#not quite so pure of heart but plenty dumb of ass
filibusterphil · 2 years
I started watching Willow as I start watching many shows these days - there were some gay gifs on this app with fantastic energy and chemistry. But I got so attached to all these characters so quickly, I love them. These characters are all so dumb it’s amazing. Jade is the only one who might have a brain cell, everyone else is beautifully stupid and I cannot wait to see where this adventure takes them. Full party, one member containing a brain cell, all just trying their best. And of course every member is gorgeous
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juiceboxman · 3 years
Advice for New DMs
I’ve been lucky enough to have DM’d a weekly game for over a year now and I’ve had conversation with people irl and online about how they think about DMing but aren’t necessarily too confident in their own ability or don’t even know where to start. So here’s some things I would suggest to get started, things to keep in mind and advice about general stuff. Here we go;
1) Familiarise Yourself with the Rules. You can read the DMs Manual or the Player’s Manual for rules. You can find rules explained everywhere online from Roll 20 to DND Beyond. But if you don’t like reading, and I get that cause the thought of reading a 200+ page instruction manual on how to play a game does sound daunting, I would suggest watching or listening to Actual Play Shows. If you watch like a few episodes of Critical Role or Dimension 20, you kind of get the basics of DnD. That’s really all you need to start DMing, just the basics like “what which Dice do”.
2) Know your Players. DnD is a collaborative game and all good collaboration necessitates some base understanding of who you’re collaborating with. You don’t necessarily need to know the people you’re playing with very well, but just enough to get where you can decide whether these people are chill to play with. So say if you’re gonna be playing a horror/scary campaign and you know one of the people in mind for playing isn’t too into horror- maybe don’t have them play cause it will make them uncomfortable. That example is perfectly fine but it delves into extremes when you’re dealing with people who are just difficult. You can look up online and find tons of stories relating to bad dnd experiences with just rude, shitty people. I would like to clarify that by saying that these experiences aren’t a DnD problem- it’s a social group problem. If you hang out wih a shitty person they will inevitably do shitty things, and honestly its better that a shitty outburst occurs at a controlled environment such as a DnD Game than say a house party where all sorts of shit could happen. So know your players. If they’re cool people, they’ll make cool players. If they’re kind of shit heads, they’re going to cause a lot of issues and not the fun kind. Know the difference between “shenanigans” and “open disrespect” because you as the DM put a lot of work into the game, if the players don’t respect that- maybe don’t play with them. No dnd is better than bad dnd 
3) Know Your Game. This rule helps a lot if you are familiar with lots of DnD shows, which gives you a frame of reference for the type of campaign you wanna run. If you wanna go big dramatic epics with a lot of strict survivalist rules, Critical Role is a good place to reference. If you wanna go for balls to the wall humour with a lot of heart and emotional moments, NADDPOD is a good place to reference. You want a proper scary campaign, watch Sophomore Year from Dimension 20- it is primarily a comedy show but when they do drama they do DRAMA. Knowing your players allows you to know the game better. It took me quite a while in my own campaign t realise “Oh I’m not running a CR game, I’m running a NADDPOD game” and ater I realised that I was able to play it better. Know the game, know the genre, know what you and your players like and enjoy and try to maximise that fun.
4) Preparation. DMs do a lot of preparation whenever they intend to run a game. I would argue that the amount of preparation you want to do should be equal to the amount of time you’re willing to spend. Sad fact of life is that DnD, and other activities with friends, are all dependant on IRL scheduling. A campaign can fizzle and die out at a moments notice, not all stories get finished and if you wanna start any creative process that’s a reality you have to accept. I’m a creative person, I do quite a lot of writing and stuff on the side so when I do prep for DnD I don’t want to spend too much of my creative juice on a project that only six people at a table will know about compared to one that would feature a larger audience. Also if you have a busy schedule you might not have time to worldbuild, so short cuts help. So in those respects I don’t see anything wrong with being lazy. There are plenty of websites online where you can randomly generate maps, towns, characters- you name it. You don’t need to spend hours on end developing streets of a city that no one will walk down or lore behind businesses no one will ask about. You just need to be familiar enough with the history or your world, its vibe and tone in which you can effectively improv the rest. I’ve been DMing a game now for well over a year, I spend less than an hour a week doing prep. I write a few bullet points for stuff to bring up in the session, I make a brief map for encounters, I’ll look up monster stats, maybe draw up some homebrew and heroforge pictures of the NPCs- that’s it
5) Improv. I think 90% of DMing is pure improv. Depending how well you know your players and their characters, you can predict certain behaviours. So if you have an NPC say or do something that you know will gaina certain reaction from a player, that’s something you are certain about. Everything else however can be improv based. Players will surprise you. They’ll do weird dumb shit and they will do really cool game breaking shit. You have an NPC who was supposed to be a big villain? Well the PCs all teamed up and with an effective strategy, that NPC is now dead. It’s the lay of the land. The goal with prep is to have enough prepared that you can effectively pull stuff out of your ass with no issue. Improv isn’t necessarly difficult, all you really need is to listen. When a player responds to something and you feel its worth rolling for, have them roll for it. If tey roll well, tell them they did the thing. If not, tell them they didn’t. If the thing they asked for is impossible, tell them it’s impossible. You can come up with all sorts on the fly
6) DND isn’t like TV/BOOKS/MOVIES. DND is a weird medium of entertainment. Its a collaberative game where you all make a narrative, but a lot of strange stuff happens in between. Like if youre watching a movie or a show or reading a book you might think to yourself “why is this character spending twenty minutes talking to this waiter that genuinely isn’t that interesting?” or something like “why did the main villain die five pages in?” DND doesn’t follow a beat structure or format. Plot armor doesn’t fit here, it’s all decisions and luck- that’s it. Don’t be dissapointed in your work in regards to storytelling. Don’t worry about plot holes or inconsistencies, just focus on player engagement. If the players are having fun, then you’re playing the game right. You as the DM have to make sure that everyone is playing fairly and having fun. Treat your players equally, don’t be a dick, don’t be a pushover. You have to know what your players want, but also know what they don’t want. If your players like a weird NPC, have that NPC show up more cause they enjoy it. If your players discover an ability ot a magic object that left untouched will alter game play (e.g. one of my PCs recently gained an ability in which they gained the breath weapon of an ancient red dragon) that if used effectively could elminate all threat from any boss fight ever- don’t be afraid to NERF that. You need to be considerate about your enjoyment and the players enjoyment, its all in the balance.
That’s the main six points I have so far. If I have anymre I’ll be sure to add them. If anyone has any advice, feel free to add below. Hope this helps! Also; Brennan Lee Mulligan has a good podcast giving DM advice called Adverturing Academy. Has a lot of cool guests. The episode featuring Carlos Luna from Roll 20 is actually good career advice and gets me motivated just thinking about it. Definitely worth checking out!
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undyingsunshine · 2 years
10 Characters I fell in Love With in 2021
Tagged by the amazing @feveredcharm !!!! Thank you very much for the tag! <3 I go into quite the (loving) rant in some of these, so I've put them all under the cut! And also so I don't accidentally shove a long post into all these fandom tags! ^^;
I also could only think of 8 characters for this! Mostly because the characters I really fixated on this year were my own! xD Or they were ones that I already loved before 2021!
Anyway, here we go!
1 - Li Cu - DMBJ (Tomb Of The Sea) Ho, you all know my love for this little fucker. Pure of heart, dumb of ass, barer of misfortune. Outside of tumblr and DMBJ as a whole, I am most often writing in the perspective of angry, jaded and cautious characters; ones who have been given plenty of reasons not to trust anyone. It's quite the comfy niche that I find is the easiest to default to, so when DMBJ held out its hand and presented Li Cu. Well. How could I say no?? He's one of the few characters I've actually written for in the series because I feel quite familiar with his kind of character - and honestly I wouldn't mind writing more (in fact, I am writing more, just very slowly. ) There's so much nothingness to work with, seeing as he only appears once in the series so far, and that nothingness means I can just write fuck tons of angst with no payoff, y'know, like a dick /j /lh. He's angry, he's hurt and he's just. Confused. He's alone, for the most part, barely any family and barely any friends. And at the end of it all, he still has barely any family or any friends, but the friends are a little closer, and his dad is assumedly less violent. Throughout his life, he's reminded constanly that violence is seemingly the only way to get attention and recognition, a deeprooted issue that I feel is only solidified by his time with the Wangs because that's exactly how their system seems to work. Kill or be killed. And because the aftermath isn't looked into, I get to look into it and wiggle my evil evil hands across the keyboard while I write the most harrowing unresolved angst that I can. Because it's fun, to both write and to watch people peel at their yellow wallpaper in agony and despair. :) 2 - Yang Hao - DMBJ (Tomb of The Sea) MY BOY. MY DEAR BOY. HOW I LOVE HIM. He suffers, and yet no one hears him. He's the underling(?) of Huo Daofu??? Like??? WHAT that could be such an interesting thing to dig into? Especially if you consider a sort of mirror between Wu Xie+Li Cu and Huo Daofu+Yang Hao which, YES I bring this up all the time BECAUSE IT'S SO. INTERESTING???? Yang Hao is aggressive. He finds it easy to bully others to make things go the way he wants. He utilises it so well, and I imagine he only gets better at using it as time goes on, be it for his own gain or for the gain of a team. BUT!!!!! He also has a much softer side. A side of him that feels and loves and cares so soso deeply about the people he's close to! He's emotional, and though he tries to hide it, he's not very good at doing so :P He's also a little bit of a coward until situations become dire, in which he tries his best to be resourceful and quick thinking. 3 - Ethan Winters - Resident Evil IT'S HIM!!! THE DAD!!!! I love him. He's so loving and determined and the way he fights through hell to save Mia and Rose (his wife and daughter) is just a quality of him I admire. Yeah, he's on the quippy side and he's a dumbass, but I like smart-mouthed dumbasses! I absolutely adore this man and I love seing all the incredible art that's in his tag!! (while ignoring all the, in my opinion, unnecessary hate towards him HAHA) Just proves that not even vast horrors can keep a loving parent away from their kid! You do NOT fuck with a parent xD 4 - Aiden Pearce - Watch Dogs Honestly, he just kind of reminds me of my dad a little so I see him and it makes me happy. Though he's not always been the best of people, he loves his family and kind of has a soft side to him that I enjoy! Dude will do anything for ones he loves, he deserves nice things 5 - Sal Fisher - Sally Face I love this funky blue haired dude! He went through a lot but he didn't let any of it stop him! Though Sally Face is extremely disturbing, there's something I find charming in the. Like. The nostalgic feeling??? Like the characters just being a group of friends getting up to stuff, even if there's the sinister side to it all? It's cozy for the first couple chapters. Or, at least as cozy as it can get?? Sal, by nature, is calm, caring and understanding. He has a deep sense of justice and
will seemingly sacrifice anything in order to stop those injustices from happening. He gives others a chance, and he's very accepting, even to those who've wronged him (to an extent). He's a sweetheart, and I love him! 6 - Simon - Cry of Fear I just love this guy. He's definitely not the best and he has some problems he needs to work on, which he does in the good ending! He gets the help he needs and I think that's very awesome. He accepts himself, and finds the peace he desperately needed, even if it was by more tragic means. And the fact he starts respecting Sophie as her own person and accepts her having a new friend? We love character growth! 7 - Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello - Psychonauts Though I have known about Psychonauts for a few years now, I only got to play it in 2021! And it's a really cool game, honestly. I got to fall more deeply in love for a lot of the characters, Sasha and Milla in particular! I love them both and wanted to gush about both of them so they tied xD He's funny, and overall is kind of a dick, but I do love him for it. He cares for control, precision and yeah maybe he should be a teeny more considerate for those he puts through his experiments, but he's not a bad guy at all! After all, he's still protective of the kids and he offers to help Raz with his psychic abilities, as well as the strange mess that is his mind, letting him earn his badges despite Milla saying otherwise! Milla is. just. Ohhh, I LOVE HER. I love her so much. She's so sweet and caring, and despite her traumatising experience with the orphanage that took away the children she loved, she still continues to work with them and cares deeply about them and their safety. Her mind being a wholeass party also adds to her charm - she's a lady who loves to have fun! Honestly, she might be my favourite character in the game lowkey?? Anytime she's onscreen she's almost guaranteed to make me smile. Skilled, graceful, loving and so undeniably kickass! XD 8 - Josh Sauchak - Watch Dogs One of my favourite characters from Watch Dogs 2! Though, I do have to admit, MOST of Watch Dogs 2's characters are my faves XD He's always wanting to help others, and fights against injustice, which, by now, you can tell is a character trait I love xD And aside from that, he's also super sweet and super skilled, I wish we got to see more of him! If there's another Watch Dogs game, I'd absolutely love to see him come back!
Okay, that's all I can really think of? There might be other characters, but I couldn't really write a whole lot about them! So this'll do for now, I want this thing outta my drafts!
For this I'll be tagging @tbx12 @jockvillagersonly and @traineecryptid !! Of course, no pressure to do it! And sorry if any of you have already been tagged/already done it ((which if you have, send it to me so I can see 👀)) All the love!!! <3
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thepumpkinthingart · 3 years
You seem like the best source to ask. What are good/ your favtotie Msummers fics?
Bold of you too assume I have good taste-
But ah-I am a frequent digger through the Mcsummers/Halex. Starved for content, pleading for angst, fluff, and just- Alex being a good bf to beasty. I got quite a few. I’ll break this up sfw or nsfw and shall tag the author if they have a tumblr! Please, Please, PLEASE go support the authors and look into their other content. <3
For the sake of clarity I am gonna keep this to Mcsummers focused fics. There is plenty more I enjoy that have Mcsummers and Cherik, or Scott/Logan, etc. If you need more to read feel free to private message me, I am happy to link you to some of these as well.
“Black Coffee on Fabric” by @crystallized-iron
This one is a short read but it’s super adorable. Poor Hank a bundle of nerves who just wants to cute blond coffee shop worker and just- doesn’t quite stick the landing
“Supersonic” by @silverxsakura
My heart, my weak little heart. Disgustingly sappy fluffy and it’s wonderful. In summary without giving too much away- Alex is dumb like always and has a hard time dealing with his feelings for Hank so like the himbo one we all know- bullies him.
“Animal Transformation” by @eleonorebirk
Short but absolutely adorable. Alex is transformed temporarily into a cat- and his affections from a certain bozo are hard to hide when you happily want to be pet by the guy.
“You left us behind” by @parkshan820
Can I just say parkshan does a lot of amazing Mcsummers work? Seriously at some point I will go down the list and put as many as I can in here. This is a angsty as hell slow burn and it’s the best kind of torture. Also I like to personally thank parkshan for a Alpha/Beta/Omega Mcsummers. A/b/o dynamics written well is one of my favorite things and I think this may be the only Mcsummers one- if not someone link me PLZ. I just- I don’t want to spoil anything, go read it and then cry with me.
“The Magnificent McCoy” by @ag3nt-a
Once again someone else that does a lot of amazing Mcsummers work! Again will have to work down the list and put in some more. All the science puns omg, I love Alex is just as a dorky as Hank and it’s great. Also anything that touches on the fact Alex having some of that intelligence from the comics and the geophysics is perfect.
“Breathe” by @ag3nt-a
Hey look it’s my request! Has it really been 3 years? Weird to think I wasn’t even a adult then. Now I pay taxes and stress over bills. I had a old tumblr by the name of zombiemutt-trash-center, It was a mess and now I am here. 3 years later- doing the same bullshit. ANYWAYS, I do really love this fic. Alex having to calm Hank down and be sweet is always great, but Hank having to help Alex deal with PTSD is perfect. Based on how Alex lost his parents in the comics.
“Fighting Acceptance” By @heeroluva
Let me tell you this a fic I constantly go back too. I am a sap for Alex being a caring and supportive bf, but of course still a teasing jerk. All in the name of love. Heeroluva writes that dynamic really nicely, Alex doing his best to be supportive and trying to get Hank to realize he isn’t any different as the Beast. But also is impulsive and well a dumbass. Also of course it’s nsfw and spicy as hell. 10/10 would recommend.
“Who knew books could be hot?” By @ag3nt-a
Just Hank and Alex are horny dorks, who need better guidance in figuring out their feelings. Also Hank is also now a fanfic writer and it just made me want to read fanfics written by a Hank McCoy. Also- it’s really cute seeing Alex being apologetic not just cause attraction, but because he genuinely felt bad. Spice is nice- but like sappy “I’m sorry I was a asshole to you” is god tier—- and then spice later.
“Taste of What Could Have Been” by @atomicrebelomega
Also won’t be the first time you see Atomicrebeloomega! Also-, man fuck apocalypse. So my favorite Alex summers is apocalypse Alex. Aka Suburban Dad Alex summers- I love Alex from first class obviously. But worn out Alex who has calmed on the temper bit and more of a teasing asshole with a stupid grin. So any content with older Alex is much appreciated from me. Alex being the same dumbass at 31 as he was at 16 about his feelings is great. Warning this ends with the apocalypse ending.
“Flicker” by @trojieface
This one is a Apocalypse fix-it. One again grown ass Alex still dumb when it comes to feelings and it’s still great. This is more a nsfw without plot but teeth edition.
“Friendly fire still burns” by 1001cranes
This is a high school/modern Au, Where Hank is president of the NHS and Alex is the football captain. Angst, Fluff and smutt ensue, and it’s great.
“Grooming” by Wangler
So- the idea of Alex helping Hank brush out his fur after he takes a shower is adorable and precious and definitely a head cannon I hold to my heart. I mean- It’s not meant to be adorable in this fic, but leave it to me to make fluff. Also let it be known I enjoy more animalistic Hank, growls, teeth, claws, instincts and all. Alex is a furry what can I say. This one fills my need on those tendencies.
“The Side Project” By @bellsyblue
A more playfully teasing Alex and a Hank who is terrified to break him in half. Once again I love fics that play into more of Hank’s beast mutations like his strength and Alex being more then happy to take all that comes with that.
“Sweater Weather” by emperors_girl
Omg It’s so cheesy and adorable, and I love big brother Alex to Scott. Omg Alex collecting the fur and first thought was “dam this be a nice sweater” is great. Stupid cute and Hank is so done by the end of this.
“Matched” by @ag3nt-a
Big brother Alex and suburban dad looking fool with a stupid grin and awful sappy flirting? Yes please- My favorite kind of dumbass level. A getting together story about two dumb mutants meeting online. Also supportive friend Raven is best Raven. This does have Mpreg and fan kids in it, I personally enjoy these things but I know not everyone does. But as someone who has my own dumb Mcsummers children, I love to see it.
“Power of Persuasion” By @atomicrebelomega
Alex and Angel are friends and it’s great. Basically pure smut but we love to see it. Also Alex has the confidence to wear a stripper outfit and once again- it’s great.
I think this is a good starting point! Honestly I threw this together from my AO3 bookmarks- There is so many more I want to put in here. Ugh, so many good authors. I like writing, but it’s not my strong point. I enjoy drawing these nerds a lot more anyways. But I do have prompts for god dam days if anyone wants them. My free time is spent wondering all the shenanigans these dorks could get into.
If there is a author I didn’t tag but you know they have a account please message me!! I want to link back to the authors, they deserve credit.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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One Shot: How To Dismantle Bucky Barnes
Intro: Bucky is acting kinda stressed out. Both Sam and Katie thinks they know what the problem is. The only issue is, how to fix it? Easy when you’re a Stark with a very manipulative mind…
Warnings: Bad language. Smut! (NSFW) and no under 18s.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x OFC Jen O’Donahue, Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Rogers (nee Stark)
Ok so this takes place in the SSB universe after the events of Endgame, later on in 2024. You don’t have to have read that series to understand or enjoy this but the characters will make more sense if you have.
