#mullette angst
honeybeelilac · 4 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Hamilton - Miranda, Hamilton - Miranda (Broadway Cast) RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens Characters: Hercules Mulligan, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Aaron Burr, Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, George Washington Additional Tags: Fluff, Stripper Lafayette, lafayette is a prostitute, Alternate Universe - Prostitution, Lams - Freeform, mullette, Lingerie, Pansexual Hercules Mulligan, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Flirty Marquis de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette Speaks French, Mentioned lams - Freeform, Alex and John are getting married, very gay, Alternate Universe - Escorts, Jealousy, Jealous John Laurens, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Angst, Hurt Marquis de Lafayette, Attempted Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Past Rape/Non-con, Hurt/Comfort, Sad and Sweet, escort lafayette, Mental Health Issues, Fluff and Angst Summary:
When Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens get engaged, they decide that they want to celebrate by going to a strip club. Hercules Mulligan is not amused, the last place he would find himself is in a strip club.
He changes his mind when he meets a young escort who goes by the name Lafayette.
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Only Know You Love Him When You Let Him Go Pt.1
Read it on AO3 HERE
When Alexander left for the bar that night, it was to have a fun night with his boyfriend. He ended up staying to get so wasted he would forget that he got dumped after over an hour of Alexander trying to have fun, and John finding reasons to just stay in a far corner.
“Jackie, what’s wrong? You’ve been so distant all night. Are you alright?” Alexander spoke softly, hoping John couldn’t see how worried he was. He reached across the table, forgetting his attempt so seem fine when John jerked his hand away from him.
“I think we should break up…” was all John had to say before silently getting up, paying for his tab and leaving, leaving Alexander sitting there, looking after him. He was known for always having something to say, but as he watched John walk out he had nothing to say. He sat there silently for a few minutes before getting up and ordering another drink. He refused to let himself cry, and instead decided to try and forget what he had just heard.
Of all people…
»»————- ————-««
Just as Thomas was laying down to go to sleep, Alexander barged into their dorm, tripping over a pile of books. He sighed, sitting up and turning the light on, only to see Alexander still on the floor.
“What the hell? I was just about to go to sleep.”
Thomas watched as Alexander tried to get up, only to fall over again, this time with a louder thud. He got up and walked over, reaching out a hand to help him up. “Are you drunk or something?” He asked as Alexander took his hand, struggling to stand.
All he got in response was a nod, before he watched Alexander quickly make his way to the bathroom, the sound of him throwing up clear in the room. Thomas sighed, grabbing some advil and a glass of water before joining Alexander in the bathroom. The smaller man was sitting with his back against the bathtub, his hair messed up. He knelt down next to him, handing him the pills and the water. Without the need to say anything, Alexander smiled gratefully, taking the pills and downing the water.
Thomas helped Alexander pull his hair into a bun to prevent any puke from getting in it, luckily finishing just before Alexander had another round of throwing up.
After a while of Alexander throwing up and Thomas getting him water each time, Thomas decided to get him some clothing to change into. He grabbed a sweater he was sure the small man had stolen from his boyfriend, as it was gigantic and some sweatpants, walking back in and setting them down next to him. After one glance at the sweater Alexander broke into tears, shaking on the floor. He looked like a mess.
“Hey… breathe. It’s alright.” Thomas asked as he moved down to hug him.
“It’s not okay. It’ll never be okay. I’m alone again.” He spoke between sobs, resting his head on Thomas’ shoulder. “John just dumped me for god knows what, and now im crying in a bathroom, confiding in you of all people.” Thomas looked taken aback by the last statement, but didn’t let go. He stayed silent however, unsure of what to say.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, Alexander sobbing into Thomas’ shoulder, while Thomas just sat there quietly. When Alexander finally pulled away, Thomas dropped his arms, looking at him.
“Sorry… I shouldn’t have freaked out like that.” Thomas felt bad as he saw Alexander look down, seeming to be focused on the tile.
“Don’t be. It’s alright. You had a rough night.” He stood up and left the bathroom, taking the sweater with him. A few moments later he reentered, tossing Alexander one of his sweaters. “Now get changed and go lay down. It’s late,”
Alexander nodded and carefully stood up, watching as Thomas left the bathroom. Once the door was closed he took a moment to look at the sweater Thomas had given him. He knew it wasn’t his or John’s… He tried not to cry as he thought of the name.
When he re emerged a few minutes later, the sweater dangling of this small frame he noticed Thomas was already laying in bed, a light off. Alexander made his way to his bed, turning off the light. He didn’t bother with pulling a blanket over himself. He knew he’s find a way to cocoon himself in his blankets one way or another.
»»————- ————-««
Over the course of the next week, Alexander begun hanging out with Thomas and James in place of John. As Lafayette and Hercules were still vacationing in France, it was his best option, apart from sulking in his bed. He had begin to ignore his phone completely, not answering calls or texts, knowing people would just be asking how he was doing. It was nice, being around Thomas and James. He could argue and debate with them, which was something he admittedly enjoyed doing.
It was actually nice, though. He had originally grown to dislike the pair of them, but after actually getting to know them, he learned they weren’t as bad as he had originally thought. I’m sure Laf would be loving this. He thought. Alexander was excited for his friends to get back. It was odd enough not having John bugging him at all hours, and some familiarity would be nice. Sighing, He decided he needed to go and do something. His mind was going off, and last time it started doing that he ended up in tears.
Thomas was the first one to notice Alexander staring off into space. He walked over and set a hand on his shoulder, smiling when Alexander looked up at him. “You alright?”
“Yea.” Alexander nodded. “I’m fine… we should go do something. Get out of the dorm for a bit.”
“Alright. Why don’t we go get some coffee at that quaint little shop on the corner.”
“Sounds good.” Alexander stood up and stretched, Thomas noticing he was wearing the sweater he had given him again. There was no way he was getting it back at this point. He knew Alexander tended to steal everyone’s sweaters and warm clothing.
»»————- ————-««
John made a small growl when he awoke to James vacuuming their room. He rolled over and pulled a pillow over his head. “Ughh. It’s so early. Why are you cleaning already?”
All he got was a dirty look from James.
John sat up and ran a hand through his tangled hair. “It's literally 8 in the morning on a goddamn Saturday.”
James turned off the vacuum and silently put it away, before walking back over to John. “I have tried to be as calm about this as possible. I have tried to ignore you, and all your bullshit. But I can’t! It’s so goddamn annoying! You act like nothing's wrong! You act like it’s okay that Alexander showed up at his dorm at three in the morning, drunk off his ass and barely able to stand!”
“I didn't-” John was cut off by James.
“You didn't care. You just up and left him at the damn bar after breaking his damn heart! I get a call the next morning from Thomas telling me to bring some painkillers and tea, because Alexander was probably going to have a shitty hangover. And you couldn’t have chosen a worse time to pull something like this, as his other friends are in fucking France, halfway across the world. Unable to help him or do anything!” By the end of his rant, he was breathing heavily, walking out off the room red in the face.
John watched silently as James left their room. Since when had Alexander gotten so close with Thomas and James?
»»————- ————-««
“I’m telling you! Something is up with them! Neither have answered their phones in a week, and I can’t even get ahold of Thomas!” Lafayette said quickly as he paced the room.
“Laf, just breathe. I’m sure everything is fine.” Hercules watched from a couch as his boyfriend walked in repetitive circles.
“But what if something happened to them?” Lafayette stopped in front of him, frowning.
“I doubt something happened. Worst case scenario, Alex’s body finally caught up with the fact the man never sleeps.” Hercules was smiling even as he said it, letting out an ouch! When Lafayette proceeded to hit him.
“It’s not funny Herc!”
“Fine. Why don’t we try calling Madison. I mean if you’re close with Jefferson and they’ve been friends their whole lives, you have his number, correct?”
Lafayette nodded and pulled out his phone. “I haven’t used it in years but yes, I have his number.” With a small smile, Lafayette sat down next to Hercules, who wrapped an arm around him. He dialed the number, putting it on speaker.
»»————- ————-««
James was sitting in a coffee shop with Alexander and Thomas when his phone rang. He pulled it out, looking at in confusion.
“Who is it?” James heard Thomas ask, pulling him out of his mind.
“It’s Lafayette.” He answered the phone, putting it on speaker so the others could hear. “Hello?”
“James! It’s been a while. How are you?” Lafayette’s voice was worried on the other side, earning a concerned look from Alexander.
“I’m doing fine, you haven’t called in ages. What’s up?” Alexander looked at the phone while James spoke, a look of nervousness on his face.
“Well, I haven’t been able to get ahold of Alex, John, or even Thomas and I was growing concerned. Especially about Alex, he’s always awake when I call.”
This time, Alexander spoke up. “I’m so sorry Laf I’ve been ignoring my phone-” He was cut off by Lafayette’s onslaught of French, which was noticeably silenced by Hercules telling him he was speaking too fast.
