#not Dandy! another fae
dandyshucks · 1 month
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what's he looking at? (𐐫ㆍ𐐃)
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I really enjoy the way you write Lilia in the Self-Aware AU. He is the most amusing combination of grandpa and lovesick teenager.
Imagine the Reader is with Silver when he tells another one of those fluffy stories about his amazing Dad. Reader comments "He must be proud of you too, you are an ideal son." How would Silver and Lilia react to hearing that?
Writing for Lilia is also a lot of fun for me in this au. I mean, it's so deprived of goodness within a living being and I do enjoy my fair share of Angst.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, kidnapping, imprisonment, death, murder, obsession, possessiveness
Lilia Vanrouge/Silver-Player complimenting Silver as a son/Lilias raising methods for Silver
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How sweet! He, his son and his soon second parent *cough* you are sitting on a bench, enjoying the cloudy afternoon...
Lilia is just so happy with the moment that what Silver is talking about enters one ear and leaves the others
Aka he doesn't listen to what's said
And now, my dear Overseer, I would like to ask you if you really want to do this. I mean fae are really different in the Self-aware au... oh really? You want to say that??! Ok...
Lilia falls from the bench when he finally realizes what you said to Silver
You... you think his son is the ideal one? Does that mean that he did more than just a splendid job at parenting??! DOES THAT MEAN YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THE FAMILY???!!!!
Easy Lilia, you aren't as young as you once were
After this you just part and things go back to normal.... kidding! He plans your wedding at this point
Over the next few days he asks a lot about yourself, what you like, yada yada that stuff
And before you know it suddenly you have everything you could ever ask for
Gold, diamonds, Lilia who is holding a chopped-off head because that individual was getting too close to you
Before you know it you are in a lavish house.... palace.... mansion?
You just woke up here and don't even know how who brought you here
And Lilia is also here! And Silver too!
Now you can be a real family! Just you three!
Don't think about going out dear! Isn't this nice? Otherwise he might do something which could leave your legs in pretty bad shape...
All for the Overseer's safety and love!
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Chokes on air and nearly dies
Too fast? Ok let's not jump right into the middle of the plot
You, Silver and Lilia we're sitting outside... talking about life whilst trying not to pet the bird which sat on your lap....
Silver wanted to tell you how kind Lilia was to him, taking him in when he was nothing but a human child, caring for him, loving him like a real father...
It all was nice and dandy until he told you that his “father” once shielded him from a storm whilst running into the house with him
And then you dropped the words
Now we are where I started: Chokes on air and nearly dies
He is... the ideal son??!
But uh... all jokes aside, you might want to call an ambulance... his face is turning kinda blue... (could be the lack of air)
Does that also mean that he is also an ideal partner??! Don't hold back dear Overseer! He is all ears for your words!
This can go two ways now
Either you say but and go away, avoiding them for the rest of your life
Or you are confirming what he asks because all he is saying is “Really?” which makes you think he is still talking about the son thingy....
Silver may be human but he was taught by Lilia everything he knows about love and when I say everything I mean everything
In other words, he thinks that it's totally ok if you lock your weaker partner into a room and don't let them leave
He has trained since he was a small child so he has to be stronger
But don't worry dear! You will be visited by many people. There will be Silver, Silver and Silver... have I mentioned that you will also see Silver?
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
Livia: Papa! You'll wake Jess!
Lilia: Where's the baby, let me see her!
Thea: Honey..relax..
Lilia: Jess! Come to grandpa!!
Jack: *Walks into the room, holding a newborn*
Lilia: *Beams, his eyes sparkling* Oh my goodness, she has her mother's hair
Livia: *Giggles* Papa
Ramona(9): *Walks into the room* I wanna see the baby...
Clover(9): Me too!
Dandi(6): Us as well!
Elijah(6): Yeah....
Jack: *Crouches down, showing them the sleeping baby* She's your sister and part of our pack, so protect her alright like you would one another
Jack: What is the pack?
Ramona: The Pack Is Our Army!
Clover: The Pack Is Our Army!!
Elijah: .....The Pack Is Our Army....
Dandi: The Pack Is Our Army
Jack: *Nods* Always remember that
Ramona: Yes!
Thea: I wonder who this little cutie will take after!
Lilia: I bet she'll be a mix of her parents
Livia: Yeah, but I am worried, the healer said Jess has something called asthma....
Jack: We went through and baby proofed everything again, and even set a spell to tell us if anything in the room changed
Jess: *Sneezes, Jack looking down at her*
Lilia: *Beams, his eyes lighting up* SHE HAS FAE EARS! OHHH!
Thea: *Chuckles, patting her husband's back* I knew he was gonna get like this
Livia: *Chuckles, shaking her head* Oh dear
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I saw that fairy ask and you know what would be insufferable actually?
Fairy! Gojo.
He sees a lil cute traveler who got lost from her group while taking a walk through the forest, decides he wants to mess with her a bit. Absolute piece of shit bully except now he’s a fairy (which… isn’t very different from how he usually is? lmao), altering her perception of time and space (or maybe altering the layout of the fucking forest. who knows) so she’s walking around in circles for what feels like a couple of hours when it’s actually been days, scaring her with creepy sounds of his laughter and pitter-patter of feet, to the point she’s so scared she breaks down crying.
Meanwhile he’s just laughing at his funny little pranks until he decides “you know what I want to keep her actually :3” so he just appears and starts trying to interact like everything is fine and dandy. Maybe he does this thing I saw in a folklore tale once where the fairy undressed herself and bathed by the river to seduce the guy she wanted except it’s Gojo and the last thing you want to see when you’re scared and lost in a forest is a naked uncanny grown ass man bathing in a river.
Or consider this: Unseelie Fairy! Sukuna. This one’s a menace.
Ok so the first thing coming in my head is, remember how he kept absolutely pestering the fuck out of Nanami and it was to give him a note and when Nanami finally opened it, it was just a drawing of a dick. He's such a fucking troll I can just, SEE a fae Gojo bugging you constantly and insisting you take some sort of gift from him and you keep turning him down either out of modesty and being humble or you just genuinely don't like him and when he finally cracks your patience and you take it just to get him to leave you alone, he just gets this shit eating grin "ok you accepted my special gift and that means we're married now~!" and he's being 500% serious like he did in fact not tell you he was basically doing his people's courting ritual and you have now basically accepted to like, be his spouse 💀
You open the gift or unwrap it and it's just a drawing of a dick or some other troll gift, he just needed you to accept period and NOW that you're "together" he can get you REAL gifts (that are also occasionally fucked up or twisted). Like imagine you turn him down so many times he eventually just offers you something so extremely small and minor it's like, ok is this all it takes to leave me alone? He gives you a little braided bracelet or like handcrafted trinket or like something handmade and humble and seemingly innocent and it's like Surprise Bitch That's Enchanted and you just touched it or even put it on 😩😩😩
Other classic dickhead fairy Gojo moments include "you're lost in the woods and he uses magic to distort the forest and make you walk in circles until you're literally crying and freaking out and he thinks it's really funny and adorable" like he's some kind of malicious ass Cheshire cat, constantly laughing at your struggles and teasing you. He'll tease you to tears and then kiss those tears away and say you're a cute silly little baby 🥰 (lmao I'm stoned and basically forgot that's literally what you said already so, same braincell haha)
He's like completely out of touch and not realizing that, he's not just interested in you, he's legitimately infatuated with you, until you're like at the local harvest festival or something similar and you go to dance with someone else and, wait a second why is he getting so tense watching someone else put their hands on you and look into your eyes and you're both smiling and laughing and--
he loses his temper and some magic bullshittery happens like it suddenly starts to storm or another person accidentally trips into your partner and they twist their ankle and can't dance anymore or even something falling on them or being blown by a sudden and specific gust of wind like gojo is canonically pretty sadistic imo like he had to be ordered not to kill someone and he's like "ok I'll just horrifically twist all their limbs then :)"
And he's, you know a fae and a weirdo so he doesn't even always need to traditionally spend time with you. You're ignoring him and refusing to come near him? Fine, he'll transform into a cat and suddenly you're rubbing his belly and giving his kisses and calling him a little scrunkly baby like, magic really does open all doors. Maybe his gifted bracelet or charm that you put on let's him track you and even read your thoughts and shit and of course you can't take it off
And on the subject of Sukuna, someone was asking if I saw the newest developments with him after we were discussing the recent manga developments, and it's like "oh you mean him being ugly now, yeah I saw 😒" 😂😂😂 Yuuji has some potential with him being a relatively idk nice and innocent boy and then he's got, you know, a mischievous ancient demon inside of him. Itadori over here "wow Reader is a really good sorceror and has a good heart, im lucky to have then as my friend ^^" and Sukuna chimes in "yeah that's why they would look so cute with their mouth on our cock :3"
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transandor · 10 months
he is not supposed to be here.
the others are nice enough, for strangers he's been dragged across worlds to meet. it's less about them, though, and more about whatever magic has woven it's way into his chest and gripped onto his beating heart. impossible feats grant impossible chances. at least one impossible thing came easier than others- the sculk knows him worlds across worlds. he asks, and it answers and grows.
but he's seen what happens when the tasks are not completed, and death tears through life again and again. something about it is terrifying- to just know, somehow, there is no fixing that, the change that came upon them.
(the soul shard in his back is gone, midas-touched and aching like a phantom limb. how is he meant to find his way home, now?)
all of them are nice enough- even the ghosts, the visible and the not. but he's not entirely sure how to interact with them, and he's certainly not close enough to tell them about himself. maybe he should've.
arin was kind, if- and here mars flusters a little over his own mental wording, apologetic- perhaps clumsy. if there was any easier way to help him gain back impossibilities, mars would have in a heartbeat, but their paths had so rarely crossed, and there had been little chance- and then, he was something else beyond midas-held, deep and purple and molten core gone solid.
mars never gets to tell him.
here is the thing, that day- the arrow is fast and true. a little warning shot, a little jolt, and it does make mars jump a bit, but it doesn't make him fall. he glimpses arin turning the other way. he commends him on the aim, and goes on.
the arrow does not hurt him fiercely, does not pierce though armor or skin, does not push him over the edge of the staircase onto the cliff at the lake.
at most- and here is where mars sighs- the arrows does nothing more than sting.
fortune favors the fae, dandy whispers to him later, when he confesses it all. he isn't sure if that's meant to be a comfort or another statement of fact, because while that's usually true...
not for him. mars is fae, yes, but he is also something other, and that other runs deep, and he's long since come to terms that being other and fae does not mix. he has long, long accepted that curse, word of mouth from the being who bestowed it upon him.
but here, the other does not matter. here, fortune favors the fae, unfortunately.
here, mars finds treasures with relative ease, and gets lost and finds his way home without any issues, and survives death's design again and again. here, arin tests his luck, tests the waters, tests the idea of his oncoming storm.
here, a sting is given, and a sting, eventually, fatally returned.
sorry, mars warbles gently, when he lights the candle by the newly dug grave. i should have said something. i should have warned you all.
the presence of the ghost that shares his name is missing, that day, but the cats still mewl and stare and empty corners in the house when they go to their beds.
down to darkness, dandy says later. mars is used to it being a sort of gentle resting prayer, a reassurance. now, it feels like a threat.
down to darkness. five remain.
