#not even joking it’s really lovely to see them have such compatible preferences
// n$fw
Wei Wuxian loving being manhandled, loving riding Lan Wangji because it’s the position Lan Wangji hits him deepest, Wei Wuxian producing his own slick, teasing Lan Wangji that their “everydays” will lead to Wei Wuxian getting pregnant, him acting like a total brat to get Lan Wangji to snap and be as rough as he can…I love this ridiculous brat of a bottom.
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jadeacereigen · 7 months
Why I see Reigen as asexual
This is a very self-indulgent post, but it's his birthday today and I wanted to compile all the things about Reigen that make me see him as a fellow ace.
Please don't take this list too seriously! None of these are This Is Canon signs and some of them are just jokes. Also, it's pretty hard to find evidence of asexuality barring a character explicitly saying "hey i never feel sexual attraction" so bear with ne here.
1. That Scene With Dimple
Yeah, we all know the scene.
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"But does love always have to come with sexual desires?" -Reigen Arataka
This is what almost asexual person asks at some point. It's just such an asexual quote. Society often conflates the two things as inherently hand-in-hand, but that's not true for everyone!
2. He never shows attraction to anyone
Now of course, the story is not primarily focused on him, and he's usually with Mob so he probably wouldn't be flirting in front of him. But there aren't even MOMENTS of him showing a smidge of attraction to other people, even when we see his life without Mob's presence. It really stands out in comparison to other goofy mentor figures in manga/anime who are commonly portrayed as hopeless flirts.
3. He's never been in a relationship before
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When asked about his past romantic experiences in the official fanbook, he pretends he's had plenty of passionate romances and then describes a scene from Titanic before saying "Marriage is one of the countless types of lifestyles you can choose. It's best if everyone does whatever they want." So basically, despite being 29 years old at the time of the fanbook, he has had no significant romantic experiences and doesn't see himself getting married. (Even if he might be interested, as I'll explain in the next point.)
This is not exclusive to asexuality of course but it's a very common sentiment for ace people imo
4. He doesn't think he can be in a relationship
In Confession Arc, he has no idea how to ask someone out and has to cheat while giving advice to Mob. He also tells Serizawa afterward that if anyone saw him for who he really was, they'd turn him down right away.
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But then, at least in the manga, he says that he hopes he can be in a relationship where he and his partner "can exist without distorting each other". So I think he does want to be in a relationship, he's just way too insecure about himself for many, many reasons.
I like to think one of these reasons is because he is asexual. It's a struggle for allo aces to find someone whose sexual preferences are compatible with ours, and yet it remains important to maintain our boundaries (aka not distort ourselves).
5. His anime outfit has ace flag colors
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I mean. Gray, white, pink purple...
6. His reaction to a porn virus
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Look at the face of this poor asexual man who spent an entire night trying and failing to get rid of a porn virus...
7. He is asexual
He is just asexual hope this helps (:
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aspd-culture · 9 months
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First off, you have some *really* inaccurate ideas of what ASPD is. Do you think we can survive in the world acting like you expect me to act? Far more often, pwASPD appear detached and callous rather than actively hostile the way you're saying. We aren't 12 year old kids on Xbox Live voice chat, * s p o o k y voice* we are all around you. You wouldn't be able to pick most of us out of a crowd, even if you had direct interaction with us. In fact, a running joke here and in my real life is that people often tell pwASPD "don't worry, I can sniff out a s*ciop*th a mile away" or similar not realizing they're talking shit about us to our face.
There *are* pwASPD who are still entirely valid who act the way you're saying - and also plenty of prosocials who behave like that too. But it isn't all of us, all the time. Most of us are capable of and maybe even prefer to be cool, calm, and calculated about how we speak and act because of the trauma we have.
Unlike people on TV like Dr. House, there are real life consequences to the behavior you describe, and many of us strive not to be happy, but for life to be as convenient as possible. Kinda hard to get convenience while you're pissing everyone off. Ever heard the part of ASPD where they mention we are manipulative and charismatic? Yeah that isn't exactly compatible with being crass, careless, pranking, or offensive. Careless actually specifically bothers me because we are often said to "play a social chess game" with people we talk to. Many of us are extremely calculating and overly cautious. And many of us aren't, but it certainly isn't like you're saying all the time. Even pwASPD who *do* act like that usually are calm and "respectful" sometimes.
Also, I never claimed to be unmasked on this blog. Most of the time, I am absolutely masking to some degree - although much less than IRL. You can actually see that in the tags, I use "a rare unmasked aspd-culture" as a joke about this fact. Whilst this is a safe place for other pwASPD to unmask if they'd like, my posts on this blog are different. My side of this is helping educate people - prosocial, antisocial, whoever - if/when they have questions for me about ASPD which is fairly frequent. This isn't to say I am not ok with unmasking here, like I said it's happened before, but consider the context of what's happening.
I'm often asked genuine questions about ASPD, some of which are ableist (almost always on accident!) and many of which are based on extremely common misconceptions. If I were to unmask while answering those, I would end up being really shitty to people who are trying to learn - often people who want to do better for the pwASPD in their life, or for themselves. We talk about coping mechanisms and the development of ASPD a lot here; with those topics there is little room for my unmasked behavior *and* education. If I were to unmask while answering, no one would be getting anything out of asking those questions even if I was providing info because it's hard to take in new information from someone when they're being defensive or hostile.
I don't want to be hostile towards them, I want to help because if ASPD is ever going to be destigmatized, someone has got to answer their questions and help show them what it is and what it isn't! We can't expect prosocials to fend for themselves in the cesspool of stigma that the typical google results on ASPD show - someone has to help them. And since one of my special interests (something autistic ppl like myself have and love to infodump about) is mental health, especially my own disorders, I am happy to be one of the people they can ask these sometimes tough questions to.
I am also helping pwASPD! Many questions I get are people trying to understand their own disorder or the disorder they think they might have. It sucked for me, learning this all on my own (and I'm still learning too), so I can use the cognitive empathy I've taught myself over the years and remember the feelings I went through when I was trying to find unbiased info.
There's a transaction here - a major part of ASPD if you didn't know - I calmly and respectfully answer people's questions, and the world becomes slightly less ignorant and we get a slight amount of progress on destigmatizing this disorder. That makes my life easier too. In the process, I see many culture asks that remind me I'm not alone in this. Often, posting those gives me some catharsis, and you will sometimes see me going off in the tags about what I've dealt with. But for the most part, I'm giving other pwASPD an open space to unmask as well as to ask questions to someone who will, 95% of the time, give a masked and respectful answer. Friendly is a stretch tho lol unless you missed the original post about the syscourse that you commented this on.
So yeah, long and short, you're definitely missing something here and that's ok. Just learn and do better. I know you might see that as another thing that is flying in the face of ASPD or whatever, but it's no skin off my back if you think I have ASPD or not, and anyway I'd rather you just learn and maybe next time someone says something like that to/around you about ASPD, you'll have the knowledge to correct it. Spreading info is an exponential situation - once I tell you guys things, some of you will inevitably tell someone else that, and so on and so forth until a good handful of people now know things about ASPD they didn't before. If not, oh well. I got to infodump and see relatable posts that made me feel seen.
Either way, it's been, and hopefully will continue to be, a net positive. You are absolutely welcome to keep this dialogue going if you have questions, want clarification, are enraged that I gave you a calm response, whichever. Even if you don't get anything out of this, someone else seeing it might.
I'll really fuck with you now - I genuinely hope you have a good day.
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mk-writes-stuff · 2 days
OC Interaction Tag
Rules: describe an OC of yours, then describe how that OC would interact with the OCs of the people who tagged you
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks and @illarian-rambling for the tags!
Kaylin’s OC: Maddie is an 11-year-old girl who is quiet, curious, and a bit of a risk-taker. She's generally well-liked but isn't sure why people like her. She fidgets and squirms and likes to remain active, especially with her hands. She's a STEM kid through and through, loving each letter in the acronym. Maddie takes things apart, such as pens, to see how they work and eventually joins her school's robotics club. She believes in direct fairness - will match your tone with her - and gets a little upset if she is misunderstood, which is often, since she thinks she's straightforward. Her honesty leads to her being nosy, as she believes everyone should be open. Maddie is an animal shapeshifter, and enjoys the physical sensation of morphing as well as pushing her limits a little too much. She's a gamer who prefers consuls with buttons and enjoys old sci-fi shows and modern cartoons. Despite not quite understanding emotions, she does try to be there for the people she cares about, and usually tries to defuse a serious situation with a little joke.
Katie’s OC: Astra DuClaire is a 25 year old witch. She was too poor to get a proper education, so she snuck into lecture halls and bribed her way into labs to learn her trade, eventually taking on the specialty of runic mechanics. After learning all she could, she slapped some steel baba yaga legs on a vardo wagon and began her business as a traveling mage in the sketchy land of her birth. As a person, the first thing one would notice about Astra is her arrogance. She's prideful to a fault when it comes to her magic, though this is mostly a front to cover up some deep insecurities regarding her lackluster education. She loves helping people, is hungry to learn new things, and has a deep, angry sense of social justice. She believes all people have inalienable dignity. In her dialog, she's coarse and has a raunchy saying for every occasion. It doesn't matter that she's five nothing, her argumentative streak stretches into next week and she will be a bitch about it. But as angry as she can be, she has just as big a capacity for wonder and love. Her hobbies include tinkering, embroidery, and pirating music.