“Sorry. But what the hell? Wait who all is with you? What happened? Are you and John okay?”
It was Thomas’ turn to reply. “Laf, breathe. Everything is alright… some stuff happened between Alexander and Laurens and James and I have been trying to help Alexander through it.”
“Wait, is it just you three? What happened between Alexander and John? Where is John anyways? And-”
James cut Lafayette off. “John dumped Alex. He’s probably still living it up in our dorm, not giving a single shit as to how his best friend,” He said the last bit as if it tasted bad in his mouth, “has been doing.”
“Wait, he did what? That’s so unlike John? Are you sure he wasn’t drunk? I mean he was so happy with Alex…” Hercules jumped in, obviously worried about his friends.
“Laf, Herc, I’ll be fine. You two enjoy your time away. I know what you’re thinking. Don’t think I don’t know Laf is looking at plane tickets. I know you guys. I’m doing just fine.” Alexander spoke with an obviously fake smile, the pain clear in his eyes and voice.
“Alexander stop lying! You broke down the other day walking back from a class because you saw John walking by, across the quad.” By this point, Thomas had wrapped an arm around Alexander, who looked as if he was trying to not cry when he heard John’s name.
“You know what, I just bought the tickets. We’ll be home by tonight there. See you soon.” Was all Lafayette had to say before hanging up.
It took all of 30 seconds for Alexander to give up on not crying and for Thomas to have his arms around the smaller man, reassuring him that everything would be okay softly.
»»————- ————-««
That night, while watching a movie in Alexander and Thomas’ dorm, the three men heard a knock on the door. James, who was sitting closest got up and opened it up, while Thomas paused the movie. Before anyone got a chance to see who it was, Lafayette was in the dorm and hugging Alexander, who had previously been about to fall asleep on Thomas’ shoulder.
“Alex I’m so sorry it took so long. Are you alright? How are you holding up?” Alexander smiled a little, hugging his friend back.
“I’m- I’ll be- I’m fine… No I’m not who the hell am I kidding Laf what did I do wrong?” Alexander begun to cry into the frenchman’s shoulder, while Hercules sat down next to him.
“Buddy you did nothing wrong. Thomas texted us the full story. He shouldn’t have done that to you, I’m so sorry.” Hercules set a hand on Alexander’s back while he spoke.
Lafayette pulled away from him, wiping his messy face off. “Just breathe. We’re going to go talk to John and see what the actual fuck happened in his mind to think it was okay to do that to you. You deserve so much better.”
“Don’t kill anyone Laf… Just because I’m upset with him doesn't mean you and Herc need to be.”
“He broke your heart, mon ami! I’m sure you would do the same this if it was Herc in your position and me being the one to break his heart.”
“F-Fine… Just don’t kill him, okay?”
“I make no promises.” Was all the frenchman had to say, before making his way up to leave, to go ‘talk’ with John.
»»————- ————-««
John was watching Netflix on his laptop when Lafayette and Hercules barged into his dorm, Lafayette crossing his arms.
“What the hell have you done?”
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majiniesthings · 6 years
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I tell people I take requests and this is how you thank me?
buy me a coffee?
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wetsydy · 6 years
Adieux de minuit
Summary: Lafayette has to leave town, his brother is ill in France, and he must say goodbye to Hercules before he has to descend back home. 
Pairing: Hercules Mulligan x Marquis De Lafayette (Mullette) 
Warnings: swearing, little bit of fluffiness, angst, mention of  (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
a/n: This is really the first time I have ever written a full blown fic, so it probably sucks. But I want to start typing more...please enjoy!?
“You bet your ass I’m your amour.”
“Wait...no. What is this shit? Laf i swear to god if this is one of your stupid fucking pranks-..”
                          Dusk had set on the horizon much sooner than the French-man had planned. His arms were wrapped around his lovers bare chest as they exchanged head from under the dark blue covers. His hair had fallen out of place, and his entire body was wrecked. Hickeys from Hercules covered almost every inch of his neck and shoulders, his lips were swollen for their...night..and most of all, he was exhausted. Lafayette drew out a long yawn and settled his cheek onto his boyfriends muscled chest. Five more minutes.. 
                           Hercules had stirred when Lafayette had the pressure on his side, and he blinked his eyes opening, earning a grunt of tiredness from the smaller man as Hercules ran his hands over his back. Lafayette shivered, closing his eyes as he huffed out warm air onto Hercules chest. He had then finally realized that he wasn’t dressed, neither was Hercules. He groaned softly as the familiar achiness began to swell in his legs as he shifted out of Hercules grasp, sliding off of the mattress and checking the time on the digital clock on the bedside table. The French-man gruffly shoved on a pair of Hercules’ boxer shorts and slid on a pair of his joggers. before he slid a tank top over his head and put on a jacket, sighing as he looked over at Hercules, whom had merely fallen back asleep where he had recently left from. 
                             Lafayette chuckled and slid open the closet door, reaching in to the corner and pulling out his black briefcase, frowning as he reached up, taking a few of Hercules shirts with himself so he wouldn’t feel absolutely dreadful before he zipped the case back up and rolled it to the foot of the bed. His eyes landing back on the man he loved, a large amount of regret began to swell up in his throat as he stared down at him, he was so peaceful..so...beautiful. 
                             His thoughts were interrupted by a grumble from the man himself, he shifted around and Lafayette slowly sank down on the bed beside him, “Herc? Honey are you awake?” Lafayette asked quietly, “Amour?” he asked again,  and he was greeted with a brightly smiling Hercules. 
                          “You bet your ass I’m your amour.” Hercules said roughly in his just-waking-up voice. His brown eyes glinting with mischievousness as he sat up, winking at his boyfriend as he caught him staring at his body. “Eh. Don’t stare like that, you’re making me feel weird.” he complained and playfully shoved Lafayette. 
                             Lafayette let out a quiet sigh and slowly pressed his lips to Hercules’ for a moment, before he pulled back, leaving a confused Hercules as Lafayette just began to burst into tears. Hercules scrambled up, his eyes widening as he watched the other just sob into his shoulder, Hercules ran his hands through the Frenchman’s curly hair and hushed him gently, “Hey...shh..what’s wrong?” Hercules whispered as he felt Lafayette’s body tremble beside his own. 
                          “Hercules-...” Lafayette choked out and felt more tears fall. “I must-...I must leave you.” he cried out, his body shaking as Hercules got up, shaking his head as he noticed the briefcase. “Wait...no. What is this shit? Laf I swear to god if this is one of your stupid fucking pranks-..” Hercules was trembling also, staring at the case in shock, then looking back at Lafayette. “Gilbert. Explain Now.”
                             Lafayette was shaking so much, his lower lip trembled when he heard his lover spit his first name out like he had just done. “M-My brother is ill...he-...I- must go tend to him...” he breathed out at the fuming Hercules. “Ill? He is fucking ill? Why can’t your damned parents take care of him? Why You?” Hercules yelled, tears burning through his eye lids, forcing their way down his cheeks. 
                          “Because my parents are dead!” Lafayette shouted back, his dark brown eyes no longer worried and stressed, but angry and hurt. “I’ve told you this plenty of times, Hercules. Plenty.You act as if it’s a shocker that I have to tend to my brother, Herc. He is dying. No, I do not want to loose you, but I also don’t want to loose my brother. God knows how long I will be gone, Hercules. But I will stay with him for however long it will take.” The Frenchman stamped his foot onto the carpet and his boyfriend winced at how harsh he had suddenly began to sound like. 
                          “Don’t you dare ‘Oh Laf’ me, Mulligan.” he spat then turned away, hurt in his eyes, “I’ll be in the bathroom if you need me. I need to take a shower.” Lafayette grumbled then stomped off, Hercules staring after him. 
Part two??
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soaperstur · 7 years
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Im not sorry.
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hamilton-roleplay · 3 years
Hi! I am very active and looking for a long-term rp partner. I do just about any Hamilton ship including Lams, Jamilton, Washette, Mullette, and pretty much anything else. I like darker themes so if you’re into angst fan fiction hmu. 18+. Sexual themes are fine but no strictly srp chats. Please dm me if you’re interested!
