#mr. deku au
scribblestatic · 8 months
Mr. Deku is like the mix of a Boomer, Millennial, and Gen Z.
Like, man won't know what a TikTok is, but when his grand daughter (he's gay, but quirk shenanigans, long story) asks him to do a popular dance with her, there he is, doing the griddy.
Despite his big age, he will still laugh at "Me and the boys at 2AM looking for BEANS."
He didn't initially get into tabletop gaming, but ever since he's learned how to play DnD, he's never gone back.
Grand Daughter: Daaaad, c'mon, please let me go out with my friends!
Son: No, I already said you're grounded.
GD: *looks to Deku* Grandpa, pleaaaaaase?
Deku: Critical miss.
GD: C'MON!!!
Also, he got *kiiiinda* obsessed over DnD for a good minute. As in, he started collecting DnD stuff just like his hero stuff. He could sell his collection for a few grand, no lie.
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beybuniki · 2 months
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fishing trip day 2 & 3 🎣🍀
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mysteroads · 1 month
Indomitable Will
Chapter 4: Lost and Found excerpt
Everything was coated in white frost, and thick fog swirled around, obscuring his vision. Dead or not, a shiver slipped down Tomura’s spine and his breath puffed out in a little cloud of condensation. His teeth actually chattered. “D-Damn it, Da-Dabi. W-What d-d-did you d–d-do?” 
“You all… Just die!”
Tomura jumped, then turned and ran in the direction of the hate-filled whisper.
A few hesitant steps forward and the fog cleared. He had to stop, horror freezing him in place better than whatever quirk had covered it in ice. Ten feet away, the entire Todoroki family surrounded Dabi, or what was left of him. He looked… dead. His skin was burned away, his body stiff coated in frost. Frozen from the inside? Had he missed Dabi’s death after all? But no, the body twitched, chest rising with a crackle as he breathed in, and ranted on the exhale, “Die already. Dad, you scum... Just die. You all… and me too… drop dead. Hate you all…” 
Tomura watched a brutalized Endeavor crawl to Dabi, listened to his heartfelt apology, “Toya… I’m sorry! I’m sorry I never made it to Sekoto Peak!” 
Dabi didn’t seem to hear him, continuing to rave, “Hate you Dad! The whole family too! Hate… you!”
Sighing, ignoring Endeavor as he apologized to the rest of his family, Tomura went to Dabi’s other side and crouched down. He stared at his second-in-command’s ravaged face as Dabi continued to mindlessly curse his family, and just from that and the blankness in Dabi’s remaining eye, Tomura knew that his sanity was gone. The real Dabi wasn’t here anymore. 
“You dumb fuck,” Tomura sighed. Reaching out, he put his hand on Dabi’s forehead, as if he were checking the other man’s temperature, one finger carefully raised out of habit.
Dabi stopped his senseless ranting and blinked, some light returning to his eye. It moved, focusing on Tomura. “Sh-Shig? Really… you?”
He smiled. Dabi had called him Shig. He must’ve actually missed Tomura. “Hey there, Dabs. You ready to ditch this place? I came to get you.”
Tomura was not expecting rage to reignite in Dabi’s eyes. He really should have, this was Dabi after all. Endeavor obviously wasn’t expecting his near-corpse of a son to reanimate either, recoiling as Dabi’s body jerked and he hissed, “Fuck… off! I’m… not done!”
“I’m not done!”
“You look like a freezer burned steak, you crazy fucker!” Tomura shouted at him. 
“I’M NOT DONE!” This time, Dabi screamed it, his back arching as he tried in vain to get up. His family freaked out, trying to support his body and keep it from breaking apart any more. Tomura was right there with them emotionally, though he felt annoyed exasperation, rather than frantic familial concern.
Shifting to get out of the family’s way, he lost contact with Dabi, and immediately the other man lost focus, going limp and muttering breathless curses. Tomura stared at him, then back down at his hands, startled. What the hell?  
He had helped? Or had he hurt? 
Dabi had obviously gone completely insane, and who could blame him at this point? His actual brain was probably half frozen and half baked, and Tomura could tell from his ability to feel Dabi that the other man was close to death. But he’d woken up when Tomura touched him, still stubborn beyond all reason, but not insane. Tomura wasn’t sure if that was a kindness or not, considering the state Dabi’s body was in. 
Looking up from his hands, Tomura let his gaze linger on the Todoroki family. He watched them try briefly to coax Dabi back to lucidity, before giving up, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and grief. An odd thought occurred to him:
Maybe it wasn’t meant as a kindness for Dabi. 
Carefully, he moved to Dabi’s head and got settled, then put his hands on Dabi’s temples. Two points of contact had to be better than one, right? 
Once again, the difference was instant: the litany of hate cutting off and awareness coming back to that blue, blue eye. “You’re a real piece of work, you know,” Tomura told Dabi. “I risked a whole hell of a lot to make sure I’d be here when you finally kicked the bucket. But we already know you’re an ungrateful little bitch, so I don’t know why I was surprised.” He chuckled at Dabi’s narrowed eye and the irritation he saw there. “Then again, I guess I can’t blame you really. If our positions had been reversed, I probably would’ve told you to fuck off too. I still think you’re being stupid, but I’m sure you’d tell me I’m a hypocrite, and then we’d call each other by increasingly childish names.” He leaned forward a little so he was sure Dabi could see his upside-down smirk. “I look forward to doing that again, staple face.”
A cough, then, so soft Tomura could barely hear it, “Hand… job.”
Tomura knew his smile softened, and made up for it by patting Dabi’s cheek in the most condescending manner he could. “Such class. I can tell you’re well bred.”
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silentmagi · 1 year
Deku Phantom AU: Mr. Snuggles & Eri & (Jirou x Izuku x Momo x Mei) & The Shades in "Nesting"
It was not hiding from midterms, it was a nice night in watching fun movies for children in a pile of blankets, pillows, and a ghostly hamster ball. Pizza and popcorn were on their way.
It was Aizawa approved nesting.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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strawberrynightmere · 2 years
Little Izuku [Little Misfortune AU]
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Here are some drawings from my fanfic (Little Izuku, on ao3)
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autumnmobile12 · 1 month
Villain Deku AU
Most of the time when I see the Villain Deku AU, he's often crazy, and while I do love that concept, I really want to see more sarcastic, cinnamon roll 'Moxxie from Helluva Boss' vibes.
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Shigaraki: And that's plan, any questions?
Deku: Uh, yeah, what was that?
Shigaraki: That wasn't a question, Deku.
Deku: That wasn't a plan.
Remember my League of Morons vs A Summer Camp post?
Deku can fix that.
Shigaraki: All right, smart ass, you think you can do better?