My OC: Stellaris is a disliked nobleman, the younger brother of Sixth Station head Cassiopeia. He’s a scrawny-looking blond man with big purple eyes who wears shabby nobleman’s clothing and has a permanently flat affect. Stellaris is autistic, which makes him unpopular among nobles due to his complete inability to understand social cues and perform social niceties such as eating food he dislikes because it was offered to him. He has a kind heart but struggles to express it and communicate well to others. His special interest is history and he loves telling others about it and asking them about anything they know about it, but he doesn’t mind taking turns talking about interests if people are willing to take their turn listening to his. He is extremely blunt and honest at all times, even when it might come across as rude, although he frequently doubts or disparages himself because of how people have treated him.
How Stellaris and Maddie would interact: I think they’d get along very well! Stellaris wouldn’t understand Maddie’s interests, but he’d be happy to listen to her talk about her interests and tell her what he knows about Seven Stations technology, which I think she’d really enjoy. He’d definitely want to tell her about his interests and would be delighted to know that she’s from what he considers historical times and would probably ask her a bunch of questions. I think their communication styles are really compatible, he wouldn’t mind her being a bit nosy and trying to be straightforward. She might end up mimicking his tone and accidentally talking way louder than she should out of a misinterpretation that he was yelling at her (he tends to talk a bit too loud), but I think they’d get along despite this.
How Stellaris and Astra would interact: Honestly, I think she’d scare him at first. Astra has a very forceful personality that I think he’d find intimidating. I feel like Astra would initially find him a bit weird but would quickly figure out that there’s a lot more to him than his “strange�� mannerisms and take a liking to him. I think if he ever talked about how the other nobles treat him, she’d get really angry on his behalf and he’d take a whining to that real fast. He’d start off just doing what she told him to because he’s a bit afraid of her, but I think he’d start chatting with her after she realized she wouldn’t hurt him. After that, I think they’d talk a lot about their interests, and he’d interrogate her about her life too, because her life reminds him a lot about history. He might accidentally pry a bit far and get her to bristle by asking about something she’s sensitive about, but he’d apologize profusely enough that I think she’d be willing to let it go.
I love this game! I hope y’all like the interactions, lmk what you think of them :)
@elsie-writes @rkmoon @televisionjester y’all want to play?
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brooklynislandgirl · 16 days
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I will have to go with Jo's answer here and say every ship I have has something about it that makes it my OTP, something unique to us and our partner/their muse. And I don't want anyone to feel excluded or unloved or less loved than anyone else. I do think because she was literally created side by side with @morgansmornings that they share a deep bond that is both familial and the deepest sort of friendship. They are family. They are transcendent.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Platonic, familial, and romantic are all on the table with discussion ooc, time, and development. I will do pre-established on the first two but Beth is demisexual/quoiromantic, with a leaning toward sapioromantic. Meaning it takes bonding with someone before she even feels anything 'below the belt' so to speak, and doesn't really understand/distinguish the difference between romantic/platonic feelings, treating them both in the same way, but she does have a very slight preference toward people who can engage her mentally, and seduce her with their awkward intelligence. Toxic ships can be a thing with huge boundaries. The boundary is how comfortable with you as a friend, ooc, regardless of what we are writing. Currently I will be willing to do toxic with: Mischa/Larry { @thebiggestlies }, My Dear Prince and Ionaka {and potentially Na Baron Feyd Rautha @nightmarefuele }, Shades of Ben { @kylo-wrecked }. And I live for the hate-ship of Lorcan and Beth with @macdiari, whose mun is totally one of my bffs which makes it funnier. We can have meetings about the rest. Dubcon/non-con, etc...has to be plotted to within an inch of its life, I don't care what Beth says.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? Age is not a really a thing with Beth when it comes to her significant other as long as they are a little over 'of age' {18-21}. She has literally one ship where this isn't the case and her paramour is 15 and she's 25...and it isn't what many people would assume, both of them are broken hearted. This a unique situation with @macdiari. Beth does have a penchant for older partners. Let the 'daddy issue' jokes commence.
Are you selective when shipping?
I would say yes. I only ship with chemistry. And by that I mean myself and the mun as much as the muses. Shipping requires a delicate balance between interest, trust, compatibility, goals... writing something fictional that isn't just pwp is not unlike building a real-life relationship. I want to get to know the other mun. I want us to have in-jokes, I want for us to be comfortable talking about everything and anything even if we might not always agree. I want us to be friends, first.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I guess I follow the TV guidelines. We can write up to a certain point but once there's body parts that you wouldn't see on network television, it should probably get a tag. I don't care if there's a read more {I will occasionally do that for terminally long posts}, if my partner is more comfortable with one, great. If they prefer it on a different blog, awesome. If you want to write it on discord? Go ahead and add me, fren. I try to faithfully tag certain things because Beth is just...wrong and a lot of her hobbies and interests tend to be really morally questionable at best.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Beth tends to be drawn to people who are neurologically divergent, biologically divergent, other-worldly, empowered, and the like. She is drawn to those who are lonely, othered, or unusual because there is so much in them she sees in herself. And if Beth happens to fall in love, she is neither likely to mention it, nor does she expect for the feeling to be returned. For Beth, love is love. So if you see someone on my dash, unless it's brand new just met you, know that they are cared for, and will always be someone important. As I consider every mutual mun and their muse{s} as some kind of relationship {platonic, familial, romantic, or enemy...I can't really list *every* blog. Sorry.}
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
I mean it's nice to be asked, so at least I know in broad-strokes what sort of relationship you, the other person, might like but also the fiction can often dictate the course of how things go :)
How often do you like to ship?
I am not gonna lie. I love watching and writing how Beth interacts with people. How she slowly starts to unfold around them and what leads her to becoming involved with other folk.
Are you multiship?
Yes. And multiverse, too. One of the best things is when you have a multi-verse partner and get to see how your ships and theirs change from friends to other things, depending what verse your in, and how everyone can make a community with that information.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more or less. I love it as much as the next person but that's not the sole purpose of my blog.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I am still waiting for Olivia and Elliot to get married. IYKTYK.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Let me know what you want? Be patient. We'll talk boundaries, desires, needs, and build it/grow it as it goes.
Tagged by: my darling @betwitchingbaker
Tagging: Heave ho, thieves and beggars....
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Hi! I’d like to request a matchup with a character from Baldur’s Gate 3 if that’s okay! <3
my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic. I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and brown hair, I have a mullet with blue strands. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. I wear lots of rings and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation I’m not afraid to stand up for myself but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. All my friends tell me I’m very smart, I get very good grades and I do well in school. I also try to help my friends with study and school as much as possible. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are, receiving, physical touch and words of affirmation and giving, quality time and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
have a great day :)
A/N: Ooh, okay! Because you submitted a second asking clarifying you had no gender preference, I’ve just gone ahead and picked the person I think is best suited for you. So for you @sapphirest0nes , I’m thinking your best romantic matchup would be… Gale!
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☸ Gale would be a great fit for you! I see Gale as someone who’s demisexual/graysexual and biromantic. This makes him much more likely to understand your sexuality and to be very accepting of it. I also categorize him as an ENTP, which makes him very compatible with your ESFJ. You’re both extroverted and fairly people-oriented. There are notable differences, however… Where you tend to be more organized and sort of traditional in your thinking/processing, he is more creative/unconventional. It may strike you as odd at first, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as it will show you a wider perspective. His NT also means he’s more ‘in his head’ than other types, but as you mentioned, your friends tell you you’re very smart, and you do well in school. These qualities of intelligence will further attract him to you, as someone with NT believes the element of intellectual connection is just as important as the romantic one. As a Gemini, you may find you see with two lenses- one that is more adventurous and outgoing, and one that’s more reserved. This is a plus to Gale as he sort of walks that line of over-achieving and contemplative. 
He really likes your style, the sort of vintage/fairy thing. He was drawn to a goddess previously, so the sort of fairytale, fantastical component of your fashion is something he’s very much attracted to. He also admires the edge of your more grunge looks, mainly because he doesn't have one lol. It makes people think twice about messing with you and it's nice to feel sort of protected in a relationship. And he likes your fascination with rings. Granted he may ask to absorb the magic out of them, while the issue of the orb in his chest is still a thing, but he also likes how they look on your fingers. And he likes how he feels more sophisticated and cultured when he wears the ones you share with him. 
Gale doesn’t require a babysitter- he has Tera for that. But he does enjoy how you watch out for him. Besides his tressym, very few people have had his best interest at heart. Gods know Mystra certainly didn’t. He thinks it's so sweet of you to care about his comfort and to want to take care of him to a degree. He thinks you’re so wonderful, he often has doubts about deserving you. But when you remind him how much you love him by going out of your way to make him feel better, he knows your love is real. He does wish, however, that you’d let him try and take care of you more often. He knows you’re very responsible, but he wants to do for you what you do for him. Let him pamper you one day. Let him give you an evening or afternoon that’s all about you. He wants you to feel as loved and appreciated as he does. When you light up when he gives you something, or after he says one of his many puns, it makes him think he might just be worthy of your affection. 
He loves to make you laugh. Well, he tries very hard to make you laugh. He’s not the greatest comic, but he does enjoy a good pun or play on words. He knows he isn’t the smoothest talker, but that’s okay. He just really wants to see your beautiful smile when you tilt your head back and laugh at his attempts- all in good fun, of course. 