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cyarikadarling · 7 years
Vacant proposal
Hercules let out a warm breath Into the cold winter air of New York City as he walked up to the large glass door's of the hospital downtown. He spoke to the nurse and nodded, walking to door 217 and knocking softly, a small teddy bear in his hand as the lovely French accented voice he loved called out a weak 'come in' The Irishman opened the door and walked in, shutting the door softly as he smiled softly, his heart clenching at the scene, Lafayette covered in a heavy blanket, a black beanie on his head as an I.v dripped some type of medicine into him, his eyes and cheeks were sunken in and he was thin, his body frail from the disease slowly killing him from the inside out. Cancer. Herc hated the word. Hercules hated the world for this. His happiness being destroyed in front of him and nothing he could do to stop it, just spend as much time with his boyfriend as he possibly could until he couldn't anymore. "Hey, love." He said softly, walking over to Laf's bedside and sitting on the edge of his bed. He took The frenchman's cold hand in his warm hand and squeezed. "Hey." Laf said softly, leaning in for a kiss, which Hercules was happy to accept, his free hand going to the back of Lafayette's head. He was going to tangle his fingers in Laf's hair until he realized he couldn't. Laf... Well Lafayette didn't have hair anymore. He lost it during his chemo treatments. When they pulled away hercules made Lafayette lay down, kissing his forehead and pulling up a chair. Laf held his hand before he could sit down and pulled him back towards the bed "lay with me." He said softly. Hercules couldn't say no so he stripped down to just his boxers, not giving a fuck if someone walked in as he slipped under the covers with Lafayette, his arm wrapping around laf's waist as the smaller mans arms went around his neck, burying his face in his lover's neck as that both drifted off. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* A few weeks later Hercules was dressed in a full suit, the tie was an orange. That was Laf's favorite color. He held a bouquet of white roses as he walked through the icy cold air, making his cheeks rosy as he ran a hand through his curly hair "You can do this Herc. You've got this." He'd said that to himself about 5 or 6 times now. He walked through the yard, frozen, dead grass crunching beneath his feet. Cold sweat glistened on his furrowed brows as he held the bouquet right in front of him, against his chest. He shook his head and straightened out his suit as he paced back and forth, wearing out a small patch of dirt. He chuckled to himself and messed with his hair, getting it just the way Lafayette liked it. He needed to look presentable for him. He clung to the bouquet of flowers, his jagged, bitten, nails digging into the stems. He didn't care. The only thing he was aware of beside the moving of his feet was his heartbeat thundering in his ears and the lump in his throat the size of his fist. His eyes were large and watery as he knelt down in the cold grass, the ice on it melting quickly under his knee. He shook as he pulled a small velvet black box out of his pocket. He took a deep breath as he looked up. He coughed softly and sniffled as he smiled slightly, getting ready to speak as he blinked back tears. "God, where do I begin?" He asked softly. He let out a breathy laugh and continued. "Before I met you lafayette, I never knew what it was like to look as someone and smile for no reason. I've never met anyone like you, and I'm not saying that because it's cliché. I'm saying it because it's true. I've never met anyone who can make me laugh like you do, I've never met someone who I can talk too as freely as I talk to you. And I've never met someone who's mere presence and voice can lighten my mood like you." Hercules looked down, wiping his teary eyes. He didn't want Laf to see him crying. "I can't get my mind off of how much I love you and how much I love being with you. I know it's repetitive but I can't shake this feeling. Every time I'm around you or I see you I fall in love all over again. Everything else in the world disappears and when I'm with you nothing else exists, everything is okay and I fall in love with you more and more everyday." Herc sniffled and laughed softly at himself, wiping his eyes once more. "I could talk about you all day and night and still have so much more to say.... But too many words become meaningless so I'll just leave it at you're the most wonderful person I've ever met in my life and I can't imagine not being with you for the rest of my life." He lifted his head and stared at Lafayette, smiling softly as tears slipped down his cool, rosy, cheeks. "Forever is a long time... And I can't find anyone better than you to spend it with. I love you Lafayette, I can express how much I love you and how much I'm in love with you. And hell, I'd scream it from the tallest building if I could." He swallowed the huge lump in his throat and took a deep, shaky breath. "Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette, Would you make me the happiest Man alive and marry me?" The rustling of the wind through the trees became silent as he waited for lafayette's answer. But then again...Gravestones don't speak do they?
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thecursedcake · 4 years
Hamilton roleplay?
Hey yall! I'm looking to do a semi-lit or literate Hamilton ship rp. I'll do nsfw, mpreg, angst, fluff, minor violence (small fight scenes and whatnot), and minor graphics (just like, blood. Nothing extreme)
We can do any AU or historical. If you don't have an idea I have a couple AUs I can pitch.
Jamilton (one of my favorites, I would prefer to be Alex)
Jeffmads (would prefer to be madison)
Or suggest a ship!
My preferred platform is discord, but on here is fine. Message me or comment if you're interested!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
We Fall Together
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3DaMlOk
by Mullett
Bucky stopped abruptly causing you to bump into the back of him. On the table between Steve and Sam was a thick rectangular suitcase. Panic was creeping down the bond, causing your heart to murmur.
“What is it?” You asked Steve looked sheepish as he spun the case towards Bucky.  “We received a delivery from Wakanda,” He blushed. “Shuri sent a new arm.” Sam explained. “That’s great!” You praised, looking to your Alpha. His reaction wasn’t matching your expectations “isn’t it?” “Do you want to take a look Buck?” Steve asked gently Bucky turned to you, then back to Steve. “No. Thank you.” He answered quietly.
Bucky and Poppin are chasing peace and quiet following the events of Dont Ever Let Go. Unfortunately, recovery isn't linear, their Pup is fast approaching and SHIELD have other plans.
Part 3 of Bucky and his Housekeeper in the Avengers Compound.
Words: 1667, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of We Fall Together
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Loki (Marvel), Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Omega Reader, Protective Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Recovering, POV Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Sam Wilson, Protective Loki (Marvel), Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Bruce Banner Is a Good Bro, Loki is a Good Bro (Marvel), Pack Dynamics, Pack Family, Mating Bond, Mating Bites, Mating Rituals, True Mates, True Love, Avengers Compound, Not Canon Compliant, POV Female Character, no y/n, No Descriptions of Reader, Your Name is Poppin, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Hydra (Marvel), Mating Cycles/In Heat, Pregnant Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3DaMlOk
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hamiltrash2097-blog · 7 years
(A fanfic where Laf is hurt. Requested by @the-first-refrain
 I think of being hurt in two ways: Physical pain like being shot and emotional/psychological pain like heartbreak, death in the family etc. So buckle up and prepare yourselves.  
NOTE: This takes place leading up to Lauren’s Interlude  meaning during the French Revolution and of course after John dies. 
Also take note there is hints of Laferson but it is not serious. 
Ships are Lams (platonic), Mulette, Hamliza and Jeffmads.
They will switch back and forth between English and French and the translations are in parenthesis. Lots of swearing and slight OOC for several characters I guess?)
Let’s begin.
Lafayette knew it began shortly after he returned to France with the story of America’s success of defeating the British and gaining their freedom; he supposed Jefferson leaving promptly after drafting a declaration was another hint.  French peasants flocked to the bars talking about revolting. “If the Americans can do it so can we! Down with the king!” “No more tyranny!” “We will not be oppressed again!” Lafayette smiled at first and said he’d talk to Jefferson who’d written the American Declaration of Independence to write one for them. So he did. “Come on in I figured I’d be meeting you eventually.” Thomas said letting the revolutionary into his flat. “Very nice place you ‘ave here.” Laf said awkwardly. “None of this awkward shit. You want a declaration? Let’s write one.” Thomas said handing Laf a glass of red wine. two hours and a bottle of wine later it was half done. “Let’s take a break and eat hm?” Laf nodded stretching his back. “You know this will end badly…you have no force to fight the king.” Laf wasn’t offended, “Oui” “Then why bother? You have a death wish?” Thomas asked leaning back in his chair. “Non…I want the people to feel empowered.” Lafayette replied swirling his wine slowly. “Fair enough. If it goes to hell you could always return to the states with me?” “Oho that sounds like an invitation for intimacy.” Thomas blushed, “We j-just met!” he spluttered. Lafayette laughed, “What’s so funny!” Thomas hissed his face red. “I apologize I should not ‘ave teased you.” Lay said between laughs. Thomas huffed trying his best not to smile. “I should go home though.” Laf said quietly. Thomas stops him, “It’s late and we’re both drunk. You might as well stay the night. I have a guest room you can sleep in.” Laf smiled, “But I’ll be lonely~” Thomas turned scarlet once again, “Sweet Jesus  we just met damn it!!” He yelled but he was smiling. So began a close friendship that would lead to the first real pain Laf had felt since he left America in 1781. 