This is based on @jtargaryen18​ ‘s master piece “How to Dismantle Steve Rogers” and I thank her WHOLEHEARTEDLY for letting me use her format and idea. And I’m not gonna lie, I had a lot of fun with this one!!
If you are currently reading Stark Spangled Banner as it is being reposted then this contains MAJOR SPOILERS and I recommend you wait until you’ve finished so you don’t spoil anything!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 September 2024
“You’re an idiot…” Sam’s voice carried up the hallway to the kitchen as they entered the Rogers household “A total, moronic idiot…” “Quit it Sam.” Bucky’s voice dripped with annoyance. Katie glanced at Steve who arched an eyebrow at his wife the pair of them wondering why they had given them an access key each…
“I didn’t think it was possible but you actually are as dumb as you look.” Sam snorted.
“One more word out of you and I’m gonna kick your stupid, seagull ass-”
“Err, we can hear you in here!” Steve called loudly, cutting his friend off “And there are young ears about.”
There was some muffled grumbling, followed by what sounded like someone being shoved into the wall before Bucky walked into the kitchen, face dark as thunder. Sam followed behind, grin spreading from cheek to cheek as he rubbed at his chest.
Bucky stopping to gently tickle Rori’s cheek where she sat in the high-chair, her legs flailing as she was still in the bouncer seat, not being big enough or old enough yet to sit up. She gave him a huge smile which melted his heart as he returned it.
“Hey Sweetie!” he grinned, and she waggled her legs and arms excitedly. After a few more soft words to his god-daughter he turned and ruffled Jamie’s hair as Sam offered the 4 year old a hi-five which he eagerly took.
“Damned Buck!” Katie looked at him from where she was plating up food. “You get a hair-cut?”
Bucky flushed slightly and ran his hands through his short crop “Yeah…”
“Looks good.” she smiled and he beamed at her.
“Fancied a change.” he shrugged.
“Hasn’t worked, you’re still a dumbass.” Sam said.
“What’s a dub-mass?” Jamie piped up from his seat at the table. Steve gave an exasperated groan.
“Nothing honey.” Katie said, dropping a plate of stir-fry in front of her son as Steve shot Sam a glare “Uncle Sam is just being silly, don’t worry about it.”
Jamie shrugged, placated by the food and began to tuck in. Katie dodged round Steve making her way to the stove, whilst her husband grabbed the pre-expressed bottle and unfastened their 4 month old daughter from her chair. She grabbed eagerly at his beard as he sat down at the table and began to feed her, smiling softly as she eagerly took the milk, her eyes focussing all the time on his.
“You guys want eats?” Katie asked, looking at the two men. “I made plenty.” It was a stupid question really, as both men nodded eagerly and dropped into the spare seats round the table. Once Steve had finished feeding Aurora and Jamie was cleaned up and in the lounge watching TV, Katie dished out the adults’ food before she handed them a plate each. She gave Rori her rabbit comforter toy to keep her occupied and they all began to tuck in.
No more was said about Bucky’s encounter with the hairstylist until much later, when Jamie was tucked up for the night and the 4 adults were on the veranda round the fire pit, Rori snoozing in her basket which was stood on the stand just inside the kitchen door where Katie and Steve could see her clearly.
“Where’s Emmy?” Sam asked and Katie snorted as Steve shifted slightly.
“She’s on a date.” he grumbled.
“With who?” Bucky asked.
“Parker.” “As in Peter Parker?” Bucky frowned “The Spider Kid?”
Steve nodded.
“Punk.” Bucky snorted.
“Aww he’s a good kid.” Katie said, “Leave him alone.”
“She’s too young.” Steve grumbled and Katie laughed.
“Baby, she’s sevenet this year.”
Steve shrugged. “I don’t care.”
Katie shook her head and watched as Sam and Bucky were bickering again.
“Ok, what is going on?” she frowned “Sam why you giving Buck such a hard time?” Sam grinned “Because he is an idiot. He went on another date with Jennifer last night, and then she asked him back to hers…and he literally burned the poor girl.”
Bucky growled at Sam “I swear to God…” “Burned?” Steve frowned.
“Yeah, get this…he’s walked her home and she asks him in, so he goes in, and then he does a bunk.”
Bucky glared at him “That’s not what happened…”
Katie frowned, she hadn’t spoken to Jennifer that day and was quite surprised, actually, that if something had gone wrong her friend hadn’t called.
“Buck!” Steve sighed, shaking his head. “You promised when you started dating you wouldn’t let this get awkward…”
“Oh Shut up Stevie.” Bucky snarled out his name “Just because you’re all loved up now, let’s not forget how hopeless you used to be around dames. Do you really want me tell the story about the Chorus Girl who tried for 3 months to get a bit of the old Star Spangled D and you were too fucking dumb to realise?”
Steve narrowed his eyes as Katie and Sam looked at each other with glee.
“No.” He glared at Bucky, at the same time his wife and friend nodded.
“Oh Captain Rogers, I think I have something in my eye!” Bucky said, his voice airy as he imitated a women, batting his eyelashes ridiculously “Oh Captain Rogers, can you zip my skirt up for me, its stuck and I’m scared I’ll rip the material…Oh Captain Rogers, I just got caught in that rain, I’m all wet and my top is sticking to me…” “Fuck off.” Steve said, as Sam and Katie both laughed. Bucky looked at Katie shaking his head. “And you tell me this Punk he made the first move on you?” he shook his head “You must have been really fucking obvious…” “Well, it took him long enough.” Katie grinned as she stood up, dropping her arms round Steve’s neck and pecking his cheek.
“What is this? Pick on Steve night?” Steve pouted as his wife headed over to the bar at the side of the veranda, pulling out 4 more beers.
“Just like every night.” Sam chuckled.  
She gave a beer to Sam and then Steve, both of who thanked her before she made her way over to Bucky was positively glowering. She handed him a beer and he looked up at her mumbling a thanks.
“Buck.” She consoled softly, whilst Steve and Sam were bickering well naturedly “They’re only teasing.”
He sighed “I know, I just…didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“And that’s not because you were with Jen, obviously.” She raised her eyebrows. “Dreams?”
He raised his eyebrows in a confirmative manner.
She sat down next to him. “That have any bearing on why you cut your hair?” He gave a small chuckle “I swear to God you can read minds.”
“No, just people.” She smiled
“I just, well I wanna feel more like me, you know?” he shrugged.
She smiled “Yeah, I get it. You know, if it makes you feel any better Steve had nightmares for years you know. About the War, crashing into the ice.”
He looked at her “Yeah?” “Yeah.” she nodded.
“How did he get them to stop?”
“Honestly?” she smiled “Sleeping with me. Said having me in the bed made him feel safe.” Bucky snorted “Yeah, not sure Steve would go for that somehow.” Katie smacked him gently round the back of the head and he laughed, before his face became serious again. “They’d stopped in Wakanda.” he signed, looking at the label on his bottle. “But since coming back…” “You think we didn’t have them post the Last Stand?” she looked at him. “Jesus Bucky, I kept re-living that moment I thought we were all dead for months and seeing Tony snap over and over again…” She trailed off, taking a deep breath “We’re human at the end of the day, it’s natural and you have horrors in your past that even the most sympathetic of people cannot begin to comprehend.”
He bit his lip and looked down at his lap.
“Look, if you ever wanna talk, about anything without these two being around…” she jerked her thumb at Steve and Sam “You know where I am.”
“Thanks.” he said, flashing her a smile. She patted his knee gently and then stood up, making her way over to where Steve was sat, dropping onto his knee lightly.
Draining his beer Bucky stood up “I’m gonna take off.”
Steve frowned “How come?”
“Tired.” he mumbled “Katie, thanks for dinner.”
“Any time.” she said, making to stand but he waved her away.
“I’ll see myself out.”
Grabbing his jacket he strode over the patio, up the steps and into the house.
There was a pause as the 3 of them watched him go.
“What’s up with him?” Steve asked.
Before Katie could reply, Sam chipped in.
“He’s backed up.”
“What?” Steve frowned.
“He needs to get laid.” Katie replied, shrugging.
Since everyone had returned, she had seen how Bucky was getting more and more uptight, especially around her and Steve. Whenever Steve had shown her a bit of affection she had noticed his friend would avert his eyes or make an excuse to leave the room. And she knew it wasn’t because he was uncomfortable around PDAs or anything like that. No, it was frustration. That his best friend was getting some and he wasn’t. 
Then, one evening last year she’d noticed a subtle change in his frosty, outward demeanour when Jen had come round for dinner.
And thus, Katie Rogers plan to dismantle Bucky Barnes had been born.
Step 1- The Right Bait
Setting it up had been easy.  Katie had instantly spotted the attraction between the pair. She’d seen the chatter at the dinner table, the way Jennifer had tucked her hair behind her ears when Bucky was talking to her, a Double Tuck nonetheless.  So, a few months into the new year, once things had settled down after Steve had taken his 15 year holiday back in the 50s through 70s, Katie had seized the opportunity to send Bucky to Jennifer’s coffee shop- Has-Bean. She knew Monday’s were delivery days for the woman, and 9 times out of 10 Steve went along to help her out with the heavy lifting because Steve Rogers was nothing if not a gentleman, and after seeing her struggle one Monday when they had called in for an early morning coffee, had taken it upon himself to help out. But not that Monday. Oh no, Katie had used her pregnancy to her advantage, claiming she wasn’t feeling too good and she’d been clingy, real clingy, giving Steve no alternative but to stay at home. But rather than leave Jenifer in the lurch, Katie had suggested to Steve that maybe Bucky could help.
So Steve had asked him to go along.
And he had.
And Bucky kept going each Monday from then on. Without fail.  
But there had been no date arranged. So Katie had stepped it up a little bit. On Steve’s birthday, the Rogers’ had hosted a gathering for their friends and family. Casual enough to be relaxed, but in the same breath everyone had used it as an excuse to don a nice outfit. They had stood in the garden watching the fireworks and Bucky had given Jenifer a hesitant kiss on the cheek. The red head had flushed and, emboldened by champagne, asked Bucky for a real kiss. And in the dark of the garden, away from prying eyes (or so he thought, as Katie had seen everything) he’d obliged. And a few days later they’d gone on their first date.
Problem solved, right?
Katie really tried not to be nosey, she really did. But she’d enrolled Brooke, Jen’s daughter and Emmy’s best friend into keeping her up to date on happenings, the teenager being over the moon her mom was finally dating again. But so far Brooke had brought her no news that Bucky had even entered their home, let alone that things were progressing slightly beyond the dating stage despite the fact they were now almost 3 months down the line. 
Katie knew that, despite what Steve had told her about Bucky before the war,  Bucky wasn’t in this for a quick hook-up. Yes he was still the cheeky James Barnes of old, but she knew from the times he had opened up to her that he wasn’t that person to chase a skirt for simple gratification anymore. Whilst under mind control with Hydra, to keep him satisfied they either brought him women or taken him to women. Willing paid women, yes,  but the memories of the quick fucks on dirty mattresses in cells and run down whore houses stuck with him and made him feel sick. Since then there had been one woman, in Bucharest, that he’d sort of had a thing with but that had been cut short when he’d found out she was married. He hadn’t needed that sort of trouble so he had ended it. 
So, with all that in mind, plus the fact Jennifer wasn’t the type for a casual hook up either, it wasn’t totally surprising that things were going slow, but 2 and a bit months of dating was just fucking ridiculous. Even her and Steve had ‘done stuff’ before that! And it wasn’t like the chemistry wasn’t there. Katie had watched the two of them when she saw them together. Bucky eyed Jennifer with a thirst Katie had seen a few times in Steve’s eyes when he was having filthy thoughts. A stare at her ass or tits here, the biting or licking of a lip there all confirmed to her the fact that the Winter Soldier was backed up.
Sam had called it.
And Jennifer wasn’t the problem. When Bucky wasn’t paying attention the red head looked at him like she wanted to climb him like a tree. 
So what exactly did she need to do here?
“You ok?” Steve asked, jerking her from her thoughts with a squeeze to her thigh.
“Yeah, sorry, was just thinking.” she smiled at him, thinking back to the first time her and Steve had made out after a baseball game and a few drinks in a bar…
And then she had a plan. A brilliant plan.
She knew just what to do…
Step 2.  Proper Motivation
Letting out a sigh Jen served the next customer, lost in her own little world. She’d been seeing Bucky now for a few months and was still trying to get her head around that. She was seeing Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier, Avenger. But she had quickly realised that behind the legend and the gruff exterior he was just, well, sweet.
She’d first met Bucky one evening at Katie’s house and had enjoyed his company, but it wasn’t until a month or so later when he had turned up at the coffee shop in Steve’s place that she’d really talked to him properly. 
“Well, well, well, you decided to pay me a visit!” Jennifer grinned.
“Yeah,  err…hi!” Bucky smiled at her “Steve mentioned he normally helps on a Monday and seeing as he’s not available I thought I’d offer, you know, with the delivery…”
She beamed “You are a life saver!”
He’d helped her move the boxes and unpack, sharing easy chat with her about her business, New York in general, his time in the 40s with Steve…and by the end of it her cheeks were aching from laughing in a way she hadn’t laughed in years.
“Anyway, I think that we’ve earned a break” she said after they’d finished an hour or so later.  “What can I get you?” she gestured to the menus written in chalk on the wall above the machines.
“What’s good?” he asked, frowning slightly.
“Everything, I make it.” she smirked and he gave a huff of a laugh “But it depends. You got a sweet tooth?”
“I’m not averse to the odd bit of sugar.” he grinned back, and she’d felt her cheeks flush at the fact he was flirting with her.
She let out a soft laugh, smiling. “In that case I recommend the caramel macchiato, and one of my mint choc brownies.” “You’re the expert.” he winked.
“Take a seat, I’ll bring it over.”
Bucky had continued to help out every Monday, without fail, but it wasn’t until New Year’s Eve that anything had happened. After they had shared a soft kiss, he’d asked her on a date, and she’d gleefully accepted. So they’d gone to restaurants, done the whole New York sightseeing thing (which was more for his benefit as it had all changed so much), been to the theatre, seen movies, had lunch…and it had all seemed to be going well. 
Jenifer hadn’t dated since the death of her husband some 15 years ago, so this was a huge step for her. But Bucky had made it easy. He was old fashioned, he liked to open doors for her, let her pick where they ate, pulled out her chair for her, all the things she had seen Steve do for Katie. He always walked her back to the apartment above the shop, but never pressed to come inside, seeming content to kiss her goodnight at the door. It was endearing how shy he seemed. But then, 2 nights ago something had changed.
And it had descended into a cluster fuck.
In the middle of the afternoon she had been forced to cancel their date for the afternoon as the member of staff who was due to cover was ill. But Bucky had surprised her and brought the date to her. Armed with some Thai food he’d shown up at closing time, cheeky smile on his face. He had helped her finish up, meaning she was done in record time and then they’d sat by the counter with their food, the conversation flowing as it always did…until he had stolen the last steamed dumpling.
“Hey, I was gonna eat that!” she pouted.
“Snooze you lose.” he quipped and she narrowed her eyes at him.
“That isn’t very chivalrous, Sergeant…”
His eyes had darkened as he’d bitten off half of the offending item before offering her the other half. She’d taken it, her eyes locking onto his, and then before she could even register what was happening Bucky was kissing the life out of her. His hands had gripped her hips, hers fisted in his hair which was loose, his stubble rubbing her face raw. It was delectable, exciting, and then as his hands had brushed the strip of skin that had been exposed just above her waistline she had shivered at the feel of his touch, one flesh, one metal, but both equally gentle…it was exciting, or so she had thought.
He’d pulled back suddenly. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Huh?” Jennifer’s head was a whirl of lust and she was struggling to understand what had just happened? Why did he just stop?
He ran a hand through his dark hair, cheeks flushing, his eyes were sad as he avoided her gaze.
“That was uncalled for,” he muttered. “I’m sorry.”
“What for?” She asked again.
Bucky had simply taken a deep breath, pressed a kiss to her forehead before he stood up and headed towards the door. Was he embarrassed? No, she could see from the look on his face that wasn’t it.
“Buck?” She jumped up to follow him to the door. “It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong…”
He turned and smiled at her softly. God she loved that smile.
“I’ve got an early morning. We have a meeting with the DOD so I’d better go.”
With that he was gone.
Jennifer made all sorts of excuses for him in her head. Maybe he was tired. But the further into the night she got, the more she began to think she was fooling herself. She wasn’t in Bucky Barnes’ league. Maybe he just wasn’t interested.
Her gloom carried into the next day compounded by the fact he hadn’t called or messaged at all. She had contemplated calling Katie to see if she knew what was going on, but had decided to leave it a day or so to let Bucky get over whatever issue he had.  But after almost 36 hours there was no contact whatsoever and she was getting a little antsy. 
“Hey!”  a familiar voice called and she looked up, smiling, as Katie pushed the buggy containing her goddaughter over to the counter.
“Hi!” she beamed. “What brings you down here?”
“I came to ask a favour.” Katie smiled “Well, sorta. Long story short I need a night off. From being a mom…I was kinda hoping you’d be up for a few drinks.” “Tonight?” Jennifer asked 
“Yeah.” Katie nodded “I thought Brooke might like to stay at ours and they can annoy the shit out of Steve like normal.”
Jennifer ponded the invitation for a moment. It wasn’t like she had any other plans. And if she was honest, a good blow out and a chat might be just the thing.
“Alright.” she nodded “What time?”
“Why don’t you come to mine for 8ish and we’ll get Steve to drop us off?” Katie smiled. “Em and Brooke will be ok with Jamie for a little while, Rori can sleep in the car seat.”
Jennifer nodded,  “Sure…” and then her attention was taken by another customer.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Katie smiled, heading back out of the shop. As soon as she was gone she picked up the phone and called Sam.
“We’re on…” she said simply, before she smirked and headed towards her car.
Bucky walked besides Sam, hands shoved in his pockets, fists clenching slightly. He really didn’t want to be out tonight but Sam had insisted. Mind you, it had given him an excuse to avoid going to Steve’s to watch the game. He loved Steve like a brother, he really did, but recently the way the blonde punk fawned over his wife was starting to set his teeth on edge. His hands on her back or hips when he passed her, a soft lingering peck on the lips here and there, the way she sat on his lap and he ran his hand up her thigh…Living with them had been torture towards the end. He was grateful for them putting him up for how long they did, and he knew they hadn’t been doing it on purpose but his ears were sharp… and it seemed like the lucky son-of-a-bitch was getting some every goddamned night, and sometimes in the morning too.  
He was happy for the Punk, he really was but, simply put, he was jealous, even if he hated admitting it. Not because he wanted Katie per-se (although he wasn’t blind-Katie was an attractive woman) but because he craved some form of tender touch and he’d almost gotten some 2 nights ago.
When he had first met Jennifer 7 months ago on Steve’s doorstep she’d instantly blown him away. She was stunning, long legs, curves, bright green eyes that sparkled with mischief and a smile that made the world stop.  And then he had gotten to know her during the time he spent helping out at the shop and realised that she was funny, clever, with an outgoing spirit that he loved. He’d wanted to ask her out on a date almost immediately but it wasn’t until July 4th at Steve’s birthday bash when she’d asked him for a proper kiss instead of a peck on the cheek when he had finally plucked up the courage to do so, no longer fearing the rejection.
And so he’d taken her out. Weekly in fact, every week since. And still helped at the coffee shop. Everything about the woman put him at ease. She helped him catch up on a lot of things she had missed, and when he stumbled on things he wasn’t familiar with or didn’t understand she didn’t instantly launch into an explanation unless he asked. For which he was grateful. It made him feel less inadequate that way.  