Deku: I actually can. Your first mistake is attacking the second night of the camp. Let them all have their summer camp fun. By the end of a single week of non-stop, hardcore training, they'll be exhausted and less likely to fight off a surprise attack efficiently. Now, before the camp begins, we'll need Spinner to drive out there. You're the only one of us who hasn't committed any significant crimes yet.
Spinner: Why is that important?
Deku: *smiling cheerfully* Because you're a civilian. The Wild, Wild Pussycats aren't going to think it's weird if a civilian drives up to their base asking for directions through the mountains. Just make sure you have nice, dead battery for your cell phone. Ooh, or you could park on the road with a low tank of gas and walk up to their base! That'll sell it.
Spinner: Sell what?
Deku: You're getting the exact coordinates of the building for Kurogiri, of course. Once we have that information, he can open warp gates beneath our target while he's asleep and let gravity do the rest.
Kurogiri: You suggest we strike at night?
Deku: Right. You want to kidnap Kaachan, so we do it covertly while everyone's asleep. After that, if you really want to send a message to the heroes, we can always seal up the doors and windows, then Mustard can gas the building. Or Dabi can burn it to the ground. Your choice. Painless death in their sleep or painful death by fire?
Dabi: ...holy fuck, that's insane.
All-For-One: *through the computer monitor* Intriguing proposition, Deku. I suppose you have a back-up plan in case something goes wrong.
Deku: About that, it's entirely possible one of the Pussycats or UA teachers will be on look-out and if that's the case, Eraserhead will be the biggest obstacle. Most of you rely extremely heavily on your Quirks. We'll have to work on that, but in our current time frame, doing so before the summer camp is not feasible. So we'll need to remove the one player who can nullify Quirks. That'll be Mr. Compress's job.
Compress: And how exactly will I do that?
Deku: You'll hit him with a surprise attack. Kurogiri will open a warp gate for you, and the second he does, then you strike. Simple.
Muscular: Yeah, and what about the rest of us?
Deku: You'll be on standby in case Compress fails or draws too much attention to himself. Now about our hostage situation...do we really want Kaachan?
Kurogiri: What do you mean?
Deku: Well I know Kaachan. Despite his violent tendencies, he does have a strong sense of justice and he won't be easy to corrupt. Might I suggest taking the heteromorph students instead? Given society's discrimination problem against what they call the 'non-human' types, they've already got a reason for dissatisfaction with how they've been treated since they were born. Oh, and we should take Yaoyorozu Momo, too.
All: ....why?
Deku: She's rich. Her Quirk is infinitely useful, of course, but even if we can't convince her to join the League, her family will pay us a hefty ransom to get her back. For the record, so will Endeavor if we abduct his youngest son, too. Or we could just ransom the oldest one if all else fails.
Dabi: How the fuck did you know?!
Deku: ...Todoroki Touya allegedly burned up in a massive forest fire and the body was never found. You have a fire Quirk and horrific, full body burn scars and are the age he would have been today. It's not rocket science.
Shigaraki: ...this brat just hijacked my entire plan.
He'd quickly become the Bilbo Baggins of LoV, the one who's solving all the problems right up until they get to the fight with Gigantomachia, at which point he says, "No, I'm not helping you this time. He's gotta respect you, this is your quest. I'm not the fighting type, so I'll just sit back and watch." Proceeds to sit quietly and take notes while observing the fight.
Dabi also wasn't helping out with that fight, so every now and then he checks in on their progress. He just shows up, mildly entertained and mostly annoyed by the collective ineptitude (not that he's any better,) and he walks up to Deku.
Dabi: So how many ways have you thought of to defeat him?
Both: *duck as Spinner goes flying over them*
Deku: ...47. How's that recruitment process going? Because you're starting to look way more useful as a bargaining chip for ransom.
Dabi: Says the guy who's just sitting here.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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the devil who adores you | k. bakugou
✮ tags ; angel!bakugou x devil!reader, forbidden love, religious imagery, angst (?), mentions of creation, reader is implied to be older than bakugou by a lot but it's ambiguous, angel creation is not like human, birth, gn!reader (only physical attribute is them having horns)
✮ wc ; 1.1k
✮ a/n ; this is something i might expand into a fic one day ngl. a few clarifying things about the au.
god can't interfere in purgatory realm like he can in the human realm. devils can't enter heaven and angels can't enter hell.
they have an "age-gap" but there's not really a concept of like age. angels and devils have existences like light and dark that accumulate over time before they take on a physical form and start working.
godliness is a inheritance thing. yagi has been in the seat for all of katsukis existence but reader has been there since nana was in the seat
✮ synopsis ; katsuki wants to convince you to join him. he wants to love you in the light
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“Ah, Mr. Angel. Did God finally send you down to me to be saved?” 
Katsuki glares at your form through the leaves. The two of you are currently in purgatory. In name and myth it’s a place between Hell and Heaven for lost souls. On paperwork and functionally, it’s a place where Devils and Angels can interact without interference. They can interact in the human world too, in reality. 
But they’re more restricted in how they speak and act. It’s easier here, quieter and more peaceful. You spend a lot of time in the area. A forest clearing with a little babbling brook. Purgatory has all sorts of sights, a copy of the human world so not to freak out the souls travelling through. 
It’s unusual for Devils, really - to choose a place so in line with God’s cretation to rest. Katsuki clicks his teeth as he walks through the thickets. The robes of fabric that hang over his waist brush the leaves as he finds you where your sit. 
“As if a damned Devil like you could ever be saved.” He grumbles. You laugh pleasantly, wearing the same get-up as always. Wearing fine red silks in a plain color, and those plain black shoes. A lot of the Devils he knows wear more flashy outfits, but you always look unusually plain. You hum at him, leaning back to rest on your palms. 
“You’re pretty harsh for an angel. You’ve been like that since your creation but,” You turn your head to glance at him “Never stops being surprising.” 
Katsuki never knows what to say at times like this. You’ve been alive alot longer than he has, and worked in this place a lot longer than him too. His only memories of you have been as a devil. Countless times, you’ve found each other to the same place through history. 
But you never stop with anymore than  a passing glance. Devils have certain qualities to them. Frivolous and arrogant, and unusually sadistic. Maybe it’s your age or that weird placid attitude you’ve always had. But hearing you tell him he’s not very angel-like feels ironic. 
“You’re one to talk, you old bag.” 
You laugh at that, not bothering to get angry. Instead you get this passive look on your face that Katsuki can’t read. You turn yourself to face him, hands reaching out for his wings. Your fingers are delicate, even with your nails pointed so razor sharp. They don’t cut Katsuki at all. 