Three months had passed since he met Thomas and he felt like he’d gained a twin. They often dressed similar to confuse people. Fake Lafayette as Thomas was known as. “Which one is the REAL one?!” Micheal shouted as they sat in a bar. “I am.” They both replied causing more confusion. “MON DIEU!” Micheal yelled tipping his drink over causing the bar to erupt with laughter. “Okay okay Mike I am the real Gilbert.” Micheal stared at him in drunken stupor. “Gil?” Thomas bit back a laugh, “Oui mon ami.” Laf was struggling hard not to fall out of his chair. “Why do you do this to me?” Micheal slurred. “I have a look alike it seemed appropriate?” Thomas replied. “I’d probably do it to me too…” Micheal slurred slapping money on the counter before stumbling outside. “Oh my GOD!” Laf fell out of his chair in hysterics. “He is gonna be pissed when he figures out I lied.” Thomas chuckled paying the tab as the two walked outside. Two weeks later the declaration was finished and the duo watched in horror as the revolt began. Blood in the gutters, beheading…Laf felt sick. “This is not what I had in mind…at ALL.” he walked to Thomas’s flat to find it empty and a note, I’m heading home to Virginia. My invitation still stands. I’m sorry I can’t stay here and watch them behead children… -Thomas Laf felt like he’d been shot…his friend was leaving him to deal with the crazed people alone?! he ran to the dock seeing the ship calling for the final boarding. “Come on Gilbert it’s gone to hell!” Thomas shouted from the deck. Gilbert tried to get onto the ship but the plank was pulled from under him sending him into the water, “French scum stays in France, we don’t need another war!” The American deck hand shouted. Gilbert broke the surface coughing watching the ship pull away. “I’ll get the president to send aid!” Thomas shouted. “I’m sorry!” Gilbert was left alone to climb out of the frigid water watching the ship shrink on the horizon. Three weeks after Thomas left the king was beheaded. 
Lafayette was hiding from the soldiers and rebelling peasants. He limped hissing when he fell on his injured leg. He’d been stabbed in the leg thankful it was a shallowly wound but he had no time to properly treat it. “Dieu ça fait mal comme l'enfer…” (God this hurts like hell) Laf hissed as he limped away from Micheal. “Reviens-toi et te combattes-tu lâche!” (Come back and fight you coward!) The popper shouted chasing after Lafayette who swore in French, “Merde!” he limped toward an untouched building slipping inside and locking the door. He immediately slid to the floor his injured leg throbbing. He trembled pressing his hands over the wound to slow the bleeding tears forming in his eyes. “M-merde…” Laf sighed shakily; he grabbed towel and tied it around the cut limping to find the medicine cabinet in the house. Upon finding it he realized…this was Thomas’s flat. Tears slipped down his cheeks as he washed out his cut and treated it. Once his leg was tended to he slide down against the wall crying into his knees. “Pourquoi tu m'as laissé Thomas …?” (Why did you leave me Thomas?) Lafayette flinched hearing gunfire outside and shouting of both soldiers and civilians. He curled up into a tighter ball ignoring the pain it caused him. This was not America where he had confidence to fight tyranny. The king is dead. The soldiers and civilians are killing each other in brutal ways. They need help. Laf crawled to the bedroom and curled up on the cot scrunching into the corner. “J'ai peur … s'il vous plaît … dépêchez-vous et envoyez de l'aide …” ( I’m afraid … please … hurry and send some help …)
In America Thomas was livid at Washington so easily taking Hamilton’s side leaving France to suffer the failing revolution alone. “Did you forget Lafayette?!” he spat at Hamilton. “What?” Hamilton asked rubbing his temples tiredly. “I mean you accumulate debt and power but when France needs us you just leave them to suffer?!” Thomas stepped close to Hamilton towering over the smaller man. “Like Washington said the people are rebelling. We had a plan. The French did not! Their king is dead Thomas. Lafayette is smart he’ll be fine and before he was your friend he was mine.” Thomas quite literally picked up Hamilton and said, “And what if he dies huh? What then smart ass? He’s still your friend! He needs your help! You think anyone is gonna give a rat’s ass about his status? They’d sooner kill him.” Hamilton paled at the thought but stood his ground, “I can’t disobey a direct order from Washington.” Thomas glared shaking him, “So what our friend dies in the riots?!” Hamilton struggled a bit frightened. “I can’t do anything! I have to write the bill….” Thomas threw him down towering over him once again, “You are a horrible friend to him then. France helped us and we promised them aid yet you’d rather hide like a coward and watch your  friend die?!” Hamilton trembled frightened, “Please stop T-Thomas…” His voice cracked in fear. “You have damned your friend, congratulations.” Thomas spat spinning on his heel leaving Hamilton there trembling not seeing the tears in his eyes. 
Thomas walked into the office he and Madison shared plopping behind his desk with a shaky sigh. “T-Thomas?” Madison said quietly. “I have to tell Lafayette he’s on his own. I really don’t want to do that James…” Thomas put his head in his hands staring at Lafayette’s letter which has both tear and blood stains on the parchment. The jumbled French begged for aid and expressed fear. “J'ai peur … s'il vous plaît envoyez de l'aide Thomas … c'est parti en enfer” (I’m scared…please send help Thomas…it’s gone to hell). Thomas carefully set the letter aside feeling tears burn in his eyes realizing that no amount of verbal abuse can change what Hamilton has to do. A knock came on the door leaving James to look at Thomas who nodded, “Come in…” James called coughing after.  The door opened… speak of the devil. Hamilton looked a mess his face tear stained and eyes full of distress. “S-Sir…” He stammered. “Sit down” Thomas sighed. “I d-don’t like it either!” Hamilton said a few fresh tears escaping down his cheeks. “I…I’ve damned our friend….” Thomas felt bad having been so harsh seeing Hamilton so upset. “I wanted Washington to help..I…made it worse instead..” Hamilton gave a soft sob. “Me and my big mouth…” Thomas stood and walked around his desk to Hamilton his political enemy  crouching to his level. He didn’t give a damn if James saw or Burr walked in; he wrapped his arms around Hamilton pulling him into a hug. The young man flinched startled at the out of character gesture but quickly relaxed into it crying softly into Thomas’s shoulder. Thomas rubbed his back trying to calm him down so they could talk; James came over and awkwardly patted Hamilton’s arm not sure what to do. Thomas was crying too not wanting to cause Lafayette more pain. 
Hamilton settled down after ten minutes of soft sobs; he settled on the small couch Thomas sitting beside him, “We’re both a  mess aren’t we?” Hamilton rubs the tears from his cheeks with his handkerchief.  “I s-suppose we are…” He agreed Thomas finding his stutter strange. “I don’t want to break my word either…I promised him we’d be there for him at Yorktown…” Thomas raised a brow, “That long ago? Jesus we’re both fucked…” Hamilton nods rubbing away the fresh tears as they fell. “There is no way out of neutrality is there?” James asked. “No…Washington expects the statement by Monday morning…” Hamilton replied his voice full of guilt and sorrow. Thomas sighed shakily, “I should probably reply to Lafayette then…” Hamilton nods sadly getting up, “S-sorry…” He bowed his head and left the office tears dripping off his chin. Thomas sat back down and wrote a response to Lafayette sending it off the same day. 
 I regret to inform you that the president has decided to remain neutral in this affair. No aid will be coming from my side of the sea.. you are on your own despite the promise of aid in Yorktown. I did everything I could but nothing swayed Washington’s decision not even Alexander himself. We both tried to convince him to allow us to come and rescue you but he stated that we are forbidden from doing so as members of his cabinet. I…I am in tears writing this Gilbert…I didn’t want to write this…please stay alive…please stay strong…we all miss you…please make it to the next boat out…I’m so sorry Gilbert.. -Yours Thomas Jefferson Lafayette saw the obvious tear stains on the parchment and let loose a sob as those words echoed in his head;  America had broken their word to help France yet he couldn’t be angry at Alexander and Thomas. He could see how upset the decision made them; Alex’s letter was even harder to read due to the smudged ink caused by Alexander’s tears. It was many apologies and regret and sorrow. The letters fell from his grasp onto the floor as he cried his heart breaking. No one was coming to save him; he was completely on his own against the masses. he lay there on the floor wrapped in the sheets his leg throbbing adding more pain to the whirlwind of emotions he’s feeling. Betrayal, terror, pain, sorrow, regret…the list went on. Each gunshot made his heart skip a beat and with each bang on the door his heart nearly stopped. He barely moved unless he needed to eat or change the dressing on his wound. 