And she was tactile. And it was nice, Bucky hadn’t known anything but harsh physical contact for longer than he cared to remember. But Jennifer seemed to enjoy toughing him. She’d take his hand, lay her head on his shoulder as they walked, and then that time in the restaurant where she had brushed her ankle against his and then gently touched his knee as she stood up to go to the bathroom…well he wasn’t proud of it but he’d had a raging hard on for the rest of the date.
2 nights ago she’d cancelled on him, with a genuine excuse, so he’d taken the initiative and turned up at the shop with a takeout to help her close up. He’d stolen the last steamed dumpling, and then she’d teased him, calling him Sergeant which was enough to send a spike of desire right through his body and he’d acted before he’d thought about it, gripping her hips and pulling her to him, kissing her hard… and then he’d felt her tremble when his hands had brushed a strip of bare skin just about her jeans. He’d scared the shit out of her. So, he had made his excuses and bailed.
“Frosty?” Sam asked, and Bucky turned to look at him. He’d stopped outside a bar.
“Sorry, miles away.” Bucky shrugged, following him in. And no sooner had he done so he stopped dead.
“Hey, is that Katie and Jen?” Sam asked, and Bucky had to do a double-take honestly because at first, he didn’t recognize her. He had no issue with the way Jen normally dressed around him, figure hugging jeans, feminine tops or dresses and jackets that showed off her curves, and the way that fiery red hair normally fell around her face and shoulders…to him she was stunning as she was but there, right now?
Jesus fucking Christ. 
Her hair was twisted back in some form of bun, showing off her neck and shoulders which were bare thanks to the strapless, knee-length pale blue dress she was wearing, which had a slit up the right side through which he could see a perfect flash of alabaster thigh. Her lips were stained a bright red, like the women of his time, her legs bare, high heels on her feet. 
Next to her, Katie was sat wearing a floating gold dress, chatting to another one of the men, laughing as she turned to Jennifer and said something, causing her to laugh. Her face lit up with a smile as she replied and then turned to the man on her right who gently put his hand on the base of her back.
What. The. Fuck?
Bucky’s fists clenched as he watched Jennifer lean closer to say something to him, and the man nodded, laughing, before he waved to the bar tender, hand still on his girl. Before he could march over there and demand to know what was going on, Jennifer stood up and said something before she headed out to the bathroom. 
Before Bucky could stop himself, he marched after her.
**** Jen had started the night off feeling a little bit uncomfortable. She’d shown up to Katie’s dressed in a pair of tight, black cropped trousers and a white low cut vest top but there’d been an accident involving a glass of red wine when Katie had tripped on something and managed to throw it all down her. Her best friend had been so apologetic and mortified, but it wasn’t a complete disaster. Katie had a wardrobe that would make most celebrities jealous and in no time she had convinced Jen to try on the dress she was now wearing. It was a bit much for a Friday night out in Brooklyn bars but Katie was dressed up too so she supposed it was nice to make an effort every once in a while. Plus, she felt good in it. Which was nice considering how shit she’d felt the other day when Bucky had bailed on her.
A quick restyle of her hair to compliment the cut of her dress and they were on their way, Steve dropping them at their bar of choice and telling them to have a good time. They’d walked into the bar, ordered a bottle of wine and sat on the stools, where Jen had opened her heart and told Katie everything that had happened with Bucky. Katie had listened, sympathetically and then added her own pearls of wisdom suggesting that Bucky was a lot more shy than people expected. Their conversation had been cut short when two men had joined them, Katie jumping up to hug them both before introducing them to Jennifer as 2 of her old colleagues from SHIELD. The two men had been nice, included her in the conversation, and Jennifer had found herself actually enjoying their company. The dark haired one, a man called Ben,or Lawson as Katie called him, was interesting and had been entertaining her with a few tales of Katie at SHIELD, but then he’d started getting a bit touchy feely. And, despite the clear lack of communication from Bucky she still considered herself his. So she’d excused herself and gone to the bathroom. 
After re-doing her make-up, she was seriously considering heading back to the apartment and pulling on a pair of comfy pyjamas and settling with a nice bottle of rioja in front of the TV. Wondering if Katie would actually care, she snapped her purse shut, pulled open the door and did a double take as she found Bucky right outside it. He was leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest and she didn’t miss the way his gaze flew up and down her body as she stepped closer.  
“Buck, hi.” she greeted him “What are you doing here?”
“I was out for a drink with Sam, wasn’t expecting to see you. And from what I just saw at the bar I’d say it was clear you weren’t expecting me to either.” Oh shit. He was mad. 
Jen swallowed hard “That wasn’t…that wasn’t what it looked like.”
“No.” she shook her head “I don’t even know that guy, he’s a friend of Katie’s from work, well her old work, SHIELD…” Bucky didn’t say anything, he merely held her gaze. She knew how it looked. Worse she was dressed as she was, making her feel a little bit uneasy as she never wore outfits like this normally. She glanced at Bucky, he was dressed in a simple black button down and black jeans, looking damned good, but his entire body language was off. The shy, gently Bucky Barnes she knew had been replaced by someone else. He was harsh, angry, even.
And then she felt herself getting mad.
This was the man that had darted out of her apartment the other night, and hadn’t even called her. And now he was here, getting all pissy because some guy had shown her a bit of attention?
Fuck that.
In that split moment Bucky saw her whole body language change, from one of a kid being caught with their hand in the cookie jar to a parent who was about to deliver a very stern telling off. And he wasn’t wrong.
“Actually, I don’t have to explain myself to you.” she folded her arms, mimicking his stance. “You ran out on me 2 nights ago. You haven’t called, anything…” Bucky swallowed, and momentarily he felt a little sideswiped, but he fast recovered his composure.
“So you just what? Go on a date with someone else?”
“This isn’t a date you dickhead!” she practically snarled “I’ve never me the guy before, but for the record, it’s kinda nice to be wanted you know what I mean? Now if you’ll excuse me…”
Wait? Is that what she thought? That he didn’t want her? Fuck, no, that wasn’t right.
He reached out and grabbed her arm gently to stop her leaving and she turned to face him. Once more his eyes skated up and down her body and before he could stop himself he had pulled her to him, so she was flush against his body.
“You’re supposed to be my girl.” he whispered, looking into her eyes.
“Am I?” she swallowed, her voice shy, meek almost. And fuck, that turned him on even more.
“Then I am, fucking hell Bucky…” she groaned, her lips meeting his in a fierce kiss. He backed her up against the wall, his thigh planted firmly between hers as much as it could thanks to the tight dress she was wearing, the kiss intensifying until the pair of them jumped apart as 2 other people came into the corridor to use the bathroom, smirking as they passed the couple.
Bucky looked at her, shaking his head “The other night…” he began “I know I scared you…” Jennifer frowned “No you didn’t.” 
“You were shaking.” Bucky said “There’s no need to pretend what…” “Bucky Barnes I’m a grown ass woman.” she said sternly “I think I know what I was feeling…”
His eyes widened, so if she hadn’t been shaking in fear…then…oh. 
“And I know what I want…” she smirked, grabbing the shirt just underneath his collar and spinning them around. Backing up, she dragged him into the ladies and pushed him into a cubicle, locking it behind her. As soon as she turned to face him, Bucky had her pinned against the door, his hands skirting up her dress, gently teasing the outside of her thighs as she kissed him, hard, hands running through his hair.
“For the record…”she pulled back, tugging on the short locks a the top of his head “I’m liking this…”
A low growl rumbled in his throat as he pushed her skirt up over her hips, planting his thigh in between hers. She let out a moan as he pushed up into her spot, the harsh denim grinding on her spot. She was soaked already, and when his fingers hooked into the top of the very skimpy lacy underwear she was wearing, her clit throbbed from the slight pressure as he tore the garment easily in half, tossing it to the floor.
“Fuck…” Jennifer mumbled as his lips caught the pulse point on her neck, her head falling back against the cubicle door as his fingers slid into her folds, one circling her clit. 
“This what you want?” he asked, his breath was low.
“God, yes…” she muttered as his fingers picked up the pace. He inserted on inside, and her head fell onto his shoulder as he curled it forward against her spot. It was such a fucking turn on to see her trembling at his touch, trembling he now understood in a good way. With his other hand he pulled down the top of her dress, freeing her breasts and he gave a groan as he realised she wasn’t wearing a bra. He gently rolled one nipple in between his teeth, his other hand still fucking her gently and she let out a gasp.. 
“Bucky for God’s Sake just fuck me already…” 
He grinned at her, removing his hand.
“Yes Ma’am…” he said, as her hands flew to the buckle on his belt before opened his jeans, her fingers pushing them and his boxers down, allowing his cock to spring loose.
“You got any…” he began and she shook her head.
“No need, I got that covered…and I’m clean so as long as you are…” she looked at him and he nodded, as he gently hooked his hands under her knees and lifted her so her legs were round his waist. Once more he claimed her mouth with a heated kiss, swallowing the groan she gave as he pushed into her.  
Jesus…her heat almost paralysed him, but after a second or two to let them both adjust he began to move, slowly at first, gently finding a rhythm that suited them both.
“I’m going to make you feel so good, Sweetheart.” he said and she groaned again as he gently rutted up into her, his mouth finding her breasts again. The noises she was making were turning him on even more as he picked up his pace slightly, and the more he gave the more she wanted. 
Soon the bathroom was filled with the sinful sound of skin on skin, moans and groans, and the rattling of the cubicle door as Bucky fucked into her again and again. Her hands were in his hair, up his back, under his shirt, gently tracing the scars on his shoulder from behind but he didn’t give a fuck, in fact, in a twisted way he liked the feel of her soft touch over the raised skin. He continued to slam into her again and again, lips kissing down her jawline, neck, across her collar bone and down to her breasts again, and she gave a loud squeak. 
“God I wanted you so fucking much…”She gasped, bringing his head up to kiss hers again, her hands on his cheeks.
“Feeling’s mutual doll” he moaned into her mouth, the noise of the door behind them was rattling even louder. 
Jen felt her core tightened as a wave of pleasure swelled within her. Her shoes were somewhere on the floor as her heels dug into that ass she had admired for so long, nails scratching slightly at his skin as her hands slid under his skirt again. The door behind her continued to squeak, grind, and rattle.
“You going to come for me?” Bucky asked as he kissed down her neck, biting at her collar bone. She nodded with a groan, and her head banged back against the door.
“Shit, Bucky…” and then she clamped around him hard as her release took her. Her entire body shook as the white hot tendrils coursed around her from head to toe, the entire world spinning. Bucky gave a strangled groan that bubbled from the depths of this chest, and he clutched her to him, tightly, hips stuttering as he shuddered with the utter intensity of it all.
A very loud groan and then a scream erupted from Jenifer as the door collapsed behind them, and sent the pair of them falling. In a flash Bucky wrapped himself around her, pivoting so that his back hit the floor first and Jenifer fell against his chest.
There was a moment’s pause before she began to laugh, and Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle as well as she looked at him and he helped her to her feet.
“Erm…so we broke the door.” She said between her laughter as she adjusted her dress, smoothing back her hair as Bucky did up his pants, tucking his shirt back in. 
He ran his hand over her hip, up to her neck and pulled her back in for a softer kiss and when he pulled away he was amazed at how relaxed and less tired and stressed he felt. 
Who’d have thought it? All he needed was a good fuck.
But now as he looked at the woman in front of him he realised fucking wasn’t enough. He wanted to take her home and lavish affection on every inch of her body.  
“Was that okay?” Jennifer asked, looking at him “I know it’s not exactly how a first time together should be but…” “Are you kidding?” Bucky chuckled, pulling her into his arms. “That was incredible but you’re right. I’d really like to take you home and do it properly, a little more caring maybe…as soon as I can.”
“My apartment’s free…” she whispered, as he kissed her again before he pulled back and grinned.
“What are we waiting for?” he asked, and with a last glance down at the broken door, she took his hand and led him back into the corridor. 
As they walked across the bar it didn’t escape Bucky’s notice that Sam was sat with the two men Jenifer had explained were friend’s of Katie’s, and that his best friend’s wife was nowhere to be seen.
And it all clicked into place. He realised he had been well and truly played. ‘Mrs Rogers, you cheeky little minx…’
3. Closing Analysis
“And he’s gone!” Sam smirked, watching Bucky stalk across the busy bar area after Jennifer “I gotta hand it to you…it would seem that Steve isn’t the only Rogers with a plan.”
“Yeah, I’m intrigued…” Evans said, draping a hand over her shoulder, “How did you know it would work?”
“Remember that time, years ago, when Steve and I had been on the baseball, and you commented on how Rumlow had been eye-fucking me all night?” she turned to her former sniper partner. He nodded “Well let’s just say it sparked something in Captain America that night.”
Evans and Lawson both chuckled. 
“And on that note…” Katie said, draining her glass as her phone flashed with a message from her husband “My ride home is here.”
“Seems Jen isn’t the only one with a super soldier waiting to ravish her…” Lawson quipped. 
Katie smirked “That and I have no intention of being here when they come out and realise we set the whole thing up.” “We?” Sam asked. “You were complicit…” she said, draining her glass. She turned to give Evans and Lawson a hug.
“Good to see you boys, stop by the house soon, come say hi.”
“Best get your chef on Nova.” Evans grinned, “You owe us.” “Oh admit it.” she smirked “You enjoyed the thrill of being on a Covert Op again.” “Think it’s Tin Man that’s gonna be enjoying that particular thrill…” Sam quipped, making her snort. 
“If they make it that far…” she smirked, pulling on her jacket. “Night boys.”
She made her way outside and over to the Audi, climbing into the passenger seat.
“Hey baby, you have a nice time?” Steve asked as she leaned over to give him a peck.
She grinned “Yeah, although not as nice as Bucky and Jen it would seem.” “What did you do?” he asked, looking at her suspiciously. 
“Nothing…just gave them a friendly shove…” she said, pausing as she felt her phone vibrate in her bag. It was a text. from Bucky 
“Expect a bill for a toilet cubicle door…”
She gave a loud laugh and showed it to Steve who groaned, shaking his head.
“Oh it’s not like we never fucked in a bathroom before.” she laughed, and he was about to reply when he stopped and grinned, nodding out of the windscreen. Katie followed his gaze as Jen and Bucky came out of the bar, hand in hand, and straight to a waiting cab. As Bucky opened the door to let Jenifer in he turned slowly to his right, locked eyes with Katie and raised his metal hand, leaving a single digit extended in her direction. The middle one to be exact before he grinned climbed into the car.
“You know, you don’t need to look so smug about it…” Steve said, a smile playing on his face as he eyed his wife who sat back in her seat. She gave him a shrug, smirking and he chuckled as he pulled the car away from the kerb. 
Ok, so she’d clearly underestimated the ex-assassin, maybe he had twigged it had been a set up. But that didn’t matter. Her plan had worked.
Katie Rogers had just successfully dismantled Bucky Barnes. 
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56 notes · View notes
thunderiron: an AU where Tony is Asgardian, and grows up with Thor and Loki. However unlike Sif and the Brothers, Tony and Loki are extremely close - which is why when Thor and Tony start dating; they're terrified that Loki might see it as a betrayal
“You have to tell him,” Anthony says as he curls up on his side, tucking into the warmth of Thor’s body.
“Tell who?” Thor asks, deliberately playing dumb. He leans up on one elbow, tracing the swirling blue light glowing in Anthony’s chest. Anthony has magic in his soul, uncontrollable and wild, the result of a childhood accident that sometimes still lashes out when he’s upset. It was how they had met, so many centuries ago, when Maria had brought her son—too still from the toll the accident had taken on his body—to the palace to beg for help from Thor’s mother. Frigga had helped Anthony shape his magic into something almost manageable through a process that had taken many years. By the end of it, Loki had become the closest of friends with Anthony and Thor was utterly besotted.
Anthony gives him an exasperated look. “You know who.”
Thor flops back onto his back. “Oh my beloved, you couldn’t even give me the chance to enjoy the moment?”
“Going to have to go with a no on that one,” Anthony teases. “You know my brain works too fast.”
He rolls over, pinning Anthony between his thighs as he rumbles, “And what a beautiful brain it is too.”
Anthony laughs breathlessly, legs coming up to hitch around Thor’s waist. “You’re incorrigible.”
“And you’re exquisite,” Thor replies, kissing him deeply. He can’t quite believe that after waiting this long—all these centuries later—he finally gets to have Anthony by his side, in his bed, his life. He gets to hold him, kiss him, the way he’s always wanted. 
“My prince,” Anthony gasps.
“Hmm, call me that again.”
“My love.”
Thor groans, “Beloved.” He kisses him again, holding Anthony’s lovely face between his hands. “My beautiful Anthony.”
His hand is just starting to drift down Anthony’s side when he hears the footsteps coming down the hall. He pulls back, meets Anthony’s wide gaze as they come to the same conclusion. Thor reaches for their clothes but Anthony is faster, darting for the bathroom instead.
“Tell him,” he hisses before the door closes behind him.
A moment later, Loki throws open the doors to his room. Thor scrambles for one of the sheets, wrapping it around himself.
“Father has—” Loki starts to announce and then stops, his nose wrinkling. “What are you doing?”
Thor drops the casual pose he’d been holding. Maybe it had been too casual but as his brother and friends constantly remind him, subtlety is not his strong suit. Unfortunately, the blanket comes loose as he relaxes and he has to grab it before it fully drops. Well, he thinks ruefully, it isn’t like Loki hasn’t seen you done worse.
“Are you—were you—is there someone else in here?” Loki demands, eyes narrowing.
“How dare you accuse me of such a thing?” Thor blusters, feigning outrage. He knows that Anthony thinks he should just talk to his brother but Loki is…he wouldn’t say fragile exactly but he knows it’s been hard on him since Sif and the Warriors Three first came to the palace. He, Loki, and Anthony had been close growing up but things had changed once Loki started studying under their mother and Thor with the palace guards. It isn’t as though Loki doesn’t get along with his friends but he certainly isn’t as close with them as he is with Anthony and with Sif’s disapproval and the Warriors Three teasing him, benign as it may be, he’s sensed a growing distance between them, bridged mostly by Anthony. He doesn’t want Loki to think that he’s trying to take Anthony away from him.
“I am the picture of decorum,” he continues, “the soul of propriety, the—the—”
“I can smell what you’ve been doing,” Loki says flatly.
Thor’s mouth clicks shut. “Oh.”
They stand there awkwardly for a moment before Thor admits, “This is not the worst thing you’ve ever caught me doing.”
Loki smirks, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Are you referring to that time I found you with the Warriors Three?” he asks. Thor thinks he might hear Anthony choking in the bathroom. “Or when you tried to hide from Heimdall or—”
“So this isn’t even one of the worst,” Thor cuts him off before Anthony hears anything else. Many of these stories Anthony likely already knows, having been here for them, but he’s spent the last two centuries studying under the Dwarves of Nidavellir and Thor had gotten up to plenty while he’d been gone because he hadn’t been there to stop him. His mother calls Anthony the voice of reason in their friendship. He remembers how Loki had howled at that, insisting that he was the voice of reason but Anthony had just laughed and called him a terrible enabler but he’d said it fondly and Loki’s anger had melted away. Thor thinks it probably says something that Anthony is the voice of reason.
“What did you come to tell me?” he asks, hoping to forestall a further recitation of the things he’d done while Anthony was away.
“Father told me that Anthony is returning this evening,” Loki says, a pleased smile spreading across his face.
“Ah,” Thor replies awkwardly, unsure how to tell him that Anthony has already returned.
“And I thought I would tell you so that you can finally pull your head out of your ass but I see it’s still stuck as far as ever.”
