#my last art of 2021 was a human version of her
teka-chat · 4 months
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my last art of 2023, here's a Goldie !
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
Top 5 comics that aren't bat related?
GOD okay I'm admittedly so so behind on my non-Bat comic reading because trying to read Everything Published In A 15 Year Period is fucking TIME CONSUMING, but! but but but!!! I have some fun ones!! also as always these are not in ANY particular order!
Thirsty Mermaids (Kat Leyh, 2021)
first off: yes we are including graphic novels! that's just a honkin big comic! nobody @ me! anyway, I read Thirsty Mermaids in one sitting on an airplane earlier this year and it was delightful. it follows three mermaid besties who turn themselves into humans and go ashore in search of booze, only to get stuck when the party mage can't remember how to turn them back. what follows is a mix of shenanigans and genuinely heartwarming character development as the trio cope with being landlocked and try to survive capitalism. there's a high potential for a story like this to get cloyingly oversentimental, but Thirsty Mermaids struck the right balance for me the whole way through and never went overboard.
also, the character designs are soooooo fun. look at them!
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2. My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness (Nagata Kabi, trans. Jocelyne Allen 2016)
MLEWL is one of those books that actually completely lives up to the hype and then some, and it totally knocked me on my ass the first time I read it. I didn't really know what to expect going in, but I was totally blown away by how boldly Nagata's willing to share the ugliest parts of her life through this reflection. it's so much more than romance and yearning (and that isn't even really resolved by the book's end! Nagata continues to struggle with interpersonal relationships in later books, which you should also read!), and it felt really refreshing to see such an honest depiction of how much being depressed and anxious and insecure can just fucking suck. but at the same time, Nagata's ability to turn all of that into art and process what she's experienced in a really levelheaded way as she finds the will to grow and change is really affirming.
I have to give a special note of appreciation to the actual sex scene and how intimacy is negotiated between Nagata and the sex worker she hires, especially the ultimate realization that sex is just an act and losing her virginity didn't really change anything about why she was unhappy in her life. as a sex educator, I really appreciated the honesty and sheer practicality of how it was all framed.
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3. Nimona (ND Stevenson, 2015)
hi okay yes basic bitch alert I'M AWARE, but I reread Nimona last year to remind myself of why I didn't want to watch the Netflix adaptation and I was so right for that, because OG Nimona fucks so much harder. it's heartfelt but also chaotic and violent and funny and deeply jaded; I think when I mentioned it in my monthly reading synopsis here I described it as weird art for pissed off queer people by a weird pissed off queer person. and I stand by that! if you haven't read it already or if you haven't in a while, it's right there waiting for you with an open invitation to burn the entire corrupt government to the ground.
I know the word feral is overused and therefore cringe but christ, comic Nimona is feral. come on, man. just let her kill your ex. he's a cop.
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4. Superman Smashes the Klan (Gene Luen Yang and Gurihiru, 2020)
I had to get one DC comic in here, sue me! it's not Batman-related at all! it's a really rad Superman story that takes place in the 1940s and loosely reimagines an old radio serial, "Clan of the Fiery Cross," the was pretty much a 16-part hit piece on the KKK that was hugely successful in tarnishing their reputation and getting membership to drop. how cool is that? in this version we follow Lee family, Chinese-Americans who have just moved to Metropolis and are met with harassment from the local Klansmen, contrasted with Clark, early in his hero career, still figuring out the full extent of his alien abilities. you get some really nice parallel storytelling between the Lee kids, Tommy and Roberta, exploring what it means to be part of two different cultures at the same time Clark is going through something similar figuring out how to be a representative of two totally different planets, and it all works out in a way that's really sweet. now that I have a friend who's a baby I can't wait until he's old enough to get a copy.
it's an extremely comic book-y comic but in, like, the best way possible.
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5. Hawkeye (Matt Fraction and David Aja, 2012-2015)
I can't believe I almost forgot to list tumblr darling Matt Fraction's Hawkeye! what do I even say about this series that hasn't been said already? I love the way Clint Barton is a sadsack piece of shit who's repeatedly ruined his own life, and I love rooting for him anyway because he's just trying so goddamn hard. and also because there's a teenage girl who stole his name and gimmick bullying him the whole time. (Kate Bishop you are everything to me and you will always be famous.) there are costumes and crime fighting but it's first and foremost a slice of life about a life that fucking sucks but keeps on trucking anyway, and that's so up my alley it's not even funny. a lot of the humor probably feels dated now but fuck it, the series is iconic for a reason.
MCU, eat your heart out.
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bonus because I wrote out the whole thing and then decided I wanted to include a different one: Paper Girls (Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, 2015-2019)
I'd be lying if I said that the thing about this series that I love first and foremost wasn't the art, because Chiang's art is breathtaking and I'll read anything ever if he does the art on it. but it's also just a super cool twisty, time-bending story about four girls getting roped into some high sci-fi bullshit when they're just trying to finish up their paper routes the morning after Halloween and having everything go to hell around them. I really respect a series that is committed to being weird and doesn't really care if you don't understand what's going on for a decent chunk of the plot, especially because it all comes together in a way that's pretty satisfying. waiting to read the whole series in one big run once it was all published so that I could track all the little hints and clues and things coming together across time travel bullshit was mwah, delicious.
also more than anything it's a story about how you Do Not fuck with 12 year old girls, especially in packs, because they're metal as hell, and I'm really about that.
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annwhiskers · 1 month
6th Birthday
Today is the day I made my main two boys, Rune and Hyde, exactly 6 years ago, in 2018. These are the only two I keep up with with that, since they’re my longest lasting ocs and I like to use it to keep up with my progress every year. So I thought I’d share the drawings I made for them on their birthday every year, including the first drawings I ever made of them and share a bit of their history. And give a brief history of my art journey along with that.
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These are their very first sketches, before I figured out their personality, backstory, or even that they’d be a couple. Some key elements are already there, like Rune’s earring (which I’d actually forgotten about for a while until I looked at this sketch again), and Hyde’s scar on his lip (although, not very visible.)
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I made this not long after. They were originally part of a cast of characters which was supposed to be more of a found-family thing. I thought they were going to be side characters and that Selene would be the main character. But as the story developed, I grew to love them more and wanted to focus on them. Half this cast is gone now, and the ghost girl is no longer a ghost, simply a human (that’s Raven). This world no longer has mermaids, that’s become entirely its own thing. The purple mermaid stuck around for a while as a human, as more of a regular friend to Hyde in the village, but in the end, I also got rid of her. The only one I kinda miss is the zombie boy, he was cute. But he didn’t serve much of a purpose, other than his existence hinting at Selene’s experiments. I guess he’s been replaced by a rat now, poor boy.
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This was their first birthday, when I started getting more comfortable with digital art. I was quite wishy-washy about Rune and Hyde’s dynamic for a while, which one of them would be wearing the pants, sort of. That’s probably why Hyde is so small here. Now, neither are more dominant in the relationship than the other.
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I didn’t do much for their second birthday. I didn’t draw much at all that year. Especially not them, because 2020 is the year where I lost interest in them for a while and started developing both Team of Thieves and Merfolk. (More on that another time.)
