#obiwan is long suffering
spacewombatty · 7 months
Anakin begins every movie upright, is leaning dangerously to the side halfway through, and ends the movie with his head in Obi-Wan’s lap without fail. The Jedi is unfazed everytime, and just moves to set his popcorn bowl on his padawan’s forehead. When he wants his food salted, Obi-Wan puts on Anakin’s favorite space telenovelas.
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clonehub · 2 years
Jedi Knights refusing to have padawans in the same way that young adults in awful, hostile places refuse to have children.
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xxladyballadxx · 8 months
Colliding Memories
Clive Rosfield x *Brainwashed* reader (Angst)
Summary: You were about finish off the vulnerable Clive Rosfield, until your head began to hurt and your memories of him started to appear.
Clive Rosfield gif credits: @obiwaned
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(Note: Just a heads up, this has nothing to do with the events from the game.)
“(Y/N)! Snap out of it!” Clive parried your attack, he tried to pin you down to the ground so he could face you properly and talk his way into you. You teleported behind him and blasted him away in the distance using the magic of wind. Clive grunted, his body slammed by the wall. You smirked in return, watching him suffer. “Pathetic…” 
The King of Waloed seemed to enjoy the performance. Until he grew tired of just standing and watching, Barnabas then joins in the fight and gets surprised by Clive’s attack which he manages to evade easily. The two point their swords at each other and sounds of their blade came clashing on like a powerful storm. 
 You heard the dominant of Shiva coming your way and swung your dual blades to Jill’s rapier sword who failed to land a strike on you, “Please, (Y/n), don’t do this!” ignoring her words, you knocked the rapier off her hand and cast wind magic to blow her away. Jill fell unconscious after getting body slammed to the stonewall.  
Joshua sweeps in and fights you after gaining his strength back, “(Y/n), we’re your friends! The only friends you ever had in Rosalith!” he evaded your blows and took a step back, “I have no intention to hurt you but you leave me no choice!” He used the flames of Phoenix, aiming the shots of them towards you. You somersaulted up in the air to avoid the blast. Joshua heads in quickly and thrashes his sword against yours. 
Clive, with all his might, desperately attempted to get to you but Lord Barnabas kept getting in the way, preventing Ifrit’s dominant to save (Y/n) by saying the most utter worthless things to put in your head. 
“Do you think you can save her, Mythos?” says Barnabas, causing Clive’s anger to explode like a ticking bomb, “Your dear, sweet, little dove will never remember you. So amusing watching you say those ridiculous things to dear (Y/n) who no longer have you in her memory.” 
Clive semi-primed into Ifrit and aggressively thrashed his blade towards him. Barnabas dodges and summons his long, dark sword. Pinning the sharp surface against Clive’s Invictus sword. Barnabas plants a smirk across his face, “When this is all over, Mythos, I am going to make (Y/n) (L/n)...” his next words set Clive off, angering him more, “My Queen…the Queen of Waloed…” 
“You…YOU FUCKING DEPRAVING BASTARD!” The anger in Clive rises high, turning more violent and aggressive. Landing his fiery blows on Lord Barnabas as the King dodges them swiftly, “Yes, that’s right, Mythos! Let the rage consume you!” 
“I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!” All the rage began to take over Clive, making him more vulnerable for Barnabas to land strong attacks on him. 
The King bested Clive, watching him drop weakly to the ground. Barnabas motioned his sword to Clive’s face of defeat, pointing the tip of his blade, “Bow before your king, Clive Rosfield.” 
You grabbed the collar of unconscious Joshua’s red shirt, dragging him along as she marches over to Lord Barnabas. You dropped his unmoving body, standing with the King. “(Y/n), my soon to be queen, would you like to do the honours to finish Clive Rosfield in my stead?” 
“As you wish, Lord Barnabas.” You unsheathed one of your dual swords with Barnabas taking a step back as he watches you finish off Ifrit’s dominant. “(Y/n), please!” shouted Clive, crawling back in his weak state “(Y/n)...my love…come back to me…” 
As you were going to pierce him through the heart with your dual sword, you felt your hand on the sword’s hilt shaking for some reason. Your head began to throb, the pain growing heavier. You screamed in agony causing you to drop your dual sword as you backed away, head down with hands to the sides. “Ah! Ugh…” feeling the pain increasing, you shrieked with your eyes closed looking up to the sky of darkness. It felt more like a cry for help. You drop your head looking to the ground while suffering with headaches. 
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!” Clive rises up quickly to come and aid you. You pushed him away and sorrowful tears appeared in your eyes. Memories popped up in your head, there were so many of them. Sad, happy memories. Most of them…had Clive Rosfield in it. Remembering the momentous days you spent time with him. The laughs you share together, the happiness and the joy…
You started to remember something that you lost…
“(Y/n)...” Clive called out your name in a calm tone, walking up to you at a slow pace. You slowly held your head up, your eyes focused on him, “C-Clive…” 
Finally, you came back to him, “(Y/n)...” Clive swept you in his strong arms, holding you tight in an embrace, “My dear (Y/n)...I knew you were still in there.” 
You continued to have your arms wrapped around Clive, remembering the last time you embraced him. “Oh my, this is very touching.” you pulled away from your lover for a moment as Barnabas looked at both of you with a smirk, slipping out his sword, “Never thought this day would come where (Y/n) (L/n) regains her old self. Even her memories.” 
“Stay back, my love. I will deal with him.” Clive urges you to step aside, grasping the hilt of his sword and facing towards Barnabas’s direction. “Clive…” you mumbled , saying his name worryingly. You didn’t want to know what would happen next but you just envisioned it anyway. Things are about to get ugly.
“Tell me, Mythos…you think you can protect your precious dove from me?” Barnabas questioned, semi-priming into the dark eikon Odin. His voice goes demonically deep, “Do you truly believe you have all the strength to protect your precious (Y/n)?” 
Clive, once again, half transformed into his Ifrit form. The roars of the flames floating all over him, standing his ground, “I will never let you take her away from me again, Barnabas.”
“Come then, Mythos…” Barnabas raising his sword, the sharp point focusing on Clive Rosfield, “Let’s see if you have the power to defeat me.” 
And so the two raging dominants clashed on, blades clicking together as they fought like wild beasts in the fight. You just stood there, frozen. Watching them battling against each other. 
You thought Clive would win. Barnabas outsmarted him somehow, sweeping him off the ground. “Ugh!” Clive groaned, blood dripping from his mouth. “Clive!” You pulled out your dual sword and rushed to him as quickly as you could. 
“It’s over, Mythos!” Barnabas laughed devilishly, levelling his sword mid-air. Planning to kill the love of your life. “Fuck! Am I going to make it in time?!” you thought after realizing how far you are in the distance from them. 
As you watched Barnabas in panic who was about to end Clive’s life, you sped up rapidly and made it in time to kill the King. Your dual sword pierced through the chest. Barnabas spat out blood when he was stabbed by you, his hand dropping as his dark sword vanished. Transforming back to his human form. You drew your sword back, stepping away from him. A dying Barnabas twisted in your way, facing you, “Well…I never knew you had it in you…” He crept up to you in his weakened condition. “Get back, you fucking psycho!” you yelled in a threatening tone while walking a few steps back, drawing out your sword at his stone-hardened skin. Clive comes to your side, shielding you from Barnabas. 
