#new beginning new joys
azusawrites · 2 years
Kore blinked. Her lungs seemed to suddenly stop working, all the air leaving her body, as she inhaled sharply. This was not the first time that he stood this close to her, but she still couldn’t let go of the strange emotions it brought on. The memory of his face after they won the battle and he twirled her in happiness flashed through her mind. How red his face was – almost as red as his eyes, and perhaps even redder than her own must have been. 
The word slipped from her lips without her even meaning for it to happen. Her face probably mirrored the same surprise that painted Ace’s. Loosening his grip on her shoulders, he stood up straighter, cocking his head to the side.
“What?” he asked.
“Kore,” she repeated, licking her lips. “My name is actually Kore. Kore Hightower. That’s… uh, my whole name.”
wip: mirror marchen
fandom: twisted wonderland
wc: 6851
next chapter sneak peek
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latelierderiot · 7 months
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dreams of freedom & a life with no regrets🌻
twitter - bsky
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saydesole · 1 month
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April 1st 🌸🐰
New month, New beginnings, New blessings 🤝🤍
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mapletine · 5 months
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hi i got sick of rendering so im just saying these are done
flower symbolism my beloved
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agena87 · 2 months
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
The Rosemary Tree is the first time I've had to put down a book so I could sob over how beautiful it was.
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swordheld · 8 months
how did u choose your username?
oh, this is a fun one!! i think i considered being swordtold at first, for that very ancient myth vibe of the sword being this narrative tool for adventure and structure and physical time, the parable being passed down through the centuries until it meddles into modern day rhetoric and ideology – a kind of fantastical tool, a spark of magic, of possibility.
i like the arc of the story of a place being physical / having it be held by time and hand alike, wearing with the years and having it become something different to each holder, each reader, each experience fantastical and individual.
having that kind of physicality to it; swordheld is the action of taking up and holding the sword yourself, choosing your own narrative, leading your own story. self-identity has always been something i struggle with (a novel concept i know, i know), so it felt right for this blog, since most of my older blogs before this one have been just me silently reblogging and never really posting anything myself, and i wanted this to be the change to that.
i've always had trouble wranging my social anxiety, esp. on the internet, and previously thought that keeping my words to myself helped keep the timeline cleaner, in a way, no messy thoughts for others to sort through, especially ones i believed no one would want to read anyway? but it never felt right, keeping myself apart from it all, esp. not in the way i so avidly enjoyed reading others' posts and additions, keeping their words close to my heart.
i wanted it to reflect that this was a space i was holding for myself? and i'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but this - this i think i got right. i love being here, on this blog, and the joy that it brings me. everyone else enjoying it too has been a wild ride that i never expected, and still surprises me, one that brings a little extra thrill to my heart whenever i think about it.
i had other urls that i liked, but i didn't want this blog to be tied directly to any of my fandom/story interests, since i wanted it to really just be a sort of archive of artistic inspiration and resource, like a little library or museum. i use them now as lil sideblogs of more niche interests now, which is rather lovely.
it hasn't always felt like it fit perfectly, the way that i'd like, but for some reason i can't think of really wanting to change it anytime soon. it feels mythic yet modern in a way that feels like puzzle pieces finally slotting into their place, something my own and inspirational to me, like a lantern i'm holding to make my way by. my own kind of light, if that makes sense – a star i know by name.
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spiritualseeker777 · 4 months
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Wishing you all a year of abundance, joy and dreams coming true💖🎉
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wyldhunt · 2 years
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kintsugi of golden sap
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lyxchen · 4 months
Do neurotypical people even know how good it feels to feel just okay?? Like I have such big mood swings and feel most of my emotions in extremes. I'm never just slightly annoyed, I always get so Angry and I'm never just kinda sad, I'm devastated. Even with being happy, I get so happy that I Need to move my body in some way because all of a sudden there's So Much Energy inside of me that needs to get out.
Do they know how nice it is to miss a train and just go "that kinda sucks, but it's fine"? Do they know how nice it is to go somewhere new and not be a complete nervous wreck because you don't know anyone?? Like I only discovered this when I started taking my meds and I took them before school and was sitting in the bus like "huh, I'm fine.. I'm not really happy and I'm not in a bad mood either, I'm just Fine" That Felt So Good!!!!! Or the first time I was going to my uni and I was waiting for a train and I wasn't nervous about it somehow being the wrong train at all!!!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I always feel very extreme emotions so to discover that you can actually also feel emotions in small amounts was really cool
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indeedgoodman · 4 months
Happy New Year everybody…
123123… 1124
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emmaliee · 2 months
To Love Again
Just as I thought the romance chapter of my life had closed, a new love blossomed. Yet, this was no ordinary affair. It wasn't the needy, suffocating type that demands constant attention. No, this love was serene. It left me content, illuminated my darkest moments, and didn't leave me longing for more. Instead, it propelled me towards my aspirations, fostering a sanctuary for authenticity. This love bestowed a joy that no external force could diminish. And the most beautiful part? I fell in love with myself.
