#mountain district radio
fernycreek · 1 year
Show 145 - Indie Pop/Rock & Lo-fi Goodies - Do Your Thing 3MDR 97.1FM or 3mdr.com 2/02/2023
Program Page:
Do Your Thing 3MDR 97.1 FM or www.3mdr.com Thurs 8pm to 9pm (AEDT)
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owlpellet · 8 days
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just binged the fallout show and the result was me spending over an hour trying to painstakingly map the insane travel directions of the main characters based on landmarks and mountain/skyline directions despite all three of these things being sets/CGI and therefore completely unreliable.
-starts obviously in santa monica -southeast to LAX area, (filly= fox hill instead of landfill?) then through Inglewood -gulper found at exit 12a Lankershim. Typical NoHo encounter. -back south to super duper via hollywood, which has westin bonaventure building visible behind it and large crater nearby. Crater seems more southwest though, so maybe not the same one in the shot. -only visible crater from griffith is this one, just southeast of observatory. rip echo park. -i found the one truss bridge in LA over the river and it's there by downtown. possible in this universe there are more train bridges, though. -crossed to area with hospital-- USC Health labs are in this area, could be Hawthorne facility and vault 4 location in this universe. -tracks followed south to shady sands. I do not remember why they went this way but by skyline, mountains, redcars and obscurity from griffith shady sands HAS to be LA historic district -kpss radio at "base of Hollywood Hills", chose area that was just a small mound.
so, approximately the same amount of erratic back-and-forth travel as an actual bethesda game. God bless.
gamers who want to lecture or otherwise bitch about the shady sands location retcon in my activity, please check this out first.
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quaranmine · 1 month
Letters from the Lookout #4 - Letters Unsent
(HC Firewatch AU snippets, 1,656 words)
Grian wants to write a letter to Scar. He refuses to dictate it, though. CW: bringing back some of the suicidal ideation from chapter 11
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August 1989
Jimmy’s flat is pleasantly dark and cozy. The sky outside is dark and rain spatters across the windows. The living room has a lamp lit in the corner, as well as warm light spilling out from the kitchen. The TV is on in the corner, and Joel and Lizzie sit curled up on the couch in front of it watching football. Jimmy isn’t here right now, having popped out to grab some takeout for them all. Joel is under strict orders to pay close attention to the game so he can fill Jimmy in when he gets back. 
It’s lovely, honestly. It feels…domestic. That’s actually something Jimmy had joked about, earlier—he’d said he felt like he needed to domesticate Grian again, after he spent so long during the summer living in the wilderness. 
Grian’s fine with that as long as being domesticated means he can melt into his bed and never leave. With the lights off, preferably. Jimmy seems to think it means other things though. Trips to the shop. To the pub. To the train station. Watching football on the television. 
So tonight Grian’s out of his room to socialize. And by socializing, he means sitting at the kitchen table alone with a notebook and pen while Joel and Lizzie sit in the other room. 
It’s been weeks since he last spoke to Scar. The absence grates on him. Scar would know what to say. He’d understand Grian. He’d fix it all. 
Grian can hardly think about the last time he spoke to Scar. He remembers snatches and pieces of it, but mostly his mind just flits over the day, refusing to settle on any one moment. There is a wall being built in his mind to protect him from the unimaginable. He tries to keep the lid on those memories tight, like it’s his personal Pandora’s Box. It doesn’t stop him from having nightmares about it—about the terrible way Mumbo looked, about the way he wanted to die, about the way the fire smelled and roared—but during the day he always lets his mind slide right off the idea entirely. 
Scar saved his life though. And he deserves more than radio silence for it. 
Grian still has his Forest Service-issued radio. It’s in his room here in Jimmy’s flat. The rangers didn’t bother to take it back from him after they visited him in the hospital, or perhaps they didn’t realize he even still had it. Grian still listens in on it sometimes. He listens to the bustling conversations that the English HAM radio enthusiasts in his area are having on the national talk frequency. He never speaks. Just listens. 
Scar is across an ocean right now, sitting in that lookout tower in the middle of the mountains, and he’s alone again. He’s the reason Grian is right here now. He’s also the reason Mumbo has a proper grave to visit. 
And thus, Grian wants to do better. There isn’t much he wants to do at all these days, aside from simply ceasing to exist, but this is one of them. He wants to close the loop. He wants to apologize. He wants to thank Scar. 
How does one reach a lookout on duty? By letter, of course. 
Grian knows the address of the Wapiti District Ranger’s office. He knows that any letter sent there addressed to Scar will eventually make its way to his cabin via supply drop, or Scar himself swinging by to pick it up on a day off. He just has to write it first. 
The writing is the part that is proving to be tricky, however. The burns on Grian’s arms, and the other exposed parts of his body have already healed but his hands remain a source of frustration. Four weeks on, they’re healed too—technically. He attends physical therapy twice a week. His doctor is worried about something called “contractures” that are causing his fingers and wrist to be consistently stiff. 
He is completely terrified that this will be forever. He’s terrified that the rest of his life is going to be full of fumbling around with things with fingers that don’t work quite right anymore. He never knew how much he took for granted until he couldn’t button his own shirt anymore. 
The doctor is confident it won’t be forever, so Grian clings to that little piece of hope like a life preserver. The doctor just says it needs time, compression, and therapy. The burns could have been significantly worse. If they were, the conversation would’ve been different. He’s been wearing a compression garment on his hand since the moment it was possible to do so and the doctor hasn’t given him permission yet to stop wearing it.  
He’s allowed to take it off now and then though, and so right now it is removed so that he can grasp the pen better. His hands still have poor grip strength, and the pen shakes. It’s either that or from the emotion. He closes his eyes, and pours his focus into keeping the pen straight, but trying to force precision is just as painful as it is ineffective. 
He tries to write, and the pen skitters across the page instead. 
He slams the pen down in frustration and runs his hands through his hair. It’s not working. It’s not going to work. He slowly starts to put the compression glove back on his hands. 
He needs…help. 
“Lizzie?” he calls. 
“Yeah?” she says back from the couch. 
He sets his teeth, and sighs. “Can you come help me with something for a moment?”
A moment later she wanders into the kitchen. Her pink hair is tied in a messy ponytail. For some reason when she walks in, Grian gets the distinct feeling he’s being babysat by them while Jimmy is out. He shakes the feeling off. It’s irrational; Jimmy is only out to pick up food for them, and Lizzie and Joel were invited to hang out. They probably did this every week while Grian was in America. Now he’s just able to be present too. 
“Whatcha need?” she asks. 
“I was trying to write a letter,” he says, and his face flushes with embarrassment. “I, um, can’t.”
He sees her look at the table, and back at him, the realization dawning on her without him having to say it out loud. “You want me to write it for you?” she says.