“You have outdone yourself…(Y/n) (L/n)...” At long last, the King of Waloed is dead. His body dropped, his entire body turning to stone. You let out a sigh, throwing your sword in sorrow. Remembering the horrible things you’ve done.
“(Y/n)..” Clive comforts you, tucking you into his arms, “It’s over now, my love.” 
“You’re finally free from him, (Y/n).” A conscious Joshua finally awakened, healed enough to walk over with a small smile appearing on his face. Even Jill recovered her strength, “Welcome back to the real world, (Y/n).” happy tears forming into her eyes, she was so glad that you were back to your normal self. 
You hugged Joshua and Jill, crashing them into your arms. Being careful not to squeeze them too tight since they’re still slightly injured. “I’m so sorry…” your voice lowered, tears falling down onto your face. 
“It’s okay, (Y/n).” Joshua reassured you. 
“It wasn’t you, (Y/n). We both know that it wasn’t you.” Jill spoke in a comforting manner. 
You returned to Clive as the two of you nuzzled up to each other, “I miss you, my darling. Thought I would never see you again.” Thinking you were never coming back to him. If you didn’t, he would still be in a very dark place. “I’m here, Clive…Never forget that I will always come back to you..” 
Clive moved in closer to kiss you, your eyes shut tight falling into the moment where you circle your arms around him. Jill smiled warmly, seeing the two lovers reunited at last. Joshua chuckled nervously, knowing this was bound to happen. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention from you and Clive, “We should head back to the hideaway and inform the others about what happened here.” 
Jill added, “And let’s not forget to tell them that we have (Y/n) back with us. Our long lost dear friend of ours.” 
Clive nodded, agreeing with them. He held your hand into his, tightly so he never lets go. His blue eyes shining up on you, “Ready to head home with us, my darling?” 
You chuckled, smiling sweetly at your lover, “Let’s get the hell out of this miserable place.” 
(A/n) - Truly sorry for not writing him for A VERY LONG TIME! I hope you all enjoy reading it! UNTIL NEXT TIME ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅˙ॱᐧ.˳˳.⋅ઇଓ
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laiostoudenn · 4 days
— OC ACTION TAG Thank you for the tag @crownrots (mwah Airika <3) I was gonna two of my boys but... this was alot but perfect excuse for more Othello facts!
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Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders | Killed Someone In Self Defence | Spared Someone's Life | Invented Something | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone | Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling | Had A Bounty Put On Them | Eaten An Insect | Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock | Won a Bet | Lost a Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated | Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury | Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush| Laughed Themself To The Point Of Tears | Been Kidnapped | Been Sexually Assaulted | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotised | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor's Guilt | Been Tied/Chained Up | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall | Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone's Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel | Had Surgery | Broken Someone's Trust | Broken Someone's Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Gotten Away With A Crime | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War | Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/ Uncle
tagging @gale-dekarios @steamclouds @obiwans @an-excellent-choice
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merrysithmas · 8 months
screaming crying throwing up about obikin anakin and obiwan today THE PAIN THE SUFFERING THE SINCERITY THE PERCEIVED BETRAYAL THE ANGER THE LOVE THE FUCKING UPLIFTING AND RUINOUS LOVE the bitterness the vengeance the guilt the happiness the blame the relief the sorrow the unsaid apologies the need the longing the REUNION the eternity in the force together
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veny-many · 8 months
I expanded this crack AU idea from my sketch.
*General Chat for Jedis: talking about your Clones*
Only Adi: <Attachment of 30 pictures>
Only Adi: Masters come in
Only Adi: We're in emergency
Only Adi: Out Commanders turned to babies
I'm on highground: What
Only Adi: Commander Neyo and Bacara are in child body. And their mind as well
Key Adi: hlp
Mace will do: Master Adi, you didn't need to attach 30 pictures of younglings as a proof if you wanted our help
Only Adi: That's not a point
Mace will do: Indeed, that is not a point, that's what I'm saying
Explorer: <Attachment of 50 pictures>
Mace will do: What the kark
Explorer: Are you alright, Master Ki Adi?
Key Adi: Adi why do I need to take care of them all
Key Adi: One of them is yours
Only Adi: Focuse on kids I'm calling a help
Only Adi: You are the rare experienced of real parenting people in this whole GAR Ki Adi. I made right choice
Key Adi: They are dragging my beard
Mace will do: Okay, everyone calm down
Mace will do: And Master Plo what the kark are those pictures of boy
Explorer: Seems like many of us have the same situation.
I'm on highground: Is he your Commander, Plo?
Explorer: Yes, and he is sleeping under my robe right now.
Only Adi: Please tell us how to make them sleep. Master Ki Adi is now became the human climbing tower of children
Only Adi: Why are he saying this is fine
Mace will do: Of course because he is experienced of suffering of parenting. Not like us.
Explorer: Give them a food. The proper warm foods that is cooked and not rationed. Give them a warm milk if you have. If you can the sweet treats are best. Make them sit in fluffy place, make cozy and warm, or give them blankets. Tell them a story, and they will sleep eventually. And then you can carry them to bed for comfortable sleep.
Key Adi: That only works for the kids like your Commander
Key Adi: This ones are not that type. They will tear apart those blankets I can feel it
Only Adi: Then what should we do
Key Adi: The only way to make them calm is making them exhausted after playing long time
Key Adi: So Adi yes we need to be suffered together so get back here
Only Adi: I will take the turn there when you're knocked out
Mace will do: I think we need to check our Clone Commanders. Report your Commander's state after you checked.
Skyguy: OMK Obiwan hear me out
Skyguy: Rex is BABY
I'm on highground: Yes we know Anakin. Read the chat
Explorer: Please refer to my chat little 'soka. It may help you.
Snips: Oh my force your so great Master Plo
I'm on highground: Masters, I may inform you that my Commander... is sleeping on the chair in his children body.
I'm on highground: And he is holding my saber. How did he found my saber, I thought I lost it
Skyguy: Where is your 'Saber is your life', Master?
I'm on highground: Guess your children problem has been solved, Anakin?
Skyguy: Wait that's not what you mean
Skyguy: OH KARK
Snips: WTK Skyguy
Skyguy: OH KRIFF
Explorer: What
I'm on highground: Uh oh
Departure: What
Shark tea: What
Green troll: What
Allie of you: What
Snake eater: What
Kolarboration: What
Only Adi: What
Only Adi: Also situation report: Ki Adi is knocked out by exhaust. It's my turn to play with them. Wish me a Force.
I'm on highground: May the Force be with you Master Adi
Departure: ...something is wrong
Shark tea: What is it, Master Depa? Not the Skywalker one.
Departure: My Master should become more aggressive in chat when he read about this chatting
Departure: He is so quiet.
Skyguy: Oh that's right I was thinking about him where is he?
Explorer: Master Windu, are you there?
Shark tea: You are making us worried
Departure: My opinion is he is knocked down by his headaches by the numbers while witnessing this chaos
I'm on highground: That's logical Master Depa
Mace will do: He came back
Mace will do: I thought he was dead
Skyguy: what
I'm on highground: Are you alright Master Mace?
Mace will do: Everyone check the deceased Commander's room. Don't care if they have other owners now, or got not. Juct check them right now
Skyguy: Oh my force don't tell me no you have
Snips: ...Master Mace, Ponds is there?