Back across the sea both Thomas and Alexander were stressed to the highest degree having heard nothing since they replied to Lafayette. The two sat in Jefferson’s office Hamilton watching Thomas pace in a frantic state. “I can’t stand this!” Thomas cried exasperated and stressed. “We need to tell Hercules…” Alexander said quietly. “What?’ Thomas asked ceasing his pacing for but a moment. “I said we need to tell Hercules. John is in South Carolina or I’d send him after Laf.” Thomas looked perplexed. “But why Mulligan?” Alexander’s cheeks colored and he looked shocked, “Laf never told you?” “No?” Thomas replied so Alexander leaned up and whispered the truth in his ear, “Whaaaaat? I never would have guessed-” Alexander chuckled, “No one guessed that ils sont amoureux.” (they are in love)  At that moment Madison walked into the office fresh from a meeting looking stressed as the duo still felt despite the topic change. He coughed a bit rubbing his temples a frown marring his features. “Embrasse-le Thomas.” (Kiss him Thomas). Thomas blinked, “Embrasse-le, comment savez-vous?” (Kiss him-how did you know?!). Thomas replied. Alex smiled, “Vous vous inquiétez toujours de lui plus que tout le monde. Je pourrais vous avoir vu deux personnes endormies sur le canapé quand j'ai déposé des documents la semaine dernière. Je vous ai couvert avec une couverture.” (You always worry about him more than anyone else. I may have seen you two asleep on the couch when I dropped off documents last week. I covered you with a  blanket). Thomas sighed running his fingers through his thick curls a blush on his cheeks looking back at Alexander, “Mais pourquoi l'embrasser?” (But why kiss him?) Alexander smiled, “Eliza does that when I get stressed. I immediately forget my troubles.” Thomas looked at Madison who looked very unhappy his shoulders tense. “Ah what the hell.” Thomas walked over to James who looked up glancing at Hamilton who gave a slight nod, “Thomas?” James asked covering his mouth as another cough escaped him. Thomas pulled James closer causing the smaller man to blush, “E-er?” he squeaked. “Shush” Thomas pressed his lips to his boyfriend’s feeling him relax in his grip. he pulled away, “T-Thomas!” James squeaked his face scarlet. “Hush” Thomas led James to the couch and they sat down. “So we get Mulligan and?” he asks wrapping his arm around James who hid his red face in Thomas’s coat.”Then all hell breaks loose. Hercules is extremely protective of Laf and when he hears that we received no reply…well…you can imagine.” Thomas shuddered having heard stories about Mulligan’s fighting tactics. 
They agreed to get Mulligan and returned to idle chit chat, “So aside from that kiss it’s obvious?” Alex nods. “I have no issue with homosexuality if you two are happy gender be damned.” James blinked, “You told him to kiss me though?” he asked his cheeks still rosy. “It works to calm me down I figured it might be worth a try?” Alex chuckled. James snuggled closer to Thomas and smiles shyly. “It does work.” he admits. Alexander sat up straight looking at the door, “Someone is coming.” James moved away from Thomas as Burr walked in. “By all means carry on cuddling I couldn’t care less.” Burr waved his hand. “I am assuming you told Thomas to get Mulligan Alexander?” Alexander nods. “Bout time you did.” Alex rolled his eyes at Burr who smiled returning said gesture. “Why do we all hate each other in Congress again?” James said. “Because politics.” Alexander replied. Everyone began to laugh because it was true. “I’ll tell Hercules after the meeting in which we all must hate each other again.” Alexander said still chuckling. “Fuck you  politics.” Thomas laughed. James gave soft chuckles as well and they agreed to not kill each other outside the meetings not that it was hard choice. “See you in the meeting.” Alexander said standing up. “Indeed” James said. “Fight me Hamilton.” Thomas replied. “Gladly” Hamilton retorted before leaving the office.
Needless to say Hercules reacted the way Alexander knew he would; he was upset and his over protective mode kicked in. “I’ll bring him back Alex. You can count on me!” Alex smiled, “I know I can. God speed.” Hercules nods and boarded the ship to France. “I’m coming Laf.” he murmured as the ship sailed from New York.  In Thomas’s flat Laf was running out of food and medical supplies. His sheet was being used for bandages. His voice was practically gone and his hair was a tangled mess. Moving hurt after an explosion threw him against the wall so he cried feeling abandoned. Another two weeks passed in this matter and Laf had given up hope ready to embrace death; at least he’d die in the quiet of his friend’s flat. Suddenly a heavy force hit the locked door of the flat making Laf’s heart leap into his throat a whimper escaping him. “Damn lock…” A gruff voice hissed before the same force hit the door again and again. “Fuck this.” BANG! The gunshot echoed in Laf’s ears along with the lock hitting the ground. Footsteps approached the room leaving Laf to curl into a ball whimpering in pain trying to hide. “Laf? Laf- oh sweet JESUS!” Hercules Mulligan gasped in horror at the bad shape his lover is in. He carefully walked to Laf who curled up further into the corner whimpering. “Gilbert it’s me…the demidork.” Laf blinked daring to turn his head; immediately his eyes widened seeing his lover. “H-herc…” He wheezed. “I’m here amour shhh.” Hercules picked him up careful of his leg and carried him from the house avoiding the angry soldiers and people. “It went to hell all right…” He mumbled holding his lover close to his chest and running for the ship that was due to leave in an hour not daring to stay longer. Laf blacked out half way there breathing shallowly. 
When he woke he was in Hercules’s arms a cool cloth on his head and he hurt all over. “H-Herc?” He said weakly gripping his lover’s sleeve to get his attention. Herc looked down at him, “How do you feel?” he asked him. “Everything hurts.” Laf moaned softly. “You were thrown against a wall.” Hercules dead panned before placing a kiss on his head, “But I’m glad you’re okay…if…anything happened to you I’d…” Hercules choked up tears rolling down his cheeks; Laf reached up and shakily wiped them away. “Don’t cry I’m right here.” Hercules nuzzled into his hand wrapping his larger one around his lover’s. “Y-you know I’m a sap.” Laf laughed weakly the sound foreign to his own ears, “I know and I love it.” Herc gave him a gently kiss snuggling contentedly with his injured lover.   Laf sighed softly leaning against his chest noticing his hair was no long tangled. “Many combs died.” Herc said dramatically drawing another raspy laugh from his lover. “I expected no less.” Herc smiled and kissed him again pulling away and running his finger through Laf’s curly hair. “Mmm” Laf hummed soothed by the gesture closing his eyes. Hercules covered them both with the quilt he’d packed. He closed his eyes soothed by the rocking of the ship falling asleep quickly. They’d be home in a week and then they could all grab a drink with John and hear his story of how he recruited the first black regiment from his home state of South Carolina. Little did the two know that the pain awaiting them when they returned. 
A week later the ship docked in New York City jostling Hercules awake; Laf was still asleep so Herc stood up shouldering his bag before picking up his lover. he walked off the ship into the streets Laf in his arms. Most people were against a same-sex relationship but did nothing to stop Herc from being with Laf; the support of his friends was all that mattered to Hercules anyway. Half way to Hamilton’s home Laf woke up, “Have you been carrying me since we arrived?” He asked his face turning red. “You needed to sleep.” Hercules kissed his head putting the Frenchman down. “Let’s go hear the story of John making history eh?” Laf nodded and they continued to walk Laf having a slight limp. When they arrived to Hamilton’s  home Herc knocked on the door. After a moment shuffling was heard and the door opened revealing Philip Alex’s son. Instead of being excited the child looked sad; he opened the door for them to come in calling for his mother. The duo walked inside seeing Angelica who walked to Laf hugging him, “Thank god.” He hugged back and Herc jokingly said, “Your welcome.” Angelica for once didn’t smile at the joke; Eliza came in her face tear stained but hugged them both. “Has Burr done something?” Lafayette asked being out of touch with what happened while he was trapped in France. “He became a senator.” Philip said quietly gripping his mother’s hand looking ready to cry. “Mamma I’m going to find Theo…” Pip said and Eliza nods letting him go. Pip left the room tears starting to slide down his cheeks. 
“I’ll go get Alexander.” Eliza excused herself and went upstairs as Burr walked in his own cheeks wet from tears. “Now I’m worried…what happened while we were at sea?” Lafayette asked sitting down to rest his still healing leg. “Where’s John?” No one said a word but tears fell silently down their faces.When the remaining couple came downstairs they decided Alexander looked the worse of all his hair frizzy, beard unshaven and his face tear stained. “Seriously what the heck happened? Why is everyone upset?” Hercules asked confused. Eliza said nothing but handed the couple a letter pressing her face in her husband’s shoulder giving soft sobs. Alexander rubbed her shoulders crying himself. “I’ll go find the kids…” Burr walked back  in the direction Philip had gone covering his mouth as tears went down his cheeks. The two stared at the fact that the letter was from John’s father Henry Laurens; Hercules carefully unfolded the letter reading it silently hearing Angelica give a soft sob. 
“On Tuesday the 27th, my son was killed in a gunfight against British troops retreating from South Carolina. The war was already over. As you know, John dreamed of emancipating and recruiting 3000 men for the first all-black military regiment His dream of freedom for these men dies with him.”