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histhoughtslately · 2 months
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This is your confirmation…💫
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
Reflecting on the Year That Was: Celebrating New Year's Eve
Shaina Tranquilino
December 31, 2023
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As we bid adieu to another year, it's time to reflect on the ups and downs we've experienced and look forward to new beginnings. New Year's Eve is a special occasion that brings people together from all walks of life to celebrate, reminisce, and set their intentions for the coming year. It’s a night filled with joy, hope, and excitement as we eagerly anticipate what lies ahead. In this blog post, let's explore the significance of New Year's Eve and how we can make the most out of this magical evening.
1. The Power of Reflection: New Year's Eve offers us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and take stock of our accomplishments, challenges, and personal growth throughout the year. By acknowledging our achievements and learning from our setbacks, we gain valuable insights into who we are and where we want to go in life. Take some time to journal or meditate on your journey so far – appreciate your successes and embrace lessons learned.
2. Gratitude for Lessons Learned: Expressing gratitude is an essential part of celebrating New Year’s Eve. As you ponder upon the past year, remember to be thankful for the experiences that have shaped you into the person you are today. Express appreciation for friends who stood by your side during tough times, mentors who guided you towards success, or even those seemingly insignificant moments that taught you important life lessons.
3. Setting Meaningful Intentions: New Year's resolutions often fade away quickly because they lack depth and purpose. Instead of setting vague goals like "exercise more" or "eat healthier," consider crafting meaningful intentions for the upcoming year. Set realistic objectives that align with your values and aspirations—ones that inspire personal growth while keeping yourself accountable throughout the journey.
4. Sharing Joyous Moments with Loved Ones: New Year’s Eve provides us with a chance to celebrate with loved ones, strengthening bonds and creating lasting memories. Whether you choose to host a small gathering at home, join a community event, or even participate in virtual celebrations, surround yourself with the people who bring joy and positivity into your life. Together, share laughter, reminisce about shared experiences, and look forward to new adventures that lie ahead.
5. Embracing Cultural Traditions: New Year's Eve is celebrated differently around the world, each culture adding its unique touch of customs and rituals. Explore various traditions such as lighting fireworks (safely!), eating specific foods for good luck, writing down wishes on paper lanterns before releasing them into the night sky, or participating in spiritual ceremonies. Embrace these cultural practices that resonate with you and add an extra layer of meaning to your New Year's Eve experience.
As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, let us embrace this magical transition from one year to another with open hearts and minds. Reflecting on our journey so far allows us to appreciate personal growth while setting meaningful intentions paves the way for a purposeful year ahead. Celebrating alongside loved ones and embracing cultural traditions brings joy and unity during this special occasion. So raise your glasses high as we bid farewell to the old year and wholeheartedly welcome the new one – cheers to new beginnings!
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innervoiceartblog · 4 months
“Everything must end. It should be possible to find as much joy in endings as there is in beginnings. Yet we cling to the present, and resist acknowledging when it is time to move on.
Each year we are given a small opportunity to learn to release the past. Each year ends, moving into our memories. On New Year's Eve, we think about starting the new year. But we are also ending the old one. It is a good time to examine our lives, seeking to discover what we cling to that needs to be released.
That release can bring joy. We only have to open our hands, and let it drift away — the relationship, the ambition, the craving, the addiction.
Whether it was once good or not, whether it was something we had held for a long or short time, we need to let it go. And as we do so, we can laugh in the freedom that follows."
- Patricia Monaghan
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plutoisaghoul · 1 year
Dude I can’t express how much the qsmp already means to so many people and how important it is to specifically bilingual people and those who enjoy learning about different languages and cultures
As a bilingual person that has been in the minecraft space for a while now you never expect your two worlds to collide like that it even sometimes feels like they are two completely separate things (kind of like you almost have to choose between those two sometimes)
So seeing all these Tweets/Posts of people who are expressing so much joy about the fact that they see their favorite creators who previously didn’t interact with each other suddenly becoming buddies makes me incredibly emotional and so so happy
I hope Quackity knows how much of an impact that server has already made/will continue to make across the board
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