#my attempt at being a baseball fan starts now
lastchancestardomm · 3 days
TF2 Mercs Headcanons
That's it. That's the post. A long-ass post about my headcanons for the Mercs + Miss Pauling. Just a brain splurge, if anything, so cringe warning.
Also, FYI, Miss Pauling's segment might be shorter than the rest. I admit I don't have as many ideas for her.
~ His full name is Jeremy Elbertson-René.
~ He is 23 and 5'10.
~ He was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He grew up in the Quincy area, mainly surrounded by his seven older brothers and ma.
~ As a child, he was in little league baseball.
~ Most definitely has ADHD.
~ Most of his older brothers became unkempt once they graduated, and some of the younger ones started to smoke; to push boundaries, or something. On the Quincy street corners, they could be spotted huddled together like estranged raccoons.
~ He has a rocky relationship with his oldest brother. The two rarely saw each other. Despite all the teasing and bullying he faced for being a runt, he loves his brothers. But him and his oldest haven't talked in a long while.
~ His ma loves him like no other. The Youngest Child Syndrome is very strong with him. Nowadays, he still gets letters all the way from Boston with cheesy nicknames and hearts drawn all over them from his ma, which he loves despite how much it embarrasses him.
~ Ticklish.
~ Hopped up on caffeine, he somehow biked all the way from Quincy, Boston, to New Mexico before unceremoniously collapsing on the side of the street to take a three-day nap, just to take the job of a Mercenary. He hates mentioning this, for some reason. Is it the "collapsing on the side of the street" part?
~ He can read at about a 2nd-Grade level. Any sentence more complex than "The cat chases the bird" will look like a foreign language to him.
~ He only took the job because bashing heads in in exchange for cash sounded incredibly amusing and fun to him. Other than getting into street fights as a kid, he has no real qualifications.
~ He stims quite a lot. He wrings his hands, bounces his leg, if he has access to gum he tends to chew the whole pack at once for the texture; and as he usually has a spare baseball on hand, he'll toss into the air and catch it or bounce it against a wall.
~ His full name is Johnathan Harold Doe. After an incident, and thanks to outside hands, he now goes under the alias Jane Doe.
~ He is 44 and 5'11.
~ He was born in South Dakota.
~ Even as a child, he was extremely patriotic for America, despite his classmates jeers. He became very familiar with the dean's office.
~ He was raised in an extremely conservative household, and was taught to tote guns at a young age.
~ Had a terrible father.
~ For his teenage years and young adulthood, he spent most of his time in military camps and other youth academies, where he has seen and done some things he'd rather forget.
~ At the height of World War 2, he had attempted to join the army, but was rejected by every branch of the U.S Military. In a burning state of defiance, he bought himself a ticket to Poland and started blasting villages his gut told him were Nazi-owned, only returning in 1949. He is now a war-criminal in all of Europe.
~ He paces often; when and when he's not talking, when he's bored, or simply to stim. At first, it was somewhat stress-inducing for the rest of the Mercs; waking up to see him marching up and down the hallway and such at night.
~ The only way he can sleep at the base is if there's a fan on. If there is not a fan on, he will lay stock-still but never sleep.
~ Has an incredible sweet tooth. The only other way to convince this stubborn man to do anything other than to exclaim it's for America, is to lure him in with candy or pastries.
~ He created his own rocket launcher. He's a tad nutty, but he can be damn smart when need be.
~ He can read, though whatever note it is must be drenched with military jargon. The same goes for his writing; broken grammar and inappropriate use of military slang.
~ He shed his full name and goes by only Pyro.
~ He is 32 and 5'9.
~ He was born in Italy. (I got this idea from the fact Italy is in the Ring Of Fire.)
~ Pyrovision is just for shits 'n giggles. It turns his favourite activity, burning people alive, into something ridiculous and silly that makes it all the more fun and enjoyable. He is sociopathic, but hides it surprisingly well under the guise of absurdity.
~ Autistic.
~ He was raised by his Nan after both of his parents died in a fire-related incident, caused by him. He accidentally set the drapes on fire, and then sat starry-eyed as he watched the flames spread. Before he knew it, he was on the curb, watching the smoldering ruins of his home crumble to the ground.
~ Despite much of his youth being bent over a chair and getting whacked with a wooden spoon, he loves his Nan like no other, and can be spotted calling her throughout the day.
~ Similarly to Scout, this full-grown child stims often; rocking back-and-forth, bumping his knees, fiddling with his own or another Mercs fingers, flicking a lighter on and off, ect ect. He especially has a certain hatred for textures; while he loves textured rubber to naw on or bend, things such as velvet fabric or Engineer's oil rags freak him out.
~ Even more ticklish than Scout.
~ A sweets-lover through and through, but he especially loves Italian pastries. They have an aftertaste of nostalgia and actually accidentally burning them when trying to bake them with his Nan that is irresistible.
~ The wiggliest sleeper ever. It's not that he's violent, it's that he goes to bed normally and ends up on the floor turned into a human pretzel when he wakes up.
~ He can't read, preferring another Merc to read to him.
~ As a man-child to the core, immature pranks are something to look out for if you stalk around the base at night.
~ His favourite movie is The Wizard of Oz (1939).
~ His full name is Tavish Finnegan DeGroot.
~ He's is 44 and 6'1.
~ He was born in Ullapool, Scotland.
~ He rarely saw his father when he was young. His father is practically a fable to him.
~ Monoculus and him have a co-worker relationship. It's a wonder how he manages with the voice of his haunted eye narrating his life.
~ Where most children would want to become pilots or policemen, Tav wanted to kill the Loch Ness Monster. During his time as a Mercenary, he actually managed to. It's still one of his greatest achievements, he believes.
~ Him and Miss Pauling have a pretty close relationship, bonding over going to wine tastings.
~ Tav had two sets of adoptive parents. His first adoptive parents sent him away, as they were terrified of his nack for bomb-making. His second set were accidentally blown up while he was trying to craft Loch Ness Monster-killing explosives. He's kind of ashamed about what happened to his second set.
~ He has long, dark hair that is indeed greasy, but nonetheless he has developed a habit of twirling it or running his fingers through it.
~ In 1968, when he first met the others, he was the judgiest of all of them. He was almost hostile towards them, but he came around in the end.
~ He can read and write perfectly well, though his handwriting does tend to go all over the page, even with lines.
~ His full name is Mikhail "Misha" Orlok.
~ He is 43 and 6'7.
~ He was born in Moscow, Russia. Though, his current residence is in the Dzhugdzhur Mountains in Siberia.
~ His father was a prominent Counter-revolutionary, and a loud voice against the Soviet rule. So, in 1941, he was shot dead during a Soviet raid. Following the traumatic event, his family was traced and imprisoned in a north Siberian gulag.
~ His family was trapped there for three months, when a fire had been started by other prisoners. In the chaos, Misha led his family to safety, despite the yelling and gunfire surrounding him.
~ It took two months for his TF Industries "For Hire" letter to reach him by sled dog, and he only agreed if he was allowed to send the paycheck to his family.
~ When he had met the others for the first time, while Demoman was the judgiest; he was the most secretive. In fact, even now, most don't know his full backstory.
~ Other than Engineer, those Mercenaries who seek someone to confide to will come to Misha. He is the group's best secret-keeper, after all.
~ He has a PhD in Russian Literature, and is the second-best Mercenary at math-related subjects.
~ His favorite film is The Dirty Dozen and first 20 minutes of Rocky IV. Other than that, he doesn't watch movies. He generally prefers books.
~ He can read and write Russian perfectly, maybe a bit too grandiose, but he can do it quite well. English is where he struggles, and English documents are nearly indecipherable.
~ His full name is Dell Conagher.
~ He is 48 and 5'6.
~ He was born in Bee Cave, Texas.
~ Most of his childhood was spent working under the hot, Texan sun on his father's oil fields. Sometimes, he would manage to con his friends into helping him with the hard labor.
~ He was a troublemaker as a child and frighteningly creative, but he thankfully mellowed out as he got older. Dell has seen and done some crazy, mad, and downright absurd things in his youth.
~ He has Ophidiophobia; a fear of snakes.
~ Dell's father is the TFC Engineer, Fred.
~ He has 11 PhDs, and cut off his right hand to use the Gunslinger.
~ His mother and father loved him as a kid, despite his father being gone often for work and such. On the weekends, though, he'd get a heartfelt letter from his dad.
~ While he himself doesn't consider it a stim, Dell has a tendency to rearrange things to occupy himself. Ranging from simply moving something to another shelf, to completely flipping his workshop upside-down.
~ When he was twelve years old, him and his friends were dicking around at an old ranch. His comeuppance for the tomfoolery? Getting kicked by a horse, right in the jaw. He's a proud Texan, and will gladly jump onto a horse rodeo-style, he will look just a tad uneasy.
~ While another Mercenary is the designated "Mother-figure" to the rest, Engi is the designated "Father-figure" to them.
~ A teacher's pet. He was "A pleasure to have in class", despite attempting to teach the much younger kids, whom couldn't understand, calculus and possibly mouthing-off a teacher once or twice.
~ His full name is Ludwig Humböldt.
~ He is 45 and 6'0.
~ He was born in Rottenburg, Germany.
~ He is Jewish.
~ He came from a long line of both doctors and chemists, and the bulk of his medical knowledge came from reading his father's books.
~ While his mother and father loved him, though possibly weighing him down with high expectations, his classmates were the worst.
~ He was a crybaby and easy to annoy, which made him the target of many of his classmates pranks and jeers. It didn't help he had both glasses and braces, and was somewhat baby-faced in highschool.
~ From pails of water being dumped on his head, to having his things tarnished; he hated school in his youth. Still, he managed to scrape by, and successfully earned his medical license.
~ He ran a pharmacy for a while in Stuttgart, at least until Nazi soldiers had raided the establishment and taken him to unwillingly join the Nazi armadda.
~ During his time as a Nazi field medic, his sanity decreased substantially. At the end of the war, he retreated to Stuttgart. Between the end of the war and losing his medical license due to stealing a man's skeleton, he came in possession of some Prime Minister's wedding doves; giving him Archimedes and the rest of his dovery. He was going to preform experiments on them, but the birds somehow won his heart.
~ We all are familiar with Archimedes, his beloved second-in-command, but he has ten total doves. Euclid, the food-stealer; Eratosthenes, a talkative, perky one; Hippocrates, a charmingly dopey thing; Aristotle, flouncing about and prone to bullying the other doves; Thales, a kleptomaniac; Eudoxes, blind and as Archimedes is to Medic, Eudoxes is to Demoman; Galen, mischievous and a trouble-maker; Socrates, likely the eldest and loves cozying up in one's shirt; and Xenophanes, who is noisy, demanding, and prone to scratching and biting.
~ He's the designated "Mother-figure" to the Mercenaries; who'll heal their injuries and not mock them for whatever crazy or embarrassing way they got said injury. God, they drive him up the wall sometimes, but something's holding him back from snapping (most likely the fondness he has for the others, but don't tell him that; like Spy, he's trying to keep it a co-worker relationship).
~ His full name is Michael "Mick"/"Mickey" Mundy. But his name also is Mun-Dee.
~ He is 27 and 6'1.
~ He was born in Dunedin, New Zealand– which is underwater, of course.
~ He spent his childhood in Adelaide, Australia; where he was picked on by other kids.
~ Plenty of jeers were thrown his way, by both adults and children, as he grew up. Everything from "beanpole" to his very own nickname of "Mick-Stick" he had memorized.
~ Most of his youth he spent high in trees, away from his bullies and teachers and other adults who would no doubt spit in his face and step on his achievements. As he got older, with pinpoint precision, he made rocks and sticks rain from the sky and onto his tormenters as their comeuppance.
~ His adoptive parents loved him, of course; and he loved them back, but they did not care for his blossoming profession. His father did actually teach him how to hunt, though, which probably didn't help.
~ As a teen, he took up a small gig as an animal exterminator. As a novice exterminator, he had faced giga-sized crocodiles and kangaroos twice his height. He'd stab mothballs onto the points of his arrows, and launch them into parks overrun by spiders and their webs. He'd pull gluttonous, bitey fish out of lakes with his bare hands. It was definitely much more fun than his current "extermination" gig.
~ He has a peculiar ability to crash like a wreck anywhere; simply getting too comfy leaning against a wall could cause him to start snoozing. On the other hand, any small noise will startle him awake, and prevent him from falling back to sleep for the next few hours.
~ The amber-tinted sunglasses he's iconic for actually are his dad's, which he keeps and continues to wear for sentimental reasons.
~ Every few years, the zit-faced mail boy brings him an algae-covered glass bottle with a wet letter inside, always starting with "My dearest son...". He always throws out the letters, because he knows what they contain isn't sincere.
~ His full name is Jacques bon René.
~ He is 43 and 5'11.
~ He was born in Marseille, France.
~ For a rather large portion of his life, he was a foster kid.
~ Most of his childhood was spent on trains going all around France, with a service worker holding his hand until they reached their desired destination. He doesn't remember how many homes, or other miscellaneous places, he has been to.
~ He used to be a prolific bookworm, and at each house he moved to, he would always be seen tucked away somewhere with his nose in a book. As his job became more intertwined with his life, though, downtime to pick up a book became scarce.
