#narnia my beloved <3
tending-the-hearth · 1 year
Okay I just noticed something and I don't know if you've already talked about it but you might find it interesting
In LWW, when the siblings all fall out of the wardrobe at the end, Susan is the first to sit up and look around while the other three all sit up at pretty much the same time. She's also the only one to land in a different position (she's kneeling while Peter, Edmund and Lucy are all lying down) and she's much further back than the other three who are all quite close to each other. I thought this was interesting since she's the one who disconnects from Narnia and is left behind when her siblings die. She is the first to see that they're back in England and the last to leave it.
Anyway thought you might find that cool :)
yeah 😭 this 😭 is 😭 so 😭 cool 😭
but seriously, i absolutely ADORE the little moments like this that give us hints towards Susan's ending. Whether the movies intended to or not, they created such perfect foreshadowing bits of Susan's separation from her siblings.
like, don't get me wrong, I love Susan as a character!!! But just... seeing Peter, Lucy, and Edmund interact with each other makes me feel SO soft, because you feel how much they love each other. With Susan, there's a bit of a disconnect, as though she's frightened about showing how much she cares about her siblings...
so moments like that one, and like that last shot of "Prince Caspian", where Peter and Edmund are so close while Lucy and Susan have space between them, it really shows those little details and shows that William, Skandar, Anna, and Georgie all thought through how their characters would interact and grow with each other and god DAMMIT i love these movies
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1.) Charlie was a surprisingly good character considering she was a lesbian in a famously misogynistic & homophobic show (any woman from Supernatural could be a strong contender in this tournament). She was basically Dean’s bestie, made out with a fairy, had an adventure with a grown-up Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, and saved the guys’ asses in every episode she appeared in. Even when she appeared as a corpse. Yeah, she got randomly killed off-screen for shock value and manpain, but she sent an email right before she died so at least her death wasn’t in vain, right? According to the wiki she later got replaced by an alternate reality version of herself but this was after I stopped watching Supernatural so idk how they treated her after that lmao
2.) She was a lesbian and a very beloved character and they murdered her brutally for no reason! Well, one reason, shock value. Boooooo!!!
3.) Literally she was such a strong supporting character and they just. Fucking killed her off for no goddamned reason. Like fuck you
1.) (Reusing my propaganda from a previous poll, I promise I wrote it, and I'm not typing all that again)
So what if she liked makeup, Clive. So what if she was interested in boys? Who cares if she wanted to keep her dress looking neat? You took every single protagonist to weird lion heaven, Clive, but suddenly Susan isn't good enough. Susan did nothing to deserve the sudden turn in characterization, she did nothing to deserve being the only character to be condemned. SOMEbody (lookin' at you, Clive Staples) was just a raging misogynist who wanted girls and women to be really clear on the fact the betraying your siblings nearly to death was forgivable, but being interested in feminine things and taking pride in your appearance was punishable by death. ""Lipsticks and nylons and invitations"", the fucking horror.
Because you were writing a fun fantasy story for us, right Clive? Magic and dragons and animals that talk. But you fucking weren't. You were writing an indoctrination story for us, weren't you? And you needed someone to represent those empty headed young people who turn away from the church's rules. And so you decided that Susan had become too grown up and you massacred her.
2.) Is deemed “no longer a friend” of Jesus’ fursona’s kingdom because she cares too much about “nylons, lipstick, and invitations”. Both of parents and all three of her siblings die in a train crash at the end and her feelings about this are never considered or acknowledged.
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Round 2 poll 1: Anne Shirley vs Lucy Pevensie
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Entrant propaganda:
Anne Shirley:
The poster child for female-presenting ADHD before the diagnosis even existed for stereotypical hyperactive boys, she's a mess who always seems to stumble into trouble and generally seems like just too MUCH for more than one character, yet her general enthusiasm, creativity, and determination just compells people to love her sometimes against their will. And if you tell her she's in this competition, she will NOT STOP until she comes out on top.
because she's the most delightful little girl in the world & anne of green gables has held on as a classic for over a century
wild and wacky Troublesome girl representation!! also her deep love for diana!
Smart, imaginative, loyal orphan from a classic book series
The original kid lit Queen!
Anne has a big imagination and a big heart! She is full of passion and always tries to do best by the people she loves. She turns Green Gables upside down when she arrives and opens up everyone's heart right up. This competition wouldn't be complete without her!!!
A classic weird girl icon. I love her so much.
