#my fave comfort podcast
honeysweethol · 1 month
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the cryptid boys!
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electromignion · 5 months
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Jeremy Bradshaw portrait 🫶
I missed drawing him and I had not drawn him this way with alcohol markers yet so here you go, I needed to have him drawn this way, he’s my comfort character after all 😭🫶
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ellejos · 1 year
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Get Your Morning Started 🤍
I bet you already read dozens of morning routines but maybe I can offer you a few different tips and tricks with my step by step morning routine.
waking up early is essential to make the most out of the day. If you aren‘t an early bird, try different kinds of alarm clocks (light, nature sounds, etc).
After waking up make sure there is some water on your nightstand and drink it. Start hydrating!
Try to avoid your phone as long as possible - no one needs your attention that early in the morning. Be considerate and put your attention on yourself!
Don‘t make your bed. Srsly! Open your window and air your bedding first. Making your bed right after getting up is a safe place for mites. While ventilating the bedroom you can go the bathroom, prepare your drinks/breakfast, journal or meditate. Make your bed 30 min after leaving your bed.
Meditate. Light a candle or incense sticks. Roll out your fitness mat and choose between guided meditations or non guided meditations (I recommend guided for beginners, you can find some on YouTube or Spotify) meditation is key try to stick to it daily!
Journal for organisation and personal growth. 5 to 10 minutes only (!!!) there are many journals out there, I personally use the 5 Minute Journal but any journal would do. You can use a plain notepad and look up journaling ideas on pinterest I really don‘t want you to spend money on stuff you don‘t necessarily need just for the aesthetic.
Move your body honey! Do a YouTube workout or go for a run. Walk your staircase up and down do whatever you feel like doing but try to ignore your lazy bum trying to make you skip this. Get stared on this one you can thank me later.
Breakfast, baby. Nutrition and hydration is non-negotiable! Have your vegetables and fruits, drink your coffee or matcha, don’t forget to drink your lemon water. Don‘t skip breakfast to loose wait angel. Your organs need the calories to function during the day so treat yourself with love and consideration.
Keep calm and moisturise. Quick shower or wash to get ready for the day. Skincare is everything. I’m currently investing (and testing) Korean skincare for myself but a few products are key: cleanser -> toner -> antioxidant serum (vitamin c) -> eye cream -> moisturizer -> sunscreen
Make up and dress up. Find your personal style you feel comfortable with and you‘re good to go. You can look up outfit capsules on pinterest for wardrobe ideas. In terms of make up I personally think less is more. Mascara, lip oil, some rouge on the cheeks and vaseline and you‘re fine. I personally prefer a sleek hairstyle.
Listen to podcast. This step is easily combined with breakfast or getting ready. I‘m currently listening to Confessions by Anastazia but I’ll probably make a playlist with my fave podcast episodes from various podcasts and share it with you.
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whoblewboobear · 24 days
There have been a lot of negative posts about how this season turned out bc of the rat grinders exclusively and everyone is entitled to their opinions on the season. But in light of it, I’m gonna throw out some positives about this season 💖
Sophomore year will always hold a special place in my heart because of the Fabian arc but Junior year might be my favorite fantasy high season overall. I loved learning about Ankarna and Cassandra. I thought I’d be bummed out not seeing some of my fave npcs but the downtime mechanic and the stress tokens added sO much. The Porter & Jace reveal was incredible. KRISTEN’S CAMPAIGN ARC!!! Fabian and Mazey!? K2 and all the blimey shenanigans 👏 Everything with Wanda Childa and Ruben and fig’s complicated women podcast was sooooo funny. I genuinely laughed harder this season than I have with any other d20 season I’ve seen.
I feel like with this season they really hit their stride with pacing too. It felt a lot more fluid with how we rolled into combat most of the time. I loved that first party of the year and seeing Adaine become the party wizard. After ep 18 it makes me love the party with the Oisin missing his shots so much more bc he got in that nasty little one liner later. I adored that the rat grinders were essentially a red herring to keep the bad kids looking elsewhere to take the heat off Porter and Jace a bit.
We didn’t see much from all of them, and we didn’t see nearly enough about Lucy, but I really loved the Rat grinders as in school rivals for the bad kids. Ruben was hands down my favorite but goddamn did I also love how much of a girlfailure Kip was. I loved seeing her rage out and I hope we get to see her really go nuts in the finale too. I really really warmed up to Mary Ann last episode with her tugging on Jace’s shirt and saying she didn’t feel good and then seeing her rage when her strawberry got destroyed. She’s so fascinating to meeee. I loved everything with Buddy and Kristen. I wish they had more scenes together. And while I’m talking about the Dawns, that entrance from Bobby Dawn as the new cleric teacher made my skin crawl in the best way. I loved Kristen calling him frumpy and sad on her teacher evaluation too- and holy shit Fig meeting Ankarna for the first time? Ankarna being the inspiration Fig needed to make music again too?
The incredible art from Cait May this season was hands down one of my FAVORITE d20 artist collabs ever. Just overall improved designs for everyone that just make so much more sense for their characters and art for new characters that made me adore them even more. Also holy shit the Porter maxi is genuinely my favorite mini that’s ever been featured on the show. I’m typically not into how the minis look in general, they always look a lil goofy to me but goddamn when they hit, they fuckin HIT.
And speaking of Porter, I really got endeared to him this season. Yeah he turned out evil and always has been a dick to gorgug and is definitely a shit teacher, but before the reveal I loved his training with Fig and Zara. One thing about Fantasy high is that I just love a lot of the teachers. My two faves this season being Terpsichore and Henry! They’re both so dedicated to their students and are such a specific type of teacher that you’ve definitely met before in real life. Like all my favorite math teachers back in school were so much like Henry and that made me love him even more.
Of course my #1 favorite thing about the world of Spyre is the religion aspect and how Brennan and Ally both approach it. That scene with Ally connecting with Yolanda and Lucy to allow them some comfort in the afterlife was so beautiful. Kristen’s talks with Bucky throughout the season were very touching and hit very close to home as someone that grew up in a religious household and doesn’t connect with the divinity I was raised on. Just- wow wow wow. I also really love that despite the breakup, Tracker and Kristen still have really interesting convos about divinity even if they don’t agree.
I loved seeing different dynamics in the bad kids too, I love the huge sibling energy that Fabian and Adaine have and the bond that Kristen and Fig have. I love how interwoven all the bad kids feel as a group. I love the little quirks that they all have, and I loved all the fandom posts about them like the sharing clothes posts and the one about how everyone lets Riz crawl on them to get better vantage points. I love Riz’s wall of text breaking down to gorgug about how much he appreciates him. Him calling gorgug a sweetie almost made me cry. I of course love all the parent/child moments this season. I loved the bad kids finally healing Lydia and seeing how happy it made Ragh. I LOVE Aelwyn and all her cats 🤧 I loved seeing Baron again and I loved how the bad kids got to the funhouse version of mordred through riz’s briefcase. I love seeing Adaine and Sandralynn bond. I loved finding out that Sandralynn and Sklonda go out for drinks and are friends. I just 💖 and goddamn, Ayda’s message to Fig and how Zara helped to surprise Fig with it. I love how Bill and Pok are such proud dads of their boys and I hope they’re doing some bonding over drinks in the after life.
And I cannot end this post without saying that I loved how cinematic this season felt too. It had INCREDIBLE imagery that you could easily visualize. Everyone at the table was in their element this time around from a role playing and a strategic standpoint. Everyone had their moment to shine and something important to do this season that fed back into the main plot. So thank you to Brennan and the intrepid heroes for giving us another killer season. After the season ended I was planning to finish Starstruck and Neverafter but I might just rewatch Junior year all over again just to get it out of my system.