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In 2021, my interest in them still hadn’t come back all the way, but I did still care about them. They look a bit awkward, because I was developing a lot in my style and hadn’t drawn them in this new style before. I did a lot with markers at this time, so I made a marker drawing.
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2022 is when my interest in them finally came back. I started reworking the book that I’d already written before, an early version of Please, Go Home, and I started making illustrations for it. At the end of the year, I scrapped all of it and began completely rewriting it into what it is today. This was around the point where about 90% of my art became digital. I still like traditional and I want to do it more often, but digital is just so convenient.
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This illustration was originally supposed to be animated for a school project (which is why Hyde’s hands are hidden in his sleeves, much easier to animate), but that ended up falling through. So I made it into a more detailed illustration. A lot of the art I made around this time was school work, so I had to shove my characters in wherever I could.
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And here we are today, 2024. They’ve been a consistent presence in my art all this time, and now they have their own book out there, and their sequel is currently being written. These two have been with me for six years and I don’t see them ever leaving.
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These long illustrations are made for bookmarks, which I may or may not actually get printed. Which is why they’re so long. Perfect for a phone background, though :)
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angelosearch · 2 months
A quick little meditation I wrote on why it is so painful to update my resume. I may delete this later because I might turn it into a larger personal essay piece.
It is 10:35 am and I am sitting in front of my laptop’s brutally large screen, fixating on the thin line the blinks on the document in front of me.
The document is my résumé, circa December 2021.
That was two years. That was one hospital stay, three intensive outpatient programs, and a two month stay in residential care ago. That was two jobs ago. The person reflected in this document represents an ideal self that I no longer aspire to embody: A girl, reeling from the reckoning of her CPTSD, hanging on the vestiges of a career that constantly reminded her of her flaws and insignificance.
And in that torrent of criticism and mistreatment, she felt at home. Her jobs became her family. If she could just be enough, then they would see her, then they would understand that she shouldn’t have to push herself to the brink of mania to earn their love. But even when they did try to claim she was talented, she twisted the words into lies and duties. This was the bare minimum. This is what she had to do. She was not worthy of real admiration.
Yet, she constantly kept trying to outrun one family to try to find one that would treat her differently, somehow without altering the contract of her contact. This document is a map of that attempt of escape, littered with sparkling phrases like “proficient in project management” and “developed effective marketing strategy.” Do any of these phrases truly fit what she has done? Is anything she has ever accomplished impressive in any way?
“Has anyone ever believed in you in your entire life?” One boss once asked her.
The question from the democratic ex-mayoral candidate turned marketing director caused her to spin out.
If they have, I’ve never recognized it—for all words in a language that you do not speak sound like gibberish the first time you hear them.
This man made her feel as though he believed in her, and she said as much on one autumn morning in the lobby of a hotel in Phoenix, Arizona where they had just pulled off a successful presentation as exhibitors at a conference.
But she required too much patience and too much medical leave when her illness reached its peak. He fired her on the phone while a messy medication transition left her unable to move for several days. He did so subtly that she had no idea she had lost her job, her purpose, until human resources called and explained how to return her computer.
That’s the last entry on the résumé.
I am changing this document to capture a version of myself who belongs in an Art Therapy graduate program. It reads like an obituary for a woman who knew nothing of setting boundaries or connecting with her inner child.
If she is not dead, I’d like to kill her.
But how can I shape this disparate smattering of “wear a lot of hats” skills into something that resembles the creativity, compassion, and emotional intelligence required of an Art Therapist?
Résumé and resume are such similar words in the English language that the modern spelling of the former word has dropped it’s accents to be more easily written online. To resume is to pick up after a pause—but I have always been told negative space in your work history is unacceptable.
But despite that, I am resuming. This isn’t even my first period of resume.
It’s funny how those gaps on your résumé are seen as something negative. I’ve learned more, and more valuable, things in the times between my jobs than I ever did in them. I cannot explain it in bullet points or with stop and end dates, but I do have experience with creativity and compassion and emotional intelligence. I’ve sat on a couch instead of an office chair and I’ve grabbed tissues instead of leaflets. I talked a woman, frightened and in chronic pain, through her first few days of residential care. I’ve been told my capacity for vulnerability makes space for others.
Can I list the applause I got from my peers as I left the treatment center as professional recognition?
No. We all must come to our places of work as unbroken things who swear their lives to the job. We get paid to lie about not just being there to be paid. The only true passion you must clock in for is the passion to stay alive.
I hope that the world of Art Therapy is different, but upfront I must pretend that I have an acceptable amount of trauma and valuable work experiences.  It’s makeup over a scar on my neck that looks like a hickey—an undeniable part of me too easily misunderstood to be revealed at the offset.
The true contents of what may make me good at my job may never be revealed to my colleagues, peers, or clients, and certainly will not be quantified on this document.
And so I move sections around on my resume like puzzle pieces and hope it matches the picture on the box.
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my-chemical-wheaties · 3 months
Albums That I Listened to in January 2024
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Last month, I made the first of what I plan to be a series of twelve posts where I share what albums I listened to in the month before then and what I thought about them.