~ Adding onto that, he is one of the best to go to for book recommendations. While many of his most common recommendations are French literatures, he has read a fair few English books he can lend over.
~ He had to have been around sixteen or seventeen when he had ran away from what would become his final "real" home. All he can really recall is a rude exchange of words, and himself storming off in a huff; never to be seen again.
~ He's... kind of made a vow to himself to never rejoin society again. He doesn't exist, and he pretends to like it that way. So, having a son frightened him; and he ran away, fulfilling other contracts until he either died or forgot about it. Neither happened. So each time he sees Scout, there's still some lingering guilt.
~ Medic is not the only Mercenary in ownership of a feathered companion; as Spy owns a very spoiled, somewhat creepy raven known as Sophocles. The black bird stalks around his owner's smoking room like a shadow, but retreats to a golden cage to sleep in at night.
Miss Pauling
~ Her full name is Faith Pauling.
~ She's 22 and 5'8.
~ She was born in Bristol, England.
~ Ever since arriving in the States, she's managed to hide her accent very well. Only a few who've either caught her early in the morning, or are the Mercenaries, have heard her real voice.
~ Lots of her childhood is completely voided in her memory, and with how busy she's kept by The Administrator– her life, to her, is first being born and then working under The Administrator. She hardly has a minute in her schedule to think about her past, and I don't believe she'd care about it if she did.
~ She's forgotten her past for good reason, as it wasn't the prettiest or kindest childhood one could have.
~ For brevity's sake, we can just say that she was shipped off to The Administrator's at twelve years old for her own family's greedy ideals.
~ Lesbian (I can't stop thinking about the moment in the comics where she foregoes joining Scout in getting to safety just to oggle at naked Zhanna).
~ Miss Pauling no longer has any official personal records. She legally doesn't exist nor is remembered by anyone who has once known her; similarly to Spy.
~ She has a variety of small ways to keep herself occupied; fiddling with a pen, whistling or making clicking sounds, tenting her thumbs, and notably, organizing things. Unlike Engineer, she simply tidies things up to pass the time rather than fully rearrange a room.
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itsnotgray · 3 months
i’m adopting a few baseball teams (read: i’m attempting to become a baseball fan)
currently here’s where i’m at
- toronto blue jays (because i got shown the lore and now i’m here for life)
- minnesota twins (purely personal reasons)
- detroit tigers (because for some reason i have a tendency to gravitate to michigan sports teams)
- chicago cubs (…this one isn’t getting explained)
- milwaukee brewers (…i had a christian yelich phase once upon a time okay)
anyway those shall be the teams i start with, and we’ll see who gets weeded out
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puck-luck · 8 days
learning curves | trevor zegras
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warnings: inexperienced!reader x experienced!tz, general anziety about having sex for the first time/doing sexual things for the first time, silly goofy sex questions that everyone has but refuses to speak on, conversation about kinks (lasts two seconds because they get derailed almost immediately), handjob, innocence!kink, probably some other stuff i missed. pairing: trevor zegras x inexperienced!reader summary: trevor zegras and his gf have "the talk" wc: 3891
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Three dates. It’s been three dates. Your best friend in the world says that it’s after the third date that she considers putting out– but she’s also had sex before, racked up a body count that seems substantial next to yours (yours being a whopping zero and hers being a solid nine). Where you didn’t have boyfriends and were more focused on graduating early so you could start your dream job with the Angels, she seemed happy with the fast-paced, social side of college that afforded her connections and contacts with men of all kinds.
You told her about Trevor when you started dating him, after he brought you to your own baseball game, the last of the season against the Oakland A’s. It had worked out well in his favor, despite the fact that you hadn’t told him about your passion for baseball. Since it was the last of the season, your supervisor had let you take the day off as a reward for all your hard work and had pawned your tasks off to the other members of your team. 
Your best friend had called you mere minutes after that first date had ended, gushing with you about Trevor’s kindness in buying your food and drinks (and ticket) and laughing at the way you reenacted Trevor’s attempt to mansplain baseball to you. 
After the second date, when Trevor brought you to play mini-golf and took you to get ice cream, you had called her. She had asked if he had kissed you yet. She also asked if you were going to send a picture of his butt anytime soon. The answer to both was “no.”
And last week, after the third date where Trevor had taken you to see Killers of the Flower Moon when it released, she had told you about her policy: the one where she starts to consider putting out. 
It seems like Trevor might be on the same page. For your fourth date, Trevor invited you to dinner. Tonight. At his apartment. He’s cooking for you. At his apartment. 
You haven’t told him yet about the fact that you haven’t had sex with anyone. He’s probably picked up on it by now, with how you shy away from his touches and swerved him twice (once at mini-golf and once after the movies). 
You’re going to tell him tonight. He’s going to cook a beautiful dinner, be nothing but sweet and caring like he always is, and then you’re going to tell him that you’re still a virgin, and he’s going to be freaked out, and probably break up with you.
That’s the only way it could go, right?
The potential for disaster is on your mind the whole night, from the drive to Trevor’s to the last bite of the cheesecake Trevor bought for dessert. 
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Trevor asks, pushing his plate away and leaning back in his chair. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Did I make something you don’t like? Are you not a cheesecake fan?”
“No, Trevor, I like cheesecake. You haven’t done anything wrong.” You continue to pick at your dessert. You sigh, then place your fork down on the side of the plate. “I think we need to have a conversation.”
You don’t miss the alarm that flashes across Trevor’s face when you say that. 
He stands almost immediately from his seat, taking your hand to bring you to his living room, where you can sit comfortably on the couch. Trevor stays quiet, something you know is difficult for him, but it means so much more to you that he’s trying to let you take charge here.
“Do you remember when I told you about my best friend?” You ask, finding it safest to start there.
Trevor nods. “What about her?”
You’re quiet for a beat, taking a deep breath. “She told me that she starts to put out after the third date.”
A sharp silence follows. Your heart is beating through your chest, but it starts to slow the longer the silence drags on.
Finally, Trevor breaks the silence. “So?” He asks. “What does that have to do with us?”
You fishmouth at him, jaw open wide and dangling. 
“Not in like a mean way, but I was inviting you over for dinner. If you want to fuck, we can fuck, but I really just wanted to eat with you today.”
Trevor’s words are both comforting and cutting. He’s sassy, always is, and the consonants of his words sound harsh. He’s saying everything like he’s so sure, like it was obvious, and the word “fuck” twists your intestines in a way that causes you to grimace. It’s nice that he didn’t intend to have sex with you tonight, but now it seems like an offhanded afterthought. If you want to, we can. 
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” You bite the edge of your thumbnail. “It’s– well, that’s kind of a big deal for me?”
Trevor nods, encouraging you to continue.
“I haven’t, um. I, kind of, haven’t really… done that… yet.” Your voice shakes a bit in an embarrassing way, a way that makes you want to cringe, but you don’t want to seem so vulnerable in front of Trevor. 
The problem is that you like him. You’ve been going on dates as often as you can, with Trevor’s busy schedule. You enjoy seeing him, you like hanging out with him, and you want to keep doing it. You always get your hopes up and this time is no different, you can feel it. You’re hoping that Trevor won’t say the same shit as the other guys you’ve told this to, the ones that laughed or belittled you or asked “Why? Why haven’t you?” like there’s a good answer to their question.
“Oh,” is the eloquent response that Trevor comes up with. His eyes are wide and his mouth stays slightly open, even when he’s done speaking. It’s like he wants to say more, but he doesn’t know what. 
You’re the same way– you bite the inside of your cheek and your lip as you continue to watch Trevor. If you weren’t feeling so nervous, it would be a funny sight: two people sitting on the couch, just staring at each other with wide eyes.
“I really like you, Trevor,” You tell him. “I just– I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t want to disappoint you. I don’t want you to leave me because I can’t give you what you want.”
Trevor moves quickly, closing the space between you. He hugs you tightly and you sniff, holding back emotion that you didn’t realize was there. 
“Is there anything else?” Trevor asks , rubbing your back. 
You shake your head.
“I really like you, too,” Trevor adds. “I’m not going to leave you because you’re… inexperienced. I want to keep dating you, Y/N. If you’ll let me, I would really like to…” Trevor trails off, offering you a smile and a little bit of a laugh before continuing. “Teach you?”
Your mouth opens in surprise. “Teach me?” You repeat.
Trevor grimaces, an embarrassed smile on his face. “It sounds stupid, doesn’t it?”
“A little bit,” You agree. Your heart has slowed to its normal pace and Trevor’s hand on your knee is a comfort, not unwelcome pressure. 
“Can I kiss you?” Trevor asks. His voice is soft and his hand has drifted up to your cheek. 
“Well, I’ve done that before,” You joke. You’re not lying– you’ve kissed people in the past. You feel like that should be clear to Trevor before he gets too big of a head. 
“Not with me.” Trevor leans in and presses a kiss to your cheek, then the other. He kisses along your face until he gets to your lips, which is when he pauses before barely letting his lips ghost across yours. He holds himself there for a moment, waits for you to tilt your head up, and Trevor dives in. It’s sweet and he’s patient, never moving any faster than you want him to. 
Over the next week, you tell Trevor your theories about why you haven’t had sex before: that you were a weird kid, or too focused on school, or too eager for the next big thing that you never considered it. Or that guys were scary and often didn’t actually seem to care. Trevor reassured you that he didn’t care that you hadn’t had sex before, but that he did care more about you than anyone he’d ever been with in the past.
By your fifth date, Trevor had officially made you his girlfriend. He had also officially told you that you could ask him any questions you wanted, whenever they popped into your mind.
You had taken advantage of it, often at the worst times:
Over text before a game: “Is it going to hurt?” “Probably. But I’ll go slow and try to get you as ready for my cock as I can.” While you and Trevor are grocery shopping: “What am I supposed to do?” “What do you mean?” “Like, I don’t want to just lay there.” “There are a lot of different positions. I’m not going to make you just lay there.” “Okay, well I don’t think I’ll be any good on top.” “You don’t know that yet. Also, chill out. We’re in the middle of the toilet paper aisle. Can we finish this conversation at home?” Later, in that same grocery trip, while in the condom aisle: “Is it really that different?” “What?” “When you have sex with and without a condom. Is there a big difference?” “Uh, it’s more… intimate without. I think it feels better.” “So should we skip the condom altogether?” “Uh… probably not the first time. We should probably work up to that.” “Well, I want you to feel good.” “You’re going to give me a boner if you keep talking. Shut up. We’re buying condoms.” And when you pouted: “Just be patient, we’ll get there.” When you drop him off for practice: “How long do you usually last?” “I have to go.” Then, over text two minutes after he walks away from the car: “you’re hot so probably not more than two minutes <3”
You’d waited to ask the more pressing questions when you were in private. It brought you a thrill of glee each time you asked a question and you could watch Trevor grow uncomfortable with the effort it took to restrain himself, to not try and get some relief whenever you caused him to grow hard with your unintentionally dirty words. 
“I made a list of questions for you,” You tell Trevor. It’s the last time you’re hanging out before you head home for Thanksgiving. You’re sitting on the same couch, Trevor on one side, you on the other. 
“Twenty questions, sexy style?” Trevor teases, pulling your legs over his lap. 
“You’re my little encyclopedia,” You reply. “And I’m curious.”
“Okay. Go on.”
“What do you like, Trev? Tell me everything. Likes, dislikes, kinks, dare I say fetishes…”
“Don’t really think I have any fetishes, but thanks for being open about it,” Trevor laughs. He rubs his thumb over your ankle. “That’s a really big question, baby.”
You shrug, foregoing a reply.
“I mean, I don’t know. I like sex. I like getting head. I like giving head. I like it when I finger a girl. I like it when I can make a girl come. I occasionally like to spank a girl. I’m pretty chill, baby. I’m down for anything.”
You scoff. “Trev, I don’t know anything. You have to be specific.”
Trevor takes a breath and chews his bottom lip, seeming to consider your words. “I like that you don’t know anything.” His fingers circle your ankle and he squeezes what he can hold in his hand. For probably the first time since he’s talked to you about this sort of thing, Trevor seems hesitant, like he’s choosing his words carefully. “It makes me feel really special.”
“Special how?” You ask.
“I don’t know, just… that you trust me with this.”
You suppress a smile. “Look at you, Mr. Emotional Intimacy.”
Trevor snorts and rolls his eyes. “I’ve never been a huge relationship guy, Y/N. I think it’s really cool that you make me want to experience all this shit with you. It’s nice to feel this way. We get to treat every moment like it’s really special, and that makes me feel special, since most of my other sexual encounters are just heat of the moment hookups with other experienced partners.”
When you open your mouth to apologize for your inexperience, unable to help yourself, Trevor cuts you off. 
“I also think it’s really hot that– God, this sounds so fucked up– I get to show you everything. It’s… like, okay, fuck, it’s kind of the student and teacher thing.”
“So you do have a fetish!” You accuse, pointing your finger at Trevor wildly. He captures your hand and rolls his eyes. “You want me to dress up like a Catholic schoolgirl!”
“I do not!” Trevor replies, sounding exasperated. He pauses to consider it. “Okay, it would be hot. But that’s not why, bro. Chill out.”
“Why, then?” You ask. You’re interested, almost too interested. You want to know what makes Trevor click, what you can do to make him hard and what he looks like when he’s in pleasure, when he comes.