He nods. “If you don’t mind.”
She grins, pulls out one of the chairs from the table, and sits down. “Sure! I’d love to. Who’s it for?”
“It’s—well, it’s for a guy named Scar.”
“Scar?” she says, and then adds: “That’s a really weird name.” From anyone else, Grian would get defensive on Scar’s behalf, but he recognizes Lizzie’s irreverent bluntness well. 
“That’s your friend from the forest, right?” Joel calls from the living room where he’s been apparently eavesdropping. The way he calls it the forest makes it sound like a concept, a thing, and not a real place Grian briefly used to live. 
Lizzie makes a noise of recognition then. “Ohhh,” she says. “Now I remember you mentioning him before.”
“Yeah, he was in the lookout in the next sector over. He was my friend,” Grian says. “And that’s a nickname.”
“What’s his real name?” Lizzie asks. She pokes him in the shoulder. “You don’t talk much about him.”
Grian freezes. “I…don’t know,” he says. “He never told me his real name. It never seemed to matter.”
How could he not know? He’d never asked. It didn’t feel important. Scar was Scar, and that was all that was ever needed. Maybe it had been all Scar was ever comfortable with. 
Grian came to realize during his time in Shoshone National Forest that in the backpacking and associated communities, names were a much looser concept. On the Appalachian trail in the east and the Pacific Crest Trail in the west, through-hikers often adopted trail names for the journey. Similarly, Scar wasn’t the only fire lookout Grian had heard about over the summer who chose to go by some enigmatic name. 
“Okay!” Lizzie says, sensibly moving straight along past Grian’s mini crisis. She pulls the piece of paper over and grabs the pen. “Dear Scar…” she dictates aloud. Then she looks back up at him. “What next?”
“Um, let’s start by saying I’m having a friend write this for me,” he says.
“Dear Scar…I’m having my wonderful, talented friend write this letter for me,” she starts. Grian rolls his eyes, but doesn’t say anything. Something about gift horses. “Next?”
“I’m writing this to say…” he trails off. To say what? How, exactly, is he going to put this into words? He hasn’t planned this out at all but more significantly, he’s not sure he even can.
Dear Scar, I’m alive because you were looking out for me. I’m sorry I left the country before I could tell you that myself. 
Dear Scar, I didn’t kill myself because you talked me into running from the fire again. I’m sorry that I still want to do it sometimes, but I haven’t yet and I think I’m too tired to. 
Dear Scar, you didn’t think I was crazy when everyone else did. I’m sorry I got angry with you. I’m sorry I wasn’t nicer to you sometimes. 
Dear Scar, you made me laugh. I miss talking every day. 
“What do you want to say?” Lizzie prompts, and Grian realizes that he hasn’t said anything for quite a long time at this point. 
“I—I don’t know,” he says. The kitchen suddenly seems so hot and enclosed right now. “I’m sorry,” he says, and stands up. “I’m sorry,” he says again, grabs the papers from Lizzie. “I’m gonna—I'm gonna do this on my own, thank you.”
He goes to his bedroom, locks the door, and doesn’t come back out until Jimmy is knocking on it and begging him to eat.
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thekristen999 · 3 months
Writing Patterns
I was tagged by @exhuastedpigeon Thank you!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I set-up the tone of the story right at the get-go, at least, I think I do. I'm not best at analyzing my own words :)
All Buddie.
A Light in the Darkness  (one-shot, just vibes, post-apocalyptic)
His coordination is off; fat-feeling fingers fumbling with his turn-out coat, the snaps refusing to work. Exhausted, Eddie gives up wrestling with the damn things, yanking at the bottom until all the snaps come undone like the rest of him.
Follow You Into The Dark (one-shot, hurt/comfort, suspense,)
The moment the alarm blared, all the hair along the back of Eddie’s neck stood on end. He didn’t need to check his watch. It was after midnight, maybe one or two in the morning. It was always around the same time. He’d bet a month’s paycheck this would be a three-alarm fire at an abandoned building under suspicious circumstances.
Cutting The Ties That Bind (multi-chapter, mafia AU,)
It’d been three days since the brakes on his car had gone out. There was an active factory recall regarding the master cylinder on the same make and model Buck owned, but his uncle didn’t believe in coincidences. So, Buck suffered the indignity of being chauffeured in the back of a giant SUV like a teenager.
We All Fall Down (one-shot, missing scenes, post 6.18)
Sounds filtered through his muddled brain. Radio static. Heavy breathing. Metal creaking—no groaning. Or was that him? Was he groaning? Why was he—
Tick...Tick...Boom (one-shot, hurt/comfort)
It was a good day when all their calls ended in success. An automobile accident and an incident involving a large sinkhole resolved with only minor injuries. If they took 10th street back to the firehouse, then his and Eddie’s shift would end, and they could find some alone time.
We’ve Got Fun & Games (one-shot, humor, Amazing Race)
Giddiness ran through Buck’s veins. He stretched his arms, his hamstrings, even his calves.
Eddie, on the other hand, leaned against a tree wearing a lazy smile like he was waiting on a weather report.
Not Today  (one-shot, backstory)
The first time Eddie encountered death was at his Tía Lula’s bedside. He held her limp hand, whispering thanks for all the times they baked cookies together, for the days spent outside in her lazy hammock, or playing with her cats.
bro·ken (multi-chapter, S3 AU, diff first meeting)
The last place in the world Buck wanted to be was in one of the worst neighborhoods in the middle of the warehouse district. But his rent was due in a couple of weeks and his savings account was already depleted. Beggars couldn't be choosers.
The Shape Of Water (one-shot, backstory, hurt/comfort)
Pennsylvania was made up of trees and mountains. Every day was just another shade of gray.
We're In This Together Now (one-shot, hurt/comfort)
Eddie stared out through the window of the fire truck counting the number of billboards rushing past. Occasionally, he risked a glance in Buck’s direction, confirming that Buck was also staring out a window. Both trying to ignore the other.
no pressure tagging: @shortsighted-owl @shyaudacity @ci5mates @fleurdebeton @mellaithwen @andavs @renecdote @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @the-likesofus @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus @sherlockcrossing @diazsdimples @cal-daisies-and-briars @wildlife4life
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papercherries · 29 days
I've been seeing a post circulate recently about how we're "living in the hunger games" and whilst I think that's true to how we're all feeling culturally at the moment, I think its fair to say that this isn't new. The original post even states that the hunger games was conceived after the writer was flicking through channels during the war in Iraq.