“Mm, that’s true. But,” You glance at his face, then smile. Katsuki can’t help but look. Devils have specific beauties to them. The kind of entity that draws mankind to them. You’re no different, but it’s not something you do on purpose “I can understand why you were made to be one anyway.” 
“Haah. You’re the first person I’ve ever heard say that.” 
It’s true. Katsuki got a lot of shit for being an angel with his ‘bad personality’ to the point even God couldn’t give him answers. Yagi was newer in his seat, but he’d always seem confident in his pick. Despite being created together with another being, Katsuki had always felt secondary. 
His counterpart, Deku was everything an angel was meant to be. It’s surprising to hear you say it, and he wants to ask why but is too embarrassed. It doesn’t take anything for you to continue. 
“Angels have particular qualities but there’s only one thing they all have in common. A sense of responsibility towards mankind. Despite your looks and foul mouth, you harbor those very feelings.” 
Being read like that makes him blush. You laugh a bit at that.  
“I can see your heart. It’s pure as light, which is why God favors you and your counterpart. You are well loved.” 
Katsuki blushes again, harder this time. He can’t figure you out at all. You’ve worked in the realm longer than almost anyone, but he still has no idea what you’re thinking or why you are the way you are. Time and time again, you’ve done things that don’t feel quite right about being a Devil. He can’t understand it, or the way you look after others. 
“What about you?” He asks, before he has a chance to stop himself. All furious and flushed, arms folded in his lap and halo bright with feeling. His wings twitch “What makes you a Devil anyway? You’re nothing like those damned punks.” 
“Oho? You think I should become an Angel after all?” 
“That’s not—don’t twist my words, you horned miscreant!” He says, angrily grabbing your collar. You laugh again, hard this time before Katsuki shoves you away. 
You fold yourself over your knees smiling mischeviously. 
“What makes you think I’m not devilish?” 
Katsuki frowns, but you seem to be sincerely waiting for an answer. He turns his head to face the other way, eyes catching the forest beyond. There’s light pouring through, spilling into the stream. He sighs. 
“Dunno. You speak pretty highly o’humans or whatever. And you’re not some arrogant prick even while you’re doing your job. Picky about your clientele too. It’s all weird. If I threw a halo and wings on you, you’d just be another angel.” 
You grin at his evaluation. 
“Really. You think that highly of me?” 
“Who said that!” 
And you’re laughing again and Katsuki feels something in his ribs ache. It’s a real laugh, soft as feathers and rounded. Almost childish. 
“I can never become an angel and I won’t ever try. I’d rather become a human if I must change.” 
‘“But..why? Some Devils can redeem themselves and—” 
“Katsuki,” You interject, expression remaining warm “Wanting to make me an Angel so we can be together in the end. It’s the exact difference between you and me.” 
His mouth clamps shut. You don’t seem angry despite how see through he was being about the entire ordeal. He’s hurt before anything. 
“...So you don’t actually care about being with me? Was it all another frivolous fucking expirment for you? Do you—” 
He’s crying then. Soft tears down his cheek, when your hands go to cup them. You wipe them off for him. He grabs your wrist to pull you away but has no strength to do so. You lean into him closely, his face cradled gently in your palms. What Devil could ever be so loving? Could mean it so much?
“See, my love? That’s just the thing. You want me to become good. I would tear this whole world apart if you’d let me. I’d wreak havoc on mankind to hold you in my arms. You wish for worldly order and I wish for you.” 
“Damned Devil,” He cries. Curses. You kiss gently.
“Yours for eternity.”
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akumakosuke · 1 year
This is just a teaser? Like a random oneshot idfk😭
Prompt: Deku and Y/n have been in a secret relationship since their first year at UA. One day Deku is crying and the truth is revealed.
AU: They're in their third and final year.
Quirk: not important
Genre: ❤️Fluff ❤️
Almost all of Class 3-A are gathered in the common room of the UA Dorms. Bakugo and Y/n are currently training together.
Deku is currently sitting on the 3 seater couch crying his big green eyes out. Everyone tries to comfort him but it's of no use.
He just won't stop crying, so no one can get a response out of him so they don't know what to do.
Normally whenever he cries someone is always able to comfort him. Now it seems as if his only form of comfort isn't here.
Iida stands in front of Deku. Uraraka is to his right and Shoto to his left. Tsu is standing on the right of Iida.
The Bakusquad are behind the couch and the rest of the class are standing around the crying boy.
"Deku calm down!" Iida screams, swinging his arm in a chopping motion.
"I-ida maybe d-don't scream while he's crying?" Uraraka says trying to comfort Deku.
"I apologize!" He yells making Uraraka jump.
She glares at him and turns her attention to a crying Deku.
"Hey, Deku it's okay just tell us what's wrong okay?" She says softly, while rubbing his back.
He doesn't reply instead he keeps crying.
The class starts to get worried.
"Should we call Mr.Aizawa?" Deki asks.
"I think we should bro.." Kiri says looking at a sobbing Deku.
"Something serious could have happened.." Mina says worry laced in his voice.
"He's been crying all day does anyone know anything?" Tsu asks everyone.
Everyone shakes their head no, the room falls into an uncomfortable silence, only Dekus sobs can be heard.
"It's okay Deku, we're all here for you." Uraraka says with a smile.
"T-t-thats *hiccup* that's the problem!" Deku shouts crying even more.
Everyone looks at Deku confused.
"N-not all of yo-you are here." He says sniffling.
"Okay guys let's give Izuku some space." Shoto says standing up. He ushers everyone into the kitchen and turns to them with a serious look.
"I get it now." He states
Everyone looks at Shoto signaling him to continue.
"He misses Bakugo." He says, making everyone look at him with dotted eyes.
"Eh?!" They all scream in unison.
"What do you mean he misses Bakugo?" Momo questions.
"Well he said not all of us are here, and Bakugo's not here, so that means it has something to do with him." Shoto calmly states.
"That makes sense Todoroki!" Denki shouts.
"Then we have to get Bakugo here STAT!" Kiri shouts pulling out his phone.
"Where is Bakugo anyway?" Mina asks.
"He's training with Y/n." Tsu says.
"Hey..what if Deku wants Y/n?" Uraraka asks.
They all look at her and think back on moments with Y/n.
"Hey Y/n! How's it going?"  Kiri asks cheerfully.
"Hi. I'm fine." He says with a bored tone and uninterested look.
Kiri sweatdrops at Y/n's unenthusiastic reply.
"Hey Y/n! Wanna hang out after school today?" Denki asks the tall male next to him.
"No." Y/n replied walking away.
Denki stands there in shock.
"Hey Y/n!" Mina exclaimed.
"Hi." He says.
"Do you have any plans for our free period today?" She asks.