“I like that you’re innocent. It just makes me feel like I get to take care of you. It’s dumb, but I get to be the man and I get to make you feel good and show you how to make me feel good. I’m the only one who’s seen you like this, it’s fun for me.”
Your eyes drift lower to his lap, wanting to see if he’s tenting his shorts just at the idea. He is. You move closer to him, taking your legs off his lap and tucking yourself into his side. Feeling bold, you place your hand on his stomach.
“Can I see you?” You ask, making sure your voice sounds extra sweet and you’re blinking up at him through your eyelashes. 
Trevor practically convulses, his mouth pressed into a straight line, but still wobbling a bit as he stares at you in shock. “What?” He asks.
You let your fingers drift to the waistband of his shorts, but you dare not to tread further. You don’t want to touch him wrong, or mess everything up. But, at the same time, you really want to see his dick. “Can I see you?” You repeat. Then, you let out a little laugh, just to yourself. “I’m–” You cut yourself off and press your lips together, proud of the joke you’re about to make. “I’m a hands-on learner.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Trevor says, shaking his head at your terrible joke. “Baby, are you sure?”
“Trev, I want to see your dick.” You roll your eyes, pulling your hand back. “I should see the hardware before I ask of any more questions, right?”
Trevor seems to be battling with himself. 
You dip your finger under the waistband, feeling his v-line with your pinky. 
It snaps Trevor out of his inner turmoil and he bats your hand away. He shimmies his shorts off, leaving his boxers on. They don’t leave much to the imagination and you bite your lip with a gasp.
It’s big. It’s not even out yet, and it’s big.
Trevor dips his head down, tilting your chin up with a finger, and kisses you softly. “Still sure?” He whispers.
“Leave it in there for a second,” You reply. You lower your voice to a whisper to match his: “How is that going to fit inside me?”
“We’ll go slow and I’ll get you nice and open for me. Three fingers, so it’s easier.” He winks. “Maybe four.”
“Jesus Christ, Trevor.” Your voice is more admonishing than turned on, but it would be a lie if you weren’t intrigued by his words. 
“And you know what else?” Trevor asks. 
You nod for him to continue. 
“If we need to, we’ll use lube. But I want to make you come a couple times before I get my cock in you, that first time. Wanna make it so good for you. You’ll be so relaxed that you’ll forget it’s your first time.”
“A couple times,” You repeat, feeling a little dazed. “Is that… normal?”
Trevor shrugs. “Normal is different for everyone. It’s possible and I think you’ll like the feeling of me making you come. I know I will. So, I hope it becomes normal for us.”
“Okay,” You say. You know your voice sounds unsure. You clear your throat. “Take it out,” You tell him, a little hoarse still. 
“You’re sure?”
“Trevor, just do it,” You let the words burst out of you. “If I hate it, I’ll tell you to put it away!”
Trevor laughs. “God, I hope you don’t hate it. That would really derail my plans for us.” He hooks his thumbs in his waistband and inches his boxers down.
The inching slowly reveals the head of his cock, red and shiny. Eyes wide, you tilt your head to the side. Your lips part as Trevor continues to reveal himself to you. It lays flat against his stomach, curved a little to the side. 
Trevor smiles, the right side of his mouth tilting up into a smirk. He brings his hand to the base of his cock and watches your breath hitch when he pumps himself once, slowly, just to gauge your reaction. He squeezes, milking a little precum out of his tip. 
You tense up, watching the drip slide down his length. 
“Oh my God,” You whisper to yourself. 
“What do you think, baby? Hideous?” Trevor asks, a knowing lilt in his voice. He sees how your eyes haven’t left his dick since he pulled it out of his boxers, curious but also enraptured.
Your hand twitches on his stomach. “Can I…”
Trevor hums, stroking himself again.
“Can I touch you?”
“Whatever you want,” Trevor agrees and takes his hand off of himself, practically dropping his cock like a hot potato. 
You reach out, hesitating at the last second. You pull back. “I feel so stupid.”
“Why?” Trevor asks. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” You say begrudgingly, pouting under his watchful eye. 
“That’s okay. Just get your hand on it, feel it out. I can help you, if you want.”
“No, I want to do it.” You reach out, making contact with Trevor’s cock with a single finger. You draw a line from his base to his tip, following the vein on the side. You bite your lip in concentration, circling the tip of his cock with your finger and thumb. You purse your lips and feel the weight of his cock in your hand, tilting it gently from one side, to the other, forwards and backwards like a joystick, just to see how it moves.
You fail to notice Trevor’s breathing grow deeper, nor the way his eyes are trained on your face.
You press your thumb into the underside of the head of his dick, where the tip meets the shaft. You drag your thumb up, swiping over the slit. A bubble of precum appears and leaks out. You rub your thumb through it, then turn your hand over to look at your thumb.
Trevor’s jaw drops and a strangled noise leaves his mouth when you bring your thumb up to your mouth and take a taste. 
His cock jumps, drawing your eyes. You then look up to him and notice the sweat on his brow. He’s biting his lip to recover from his groan, but lets out a whimper when you circle his cock with your entire hand and pump him. 
“Oh my God,” Trevor whispers, mirroring your reaction from earlier. His voice is shaky and his eyes roll backwards into his head. 
You bring your other hand down to cradle one of his balls, rolling it in your palm. You pump his cock at the same time and Trevor’s hips jump into your fist, catching you off guard.
“Gonna come,” Trevor chokes out. “Just– fuck– keep going.”
“Help me,” You request, taking his hand and bringing it so his hand covers yours.
He moans aloud, tightening his grip (and yours by extension), and moving his hips up into his hand in short thrusts.
“Fuck, is this– is this okay?” Trevor checks with you, cheeks flushed and eyes bright. “Can I come?”
Your eyes stay on his face, watching as his face contorts with pleasure. “Yeah,” You breathe out. “Want to see you come, Trev.”
He lets out a moan at that, throwing his head back as you continue to stroke over his member in tandem. He fucks up until your fists as he hurls himself over the edge, ribbons of come shooting out of his tip and falling in pools over his hand and abdomen. 
A bit drips through his fingers onto your hand and you stare at it, crinkling your nose at the feeling of the sticky substance as it settles on your skin.
“Gross,” You say, wincing at the way it cools on your skin. 
“Let me clean you up,” Trevor offers, tucking himself away and rising off the couch to wet a paper towel. You stand and follow him, holding your hand a reasonable distance away from yourself, and trying not to drip everywhere. When Trevor turns to you with the paper towel, he laughs. “Well, don’t act like it’s acid!”
“You look pretty when you come,” You tell Trevor as he wipes his come off of your hand. He dumps the paper towel in the trash can and you elbow him out of the way to wash your hands for an extra long amount of time. He follows suit when you’re done and you plaster yourself to his back, hugging him from behind.
“What’s that for?” Trevor asks, throwing a glance over his shoulder fondly.
“For being so understanding and nice to me,” You mumble into his back, hiding your face. “Thank you.”
Trevor turns around in your grasp and returns your hug, holding you tightly to his chest. “Oh, baby, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Cuz you find me so hot when I’m innocent,” You giggle, poking his ribs.
“It’s my kink,” Trevor teases back, with a hint of truth to it, though you won’t find out about that until Trevor sheepishly admits it the next time you jerk him off and he’s babbling aimlessly about how pretty you look when you’re staring up at him in awe, asking him how he feels and if you’re doing well. He’s praising you and whining and when he finally comes, he almost hardens immediately after because you lift your hand up and give his come a little kitten lick, getting a taste of him. 
You end up scrunching your nose in distaste, not because you dislike it, but because it’s such a unique taste.
It makes Trevor laugh and it makes him lean in to kiss you, even venturing to open his mouth and let you take the lead with tongue (the way he taught you).
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note: the monday morning streak continues! pls send feedback to my inbox (not requests, i'm booked) but i want to talk about this series!! I love chit-chatting with y'all! i also think that since i'm starting my new job(!!!!!!) this week, we might be down to one post this week & then i'll just work on a bunch of stuff throughout the week so i can hopefully post more when i'm acclimated to my job! also, my cousin is having her baby today! it's the first baby of the next generation! i'm so excited for her!
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sc0tters · 9 months
His Girl | Nico Hischier
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summary: it’s your one year anniversary when you and Nico are all nervous but for totally different reasons.
song: Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
request: yes/no
warnings: allusions to drinking.
word count: 1.64k
authors note: fluff is officially not my strong suit but I’ve really enjoyed writing these marriage repeated pieces for the celly! This literally aged like wine as I wrote it, started off shit but by the end we got somewhere good.
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It was the only time you were grateful to be dragged to a club.
It was a warm summer night in London as your friends had gone for a girls trip. So of course they were all making the most of it.
Somehow on the fourth night your friends hadn’t gotten tired of the partying that they endured every evening as they went out clubbing. You seemed to miss that memo so you were brought along despite the complaints that left your lips. Those all quickly went silent when you locked eyes with him.
Nico much like yourself had been brought along and was now sat at the table as he nursed his drink.
That might neither one of you seemed to leave the others side. You didn’t know who he was until you went to the bar and overheard some fellow American tourists that the Swiss man you had grown so comfortable talking to wasn’t just Nico, he was Nico Hischier of the New Jersey Devils. Now you weren’t a hockey fan despite being from New York, but with your knowledge of both baseball and football you could only assume that it was a hockey team because New Jersey simply didn’t sound like a state that was going to produce a basketball team.
Nico had given you his number before your friends were ready to finally head back to your hotel. That night you turned google into your best friend in an attempt to learn more about the man who was clearly the man of your dreams.
Yes it sounded over reactive but it was the truth. Nico was someone who you truly just gelled with, the conversation rolled on for hours but it only seemed like it was minutes.
Throughout all of your life, you had never met someone who made you smile so much that your cheeks hurt, laughed so much that you didn’t think you could breathe anymore.
Arriving back in New York the pull the hockey player had in your mind hadn’t let up, whilst there were the worries that the number Nico had given you was fake your friends had quickly cleared your mind because “he looked at you like you were the only girl in that bar.”
Nico had gone back to Switzerland as he still had another month before he needed to be in New Jersey. The time difference was what he blamed your lack of communication on, you were going home two days after the night in that bar.
Although he knew it was stupid that didn’t stop him from checking his phone every time he heard a notification come in. That was why when your message finally came in the Devils captain almost fell over his own two feet.
you: hey stranger! next time you’re in New York let me know and I’ll give you the local tour 😉
And that was happened, Nico flew into JFK and found himself stood at your door with a smile on his face and your favourite flowers in hand.
Three months later when he was back but this time for hockey. Or at least that’s what he told himself because when you showed up at the Islanders game in his Jersey.
You pulled Nico into your arms as you congratulated him “you see that goal I scored for you?” He asked as he sent you a grin.
It was a clear shot done in a power play and all Nico could do was skate to the board where you were as he pointed at you.
Twitter was having a field day trying to figure out who you were and what you were to Nico “of course baby,” you nodded as you placed a kiss on his cheek.
You continued to toe the line or flirtation because no matter how much you wanted him, the fear of rejection was like a mental block that you couldn’t get past.
But when Nico hooked his fingers under your chin it caused your knees to almost give out “let me come back to yours?” That phrase had your mind combusting as you felt like you had just exploded into sparkles and confetti.
That night he asked you out.
The first year of your relationship was just as good as you had predicted. You had been given the name of team mom as the younger boys of the team would call Nico late at night just to ask you questions. They ranged with everything from girl advice to how you iron a shirt.
You ironed Jacks shirt for him and that also added to your title, you also had to take him dress shoe shopping but that was something you had been sworn to secrecy about.
It made Nico laugh how most times after games you seemed more proud of the other boys just playing because “their milestones mattered too.”
When the team made the playoffs for a second year in a row was when Nico told you he loved you. It was at the celebratory party when you walked outside for air “schatzi you okay?” Nico called out as he quickly found you where you were.
A smile formed on your lips “I’m perfect,” you spoke softly as your drunk boyfriend placed his hand on your waist.
His dopey grin made you laugh “I love you,” he confessed as he let your body rest against the wall behind you.
You let your fingers massage the nape of his neck “tell me that in the morning,” you reminded him as the liquor in his system was clear “no, no I love you baby.” The hockey player repeated his confession in his efforts to show that he was serious “I love you too,” a giggle left your lips as you kissed him.
A couple of months later and your one year anniversary had finally come around and you were stressed out.
Jack had been enlisted to keep you away from the apartment as Nico had a surprise that he was working.
It made you breathe out a sigh of relief though as you truly had no clue what to get Nico, even on the day of your anniversary you still didn’t know.
If Nico were to go into your closet and look behind your coats he’d find the six gifts you got, not because you wanted to go over board but because you really didn’t have a clue what you get the man who is literally the captain of a hockey team for their anniversary?
Sure Nico was romantic, bring home flowers when you had bad days at work, leaving sticky notes of little messages whenever he went on road trips longer than a week.
There would have been some comfort to you if Jack actually let you know how Nico felt as he ran around New Jersey.
In the last minute he decided that his design of your apartment wasn’t up to a standard that you’d enjoy and that’s what brought him to IKEA as he went to find fairy lights.
When Jack got the green light to bring you back you almost jumped out of the car when it was still moving “don’t me an uncle just yet!” Jack called out as he winded down the passenger window.