Feel free to add things you loved about Junior year!
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yvannahaleth · 6 months
Kokichi Ouma, Rantaro Amami, & Miu Iruma x Sad! Reader
When you're feeling down, they're here, for you and you only. Do you feel loved now? Fluff, SFW, GN! Reader
Note: Speedran this when i was in a bad mood. They're my faves in DRV3.
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Kokichi Ouma:
I think he's the type of person that IMMEDIATELY knows when you're not feeling like yourself and will IMMEDIATELY act right away
Like, you could be denying the fact that you need a hug right now yet he will still tease you, knowing your true need.
He will act funsie and all if you're still denial, he'll joke about how closeted you are to *him* of all people. Maybe he's a little offended that you don't have the need to tell him what you truly feel.
Yet, if you stay silent, which confirmed his guess of you feeling down, then afraid not! He's here.
What do you need? A hug? A kiss? A cuddle? Or just a reassurance? A rational solution to your problem? Someone to listen?
He won't show it, but he'll do anything this instant.
"Well, if that's what you really wanted. I'm your leader, after all. Who am i to reject a wish from my second in command?"
The frown on your face sickens him. It throbs his heart to see you feeling down.
So, even if you deny it, he wants to get rid of it. Anything that upsets you. Or, just that feeling. Whatever you choose.
Rantaro Amami:
He has plenty of younger sisters, of course he had times where one of his sisters is in a bad mood. Which is why, he can tell when you're in one.
You don't need to tell him, he'll know.
He might do a little run to the kitchen as soon as he sees you feeling sad. Then came back with your favorite drink or food! Well, maybe both! Who knows?
He'll set your favorite series or movie, "I just feel like watching this. Is it okay?"
Then, as he holds you in his arms, resting his head on yours, watching the TV, he'll wait for you to open up, for him to listen to you rambling. If you don't feel like it, then you could cuddle until the screen turns off.
He's here for you, he needs you to know that. He wants you to know that you could open up to him. What else is he here for if he's not going to assure you that you did your best?
His fingers traces your hair, putting it behind your ear as he leans in, kissing your forehead. He's here to listen.
He'd give advices and solutions to your problems, he'll lend his ear to listen, he'll pat your hair if you need comfort. He's here. Especially when you're sad.
Miu Iruma:
Somehow, i could sense that she's bad at comforting others. Like, not that bad, but definitely not good either. She'd panic and won't know what to do when she's in the presence of someone who needs comfort.
I could imagine her comforting others even when she doesn't mean to, though. Like if she said something positive in a worrying situation and assured the others. While actually, it's just how she think, rationally. It's just so happen to be something good.
Yet, ever since she met you, she may or may not had practiced comforting someone. Just so that she won't upset you even more. Just so she could be there when you need her the most.
God, sometimes she feels that it's ridiculous how she feels this way.
But, she brushed it off.
After all, it's you.
With her--more than enough--practices, she'll stay by your side, ready to hug you or just to lend an ear to listen.
She'll feel embarrassed for herself to get this far for you, but oh why does it matter?
You were there when she needed you, so she needs to be there when you need her. This is what she believes. Miu Iruma hates owing to people, you see. Especially you.
She'll try to be as silent as possible when she hugs you, staying by your side, in case the silence calms you. If you prefer it when she talks, then your girlfriend who is as red as a tomato now will start her spontaneous podcast just for you to listen!
"H- Hah! Of course you'd like for me to speak that much! My voice is that amazing, huh? I bet you were longing for this, weren't you?"
She'll rest your head on her chest, with her fingers caressing your hair as she rambles non stop. I don't think it's any different if she's the one who's in a bad mood.
Hm, maybe an idea of a recording her voice into a tape will run into her mind, in case you need it when she's not around. Who knows if she's going to do it? For now, she's yours.
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l8tof1 · 3 months
speaking of his voice do you have any interview recs? old and new 🥹 or your anons maybe
i have some that i watch for comfort, they're so soothing (to me):
in the car with super blondie
mercedes benz australia event
on purpose video podcast
some other random ones that come to mind:
with mariana becker at the brazilian gp 2023
gq italia event
in the car with jenson button (old but a fun time lol)
in conversation with misan harriman
in conversation with gayle king (old but still interesting)
crowdstrike interview (also older but i used to watch this a lot)
i've answered an ask like this before (can't find it atm) and everytime i do, i definitely forget some of my absolute faves... there are so many!
everyone feel free to comment your interview recs! 🫶🫶
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starlightonthewaves · 7 months
hai star ! i'm a big fan of your writing from tiktok , and i would be really happy if you could recommend some satosugu ( be it angst or fluff or p-rn ) fics ! ao3 is preferred , thank youu :3
hii!! i'm happy to hear u like my stuff ^_^
my overall faves:
i would know him blind by malneiro on ao3! (cw: nsfw included) it's a beautiful fix-it fic that just soothes the crushing sadness all satosugu fans feel.
sonata for violin and piano by scarletazure on ao3! a fun little musician AU that's got the reunited and it feels so good feels down.
doomed by the narrative by pastelnickel83! short, angsty, so very sad. get ready to feel crushed.
bound by anon! god, this one is just the perfect fix-it fic. domestic, angsty, so happy, funny - it's a comfort fic for sure.
the starting of fires by ruche! genderbent! suguru kicking satoru's ass. ya love to see it.
eleventh hour by malneiro! suguru frees satoru, satoru gets protective, it spirals from there - angsty but satisfyingly happy by the end. open-ended.
should we start it? the podcast? by xiaoscribbles! silly little podcast!satosugu au. it's cute, fun, funny, and has some nsfw at the end.
found in translation by hiraethia! this one is long, poetic in prose, and explores a fix-it in a realistic way. sweet with a good amount of bitter.
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mabelpodcast · 10 months
some (non-Mabel-related) news
I went to a bookstore.
It’s a beautiful bookstore, maybe one of the world’s perfect bookstores. It sells used and new books, and there are comfortable seats and beautifully-curated collections created by the people who work there, people who obviously love books, and there are nooks and crannies and secret rooms and areas for children and art and bathrooms and no one will bother you if you want to wander and read first chapters for three hours, which we did. I bought a signed copy of a Caitlín R Kieran book for four dollars. I loved being there.
I also hated being there. This bookstore is Instagram famous. A solid fifty percent of the customers were influencers. They blocked aisles to stage photos. They pretended to read in the most aesthetic poses, with books whose covers complimented their outfits. There was an entire section of the store dedicated to “Book-Tok faves”. I tried to read some of these books, and found them unilaterally depressing - not because of their subject matter, or even because of their shocking lack of copyediting, but because of the clear and heartbreaking hoops each and every author so obviously had to jump through in order to sell their work. The game, as my wife put it, they all had to play. Social media. Followers and likes. The cultural capitol of diversity points. The apologism for lack thereof.
For the past year I have been writing romance novels. I’m going to be painfully honest about the three reasons I’ve been doing so: first, because I’m good at it (I’m a fast, skilled writer); second, because I like romance novels; and third, because I wanted money. I believe in the sanctity of art but also in the bills I have to pay. I wrote these books in a way that meant I would not be ashamed of them, nor of my attachment to them. They are not deeply, religiously personal, like HETTIE AND THE GHOST, but they are about flawed and damaged people trying as hard as they can to find one another, and that is a story-arc I will always stand behind. Also? They are funny. And I write good sex scenes. They are good books.
For the past three months I have been working towards publishing them. It’s been going well. I have had some meetings. Of the twelve literary agents I queried, three have offered representation. I have enough familiarity with the publishing industry to understand what this means: my work is considered marketable enough that I could, with a lot of work but with definite feasibility, make a career from these novels.
