauma layers
Therapy is such a mindfuck sometimes. I 100% get it when people say they don't think therapy would help them because they are pretty self-aware or self-reflective. Cause, that seems so freaking logical. But, I swear, with the right therapist you'll find yourself routinely shocked at how blind you actually can be to your own bullshit. Our brains try SO hard to hide our bullshit from us, it's insane. I guess I shouldn't speak for everyone, but it's so true for traumatized brains, at least. I know that minimizing or outright hiding your issues from you is how the brain responds to trauma. But it's still eye opening to me when I catch on to new pieces of this in myself.
I went into my appointment today with several ideas of what to potentially talk about written down. I knew what had been on my mind the most, but I wasn't sure if it made sense to use the appointment to discuss it because I've discussed essentially the same thing with my therapist multiple times in the past. So a big part of me was like eh, that'd be a waste of time. I know everything there is to know about myself in this area. Probably spend more time on these other things as that'll probably be more productive/helpful. But I decided to at least mention it and see where it goes. I expected to jump topics pretty quickly as I didn't think we'd find new ground to cover. But we wound up spending 45ish minutes out of the hour on it. And it was productive. And yet, it's hard to really express why. It's not like there was some big new revelation. I largely went into it knowing what my trauma is, why I have this trigger, what my default response is, etc etc etc.
To spell out this piece of my trauma a bit...
I had an eggshell stepdad, and a constantly-overwhelmed semi-eggshell mom. My stepdad exploding was my mom's biggest trigger. And anger from either of them basically means anything could happen. Some of what I saw happen after anger, much of it starting off with really low level things like..someone shutting the door a little harder than normal (not really slamming it) or tossing their keys onto the counter a little too loudly. These kinda things were triggers to me as a kid because I knew they could mean an explosion was coming. Anyway, what I dealt with related to my eggshell caregivers' anger...
Emotional abuse between adults (very common)
Emotional abuse at kids (very common, my siblings who were externalizers caught more than I did, but I couldn't avoid it either)
Lower-level physical abuse of kids (semi-common but was my siblings, not me that I ever recall)
Domestic violence between adults (very rare, maybe 2-3 times ever)
Items being broken/physical aggression with household items (Rare-ish, maybe once a year?)
Recurring arguments or break-ups (extremely common. Fights rarely stayed as one event. They'd usually argue, try to wrap it up, and then explode again within a few hours, or perhaps even a few days later, but there was almost always a round two, at minimum. Core issues were never resolved, clusters of several related arguments over a week or two were common as well.)
Once I saw an adult hold a gun to their head after threatening suicide.
Once I saw an adult pull a gun on another adult (neither was part of my household).
Maybe 4-5 times over my childhood cops came to our house following arguments and/or violence.
My coping method was to try to be pleasing when the anger was lower-level. Keep things light if you can, but at minimum, don't do anything that might set anyone off. Once anger was bigger, just try not take up any space. Outright leaving (like going to my room) would sometimes get noticed in a negative way, so don't flee, but stay as far away as you can without actually leaving. Like...stay in the living room but sit silently on the couch, pretending you don't even notice the argument happening. Try to go unnoticed...blend into the decor. Stay out of the line of fire when the bombs are going off, basically. And when that failed and you're in the line of fire, fawn/people please to try to 'fix'.
What this looks like for me now, as an adult - is still to try to 'fix' other people's irritation, frustration, low level anger if I can find any way to. Or with 'big' anger, kinda freeze, or try to fawn/people please if it's directed at me. I can't feel safe if others are upset, so I try to absorb it so I can do something about it. And after someone around me shows anything adjacent to anger (like frustration) my brain likes to assume this is just 'round one' of anger, and round 2 will happen soon and will be bigger and scarier. So I'm very on-edge after 'detecting' any anger in my environment, even when it's really small. And my brain tries to pull my down a rabbit hole of finding potential things I've 'done wrong' that might be making this person secretly angry at me. Even when I logically know it has nothing to do with me. My brain wants to find a potential reason it could involve me. I'm pretty good about not letting it go down that rabbit hole very far, but it sure tries - and I have to spend energy holding it back from going there.