You turned around as grinned “no promises!” You shot back as you sent him a salute before you practically ran into the apartment building.
If you weren’t on the penthouse level you would have ran up the stairs, but instead you waited for the elevator.
The walk that was more like a speed walk to your apartment had your palms growing sweaty. You let the door open and your jaw practically dropped as you saw the way the dim fairy lights and candles that lit up your apartment “schatzi in the living room!” Nico called out as he took a last deep breath before he made sure he still had the box.
Tears welled in your eyes as you saw him down on one knee “when I first saw you in that pub I knew you were the woman of my dreams.” The guys that Nico went to England with didn’t let him live it down that his mind had been trapped in the view of you. Every time he zoned out they all knew what or who he was thinking about.
Nico’s speech continued even causing you to laugh at one point “I’ve even grown to not hate your hair in the shower drain.” You let out a snort as you sniffled “you know you miss it when you’re gone.” You shot back as he smiled letting you see a little nod.
The boy pecked your lips as he wiped your cheek stopping the tear from running down any further “you’re my person, my world, my everything.” He announced causing you to let out a little gasp as you placed your hand on your chest “so it only made sense to me that I asked you to marry me.”
You watched as he opened the ring box “I didn’t know what ring to get you,” he explained as he showed you the ring that had a diamond on it “if you don’t like it the jeweller said you could change-”
Nico felt like an idiot as his eyes went wide “oh my god you hate it don’t you?” He was quick to shut the box “let me get my keys-”
The boy didn’t listen though “I’ll take you there and we can get you a new-”
Your louder voice seemed to work on him “yes?” He cocked his head as he watched you cup his face with your hand.
A smile formed on your lips “could have proposed to me with a ring pop and I would have said yes,” you confessed as you let your thumb rub his face softly as it soothed him.
Nico nodded “so is that a yes?”
“The biggest one you’ll ever hear me say.”
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glystenangel · 2 years
Kiss Cam
ProBaseballPlayer!Yuji x GN!Reader (Baseball AU)
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tags/warning: pure and gratuitous fluff, kiss cam trope, bad blind date turned good, pda (of course), idk anything about baseball so hope the references make sense lmao
summary: the kiss cam spotlights you and yuji takes his chance
~less than 1k
thanks for reading and enjoy<3
You don’t think there could have been anything more mortifying than the kiss cam landing on you and your catastrophically terrible date.
He had been ignoring you the whole time, too stoked that you had invited him to front row seats to the big Sorcerers vs. Curses baseball game. You honestly should have just gone alone, but you had wanted to be brave and take the idiot next to you, who your friend had blindly set you up with because “he also loved baseball and it would be absolutely perfect”.
In reality, he had been late and nearly spilled his beer on you every time he disagreed with the umpire’s calls. It also didn’t help that he was actually a fan of the Curses, not the Sorcerers, which was your favorite team. When you had broken the news to him, he had immediately booed and condescendingly patted your shoulder.
“That’s unfortunate. You’re super hot, but I can’t seriously date a Sorcerers fan. We’ll see how this goes though.”
Now, he was too engrossed in texting his friends live game updates to notice that the kiss cam was panned onto the both of you.
You tried to keep a calm smile plastered to your face as your fellow baseball fans loudly demanded a kiss. It was utterly humiliating, and your eyes began to water as your face fell. You shrank in your seat, attempting to cover your face when all of a sudden the entire stadium started cheering and you peeked through your fingers to see the Sorcerers' star player, Yuji Itadori, hopping the dugout fence and running across the field to get to you. His distant form was outlined in golden sunlight as he sprinted, and his knees still carried grass stains from playing.
“Don’t worry! I got you!”
He enthusiastically waved at you, clipping his baseball cap to a belt loop before quickly fixing his hair and scaling the concrete barrier that separated the front seats from the field.
You felt your chest swell with nerves and excitement, and your date finally looked up in shock when you stood up and leaned over the barrier to meet Yuji as he clung to the railing.
He didn’t seem winded at all, though you could see a sliver of his strong chest sheened with sweat from the top of his uniform being unbuttoned. Your heart beat rapidly at seeing one of your favorite baseball players in front of you, and a bright smile spread across his handsome face as he looked up at you. Rosy strands of hair were mussed around his forehead from the wind, and he raised the hand he wasn’t using to hoist himself up to caress your cheek. It was rough and calloused from the sport, but the touch was unexpectedly gentle.
“If he won’t kiss you, can I?”
The crowd was going wild, whistling and chanting ‘kiss him!’ as you absorbed his proposal.
“Yes.” You breathlessly acquiesced, laughing at his valiant efforts.
His smile widened at your answer, and he carefully grasped the side of your face before pulling you down into a tender kiss.
Although you were wholly unprepared, the kiss felt strangely familiar. His lips were devastatingly soft, and the uproar of the stadium became more distant as you both surrendered to the deepening kiss. It was as if you had been waiting to kiss each other your whole lives, and as the seconds slowly ticked by, you decided that you would never not want to be kissing him. 
When you were nearly out of breath and forced to break apart, Yuji stared at you in awe, his light brown eyes helplessly fanning over your face and settling on your mutually dazed expression.
“Oh wow.”
The ruckus of those in the rest of the stands was deafening, and you turned to witness your date storming off.
“Woops, didn’t mean to make your boyfriend mad.” Yuji winced. 
“Not my boyfriend, just a bad blind date.” You quickly interjected, spinning back to meet his hopeful gaze.
A mischievous grin crossed Yuji’s features as his coach began yelling at him to get back to the dugout in time for the next inning.
He ignored the shouts, clicking his tongue, “That so? Can I get your number then?” 
You thought for a moment before coyly pressing a finger against his forehead, “When you win the game.” 
He smirked without another word and jumped back down to the field, dusting his hands off and promptly returning to the bench.
The game ended with the Sorcerers scoring 10 to 2 against the Curses and your number tucked into Yuji’s back pocket.
Your phone animatedly buzzed as you made your journey back to your car, and you guessed he had texted you as soon as he made it into the locker room. Butterflies filled your stomach as you glanced at your phone, your heart squeezing at the message displaying on the screen.
Hey, it’s Yuji! You should come to the next game, I think your kisses are lucky :) Let’s try that new restaurant on main street after?
End Notes:
This is superrr short and sweet but ack I l o v e it!! I like couldn’t stop thinking about this scenario and thought Yuji would be perfect for it :) I love him💞🥰🥰
thanks for reading<3 
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whalehouse1 · 6 months
@thefaeriefeatherdark Sorry, I just haven't had either the time nor the energy to write up a response to your thoughts on the AU and I apologize because this is basically stream of consciousness and not edited, but a few things about my 3 Superboys AU, which thanks to Jon is technically 5 but another time.
Okay, the Superboy AU has actually gotten worse thanks to Leah Williamson (long story, but now we have two Jons). But to answer your questions as best I can given my limited Super family knowlege. Connor is a Cadmus creation, he is straight up the series origins. Made by Cadmus with Lex's funding with Lex's and Clark's DNA. The main difference is he is the first attempt at being cloned and Cadmus lies and tells Lex the clone had deteriorated once he was out of his clone tube. If you want to add Contessa to this, you could have her doing this to spite Lex. I know nothing about her besides what you said in your post, but I'm sure she has good reasons to be spiteful to Lex. And you know to try to keep and groom a Superboy on her own.
As for Lena Thorul, I know nothing about her, but since I am a fan of random characters from Kara's original series (I want that trade if it will ever exist), I don't see any issue with her being involved. My only issue with Kara in your idea, is I hc her around the ages of the original Teen Titans from the comics. At most a year younger, only because I think it's funny that Dick will call her an old hag even though he's physically older, but she's older than even Clark by a decent amount.
I mean all three are Clark and Lex clones, so they will look alike, but as Connor and Kon do have other's DNA mixed in with them (Maik is the only 100% just those two's DNA), they're can be variation. I think Connor looks distinct enough, it could have just been the cartoon style, but he seems more muscular and taller. He's more of a football player, while Kon is more Baseball player in terms of general build (it's a very bad description, but the best way I can explain it without drawing it, sorry). And Maik is 12, he's baby shaped. But he's basically built thicker than Jon, but not really by much since again, babies. Connor doesn't have the earring like the other two do, but I think Maik in terms of appearance does get mistook as Kon's younger brother since they look a lot alike. Maik has much better fashion sense though, cause is it Kon if he is dressed well? Maik has the gray eyes from the movie cause they're very striking compared to everyone else's bright blue ones. I also just like grey eyes and there's not a lot of of them in comics. So Kon and Maik will look alike and will argue about who stole whose look, but it comes down to just their age and clothing. I think Maik will end up looking a bit more different when he gets older, but I think those two will resemble each other the most with the eyes and fashion being their difference sadly. As for their outfits, don't they all need those super awesome jackets? Connor sadly gets his black shirt and pants, it's boring, but you know which Super it is when you see this. I did liker Kon's outfit in Kelly's run and YJ98, but Maik's would start out as the same as in the movie, but I think he would keep a more subdued coloration in his outfit. I also think as he gets older, he would make his costume more punk-rock than just spiked shoulders. I'm not sure how exactly, but I like him having a music industry plant type of idea behind his creation and so I want to incorporate music styles into his older costume if that makes sense.
Well, we have how many Flashes now? It should be fine, right (laughing in DC's inability to give codenames to established heroes for mantle passing)? They would get new codenames, but I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Also their names would have to use some of their personality and stories (Nightwing coming from Clark's story, Troia coming from Donna's stay on the Greek Moon planet thingy, Tempest coming from his water magic, etc.). So that would take a bit to get a good codename for them. But them and both Jons would evolve into having their own codename. Kara at last could go for Superwoman (since as far as I know there isn't one running around (watch me be wrong and there's like 5).
Oh, I completely forgot about Matrix. I want to say since the goal of this AU is to give Ma and Pa Kent the biggest amount of grandchildren, I want to at first instinct say yes, but from what I remember about that, it's still just Kara just merged with another. Also, I just didn't enjoy the bits I've seen of it. But since I haven't read the whole story, I'm not going to say definitively no, but that was just a weird bit of Supergirl's history to me, but not enough for me to just, "yay, no" it. If you want those, ask me about Nightwing XD.
As for the "it's gotten more complicated" it might actually be more fun for you, since you like the paternity bit more, but again I haven't had a chance to read Kon's solo yet (I've been reading from the beginning and I haven't made it to Superman comics yet and until the 90's, there's not really any writer who I'm just going to skip (I can't with Dixon anymore. He can write good plots, but he's such an awful garbage person and it bleeds through too much for me. And actually between him and Fitzmartin, I almost started to hate Tim, but one of his fans actually helped me with that), so I still have awhile and time is a dick. But to the actual point, Connor is the first actual clone, but he isn't "alive" to the world as Contessa is keeping him a secret from Lex and so Lex decides to cut his losses and tries again and that's how we get Kon, but Kon on top of Lex and Luthor's DNA also has Westfield's DNA in the mix. So he'sd the first clone the world gets to know. As for where Contessa and Cadmus is storing Connor, I'm not 100%, since I really, really hated the clone tube, so they probably have a facility underground that they "trained" him in so that he would be perfect for their nefarious schemes. He 100% will keep Wolf, I don't know if it would be from an Outsiders' mission or a one off mission with the Titans, but he's getting Wolf. And I'm fine with him on the farm, the Supers can come and go from there and since it's centrally located, it's not a bad place for him to join up with others. He doesn't have flight, but he's fast and can jump. Also he can get the stickers from Lex again and one of the heroes could probably figure out a way to replicate them without the addiction issue, there's enough scientist to figure it out. I know absolutely nothing about Indigo, but as long as she isn't going to take him to the Legion of Superheroes I'm fine with it (still bitter about that arc with Kara in the show, it just never sat right with me). But I do like your idea of him staying at the Outsiders HQ until Clark invites him to the farm. I think Connor has more of a relationship with the Kents than Clark, because Clark just doesn't know him and after Kon doesn't know how to deal with this new, but older clone. And he has to deal with raising Jon, so he can't just drop everything to help raise this kid he never knew existed. I think it makes him more understandable than what YJ did with him where he just came off as a prick. The powers are right, the heat vision and cold breath aren't as strong as Clark or Kara's, but that can be enhanced with the shields and that's ofc where the flight comes in as well. I do think he has the most strength out of the three in terms of raw physical power. Kon's TTK though obviously wins in terms of actual strength.
