#ocpd flag
fantasy-store · 4 months
Custer C Flags remade
[cluster c flags remade]
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post one(link) - cluster a(link) - cluster b(link)
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Avoidant personality disorder
stone used: ammolite
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Dependant personality disorder
stone used: unakite
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Obsessive Compulsive personality disorder
stone used: Opal
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flags are exclusive to those with the disorders
apologies for the lack of ids due to a lack of spoons
radqueers, transx/id do not touch my flags thanks
tagging: @delightfulweepingwillows, @dpdarchive, @avpdarchive, @docsfallfromgrace, @acetrappolaswife, @clusterrune, @archival-arrival, @decayednightmaremogai
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pawette · 1 year
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Cluster C
❝ Cluster C pride flag. I didn't feel like any of the current cluster c pride flags vibed with me, so I made my own. Greys and blues represent anxiousness to me, so I used those! ❞ — @pawette
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mogai-toybox · 6 months
Clustive Flags Clustives are system members that hold symptoms of a cluster disorder, control the symptoms of the disorder, or have a role otherwise tied to the cluster disorder they or the system have. [ source ] by @playing-card-coining
Introject flag base: @localhazard-wikiblog
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SzPDtive or Zoidtive [ original ] Flag: @schizoidflagcreator [ here ] Symbol: @actuallyschizophrenic [ here ]
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StPDtive or Typaltive [ original ] Flag: N/A [ here ] Symbol: @actuallyschizophrenic [ here ]
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PPDtive or Noidtive [ original ] Flag: Us Symbol: @actuallyschizophrenic [ here ]
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AsPDtive or Antisotive [ original ] Flag: N/A [ here ] Symbol: archived by @aspdsolace [ here ]
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BPDtive or Bordertive [ original ] Flag: @ptsdsafe [ here ] Symbol: @ptsdsafe [ here ]
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NPDtive or Narctive [ original ] Flag: N/A* and @npdflag [ here ] *original by npdsafe is gone Symbol: @npdflag [ here ]
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HPDtive or Histriotive [ original ] Flag: N/A [ here ] Symbol: @puriette [ here ]
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AvPDtive or Avoidtive [ original ] Flag: @avpdvoidspace [ here ] Symbol: @avpdvoidspace [ here ]
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OCPDtive [ original ] Flag: @21stcenturynarc [ here ] Symbol: inspired by @21stcenturynarc [ here ]
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DPDtive or Depentive [ original ] Flag: @dependont [ here ] Symbol: @revenant-coining [ here ]
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These flags are a reupload from @hr6819-coining.
@pluralterms @pluralitywords @pdsarchive
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lesbianonlyflags · 8 months
Lesbian Flags
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Schizophrenia Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that have schizophrenia
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OCPD Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that have OCPD
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Mercury Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that like the planet Mercury
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Venus Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that like the planet Venus
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Mars Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that like the planet Mars
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Trixie Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that like Trixie from MLP
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Chrysalis Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that like Chrysalis from MLP
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Spike Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that like Spike from MLP
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PPD Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that have Paranoid Personality Disorder
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AUDHD Lesbian Flag
A lesbian flag for lesbians that are AUDHD
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ryanyflags · 2 years
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OCPDvesi / VesiOCPD
A term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by OCPD.
I used this OCPD flag for the colors. Additionally, there is also a second version with a solid white outline around the symbol. Anyone is free to use whichever flag they prefer.
Vesil Masterpost
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neopronouns · 1 year
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pd-ts with bpd, ppd, and ocpd traits flag for anon!
the outer four stripes are from the pd-ts flag and the inner three are from this bpd flag, this ppd flag, and this ocpd flag. this flag can be used by those with pd-ts who solely experience the listed traits or those who experience these traits in addition to other traits.
flag id: a flag with 7 stripes. in order, they are very dark red, dark gold, faded red, dull light yellow, bright indigo, dark purple, and very dark blue. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting' in large white text in the center. end id.
dni link
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yourfavehasocpd · 2 years
azula from avatar: the last airbender has mixed personality disorder with ocpd traits (hope this is ok to send in)
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Azula from "Avatar: The Last Airbender" has mixed personality disorder with OCPD traits!