Here are the twelve albums that I listened to this month:
Titanic Rising - Weyes Blood (2019)
When We Were That What Wept for the Sea - Colin Stetson (2023)
3D Country - Geese (2023)
Middle Cyclone - Neko Case (2009)
In Colour - Jamie xx (2015)
Atlanta Millionaires Club - Faye Webster (2019)
Color Me Country - Linda Martell (1970)
Madison - Sloppy Jane (2021)
Marquee Moon - Television (1977)
Heaven or Las Vegas - Cocteau Twins (1990)
Fantasies - Metric (2009)
In My Own Time - Karen Dalton (1971)
Here's how I'd rank these albums:
Madison - I decided to give this album a listen purely out of curiosity because of how fascinated I was by the story behind how it got made. For those of you who are unaware, songwriter Haley Dahl and her band Sloppy Jane recorded this album in the Lost World Caverns in West Virginia over the course of two weeks, and for an album that was recorded in a literal cave, it's excellent. The orchestral, art pop compositions are absolutely beautiful, and Haley is a great lyricist whose ability to convey certain emotions and experiences with such visceral imagery and usage of symbolism throughout multiple tracks is something I admire and respect. Going into this album knowing that it was recorded in a cave adds to the atmosphere of the album, too. While listening, I couldn't help but imagine Haley and company playing these songs in a dark cavern in the middle of the night. I could go on about this album and how much I love it for pages, but I these posts are already kind of long as it stands, and I don't want it to be any longer. Definitely give it a listen, especially if you're as big of a Kate Bush fan as I am, because this has her influence all over it. 10/10
2. Middle Cyclone - Ever since I discovered her music last year before I started this personal challenge, Neko Case has quickly become one of my favorite artists and this album only further demonstrates to me why I've come to love her work so much. The way she blends together indie rock and country scratches an itch for me; and much like in her album preceding this one, Fox Confessor Brings the Flood, Middle Cyclone demonstrates Neko's incredible lyricism, particularly her ability to convey emotional rawness and human vulnerability in such a straightforward, yet eloquently profound way. Given that this is also what I would consider Neko Case's most accessible album, I would highly recommend anyone who hasn't already listened to her work to check this album out - especially if you're a fan of artists like Julien Baker, Lucy Dacus, or Adrienne Lenker who I think all owe a part of their sound and success to her. 8/10
3. In My Own Time - Karen Dalton is, in my opinion, one of the most underrated artists of the 60s and 70s and deserves more recognition than what she gets. Only the second album she ever released in her lifetime, there's something especially pleasant about her different covers of these songs (Yes, this is a covers album - Karen didn't really write or record original material). It makes me feel like I am sitting in a living room in a house on the countryside watching the snow fall in the winter or the leave rustling in the breeze in the summer. Not to mention that Karen has a beautiful alto voice. I actually like some of these covers better than their original versions. If you're looking for late sixties/early seventies folk music to listen to, I would recommend checking this album out. 9/10
4. Fantasies - Metric is a band that has been on my radar for a while now, but for some reason, I haven't gone out of my way to listen to any of their albums in full until now. All of the tracks go pretty hard, and I really like Emily Haines' voice. My favorite band Paramore cited Metric as an influence for their most recent album This Is Why, and I can definitely see where they were inspired. If any of you like Paramore or Yeah Yeah Yeahs, I would definitely give this album a listen. 7/10
5. Titanic Rising - This album sounds like walking through an antique store that is faintly playing old obscure 80s music on its loudspeakers as you gaze over the various items decorating each "room" in the store, the scent of vintage goods and old wood wafting through the air. Weyes Blood's voice reminds me of a cross between Eurhythmics' Annie Lennox and Enya, and the instrumentation and production on this album are stunningly beautiful. I was worried going into this album that I wouldn't be able to get into it because the tracks are all on the slower side in terms of tempo, but I actually found myself liking this one a lot. 9/10
6. Color Me Country - Linda Martell is an important figure in country music history who, despite her significance and the barriers she helped break down for black artists in the genre, has been oft forgotten. The first black artist in history to perform at the Grand Ole Opry, she only ever released one studio album - Color Me Country, in 1970. The album consists of pretty standard country music that was common at the time, with lyrical subject matter typical of the genre - but just because an album isn't sonically pushing the envelope, doesn't mean that it can't be good. I don't know what it was, but something lit up in me listening to this album and I really enjoyed what I heard. It makes me wonder what else she would have done had she continued her music career and released more material. Either way, this is a wonderful album from an incredible woman who deserves a lot more attention to her work. 7/10
7. 3D Country - This album sounds like a fusion between The Rolling Stones and Queen and I'm kind of living for it. It's genuinely good, fun, classic-styled rock music that doesn't take itself too seriously and has some really unique qualities to it. St. Elmo has been stuck in my head ever since I first heard it, and little embellishments like the harp on the title track really give this album its own personality. If you're somebody who primarily listens to older music who wants to try something newer or are just looking for more rock bands to get into, I recommend giving this album a try. 8/10
8. Atlanta Millionaires Club - Did you know that Faye Webster and I are the same age? I'm so used to artists either being older or younger than me that seeing someone around my age making music is both surprising and refreshing to me at the same time. This might be part of the reason why I clicked with this album a bit better than some of the other ones that I listened to this last month - Faye and I are in kind of the same place in life and due to us being the same age, and we probably share a similar perspective and experiences. It also helps that Faye is an adroit lyricist, and the chill indie rock instrumentation suits her voice well. The only issue that I have with this album is that the track Flowers near the end sounds jarring given how different it is from the rest of the album. 8/10
9. When We Were That What Wept for the Sea - This album gaslit me into thinking I have synesthesia. No really, I'm serious - I listened to this album while driving at night and I remember during the beginning of either Infliction or Passage I started smelling freshly brewed coffee. I didn't have any coffee in the car with me and I was not in an area where there would be any coffee brewing nearby. It was wild. And then after that it started smelling like the produce section of a grocery store in the beginning of the second half of the album. Anyways, this experimental ambient album by saxophonist Colin Stetson was really interesting to listen to and there are a lot of cool details scattered throughout each song. It wasn't what I was expecting at all, but it was a pleasant surprise. It would probably pair well with the flute album Andre 3000 put out last year. 8/10
10. Marquee Moon - This is a classic album that I see getting a ton of praise, so I figured I would give it a listen. It's a pretty good album, although the tracks sound a little bit samey at times. The two songs that stand out to me are Venus and the title track. 7/10
11. In Colour - The only solo album (As of right now) from The xx member Jamie xx makes for a fairly pleasant listening experience. Jamie seems to be veering slightly away from the indie rock elements of The xx's work and more into electronic and pop, incorporating some hip-hop influences along the way. The featured appearances all fit in nicely, and the album overall sounds like the chill cousin of Daft Punk's Homework. 8/10
12. Heaven or Las Vegas - Please don't take me ranking this album last as some indication that I don't like it. I actually enjoyed it - albeit think that it's overrated. The number of people that I have seen praising this album and talking about how great it is made me think that it was going to be some amazing, mind-altering experience to listen to, but it was really a series of (Super short) shoegaze-y pop tracks that are just good. I don't really get why people hype up Cocteau Twins so much. You would think that they invented sliced bread with the way some people talk about them. 7/10
So far, I've really been enjoying most of the albums that I listen to. I have a few albums in mind that I plan to listen to in full in February, but again, if anyone wants to recommend me anything, you are always welcome to leave a comment. :)
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Do you like adult/teen oriented comics that's colorful and psychedelic, yet still delivers some gore? Get out your divining rod and something that plays tunes and check out Witchblood!
With people obsessing over Dracula, there's a new modern take of the vampire lore I wish people would talk about.
Witchblood is a comic book series created by and Matthew Erman and Lisa Serle. When I first made this post in August 2021, there were four issues out so far as of August 2021. Now all 10 chapters are out and you can get the full graphic novel at your local store. It seems to be super popular with some running out when I was collecting individual issues.
I would say the vibe the story gives off is Demon Slayer at times, but something more familiar to Americans. Such as the wild west, vampires, and witchcraft. The art is amazing here are some of my favorite panels:
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Basic Summary: There are three main groups in the story: witches (who have been blessed with magic from Esme the original witch), vampires, and witch hunters (who seek to find witches due to them destroying human communities). Yonna is a witch wandering the South West with her crow familiar. She unfortunately meets the Hounds of Love a group of vampires lead by the charismatic Paxton. Paxton has found that in drinking a witch's blood you gain her powers and seeks to find the original witch. Yonna must find the other witches before the Hounds get to them, but she finds out she can't do it alone.
And there are so many collectible covers made by famous artist Yoshiyoshitani.
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The first two images in this post is from my own copy of the novel while the last panel is a digital  pre-print version which I received from Matthew Erman.
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clottedscream · 1 year
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I posted 166 times in 2022
That's 39 more posts than 2021!