Now, because I just want to make things over complicated for no reason, I get you like cybernatics, but as I'm not a big sci-fi fan, when Maik was being cloned, in an attempt to see if they could remove the kryptonite weakness, they had some red kyrptonite in the room where they were cloning him. He still has the weakness, but instead it warped his Kryptonian abilities to an extent. So for example, he has heat breath and frost vision. His superstrength isn't as strong as the others, but (thanks to your boiling water Kara thing), I think he has the strongest durability out of the Supers. This wasn't meant to contradict you, I just think it's funny Kara doesn't want to get him hurt, but if he's not around kryptonite, the kid could get punched by every other Super at full strength and he'd barely feel it. He's still strong and could punch a hole through a solid steel building without a problem, but he's losing the arm wrestling contests. He is also the one Lex had the most see-over on though so he is the smartest since he was basically being taught by Lex approved tutors and that. He also since he actually is the one clone that "got to be a kid" and if the aging thing was retconned, I'm fine with it, he started out as an actual kid, so he and Jon actually are one year apart (Jon's a year older, kid Jon, not teen Jon, as I said it got complicated, but another day), and he would have absorbed some of Lex's "morals", so he could have a good character arc of growing out of that greed inspired mindset and learning to see humans as humans. I do think the Danvers would be a great set for this. The Kents would be too, and they 100% get to help with their grandson, but the Danvers had Kara, who was a teen when they adopted her, with (depending on the timeline) good or bad Kryptonian ideaolgies and previous connotations on Earth and its inhabitants. So they have more experience with that than the Kents. Also, since he and Jon are essentially the same age and Maik starting as an antagonist, that would be a good start for them since it would give a chance of kids figuring out things and influencing each other and given what Jon has been through, it's not like he's 100% rainbows, unicorns and sunshine. He's been through the ringer, possibly more than any other Super, 3 years under Ultraman torture will do that to a person. More so, being left for dead and having to watch that person living your life. But yes, as Kon would have YJ and Connor would be best (for me personally) for the Outsiders with helping out the Titans and YJ at times, Maik would fit in perfectly with the amount of child heroes that exist right now. He might feel redundant if he joined up with Damian and Jon and the people I have on their youth team I have, but what's the harm in having two supers? But even excluding that fact, there's a large amount to make a team out of. And heck, he could even start on my Damian team, butt heads with him (not hard to do) and take a few with him to make his own team and get some of the others Damian couldn't recruit. Even more fun if it splits up the West twins so Wally and Linda have to listen to who has the better team at dinner at least twice a week. And for villains, they would have to fit a theme for him to grow, so if I were to write stories for him, I would want to figure out a good balance for that. I would have to think of a few examples, but someone targeting him for being Lex's son, clone, "hero", "weapon" wouldn't be bad, someone who isn't able to control their actions for one reason or another, I think an evil Toyman would be good to as well, a villain who wants the spotlight (like Punchline, but not as annoying, sorry I just don't like her), he'd be very good for a social media type of villain or a eugenics villain. There's potential for others, but for villains, I think the moral theme for the story should come before their gimmick for a good story (can you tell I'm a batbrat?).
As for the DNA samples, I think it'd be a cute story that Maik and Jon are wanting to be the babies (the twins come in after this so it's all pointless), and also just worried that since Cadmus and Lex both have had access to controlling all three clones, with each one being a stronger control (Maik even having a microchip just in case that Kara made inert whether through Kandor or heat vision, doesn't matter, but one of those), teaming up and Jon using some lockpicking skills he get from Damian and Maik knowing the layout of the building, breaking and entering and destroying the DNA samples Lex has and scanning the building for anything he could possibly use for more DNA and eradicating it. It doesn't even have to be a stressful comic, just a fun little one of them having fun destroying untold and unsolvable property damage to Lex Corp. Everyone wins. And I'll give you this for the cybernetics and Lex being more involved with him, we can give him electric touch. So he could be a human taser or stronger. Lightning has been shown able to incapacitate the Supers, so it wouldn't be a bad thing for Lex to put into the one he has the most control over, until he defects. But now relooking at the timeline you gave me, I don't know if Contessa could have been around for all three cloning attempts. If so, Maik could be the one she doesn't lie about to Lex, but if she couldn't have been in charge for Connor, the pettiness isn't needed. But I do like them lying to Lex that Connor was a failure, so when he finds out he's still alive and functioning, he tries to be a "good" dad with the stickers and to give him resources that Connor knows better than to accept after the incident with the stickers.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
So apparently both Olivia and Emma will be filming in Spain this month (where they film King's Landing exterior scenes) and this only means one thing: the fall of KL is happening in S2 which is a bit too much isn't it? Considering the season will only have 8 episodes…everything is going to be rushed and there will be no time for proper character development, especially for team green. And sadly I already see lots of people justifying this mess and claiming it's all going to be fine because they'll be moving the Battle of the Gullet to season 3 and Rhaenyra taking the city is the perfect ending because they shouldn't just let her sit the whole season in Dragonstone doing nothing and having no win. Rook's Rest and its aftermath with Aemond being crowned as regent would have been a much better season finale but by the look of things right now this battle will probably happen in episode 4 or 5 and Blood & Cheese in episode 1 or 2…
There's a little speculative inside baseball going on right now of what people are talking about in production that I hear going around private fan discords.
1.) Is that the scene in question is another attempt by Alicent to prevent the full scale war after finding out about what happened between Aemond and Luke above Ship Breaker Bay. Apparently Alicent will completely and totally throw Aemond under the bus, in fact, she'll throw all of her children under the bus trying to maintain peace with Rhaenyra, including offering herself as a hostage.
This lines up with a rumor going around in December that Alicent will be framed as being a secret Rhaenyra sympathizer working against Aemond and Criston's war effrort, and that she would be portrayed as, basically, being a captive of her own children and Lord Commander. This was something that apparently Cooke pitched right after Sapochnik got the boot by HBO/Warner.
I'm not saying this is true, cause you've got be fucking retarded to write Alicent Hightower - the woman who loves her children more than life itself - in such a bullshit manner. But if this does turn out to be the case, it might be one the biggest character missteps/betrayals since Jaime took Brienne's virginity and then went to die with Cersei in Season 8 of GOT.
2.) The other speculative rumor is that this scene takes place post "Blood & Cheese" in which Rhaenyra apparently either never knew that Daemon was targeting Jaehaerys or that they were trying to assassinate Aegon and got Jaehaerys instead. Either way, Rhaenyra is apparently absolved in involvement of this monstrous murder by the writers, and she is trying to apologize to Alicent, but Alicent goes fire and brimstone and vows to help Aemond and Criston make Rhaenyra pay for what she and Daemon have done to her baby boy.
This seems a little more believable, in that I can completely see the writers continuing to try and whitewash Rhaenyra further by making Daemon the monster and Rhaenyra his pigeon. It would also fit with Condal's vow to make Daemon more unlikeable and tarnish him in the eyes of the fandom.
My opinion is that I'd prefer the latter much more than the former. I mean, I'm perpetually super annoyed that they're still trying to whitewash Rhaenyra and make her seem a better person than she ever was for going on thirty years of continuity. But I can live with it if it means getting a more book accurate Alicent who will kill every memeber of team black she lays her Mutha'fuckin eyes on!
I am also 1000% done with whatever fucking girl-crush cutesy bullshit going on between Olivia Cooke and Emma D'arcy. If they want to be friends on their own time, go fucking nuts - by all means get matching t-shirts and B&B with their boyfriends on a doubles vacation, and all that shit. But when it starts to effect the work and they aren't mature enough to play the characters as written without putting their own bullshit into it and it starts to show on screen, than we've got a problem.
I'm telling you, right now, if those December leaks turn out to be true and we get an Alicent who is actively working against her children and who proclaims Aemond a monster to a woman who just murdered her granchild cause she's in love with her, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.
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hiemalstar · 1 year
my opinion on niragi and his controversy with chishiya/dynamics between them
wssup tumblr, welcome to my opinionated and probably overthought rant. todays rant is on niragi suguru and chishiya shuntarou from the hit series alice in borderland - based off the netflix vers. why? cause my ass has not gotten the manga yet; so all i can scrap is scenes from netflix and knowledge on character creation. 
so dont come at me if this is not accurate to the aib manga, i can assure that i will probably update this post or make a new one once i have bought and read the manga. time to start
opinions on niragi ; character, backstory, actions and final opinion 
we all know niragi is a narcissistic, self absorbed and of course, proclaimed psychopath by aib fans. hes confirmed a sex offender at the least, and he views everyone he believes to be below him as an object he can do anything to. this is proven in both season one and season two; he attempted to rape usagi not one but two times throughout both seasons- niragi assures he gets what he wants through violence and threats. 
narcissism - character  this narcissism and desire to get what he wants really shows near the end of season one, where hatter is announced dead. niragi uses his weapon as a tool to threaten people into voting aguni as the new leader of the beach, as he also pairs up with last boss. this provides some solid evidence of his narcissistic element, not to mention his cruelty towards everyone else. for example, in season two, when he crosses paths with someone who had failed their suicide, he acts as if he is going to put them out of their misery. however, he grabs the gun just to walk away, saying how they can suffer. 
psychopath - character this brings me to his psychopathic side. if you do your research, youd know nirgai lines up with the symptoms of being a psychopath. if you didnt know; - narcissism [rightfully proven] - lack of guilt : he does not feel any remorse for what he has done to other people, no matter how many innocent lives he ends or what pain he causes. he does not care as long as it benefits him.  - aggressive and reckless behaviour : this follows up with the explanation on his narcissism and lack of guilt.  these are just some symptoms, but theyre definitely some major ones of his.
backstory lets talk about his backstory. from a flashback on the top of the roof during witch-hunt / 10 of hearts in season one, we can see he was not treated fairly at all. he was used as a target by his peers, being forced to stay still against a wall while students [assuming they are the same age as him] threw baseballs at him. said classmates counted 'points’ depending on where on his body they striked him. to add onto this already fucked up situation, he had been told if he didnt stand still he'd be forced to eat rice with piss in it. this is just one scene, but who knows how many other things had happened to this man before borderland.   he says he doesnt know if he became twisted because they hated him, or if they hated him because he was twisted. if niragi had been twisted during that time, he probably would've fought back, but this cant be confirmed for sure considering his persona between borderland and the little we know about him in the real world cant be compared and contrasted as well as it could be with more evidence. 
actions now, im not saying his backstory excuses his actions. his past is no reason for him to attempt to rape [and he probably has successfully done this before to other characters] usagi and the amount of other fucked up things he had done. lets think about this for a moment; putting the rape aside and moving to the crimes he had committed involving murder, just put it into perspective. theyre in a world with no laws. theres obviously more people out there like him killing people just for the fun of it, or even to eliminate them from getting in the way. similar to how in solitary confinement, the girl with the blue dress (i cannot remember her name) plays queen bee and manipulates the group into lying to other players to kill them. for players like her and niragi, borderland is just another word for doing whatever the hell you want, especially murder. we see it everywhere in alice in borderland, even in the rest of the militia. the only action left would be his rape, which cannot be justified. 
final opinion here are my final thoughts on niragi as a character; hes not the best person ever, but its also not his fault hes such a horrible person. the way he was treated for probably most of his life probably really changed his personality and morals. once again guys, i dont justify him assaulting and/or raping people. i say hes a complex character and deserves more recognition and attention rather than always been viewed as this extremely evil guy from the inside out. even when at the end of season two, he was found in the hospital bed next to chishiya, he actually seemed like a normal and decent human being. however, this is obviously my opinion. tell me what you guys think! at the end of the day though, hes probably just an insecure, scared little boy always trying to validate himself and prove himself as a villain. he seeks the validation of being known above others, being able to feel better about himself through this. he has a huge superiority complex.
edit: another point about him being with chishiya in the hospital- when chishiya says he is going to turn his life around, niragi asks something along the lines of “you were a piece of shit too, huh?” he acknowledges his actions, and he knows what he did. 
dynamic with chishiya- controversy around their relationship 
and time for the most controversial part of this entire rant; niragi and chishiya. whats with their dynamic, and what can i say about it based on my speculations on niragi? taking into consideration what type of character chishiya is, it would and wouldnt work if they were dating. 
they definitely had some sexual tension [obv referring to the netflix series, if they had anything in the mangas lmk], and it was even confirmed by the actors. i believe the translation was that they had kissed in an unreleased part of the show, but they took out the scene. shocker. even if the kiss had been a mistranslated, the sexual tension still gives us enough of an idea. the reunition of chishiya and niragi but not chishiya and kuina also might say something about their relationship, or whether they knew eachother in the real world or not.  we know they dont have any memory of borderland, as proven from arisu and usagi meeting again, so what was the purpose of that? 
i dont really have much to say about the idea of them having a relationship; im cool with it, and it's gotten me interested with their personality dynamic. what do you guys think? this concludes my rant. thank you all for listening!! if theres anything else you would like to see me cover in the aib series, lmk. until next time. <3
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trinrose3 · 7 months
Wanted to write a little fic about James meeting his father again after all these years ...or at least a little bit of the aftermath of it and the feelings that came with it and the circumstance around it.
Obligations are Just a Choice for Some and a Duty to Others
Words: 1564
Character: James, his dad, and Theo, (and a random nurse)
TWs: Mentions of Abuse and a brief description of it
Familial obligation.
James wanted to laugh. The bitter kind of laugh; the one where you know that if you don’t you’ll either scream till your voice turns raw or sob till you drown in your own tears.
How dare he. How dare that man…after all these years… 
He ignored the calls of the nurse who was trying to catch up to him.
She gave one last desperate attempt and reached out to grab his shoulder, “James…”
“What?” He snapped, face red with anger, his heart pounding from it too. Were his ears ringing from it as well or were his hearing aids acting up?
“How are you just going to walk away from him like that?” The nurse tried to berate.
James snorted, “Trust me, very easily.”
 “Although, it would be a lot easier if he didn’t bash my fucking leg in with a baseball bat.” He continued, slamming his cane onto the ground for emphasis. 
She seemed too shocked at his answer if the wide eyes and stammering was any indication. 
“How come you never said anything?” The nurse said, eyebrows knit in confusion and sympathy.