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bioethicists · 10 months
what are your thoughts on ocpd? i generally think these behaviors are harmless or at least not distressing and wouldn't benefit people much to have classified as a personality disorder.
hmmm i could post more nuance abt this at a later time so giving this response might be kicking a hornet's nest + leaving- please please please keep in mind that i believe all ppl's suffering is valid + in need of healing + i am questioning the history, purpose + impact of personality disorder dx, NOT the lived experiences of ppl diagnosed with them
while i think all psychiatric diagnosis is suspect, i find personality disorders in particular to be laughable, even by dsm standards. they are a hodgepodge of "types of ppl we think are bad". the words "unusual" + "dramatic" are used to describe supposedly objective pathologies. if anything, these disorders serve as a massive red flag that psychiatry is far less wedded to science than its proponents want to believe it is. i think our attempts to 'destigmatize' this absolutely dogshit collection of disorders instead of questioning their use or existence has been a horrible error within the mad community.
many of the criteria are absolutely seeping with moral judgements + christian ideology. several are blatant repurposings of hysteria. they are frequently diagnosed in ppl who have no desire to 'heal' from them (not viewing the behaviors as a problem is often part of the dx). things like disregarding the rights of others or exploiting others for your own gain are side by side with things like the desire to not be around ppl or intensely believing in aliens. most of them can be directly linked to traumatic experiences in childhood + yet they persist in portraying them as disorders of individual, unchangeable pathology. if ppl expanded their view of trauma, i'm willing to bet that basically all cluster b + c + a decent chunk of cluster a ppl would qualify as having experienced significant trauma.
fwiw, i definitely meet the ocpd criteria but i find the word ocd to be a more useful tool for me. my father also meets this criteria + i would say it has been a deeply destructive pattern of behavior in his life for himself + his loved ones. i can't say this is the case for everyone meeting this criteria, tho.
i just don't think the concept of diagnosing anyone with having a "disordered personality" is healing. some things classified as pds are extremely distressing experiences which ppl deserve support for, but i would like to see those placed in conversation with trauma, politics, + community. classifying intense trauma responses as permanent disorders of the self leaves a horrible taste of blood in my mouth. how many of us already believe that we are inherently broken because of what happened to us?
like u said, other things classified as pd diagnoses can be pretty harmless differences. i often see ppl in my communities responding to the widespread belief that ppl diagnosed with pds are immoral or evil (which is shitty!) by trying to 'destigmatize' them, but i propose, after a careful evaluation of the history + current usage of the diagnosis, that the concept of personality disorders was + is intended to classify ppl who are seen as morally corrupt or 'unusual' as being diseased. the original purpose of this diagnostic category was to stigmatize people. is this really the concept we want to seek liberation through, or can we find new ways of understanding any suffering that may come from the experiences currently labeled as personality disorders?
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sysboxes · 3 months
Cluster C Personality Disorder Userboxes
(also, we have permission from the creator of the flags to do this, so long as the creator is properly credited :3)
Flag credits to @fantasy-store (link)
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[Text: This system has Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD).]
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[Text: This system has Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD).]
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[Text: This system has Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD).]
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[Text: This system is Cluster C.]
Please like/reblog if you save or use!
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disabledstraydogs · 16 days
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Kunikida and Dazai both have OCPD
"kunikida AND dazai have ocpd." (Submitted by @doppocd)
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Image ID: A manga transparent of Kunikida infront of the OCPD flag by 21stcenturynarc
The second image is of a manga transparent of Dazai infront of the same flag
The divider is of the disabled flag but turned into a gradient
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weeniewifes · 7 months
Inderomantic (Inde -Indecisive)
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This is a flag + term redesign purely for myself, I genuinely could NOT stand the name or flag and it didn't flow with the rest of my identity, so this is for me. You all may use it too
The original term is Xumromantic, this flag is the same exact definition, check it out.
This term is exclusive to neurodivergent people. It was specifically coined with people with anxiety disorders, OCD, and OCPD in mind. The term implaromantic exists for neurotypical people who relate to this experience and don't want to appropriate.
dni ;; homophobes/transphobes/terfs/if you are against xenogenders and neopronouns/racists/xenophobes/proshippers
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disabled-sysboxes · 2 months
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[TEXT ID: this system has DPD]
[IMG ID: a purple coloured rectangular box with the dependant personality disorder flag - a flag with 5 stripes, being a light purple, purple, white, light red, and red - on the left, with the text 'this system has DPD' on the right.]
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[TEXT ID: this system has AVPD]
[IMG ID: a yellow coloured rectangular box with the avoidant personality disorder flag - a flag with 7 stripes, being a dark blue, grey, light grey, yellow, light grey, grey, and blue - on the left, with the text 'this system has AVPD' on the right.]