As someone who was always taught to be the 'good little girl' - Anne whacking Gilbert on the head for pulling on her hair made her an absolute legend in my mind. She loves nature, has a temper, and finally gets to enjoy the simple joys of childhood with her new family the Cuthberts.
she is so dear to my heart. she never stops talking and is always finding beauty in the world around her. she grows up through the series and reading it at different ages through the years meant I sort of got to grow up with her, which was really special to me. she has this wonderful story about finding family where she doesn't expect it and winning people over through being herself and being kind to them. also, canadian content <3
Lucy Pevensie
Discoverer of the Wardrobe, Queen of Narnia, The Just, beloved friend of all creatures from fauns, dwarves, mice, and kings to holy mutiversal lions
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emyn-arnens · 22 days
20 Questions for Writers
@hobbitwrangler @grey-gazania @runawaymun @echo-bleu tagged me to do this, so I guess I really should do it! I did this one recently on my main for all the fandoms I've written for, so I'll keep this limited to Tolkien fics here.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 128,198.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently mostly Tolkien, with the occasional dash of Timeless and Narnia.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
As the Hare Flees Before the Wolf (T, Celegorm & Eöl, 1.8k): Curufin is not the only son of Fëanor Eöl meets upon the plains of Himlad. Or, Eöl meets Celegorm while pursuing Aredhel and Maeglin, and things go very badly for him.
Here at Journey's End (G, Frodo & Legolas, 1.6k): They stay for those they love.
West, West Away (G, Sam & Thranduil, 3.6k): Sam meets an unlikely kindred spirit on the journey West.
and I will love with urgency, but not with haste (T, Aegnor/Andreth, 3.1k): A summer evening spent in a glade near the shores of the Aeluin.
with death on his brow like a crown (G, Aegnor & Finrod, ~600 words): Five times Finrod foresees Aegnor’s death, and one time he foresees his own.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yep! It may take a while depending on spoons, but I almost always do. The only exceptions are for comments that make no sense to me or demand me to write more for a pairing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? There's a lot of contenders for this, but let's go with Like a Wave That Should Engulf the World (G, Faramir/Éowyn, ~700 words), in which Faramir foresees Éowyn's coming death.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? For Charity (Boromir, Faramir, Éomer, Lothíriel, and Éowyn, 2k), for sure. Two thousand words of pure ridiculousness.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not since ye olde days of posting on FFN.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Very rarely and very vanilla, with emotions and metaphor taking precedence over mechanics.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope. Not much into reading or writing them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? *looks at header, url, and blog title* I don't think I even need to say.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? For the sake of answering the question, my Glorfinwyn AU, but only because I'm not sure I have the skills to pull it off, and my perfectionism is a raging beast. But I do really want to finish it, even if it's three years from now because I'm the slowest writer I know.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization and description/scenery, although I've been struggling with the latter lately. Dialogue has finally been getting easier, though.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot, body language, and describing emotions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'll sprinkle in some individual words/pet names (all shamelessly ripped from RealElvish.net) here and there that should be guessable from context clues. I don't do full sentences very often both because I feel it isn't necessary most of the time (sorry JRRT), and because I know people don't enjoy having to scroll to the notes for translations. But I will admit to having a weakness for Elves lapsing into their native tongues during uh. heated moments with their partners.
19. First fandom you wrote for? LOTR, years ago. And here I am back again!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is so hard, but Over Seas of Starlight (G, Frodo & Gandalf, 3.6k) is near and dear to my heart. Sailing West, my beloved.
Tagging @sotwk @afaramir @halfelven @curufiin if you haven't done this already!
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thoughts-of-bear · 11 days
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Since I actually already participated in the tag game here (tagging @ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian btw) but wanted to update my character because i was indecisive the first time (and i didn't know there was a bi-flag background) imma go ahead and post the photo above as part of an introduction post :) sooo here goes
Hello to all people reading this
Have a seat and a biscuit, you lovelies <3
You have found the blog of a person who has had a tumblr account for a few years now without actually using it and now has 4 hours of screentime a day from this app alone :')
I am a 21 year-old woman (she/her but I don't mind they/them either) from Germany who has recently developed an unhealthy obsession for Baldur's Gate 3 and ESPECIALLY Halsin (my beloved oak daddy <3).
So I created this blog mainly so I can simp shamelessly here and not worry about my friends who follow my other blog finding out about how badly I need that elf... (here's the self-indulgent fanfiction about it).
My fandoms include the Tolkien universe, Narnia, Good Omens, OfmD, Sherlock, Star Wars, Supernatural (I am only at season 6 tho), Skyrim and a lot more I have temporarily forgotten.
My favourite authors (who I can definetely recommend checking out) are T.J. Klune, Tolkien obviously, Kerstin Gier, Walter Moers, Ursula Poznanski and Neil Gaiman (was tempted to tag him but I'm too shy).
I love sewing (starting my apprenticeship as a taylor this year), ballet, drawing and painting, archery, videogames, reading, listening to music, being with my best friends, movie nights, baking and cooking, my cat, travelling (without plane), nature... damn, I could do this all day, life is fucking great actually
More on the topic of why I love being alive here and here :D
My favourite flowers are lillies and my favourite colours are green and blue.