We live in a society that feeds off both ends of a spectrum. One side being suffering, the other being cult like decadance. I believe a good amount of media on tv/radio/newspapers/online can be put somewhere on this spectrum. My point is that for a good while we have rooted our media in both ends of the spectrum. Vietnam war/massive push for culture, Palestine and the Met Gala. For previous events I can only speak for films as they're what I study. But recall the films that come out around certain times, the ones we remember usually relate to the times. 1968, Easy Rider, counter culture Americans exist, people hate them for it. 1976, Taxi Driver. American vet who has been radicalised toward the right because he has been let down by the system. 1992, Boyz n the hood, the lives of black Americans who are once again, being let down by the system. If not being oppressed by it. 2005, V for Vendetta.
I refuse to take content out of the context of their time. But I've cherry picked these films and that's an obvious bias toward the message I'm trying to send. Because with these films, there a million others who are on the other side of the spectrum. Think, within the last year how many movies have released that you feel truly reflect the time we live in.
I can think of a couple but none are based in modern times. When the war in Iraq was happening you had films like American Sniper, The Hurt Locker, Jarhead, fucking die hard 4.0. Whilst we've always had action schlock. American war/vet schlock was hard to avoid then. Some will claim to be anti war, but I believe this to be an impossible feat. They are decadence.
Within the same years though you had Eternal Sunshine, Brokeback mountain, City of God, District 9. All amazing films, but they're closer to the middle of the spectrum, obviously this varies though. But no film can be on the true end of suffering without being non-fiction. Sure, we can wince and squeal at Salo or some Cronenberg nightmare. But it will never compare to the horrors we witness on our televsions and on our phones.
The nauseating effect of true decadence is also only available in the world of non-fiction.
The reason it's progressivly feeling more and more like the hunger games is how we access this information. Or more precisely the rate at which we interact with it and how its presented to us. The Internet is an independent space, It is not ruled but it can be controlled. Checkmarks, verification and paid subscriptions. Ways of being sure that what you're seeing is "real".
A verified news outlet who is supporting the genocide in Palestine will not release an article for Palestine. Most news outlets are owned by the same people. I'm looking at Rupert Murdoch here. This means these "verified sources" won't report a lot on the genocide because it doesn't suit them. They would rather report on the protests and the injuries of the few Israeli occupants. But news outlets are also big companies, they specialise in different things to release a whole package. So you'll have the same places releasing statements on the metgala.
(Though, I'm also not saying we shouldn't have verified accounts and such because this same system can be used for other nefarious purposes. Like making a fake account to pretend your a black American who is voting for their local republican senator).
Now if this were in a closed system, like a newspaper. It would be fine for them because they can have their cake and eat it too. Release something denouncing Palestine and showing the "nationalist might" of the occupants whilst also reporting on the metgala. Their ideals are presented and they've covered all bases. The Internet doesn't allow for this kind of system. The people who are reporting on/for Palestine are the people. Independent online accounts who go against the will of these companies.
And whilst the companies are big, they only have one social media account (per country sometimes) . Which can't fight against the massive influx of pro Palestine posts. So what happens is, you end up seeing both ends of the spectrum at the same time. Both real suffering and decadence, appear before your very eyes.
The same thing was happening to Suzanne Collins. She witnessed both ends of the spectrum at the same time.
But you must remember, this isn't new. We've always had this spectrum. From Lords and gods to celebrities and presidents. Go to war and be a hero! A tale as old as time. The plague and the Holy War.
There are only two ways to remove this media spectrum. Remove one side entirely; by removing all suffering from media, there will only be decadence to watch. Or by removing the systems that create the spectrum in the first place.
The decadent allow the suffering to continue. The decadence cannot survive with suffering. They cannot survive without their wars, their slavery and their theft. Not all suffering is equal, not all decadence neither. But in either case, there is too much.
People with deep pockets tend to fill them with the bodies of men.
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tomtenadia · 7 months
Detours to You - ch 11
Helo all!!!
Your truly is back from Canada and I have a surprise for those who care.
In tinsi chapter we have fussy Rowan and some good old hurt/Comfort... oh yeah... Aerobitch is mentioned too... I promise he will not make an appearance. he just gets mentioned but that's all.
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Two days later Rowan was on his red truck en route to Hamel HQ to talk to the bastard who was putting hundreds of people lives at risk. On top of his regular duties and paperwork, this one had suddenly become his top priority. He had even liaised with the police and an inspector admitted that they had a case against Hamel and were very keen on taking the man down if they had enough proof. Rowan was dead set on giving them all the bullets they needed to shoot the bastard down. 
Aelin and Maya had moved most of all their stuff at his place. He was meant to go back that night for the last load. He had been even more furious when he found out that Hamel had been increasing rent prices on a constant basis. He and Aelin had moved in that block of flats when they had decided to live together. It was a nice place, central and with a decent rent. But now it had basically tripled and he was not having it. He had an house almost paid off thanks to the money his dad left him, and Aelin was not going to pay any more money to that monster.
Hamel group HQ’s building was in the middle of the financial district and looked luxurious and disgusting. He parked his pickup and strolled in the lavish lobby, while anger rose in him. At the reception he introduced himself as the chief of the TFD and requested a visit with Mr Hamel. The receptionist told him that he was a busy man and an appointment should be made before showing up unannounced.
“I am the fire Chief and I don’t care. Your boss is putting lives in danger and I am not leaving this building until I have a meeting with him.”
“You could be the president, you still need an appointment.” She added almost bored.
In that instant security started to close on him “You win for today, but next time, I am showing up with a mandate from the police and the entire incursion team and we will rat him out by force if needed.”
He stormed out and called Nesryn at Police HQ. She was a good friend of his and as soon as he told her who he was gunning for she told him she had his back and all the legal documents ready to storm that shithole.
A smirk appeared on his face and he drove back to work.
It was late, far later than he had planned. Rowan was meant to go to Aelin’s place and pick them up and go home but he had been buried under a mountain of work and lost track of the time. He was about to leave the office when his radio became alive with a call. A three alarm fire. His heart stopped when he heard the address. Fuck fuck and fuck. 
Like a desperate man he ran to his pickup, checked that he had all of his gear and with sirens howling he drove to the location. 
In that instant his phone went off and accepted it via the button on his steering wheel “Aelin?”
Coughing in the background “Rowan?”
“I am on my way, Are you two safe?”
“Smoke, Rowan, there is so much smoke.”
Why was traffic not moving? Angrily he honked a few times “Listen to me, grab a cloth and wet it and place it on both yours and Maya’s face. Cover mouth and nose and stay low. And Aelin, do not leave the flat until one of us gets in, understood?”
A weak yes came through the call “Is Maya okay?”
“She is so scared.”
“I am almost there, I can see the smoke.” He heard Maya’s voice “Maya, baby I am coming, listen to your mum, be brave a little longer. I am coning.”
The girl cried and Rowan remained on the phone with Aelin until he spotted her building “Ae, I am here. I will see you soon.”