“Hey,” he protests. “My head isn’t—what are you even talking about?”
Loki arches an eyebrow. “Your feelings for Anthony or are you as oblivious to those as you are everything else?”
“Brother, you’ve been pining for him since before he even left. I had hoped that, with his return, you would realize the depth of your feelings but it seems you’re still chasing chambermaids around your bedroom.”
“Haven’t we already established that I know what you were just doing?”
“Well—yes—but—how do you know it wasn’t someone else? Someone I have deep and abiding feelings for?”
Loki gives him a deeply unimpressed look and shoves a handful of clothes into his arms. “Cover yourself.” As Thor drops the blanket and reaches for the tunic, Loki continues, “Thor. You’ve been besotted with Anthony for half a millennia. Did you truly think I wouldn’t notice?”
“Hoped, maybe,” he mutters.
He sees Loki pause, puzzle over his words, and then a light of understanding dawns over his face. “Were you worried that I wouldn’t like it?” 
Thor drops back onto the bed, Loki sitting beside him. “I know it’s been difficult,” Thor says quietly, “with Sif and the Warriors Three and I didn’t want you to think that I was trying to take Anthony away from you.”
“As if you could,” Loki says haughtily. He smiles and gently nudges Thor’s shoulder. “Brother, nothing would make me happier than for you and Anthony to finally admit your feelings for each other.”
“Each other?” Thor asks. He had suspected, when Anthony had come to him first, that his feelings had been reciprocated longer than he’d thought but Anthony had kissed him before he could ask and then he’d been too swept up in his joy to think to ask later.
“You must know he’s been as enamored of you as you are of him,” Loki states. “Even you couldn’t be that oblivious.”
Pure delight fills his heart and he glances toward the bathroom. The door has opened just a crack, revealing Anthony smiling sweetly at him. He makes a small shooing motion and Thor chuckles fondly. “I’m blessed,” he says, “to have such an approving brother.”
Loki’s eyes flash and he opens his mouth to protest.
“No, you can’t take it back now,” Thor says quickly. “You’ve already approved of my beloved and for that, I’m glad.”
“Why?” Loki asks curiously, eyes narrowing.
“Because Anthony has already returned and I have claimed him as my own.”
He holds out his hand and Anthony emerges from the bathroom, crossing the room in quick, light steps to settle on his lap, curling into the warmth of his arms. They watch an array of expressions cross Loki’s face: disbelief, affection, and then finally stunned outrage.
“Anthony Starkson!” Loki howls. “You came back and you didn’t tell me!”
And as he watches his brother and his beloved bicker, Thor can’t help but silently thank the Norns—for the gift of his brother, for Anthony, for the friendship they share. He’s been blessed and with Loki by his side and Anthony in his heart, the future looks bright indeed.
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dreams-of-valeria · 4 years
For the Xmas request thing can you do 7-Fluff and 1-Smut together?
@chiefharbour asked:
For the Christmas prompts, could you do Smut # 1 & #9? I’m living for your writing!
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Cold cuts
F7: Christmas gifts
S1: Secret Santa
S9: Dealer's choice (Surprise)
Pairing: Jim Hopper x female reader
Warnings: Age gap, language, dirty talk, Hopper being his sexy-ass self, SMUT
A/N: Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the sweet things you guys have said! I am overwhelmed with all the love and although this isn't strictly secret santa, I hope you like this one! Merry Christmas!
Word count: 3,156
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You swayed your hips in beat with the smooth acoustic that pervaded the air of the small kitchen, as you wrapped your Christmas gift to Hopper.
Elvis crooning about being left alone on Christmas rang from his record player and with you alike, because it was 10 pm and your boyfriend wasn't home yet. You found it odd to call him your boyfriend--juvenile even, but maybe it was just the townsfolk rubbing off on you. They definitely were, considering you just said townsfolk.
As long as their opinion on age gaps in relationships didn't rub off on you, you didn't care.
Two years ago, you were just the new girl in town whose sole reason to pick Hawkins was to leave her bankruptcy behind as she paid off her student loans. A lot of help your marketing degree was doing you in a place where people called the ATM a banksy. You hated living there and missed the nice life but little did you know that meeting a certain policeman would make it all worth your while.
What followed after that fated and chaotic meet at the bank was petty banter and frustrated sighs, which took both of you a month to understand was pure sexual tension and once you'd fucked and got that out of the way, you had plenty of time for the romance.
Neither was of you was very fond of the chocolates and flowers bit, but were experts in the nude. Sure, there were plenty of gooey and touchy-feely memories along the way, and the amount of gentleness Hopper showed threw you at times. But at the same time, you loved how rough he was with you in bed. It was what you were both good at and you had no complaints. Except for the tardiness.
You sighed as you did the final knot and wrote his name on the card, vowing not to bring it up. You would not be one of those people who chastised their partner over the amount of time they spent doing their very crucial work. Provided it didn't extend beyond 11 pm. Your patience really started to wear thing close to the witching hour.
You headed to the tree and placed the small present by the trunk, grinning in anticipation. You couldn't wait to see his face when he opened it. Your heart beat in wait as you tightened the bow of your grey robe, and fidgeted with the ornaments to cut time.
You noticed that your present was the only occupant under the tree, and told yourself not to be disappointed if Hopper forgot to wrap his. Or get you a gift in the first place.
It was unlikely, but still a possibility. He was just so fizzled out lately, and you hoped it was only a bad streak.
You had just corrected the tilt of a rogue red bauble when the lock turned behind you and your boyfriend (--lover?) walked through the door, brushing the snow off his coat and boots.
“Hey, stranger,” you greeted him at the entrance, leant against the wall with your arms crossed. His face looked flushed like you'd just sat on it and rode it to your climax, and there was something to be said about his unruly hair.
“I know I'm late, baby. Some people, I swear to God . . .” he grumbled as he passed by you, leaving an ice cold kiss on your lips before he settled before the fireplace, warming himself up.
You watched him as he rubbed his hands together, and the way his arms flexed underneath that tight uniform shirt. It was the hottest thing you'd ever laid eyes on, and never failed to leave you wet and wanting.
“Dinner smells amazing,” he commented with a smirk, shooting you a look from under his thick eyebrows. They matched his beard, all rich and prickly, and you suspected one of the reasons he kept it was because of the noises you were making when he went down on you.
“Did you spend all day cooking for me, darlin'?”
You smirked at him with your arms crossed.
You couldn't cook to save your life. Which meant your significant other was calling Swanson's TV dinners his darling. Nevertheless, the endearment made your knees weak. And your panties damp.
“Oh you know how I can't resist my gastronomy when I'm waiting on my tardy hunk.”
“Gastronomy?” He frowned as he kicked off his boots.
“Word of the day,” you told him as you took a seat on the couch next to him. “I thought we could do presents first.”
“I'd rather do you first, but sure,” he shrugged, turning to face you as smiled. You shook your head and watched him with a face-splitting grin, expecting him to retrieve his present from under the tree. But he just sat there watching you quizzically, dumb as the doorknob that's been keeping you company on Hopperless nights.
You sighed and told him what he was supposed to do, but he simply twisted his face unwillingly. “I'm burned, sweetheart, could you get it for me, please?”
“It's two feet away, Hop.”
“I'm not as young as you are anymore.”
“Oh really? You weren't born with a receding hairline?” You snapped as you fetched him his present, but he man laughed, which nearly made his eyes close. You absolutely loved those laughs.
“Should have thought of that before you fell in love with an old man, kitten.”
“I'll remember that for next one,” you teased, making him laugh again as he took his present with a thank you.
Maybe it was your excitement rubbing off on him, but he suddenly seemed thrilled that he had a present with his name on it. You imagined he didn't get a lot of presents before you, when he lived in that Godforsaken trailer like a hibernating hermit. You'd flat out refused to move into that rectangle and that was when he had mentioned a cabin his grandfather had owned, and the two of you had made it your own.
“Let me guess, it's a sign up sheet to Smokers Anonymous?” He teased as he undid the ribbon, and you found your back straighten in anticipation.
“Don't be silly, that's for New year's.”
He let out an amused snort as he peeled off the paper and opened the small box, and his smile died immediately on seeing the content.
It was exactly what you'd expected. He frowned deeply at the piece of paper, with the words 'Pull Me' scribbled across in your handwriting. Hopper looked up at you for answers, but you simply got to your feet and made your way over to the record player, and changed discs. You figured after Elvis, Eartha Kitt would set the mood just right.
“I don't understand,” Hopper let you know as the disc crackled for a few seconds before the song started. You wordlessly made your way over and stood in front of him with a smile, hoping his gaze would land on the ribbon tied around your robe.
It did soon enough. They didn't make him the Chief for nothing. A smirk spread across his lips when he saw it, perfectly capturing the naughty but playful mood Eartha was lilting.
You saw his eyes darken as his hand tapped his thigh, signalling you to get on. You gulped down your heart in your throat and straddled him, kneeling on the couch on either side of his legs.
“Closer.” Hopper demanded, and you leaned forward until your waist was inches away from his face. He moved his hands out of his lap, and you hoped he would touch your bare legs, and slide them up to the apex. Your heart thud in anticipation, and nearly flatlined when he locked eyes with you and took the end of the ribbon into his mouth and held it firmly between his teeth. It took you a moment to understand you had to move back for the bow to come loose.
His eyes were on you throughout the delicious process, but only until your robe parted and revealed a glimpse of red lace.
Hopper's breath caught and he looked up at you to confirm his suspicions, and you smiled as to say yes. Before he could tear your robe away, you stood to your feet again, Eartha Kitt's silky voice giving you courage.
You lightly swayed in place to the beat, and slipped the robe off your shoulders bit by bit, until you were standing only in your lingerie: a red demi cup lace bra with matching panties and a garter belt.
Hopper's breath caught, and you witnessed first hand what it looked like for a person's jaw to hit the floor. Just to up the ante, you moved around in an impromptu dance with the music, giving him sexy rolls of your hips and a view of your back, and watched him grow restless in his seat.
His knuckles blanched from squeezing the edge of the couch, but a ghost of a smile still lingered on his lips. You watched the crotch of his pants shift from within and smirked, turning around to give him another look.
The song was approaching its end, and you could hear the couch springs shift. But you still yelped when his arms closed around your waist and pulled you back to straddle him as he attacked your lips.
The disc had screeched and absolute silence lingered for a beat, before Hopper slipped his tongue into your mouth and your body reacted. Loud.
His hands were frisky and urgent, just like the first time you had sex. You couldn't wait to get each other naked and take everything as quickly as possible. It didn't turn out to be quite as quick as you imagined, just like when you fantasized about him with your fingers in your underwear before you knew each other, fucking your brains out.
His calloused hands cupped your breasts and kneaded, and given the sheerness of the bra, it might as well not have been there at all. It wasn't in the next second, as his fingers unclasped the hook while his tongue still teased yours, danced with yours.
You pulled back for a breath of air, and he locked eyes with you as his hands ran over your erect nipples, pinching and twisting them until they matched the color of your lips.
“F-fuck . . .” You hissed, grinding your hips onto his bulge as his tongue teased your nubs, and you fisted your hands in his hair, goading him to swallow you whole.
Between his prickly beard and moans that vibrated through you and the friction of his pants against your clit, you could feel yourself close to your release, and started to pant in welcome.
But he clamped your hips down captive and bared his teeth against your nipple as he spoke.
“Not so fast, baby. I get to tease you too.”
“Hop, please,” you panted as your vision blurred. “I'm so close.”
He smiled wickedly.
You knew exactly what begging did to him.
“Then finish,” he breathed, before shifting you onto his left thigh. You also knew exactly how much he loved it when you rode his thigh.
“Yes, sir,” you grinned despite your aching need and started off slow, watching him as you rubbed your core against his thigh. You did it knowing it would make him cocky and let it go to his head, but you loved the dominant side of him. Especially in uniform.
Your moans escalated fast enough as you grinded against his thick cord of muscle, and Hopper helped you by flexing occasionally, hitting your clit in a rhythm. Your hand squeezed his shoulder as the other steadied yourself against the couch, and the zing birthed from your apex, and then exploded until it touched every nerve ending, and you collapsed in his lap into a moaning mess.
“That was nice,” you panted, moving your head that was on his shoulder so you could see his face, but only saw neck. Licking your lips, you kissed your way up his neck, and Hopper's answering groan was everything.
You nipped along his skin, determined to leave a bruise. Somewhere his collar couldn't hide it. Hopper said it made him look unprofessional, but you knew that secretly, he loved showing off to the entire town what you did to him. He certainly returned the favor.
Your fingers set to unbutton his shirt as you devoured his neck, the warm flesh yielding easily under your lips. Hopper was in his undershirt by the time you'd moved back to his lips, and his fingers lightly trailed down your bare back and ending behind your knees.
You yelped again when he threw your back to the couch and hovered above you, throwing his white tee over his head and onto the floor. You stared up at him with pure, unrestrained lust, and his eyes drank it all in. Every pant and heave of your naked chest spurred him to pace up undressing, and the way you licked your lips nearly sent him off the edge.
“Do you know how gorgeous you look right now?” He panted as he unbuckled his pants, kneeling between your legs.
“Yes,” you smirked, sitting up to help him get his pants off, but he pushed you back down, tutting as he pinned your arms by your sides. Your hips inadvertently met his, and you locked your legs around his waist, feeling him hard against your core.
“Tell me what you're thinking,” Hopper pleaded, kissing down your neck.
“I was thinking how nice it would be to watch you fuck me like this.”
“Yeah?” He gritted his teeth as he kicked off his pants completely, and his erection bounced free.
“Yeah,” you panted, lifting your hips as he slipped your panties off. “How nice it would be to watch your cock disappear inside me.”
Hopper groaned into your neck as he positioned himself at your entrance, and teased you by rubbing himself between your folds.
“What else?” He watched you roll your hips, wanting more.
“We'd finish and then have dinner.”
Hopper paused his teasing to glance up at you in confusion.
“And then I can hound you about not getting me a Christmas gift.”
He chuckled, kissing your nose. “Baby, I am the gift.”
Your back arched when he pushed inside all the way at once, and you could never get used to the feeling. Of how it made you feel full. Complete.
“Oh, God,” you moaned, fingers digging into his biceps as he moved.
“I did get you a gift, by the way--Godamnit, you feel so fucking good.”
“Yeah?” Your words were punctuated by his thrusts, slow but relentless. “What is it?”
“All good things to those who wait.” He whispered in your ear, before angling himself differently. “Hold on,” he instructed, and your hands immediately flew to the couch, gripping whatever they could. You knew what was coming.
Hopper got up to kneel and grabbed your hips, before starting a rhythm of deep, penetrating thrusts that made your teeth clatter. You held on to the arm rest as he moved, as he made your body feel incredible with only a few inches of his. Well, quite a few inches.
You smiled and bit your lip as Hopper's moans quickened, and you knew he was close. He reached his thumb down to your clit and rubbed, and you felt that zing ready to explode again. You sat up on your elbows and watched him disappear deep inside you, as his fingers helped you along to a climax that was even more spectacular than the last.
You fell back as stars formed in front of your eyes, and soon felt his release inside you, before Hopper's heavy, spent body collapsed on top of you.
You panted out your highs, wrapped in each other's arms like that. The only sounds were from the crackling fire, the heartbeat in your ears, and the breath of the man you loved above you. This was exactly how you saw your evening pan out.
After a while, when you'd circled your fingers in his damp hair, he asked, “Where'd you get the lingerie?”
You smiled. “Believe it or not, Flo helped me.”
He snapped his head up to look at you, face blanched.
“Not like helped me pick it out, jeez baby,” you chuckled, smoothing his hair back. “I meant she told me about a store in Carbondale.”
“That's two towns over,” he commented, nuzzling his head back into the crook of your neck.
“I know.”
“Looks like Flo helped both of us,” he said after a while, and freed his arm from underneath you.
“So you liked it?”
“Of course,” he smiled, hovering on his elbows above you. “You want me to get exercise one way or another, but I didn't mean this is what Flo helped with.”
You frowned, seeking out answers from his crystal blue eyes. Hopper sighed and stroked your face, leaving a feather like kiss on your lips.
“She pushed me--well, threatened is the word really, that if I didn't stop jerking around and give you this gift I've been carrying around for a year, she would burn my hat.”
“You've been carrying a new microwave around for a year?” You frowned.
“No. What? No.” Hopper shook his head. “Wait, you wanted a microwave?”
“Yeah? To cook dinner.” You said in a matter of fact voice, and he sighed with his eyes closed.
“I'm sorry to break it to you, princess, but I'm not spending that much money on a girlfriend.”
You stilled, and his playful smirk was the only thing that kept you from going off the rails. And then when he held out his gift to you, your heart did go off the rails.
“However, I would change my mind if it was for my wife,” he smiled, holding the small diamond ring between his fingers in the space between you. You could feel your jaw drop this time as tears came to your eyes, and your hand flew to your mouth.
You knew about his history. You knew he had had an unsuccessful marriage, and still, he was willing to try. For you.
“So, what do you say, kitten? Microwave or not?”
You chuckled through your tears, holding his face in your hands to kiss.
“I'm gonna reheat so many leftovers for you, baby.” You sniffled, and watched his lips form into a grateful smile. And it only grew as he slipped the ring onto your finger, shedding a few tears himself.
“Sorry I didn't have time to wrap it.”
You chuckled between kisses, stroking his hair lovingly. “You can make it up to me.”
“Newly engaged sex?” He grinned, eyes full of adoration.
“After dinner,” you promised, standing corrected.
The evening did not pan as you'd foreseen.
And you were grateful.
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aveaugvstus · 4 years
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ALL ABOARD ! The HMS PROMETHEAN welcomes  AUGUSTUS SUTHERLAND  to the expedition in their capacity of  THE SCION. They are  24 YEARS OLD & CISMALE  and might be painted as  ROME FLYNN. When you strike up an acquaintance, address them as  HE / HIM. Their deeds on land prece their arrival — people say they are  CHARISMATIC, GOOD-NATURED, DAUNTLESS  but  ARROGANT, RECKLESS, OBSTINATE   when the tide turns. Their purpose aboard the Promethean falls in line with  “protecting the interests of the Commonwealth and maintaining order”, the pursuit of adventure, chasing the thrill of the unknown and hunger for all that lies beyond the edge of the world.
beautiful charming himbo™ that is actually super genuine and easygoing and gets along with everyone (much to his haters’ dismay)
super rich kid with the suffocating family legacy looking for a little fun and rebellion
pure of heart!!!!! dumb of ass
longing for purpose and capable of being more than he is beneath all the layers of carefree frat boy and clueless pretty boy
loyal to the death, ride or die for his people (which is most people unless you go out of your way to actively antagonise him)
augustus was named by his grandfather, former admiral of the fleet in her majesty’s royal navy, and a fervent zealot in his glorification of the roman empire and civilisation.
his full name is augustus julius sutherland in case you had any doubts about the full extent of his obsession.
the sutherlands are old, old, old money. (if you traced their genealogy all the way back they don’t truly descend from any house in the peerage but they’ve won the prestige and esteem of nobility through centuries of climbing the ranks of the military and have reaped the accolades, rewards and bestowments of land.) war and conquest runs in their blood. august comes from generations of decorated admirals, generals and commanders.
his parents met when his father’s ship came into port at the bahamas. she’s painted as the exotic temptress that beguiled him with her beauty and feminine wiles because he was engaged at birth to be married to a nice rich white english girl.
august is half-afro-cuban and understands spanish but can’t speak it, having learned the language only through his mother’s lullabies and occasional slips into her native tongue.
august is sheltered growing up from what being mixed truly means — he gets the whispers and stares but it helps being the heir apparent of an extremely powerful and wealthy family. it also helps that he’s very likeable, handsome, good-natured, etc. his mother raises him to treat all people with kindness (with a touch of casual but well-meaning manipulation, it helps to be loved to earn loyalty, after all). as such he’s not raised spoiled rotten and pretentious like most of his peers.
being the embodiment of sunshine he is, he gets along with literally anyone he meets just by sheer force of will and personality — it’s the puppy eyes. he’s respectful, polite and genuinely interested in everyone from all walks of life and doesn’t care about class or station when it comes to making friends.
he’s risen steadily through the ranks of the academy, not out of any particular ambition or necessity but because his family name and presence essentially paved the way. a fact that’s pissed off plenty of people and former comrades-in-arms. if there was one word to describe augustus sutherlands’ life thus far it’d be “effortless”.
august sees his allegiance to the british empire as a perfunctory thing. he’s not bound to the commonwealth, the military, or his rank by any undying sense of duty and obligation and if anything, is quite naive about the realities of the empire and warfare. he’s young, impresssionable, and inclined to the see the best in people and situations. he view of the royal guard and being stationed on the hms promethean is one of adventure and limitless possibility. a means to an end to fulfil his thirst for something greater and more glorious than the mundanity of military life and high society.