"Well do you wanna hang out with us?" She asks pointing to the Bakusquad behind her.
"No." He says walking away.
"Y/n, apologize to Mineta." Mr. Aizawa says annoyed.
"I don't apologise to anyone." He says with a bored tone.
-flashback end-
"Yeah no he doesn't seem like the comforting type.." Denki says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"So it's definitely Bakugo." Kiri says texting bakugo.
-BakuBro 💪🏻-
Hey Bakubro.
Do you think you could come back to the dorms?
Kiri sweatdrops.
"I'll just call him."
-on the phone-
"WHAT?!" Bakugo screams.
"Look bro. It's an emergency! You need to get back to the dorms ASAP!!"
"Look I don't want to freak you out just get here as soon as possible!"
"Urg fine!" Bakugo cuts the call.
"Okay guys he's coming. Let's get back and try and comfort Deku." Kiri says putting his phone away.
They all agree and go to comfort Deku until the one he needs arrives.
-With Bakugo-
"What was that about?" Y/n asks Bakugo who just got off the phone.
"I don't know. Shitty Hair said it's an emergency, so you might want to hurry." Bakugo says crossing his arms.
"I hope everyone's alright. And we can leave now I found it." Y/n says.
"WELL ITS ABOUT TIME!" Bakugo shouts.
"Stop yelling." Y/n says calmly.
Y/n rolls his eyes and follows Bakugo. He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a small black box.
He opens it and smiles...
-no one pov-
It's been about half an hour since Kiri called Bakugo telling him to come back to the dorms. The class is still comforting Deku who isn't crying as much anymore.
The door opens and everyone but Deku turns to see who it is. They see Bakugo and Y/n walking in.
Uraraka, Mina, Kiri, Denki and Iida walk up to them.
"FINALLY BAKUBRO!!" Kiri screams.
"WHAT? WHAT'S THE EMERGENCY?!"  Bakugo shouts.
Y/n just stands there with a blank expression, not paying attention to the conversation.
"Deku needs you Bakugo!" Uraraka screams.
Y/n furrows his eyebrows and look at the 5 students in front of him.
"What?" Bakugo asks confused.
"Yeah bro! He needs you!" Denki confirms.
Bakugo starts to sweat a little because he knows Deku is taken and that someone is very protective.
"What do you mean, he needs him?" Y/n asks a bit more seriously than usual. 
"Well.. he's been crying the whole day and no one's been able to comfort him and he said 'not everyone's here' and the only people missing were you and Bakugo so.." Mina says.
Bakugo's eyes widen. They all turn to Bakugo who currently has a very concerned expression.
"Aww look how worried Bakugo is!" Mina excitedly exclaims.
"shit." He says.
They all look at him in confusion, he glanced at Y/n making everyone confused.
They look at him.
Y/n looks directly at Deku, his face an expression they haven't seen coming from the tall male.
He looks absolutely worried. They have never seen him show any emotion.
They all turn to where he's staring and see he's staring at Deku. They look at Y/n in confusion.
He immediately pushes past them and speed walks to Deku's crying form on the couch.
They all follow him. He stands in front of Deku and kneels down so he's Dekus height.
"Hey hun, why are you crying?" He gently asks.
Everyone looks in shock. They have never heard him speak like that before.
"Y-y/n?" Deku asks slowing lifting his head.
"Yes, I'm here." He says softly. He brings his hand out to wipe away Dekus tears.
Bakugo pushes his way to the front. The rest of the class stands in complete confusion.
"W-where were you today!" Deku shouts crying harder.
Y/n frowns. He hates seeing Deku cry and worst he hates it when Deku cries because of him.
"I'm sorry." Y/n says pulling the smaller male into a hug.
The class goes wide eyed at the sight before them. Not only did The Y/n apologize, which everyone knows he never does but he's also hugging Deku!
Deku grabs onto Y/n and sobs into his chest.
Y/n slowly rubs his back and whispers sweet nothings in Dekus ear so only he can hear.
After a few minutes Deku stops crying. Y/n pulls away from the hug at look at Deku with nothing but pure love in his eyes.
"T-today was our anniversary!" Deku shouts hitting Y/n's chest with his head hung low.
"ANNIVERSARY?!" The class shouts.
Y/n glares at them shutting them up. He turns back to Deku and his eyes immediately soften.
"I know. I'm sorry I didn't spend the day with you." Y/n says not minding Deku hitting him.
"W-where were you?" Deku asks looking up at Y/n, with puffy eyes, a red nose and tear stains on his face.
Y/n hates seeing Deku like this.
"Bakugo was helping me with something.. Something for you actually." He says softly.
Bakugo rolls his eyes and everyone stares intently at Y/n and Deku.
"I was planning on giving it to you at dinner but.." he trails off pulling out a black box.
The class gasps. Deku looks at the box then back at Y/n.
Y/n smiles and cups Dekus face with his free hand.
"Izuku Midoriya. You make me the happiest man alive. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you..." He says opening the box to reveal a silver ring with a green gemstone in the middle.
The class look in shock and excitement.
"Will you make me the happiest man alive and Marry me?" Y/n looks at Deku, with nothing but admiration and love.
Deku look at Y/n and doesn't know what to say.
"I-i-i.." He grabs Y/n and pulls him into a hug while sobbing into his chest.
"Shhhh..it's okay love." Y/n says hugging the smaller male back.
"YES! YES! YES!" Deku screams in his chest.
Y/n eyes slightly widen and he holds on tighter.
Deku slowly pulls back and looks at Y/n with the biggest smile ever.
The entire class 'awwws' at the scene in front of them.
Y/n smiles, tearing up a bit as he slides the ring on Dekus finger. He cups Dekus face with his hands and slowing kisses him.
Deku wraps his hands around Y/n's neck and kisses back. They pull apart for air and rest their foreheads against eachother.
"I love you so much Deku." Y/n says.
"I love you too Y/n"
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pinkykats-place · 5 months
BakuDeku Seasonal: Winter/Christmas 2023
AO3 FanFic Recommendations
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None of the stories below are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Permission granted by @fihella to use this wonderful art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Broken Noses and Christmas Wishes by @mikacrispy
Summary: It's Christmas eve and Izuku has exciting plans to huddle on his couch, eating cake and not thinking about his (lack of) love life. A broken nose wasn't on his plans for the night.
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Teen & Up
All I want by DemonyteKav
Summary: Katsuki tells 'Santa' what he wants for Christmas. In a special way.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
15 Years of Loving You by Fawn_Eyed_Girl, kalcia
Summary: For fifteen years, Katsuki has held onto a letter he wrote to Izuku when they were children.
He never thought he’d give Izuku the letter.
But then, Izuku went to the States, and Katsuki’s heart went to pieces.