Mace will do: Yes
Snips: ....in child body?
Mace will do: Yes
Mace will do: I need to check his head right now. Mace out.
Skyguy: He didn't care about me
I'm on highground: Yes
Skyguy: He is so broken right now
I'm on highground: Yes
Shark tea: How many of chaoses we will face today
I'm on highground: Yes
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i would like to request an Obi-Wan One-Shot cuz i saw a few pics clara posted on her insta and they made me all fuzzy. Anyway, I saw that you also write ModernAUs for Obi-Wan so I would like to request a ModernAU Obi-Wan x fem!reader One-Shot where he and his wife go on a vacation with their 4 year old daughter after they have been working a lot and she spent a lot of time at their friends place (maybe she is friends with luke and leia…). I defintely think Obi would be wrapped around her fingers and hes all protective over her yk and maybe she sleeps in their bed cuz she had a nightmare or something idk haha.
I really enjoy your Obi-Wan works. They’re absolutely amazing.
Seven days in heaven
Sorry it took me a long time but here you go! Hope this was good haha. I've been thinking of Soft Obiwan for a while now so it was comforting to write 😆
Easter break always meant that it was your annual trip up to the Skywalker cabin. Away from work and the city, it was a treat to be out here in a lodge that over looked the crystal lake. It was also a great time for the kids, your daughter would count down the days till she got to be with Luke and Leia again. The night drive was often when it was your turn behind the wheel. It was quite, the road was clear, as you slowed down near a curve to catch a glimpse of the two sleeping forms in the back through the rear mirror. Obiwan was fast asleep with your daughter in his arms that you wanted to join them too. The logistics of this journey was mostly due to the fear of heights your daughter suffered from, making the climb up to the hill top cabin quite anxious for her.
His hair was smoothed down but it still has an edge to it, as he stood in the portico knocking on the door to take the luggages in while you balanced your little girl on your hips, she was caught between sleep and excitement while you were just waiting to go in and hit the bed. The door opened and instead of a quiet welcoming, it was the screams of two toddlers who ran out to meet you, well your daughter. They ran around you, the energy slowing washing the sleep away from your girl's eyes.
"They've been up the whole day.", you heard Padme, who seemed well rested. She wrapped you in a hug as you watched the twins take your little girl into the house.
"The bags, Anakin.", Obiwan yawned waiting for his brother to help him.
"You've been here a minute and you're already bossing me around.", Anakin huffed as he pulled a suitcase in.
"You should probably catch up on sleep before they get on eachother's nerves.", Padme laughed quietly and you couldn't help yourself. Padme pulled away Anakin in the pretext of entertaining the kids while you marched towards your drowsy hero. You walked up to him and hugged him from behind, his warmth was soft and soothing.
Work days were so hectic that you barely got to go out for dates. Or even if you had free time, something kept coming up between school pick ups and play dates. You could hear his chuckle as his hands unwrapped yours to bring you in front of him.
"I'm tired.", you whispered to which he gave you a languid smile.
"Me too.", he kissed your forehead.
But instead of walking towards the stairs he turned away and called out, "Esmeralda."
Luke had his cape on and now was fastening another one around Anakin's neck while Leia and Padme where sorting out board games to play. Your child ran right into Obiwan's arms that it felt wholesome to witness the bond they had.
"Goodnight.", he said and she kissed his cheek. To which you folded your arms in mock protest.
"Now one for your mum.", he smirked at you as you got on your knees to accept her kiss and hug her.
With the comfort of knowing Esmeralda was taken care of, sleep finally opened its flood gates to you. The room was well set and the bed called your name. So you kicked off your boots and let down your hair. Just when you felt his hand trace your shoulder to then rake his fingers up your scalp from the base of your neck. He knew how to unlock your body and let it loose.
"I thought you were tired.", you tell him as you turned to him, his eyes were deep blue in the warm light.
"I've missed you.", he said softly, you had too. Life was so busy that taking a pause was only when you finally could see each other in real time.
You found the edge of his shirt but he was quick with it as he pulled it over his head slowly, teasing you with the planes of his body, the soft abs and strong shoulders making his sculpted arms look marvelous in the dim light, his pale skin running smooth under your fingertips, pink traces wherever you touched him.
He pulled you close, his lips hovering over yours as you drunk in the smell of his cologne and the presence of his fingers on your cheek and on the skin of your waist making their way up to gently pull away your shirt.
The cold air, golden light, warm hands, sweet touch, it was all unwinding. You pushed him onto the mattress and he kissed you with his eyes closed, he didn't need to see you, his sleepy kisses trailed your body wherever he wanted to while you fell deeper into the sheets with your eyes closed, not wanting to know if this was a dream or not because you were sure this vacation was going to be seven days in heaven.
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tennessoui · 2 years
Bodyguard au has taken over my mind, body and soul 😭😭😭 idk if this makes sense but bodyguard obi-wan gives me pb! Cody vibes in terms of their long suffering relationship with their difficult bosses (but i guess bodyguard obi-wan has more job benefits 😏)
Also the TATTOOS?? Imagining obi-wan body slamming some creep who got to close to Anakin and Anakin just being like welp mark me down as scared and horny 🧐 I just really love protective tattooed obiwan 😍
you are NOT the only one who has said that no worries, someone sent an ask about that same thing here. bodyguard obi-wan does get all the benefits mobi-wan gets, and he is mobi-wan levels of brat tamer (with middling levels of manipulation--c'mon, the bare arms? something i could see mobi-wan do if he were forced to stoop that low)
meanwhile cody is getting better at brat taming in the pbatmb verse but he's nowhere near the obi-wans' levels. mostly he just. suffers. with no escape in sight.