—    people: dave franco (in most of his movies but especially 21 jump street). michael b. jordan’s general energy and sheer charisma. zac efron in high school musical, not the character, but like his general ‘everyone’s high school crush’ vibe. —    tv: jason mendoza, the good place. joey tribbiani, friends. andy dwyer, parks and recreation. —    film: ferris bueller, ferris bueller’s day off. flynn rider, tangled. johnny storm, marvel. —    literature: peter pan. finnick odair, the hunger games trilogy.
fun and chaos, to put it simply. august is always looking for trouble, whether he knows it or not. most of it is harmless but he’s fond of dares, exploring places he shouldn’t be in and doing things he definitely shouldn’t be doing and getting away with it.
literally if you dare him to do anything he is honor-bound by the himbo code to do it.
not sure what the liquor rations are like on hms promethean but fuck it because august will happily get drunk with just about anyone on the ship. he demands drinking games! revelry! stolen moments in the dark
extremely good at finding things — be they lost or contraband that can’t be secured via the quartermaster. perhaps your character has a strange request for something that august can provide.
if a character ever finds themselves overboard, august will be the first man doing a perfect swandive into the water to rescue them, whether they can swim or not
people see august as trustworthy, so he’s privy to a lot of gossip and secrets he otherwise should definitely not be told. he doesn’t have a big mouth but he’s guilty of not treating things seriously enough when he should. those that spill their hearts out to him beware...
august loves a good tale of the adventure and will sit wide-eyed listening for hours to a captivating master storyteller
not to say that august is....... dumb but he’s a little gullible at times and has a fascination with conspiracy theories and mysteries. Loves ghost stories and horror stories
he has an equal affinity for animals as he does with people, he adores them despite being allergic to things with fur. he’ll pet your creatures and spend hours sneezing but he refuses to have regrets (ragrets). 
THE CHALLENGER. someone that august can’t seem to charm and bend to his will no matter what he tries. the thorn in his side that sees through all the rich boy bullshit and doesn’t care for it. a person that, against his better judgement, infuriates him because he can’t get a hold of them or why they seem to dislike him so much.
THE SWEETHEART.  a guest passenger that’s of the same warm, easygoing sensibility that he clicks with from the first moment. an instant kind of bond and warmth despite their differences in background or life. a person that brings out the big loveable heart in august and sees him for who he is.
THE CATALYST.  an older character that’s jaded and hardened and has their eyes completely open to the atrocities and sins of the british empire. a character that confronts august’s worldview and wakes him up, sparks a fire in him that leads to his disillusionment with the empire and the role he plays within it.
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jootsmcgoots · 4 years
The Bright Side, Chapter 1: Bloom Effect (Abbacchio x GN!Reader) SFW
This was the 2nd fic I wrote, and in a way it was kind of a continuation of my first Abbacchio fic. However, I ended up choosing to make it a gender neutral reader instead of a female reader because I ended up noticing that I never did use pronouns in this fic.
So my rationale was like “Hey if I don’t use pronouns, I may as well make it a GN fic because then anyone can enjoy it.”
However this of course does not exempt anyone from the punnery LMAO
Anyways. I wrote this one because my friends were like “hey wouldn’t it be great if abbacchio were also good at puns because he seems like the sharp type”
and i was like “holy fuck i’d just fall in love with him even more. i’d have to propose on the spot.”
And so I wrote this LOL
This is a two-parter, so I’ll post the second chapter in a hot minute.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Genre: Fluff (with a pinch of spice)
Word count:  1962
Summary: Abbacchio constantly calls your jokes stupid, but it turns out he has a talent for them too.
And really, when your (overly serious) significant other can rattle out some real dumb jokes at the same rate (if not faster than) you do, how can you NOT fall deeper in love with them?
Chapters: 1 / 2
Chapter 1: Bloom Effect
AO3 Link!
“But I haven’t ev---”
The two of you had been laying together on your shared bed. Set to a low volume, music was playing on the radio in the background as you both just enjoyed your day together, no missions or any gang business going on. You had been propped up against Abbacchio’s chest and idly reading a book and just enjoying his quiet company while he would occasionally read over your shoulder and make a comment about the story, prompting some conversation before you both settled back into reading quietly. You both liked it like this; even if you were the more talkative and outgoing of the two, that didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy quiet time, especially when it was with him.
But of course, that didn’t stop you from being a little shit with him. Like the joke you had just made about him “taking a page from your book” (which earned a groan), and then telling him you knew he’d react like that because you could “read him like a book” (which in turn elicited a disgruntled “Really?” while you snickered in amusement).
After he had cut you off for the second time, you made a pouting noise and puffed your cheeks out as you rolled onto your stomach to face him. “You’re no fun.” You said that, but it was no secret that you loved his reactions (after all, why would you bother him so often?), as your face displayed a sunny, shit-eating grin.
“And you’re always so grumpy,” you added. At that, you sat up and began to poke at his face, using your index fingers to push the corners of his lips into a forced smile, pressing his cheeks higher up on his face. “Lighten up!” You giggled at the sight of his mouth being pulled into such an exaggeratedly happy expression, while his eyes and brow both communicated sullen annoyance. If it had been anyone else, Abbacchio may have swatted their fingers off of his face, much less even let them touch him like this. For you, he tolerated the gesture.
And anyways, it was no secret that he loved your smile.
He took your wrists into his hands and removed your fingers from his face. “I can be plenty of fun,” he replied in that gruff tone of his. “It’s just that your jokes are always so stupid.”
“You love them.”
“I don’t.”
“You love me.”
He removed his hands from your wrists and into your hands, holding them gently.
“I do.”
You flushed slightly and chuckled fondly as you settled fully onto his lap. “I knew it.”
“Don’t push it.”
But now he was smiling, even if just a tiny bit, and you knew you had won. You laughed softly and pressed your forehead against his. Abbacchio closed his eyes into the gesture, a more prominent smile forming on his features. You lifted away from his forehead, then leaned back in to press a little kiss to his cheek once, then twice. Moving from his cheek, you gave him a peck on his nose that earned you a pleased hum. Then, slowly, your lips captured his in a gentle kiss that he reciprocated with a contented sigh that was so soft that you almost didn’t notice it.
Once you separated from him, you couldn’t help but give him a small but cheeky smile. “Even so, you really could stand to lighten up, you know…” you said, trying to get a rise out of him. “You’re still such a grump.” You pressed another kiss to his cheek. “But don’t worry. I still love you.”
Abbacchio ‘hmph’-ed before locking eyes with you. You blinked and chuckled, tilting your head at him. “What? You gonna throw me somewhere again?”
He shook his head ‘no’. Instead, he gathered up the crumpled blanket from the foot of the bed and tossed it onto you as you squawked in surprise as you were suddenly enveloped in cotton and down. “My apologies for being such a wet blanket.”
You blinked from underneath the blanket. Did Abbacchio make…a pun? Peeking your head out from underneath your soft and downy prison, disbelief painted your features as you blinked a couple of more times before starting to smile widely. The grin on Abbacchio’s face was smug, quite gratified that he had managed to shut you up.
“Best cover up your mouth, amore. You’ll let flies in.” He punctuated his point by bringing up a corner of the blanket over your mouth.
“Ha! Haha! Oh my God!” You practically jumped up and squealed in delight, pulling the blanket around your shoulders. “That’s hilarious! I had no idea you were capable of such punnery! Leone! Holy shit!” Giggling, you clapped your hands in pure mirth as you began to sit up on your knees.
Abbacchio quirked his eyebrow at you, expression neutral again, and said in a completely serious and even tone, “Don’t you mean holy sheet?”
If you had thought it was impossible for your expression to become even more shocked (while still entirely delighted), you were quickly proven wrong as you felt your mouth gape further. “Pff! Hehe…! Ahaha!” You had thrown your head back and started laughing uncontrollably, feeling tears forming in your eyes. At this point, your stomach had hurt from all the laughing and you doubled over with a soft thump onto the bed, still rolling around and convulsing with laughter.
You weren’t quite sure what was funnier: the fact that Abbacchio was delivering these jokes with the same solemn expressions he wore during meetings or mission briefings, the speed at which he came up with these puns, or the very fact that it was Leone Abbacchio, big angry serious goth man with a stick up his ass so big that it may as well have been a tree, making silly, stupid puns with you.
And God did you love him all the more for it.
Once you had caught your breath and wiped the tears from your eyes, you peered up at him from your laying position, the blanket snugly wrapped around you. “Whew…haha! I can’t believe you came up with those so quickly! That was great! You’re just great! I swear, I find something about you that makes me love you more and more every day.” A realization seemed to cross your face as you looked up at him with what seemed like reverence. “Oh man, Leone, I love you. Aha! Holy shit, I love you so much! Did you know that?” You gave a breathy kind of laugh as you rolled onto your side. “Let me show you just how much! If you know what I mean.” You wiggled your eyebrows suggestively at him and proceeded to wiggle around in the blanket, having entrapped yourself further during your fits of laughter. “Just. Just gimme a second.”
Your advances made Abbacchio snort out a short laugh that he couldn’t repress. You weren’t really the definition of “sultry” and “seductive” at the moment, all rolled up in a blanket like a human burrito. It would be the first time he was ever propositioned by what looked like a sentient cannolo. One that threw him bedroom eyes and looked at him like he was the answer to all of life’s questions and beheld him as such.
Your boyfriend just watched you as you tried to worm your way out of the blankets and your pants simultaneously. He was about to comment that it might be easier if you tackled one problem at a time, but by then you had managed to roll right off of the bed and you hit the ground with a muted thump and an “oof!” that was soon followed by some startled laughter.
He shook his head at the sight and sighed out, “You’re such an idiot. How you made it this long is beyond me.” Resting his elbow on his knee and bringing his knuckles against his lips, Abbacchio remained sitting on the bed as he observed you trying to recollect yourself, struggling a bit on the floor to no avail. Though he knew you were too busy fighting the blanket to see him properly, he still chose to hide the rather large grin and fast-growing blush that was forming on his face. At your ungraceful but earnest outburst of love, his heart swelled in a way that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. He could feel not only his cheeks but also his ears burning up with a flush that betrayed his attempts to bite back the sappy and equally-in-love grin on his face.
Leone Abbacchio’s heart did not flutter or other silly things like that; he was no longer some inexperienced greenhorn, no longer a bright-eyed young man with glittering eyes. No, he was a grown man, hardened and embittered by the darkness in the world around him, dammit! There was no way he was feeling like a schoolboy who had received his first love letter! And yet here he was, with his heart pounding against his chest at a thunderous tempo that was absolutely impossible to ignore and a warmth that was so hot and bright that he felt like he was going to explode from sheer happiness.
You loved him. You loved him to the point of bursting. He could hear it in the unspoken quality of your words, see it in the flashes of light in your eyes, and felt it from the bottom of his heart in the upward curve of your smile.
A deeper, buried part of Abbacchio hoped you knew that he loved you that much too. Maybe even more so. He really, really hoped you knew. For now, though…
“There! I’m---WHOA!” The moment you freed yourself from your fleecy confines, you found yourself entangled in yet another set of confines. Abbacchio had gotten to his feet and hoisted you up and into his arms. Finding yourself underneath his intense stare and suddenly so close, you squirmed a little as a familiar heat stirred within you. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to this sort of closeness; he just had a look on his face like he was ready to devour you whole.
As if to make good on your assessment, Abbacchio caught your lips in a kiss that started out chaste enough before it began to deepen, a sweep of his tongue over yours turning the words on your lips into soft, unintentional moans. He pulled back to look into your eyes, now half-lidded and entranced, and smiled at you with a vulnerability he reserved only for a select few.
And then he dropped you back onto the bed. A noise of surprise left your mouth as you landed on the mattress, bouncing slightly. Regaining your bearings, you chuckled, “And here I thought you were going to throw me anywhere today.”
“I didn’t throw you this time.”
You rolled your eyes and were about to retort, when you were greeted with the sight of Abbacchio pulling his shirt off of himself. As his long hair fell back into place, you drew a breath at the sight of the silver threads settling over his toned shoulders and chest. Light filtering in from the crack in the curtains made him seem all the more ethereal and mesmerizing to you in this moment. Catching you staring, Abbacchio smirked in a way that seemed equal parts loving and wolfish. “Well, cara? Weren’t you going to show me just how much you love me?”
Your blinked, his words calling you back into the very beautiful reality in front of you, and then you grinned widely at him. Bringing your hand to your forehead in a mock salute, you chirped eagerly, “Si, signore!”
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saintheartwing · 4 years
So About That Stupid Reddit Harry Potter Neoliberal Meme...
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Okay, I’ve seen this meme a bunch of times and I want to actually try to debunk it. So here goes. 
First thing’s first. “Embracing change and the progression of history”. For ages in the books, since Dobby first came around, and the broad existence of house elves was a thing, it was pretty clear that wizards treated non-wizards pretty damn badly. This was INCREDIBLY clear from not only how house elves got treated, but from how muggles got treated in the series, with the fact that Death Eaters could just casually pop up and float muggles around and laugh and jeer and hardly anyone does anything to STOP them. They’re all more scared and more quick to take action over a symbol in the sky than to stop people actually hurting innocent non-wizards and witches. 
In addition, throughout the final books, it’s clear the old ways failed miserably. The old guard that was in the Order of the Phoenix can’t really stop the Death Eaters. In fact, almost all of them die. It’s the new generation who’s more open-minded and liberal and people like Kingsley Shacklebolt, who’s just like that AND an African American who takes the position formerly held by stupid, stuffy, short-sighted old white guys, that actually effect change in the end. Pretty sure the symbolism was clear on that end. Despite Hermione being insulted by people like Ron or Harry being exasperated at first by her concern for House Elves, it’s Hermione who ends up being very clearly right. Her heart is in the right place and her goals are noble, she just had to learn to actually listen to what the groups she was fighting for wanted, she had to really UNDERSTAND them. And that becomes much more clear and shown in the final couple of books with Kreacher. She GETS him. Kreacher DOES like being a servant, sure, and he probably would drop dead of a heart attack if he was told to just outright leave the Black House because the Blacks, except Sirius, treated him kindly, but being a servant doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve respect and dignity and compassion. 
Hell, Dumbledore was very clearly willing to PAY Dobby twice as much money and vacation days that he asked for. So clearly, he was willing to do the same for any of them if they asked. But he kept in mind “they don’t ALL want this, I have to consider what THEY want”. You can’t just assume you know best for an oppressed group. You have to take in mind their considerations, THEIR circumstances, and work to advocate for them with these things in mind. A lesson learned by Harry and Ron that Hermione picked up first. And she’s the one who advocates at the Ministry when she REALLY picks up.
As JK herself said, “ Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures where she was instrumental in greatly improving life for house-elves and their ilk. She then moved (despite her jibe to Scrimgeour) to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement where she was a progressive voice who ensured the eradication of oppressive, pro-pureblood laws.”
So Hermione helps get rights for non-wizards and witches, and eventually becomes the Minister of Magic and does even MORE good along that line, and Harry helps to enforce those progressive laws, continuing to fight for a more just world. 
But let’s move past Hermione. Back to the post. Harry is little more than a passive observer...because he’s the point of view character, for one, meant to be a stand-in for the reader as well, AND...he’s a teenager. He’s all of SEVENTEEN when he finally defeats Voldemort. And he does the best he can, he’s the one that gets Dobby the House Elf freed, not just because he felt he owed Dobby, but because he empathized with the elf. 
And acting like VOLDEMORT is an instigator of change...uh, does the author not realize that while Voldemort’s in power, muggles are being killed randomly ALL the time, AND muggle-borns are being ROUNDED UP AND LOCKED UP? Like, in camps? And they’re accused of stealing magic and being traitors? Like the Jews were in World War II’s Germany?! Does the author of the post not remember that? And ALL of the people who advocate whole-heartedly for keeping away from muggles totally and pure-bloodedness are portrayed as effing bigots who deserve a boot up their ass. Dolores Umbridge, who calls centaurs freaks and half-breeds and the like and doesn’t even think they’re sentient. The Malfoys. Voldemort and the Death Eaters themselves. And who are the good guys BESIDES Harry? 
A pure-blood kid who’s family who’s dad is a champion of muggle rights, and a muggle-born witch. So in other words, the people who advocate for the rights of-non-magical people are clearly in the right, THEY’RE the good guys. Those that don’t? Bad guys. Obvious bad guys. BOO these men. BOOOO these men!
And Harry beating Voldemort isn’t just about some obscure technicality. None of that would have happened if Harry hadn’t beaten Draco Malfoy at Malfoy Manor and taken his wand. And then there was how he destroyed the diary, how he fought off Voldemort in his first year, how he got away from Voldemort in the graveyard, a lot of it was luck, but a lot more of it was also pure bravery and being surprisingly skilled in magic on top of that, with a little bit of help every now and then from the people he loves. It’s not like Harry is a stupid moron. He gets quite good grades AND he’s solved plenty of mysteries at Hogwarts. He’s the one who figures out where the Chamber of Secrets is and what’s inside, he’s the one who realizes Malfoy’s a Death Eater and the like, he’s the one who figures out the secrets of what the Hallows are. 
So Harry isn’t some dumb blank slate who just exists to enforce a system. He’s not. And he’s VERY CLEARLY bothered by the conflict. He too finds himself disgusted with how house elves get treated, he’s disgusted by the treatment of muggle borns by Voldemort, he’s infuriated by the stupid rules of the Ministry and how unfair and arbitrary they seem, and how often they seem to let blatant injustice go by. We see that when he’s diving into the Pensieve with Dumbledore, going through the memories. Even if Morfin was a total jerk, that the Ministry didn’t really bother to CHECK PROPERLY to see if he’d done it by going through his memories disgusted Harry. They essentially condemned him to die based off flimsy circumstantial evidence. He’s also disgusted with how the Ministry AUTOMATICALLY assumed Hokey the House Elf was guilty just because she was a house elf. 
Also, one more thing. Beating Voldemort was a big deal. But who takes down his Death Eaters, meaning he has no army to conquer people and take over anymore? The new generation leading the charge, overwhelming them all. It’s the STUDENTS OF HOGWARTS, who got TAUGHT by Harry and Ron and Hermione and the others in Dumbledore’s Army, who do the most damage to the Death Eaters and finally end up finishing them...oh, them and Molly Weasley, another pure blood who’s sympathetic to the muggle cause, who teaches the bigot Bellatrix Lestrange a lesson. 