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britcision · 1 year
Hi, newer follower, first time asker!
I'm really really loving your Dead and Loving It fic!!
But tbh it was finding another disabled author that really drew me in, and which is making me send this ask!
I know I'm always looking for good fiction with good well written disabled character, so I thought you might be too? If not feel free to totally disregard this and I hope this isn't overstepping at all!
I really highly recommend the book Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites by Joy Demorra, aka thebibliosphere on here, if you interested at all in disabled werewolves finding love and a good doctor who actually listens to him and help treat him, also neurodivergent vampire dandy genuises, and eldritch fae ladies with a lot or trauma and love. Oh and they're a polycule that looks to be falling in love and fighting capitalism. Truly a fucking fantastic book.
Anyway. Um.. sorry if this was too forward! Hope you have a love [insert time of day]!!!
Not at all! I can’t promise to get to them in good time (clearly) but good book recs are always a great idea!
(If you have not read Iron Widow yet you totally should, we have 2/3 disabled protags who power a kaiju bot with the power of their threesome and it’s getting a MOVIE and I am OBSESSED)
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cursedthing · 2 years
So. when were you almost kidnapped by the fae?
The first time I was around 8! There's a pretty dark forest (which is surrounded by ANOTHER, miniature forest with a different wood type) near the old elementary school I used to go to and even before going to this school I was always drawn to it, not just the "oh I'm very curious and want to explore as it is normal for children my age to do so" but more like "this forest is actually Calling to me and whenever I'm near it I have the strongest urge to go there". I never went there because I knew that you're not supposed to go somewhere alone but one day I was hanging out with two of my friends and we didn't know what to play. Naturally since we were near the forest I said that we could go there which my friends reluctantly agreed to after me saying that a few times.
We went there and hopped over the creek that separated The Dark Forest from the miniature light one, it was all fine and dandy with the forest practically pulling me in and the two of my friends incredibly confused (as I never suggested things like this before, I may have been a hyperactive child but I would always be contained to specific spots).
As soon as I stepped foot into that forest it was like the illusion finally broke and felt intense dread and sense that somethings Wrong and as if something that isn't human nor animal was watching us. I imidietly told the friends that "hey! We should turn back now! Like we really should!", they didn't listen and I had to pretty much beg them to get out as fast as they could, they only followed after I jumped back to the lighter side of the creek.
The second time is related to this forest, again.
It was when I was around 11, with same friends and their siblings. It was winter and it finally snowed enough for us to go sliding down steep slopes, which with our luck was next to The Dark forest. We were warned that we shouldn't get too close to it as some foxes were spotted a few weeks back. So we created a sort of buddy system so that we slide in pairs so that no one finds themselves alone near the forest.
We were just having fun until one of the friends younger sisters who I was paired with told me that she felt as if something was watching us and that it wasn't any of our friends. I told her that I believed her as I too had the same feeling. We told the others and tried to stay even closer than before. We theorized that it was the fox watching, which it could have been! But then again that feeling of watched was near identical to the feeling of being watched the first time the fae tried to take me away.
Later we found out that there's a graveyard near by. Fun times!
Third time, surprisingly NOT next to that forest. I was around 13. My extended family and I went hiking to see an old church in the middle of a forest, as a family does.
At some point two of the cousins and I got separated from others. And the memory gets a bit blurry here but I know that for some reason I knew which trails and forest signs to follow. The cousins and I ended up next to bunch of tiny waterfalls and we ended up screaming so that the others could find us echolocation style.
FOURTH TIME! Once again, in a forest (ha ha there's a pattern, awesome-), in the mountains. We were once again hiking. Pretty sure it was the same year actually!
We were getting back from the top peak and gling to where we left the cars. Others stopped to rest a bit on the side of the trail. I Also wanted to rest a bit but for some reason I kept going, as if someone else was controlling my legs. Not long walking turned into a sort of run? You know how deer run? Yea something like that. My mind was completely empty and I felt the urge to just sing but I didn't since I knew in the back of my mind that people would hear me. Luckly I ran into my dad and brother and I finally stopped. A few minutes my bro slipped into a mud patch and dad was helping him get up. Whatever was making me run before came back, awesome, cool, don't run in forests kids ESPECIALLY not near A CLIFF thats dangerous. When dad noticed that I was Gone he called after me and if he didn't I would have gotten completely lost as I went on an entirely separate path that led deeper I to the forest. I came back and reunited with the others safely.
The trail was pretty nice the top incredibly cold so take warm clothes with you. The fae stealing bit was weird so I would rate that whole experience a 7/10.
And that's all the times the fae (???) attempted to take me away! :D
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wickedsrest-rp · 4 months
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What’s new in town?:
Is it aliens? Is it cryptids? Is there about to be a rip in the sky to another dimension? No one knows what's causing these frequent skyquakes, but some suspect it might have something to do with all the missing Resters. Check out our first plot of the week of Season 2 for ways to interact!
Wicked’s Rest is celebrating the winter season with its Frost Bites Festival! Check out our ongoing seasonal event for a winter market, ugly sweaters, teleporting reindeer, Krampus, and so much more.
Because of the skyquakes, all manner of winged creatures have been staying out of the sky. Birds, bugs, beasts, and even sirens and winged fae have been too nervous to fly very high... it's started to get crowded down here.
Those who can see ghosts are seeing a lot of old-timey ones turning up around town, some of which look like they're still dripping with sludge that looks suspiciously similar to the mineral abnormality ooze that covered the town last year. These numbers seem surge during skyquakes.
If you wake up to find an exact (but monochrome) copy of yourself in your home, don't panic. It's probably a pantomimic, drawn into town by the skyquakes. All you need to do is out-mime it, or at least keep it placated until the next skyquake rips, since it seems like they don't tend to withstand direct exposure to the deafening phenomenon. Just make sure to duck and cover before they explode.
Jonas advises not feeding pastries to the reindeer. The reindeer that have definitely not been hanging outside the bakery keeping an eye on that carrot cake.
Some kid keeps telling Milo about shrimp heaven and he's a little confused about it all.
Arden is wondering if she's about to face fishy doom or if everything is just fine and dandy.
Stop asking Alistair for shrimp tea. Whatever that is.
Van is planning to rise up against the shrimp domination. Bring your torches and forks.
Whoever threw spaghetti and Mona's house, please come claim it.
Sam is looking for carrots and the grocery store seems to be out. Something to do with reindeer, they said...
Gael is back and has some questions about the reindeer in question.
Cassius has noted that we might not need to worry about a shrimp uprising as much as a reindeer uprising.
Maggie is wondering if that noise she heard was a tuba from hell.
The animals are turning against poor Monty.
Elora would like the loud noise to be a little more pleasant, thanks.
Daiyu is petitioning to get the local theatre to show the Twilight movies. Vampires are probably split on the matter.
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
Edel - M Nokken x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
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The pictures do not belong to me. I only created the mood board, with a thank you to @handy-dandy-monster-candy​ for helping edit the photos! Do not repost my work anywhere.
Content: NSFW/Lemon; mentions of moving home, selkie friend, light flirting, gifted flowers, bakery treats, slight angst, flirting with fae, kissing, receiving oral, penetrative sex (+ mention of protection), with a fluffy ending
Wordcount: 4302
Faebruary Summary: of your new neighbour and struggling to befriend him
Masterlist // Faebruary Masterlist
No more than twice before moving in had you met your soon-to-be neighbour. On both occasions – the first a tour of the cosy, ground floor apartment, and the second on the day of finalising the lease - he greeted you with the gentlest of handshakes, warmed by a tenderness born of restrained strength. He owned the building and lived in the flat across from yours, apparently for years now.
“Call me Edel. It’s my pleasure,” he’d said the first morning, with a tilted smile and a soft, almost musical accent. His voice distracted you the entirety of the tour so much so that the flat itself barely made an impression. Instead, you remembered Edel and the soft waves of long, dark hair, how the sunlight caught his cheekbones when passing large, bay windows. “You’ll love it here. I promise.”
Had you moved in for the neighbour with a crooked smile and his unimposing nature, a month from dragging indoors the last of your belongings, you would have been sorely disappointed. Even your first meeting left you wanting more; whether that came in a passing smile when crossing in the hall or more, you weren’t yet sure. With less than a couple of feet from his home to yours, you still couldn’t find it in you to initiate that new relationship, and now it felt like you had waited too long.
You didn’t need to wait any longer.
Moving entwined with an independence you had lacked. Now closer to work, closer to friends and with enough distance from home you really felt free, settling into a new routine preoccupied you for a month. That, and decorating with warmer shades of paint and softer cushions, so that now, curled beneath small window lights, you saw him.
The farthest end of your shared garden faded into outgrown woods, sheltering a lake so far only seen in the advertised photos of the property. Not a cloud marred the pale light cast over Edel’s bare back, shadowed by the hair loose against his shoulder blades. He left the back entrance of the building barefoot, never looking from the tree line before fading into it.
He hadn’t returned when you retreated to bed, no matter how slow you walked, peeking back and hoping for another glimpse. With a fresh coffee in hand the next morning, a blur drifted by, the slender form of your neighbour emerging from the woods. In this light, warmer and clearer for your prying, a slight sheen glistened over his bare body, curls where his hair before rested straighter. Steam no longer rose from your mug when you finally looked away, but it was harder to force Edel from your mind.
Retaining the picture of the slight hue beneath falling water led you into your favourite bakery hours later. Favourite not only because your best friend owned it, but now for its proximity to your home, too. This infatuation thrived in the space of a month alone, then being for the soft touch of his palm to yours a, his quiet laugh at your persistent questioning the flat before he answered each with enduring patience. It was more than that, now, and when your close friend found you in her doorway, the dappled pelt draped around her shoulders reconciled with your neighbour’s night passed in a lake, and his melodic way of speaking.