Now, Izuku is back, and Katsuki is determined to give Izuku the letter…so matter the cost.
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Teen & Up
Secret Santa by magickbeing
Summary: Izuku kissed him like he fought - with everything he was.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Clean up in aisle 5 by MzMirrorz
Summary: Katsuki hated Christmas. Working retail for years would do that to you. The annoying customers, the screaming children, the stupid amount of hours he had to pull. It was easy to see why he wasn't a fan.
This Christmas however?
"Hey, Kacchan!"
This Christmas was a little different.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Rated - General Audiences
Santa, Baby! by SweetSide
Summary: Deku is given a very special Christmas Mission
“What do you mean they have you playing Santa Claus! You’re the number three hero in Japan! The audacity!”
“Kacchan, it’s fine. It’s easy, safe, and fun.”
“You’re a hero, Deku.”
“Yes, and I’m saving Mr. Kringle and Maria from having to explain to a bunch of kids and parents that there’s no Santa to see. Basically, I’m saving Christmas!”
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - General Audiences
Christmas Every Day by Mikacrispy
Summary: After the war, Katsuki and Izuku can't stay apart and they develop a weird, codependent relationship where they live together, work together, spend every moment of their days together, but they aren't actually together. Except for Christmas nights.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
I’ll Keep You Warm, Deku. by casserolecasss
Summary: Deku makes his way back to the UA dorms after his last class of the day. But he’s very chilly on this late December evening, if only there was someone to warm him up...
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Series: Domestic December 2023 by OlithePoet
Fic #1 Summary: Izuku and Katsuki stay up late one night and bake Christmas cookies together.
{8 One Shots}
Series: Headaches and Holidays by TaakoTaco24
Part One Summary: Endeavor sat at his desk, hunched over his laptop and a mound of paperwork that was continuing to build like his headache. He rubbed his temples and sighed. More and more he found himself working at the office as he struggled to keep up with the younger heroes and their annoying antics.
Of course, that didn’t stop the Number 1 hero from working in the field; he just didn’t always have the energy to handle his newest sidekicks and their constant bickering and taunting. He groaned even thinking about it. What he wouldn’t give for some peace and quiet.
Which led him to today.
Endeavor coughed. “How do I get them to stop? They’re giving me a migraine. I tried separating them, but that made them worse.”
“No shit.”
Endeavor rolled his eyes. “Maybe they’ll shut up if they could just realize their feelings for each other.”
— — —
OR Endeavor has had enough of Izuku and Katsuki pining after each other, so he employs Hawks to stage a set up.
Part One: 17 Chapters
Series: 4 Works
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noeggets · 1 year
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When @ssxdz2 and i stop making hot takes you’ll truly know im insane for not posting them
anyway AU where Deku time travels and puts Shigaraki in a position to be taken by Oboro who was also saved by oc with a time traveling power (i don’t have time to talk about her oc but hes my favorite character MHA lol i love him)
i don’t know when any of this would happen but it has to be maybe when they are 3rd years? thats why i gave Oboro a little hair on his chin and Aizawa is training with his binding cloth so he just kinda keeps it on all the time
ALSO ALSO in tern saving the whole LOV by putting young Spinner with Twice so he wont lose his mind any further cause he has to take care of spinner who is also taking care of him (Twice would have been 32 if he didn’t get OOFED and Spinner is 22 i think so yall do that math im not)
Deku time jumps in to save Touya and put his fire out, take Hawks and put him in the Todoroki household so he can be raised there and help touya
Take Himiko and give her to Vlad King she didn’t get into UA so she goes to ketsubutsu and become friends with Inasa and Camie
and somehow also save Mr compress from even being a part of anything AFO cooked up so they can all eventually meet up in the future not all as heroes but as civilians and friends 
That is all i have to offer right now only happy endings :)
Bonus how he found them
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scribblestatic · 1 year
I said I would write about Mr. Deku, so here we are.
He's the kind of guy you'd see at a nice fishing spot. He's not really there to fish--he's admittedly bad at it. But he does like getting on a boat and going out into the river or lake.
He says it feels comfortable out there, in that baritone, rumbling voice. The kind that warms your chest just from hearing it.
He says the flow of the water rocks the boat so comfortably he could sleep. Which he does, sitting back in a chair on the little boat with a fishing hat over his eyes.
When it slips off, he squints at the sunlight, and if he has a person there with him, they get to watch as his curly, gray-streaked mustache curves up with his tired smile.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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Bakugou Katsuki’s daily shenanigans!
Chapter one: Bakugo is having a good day. At least until his precious secretary resigns and finds himself in the not-so-caring hands of a “menace” instead. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~Genre: Mostly Comedy and Slice of Life. BAKUGO X READER. Might contain enemies-to-lovers, fluff and a hint of angst here and there. POV might be alternating between Bakugo, Reader, Kirishima/friends and Storytelling as this will be a series of one shots connecting to each other.
Other ships in the story: Kaminari x Jirou, Deku x Todoroki
Warnings: Swear words, bullying (in a comedic way) and all the typical Bakugo bullsh*t. New warnings on every chapter.
About the Reader: I don’t want to spoil too much as the reader comes to light in the second chapter but she is going to be Bakugo’s new secretary. She is a fierce woman with no filter, who worked as a hero in another country before coming to Japan. More info in the second chapter.
While the story is a Bakugo x Reader story, the story focuses on Bakugo and his shenanigans, so there might be chapters where the reader isn’t around.
About the writer: English is my second language, please be nice if I make a mistake. I probably will.
Feel free to request a topic! Anything can happen in this AU. (I don’t do smut tho)
There will be a taglist on this one as well, so don’t be shy to ask to be added to it!
Wait a fucking minute.
This isn’t a nightmare.
Bakugo must have died and this is his personal Hell. He was pretty sure he saved enough people in his short life of 25 years to make up for his terrible behavior towards people, but seems like it wasn’t enough to get him on a luxury yacht in Heaven.
Mr. Katsuki’s soul has left his body. He didn’t know how to react to this shenanigan.
He still hoped this is a prank; he quickly checked his phone to see the date in case it’s April’s fools today.
But it’s bloody March.
Chapter 1: Bakugo Katsuki and the case of the leaving secretary.
Bakugo Katsuki wakes up to the most ordinary day ever.
The sun is shining through the burnt holes of his ruined curtains, the birds are annoyingly chirpin’ and singin’ by the window, because Katsuki swears all the birds hate him so much they even decide to fly up to the 10th floor on his perfectly clean balcony just to annoy the shit out of him every morning.
From outside perspective, you would think Katsuki is a “little” grumpy today.
But this is really just an ordinary day for him.