He’s a huge admirer of how determined you are, being quite the determined student himself. The two of you can spend hours just pouring over your respective texts, nestled quite close, studying together in silence. It may not look like a fun date to others, but it’s special to the two of you. 
He loves listening to music with you. And he’ll gladly accompany you to any orchestra or recital. It makes his day when you light up, talking about all the different aspects of theater and live performance that you know yourself. He feels like he’s been given a backstage pass or some sort of super secret insider knowledge thanks to you. 
He’s not the hugest fan of horror, or scaring oneself intentionally. But he will do his best to endure it for you. Just don’t take it personally if he runs out of the room after a jump scare only to send back an astral projected version of himself. He wants to enjoy it with you, truly. But scary things are just not for him. Maybe try reading him more mystery-type stories with elements of horror, he’d probably be more interested in those. 
Overall he thinks you’re wonderful. You’re kind and smart and have a level head on your shoulders. You appreciate his wit and you laugh at his jokes. You’re the best thing to ever happen to him. Gale knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he’s the luckiest man to be able to have you. 
Please Like & Reblog!
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The Polly/Oz Shipping Post for Personal Mental Well-Being
It's been one of those past couple days, and frankly I'm in need of a break from... well a lot of thoughts. I've not been absorbing some stuff well. I'd normally slip into Gwenpool stuff, but at the moment that's kinda being a mental drain. So, I need to focus on something positive and happy and anything that makes me smile and- oh look Polly and Oz of Monster Prom!
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For something that is not technically canon in any respect, because Monster Prom's canon is whatever the hell you want it to be relationship wise, Polly and Oz have always spoke to me as the S-Tier Romance of the game. Sure, many people ship Oz with Damien and Polly is... well I'm not sure who is preferred. I've noticed at least one person goes REALLY hard for Polly and Vicky. Regardless both and all Monster Prom ships, regardless of popularity are equally valid. This isn't a definitive statement about canon because right now canon isn't always the answer for me. Even though a lot of Monster Prom's promotional material likes to show Polly teasing Oz in an overtly flirty manner, that isn't a definitive statement about the creator's preferences. They've had Oz decide to date Zoe in a Monster Road Trip trailer, it means nothing. (Although Zoe is fricking awesome and is my second romance choice behind Polly) What matters most in Monster Prom, at least to me, is emotional connection and compatibility. I think it's the same for, well, frankly a lot of ships.
So this is a bit of Fandom Mentality self-care where I talk about why I've written in my mind that Polly and Oz make the most sense for romantic partners. Because I love them a lot and I find them cute and I think it just makes sense. So... let's start.
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So, Oz... why do I main Oz so much is probably the real question I should be asking myself? Maybe because they fit the most with me and my high school experience. Oz is an extreme introverted, nervous social outcast. Everything about his dialogue and actions we can see him doing in the game suggests he is a mega nerd, a good student and, quite frankly, at the bottom of the Spooky High totem pole. Like I was.
I'm not a Vicky who was bold and outgoing, I'm not a Brian who was aloof and tried to coast, I'm certainly not Amira, the fiery bad girl. No, I was Oz, perpetually afraid of high school even as I took the work seriously but constantly wanted to get out of there because it was a fucking pressure cooker!
The difference between me and Oz is obvious, THEY are some kind of amorphous shadow creature who, apparently, is the embodiment of fear. He's probably older than even Liam. He's quite possibly super powerful. And his little imaginary friends who he uses to try to cope are real, they're those little phobias who pop up around him and do cute things. And yet, they choose to be THIS, they choose to be this scared high schooler who is insular, lonely looking and desperate for love/affection. At the very least he seems to WANT acceptance. Like most of the super thirsty monsters among the main characters of the game. I identified with that a lot. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, he's clearly lonely and probably not always in the best place mentally as he tries to navigate a high school that he probably doesn't need to be in. Honestly, none of the monsters need to be there though, I mean... they don't exactly LEARN anything there as far as I can tell. I'm not even sure if they have a full staff of teachers or if most of them are just jokes.
So I've always just seen Oz as my closest facsimile to my High School experience, at least in terms of how it felt, terrified of everything and wondering if I even belonged there. So while I like the other characters, Vicky and Brian especially, I always felt more connected to Oz as a result. I know this sounds like "He/They are Literally Me FR", but it's more... I just can more easily place myself into Oz's headspace and emotionally connect with him to a degree. I don't think I'd make all the choices he does, but I can certainly understand him the most out of all the characters in the cast.
When the eventual Monster Prom Reverse is released, I fully expect Oz's character will be better fleshed out. If he hasn't been already in those Monster Road Trip sequences where he can be a hitchhike passenger. This is mostly just my interpretation based on what I've seen. This is the unique thing about Monster Prom shipping when it involves anything with the MCs. A lot of it is speculation and, a little if not a lot, of self-insertion. So it's best to always keep that in mind. This is a dating sim after all, fantasy wish fulfillment is inevitable, it's something even the game criticizes about itself a lot. That a lot of this is very silly and stupid and unrealistic in terms of actually setting up a real relationship with someone, especially a romantic one. It's why it usually doesn't take itself too seriously. Which is epitomized by, who else...
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Polly Geist, the ghost party girl who I'd call the face of Monster Prom if I didn't think Damian could arguably be just as much at this point, at least Tumblr wise. Polly is still super popular though and its easy to see why. She funny, fun, cool, extremely sex positive, her outlook is very progressive, lighthearted and she is herself... sexy as hell. She's just a really fun character and it's hard not to enjoy any of her scenes on their own.
Whether she's pulling pranks with Scott, (Well, mostly leading Scott into pulling pranks because the dude is too stupid and nice to know how to do them) starting food fights by flashing people, causing general mayhem in the pursuit of advancing the science of partying or scamming you into performing a nonsensical sex act, Polly is highlight of Monster Prom. Even when she's too drunk to know what's going on, or high, or drunk and high, Polly is the afterlife of the party... which goes on forever from her perspective because she's dead. And yet despite that she is the love interest in Monster Prom who loves life the most and refuses to not spend it to its fullest. You have to admire that level of extroverted joy.
But Polly is not a superficial party girl, she might be dead and therefore removed from all consequences of her lifestyle, but she isn't a shallow sex obsessed ghost. She has actual depth, probably the most out of the other main love interests, barring maybe Vera, but that's mostly because of her sisterhood with Valerie gives her some much needed motivation beyond just being an evil criminal mastermind/capitalist. (Although I imagine a few people would say there's little difference between the two professions) Polly's depth is ALL hers. Because this is the thing... Polly's Forever 22, Stupid and Partying attitude? It's a front.
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Oh she doesn't actually HATE partying, sex or drugs. She loves and is ALL about that. That's as much who she is as anything, but she plays up the idea that she's an idiot... when she's far from anything. Polly is actually an accomplished MASTER Chess player, a highly advanced gaming skill level that requires a lot of forward thinking and strategizing. She really good at Chemistry, mostly because it enables to make her own drugs, but Chemistry is a highly analytical field involving math, problem solving and attention to detail. Her favorite field of study though is literature, Classic Russian Literature in the vein of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. This is reflected in one of the Pre-Game Skill Boost choices, where the FUN option (Which is Polly personified) involves making a movie that has several of the most famous Russian Novelists going off on a Hangover-style adventure.
The point is, Polly isn't an idiot. She's actually highly intelligent... so why does she act like a fool? Because... she wants to. She wants to spend her afterlife how she most desires. That doesn't preclude her other interests of course, she still loves chess, chemistry and "War & Peace", but she's capable of more than just those nerdy pursuits. She pushes herself to remain highly socially, outgoing, never allowing her love of life to dim even in death. And she just doesn't want to advertise, I think, her more intellectual pursuits. Likely because she doesn't want to appear above all of that, as better than the people she cares about, because she does care about people.
Scott is probably her best friend, as a Fellow Prank Masterz (With a Z). And Scott IS an idiot, like a complete idiot. Look up the word Himbo in the dictionary and you find his face. He might be a lovable genuinely nice werewolf jock... but he is very clearly a dumbass. But Polly will spend time with him, why? Because she's enjoys his company, she enjoys being with him and pulling pranks. She never considers being more intelligent than him as something to lord over Scott. She might easily lead him into some situations, but she never wants to make him feel inferior to her.
And that attitude extends to other people, like Kale. You might know him as the plant guy, as well as the Asexual/Aromantic character of the game. He has no interest in sex or romance... but Polly hangs out with him and smokes weed with him anyway. When your character tries to seduce Kale (albeit you do not know he is an ace at the time) Polly is irate with you for making shit weird. It's very clear Polly understands and respects personal boundaries. She'll tease people, try to make them come out of their shells, open up, live a little... but if she knows that someone is not interested she won't push things. Kale is a friend and despite being a flirty party girl, she does not do anything to jeopardize that with him.
There's a lot I could on with about Polly honestly, her friends with benefits relationship with Faith of the Coven, her sunny friendship with the cold Vera, her seemingly really good organizational skills for setting up an Orgy... but at some point I'd just be arguing that Polly is best girl and that's not why we're here. I'd just wanted to lay this all out so we better understood who Polly is.
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So why with Oz? I'd be lying if there wasn't some sort of wish fulfillment element to it. Like I said, a lot of dating sims fall into this category and Monster Prom doesn't pretend its any better, it's just trying to acknowledge it and offer a different take on it. So the idea of a popular party girl falling for a neurotic nerd who's afraid of everything is no doubt appealing to me on a personal level, but I like to think there's more to it. If only so my enjoyment of this pairing isn't completely concieted sounding.
