Tw: murder, drowning
I dreamt that i was on a freeway but i had no car but instead i was jogging and perfectly keeping up with the other cars and switching lanes and everything. There was also a tiger statue and a bike that were keeping up with the cars. I made friends with one of the drivers who was a small child, probably elementary schooler with most of his baby teeth missing, who had rolled down the windows so we could talk. The freeway let us out of the woods to a bridge that we couldn’t see past the horizon but as we were getting out of the woods i watched Red Robin get kissed by a floating woman in a white dress and drop dead. I quickly turned from a vehicle into a pedestrian and me and the bats ran ahead on the bridge but were stopped by another woman in a white dress who shackled us to the bridge to be picked off by more of the spirits. I was chained up next to spoiler with signal on the other side of her so i was only paying attention to them when the lady came. I watched her kill duke and then i decided to grab Steph and drown her, forcing the spirit to come into the water so i could also drown her. The rest of the team had died except for dick and damian so we ran away into the sewers where red hood was hiding out with his goons, who looked like the npcs from the hotel from wreck-it-Ralph’s game but life sized so they went up to about hood’s waist and their faces were probably wider or as wide as his torso. Anyways, jason did some posturing about always being prepared and knowing better than the bats and then he went to show us his plan to deal with the spirits. He had a whole area dedicated to where he had something presentation set up for us but he couldn’t get the lights over the cubby to work so he just went around banging on the walls and ceiling and cussing at both the wiring and his goons and himself for like a minute straight - enough time for kori and Roy to fly in and also get huffed at but roy just laughed. Just as the tension from waiting for both his plan and the punchline got to be too much i was RUDELY awaken by my father and i will now spend the rest of the day moping over how i killed Stephanie and didn’t even get to hear how we were gonna kill the angel/harpy/sirens.
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Dreamt that Steph got adopted by the Doctor while she was Robin. Also she was a ginger.
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Had a dream where black mask kept trying to celebrate Tim’s birthday and then tim turned into spot from marvel
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I dreamt trans!Jason got his first period while hanging out interning at Bruce’s office
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Dreamt that ruby’s powers included bright yellow glowing light
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Had a dream there was a custody battle over tim and Dana was acting as jack’s lawyer and she was actually pretty cutthroat despite not being prepared whatsoever. Red Hood was there but I’m not sure if he was trying to adopt tim or if he was there as Bruce’s lawyer.
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I think i dreamed the plot of a doctor who episode
I don’t remember most of it but basically in my dream last night there was a woman working in a baby making factory? Baby growing? Idk i guess it was space babies. Anyways it was weird because the embryos were like as functional as baby sea turtles and i think there was some eugenics plot because the main character so to say was hiding the fact that she was disabled and there was a sense of genuine fear there. She met the Doctor and helped him uncover a conspiracy and some people started chasing them through the woods (not good when one of the characters finds walking painful) and into a pit of smily tar, which is interesting because previously her disability had been shown as like one of her boots was covered in it and weighing her down while she walked and leaving puddles/footprints that made her afraid to walk away from her station because she thought someone might notice. At least i think it was metaphorical but this dream also had fully conscious fetuses so she could have been a half bog person.
Anyways, here’s where things get fuzzy: they get into a car that’s one of those weird old-fashioned ones from like the 20s with the top down and like a little horn? Whatever, they get into a car chase and somehow end up traveling through a painting dimension. The went into a Van Goh painting and their faces took on the same texture as his self portrait and everything moved really slooow. They went into a Dali and everything was stretched. They went into a Picasso, you get the idea.
I don’t remember what else happened but they managed to blow open the conspiracy in front of the boss who’s having a meeting under a tent in front of people and also might be the queen of England because now that I’m awake i realize she played the queen of a show i had watched before bed. Anyways, the day was saved i guess and i woke up somehow even more confused than during last night’s episode
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Dreamt about bruce and duke confronting peter about being spidey on a train. Also steph had powers and river song was a member of the bats and kept listening on comms and betting things
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Dreamt jason got sent into the body of an alt dimension version of himself and i guess he had a nightmare and tried to go cuddle with bruce but bruce just seemed annoyed by him
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Dreamt that Maps raised Duke during some apocalyptic event
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I dreamt that, in i guess an elseworlds comic, tim and steph had gotten separated, probably from some sort of apocalyptic event and when they reunited tim tried to be all cool action star and greeted her with “it’s been ten years and you still dress like that?”
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Dreamt Damian was raised by Catherine
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Crowley was wearing a black choker in my dream and that’s all I remember
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Dreamt Stephanie was batgirl and Barbara was oracle except steph was an adult and babs was ten
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I had a dream where someone colour picked from the boys original armour to make a pride flag that kinda looked like the rabies one and the trend was to photoshop your fav on top/next to the flag and say [character] supports the bad batch
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Gonna take a break from watching YouTube i think cuz i had a dream where a dream was tying to kill callmekevin, dan Howell, and strange aeons. Kevin was a demon hunter and dan had been sacrificed by a shepherd who looked kinda like Robert downy jr.. the demon was also in love with Kevin and dan but I don’t think he cared about strange.
Also, the twelfth doctor who was their and him and Kevin had had a falling out
Also also dan had long hair and him and Phil had a third house mate who was the priest from jolly
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Had a dream where helena and electric/gravity powers
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