73 posts created (44%)
93 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 120 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#dairydraws - 67 posts
#not art - 39 posts
#epithet erased - 17 posts
#epithet erased fanart - 15 posts
#jelloapocalypse - 14 posts
#character design - 14 posts
#ask - 11 posts
#molly blyndeff - 10 posts
#ee - 8 posts
#paranormal activity club au - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#she thinks she’s a female manipulator but she has too much social anxiety to correct the barista at starbucks when they get her drink wrong
My Top Posts in 2022:
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this one is dedicated to everyone who simped in the tags of my last post and also to my friends who 100% saw it coming that i would make this
[Image ID: a monochrome digital illustration of a humanized version of Tumblr. She’s a human woman in casual alt clothing, including a dark hoodie, doc martins, and a wrinkled shirt with the old tumblr logo. Yes, her jeans are cuffed. She wears fingerless arm warmers and a kandi bracelet that says nov 5. She has an asymmetrical haircut that covers half of her face, which is towards the viewer. She sits on the floor (there is no background) and grins smugly. End ID]
2,035 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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i’m actually a little surprised with myself that i haven’t made fanart for @buggachat ‘s BEAU yet considering i’ve been reading it religiously since it started coming out. anyways i was listening to Zachary Levi’s She Loves Me on repeat as i was drawing this
2,543 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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someone get this girl some therapy
4,636 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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*pins you against a wall* you thought you could just come crawling back to us huh?
[image ID: a monochrome digital drawing of humanized versions of Tumblr and Twitter. Tumblr is an emo girl wearing dark clothing with a side shave hairstyle. She has a kandi bracelet that reads “nov 5”. Twitter is a shorter girl with floppy hair styled after the twitter logo, wearing a large barette of her logo in her hair. Tumblr is leaned over twitter and is holding her chin while pinning her against the wall. End ID.]
10,070 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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fairness and equal treatment for catboys
17,627 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tailsrevane · 1 year
2022 in review, part 6: comics & manga first reads
1. orcs! by christine larsen (2021)
this is frighteningly perfect. orcs as protagonists, cute (but not too cute for orcs) art, and just supremely powerful good boy energy. (yeah a lot of the protagonists aren’t boys, but i feel like all orcs have good boy energy regardless of gender.) also it’s kinda gay!
this filled a hole i didn’t even know could be filled (which despite being ace is oftentimes what i’m looking for with orcs, hey-o), with the only problem being that whenever i go out looking for more orc fiction i’m looking for this specific vibe and nothing else has it. woof.
(in all seriousness i wouldn’t want every orc story to have this vibe because that would make it less special, but still i want more of this than this and its immediate sequel, y’know?)
2. the witch boy by molly ostertag (2017)
given the title & author i am less than 0% surprised how strongly i vibed with this. this gave me so many gender feels.
3. batman/teenage mutant ninja turtles (2015-16) writer: james tyrnion iv / artist: freddie williams ii
a love letter to fans of both franchises. this is one of the all-time great crossovers between two totally separate franchises. it might be the best ever.
4. the adventure zone, vol. 4: the crystal kingdom (2021) writers: clint mcelroy & griffin mcelroy & justin mcelroy & travis mcelroy artist: carey pietsch
it took me a minute to get into adventure zone because i was so thoroughly spoiled by the frankly superior dimension 20, but it really does grow on you. and i think the crystal kingdom story is the first one where the comic adaptation actually noticeably improved upon the podcast. the ending especially was just so arresting seeing it in comic form, and it really had an impact on me that i don’t remember it having when i was listening to the pod.
5. superman: birthright (2003-04) writer: mark waid / artists: leinil francis yu & gerry alanguilan
not only is this the best verison of superman’s origin story i’ve ever seen, it’s one of the best superman comics i’ve ever read.
6. batman, vol. 2: the city of owls (2012) writers: scott snyder & james tynion iv / artists: greg capulo & rafael albuquerque & more
what made this so special is not just that it was the epic confrontation between batman and the court (and possibly his long-lost brother). it also had two side stories, one that showed that the new 52 version of mr. freeze is kind of a unique twist on the character, but i'm actually way more interested in the last issue of the volume. this issue featured a pair of super gay siblings named harper and cullen row. harper will eventually become the hero bluebird, but for now we just see her civilian life and how she first comes into contact with batman. and honestly, just seeing these two low-income queer siblings existing and being extremely relatable was such a joy.
7. avatar: tsu’tey’s path (2019) writer: sherri l. smith / artists: dan parsons & jay durresma
basically a drastically better version of the first movie with less human stuff. it couldn’t totally remove the shitty white savior stuff from the narrative obviously since it is following the same events, but it did at least push them off to the side as much as it could.
8. batman: hush (2002) writer: jeph loeb / artist: jim lee
i’ve been a batman/catwoman shipper since before i knew that shipping was a thing, so obviously i loved this. ivy being blatantly femdommy, and bisexual at that, was also extremely, extremely, extremely my jam. yes please. more of that, please.
9. pleasure & corruption, vol. 1 by you someya (2019)
*pounding fist on table in rhythm to words* more. boy. subs. more. boy. subs. more. boy. subs.
i do wish so many authors didn’t seem so convinced that subby boys always have to “deserve it” by being pervs or whatever in stories like this, it makes them way harder to relate to. but yeah. seeing a boy get tied up and bullied a bunch is extremely wish fulfillment imo. also, loveloveloved the heavy emphasis on bondage, obviously.
10. 5 seconds before a witch falls in love by zeniko sumiya (2021)
a super cute enemies-to-lovers yuri about a witch & witch hunter. hell yeah.
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Art dump #1
a goofy art dump ig lolol w/ character names and/or art explanations
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Some humanoid anatomy practice(w/ bad ribcage + spine but only bc I need to practice where it located for my gore arts) cuz I'm bad at drawing humanz lolz
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My boy Ayme 💕💕💕💕 sing your heart out sweetie 💖💖💖
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Sandra "Sweetie" Pye
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Judith "Black Rainbow" Young
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Amelia "Dark Dash" Kramer
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Midori Aishi
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!984 Strobelite Outfits :DD
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Midori Aishi Strobelite Outfit(Human Version)
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And finally, Judith's 40th bday art! Yes she turned 40 this year and this art was like 3 months late cuz her birthday is on July 17th and this art was made in like September lmao
Anyways I'll probably post my goretober on Halloween but I'm putting it off cause this year I did both 2022 goretober and 2021 goretober(bc I didn't like my goretober arts from last year) so that's 62 arts, 7 different posts ૧(╥﹏╥)
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fairytalearista · 1 year
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I posted 657 times in 2022
That's 657 more posts than 2021!
116 posts created (18%)
541 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 436 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#kendra e. ardnek - 41 posts
#books - 29 posts
#writing - 21 posts
#fairy tales - 18 posts
#austen fairy tale - 17 posts
#rizkaland legends - 14 posts
#the austen fairy tale - 13 posts
#cinderella - 11 posts
#pro life - 11 posts
#jane austen - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#okay but i've been looking for a good version of much ado to watch ... for a project ... i think i need to go hunt down the full version...