Here's the deal, Polly's obvious flirting with Oz, pushing his buttons, taking an interest in him, is clearly an effort to get him to come out of his bubble and enjoy things. To not be so scared to live life. I don't think any of it is pushy though, it's mostly knowing looks, brushing her hands along sensitive spots, she's gentle about it. She never seems to be forcibly pushing Oz to leave his safe space, but urging him to try.
The idea that Oz would be willing to try, because this crazy hot ghost girl takes an interest in him is... well frankly cute in both respects. Him because he's willing to take a risk for personal self-growth. Her because she seems to be doing this without any concept of a reward. She's not overtly trying to get in his pants and I don't think she's maliciously messing with him, playfully yes, but she clearly doesn't have sinister designs to make a fool of him. She's just decided Oz could use the chance to escape his box and she'd like to be the lockpick... and knowing her she'd probably make that into innuendo, but that's just Basic Polly at that point.
But why would Polly be interested in Oz romantically? We can already discern why Oz would be. Polly is a sexy fun party girl, she seems to take an interest in him despite having the pick of the litter. Finding out her hidden depths would like only make Oz like her more, although I suspect he'd be concerned that he thought less of her for a bit. Ultimately Polly is designed, like all the love interests, to illicit this response with ANY of the main characters you can play as. The thing that makes it different, special with Oz is that his personality as the shy nerd boy makes their match with the outgoing party girl appealing aesthetically. But why would Polly be into Oz?
Well those hidden depths I mentioned are part of it to a degree. Polly's intellectual pursuits never held her back. She probably doesn't want the same for Oz. Although I feel their more calm, collected and less extroverted nature would give Polly an anchor that she probably sometimes needs. While she is good at knowing when to stop, what her limits are and should be, let's not kid ourselves, like everyone at Spooky High, Polly has a tendency to go overboard to an extreme degree. Like, one of her endings involves the literal apocalypse so... yeah. Polly could use a tether and she probably wants that to some extent. Both for reasons I'll explain soon and reasons I've already stated. Polly likes to know when she is crossing a line because she isn't outwardly malicious, she doesn't want to hurt people in her pursuit of fun. Polly only ever gets mad if you're ruining her fun by being boring or just by being a jerk to people she thinks don't deserve it. And Oz likely knows better at times what lines she doesn't want to cross herself.
Another part of it is who Oz is himself, besides seeing some things in him that are like her, Oz doesn't come across as the kind of person who would consider Polly as just another sexy girl they can bag. Oz very clearly respects Polly, that's what a lot of the point of the events that can lead to dating of the love interests in the game are about, respect. Respect for yourself and respect for the person you want to be with, understanding who they are and appealing to those aspects, showing you're willing to meet them at their level. In my mind, if anyone would respect Polly as a person rather than just a shallow sex kitten a lot of people sometimes see her as, it would be Oz.
And this is because... well Oz himself, or themself, isn't all they appear to be. They are, after all, the embodiment of fear. As I alluded to, Oz does not seem to fit in Spooky High in any sense. He's probably more of an Eldritch than even Zoe. At least Zoe has a recognizable form as basically an adorable version of some sort of Lovecraft Mythos Tentacle Beast. Oz is some sort of shadow creature. Some people have assumed he's like Slender Man or something to that effect. An SCP that's gone rogue and decided to attend high school. He should not be intimidated by anything here. Although I imagine, if anything could make a shadowy creature that is the living concept of fear itself quake in terror, it would be high school. Oz doesn't strike me as someone who sees people as what they are on the outside. Oh imagine he would be shocked to see how different Polly is on the inside, but he's not going to let that completely deter him. If nothing else I think Oz is a very determined shadow creature. Why would he keep up this appearance of a pathetic frightened geek? Maybe because he is genuinely frightened, maybe he has other motives, maybe he's just doesn't want to be defined by what the world says he has to be. But I am certain that, at the very least, he chooses to be what he is now as much Polly chooses to be what she is now. In a strange way, they're both seemingly living an afterlife... or different life.
As a sort of aside, there is something to be said on a mythic level too of a ghost, a spirit typically meant to evoke fear in people of the inevitability and permanence of death, and a creature that is the literal personification of fear itself, falling in love. A spirit that was once mortal and a being that has just always been since time immemorial. It's kinda like something out of Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" when you look at it in that respect. And I do like me some Sandman.
But if that's not enough to convince you of at least some substantive reason for why I like Polly and Oz together... well here we go. The one time Polly ever got serious feels most appropriate when it is connected to Oz rather than any other character, to me. Let's talk about the Locket.
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The Locket is an Event Item you can unlock in Valerie's Store, like most of the added Event Items that were added in around the Holiday Season, it's meant to flesh out the love interests some. While they're not exactly lighthearted, Scott's deals with being abandoned as a pup, they're not exactly bereft of comedy either. But The Locket comes close. It starts out with the mysterious haunted inhabitant of the locket trying to share his sad story of lost love... and then Polly shows up and decides to hijack that whole plot as she do! Because she's gonna smoke it! Yeah, she's gonna literally smoke a locket and she wants you to join her. This leads to a few choices about responsible drug use, probably useful. Honestly if I ever did drugs I'd at least want to be safe about it.
However the good times of you enabling Polly's addictions is somewhat ruined by the untimely arrival of the Coven, Spooky High's pre-eminent supernatural hero squad in the vein of Charmed/Buffy, except not objectively terrible (Charmed) or written by an asshole. (Buffy) They're quick to do the usual "Just Say No" deal at Polly, wishing she wouldn't supplement her partying with constant drug use. Polly, dropping her usual fun façade, gets serious and lectures back. Insisting she is not being irresponsible... she's dead. And therefore nothing she does can hurt her and even regardless she practices safety first with her drug use. She is not any worse than someone who really enjoys a lot of chocolate and she is in control of her drug use unlike such people. "Drug Use, Not Abuse" she explains.
It almost works, the Coven actually respectfully admit that they're probably sticking their noses in a place they don't belong. Polly isn't stupid, she is responsible and more importantly she is already dead so it's not like she can really harm herself anyway. Then Polly lets it slip that the locket she's smoking contains the soul of a dead guy and they take issue with that. Smoking haunted artifacts is fine, but a clear line in their eyes is basically smoking a soul for your own benefit and possibly destroying said soul's afterlife. Polly is fed up playing nice and tells them to fuck off, because it's HER afterlife and she'll spend it how she wants. Making reference that she knows plenty about drugs because drug use was how she died. Joy, the Coven's leader, then makes a mistake. Thinking this is another bit of the ongoing gag of Polly making up how she died, she has a lot of them and this feels no different, but seemingly more insensitive by making drug abuse a joke. She tells Polly that maybe she wouldn't be so flippant about her drug use if SHE had been harmed by someone's use of drugs.
And this is when Polly loses her shit. The insensitivity of the comment sends Polly over the edge declaring the Coven, and by extension us who have mostly been silent during this whole exchange, have no idea what her life was like and what she's been through and declared that if this is how they're going to speak to her about how she lives her afterlife, fine! Fuck everyone! She's going to party... but not fun party.
Polly's in-game sprite art takes on a horrifying visage. Her eyes glow, her smile turns to a painful scowl, her rage seems to basically circle her head like something out of Poltergeist or the Exorcist. And she can only speak in all-caps rage about how she wants to keep partying forever. Her anger affects the school all around her, as the halls apparently fill with ghastly wails and flying objects. You can't even talk to her at the lunch break, she will beam Liam in the head with a chair just for "Um Actuallying" her. Liam kinda deserves it, so it's funny, but the rest of this is not.
The Coven, mostly Joy, realizing their mistake, enlist you to help them fix this. You can do this by either contacting Polly's mom or a creepy yet friendly psychic kid ala the Sixth Sense. Either way, a successful meeting ends the same way, this reaction really is related to how Polly actually died but if you want to know what happened you need to talk to Polly herself.
You find Polly huffing gas in the school basement, completely forgetting her "Drug Use, not Abuse" statement in favor of just outright indulgence. Joy and the Coven apologize best they can and say they want to understand, but Polly is indignant. Revealing that her death was caused by her father. He was the drug abuser in the family and he made life difficult for everyone. He didn't cause Polly's death deliberately, it was a car accident while he was under the influence, killing Polly, her mom, her little sister... but leaving her father alive. She had been using drugs herself at that age, but she tried to be responsible with them. Possibly as an attempt to connect to her dad, it's not outright said, but it's implied. And despite her being careful she still ended up dying anyway.
Polly at that point demands to know what crazy idiotic choice between two options are you going to pick to suddenly make all this shit better. And even the game admits that this isn't really the time to be funny and offers two options that are sincere, supportive and apologetic. If successful, it breaks through Polly's emotional episode and allows her to finally put herself at ease and come to terms with her feelings.
You might be wondering why the player has to do any of this. It wasn't YOU who stepped on Polly's incorporeal toes and shamed her. You didn't awaken any long buried trauma with insensitive speech. Well, no, but you were kinda enabling Polly's worst habits. Not the drug use, but not considering the harm she could cause to others through it, like smoking another person's soul. So, really you're sorta responsible for not checking Polly's worse tendencies, just letting her ride the haunted locket smoke train without trying to dissuade her because it's just Polly being Polly. So being honest and trying to reach her by admitting that you just want to hear her out or even just be there for her right now, no judgment or anything else, that's an important step here.