Here’s the problem. It’s come to my attention that I hate this industry. I hate the pandering, the reduction of story down to audiences and trends. I hate the “elevator pitch”, I hate the lack of ethics and environmental consideration in printing mass quantities of books, I hate advertising and marketing myself and making sure that I am palatable - just queer enough, just marginalized enough - to sell rather than put off. I hate participating in a system that I fundamentally despise; I came up with Cantrap Press’s barter system because I hate it. On a long journey home at night, surrounded by suburban sprawl, I realised that I couldn’t make this my career. It would drive me insane. These stories will not change the world but all stories are alive and to pinch and snip them into shapes palatable enough so a Big Publishing Company can successfully pimp them to a world of Book-Tok influencers sounds, to me, like a living nightmare. I won’t do it.
But: I have another problem. I do believe with all my heart that art should be accessible. At the same time, I also believe with all my heart that artists should be fairly compensated for their work. Running a small press is a wonderful and worthwhile endeavor, but it is a labour of love, like putting out a podcast entirely for free. It’s also a labour of money, and the rising costs involved mean that I wouldn’t break close to even if I were to print these books myself.
So what’s the solution? Here’s mine. I’m giving them away. I’ve done this before, and it felt like the purest form of myself. The books will be, always, entirely free to whoever wants them, under the domain of a Creative Commons License. There will be a donation button. You can pay what you like for them, pay what you think they’re worth, pay what you can afford, or pay nothing at all. No pressure. No judgement. My barter policy will apply to these, too, if you want to compensate me but don’t have the funds. I’ve come to terms with the fact that refusing to play the game means I’ll never make a lot of money from these books. I may not make any at all. But these are my beliefs. I have to abide by them. I’ll be able to look myself in the eye; you’ll get fun fiction for free.
In a post-apocalyptic society maybe I’d be riding a donkey around the countryside telling stories, and you’d repay me for my skills by making sure I had enough turnips and deer jerky and tinder and donkey medicine. Instead I’m a person who lives in a house with electricity and gas bills. The farmers I buy my vegetables from at the market deserve to be repaid for those vegetables and the weight of labour, capitol and resources they represent. I don’t resent anyone for their participation in the system. I resent the ever-tightening ropes around us all. The ways we are tracked and compelled and sold to, the advertisements masquerading as entertainment, and worse, as art, how it seems we are being moved increasingly towards a model of consumption as definition, but only under very specific umbrellas - four companies own all stories, now what will you buy to define yourself by their characters and worlds? If I choose not to participate, no company can own my stories. And now, neither can you.
Introducing Anarchic Candy.
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And my first book to be released, COMEBACK.
PS: in a twist of fate that, as my wife put it, would be completely unbelievable if it appeared in a story, one of the agents who enthusiastically offered representation also represents the author of one of those Book-Tok-famous books I saw at the used bookstore. This didn’t make up my mind (I’d already made up my mind before that agent even contacted me) but it’s an ironic coincidence I really can’t ignore.
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crimeronan · 8 months
hi I saw you posting about the silt verses. it sounds interesting so I googled it but I'd like to hear what You have to say about it!!
(I'd also like to ask if it has any emphasis on bug-related horror bc that's a huge no from me, but if it doesn't I think I'll take a listen)
oh lord i have So Much to say about it. asking me what i have to say about the silt verses is like asking me what i have to say about call down the hawk or the owl house, like. it's a piece of media that is so immaculately conceived and well-executed that i can meta about Literally Every Single Line. if you've followed me for a while you probably know that i have high standards for horror media bc it's my most-consumed comfort genre; the silt verses is my fave piece of horror media Of All Time.
as for bugs, they don't play a huge role in the overarching story, but i do FOR SURE remember some imagery about parasites, insects, and people being transformed into bug-like creatures. so i'd look up episode warnings prior to consuming it, i can't remember off the top of my head which episodes specifically involve that.
the silt verses is, on the surface, a typical horror story about another world where gods are created through belief & fed through sacrifice. different gods have attracted cult followings, some gods are outlawed, some are not. it's stuff you've probably seen before if you're an avid supernatural horror fan.
however the writers then take the time to do absolutely Vicious and Scathing social commentary about pretty much every leftist topic you can think of. cult abuse, late-stage capitalism, corporate "we're all a family" speak, war, fascism, the creation of Unpersons with unhoused and mentally ill populations, prison violence, police violence, copaganda, generational trauma, environmental catastrophe, rural vs city mindsets and the political manipulation behind them..... Every Single Plot Point and piece of imagery serves a social commentary purpose. every single god and political movement is a transparent metaphor or allegory for our own world.
but what really keeps me coming back to it are the character arcs. from a horror writer's perspective, i can see exactly how carefully those arcs were sketched and plotted out. each of the narrators is dynamic and goes through a huge amount of character development -- positive for some, Horrifically Negative for others. characters are frequently caught between a rock and a hard place, forced to choose between two things they've always wanted...... and they also frequently choose Wrong.
and then they have to live with the consequences of those choices.
the protags are all messy and flawed and complicated, the antags are all messy and grounded and Very Real, and the relationships between people grow in organic ways that make me go MMM... before falling apart in equally organic ways. if you've ever enjoyed the same kind of desperate codependent and messy relationships that i most often write, HOO BOY you will have a good time with this podcast.
and if you like stories about people who are Genuinely Trying Their Best In The Face Of Impossible Circumstances, you'll ALSO get a lot of mileage out of this. it's a show where people make a lot of terrible decisions but also, people care So So So So So Fucking Much. really hits that sweet spot between nihilistic "everyone sucks" media and saccharine "everyone is always good at heart, all the time" media.
it also features some of the most stunning voice acting i've ever heard, not just in podcasts but in any media, ever. méabh de brún, b. narr, jimmie yamaguchi, and lucille valentine in particular all fucking KILL IT. like DAMN
and i can wholeheartedly recommend it without adding this, but if it's important to you: like 98% of the characters are queer. lots of trans cast members, lots of gay relationships, ace rep, los jibbities who get to be just as Fucking Terrible and embarrassing and hopeless as the characters in my fave White Man (TM) tv shows. u know how it is. i want queer people who are shitty bitches, always. and the silt verses DELIVERS
it's just. really good. i realize that this doesn't even get into the intricacies of who the characters are and what they want and what happens, bc like i said, i can talk about this show for a novel's length of meta. but these are the broad strokes of what has me in love with the narrative. it's So Good.
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panelshowsource · 7 months
ok i finally listened and i watched taskmaster nz series 2...8 times
and i'm ready to offer my reaction & thoughts but please understand this is over 3000 words (which means it is too long to proofread) and it is so bc i do not know how to be concise but also bc i decided to a PROPER brain dump so if you like reading this kind of thing enjoy and if you don't do not click keep reading!!!
i KNOW what i said. i KNOW i said i'd kinda watched s1 of taskmaster nz and it was okay and jeremy and paul were okay and guy william's outfit scarred me for life but all in all it was okay, and i can't say nz humour (which, and i stand by this, is a bit monotonous) is my fave, and i wasn't that excited about watching international taskmasters in general so i wasn't prioritising it. i know what i said!!!!!!!!!
i did what i was told incessantly to do and i watched taskmaster nz series 2. it's...it is. it is what everyone said it is. it's fucking hilarious. it's so good. it's one of it not the example of a perfect cast with perfect energy and synergy and banter and friendship and competition. everyone tried so hard and succeeded and failed in their own hilarious ways. the tasks are half-original, kinda-inspired (if not appropriated), simple even when they're cerebral, and very core-of-taskmaster-y. CHEF'S KISS — by tm nz standards
i watched the entire series...8 times? i have A LOT of opinions and i wasn't gonna get into all of them because i don't love to debate and am scared of being roasted lmao, but i'm being brave!!