Isla’s loose braids of pepper hair rested along her coat, flyaway strands wisping around her dimpled cheeks when she grinned. Since your moving, where before you would only see one another on occasion, you would pass with a wave, either beckoned by her or entering with some time for catching up, just to make up for the distance no longer between you.
Though, not today, and without a word of pleasantry you said, “I think my neighbour is fae.”
“You mean Edel?” With Isla so close and her recommendation an incentive to renting the flat, her knowledge of the area was invaluable, even in muffling a laugh behind a cough. Her lips still curled when she continued, “he’s a nokken. Didn’t you know?”
She asked like your drawn eyebrows and frown hadn’t been answer enough. “Like fae? Water fae?”
“Distantly fae.” As Isla reached for your favourite treats, the light caught her pelt. “You seem to attract us.”
Her teasing warmed through you as she handed you the warmed bag. She refused payment, though didn’t turn you from the tip jar on the promise of seeing her tomorrow. 
This hadn’t changed anything. You loved your home and living with a nokken hadn’t – wouldn’t, change that.
Knowing what he was, tonight you crept nearer the windows at the faint creaking of doors opening in the hall. The same silhouette left and without the marring confusion or worry for him leaving so late, you tiptoed closer. On a darker night, the moonlight illuminated his muscles tensing with each step further from where a human would choose to rest.
Halfway gone, he faltered, a misstep bringing pale light to cast from his chest to his low hips. Hair darker than the shadows clinging to him tangled about his slender frame when his head tilted. With the slight wind fluttering his hair, it would frame his sharp features beautifully tied back, but then his eyes reflecting white light pinned you. Only then had you the sense to duck.
That shame clung to you long after retreating from your lounge. Maybe he hadn’t seen you, rather only the curtain swaying as you fled, but he had sensed you all the same, turned right to where the the netting tucked back for you to follow him down to the trees. If not for the signed lease, the mortification nearly had you packing your things.
Even as temptation tickled you with a shadow passing your window, you smothered it. Where you curled into the counter, kettle boiling, was far from view had he ever been able to see into your home; he couldn't through net curtains, but reminding yourself came with the sting of shame from last night.
Hiding from him worked until gentle raps came at your door. If he had come now to question your staring, to challenge your urge to watch him walk deeper like he belonged in the night, no defence would rise to your lips.
Edel braced himself on your doorframe. He'd just returned from the lake: hair curling now, the loose trousers cloying to his thighs. That little defence you had ready - an apology, really, drowned beneath the breath fleeing you at his fingers brushing your cheek.
“Come with me."
What little knowledge of fae you now cherished alarmed you, but not so much you didn't move from him. "To the water?"
"Wouldn't you like to?" Lake water followed the muscle of his chest, ending at the darker hairs of his abdomen. Edel's smile burned when you found him looking down to you. "Is that not why you watch me?"
"Call it curiosity," you said, though your breath trembled. He had seen you.
His warm hand fell from your cheek. "Tomorrow, then?"
With a noncommittal, "maybe," and a shared smile, Edel left you to collapse back against your closed door.
No invitation called you to the lake, but a water lily laid outside your door reminded you of the nokken across the hall. The cheaper rent - now, you knew, from fear of living with a creature like him, one related to fae - blessed you not only with a blossoming friendship, but fresh flowers brightening your home with his returns.
Each night on his path to the woods, Edel would pause. Sometimes that was all, just a second's hesitation, but other nights, he would turn and find you half-hidden. Those nights you treasured for the slight tipping of his head to the trees in an extended invite.
You never accepted, and he never stopped offering.
It wasn't so much the fear of entering unfamiliar waters with a nokken hindering you but that you would embarrass yourself. The bright lilies started your day warm, and to follow him would cross a line you weren't ready for; but one you so badly wanted to cross.
The soon familiar routine and its floral scent hadn’t seemed anything more than pleasantries, until a night you replaced the water for the flowers after waving Edel down the garden. Out of love for Isla when she waived a cost, you returned a tip, but you hadn’t offered anything for the flowers nor the smiles from your neighbour. Your friend would never claim a debt against you and while, you doubted Edel would, hoped he wouldn’t, the accumulation following weeks living on his property could amount to any kind of debt, if he chose to claim it.
What better way to appease fae, than with gifts in return?
"Fae like sweet things," Isla told you that afternoon. Sugar coated her fingertips from a long day, a slight dusting along her coat tucked at the back counter, never far from her. She gestured back to the shelves of recipes lining the old bakery.
That wasn’t all that you wanted, though. Isla waited while you fidgeted, seeking the right words. Of course fae liked sweet things, but you wanted Edel to like them, too. Not solely for their purpose in repaying a debt but for who gifted them.
"Bake him something sweet and the effort is gift enough. Try this."
Your friend scowled at the note tucked into her tip jar on handing over a recipe, but waved you out with a smile. The honey-sweetened scent lingered in your home with the flowers after meticulous effort, wafting with you into the hall.
Edel’s breath formed your name, your bodies brushing from his step taken out of his door. On time, too, and the flowery perfume rose from him, stronger and somehow sweeter. His gentle hands rose to your arms, thumbs rubbing slow circles. He was all that stopped you from trembling.
Through a warm accent, he asked, "have you come to join me?"
"Another night, maybe."
"Maybe," he echoed. His eyes fell to where you lifted a warm box. "Those smell lovely."
"They're for you. For the flowers."
"For the flowers," he whispered. The gentle embrace broke like he planned to accept your gift, but instead he brought a foot of distance between you. "You do not owe me anything. If the flowers created such an impression, I am sorry."
The forced tilt to his lips came and went before you could explain, and you stood in the hall long after the backdoor swung open and shut again.
He hadn't returned the next morning. No flower graced your doorstep but when you were just stepping indoors from work, the blur passed your window earlier than each night before, and your stomach dropped.
The tentative friendship fractured further come morning, at a time your absence was known. No flowers came when you left, but the backdoor closed as you turned down the hall. Your distraction allowed him time to leave without your seeing.
So when you finished a painfully long week of waiting and hoping to cross paths, you waited some more. You would go to the water as he had always hoped but going at a time when he was there hadn't been harder. He went to avoid you and by chance after waking late in the night unsettled, finding a glimmer of moonlight disturbed by your neighbour fading banished all remnants of sleep.
In all your nights of peeking through curtains, Edel had never shivered. It was cold. It was windy and dark and you had never been so far down the garden, spurred into the trees by the persisting ache in your chest. It eased when you neared the lake, but replaced with dread as you knelt on a small, wooden platform jutting over the bank.
The water was unforgivingly dark. An unholy screech tore from you when something skimmed your hand hovering against the surface. Edel rose faster from the water to steady you than you could comprehend, cold hands gripping you by your ribs before you toppled forward.
His thumbs stroked in slow circles as you forced yourself to calm down. "You deserved that."
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, your heart a weight in your throat. "I miss the flowers."
"Oh?" His head tilted, bringing long hair to cling to his chest in slight waves. "The flowers and their debt?"
Each word hit like a crack to your ribs. "I'm sorry."
When his hold left, it felt like more of a rejection than his avoidance, until he sighed. "It's late."
"It wasn't just repayment. It was a gift, too." He hadn't looked up again. "I promise I've not be waiting, either."
Edel breathed a laugh. "How did you know to come now?"
"I saw you leaving."
His lips rose as you seemed to lie, but before you could remedy it, his palms flattened to the deck. He rose on the strength of his arms alone until water lapped at his hips. It was when he continued to lift himself that the absence of any clothing had you staggering back.
Old wood groaned beneath you but it was quieter than when you said, "I can walk back alone."
At first unsure, his fingertips brushed yours. You hadn't looked back - he was standing, dripping, bare, but curled your hand with his until you muffled your surprise at the touch of webbed skin, as timid a touch as his following whisper.
"You don't have to."
The walk would have been silent, had you not asked to suppress the rising fluttering in your chest, "why aren’t you cold?"
"Are you cold?"
Edel squeezed his hand to yours. "Then dress warmer tomorrow. Goodnight."
Tomorrow came so soon, with a soft tap to your door all it took before you were smiling up to find him leaning close. No lily, but he reached out to take your hand again.
"Before we go," he murmured, and you rested against the closed door, angled back below him. "Do you know how long this apartment was left empty? Before you?"
His face fell when you shook your head. "I knew it was empty for some time, but…"
"Two years. Over twenty-six months." His touch softened when he released your hand, revealing the thin webbing tickling you. Edel's lips twitched when you traced along it with your fingertip. "Do you know why?"
You hadn't the heart to say it, only nodding.
"Those lilies were gifts," he began and stared at your hands sliding together. "I may be folk, but I have no malicious intent in luring you to the lake. I only ever sing in the shower or beneath the water. If I ever-"
"Never," you said. Irrespective of whatever threat he thought of he posed, you didn't care.
"I'd love your company."
When you tugged on his hand, he fell in step. "I'd love yours, too." 
Late in the evening, Edel would meet you in the hall. Until you shivered or tired, you would spend the time on the deck while he floated in the water. The lilies returned after he ventured back to the lake, but without fail, he walked you back the short way to your door. His touch would pull on your hand until falling with a smile always soft on parting.
What little progress made found its way back to Isla when she urged you in, with instructions to offer him the same treats he before refused; not as a gift like they had been, but something you wanted to give him. You promised to meet him later, after you had warmed the honeyed puddings, even holding your ground when his frown tugged at your heart before leaving. Carrying them down to him was worth it, if only for the rising nerves in your chest - the good kind.
The scent teased him from the water. Edel extended a hand to draw you closer before his bright eyes widened. "Not in trade?" 
"Not in trade,” you nodded. “I promise."
"While I do believe you," he murmured, and your throat tightened as he lifted himself to your height. "If this is not in trade, give me something more."
His breath fluttered against your face. Your fingers curled against the edge of the platform. "Like?"
"One kiss." Edel's hand stroked from your crossed leg up, rising to your waist. "If you would like to. As a gift."
The wood might have splintered beneath your hands when you lifted your chin. Water dripped from his hair, cold to your face but the heat of him, his hand tight against your hip, lit a fire in your stomach.
It lasted no more than a passing second before water rose back to his chest. Edel grinned from the lake, his lips fleeting against your knuckles still locked tight to hold yourself from following him in.