James clenched his teeth and sighed, “It’s already hard enough to get people to think that I’m competent at my job; I don’t need another layer of pity on top of it.” He was finding it hard to swallow, “And besides, it doesn’t make for a good conversation or bedside manner, now does it?”
“I suppose not…” She agreed hesitantly, eyes drifting to the floor, purposefully away from where his cane was.
“Listen, I appreciate you trying to mediate, honest, but some things are better left broken and un-mended.”
“So what do you plan to do?” The nurse asked, shuffling uncomfortably in place. 
“Hand him off to another doctor, inform security to who he is and give them instructions to make sure he leaves me alone, and if he doesn’t die, the second he’s cured, get them to escort him out at the soonest possible moment.”
“But what?” James echoed, “But he’s your father? But he’s family?” 
“I know what he—”
“You don’t know anything!” He cut her off, uncaring that he was starting to cause a disturbance, “like I said, I know you mean well, but drop it.”
James swiftly turned away from her and started storming off and down the hallway, “I’m taking a break; don’t bother me.”
James pretended it was the chill of the air that stung his face and not the tears that were threatening to run down it. 
He watched the people as they passed by from his sad little place on the sad little bench. James wasn’t a jealous or bitter person. However, sometimes he found himself cursing at a god he on longer believed in and wanting answers as to why he couldn’t have one of the most basic things a human should be given; parental love.
“Rough day?”
Well, he wasn’t expecting to hear that voice.
He managed a smile and turned towards the man who had spoken, “Hello, Theo.”
“Mind if I sit?” Theo asked, pointing to the bench as the other clutched a box to his chest.
“All yours.” James replied, and scooted over a bit. 
“So, what’s bothering you?” Theo questioned, gently placing a hand on the others’ back.
James had never been a big fan of being touched but over the last few years had learned to find comfort in it. Even still, he had a hard time not tensing immediately after any contact had been made. However this time James found himself doing something completely unexpected. First, placed his cup of coffee to his unoccupied side, almost robotically, face blank. Then he nearly tossed himself into the other, wrapping his arms around the man like he was his life line.
“Woah!” Theo said, “That bad?”
All James could do was give a small pathetic sob as he nodded and buried his head further into the other’s neck; he smelled like freshly baked oatmeal cookies. They stayed together like that for a few moments; the only thing interrupting their silence was a few muffled sobs and hiccups from the distressed man. 
“Sorry.” James said as he pulled away.
Theo kept his hand on the other’s back and rubbed it “Hey, no worries.”
“Listen, I know you like to keep things to yourself, and that’s okay,” Theo comforted, “but I am here if you need to talk or just have a shoulder to lean on. August and Eric too.”
James smiled somberly, “Thank you.”
“I brought you some cookies.”
“Lucky me.”
Theo handed James the box and watched as he opened it eagerly. They weren’t as young as they used to be but he enjoyed the moments where James’ excitement would get the best of him, as few and far between as they were. He always was a shy and reserved man…
“My father’s in the hospital. They assigned him as my patient.” James stated like he was saying the sky was blue. 
Theo found out the hard way that yes, it was in fact possible to choke on air and your hear that has leaped up into your throat at the same time, “They what?!”
“Well to be quite fair, they had no really clue about how — and pardon my language— much of bastard that dickhead fucking was,” James said, his words a bit muddled from the cookie he had shoved into his mouth.
“So what did you do?”
James paused, and furrowed his brows, “ I wish I could say that I stood up for myself but…” He dropped his head in shame, “In reality I just walked into the room, let him have his whole speech about how ‘proud’ he was of me and how much of a good son I would be if I donated some bone marrow to him or convinced Jess to…”
“That must have been hard…” Theo looked down at his hands as he clasped them together.
" ‘Familial obligation’ he said,” James mocked, “As if he knows the meaning of those words.”
“I mean—” James looked up at the sky, “what does he know of the meaning of that phrase! Familial Obligation? Where was his familial obligation all those years ago, huh?” 
James was starting to get upset again, his chest rising and falling rapidly as memories he had tried to suppress for years came flooding all back, “Why is it that everyone always questions why the child feels no obligation to repair the relationship when the parent was the one who ruined it in the first place?!” 
“I—” Theo tried to speak.
“— I mean I was a kid, what was I supposed to do?” His lips were wobbling, eyes wide with fear, “What am I supposed to do now? If I help him I might as well be saying that I forgive him. If I don’t I might as well just be his killer, and everyone will think I’m in the wrong and that I'm heartless; I mean, why wouldn’t they? They don’t know anything about me!”
James gripped at his chest, “My whole life has been spent in fear of that man. I can’t…I can’t just—”
“It’s okay—”
“No it isn’t!” James barked, fear utterly consuming him as he jolted up from the bench, cane falling on the concrete below, “What the fuck is supposed to be okay? There’s nothing okay with this! This situation isn’t okay! I’m not fucking okay!”
Theo slowly stood up, arms out in a comforting gesture, “You’re right. It’s not okay. You shouldn’t have to deal with this, you shouldn’t have this weight on your shoulders.”
“But I do…” James sniffed.
“But you do..” Theo sadly confirmed. 
“I’m so tired…” James admitted, his voice wavering, almost giving out.
“I know.”
“What do I do?”
Theo wished he had an actual answer as he brought James back into a hug, “I’m sure whatever decision you make will be the right one.”
“That was a non-answer if I’ve ever heard one.” James laughed bitterly.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” James wiped away his tears.
“It’s hard. Sometimes you want to forgive them because they raised you but a part of you knows that they can’t be forgiven for what they’ve done. A part of you will always yearn for the way it was before but there’s no going back,” Theo bent down to grab the cane, “If you ask me, his comfort and anyone else's comfort shouldn’t be worth the risk of your safety.” 
James gently grabbed the cane, “Thank you…”
“Maybe you should take some personal time?” Theo suggested.
“Yeah…I think I should.”
“Maybe you could get a free bereavement period out of it,” Theo jested. 
There it was; that little smile that James liked to hide, the one where he knew something shouldn’t be funny but couldn’t act like it wasn’t. Theo was very happy to see it. 
“I’m gonna…go clock out now.” James said awkwardly gesturing to the hospital doors as he turned to leave.
“Mind if I drive you home?” 
James turned around, “I’d like that.” He said smiling before turning back.
“You’re just happy you get to eat the rest of these cookies in the car!” 
The bark of laughter that erupted from James was all the comfort and confirmation that Theo needed. He’d bake the man some more when they got home. 
Screw that fucking bastard. 
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teaandatale · 2 years
WIP Meme
WIP Wednesday Saturday
Tagged by the awesome @thesokovianaccords
Apparently Saturdays are my productive days so I'd rather not wait until Wednesday to post this. I had a really great writing day for the first time in ages last Saturday, and then have done zero during the week, but I have been working on a fic update that may land before Steggy Week starts.
Here's a little look at Chapter 2 of Play Like a Girl (aka Steve & Peggy coach a girls' pee wee baseball team)
She can see clearly into the park from the vantage point of her front door. Peggy quickly spots the lone figure near the baseball diamond. The sight of Steve Rogers makes her smile before she even consciously realizes it. Peggy bites down on her lip in a half-hearted attempt to tamp down the unexpected feeling. She suddenly wonders if she had somehow ended up planning her morning with the purpose of increasing her chances of running into him.
Peggy shook her head feeling utterly silly. On her approach, Steve looked up and spotting her, gave her an enthusiastic wave. The smile she’s been fighting returns. She hides it behind her travel mug.
“What are you doing?” she asks gesturing to the stack of rainbow-colored towels he was setting out.
“Oh. I had an idea about a better cool down for the girls for today. I was reading that article about schools that are incorporating yoga into the kids’ days, especially as an alternative to detention, and how it’s a better way for them to deal with stress.” He shrugs. “But I forgot about yoga mats, so I got some towels for now. I figure it’ll work for some yoga on the grass.”
Damn him to hell for the image in her head of him leading little girls through stretches and poses. And how she wants nothing more than to stay to see it, experience that adorable picture in person.
“That’s a wonderful idea Steve,” she tells him honestly. His bright grin is worth the honesty. “Between exercising their breathing and learning to stretch properly, I think those are great foundations for being active.”
Steve puts his hands into his pockets and nods. “You’re a fan then. Of yoga, I mean.” He turns a little pink and kicks his shoe in the sand.
She bites back a laugh. “Sure. I’m a fan of many athletic activities. Yoga. Pilates. Kickboxing. Dancing. Fencing. Cricket. All sort of physical activity really.”
He nods, fiddling with his cap. She has a feeling he’s slightly embarrassed. Maybe she overestimated his comfort in being so famous. Curious.
Tagging: @behindthelabels, @captainjimothycarter, @theawkwardterrier, @buckywiththegoodhair86
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solarsonicsoda · 2 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Wrestlemania XXXVII (Saturday)
Bianca Belair def. Sasha Banks (c) for the WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship in 17:16
I’m back reviewing matches four years later now! Bianca is here! Why does her graphic still say “EST of NXT”? Big fireworks for Belair! It’s Boss Time! I forgot about this remix theme. I think this look for Sasha is one of her best, she looks like an absolute mega star to me. My housemate even said so! 
They’re both emotional with the fans back for the first time in a year and the personal situation! Big fight feel! They lock up and Banks has the upper hair but kip up from Belair. Shoving one another leads to a really clean series of reversals. Belair nearly hits the KOD and Banks gets out of dodge. Really cool set up for a Glam Slam but Banks rolls her out of the ring. Baseball slide by Banks, Belair starts to raise her up into a fireman’s carry, but Banks throws her into the ring post. Great dive is rolled through by Belair and she gorilla presses her up the stairs and throws her into the ring. Belair is on top now, and goes for a handspring moonsault, but Banks counters by catching the braid! Big knee and kicks while holding the braid, then a running kick but it's a two-count. Ground and pound then working over Belair in the corners and on the mat. Belair breaks out and Banks is launched to the apron, but she counters and vaults over but is caught into a cool slam by Belair. Banks grabs the braid and tries to pull Belair into the post, but Belair does so instead. Banks goes for running knees but hits the barricade instead. Gotta beat the count and they do. Cradle inside but Bianca turns it into a stalling suplex, using the ropes to keep her up and twice lifting up from Banks’ escape attempts. This match is awesome btw as we have a double down. 
Banks goes for a rope walk holding the braid but Belair drags her back and is on the loose. Great strikes and a standing ssp. Charges into the corner and takes her out. 450 but Banks gets her knees up! Bianca and Banks exchange leverage pins then Bianca counters a Banks running attack into double powerbombs. Banks kicks out but Belair holds on, but a third powerbomb is countered. Absolutely wild double springboard tornado DDT from Banks. Frog splash to Belair but Banks still doesn't win it. Targeting the arm on the apron and a brutal throw into the steps. She then gets Cole to say Boss Time. In the ring, Banks uses the braid to target the arm and locks in the Banks Statement! She rolls it back but then Belair rolls it back and gets the ropes! Banks uses her time and tries to weaken Belair. She’s not happy but Belair sends her into the corner. Superplex position but Banks pushes her back. Run up from Belair but ends up in the tree of woe. Stomps from Banks but Belair ducks the leaping stomp, and rolls up from the running knees. 450 splash but it's only a 2-count! Belair is stressing, she can't believe it! KOD set up but Banks rolls out with the braid in hand. She tries again to use it, but Belair says no. Yanks it back and HOLY COW! Genuine whip crack. Banks’ stomach was a state from that. KOD attempt but Sasha tries to reverse into the backstabber, but Belair spins it around into a KOD! Deep pin, 1. 2, 3! BELAIR WINS IT and her dad nearly launches himself over the barricade. 
Pros: Great energy, emotional, great pace, great winner, brutal and exciting finish Cons: That we haven't had more Banks/Belair matches
This match is an all-timer for me. I was in love with that match on that night and I was worried it wouldn't live up. I had no need to worry. Just the second women’s main event in Wrestlemania history, the first one-on-one match, and it was simply sublime. Incredible incredible stuff, I love it from start to end and it takes time to breathe whilst never being slow. Great use of replays aided this beautifully. Genuinely one of my favourite Wrestlemania matches ever, and I was passionately counting the three and cheering like I was on the night.
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Sports and Regional Brands
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Let’s talks sports! At first glance, sports may seems an odd diversion from my usual planning rants and photography, but sports have been deeply intertwined within the American urban fabric. New stadiums are built at breakneck speed and major professional franchises are lucrative bargaining chips owners can use to empty city coffers and bolster their personal prestige. A professional franchise is seen as a major asset, and there are still a few cities that can be goosed up for a move to the majors. With the stigma on sports betting gone, Las Vegas and its casino dollars have been in play for some time now and the city has quickly obtained a professional hockey and football team.  
Sports has also become the keystone for a decadent American culture of excess. Professional sports organizations have a penchant for taking the most banal and inane aspects of the sports experience and monetizing them to death. Even the mild diversion of watching college players get selected by pro teams has become bloated beyond belief, complete with an elaborate outdoor spectacle and host cities contributing millions of dollars to secure the event. Has your small city achieved minor notoriety as a training site for a professional team? Well be prepared to pony up some funds to maintain that status. How about broadcasting NFL games on Nickelodeon with low-effort gimmicks to attract younger viewers and cultivate a new audience? A few cheap marketing ploys can be tolerable, even mildly amusing to some, but the big picture that forms around professional sports is one of cynical opportunism and rampant rent-seeking.   