None of this is news to me, at all. I sort of forget when I've made certain realizations in therapy, but I think I've known all of this about myself for at least a year? So I wasn't sure there could be anything productive to come out of sharing how someone was frustrated around me this week and it triggered me...and how I knew I was triggered, and talked to myself about how my brain was reacting the way it did when I was a kid, but how my current situation is safe. How someone else's anger isn't a threat to me anymore. How I've created a life for myself that is safe, even when people get angry. I can have tough conversations with those closest to me. I don't get very close with anyone I can't do that with. So I consciously recognized all of this, but it didn't get rid of the anxiety. I stayed frozen in a moderately anxious place, hyper vigilant, unable to focus, and so drained from all of this emotional energy being spent on basically, nothing productive.
I expected my therapist to remind me that I'm trying to literally rewire the pathways in my brain, and I have 30ish years of my brain going down the "anger is very unsafe, I must regulate others' emotions and people-please." pathway. And that was said. As well as some usual points about how some of this equates to expecting myself to be able to mind read, and given that I am not a superhero or someone with magical powers, that expectation is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. I know this, but the reminder is good. But some new things were said too.
They asked if, after detecting someone else's frustration recently, I was able to put a loved one in my own place. We've talked a lot about how it's easier for me to empathize with myself if I imagine someone I care about in my shoes. Would I tell a friend that they should 'fix' someone elses frustration? That if someone sighs in their home that they should become hyper-critical and over-analyze anything they could have possibly done 'wrong'? Of course, the ridiculousness of this is apparent to me when imagine someone else in my shoes. But I admitted to them that I hadn't been able to remember to try using that trick to change perspectives until after I had settled some. That when I'm first triggered, I kinda seem to lose access to that more logical side of my brain that would allow me to try to remember specific suggestions or tools that had been suggested to me. They said it makes sense to forget when you're that emotional, so sometimes visual reminders are good. Like wearing a bracelet with a compassionate statement on it or something. Honestly, that feels cheesy to me, I don't really care for wearing anything that has text of any kind on it, to be honest and growing up with no positive feedback/praise has left me with a strong aversion to positivity like that..which is something else to work on but, one thing at a time. Anyway - I do like the idea of some sort of symbol in my environment serving as a reminder even if it has no text on it. Something that I'd take as a reminder perhaps, without anyone else needing to have a clue what it's about. So it was nice to get a little bit of a fresh idea on something additional to try. But bigger than that...they helped me realize that I have continued my pattern of self-abuse, and just disguised it as trying to help myself.
Meaning...I see myself being triggered, I see myself starting to fall into old patterns of trauma responses to try to cope, and I know that reaction is maladaptive at this point in my life. So I try to stop myself from repeating that old pattern of trauma responses...and on occasion I can stop it in its tracks. But not often with this anger related trigger, it's a real powerful one for me. And when I'm not successful and I find myself becoming hypervigilent and self critical due to someone elses anger..I beat myself up about it! I beat myself up for beating myself up...because I'm 'supposed to' be working on being more compassionate. And that's still part of this cycle, it's just another layer of it. I beat myself up because keeping myself in a position of guilt/shame keeps me small so I can stay in this position of feeling like I am wrong and they are right and I am guilty and need to fix.
It's bonkers that even in my attempts to heal, my old self-harming mindset comes out disguised as a cure for.
In other words..
My logical brain "I need to stop beating myself up. That is a trauma pattern that used to serve me as a kid, but is just harmful to me now."
My trauma brain: "Right! We're hurting ourselves and that's dumb! Let's beat ourselves up about that! That's the solution!"
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begaycommittreason · 1 year
the batfamily?
i’m sorry did you mean the literal personification of the cain instinct?
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i have one question for rian johnson
and that is
HOW in the name of SANITY did he manage to make a movie centered around an ONION METAPHOR
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jokingluna · 2 years
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caspertheghostguy · 11 months
I just cut an onion for the first time in my life and oh boy!! my eyes hurt!!!!!
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