➜ imo there is no standout contestant, it's a matter of taste and they're GREAT, but all in all i think the season wouldn't have a single chance of being what it was — in its total chaos, moments of innocence, moments of genuine friendship — without david correos, who was more or less the heart of the season. it's very obvious and very cute he is friends with paul, laura, and guy irl (guy mentioned their team is actually in an improv group together he's very close to laura and presumably david), and real-life friendships bring out a series panel's comfortable dynamic much faster than if they're meeting for the first time. and on that note —
➜ as much as i enjoy non-comedians on the show, especially when they're people i really like, the cold hard truth is that the very very very best series of taskmaster are comedian-only lineups. pls do not come into my inbox rn with your recency bias and yell about s16 this is a dead serious, studied fact: series 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (i am excluding recent-ish series because legacy takes time to establish itself but imo 12–14 were very strong) being the epitome of tm, it's not a coincidence these lineups are more or less ALL standup comedians (richard osman gets a pass for producing cats does countdown and being, arguably, the ultimate comedy superfan). a big reason for this is that non-comedians — and they almost always admit this, in interviews or on the podcast — are very aware that they're out of their element, are the odd ones out, feel the additional responsibility of having to find their place and suss out the dynamic and be funny and fit in. sometimes they're not really that funny and it is what it is (and it's the show's job to edit them and encourage them in a way that will = entertainment; they know what they're signing up for, or the risk of them not fitting in well, when they cast these people). other times, it's not that they're not funny or capable, but that these overwhelming feelings hold them back: they don't pipe up, they don't speak when it's not their turn, they don't challenge greg or the other contestants, they don't fight, they don't tease. yes, when it's their turns to speak, they're often silly and fun, and when they do the tasks, they're often silly and fun, but they just don't hit their comedic potential — because they don't know how or they don't let themselves try. very understandable! it's very intimidating being on TASKMASTER with PROFESSIONAL FUNNY PEOPLE including GREG AND ALEX who are LEGENDS. but the best thing about comedian contestants other than their comedy is that they want spotlight and they want to be the centres of attention and they will take risks, so they (usually) make the most of their time, whether it's the recorded tasks or in the studio. THE POINT, IF I MAY BRING IT BACK, BEING TASKMASTER NZ SERIES 2 — matt heath not being a standup but being 1) an extrovert, 2) your standard entertainment industry attention seeker, and 3) very good friends with jeremy means we didn't get these obstacles from him. if anything, he was more relaxed and game than everyone else in the room at the start of episode 1 because he is already in the accepted graces of the literal taskmaster. he tried really hard, he fought hard, he teased hard, he laughed a lot. i get that being a funny guy radio dj may not seem that different to being a comedian, but it is, and he was SO good! —and every contestant who is a friend of a taskmaster is always good, that's another studied conclusion
➜ why was david naked all the time lmfaooo body positive KING his haircut is also adorable. speaking of a lack of clothes guy's shorts length was lovely for the eyes
➜ momentary disgression: i'm SO interested in the story david told on the podcast about russell howard going to one of his shows and then, like, immediately leaving as fast as possible when it was over because he cringed to death or was scandalised or something—imo it wasn't very clear just what david was implying russell said/felt and i'm really curious. if anyone has insight into this pls send it to me
➜ i don't think jeremy or paul get much better than season 1 and ultimately they're both just okay, and they will always be what holds tm nz back from reaching tm uk-levels of god-tier tm. i know a lot of people will like paul because he's attractive and he is friends with rose (and others) and from time to time he is amusing. sometimes that's all it takes, and if that's all it takes for you, that is well and nice. but...personally...i can't get over how QUIET paul is...alex isn't half as quiet as paul, very often asking questions throughout the tasks and making little passive-aggressive comments at someone's effort or even just looking at the camera...paul is so often just there doing and saying absolutely nothing, EVEN when he's involved in the task, and a healthy 60% of the time he's asked a question he does a very forced deadpan "okay" that just...like it's not funny — it doesn't hit that comedic beat — after the first hundred times. he may just not be a lightning quick improv kinda guy, and i think the inherent one-dimensionalness of his character hinders him, but idk he could offer SO much more during the tasks, especially when he already has a good irl dynamic with so many of them. there are times, during the tasks, he could just not be there. i also don't necessarily understand his character in that during the tasks he's exceptionally shy/reserved to the point of being mostly silent but then in the studio will pipe up and act "normal" in a way that seems like the real paul and not the character paul. idk. i just think...why isn't he more present and also more consistent. (and i'm gonna say something controversial here but i also watched guy mont spelling bee and paul was not very funny on that — again, quiet — and i think the truth is he might be a little boring at times. i said it. im sorry to everyone :() i think this is a common criticism of jeremy but i will agree that, while i do like him especially when he actually lets himself be silly and banter-y, it is BEYOND ME how he just flies through the prize tasks and the scoring. the prize task is practically show and tell with no comment at all from jeremy instead of a dialogue between the contestants and the taskmaster, and then half the time jeremy doesn't explain his scoring for anything. often i'm left thinking "how could someone show up with this bone-shakingly good prize and jeremy just nods and smiles and goes 'okay who's next'?" and maybe it's not jeremy, maybe it's the editors, but it drives me INSANE when that happens. greg would spend the whole hour going over the prize tasks if he could, just cuz he loves the banter and ragging on people — and the show is noticeably weaker when the banter is lost. hence my issue with, to bring it back around, banter-avoidant paul. (also sorry if it's annoying when i compare taksmaster uk and taskmaster nz, i don't mean to do it tooooo much but it's unavoidable at times, pls understand...) (also, i'm saying all of this without even commenting on the actual dynamic between the taskmaster and his assistant, but i'm not gonna touch that — despite the fact the greg/alex dynamic is the heart of tm and what every single contestant ever praises most about the show.) SO i do think the series having matt for jeremy and david (at least) for paul did help encourage them in being funnier than they may have been otherwise. (was guy williams being on series 1 why paul was..idk...like he was...on series 1? i also recently learned a lot of people don't like guy williams lmao very interesting...)
➜ it's hilarious to me that jeremy is OBSESSED with sports and greg LOATHES sports (except the darts lmfao)
➜ ngl i have always wondered why taskmaster uk didn't use their increased budget to do, like, 10% more landscaping — i get not wanting to make the place look TOO manicured but would it really kill them to just fix the cracks in the driveway? idk — but then i watch nz and do feel like it's a little too much of a set hahahah but i like the outdoors they really have a nice big yard to play in (the sewage ("legally it's not ☝️") pond is a choice tho...)