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Obi wan/grievous: Ok so this is a HUGE crackship and some people are not going to agree but like, Obi-Wan is what comes to mind when you think of the jedi and Grievous hates the jedi as a whole because he believes them to the cause of his mutilation and the suffering of his people, but the jedi are not the ones who did this. Grievous is a pawn in the game of the sith and he doesn't realize that his mind has been altered against his wishes or that he will be desposed of as soon as the war ends. Obi-Wan is a compassionate man and is able to consistently go toe to toe with Grievous, making him a rival Grievous can't help but respect in a weird way (his people are warriors, for all we know, fighting could be a method of flirting to his people yaknow? And obiwan genuienly flirts as a way to throw off his enemies, think of the comedic potential if Obi-Wan didnt realize how MUCH hes been a flirt or if Grevious acctualy gets flustered by it because obiwan is such a competent fighter and IF ONLY HE WASNT THE ENEMY-) If Obi-Wan knew what happened he would have tried to make amends and help his people, and if Grievous learned that it was Dooku (a former jedi turned sith) who turned him into a monster against his will, he'd probably be willing to team up with Obi-Wan to bring down Dooku and the Sith plans for Galactic domination to avenge and to protect his people, and they would be an absolute powerhouse since they are already familiar with eachothers way of fighting and from a writers point of view its filled with so much potential angst and drama, and hijinks, and even enhances the plot and creates parallels between the two that the franchise has never bothered to make and it has so much potential even if they don't fall in love they could be really good friends/partners/allies and if order 66 goes as planned they would be badass rebels its such an overlooked possible dynamic PLEASE 🥺
Dreadwing/Optimus: Ok so they are such a small ship they don't really have a name (which works in their favor considering this competition) but they have SO MUCH angst potential as they are on opposite sides of a million year long war that is leading to the potential extinction of their species, but they have so much in common too!!! They are both Honorable and follow their convictions on what they belive is right. If the studio didn't kill off Dreadwing for stupid reasons, he could have joined Optimus in the fight for what is right they probably could have fallen in love because Dreadwing is not a subordinate to Optimus and doesn't treat him like an untouchable divine being and voices his disagreements with his ideas with reasoninf and nor out of spite, and Optimus is a good leader who treats his underlings like mechs with respect and he's not hooked on space Cocaine like Megatron and he's rational and competent and self sacrificing while Megatron is self serving Dreadwing could totally fall in love with that or at least grow to respect him deeply. Also it could be a catalyst foe the other decepticons to realize something is incredibly wrong with their cause and with Megatron and his blatent instability and the defection of Dreadwing could change the fate of so many beloved characters for the better and they would be a genuinely good pairing and not toxic or gross or concerning but it's still an unknown and unconsidered ship whish is a CRIME
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mcgregor · 3 years
anyway, any idea for my next sad Obi-Wan gifset?? It seems to bother some people and I can’t get enough of those salty tears, I’m just that thirsty you know
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sound-overlord · 3 years
okay first of all why is the clone wars such a fuck off long series did they need to do all that ? no. im on s2efucking15. what the fuck. and also secondly an episode or so earlier when obiwan and satine or whomever were talking to that guy in that hallway and the guy was like "nOw WhO wIlL kIlL mE" implying neither obiwan or satine had the moral code Guts and anikin came outa nowhere and killed the guy like push button that was easy and vaders theme played ominously for no damn reason at all......i laughed so hard i cried
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tvpeongsstuff · 3 years
Supreme Emperor Obiwan Kenobi
New story idea.
After Mustafar Obiwan and vader do not have another run in for a few years. But, the first time they do Obiwan makes one of his distract my enemies while fighting comments. Vader gets distracted and loses again and Obiwan runs away. It keeps happening.
At first vader does not realize what this means until he and one of his henchmen (inquisitors?) get into a fight with Obiwan and Obiwan starts flirting with the henchman like he does when he is fighting his enemies and turns to vader and flirts with vader like he does with his enemies.
Anakin Skywalker, Obiwan Kenobi's padawan/brother/son, realizes that he is now just another sith obsessed with Obiwan. And, that to Obiwan he is no different than Ventress, or Dooku, or Grievous!
He doesn't handle that knowledge well. He goes even more crazy looking for Obiwan. He cannot handle being just anything to Obiwan. He starts looking for ways to increase his power tenfold. He starts training like crazy.
He pays top dollar for holorecordings (old or new no questions asked) of Obiwan fighting against other darksiders, criminals, and imperials. There are a few new videos. If any of them get in a lucky strike, vader makes them fight him. Inquisitors, the criminal underworld, and officers start getting chopped to pieces or killed. The imperials that survive get cybernetic parts. There are also a lot of older videos of Obiwan fighting with other Jedi, especially Anakin Skywalker. Those were supposed to be destroyed after the fall of the Republic. They make him feel...
Unbeknownst to both vader and sidious, the rebellion realize what's happening and start using vader's obsession to get vader to turn his sith fury on the complacent core worlds. They were the ones comming the info lines saying that Obiwan was on X planet or Y planet. Then when vader and his troops show up, they would broadcast the carnage. And, they carry out covert operations on other planets as they know those planets are vaderfree. For example, creating a spy network on Naboo, moving ammunitions through planet A.
The Rebellion recruits Obiwan to their cause. Bail reaches out to him, tells him the plan. They need him to distract vader. It's twofold: They don't want vader getting suspicious and they need vader to keep destroying coreworlds. He needs to be filmed looking heroic, walking through rich districts, passing by Core senators mistresses second homes, in the same are as a new important imperial's kept man (misters?). He is going to be their Katniss Everdeen (an ancient hero). People are going to get hurt but every jedi knows that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few or the one.
It works! If there is a rumor that Obiwan is on a planet, vader shows up with squadrons and tear the area apart, torture people for information, etc. This backfires on him because he razes so many places the empire can't completely censor the videos before they get out. People stop calling in as much, no matter how good the bounty.
Palpatine is at first happy with vader's obsession. He's all, "Give in to the power of the dark side" and he loves cyborgs. But, vader is single minded in his pursuit. It's like he transferred all of the love he had for Obiwan into this chase. Palpatine knows how much Anakin loved Obiwan so...on the one hand let vader find him and kill him, cementing palpatine's rule and ensuring vader's complete loyalty. On the other hand, vader is wrecking core planets and undermining his hold right now.
Sidious orders vader to stop and concentrate on other things. Vader does not listen. He receives a holo showing Obiwan on Naboo visiting Padme's memorial. He freaks out, goes to Naboo, takes the entire 501st and the 212th. He questions the queen. He rips apart members of Naboo's ruling class. He breaks public monuments. His purge troopers pull people out of their homes and beat citizens in the street. All of this is being broadcast galaxy wide.
Naboo's gentry are comming palpatine on his private line complaining and asking him to control his maniac. The rebel broadcast and the regular broadcast are wondering if this new empire is going to keep infringing on the rights of citizens? Are the people hurt by the rampaging vader going to have any recourse? Perhaps they should return to a republic? Sidious can't let this stand. He looks weak. Vader is destroying his home planet and ruining his image.
He leaves Coruscant and goes to Naboo. This was all part of a plan by the rebellion and it worked perfectly. They sneak Obiwan into Coruscant. They needed both vader and the emperor off planet so that no one powerful would be around to sense Obiwan. The rebellion are going to rally support to their cause, build up the capital's spy network, and film holos of Obiwan on planet to play at a later date to embarrass the empire.
On Naboo, vader is mourning at Padme's tomb when sidious catches up to him. The rebellion have set up holo cameras to spy on vader's every move. Breha told them to set up low tech motion detector cameras at the tomb. When the emperor comes in he berates vader and shoots force lightning at him while Vader writhes on the ground and screams in pain. It all gets captured on holo.
S: "I do not care about these morons, Lord Vader. But, you need to get yourself together and stop embarrassing me. Use your grief to channel the power of the dark side!"
Vader (gasping and panting): Yes my master
S: You have been letting Kenobi make a fool of you. Perhaps he is better than you? Perhaps you do not truly want to kill him? Did you forget how he turned on you and cut you down? Do you not want your revenge?
Vader: Yes I want my revenge
Sidious: Good good apprentice. When next you meet pull on the dark side of the force. Show Kenobi what you are capable of. Let him be the one to suffer.
V: Yes master
S: Good we leave at once for Coruscant. Gather your men.
Meanwhile Obiwan had met with senators and businessmen sympathetic to the rebel cause. He's gone down to the lower levels and spread hope amongst the poor and downtrodden. He's used the force to heal. He's filmed at the barracks and the senate. Finally, he's at the jedi temple. Obiwan has been making poignant propaganda films. Now, he has to make one about the fall of the republic and the murder of the jedi. He does. It's heart wrenching.