I love talking about my fandoms with other people, so feel free to send a message or an ask or something <3
That's it for now I think :3 Have a lovely day!
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katabasiss · 3 days
top 5 favorite books from your childhood for the ask game? hope you're doing well as always! <3
kat my beloved !! I'm doing well & hope you are too 🥺🩷 thanks so much for the ask!
in no particular order really!
the chronicles of narnia, particularly the horse & his boy [I was never a horse girl and in fact. hated horses & animal themed media HOWEVER ! this was my favourite book of all time for some weird reason]
the northern lights/his dark materials series
pippi longstocking
oh the places you'll go by dr seuss [this is edging into younger kid territory but !! I used to force my dad to read this to me every night to the point where he can still recite it today 20+ years later so !! holds a special place in my heart!]
this isnt a particular book BUT! the rainbow magic fairy series 😌🙏 [I painstakingly saved up every month to buy a new book & somehow managed to collect nearly 200 of them]
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oh man this music is fucking wild!! was that a big deep laugh? :D this is the happiest i have felt in months
it's literally like 'dun dun DUN' this is awesome
Audio sounds like it's coming from inside da computer. That's fun.
NO SUCH THING AS BONES (i knew big milk wasn't to be trusted)
fuck me everyone is so british. I forgot that listening to this podcast means being subjected to a thousand different accents that all sound like they come from Narnia.
Ugggh six in the morning goodbye party? This workplace is already worse than the Institute.
Colin's already fucking desperate to escape <3 there's always one. Good luck buddy.
There's too many voices to keep track of! I'm already getting Alice and Gwen confused.
They're going to the pub?? Didn't they just say it was six in the morning? Aren't they at work?
YOOO I WAS RIGHT WE ARE IN DA COMPUTER. Haha it turn itself on like a tape recorder. 💅 girlboss behaviour.
Oh I wonder why they can't do their paperwork online?? Probably not because of spooky reasons.
Wow a personal computer! High tech. Freddie lives inside. :D
Woah wait wtf?? Freddie is spyware??
Yeah Sam what about GDPR? Shut up and read this private email that an ancient computer program no one understands somehow found and stole for us.
Um?? Do they have a big alphabetised folder of Fucked Shit The Entities Do???
So many numbers are happening so quickly. Good luck transcribers/wiki editors.
Oh hang on 'All night every night', they work nights!! That's why the party was first thing in the morning and they all went to the pub afterward!! I'm so good at listening to podcasts.
Started about a year ago 👀
Haha gotta listen while he reads the email. This is normal :)
LOL they just ignore it and get coffee. Big mood, that's exactly what I would do if I was at work and my computer was fucking around.
That's not their names :)
Also the stupidest fucking names ever. Alice rules.
Martin voice 🥰🥺😭🥰🥺😭🥰😭🥺 Martin my beloved. I hope he's okay inside da computer. Wonder if Colin smashing it with a hammer would crack him outta there??
Oh no my love for Martin made me forget that the horrors are back.
Hmm his voice is getting less computer and more Martin? Good thing??
Ugh why do we always have to start with Stranger statements? I hate the Stranger. Also Sam was wrong this is definitely dolls comma human skin not dolls comma watching.
Girl there is something in your garden gtfo of there.
Hurray we survived our first horror!! H definitely didn't.
Gwen is right this isn't zombies. Also three pages of subclassification for zombies? The archives couldn't even figure out how to put their dates in the right order.
Love how few fucks Alice gives. This job doesn't matter!! Welcome to the team!!
Ooooh Gwen's is trouble...
Oh shit she's gunning for the boss's job! Second girlboss moment of the episode!
Lol get pranked Sam. Alice set you the fuck up.
Sounds like a webcam is watching them?
Colin is my favourite character so far.
Sounds like Lena's deliberately hiring people who do a shit job (and Gwen's mad about it). Wonder what Lena's up to.
Tragic backstory time already? (Nope, false alarm)
Who needs sleep when you can have creepy monotomous data entry?
JON VOICE JON VOIEC JON CVOICE !!! 🥰🥺😭🥺🥰😭🥰😭😭 (i missed him)
Magnus Institute ruins you say???
'Anyone know what the deal is with the Magnus Institute?' Nope, never heard of it.
Oh I'm loving the new format of statements. Really scratches that 'found footage' itch.
For some unknown reason, I've been feeling really paranoid ever since escaping this evil eye building (that reminds me of an old asylum) full of strange shit that I couldn't take photos of.
All the paper is gone? Graham Folger has been here.
Oh the removed image and then hearing the comments about it is so good!! Jonny's done it again lol. This is why I love found footage as a horror device.