My Top Posts in 2022:
So, I published a Cinderella / Pride and Prejudice mashup last week. And it's already my fifth-highest grossing book, as it just passed the royalty total for the book I published ten years ago...
So, um, if anyone else wants to help me see how many more of my back titles it can outsell by the end of the month, that would be fun. The title is Crown and Cinder, and it is the second book of a series of Austen / Fairy tale mashups. (By the end of next year, I do plan to have all six of Austen's novels retold, and I have a fairy tale picked out for every one of them). It's pseudo-medieval worldbuilding with elemental magic, and I think they're pretty fun.
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And if you'd like to check out some other fun Cinderella retellings, I just published Cindy Ellen, a short and sweet western-esque retelling by my mother, and my friend Sarah Pennington released Mask of Scarlet, which is a mystery set in a Jazz-era world with fae. It's delicious and I highly recommend the whole series. Bastian is the Best, and you all need to fall in love with him as much as I have.
56 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
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Can y'all do a thing for me? Crown & Cinder, my Cinderella / Pride & Prejudice mashup, is currently 99 cents on kindle, and will be so for about a week. It's a countdown sale, meaning that I'm making the full 70% royalty.
I'd like to try to get 1,000 sales while it's a dollar. I'm currently sitting at one. So if the concept sounds intriguing to you (and it's a VERY fun story - Lizzy has fire magic!), please consider buying it - and sharing this post to spread the word. a thousand sales is a lofty goal, but I think if I can hit the algorithm right, it'll be possible. So, pretty please, go check it out.
(And, cough, book 1 will be 99 cents next week, but I dropped this one this week 'cause of scheduling issues. So keep an eye out for that.)
57 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
"He's only mean to you because he likes you."
Like many girls, I was told this by my mother, but it was always with the caveat: "And he lacks the emotional maturity to properly handle the attraction." And I think that's an important caveat that most girls need to hear - you can take the complement, you can let it boost your self-esteem, but move on. He's just an immature boy who isn't worth your time.
And, honestly, it can work both ways. Girls can be just as mean when they don't want to admit attraction.
319 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
"What your characters say is their motivation isn't in line with their character and actions."
Yup, it's called narrative dissonance. Homegirl ain't being honest enough with herself to admit what's actually driving her. Maybe she'll figure out over the course of the book, maybe we won't. Who knows. I love pitting show and tell against each other and seeing who comes out on top.
522 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The secret of creating good art isn't talent, it's patience.
I'm an author, my sister draws and paints, but we both dabble in the other's wheelhouse.
And, one day, I had just hastily thrown together my cartoonish attempt at a fairy (Not terrible, but I've just accepted that my art style is on the cartoon side of things), and my sister starts telling me all the tricks and stuff that improves proportions and style ... and I just look at her and go, "I don't have the patience for that."
And she just pulls back, blinking. "But you sit there, hours upon hours, stringing words together for your books. Don't tell me you don't have patience."
"I do have patience for writing. Every word I write is visible progress, and I've moved forward in the story. But art is static. And I don't have the patience that allows me to pour hours and hours into something static. You, however, focus on that one image and chip away at until you have it."
My other main craft is knit and crochet. My sister sews. And I realize that this holds true. My patience is linear. I'll spend weeks and years on a project, just so long as each word or stich is a visible step forward. My sister's patience is more abstract. She will polish the details on a image until it's perfect, constructing elements until it fits her vision - but she won't give it the time I will. She wants to get things done and have them be over.
And neither one is wrong. Neither is unreasonable. But if you have an art you want to pursue, you have to give it patience. The patience to do the craft, and the patience to learn how to do it well.
And yes, some of us have a bit of talent that means we need a little less patience ... but that talent is just a head start. We still have to run the rest of the race.
6,677 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
(Btw, C&C is officially now my second-highest grossing book, and it is slowly but steadily overtaking the record holder, Water Princess, Fire Prince)
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sleepinginks · 1 year
It's so weird looking back at this drawing now. (ft. little and roy)
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tw: childhood trauma/toxic family unit/medical trauma/anti-vax/mindbending/did/dissociation/derealization/trans related family issues
When I drew this, it was originally for me to mentally separate myself a bit from the image of a young girl my family still had in their heads about me so I could be more comfortable as myself as non binary. Since I was winding up to go to my first therapy appointment, I wanted to at least get a bit of leg work going before hand.
This was the last thing any of us drew, but more specifically I drew before we started going to therapy and we found out we concretely had DID at the beginning of 2021. At the time we were severely struggling with finally having escaped a extremely toxic family unit and all that goes along with that, aka our whole world was actually (mentally) collapsing and unraveling.
The little girl on the left is (now unsurprisingly) our oldest alter. Even though the context of the drawing it is completely different now, it very much still fits. She never got to grow up and is still is only 5-7ish. Our traumas started much earlier but 2007/8 is when she couldn't take things anymore and has spent most of our life in and sudo timeloop.
Side note: We also didn't know at the time but we are intersex but since we hadn't gone in for any sort of medical doctor since we were twelve (it's complicated) we never knew until last year (2021).
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This drawing is one I drew right before the other one in this post. I had only just started drawing myself (Roy) much more non human in nature.
These are some of the more recent portaits that I did of myself or that someone else in the system did of me.
These first three I did of myself. The first one was while I was processing how traumatized we actually were (/neg) and the second was me in the color pallet of the aro flag. The last one is the most recent one I did and I would say a mix of it with the first one is probably most accurate to what I look like.
Side note: I recommend looking at these on mobile for the most accurate version of the images.
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Now these two were done by Ari. In my opinion she is probably one of if not the best artist of all of us. All of the B&W art she does starts on a black canvas and white charcoal is definitely her tool of choice. She just has a way with how she does lighting that never fails to blow me away.
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anomalouscorvid · 3 months
✨🧊for Carrie, 🧠🎓 for anyone you want?
(for these, still open)
i'm doing all four of these for carrie
✨ (How did you come up with the OC’s name?) - she was named after carrie from the musical version of the war of the worlds, but that has no particular other significance, further than being set in the same time period
her last name (which is, realistically, what she'd be mainly referred to as by others in-universe) is martyn-crowther. 'martyn' was taken from henry martin, a scottish folk song, which if anything has more relevance to her mother (commonly known as 'murrain', kind of a corsair kind of dawnburnt) than to carrie herself. but also i wanted her to have a name from a folk song anyway. 'crowther' is of welsh origin, and derived from the crwth, an instrument. there isn't much to say about that one, i mostly just wanted her to also have a welsh surname that fitted well with 'martyn'
🧊 (Is their current design the first one?) - not at all the first design, and..... i guess the most obvious difference at a glance is that she used to have a different nose shape. smaller, more delicate-looking, turned-up... but i think she actually looks better with a larger, more 'aquiline' nose, it just works nicely. i'm not certain when i made that change or what my original reason was, but i think it was mainly to make her face more clearly different from a similar-looking human oc at the time
there's also various other changes... actually, i think most of her design has changed, particularly the head/face. i hate looking at or acknowledging my old art of her though lmao, that is NOT carrie......