He talks about life in the jedi temple. He talks about the camaraderie and love all the jedi are raised with, how he didn't realize people thought jedi were baby stealers. He explains that the jedi only took unwanted children, or children whose parents could not help them with their powers. Every jedi who wanted to could leave the order. No one was kept by force. All jedi were educated on their culture and traditions. And, he talks about that final day, the murder of the jedi in the temple, the slaughter of the younglings. . He talks about finding all their bodies after, the futile search for survivors, the desperate he harboured. He cries.
The rebellion thought that they would have more time. The emperor was supposed to stay on Naboo as is his wont and make nice with his fellow men. They did not expect him to come back immediately with vader, two starships full of clone purge troopers, and 7 inquisitors. They realize they cannot get Obiwan off planet. It's too late. Vader and sidious have sensed his presence.
Obiwan makes a decision. He could die trying to escape or he could make a heroic last stand. He has the rebellion set up holo cameras all around the area and go into hiding. He tells them to broadcast his last recording. Hopefully it will rally people to their side when he diies. They have to get themselves to safety. Obiwan knows he has to push vader into killing him quickly. He hides all of his most sensitive information deep behind his strongest shields. Then he meditates. He is as ready as he'll ever be. He has to trust in the force.
Sidious knows that this is the perfect PR opportunity. He has to counteract Obiwan's emotional appeal. He sends Vader with all the troops and inquisitors after Obiwan. Vader knows better than to fail him but back up couldn't hurt. Obiwan must die! He also orders all the empires holos to broadcast the fight throughout the galaxy. He goes to the senate and announces that "there have been reports that the jedi terrorist Obiwan Kenobi has been spotted on Coruscant. Not to worry. Not to worry. I have sent Darth Vader to deal with him. At long last we will be rid of the jedi menace and our glorious empire can finally know peace." This is also broadcast throughout the galaxy from the senate cameras.
The fight starts. It's epic. Obiwan battles Vader and the Inquisitors from the jedi temple to the senate rotunda. He knocks out 3 inquisitors and badly injures 2 more. He catches blaster bolts and directs away from him back to his enemies. He keeps flirting, and making jokes and puns. Vader is enraged. He starts fighting horribly. He loses focus and jumps in the way of his inquisitors. (They already know he's obsessed with Obiwan Kenobi and the suspect if one of them land the killing blow vader will destroy them.) He chops off one of vader's hands.
Obiwan: Did I unhand you? That must burn.
Vader becomes apoplectic. How is Obiwan beating him? Again? He remembers what sidious said and starts pulling on the dark side of the force. Vader is literally pulling all of the darkside energy on Coruscant into him. Here's the thing, there is no true dark side force energy. There is only the force that can be used for dark purposes or light purposes. The way the force is used taints the force around the user. Vader is actually pulling the force away from darksiders like the Sith.
Vader begins the drain Coruscant of its dark energy. He pulls the force out of all the inquisitors that surround him, draining them. This knocks all of them unconscious. He needs more power! He pulls on the dark energy around him that has been clouding the force on Coruscant. He pulls even harder. Several weak dark side senators fall unconscious. Dark side users around the planet start passing out. Still Vader needs more power!
Palpatine feels a drain on his powers. Too late he grasps what's happening; he tries to reach out to vader. "Stop! Stop!" he screams, " Stop this at once Lord Vader!" He tries to raise his shields but he and vader share a connection, sneakily placed there by him while vader was still a child. Usually the connection goes one way. He pushes doubts, fears, dreams, and pain on vader and sits back and enjoys the emotional turmoil. Today vader has blasted that connection wide open and is taking all of the force from him. He falls unconscious.
Obiwan Kenobi can see dark energy flowing into vader. Dark energy from teh inquisitors on the ground, dark energy swirling in from the air, an ocean of dark energy coming to him from the senate. Vadear is swarming in dark energy. Obiwan can feel the turmoil, rage, and hate. It feels like....anakin skywalker throwing a tantrum when he didn't get his own way as a child.
Obiwan knows how to deal with this, probably Anakin's biggest darkest tantrum. He opens the bond he has with anakin a little, looks into anakin, puts the right amount of force into his suggestion and says "Sleep." Vader collapses and Obiwan catches him with the force.
The flow of energy into vader immediately starts to slow down. From their connection Obiwan can sense all the people vader has been sucking dry. If vader stops draining them they will wake up, so Obiwan keeps the flow going.
All this time the battalions have mostly been standing by idly. They were ordered to take shots to incapacitate or distract the jedi, unless he somehow won. Then they were to kill him. They start firing immediately. With Obiwan's focus and the energy of all the darkside at his fingertips Obiwan is able to catch every single bolt blast. He starts moving towards the senate following the ocean of darkness, parting bolts in front of him like he is parting water. Some of the troops try to run up to him to fight him but they get caught and stuck. He is floating vader and the inquisitors behind him. The caught troopers start floating along with them also. As they pass, the bolts fire.
In the senate, chaos reigns. A few senators and the emperor have collapsed. Medics have been called for them. On their screens, Jedi master Obiwan Kenobi has bested Darth Vader and his inquisitors. He is walking through the blaster bolts of thousands of troopers. He has proven himself unkillable and now he is coming straight for them. Some of the weaker members of the senate try running away. Others call out to the Coruscant senate guards to protect them. An enterprising member orders the doors sealed. It makes no difference.
Obiwan Kenobi enters the senate. and jumps to the emperor's hover chair. Vader is hovering behind him still but he has left the inquisitors and the clone troopers at the entrance to the senate. The troopers are still firing at him indiscriminately. He is catching the bolts and directing them to the walls. He looks down at the emperor who is being treated by a medidroid, throws the droid away with the force, and closes his eyes for a few seconds. All the cameras are on him. Every household in the galaxy is watching. This is being projected to every screen on every warship. Imperial officers the galaxy over are watching from their posts.
He opens his eyes
Obiwan: By the ancient laws of this senate, and pursuant to charter 9 as set forth in the old republic, I name myself the vice chair of the senate Obiwan Kenobi. Alpha Tango Abera Cadebera Seven Five Thirteen.
There is a pause. Then a flurry of sound as all of the technology in the senate updates at the same time. The ancient code of the senate computers accepts Obiwan's passcode and turns the full power of the senate over to him. All connected systems update also.
Obiwan: Commanders execute order 4. Cancel order 66 and stop shooting.
All the clones stop shooting.
Obiwan: All powers are hereby handed over to me and whatsoever remains of the Jedi order. I declare myself Supreme Emperor Obiwan Kenobi.
Part 2
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fanfictin · 3 years
Liz flicks through the Clone Wars for interactions between favourite disaster dad/brother and anger child and also maybe his ‘snippy?’ padawan
“Anakin, where are you?” said in the most long-suffering voice as obiwan holos anakin and ahsoka in their ship not following orders
“I hope you know what you’re doing, anakin” “Well, if I don’t, I won’t be around to hear the I told you so” “That’s reassuring...”
Subtly has never been one of your strong points, Anakin.
Everything I know, I learned from you, Master.
(why does obiwan keep saluting every time he runs from grevious)
You know we have GUNS. You can shoot back ANY TIME. -Anakin
(anakin still calling obiwan Master gives me life)
(also disaster gang really do call each other by Snips and Skyguy, huh)
“Still here, Anakin? When was the last time you slept?” (FUCK yes,, my favourite trope) [...] “Since then, he vanished.” “Well, unlike you, maybe he’s getting some much-needed rest” (the SASS. the CARE.)