And of course, Hagrid, who manages to cream the death eater that tried to kill his hippogriff. We can’t forget Hagrid. YES, he’s a bit silly to assume monsters are all just misunderstood, but the bigotry and cruelty shown towards him when it’s revealed he’s a half giant is UNQUESTIONABLY shown as being horrible, cruel, spiteful, and just plain unfair. Harry is unfuriated. Ron is in a foul mood. And Hermione is just about to shove her foot up Rita Skeeter’s ass for what she wrote about him. Anyone who reads the books and thinks that the series doesn’t take a strong enough stance about standing up and calling this shit out, and taking ACTION clearly hasn’t actually read the books! And that’s BEFORE we get into the prison system. Yeah, Azkaban? They get rid of the Dementors. Dumbedore always advocated FOR getting rid of them and he was the one portrayed as being mostly in the right, despite royally f--king some things up. Did the author just forget this? 
Sorry. Anyway...said my piece. This reddit meme’s basically full of crap. That’s all I’ve got to say.
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slo-liveblog · 4 years
Witch’s Heart Final Thoughts
Hellooo! It’s been a bit! I figured I’d go ahead and post that big ol’ thoughts and rambles post before I went ahead and started the Bonus Stage. I’ll probably be doing some similarly styled things in the future... anyways, I hope you’ve all been doing well, and don’t mind the long post! 
Claire: Oh my god. I would give my life for Claire in a heartbeat. I was honestly expecting to not care for her much, not that RPG maker games don’t have plenty of female protagonists I like but they’re almost exclusively children. On the adult side of things, not so much. I was expecting a mostly silent audience insert at best and an annoying, shallowly written protagonist at worst. Thankfully I was 100% wrong and ended up absolutely loving her and rooting for her all the way. I probably said at some point but she reminds me of Hiyoko Tohsaka, the protagonist from Hatoful Boyfriend... yes, the bird dating simulator, don’t even get me started. Maybe a little bit like Emma from The Promised Neverland, too. Pure of heart, dumb of ass female characters that could beat the shit out of anyone AND are incredibly compassionate and enjoyable to watch are just too damn rare. The ways in which she interacted with the other mains felt completely organic and I was never skeptical as to why she was spending time with them, which is something I tend to take issue with in games with a scenario/route structure. On the flip side, the reactions the mains had to her were completely understandable- as far as they were meant to be, anyway- and I found myself at least somewhat identifying with their thoughts on her. Like Leon, I too am in love with Claire. 
Ashe: Oh Ashe. Fuck Ashe. In terms of livening up any situation he’s in, for better or for worse, he’s an absolutely perfect abomination of nature. Every time he enters a scene I either laugh or am filled with pure, unfiltered rage, which I guess is a good sign. He’s definitely an excellent wild card that makes the experience better no matter what way you look at it. However.... in hindsight I think he might actually be the character we understand the least at this point, despite being the first person you meet and the first to get a scenario (if you play it in the order I did, anyway). Even Wiwardo, who’s silent 90% of the damn time, does have a pretty clear motivation. It seems likely that Ashe’s wish is to bring back his family, but not only do we not know anything about them or how they died, we also don’t have any context as to how Ashe became the sort of person he did. So it’s hard to really have a full grasp on him... I appreciate his character for what it is, but I’m not quite as enthusiastic about him as I am some of the others... yet.
Reynaldo: Reynaldo makes me want to start throwing things, in a good thing. I didn’t liveblog the beginning of the game, but I distinctly remember telling my friends he was my favorite initially- the bizarre name, the gun sprite that inexplicably makes me laugh, seems like just a sexi guy. I adore the reveal of what the curse/his wish was, and I think despite not knowing much about the particulars yet it says enough about why he is the way he is that it works perfectly even without the missing information. He’s a fascinating character and has a TON of the best moments in the game, for me personally anyway. My one major complaint would just be like... c’mon, I know he’s the stoic type but I would’ve liked just a liiiiittle bit more reaction from him in some of the bigger scenes, such as when Claire confronted Invective. Also I hate him and I’m gonna beat him up
Sirius: Baby boy. Baby. I want to hold his hand. He’s the character that I think is the easiest to understand at this point in the game, as his cards are almost all on the table. We’ve seen snippets of his childhood, gotten him to reveal pretty much all his thoughts and relevant knowledge to Claire, we’ve literally seen him go to hell, all the good stuff. Male tsunderes, at least ones that are still generally nice people like Sirius, are sooort of my weakness. There’s not a lot to say about him that I haven’t already said but he deserves the world.
Leon: BABY BOY. BABY. Okay, granted, I don’t... really care about Leon that much. Don’t get me wrong, I love him and nothing bad should ever happen to him ever again. But since he didn’t really get to be present in the other’s scenarios, I don’t feel as connected to him as I do the others. BUT with that said, now that the ball has finally dropped and his whole deal isn’t a secret anymore, at least not entirely, I’m hopeful that him not being around enough’ll be rectified by the bonus stage and final endings. He’s never done anything wrong in his entire life.
Charlotte: Charlotte’s in a weird place for me where I’m intrigued but not quite into her yet. I feel like we’ve only really scratched the surface, so I’m interested to see where she goes from here. She got so many interesting scenes like the one with Noel, Fiona, and Lime in her backstory that REALLY hit the mark for me. 
Zizel: Not a lot to say about Zizel, just that her interactions with Claire were absolutely adorable no matter how morbid the context. Love her.
Lime: Lime.... oh boy. I have some. Emotions. About Lime. She definitely seemed like the most one-note out of the demons when she first appeared, just sort of a cutesy masochist anime girl, but wow. I love her relationship with Charlotte and her fascination with Leon is really interesting. I kind of hope going forward that she develops more of a relationship with Claire? I dunno, feels like there’s just some untapped potential there, with Claire being as empathetic as she is and Lime being... as confused about emotions as she is.
Rouge: Again, not a ton to say about her, but her relationship with Leon ended up being way more interesting and heart-wrenching than I expected despite how little we saw of it. I appreciate that she really does care. 
Overall & Final Score The characters were fucking fantastic. My only complaint is that I haven’t seen enough of them yet. 9/10
Ashe’s Route: My least favorite route, I think, though that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it. It does have the advantage of being completely new (if you played it first like I did) and Claire and Ashe’s relationship was so fucking cute and entertaining to watch. It does really feel like an introductory route though- it was mostly setup, which isn’t bad. Just not as gripping as the other routes. And the ending is... a little anticlimactic, considering you can see Ashe’s murderous tendencies coming a mile away. But there’s nothing in particular I think I would change, solid but not incredible.
Wiwardo’s Route: My second favorite route, which... I have a feeling will be an unpopular opinion. I dunno, I just really enjoyed it from start to finish. The partner swapping was hilarious and did a lot to flesh out the dynamics between the characters, Invective was really fun and fleshed out Claire’s personality as well as a lot of demon lore, and I think Reynaldo’s conclusion might be my favorite in the whole game. I was really questioning where any of it was going towards the end, it definitely had me on the edge of my seat. The main complaint I have about it though is that we... don’t actually see that much of Reynaldo. Like, at all. I mean, he’s THERE, but as I mentioned prior he doesn’t... react to much. Of course he doesn’t need to be overly emotional, that’s just not in his nature, but a few more moments where he actually had any sort of stake in what was going on might’ve been nice. The majority of the scenes he’s in prior to the boss battle hardly get any dialogue out of him at all. But like I said, the ending really made it worth it. Fighting Ashe was probably THE most cathartic boss battle in the game and the realization about what Reynaldo was going to do moments before it happened gave me chills. 
Sirius’s Route: My favorite! Love my boy!! God Sirius’s route was incredible. Definitely the one that was the most consistently gripping. Exploring hell was such a cool way to make the route continue after Claire’s death and Sirius’s character development was top notch. It really felt like we were finally getting some answers, too, which was satisfying. I will say, despite being my favorite, it probably has the weakest actual conclusion. Like, the confrontation with the monster made me Feel Things, but since we don’t actually know who or what it is there’s not really as much weight as the other routes that end with Claire’s death. Still, the juicy plot revelations and character development more than made up for it.
Leon’s Route: It may not be one of my favorites but this shit fucked me up. Definitely elicited the most tears, the whole goddamn thing’s miserable. Leon’s route feels slightly lacking in the charm department for me, which probably sounds weird but... I guess it’s cause the whole thing is so laser focused on Claire. Like, obviously Leon is primarily concerned with her, so it feels like there’s less emotional or interesting moments with everyone else and the ones that ARE there aren’t as impactful as they could be since, y’know, he’s really only here for her. But that’s mostly just a personal preference and since that was the whole point I can’t really complain. Leon’s relationship with Claire was wonderfully executed and I really appreciate this poor boy. 
Torch Backstories: Like. They didn’t HAVE to add all this stuff in but they sure did and wow does it pack a punch. I was always super excited to see the next one after finishing a scenario. I do wish we had a little more variety instead of half of them being Lime though, as much as I adore her character.
Overall & Final Score My only real issue with the story is, again, I haven’t seen enough of it yet, and that it sliiightly dragged in some places. Plus there were some small elements I took issue with, like the use of the ??? character, but nothing major. 9/10 
Fighting: No major complaints with the fighting mechanics, it was actually a really nice change of pace since most RPG maker games I’ve played don’t have battles. I do wish Leon had something a little different to set him apart from Claire, since he essentially has the exact same fighting style, albeit with a knife this time. 
Demon Requests: This was a mixed bag. I liked the concept, especially how it wraps in a little bit of lore and everything. But some of the requests, like the ones that involved fishing, were just tedious. I probably would’ve preferred if demon requests were either just a liiiiittle less frequent or had more lore sprinkled in to keep me interested. 
Scenario Mechanics & New Items: The whole idea of the scenarios is... good, but not flawless. I think giving the option of doing Reynaldo’s scenario first probably wouldn’t work very well and giving the illusion of choice only for it to just be which of the two you play first is a little redundant. But that aside, I really love the way they’re strung together with the hell room and all the things you can do there. Setting up a routine in this kind of game was a really good idea. I also looooved the new items you get each scenario, the lighter doesn’t do much but the wand and broom really feel like they broaden your horizons. 
Gift Giving & Minigames: Not super into the affection system to be honest. Like, the plushies are super cute, but the gifts and minigames feel pointless and tedious. I would’ve liked if there was some sort of scene, or even multiple, per character that you get when you max their affection, you know? Obviously this is a small complaint considering the absurd amount of content in the game but I was a little disappointed by how underwhelming the gift giving was. 
Other Puzzles I didn’t take issue with any particular puzzle, they were all reasonably easy and fun to do. I really enjoyed the majority of them and if I didn’t they were either over quickly or optional, such as Ashe’s damn slider puzzle.
Overall, Final Score The gameplay isn’t anything crazy, but it does what it’s meant to do. 6/10
Character Design: I don’t have a ton to say about the designs, I think they’re all really effective and well thought out, especially for the demons. No two characters look too similar despite the simplistic art style making it very easy for that to happen, and I thoroughly enjoy everyone’s outfits. 
Sprites and BGs: There are a few wonky sprites here and there but for an RPG maker game I was pleasantly surprised by their overall quality. And ability to make me feel things. And quantity! Like damn, there’s so many sprites for each character, I never feel like I’m seeing too much of the same one. 
OST and Sound Effects: I know none of the songs were composed for the game itself, which is common in these sorts of games, but the selection was excellent regardless. I still listen to the soundtrack a lot just for fun. The sound effects are really cute too, no complaints there either. 
Overall, Final Score It’s crude at times, but the art and music is perfect for what it wants to be and elicits a hell of a lot of emotion. 7/10
I adore this game and I can’t WAIT to start Bonus Stage!
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raendown · 5 years
@letliv3 You will take it and you will like it because this is your fault.
Pairing: MadaraKakashi Word count: 3745 Summary: In which Obito helped found the village, Madara was a member of Team Minato, and Kakashi gets lost down a few different paths in his life.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI in the blog header!
Building Our Own
Kakashi was pretty sure he didn’t like Madara. Pretty sure. There were times when it was really difficult to stay inside his shell and hate the world because watching Madara – barely taller than himself yet filled with enough attitude for the whole village – face off against the taller, brighter, unsuspecting Minato-sensei was always the highlight of his week. Knowing the two of them had so much in common did not mean Kakashi wanted to make friends with the other boy. He didn’t need friends to become the greatest ninja this world had ever seen and restore his family’s honor.
Anyway that Gai idiot followed him around too much already. His non-existent friend quota had been filled, thank you very much.
It was still kind of hard to ignore Madara. The boy refused to not be seen but he wasn’t obnoxious about it. There was just something magnetic about his competence even at such a young age, the confidence in every move he made, even the spiky stupid mess of his hair. Most of the Uchiha that Kakashi met had beautiful smooth hair but Madara seemed to have skipped that gene; his hair stuck straight out from his head in stiff spikes reminiscent of Kakashi’s own locks. Yet another thing they had in common and could have commiserated about together – if he had time for stupid things like friendship. Which he did not.
Much to their sensei’s despair, Madara didn’t seem all that upset that one of his teammates refused to bond with him. The majority of his concentration went to edging a few words about his precious baby brother in to every single conversation ever. None of them had ever met Izuna but after less than a month of being a team they all could have probably picked him out of a crowd and recited at least ten different points of trivia about him off the tops of their heads.
And that right there was the one thing that truly set them apart, the one bit that stopped Kakashi from allowing himself to at least like the boy, even if only from afar. Where Kakashi had lost everyone he ever loved Madara still had someone, even if it was just a useless little brother. He still had someone to care about, someone precious, and besides that he had a clan that treated him like absolute royalty. Apparently Madara was a direct descendant of the great Uchiha Obito, founder of their village and betrayer of the Shodaime Hokage. Kakashi didn’t really see why he got to be venerated for being related to a traitor when others were shunned for the same thing but the one time he had tried to question it Minato-sensei had hushed him and Kakashi felt his heart grow a little bit smaller.
So Kakashi stayed small and quiet and spent the hours he wasn’t training with his team training in private instead. He would grow bigger, stronger, and someday he would be the one to show Madara his back. He would be the one that others watched from afar.
He would restore the honor his father had lost. Only then would his life be worth something.
“Your father’s honor is not your own.”
Madara’s words left him reeling, adrift and unsteady where he had always felt solid logic underneath his feet. Kakashi waited for the world to stop spinning before baring his teeth behind the mask that hid them.
“What would you know about it?” he snarled. Madara scoffed.
“I’m descended from the biggest traitor this village has ever seen but does my clan care about that? No. They care that I inherited his strength. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘innocent until proven guilty’ before?”
“At least you have a clan! Don’t talk like you know me!”
“Of course I know you, dumb ass.” Everything Madara said was always said with confidence, as though it was an absolute immutable truth. It made refuting him very difficult sometimes because the way he spoke made Kakashi want to believe.
He resisted because clearly no one else should have a say in his situation not when they weren’t the ones living it.
“I will restore my father’s honor!” he began. He got no farther in to his rant before Madara rolled his eyes and interrupted.
“There’s nothing to restore, he’s dead. We build our own honor. And you have plenty of that even if you’re an asshole. Take the stick out of your ass and wake up. You’re Kakashi, not Sakumo. You can’t fix his mistake any more than I can. He didn’t even make one!”
“He – what?”
Kakashi sat, stunned, and listened to the entire fifteen minutes of Madara’s rant about how true dishonor was in abandoning your comrades and how the entire concept of their village itself had been founded on the desire to protect one’s comrades. Apparently the history books left out quite a bit of information about Uchiha Obito’s life before he abandoned Konoha; Kakashi never knew it was him that had named their fledgling settlement or him that had come up with the idea in the first place as a way to protect his own precious ones.
All through the boy’s impassioned speech he remained silent, soaking in every word like a message from on high, and when Madara finally stopped to pant angrily, kicking at a nearby tree stump, he cleared his throat with more awkwardness than should have fit in to his twelve year old body.
“We should find Rin,” he murmured. It was the best he could do for an apology. Madara narrowed his eyes, probably trying to determine whether or not he meant that, then nodded decisively.
“Good to see you got your head out of your ass. Damn right we go find her. No more of this ‘the mission is more important’ bullshit, alright?”
“So what are we waiting for? Aren’t you supposed to be mission leader? Lead on, jōnin-taichou!”
Amazed that his teammate still trusted him to do so when he had only just a few minutes ago suggested abandoning Rin to her fate, Kakashi nodded and closed his eyes to think. “My summons will be able to follow her trail more easily than we can.”
Kannabi Bridge went on to become the mission famous as a long-awaited turning point in the war, the incident that finally gave them a clear advantage to end things in Konoha’s favor. For the ones who carried it out, however, it was memorable for a different reason. The mission to Kannabi Bridge was the day they finally – finally – became a true unit, the day Madara brushed that chip off of Kakashi’s shoulder and offered the hand of friendship instead.
It also became the day Kakashi would look back on and realize he was completely and utterly screwed.
Of course he would fall in love with his best friend. Of fucking course.
ANBU suited him a little bit too well but that was fine. Everything was fine as long as he had Madara there with him, eagle mask covering his face and endless black hair spilling around it like a cloud of death. He wondered why they bothered with the masks sometimes. Both of them were entirely too identifiable by their hair alone so really all the masks did was add a bit of extra dramatic flair.
Shaking his head, Kakashi forced his attention back to the task at hand, pushing just a little more speed out of his tired legs. The two of them had run countless missions together since becoming true comrades, both in the name of Team Minato and as the perfectly matched pair they were now in ANBU, but never had they run a mission this important before. It was only the second time Rin had been captured and already it was starting to feel like a pattern. He wondered which idiot had been the one to decide this time that she was the weak link in their band of comrades. Rin was many things but she was not weak.
As evidenced by the carnage that came in to view when they finally found her. More than half of the bodies that lay dead around her were decorated with perfectly normal wounds, their flesh opened by blades and the extra clean sort of cut that could only come from her weaponized medical jutsu. The rest had been mauled as though by a hungry beast – and a beast she looked, right then.
Her pretty brown eyes glowing red and her entire body bubbling with a sickly green cloak of pure poisonous chakra, it was hard to tell whether or not she recognized them at first. A low growl rumbled across the space between them and the two young men shared a look before hastily removing their masks.
“It’s fine now,” Madara attempted a soothing voice. “They’re dead.”
“Don’t,” she warning when he tried to take a step towards her.
“It’s just me, it’s just Madara.”
“Shut up! I know who you are, dummy!” The growl in her words cracked and hiked to a whine that Kakashi recognized all too well. He’d raised eight dogs on his own; he knew what a wounded animal sounded like. “I can’t go back with you. Not like this.”
Unfortunately neither of them had been born with an ounce of tact. Kakashi snorted. “Can and will. Haven’t you heard the rumors, Rin-chan? We’ve had a beast living with us the whole time and I’ve never seen Kushina-nee bite anyone’s head off yet. Well, not literally. She’s scary but she’s not out for blood no matter what the monster trapped inside her wants. She can help you.”
It was a terrible thing to see in a friend, that broken light of hope too small to be believed in. Kakashi inched forward, saddened when she flinched away but determined to reach her, and when her bubbling chakra burned his skin he refused to show any sign of pain.
“Come home. If we can survive Madara for this long then we can survive you. He’s more of an animal than anyone.”
His friend’s offended screech broke the tension and Rin’s startled laugh was a balm on all their souls, just enough of a positive emotion to push the beast in her belly down. The effort left her exhausted but Kakashi caught her and Madara took point to protect them both as they turned for home, wearing a pout still but it was a very cute pout so Kakashi only teased him a little bit. It was good to be together.
“That’s a big fox.”