Polly of course fakes crossing over as a prank to show that she's back to her old self again and promises to be more mindful of her drug use from now on. But it's not all good. After picking Polly to go to Prom, she admits to the player that she still feels hurt and sad. That in her pursuit of living her afterlife to the fullest, she got caught up in the same mistakes her father made and she's not proud of it. Most importantly though, she admits that despite everything she doesn't hate her dad for what he did, she still loves and misses him. That a lot of her drug use was more about just trying to forget rather than confront these feelings, ignoring the pain rather than dealing with it. Being happy is great and all, but not at the expense of acknowledging when you're hurting.
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In all honesty, I feel this ending works best with Oz. Because I can more readily see Oz empathizing the most with Polly in this moment. If anyone knows about hurt, it's a creature that embodies fear. And Polly has admitted to hers, feeling hurt. Oz being there for Polly, trying to show that this is okay, that being not okay is ok, makes the most sense for me. Polly doesn't want to hurt anyone because she knows what it's like to hurt the people you love. And Oz I feel knows a lot about hurt being what they are. And maybe through sharing that kind of pain, in confronting things like Polly encouraged Oz to do with his own fears, they can both be stronger people.
This isn't to say these scenes can't work with other characters, they're not built to only work with one of the MCs. But for me, a lot of Polly's stories and events, this one especially, ring the most true when it involves Oz.
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I think the relationship between the two can and could be very endearing. Allowing both to actually confront their fears, center themselves and be better people in the end. Monster Prom's tagline is "Be Your Worst Self", a sort of play on words, but a lot of its romances are actually a play on that concept. The phrase is really about being true to who YOU are more than anything, that includes the worst parts of you. If Monster Prom is about anything it's about finding happiness with who you are before you can truly find happiness with another. And I feel something like PollyxOz stands the best chance of achieving that goal.
I don't want to pretend it's the only solution, of course it isn't, none of this as said before is meant to invalidate your love for Oz getting with Damian or Zoe or Miranda or Polly with Vicky or Brian or even Amira. (Although I feel like no one is beating AmiraxVera on that one) This is about what works for me and my rationalization, you are free to think differently of course. I would hope this at least better explained my preferences and perhaps even helped you a little with your own anxieties as it has mine today.
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Well I suppose I should try and lead you to some more Polly/Oz content if you're interested. While I do have ideas for fanfics and there's plenty of art you can look up, I'd rather just send you over to Vanilla Chinchilla, who is probably more prolific and better artistically concerning this than I ever could be. Again, this stuff is all just me working through some junk. Plus their artwork, such as the comic panels right above this paragraph, is really cute and fun and I enjoy it a lot.
That's really all from me, if you've honestly stuck it out this long with me rambling about the romance of two monsters from a silly video game... well I applaud you I honestly don't know if this is really all that compelling. This was an exercise for my own sake, but like I said, I hope you got something out of it. At the very least, I've put something positive into this place rather than just ragging on it for crass reasons. Thank you for your time guys.
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digimonloving · 1 year
Time for a hilarious scenario worthy of any anime! Poor (Bulkmon/Paledramon/BaoHuckmon/Greymon/Growlmon/Veedramon/Dorugamon) becomes the unwilling romantic interest of Kinkakumon due to his strength. Causing no end of comedic grief to them, their partner, and the rest of the group of Chosen.
Bulkmon is actually pretty oblivious to Kinkakumon's romantic interest. Considering Kinkakumon tend to fight those that she falls for to show her love, Bulkmon mostly takes it as a want to simply fight and train with him more than anything else. Everyone else around him sees it clear as day, but Bulkmon is simply having a nice time taking Kinkakumon on and fighting with her, which just fuels her more. Whether or not it's a good thing is to be seen, though...
Paledramon is a Digimon with a large sense of camaraderie, and will fight to the end to protect his friends. Perhaps his sense to fight was what caught Kinkakumon's eye, to which Paledramon just... tried to tell her that he is NOT the type of Digimon that would get along with her, as he doesn't entirely enjoy fighting all that much and just does it when his Tamer and the other Digimon of the group are in danger. He really tries to avoid her, but times where it can't be helped, he does entertain her for a bit before trying to make a break for it with enough of a distraction. May not last long, but he prefers that over anything else.
BaoHuckmon uses his battle experiences and reasoning to win his fights, learning for every battle he has. With his growing knowledge, it's no wonder why Kinkakumon took an interest in him. BaoHuckmon tries to reason with her every time she finds him and the Tamers, and every time he tries to talk her out of her interest in him. She just doesn't listen, too busy trying to get him to strike back, and at times getting a little too upset over it to where she wildly swings at him and becoming unpredictable... with enough time, he might be the only one to talk her out of her interest in him. She'll still admire him from afar, however.
Greymon might find a bit of fun in the warrior that is Kinkakumon. He also might be the one who likes to entertain her and her little "crush" on him and fight with her. He may not like her back exactly, but the way Kinkakumon goes after him is just a way to improve his fighting skills against other Digimon. He "flirts" back with her plenty, mostly making jokes as they battle, but otherwise that's al she really gets from the large Digimon.
Growlmon isn't too sure what he did to get this Digimon's interest, but he really doesn't want it! He doesn't think their vibes are exactly compatible, and if anything, Kinkakumon kind of scares him! Every time she's around, Growlmon tries to hide, or generally just runs away from her as she chases him in turn. He doesn't have too much fun with it, but he isn't sure how to let her down without her getting too angry. Might need help from his Tamer with it, if they dare to try to help him...
Veedramon is a pretty powerful Digimon, even for a Champion level he can overpower Ultimate level Digimon. Of course his strength is going to catch the eye of a Digimon who falls for strengths and loves to fight - like Kinkakumon. Veedramon tends to ignore some of Kinkakumon's advances - dodging her in battles and tending to ignore her as much as she tries to get his attention and battle him. Maybe if he just ignores and denies her attempts, she'll leave him alone. She does get pretty upset over it, though... to which Veedramon just tries to dodge her more and more.
Dorugamon knows he has his strengths. He can be quite awe-inspiring. But this s ridiculous! Dorugamon no doubt fought her and expected it to be just that, only for her to fall for him and it isn't exactly something he has time for. Every time she shows up, Dorugamon tries to dispatch of her quickly without causing too much damage. If a fight is what she wants - mostly because that's how she shows her love - a fight is what she gets, even if it fuels her more, Dorugamon just gives her what she wants and expects her to leave him alone afterwards.
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crowsblogs · 2 months
I feel like my story with accepting I'm a lesbian is a tricky one, and it only took until mid/late last year to truely accept. I came out at the age of 10 or 11, telling my mom I liked both girls and boys, but she told me I was too young to *choose* that. I came out about two more times over the next year or so, and when I was 12 or 13 I came out to her as transgender (male), and she automatically didn't fully accept it. She told me I was too young and I didn't really KNOW. Well, I wrote her a letter about it and she talked to my uncle's (married, who are gay) for advice, but they really couldn't give any. She accepted it, but it was hard for her. She didn't really use he/him pronouns and also didn't really try using my preferred name, but did make attempts.
When I was 15 I told my therapist that I was being abused by my father, and my mom had been told as it had to be reported. She then thought the only reason I wanted to be a boy was because of the abuse, but it took another year and seeing a doctor to get onto testosterone to tell her otherwise. Around that time I had been friends with/dating a guy that we were not compatible at all with, we were horrible for each other and nothing would've worked out, so my mental health was at a bad low. I identified as gay to bisexual, I think I was too scared of coming to say I only liked girls because that person had also been transmale, and I didn't want him to assume I saw him as female, which I never did. A part of me was also too scared to admit it because, my mom didnt really see me as male, and I didn't want to let her further down by saying I only liked girls. It was hard, I felt as if, even if I didn't identify as male, I still had to like guys.
At 16 I started testosterone hrt. At 18, my mom died. A lot of shit happened and I couldn't handle life basically. I continued to say I was bisexual to gay and then identify then as transmasculine non-binary around 18 as well. Again, I was too ashamed to admit I like only females, also because I absolutely loved male fictional characters (so that had to make me gay mlm, right?)
Then in 2022 I realized I'm not transmale, and that's okay, it's how I thought I identified and that's valid, but I did identify as masc nonbinary. Then I tried to accept that I loved only girls, but I was ashamed because I didn't want to let anyone down by liking them, so I went and said I was bisexual so it'd seem "better." (I also do not care what's in their pants, as long as they identify as female. So yes ily nb and transfems <3 I prefer personality and actions more than anything.)
Something happened late 2023, I'm not sure what, but I set in the fact I'm a lesbian (and also genderfluid). I felt shame, but I have amazing friends who keep me solid, and also joked about being a lesbian. I never had such a strong friend support system before, and they all mean the world to me. I still feel like I'm letting people down by not liking men, but I'm happy now. My little genderfluid and lesbian self can't be happier.
It took a LONG time, but I'm glad.
Thank you for coming to my book reading lol.
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kindheart525 · 6 months
Which Thirdverse nextgens would like to be in relationships, and which would be happy being single, barring Sunny, Tiger, Earth and Cut?
Thank you so much for asking!! Even though most of the ng cast doesn’t have any love interests in the story, that doesn’t mean all of the “single” characters wish to stay single forever, and it’s really fun to think through what their takes on love would be. Which are the following:
Laffy Taffy totally does not (/sarcasm) have a crush on one of her classmates. Their name is Nightmare Night and I first introduced them in this status! She’s definitely in that hormonal middle school era where crushes come much more quickly, but overall she is interested in finding someone who’ll be more than a friend to her.