“Suicide is not the jedi way, Master” asgfgdhkslfhsdalafl out of context that’s hysterical
(anyway none of these episodes are connected i have no idea what the fuck is happening or just happened at any point)
FINALLY some hurt/comfort. the classic “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” and blackout. nice.
awwwww ahsoshka trying to cheer up anakin and anakin just “you can’t replace r2″ i mean he’s right
Ahsoka has a green saber!! bless. love that.
Rex IS calling Ahsoka ‘Sir’. love it.
“Where’s R2 when i need him” awww ani
okay Grevious’ bodyguards are WAY harder to kill than that,, do you know how many times i have done that level in lego starwars,, I--
“Besides, R2 is more than a droid. He’s a friend.” 0,.0
ObiWan and Anakin their typical -anakin from the ceiling- anakin: oh it’s you obiwan: This is how you thank me for rescuing you? and THEN-- How am I supposed to become a jedi master if I’m getting caught all the time At least you’re a master of getting caught HYSTERICAL
it’s just Them on a mission. much love. i’m crey. they work so well together. “Why do I even try” that’s the obi wan exasperated abt his padawan that i know and love. crey.
rock fall!! oh they’re fine. okay well the banter is pretty good and brief panic. 
Anakin, when I tell you to run, Run. Master! You’re alive! And where is your lightsaber? It got knocked out of my hand. By a rock? Yeah. By a rock. You know what would be helpful? A little light. Certainly. -obiwans lightsaber doesn’t work- Silly thing. It was working just a minute ago. You don’t suppose it was hit... by a rock, do you? -obiwan dramatically points a finger and is abt to give his padawan a piece of his mind-
Anaking running away while Obwan is chill,, perfect. ObiWan helps at just the right time. they use the force together to put it down. PERFEDCT.
They get poison gassed and ahsoka rescues them and they just say it was fine I LOVE IT OH MY GOSH DISASTER TRIO
oh my gosh they knew the drinks were poisoned or whatever and switched them and they look so SMUG abt it--
okay write it down, 1-11 absolute favourite 
okay never mind, they were drugged and wake up together caught. typical.
obiwan holding anger anakin back from yelling at count dooku. amazing.
“Do control your protege’s insolence so I can concentrate” “Anakin.” “WHAT” “Control your insolence. The count is concentrating” THE SASS
oh my gosh a very unusual trio. Dooku just like “I would kill you both rn if i didn’t have to drag your bodies” not bc they’re his enemies but bc of the banter and sass
getting electrocuted then immediately breaking each others bonds and fighting back. yes.
heck yes. anakin saving everyone and getting hurt himself? ahsoka going back for him? fuck yes. my shit.
so anakin does get hurt. badly. and WHY did i not find this on tumblr?? also,, ahsoka calling him anakin when he’s unconscious? fuck yes.
“I’ve certainly perfected the art of demolishing ships and getting my master killed” oh ahsoka you did so well dear one. she loves her master so much.
Rex does call ahsoka ‘kid’. i love.
the weak person just abt waking up and trying to get up bc danger and the one watching over him being worried and defending him? another favourite trope.
ooooo a straight up continuation. nice. anakin “you’re still too injured to move” oh the drama
an injury CONTINUING to impeded a character afterwards?? whoa. anakin rlly is the chosen one.
oooo stealth mission, this is exactly how i play a stealth thing like this!
snow time. pls let anakin complain abt the snow. someone get cold. pls. that’s all i ask. but either way, it’s anakin and obiwan mission time together again!
summary: that guy was dumb and i’m glad he died
anakin smashing several windows to get to obiwan in another tower. yes.
“How did YOU get over here” “I improvised”
“You seem a bit on edge” [...] “So yes, I’m a bit on edge!! Why aren’t you?” “I’m better at hiding it.” eyyyy
disaster gang stop a virus and they’re all fine. ..good for them.. i gues.. just kidding, i love them
obiwan trying to calm anakin down abt padme and ahsoka but also knowing that anakin is rlly worried
“You just destroyed 17 defenseless battle driods without suffering a scratch” “18 actually”
“It was a trap Snips. It wasn’t your fault.” “Take heart, little one. That’s the reality of command” oh anakin you’re almost a good master
anakin gave his lightsaber to padme as a joke and now he’s trying to fight eithout it lol
he got shocked out and caught lol and padme is like hm can i show affection for an unconscious jedi without ppl thihnking hes my husband
“Please Ani. Wake up” wakes up like okay anyway let’s leave
okay it’s gone midnight and i have work and uni interview tomorrow,, that’s s1
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himboskywalker · 4 years
any prude anakin headcanons?? personally, my favourite is anakin incessantly pestering obiwan for attention (flirting very terribly) but the second obiwan gives it to him his brain just shuts down. and he's just completely pink and sputtering and is just like !!!! no i was not flirting!!!!! no i do not want attention why would you say that master!!!! i have never heard of sex in my life please stop talking about spreading my thighs.
This is pretty much exactly how it goes in my mind. I love the duality of Anakin just being bent out of shape if Obi-Wan’s full attention isn’t on him and going to all sorts of bratty and ridiculous lengths to pull his pigtails and get a rise out of him. But the moment Obi-Wan finally does the long suffering sigh and is just like,alright fine I’ll pin you down and whisper filth in your ear until you cry and Anakin is just like WAIT I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS PLEASE DON’T LOOK AT ME!
Because I think too Anakin is very much the sort to be like,just happy to be there and it would be Obi-Wan who would be like,here is my essay/research on the complexities and nuances of human sexuality so let’s try some freaky shit. So Yes Anakin very much wants Obi-Wan’s attention but I think his full thinking through of a situation would be I’m going to annoy him until he gets exasperated with me and kisses me. But then he would be beat red and near stroke level when Obi-Wan is like,fine,if you’re gonna be a little shit I have a pair of handcuffs perfect for this.
I think too,and I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it a million more,that I would probably characterize Anakin as Demi. I very much see him as being super embarrassed about how desperate he is for Obi-Wan or embarrassed about sex in general outside of the context of the very romantic making love with the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. So when Obi-Wan insinuates he got railed by Kit Fisto at some point Anakin is just like *sound of tea kettle whistling* I very much see Obi-Wan taking full advantage of this,because at heart he’s an antagonistic little shit too,and he loves to pester and tease Anakin as much as Anakin loves to do the same to Obi-Wan,it’s what gives them that lovely banter and old married couple dynamic.
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merrysithmas · 2 years
If Anakin actually embraced his demigod-ness what would he actually do? Like if he’s not doing Jedi stuff or something similar is he just chilling on some Force God planet until something requires his intervention? 
LOL hmmm... eat space grapes off the vine? swim shirtless through the pools of time? practice his Form V as a constellation in the sky?? cause blackouts with his rage? storms with his sadness? drought with his despair? sunshine with his wonder? run his fingers through the ebony hair of the fates, picking out the strands of his loved one's lives and uncoiling them just to gaze...
but honestly! If we go by The Mortis arc in TCW, The Father firsts tests Anakin to see if he is truly the Chosen One. He forces Anakin into a situation where his children, The Daughter and Son (who represent the Light and Dark), threaten the lives of Obiwan and Ahsoka. The two people most important to him (and another tick against the idea that Anakin & Padme had 100% genuine selfless love for each other).