He no longer left bare down to the garden since your accompanying him, though the night you first saw him, he hadn’t been either. Whether he dressed anticipating your stare choked you, but freed you to turn once to your door. Edel stilled at the kiss his cheek and you were inside before he could fully utter your name aloud.
His cheek tasted of the sugar form your honey treats.
Another week, you would have celebrated the weekend, but nothing helped pass the time until it was late enough his door opened. Edel hadn't closed it again before you were there, breaths fast and smiling up.
"I'm coming."
"Good," he breathed, before lowering himself to steal a light kiss. His hand tugged on yours. "Now?"
Though this had been why you were restless all day, having him soften, both hands rising to your cheeks to lift you closer, nearly made you faint. He whispered your name and kissed you so gently, you tiptoed and sought him again.
This time, he lingered. With your foreheads together, he ran his hands along your arms. "I've never kissed someone into stupor before."
"Don't tease," you gasped. He was still sweet on your lips and he carried that same floral scent you loved, clouding your thoughts.
"Was I not clear?" He kissed you again but lifted himself so you could see the warmth to his pale cheeks. "It's you I want, not just company."
"You want me?" Edel hummed, his touch tracing up your arms again. "Prove it."
He gasped and as he stared after you, inching backwards over the threshold, it felt like too much of an overstep. Then it passed and he followed you, the door closed and locked behind him.
His lips rose crooked. "Go on, then."
The apartment mirrored yours in layout and later, by his side, you would marvel at the softer hues in his decorating, more greens and greys, but you were running beyond the lounge, past large windows to an open bedroom door.
His arms came around you and aided in slipping free your clothes, until his bare chest warmed your back. "I'm to prove I want you, yes?" The heat of his palm stroked down your stomach. "Is that right?"
"Yes," you gasped, trembling already at his hand slipping lower.
"Kneel on the bed for me," he whispered to your throat and you were helpless, only hesitating at the end. Edel circled the bed and when he turned, your stomach fluttered at him tying his long hair up. His chin tipped in an unmistakable invitation. "Come here, beautiful."
His hands on your thighs lifted you closer when you gasped, astride his chest and swallowing hard. He kissed your inner thigh, undeterred by your small whine.
"Wouldn't this be better if I laid down?"
His tongue ran over his lips. "Please."
"If you need to stop," you whispered, though the strain of withholding yourself from bringing his flushed lips to where you ached most nearly overcame you. “Edel?”
"If I need air, I will tap your thigh. I won't, though," he teased, and guided you to kneel around his head, so grateful his hair had already been knotted back. "Come here…"
You lowered yourself evidently not fast enough, as Edel let free a groan and drew in a slow breath. The headboard trembled with your clutching it tight, knuckles aching like last night on the lake's platform.
One, slight touch of his hot tongue to your slit had you gasping, forgoing any inhibitions and rolling down against him. Edel made as many sounds of contentment and circled his thumbs into your thighs, parting your folds for him to lift his face higher.
"Do you… do you need me to-"
Edel's groan came when his lips softened against your clit, gentle at first before he focused there, mindful of how you clenched and what made you whine, then what made you gasp. The flattening of his down dragged, coaxing your cries louder. He drew on the coil burning in your navel with each stroke of his hot tongue, down until he curled it against your aching centre and tasted you around him.
One hand fell low, tugging at his hair to keep him close. Every flick of the muscle prolonged the tingling running down your spine, down to your toes curled on the sheets.
Soft palms gripped your thighs in aiding you back once your moans eased to harsher breaths. Edel settled you over his lap, but your body already so sensitive against him made you tingle again. He faced you with a glistening smile, one tended to by his tongue before you chased after his moan.
"Is that proof enough?"
Your forehead rested to his, breathing deep. "Proof?"
"Proof of how much I want you." He laid kisses along your throat and when you thumbed the waist of his trousers, his eyelids fell low with a hummed moan. "Say no."
His cheeks were flushed, hair curling at his temples from your body around him, so unlike the weight to his dark stare. "I'd like to prove my want with you sitting like this-" he rolled his hips up against you, and both of you shared a moan. "Is that what you'd like?"
Edel relinquished himself to you. Only in trousers, you caught yourself moaning just from reaching to stroke his length. He stretched from the bed for protection as you inched closer again. The tint of blue to his body tempted you closer, wanting nothing more than to already have him.
Edel kissed the heat falling from your cheeks down to your throat as you undressed him. The tint to his body captivated you, down to the blue hue to his dark head. He stretched back from the bed for protection, though trembled with the pad of your thumb tracing up the veins running along his length.
That shared thought brought his hands to your hips, your body lifting above him. His cock pressed to you, slick and aching, and you clenched around him when taking him deep. That sensitivity hadn't faded and dizzied you, adjusting still when he kissed you.
"I was right. My pleasure," he said, before his body moved against you, his cock dragging along your fluttering walls.
My pleasure, he'd greeted you on your first meeting, but you disagreed. Every arch of his body brought him deeper, and every kiss enticed another whimper until you were trembling so soon around him again.
"So beautiful," he whispered. His hand cradled your face, thumb running along your parted lips as he peppered touches along the column of your throat. "Everything I've ever wished for."
He gasped with you as you tightened your legs around his hips, clinging to him at the returning pressure in your abdomen. The lake could wait. You wanted to spend forever in his arms, letting your head fall back so his tongue could trace down to your collarbones.
Edel grunted from your hand unravelling his hair, only to draw his lips to yours as his thumb graced your flushed clit. One firm stroke and you cried loud, your rhythm faltering as your orgasm overcame you. He continued to rub your nerves, an arm banded tight around you until he moaned your name and stiffened.
Until your breaths eased, you clutched each other close. The gentleness in his care as you rested by his side was no different than any other time, tucking an arm beneath your crown as you lazed in his hold.
You woke alone.
The bedsheets were cold, tousled and bathed in the same moonlight he had left you for. No light came from his lounge as you left in his trousers and your shirt.
The night wasn't so cold, but quiet. Each step nearing the lake matched your racing heart, and it rose to a crescendo finding him waiting in the water, reaching out to hold you when you undressed. Even if the night hadn't been cold, the water was, so you curled tighter to his chest.
"You left."
He waded deeper, kissing your temple. "I'd have been by your side before you truly woke."
"I'm awake now."
Edel breathed quietly against your hair. "I wanted you to feel free to go."
"Is that what you want?" If not for the water strengthening his embrace, you would have turned away. "For me to leave?"
His lips curled down, though he looked beyond you. "I'd rather now than later."
"Was I not clear?" Edel's shoulders softened from beneath his jaw. "It's you I want, until you want me gone."
Where his lips had been hours before, he kissed your throat, soft against your flitting pulse. It was promise enough as he cradled you to him, holding you all the way back to his bed, and neither of you planned on leaving soon.
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
How the Original Villains Act With Their Twisted Wonderland Counterparts Part 2
I’ve had well over twenty requests for a part 2, so here it is. Please enjoy.
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Meeting the two Scarabia boys is an utter nightmare for Jafar! Moreso it's a dream come true....dressed like a nightmare. The poor sand sorcerer didn't even know how he turned from evil genius to exhausted stay at home father overnight. It could have been because he had to save Kalim and Jamil from crashing a flying carpet. Or when he had to get the two young boys to make up after a huge fight. Either way, Jafar has become their -unwilling- illegitimate father.
He's always running around after Kalim trying to make sure he doesn't get himself killed in some way shape or form. At one point Jafar got so fed up that he just baby-proofed all of Scarabia....and still Kalim ended up with a mild concussion and broken rib. Even though the young royal is way more trouble than he's worth, Jafar still deeply cares for him, in a twisted, melodic manner he tries to morphe his relationship with Kalim as what he could have had with the sultan. Sure it's a lot of work, but it's rewarding. Just seeing the white-haired boy smile and wrapped his arms around Jafar's waist is worth more than all the treasures in the cave of wonders.
As for Jamil....well Jafar has high expectations for him. He sees so much raw potential in the boy, a glimmer of what he, himself could have been! It's comical really, how desperately Jafar tries to give Jamil everything that he lacked in life. He's always boosting the younger boy's ego, molding him to believe that he is the best! It's something Jamil never had in his life, someone who tells him that he can -and one day will be- more than just a slave.
Although he tries to mold Jamil in his image, Jafar also does try to keep both boys on friendly terms. He'd hate to see either of them wind up the way he did, lost, and forgotten in a lamp made of his own misery.
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The concept of a family has always been an oddity for Hades.
The lord of the dead detests his actual family. Brothers and nephews prancing around in the spotlight, whilst he's left to dwell in the neverending darkness of the underworld. Families are useless, they're nothing more than thrones that prick your finger every time your inches away from plucking the roses of victory. 
Although he'd be lying if he didn't say that there was something...exceptional about the two Shroud brothers. They're bizarrely co-dependent, needing one another to function properly. Without one the other turns into a blundering mess of "ERRORS"  and "CAN NOT PROCESS, PLEASE REBUT AND TRY AGAIN LATER". The words don't really make much sense to Hades, but the intention his clear. They're two halves of a dysfunctional whole. 
It's even more alarming when the two boys -who, the lord of the dead, is starting to notice look a little too much like him- start to open up to him. Letting him stay in their room and permitting him to ramble about his horrible family and "shiny" nephew for hours on end. For the first time since his creation, Hades starts to get the slightest feeling that maybe, just maybe he might be wanted by someone, that someone (or someones) does indeed care about him.
The feeling only starts to spread when Ortho falls into the habit of calling him "Bampás" and wrapping his icy cold metallic arms around his waist. It's not an unpleasant feeling, just a bit shocking and almost to an extent, painful. It brings back rage-filled memories of watching Jercules and his dear big bro hugging, memories of how left out he felt everywhere, of how for almost all eternity he was doomed to be alone.  
However, it's not like he doesn't enjoy the hug, it shows the effort the little boy puts in showing just how much he loves his newly found father. Its teeth rotting sweet and...precious, yeah that's a good word for it.
Idia's more drawn back both physically and emotionally. He's constantly hunched over the glowing cube, watching armored heroes slaughtering each other and oddly attractive girls arguing over some plain, boring looking guy. It's a bit annoying, but Hades is all too familiar with the lack of interest in leaving one's dwelling and interacting with others, so he lets it slid...or rather he used to.