“Your observations are as astute as ever,” Madara’s voice drawled from behind his shoulder.
“We have to fight that big fox? He’s just a big scary dog. I don’t wanna hit a dog, Dara-chan!”
“Stop calling me that!”
Kakashi smiled briefly to see Madara stomp one foot. Fifteen years old and he still hadn’t grown out of the habit. Then he turned his eyes back to the carnage in front of them when Rin touched down at his other side.
“Isobu says that Kurama isn’t acting like himself,” she reported. “Something must be controlling him.”
“Right. Let’s found out who, shall we?” Kakashi narrowed his eyes, all traces of amusement gone from their little trio of death as they all pushed off the Hokage monument they had been perched on to make their assessment. Team Minato, as they still sometimes thought of themselves, were not the first line of defense in any fight. They were the ones who ended the fight.
When they found the man controlling the Kyuubi he was much older than they might have guessed – ancient, in fact. The fact that he could still move the way he did seemed to be due to the fact that one entire half of his body had been reconstructed with an unidentified white substance that reformed and reattached itself when injured, healing faster than they could hurt him. And that wasn’t even the part that made the fight difficult. No, that was the fully formed Sharingan in his one good eye, an abomination that enraged Madara.
It took all three of them to bring him down, one unit moving perfectly in sync. It took Isobu and Susano’o and eight dog summons. It took everything they had but in the end Uchiha Obito lay ancient and exposed at their feet, screaming his impotent rage and crying out revenge against a man who had never truly wronged him.
“Senju Hashirama is dead,” Kakashi muttered in exhaustion, kicking away a severed limb still trying to crawl back to its host. “You should be too. Hold still and let me fix that.”
“He abandoned me! He will pay! The world will pay! I will have what I am owed! The perfect world, don’t you see? We could all live in the perfect world!”
“Something tells me your perfect world would not be like mine.” With his blade raised Kakashi shook his head in pity. “The world owes you nothing. Those who go back on their word like he did are trash, that’s true. But those who abandon their comrades? People like you who break bonds, you’re nothing but scum. Goodnight, Uchiha Obito, I hope you find rest.”
“Poetic,” Madara noted, watching as Kakashi impassively drew a blade through their defeated enemy’s throat.
“Maa, I didn’t mean to be.”
Rin groaned and sat down on the bloody grass. Then she fell over backwards with a sigh of relief. “Well that wasn’t what I wanted to do with my Tuesday,” she said.
“Any chance one of you can sense how Minato-sensei is doing with the Kyuubi? I’m fresh out of chakra.” Very gently, slowly so as not to jostle his sore body, Kakashi lowered himself down to join Rin. Madara snorted at them both.
“Your reserves are pathetic,” he pointed out. “The Kyuubi’s chakra has been split but I can still feel Kushina-nee. It would seem sensei was able to seal the beast in to two places at once. Very interesting.”
Both of the two on the ground made soft noises of curious agreement but investigating would have to wait. Just knowing their precious ones were alive was enough for now. Everything else could be left until after they had recovered the feeling in all of their limbs, possibly until after they had slept for a week. They had gone head to head with a legend today, after all. That definitely deserved a nap.
Madara wandered over to perch next to Kakashi, brushing something out of his hair without seeming to realize he was doing so. As much as he didn’t seem to want to admit it he was just as tired as the other two. Kakashi held his breath and allowed gloved fingers to trace the shape of his jaw.
“You took a lot of stupid chances today,” his friend murmured. Kakashi nodded.
“So did you.”
“Hn. Dumb ass.” His piece spoken, Madara’s eyes rolled back in his head and his body gave in to the exhaustion he’d been trying not to show. Unfortunately when he passed out he flopped down across the other two, who both grunted in surprise and then wriggled in dismay to find themselves trapped, lacking the energy to roll the idiot off of them.
Rin was the first to give up, flopping back down to the grass with a sigh. “You know for a second there I thought he was going to lean down and kiss you.”
Then she laughed as best she could at the redness of Kakashi’s face and the disconnected syllables gurgling out from behind his mask.
Twenty years old was a terrible age all of his friends were at least one year older. Twenty years old meant that all of his friends could drink while they oversaw the chūnin exams here in Suna but all he could do was sip soda and watch. What was the point of such a high drinking age anyway? And who had ever heard of a shinobi being denied a drink? He’s been getting served back home since he reached jōnin at the age of twelve.
Actually that probably wasn’t a high point and Minato-sensei should probably make sure that practice wasn’t still being followed. But his point still stood!
Kakashi felt cheated when his decision to go out with his friends in the hopes of watching them all make fools of themselves ended with sitting in the corner of a dusty Suna club watching over the ladies’ purses while Madara snoozed next to him. He’d really been hoping Madara would get drunk and do something stupid. Or maybe that he would get absolutely blackout drunk and do something completely out of the blue like, say, decide to make out with the comrade who’d been silently in love with him for almost a decade now.
Life was so unfair.
Jerking his elbow in to the other man’s side at least got him the amusing reaction of bleary eyes jerking open and an angry expression. He muttered something too but it was impossible to hear of the thumping music so Kakashi shrugged and shook his head, completely unrepentant. Madara scowled deeper and leaned over to put his lips right next to Kakashi’s ear.
“I said, you’re a dick. I was trying to sleep until we can get the hell out of here.”
Kakashi pushed away the urge to shiver and shouted over the music. “So let’s get out of here.”
Rin and Anko both tried to wheedle them in to staying when Kakashi wound his way through the dance floor to give them back their purses but he skipped free of their reaching hands and hustled back to Madara’s side. Stumbling outside was heaven on his ears, stepping passed the barrier of excessive noise and in to the blessed silence of the desert at night. Both of them groaned with relief and rubbed at their aching heads as they hurried away, ignoring the judging eyes of the club’s bouncers, eager to get back to their hotel rooms and just relax. Neither of them were really the sort to enjoy this stuff anyway. A nice homey bar would have been more their style but it had been Rin who invited them out so it had been her choice of venue.
Madara’s steps were surprisingly steady for someone who had pounded back enough alcohol to fall asleep in that blaring chaos. He wove side to side a bit whenever something interesting caught his eye but for the most part he didn’t seem too dizzy and Kakashi felt cheated all over again that he wasn’t needed to heroically offer his shoulder as support.
“Where are we?” The sudden question made him furrow his brows.
“No! I mean I don’t recognize this street.”
Stopping to look around, Kakashi bit his lip. “Huh. You’re right. I think we’re lost.”
“That’s fine. As long as I’m lost with you.” Madara shrugged and continued on while Kakashi’s feet stumbled to a halt, one hand pressed against his chest to sooth his suddenly racing heart.
He glared as best he could and hoped the darkness covered the blush on his face.
“You can’t just…say stuff like that.”
“Oh. Shit. You’re right.” Confusingly, Madara looked embarrassed as well to realize what he’d said, clapping a hand over his mouth and sending a guilty look out the corner of his eyes.
“Wait. I know I’m right but why do you think I’m right?” Kakashi asked.
“Cause I don’t want you to know that I like you!”
“Maa, of course you like me, we’re best friends…”
Now frustrated that he wasn’t being understood, Madara stomped his foot and turned to shake a finger under Kakashi’s nose. “No! I mean like like you! Love like you! Don’t misunderstand me! I swear sometimes you do it on purpose because you know it annoys me and–”
His friend continued to rant but most of it washed over Kakashi, who had of course heard this lecture a hundred times and more. Well, except for the part where Madara was apparently in love with him, that bit was new. And mind-blowing. Life-changing, really. It took a while to sink in that Madara didn’t seem to realize what he had just confessed, either because he was too drunk or because nothing else ever mattered when he’d found something to be irritated by.
Why Kakashi found that cute was a mystery.
He did finally shut up when Kakashi kissed him, though. Actually, to be fair, he did make a few aborted attempts at speaking before finally giving in and kissing back, one hand fisting in the front of Kakashi’s vest to keep him in place. When they slowly pulled apart he licked his lips and fell immediately back in to a scowl.
“The mask, you idiot,” was all he said. Kakashi scrambled to pull it down out of the way.
“You want–?”
Madara’s answer was another kiss. And it turned out he was right, it was definitely better with the mask out of the way.
Someday, when he had eventually recovered his scrambled wits and picked himself up from the puddle of goo he could feel his body melting in to, he would need to say thank you. Not for the kiss, although the kiss was good enough on its own to warrant starting a diary just to describe it and Kakashi very much hoped they could do this again. Preferably every day from now on. But eventually he would need to impress upon Madara how grateful he was to have the other man in his life, how important it was that Madara had never abandoned him even when he was a young child with a terrible weight on his shoulders that he should never have been carrying in the first place.
Eventually he would need to say that he owed everything he was as a person to Madara.
But not now. Right now he pressed forward slowly to bury his fingers in long thick hair and cling to the one person he had been striving for since long before he had ever acknowledged it.
My honor is my own, he thought as they stumbled against the front of a nearby shop, his thoughts going back to a moment between them half a lifetime ago. And I owe my honor to you, who showed me how to believe in it. How to believe in us.
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I was tagged by @akkutagawa thanks Christie!
I now tag @nenufair, @chuuyabelongswithhappiness, @raven-rein, @dgalerab, @thefictionalmy, @rustingroses, @pitch-black-hearts, @chuuchuu-san @onelovelysin @wasteofbandages @pizzapopolis and anyone else who wants to do this!
Questions kept under a read-more
drink - Chocolate Tea
phone call - to my mom
text message - “Please text I’m having shitty network” to one of my seniors
song you listened to - Broken Rain by Shinjou-P ft. KAITO
time you cried - 4 am this morning
dated someone twice - no
kissed someone & regretted - never kissed so no chance of regret
been cheated on - no
lost someone special - no
been depressed - yeah...
gotten drunk and thrown up - no
FAV COLOURS - PINK (specifically #FF1493), neon blue and peacock blue come close
made new friends - Mhm!
fallen out of love - Yes
laughed until you cried - Happens often!
found out someone was talking about you - Happens often
met someone who changed you - Yes
found out who your friends are - Happens often again so
kissed someone on your facebook friends list - fuck no
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I use FB to connect with IRL friends only LOL
do you have any pets - Nope, though I want a kitty
do you want to change your name - No never really felt the need to
what did you do for your last birthday - Study for an important college entrance exam the next day which I flopped But I got chocolate cake!
what time did you wake up today - Uhhhh I forgot to sleep
what were you doing at midnight last night -lazily typing up Day 7′s fic for Rarepair week
what is something you can’t wait for - I can’t wait for my exams to get over so that I go back to my air-conditioned room and take a looooooooong ass sleep and go swimming and go eat at fancy places and have that lobster risotto and visit that cat cafe etc etc
what are you listening to right now - Clinical by Droplex & Monolix
have you ever talked to a person named tom - Well I knew people named Thomas that we called Tom, just not someone purely a Tom
something that’s getting on your nerves - My Computational Engineering Professor & Professional Ethics Professor
most visited website - Most likely Tumblr or YouTube
hair colour - black-brown
long or short hair - short
do you have a crush on someone - Maybe? I dunno I have no emotions
what do you like about yourself - I kinda like my eyes? And I like my speaking skills.
want any piercings - I already have ear piercings, I might get more
blood type - O
nicknames - Ann, Anna, IDK what others call me
relationship status - Single and not ready to mingle
zodiac - Gemini according to Western, Rabbit according to Chinese and Uttara Phalguni according to the Hindu calender
pronouns - she/her fav TV shows - Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, Castle, Rizzoli & Isles etc
tattoos - I want to get....but then I won’t be able to donate blood
right or left handed - right-handed
ever had surgery - Almost...
sports - Tennis, Badminton, Chess
piercings - Already have ear piercings
vacation - Any place where my online friends are!
trainers - Black with pink laces
eating - Carrot Halwa
drinking - water
about to watch - John Oliver
waiting for - my writing burnout to go away
want - To get a decent sleeping schedule and pass my classes with at least a B
get married - Depends if I find a person who can tolerate me
career - To get into designing medical equipment or prosthetics to make them cheaper and more accessible 
hugs or kisses - Not Choosing
lips or eyes - Not choosing
shorter or taller - taller
older or younger - older
nice arms or stomach - Arms
hookup or relationship - Neither
troublemaker or hesitant - Troublemaker
kissed a stranger - no
drank hard liquor - no
lost glasses - Plenty of times
turned someone down - I need to be asked out to turn someone down
sex on first date - no
broken someone’s heart - Maybe my parents’ when they saw how I wasn’t able to cope with highschool
had your heart broken -You can’t break something that’s already broken
been arrested - no
cried when someone died - fictionally, yes; irl, no, because no one close to me has died yet 
fallen for a friend - hhhhhhhhhhhhh
yourself - I have to
miracles - Yeah but I don’t depend on them
love at first sight - not quite, more like attraction on first sight
santa claus - no
kiss on a first date - yes
angels - yes
best friend’s name - @shizuna610 IRL, and online... I guess @raven-rein and @thefictionalmy count!
eye colour - black-brown
fav movie - Mozhi, a Tamil film about a musician falling for a deaf and dumb girl. It’s one of my favourite rom-coms. 3 Idiots is also a good film.
fav actor - Not Western, but I really like Kamal Hassan and Aamir Khan
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The Stolen Throne in 15 minutes
I wrote this parody back in 2010 and it would be a shame if Livejournal dies with this mocking post, so have a re-post here on tumblr. I actually love Stolen Throne, but it’s not going to win a Nobel prize, that’s for damn sure.   REBEL QUEEN: *is slain *
MARIC, a Level 1 Prince: OH NOES! I can barely hold a sword and now I'm all alone on the run from the usurper! HELP! HELP!
LOGHAIN, a Level 56 Warrior, several miles away: I have a really bad feeling about this shit.
MARIC: HELP! HELP! *cracks the skull of random attacker * HELP! HELP!
LOGHAIN: Oh for fuck's sake. Come along, then.
LOGHAIN’S DAD: Like all good leaders of men in the DAO canon, I am somewhat reluctant to lead. Yet I do. I’m also quite classy if I may say so myself.
MARIC: Agreed! I dub thee, ser Loghain's Dad to a knight in my service. Now, go off and die protecting me!
LOGHAIN: What the hell?
LOGHAIN’S DAD: Son, in a very foreshadowing moment I will now ask you to put your emotions and personal desires aside and do as you must. Sure, it will seem really fucking grim but so will the rest of your life. Now off you go and protect the Prince with your life.
LOGHAIN’S DAD and EVERYONE IN CAMP: *dies protecting the Rebel Prince* --
MARIC: *suffers prettily*
LOGHAIN: I hate you so very much.
MARIC: Naaah.  
ENEMIES: *Attack!*
MARIC: Oh noes! *falls off horse/gets stabbed/is unconscious*
LOGHAIN: Okay, I can’t really hate you. It’s like hating a puppy.
MARIC: Told ya!
WITCH OF THE WILDS: Come boys, come...give me your semen. I mean, let me babble inexplicably off-screen about secret visions of mine...
MARIC: Oh, sure!
PLOT: *thickens *
LOGHAIN and READERS: Whatever.    
-- ROWAN: *dramatic entrance*
MARIC: Oh look, it’s my future Queen.
LOGHAIN: Oh look, she can actually hold her own in a fight! WELCOME! Don't ever leave!
ROWAN: I'm the Warrior Maiden of this story. But don't worry, fangirls, I won't stand in the way of slash, plot or have much of a personality. I rejoice in seeing you alive, Maric. It would be pointless to rebel without a prince after all. And you’re cute when you fall off horses.
MARIC: Did you say something? I can’t seem to focus on non-elven women. 
LOGHAIN: Oh, Maker, warrior women are so sexy. I like my women like I like my coffee,with a spoon in them hot and strong.
ROWAN: Sorry, did you say something? I can’t seem to focus on commoners.
ROMANTIC DRAMA: *is obvious * --   
ORLESIANS: *are Evil and Depraved even in their own POV-chapters*
LOGHAIN: See, this is what I keep saying! --
MARIC: *is endlessly fascinated with Loghain*
LOGHAIN: *teaches Maric how to use a sword*
MARIC: You make me a man!
LOGHAIN: You make me speak in semi-long sentences and open up my glum heart!
MARIC: I fanboy you so hard, there is nothing you cannot do! Here, have a pair of too tight leather trousers, for eh, plot purposes.
LOGHAIN: Who the fuck am I again? Fandom Draco?
MARIC: What? I don't sexualize you! Perish the thought!
ROWAN: I think I'm going to go for a walk. You two... hang out.
DAO FANDOM: Oh, look I wrote this multi-chaptered fic about how Alistair falls in love with my PC R'heaigh-Leihy-inneh Cousland, who is incredibly pretty! And then this long-ass sequel about their lives after the game, isn't that just so clever and romantic? It even has some NSFW bits!
-- ROWAN & LOGHAIN: *builds a small mountain of unresolved and badly written sexual tension*
KATRIEL: Hello. I am the Plot Device of this little story.
MARIC: OH MY GOD, AN ELF! *fans self *
KATRIEL: Indeed.
MARIC: Look, guys, there was an elf in my tent! She’s very pretty!
ROWAN: Yes, yes. Sooo, Loghain, maybe we should... duel. Just a little? Get the blood pumping, the adrenaline rushing… Nothing sexual about it, just to determine who’s the best…fighter?
LOGHAIN: I thought you’d never ask.
ROWAN & LOGHAIN: *fights*
LOGHAIN: *wins* I’m so sorry I hurt you! *angsts* And so incredibly turned on by the fact that you almost beat me.
ROWAN: I know, right. Now, let’s forget about the part where we are clearly perfect for each other because I am Maric’s.
LOGHAIN: Yes, duty first.
MARIC: *shags the elf*   
-- MARIC: *shags the elf*
ROWAN: *angsts*
LOGHAIN: *angsts*
ROWAN: I am so stupid and ugly and not an elf.
LOGHAIN: *mutters* I think you are beautiful.
ROWAN: No! Our UST must remain heavy on the U-part! For plot purposes!
LOGHAIN: He’s too stupid to breathe and yet I am the lesser man. Oh, this will define my character in many interesting ways, I’m sure! *storms off *
MARIC: Hey, where are you going?
LOGHAIN: I’m done now. You made it through the woods and it’s been eh,years
MARIC: But how can I make it one day without you? I've been taking self-preservation lessons from Bella Swan! I need a big, strong, dominant man to heal me sexually save me!
ROWAN: For true. I can't bloody take care of his emotional neediness all alone, please stay!
LOGHAIN: *angsts*
ROWAN: *angsts*
MARIC: *emo puppy*
LOGHAIN: Fine, I'll stay.
MARIC: I love you. Here, have a fancy title.
LOGHAIN: *kneels awkwardly* I love you, too. I swear to serve you well.
BATTLES: *a plenty *
MARIC: *is dumb*
ORLESIANS: *are evil and well-informed*
ROWAN: Loghain, we must – surprise, surprise – save Maric from a certain death! Someone who I'm sure my future king doesn't sleep with has told the enemies of our plans and we are overwhelmed and Maric will die!
LOGHAIN: I am a bit busy here, being the Commander and all. If we leave them they will die.
ROWAN: Surely you have realised by now that you are the one who will make all the harsh decisions that others can't bear and end up in a turmoil of politics you don’t master and internal fighting you care nothing for? I sure as hell don't want to make this decision, it's awful and I'm one of the Pure and Good Characters. Now, please tell me you will sacrifice my dad!
LOGHAIN: Oh, this will define my character in many interesting ways, I’m sure. 
MARIC: *emo puppy* I don't deserve to be saved. If this was a fanfic I'd be crying myself to sleep, listening to music that isn't invented yet.