Hmmm sounds like we're at the pub now. And we got that dial up noise? What are we listening from right now?
It's good to establish right from the beginning that one of our protagonists is a noodle-armed weakling. The fandom would have done that work on our own I'm sure, but having canon backup is always gratifying.
Uh oh Colin's losing his mind.
Ominous music time!!!
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mihrsuri · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @isagrimorie - thank you darling <3333.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 234
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 364,199
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently: The Tudors (TV), Shadow and Bone/Grishaverse, Tamora Pierce (largely Tortall at the moment but also Emelan), West Wing, Hunger Games (mostly in the form of a lot of Fandom AUs set in the Hunger Games) and Narnia. But I’ve written for a lot of others including Criminal Minds, Pundit RPF, Band of Brothers, Scarlet Pimpernel (1998), Spooks/MI5, The Hour, Doctor Who (Nu!Who) and Star Trek Discovery.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Undertow (co-authored) (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - The very short version: Dave gives Aaron a back-rub.
It’s not because of you (it’s because of me) (Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt) - Brian Symonds was - fuck is one of the best youth talent coaches in the country it’s just he’s also been arrested and all Jamie can think is fuck (one take on Jamie’s backstory)
Five times out of many david rossi realised he was happily doomed (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - Basically what it says on the tin. Five ways David Rossi knew that he was totally totally doomed in the best possible way in regards to the way he loved these kids
To dwell in enchantment (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - It doesn't make the world any less messy, but it does make a balance, this family he has. David Rossi, coming home from work.
If i could go back (co-authored) (criminal minds/ncis/csi: ny, rossi/hotch) - It's the day of Derek's high school graduation, and Jason Gideon is standing at the bottom of the porch steps, trying not to hope.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do my absolute best (sometimes sadly spoons :/) but I appreciate every single one of my kind comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think it might be Hope Deferred Maketh Something which features Jason Gideon/Toby Ziegler, an apocalypse set in a diner in New York (I actually think the larger world is hopeful but these characters specific corner of the apocalypse is Very Much Not).
Oh no wait also In Pardoning That We Are Pardoned which is a Spooks fic in which a certain episode The Thing Is Real.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hi Tudors OT3 Verse. Just in general. It’s not that there’s a conflict free path but it’s very very much a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Very little but I have, yes and I will be honest it did get to me. And I am still working through it but moderating comments has helped a lot. And it was honestly barely anything compared to what so many people have to deal with.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes and also kind of no. I used to write it more and then uh, Trauma Brain. I can’t have sex because of CPTSD reasons and apparently writing sex is also triggering except sometimes the fictional people (or the fictional representations of fictional depictions of historical people) still do in fact have sex and so I write it. But it’s Weird (I think I do okay for never having had consensual sex though).
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I think I actually write more fusion AUs than crossovers in some ways but I have in fact written a Sherlock-L&O: UK-Thick Of It-Pundit RPF-Modern Tudors-Criminal Minds Multiverse cc @bibliothekara
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I was going to say I have but I actually don’t know/recall for sure so I’m going to say no. I have had podfic made of my fic though which is So Cool. (I would be delighted if anyone wanted to translate though).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! Fantastic experience. Also just tossing AUs/ideas back and forth in general is So Much Fun and one thing I really loved about LJ fandom.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? I mean there’s Faramir/Eowyn my beloveds.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Into The Fire (The Tudors Scarlet Pimpernel AU). It’s going to get so dark and I’m not sure I actually want to go there because a bunch of people are going to die.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characters and like, description and emotion.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I’d want to double check really carefully with someone who actually speaks the language in question (I’m currently checking about thou/thy formal versus intimate usage and that’s for English which I speak) before I did.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I published fic for was The Bill. It was, perhaps not surprisingly angst and whump centric (before I knew what that was but) and may survive somewhere on the internet via the Wayback Machine.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
With Snow Far Below (Band of Brothers, Roe/Renee) - Renee thinks in terms of snow and chocolate
Monuments, Historical & Contemporary (Criminal Minds/Pundit RPF, ensemble) - How they could build statues and memorials and think that by paying homage after the fact, they were doing an honor.
I Am A Princess On The Way To My Throne (Skyfall 2012, Severine) -Severine. And the way it could have been (written because aspects of her story are mine and I unashamedly wanted a different ending for her)
Such A Time As This (Tudors, Anne Boleyn) - "You have come to your royal position for such a time as this" or a retelling of the story of Queen Esther with Anne Boleyn as a Mizrahi Jewish lady.
We Rise Together (TWW, CJ Cregg) - CJ was kidnapped, not Zoey.