He finally parked and bolted out of the vehicle to grab his gear and join Lorcan who was directing the operation while he arrived.
His eyes lifted to the topmost floor where Aelin lived and relief washed over him when he spotted no fire. It did not mean they were safe though, the smoke was rising quickly and until the building was fully evacuated he would probably not know what normal breathing was again.
“What’s the situation?”
“Fire is on the second floor, we have evacuated the first floor and I have my team, station 7 and 8 on evacuating the level above the fire line,” he explained “The fire alarm did not go off and no sprinklers. The call was raised by a tenant who spotted the fire in his level when he was leaving the house.” Lorcan then looked at his friend terrified face “Brullo, Ress and Ansel are on Aelin’s floor.” And quickly he ran to grab his gear and join his team.
He quickly called for a situation status for each level and anger surged when the second floor’s team reported two victims. 
“Sartaq, take your team inside and go on level two with water support, we need to tackle this quickly.”
A call came through the radio “Chief, I smell electrical fire in sector A.”
Rowan held back Sartaq with his hand. He then looked at him and a nod was all the lieutenant needed to switch to CO2 “Nox, Sartaq is coming in with a lot of CO2 extinguishers.”
“Copy that, chief.”
Rowan was busy giving orders to his team when he spotted a head of golden hair and Brullo carrying a little girl with silver hair. His instincts told him to bolt and ran to them, but he had a job to do, so he just followed Brullo taking them to Asterin in the ambulance, the paramedics placing an oxygen mask on both. He lifted his hand and found it shaking. They are fine, he kept telling himself. They are fine.
Ilias, the captain of station 7, emerged with the two bodies of the victims and the paramedics joined him to ascertain that it was really the case. He walked to the man and stared at the two paramedic confirm that both victims had sadly passed because of extensive burns and smoke inhalation.
“This was in flat 4 on the first floor. It stinks of electrical fire, chief.” The anger in the captain’s voice reflected his own “Thank you Ilias, go and assist Lorcan and the other on level two. We need to contain the fire.”
“Yes, chief.”
It took Rowan and the three station a good hour to finally kill the fire. They had luckily evacuated all tenants when the fire jumped to the third floor.
Rowan looked at his men exhausted and walked to them to thank them for the excellent job and to have a little more of information of what happened inside. Then spotted Nesryn in the distance and joined her “Damn this looks like it was hellish.”
Rowan nodded “We haven’t started overhaul yet.”
The police captain nodded “We have intelligence that this could be arson.”
Rowan groaned. Arson was a nightmare to prove because the fire most of times destroyed all evidence “Are you sure?”
The woman nodded “Seems like Hamel decided the building was not profitable anymore. A residential building most of time is a money pit. He prefers his fancy buildings in the financial district where companies pay hefty rents. Apparently he was trying to make a deal to convert this building to another offices complex, but first had to get rid of the tenants.”
“Two people are dead!” He roared.
“I know. If OFI can prove arson, we have charges for murder and insurance fraud and a lot more.”
“This building is not up to code,” he added with fury “Even if it was not arson, that is enough to accuse him of dereliction of duty. His negligence killed two people.”
“Rowan, I know and that is already gross misconduct but arson would give us another serious accusation, enough to jail him forever because we can prove that the deaths are his fault.”
He paced “I have a drawer full of falsified inspections that should jail him for a long time already.”
“Hamel has ways to get his way out of things, but not this time.”
“My daughter and Aelin lived in that building.” Pain bled into his words.
“They will all have justice, I promise.”
Rowan looked around him where hundreds of people crowded the streets, sat on the pavements with desperation and grief in their faces. In the span of a night they had lost everything.
“We need to help these people.”
“I have contacted mayor Darrow and he is already on the case. Those who don’t have alternative accommodation with friends and family will be offered a place in hotels for now and then a more permanent place.”
Lorcan called him “We are starting overhaul. It will give us an initial ideal of the fire dynamics.”
Before joining the teams he ran to Aelin. Maya tried to wiggle free but Asterin kept her still. He hugged his daughter who cried in his arms “You are safe, my love. I am sorry. I am so sorry.”
His arms extended to Aelin. He looked up at her, at her face covered in soot under the oxygen mask. He pulled her closer “You are both safe.”
Then he stood and walked to his car and came back a minute later “This is my bank card, and my house keys, get yourselves a taxi and go home as soon as Asterin clears you both. I need to stay behind.”
He kneeled to Maya “I will be home soon, go with mum, okay?”
She muttered a quiet okay and he kissed her then kissed Aelin on her forehead “I was so damn scared for you both.” The kiss lingered far longer than expected, then he ran away and into the building.
When he finally got home it was deep into the night. Overhaul had lasted much longer than expected but they had managed to find the source in one of the electrical panels in the basement. A water leak in the pipes had caused the fire to spread and reach the first floor where they exploded and let the fire engulf the flat that had been the worst affected. OFI was called on the scene and took photos and samples immediately. Now they had just had to discover if it had been accidental due to the lack of acre of intentionally caused. Either way, Hamel was in a sea of trouble and Rowan was looking forward to the moment when the monster would be behind bars.
By the time he got home he was exhausted and famished.
Quietly he walked into the house and once in the living room he spotted a figure on the sofa. Aelin was sitting there reading a book under a pile of blankets and a small book light “You can put the heating on,” he walked to the panel and switched it on for her and then turned on the lights.
Her face carried the marks of tears. His body moved towards on instinct and sat at her side.
She sobbed loudly and flung herself in his arms. Rowan wrapped Aelin in an embrace and let her cry “It was terrifying… the explosion…”
“Shh… it’s okay. You are safe now.”
Aelin kept crying in his arms “Is Maya asleep?”
“Yes, she is finally down, she was far braver than me.”
“You both were.”
His mouth landed on the crown of her head and left a soft kiss “When I heard the address over the radio is almost died. If—” he pushed his rage down “If I had lost you both I would have been lost man.”
Aelin looked up at him in his beautiful green eyes that still carried fury in them “I am sorry, Rowan. Sorry that I lied, that I kept Maya from you. I—” He did not let her finish speak and his mouth was on hers. It was a soft kiss, full of love. Aelin melted in it, the fire of an ancient love slowly rekindling inside her. How had she lived all this time without him? How did she even thought about dating other men when she knew that no one would measure up to him?
Rowan pulled back and caressed her face “You need to rest.”
Aelin tried to protest but he stopped “We will talk tomorrow. Will make plans when less tired.”
He stood and offered her his hand and together walked upstairs. Aelin gave him a kiss on the cheek before disappearing through her door.
Rowan smiled, his hand touching the point where she had kissed him then walked in Maya’s bedroom.