🧠 (What do you like most about the OC?) - hmmmm. . i like many things about her (or i wouldn't have kept on using her for so long), but for just one answer, probably... shes a very fun character to put in different situations
🎓 (How long have you had the OC?) - since june 2021, according to both when i made my fl account and also the first images of her in my files (made in heroforge, not drawn)
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bilyana-bang · 1 year
Having an untrained mind will lead to suffering. Training your mind will lead to happiness.
Inside you there is a royal (your vulnerability) and a soldier (your conscious side) . The royal must be protected. Only the soldier can do that.
Your conscious healing will protect your vulnerable side.
'To send people to war without teaching them is called abandoning them'- Art of War
War in this case is life. It is extremely normal to suffer when the mind is untrained.
'To send people to war without education is tantamount to throwing them away' - Art of War
In the same way, without having an education on how to heal. (My teacher is Teal Swan, a complete revolutionary on mental blocks, all her teaching is on YouTube, other teachers are therapists, friends, family, mental health professionals who are public figures). Then who you truly came down here to be can never happen. Because you have free will and nothing can overpower your free will, if you choose to see yourself poorly then that is the only life you can lead. When you have poor self esteem anything that's attached to you, you will hate. Every individual thought you will not notice. Every feature on your body and face you will hate and want to change (Sidenote: there's a difference between wanting to change features because of hate vs inspiration to edit your avatar) . When you choose free will to love yourself fully (mentally, physically, emotionally) you will start to see the complete human being that you are. And you can finally make decisions based on going to your true desires not because you want to destroy every part that reminds you of your self.
You will nurture every genius thought, you will nurture every beautiful feature of your body. When you stop abandoning yourself. You will see that your existence is pure. Everything that's attached to you, you will love, including fact that you chose to have a life on Earth. It's beautiful. I promise.
For example, I used to hate wearing my own clothes, I always wanted to borrow my mums', sisters' or brothers' because I believed that if I chose it, it had no value, but because they chose it, it did.
Another way to look at it: you will get your desire, one day you will float away from your body. You will float away from this body that you hate so much. There will be a moment where you will see the body one last time and you won't be burdened by the hate of it. So until that happens love your body as much as you physically and possibly can. I did an exercise where you have to hug yourself. But .... you have to pretend that your hands are the hands of someone who is utterly and uncondionally in love with you. Hug and caress your body and face. I did this and I completely changed how I think about my body. For the first time, I didn't hate it.
I used to hate my facial features so much. (Now I realise something big was happening to me which I did not realise #tf) But now I love my facial features. In science, if you repeat an experiment and get a different result, then that means the initial conclusion of the experiment was wrong. Therefore if you are able to come to love yourself and other people are able to love your features, then that means your initual hate towards them isn't true. Plus everytime you feel a negative emotion, it means that the higher version of you doesn't agree with it. That's why hating yourself feels bad. Because Source and the higher version of you doesn't agree with that opinion. That's a Teal Swan teaching.
Lastly, you know the phrase, everyone has insecurities, that's because you're not meant to get out. No-one, no matter the beauty status, gets out. The only way to get out is for you to choose to love yourself. I am happy to say that I have zero physical insecurities, zero mental and zero emotional insecurities! Because I chose to love myself. It is a fantastic way to live. In 2021 I went from hating myself to loving myself completely. And 2 months later I accidently I aligned with a lover.
Actually that's the best way to align with a lover, a lover is someone who has positive focus towards you, you must have positive focus towards yourself to align with a lover.
- Bilyana
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Chapter Two
Trigger Warning: Cursing
A/N: I have an update version of what Thana looks like. Created in Art Breeder. So here it is.
Chapter Three: Thana's Early Life (Part Three)
"It's been like twenty years and he still hasn't decided to fuck off" Thana started ranting, beyond annoyed at this point. "I swear God or Satan had something to do with this shit. No one has this much bad, I swear, maybe orphans do, but that's not the point"
Thana was done, done being stalked by angels and done with almost everything. Betty sat there on her couch, listening to her rant while texting the other girls to come over and listen to her.
"Sandra and Cynthia will be on speaker phone, Tamara is coming over and bringing cheesecake," Betty said to her.
"Does she have the answer to my stalker problem any chance we'll get any answers for that. I suggested murder. But apparently that's not something I should be considering" Thana shouted from the kitchen.
"No, unfortunately we don't have the answer for that problem" Betty laughed, as she greeted Tamara inside the house.
"Well you got better at interior decoration at least." Tamara looked around the in progress renovated house, "Although the fact that you have decided to sleep on the couch isn't a surprise."
"Tamara, lovely, come look at the kitchen, you'll love it I swear."
"I certainly doubt that, but I have been surprised by your interior decoration choices in the past"
"It's a work in progress for sure. But it's better than what I decided last time."
"Michael is here." Betty yelled out to them. "He also wants to speak to you Thana"
Thana walked over and Betty walked into the kitchen a few steps away from her. She closed the front door behind her to block out any possible yelling and most of the argument.
"I don't want to talk to you, but due to you being whatever you are now. We need to." Thana explained crossing her arms.
"I finally found out what you are." Michael started, "The reason why you have been hiding the entire time."
"Wow you are incredibly dense." Thana commented as she watched him pace in circles.
"Just let me continue ok? ok." Michael growled taking a step towards her in an attempt to be somewhat threatening, "My father would kill me if he found out I slept with someone like you."
"I hope he does. Kill you that is." Thana responded, "I'm tempted to kill you right now. If you don't stop stalking me or whatever the fuck you think you're doing. I will send you back to your daddy in person."
"Deal." Michael replied, then Thana proceeded to break his arm before he could attempt anything else.
"Fuck off"
Ten years went past, Thana finally earned another bachelor's degree although this time in Electrical Engineering. Her friends are either extremely old in hospice or now deceased. She doesn't know what to think of humans, outside of her friends and she hasn't formed a complete opinion of them.
Thana didn't know what else to do with her life. She had no idea if there was anything else to look forward to. She even started volunteering at various orphanages just to pass the time during the past ten years.
As 2010 came around, Thana is still volunteering at Gotham's orphanage. She's still trying to find out how to get caught out as a demon. Unfortunately the building was later burned down.
"Things just get worse." Thana thought to herself, "Who burns down an orphanage? A church burning down make much more sense. Who? Who does this shit?"
"Why are humans so fucked up?" Thana pondered on her walk back home.