Once I Fall In Love (It’s Forever) (Kushiels Legacy, Phedre and Delaunay) - She loved him as she did me. The realisation had come suddenly, a shock [AU mini fic for Kushiel's Dart]
Karma Is My Family (Grishaverse, Inej) - Inej smiles at her friends who are her family, warm and full of love. Smiles at her husband, who has never possessed her or owned her - has never thought of their love that way - only as two hearts shared. [Inej and her power, her kindness, her love and the way karma comes for Tante Heleen]
Rewrite The Stars (Tudors, Anne/Henry/Thomas) - In another world this is how it might have gone between the three of them. The story of how the love between three extraordinary people change the world for the better and made it the kindest. The story of a fight for a fairytale. [An expanded version of the Tudors OT3 verse fic Rewrite The Stars]
Tagging: If you want to (and if you want to do consider yourself tagged): @bessemerprocess @endoftheworldhere @unseenacademic @emilykaldwen @shes-a-voodoo-child @onekisstotakewithme @claudiajcregg @holy-ships-x-red-lips @quillington @theladyelizabeth @naurielrochnur @eidetictelekinetic @dr-dendritic-trees @boleynecklace @nocompromise-noregrets @herawell @sarking
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siena-sevenwits · 7 months
Got tagged to share seven comfort shows - thanks @informedimagining, @happygoosebird, and maybe @saxifrage-wreath too? I will be unfairly smooshing some unrelated works together and there's nothing you can do about it. I am a relativist when it comes to declaring favourite entertainments, and so I can determine the internal logical system of my choices. As usual, ask me another day and get different answers.
All the Tolkien films that came out before the Hobbit trilogy (Jackson, Rankin Bass, Bakshi.) All utterly beloved.
2. "Canada: A People's History" (2000, CBC.) Quite simply the best documentary series ever made. People who hate documentaries fall in love with this one and re-watch it. And that opening theme! If you want to stir my heart, that's the music you play.
3. The BBC children's classics adaptations, seasons 1988-1991. I am bracketing it this way so I can include both "The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Five Children and It." The adaptation they did of the Borrowers in the following seasons was quite good too, but doesn't have the same place in my heart.
4. "The Great Escape" (1963) - it's a comedy, it's a tragedy, it's based on an incredible chapter of history, it's fine, fine film making.
5. "Richard III" (Laurence Olivier, 1955) - I am in love both with the film and with the incredible commentary on the Criterion Collection DVD release. (Now I sound cultured!)
6. "Little Dorrit" (BBC, 2008) It's not perfect, but I love it so. "And a, a knife, and a fork, and an apartment!"
7. "The Swan Princess" (1994) This is my idea of fun.
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hiddenbeks · 3 months
5 songs + questionnaire
tagged by @katsigian thank youuuu kieran!!
tagging (if you feel like doing this) @tethris @hibernationsuit @yharnams @ravensgard @alexheart ✨
5 songs: picking these from my on repeat playlist hehe
endlessly - muse
stockholm syndrome - muse
frozen pines - lord huron
falska profeter - kent
butterflies and hurricanes - muse
yea i've been listening to absolution a Lot lately. gotta be my favorite album from muse (also many of the songs including the ones above remind me of liah in some way hnnhgnhngnhn)
3 ships you like: i gotta admit i don't really think abt ships that much aside from my own ocxcanon ships lmao but uhhh zevwarden is so important and precious to me!! zevran is still my most beloved video game romance and one of my favorite da characters... i love him... also dame aylin and isobel + shadowzel from bee gee three are recent ships i remember really liking
first ship ever: idk maybe like... tohru and kyo from fruits basket back when i was like 13??
last song you heard: falska profeter by swedish rock band kent 😌
favorite childhood book: it was a fantasy book no doubt. the chronicles of narnia.. or rumo & his miraculous adventures by walter moers maybe
currently reading: the long way to a small, angry planet by becky chambers!