She was sound asleep, Elf and the shark in her arms.
He had been a firefighter all of his adult life. Had seen many scary situations but nothing will ever compare to the deep unyielding fear he had felt that evening. The idea of loosing them both had the power to destroy him. He had been trying to ignore his resurfacing feelings for Aelin. The woman had been the love of his life and now he was trying to understand how to navigate the strange relationship they were building for Maya. He tried not to dwell too much on the kiss. It was likely the effect of the earlier events and the residual adrenaline.
But staring at Maya sleep, a part of him wished they would become more than roommates.
For Maya.
For the family that they could be.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127
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What’s next for Tales From Wolf Mountain?
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on June 3rd, we will release the fifth and final episode of GENUINE RADIO: 321.0 Ragna-Rock PM. I’m looking forward to it, you’re looking forward to it, we’re all looking forward to the end of everything.
If you haven’t started listening to what may well have been an award winning breakdown brutally hammered into the rough shape of artistic expression, now’s the time. Tune in, Break down.
on June 17th, we start our next series: The City Unending, a nine episode collaborative project about a surreal city that sits between you and the Setting Sun and the pilgrimage you will undertake to cross it.
Five writers and their friends take turns describing The City Unending to the Pilgrims who will soon come of age and face its strange shops, innumerable districts, car-less streets and crown wearing scepter wielding mayor.
Inspired by Hello From The Hallowoods, I Am In Eskew, The Empty Bowl, the films of Studio Ghibli, Jenny from Thebes by The Mountain Goats and more, The City Unending is about exploring a beautiful, surreal, and sometimes dangerous place where you never quite belong.
We hope you join us around the fire.
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desert-bluffs-and-me · 4 months
WTNV quick rundown - It Devours! - NV&Citizens facts
Click here for the plot points!
Click here for facts about Nilanjana!
Click here for facts about Darryl!
Click here for facts about the Joyous Congregation and it's members!
Click here for stuff about the other scientists!
Click here for misc interesting facts I found!
The structure of NV works like this - there is a ring of mountains around the desert with NV in the middle and (formerly DB) Red Mesa and Pine Cliffs elsewhere. Downtown NV is the towns center which contains city hall, the radio station, several hooded figures at all times, the library, a shimmering vortex blocked off by yellow police tape, dangerous stray dogs and propaganda loudspeakers on every corner.
Beyond downtown is Old Town NV, a residential and shopping district developed in the 1930's which fell into disrepair post-war but is seeing a regenesis of homeowners, shops, tall metal trees and predatory cats. Beyond OTNV are the sand wastes then the scrublands, then the used car lot, then Old Woman Josie's house and finally, Larry Leroy's house.
Larry is fairly old (though has become quicker with age) and has lived alone for as long as he can remember. He owns a phone (broken) and a wheeless car with an underground shed full of canned goods/bottled water and a years worth of preserved pork sausages hidden underneath. He got the car by trading his shotgun for it. Larry has never felt safe around guns after he got stung by a scorpion reaching for his dads hunting rifle on a father-son hunting trip. He is not scared of scorpions though and likes that they eat pests like squirrels.
Larry wants to be remembered not through the fleeting memories of offspring but the immortality he believes art brings. His fave thing to make is dioramas of historical events and famous scenes from books. All of these are ahistorical/alternate versions such as W.E.B. DuBois riding on the back of a five-headed dragon called Rachel McDaniels or Dorothy bombing Kansas from a war balloon. His parents used to tell him that history didn't exist because it wasn't happening any more. His heroes are; W.E.B. DuBois, Helen Keller, Redd Foxx, Luis Valdez and Toni Morrison. He also writes poetry and makes patchwork quilts.
Included in his will are letters and items to be distributed to Sarah Sultan (the dioramas), Leann Hart and Cecil (obituary he's written for himself) and Michelle Nyugen (polka music written and preformed by himself using a concertina and a microcassette recorder).
The vague yet menacing government agency creates and mails everyone an earthquake calender each month to tell them when the scheduled earthquakes are.
Carlos rarely invites people back into his private lab. He spends time in there doing science but also making construction paper collage love notes for Cecil and writing down his fave numbers.
Carlos takes days off work to be with Janice (as do Steve, Abby and Cecil) when Janice gets her frequent checkups on her eyes, kidneys and spine. When Cecil is in danger, Carlos goes into an unproductive worry stupor, pacing his office trying not to call into the station to ask if Cecil is okay. On date nights, Carlos puts gel in his hair and wears his most striking lab coat.
Carlos dislikes talking about his time in the DOW, despite which he's become obsessed with it. He eventually reveals that this is because he spent ten years there instead of the year he was gone in NV, not eating or drinking or really feeling like he was existing, just endlessly ringing the moutain unable to get anywhere and away from the people he loved.
Neat is one of Carlos' fave words. He doesn't get when a question is rhetorical, or a joke, and dislikes being touched including comforted physically. However, he does sometimes like it when Cecil strokes his ears but other times not. He has a hard time predicting his own responses to things and can't articulate his feelings via words or process them very well inside of himself. He also loses speech when overwhelmed.
Carlos says that the thing he found weirdest about NV was how nobody else thought it was weird, that Cecil helped him feel better and even fond of that aspect and that sometimes when Cecil wakes up he [Cecil] will mutter "how did I end up this lucky?"
Carlos likes mint ice cream. He's a heavy sleeper.
Most birds in NV are computers produced and owned by the government.
Helicopters in NV 'don't take fuel'.
Big Rico's real name is Richie Goldblum. His brother is the mailman, Arnie Goldblum (who is two years older). They had a hard time growing up Jewish in NV as it's 'not exactly brimming with Jews' and Arnie believes that his brother changed his name to better fit in and distance himself from his culture. They also used to tease him for being small despite not being small, so the 'big' part is a play on that. Big Rico also pretty much admits to murdering competitors and feeding them to the worms he keeps in his basement.
Basimah Bishara, scared of the sudden pits and weary of the dangers of NV, decides to go to college in California. Mab, the bus driver, was almost swallowed and witnessed the sinking of Big Rico's and the full light that came from it which stung her skin. Terry Williams, age 7, was traumitised by seeing Big Rico's sink but wouldn't feel any full effects until he moved out of NV and at age 33 had a break down in a restaurant parking lot.
Jackie Fierro has decided to skip to 25. She is dating Sheriff Sam.
The Tourniquet bartender, Arjun, has been given near infinite knowledge of the universe which is shattering his mind. He also spies for the city council. He wears 'cool vintage prohibition era clothes' aka a snuggie and a mesh trucker hat. He can carve ice with his teeth.
Sex in NV is highly regulated. You have to fill out forms in triplicate providing a medical history then enter your individual Sex PIN to verify identity and interest. Then the forms have to be notorised and various blood tests and results gotten before sex.