Galatea is extremely social and has lots of friends at school, and while she isn't anywhere near seriously thinking of relationships in this stage of her childhood, it's been suggested to me that maybe she be somewhere on the ace/aro spectrum. It would certainly break stereotypes regarding asexuality, as my more recent work is known for, so I'm thinking about it as a possibility!
I like the idea of Blackberry Maple preferring a single life. He’s not asexual or anything, he just has a very wide network of friends and couldn’t see himself choosing one to spend the rest of his life with or choosing one location to settle down in forever. The Apple family farm is his home base, but he sees that as different from choosing a partner himself. His lifestyle is just not compatible with a steady monogamous partner.
I’m also toying with the idea of having Orchard Sunrise be not particularly interested in relationships, because getting married would mean losing her disability benefits /JOKE Though she does genuinely value her independence and knows that “who’s going to take care of you?” isn’t a good reason to look for a partner. She can get her caretaking requirements and companionship needs met through her other relationships. If there’s any interest at all, it would be an “if it happens it happens, if it doesn’t it doesn’t” attitude about romance and a complete lack of desire for children.
The real reason I’m thinking of this is because it would be funny as hell for Applejack’s dreams of having a child-in-law and grandchildren to rest on her most cringefail child because her two more competent children aren’t interested. I can definitely see Fireside Jam failing his way through a few relationships and learning some hard lessons before he settles down, but it is something he wants to do.
Bismuth Sun just gives me the vibe of someone who would want a partner. She puts in effort to prioritize her family even with her busy and stressful schedule because of how much she adores them, and she would be the same way with a romantic partner.
Outside gossipers wouldn’t think this to be very likely because of how they perceive their attitude, but Celestial Blessing would like to settle down with a lover someday too. Maybe even produce an heir to pass their knowledge on to. Of course they’re secure in themselves and devoted to their work so finding romance isn’t at the very top of their priority list; it’s not something they desperately seek out. But they would like it to happen eventually and hopefully not have to wait 15+ years to even start dating.
I like to think Evergreen Blaze has had a girlfriend at some point in his life, probably a fellow Wonderbolt or somepony who’s Wonderbolt-adjacent. I don’t imagine such a relationship being toxic per se, but Evergreen wouldn’t find it very fulfilling and he’s too emotionally stunted right now to admit to himself that he would much rather date a stallion.
Moonray Chill is one of those “straight” girls who just hasn’t found a boy she likes yet but is very close with her female friends! She enjoys going to sleepovers where they practice kissing boys on each other, cuddle in the same sleeping bags together, and (in the human au) admire each other’s bras. Just gal pal things! “Mom, what do you mean you’ve never done that with any girl friends?” She’s just an oblivious girl overall and that includes being oblivious to why she isn’t all that interested in boys.
Lantern is in a stage of life where they still feel like a child in many ways, so as of now they aren't thinking about relationships that much when they're still struggling to figure out who they even are. I like to think there are a few passing celebrity fancies, but even then it's a struggle of, "do I want them or do I want to BE them?" One day they'll figure it out, once they feel like they have more agency over the rest of their life.
Strawberry Breeze grows up into a proud bisexual mare whose standard for a partner is “whoever proves worthy.” It’d a high standard for someone with as big a personality as hers, but she’d say it’s perfectly achievable.
Daisy Wasp seems like she would be very selective with partnerships. If she had a partner during the main story, at age 15-ish (I don't plan for her to, just hypothetically), I think she would struggle because of all the time she volunteers as a peer conflict mediator. She wouldn't have much emotional energy left to commit herself to a lover's wants and needs. If she waited and got a partner when she's older, after she's sorted through the issues of her main arc, it would go better. Still, she would take her time to choose someone who also has good coping skills and boundaries so they can support each other through the highs and lows without being emotionally over-taxed.
You know those jokes about people who have never been in a relationship but still know a lot about how they should be (and how they should NOT be) from hearing all of their friends' stories about their relationships? Daisy Wasp is like that.
Fairyfly seems like the type who would think he should have a partner and an heir one day (despite being the lowest ranked of changeling royalty lol) because changelings are a species of love and he thinks it would be expected of him. Even though King Thorax and next-in-line Ocellus are both single, as far as I have planned rn. He has plenty of time to figure out what he actually wants beyond what (he thinks) is expected of him.
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Fnaf bitty: Michael
Fnaf bitty Michael Afton (O/Organic)
Version: OG(Chaos au version)
Size: 8 - 10 inches tall(Mini) 1'10 - 2'10 feet tall(Fullsized)
Personality: Protective, sassy, slow to trust,
Likes: Henry bitties, William bitties(only non canon, mainly Chaos au versions), Evan bitties, Michael bitties, Elizabeth bitties, Baxter bitties, Justin bitties, Clara bitties, Sarah bitties, (all preferably Chaos au), robotic fanf bitties,
Dislikes: Canon William types, aggressive bitties, being bored, not being around their family(if one is formed),
Compatibility: They can end up looking a little creepy, but they don't mean to be! They just have a really big grin/smile and their face can move a little odd, something they share with their Dad(William)!
They are super protective of their family and loved ones, often being even aggressive to people they see as a threat at times! But they are just anxiety filled and it's their fight or flight kicking in,
They are known for hanging around (non canon)William and Henry types as well as Charlie, Elizabeth, Evan, Baxter, and Justin bitties! Often seeing them as family, but also hanging around Tanner, Jeremiah, Jackson, Arthur, Max, and later Hank, Jeremy, and Gabriel bitties, seeing them more as friends and/or partners!
They are slow to trust but once they trust you they can be pretty sassy and really confident! often cracking jokes and teasing others, though they dont do it to be mean! And will feel bad if they upset someone!
Additional info: They love being around (only Chaos au versions of)William and Henry bitties and their siblings(Charlie, Elizabeth, Evan, Baxter, and Justin) and will often form families of these bitties at the shop!
Feeding habits: They aren't super picky but if they don't trust people they're eating around they'll act like they aren't hungry! So it's best to gain their trust sooner rather than later, but make sure to give them time to adjust and get used to you too!
Having a (non canon)William and/or Henry bitty around can help get them to eat!
In Universe: They are seen as odd and snippy at times, and nothing but sassy teens other times,
Difficulty: Basic
Features: Mid length brown hair, somewhat pale skin(but the can tan), normally health if not on the skinnier/leaner side
AU info(This is only for the au type they are! Info may change in other au bios!):
His dads are William and Henry and his moms are Clara and Sarah!(His bio parents are William and Clara)
Is in a poly relationship with Tanner, Jeremiah, Jackson, Arthur, Max, and later Hank, Jeremy, and Gabriel(Bossman)
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badmusejail · 10 months
sunday special!
Gaster loves freely and strongly; the post about "I just met you and I love you" is mostly a joke, but it's also somewhat true in that Gaster very quickly comes to love the people around him.
Once he has a name and face and some personality and understanding to a person, he starts to respect them as a person and not just a faceless entity, and he loves life and loves people. He's highly empathetic, and the entire drive of his existence is to help people, and he very quickly comes to sympathize with their struggles and life.
That being said, Gaster is also an aromatic asexual who doesn't really distinguish between types of love and has no desire to love in a romantic or sexual way. He leans very heavily into platonic love, and the unrestrained showing of said love.
He's not afraid of love and he's not afraid of demonstrating or proclaiming it.
Most usually, he prefers to show his affection by laying on or against someone, especially towards the end of the night when its time to relax or 'sleep.' Many times he shows his affection through 'bumping,' lightly tapping the other person, commonly with his entire body while passing by or with his forehead while sitting.
He does not like to be kissed; as he finds the saliva disgusting. Hugs are acceptable for brief periods as long as you don't crush him. He's neutral on hand holding, but it's not his favorite, especially since he's so used to wanting his hands free to sign.
He's fond of giving small gifts--just the sort of things he passes in a supermarket, 'this made me think of you.' He will accept gifts in turn, and is quite adamant about accepting even things he doesn't particularly care for.
He's not super prone to acts of service--he prefers to trust that the people in his life are capable adults that can handle their own business and that his help may not necessarily be wanted or even actually be helpful. That being said, he's more than willing to help if someone wants him to; it just has to be an explicit acceptance. He's not going to push boundaries and force someone to accept help they don't want.
Although Gaster isn't personally interested in romantic or sexual relationships, he may engage in them if its initiated by the other party. At that point, it becomes more of a logical contemplation to him--if he can see himself living with this person and spending most of his time with them for quite possibly the rest of his life. Basically, if he thinks they're compatible enough to share their lives that intimately.
Unfortunately, in his standard verse, he's more likely than not to decline any advances, as he feels that he's not mentally healthy enough to engage in a relationship, and it wouldn't be fair to put pressure on another person to deal with it. That being said, once he recovers to some degree, he'd be more willing to explore and settle down with someone.
Despite being aromantic, he actually is extremely susceptible to romantic gestures; he finds them very sweet; the fact that anyone would go out of their way to prepare something special for his sake shouldn't be ignored, even if it's not particularly something he enjoys.
But, above all, being kind, open, and understanding will get you the furthest with him. (To be fair, being intelligent doesn't hurt either.) He probably already loves you.
As for the ~steamy~ headcanons... Untagged triggers for sexual topics and pregnancy below; mostly passing mentions.