As Idia gets used to Hades' looming presence he starts talking a LOT more, never really stops rambling about some new "game" or "movie". It's all dandy, over the centuries Hades has become an expert in pretending to listen to others, a key talent when associating with the other deities of Olympus. However, when Idia starts trying to get him to use that glowing cube or a smaller version that fits in his hand, Hades starts wishing he'd paid more attention to the young god's endless verbose.  
The chairs in this century are annoyingly uncomfortable and Idia's constant muttering of the word "boomer" isn't helping. Every time Hades presses a wrong key button thing and Idia mutters that irritating word, he half expects the cube to blow up. Plus why must that light coming from the inside be so damn bright, his eyes are starting to peel out of their sockets. 
Ortho's a bit more helpful, explaining in superfluous detail what everything is for. Although each word coming from the boy's mouth just seems like pointless gibberish. 
Hades is starting to think that getting that hunk of moussaka out of his throat was easier than understanding these two. 
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Maleficent has a habit of being just a bit too proud of the four Diasomnia boys.
Silver and Sebek are competent in her mind, which in and of its self is a compliment coming from the witch of thrones. They don't trip over themselves, they understand that babies do in fact grow into adults, and most importantly they are willing to die for their master. They'd make perfect henchmen, better than what she had in her time.
Lilia is an ever-present paradox to the mistress of evil. Ever since she found herself being alive once more, things from the past have gained the nasty habit of disappearing almost entirely from her memory. She swears one her stolen wings that she knows Lilia personally from lifetimes ago. But she can never remember where exactly they met or why every time he looks at her, his eyes are filled with a sort of distant sadness. Like an ancient wound that never healed right.
Malleus is special, to say the least. He's her grandson, after all, a reminder that all she did in this world was NOT in vain. His personality is even a carbon copy of her's, distant and secluded yet humble and fierce. He's been able to climb the ranks to fifth strongest mage worldwide, a feat unaccomplished by others in their family.
It's become a rather alleviate pass time to submerge the four ( she's probably older than Lilia)  young man in old tails and fantasies about the ancient times. Tales about how the evil human kings would seek to destroy the fae folk. How some fairies even sided with those pesky humans. Their looks of astonishment (and Lilia's look of satisfaction) soothes the old witch's, rotten heart. It even jolts some memories of a young blond girl, one who would always florrick through the forest by Malificent's side. Beasty was her name, or at least she thinks it was and in some odd prank played by fate she sees Beasty's cheerfulness in all their faces.
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yan-twst · 3 years
Thank you for all your hcs! Can i request non yan hcs for idia, lilia, and silver’s reactions to their partner who wants their characters in a game to marry for special benefits like duo moves and matching outfits? But then later on they make a comment about how it can be a stepping stone to marrying in real life 🎮
idia shroud
idia is no stranger to marriage perks in certain games. he’s never been a fan of them; multiplayer games are fine, and guilds are all good and dandy, but he just doesn’t like the idea of having to ask a random stranger on the game to marry him even if it’s for perks. it’s- it’s really embarrassing, ok?
but when his partner asks him if he can log into a game they play because of a “special marriage campaign”, it’s entirely different. of course it’s different- this is his partner, someone he already knows and loves; but that doesn’t mean that he’s entirely composed either
it’s just a game it’s just for the perks why is he so worked up- idia seems to get flustered enough one would almost think he was considering a real-life proposal. his lover can tell, too (it’s not too hard to notice when idia is stressed), and it’s almost... adorable how much thought he seems to put into an in-game wedding that really just consists of going through some dialogue prompts and getting an item that’s really not that rare
one would think that with how used to video games he is, that the whole ordeal would just go over his head as another event to clear for some in-game cosmetics and moves- in practice there’s not that big of a difference between this and other multiplayer duo events in the game- but... it’s clear he’s flustered over it, as silly as he feels about it
it’s so hard to not tease him about it, but idia’s lover knows that if they comment on idia’s adorable seriousness over the game event, he’ll get all pouty and depressed. still, when the actual wedding event is going on and both avatars are in wedding attire, they can’t help but make a fateful comment;
“i wonder if our real wedding will look something like this” is enough of a comment to make idia short circuit, and that’s a big feat, because usually once he picks up the controller he zeroes in on the game to a degree where it’s almost impossible to get his attention
“y-you can’t just say that...! that’s- our wedding would... look cooler.” the way idia’s voice slowly dies down as he speaks, probably choked out of embarrassment, is adorable. to anyone who wasn’t familiar with him, they’d probably find it hurtful he’s so tense and clumsy at the topic of marriage, but his partner knows better. idia’s flustered attitude at the subject isn’t brought around because the student dislikes the thought of being united to his lover; by now, they can tell that he’s overwhelmed in a positive way. it’s easy to see the gears turning in his head in the way he grips his controller, face red as he glances at them and then at the screen (to a not very interesting wedding event, but hey, it’s a free event and it’s just to unlock some skins and duo combat moves so it’s alright for what it is). he shyly scoots closer to them; whatever he was going to say before, he’s too flustered to continue saying, but the way he lets go off the controller with one hand to place it around his beloved’s shoulder perhaps speaks louder than any words he could stutter out in his current state.
lilia vanrouge
ohoho? marriage in a game? how advanced times are!
of course, this is just lilia poking fun at his lover. he’s well aware of the marriage event- he tends to play games way into the night, and it just so happened he was online during midnight when the event announcement dropped. 
in good vanrouge fashion, he takes every chance to tease his partner, at least a little. he might make a big deal out of it all, chuckling about “how quickly time flies” and how “just yesterday he was teaching them how to play the game and now they’re marrying”
despite marriage being a bit different in concept between fae and humans, lilia has been around for a long, long time. he doesn’t really need any explanation on the human concept of marriage, nor does he need any explanation on the concept of marrying in-game by exchanging some mildly rare rocks and mashing through some dialogue prompts to obtain some items and some skins
and yet somehow he’s still caught off-guard; when his partner chuckles and comments about how perhaps in the future they’ll marry just like they’re doing in-game now, lilia’s heart jumps a little. for once he doesn’t immediately have a playful response ready
he almost feels like he’s a thousand years younger, a lovesick teen again, with how his heart seems to melt into warm honey at those words. lilia doesn’t often think of the future- he’s learnt to live in the present, to focus on the things that are with him (because perhaps in some time, they won’t be there anymore); but he allows himself to imagine being wed to his beloved, and it warms his heart
the way he almost drapes himself over his partner, cooing about how sweet they are and burying his head into the crook of their neck is perhaps a good symbol of how surprisingly moved by the comment he is. lilia is a family-centric guy: he can’t help but get sappy at the thought of marriage, and he doesn’t care if the comment about it originated from some video game event
“i wonder if you’d prefer a human or a fae wedding. this game seems to be very much based on wedding rites from various lands” lilia’s talking about the game, but the way he nuzzles into his partner and the tone of his voice clearly seem to indicate that he’s not really thinking about the game, but rather imagining an actual wedding. surely later he’ll go back to the game to test out the new moves and try on the wedding skins- he is pretty obsessed with the game after all- but at the moment, his brain is too focused on other things to even truly think of the game. if lilia could purr, he’d surely be doing so: he’s always been keen on incorporating his lover into his odd little family with malleus and silver (and even sebek, to an extent), but there’s something about them being the one to bring up marriage first that makes his heart flutter. “remind me to teach you about weddings in the valley of thorns. i’d like to see if the wedding rites from your homeland could be mixed with those...”
silver may not be too keen on video games, preferring to spend his valuable awake time studying or training. games are fun, sure- he often sees his own father stay up until the crack of dawn mashing away at a controller, or spots malleus playing with that weird egg-shaped virtual pet thing- but silver finds that whenever he tries to play for his own enjoyment, he tends to fall asleep with the controller or console in his hands
but he also considers spending time with his partner as an important part of his day, and so when they ask him if he could make an account on some game they play so he could help them out to complete an event, he agrees, despite knowing he probably won’t play much outside of lending said help
he’s visibly flustered and confused when his partner explains that he’s essentially going to be marrying them in the game.  he might have played some games here and there, or watched lilia play from time to time, but he’s never heard of getting married in a game...?
it’s not that he doesn’t understand; ok, it makes sense to unlock things for completing something in the game, sure. he just can’t help but feel a little bit shy, and more so feel incredibly silly for being shy over a game wedding
still, he almost seems to try and take on the game event like it’s one of his serious tasks, with how his brow furrows as he accompanies his partner to go and collect the needed resources and as he carefully reads the dialogue instead of smashing the ‘a’ button to get it over with. it’s clear he’s trying to distract himself from his initial flustering by trying to take in the game event as serious work
... and all of that lasts until his partner makes a comment on how “getting married in the game won’t measure up to getting married in real life”. that’s when he nearly drops the controller and feels his face heat up
his idea of a wedding is quite quaint and at the same time fantasy-like. he’s never actually attended a wedding, but he remembers lilia reading story books to him and how the stories always seemed to end with the valiant knight having a beautiful wedding with his beloved. he can’t help but imagine himself in that situation, imagining those storybook weddings but instead of it being the valiant knight protagonist and his love interest it’s him and his lover- the thought is almost... dizzying, in a good way
“don’t let the old man, hear you talking about marriage, or he’s going to go insane and start planning the wedding now.” silver leans to the side, pressing closer to his lover’s body as they continue advancing through the wedding event. although his words aren’t particularly romantic, there’s something in his tone that’s soft, almost delicate; without even looking, his lover can easily tell silver’s flushed, his pale skin and white hair making the blush stand out. he’s not wrong- they can easily imagine lilia going absolutely bonkers at the thought of his son’s wedding, and it elicits a giggle from them. he seems to find the thought equally as hilarious (though he can say with certainty that when time comes to let lilia help with the wedding prep he’ll surely get a headache from it all), as he presses a chaste kiss to their cheek. “... but when time comes, i promise we’ll have a beautiful wedding.”
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feysandfeels · 3 years
Did you vibe with Feysand this book? what about their pregnancy
Hey sugar!
Yes I did vibe with Feysand I loved seeing them from other’s perspective, their love still filled me and every time they were cute with one another it added ten years to my life. 
I loved, LOOVED that they called them out on their bargain, because even though I do not hate it and I understand why they did it, I think it was very important that they were told that as partners that was a cute decision and all, but as rulers that was a stupid call. I love that we get that from Rhys: the realization that more than his mate’s life, he bargained the welfare of his court in all the anxiety he constantly feels. 