The paper fell from his grasp landing on the floor his eyes wide with shock; John was…he was..! “No…” he whispered. “He can’t be…” They all nodded quietly Eliza trembling in her husband’s arms. “The funeral is in two weeks.” Angelica said before wrapping them both in a hug, “I was so scared we’d have to bury another friend.” Laf hugged her back feeling her crying into his shoulder. “Non..Hercules found me…” Here nodded hugging her as well feeling tears burning in his eyes; he saved his love and returns to find his friend was wrongly killed. Laf started to cry as well; it seemed there was no end to the whirlwind of pain. He was saved from one painful situation only to be thrust into another; it was too much for his poor heart. Burr came back with the children who were still crying holding hands and it was normally the cutest thing but now it was painful. The children climbed onto the chair hugging Hercules who hugged them back crying himself. “He was so young…” Laf sniffled. After another hour Eliza and Angelia made supper which was a silent affair; after supper Burr left with Theodosia. Alexander invited the returned couple a place to stay till the funeral which the graciously accepted; two weeks later they stood in Mercy-View Cemetary crying as the priest said his blessings and prayers for the deceased.  They all placed flowers around John each having a separate meaning. Roses for courage and passion, Peony for nobility and value, Water Lilies for majesty, Dalia for his proud love for his dreams that held no compromise and daisies for his pure soul. The coffin was closed and slowly descended into the ground a few more flowers thrown into the grave before A few men began to shovel dirt over it. They left once the stone was placed; the men went to get  drink but ended up crying because….without John it felt empty. Here with a shaking voice said :Raise a g-glass to freedom?” The others raised their glasses along with the bartender who had been good friends with John. “Tomorrow there will be more of us…” Alexander added and they took the shorts. “he never did finish three pints…” They all laughed sadly but it was a fond memeory. Burr spoke up, “He would not want us to mourn…” “No that he would not…” Lafayette agreed. “So let’s celebrate the life of John Laurens and the good times we shared!” So they did each man attempting to frown three pints in his honor and boy did they fail miserably having little tolerance for alcohol . In the end while it hurt to lose a friend they all knew that he was smiling down on them. 
Lafayette was the last out of the bar and as he left he heard a whisper, “Raise a glass to freedom? You guys were always light weights.” He turned to see his friend shaking his head laughing, “J-John?” He whispered nearly eyed, “Aw come one Laf don’t cry…” John hugged him his ghostly hands feeling oddly warm, “You’re not drunk enough to imagine me I’m sorta here..” Laf was crying but hugged back, “Live for me will you? See that they abolish slavery?” Laf nodded. “Hey who knows I might be reborn?” Laf smiled, “As a shot glass?” John gave a hearty laugh, “Pffft as if Laf!” “I’ll see you on the other side? Just do me a favor and take your time.” Laf nodded and despite John being gone… it would be enough. 
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honeybeelilac · 4 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Hamilton - Miranda, Hamilton - Miranda (Broadway Cast) RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler Characters: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Philip Hamilton, James Madison, Aaron Burr, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Charles Lee, George Washington Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Gay Thomas Jefferson, Past Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Dead Philip Hamilton, Dead Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Mentioned James Madison, Sad and Sweet, Jamilton - Freeform, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Modern Era, Self-Esteem Issues, Hurt Thomas Jefferson, Anxiety Attacks, Separation Anxiety Summary:
Three years ago, Alexander Hamilton lost his wife and son to a car crash. Ever since, he has been at his worst. He's lonely, angry, and comes bearing a drinking problem. He has PTSD from his past, and is now left traumatised by the cruel event that took his family from him, too. Overall, he's a mess.
One year ago, Thomas Jefferson lost his best and longest friend, James, to suicide. He's left scarred and alone with abandonment issues. Thomas too, is a mess.
Thomas works at a bar that Alexander frequently visits, and upon several visits, he begins to notice that things aren't going well for the strange man. He approaches Alexander on his night off, and they spark an unexpected friendship that blossoms into more. Something really worth treasuring.
14 notes · View notes
Only Know You Love Him When You Let Him Go Pt. 6
Read it on AO3 HERE
The first thing Alexander was greeted to when he turned off his phone after Political Science was a text from Thomas.
MacAndCheeseQueen: When you get out of class, get ready. We’re going on that date tonight.
CaffeineGremlin: Oh? I presume I have no choice and you’re taking me no matter what?
MacAndCheeseQueen: damn straight
CaffeineGremlin: Thomas nothing about you is straight.
MacAndCheeseQueen: … shush
CaffeineGremlin: Fine. I’m omw
MacAndCheeseQueen: kk
With a small laugh, Alexander slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked to his dorm. When he arrived he unlocked the door and went inside, frowning when he saw Thomas was nowhere in sight. He decided to check the bathroom, still no luck. He decided to text Thomas again.
CaffeineGremlin: Where are you? I thought you’d be in the dorm
MacAndCheeseQueen: Nope. Get ready and meet me in the parking lot.
CaffeineGremlin: why tho?
MacAndCheeseQueen: You’ll see
CaffeineGremlin: Oh come on tell me
MacAndCheeseQueen: nope
CaffeineGremlin: fuck you
MacAndCheeseQueen: I’ll do that later. Get ready.
Alexander rolled his eyes, but couldn’t suppress the light blush that spread across his face. Sure, he was excited but he had no idea what to wear. Without thinking, he began to walk to Lafayette’s dorm, in hopes he could get some help.
He knocked on the door, hearing Lafayette shout “One minute!” Before hearing some rustling around in the room, a few grunts, and a door being shut. After a few minutes of this, the door opened, revealing Lafayette in a t-shirt and basketball shorts.
“What do you need?” The Frenchman asked, plastering a small smile on his face.
“I need help. Thomas and I are going Ice-skating and I have no clue what to wear.” Alexander felt his cheek warm, biting the inside of his cheek.
Lafayette’s smile only widened at this information. Without a word, he grabbed Alexander’s arm, dragging him into the room. “Wait here.” Was all Lafayette said before going to work on Alexander.
»»————- ————-««
Thomas was leaned against his car when he noticed Alexander walking over. Looking up from his phone he froze, eyes widening at what he saw.
Thomas immediately knew who was behind it, as he knew there was only one person Alexander would go to who would do something like this. In front of him was Alexander, wearing jeans that looked tighter than anything the man had ever worn, torn in the knees. On top he wore a green sweater obviously a size too big, going down to mid-thigh on the small man with a purple scarf that matched his eyes.
His face though. It screamed Lafayette. Alexander looked like he had fake lashes on, with winged eyeliner and a light brown on his lids. His hair was tied up in a messy bun with strands falling out to frame his face, which had been shaved clean.
Before Thomas got a chance to comment on the look, Alexander cut him off. “Lafayette.” Was all he said as if it was an answer to any questions. Which it honestly was. Nodding while holding in a small laugh, the Virginian opened the door for Alexander, closing it once he was in the car.
Taking a deep breath, Thomas joined him in the car. After a few minutes of silence, Alexander shifted in his seat so he could pull his feet up underneath him.
When they eventually pulled into the parking lot, the pair got out of the car, Thomas giving Alexander a small smile when the immigrant grabbed onto his hand. They walked into the building to rent their skates.
It took almost 15 minutes, and Alexander relying heavily on Thomas to stand, but they eventually got onto the ice. As soon as Thomas let go of Alexander, the immigrant fell over, his face turning a bright shade of red.
“Oh shut up!” Alexander huffed, crossing his arms.
Thomas smirked. “I never said anything darling.”
“No, but you were thinking something!” And Alexander was right. Maybe not what Alexander thought he was thinking, but damn he looked adorable all flustered.
With a grin, the Virginian held out a hand to help Alexander up, which the small man took gratefully. When he got Alexander back on his feet, Thomas gently tugged on a lock of hair. “Now come on. You’re not gonna learn to move if you keep standing there.”
Alexander blushed when the lock of hair was tugged but grabbed onto Thomas’ hand. “I’ll go, but you’re not letting go of me.”
Thomas gave Alexander a small smile before tugging on his hand so he could move Alexander in a small circle around him.
“Wait- Fuck Thomas no!” Alexander used his other hand to clutch onto Thomas, who was laughing at how much Alexander was freaking out.
“Fine, fine.” Alexander wrapped his arms around Thomas’ neck so he couldn’t spin him like that again.
“Next time you try something like that I’m going to replace your shampoo with hair bleach.” He spoke in an angry tone, although his smile showed he was far from angry. Thomas smiled when Alexander’s face turned red while he wrapped his arms around the immigrant’s waist, pulling him closer.
“I dunno. I might look nice as a blonde.”
“Fuck, Thomas no. You would not. A shade or two, maybe. Not a blonde. God, no.”
“Alright mister, I don’t wash my hair until it’s noticeably greasy in a bun,” Alexander responded with a slap on his shoulder, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough for it to be noticeable. “Fine fine. I’ll stop.”
“Good.” Alexander smiled and looked as if he was debating on doing something. Before Thomas got a chance to ask, he felt Alexander press a kiss to his lips. After the initial shock had worn off, he closed his eyes, running a hand up the smaller man’s back to rest it on the base of his neck. Thomas gently pulled him closer, undoing the bun so he could run a hand through Alexander’s soft and thin hair.