0 notes
Hello! 👋
i decided to create a follow-up post to my last pride month series. this will be a spiritual sequel to this post where i tell you all about myself--only this time, i'll be sharing my current projects.
the projects featured below all contain the characters i showed off in my first 2 pride posts (#1 | #2) so check them out if you're interested in learning which of my characters share in our pride. :)
disclaimer: each "tldr" may be a poorly explained version of the plot :)))
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[ID: Book cover illustration; a star-speckled night sky made up of both light and dark shades of purple and blue stretches across the top half of the portrait-like image, disappearing behind a dark desert landscape. In the foreground are a young man and a young woman sitting back to back; he is looking down pensively at his raised right arm, on which a pale blue symbol for Uranus has appeared, and she is smiling hopefully up at the sky while hugging an open book to her chest with both hands.]
credit: @midluuna
Main Series: The Chronicles of Life & Death Trilogy: Saturn Rising Book #1 of 3 Genre: science fiction, fantasy, teen, young adult, new adult, fiction, post-apocalyptic, mystery, drama, adventure, action Elements: mature language, LGBTQIA+ representation, LGBTQIA+ issues, BIPOC protagonists, latinx characters, adult humor Content Warning: use of firearms, use of blades, physical violence, implications of sexual assault, implications of harm to children, death Plot: Prince Kisembo, an extraterrestrial from Saturn, visits his best and oldest friend Abeni on her homeworld of Uranus in hopes of aiding her with a secret dilemma. He vows to help her clear her lover's name, and the two, along with their friends and followers, set out to Earth to bring back their banished comrades and solve the mystery behind it all. Fast forward to the year 2141, nearly a century after a plague wiped out most of humanity, and the remaining humans are either bandits or colonists protected by the reincarnations of these extraterrestrials, colloquially referred to as spirits. Giovanni is recognized as Kisembo's reincarnation, and he's elected to lead his group on the search for answers. Meanwhile, Chief Sabryna is Abeni's latest reincarnation, and she's guiding her nomadic tribe on a hunt for clues and allies. Their loyal subordinates are tired and homesick, leading to dissent among the higher ranks. On top of all that, there appear to be traitors in their midst... Fave OC: Shouta the Martian teleporter.
TLDR: boy finds out he's important & makes friends with his outcast roommate; girl travels the world with her friends & beats people up to make more friends; oh no, impostors? sus
You can read Aquarius now for FREE with Kindle Unlimited, or you can order it as a paperback or hardcover on Amazon.
Weird: Book of Secrets
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[ID: Photo of a woman in a dark room illuminated only by the fairy lights weaved through and around the fingers of her hands, which are raised to obscure most of her face, leaving only her eyes visible.]
credit: rhett wesley
Main Series: Weird Book: Book of Secrets Book #1 of ??? (tbd) Genre: fantasy, fiction, teen, young adult, mystery, drama, comedy, romance, suspense, slice of life Elements: mature language, LGBTQIA+ representation, LGBTQIA+ issues, Spanish-speaking protagonist, BIPOC characters, latinx characters, first love, young love, teenage issues, magic, witchcraft, fantasy creatures, mythology Content Warning: bullying, use of dead name, use of incorrect pronouns/misgendering (both intentional and unintentional depending on the character), transphobia, xenophobia, teenagers in adult situations, physical violence, fantasy violence Plot: It's the year 2021, and Cari is a freshman witch at the Academy of Occult Arts, the most prestigious secret school for magickal beings. She's the second heir of the De Ardo Coven, a title that places her in the spotlight as well as in the crosshairs of various future witch heads attending the academy. Her first night goes disastrously--she gets into a fight, bumps into her older sibling Val and rival for the heirdom, and finally meets her estranged half-brother Max, the most popular witch at AOA and the heir of the Quercini Coven. To make matters worse, Cari's own coven refuses to recognize her as their new witch head, a werewolf transfer student won't leave her alone, and she finds herself taking an interest in two undead students... Fave OC: Angel the unicorn
TLDR: witch girl with vampire brother & new werewolf buddy is hella gay for two dead girls & beats up her rivals with magic. also lots of drama & sussy peeps.
You can read Weird on my main website Sisters of the Shadows for FREE (no signup or subscription required)
Lizzie's Diary
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[ID: An illustration of a young woman and a young man seated on a blanket on a sandy beach, with blue seawater and a sunny sky behind them. She is leaning against his right shoulder and gazing at the sketchbook on his lap with nostalgia; he watches her with an amused expression, his cheeks flushed from her close proximity.]
credit: @midluuna
Main Series: The Chronicles of Life & Death Genre: science fiction, fantasy, teen, young adult, new adult, fiction, post-apocalyptic, mystery, drama, adventure, action Elements: mature language, LGBTQIA+ representation, LGBTQIA+ issues, BIPOC protagonists, adult humor Content Warning: use of firearms, use of blades, discussions of sexual assault, discussions of harm to children, discussions of child neglect, use of dead name, use of incorrect pronouns/misgendering, transphobia, teenagers in adult situations, war situations, physical violence, fantasy violence Plot: Lizzie is the daughter of the most despicable bandit leaders in the southeast continental US. She was trained from a young age to steal, to fight, to kill. She was raised believing that colonists are just as weak as the spirits who claim to protect them, and she knows better than to show mercy to anyone who crosses her path... Until she wakes up alone in the middle of a colony, and finds herself face to face with one such angel. Fast forward a few years, and Lizzie has acclimated fairly well to life within the walls of the Savannah colony. She has a loyal group of friends who never judge her over her past; her guardian looks after her with a watchful yet lenient gaze; and she's reconnected with Monty, the angel who saved her all those years ago. Lizzie's graduating from the colonial high school, and she has to decide how she'll contribute to the community when a group of demons swoop in and begin recruiting colonists. As if that weren't alarming enough, the entire colony is on high alert following a bandit sighting nearby... Fave OCs: Lizzie & Monty tbh (my fave ship 💖)
TLDR: girl from evil family writes to the long-lost brother who helped her escape & she recounts her time living in the colony with her first love & friends.
You can read Lizzie's Diary on my main website Sisters of the Shadows for FREE (no signup or subscription required)
Other Notable Series
Monty's Memories - a short blog series set in The Chronicles of Life & Death (TCOLD) universe. It precedes Lizzie's Diary and is directly correlated; it's currently on hiatus until LD reaches a certain point when Monty's POV becomes necessary again.
Scarlett Moon - another short blog series from the TCOLD universe. It spans several years and has no direct relation to LD or MM, but it directly affects and precedes the main events of Aquarius. Also on hiatus until I catch up on commissions and blogs.
Sisters of the Shadows - a series of poems, diary entries, and short recounts of a group of friends in 2030s USA. Also on hiatus, it will resume once I have the time to dedicate to a related project that I've yet to start. Can you figure out what's going on?
Eidolon - a small collection of short stories that range in thriller and suspense before veering into horror. While more stories have been conceptualized, there is no set schedule for them at this time, so I plan on just writing them as they come to me.
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[ID: Graphic featuring the logos for my websites, Sisters of the Shadows and The Arcane Citizen, over a black and white marble background. Above the logos is the following text, "My Websites," below the icons is a border and more text that reads, "My Socials." The icons for Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook are shown stacked on top of one another, with the usernames, "nattypenn," "literallycreativelylit," and "sistersoftheshadows" beside them, respectively. At the bottom is text that reads, "You can also support me on:" beside the logo for Ko-fi.]
Thanks for reading!
i hope you enjoy reading my writing as much as i enjoy creating it :) please reblog this post to get my writing out there, and don't forget to support an LGBTQIA+ indie creator by leaving a tip on Ko-fi!
happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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creativinn · 2 years
Tracey Emin unveils new art exhibition in cancer comeback, including a 20ft bronze sculpture | Daily Mail Online
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A famous British artist who recently recovered from multiple cancer surgeries has today unveiled a 20ft bronze sculpture near Edinburgh.