Katsuki is never grumpy. It’s just that everyone else around him is an asshole.
What happened to the curtains, you ask?
Well, let’s go back in time a bit.
~ 2 days ago ~
This day was indeed an ordinary day, or may I dare to say, a good day for Mister Katsuki.
It was his last day before his one day off as the Number Two hero.
Not even the annoying sounds of the birds shitting all over his balcony could ruin his mood. Not even the constant buzzing of his phone could make him angry. It did not matter. He has a motherfucking day off tomorrow.
As mister Katsuki opened the door to his own agency which is literally next door to his own home, he made sure to be nice and say hi to the usually buzzing Kirishima, and he made sure not to comment on the lack of clothing he is wearing again. Not this time.
It didn’t take him more than 5 seconds to realize that Kirishima is not buzzing today. Instead, Kirishima looks rather terrified.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Shitty Hair, did you break the coffee machine or what?” He asked. Well, what else can make Kirishima so terrified if not the lack of caffeine in his system? He basically lives on coffee and steak. There isn’t much to this guy, at least in his humble opinion.
“Hanako-chan is waiting for you in the office. She has something to tell you.” Blurted out the redhead, slowly but steadily leaving the office building. He wasn’t subtle about his leave. He fucking fled the scene like a criminal.
If Kirishima’s coward retreating wasn’t enough to make him tremble from fear, the fact that the usually busy building was somehow completely abandoned definitely made his skin crawl.
He’s the fucking boss, Goddammit, he knows this is not normal.
Is Hanako-chan secretly a spy and is this how he dies? By the hands of his beloved secretary who is like a second mom to him even though there is only a few years between them?
Oh, his dear Hanako-chan. Mister Katsuki might be an absolute ass to the whole world but he would die for his adorable secretary. Hanako-chan always knows how to make him calm down after a stressful morning. She brings his favorite tea, gives him a pat on the back and this man is as good as new, ready for the challenges of the day. He thinks she has a calming quirk but Hanako-chan insists she is just “like that”.
You don’t just tame a wild animal with so many issues just by being nice though.
Mister Katsuki thinks Hanako is full of shit.
With that said, Bakugo made his way to his office with sweaty hands. He is ready for everything.
“Katsuki, my darling!” Said the woman, with the usual friendly smile on her face.
Hanako had a really weird phase in the last few months. Her usual preppy clothing was exchanged for baggy sweaters and leggings, she came in to work looking like she just threw up in the outside bin before coming to work, and Katsuki swears she gained some weight as well, which is no problem, obviously, but Hanako wasn’t the type to let herself go this much in such a short time.
The blonde was really confused by the sudden change, especially knowing that Hanako-chan was freshly married to her boyfriend of 10 years.
Was she unhappy? Did he treat her different now that they are married? Is something bothering her? Is it him?
It’s definitely not him. He is an angel. It must be Kirishima. It’s always Kirishima.
“I know I made you worry a lot in these past few months, and I am sorry. We decided to keep this a secret from you until last minute, so you can sleep well. You are really important to me and I’m sorry for keeping secrets from you.”
Katsuki must still be in bed, having a nightmare, he thought. There is no way his one and only Hanako-chan just admitted to such a “crime” as keeping secrets from him. And who is “we”? Who is the other culprit?
Whoever that person is, they are going to die a horrible death by the end of today.
No one fucks with Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
“With that said, I need to tell you something” She said while looking at her tummy with tearful eyes.
Does she have a stomachache? Is this what this is about? She wants to go home today and rest?
I mean, he might have a short fuse as a boss (and as a person), but making such a drama over a sick leave is a little bit much.
“I am pregnant. And this my last day here with you. I am going on a family leave from tomorrow, Kirishima-kun already has a new secretary ready for you, she’ll be arriving any minute.”
Wait a fucking minute.
This isn’t a nightmare.
Bakugo must have DIED and this is his personal Hell. He was pretty sure he saved enough people in his short life of 25 years to make up for his terrible behavior towards people, but seems like it wasn’t enough to get him on a luxury yacht in Heaven.
Mr. Katsuki’s soul has left his body. He didn’t know how to react to this shenanigan.
He still hoped this is a prank; he quickly checked his phone to see the date in case it’s April’s fools today.
But it’s bloody March.
Maybe If he lays down on the sofa for a nap he’ll wake up in his own bedroom. Yes, this sounds like a plan.
So Katsuki did what he thought is the best in a situation like this; he laid down.
He stayed silent. He wasn’t sure what to say anyway. Should he congratulate her? Or should he just cry and beg her to stay?
Honestly, he really wanted to cry right now and that’s not something he says lightly. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight never cries. Except when his favorite secretary leaves him for a little snotty brat, apparently.
As the blonde slowly realized he is indeed awake and he is making an absolute fool of himself on this lovely Monday morning, he heard someone snickering around his office door.
As Mister Katsuki turned around to look at the creature who dared to laugh at his misery, his eyes lock with a shaken up Kirishima.
Next to the trembling redhead was… a menace.
“Did this woman just broke the High and Mighty Dynamight?” The menace snickered like the whole office wasn’t looking at her with eyes that screamed “STOP RIGHT NOW IF YOU WANT TO LIVE”.
She was aware of the situation.
Oh, she was absolutely aware.
“I thought I applied for a secretary position? There might be a misunderstanding here, I’m a terrible babysitter.”
Oh boy. Oh boy.
Saying things like that to an already grumpy Dynamight is one thing, but grinning at him while looking into his eyes with zero remorse?
The End Of The World has arrived.
Now let’s go back to our grumpy Katsuki and his burnt curtains.
Needless to say, the poor curtains did nothing to anger the blonde, yet ended up dead on the spot after his “sudden” early finish on that lovely Monday morning.
But those weren’t the only things Katsuki burnt that day; the door knobs, the sofa, the toast he tried to eat after coming home, not even Kirishima’s unbreakable left ear could hold up with Mister Katsuki’s anger.
As Dynamight slowly rises from his bed that suspiciously smells like burnt wood and cotton, he puts on the first thing he can find in the pile of laundry he was supposed to do yesterday and leaves his flat without even looking in the mirror.
Because everyone can fuck themselves today, and tomorrow and for the rest of the future.
Mister Bakugo Katsuki is done with everyone’s shenanigans.
NEXT: Chapter 2: Meet the Menace.
Thank you guys for reading, I hope you enjoyed this nonsense, haha! The whole style might not make sense yet but with more chapters coming the more you’ll see what I’m trying to do here :D
As I said in the beginning, feel free to tell me your thoughts and requests!
If you have any questions about the series, send me an ask or a comment!