There is a 'reincarnation programme' at the NV zoo where they will teach an animal of your choice to act like you (for a huge fee). Results are middling but the richest of citizens often sign up.
Janice doesn't like science, she likes sports but Carlos assures her that sports are science.
Cecil and Carlos think that tarantulas are adorable.
Pamela drives a purple PT cruiser.
Cecil has at least some chest hair, which Carlos likes to bury his face in when he's upset.
Josh Crayton is dating a boy called Grant.
Hank, a sentient patch of haze, works at the Staples.
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bigfootmountain · 1 year
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A Soviet scientist said Wednesday she came within feet of the legendary abominable snowman during an eyeball to eyeball encounter with the furry beast in the snow covered forests of western Siberia.
In what Radio Moscow described as one of the closest encounters of its kind, the creature reportedly stood and stared at her with red eyes, not making a sound, before her pet dog chased the snowman or yeti deep into the woods.
The scientist, Maya Brikova, told Radio Moscow she had spent 25 years studying the yeti. Her sighting occurred late last year when Soviet media reported three yeti encounters.
Brikova and two guides had stopped for the night in a forest cabin at an undisclosed site in western Siberia and were awakened by a sound of rolling logs. They said they rushed out to the porch and saw the creature they had waited so long to see.
'The day was breaking and we could see everything clearly. I saw in front of me an animal about 2 meters (6 foot, 7-inches) tall, covered with fur some 6 to 7 seven centimeters (2.5 to 3 inches) long,' Brikova said. 'It was covered with so much fur, its lips looked like slits. The fur on its head and face was shorter than that of its body. The palms were red and bare. The creature studied us with great attention. Its eyes were red without any whites, and its ears didn't stick out,' she said.
Radio Moscow said there had been an estimated 5,000 eyewitness accounts of yeti sightings in the Soviet Union, mostly by peasants, drivers, shepherds and other rural people.
The sightings had been reported in the Caucases region, the Altai district of south-central Siberia and the northeastern Yakutia area.
Brikova said she had prepared herself for such an encounter, so that she could have 'a very good look at this creature and examine it thoroughly. There was a distance of 5 meters (16 feet) between us.'
She said it had not been difficult to measure the hairy biped's height because it was standing against a tree.
'We just stood on the porch and didn't move. The creature didn't move either. Then, all of a sudden our dog dashed out, and the creature quickly hid itself in the forest. We looked around for it but never saw it again,' Brikova said. ---
Last month, the leader of Soviet scientific expedition told the official Tass news agency one of the creatures had repeatedly tried to make friendly contact with his reasearch team in the Pamir mountains near the border with Afghanistan.
Igor Tatsl, said his expedition had reported several nocturnal encounters with the yeti, which they had also seen in the twilight at a distance of about 30 meters (90 feet).
Radio Moscow described Brikova's sighting as one of the closest encounters of its kind but did not say whether she had photographed or filmed the human-like creature. Although yetis, also sighted in the Himalayas, are dismissed by many scholars as a myth, some claim they could be a form of hitherto unclassified ape.
Radio Moscow said in the past 60 years, more than 100 specimens of large mammals had been discovered, 'so the most unexpected discoveries are always possible.'
The Soviets set up a special organization at the end of last year to establish contact with the abominable snowman. Its head, Pavel Belenitsky said the group based in Leningrad will embark on an expedition from May to September to try and obtain photographs and video footage.
'We shall not be hunting for the creature. We shall not be trying to get hold of nature's mystery. It is more important to study its psychological traits, its habits, its migration routes, in short its life under natural conditions,' he said.
The ministry of culture recently established a Society of Cryptozoologists to study the possiblity of its existence following the discovery of a report that Marshal Pavel Rybalko, a famed Soviet tank leader, carried a snowman-like creature in a railroad freight car for several days in 1939 during fighting against the Japanese in the Soviet far east.
Soviet authorities also claim there is evidence that Maj. Gen. Alexander Topilsky found a dead snowman after a shootout with White Russian troops in the 1920's during the Russian Civil War.
Copyright: COPYRIGHT 1988 United Press International
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powdermelonkeg · 2 years
Hyrule Broadcast Announcement
The following is a transcript of the speech given by High Princess Zelda CCCXCVIII, on 27.4w UE-19.516, 13.02, Afternoon.
People of the GCH, I call for your attention and for your understanding in this time of disaster.
Yesterday morning, at 9 hours 44 minutes past midnight, Death Mountain chose to erupt. We still have yet to receive the full report of the damages, but as of now, I can confirm that our evacuation efforts have been successful. There are no known casualties, and all missing persons cases have been resolved within the hour they were reported.
I know that many of you watch this broadcast with fear; fear for the future, fear for your families. Death Mountain is but the first of many signs that Ganon is upon us, and the last Calamity of 406 years ago did not bode well for Hyrule.
But we have grown beyond that. What was once nothing but a breath of the wild, the battle of the untamed against insurmountable danger, has become a whirlwind giving us flight. For as much as Ganon has been garnering power, so too have we. Hyrule will not bow to the tyranny of Calamity.
And so, people of Hyrule, I ask not only for your support, but for your faith. As I speak this very moment, the Calamity Reserve Force's emergency protocols are fully underway. Evacuation railways are being prioritized for safe immediate travel beyond Hyrulean borders, areas with a magic rating of 4 or higher are being patrolled and kept clean of monster interference, and the site of Ganon's last imprisonment has increased its guard to double.
I have summoned the leaders of the provinces for a meeting regarding the state of Hyrule as it stands. This meeting will be private, with a public statement following that will be broadcast on all channels, radio and television. A transcript of this statement will be made available immediately after its conclusion, via the Calamity Watch's Hyrule Broadcast channel.
I do have one final statement, a request of all watching. While we are fully prepared to proceed as we are, the fact remains that the Hero has not yet appeared, and the Master Sword remains dormant. And with the eruption of Death Mountain comes the promise that this Hero, at last, walks among us.
So I call all of you to action. If you bear the Mark of the Gods upon your hand as I do, please, come to the Palace District of Castle City. If you know anyone who bears it, please send them to meet me.
Hyrule needs you, Link.
I need you.
Thank you, everyone, for your time. May power guide your steps, wisdom, your voice, and courage, your hands.
End of broadcast.
This transcript is provided courtesy of the Calamity Watch, official first responders of the Greater Commonwealth of Hyrule.
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starry-skies-116 · 3 months
Worldbuilding Facts (Reboot AU)
Moving onto the world building aspect- humanity in this version of Transformers: Prime has technology that’s a bit more advanced- not too ahead of it’s time period, but way ahead of 2011 since, unlike the original show, this takes place in 2023. Things like cloaking fields and warp drives are still in their prototype stage- and the existence of these inventions is partially due to Energon leaking into Earth's soil in several parts of the world. This makes it so that humanity is just beginning to explore space beyond the moon.