currently watching: currently rewatching atla! i'm halfway through book 3 and excited because the second half of book 3 is full of excellent episodes. but also sad because it's coming to an end soon 😔
currently craving: these cookies... they're 20% off in my nearest grocery store rn but i'm too lazy to go get them hhhhhhh
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hashtagloveloses · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
the issue here is i have a recency issue. they cycle out depending on what i’ve consumed recently. so ill forget a blorbo and be sad about it. also i have a predilection for sad little bisexual guys so it’s very skewed
1. one of my OGs is will parry from his dark materials. he’s of that type of male character that is relentlessly kind shonen protagonist who keeps being forced into violence but doesnt want to. also the original book boyfriend next to percy jackson. 12 year old me was obsessed. i loved prince caspian and half the narnia boys for the same reason, and when i watched fullmetal alchemist this was why alphonse elric was my favorite elric brother. (this is also why i love yuji, tanjiro, and deku very dearly)
2. probably one of my first blorbos of all time was elphaba from wicked, hence my old URL. reading that book too early changed my brain chemistry. area leftist of a marginalized identity maligned by society and also bisexual as hell. she will always be my first and forever girly. you can imagine what happened to me when i met wei wuxian, who is essentially the same character. i went nuts
3. the funny little bisexual man who covers his pain with humor and cares so deeply usually goes on the list. one of my first was and always will be Sokka, but percy jackson fills this role as well as my beloveds, Satoru Gojo, and Vash the Stampede
4. funny little bisexual man who covers his pain with humor and is doomed by the narrative could cover many already mentioned but Nicholas D. Wolfwood remains the pinnacle. he’s very important to me. ive made a lot of posts about him but him representing this existential dread that you’ll die before you find happiness haunts me
5. the secondary villain who becomes a begrudging part of the team for comedy also always is a favorite but Greed from FMA has always stuck with me. an embodiment of one of humanity’s sins finding peace because the thing he most coveted became the love of others and not material wants got my ass
6. i understand there arent many women on this list and while i have favorite female characters in many pieces of media they dont often make the top list, however asajj ventress goes on the list. her story even before dark disciple is one of the best in star wars. as u can tell i have a predilection for evil women maligned in society
7. maul is also one of my favorites of all time. they really resurrected him and made him the most compelling in the narrative. the tragedy that he wont let go even in his last moments always gets me. watching twin suns actually broke me. his story in rebels was airing in a part of my life where i really identified with him as someone gifted yet ignored and thrown away and it got me
8. shocking absolutely no one, while sailor moon is one of my favorite pieces of media of all time and it is largely about women, my blorbo is tuxedo mask, mamoru chiba, the like ONE guy. he’s pathetic, he’s bisexual, and he’s also one of my first anime crushes of all time. more importantly he has been wronged by many adaptations and i must fight for his honor.
9. the Doctor remains ever important to me, especially 9, but them as a character. probably the same as Vash and Xie Lian, the sad immortal character cursed to constantly be alone who doesn’t want to hurt people always gets my ass
10. Rapunzel from Tangled has always been a very special blorbo for reasons i wont share online but that series had my ass in a vice grip for a reason
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pilesofpillows · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by my beloved 🌶️🧠^2 @xenokattz
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
16 😁😁
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
118, 025
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is my main obsession, but I do have a Harry Potter fic in the works that desperately needs an update. I've also been thinking about dipping into the Scandal fandom 🫣
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Primetime - Attoye PWP
Bound in Pleasure - Attoye PWP
An Angel, Drowned (Excerpt) - Namor/Okoye/Attuma PWP (whole fic is in progress)
Stars Within - Attoye (quite possibly the sweetest thing i've ever written in my existence)
Stars Aglow - Attoye (the second sweetest thing i've ever written in my existence
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do indeed! At least I do my best. I enjoy getting feedback and finding out how readers are feeling about the story and the characters. It's really the best part of sharing my writing with y'all 🥰
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Nothing... yet... 😬 I don't really have a plan for angsty endings, I angst to for the happy stuff 😁
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The happiest I would say is either Stars Within or Stars Aglow (the actual ending is coming istg)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
My HP fic caught some hate because some people don't enjoy Black Hermione and that is what it is... I don't really care. The BPWF fandom has been nothing but welcoming and they have my entire heart 🤗
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LMFAO yes 😂🤣🤣 Mind you, I just started in March and the majority of my fics are rated E 💀 but I write all kinds of smut and will be writing a lot more in the future 😁
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
There is a Narnia/Harry Potter fic in my personal drafts because I adore both fandoms. I might find the courage to post it one day 💀
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I certainly hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nopenopenope... but many requests
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
LOL no... I don't share well but I'm always happy to plot with my besties 😜
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I feel like this answer is pretty obvious but um Attoye (who's surprised 🤣)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sadly... Sunbound. It's entirely possible that I'll come back to it, but the vibe keeps drifting and I've got other things to work on 😅😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
World-building for sure... it's my favorite part. I've also been told I'm good with characterization(?) but idk... I just write what feels right.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
It takes me a ridiculously long time to write scenes my brain doesn't looooove. I also can't write things out of order, which is what takes updates so long 💀
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like to do it for brief phrases, a few sentences, and terms of endearment, but full conversations just get a note that they're happening in a different language. I like to put English translations in brackets for the differing languages I use, and I try my best to find the most accurate translations, but I don't speak Yucatec Maya or Xhosa 😂
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Publicly: Harry Potter
In the secret file on my laptop? Game of Thrones 😬
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's not done yet, but Like Real People Do is going to end up being one of the best things I ever write. At least until that angsty crazy thing I'm planning comes out. 😁
Soft Sweet Tags: @umber-cinders @jbarneswilson @theeblackmedusa
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faerieroyal · 23 days
𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 — ⟢ Could I please ask for a modern au moodboard of Lucy Pevensie, please?? Thank you so much!! 💖
of course, my beloved alexandra !! here you go !! <3
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in this au, lucy is currently a freshman university student majoring in history. she’s always been fascinated with the world’s history and all of its stories, and that all only increased when she and her siblings became involved with narnia, so of course she had to go study it.