The taglist is open to anyone, so don’t be shy! Have a lovely day! 💜
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 7 months
Performative Guilt
Summary: At the mall, Eijiro watches as his buddy Bakugou approaches a green haired woman. He is shocked bu what follows.
Notes: A short written after reading one to many 'Bakugou is very guilty feeling after Izuku jumps' fics where Bakugou has nothing happen to him. This is very Anti Bakugou. Could be part of a larger work one day? I like the idea behind it at least.
If you like my work and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee
 When Class 1A showed up at the mall to hang out, Eijiro was happy to get their most moody  classmate to come. Bakugou Katsuki was a loud kind of guy who tended to be a bit rough but you could tell he was a good guy. His hero name was the Deku Hero: Dynamight! You don't get that kind of name from nothing. He volunteered at Quirkless shelters and donated money to charities! The guy was just a bit of a rough asshole, but given his Quirk he probably face some bullying. Real friends would help!
 Walking through the mall, they passed a green-haired woman who looked exhausted, tear tracks on her face and holding a yellow bag in her hands. Bakugou slowed down, eyes wide.
 “Auntie…” he said before he approached the woman. Eijiro and Kaminari waited for him. Eijiro figured she was a relative of some sorts and had gone through something. Why else- 
  The thunderous slap echoed and everyone now watched at the green-haired woman glared fiercely at the shocked Bakugou.
 “How DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME BAKUGOU KATSUKI!” she screamed. “MY SON IS IN A COMA AND WE MAY HAVE TO PULL THE PLUG BECAUSE OF YOU!” she glared angrily at Bakugou who curled into himself.
 “Auntie I-”
 “You lost that right to call me that the first time you beat up my son using your Quirk!” the woman yelled. “You have some damn nerve approaching me right now. Oh wait I know why, it's cause of those boys.” she pointed at Eijiro and Kaminari who froze in confusion. “Classmates? You want to be seen mourning the boy you bullied for his entire life, the boy you told to jump off a roof and DID!”
 “What the fuck?” Kamianri asked quietly.
 “Au- Mrs. Midoriya it's not-” Bakugou said and Eijiro knew the blonde was a good person. He'd obviously changed he had to.
 “Don’t talk,” Mrs. Midoriya said coldly. “You got away with it because my son is Quirkless. Or was anyway. The police told me I should be happy you bullied him so badly he wanted to die because he unlocked his Quirk. Yet he's still in a coma because of it. He's still almost DEAD because of you.” she glared at Bakugou and Eijiro moved.
 “Ma’am, please-” he began but Mrs. Midoriya glared at him.
 “He didn't tell anyone you know. This boy right here never told a soul what he did. A classmate confessed to me and I tried frequently to get the police to listen but they never did. This boy right here instead decided to use it didn't you Bakugou Katsuki.” Mrs. Midoriya glared. “Using that nickname you gave my son when you were three years old and happy you could bully a smaller child, the useless Deku.” she snarled. “Can't even blame his Quirklessness on it. Not that if you could it would be better. Bullying the poor boy without a Quirk?” she mocked. 
 “Holy fuck,” Kaminari said. Eijiro turned, expecting… he didn't know. A shocked look? Confusion? Anything but the realization on Kaminari’s face. “I knew you were a piece of shit but damn! What the fuck Bakugou?!”
 “Excuse me dunce face?!” Bakugou turned and glared.
 “See?! The insults, the attitude! Me and Sero pegged you as a douchebag but thought you were in UA for the rehabilitation stuff they do.” Kaminarsaid and Ejiro didn't know what he meant. Nothing made sense, what did… What did that mean?
 “What?!” Bakugou shouted. 
 “He isn’t because of a Mineta on the school board telling me my son isn't worth the mark on his record.” snarled Mrs. Midoriya. “I got lucky that Midnight answered and listened when I requested that Deku be banned from your usage. Is that why you came up to me?”
 “I… Mom said you weren't talking to her and that you'd be here so…” Bakugou said. “I used it to remember Auntie! Please its-”
 “Don’t.” Mrs. Midoriya cut him off harshly. “I don’t talk to your mother because she keeps defending you and going ‘boys will be boys’ when YOU crossed the line years ago. What is it when you use your Quirk to hurt someone? Right! Aggravated assault!” Mrs. Midoriya glared at him. “And you didn't try to use it as a reminder. You did it for that backstory you keep claiming. ‘Boohoo I went to a poor school and got into UA. Ignore the fact my parents are rich enough to have me go to a better school, pay for tutors and my Quirk Counseling.’” 
 “Stop.” Mrs. Midoriya sighed. “Just stop Bakugou. Stop lying, stop pretending. If you'd cared you'd have said something. I bet you felt relief when my son was said to have a Quirk. Relief he lived because then ‘hey I'm not at fault. He didn't die.’” Bakugou’s face and flinch made Eijiro feel sick. She had hit the mark, hadn't she? The woman turned and walked away, heading to a hero merch store, passing by people who looked horrified. 
 “Auntie!” Bakugou shouted. Mrs. Midoriya paused to look over her shoulder and glare.
 “Stop calling me that. You should know your former classmate has finally gathered together every scrap of evidence he can, every social media post made and every video taken. It goes live in three days. I wonder if UA’s board is so willing to protect you then.” she walked away after that, and Bakugou paled. 
 “Bro, are you okay?” Eijiro asked him. 
 “You're asking him if he's okay?” asked Kaminari in disgust. 
 “Look, she's angry and maybe she-”
 “They can't release it, I’ll lose my spot!” Bakugou says in horror. Eijiro’s stomach dropped.
 “That's what you care about?!” Kamianri asked. “Not the kid you drove to suicide?!”
 “It was when I was fourteen!” Bakugou said.
 “Didn't you just turn 16 two months ago?” Kamianri asked. “What would happen if I looked it up? How long ago was it?” 
 “Over a year-”
  “Oh so what, probably barely a year ago.” Kaminari shook his head. “I’m out. Kirishima, if you're half the guy I thought you were you'd leave to.” he walked away, as Eijiro stood there, staring at the guy he thought he knew.
 What had just happened?
 The next week was spent with the media blasting about how awful it was UA had let in a person like Bakugou, and Eijiro watched the video put up. It was bad.
 Really, really bad.
 Eijiro had to stay away from the internet for a little while, disgusted with what he saw. He thought he KNEW Bakugou. Thought the guy was just rough around the edges. Maybe a victim of bullying given his Quirk was destructive. But no. He’d been wrong. Bakugou wasn’t a victim, he was an aggressor. He was an abuser. 
 And through all of it, even with Bakugou on the news, the guy kept trying to justify it. Kept saying things like he was a kid, he didn’t know any better, it was anyone’s fault but his own. He waved around the stupid hero name he gave himself, the hours spent at a Quirkless shelter, anything.