The Autobot base- otherwise known as Outpost Omega One- is still located inside a mountain in one of Nevada’s more remote areas, since that’s the location that makes the most sense strategy-wise. It used to be a Cold War missile silo before it was converted, just like in the original- and as a result, it’s shielded against radio signals and is operated using a blend of Cybertronian technology and old human machinery- which Jack is ECSTATIC about taking apart and examining for the purpose of reverse-engineering and upgrading them.
Jasper isn’t just some small little backwater town in the middle of Nevada- it’s more similar to DC, in which a good portion of the county is suburban neighborhoods and public areas with a whole 40% being an urban city district due to the town being close to Las Vegas in this AU. Jack and Raf live in the suburban areas, with the latter sometimes taking trips to the city to run errands.
And as for what the city itself looks like? It’s towering skyscrapers and blinding lights galore. Parks, libraries, several grocery stores and bodegas, multiple small businesses, casinos, salons, boutiques, multiple cultural enclaves including a Chinatown, a bustling night market, a cultural museum, a literal Financial District, an entire metro system- the city has it all.
As for more settings other than the primary settings of Autobot base and Jasper County, since I'm going hardcore with this AU- far out in the Kuiper Belt orbits the Salsotto Space Station, a colossal museum-like starship doubling as a state-of-the-art advanced research facility. It's the personal property of Dr. Stephen Arkeville, the founder of the Fellowship of Geniuses and a leading pioneer of research investigating into space travel, as well as the discovery and observation of extraterrestrial lifeforms. It's the setting of a few episodes throughout the series.
The people living in the space station primarily consist of researchers of all sorts of different backgrounds, of whom are assigned to different departments based on their areas of study and their individual strengths. Of course- Dr. Arkeville himself, being the lead researcher and owner of the entire space station, is the most accomplished among them, having been the one to invent warp drives in the first place and discover the existence of Energon in the first place.
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fernycreek · 11 months
Show 152 - Soothing Folk Frequencies & Melodies - Do Your Thing 3MDR 97.1FM or 3mdr.com 30/03/2023
Program Page:
Do Your Thing 3MDR 97.1 FM or www.3mdr.com Thurs 8pm to 9pm (AEST)
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inthebamboogrove · 11 months
Stray rain. Part 1.
The post-apocalyptic story about Jaswant and snow is called "Stray rain".
Chapter 1 One day before…
Once upon a time, the world collapsed. It was slowly falling apart, sinking and freezing. The prosperous eastern civilizations, with all their technologies, were powerless. Now they are wiped off the face of the earth, their fragments are buried under rubble and gray dust… Somewhere the earth turned out to be unsuitable for life, abandoned by its inhabitants and forgotten. With difficulty collecting what was left of the once powerful countries, people started all over again. The mention of these catastrophes was preserved in books and was called Destruction. People continue to live, still remembering the echoes of what forever changed their world, but lately something strange has been happening around … and it all started when it snowed in the country of "eternal summer" …
1120 according to the Pars calendar. Shindra. Urayur.
The morning was quiet. Today the sky was heavy and gray over a warm, motley country, as if lost among the gentle ridges of the mountains. Shindra's colors coexisted harmoniously with this grey. It was called the country of "eternal summer", in the warm season this dullness was colored with incredible shades under the scorching sun. This eastern country was one of the few that managed to survive. Of its former greatness, little is left and that, faded along with gray. In fact, the color was everywhere, in buildings that ranged from the drab high-rise buildings with crumbling cladding to the narrow, twisting slums that crowded the Lower District of Uraiur, the country's only major city. Even the motley fabrics seemed to be covered with a weightless gray dust that had settled on the ruins of the former world after the Devastation. In a way, it was.
Recently, this country has not been calm. This could be heard in the conversations of the residents, continuing the news with each other, wrapped in warm raincoats and jackets. These conversations were only about Pars, a neighboring country. It was recently conquered by Lusitania, but the young prince who survived continues the fight, now helping Rajendra, the Second Prince, beloved by the people. -They say that Dariun arrived together with Prince Arslan!
Daruyn?! The same Daruyn?! The companions of the Parsi prince were no less famous than their master. According to rumors, the young heir to the throne of Parsa survived only thanks to the famous Marzsban Dariun, a warrior who had no equal in the entire East. And this warrior will fight on the side of Rajendra …
The oddities for the people of Shindra did not end there. Winter this year was especially cold. Even the old, hoarse radios on the counters served as an inexhaustible source of news for the inhabitants about what was happening in the palace. The struggle between the two princes for the throne, Gadevi and Rajendra, took on new and new turns. Residents were looking forward to what awaits their country. They were far from the world of palace intrigue that seemed to take place in another universe, but it made them live in anticipation of the outcome of this story. For some, this silence will last longer, but for some it will end very soon …
It was getting colder. Under the sharp gusts of wind, the glass in the window openings rattled. Jaswant listened. In the howl of the wind, he sensed the threat. He could always catch her even in such a barely audible sound. Sensing the owner's anxiety, the horse abruptly threw up its head, almost hitting his shoulder. Jaswant sighed in exasperation, running his hand over smooth bay neck. Now, how can I drive the needle anywhere! Fortunately, the beast did not twitch again. The gray morning seemed to be a long time ago and now the day is about to give way to winter twilight. The end of the semester was approaching and the University was almost empty. That's good. You can safely deal with the wound of the horse, stretching from the shoulder almost to the neck. It was not deep, but it gave the beast anxiety. He had injured himself in training and now endured needle and line in the stall for injured horses. Well… good practice.
Due to the status of his master, Jaswant Bagheer could be educated at the most prestigious university in the country, as all young nobles are obliged to. It was not limited to the career of a warrior. Wealthy heirs studied themselves in one area or another, often in the most common professions, from a translator to a doctor. Education of this level was rare and the country needed such people. Due to the turbulent situation in the country, not everyone could graduate from the University. It was all about status, in Jaswant's case, the status of his master. But this highest status did not apply to him, and the fact that he trained like a warrior and studied on a par with the heirs of the nobility was in itself an exception to the rule. Just like his life itself. As did he.
Jaswant looked and did not look like the inhabitants of his country. A face with fine features and a sharp chin was calm, without giving away how he really felt. Dark, short-cropped hair was covered with a simple turban-bandage, which was worn by the local inhabitants. He was slightly taller than the other Shindrian warriors who were stocky and strong. Strong, muscular and flexible, he was like a shadow. Just a shadow. And yet there was something about him that made him noticeable wherever he went.