➜ i read about 100 reddit threads about te reo māori, how prevalent it is in school and culture, how many people speak it or even want to speak it, its roots, its appropriations — and the majority of new zealanders said they don't really care about it, it's not actual practical in the way chinese or german or whatever is, they don't think it should be mandatory in schools over other languages, etc. i found these reactions 1) mildly suspicious but idk how conservative the nz sub is but also 2) really surprising! BECAUSE there is WAY more te reo in the every day language of, at least, the new zealand convo i have witnessed on a few nz panel shows than i think they realise. the ones i've heard the most are a few different greeting lines to open episodes, pākehā, whanau, and kai, but there are TONS of te reo words and phrases sprinkled into everyday language and i felt like i was googling so much (even if the meanings were relatively obvious from the contexts). very interesting! off the back of that i had absolutely no idea people in new zealand said "en zed" to refer to nz in any capacity but it makes sense i just never thought about it before
➜ something i adored about the series — that we see less and less of each series from series 1 of tm uk — is editing in reactions from the panel in the studio while they're watching the task vt. it's HILARIOUS watching, say, tm uk s1 and seeing romesh smacking tim on the back, josh pointing fingers, roisin with her hands in her head, etc in real time as they're watching the tasks for the first time. editing this way also helps express the group friendship and harmony, which is so important to a successful season. tm uk NEVER does this anymore and it's one of my biggest criticisms of the show — but this series of tm nz did it so much and it was HILARIOUS watching the panel falling all over each other laughing at everything. they're so goofy
➜ the fake paul with the moustache was, in fact, a dish, whoever he is congrats on being hot
➜ very random moments i liked:
"you think she's doing great things for women in those boots? 🤨💅"
it was so underrated that guy's idea to transform a room was to turn it into a farm and he had people in animal costumes being sheep or whatever that shit was HILARIOUS
matt ziptying a brush to a helmet to look like an ancient roman cracked me up so hard "husband to a murdered child" ??? smh
when laura was trying to rope the cameramen into american pie-ing her wedding cake and paul went "don't ask them...because one of them WILL do it"
"a tongue kiss with an extra 10%? i'm not sure—" "10% extra, maybe thumb up bum" ????
matt forgetting his hometown and saying "i was born in oxford in england! i forgot… that was fucking ages ago!"
"because david eats something doesn't make it food :|"
"this reminds me of my mother's music group ...i hated every one of those bitches" like?? LMAO i NEED the story behind this comment
"one is south african, one is filipino...but they both like their balls...swiss"
"i'm fairly certain i'm not gonna crush this challenge, but i know at some point you and i are gonna box and/or wrestle, and i'm gonna crush that one"
matt being so serious that his dream animal is a horse
"i probably won’t even need the other food colouring but how good is it not to have paul in the room?"
why was jeremy so into those urinal cakes?? like okay jeremy hmm
every time jeremy and urzila flirted
when paul was convincing laura to go through with the sabotage and they agreed david probably wouldn't fuck over his team but guy definitely would lmfao
"tell me a little about yourself" "i'm paul" "...interesting. i love that about you"
it's hard to top david and guy being actually naked for the tie task but i actually think guy's farmer's tan stole the show
when guy was looking for paul in the rain and said "the irony is if paul was here we could talk about this weather, he loves that sort of shit" LMAO
urzila being the ghost of abe lincoln was actually genius and she deserved more flowers for that lateral thinking
♪im gonna gonna drown you / in your own blood♪ why is that so catchy?? "matt matt run him over like a cat" "david you shouldnt run over cats" but fr during the diss track task when matt said he was gonna eat their asses and also while they were dissing guy matt went "he's good looking though" 💀
in the secret shoelace task david said "i take solace in knowing that everyone else has go through this as well" was like a fucking mirror of the time josh widdicombe did a secret task and was like "i'm not the one who has to watch this five times" hahahaha also when they had so much time to kill paul was just reading the entire story of rumpelstiltskin please
when guy realised, during the milk/microwave task, that he should have listened to paul and like angrily laughed "i'm furious! i'm furious with everyone! this is a disaster!" you don't see that side of him often and it was so funny
➜ regardless of whether these yielded funny results (they did anyways of course), these were most of my favourite ideas for tasks:
transform this room when the lights go out
shoot a chocolate fish into the fishbowl and say the name of a different animal with each shot, most powerful animal wins
create a diss track about the members of the other team
the fucking abe lincoln one
the milk/microwave task (hilarious on both tm nz and tm uk)
also i personally want to play the celebrity name game from that one live task
➜ all in all the series had quite a few very simple tasks — build a tower of onions, squirt the sunscreen, fly, make the loudest noise — and that's something i really cherish and appreciate and feel is at the heart of what taskmaster is all about. i'd say tm nz, being in its baby era, is able to get away with having a lot more simple, straightforward tasks, which are far superior to some of the incredibly convoluted ones we see on tm uk. i see people say alllllll the timeeeeeee "it's not the tasks that matter it's how to contestants react to them + the editing" but i do not agree — plenty of tasks are duds because they are duds and not because everyone else failed to find the entertainment value in them. i would love to see tm uk work harder to bring the tasks back down in scale and convolution bc tm nz has been able to come up with quite a few that have never been done before so i know they can too
➜ something else this series does VERY well is little morsels on top of the established format: laura's sabotage, the brussell sprouts that kept floating throughout other tasks and then appear in another task!!!, paul and david's trip to christchurch, laura rounding up their girlfriends, the shoelace secret task, paul lying and fucking with the magnet, the crew "accidentally" (though i do believe it was an accident idk if we'll ever know) turning the lights off on david, even the abe lincoln task that took place outside of the taskmaster ranch — all of these things contributed to the format being more than just task/score, task/score, task/score. they felt like little cherries on top, extra content, at times extra suspense. felt like every episode had something a little extra funny in this way. very impressed by this stuff!
➜ task complaints:
alex has talked before about one of the central concerns of post-production being the ordering of the tasks and particularly choosing the very first task they show, which sets the stage for the panel. i actually feel like this series didn't do a good job in choosing their very first task, which surprises me bc that seems like an easy thing to get right with this series' group + task lineup. not a big deal but something to consider!
in the live task when they had to choose a weapon and half something (which i LOVE the idea of), it bothered me that they didn't measure by percentage and instead by actual kilo
is it just me or does tm nz feel like it sends a LOT of balloons into the air? have they ever specifically confirmed they retrieve all of the balloons they let go? ngl the amount of balloons they send off + the amount of food waste can sometimes be distracting
the piggy bank live task was totally fucked like the length of time it look paul to get the pictures of the piggies to jeremy was ridiculous and heavily disadvantaged everyone — and they didn't even show us all the piggie drawings????? HELLO I WANNA SEE THE PIGGIES??
jeremy giving guy's new zealand pillow 3 points was the worst scoring decision of the series
frankly it was GROSS when david sucked all of the room temperature tomato juice cans. but one thing i've noticed is — it may be a me problem? maybe an american problem bc we don't eat beans the way brits do? do nzers eat beans on toast? anyways — when it comes to people licking/eating cold/room temp canned goods. because i can name 10 different times i've seen contestants lick baked bean juice or spaghetti hoop sauce off their fingers and i just cannot imagine eating those things in any amount not heated up. cold bean juice? BLEGH
okay i'll wrap this up now because i wrote an incoherent outline of a thesis on this series but it was FUN as HECK and i'm so happy that funny people get to enjoy the legacy of a fan favourite series (on the tm podcast, guy seemed to take a lot of pride in this when ed mentioned it<3) and i like them all and i wish they would come back and do another 10 episodes. paul if ur reading this make it happen
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teasibby · 2 days
I am relistening s1 and currently in the for knight/saving Grant bit and listen... I love the other kids as much as the next person, BUT GRANT IS STILL ONE OF MY FAVE KIDS IN S1 😩😭
This is heavily the arc that made me absolutely devour the rest of the podcast and it just hits different. Like i can't really explain but it feels like everybody is getting more comfortable with their character and the character build is really starting to build and it's just so good 🤌🤌🤌
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dragonfly0808 · 1 month
💛What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Honestly, how it can help you heal and figure some stuff out about yourself. Writings specifically the Omega arc was both very painful but also very cathartic cause (this might be tmi but-) my best friend passed away when we were 16 and just writing that I really just poured a lot of my own pain into the writing and I cried and sobbed my way through some scenes but it also kinda helped me heal some stuff that was still hurting.