LOGHAIN: There, there. One of my hidden talents is that I comfort very well.
MARIC: I second that awww.
ROWAN: Oh, me too! Me too! Now do me! I mean, in a non-sexy friendly kind of way.
LOGHAIN: Of course. Duty first.
MARIC: *shags the elf *      --
DEEP ROADS: *are cool*
KATRIEL: *knows a lot*
MARIC: *is not suspicious at all *
ROWAN & LOGHAIN: *headdesk* 
MARIC: Oh, and I love the not-at-all-suspicious elf, by the way.
ROWAN: Bastard.
LOGHAIN: What the hell? I've angsted over your future queen for well over hundred pages of Gaider-prose and you don't even love her. I will kill you in your sleep.
MARIC: *puppy eyes *
LOGHAIN: Fuck you.   --
ROWAN: *angsts*
LOGHAIN: Did I eh…mention that I comfort very well? Cause I do.
ROWAN: Comfort me! With hot, brooding sex! With gingerly sexings accompanied by our mutual tears, because we do cry an awful lot, all three of us.
LOGHAIN: I'm not the object of our mutual desire Maric.
ROWAN: Can you pretend? And glad I am to hear it!
LOGHAIN: Only if you do, too. Really?
ROWAN: Damn straight. Eh. Pun intended. Really, really.
DEEP ROADS: We bring the sexytimes like nothing else in the DAO canon!   --  
MARIC: Oh noes! Betrayal! It hurts! I love her so! She is so completely without a personality save being pretty and shady and into me! My dream girl!
LOGHAIN: Much like the PC can choose to do in the game version of our future, I am now picking the option to harden you. Everyone’s out for themselves. There you go. Harden up, bitch.
MARIC: But I’m such a gentle flower! Girls dig that.
LOGHAIN: Yes, indeed. I dig that, too, and this breaks my fucking heart. But life’s a bitch and then your mother gets raped and killed by Orlesians while you are forced to watch and you must give up the woman you love for duty and Ferelden and FOR FUCK’S SAKE, MAN, JUST GROW A SPINE SO WE CAN GET THIS SHIT DONE!
MARIC: *grows an insta-spine*
KATRIEL: Oh, crap.
MARIC: This moment defines me. *stabs her to death*
LOGHAIN: This moment defines me. *turns off emotions *
KATRIEL: I think I was informed of this plot because I wrote a really obvious good-bye letter, but whatever. I still die prettily and redeem myself in doing so while also making Loghain look extra cruel. A little something for everyone!  
ROWAN: We are, as always, the harsh pragmatists of this story. Or well, you are a harsh pragmatist while I may or may not act out of jealousy which really doesn't put me in a better light. Regardless, my heartless yet loving soulmate, why must it hurt so?
LOGHAIN: Because life’s a bitch and then-
ROWAN: Shut up!
LOGHAIN: *dark, brooding emo puppy*
ROWAN: You are the only one who can be allowed to see me weak. Which is quite touching.
LOGHAIN: It is. I see you as my equal, which also is hot and something that ought to be more present in fanfiction. Alas, for now I shall break up with you!
ROWAN: Look, the hardening quest is fun for like, five minutes, but for the rest of my life? COME ON! Why do I get to be Maric's consolation prize?
LOGHAIN: Well, life’s a bitch and-
DRAMATIC BREAK-UP: *is dramatic*
ROWAN: *cries*
LOGHAIN: *cries*
MARIC, in a different room: *cries*
ORLESIANS: And these people will overthrow our brutal occupation? I think not. --
ROWAN: I will hug you. I will also assume the role of your loving, forgiving and much-stronger queen. Such is my duty.
MARIC: Sexy.
ROWAN: Not particularly. Sexy just broke up with me.
MARIC: I killed sexy. I NEED A HUG!
ROWAN: This will get old very quickly. --
MARIC: I am hardened. It sucks. I suddenly have a spine, and I do things to further our goal.
LOGAIN: I am as surprised as the readers. And a bit guiltily conflicted about it but that's just going to be my personality from now on. So roll with it.
ROWAN: I am stuck with the elf-fetishist for the rest of my life, but hey, why mind me? I never had much of a personality to begin with and won't get a fanbase anyway.
PLOT: *is wearing a bit thin* Come on, get this book over with! --
LOGHAIN: I am very sexy as I lead my rebels in battle.
ROWAN: He is. The bastard.
MARIC: He surely is. And – wait for it - I seem to have found a few survival skills!
LOGHAIN & ROWAN: Praise the Maker! --
WAR:* is won in the epilogue*
ROWAN: *is dead in the epilogue *
LOGHAIN: *is miserable in the epilogue *
MARIC: *is a miserable king in the epilogue*
READERS: Wow, what a fun ride that was.
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Writober 2020 - 24 (ink)
Summary: Everyone loves a fan meet and greet, right? Well, Ray doesn’t, especially when she winds up on staff at her own event. What’s an idol supposed to do when her fans don’t show up? Apparently, the answer is manning the line so nobody acts up for her senpai. At least she’s useful that way.
(Sunburst Idol Unit)
“Hey, thanks for stopping by today!”
“You're going to be the next head of the Zodiac for sure, Lena-chan!”
Lena was all smiles as she finished shaking her fan's hand. “Here's hoping anyway. Keep your eyes out for me!”
Somehow, she made it look so easy.
Ray shook her head as she glanced at the line in front of her. All of them were wearing some form of red, and plenty were sporting bandannas. It was easy to see who they were here for, and just why they were waiting so long.
Thus... there she was helping out.
“Hey, next person c'mon up.”
Some kid not much older than her breezed past and started chatting with Lena about something related to school. Ray didn't really parse much of it as she kept her eye on the line. They were pretty full, so the time limit was strict today. While she wasn't quite Seiza Academy level bouncer, she could get the job done just fine.
As long as... you ignored she was technically part of this fan meet event as an idol and not staff.
Her own line was... empty. It had been since she had gotten there. Nobody had come to see her to get an autograph or to shake her hand. That last one she didn't mind all that much, but it was still … well, it sucked. There was no other way to put it besides the fact it fucking sucked and she hated standing there. But running away to the bathroom wasn't an option, and Lena needed the help. So she just pushed it down.
Later, when she got home... that wasn't going to be fun. Hooray, rejection sensitive dysphoria rearing its ugly head.
“Shoot, my pen's out of ink.”
Lena's voice carried over the din of the waiting crowd. Ray was already on it, reaching into her pocket in order to toss a new one. It was one of the red ones, not the pink one she kept in her left pocket. That one was hers.
“Heads up, senpai!”
Even though she had been a soccer player, her fellow idol caught it. “Thanks, Raychi!”
A few in the crowd gave her approving looks as she stepped back into her spot at the side of the line. Of course, it didn't exactly make them jump over to meet her, so that didn't really mean much. Luckily, Ray was good at projecting a neutral face as everything crumbled to pieces inside of her. Nobody was the wiser as she assumed the position.
Would it have killed them to come see her after, though? She wasn't asking for much...
It didn't matter. The line kept going, and fans kept wanting to meet their idol. Most of them were more than happy to abide by the rules. The few that didn't... well, a glare from her put them in their place just fine. No need to chuck people on their ass when a giant lesbian is watching the line.
If this idol thing didn't work out, she clearly had a future in crowd management. No doubt by the time she was fully grown she would even tower over the crowds back home. What that would make for her in Japan, she wasn't sure.
But she was happy to think about it. The alternative was just depressing.
“So uh... whose that other table supposed to be for? Is someone else from Seiza coming later?”
One of the fans with a bandanna around their neck was whispering to someone in a bright red t-shirt. They were both pointing over at her table, where a plain sign said that the line began a few feet behind it. Nobody was exactly running up to it, all things considered, so no doubt it probably looked weird.
T-shirt fan was more in the know as Ray tried to avoid the conversation by staring blankly ahead. “No... that's the line for Ray Jones. Guess nobody showed up.”
“Wait, is that why she's here? I thought it was just because Lena-chan knew she could keep people in line.” They had the nerve to glance her way, then look back just as quickly. Smart. “She's handling it pretty well, I'd be crushed if that was me.”
Bandanna nodded to this sentiment. “Same. Guess she's used to it.”
No, she was just good at faking it. Ray resisted the urge to grit her teeth as she motioned the next in line along. It probably made her look even scarier to those who would consider misbehaving, but maybe that was for the best. If she couldn't be an idol, at least she was a deterrent.
Once the clock struck 2, Lena got up. “Hey, everyone, I need to take a fifteen minute break so I can stretch my wrist and eat something! I'll be right back, so don't go anywhere!”
A large amount of fans responded with hopes she had a good snack break, to which they got a wave in return. Given the fact her own stomach was rumbling, Ray took this as a sign that maybe she should break too. She glanced at the line before shrugging her shoulders.
“Yeah, same...”
Nobody heard her as she headed off to where the vending machines were. She caught Lena in front of one, the idol happily feeding change into the slot so she could get her snack. Right then, she was in her own world as Ray stalked the machine that had Monster in it.
Was it healthy, no, but fuck it. With the day she was having she didn't feel like being healthy.
“Here, to thank you for helping me out.” Lena was nudging something into her side – looked like a cream cake. Ray was never one to turn down free food, so she accepted it as they sat down to eat their snacks. Much like her, her senpai wasn't being very healthy either – the sugar would've killed somebody, but she needed the calories.
Ray just needed something to do with her hands so she didn't punch a wall.
“Thanks.” She popped the top on her Monster and took a long sip. “Looks like you've got a full house going on out there. That'll make you look good to Seiza for the Zodiac ranking, right?”
Lena nodded as she drank from her can of soda. “Yeah, I think I should be heading up to the final three this week if I keep it up.”
“Kick her ass.”
She didn't know the evil Nana, of course, but if Lena hated her then she had to be bad. The idol didn't hate anyone, she was like a freaking puppy. Anyone who failed the love you test was pure evil, at least by her account. Then again, she wasn't exactly someone to go to for better judgment.
Much to her surprise, Lena's expression turned sheepish as she picked at her own cream bun. “Listen uh... I'm sorry that you had to stay behind. I know you have that thing with-”
Ray shook her head as she started to eat her own snack. “RSD isn't your problem, senpai. Nobody showed up for me, that's just how it is.”
“Yeah but at least you could've gone home or something. You're stuck here with me.” Lena was frowning now. “I appreciate and all, don't get me wrong... but I'm worried you're doing this to hurt yourself.”
As she spoke, she was flexing her ink-covered hands. They were both left handed, so ink smearing when they wrote was part of the job description. The side of her hand was absolutely scarlet – it was a miracle she wasn't getting it on her fans. Honestly, it kind of looked like a murder scene...
Ah. She was doing it again, wasn't she? Picking up on tiny details to ignore the thing that was actually bothering her.
Ray finally allowed herself to frown as she sipped at her energy drink that really didn't do much in the energy department. “Self harm isn't really in my pathology description, senpai.”
“Maybe not that, but... you know. You're really hard on yourself, I don't want you to do this as a punishment or anything.” Lena sighed as she finished her bun off and licked her fingers. “Though your fans are dumb if they don't come. Just plain dumb.”
That got her snickering into her drink. “Thanks, senpai.”
Their time was growing close to an end – she swore she could hear the muttering on the other side of the wall. So, Ray finished up her energy drink and tossed the can. Lena was right behind her, also disposing of her trash. After a quick trip to the bathroom to freshen up, both were walking back into the main hall.
“Hey, everyone, I'm back!”
Lena had shifted back into idol mode as she took her table once more. Ray returned to her position by a nearby column, arms folded across her chest as she leaned back. They still had plenty of fans to get through if they wanted to finish on time. No wonder the other staff were really harping on that time limit.
Speaking of... one was coming her way.
“What's up, need something?” She shifted positions, returning to her full height. To the woman's credit, she didn't cringe as much as others did. Definitely looked a little unnerved by the giant foreigner, but she covered it well.
Maybe they wanted her to move or work the merch or something...
“Oh, uh... we need you at your line.” She gestured towards a small line practically dwarfed by the bandanna-wearing army. “Your fans are waiting.”
Ray felt her heart pound in her ears as she managed a nod. Now, it was the staff leading her to her table, where the first person was already waiting for her. It was a girl, maybe a few years older than her, still wearing her school uniform. She had a bright pink bow in her hair that matched her image color perfectly, and in her arms was a rolled up poster.
Shit, she brought merch with her.
“Oh, uh... sorry it took me so long to get over.” She nodded her head. “Uh... wow. Hi?”
The girl smiled at her. “Am I the first?”
“Yeah... you are. Forgive me that I suck at this.” Ray rubbed the back of her head. “You uh, want me to sign that for you?”
The poster was unrolled – it was from her first single. Just seeing it on the table made her heart pound as she found a spot to sign her name in the neon pink pen she had brought with her. For once, the ink didn't smudge as she worked, sighing in relief once it was dry. She hadn't messed it up.
“Man, I was worried I was going to smear everything.” She handed it back. “Thanks for supporting me...”
Her school-girl fan giggled. “It's Nami.”
“Thanks, Nami. Way to restore my faith in humanity.”
They shook hands briefly, and then her fangirl moved on. However, Ray wasn't done just yet. A small crowd was starting to trickle in, some of them dressed as though they had just come from a mosh pit. All of them had something pink on – buttons, shirts, a few ribbons on people with hair long enough to hold it. They looked excited to be there as they stepped into line, talking animatedly. It wasn't quite the size of Lena's line... but it was hers.
She had fans.
The staff who had walked her to the table was back. “They printed the wrong time on the poster. Seiza corrected it, but nobody told Sunburst.”
Well... shit.
Despite that, Ray found herself snickering as she got her pink pen ready for more. “Well, then I better get started.”
Her next statement came loud enough for her line to hear. “Alright, y'all, you coming or what? Get your shit ready because I'm probably gonna babble a lot!”
She got cheers in response, and a few chuckles. While some of the red line looked disturbed, her pink party was down to clown. Ray definitely caught Lena smiling and giving her a thumbs up as she prepared for the next person in line, pen at the ready.
No doubt by the end of this, the side of her hand was going to be absolutely fluorescent pink. Well, at least a few people would get a hand print with their signature. That had to be worth something, right?
Hell if she knew the merch game, she was an idol. A very busy idol who now had to work her way through a fan event. Good thing she had a few extra pens in her jacket, because she got the feeling she was going to need them.
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bostonboy · 4 years
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Freeze Your Brain | In Conversation with Cooper Anderson
Sit down with our Westerburg High ‘cool guy’ and find out all the gossip from inside Heathers: The Musical, now running at The Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles.
Firstly, I have to ask, what’s your favourite number in the musical?
Without a question, I gotta choose Seventeen. It’s a phenomenal number. I get to stand on stage and watch Brie crush it. I just chime in every now and then with a few lines but she owns that song. [Oh yeah, she’s incredible as Veronica Sawyer] Right? It- It’s just so good. I’m a sucker for good harmonies and my job is easy, I’ve just got to keep up with Brie during that scene---  Honestly, I have the most fun on that song because there’s plenty of big belt notes which I love to hit. I just love the energy this scene creates. Veronica has such hope for this poor guy and is just like “dude come on, let’s just go be teenagers,” but yeah, JD isn’t that easy to deal with.
What was your audition process like?
Uh, well, heh. This has been sort of in the works for a long while. I took some time off earlier this year and well- uh. I got a call from my agent who was so excited that I barely caught the beginning of her sentence. She was just like “Cooper, you have to take this role, it’s incredible.” I should probably point out she’s a huge fan of the musical anyway. [So you took the role for your agent?] Ha, well, somewhat? I mean I’d been debating what to do once I returned to Hollywood. I’ve dabbled here, there and everywhere and when she said that I sort of just stopped and was considering it like .... yeah, yeah y’know what? I really f-in miss theatre. It’s such a rush. So I did a few sort of readthroughs with our amazing director to see if we had anything to work with here. [Turns out you did] Hah! Fortunately for me, yeah. So we were sat there with this amazing show, my dumb ass and a great director. I had some friends in theatre who I could recommend for other roles but we were stuck on Veronica. I’ve always been a huge believer of just putting open calls out and seeing what oppourtunities you can give to people. [Were you at the auditions?] Yeah, yeah I wasn’t there for the first ring of initial casting. I actually had a meeting that morning in the building across the street, our director text me and was saying how well it was going, so I just dropped by. Spent six hours there reading lines with all these amazingly talented women and there was just something about Brie, so we got our Veronica.
Now the musical centres around high school, what were your high school years like? Where did you attend? Were you the jock or the cool kid?
Hell no. Man you’re opening old wounds, haha. I grew up in Newton near to Boston. I went to Fenway High School. I wasn’t tall enough for football so I definitely wasn’t a jock. I did play soccer when I was in kindergarten but I wasn’t really into sports. I was the guy that was either in band or in the music rooms or drama department. I was already becoming established in the industry at that age, which was really weird. My Mom kept me in a public high school and I was told I had to manage both my career and school life. I was more the drama and music nerd, that’s where my love was in school.
Did you have a nickname in High School?
Yeah, Little Man. I was really short as a kid and had a loud mouth. Some of the seniors dubbed this little asshole with that name when he was trying to square up to them. Thankfully they just accepted me as a source of humour rather than throwing my ass in a locker. Which I saw plenty of growing up.
How has it been playing JD? How would you describe him?
Absolutely fucking insane. He’s so much fun to play. I go full psychopath in Meant to be Yours. Listen to Jamie Muscato- who by the way is incredible on the cast album, then think how much fun I get to have with that number. [Oh I know, you looked like you were having a blast] You saw it? That makes me so unbelieveably happy. It’s just a lot of screaming and gasping for breath, by the end I’m clawing for breath on the floor. I think it’s such a beautiful representation of the chaos in this poor kid’s mind. Dont get me wrong, he’s an absolute maniac but also he’s just been dealt such a bad hand in life. He lost his Mom, he’s got no friends, he’s been to like ten high schools, his father is good for nothing. Then the love of his life just walked out on him. He’s having a pure mental breakdown in this scene and the composers Laurence O’Keefe and Kevin Murphy really nailed that. [You have a lot of fun with all the energy of that song] Yeah he goes quick, slow, I also love how the beat runs and I can just play with it. Our conductor is a legend, he let’s me run that scene at my own pace.
How has backstage life been at The Dolby Theatre?
Nothing but smiles and good vibes. I won’t have it any other way. The cast know the drill by now, I call by every person before show time, I’m always one of the earliest on the call sheet. It’s jsut good to go by all the dressing rooms, see my friends. I love calling in a makeup, they- heh. Fun fact, I’m incredibly ticklish so even though I have the least amount of make up in the entire cast, I’m a nightmare to put in the chair. Another fun fact, they have to airbrush my tattoos so when my coat rides up my wrists, it doesn’t show them. I’m used to that, I played Elder Price who has short-sleeved shirts. I just can’t cope so I have a set time, they get me done in twenty minutes then practically throw me out of there as fast as they can. Wardrobe are great too. I just go in and complain that I’m too hot in that coat all the time. I request if JD can have a summer vaction look as we are in Los Angeles. That request hasn’t been fulfilled quite yet. It’s just fun, everyone get along. Most of the time I’m in my room on the PlayStation or I’m doing my best to irritate Brie.
You have ten seconds to plug whatever you want.
Only ten? Wow, okay. No pressure. Please check out two charities I hold really dear to my heart. St Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Mind. They’re both incredible charities that do amazing things. There’s more information on my website if you forget those names between now and then- look I’m well aware this is over ten seconds- can you guys link them below or something? You can? Awesome. Yeah. That’s all I got then. Thank you for having me.
      ----- Catch Cooper Anderson playing JD in Heathers: The Musical -----
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