What they weren’t expecting, was a familiar voice shouting “I spent almost 20 minutes on that bun damnit!” Alexander and Thomas jumped away from each other, both of their faces turning a bright shade of pink. Alexander fell back on his ass, but he didn’t seem to care, as he was looking in the direction of the voice.
What he saw was an embarrassed looking Lafayette and an annoyed Hercules who looked like he’d rather be asleep or not there. After helping Alexander back up, he led him over to Lafayette, who seemed to know he was guilty. Thomas noted that Alexander had pulled his scarf up to cover his face, probably to hide the blush Thomas had noticed before they made their way over.
“Before you say anything-” Lafayette tried to speak, but was cut off by Alexander.
“No. Laf, I’m fine. I get it, you want to make sure nothing happens to me. Don’t even try making up an excuse. You did the same thing to John.” Thomas noted the small voice crack at the name. “But I’m fine.”
“Alexander. I apologise if I want to make sure you’re safe-”
“It’s not your job, Laf! I’m a damn adult. I don’t need you watching over me 24/7. I’m not the weak and beaten kid I was when we met. I’m not that small and depressed child anymore.” Alexander had pulled down the scarf and leaned closer to Lafayette, looking like he was trying to use his words and voice to seem bigger than he was.
Even Thomas forgot that from time to time. Despite his small size, Alexander made up for it with his large personality.
“I’m sorry, but Alex, you barely take care of yourself. Every time you seem to look like you’re getting better, it turns out to be a coverup for something else. Besides, I trusted John, we all did and look what he turned around and did? I can’t risk losing you again. I can’t be the one to explain to George what happened again.”
At this point, Thomas shared a slightly confused look with Hercules, who seemed just as clueless as he was about that the two were getting on about.
“You talk like you think I’m going to try again! I’ve been clean for almost 2 years Laf. You know I actually put in an effort this time. Yes, I almost fell back into it, but I didn’t! I stopped myself this time.”
Thomas finally caught on as to what they were talking about. He recalled the night when Lafayette had told him and had made him promise to protect Alexander. He decided it was time to input something. “Laf, I’m sorry, but Alexander is right. You really don’t need to be following him around like that. I understand you’re worried but He’s fine.”
Lafayette just looked at Alexander, defeated. “Fine… Whatever. But please be careful Alexander. Please.”
“Will do Laf. Never planned otherwise.” And with that Lafayette and Hercules left, leaving them alone again. Thomas looked at Alexander with a frown. “Can we go home, Thomas?”
Thomas nodded and helped him back into the building, where they took their skates off and slipped their shoes back on before heading back to their dorm.
»»————- ————-««
Alexander was relieved as soon as they stepped back inside. He plopped onto the couch with a huff, wrapping his arms around himself. He felt the couch dip next to his head, and he shifted so his head was in Thomas’ lap.
“Sorry, everything got ruined tonight. I didn’t think Lafayette would try that kind of thing again.” Alexander closed his eyes with a sigh.
“It’s fine, it’s not your fault. It’s not like you knew Laf was going to follow us.” Before he knew it, Alexander felt Thomas shifting him up so his back was against the arm of the couch, his feet resting over the Virginian’s lap.
Alexander gave Thomas a small smile and nod, before pulling Thomas into another kiss, running his fingers into his thick, frizzy hair. Thomas slowly moved Alexander into his lap, Alexander positioning himself so he was straddling the other man.
When Thomas pulled Alexander closer, he smiled into when the immigrant let out a small mewl at the action.
Before they got the chance to progress things any further, there was a ringing noise from Thomas’ phone. Alexander pulled away, a pout on his face when Thomas answered.
“Hello?” The response on the other side was muffled, but he heard the tone of whoever's voice seemed worried. “Wait, James slow down, he’s where?” Alexander gave him a look of confusion when worry spread across the other man’s face. “Okay, okay. We’ll meet you there.”
“Who was that? What happened?” Alexander slid off Thomas’ lap and tilted his head slightly.
“It was James. He said John was in the hospital.”
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ao3feed-lams · 4 years
I only need you
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XDFNVd
by Seven_turtles
Hey guys. So I’m @Doctors-orders-neeks on Wattpad so I didn’t steal this work. I wrote this myself and posted multiple chapters there first. If you would like check me out on there guys! Also the only reason I’m posting this on here is in case y’all don’t like Wattpad but would enjoy this crap tactic story! Love you guys!
There isn’t a lot of mullette stories so I hope this one is good enough. ❤️
Words: 14532, Chapters: 13/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, The Schuyler Sisters (Hamilton), John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, minor crossover with vld characters, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, etc.
Relationships: Mullette/Lafigan, Lams, JeffMads, Meggy - Relationship
Additional Tags: Sadstuff, Angst with a Happy Ending, sorry in advance, Hamilbros, Nice thomas, mute jemmy, laf and Thomas are cousins, Trigger Warnings
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XDFNVd
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ao3feed-hamilton · 4 years
by honeyybeelilac
When Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens get engaged, they decide that they want to celebrate by going to a strip club. Hercules Mulligan is not amused, the last place he would find himself is in a strip club.
He changes his mind when he spots a young escort who goes by the name Lafayette.
Words: 2709, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda, Hamilton - Miranda (Broadway Cast) RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hercules Mulligan, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Aaron Burr, Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, George Washington
Relationships: Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Additional Tags: Fluff, Stripper Lafayette, lafayette is a prostitute, Alternate Universe - Prostitution, Lams - Freeform, mullette, Lingerie, Pansexual Hercules Mulligan, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Flirty Marquis de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette Speaks French, Mentioned lams - Freeform, Alex and John are getting married, very gay, Alternate Universe - Escorts, Jealousy, Jealous John Laurens, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Angst, Hurt Marquis de Lafayette, Attempted Sexual Assault
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' https://ift.tt/2ZO0vna
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deadrcbins · 4 years
Oneshot Requests! (Bonus: Jeffmads headcanons!)
Yeah, I’m pretty imitable and unoriginal. Sorry, Aaron. Anyway, like a majority of the fandom, I’m making Hamilton one shots! I take requests, I’m great with any angst, no smut, and I’m great with fluff, as well! 
(The cover is John Laurens approved, even though he preferred birds to turtles, the background looked nice.)
SO, onto ships!
I do:
~Jeffmads, since that’s my OTP
~Lams, since it’s also OTP
~Mullette, because it’s OTP in the fandom and in my heart
And literally ANY other ship in the fandom. ANY. If I name them all, I can go on for days!
The exceptions are incest between the Schuylers, and Washette/Whamilton unless there’s no age gap. 
Anyway, thank you so much for reading!
Jeffmads Headcanons:
Let’s start with Madison:
How do they react to a breakup?
James will usually cry a lot and shut himself inside the house for a bit until Thomas comes over and forces him into a Disney movie marathon, complete with ice cream, pillow forts, and a lot of blankets. Of course, this was before Thomas and James professed their undying love for each other. He also becomes very moody and becomes the ULTIMATE emo kid, often dressed in dark and everything. He’ll also contemplate what he did wrong in the relationship and wallow in his self-pity for a bit. This span stretches out for two weeks before he’s back to normal, and so far, he’s only had two breakup episodes.
What would they do if they caught their soulmate cheating?
James’ entire world would crash down. Everything falls out of orbit, and it’d be exactly his worst fear. Thomas is a real good-looking guy...why would he even want to be with James when there are so many other people much more impressive than James? He’d definitely fall into depression. It’d be horrifying for him. Life’s colorful palette would surely turn monotonous. 
Would they leave in the middle of an argument?
No, never. Thomas and James have an envious relationship with each other, and it never becomes that extreme. They’ll talk it out and compromise when it gets to this point. This is quite seldom, though, and over odd issues. 
“Tommy! You’ve burned my favorite pan! Now my omelette won’t taste as good!”
“Buy a new one, then, Jemmy! That YouTube video was so hard to follow!”
Would they make up after a huge argument?
Most definitely. They’re a power couple, a force to be reckoned with!
If James would break up with Thomas, for what reason would it be?
Thomas is too easily jealous of anyone even looking at James the wrong way. He’s a bit clingy, as well. Also, Thomas ends up in a lot of fights with Hamilton, and James gets worried for Thomas’ safety. Gremlin though he may be, he also went to summer military academy, so Hamilton is stronger than he lets on. Thomas has height and build, but can’t channel much of it.
Moving on their S/O?
Jemmy would be horribly depressed, but life has a way of moving on whether you wish to or not. He’ll most likely never find passionate love again, and Thomas remains etched into his memory for life.
Emotions while arguing?
Mostly irritation and annoyance, and afterward, regret and sadness.
How do they and their S/O deal with loss?