that’s right, the pevensies’ adventures in narnia still happened in this au! since the last time they left, peter went to med school and is currently interning at a hospital, susan became a librarian in one of london’s biggest libraries, and edmund joined the military to try and recapture the feeling he felt fighting with narnia’s armies. they don’t talk about narnia as much as any of them wants to, but they all wear necklaces with golden lion’s head charms in honor of aslan that they never take off.
lucy is mildly addicted to caffeine in this universe, despite her doctor brother’s warnings that too much of it will hurt her system - she hates to go a day without a caramel macchiato from her favorite cafe near her university campus.
she’s just recently come out as bisexual to her family, telling her siblings all at once first and her parents shortly before she left from university (they were all supportive, of course), and edmund even gifted her a bi flag to hang up in her dorm room. she actually has a crush on a girl in one of her classes, and although susan’s the only one who knows about it, she still endures plenty of teasing for it.
she also really loves pizza! there’s a shop just a few minutes from her campus, and it’s become her go-to place for food after a midnight studying session, or to visit with her friends when they all miraculously have some free time and they can hang out together.
chronicles of narnia taglist: @fairyofthehollow, @lovings4turn, @dancingwith-sunflowers, @xoalexandrarose !
general taglist: @maddipoof, @thatmagickjuju, @talkingturnedtoscreamss, @malafvma, @auxiliarydetective, @heliads, @oneirataxia-girl !
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thedeluluverse · 11 months
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Summary: On a two-year anniversary, you and your boyfriend travel to a beautiful new park that just opened. With a color-changing fountain, lampposts resembling Narnia, and aesthetic benches and floral arrangements everywhere, your photographer's heart is bursting with joy! When you pan to the side and see your boyfriend holding a ring and one knee on the ground, you think you're seeing things through the lens. It's a real-life movie moment that will change your future forever!
Pairing:  OT7 x photographer!reader.
Rating: Everyone
Genre:  fluff, established relationship!au, anniversary trip
Word Count: 997
Warnings:  none, just possible tear-inducing fluff
Context: You've just panned over and see your boyfriend smiling up at you in proposal stance, and you're looking at them with shocked wide eyes…
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Y/N- “I… wait, are you pranking me or something for a reaction?” *looking warily at him with teary eyes*
J- "Okay, look, I know I joke around a lot, y/n, but I'm serious. Probably the most I've been in my life. So will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Worldwide Handsome??" 👀👀
Y/N- *giggles* "Of course, my love!"
J- *stands up and slips on the ring, looking into your eyes* “I can’t wait to have my Sun next to me  for the rest of my life.”
Y/N- "Me neither, my Moon." <3
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YOON- “Aish y/n, you look like you saw a ghost. A simple no would’ve sufficed” *starts to get off the ground*
Y/N- *gently lays a hand on his shoulder* "It's nothing like that, you dramatic cat… I just…look, it caught me off guard, ok?"
YOON- *slightly pouts* “Okaayy… so will you-“
Y/N- *squats down and wraps arms around his neck* "I will! Yes! I'll agree in every language if you want. Hehe."
YOON- *helps you to your feet and brushes your hair out of your face* "That's sweet, jagiya, but you're fine. Now let's go get some celebratory cake or soju or anything!! If it is with you, I'm there."
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H- *eyes are wide as they can go staring nervously, awaiting an answer*
Y/N- “Wait… is that where you were the other day? I knew something was off!”
H- “What do you mean?”
Y/N- “You really expected me to believe you would volunteer at the zoo? I wasn't born yesterday, Hoseok" *raises an eyebrow and smirks* "My beloved fiancé suddenly was more than fine spending his spare time at a place with snakes, bugs, and nasty smells bombarding him?"
H- "I'll admit it wasn't the best cover-up but….hold on…you just said, fiancé!" *pops up from the ground and grabs your shoulders in excitement*
Y/N- "Yes, I did, you silly jack in the box!”
H- "Sorry, hope my sudden move didn't startle you. I just am so relieved, honey. Let's go home now; all the adrenaline is crashing."
Y/N- “Same here. Let's go rest up. I can't believe you were worried! I can't thrive without my Sunshine squirrel."
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N- *clears throat* “Y/N, would you make me the happiest tree and put down roots with me?”