Sports ownership too is fraught with land mines. A city may be blessed to have a low-profile, competent owner or it can be cursed with some plutocrat who would love nothing more than to move the team to greener pastures. In our increasingly globalized world, sports ownership often falls to owners with marginal stake in their communities who take a kind of mercenary attitude to their franchises. The notion that owners of professional sports franchises are assholes is nothing new necessarily. Pro sports has been a pretty rotten endeavor for longer than most of us would like to admit, but fans could take small consolation in that while owners were assholes, they were generally assholes with a stake in the local economy. For example, former Cincinnati Reds owners Marge Schott may be loathsome by contemporary standards and her acumen as a team owner did leave something to be desired. However, she did keep ticket prices low and used her personal wealth to enrich important city institutions and assets.  
Some sports may be more amenable to reform than others due to the nature of their fanbase. NASCAR, for example, is deeply connected to the South and attempts to expand the brand in the 2000′s have largely backfired. Today there appears to be some interest in bringing the brand back to its roots as historic tracks like North Wilkesboro Speedway are hosting NASCAR events once more. Major League Baseball may be heading towards a reckoning as well as attendance has plummeted precipitously in the league, while other major leagues have largely held serve. The NFL and NBA though remain the major stumbling blocks to a better sports experience. The NFL is still wildly popular, with the Super Bowl being one of the few remaining mass culture events in America. While NBA team brands are less lucrative than in football, elite players such as Lebron James remain household names that can secure major endorsement deals from a bevy of large companies.
My own impressions are that pro sports can best be reformed only after it dies a horrible death. Few operations live and die as much by the personal eccentricities of their owners as professional sports operations do and I don’t see the mindless expansions, relocations and unrelenting monetization of all aspects of professional sports operations ceasing until the franchises start to hemorrhage money. For 10 dollars I can watch multiple amateur wrestling matches a night and see interesting stunts and feat of strength, so why shelve out lots of money to see one pro game? Today professional sports is essentially an exercise in rubbernecking, a car wreck with giant egos and temperamental personalities to boot. Its entertaining in a tabloid sort of way, but it isn’t something that is worth your time and, more importantly, your money.
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These Violent delights leads to violent ends
Such Violent Delight Often Leads to Violent Ends
By Shane Patrick LaGrange
This is dedicated to those greats, which passed to soon.
            Wrestling, it is the age-old combat between gladiators. Good vs Evil. It is a violent world abet staged, but we the fans love it. 
            The square circle is their domain. Frequently, a myriad of guests appeared on the program. Curley of the Three Stooges, The Muppets to SNL’s Collin Josh. In case things went off script as they often do (That is how the conflict begins). To do this, I imagine celebrity guest must sign a form saying they will not sue. This lets the promoter knows, sure, hit me with a metal chair and put that Stank into it. Yesh, I would love to be face planted into the mat by Alexa Bliss. I would decline (not a fan of immense pain). Heaven help me if Rhea Ripley steps into the ring
            Of course, not all, ninety- eight percent of wrestlers passed away to do organ failure or brain injury, or disease.
            Browsing through various Wikipedia, wrestlers to follow on Instagram, I came across Nancy Benoit. I was saddened to hear about her sudden death. To countless fans, she was Fallen Angel. To others, Jenny Green aka the enigmatic Woman. These names are symbolic, as the harbinger of Kevin Sullivan. Where she went Sullivan was not far behind.
            She was found dead, in her home. Both her and her son, both strangled. The crime was presented over her husband: Chris Beloit but alter waiting for his crimes in jail, decided to commit suicide.
I and my wife are huge wrestling. It started with Mid-South wrestling back in 1986.with Cowboy Bill Watts. This was my Saturday morning. No theatrics. Just guys beating the snot out of each other. Great strategy having them come out, so the channel will not be changed. I watch through TNT Nitro and the Nitro Girls. Yes, I know it is staged except where the belts are concern;  then it was every man for himself or women as it is now. Thanks to the Bella twins for the rise in woman power, and not being the arm candy or ego strokers.
It got me thinking. Wrestling, like all contact sports is violent. Any type of sport event is going to be. Football for example back in the 60s and 70s, when Linebackers were assassins, and bonuses were poured out to players that took someone out like the Quarterback out for a season of two. Even though it is illegal, I can catch one or two being suitable about it.
This is my ode for some of the more violent ways, they died.
Janet Wolfe. Born 1933-1951. Her cause of death: in a match with Ella Walddek, was body slammed so viciously to the mat, it caused a ruptured vein in her stomach. She collapsed to the ring mat, later that night. Her death caused by a brain hemorrhage, and on 4am July thirty-eight., she passed away at the early age of eighteen.
Owen Hart is the most tragic death. Trying the TNT’s argument with Flair and the New World Order, trying a Sting like maneuver where he would drop down holding a baseball bat, the cable snapped, sending falling fifty feet.to the canvas. Below, after attempting a Sting like move, where he would be lowered via a cable. No one was sure what to make of it;  everyone expected him to slowly get up. He died on the spot, and thanks to Jim Ross, the family launched a suit, receiving eighteen million for her and her son.
Christopher Barton Von Erich. Otherwise known as Chris Von Erich of the high flying Von Erich family. Trained by the legendary Fritz Von Eric himself, he died by a self-inflicted gunshot to the head after learning of the unfortunate demise of his brother, Mike Von Erich in 1987. November thirtieth, He was shot in Baltimore. Shot to death by an angry husband (see expose in Hustler Magazine.2008), that Chis was seeing.
JYD-The Junk Yard Dog otherwise known as Sylvester Ritter, he always entered the ring with his signature chains and dog collar, an incredible athlete, JYD passed away from a single car accident, June 1st. Most notably, he became the First Black wrestler, to be make top star of wrestling. Never one to bring in someone new to get rid of a group, JYD went off against rule -breaking Michael Hayes. Finally, the Freebirds splashed hair cream in JYD’s face blinded him. Later, in a steel cage match, still blinded, he and Michael “P S “squared off. Hayes never one to read the contract being more in interested in the money and video’s, it was easy to slip in a “Ringer,” like Thunderbolt Patterson.
Chris Adams. He was best known as the Gentlemen Wrestler. In April 2000, he, and his girlfriend, was found inside a friend’s apartment. Overdose on GHB and alcohol. He (Chris Adams), recovered, but Linda Kaphengst died at the hospital ten hours later. Chris was arrested and indicted. On a manslaughter charges, for the death of Kaphengst. In October 2001, while awaiting trial, he was fatally shot in the chest during a drunkard brawl with Brent “Booray” Parnell. The gun owner claimed self-defense and was acquitted of all charges.
Wrestling star, Joan Marie Laurer or best known as, Chyna  ; On April twentieth, 2016, was found dead in her Redondo Beach, California in April. She was forty-six. Anthony Anzaido, her manager, becoming concern after the superstar was not into her social Media outlet. Went to see in her apartment. The cause of death was eighter drugs or natural causes.
Ms. Elizbeth and Randy “Macho Man” Savage, secretly married to the soft-spoken woman. Randy Savage was a man I considered to be wound tighter than a Swiss watch. He died while suffering a heart attack and ran his car onto a tree. Elizabeth Ann Hulette aka the beautiful Leggy reserved and soft-spoken Ms. Elizabeth. She was also ringside along with Savage while he partnered up with Hulk Hogan to face Andrea the Giant and Ted Debase. Ms. Elizabeth ripped her skirt revealing her panties. Distracting The Giant which gave Hogan and Savage enough time to gain their breath. Her Siren come hither Helen of Troy looks, caused many a feud between George: The Animal” Steele, Honky Tonk man, and Ric Flair.
In conclusion, not all wrestlers perished by those other means, discussed, with several, it was plain natural cause or unknown cause of death.
Tired of the numerous storylines, I took a break from the sport. Especially after TNT’s New World Order and The Powers that be.
Today’s superstars, their life in the squared circle, is just as touchy. Such names as John Moxley, Judgement Day, Ronda Rousey, Liv Morgan, Damage Control and Roman Reign” Acknowledge Me!! “(To name a few). Ladder matches, the I quit, Their in-squared life more brutal. More impulsively, not so much the billions of storylines (exaggerated). It is still that battle over titles. Interference in matches, retaliation backstage, that fans tune into.
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teacherintransition · 2 years
Let’s Face it…Life is too Short…
to Let Fear Make Decisions!
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" Vincent Van Gogh
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Blog writing 101: Write a title that grabs the readers attention. Hell, everyone wants more time. I suppose there’s a part of our populace that would look at the title and say, “well golly gee, I got time runnin outta the ears…I got so much time …I got no place to put it; move all that time outta here!” Surely, I jest …surely. The amount of time and the severe feeling of lacking it, is oh so relative and dependent on your time of life. Raising kids and doing career…I don’t even wanna know from that anymore….there’s was no time! I did it and I think it was done well. Here we are … in the gentle area of retirement; all we have is time….Don’t…you…believe…it!
From these enlightened pages, I’ve preached the glory of retirement being the time for you, time free from stress, time to do all the things you want. Well, it sounds good for an ad for retiring, but the truth of that is slightly askew. No judgement zone here, if retirement is you napping in the hammock or rocking the rocker…you go! You’ve earned the privilege of doing your thing. I’ll write from the perspective I know best …mine and that of the other members of the great triumvirate…Rudolpho and Radolpho.
We all approached this time of our lives as more of a beginning of life than a slowing down. There would finally be time to focus on me…what excites me…personal growth. The human condition is what it is, and the same insecurities that tormented you as a young human are still hanging around when you retire. Caleb Wojcik, a film and videography instructor I’ve run across in my reading analyzed comments on a video he put together on fear. He shares:
Based on hearing from readers of Pocket Changed, one of the biggest fears people have in their lives is failure.
* Afraid they won't succeed if they try something new
* Fear that they might never "make it" doing what they are passionate about
* Fear that keeps them from following their heart*
Now, one would think that these three states of mind would no longer be an issue, but au contraire my fellow sojourners of life…here they be! Almost verbatim. I suppose there is somewhat of a safety cushion knowing that you had a career that you gave your life to; you raised a family who you loved completely and you made a home that gave security. You have nothing to prove to anyone….except yourself. Ugh, dammit STILL!? If you have goals and dreams beyond the hammock….you’ll either achieve them or you won’t, there it is sports fans. Stress, performance anxiety, pressure…just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in
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The dilemma I think I have come across is not just making a good show at my dreams, but focusing on them to the point that spontaneity in trying new experiences outside my goal parameters is suffering. When you’re raising your family, you often had to turn down out of the box adventures because of real, responsible reasons. “We can’t afford to do that” or “on weekends, the boys have baseball tournaments “ or “work takes up too much time;” all of these reasons are based in familial obligation and devotion. Now, you have time? You certainly have it to pursue the dreams, but a tunnel vision based on just those particular things can rob you of the spontaneous, unplanned experiences that keeps life exciting.
Am I writing? Yes. Am I selling my art? Yes. Are we traveling? Yes. Am I working out? Yes. Have I started playing golf again? No. Have I toured museums? No, not really. Have I just gone out to the middle of nowhere and just camped a couple of days? No. Volunteer work? A couple of times. Here’s the conundrum: staying focused on the particulars and not having time for serendipitous living. What are we saying “no” to in life? Why? Walking the edge of not turning retirement into a stressful race and a time of not trying anything different is a real problem.
All of this is subjective thinking, maybe I’m the only one feeling like I’m missing something…perhaps you have it all together….man! Perhaps this food for thought is just admonition not to close your mind to something new that comes across your path. I just want to know why I might be saying no to certain things. I was heavily involved with writing yesterday and knew it was my workout day. As a consequence, I turned down a rescue run for some dogs in Keller. Was it wrong? I dunno…I feel like my “schedule” denied me a chance to do some good and have some fun. What’s good for you at twenty is also good for you at fifty six. I guess you STILL have to learn you can’t do it all in one day. If something comes from left field…go with it. The restraints of life and obligation have been loosened (not ignored…oh hell that a whole other topic) don’t replace them with new restraints that remove the variety of new days!
*Wojcik, Caleb; “50 Inspiring Quotes to Help You Overcome the Fear of Failure;” https://www.calebwojcik.com; 30/01/2012; Caleb Wojcik Films L.L.C
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rekarra · 2 years
Brain Break #31
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Rating: NSFW-ish
Genre: Crack? Smut?
Word Count: 2466
Warnings: Dummies being dummies, a little somnophilia- but like, they were both asleep when things happen, but they both wake up before anything serious happens.
Author’s Note: Listen, I am a Tae stan, but I have A LOT of feelings about Jungkook. Don't touch me.
My Masterlist
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Of course, you had to share a room with him. Of course, there was only one bed. Why couldn’t your life be simple and normal?
But nnnoooo.
Your life had to be a fucking romance book trope. Right down to the crush you’d developed on your childhood best friend, who you now had to share this god-forsaken hotel room. Served you right for not having the forethought to actually book a room when you'd booked the flight. No, you just had to leave your sleeping arrangements up to fate on this trip.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Standing in shock at the predicament you’d gotten the both of you into, you could feel the heat of embarrassment warm your cheeks as you heard Jungkook walk through the door. Why did he have to look like that as he carried your combined luggage? Why did he have to grow into someone who looked like he should be on the cover of GQ? And why did he have to do it all wearing a thin white shirt and gray sweatpants?!