Also just how much you can do with writing, like the amount of people you can reach and how much you can grow if you just keep at it. I’ve been writing since I was 12, I’m 20 now and just the amount of growth I’ve had is astonishing, even just from s1 to s2 the amount of change i’ve had makes me very proud of myself, writing can be such a powerful thing, it’s just amazing
🎯Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
Writing and publishing my own works. I’m working on my debut novel, I honestly haven’t been working on it as much recently but that is a big dream of mine, while I love science, writing is my real passion and I really hope i can make a career out of it.
Also writing a murder mystery cause mystery/horror is my mom’s fave genre and she’s the one who got me into reading
💌Is there a fave trope you like to write?
Mmm… I’m not sure. Maybe damaged but hides it x damaged but doesn’t hide it? Or softie x ass with heart of gold
🎨If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I’d honestly love any Enchantix gaining scene or the whole squad together. If I had to pick a specific scene I’d say the gang getting matching tattoos while playing monopoly
🔮Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
I’d say to just put on some music that makes you feel the mood of the scene you want to write, visualize it and go for it.
Or go someplace comfortable (but not your bedroom) and listen to classic music or a podcast, write down what you want out of the chapter or story, figure out what you want, even if it’s just a general outline and try your best to go for it
🤩What led to your interest in the fandom?
I watched Winx Club when I was a kid and it was my fave show ages about 5-9, it’s always had a very special place in my heart
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smoshpvnk · 5 months
Damien x Shayne Ship Questions (2) (from @zillaphoneswag)
Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Who picks something up, says a pun with the object, then laughs as if it’s the funniest thing they ever heard?
When one of them gets a new outfit, how does the other react?
Shayne probably knows about the outfit already because he is there during the steps to get to that point. (Damien is indecisive.) But the few times he does surprise him, Shayne showers him in praises and compliments. (I might write this…the suit with red and black tie he posted on his most recent birthday, RenFaire, D&D movie premiere) Shayne also likes the jewelry a lot.
Damien, being the more tactile one of the pair, is probably more on the side of being speechless and just wants to touch. How the fabric stretches around his skin, the slopes on his chest, he touches his jaw to stare into his eyes because he swears certain colors make them stand out. He tends to buy oversized clothes for comfort anyway, but is happy when they fit Shayne and he can see how he looks in them.
Who tries to playfully scare the other person and who always knows where the other person is?
1) Damien 2) Shayne
Who runs up and hugs their partner while the other catches them?
1) Shayne 2) Damien
(I’ll die with the Damien-can-carry-Shayne hc.)
Who presses their nose against their partner’s cheek before kissing them?
Who accidentally snorts when they laugh and it just makes both of them laugh harder?
What are some things they do for their partner because the other knows they hate it?
This is a hard one! I can see Damien not being dirty but being a lil messy just with like clutter (me…) so Shayne being a little better about it, just to avoid tiny arguments about never putting stuff back. But also Damien has OCD and I don’t so idk what that experience is completely like. Maybe Shayne catches on to how Damien likes things and fixes them before he can notice.
In the hc that they’ve moved in together, I can see Shayne setting up appointments for Damien because he hates it, and Damien taking care of the cats since Shayne isn’t used to it.
In the pleasant little AU where nothing could go wrong, they do everything for each other.
Who giggles uncontrollably when the other picks them up?
When did they fall in love with each other?
This is debatable especially because of that one agree to disagree video, so to quote John Green, “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”
(Like Damien catching on to little things about Shayne that he really likes and enjoys: his laugh, his smile, the lil stretch where he puts his hands on his forehead, predicting jokes…and getting that inner urge from his love language being touch of just wanting to hug and caress and poke and kiss and everything…again, tactile.)
I think for Shayne it would take a little longer, lots of self doubt and questioning. Based on this podcast, as well as the agree to disagree video I linked before, Shayne is very heavily demispec coded, both romantic and sexual. (I often have a hard time distinguishing crushes vs someone just paying attention to me, don’t date around because it sucks, have attachment/abandonment issues, don’t have a lot of experience…maybe I’m self projecting but I have felt like emotionally connected to Shayne in that way, like our views on things, anxiety etc. are very similar, that’s also why he’s one of my fave cast members. Oops tangent over-) Anyway, it would take him a little while to come out of his shell bc he would feel like a different person, then just realize their relationship has slowly been progressing into different territory anyway and just let himself enjoy it.
What was their first kiss like?
Ooh, there’s so many ways this could go. One in the middle of a monologue about how they feel about the other? A passionate movie kiss where everything just melts and they feel all warm and cozy in each other’s arms? A confession of feelings one? A quick one that seems accidental, one waiting for the other’s approval, then it turns into more? Or it doesn’t turn into more, and they have a long, emotional, sweet conversation afterwards? So many possibilities.
If they argue and there’s a silent treatment, who breaks it first, apologizing and begging for a hug?
Shayne (clingy!Shayne is another fave trope of mine)
Who makes the other blush without even trying and they find it super endearing?
Shayne (Damien’s already just a blushy guy)
How do they hold each other when the other asks to be held?
Damien - scoops Shayne up and carries him as long as he can, loves to feel him weighing down on him like a weighted blanket.
Shayne - can’t do much because of the height difference, will still initiate hugs from behind and stand on his tip toes to reach Damien’s shoulder, lets Damien use his chest as a pillow to lay on, etc. Any opportunity Shayne gets to seem like he can hold Damien, like if he’s taller in a chair while Damien’s sat on the floor and he can tackle him, he takes.
Who breaks out the first aid kit when one of them gets a paper cut?
Where did they first say “I love you?’”
Once their outside-of-work hangouts started to become much more frequent
Height difference or age difference?
Damien is slightly older and slightly taller.
Who likes to stargaze?
Both. Damien provides the space facts, Shayne provides the puns.
Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
Both nerds
How do they handle plane rides together?
Shayne likes the opportunity to read, Damien reads over his shoulder, leaning on him if he manages to fall asleep, if he does get nervous tics, Shayne picks up on it and is able to calm him down
Who accidentally becomes a meme?
If they went to couples yoga, how would they do?
Shayne tries to take it seriously, but Damien squinting and tilting his head at questionable phrases/positions or staring at him in awe would be extremely distracting.
Who is in love with the other person’s laugh?
Who would run a bath for the other person?
Who runs their thumb over the other person’s skin to comfort them?
Who covers the other person with a blanket when they fall asleep anywhere other than the bed?
*NSFW: Skip to the first fluff headcanon if you don’t want to read it* (For me this is only from fanfic reading/writing experience, heads up for inaccuracies)
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to them during sex?
Knowing them; a funny noise, innuendo, one of them referencing a meme or tweet, or one having brain fog and forgetting what they were doing. I would hope that nothing would be so detrimental they never wanted to bring it up or be together again considering they literally joke wrote/read fanfic of them fucking.
What is the song they’d listen to during rough/hard/kinky sex?
Probably alt rock but I have absolutely no idea leave suggestions, please
What is the song they’d listen to while making love?
I hc 90’s R&B or Fleetwood Mac adjacent
Are they into roleplay or dress up during sex?
Nerds (a little, but it would be hard to take each other seriously. or it would be like Dio!Shayne, not Shayne is Dio)
Do they prefer sex in the tub or in the shower?
Is there anything they do together after sex?
If it’s after an intense d/s situation Damien is quick to bring in the aftercare elements. But mostly cuddle, talk, make each other laugh, sleep, maybe play a calming easy game like Stardew or Animal Crossing
What is something that will never fail to turn them on?
For Damien, I hc: Shayne dancing, working out, stretching (like showing midriff/happy trail), getting dressed/undressed, his chest.
