#my dick is on the floor
ms0milk · 8 months
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nanami kento, you will know no rest until i’m dead in the ground
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arsenicflame · 8 months
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izzy getting adopted by them is EVERYTHING to me. fuck you youre part of our found family now, whether you like it or not. we have claimed you.
bonus: the way jim defends him here. theyre So mad:
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super-marvel-dc · 12 days
Dick: *Looking out of the kitchen window* geez- what the hell?!
Dick: Jason, why is Y/N tied to a tree?!
Jason: I put them in time out.
Dick: Why?
Jason: Because, when we went to McDonald's earlier some kid threw his french fries on the floor and his dad told him if he did it again he was going to spank him...
Jason: Y/N threw their fries on the floor...
Dick: ...
Damian, walking into the kitchen: Why is Y/N tied to a tree?
Jason, and Dick: They're in time out.
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
I know Wayne Manor probably looks as normal as possible to avoid visitors suspecting the family's past time activities..
but also I highly doubt Bruce was able to avoid making some obscure changes to the Manor just based on the fact that his children are fucking feral.
Some of the windows are either boarded up, or have cages on them from the inside, and to an onlooker, they'll probably think "Oh those poor kids, being caged inside like animals, unable to get fresh air. I always knew that Wayne guy was sketchy. "
but it's literally just because his kids won't stop launching themselves head-first out of the windows whenever Bruce is mid lecture. doesn't matter if they're on the 4th floor.
sometimes visitors will get a closer look at the inside of the place and see a lot of things baby proofed, which is weird because "Aren't all of Wayne's kids old enough to not get themselves hurt like babies do?"
No, Sharon, do not underestimate the power of 6 hyperactive children combined in a room together, they will absolutely get themselves hurt in some way.
some furniture and objects are just straight up bolted to the floor, and everyone just assumes Bruce is a perfectionist or a micromanager, but Bruce literally had no other option since his fucking kids keep throwing shit at each other, and sometimes they just do it to get the other's attention or because they just felt like it. Sometimes they'll even throw each other
I just need some DC comics that acknowledge that the Manor has some additional features that were integrated after Bruce's countless experiences with each new weird ass child he gains.
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thedevilundercover · 4 months
I have so many headcanons for the wayne house. There's a lot of feelings and memories in a building and I think I could probably bring it out, idk.
Like architecture is very much an art if you can get out the feel properly and you can use it to make ppl feel shit yk.
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zeussim · 3 months
Pals with endometriosis, please tell me some of your symptoms because I think my doctor is incompetent.
She told me endometriosis meant extreme pain in the days before a period - I've had extreme, nauseating, on-the-floor-screaming, difficulty-breathing pains during my period and once around ovulation. And yes painkillers do not work.
Edit: read the updates on my tumblr. I had an endo cyst the size of a tennisball. It is gone now and I am all healed up.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 2 years
drama kid dick grayson acting out choking on his brussel sproutes bc he doesn't like them vs new parent bruce wayne thinking he's genuinely choking and rushing him to the ER
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redsray · 3 months
i have recently been brainrotting about a batkids racing au. all of them have either shitty home-lives or have had their home-lives taken away and all turn to the concepts of semi-legal street racing as an outlet. in the process, they meet people perhaps in the same boat-- perhaps a family.
around 21, has been racing since he was 15
likes riding smaller cars. the tighter fit the better. if it's not sleek and swervy he doesn't want it.
had caring parents who he travelled the world with by car, but they died in a car crash when he was 11. due to lack of living relatives, he was in the foster system for 4 years before Barry (Allen) took him in. he never saw Barry as a father, however, and was never officially adopted. basically Wally's roommate and Bart's older brother figure in a way.
Wally introduced him to the street racing world, and despite being very very reluctant at first (car crash trauma), Wally showed him all the good parts of it and he's loved it ever since
experienced racer, everyone there loves him and he's well known as one of the top racers
20, been racing since 17
he generally prefers driving motorcycles but make no mistake he will shred you no matter what racing vehicle you give him (he's competitive.) in terms of street/car racing he will go for anything with powerful acceleration.
his dad was a mechanic and Jason would sometimes help him out with car repairs when he was younger, although his dad would sometimes drop a bit too much workload on him and not really care for his well-being
mom was a recovering drug addict, cared for Jay but couldn't be around much due to both rehab and hospital visits
his dad was later arrested for underground drug dealing, dying in prison and his mom died of overdose. at 13, he was in the foster system for more or less a year before he ran, living on the streets for 3 more years, doing odd jobs.
at 16, he met Roy, who later (at 17) introduced him to street racing. Jason always had a knack for cars and with his natural talent he won quite a few of his first races, earning money from the betting pools and has been basically splitting rent and crashing with Roy ever since.
absolute MENACE of a racer. showed up at some point and basically showed most people up. can and will judge your car model. might steal your tires for the funsies.