Gaster is an skeleton with no physical sexual characteristics, and he doesn't really have much interest in toying around with human penises or vaginas. They are very strange, thank you.
Gaster can and will engage in Soul Sex if he likes someone and trusts that they can handle the burden of his emotions and memories when entwining their SOULs.
That being said, it's also not impossible for physical affection to just naturally progress into sex if both parties are consenting to it.
Gaster is capable of carrying a child despite the fractured state of his SOUL, and would be willing to do so if his partner is interested in that. However, just because he's immortal doesn't mean that the child is, and if his physical body is destroyed during the pregnancy, the child would die even though he'd reform a few days later.
His most sensitive parts are his spine and ribs, which can invoke a carnal pleasure when stroked; most particularly the internal facing side of his ribs. For that reason, touching him there without consent is likely to get you thrown; and there's really no reason you should be, anyways.
Getting rough with him is also likely to get you thrown.
He can tolerate some mild aggression, such as nibbling on his bones, but he doesn't like it.
He may be morbidly curious about kinks and toys, but it's unlikely he'll enjoy or commit to any of them.
To him, love and sex is about union and harmony; the ultimate bond; sharing their very SOULs. While he understands that many people pursue sex for pleasure and has no problem with them doing so, this is not an end you're likely to get out of him.
He's not inherently opposed to polyamory; but is aware that his anxiety would likely pose too much of a threat to a healthy polyamorous relationship.
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missnight0wl · 2 years
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I’ve been wanting to make one of these for Jacob x Patricia for I don’t even know how long, so you have to forgive me. A much longer commentary under the cut!
Also, I’m not tagging it as NSFW because there’s nothing really explicit, but I will talk briefly about the sexual aspect of their relationship. You’ve been warned.
Horny Level and Awkwardness Level
I’m putting them together because they’re kind of connected. 
Once they officially get together, their Awkwardness Level is definitely higher (and in fact, I’d say it’s Patricia who’s more awkward). As a result, the Horny Level is slightly lower, too. And while Jacob is rather a submissive partner, surprisingly, he’s the one taking more initiative at first. The reason behind it is that a lot of Patricia’s previous relationships were more physical than emotional, and therefore, in a weird way, she believes that by being more reserved with Jacob, she shows that she’s actually being serious.
That being said, after they finally work things out – which doesn’t really take that much time – their temperaments turn out to be quite compatible.
Jealousy Level
Their levels are similar, but there’s a difference in their reactions to jealousy. Jacob tends to become more self-doubting while Patricia – a bit more possessive.
Big vs Little spoon
Jacob is usually a big spoon because: 1) he’s more casual about being affectionate, especially at the beginning, 2) he usually stays up for longer, so he obviously has more opportunities to slither into the bed behind Patricia’s back, 3) he is taller, so it kind of feels more natural and/or comfortable.
However, whenever it happens that Jacob is a little spoon – he absolutely melts.
Lends vs Borrows clothes
Well, Jacob’s shirts and jumpers are really comfy, so can you blame Patricia? Jacob borrows rather some accessories like bags, pouches, holsters etc.
And hair ties. Jacob always “borrows” Patricia’s hair ties. He also always loses them.
Doesn’t vs Uses pet names
Jacob really likes to call Patricia simply by her name, mainly because so many people address her by her last name, so, in a way, it does feel special. I don’t see him using “Patty”, but after time, I guess he could occasionally shorten it to: “Tricia”. Other than that… Well, Jacob is a bit of a helpless romantic deep inside, and he secretly loves classic pet names like: honey, darling, love, my love. At first, he uses them teasingly, but it pretty quickly becomes very natural for him.
Now, when it comes to Patricia... I just can’t see her using pet names. However, there are two exceptions. The first one is: “Jacob dear” – which is not exactly a pet name, but I think it’s fitting for Patricia. I mean, it’s not super affectionate, and it’s a bit too proper, but there’s something charming about it. And the second one is... “Pussycat”. This one started totally as a joke. I was thinking that Jacob’s hair gets super bushy when dried “artificially”, and in one of such situations, he would ask Patricia if he looks like a lion perhaps. To which she would reply: “You wish, Pussycat” – obviously as a reference to his Cat Patronus, but also to the fact that Jacob is a bit of a pussycat, to be honest. But then, the more I was thinking about it, the more I liked it. So, I decided that it could work similarly in the story. At first, it was a joke, but then it started becoming more and more affectionate. Eventually, Patricia would just ask: “What’s wrong, Pussycat?”, seeing that Jacob had a worse day or something. And just this pet name alone would be enough to make him feel better.
Introverted vs Extroverted
I actually see both of them more on the introverted side. Yes, Patricia loves attention and being admired and whatnot. But I don’t know, I feel she just needs her alone time to recharge. I also think she prefers to work alone than in a team, for example.
Affection through words vs actions
For Jacob, it’s rather balanced. Patricia, however, definitely prefers actions.
Confesses first vs Waits for confession
Alright, so a while ago, I made a post about how Legilimency could be used in the romantic context. And honestly, the main reason why I came up with this idea is Patricia. Because there’s no way she could just reply “normally” to Jacob’s confession. No, her response is: “Read me”, because Legilimency gives Jacob a much better answer than she could ever put into words. Besides, the act of exposing her mind alone is pretty damn meaningful for her.
Also, fun fact: When they’re watching Empire Strikes Back for the first time, Patricia laughs for a straight minute when Han replies: “I know.” to Leia’s: “I love you.” – because that’s usually her response. She still sees Jacob as Han and herself as Leia, though.
Screams about bugs vs Squashes bugs with a shoe
Neither of them screams, but the exact reaction depends on a bug, really.
Flies and mosquitos get killed, no questions asked. As for anything else, Jacob usually removes bugs from the house or whatever space he’s currently in. Patricia might remove them as well, unless she’s very occupied with something, for example. Then, she’ll probably ignore a bug. However, spiders are the exception, and she’ll always remove them. And if Jacob is nearby, she’ll actually ask him to take care of it.
Drives the car vs Can’t drive
Patricia would absolutely get a driving license at some point, simply to prove that she can. Muggle things are Jacob’s area, though, so it’s him who drives. And they actually do use the car occasionally because car rides are fun.
Can’t cook vs Makes dinner
Again, Patricia is a good cook, but cooking is Jacob’s thing. He enjoys it, and it relaxes him. She might help every now and then, though.
Dislikes PDA vs Loves PDA
They’re rather private, especially at the early stages of their relationship, but they get more casual with time. Also, Patricia likes to be a bit provocative sometimes (for example: during official events when people are being nosy anyway), and while Jacob is not necessarily crazy about it, he does enjoy seeing how much fun she’s having then – so he doesn’t really complain.
Overprotective vs Chill going
Yeah… They have no chill.
Seriously though, they’re both quite overprotective, not only towards each other, but towards people they care about in general. The difference is that Patricia cares less often. But when it comes to Jacob, she almost always had a soft spot for him. She became even more overprotective when Jacob’s health worsened due to the Cursed Vaults, and she never fully got over it.
Has more vs NO relationship experience
Surprisingly, I imagine that their experience is quite comparable. Yes, Jacob technically had less time for dating and whatnot. But when it comes to Patricia, I honestly believe that she wouldn’t be attracted to anyone unless she perceives them as equal to her, intellectually and magically. And since she is a little narcissistic, I just don’t think a lot of people were worth her time.
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Sunday comes again, and a new set of headcanons is available! This time, it is regarding relationships.
Of the four, Juniper is the only PC in an admitted relationship. She has a healthy and long relationship with her wife, Master Frazzlespark. They met at the Graneyean Academy of Arcane Arts as Frazzlespark was a lead professor and Juniper was an assistant librarian. They've been in a steady relationship for decades, and the downfall of the Graneyean Empire 20 years ago actually marked the beginning of a future where they can live together and settle down.
The story of how Frazzlespark and Juniper met and started dating changes. It is actually a joke between the two women that their 'origin story' cannot stay the same. Neither of them is ashamed or secretive about how they started dating, but it is funnier to see people's reactions to the outlandish tales either of them cooks up. If someone were to ask Juniper about their story, she'd usually ask if Frazzle told them already. If they answer that they have been, Juniper adds to that story and sticks to it. The same is applicable for Frazzle.
Sino has been in several short-lived relationships in her 20s to 40s. As much as she was a social drinker in her 20s to 30s, she was a social sleeper. These relationships were only seen in routine flings and casual flirtations since Sino knew that her time at these towns and establishments was limited. Only one or two relationships she had around 18~21 were considered deeply romantic, at least from her end. Following the Lord of Night's command and being admittedly overtly devoted and following in her father-patron's ways, she did not bring herself to get herself attached to those around. She comes and goes, much like the night and her moon, and must continue. Even if it means being away from others.
Committed long-term relationships are interesting for Sino. In all sense, she does not believe herself compatible; she reasons she "lacks" what it is to be in one, and her background/upbringing in [REDACTED] makes her feel several degrees removed from being a "person." Bluntly, she feels like a "nothing" and cannot produce something that a "someone" deserves. Though she ran away, she never escaped from that place.
As far as the campaign has shown, her devotion is at the forefront, and what she believes herself to be, or well, what isn't, is far from the truth. She shows her love in other ways when she struggles to say those three words.
Always with a plan, her end goal is to see them smile. To see them live long and happily ever after. Even if she knows it can't be with her.