A shake of your head cleared the unholy thoughts that started to form in your mind, you had the good graces to at least feign bashfulness when he looked around the small hotel room he’d have to share with you. Watching the way his grip tightened on the handles of the duffle bags he carried, you couldn’t help letting your eyes drift over how the muscles of his arms flexed, tattoos on full display as he sat the bags on the dresser.
“Well, we’ve definitely been in worse places.” Jungkook chuckled wryly, your heart sinking into your stomach.
Fucking get it together. Sharing a room with him is NOT a good idea.
Burying your face in your hands with a groan, you turned away from him, an attempt to collect yourself. Taking a deep breath, you rubbed your hands down your cheeks before whirling to deal with him again, a more than obviously fake smile plastered across your mouth. “It’s fine. This is fine. I’ll just go down to the front desk and see if there's another room.” Even to you, your voice sounded too chipper.
“Funny, it doesn’t look like the room is on fire,” Jungkook chuckled, real laughter this time.
Rolling your eyes, you huffed, “You can’t just go around speaking in memes, Kook.”
“Hmmm,” He placed his hand on his chin, thumb rubbing across it as though he were actually using any of the presumed brain cells in his head. “Pretty sure I can.”
A frustrated sound left your throat before you put your legs in motion, attempting to walk past the idiot so you could go down and talk to the front desk. You came to halt as said idiot grabbed your wrist, holding you in place.
“Oh, come on, Nugget. It’ll be okay,” You cringed at the childhood nickname Jungkook couldn’t seem to let go of. As if eating 30 chicken nuggets in one sitting wasn’t something he did on the daily now. You’d been thirteen and had skipped lunch before band rehearsal. By the time he’d gotten done with baseball practice, that you had waited through without complaint, you would have traded your most prized position for even a single nugget.
Oblivious to how you reacted to the name, Jungkook pulled you to him, his arms wrapping around you in a sort of bear hug. He trapped your arms to your sides with his own, his large body radiating heat against your back as he placed his chin on your shoulder. "I'll just sleep on the floor or in the tub." He laughed quietly, his breath fanning against your ear and cheek as he spoke.
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down had been a bad idea with him so close. Underneath his cologne and the scent of clean laundry was something unmistakably Jungkook. That smell with so many memories tied to it. Memories of when you first met him in third grade and he’d been the new kid in school, of climbing trees during summer breaks, of safety when things would get bad at home and you’d run to his house, his family always welcoming you with open arms. And lately, it seemed that scent had a direct line to your libido.
Clearing your throat, you regained your composure as you pulled away from him, your duffle bag now the most interesting thing in the room. “Fine,” You stated, beginning to pull your clothes out. “We’ll keep this room,” You could feel Jungkook bounce on his toes with excitement that had you smiling. “For tonight.” You continued, looking back at him as his shoulders drooped. The corner of your mouth turned up in a half-smile. “Can’t have my little Kookie waking up with his back thrown out all because he thought sleeping in the bathtub, of all places.”
Jungkook’s face contorted in an unhinged expression over the pet name, nose wrinkling as his top lip raised. Unable to stop the giggle that rose from your throat, you gave in, laughing with your whole body at him. See, not so nice to have a stupid nickname, you thought at him. Scrunching your face up over how cute he could be, you tapped the end of his nose with the tip of your finger before turning back to finish unpacking. “Let’s go eat,” You said, having put the last of your clothes away. “I’m fucking starving, so I know you’re hungry.”
“Hey! The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Jungkook gave all the appearance of indignation.
“You know exactly what I mean. How much ramen did you eat that one night? Six packets?” Folding your arms over your chest, lifting an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, but like, there was a dare involved and you know I can’t back down from a dare. A dare’s a dare” He whined.
“Whatever,” You replied, grabbing the clothes you’d left out to get changed into. A quick glance between the outfit you’d picked up and Jungkook, you cleared your throat. “Do you think you could like… I don’t know, leave so I can change?”
Jungkook huffed, “Geeze, first you get a room that I can’t sleep in and now you want to kick me out of it? Woooow…”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you felt the headache coming. You needed to eat, and in order to do that, you had to change. That couldn’t happen with him here. “Look, just go to the bathroom or something.”
“Banishing me to my room already, I see.” He whined that stupid smile that showed his front teeth off stretched across his stupidly good-looking face. It was enough to make you want to either throw something at him or throw him on the bed.
Pressing your fingers into your eyes, you mentally counted down from ten before speaking slowly. “Jungkook, please. I’m hungry.” You put more emphasis on that last word, hoping that he’d get it through his skull that you were on the verge of hanger.
Looking up, you watched him put his hands in front of his body, a joking defensive gesture. “Fine, fine, I’ll just go to the bathroom. You know, check out my bed. Make sure the water gets hot. No need to get all mean to me, Nugget.”
Clenching your jaw, you watched him walk into the bathroom. You didn’t start changing until you heard the door lock then quickly ditched what you’d had on for something a little more put together, but still comfortable.
Talking a little louder than normal, you let him know he could come out as you were putting your boots on. Hearing the door open, then silence, you looked up as soon as you’d finished lacing the black leather.
Baby fawns caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck had nothing on Jungkook. His eyes were so large and unblinking that he appeared to not have eyelids at all, his mouth gaped open, head tilted to the side. Narrowing your own eyes, you snapped your fingers at him. “Hello? Earth to Jungkook. Come in, space cadet.”
Shaking his head in much the same manner you had earlier, you watched as the synapses in his brain started firing again as he rapidly blinked his eyes. “Right,” Jungkook cleared his throat. “Guess I should get changed too.” He said, looking down at his attire as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Turning to head into the bathroom he’d just vacated, you took this time to try and slow your rapidly beating heart. That look couldn’t have meant anything, right? It certainly couldn’t have meant what your imagination wanted it to mean. Giving yourself a quick look in the harsh light of the mirror, you shrugged your shoulders. Good enough, you thought. Not like you needed to impress anyone. This was meant to be a relaxing vacation, which was something that couldn’t start until Jungkook was safely in his own room. Hearing what had to be the same muffled tone he’d heard earlier, you sighed before hyping yourself up. We can do this. It’ll be fine.
Nothing would have ever prepared you for what you saw as you entered the room. Jungkook was still pulling his shirt over his head, giving you an uninterrupted view of how broad his shoulders have become. Guess your little Kookie wasn’t so little anymore. As he turned, you averted your eyes, hoping he would be able to see how warm your cheeks had become. Still, you couldn’t help sneaking careful glances at his toned stomach and narrow hips. A defeated sigh left you.
“What’s up, buttercup?” Jungkook asked as he took you in.
“Nothing,” You said a little too quickly. “Just hungry and I’m stuck here, waiting on your slow ass.”
Pulling his shirt down where it belonged, he hastily threw his shoes on, standing before you. “This okay?” He lifted his brows, the flash from the jewelry in the one twinkling in the light as he looked for your approval.
“F-Fine.” Cringing inwardly as your voice cracked, you turned on your heel, making your way to the door, trying your best to focus on food. Everything would be better once you ate, you hoped.
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Dinner was uneventful, the both of you feeling full and tired as you finished your meal. Checking your watch, you thanked yourself silently for having booked your flight so you arrived later in the afternoon, allowing you to be able to sleep through the jet lag and get you on a normal schedule.
“Ready to head back?” Jungkook asked through a yawn.
Nodding, you stood, leading the way out.
Back in your shared room, still stupid, you thought to yourself, you flopped down on the bed. Hearing Jungkook move around the room, you felt a tug on the blanket you were currently spread out on, whining before you rolled over, letting him pull it from the bed.
“Okay,” He said, voice a little small. “Guess I’ll sleep on the floor?”
You nodded, already feeling tiredness drag you under. Moving so at least you’d have a pillow under your head, you curled up, fighting for a second to get your body under the covers before sleep claimed you.
In what had felt like only a few seconds, the mattress dipped down next to you. An angry whine left your lip as you cracked your eyes open, seeing Jungkook right in front of you as he climbed onto the bed beside you.
“Kook, what are you doing?” You mumbled.
“Shhh.” He whispered, and even in the dark, you could see his bright smile through your slitted eyes. He lifted the blankets you’d been under. “Just gonna scooch in here real quick, pardon me.” A heartbeat of silence that almost had you back to sleep, “We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”
Groaning, you ripped the pillow from under your head, launching it in the direction you’d heard his voice. “I swear on everything you hold dear if you don’t shut up…”
A soft ‘oof’ came from somewhere beside you before a soft chuckle. “Go back to sleep.” He said in a whisper that you barely heard, sleep already pulling you back under.
It was hot. So hot. You whimpered, grinding your hips into the hard surface wedged between your legs, your brain focused on the sole thought that if you could just keep going, you’d cool off. A little shift and your sensitive core rubbed in just the right way to have you moaning. Just a little more. The echoing moan to yours wasn’t supposed to be there. It was enough to have your mind reeling, wondering how you could make it happen again. Repeating the motion, you were rewarded with the same sound. And it was still too hot.
Blinking your eyes, the overly hot feeling followed from your dream as you started to wake up. The suffocating heat was the first thing you noticed in the pitch-black room. You tried getting your bearings, but a weight across your middle pinned you down to the bed. The realization of where you were and who you were with hit you. Feeling his thigh slotted between your legs, the dampness from your sex soaking through your underwear, you started to panic. Your eyes finally focusing on the half-lidded ones staring back at you, a shift of his hips pressed his arousal into your thigh.
“Don't stop,” He whispered, breaking the silence of the dark. With a jolt, you tried to untangle your limbs from him but were only met by his strong arms holding you in place, his fingers pressing against your back. “Please.” You could hear the desperation in his voice, mirroring the one that was in your head. It would be so easy to just…
Quickly shaking your head, you looked back into his stupid, sparkling eyes, a soft inhale of breath. “Jungkook?” You questioned, hesitantly.
“Please. I’ve been thinking about this for so long. You have to know how I feel about you.” He spoke softly into the quiet space between the two of you.
Releasing a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding, you looked away from how he looked back at you, placing a hand against his chest, pushing slightly. “Things will be different.”
“Don't care,” He mumbled with a pout. “We’ll figure it out.”
He looked determined and, much like with everything else the two of you have been through, you knew you’d both be okay. Leaning in, you gently placed your lips against his, feeling the small smile as he sighed, pulling you closer as your hand gently cupped his cheek. You allowed your body to relax against him. He was still Jungkook. Still your Kookie. But maybe now, he could actually be yours.
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juniaships · 2 years
Buck Cluck Deserves the Hate
Or, how to make a kfc meal 😈😈😈😈
Nowadays when I think of Chicken Little I think of it as a failed attempt at emulating Shrek without actually bothering to look into what made Shrek so memorable. Is it because it had likable characters? A plot that satirizes fairytales yet at the same time takes itself seriously? Well crafted jokes?
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Well if you're looking for that in Chicken Little...you won't get it!
But this post isn't to review the film itself, no, what I'm here to do is give a certain character a well-deserved roasting befitting a Sunday meal at KFC. Hating this guy has become something of an past-time; perhaps this comment which has now been reached to levels of legendary might ring a bell:
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Yes. Tonight I'll be serving a steaming plate of chicken right from the virtual oven!
To start, Buck is the father of the titular character and a lazy one at that. In the beginning of tbr film he troes to appease a crowd of angry civilians after his son caused mass hysteria that nearly ruined their lives. While their reactions are realistic enough, it's rather vile to direct hate towards a child for the crome of...being a child. Children are dumb and naturally stuff lile this could be a great learning experience!
Learning? In this town? Not a chance!
One year later the Littles (or Clucks, shouldn't it be called Buck Little well that describes the size of his cock but anyways) the Little Cocks are now ostracized and Chicken being a social pariah. From Buck's expressions and words, we can see how embarrassed he is by the whole thing. But the thing is here buck they didn't make a movie about you they made a movie about your kid!
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One boring scene after another and very soon Chicken joins a baseball team! Yay! Now he can go out there show everyon8e what's he made of and make his daddy proud!
Now here is things get weird: aome people defend - yes DEFEND - Buck using this scene. But it doesn't work on liege of too little too late. This dude had the entire movie to treat Chicken Little like somebody and waited until the last minute to bother with him. And his apology comes off rather fake. It was so satisfying seeing Chicken call him out on his crap!
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The most infamous wiki page in the history of wiki pages.
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The mere mention of thus pissbucket is enough to set off a horde of rightfully enraged fans. Now some do come to his defense citing his eventual turn around. But the fact it took an alien invasion and his own son calling him out to do so shows that Buck is simply ineffectual. He can't truly think for himself. That's why he always goes with the crowd. It's the easy choice even at the cost of his son's self esteem. And for what? Because Chicken didn't peak in middle school??
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What a coward!!!
Anyways I have little else to say about this raging cock other than the fact he is one of the worse of not THE worse character to come out of the house of Mouse. The only happily ever after he deserves is being the main course at sunday dinner!
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Anyways that's my Friday roast session. Got any suggestions on the next character i can pick apart? Send it in the ask box!!
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