Now with the pregnancy... I still go back and forth with it. I think it worked for the narrative and I think it was an effective propeller for character development and action. I loved seeing Feyre excited to have a baby and I appreciated the anxiety and terror Rhys was feeling along with that excitement. My hope with this narrative going forward is that they don’t use it to sort of retire Feyre from the plot of the books because “she’s a mom and someone needs to stay home with Nyx”. I will stand by this choice or at least respect it, if in future books we still get Feyre Cursebreaker in all her might in conjunction with Feyre the mom and not just Feyre the mom. 
My issue with it, which did not deter my love for the story or the precise arc of this book, is that at the beginning it seemed a tad convenient, like ohhhh Feyre is pregnant and her pregnancy is quite dangerous so she can’t do much really, this is why Nesta is needed. Even though, I understand why we did not get much information on the day-to-day of the pregnancy because both Cassian and, specially, Nesta were not part of that day-to-day I would have loved to go deeper into that just so it would make a fully fleshed justification for why Feyre was on the side of the game in a way in which no other character from the IC really was. The further I got into the book the more I liked the way it was woven into the plot, but a part of me wishes Sarah could have found another way make Nesta take charge of the Trove, because at the end of the day that is where Nesta stepped because Feyre couldn’t.
However, I think it was very successful in helping understand more the magic system and Nesta’s powers at the end. That scene where she saves Feyre explains that her powers, in coming from the artefact of creation itself (The Cauldron), could have an effect in reality in an altering way that none of the High Fae even Rhysand and Feyre in all their might could have. For instance, Feysand and High Fae can use the materials available to them to create or destroy, they have a very empirical magic if you will; but Nesta, Nesta had power that came from creation itself, therefore she could alter the fabric of reality or at least access the tools that would permit her to do so. It’s like saying that death is something that alters reality and is part of the innate fabric of the world, and that’s what she has access to, that realm of agency/action, and why only she could step in and save her. Feyre’s situation was beyond the known and the empirical, she was as good as dead (again... my fucking baby can’t catch a break) so of course only Nesta, who can access the fabric of reality, could actually do something. It is even suggested that she talked to The Mother, which further supports that her powers gave her an access to something bigger.
Additionally it made us remember that Feyre is a person unlike any other in the world of Prythian. There is no text book for how her powers truly work and affect her. It is a reminder that in all of the history of this world, only five people have been made (The Archerons, Amren and Myriam) and all in very different circumstances and with different methods so it’s not like they can rely on the other experience to successfully guide Feyre. So it becomes believable, to me at least, why no one knew what the fuck to do about it and why they decided to take the safe route of “no magic until that baby is out”.
Also it show where the world needed clear advancements. Yes they have all the magic they might want and stuff like that, but performing a c-section and the risk it entails is that they did not truly know how, hence all the previous cases resulting in death. There she established that magic does not necessarily give you knowledge on all things. It’s all good and dandy if you have the tools to perform a c-section but if you don’t know how to do it then those tools are useless. That’s what was happening there. Madja and Rhys could have the magic, but neither had the knowledge on how to perform it successfully. 
It was an unusual, more complex way to help understand and delimit the world in ACOTAR. But as I’ve said a million times sjm books are deceptively not for the lazy reader.
Anywho, Feysand are now parents and omg. 
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
Preference: What Strange Being Are They?
Characters: Jaskier, Honey Lemon, Benoit Blanc, Finn, Geralt
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Jaskier - Spring Court Fae
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Fae of the Spring Court (or the Seelie, as they are more formally called) are known for being one of the two more benevolent classes of fae. Generally polite and bright-eyed with a love for what the world has to offer, they typically come equipped with a twinge of mischief when it comes to interacting with humans. Otherwise, they just leave them be.
But Jaskier loved humans just a bit too much to keep proper distance.
While Solitary Fairies weren’t unheard of, it was extremely unusual to hear of a fae abandoning their court in favor of wandering around without any particular allegiance.
So it might’ve ruffled a few wings when the local fairy viscount and viscontess’ son decided to up and leave to “travel the world”, armed only with his admittedly limited magicks and a lute. But Jaskier didn’t care: All he wanted at this point was to be up close with humans, to entertain them, to have their eyes on him, for them to be ensorcelled by him . . . Perhaps even enough to copulate with him.
Because make no mistake: Benevolent or not, a fair folk is still a fair folk. And the fae have never been the type to shy away from mischief. Which was probably why you knew you were in trouble the moment those blue eyes landed on you . . .
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Honey Lemon - Witch
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While witches need no introduction, there is still a certain . . . aesthetic, we shall say, that tends to go along with the image. Because for as black sunhat-wearing and crystal-collecting as the image has become in more recent years, no one could deny the traditional associations: Cottages that looked cobbled together, nestled deep within gnarly woods; cauldrons bubbling over with green concoctions; battered grimoires and parchment strewn about and stacked haphazardly along stale, wooden shelves; figures cloaked in black enigma, hidden away from the prying eyes of society.
Nobody tends to think of a small apartment in the shadier side of town; Bunsen burner sets heating away at beakers of bubblegum-pink, perfume-y something-or-other; spells and brews written on flowery stationary, filed away neatly in polka-dot binders and Hello Kitty folders and assembled on a shelf ordered from IKEA; and an energized young lady with long, blonde hair that paled in comparison to the bright, glorious smile she wore.
Suffice to say, Honey Lemon is not the traditional image of a witch. But this never stopped the rumors from floating around the city, onto college campuses filled with students eager and desperate.
“If you go to 1234 Blahblahblah with a roll of cute washi tape or stickers, a witch there will give you a potion to help you pass your exams,” they said. Which was ridiculous, of course: It was just another local legend started by grad students, passed down to undergrads desperate enough to believe anything.
And, unfortunately for you, you were an undergrad desperate enough to believe anything . . .
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Benoit Blanc - Dhampir
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The occurrence of a successful pregnancy between a vampire and a human was not a particularly common one. That the progeny might grow up to be anything other than a vampire hunter or even something of a bon vivant was rarer still. And given that he was blond with piercingly blue eyes -- rather than the usual deep brunette and brown-eyed package -- it was fairly apparent that Benoit was a somewhat unusual example of dhampir. Nor that he much cared.
He was far too old to care in his personal opinion. Besides: He’d learned long, long, long ago to stop worrying so much about his oddities (it saves time), especially given that some evidence of his more vampiric lineage never quite took. For example, while his senses of sight, smell, and even hearing to a point managed to be more heightened than that of his human kin, his speed and strength just barely stood out as being any better than the average man’s. Nor did his agility, for that matter.
But he was more than happy to take what skills and knowledge he did have and put them to good use elsewhere: Eagle eyes for scanning and noticing the teeny, tiny details; a good sense of smell, which could be far more useful than one might think when observing certain crime scenes; and an assemblage of knowledge and experiences collected from over the last three centuries. They didn’t make much for a hunter of the unnatural without the strength and speed, but they suited detective work just fine.
All topped with a bow of wit and charm, aged like wines he’d outlived, and Benoit Blanc appeared to be a man just ever so slightly out of sync with the modern era. Not concernedly so, but just enough for him to eventually earn the title of “The Last of the Gentleman Sleuths” during one of the very, very few times he allowed his presence to be more widely known to the public.
It was his diction, his style of dress, and the overall air he exuded, really -- it might not have been intoxicating in the same way that a full-blooded vampire might draw in company, but he did, without a doubt, possess some draw to him.
Well, at least he did to you . . .
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Finn - Alien
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In a galaxy far, far away . . . FN2187 was just another extraterrestrial living amongst the stars. In the middle of a war. A war he wanted nothing to do with, but was dragged into anyway. Admittedly, he didn’t have any real stance on the matter. After all, as a soldier, was he really supposed to? Well, regardless, he eventually got one: He didn’t like it. At all. What was this all even for? Liberation? Conquest? Just to prove a point? It didn’t matter: The horrors had become etched into his brain, the burden of his connection to it all too much for even his hearts, multiple as they were, to bear. 
And so he escaped, stealing a ship and flying off into the big, black unknown.
However, that FN2187 was not a particularly skilled pilot. In fact, he wasn’t trained to be a pilot at all! It was an honest to The Maker miracle that he’d managed to even get as far as he did, even if it ended in him crashing the stolen craft.
Unfortunately, crashes of any kind have never been subtle events, no matter how low of a profile the alien might’ve wanted it to have been. Authorities had been alerted, and it was only a matter of time before he was discovered by either his own officers, or these...Terranian ones. He knew he could handle the latter, but why take the risk?
Besides, he was already lucky enough to have you be the first to find him (lucky him, crashing in the patch of trees nearby your house). You, on the other hand . . . You wouldn’t consider yourself unlucky, per se. But you did consider yourself in a jam. After all, there was no handy dandy manual for how to keep the alien you’ve taken home under wraps . . .
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Geralt - Faoladh
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There are werewolves, and then there are the Faoladh. A werewolf is a beast that turns from man to monster on every full moon, more often than not devolving into a fit of heightened savagery in the process. The ire from this is consequential.
The Faoladh, however, are nearly the exact opposite.
Rather than wait for a moon phase to dictate their form, they can simply change as they like, so long as they’re equipped with the wolf pelt that gives them beastly form. As a result, they retain their humanity and reason, which has served them well in legends, where people have called them heroes of war, recruited by the king. Some even designate them patronage over children, the wounded, and lost souls.
However, it is perhaps because of their rarity that their name had fallen from most memories, their notable benevolence along with it. Because how could something so large, so brutal, and so terrifyingly dangerous be capable of goodness and protection? Though, for the remaining few that knew otherwise, there were still some good wolves out there.
And the village insisted that it was lucky to have one of them wandering around in its history. You, of course, had some doubts . . .
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World Building part 1/5
The History of the Fae World
Hello and welcome to the first post dedicated to explaining how I would rewrite Eldarya! You can find the context to this post here. Before I begin here is your kind reminder that this is just my opinion and that it is subjective and that my version/AU is not better than the original or any other version for that matter, feel free to disagree and even tell me how wrong I am as long as you remain kind and polite. I will assume you are familiar with the game’s plot and so these posts will contain spoilers.
