#anakin likes movies better horizontally
spacewombatty · 7 months
Anakin begins every movie upright, is leaning dangerously to the side halfway through, and ends the movie with his head in Obi-Wan’s lap without fail. The Jedi is unfazed everytime, and just moves to set his popcorn bowl on his padawan’s forehead. When he wants his food salted, Obi-Wan puts on Anakin’s favorite space telenovelas.
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umbrellacam · 3 years
Thank you for the tag, @falleen, this was fun!
Rule: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
Three ships: I’m going to cheat and do three for my current fandom, and then three for other fandoms, just for variety.
Star Wars: obikin (my original prequels ship all the way back to when I sat in that theater in 2005, in absolute tears over the Mustafar divorce scene. YOU WERE MY BROTHER ANAKIN, I LOVED YOU – I HATE YOU – their relationship and their love for each other shaped the course of the galaxy, I will never be over it), codywan (this has snuck up on me more and more since I backslid into Star Wars fandom and started watching TCW. They’re so dutiful and devoted and affectionate! The wartime angst and the potential abuse of chain of command angst and the Order 66 angst! The mutual pining, self-denial, and self-sacrifice! I adore them) and jangobi (listen: Temuera Morrison sexy. Obi-Wan and Jango eye-fucking and then horizontally tangoing on Kamino in AotC. The thousand-and-one interesting AU jump-off points. The inherent eroticism of enemies fighting and then learning to trust each other. CHEMISTRY!) ...Yes, I recognize I have a multishipping-Obi-Wan problem, I am (definitely not) working on it.
Other Fandoms: I have - so many. I’ll go with some of the more recent ones: mchanzo (Overwatch; anachronistic cowboy/samurai archer in a futuristic setting; two weary men trying to make up for past sins), jonerys (aSoIaF; tHe tHeMaTiC PaRRaLleLs, star-crossed leaders with too many burdens and long, painful roads behind them uniting to save the world, DRAGONS; no I will never forgive Game of Thrones for fucking this up along with literally everything else), and hualian (TGCF; they invented love, what can I say). Overall, I’d say I have a weakness for devotion in ships.
Last song: Coffee In Bed by Pentatonix, my favorite acapella wizard superstars.
Last movie: Pixar’s Soul, which I thought was funny, cute and clever but had pacing and thematic issues along with reaching ambitious new heights of abstraction (impressive for a studio that already has a movie about anthropomorphic emotions in its repetoire), so it didn’t end up landing as strongly for me as some other Pixar movies. Still worth watching!
Currently watching: I don’t watch tons of TV, but I’m making my way through TCW (yes, still >_> I’m currently stuck halfway through Season 5, just before the Mandalore arc. I keep chickening out of opening the next episode because of the buckets of angst that I know are upcoming – all the way through to the end of the series, GAH.) I also just started Word of Honor, a recent BL-novel-based wuxia cdrama that is a lot of fun so far.
Currently reading: I tend to tear through fiction that I find really engaging to the point of not sleeping, so stuff doesn’t stay ‘current’ for long. On a slower burn, I’m listening to the audiobook for Darth Plagueis, picking my way through the first Jedi Apprentice book, and using Rianovsky’s A History of Russia as pre-bed reading. I’m also twelve (12) pages into Anna Karenina, because my dad apparently thinks I’m in need of further cultural and intellectual enrichment and got it for my birthday, lmao.
Currently craving: Pho. It is safe to say that 50% of my waking life is spent craving pho, sushi, or potatoes in any shape or form. On a less culinary note, I’m craving physical contact, particularly familial hugs and cuddling. Lockdown is rough even for an introvert, yo.
Absolutely no pressure tags: I get anxiety about ‘bothering’ people with this sort of thing even though I always have fun when tagged, so. Totally don’t mind me if this is not your jam!! @mageofcole, @bittodeath, @allisontheknight, @intermundia, @glimmerglanger, and anyone else who’d like to play! I love reading these.
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