For Shayne, I hc: Damien’s voice, hands/arms, ability to dirty talk, sensual gazes, certain touches that feel more than just playful, and real big acts of kindness that give Shayne that fuzzy feeling that turns into lust
What’s their favorite body part on the other?
*NSFW Over*
Who showers their pet with affection?
Who can lift the other up?
Who is better at Mario Kart?
Who is touch starved and while it’s funny at first the other realizes that their partner hasn’t had much physical affection in their life?
Who gets jealous easier?
Who feeds the ducks at the park?
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
Hello Eden (is it okay to call you that?)
Do you have any current favourite songs? What kind of music do you generally listen to?
And do you have any favourite books? What kind of books do you like to read?
If you are okay with sharing, no pressure.
Sending you love and strength ❤️
Ah!!! Thanks for this ask @sunnenfinster! What a lovely change of pace.
Eden is fine!!!!!
Ok, so I love music and books!
Of all broad genres of entertainment media, music is probably what I follow least closely. It’s not that I don’t like it; I just am always behind the curve in my tastes. I love listening to most confessional singer/songwriters. I love folk, rock, pop, and rap. I also get a lot of music I like from the background of media like TV, Movies, and podcasts. In general, I love confessional singer-songwriters from any genre.
Fave singers (and the albums I’d recommend from them: songs I’d recommend from that album [notes]):
Jem (Finally Woken: Come on Closer, Falling for You, Just a Ride). All songs on this album rock, to me.
Sheryl Crow (Sheryl Crow: A Change Would Do You Good, [about choosing love over anger and stopping gun violence], Redemption Day [about the Bosnian war], Maybe Angels [could be about aliens or being in a cult idk but it’s a good song about misplaced belief] I love every song on this album tbh. Wall-to-wall bangers.
Missy Elliot (Under Construction: Gossip Folks, Work it)
Suzanne Vega (99.9 F: 99.9 F, Blood Makes Noise, Rock in the Pocket, When Heroes Go Down)
Artists and songs I like in general: Aimee Mann (her voice is like butter and I could listen to her sing forever); Eliza Rickman: Pretty Little Head; Sims: Icarus; Dessa: Call Off Your Ghost; Sifu Hotman: Matches (I know no other songs by this artist but I LOVE this one so much. I’m gonna go listen to it right now); Lorde: Yellow Flicker Beat; Björk: Human Behavior; G Flip: Hyperfine, Gay 4 Me, Killing My Time; Aimee Mann: That’s Just What You Are [I love Aimee’s voice and could listen to her sing the phone book. All songs off her Magnolia Album are amazing too]
And gosh. So many more…
As for books!!!! OMG! I love books so much. I love so many different kinds of books. Some fave genres include: Classic Lit, Magical Realism, Sci-fi/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction; Engaging YA Series, Historical Fiction; Culinary History and Analysis; and Mythological Retellings
Classic Lit Faves:
“To The Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf [This contains my fave quote in all of literature. This could also never be adequately adapted into a movie. It’s a fascinating look into how people think and how we all process internal thoughts. Must be comfortable with long sentences, semicolons, and allowing sentence clauses to wash over you like ocean waves in order to enjoy this book]
“Cider with Rosie” by Laurie Lee
“All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque
“The Portable Dorothy Parker” by Dorothy Parker
“The Odyssey” by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson
“The Iliad” by Homer — both Emily Wilson’s Translation and Stanley Lombardo’s Translation
Magical Realism
“The House of the Spirits” by Isabelle Allende
“Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter” by Mario Vargas Llosa
“Bless Me Última” by Rudolfo Anaya
“Like Water for Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel
SFF Faves:
“An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” and “A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor” by Hank Green
“The Martian” by Andy Weir
The Tiffany Aching line of the Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett (“The Wee Free Men,” “I Shall Wear Midnight,” “A Hat Full of Sky,” and “Wintersmith”)
“The Locked Tomb” Series by Tamsyn Muir (“Gideon the Ninth,” “Harrow the Ninth,” “Nona the Ninth” so far)
Engaging YA
“The Hunger Games” Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
“Grishaverse” Series by Leigh Bardugo
“Shadow and Bone Triogy” (related to the Grishaverse) by Leigh Bardugo [note: I didn’t know until making this list that Leigh Bardugo is an Israeli Jew! Very cool]
Historical Fiction:
“Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe” by Fannie Flagg [the associated cookbook is very good. Also, you’ll never eat ribs the same again]
“Tracks” by Louise Erdrich [one of the most interestingly written books I’ve ever read. Has two dueling narrators. This is part of a series of books but can be read as a standalone]
Culinary Analysis History
Bree Wilson’s books (“First Bite: How We Learn to Eat,” “Consider the Fork,” and “The Way We Eat Now,” specifically) are some of the best out there. [I didn’t realize until a couple weeks ago that Bee Wilson and the classicist translator Emily Wilson are sisters! They are both extremely smart, engaging writers.]
“Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollan
“An Edible History of Humanity” by Tom Standage
“Food: A Cultural Culinary History” by Ken Albala (this one is a Great Courses course, so not technically a book. But it’s available most places you can get audiobooks. And it’s what got me fascinated with this subject)
Mythological Retellings
“Circe” and “The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
“The Silence of the Girls” and “The Women of Troy” by Pat Barker [TW Rape]
“Norse Mythology” by Neil Gaiman
Genre Defy-ers
(These are some of my All Time Faves that can’t really be confined to any genre)
The “Outlander” Series by Diana Gabaldon [and the related “Lord John” Series by the same author] (TW: for Rape)
“The Anthropocene Reviewed” by John Green
Just Finished Reading
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” by Truman Capote (Wow it was so good. I haven’t seen the movie in a while but I seriously doubt they adapted it faithfully. It was so surprising!!!)
Currently Reading
“Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Christie
Selections From My To Be Read List
“The City of Brass” by S.A. Chakraborty
“Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus
“The Source” by James Michener
“The Secret of Cooking” by Bee Wilson
“Equal Rites” by Terry Pratchett
“A Time Traveler’s Guide to Medieval England” by Ian Mortimer
“What You Are Looking For Is In The Library” by Michiko Aoyama
“The Doomsday Book” by Connie Willis
I also love to read cookbooks from various cultures to gain insight into those cultures in a very tactile way.
Sending you love and gratitude! 💜💜💜💜
I’m always down to discuss books!
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theunstuffedpepper · 1 year
Y’all are the best with your replies to my last post about how you named your kiddos. B had picked out a first and middle name he strongly liked, but I didn’t see myself in either of the names (despite really liking them both). So I think we tentatively have decided on a name — I threw out an alternative middle name to go with his first name pick and we both like it a lot.
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Currently sitting on the train, 8am, on the never ending journey that is my longass commute. Thank goodness I can do this as often as I want and no one is holding me to a set schedule.
I had my 14-week OB appointment this week (all good!) and I asked a lot about resources available to me through this new practice. I learned about a support service for pregnant/pp women who have experienced a trauma, for which I’ve scheduled an appointment. I’m not sure it’ll be “for me” longer term, but why not check it out? They also put me in touch with a network of grief groups and I found a local one which meets next week, so I’m going to check that out also. I think I’m ready to start reaching out in that way.
Valentine’s Day is coming up, for which we never really do anything special. This year I was telling B I was debating buying him tickets to see a concert and we ultimately decided against it for childcare reasons mostly. After that, I was still browsing around on the same venue website and found out that one of my fave podcasts is doing a live show at that venue in a few weeks. I’d usually never go for it — out of my comfort zone, no one I know would wanna go with me cuz it’s just not their thing 😆, general mom reasons. Past my bedtime. You get it. But B encouraged me to get a ticket and just do it. So. I did! I’m excited. More to come on that later.