It was Thomas who experienced loss, between losing his father at fourteen, and Martha Wayles, his high school sweetheart. James comforted him both times. Madison lost his grandmother to cancer a few years back, and he immediately fell into a grievance for months. His grandmother was his only confidant after Thomas left for Paris, and it disheartened him greatly. He’d never felt so alone in the world, and on top of that, while Thomas was gone, James’ parents pressured him in the first place to go to that highly competitive boarding school for the gifted and talented. He developed his anxiety and anxious introvertedness (Is that a word?) that would plague him for quite a while after. He fears not being good enough, and he constantly feels incompetent and unimportant, despite Thomas’ protests. He kept a secret from Thomas. He tried to take his own life. He stopped hurting himself after Thomas and James got together. 
Biggest regret? 
James’ biggest regret was not being able to maintain the best relationship with his grandmother, who was the one pillar in his life, as he lived with her for two years while James’ parents sent him off to school two hours from there, in the same town Gramma lived. 
Thomas’ Headcanons:
How do they react to a breakup?
Thomas has only been in two relationships before James. Before he met Martha, there was this girl named Sally who dumped Thomas for someone named William Clark. He was depressed, quiet, reserved, and sad for a week with Sally gone, and he was horribly self conscious about his tics, he was fidgety, too. It was horribly out of character, and even Hamilton bought Jefferson a cupcake. He compared himself to everyone else for ages after that. Luckily James was great at comforting, and he was so kind to Thomas afterwards. James made Thomas Mac ‘N’ Cheese and they both pranked Hamilton secretly just for fun, He bottles his emotions until the last day of his phase, then cracks. The next day, he’s back to normal.
Would they ever leave in the middle of an argument?
Again, no, never. Thomas might get stressed out trying to compete with Hamilton at work and work itself, and/or might have had a bad day occasionally, so he’ll be extra moody those days. James knows that he’s anxious about something, so he tries to give Thomas space those days, often reading or watching TV or doing something quietly until he cools off.
Would they make up after an argument?
Most definitely. Thomas is a little puppy. He’ll always come back, loyal and a tad clingy. They enjoy talking out their issues and compromise. 
If Thomas were to break up with James, for what reason would it be?
Thomas loves James and you cannot convince anyone otherwise. Cons
Moving on from their S/O?
Thomas actually had to do this with Martha. In the beginning, it was difficult, and he fell down a vortex of emotions, feelings he wasn’t used to feeling, and like with Sally, Hamilton tried his hardest to console Thomas so that they could fight again. Thomas hates being alone, and losing James as well...it’s unimaginable.
Emotions while arguing:
First, it’s annoyance and irritation, then guilt and sadness. 
How do they and their S/O deal with loss?
It was Thomas who experienced loss, between losing his father at fourteen, and Martha Wayles, his high school sweetheart. James comforted him both times. He likes to keep it private, you won’t even know he cried. Mostly his way of accepting is helping and comforting other people, and shuts his emotions and mourns privately.
What is their biggest regret?
Not getting to say goodbye to his father and Martha, who both died in car crashes. Martha died, she was going with her friend Merida, who survived, on their way to A La Mode, and Peter, Randolph, and Thomas were involved in a car crash the year before, after coming back from a guys’ day out fishing trip. He feels he distracted the drivers both times and deaths were his fault, though it wasn’t. Thomas rode shotgun, giving him his cane, and Randolph had his spleen removed. Elizabeth, their sister who had autism and brain trouble, went crazy after hearing of the crash and refused to sit in a car. They give her Benadryl or sleep medicine. now for necessary trips. A secret Thomas kept from James was that he failed a suicide attempt, but doesn’t self-harm anymore after James and himself got together. Little did he know, while he was in France...James, ever depressed, tried the same thing.    
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hercules-momigan · 7 years
Standing for Something
Just a note, this is my original work and can also be seen on my fan-ficton blog, @inwhichirepostfanfics
It is an angst one-shot, it’s not super graphic but please be careful. Jerome is a cousin of Hercules, but I couldn’t actually find a cousin please don’t kill me.
Comments of any kind are welcome, minus ship hate, of course. Let me know if you want more!
I hope you enjoy!
High School
John kissed Herc's cheek, glad that strong arms were wrapped around him as he let everything spill out. Hercules was such a good listener. He rubbed circles on the palm of the larger man's hand, feeling calm. "Thank you." "Anything, for you, John."
Hercules kept staring at the floor. "I don't love you the way I should." John bit his lip. "Well, it's just a change of label, right?" They were both silent for a moment. "And a drastic change in kisses." "Hercules..." "What?" He tried to repress a grin. "This was supposed to be serious." "Best buds have a lot of trouble being serious." "I guess you're right." They embraced. "I can hit on Martha now?" "I knew it!"
Hercules rubbed his hands together as the date went wonderful of course it did, he planned it. Alex and John were perfect for each other, no doubt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John smirked as Alex walked up and smashed Hercules' and Lafayette's faces together, releasing about two years of sexual tension. They were finally going to be together. John pulled his boyfriend out as it got a little too heated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lafayette kissed Hamilton's shoulder, and even though it was brotherly in nature, John was a little tipsy, and decided not to let it slide. He jumped on Herc and they fell behind his desk. Hercules chuckled. "Help! He's seducing me with his whiles! Laf, get mmMPH!" John had just kissed Hercules. John had just kissed Hercules and now Hercules ran out of the shop, his heart racing and his mind scrambled. He couldn't think he just ran, every breath becoming more harsh, the pounding of his shoes against concrete the only thing keeping him from completely breaking down. Hercules realized, too late, where he was going. The old church loomed before him, the ghost of his Uncle's grip forming on his wrist. He tried to turn around, but his name stopped him. "Hercules!" He turned, his whole body screaming at him to run. "Why don't you come in?" And that he did, the door creaking as he pulled it open. He walked through the faded pews, his hands shaking in his pockets. "Hey Jerome. " "My favorite cousin! How are you doing? Long time no see!" Herc winced. "Yeah, about that-" "Are you going to work with us again?" Jerome tilted his head, a smile on his face. "No." The smile hardened, the eyes turned to ice. "And why not?" "It was a mistake, coming here. Something happened and I started running. I didn't mean to-" "That's enough!" Jerome's snap echoed through the sanctuary, startling a nest of birds. "We've been meaning to bring you back." Hercules shuddered, his arms starting to shake. "I don't want to come back." "At this point, you don't have much of a choice. We've been watching, and unless you want any of those people you watch over messed with, you'll do what we say." Hercules clenched his jaw, knowing exactly what he would choose. His cousin knew him too well. "Fine." His hand closed around his phone, hoping his plan had worked.
Lafayette turned to glare at John as he crawled from behind the counter. "What did you do?" John's face was one of shock and confusion. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. I don't know what came over me I-" He stopped at the look on Alexander's face. "Alex...." Lafayette bent down beside Alex. "Do you want me to stay?" Before Alex could answer, he felt his phone buzz. It was a voice message from Hercules. Knowing what that might mean, Lafayette stood. "I have to go." He sent a look in John's direction that said 'Don't make this worse.' He headed to one place Hercules would have never gone. That was the only reason he'd send a voice message.
Hercules looked up at the man in front him. "This is my replacement? Jeez, he's really..." "Big?" "Yeah. Can you run the books?" The big man shook his head, and was cut off from speaking by Herc's eye roll. "Wow. I had to be replaced by two people? Way to upgrade, man." "For your information, I run the books now. And there will be none of the lip Father allowed from you." Hercules was about to tell him off again when a man with a large box walked through the front door. "I got 'em." "In the back." Jerome waved his hand dismissively. "Alright Herc, let's-" "Don't call me that. Only people who care for me can call me that." "I forgot," Jerome stood. "How picky you were." Hercules gasped. "Little Jerry? Forget something? How common of him!" Jerome growled. "Out of my sight. We will assign you a job later." He didn't have to say it twice. Hercules was headed beeline for the door, his heart starting to race again. He almost knocked over Lafayette, who was waiting outside. "Laf!" "I was waiting to call zee the police." "It's good too, there's not enough in there that they can't clear out before the cops find it." He took the Frenchman's wrist. "We need to go." Lafayette started to protest, but shouts from inside stopped him. Someone had spotted the two of them talking and had sounded the alarm. Hercules started tugging harder on his boyfriend's wrist until a heart dropping click stopped him cold. He turned, putting himself between Lafayette and the gun. "He's not a part of this." "You know the rule Hercules. You step through the gates, and you're either in, or dead when you go out." Lafayette pulled out his phone, worried for the situation. Hercules crossed his arms. "Let us go home." There was a moment of silence before the woman lowered his gun. "Fine." Hercules guided Laf toward the gate, and click bang click bang and Hercules is falling forward with two red flowers blooming on his back and somehow Lafayette presses dial and there's a voice on the phone but it can't be heard over the screaming and shouting and everything is red and black and ominous cold gray. When the first responders arrive, the police do nothing. They let the dead-eyed, wild-haired man get in the ambulance with the man who was shot, and quietly go about collecting the moaning bodies from the courtyard.
What will you fall for?
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