18, new to the racing scene (been racing since 17) but knows A LOT about it through his own love for motorsports (he definitely has car posters in his room)
will drive any car. literally. he will just love it if you give him a car. in fact, give him a broken one so that he can make it BETTER than everyone else's.
lovely and wealthy parents, but they aren't around much. they honestly try their best, but when you're an only child in a big house it can get boring and lonely. he loves his parents and his mom was the one who first showed him motorsports when she was working on a business deal with a motorsport company (Tim got his first free car poster that day)
definitely takes pictures of cool cars he sees
as soon as he found out about the street racing ring in Gotham he immediately snuck in (age 15)
he would come practically every night he could and made friends with the younger racers (bart, cassie, kon) (they 100% would go to him for geeky car tech tips)
one time bart was sick for a race and cassie and kon asked tim to step in for him on the team, tim did-- he performed so naturally well that he caught the attention of other racers, decided to stay with the YJ team permanently
commonly referred to as a rising star, a prodigy in the racing scene
15, literally raised into motorsports. god knows when he drove his first car. he started officially racing in the street ring only recently, but already has a reputation as one of the best
preference for aerodynamic cars. the sleeker the better for him.
commonly underestimated by new racers
bruce is still his bio dad, he literally funds most the betting pools and co-runs the street racing ring under the guise of a totally normal auto repair store
hella competitive, will do everything to outshine you especially if you look down on him
LOVES painting on his car. like everyone customises theirs to a certain point but Damian will sit there for hours just painting on it.
does NOT care for the betting pools, if he wins he will just put all the money right back in. he just wants to win and beat you LMAO
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off-brand-adorabbit · 7 months
Tress scratched the best itch for me, I’ve been craving a good fairy tale and it was just perfect. I kept slipping so hard into the fairy tale aspects that I kept getting caught by surprise whenever a cosmere thing stopped beating around the bush and revealed itself, actually. While I’m sure that wasn’t fully the intention, it was a really fun way to read some brandermansanderman coming fresh off of sunlit man and how intensely locked in I was with the Connections. Genuinely Tress is such a fun little romp. I love girls who sail in fucked up seas and this is a genre I want more of please thank you.
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In my dream last night there was this collection of old comic books and they were like super old fashioned and yellowing and they were about a version of Jason who had first become robin while living in this orphanage/boarding school/academy. He had a few misadventures before meeting Batman, including one where he saved a baby Waylon Jones, and another where he got in trouble but managed to escape but not before Dick heard of it so then Jason had to go BACK and save him because they were both having a ‘I need to save the civilian’ moment. I should have noticed it was a dream because it had a 70s era Dick in the same comic as a Jason who I wouldn’t be surprised if he came from the Golden Age, but the real anachronism was that Batgirl Steph drawn in the 2000s BoP style appeared and she was like time traveling I guess? And then I also had comics about Red Hood Jason helping out Steph and like putting a blanket over her when she went to bed and no actually the weird thing that should have woken me up was that I was showing these things to actual Robin Jason from the 80s and he was not surprised that he was a comic book character he was just nodding along as a showed him.
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cleromancy · 8 months
tim going from "jason gave his life for this uniform" to "jason was reckless and got himself killed" over the years would have been SUCH a fascinating character development if it had been done like. On purpose abd not just as part of the greater victim blaming narrative retcon lol
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hood-ex · 8 months
Gotham War sucks and I have no intention on reading it but Dick's reaction to what Bruce did to Jason is imo how he should've reacted to RHatO #25 and it's still wild to me how it's implied that Dick was okay with it. I mean, tbf it was written by Lobdell who hates Dick but it's still wild to me lmao
DC needed Dick and Bruce on good terms at that time for the full emotional impact of Dick getting shot in the head. Also, tbh, Dick has seen Jason do some crazy things, and he's not only been shot by Jason, but Tim and Damian have been shot or hurt by Jason as well. I'm not sure Dick would have been in full protective mode at that particular time because, from what he'd just witnessed, Jason shot Penguin point-blank, and Dick can be quite strict about the no killing thing. Hell, he hates it when people point guns at him, and he once started a fight with Jason in Outsiders #44 because Jason had his gun trained on him.
Dick offered to help Jason twice during times when Jason was being a bit... off his rocker (Battle for the Cowl and the Flamingo situation). He does care about Jason, and when Jason is on the opposing side of morals, he does still want to help him/see him reform. That being said, you gotta remember that Jason used to cause chaos for the bats, and Dick knows what Jason is capable of when he's not on Dick's side. However, if Dick had been in Bruce's shoes during #25, I think he might've at least asked what Jason was doing and why he was doing it, and he might have been able to have a more civil conversation with Jason.
Tbh, if it had been me writing the scene, I would've had Dick witness Bruce and Jason's fight in some fashion (either irl or via video), and I would've had Bruce pull a move on Jason that reminded Dick of a move Bruce pulled on him in Nightwing (Vol. 3) #30. That way Dick would've been conflicted because obviously he wouldn't be okay with what Jason did, but he'd also see himself in the fight, and he wouldn't want any member of his family to fight with Bruce the way Bruce fought with him. Mmm yeah that would've been some fun conflict.
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avisisisis · 1 year
Why is it that every character turns completely useless everytime a Batfamily member appears. I mean Wally would definitely make himself seem dumber so Dick seems like the smart one, but that doesn't make him stupid
Every single character has a lore, a story, and it's always so good but it all goes to shit when they're paired with a Bat. It makes no sense. Stop acting like Wonder Woman wouldn't absolutely destroy Bruce if they ever fought
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g1rlr0b1n · 11 months
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mayonation · 1 year
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Haiiii grimmons posting <3
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no-mere-mortals · 2 years
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