I find myself constantly stuck in the “I don’t wanna gain too much weight” and also simultaneously “I wanna eat everything” phase of pregnancy. I’ve gained like.. 8-9 lbs? In 14 weeks? Seems like too much, but also, I sometimes internally am like listen, I’m dealing with a lot. I’m doing my best. Good? Good.
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Random morning train update is rambley. Happy Friday, beauties.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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Ending Mutuals March on a very special note. PI, @perverse-idyll, my longtime writing crush, and now my friend.
It was love at first sight when The White Road was first posted. I can't remember when I first read it, but it was around the time it was posted for sure. And I've read that fic every year since. At least once a year, if not more. By the time I read When the Rose and the Fire Are One I knew it was true love!
PI's stories have been deeply meaningful to me for a long time. And I have always admired her skill. Prose? Gorgeous, stunning, perfect. With great knowledge and great passion she strings words into gorgeous treasures. Raw stones left to their rough glory, or shaped and shined as needed. Not only a gifted wordsmith, but a wise and empathetic person who understands the human condition, and the complexities of emotion. Someone with great love for beloved characters, but also great understanding. Love born of understanding, which is everything I long for!
We love the same characters, and the same OTP. She does such justice to these characters, and their dynamic. She's always written Snarry exactly how I needed it. I have treasured her works for many years, and they have been my favorites for many years. Of course, in those earlier days I was much too shy to let her know just what her works meant to me.
Then, in recent years, I had my first interaction with PI. On Reddit, of places. I recced one of her fics and she responded to it which blew my mind a bit, since her Reddit name isn't perverse_idyll, lol! So...I tried to be chill, which if you know me, you know how hard that is! Me, but an overenthusiastic fangirl trying not to scare off her faves, haha! If I remember correctly, I finally set about drafting a comment on The White Road not long after that. Long overdue that one!
Then...time went on. During a very rough period with an old fandom group, I turned to PI's works for comfort. And in November 2021, the same month I left that old fandom group, PI's episode on @fanficmaverickpodcast (Ep. 25 interview) was released!
I was over the moon excited to listen to it! But the sort of excited that meant I couldn't dive in right away. I had to run around and squeal a bit and settle myself down in order to listen. It is a long episode, two and a half hours long, but well worth it! The host, ChaosBlue, is a dear friend of mine now, and a very professional and charming host. And perverse_idyll was a fantastic guest, with so much insight and enthusiasm for fandom and for writing. 10/10 recommend it. I ran around and shared the episode everywhere I could.
And then...Reddit. PI shared the episode on Reddit, with encouragement for others to reach out to ChaosBlue to do their own episode. And...I did! God, that's a whole other post in of itself and how amazing ChaosBlue is, but basically...I felt pretty audacious! I had to work myself up quite a bit to reach out. And as hard as it was to reach out, I don't think I'd have found the courage to even think about it without PI's little note. It both inspired and comforted me. And doing my own interview for the podcast was such a great (and terrifying!) experience that I'm glad I did. (See: ep. 32 Interview)
From there...it came over time. PI was so kind and supportive about my interview. I found the bravery to reach out to her directly at some point. And though she is quite the busy lady, she is always so giving of her time and energy in responding when she can! PI is such an encouraging, generous, compassionate, supportive spirit. One I feel very blessed to know. She has so much clear respect and admiration for other creators. So much love and dedication to fandom, however busy or wild life may be.
Other fandom experiences reminded me of why they say to never meet your heroes. But PI spared me from being too wary of folk. PI is an excellent reminder that, sometimes, the creators we admire are even better humans.
PI's works were so meaningful to me for so long. And PI as a person has just as much impact! Thank you for being my friend, PI. Thank you for everything that you do. Thank you for all that you give to fandom; for all that you create, and all the support you give. And thank you most of all for being there for me. And showing such kindness and gentleness in times I needed it most, whether you knew it or not.
Here's to you, my friend. Time for me to wipe my eyes and drop some recs! Maybe by the end we'll have forgotten what an emotional mess I am LOL.
The Afterlight
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Work in progress. Background case. Mutual pining. Friends with benefits. Denial of feelings. Angst. Hurt/comfort. Eventual happy ending.
Y'all cannot know how thrilled I was when PI posted a new fic. This one! And though it's only just begun, I already feel in my bones it will be a new favorite! PI as ever provides Snarry exactly the way I love it!
After surviving the Battle of Hogwarts, a long convalescence, and a short trial, Snape walks free and promptly vanishes from Wizarding society. Six years pass before he shows his face again. A lot can change in six years, and a romantically disillusioned and inebriated Harry hits Snape up for a friends-with-benefits arrangement. After all, they share an experience most people have never had: they both know what it's like to be dead. Their liaison works surprisingly well until Harry's reckless behaviour as an Auror leads to unethical practices and personal calamities, and things start to fall apart.
Candles Lit Against the Dark
Minerva/Wilhelmina. Minor Harry/Severus. Rated: G. Words: 13,585. Old friends. Postwar. Heavy drinking. Fond bickering. Snapecase 2023.
Many feelings. Very realistic and bittersweet. With all of the realism of life, for all of its rough edges, uneven paths, and the love found along the way.
It's been a few months since Minerva's retirement, and she'd promised Wil a dinner out. Before she knows it, friends start turning up on her doorstep and then at the pub, not least among them a certain spy who came in from the cold.
In Infinite Remorse of Soul | And Mine the Gall
Albus/Severus. Harry/Severus. Revenge. Obsession. D/s undertones. Afterlife. Incest (ish.) Dub-con. Twisted love.
I am obsessed. This is dark and fucky and weird and wonderful and gorgeous. The sequel, And Mine the Gall, features one of the lines that has most haunted out of every fic I've read. Love it love it love it!
Albus Dumbledore never makes the same mistake twice. Certainly not in love.
No Room for the Weak
Eileen POV. Rated: T. Words: 10,444. Dysfunctional family. Mindfuck. Pre-Snarry.
Love love love love love this. Some Snape family history. Eileen is great. Very fascinating look at the woman who bore and raised Severus.
There's a Boy Who Lived and a boy who didn't, and even a mother can't always tell them apart.
The Son
Regulus POV. Rated: T. Words: 5,422. Unhappy families.
First there were two sons. Then there was one.
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 11,323. PWP. Fluff & smut.
PWP feels wrong for this. So much sensuality and tenderness and good god the LOVE here. Also, I'm sorry, but Harry and Severus existing as themselves basically is plot, but I digress....PI says it's PWP so it's PWP. I'm not going to argue with her!
Severus still suffers the after-effects of Nagini's venom, especially in winter. Harry knows just how to warm him up.
When the Rose and the Fire Are One
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 81.619. Confinement. Dysfunctional Relationships. Spinner's End. Dubious consent. Sex magic.
Cool magic stuff. The best OC I've ever met (Odile, my beloved.) Ideas of Spinner's End and Eileen Snape that have lived in my head ever since. Big angst and fuckery. Great characters. Great relationship development. Everything is just...A+, chef's kiss, amazing.
Harry's haunted by guilt. Snape's warded by roses. Each must free the other in order to free himself.
The White Road
Lily POV. Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 47,877. Afterlife. Romance. Redemption. Voyeurism. Incestuous vibes.
Longtime favorite. One of the first fics that fully blew me away. I read this and thought "this does not belong on the internet, this belongs on a bookshelf."
One day, comfortably set up in the afterlife, Lily Evans Potter switches on the telly and gets hooked on the Harry Potter show.
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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