The Father threatens Anakin with the death of either Ahsoka or Obiwan, and asks him to choose which Child's rage he will control- the Dark or Light.
Anakin, unwilling to choose between the two he loves most, LITERALLY moves the stars and heavens above him, shifting the sky from night to day and back again and pulls on his divine power to subdue both the Light and Dark, freeing both Obi and Ahsoka. It is my favorite scene in all of Star Wars.
After witnessing this, the Father is convinced of Anakin's birthright. He begs Anakin to take his place on Mortis... saying that he is growing too old and weary to watch over and control his children anymore, and that they will be thrown out of balance without his guidance.
It is much like the scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when Indiana is met by the ancient knight in the sacred temple who offers him his sword, utterly grateful to be relieved of duty... seeing this new Knight appear to take up his place as guard of all that is good and just.
That is what Anakin's job is.
To enact his balance of will on the Force-plane, not the mortal plane where mortals are unfit for it - where they can die and suffer the wrath of the gods in immediate and horrifying ways.
Anakin, who is adamant the Chosen One is a myth (out of self protection), tells The Father he cannot abandon his friends and must leave Mortis. This action is very much akin to Luke's when he leaves Dagobah to save Leia and Han and Yoda warns him not to go. Anakin is terrified to leave the mortal realm, unwilling to take on the responsibility, and deeply attached to humanity. He loves them.
The Father warns Anakin that should he leave Mortis he will forever regret it for the remainder of his days.
This can also be seen as a vague allusion to the chaos that turns out to be Luke and Leia, and the ultimate hardships of their lives. Perhaps had Anakin taken up The Father on his offer, and had been able to wrangle the The Daughter and Son into submission and balance, acting as a sentry who understood both the Forces of Dark & Light and the mortals of the Galaxy, then Anakin's own son and daughter (who share his blood and thus his immortal inheritence) would have happier, easier lives and even joined him on Mortis.
In truth, I think Anakin would be miserable and lonely on the plane of the Force Gods. Just as he is miserable and lonely on the mortal plane.
The Force did torture and torment him as a creation. He can be neither happy or totally content in either place. His human heart longs for his mortal friends, and his god soul longs for higher purpose.
His truly is a tragic existence until he dies - where he can be in the afterlife, the magical Force Netherworld, with Obiwan. And we find out in TRoS Luke and Leia also become Force ghosts- and I like to believe Ahsoka, too, so all his children can be with him.
Which is to Anakin, finally the best of his both worlds.
But fr I picture Obiwan and Anakin in the force going on epic supernatural Quests and mulling over the fate of mortals with Anakin trolling people with visions and horrors to "test" their resolve and their preparation for their dark sides - taking on the role of the Ghost of Christmas Future but with far more trolling and he's like laughing to Obi-wan when he materializes home, Obi you should've seen his face when I showed up as his dead girlfriend...! or causing visions which swallow rotten people into the ground like the pits of Sith hells, causing them to wake in abject terror with an unseeable Anakin grinning over their beds wearing Force Sunglasses 😎
Ultimately, I think Anakin, as the Chosen One & master of the Dark Side in life, would take on the afterlife role of caring after and protecting those who are very strong in the light - he'd have a genuine affection for them and consider it his celestial duty to prepare them to face their Dark Sides in order to confront their balance, inner selves, and their capacity for destructive power. He'd want to protect them. That would be his primary patronage although he'd go about it in amusing and sometimes rather grim ways. He'd be very compassionate but brutal about it - a reflection of the extremes of his life, which is the source of his great wisdom.
As for Obi-wan I picture him tending a very cosmic garden planting strife for some, watering some happiness to bloom for others, watching well-deserved wishes take fruition as beautiful blossoming berries after many years of waiting for other certain souls... I picture him keeping a very endless, very eternal library with boundless tomes. Sitting in the sunlight, making careful notes in the margins of people's lives... little reminders or helpful suggestions, that turn up on the mortal plane as nagging feelings or sudden inspiration.
But ultimately they are in the Force having fun together and taking on missions in the Netherworld as they discover, even further, the unknowable reaches of the incredible Force.
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Somehow!adopted by a true mandalorian before Galidraan/korda six Obiwan.. so like raised mandalorian Obiwan with Jango/Jaster leading Mandalore
(mmmmf okay I love this sort of au and i tried my best to make it as different as possible from stories that already exist (specifically @atelier-dayz's WiP Ben'bajur) and I've thrown in some good women Mandos because they deserve to be written more. some stuff in timeline has been moved around and you get trans Obi just for funsies *kissu* i make several references to this post’s discussion of mental and physical illness in Mando culture. i um. spent a lot of time thinking about what colour Obi’s beskar’gam would be. i have a lot of feelings about it. **Ruusaan Kryze’s name and fancast/design belong to @amillionstarsandyouchoosethisone from this, thank you so much for letting me use them!)
  Jango had not mentally prepared himself to see Obi-Wan again, though to be fair, he hadn’t known he needed to.
  The last time he’d seen Ruusaan’s foundling, Obi-Wan had been sixteen and wiry and spitfire in all the wrong ways, with half-complete beskar’gam and a chip on his shoulder a planet-wide. If he remembers correctly, Obi-Wan had called him an arrogant laserbrain with a junk blaster, and Jango had almost challenged him to an honor duel. But when Jango finally makes his way back to Mandalore after seven— Wait, no, eight years?— abroad as a supercommando, both Ruusaan and Obi-Wan are at Jaster's war table, bent over a holomap of the system and talking calmly as you please. 
  And Obi-Wan is in full beskar'gam, plating painted entirely silver except the yellow clan crest on his left pectoral, and the yellow Mando'a 'ures haal', breathless, lettered on his ghet'bur above his collarbone. He looks up as Jango enters and blinks in surprise, straightening to reveal his helmet under his arm, also silver except the rises of the cheeks.
  Ruusaan breaks into a smile, and for all the trouble Obi-Wan had caused when younger, Jango can’t imagine his childhood without the former Kryze and all she had done for the Haat Mando’ade at the Battle of Galidraan. She’s been following Jaster since she was old enough to denounce her clan, an honorary Mereel even if she thinks herself unworthy of such a connection to her Mand’alor; Jango wonders if she had finally decided on a clan name, if both her and Obi-Wan are painted with a new crest.
  For all the loving buir Jaster is, he doesn’t drag things out, and after a quick hug, he pulls Jango into their discussion of relief aid to Concordia after the latest Death Watch insurgence as if Jango had never left. Ruusaan quickly picks up their easy friendship, closer to siblings than superior and subordinate, but Jango absolutely does not know what to do with Obi-Wan’s new calm cadence, the confidence and knowledge that he’s picked up in Jango’s absence. 
  He’s surprisingly been running relief missions for Jaster for the last five years, when he isn’t busy taking commando missions with Ruusaan. Obi-Wan gets flustered when his buir mentions this, and Jango wonders what in Sith Hells had happened while he was gone to make Obi-Wan settle down so much from his youth.
  His newly-flat chest probably has something to do with it.
  Perhaps it isn’t surprising, then, that Obi-Wan somehow wrangles Jango onto the squad of commandos headed for Concordia, Ruusaan smirking in delight as Jango resigns himself to suffering for the next tenday at least. Obi-Wan just claps him on the shoulder before disappearing into the halls of Jaster’s estate, and something in Jango aches at just how much of his armour is silver, at the sort of intention that went into an almost monochrome set of beskar’gam. Perhaps not much had actually changed, then.