Y/N- “I.. are you asking me to mar-“
N- "Aish, yes, I'm asking you to marry me. I just was trying to go poetic with it but made it confusing I'm sorry…." *Stands up and closes ring box looking at the ground sheepishly*
Y/N- *grabs hand* "Hey, look at me. I loved your wording; it was more of a surreal like 'wow, this is happening' moment, love."
N- *sniffs blaming allergies* “I know what you mean, so does that mean…”
Y/N- "Yes, my sweet koala, I'm saying it would be a dream come true to be your wife."
-you both share a tearful embrace while smiling as wide as you are able, imagining what is to come-
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Y/N- “Oh wow, that looks so unique! It's beautiful, Jiminssi!
JM- "I'd hope so; it's custom-made." *blushes*
Y/N- "When did you have time to … wait… is that why you were holed up in your office a couple of weeks ago??"
JM- *rubs back of neck* "Yeah… pulled some strings with Tiffany, and they let me handpick EVERYTHING about the ring. I felt so bad not hanging out with you the other day, but… now you understand why I kept saying it was a crucial meeting."
Y/N- “I definitely do I just…* starts bawling*
JM- *hurriedly stands up and guides you to a bench wiping your tears* "Hey there, what's wrong, baby? If you don't like it, I can return it y/n I promise!"
Y/N- *chuckles* "No, it's perfect! I'm not used to people putting that much effort into something for me or paying that level of attention to what I like, so I just got overwhelmed. In case that wasn't clear, the answer is most certainly yes."
JM- *lip starts to quiver as he affixes the perfectly sized ring onto your finger* “You’ve just made my century my future Mrs. Mochi!”
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T- “Y/N, my angel, my everything, will you marry me? Please?”
Y/N- "I thought you'd never ask; of course I will, my Tae Bear!"
T- *stands up immediately and puts the ring on you* "Do you like it? I had it made special to where garnet is the main stone, and there are mini stones of your birthstone surrounding it since you are my galaxy."
Y/N- "It's beautiful, babe, and so thought I might cry right here."
T- "Aww, hun, you're so precious. I promise to do all I can to protect your heart, mind, and body until my last breath. Let's head home; I'm sure cuddles with our Tan will be perfect!"
*' At Last' by Etta James starts playing*
Y/N- “Did you plan this?”
T- "No, but I'm not complaining, my adorable cub." *cups your face and gives you a deep kiss in relief*
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Y/N- "Is this why you've been extra teary-eyed lately, my sensitive bun?"
JK- *pouts while wiping away a few runaway tears* "Maybe…."
Y/N- "Aww, come here, handsome; of course, I'll be Mrs. Jeon!"
'Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez starts playing-
JK- *is slightly startled* "Well, this is an even more memorable moment now." *surprises you by picking you up and spinning you around, giggling like a maniac, then placing a quick peck on your nose*
Y/N- “You sure know how to surprise a girl! What next?”
JK- *gently tugs on your hand* "We gotta get home to tell Bam and Army; they'll be so happy! Plus, they've been so curious about you! If that's okay with you, that is…"
Y/N- "That's fine with me, Kookie, but after, can we watch Netflix and eat something together?"
JK- "I love you so much; you know me well. Of course, you can have anything you want, babe."
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kissingghouls · 2 months
20, 29, 30 for the identity ask :3
20-would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else? I’ve been having a pretty good time in Baldur’s Gate lately 😆
29-three songs that you connect with right now. The way (G)I-DLE’s Super Lady has invaded my brain..I can’t remember to take my meds, but I can remember the dance. Thats kinda the only “new” song I know. But I’ve been hitting repeat on The Wombats - Greek Tragedy a lot lately aaaand I’m still totally in my Ghost-Zenith phase.
30-pick one of your favorite quotes.
“This is not for you.” - it’s the dedication in House of Leaves and it’s stuck with me just as much as the book has.
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thekenobee · 3 months
1997 (and 2005 🙃❤️)
Ahhhh, i see what you did there 😂
Ok- since I can't narrow it down to one I need to narrow it down to at least three 🤣
1. LA Confidential- brilliant cast(Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce, Kevin Spacey, Kim Basinger), great adapted screenplay, a masterpiece
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2. Anastasia (aka film who absolutely MADE my childhood)
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3. Air Force One- with Harrison beloved, saw it as a kid, still love it as an adult
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1. Revenge of the Sith - like, I didn't have to think about it, favourite film of my LIFE dammit, it's cinematography at its finest if I was to come back to life to watch one film only it WOULD BE THIS ONE
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2. Batman Begins - Nolan's Batman is the only Batman for me (no I haven't seen Pattinson's version)
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3. Cinderella Man (saw it last year for the first time and I am obsessed)
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4. The Chronicles of Narnia - a classic, really, this film made lil Debora very happy indeed and still continues to
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5. Pride and Prejudice - *rewatch rewatch rewatch* despite many design related inaccuracies
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