 All of it felt so… fake now. Performative, to show he was sorry.
 Eijiro didn’t know what to think.
Notes: pet peeve of mine in every ‘Midoriya jumps’ fic is the Bakugou Whump and uwu poof blasty so sad. More so when he doesn't admit what he did, still goes to UA and then… what? What does he do? Nothing.
 Bakugou is very guilty and doesn't do everything performative but the name? That was performative as is volunteering. 
-Bakugou is expelled for this because even if it happened before UA its now a stain on their entire reputation. 
-Izuku does wake up and his Quirk is very strong, and the reason he took so long to wake up.
-Kirishima makes a point to meet him and talk. They become friends and Izuku eventually gets into UA. His linger complications from the jump prevent him from being a hero but he is a support student.
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silentmagi · 1 year
Spider-Deku AU: Himiko & Momo & Ochako & (Mr. x Mrs. Uraraka ) in "An Offer You Couldn't Refuse"
Listen, remodeling an entire hotel, and then getting to live in it rent free was an enticing offer. That their daughter was also going to be there, and the Yaoyorozus were going to bankroll their daughters' education was a very temping offer.
Then she added the cherry on top. More jobs after the hotel.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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shotorozu · 2 years
Not inherently a request, just some brain rot.
Thinking about writing letters back and forth to Izuku. Being his pen pal as he tells you all of his hero stories, and you telling him stories of your life and hobbies.
And one day during a villain attack, he saves a person’s life: (Y/N). That name sounds familiar…
And then he realizes it’s his pen pal.
pen pals
(tw: mention of a hostage situation and a gun, pro hero! au, they/them pronouns, reader is a civilian— whether or not they have a quirk is up to you because i mentioned nothing about it lmao)
note(s): ngl this would make a great plot for a fanfic, if i borrowed this idea would you be mad? it’s just that magnificent i wish i had your thinking /gen
»»————- ♡ ————-««
rising in popularity in the hero industry is something unbelievable to izuku.
he’s grateful, yes— to be such a symbol and figure to many people is a honor not many people can have.
yet at the same time, izuku has a hard time believing that he’s truly worth all that, since he really wasn’t mr. popularity back in middle school.
he knows that he’s come a long way, heck— he was forced to knowledge it at some point.
but it does stun him when he takes a moment to realize that he’s no longer just.. the awkward, clumsy and rambling teenager that had no idea how to handle his quirk, and fainted at the idea of his favorite heroes speaking to him. (when, he became more polished in socializing by a significant amount and has the numbers of his favorite heroes)
which is why it does shock him when he realizes how popular he actually is— popular enough for people wanting to be friends with him for.. being deku, the number 1 hero in japan.
the more he’s been in the hero industry, the more he came across people that just wanted to be friends for popularity, status, opportunities.
of course he couldn’t generalize everyone, but it still hurt when it happened.
and he wished it wasn’t true— but it was, and it stung. he’s satisfied with having the same friend group since his UA days, but it wasn’t like he could tell his friends (who are heroes as well) about his work stories, and his mom was out of the picture since she’s undeniably his biggest fan and knows everything at this point.
which is how he turned to pen palling.
he was first encouraged to try pen palling out by yaoyorozu, he liked how it sounded after all. the pen pals were decided at random, neither of you weren’t required to know their appearance, age, or job— which was perfect for him since he could decide when to tell his pen pal about his occupation when he wants to, or if he wanted to tell them at all.
the two of you clicked when you two first wrote to each other. he didn’t tell you he was the deku, but he told you he was izuku instead.
although he was mostly okay with the “picked at random” aspect of pen palling— he was mostly worried about his pen pal not liking him enough to write back to him.
but you did.
after the first week of writing to you, he knew you were immediately going to be a part of his life.
he likes how nonchalant you are about writing to a hero, how genuinely interested you are in his stories— drawing a cute little character at the side, one that reflects exactly how you felt about his entire letter and your emotions.
(as time passed, a part of him wished that you’re at least a fan of him.)
you told him on the third letter that your name is Y/N L/N, and that you’re around his age— older? younger? you didn’t really specify, you just gave an age range but did it really matter? he likes hearing about the life of Y/N L/N, he likes hearing about your hobbies and interests.
there was that inkling of him that knew that he probably shouldn’t meet you— it sort of cracks the entire concept of pen pals, but y’know what? life is funny.
he meets you alright, but not in the most picture perfect way.
he’s the first to arrive on scene in a hostage situation— it’s a guy with a gun, and a civilian at a mall.
and as per usual, he diffuses and disarms the perpetrator quickly, yet carefully— with no casualties.
“hi! uhm, are you okay? are you hurt?”
“no, no! i’m fine. seriously. i’m just startled.”
his brows furrow with concern, and he scans your body for injuries with a focused, hero gaze. “are you sure?”
“it looks like you have a scratch on your knee. it looks pretty deep. i’ll bring you to the medics.”
and it’s when he hands you over the medics— when he hears a familiar name.
“can you tell me where you are? what’s your name?”
“my name is Y/N L/N, and i’m outside the mall in musutafu.”
he pauses— his heart skips a beat at the familiar mention.
god, he hopes it’s you— because if it’s not then..
“uhm!” izuku cuts in, “may i speak to them?”
the medic nods, allowing some alone time and space between you two.
“Y/N?” he calls familiarly, loving the feeling of your name on his tongue.
“oh, yes?”
“it’s me— izuku.”
and then you realize, and it all comes together.
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battyfics15 · 3 days
Hello People! 🙋‍♀️
You've fallen right into my trap. 👹
Behold, your SUSTENANCE. (The first hit is free).
AUs/Stuff I'll write about:
(Regular humans) G/T, A B O, Hybrids.
I can write fics that wont cure your daddy issues, but perhaps fill that father sized hole in your heart for brief moments.
I can write fics for people who wanna frick fictional characters. (I get it)
I can write fics for wholesome moments after the guilt of wanting to frick fictional characters starts to eat at your soul.
I can write fics that make you hate me as a writer (angst, sad endings, bc what is happiness anyways it's a myth)
Who I take Requests For;
(These lists may be altered so maybe check on them every now and then)
SFW Platonic (Child!reader allowed)
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
- T (Tyrone)
-Hulk (Or bruce!)
-Black Widow
My Hero Academia:
-AllMight (or Smallmight)
-Mr Aizawa
Transformers (Bayverse):
Transformers (Prime):
SFW 'Romance'🌹:
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
- Loki
My Hero Academia:
NSFW 'Romance' (Aka the frickzone)😏(This can only be found on my patreon but you are more than welcome to request here too!):
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
(Patreon Coming Soon!)
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