Let’s start with one of the core problems of this game, the world building. The game glosses over it, vaguely explaining it and seldom utilizes it in the plot. The team had a few good ideas, such as the war between the dragons and the aengels and it’s aftermath, but also they fail to take into account some of their decisions and their consequences. I am referring to the fact that the ritual was not completed and thus the food grown on Eldarya isn’t nutritional, it’s interesting in theory but the application is sloppy considering they have to constantly steal food from Earth but are unable to bring the main character back home. I will try to rewrite this origin story as well as a bit more of this world’s history, trying to make it as interesting but without it having so many consequences that are just making things less fun. (warning: this is unnecessarily long) 
The creation:
The birth of Christ was but a few centuries away: humanity was slowly learning how to write, faes were worshiped like gods and everyone lived in harmony. All was good and dandy until The Oracle (yes, the one in the Crystal) foretells a grim future. The Oracle was but a young witch back then, someone very similar to the Oracle of Delphi who could see into the future. She began to tell of a world where there’s only God who’s word is law and where fear of the unknown pushes humanity to persecute and abuse of faes (aka Christianity and unholy amount of persecution they led against witches and pagans). This of course was terrifying to the current leaders of the faes and, despite having some doubts, they still decided to act upon this prophecy. The Oracle offered the solution, the creation of a new world, an escape, so that, if things get out of control, the faes can just escape to this world and close the gates towards Earth guarantying their safety. 
All that was required was to complete a century long ritual, led by none other than the Oracle, where three of the mightiest faes species will have to sacrifice themselves in order to use the power within them to create this new world. These species symbolize what this new world should be like: the Dragons represent its power and might, the Phoenix, its immortality and fairness, the Aengels, its generosity and beauty. But there was a catch. The Oracle was using part of the power released by this sacrifice to become more powerful herself, unbeknownst to the others. Her Apprentice ended up discovering her secret and told the sacrificed about it. They decided to trap her during the last ritual inside of a giant crystal so that she may not use her new found powers against them in the future. And so they did, The Oracle found herself eaten by blue crystals where she stood and as she understood what was happening to her, she cursed this new world that she built: pieces of her Crystal will make faes go insane with greed and power, forcing them on killing sprees, that as much as they will try to keep the crystal in one piece, it will shatter, poisoning the inhabitants reminding them of her wrath. Dumbfounded, the remaining faes didn’t know what to do now, afraid of going in this new and now completed world, none wanting to go insane. The Apprentice stepped up, promising she knew how to appease her late master and thus control the intensity of this curse. 
Thus began something known as the First Wave, only a few thousand faes left for this new world they have created, to understand if it was truly dangerous, led by the Apprentice and much later by her reincarnations. Among these faes were the Original Three (the Dragons, Aengels and Phoenix) who each claimed one of the four main continents, the last one going to The Apprentice and her followers (you can find more details about the geography of this new world here [yet to be written]). At first, the Crystal was easy to control and the cases of Corrupted Faes were few and far between but it couldn’t last forever. (cf:The Fall of the Mightiest and The Return of The Oracle, found below) 
The War between the Dragons and the Aengels, also known as the Rise of the Mightiest:
The Ritual has left the Original Three weak and far less in numbers than they used to be. The Apprentice decided to give up the continent she was assigned, preferring to dedicate her life to dealing with the Oracle than to rule land. Both the Dragons and the Aengels wished to take this now ‘vacant’ continent for themselves. They were unable to compromise lands both wanting the land in its entirety. A war began between the two, The War of The Mighty Two. Meanwhile the Phoenix decided to remain true to their principals and remained neutral and fair, not taking part in this quarrel. They ended up regretting this much later. The war stretched for a couple of centuries until the Aengels disappeared completely from the face of this new world, declaring the Dragons victors and rulers of now three of the four main continents. Thus the Dragons began to change history, changing the name of the Aengels into Daemons and antagonizing them in history books. The Phoenix let them do so out of fear but also because they were afraid of losing their neutral stance. 
Special thanks to @partyinnevarra for helping me perfect this section and giving me the idea for the better reason behind the War between The Dragons and the Aengels, thanks again for your help <3
The Fall of the Mightiest and The Return of the Oracle:
In some sort of divine karma, the Dragons themselves suffered greatly. The Crystal, who had been quiet until then, awoke. The Oracle, who is theorized to have a conscious, waited until the new world was at its weakest to attack. The Dragons were the main victims of the First Corruption, going insane with power and destroying the world they promised to protect. The local faes were overwhelmed and called upon the faes that had remained on Earth to help them, mostly Dragons that have stayed behind. This was know as the Second Wave, starting around the fall of the roman empire and ending around the middle of the Dark Ages. The on-going fight with the Corrupted lasted less of a millennium and is to this day the longest cycle of Corruption to date. It is also good to know that back then, the faes weren’t sure how to fight these Corrupted, even more so that they used to be their saviors and were the strongest faes at the time. 
The easiest way to deal with the Corrupted was to kill them and take the piece of Crystal from their cadavers in order for it not to spread. It was the way that was prioritized for it was the most straight forward one (this technique is still used to this day). Another way is to trap the Corrupted in objects or caves or what-not, anything that can potentially contain something, but it required a lot of skill and maana and thus was deemed too costly (more on how that works here [yet to be written]) (this can also be an interesting villain for an episode, maybe a Dragon from the Dark-Ages trapped in ice or something else being freed by a villain or something) (this technique also explains the monster that could eat knowledge that was released by the main character in one of the episode). The last and perhaps the most efficient way of dealing with the Corrupted is through the Apprentice’s divine powers. The reincarnation of The Apprentice can extract the Crystal piece out of the Corrupted without harming them, this is called the Purification, but it is energy consuming and, well, there has only been 4 reincarnated at a time for thousands of Corrupted, so it is still considered the last viable option. (more information about how the Reincarnated work go here [yet to be written])
The First Corruption led to the almost complete extinction of the Dragons. On one side they were Corrupted and killed, on the other they fought against their brothers to extract the Crystal from them. The few Dragons left on Earth were hunted for sport by the likes of Arthur and his knights. A few unhatched eggs were saved and are kept by the Phoenix, in hopes that one day they will be able to save their species but there have been many debates surrounding the subject, mainly because of the fear that if the Dragons were to return, the Crystal might target them again. 
Aengels, Daemons and The Divine:
The Aengels were not all gone, a few escaped to Earth while the rest went into hiding. The ones on Earth quickly abused the then growing Christianism, becoming the known angels and demons. Despite that, they couldn’t hide from the witch hunts and the industrialization and either disappeared or returned to the fae world during the Final Wave. 
The Final Wave and The Second Corruption:
After the last of the Dragons disappeared, the First Corruption calmed down, the exact details aren’t clear, mostly because the faes that survived were few and traumatized. It took one full century for this new world to heal and for the faes on Earth to figure out that maybe, living in the fear of being Corrupted is better than dying at the hands of angry mods. Because, you guessed it, the Inquisition began followed by the witch hunts as well as the colonization of most of Earth which meant that even the places that were still considered “safe” (places that respected their legends and magical creatures, co-habiting, I’m thinking mostly of native tribes) started being invaded. Thus the last of the faes left Earth and joined the fae world, though a few remained but not enough to be worth being considered. The Second Corruption happened soon after the Final Wave and lasted less than two centuries. This time, everything was managed better, mostly because of the creation of the Guards (one of which the story takes place in), military bases meant to regulate the “bigger” Crystals and be able to predict the amount of Corruption, usually a Reincarnated accompanies the Guard members. 
The Third Corruption:
After a few centuries of moderate silence where the Corrupted were present but not the worst of threats, the Oracle awoke again. And it is at this moment the actual story starts. 
Nota bene:
This version of their history won’t be told to the heroine until much later in the game. At first, she will believe the story the Dragons have crafted, the version where Daemons are the villains and deserved what happened to them. The Oracle is also not seen as the villain for most of the game, mostly because the Oracle and the Crystal are seen as two different entities in the faes’ consciousness. The Oracle is seen as a helping hand, sometimes even worshipped as the goddess of this new world. The Apprentice and her reincarnations pushed forward this deification in an attempt to calm her late master’s wrath, maybe being seen as the goddess she always wanted to be would sooth her (spoilers: it doesn’t). All of this history being hidden would work greatly in the game’s over-arcing theme of lies vs. truths (it’s a theme that was present in the original material: just look at how many things the Guard hides from the protagonist even in A New Era where she is their savior). The fact that most of the faes population believed a lie ties in perfectly into the theme without making characters that the player is supposed to like and sometimes romance lie to the protagonist’s face (idk why for some reason beemoov keeps making their LIs lie to their main character, no one in 2021 finds that hot anymore, not that i think anyone ever found it hot in the first place, also you don’t need to have people lie to each other to create drama pls beemoov im sick of it) (sorry for the rant xD)
Wow!! I’m actually done... this was way to long, thank you so much for reading so far if you did. This is way too fun tho, wish I could do something more with this than just throw it in the void that is tumblr. Oh well. Next time, I’ll try to tackle the gameplay and the dreaded maana system.
Thanks again and have a good day!
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
Yandere AU
i’m kinda getting hooked on the thought of yandere again, so here, take little descriptions of my ocs as yandere - more under the cut!
just a warning tho! since this is about yandere, please be aware that this isn’t all candy dandy. there are mentions of violence, manipulation, abuse and the such.
rozalina: roza is unsuspecting, you wouldn’t peg her to be this kind of person. it starts “slowly” - while she may be a little pushy with her affections, constantly smothering you with love, attention and gifts, only later her dependence on you starts to show. phrases like “i’m so glad i have you” or “i’d be so, so lonely, so lost without you” start to be thrown around by her.
pay her less attention, give her less love and she’ll notice it - she’ll beg you to stay, she’ll let you know that you just can’t leave her like that. her dependence is supposed to guilt trip you. she is oh-so helpless without you, in this cruel and cold world; you wouldn’t be so heartless and leave her all in the dark, no? roza, despite her looks, knows how to use her words, and even if she makes impulsive decisions when it comes to you, she knows how to work her way towards her goal. and not to mention, she is quite relentless. 
and soon enough, a sort of cycle of dependence develops. her dependence on you turns into your dependence on her. it’s hard to let go now. it’s hard to leave, because god, you’d lose so much, wouldn’t you? you’re attached, you have fallen deep. you need her and she needs you. that’s all that matters in the end.
xiang: take a man who is out of touch with his feelings, mix it with intense obsession and what do you get? a destructive ‘love’ that you cannot even call ‘love’. xiang is his own kind of yandere, really. the fact he feels so awfully attached you drives him nuts. he doesn’t know how to deal with this, but he can’t help but give into his addiction - you. and yet, you give him a high, he can’t get enough of these things you make him experience. you’re fun, you’re interesting, so unpredictable and yet he wants to know everything he can about you. you amuse him, entertain him - once his attention is locked on you, pray to the gods you can keep him entertained as long as possible, because once he’s bored of you? he’ll toss you aside. he doesn’t care if he breaks you, he doesn’t care if you retaliate, fight him all in want, in fact. it’ll just make things more fun for him. his methods are much more calculated and mental, but if he has to, he’ll take it up a notch and break you physically, too. he knows he can repent in hell later for all he did to you.