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[TEXT ID: this system has OCPD]
[IMG ID: a blue rectangular box with the obsessive compulsive personality disorder flag - a flag with 5 stripes, being a dark purple, purple, white, light blue, and blue - on the left, with the text 'this system has OCPD' on the right.]
DPD - Dependant personality disorder
AVPD - Avoidant personality disorder
OCPD - Obsessive compulsive personality disorder
Like & Reblog if you use!
(Reblogs can be private)
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zuskiscoiningflagz · 17 hours
I hab a few flags 2 req :333 if u don't mind
transproducer, transsongwriter, transppd, transocpd & transdating felix from stray kids/winter from aespa :p
u don't have 2 do all of its too many :3
i didn ' t understand the first one, and i couldn ' t find what ppd is ! / gen AND I GUESS OCPD IS WHAT K PUT HERE IF NOT CORRECT MEEE 🫶
and i hope i did all right (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
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— Transsongwriter [ Trans-Song-Writer ]
when an individual wants to be/identifies as a song writer !
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— TransOCPD / TransOCD [ Trans-OCPD / Trans-OCD ]
when an individual wants to have / identifies as having OCPD / OCD !
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— Transfelixdating [ Trans-Felix-Dating ]
when an individual wants to date/identifies as dating Félix from Stray Kids !
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— Transwinterdating [ Trans-Winter-Dating ]
when an individual wants to date/identifies as dating Winter from Aespa !
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OCPD/AnPD Holder
[PT: OCPD/AnPD Holder /End PT]
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[ID: Two flags. The first flag has a square diamond in the center. The diamond has two thin stripes extending from the right and left corners to the edge of the flag. The diamond is split in half top to bottom with the left half and left stripe being white, and the right half and right stripe being light gray. The top left corner is light blue and the bottom left corner is dark purple. Both of these corners extend at the same angle as the diamond sides, all the way to the top and bottom of the flag respectively. The top right corner is light purple and the bottom right corner is a medium-dark blue. The second flag has 6 horizontal stripes, from top to bottom the colors as dark purple, light purple, light gray, white, light blue, and a medium-dark blue. The white and light gray stripes are half the size of the other stripes. /End ID]
OCPD/AnPD Holder: A plural/system symptom holder subterm where someone holds symptoms related to Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder/Anankastic Personality Disorder.
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colombinna · 20 days
23.5 Neurodivergency Headcanons
This show is probably one of the most diverse I've ever watched, not just by how everyone in the main cast is queer, but also because there's some pretty solid neurodivergency-coding into some of the main characters. These are based on my interpretation of the characters' actions and feelings throughout the show, if you have different headcanons feel free to share!
All gifs were taken from the 23.5 tag
Aylin - Autistic
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This one is pretty obvious and imo she is not just coded, she's pretty explicitly autistic even though they never say the word on the show. I really like her because she feels different from other autistic characters I've seen and I really enjoy how visible her autistic traits are, and how well it's showcased that they interfere with her life, and for the most part the people who love her don't mock her for them or want her to get rid of them
Ongsa - Autistic
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While in contrast with Aylin, Ongsa's traits are more subtle, she's pretty much a great definition of an autistic teenage girl. The way she stims when she's nervous, how hard it is for her to say some things, the way her emotions overtake her and she acts in ways that are unpredictable and may seem strange and dramatic, the messes she gets herself into because of her struggles to communicate, a mix of all of these and more are what make me relate to her so much as an autistic lesbian. I also really enjoy her dramatic side, because I'd pretty much act like that too if I hadn't been reppressed all my life.
Alpha - Obssessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCDP)
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(flag reference)
I don't know if it's just our shared eldest daughter syndromes, but I felt Alpha SOOOO much when she had a breakdown over not fulfilling expectations. The way she's such a massive perfectionist in every aspect of her life, and when things don't go her way or there are flaws in the things she takes care of, she takes it either as a hit on herself or takes it out on others just reasonated with me a lot as someone with OCPD.
I don't have any more headcanons for now
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warrior-cat-pride · 3 days
could i get transmasc girl (https://www.tumblr.com/caeliangel/746856212798242816/transmasc-boy-transmasc-girl-flags-for) + bpd ivypool, aroace + ocpd hollyleaf, and disabled + aroace icecloud?
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