  He should have known any mission to Concordia would go to kriffing hell, especially with Duke Kryze ramping up his antagonism of Death Watch like it won’t be the Haat Mando’ade that pay the price. 
  What should have been a simple drop-off of medical supplies to a few refugee groups turns into a firefight with Kyr’tsad, Ruusaan missing her thigh guards and Jango down a blaster, and all three of them ducking into the first empty ship in the guest hangar in hopes of losing their tail. 
  Ruusaan slams the button for the door, Jango aiming his remaining blaster at the catwalk until they’re safely ensconced in the dark of some other Mando’s ship, straining their ears for the sound of anyone still following them. Pulling off her helmet, Ruusaan checks the lifesign reader she keeps in her gauntlet, and then grumbles something about interference that doesn’t fill Jango with confidence. He pulls up his comm to try and contact the nearest Haat Mando’ad, but doesn’t get the chance before a wet wheeze rattles the silence of the cargo bay and Ruusaan whips around with a horrified,
  She rushes to Obi-Wan’s side, where he leans one hand onto the nearest wall in an effort to keep upright, and oh, Jango had forgotten just how harrowing this was. 
  Ruusaan removes Obi-Wan’s helmet with practiced ease, setting it aside to pull a rag from one of his belt pouches, holding it to his bleeding nose as she tilts his head forward. Kriff, but Jango hasn’t seen Ruusaan need to use the Force on her foundling since Obi-Wan was a kid, though he knows it must have happened more often behind closed doors. The years since he’s had to stand by and watch Ruusaan restart Obi-Wan’s lungs has only made it that much harder to stomach. 
  Only Jaster knows the whole story of how Obi-Wan had ended up with Ruusaan, just what infection had festered in his lungs before she found him that had ruined him for the rest of his life. Jango has heard rumours that he had been on Melida/Daan during the civil war, that Ruusaan had taken a job from the Young and left with a sick foundling, that his system had been so damaged that he can’t handle a transplant. And Jango’s seen it before, Obi-Wan’s lungs suddenly failing and scaring the osik out of every Mando present, even if they had made note of the marker on his collar. 
  By some sort of Force miracle, Obi-Wan had been found by one of the only Force-sensitive Mando’ade that Jango has ever heard of, with just enough power to force her ad’s respiratory system back to rights, almost as if she had been meant to find him.
  Obi-Wan coughs as Ruusaan presses one hand to the front of his chest, the other between his shoulder blades; Jango feels almost dizzy with something that feels too close to worry, the hair on his neck standing up at the swell of the Force in the tiny cargo bay. 
  “K’atini,” Ruusaan whispers, pressing her forehead to Obi-Wan’s temple with a touch of desperation. “K’atini, ad’ika, breathe.” A beat of tense quiet, but then— 
  “K’atini,” Obi-Wan wheezes back, and Jango lets out the breath he’d been holding. Ruusan laughs wetly, pulling back just enough to finish wiping under his nose, and brushes his hair back with her free hand; Jango feels a ping of jealousy, but forces it to the background, at least until they can get back to Mandalore.
  “We need to get back to the ship,” Ruusaan says to Jango, all while Obi-Wan won’t meet his eye. “He’ll be fine for a while, but I can’t give him what oxygen he’s lost.”
  Now this, this Jango can do. He can step up and lead, protect those that are his aliit in everything but name, because this is action, and not just standing there watching someone’s body give up on them. “You good to run?” Jango asks on external comm, Obi-Wan looking to his buir before giving a short nod. Ruusaan purses her lips, but nods as well and stoops to pick up her helmet. 
  “Not for long,” she warns, giving Obi-Wan his own before setting her hand back between his shoulderblades. “But the Force is telling me there’s no one outside; we move now.”
  Jango trusts Obi-Wan to Ruusaan and swiftly leads the way back into the hangar, taking them through two halls and across a catwalk to get to their own ship’s berth; Obi-Wan punches in the key for the door, and lets Jango pull him up into the ship without complaint. Ruusaan is the best pilot out of the three of them, but Jango climbs into the cockpit to start the pre-flight sequence so she can get Obi-Wan set up in the single-bed medbay, because kriff if Jango would know where to start. 
  Ruusaan joins him in the cockpit just before take off, some of Duke Kryze leaking through in her stony expression as she drops into the open seat. “Jango,” she says, surprisingly calm for the situation, “please go make sure my utreekov of an ad doesn’t leave the medbay.”
 Technically Ruusaan has been Haat Mando’ade longer than Jango, but she isn’t that much older than him, and he’s the son of the Mand’alor, so she shouldn’t be able to order him around like one of her foundlings. But Jango is also a warrior, and he knows when to pick his battles, so he simply nods and lets her get them out of the hangar.
  The medbay is little bigger than a closet, and like most, there's just enough equipment for emergencies, but Ruusaan and Obi-Wan had retrofitted theirs to include a proper ventilator and oxygen tank, as well as a bacta vaporizer Jango has never seen outside of high end Kaledevan hospitals. Luckily Obi-Wan seems resigned to his fate, propped up in the little alcove bed and holding an oxygen mask over his face. He glances up, but only gives Jango a nod and an apologetic smile. 
  “How often does that happen?” Jango musters the courage to ask, leaning on the doorjamb. Obi-Wan laughs tiredly, his mask fogging as he thumps his head back against the wall and closes his eyes. 
  “Not as much as before,” he says vaguely, his voice still a rasp. “The surgery helped.”
  If he’s still dealing with kriffing dying on a monthly basis, Jango is thoroughly impressed he’s been able to serve so close to Jaster for so long, and kriff knows Jaster isn’t soft, so Jango knows whatever space Obi-Wan occupies with the Mand'alor is earned, no matter who his buir is. It seems Jango’s missed quite a lot, off exploring the stars.
  Obi-Wan gets a little smile, then, dropping his hand but not opening his eyes. “If I recall... the last time we spoke alone like this—”
  “You called me a laserbrain and told me my blaster was sub-par.”
  He barks out a laugh that’s more like a cough, trying to work off his chest- and backplate; Jango watches him struggle for all of a moment before sighing and pushing the rest of the way into the room to help. Obi-Wan smiles all young and stupid up at him, and from this close, it lodges something in Jango’s throat.
  Breathless, indeed. 
Mando’a: beskar’gam — Armour made of beskar, “Mandalorian Iron” that was actually probably a steel alloy ures haal — breathless, lit. "without breath" ghet'bur — the collar piece of the chest plate on some beskar'gam, sitting over the shoulders and below the throat. a form of gorget. Haat Mando’ade — lit. “true children of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians buir — “parent”, gender neutral Kyr’tsad — Death Watch osik — impolite form of “dung”, shit ad — “child”, gender neutral  ’ika — diminutive suffix, similar to the suffix “ita/o” in Spanish. generally used only by close family and friends utreekov — idiot, fool, lit. "empty head" K'atini — “it is only pain”, used in the context of “get up. Keep going. You can and you will survive this.” aliit — family, clan
(beskar’gam colour meanings here; Obi’s silver means seeking redemption, and yellow is for remembrance)
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