As much as xe can do in Drakeshadow, Aimon has been only in a handful of short-term relationships and has yet to commit to anything serious. Xe lives in the predicament of being in a highly desired position and also with suitors who do not fit xyr preference. That has not prevented xem from exercising xyr to bat xyr eyelashes and mention what xe lies.
In Maisie's world, Aimon has been able to go out much more to the Nihiran Underground and experience more flirts and regular dates in that area. However, xe doesn't have a large sexual appetite and rarely has slept around. Xyr dorky aura, indeed, has won over the hearts of men!
Lastly comes Maisie. She has yet to be in a committed relationship and perhaps hasn't been in a relationship whatsoever. While she may be experienced, with a physical relationship here and there, nothing goes beyond a superficial level.
A relationship, admittedly, can compromise her work and put her loved ones at risk, something she already worries about with her immediate family. However, that is not the reason.
Something festers deeply in her - Maisie openly cares and shows affection, always optimistic - and it is something she doesn't want to be known and seen. It craves and claws inside her. But she cannot feed it.
She denies to protect others from what and who she really is. Because, to her, no one would love her after the truth's out. No one should love her. No one could love her.
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linawritestwst · 1 year
hello, lina! congrats on 1k, i'd like a matchup if there are still some slots open? ^_^ i use she/her pronouns, my MBTI is INFJ, and my zodiac sign is Libra!
personality: i've been told i'm a nurturing and perceptive person who can notice the emotions of and encourage the people around me. i have good social skills and can lead when needed but i prefer to be a follower since i'm actually little reserved myself. i also prefer to show my candid self to a select few who i really trust. i laugh at silly things really easily but i usually stifle my laughter. i am also a bit physically affectionate!
interests: poetry/literature, history, intellectual and philosophical topics, documentaries, nature and anything related to tea and herbs.
hobbies: reading books, writing poems, stargazing, taking walks during nighttime.
what i'm looking for a partner: someone who can indulge me on my interests (they don't have to necessarily share them. if they're willing to indulge me even if they don't know what it's about, that is more than enough!), who can tell me to step back when i get too distracted taking care of others, who wouldn't mind that i can be a bit childish and silly at heart, someone who can be honest with me and keep me grounded.
what i'm not looking for in a partner: someone who is brutally inconsiderate, who is impulsive and follows their emotions too much (i value emotions myself but not to the point of carelessness/recklessness without logic), who is self-absorbed, or anyone who is dishonest and don't put the least bit of efforts.
i don't have a preference for specific years or dorms! i really, really want to know who i might be compatible with in your eyes and also, don't forget to take a break when you need it! thank you so much and congrats, lina. your works are always the best <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE TOO SWEET.. i'm so sorry for being so late, but i hope you like this matchup anyway!
the character that i think would be a good partner for you is..
riddle rosehearts!
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i'll explain why i chose him:
i think your dynamic would be so cute! riddle could definitely use a s/o who's good at noticing other people's emotions and how their mood changes, haha. also i think that him being more of a leader because, you know, he's literally a dorm leader and he's based on queen of hearts, and you being more of a follower is a very interesting and fun concept! it's like he can be the one who's good at leading people and you can be there to follow him, but also gently guide him and give him advice in case he does something wrong.
it's hard for riddle to admit it, but he actually would love to hear you laugh more often. you can really notice him showing favoritism when he hears ace or cater laughing at something dumb and tells them to stop, but then he sees you trying really hard not to laugh at the same joke and for some reason.. he doesn't say anything and pretends not to see it. also he's not used to physical affection and he has no idea what to do when he receives it, but.. to be honest, he actually kinda likes it. please pretend you didn't hear that from him.
riddle may be a bit very impulsive sometimes, considering his temper, but he started to work on that after his overblot and also he just feels more calm whenever you're around. and even though it can be very hard for him to control his emotions, he still tries his best and trust him, he would never hurt you. he wants to help you as much as you help him, so if he notices you spending too much time taking care of others while forgetting about your own needs, he will remind you that you're just as important as those other people, so you should remember to take care of yourself too. also, you two share quite a lot of interests, so i'm sure you two would have lots of fun together!
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woozi · 2 years
Favorite svteenie friendship dynamics? (It’s ok, you can give multiple <3 we all know you <3 NXKSKKS)
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READ ME ON MY OWN BLOG?????????????? as an ANON NO LESS??????????????? 😭 JKDFJDSJDS that jihoon was my literal reaction irl lmAOOO
also worm i looOVE THIS QUESTION <3 i have many answers (you're right and ily 😋)
not in order of preference (i think by now we’ve all established that i have a hard time picking favorites fjdjksjk)
soonhoon - a v popular one for good reason tbh. i was actually talking abt this with belle just the other day 😭 ANYWAY!! yk how they were both perceived as intjs the last gose 👁️ i think people undermine how similar they are tbh just bc they have very different ways of presenting themselves. i'm saying this goal, mentality, and drive-wise (all this from what we can see btw i’m not saying this is how they really are we do not know these men fsjdjkdsjdks), but again they express themselves v differently. that being said their personalities are also v compatible imo, jihoon's the type to not show how he feels that much even when he longs for something and bc of that people like hoshi complement him so well. hoshi's the type to Show it and reach out to people contrasting the way jihoon tends to withdraw. even in general, jihoon’s not the type to purposefully put himself out there unlike hoshi, but he seems to definitely love the attention lmao (which a persistent friend like hosh can give willingly and enthusiastically at that). their skills are also are a perfect fit for each other 👁️ but yeah tl;dr, i think the best way to put everything abt soonhoon is where one lacks, one compensates but they have the same way of thinking so they get along well. they benefit from each other and make e/o better
soonchan - i’m so devastated by this btw </3 they just seem to like each other sm </3 and are very affectionate towards each other </3
jihan - for comedic purposes /hj (they also just match e/o’s vibe v well tbh, unlike soonhoon this is a like calls to like situation) + they seem like a pair of friends who just really connect and understand each other well while maintaining a balance imo (like, no one’s more reliant on the other)
jun x boo/ww x dino - the fan and the idol <3 i love how boo/ww adores and always cheers on jun/dino
jeonghan x woozi - jeonghan’s not the type of person to be pushy (he literally just goes w the flow and takes whatever’s coming) and bc of that, as i see it, he’s able to respect boundaries v well which may be one of the reasons why woozi’s so comfortable with him? dynamic-wise, unlike hoshi who will literally ADOPT u no escape friendship wise, jeonghan’s the one who will let you ease in and just Waits for what you want/need. as jihoon’s not the type to open up easily, i feel like this Jeonghan Trait allowed them to build a more solid foundation. ion see jihoon being very physically affectionate with anyone, but a lot of the times when he actually is you will see it’s with jeonghan and that’s prob one of the reasons why. i also just find it v fascinating how attitudes from opposite ends of the spectrum produced these kinds of friendships <3
jeonghan x dk - just some silly men having fun <3 jeonghan needs a kind friend while dk needs someone who would embolden him tbh
shua x dino - NO BC WHY DOESN’T ANYONE TALK ABT THIS???????????????????????????????? i think they are a LOT closer than people think they are. also just feels like they get each other </3 receive each other’s jokes v well, and just overall seems like they support each other a lot/KNOW each other very well
junhao - feel like hao has been jun’s solace since he came to korea tbh. jun on the other hand was there to guide him. they just have a lot to share w/ e/o, someone who understands (also not really abt friendship but since we’re talking abt junhao now... i really admire them both sm </3 i’m in awe that the svteenies have ALL renewed, but junhao most esp. not bc i wasn’t expecting them to re-sign, but because they re-signed knowing full well that they’re giving up/have alr given up SOOO much of their old lives that they’ve established in cn + more in of their time with their families. i love them sm they have a special place in my heart </3)
woozi x vernon - OH MY GOD 😭😭😭😭😭 if jihoon’s ever been a hyung and if vernon’s ever been a younger sibling it’s HERE that you would most def see it. ion think i’ve seen woozi take care of another younger member like the way he does vernon </3 and idk </3 i dont think i’ve ever seen vernon as cutesy to everyone else as he is w/ woozi
dk x hao/dk x boo/dk x hosh - just a couple of besties pt. 2 <3 (with slightly threatening undertones in dk x boo). i like seokhao bc they’re Friends friends, dk x hosh because they’re Besties but u can still see dk looking up to hosh, and seungboo (i literally do not know the names of svt pairings im sorry lmao) bc they just seem to have fun tgt <3
mg x dk/cheolgyu - frenemies <3 but not to the point where it’s worrying like boochan lmao
meanie - i just find them so fascinating honestly. how’d this even happen
verkwan - just want someone to be obsessed w me like boo is towards vernon tbh FJSKJFDJS (vernon also cherishes seungkwan but in a diff way i cant explain it tbh... its just Vibes)
birdie - i feel like vernon’s the closest thing chan has to a friend in svt? unlike boo who tends to act and prefers to be treated as someone older (based off of what we’ve heard from em lmao), vernon’s a lot more laid back and it also translates to how he forms relationships with other people. but ofc, even so (with him not emphasizing that kind of hierarchy w dino), you can see him especially taking care of dino/treating dino like a younger brother at times </3 which is SOOOO CUTE and sumn we don’t see often bc dino’s the only one younger than him </3 but honestly while dino’s a lot more Free with vernon, you can still see that they’re all still hyungs to him esp bc of the culture so i get why he feels lonely at times!!
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