don't think xiang isn't aware of what he has done is immoral. but right now, it could bother him less what happens next to you, as long as you’re right here. and if he’s tired of you, then looks like you’ll be another one of many.
balgair: at first glance, balgair doesn't seem to be… too different? he still is good ol' balgair - a friendly and welcoming boy, a façade for his true nature - a lot more calculating and cynical. however, yandere balgair is a lot more extreme, so to say. his loose sense of morals and narcissistic ideals become very clear once he reveals his true nature. he is very intend on keeping you safe and keeping you with him. his upmost priority is to ensure your safety, even if he has to go against your will. anyone, who dares to put you into harm's way, will be dealt with, quickly.to you, he'll be the ideal boyfriend you always dreamt of - whether it'd be coddling and loving or cold and cool. he'll adjust himself, to whatever your preferences are, and make you happy, the way you wish - unless you happen to put yourself in danger. that includes turning your back to him. all he asks of you is to put your hands in his, close your eyes and trust him.
but really, every child knows that foxes are never to be trusted.
theodor: theodor is another one who is peak unsuspecting. his kind, innocent behavior, his gentle soul, you'd never think he'd able to bring harm onto anyone. unless you'd ask him to. theodor wants to fulfill your every wish and make you the happiest you can be. he doesn't care how little he'll get out of it, as long as you're happy, he'll listen to your every request. he'll drop anything for you. he'll do any task for you. he'll make sure to always put a smile on your face. it's sweet - until you realize that theodor has completely given up on himself in order to please you. you can't call him a loyal servant at this point. he is much more like a marionette - he'll dance to any tune you'll sing. he'll follow your every move, your every word. theodor is just a shell of he was. all that matters to him now, is you. nothing else.
chloe: out of the bunch here, chloe is the most harmless one you can get. she seems to be fascinated by you at best, at worst goes down to take care of anyone that appears to be a nuisance to you. she is hiding in the shadows for the majority of the time. she’s clumsy with her emotions, so for her to express any form of open affection towards you may be extremely rare. and you may ‘mistake’ her as some kind of stalker, since she only keeps an eye on you, but never bothers to approach you. chloe hates being anyone’s shadow, but this one time, she willingly turns herself into one. if it means to confirm your wellbeing, this is fine for her. she doesn’t even expect anything in return - at least, according to her. but aren’t you a little worried that this might change one day?
madeline: madeline’s mood swings are intense and terrifying. he seems to treat you with a bias, holding you to a high regard, complimenting your beauty, encouraging your dreams, valuing your talents and always holding you up to another standard than with most others. but in case you disappoint him and defy his ideal version of you? he grows angry, he becomes petty and he resorts to threats to keep you in line. he expects so much better of you. furthermore, he is insanely possessive. he becomes terribly jealous with ease, especially if people, against whom he has a personal vendetta, talk to you so casually, so friendly. they taint your image, according to him. madeline wouldn’t touch a hair on your head if you didn’t want him to. he’d never resort to anything physical. however, he makes sure to let you know that this ‘wonderland’, just for the two of you, is something he built with his whole pride - don’t trample on it in order to escape, as his wonderland has no escape.
briar: briar is the one of the two of the bunch who is entirely aware of his actions - but unlike xiang, briar is repulsed by himself. he used to pride himself in who he is, what power he holds, what he can do. that's all that mattered, all that defined him, only he. he was so independent, not in need of anyone's reassurance to confine himself in. but then, you entered his life and you were all he could focus on. briar, while also repulsed by the moral implications of this, he is also repulsed by what he has become. you changed him, for the worse, and he can't take it. he adores you, with all he is, and yet despises you, with all he used to be. briar is not keen on using violence or force with you, but if he is in a foul mood and you decide to step on his toes on purpose, he thinks that punishing you by locking you up is absolutely appropriate. other than that, he doesn't hesitate to go back to dirty methods like blackmail or threats. he wants you to know your place - you can't disobey an ancient, noble fae after all, can you now?
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magpiemorality · 4 years
Virgil suddenly has the power to turn invisible and finds a very affectionate snake (Dee), a baby hydra that randomly will split into various animals (creatitwins), a baby with curly hair (Pat), and a robot (Logan). He has to take care of all of them
This was unbelievably fun. I love the concept so much that I may elongate this eventually, the world is incredible and just- how did you even come up with this??? It’s awesome! I hope you enjoyed where I went with it- for the purposes of this prompt I went with just a sort of overview/slice-of-life :) 
Urban Fantasy AU, found family, pseudo-parent Virgil.
Warnings: snakes
Three years ago Virgil’s life changed forever. It’s been a wild ride since, but among the weirdest things that have happened as a result of being flung into a crazy, spectacular, fantastic world include (but are very much not limited to):
 -That time he accidentally earned a life debt from the Dragon Witch of Downtown;
 -Fighting a horde of pixies disguised as wasps on Midsummer’s Eve when they tried to fuse into some kind of pixish superentity that would’ve taken over the entire park system of the city;
 -Ending up dripping wet and furious in front of the shockingly human mayor when things had gone very wrong with a local kelpie;
 -Off the back of that- being officially inaugurated as the city’s Gatekeeper of the Odd and Atypically-Terrestrial (yeah he had a hand in coming up with that name and you bet he’d made sure it made a cool acronym);
 -Oh, and adopting a veritable menagerie of magical-or-otherwise individuals into a patchwork family of six (sometimes five; it’s complicated). 
That last one stands out, doesn’t it?
It certainly stands out to Virgil, who is only in his mid-twenties and very much under-qualified for basically everything his daily life now consists of. Saving and watching over the border between the sub- and sur-reality that makes up the city is one thing, and thanks to his handy-dandy (possibly granted by Death question mark) power of invisibility he can get those responsibilities done without too much issue or risk, and literally vanish when he needs the time away from it all. But the kids? You don’t duck out on kids- especially not these ones.
They’d never let him, for one thing. For another; he would never, ever want to.
Technically two of them aren’t actually kids; they’re just part of the family, but he’s fallen into the habit of parenting everyone he comes across now and they’ve yet to complain. Well, D.C. complains regularly, but Virgil knows it’s just for show. The other three (he says three; they could be two today but he hasn’t checked yet) are all actual children, and definitely require his parenting to stay alive.
Almost as if summoned the door to his room opens and little footsteps skitter in over the wooden floor. With a soft huff of effort Patton pulls himself up onto the bed, all soft blond curls and smiles, displaying the missing front teeth they’d had a whole debacle about the tooth fairy over. Virgil groans dramatically which makes the kid giggle, and he rolls over so Patton can come and sit on his chest and play with his bangs. He needs to dye those again soon, Virgil thinks as he yawns.
“It’s so late, you’re so sleepy!” Patton trills. His voice is high and sweet and there’s a note to it that makes Virgil wonder for the billionth time since the kid started talking if there’s something other than human in Patton’s background. He makes a mental reminder to check in with the Witches who ran the orphanage Patton had been dumped in when he goes to get his hair-dye, because if the boy turns out to be part siren or banshee then Virgil will definitely need the heads up.
For now the power of Patton’s cute pout is dangerous enough as it is. “You know, I used to sleep in every morning and not get up until lunchtime, until you guys came along,” Virgil says, booping Patton on the nose. The boy makes a face and rolls his eyes (he’d learned that from Logan) before clambering off him and walking to the end of the bed, where he hurls himself off and lands neatly on the floor a few feet away (he’d learned that from either Roman or Remus, or both). It doesn’t give Virgil as much of a heart attack as it had when he’d started doing it, because somehow he has yet to injure himself on landing. It’s pretty impressive really, and Virgil is just a teeny bit proud of his so- of the boy.
“We want pancakes!” Patton yells as he races out of the door, and an answering roar of ‘Pancakes!’ from down the hall signals that Roman and Remus are up as well.
It’s so early, ugh. But the kids are up; so he’s gotta be up. That’s how it works when you’re a parent, he’s learned.
Virgil glances over to the enormous tank on the far side of the room, meeting a pair of black eyes and a flickering tongue where the yellow anaconda is hanging out on the carefully selected plants that litter the floor of the terrarium. D.C., his best friend-slash-first-pseudo-family member, is snickering softly, and yawns while they hold eye contact, giving Virgil a pointed twitch of the head in the direction of the door before he slithers off to curl back up in his favourite corner under the sunlamp, out of sight. Traitor. He knows damn well he’s the only thing that can currently distract the twins while Virgil is trying to get things done as efficiently as possible. Fine, the human will just have to get him back another time then. 
Logan appears at his door on the way past to the living room, drawn by the noise. He stops and looks in on Virgil, who gives him a little wave as he rolls out of bed. “You are required in the kitchen, Mr. Gatekeeper,” the android says, and then he’s gone again. Virgil shakes his head fondly. He could do without constantly being referred to by his title, but Logan is a bit of a work in progress. 
Since being rescued from a nasty fae lab under the Library, Logan’s processors have been a little screwy. How he even manages to function without the fae who built him powering him directly is quite the mystery, but function he does, and they’re working on finding him some better memory banks to help with the acquisition of new knowledge as soon as possible. For now the android knows a lot of things, but is shockingly naive, and Virgil has had his hands full trying to acclimate the poor guy to the real world, instead of the world of books he’d previously known. 
Everything else aside, though, Logan does have a point. There’s already a lot of concerning noise coming from along the corridor and with a baby Hydra with a penchant for shape-shifting and a terrifying grasp of the concept of divide and conquer; a fearless and far too easily led seven year old with a face that will get him literally everything his heart desires; an android who knows probably more than all the experts in the world combined but is the walking definition of 'you spent so long wondering if you could that you never stopped to think whether or not you should’; Virgil needs to hurry up before the place is burned down. He’s their only impulse control, after all. 
So he breaks into a jog once he’s pulled his hoodie over his t-shirt, disappearing out of the room to try and supervise his unorthodox and wonderful family. 
D.C. blinks at the disturbance and smiles to himself. “He’ll be fine,” he murmurs, tongue flickering once before he settles back to sleep to the distant sounds of glorious chaos. 
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