Tracey Emin, CBE, was given the all-clear from bladder cancer last year after having surgery to remove many of her reproductive organs, parts of her intestines and lymph nodes as well as being fitted with a stoma bag.
The 58-year-old artist said her latest works, produced over the last two years in her studios in Margate and London, were an 'expression of love, hope and the fragility of the human form'.
A collection of her works will be exhibited from 29 May to 2 October 2022 at Jupiter Artland in Scotland, with the principal piece being a massive bronze figure, entitled 'I Lay Here For You'.
The 20ft bronze sculpture is situated in a woodland clearing and depicts a female figure, which is said to be 'lying perpetually in wait'.
Tracey Emin, 58, today unveiled a 20ft bronze statue of a woman lying down (pictured), which is the principal piece in her upcoming exhibition entitled 'I Lay Here For You'
The 58-year-old artist, who is known for her 'confessional style' of art, will exhibit a collection of her works at Jupiter Artland in Scotland from 29 May to 2 October 2022
Emin said last year that she had stopped painting, as she needed to focus all of her willpower on staying alive as she battled 'really, really aggressive' bladder cancer
The statue of the female figure is described as 'monumental in scale and radiating warmth' and 'resists onlookers and her gaze is turned inwards towards herself.'  
The exhibition comes just over a year since Emin told BBC Newsnight had stopped making art due to her cancer struggle. 
Emin said in April 2021: 'I'm not painting because I'm using my willpower to stay alive. That's what I'm doing.'
Emin, best known for works such as her unmade bed and the tent Everyone I Have Ever Slept With, added she hoped to return to painting in the future.
'I never realised how much I wanted to live until I thought I was going to die,' she said after learning a year ago that doctors had successfully removed all of the cancer. 
She found she had a tumour in her bladder in June 2020 and was suffering with very aggressive squamous cell cancer, which surgeons feared would kill her in months if it spread to her lymph nodes.
The statue of a woman lying down is said to resist onlookers, turning her gaze inwards towards herself 
'I Lay Here For You' was cast in bronze from a clay version moulded by Emin and has been placed in an old-growth beech grove
The artist's bed appears as a 'recurring motif' throughout the exhibition, a throwback to 1999 when she had her own bed installed in the Tate as an artistic representation of her personal battle with depression
The exhibition will be spread out over indoor rooms and outdoor sculpture parks at Jupiter Artland, near Edinburgh
Emnin said her surgeon had called her a 'miracle woman' because of how quickly she had recovered from the harrowing operation, which saw her lose her bladder, womb, urethra, parts of her intestines and lymph nodes as well as half of her vagina
'I never realised how much I wanted to live until I thought I was going to die,' Emin said last year in an interview with BBC Newsnight
Throughout the indoor galleries in the exhibition, the artist's bed appears as a 'recurring motif'.
Emin gained notoriety in 1999 when she had her own bed displayed at the Tate, covered with items such as condoms, contraceptive pills, underwear stained with menstrual blood, money and cigarette ends.
Bladder cancer is caused by a tumour developing in the lining of the bladder or the organ's muscle.
Around 10,200 new cases are diagnosed in the UK each year and 81,400 people in the US, according to figures.
It is the 10th most common cancer in the UK - but a little more prevalent in the US - and accounts for about three per cent of all cases.
The cancer is more common in men and has a 10-year survival rate of about 50 per cent. Around half of cases are considered preventable.
Symptoms of the disease include blood in the urine, needing to urinate more often or more urgently than normal and pelvic pain.
However, unexpected weight loss and swelling of the legs can also be signs of the killer disease.
Smoking and exposure to chemicals in plastics and paints at work can increase the risk of getting bladder cancer.
Treatment varies depending on how advanced the cancer is, and may include surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
The 1999 exhibition of her bed was a representation of her battle with depression.
Her choice to incorporate beds into her latest work echoes that motif, although this time could be interpreted as referring to the time she spent bedridden after undergoing cancer surgeries, according to a press release put out by the artist's agent.
The exhibition organisers said: 'After the turmoil of last few years, one can’t help seeing these new works as haunting images of time spent in recovery and of the bed as a site of refuge and retreat.
'And yet an enduring message of hope resonates through the work, imbued with the possibility of love returning with renewed intensity. 
'Emin paints spaces where privacy belongs, and across all of Jupiter Artland’s gallery spaces, she offers an unflinching look at pain, tenderness, longing and recovery.'
Prior to her cancer surgery - removing her bladder but also her uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, lymph nodes, urethra and part of her colon and vagina - Miss Emin said she stayed up for 24 hours with her solicitor rewriting her will.
She then sent an email to 70 friends breaking the news of her cancer and instructing them: 'Do not contact me'.
She has been left with a stoma bag as a result of having 'half my body chopped out' and is sadly still struggling to paint.
But it did not stop Miss Emin from feeling 'very happy'.
She said last year: 'I'm doing brilliant, I'm doing so well.
'I'm so happy and I'm just taking every day as it comes and I'm just so happy to be alive because there was quite a strong expectation that I wasn't going to make it through Christmas.
'And I am going to make it to Christmas and the next Christmas and the next one.
'That's what I'm aiming for, so I'm feeling really happy and good and I just wish the world would get better. I wish the world would catch up with me on this one.'
Miss Emin continued: 'It could've been very, very different so I'm so grateful. 
'My surgeon and the team are calling me a miracle woman because I just sort of like jumped up and got back into everything.
'Maybe at the beginning a little bit too fast... because I was back in bed for a month again. But now I'm balancing things and being more cautious.
'I want to live forever. I want to do my art, I want to have more exhibitions, there's things to do... and I had to think 'I'm not going to be doing it'. I had to come to terms with that.'
'I Lay Here For You' is Tracey Emin’s first solo exhibition in Scotland since her 2008 retrospective at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. 
The exhibition takes place from May 29 to October 2 2022 at Jupiter Artland in Edinburgh. 
Highlights of Tracey Emin's career 
1995, Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-95: This piece first brought Tracey Emin to wider fame, both in the art world and among the general public
1999, My Bed: The piece is Emin's record of several days spent in bed in the grip of depression. The bed is unmade and the sheets are stained. All around are strewn a variety of items such as condoms, contraceptive pills, underwear stained with menstrual blood, money, and cigarette ends. The work was nominated for the Turner prize in 1999 and received a hugely mixed response from the public and press
2001, The Perfect Place to Grow: This work pays homage to the artist's Turkish Cypriot father who, she says, is a fantastic gardener but a terrible carpenter. It consists of a wooden birdhouse-like structure on wooden stilts
2004, Hate and Power Can be a Terrible Thing: This appliquéd blanket work is a blistering attack Margaret Thatcher, and her participation in the Falklands War of 1982
2011, I Promise To Love You: In the 2000s, Emin began working extensively with neon lighting. These works feature words and phrases in her handwriting. Pictured, 2011's neon sculpture I Promise To Love You
This content was originally published here.
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