The Shindrians were dark-eyed. Of course, there were fair-skinned and light-eyed people, but most of the dark-skinned inhabitants of this country also had dark eyes, from almost black, dark brown, wine thick, they looked harmoniously with dark skin. Dark amethyst eyes were considered especially beautiful, such were the eyes of the First Prince of this country, Gadevi.
Jaswant's eyes, framed by long lashes, were light. At the very pupil, light blue turns into bright turquoise, framed by a dark border. Like glass or turquoise. This made his sight piercing and clear, combined with dark skin, which made him even more unusual and cold. Not blue, not green.
Most of all, he now wanted to finish treating the cut on the horse's shoulder and go home to his master, whom he called his father, who gave him his last name, but not the status of an adopted son. This master was none other than the hereditary vizier* of the Kingdom of Shindra, Mahendra. The second most important person in the country. Jaswant did not know his parents, nor had he ever been interested in them.
He had a person for whom he became stronger, that was enough for him.
Finally, medical scissors clicked, cutting off the long ends of the fishing line. Ready. With a metallic clatter, the instrument was placed into the steel bowl. There was a crackling sound from the ceiling, and a yellowish electric light began to flicker nastily. The horse impatiently stepped over with slender legs. He was tired of standing like this in the stall and feeling the nasty bitter smell of medicines.
-And was it worth it to twitch like that?- Jaswant said softly, putting away the tools. The bay horse turned away, arching its neck.
How quiet. It was soothing. If only this silence could last longer. Jaswant was well aware that she would not be around for a long time. His life wasn't as easy as it might seem, in fact, he knew all too well what was going on at Shindra's throne… and soon this silence should end. He managed to find out that the Second Prince had teamed up with strangers from Pars, a country that was just north of Shindra. It was not all smooth sailing there, and yet they came to the aid of Rajendra, their adversary. Incredible. What did they forget in a foreign country?! Either way, it didn't bode well. There was no one in the narrow half-dark corridor. After the light walls of the stall where he left the horse, this darkness seemed impenetrable. There has never been complete silence in this part of the building, which belongs to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There were always rustlings, growling or clattering of hooves. Animals played a much more important role in the life of this country than the mechanisms that quickly surrender to the harsh environment. A man who could take care of large animals could easily sneak into any army without attracting too much attention.
I had to finish my work. Luckily, there was an orange streak of light from the half-open door on the floor. That's good.
-I thought there was no one here.- A slightly hoarse voice was heard. Jaswant turned around. In the doorway stood the professor, a short, elderly man in a white coat. His gaze was somewhere through Jaswant.
-Sorry, I couldn't come earlier.- Jaswant was well aware of how stupid that sounded.
-Just turn it in when you're done.- There was a brief reply.
Jaswant nodded silently, picked up the stack of papers, and left the office. He knew he would hear nothing more. Not that this person was not inclined to talk, it was just that he always spoke to him like that. Jaswant is used to people talking to him briefly, never making eye contact with him. In a society clearly divided into estates, status played a decisive role. Nobody knew Jaswant's parents, as well as what class and category of the population they belonged to. People of unknown origin were treated with suspicion, but his case was special. The orphan was under the auspices of the vizier, the second person in the country, so he was listed in the documents as a representative of the Warrior class, those around him only had to put up with it. People treated him politely, because they did not know how to treat him: despise him like a rootless orphan or respect him like the son of a vizier? Jaswant Bagheer was neither one nor the other, so people prefer to just be brief and polite with him, not paying special attention to his presence. Nobody liked this exception from the established order. That was Jaswant. From unknown blood to unusual eye color.
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silverthefox713 · 1 year
Locations for anything
Abandoned Location 
Air Balloon Park
Animal Shelter 
Animation Studio 
Art Studio 
Barnes and Noble 
B&B Castle/Cabin 
Beach/Beach House 
Bowling Alley 
Cabin in the Woods 
Church (don't have to be religious) 
Community Center 
Disney World/Land 
Drug Den 
Enchanted Forest 
Fae Realm 
Floating Islands 
Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place 
Gas Station 
Glass Artist Workshop 
Hair/Nail Salon 
Haunted House 
Hiking Trails
Homeless Shelter  
Hot Springs 
Job Finder Depot 
Live Theater 
Lotus Fields 
Love Hotel 
Maid cafe 
Marketplace (+Blackmarket) 
Movie Theater 
Police Station
Post Office 
Radio/Tv Studio 
Red Light District 
School/Collage Grounds 
Secret Location 
Skating rink 
Snowy Mountain Ski Lodge/Resort 
Space Station 
Train Rides 
Trailer Park 
Yoga Studio 
Adult Store 
Animatronic Shop 
Antique Shop 
Baby Store 
Bakery Shop 
Barber Shop 
Bike Shop 
Boba Shop 
Book Shop 
Bridal Shop 
Butcher Shop 
Candy Shop 
Casket Store 
Clothing Shop 
Cobbler Shop 
Coffee Shop 
Comic Shop 
Corner Store 
Cosmetic Store 
Costume Shop 
Crafting Shop 
Donut Shop 
Electronic Store 
Fabric Store 
Flower Shop 
Furniture Store 
Grocery Store 
Gypsy Market 
Hardware Store 
Hatter Shop 
Ice Cream Shop 
Instrument Shop 
Jewelry Shop 
Leather Shop 
Magic Shop 
Pawn Shop 
Pet Shop 
Photography Shop 
Pizza Shop 
Potion Shop 
Ramen Shop 
Record/Vinyl Shop 
Sandwich Shop 
Spirituality Store 
Tattoo Shop 
Tea Shop 
Thrift Store 
Toy Shop 
Wand Shop 
Weapons/Firearms Shop
Woodcarver Shop 
X Rated Shop
                                               ~In a Mall~ 
Bath and Bodyworks 
Bridal Shop 
Discovery Planet/Channel Store 
Food Court 
Victoria Secret 
                                        ~Fast Food Places~ 
Burger King 
Dairy Queen 
Smoothie King 
Waffle House
Dream Realm 
Fae Realm 
Mirror World 
Over Realm 
Shadow Realm 
Aether World 
Nether World  
Note: I'd be happy to add more over time, if there's any places that would be valuable to add comment it and I’ll add it ^^ 
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thekristen999 · 11 months
10 first lines challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns! 
I was tagged by @spotsandsocks. Thank you! I’ve been a little off-grid the last week so this was a nice break
We All Fall Down
Sounds filtered through his muddled brain. Radio static. Heavy breathing. Metal creaking—no groaning. Or was that him? Was he groaning? Why was he—
It was a good day when all their calls ended in success. An automobile accident and an incident involving a large sinkhole resolved with only minor injuries. If they took 10th street back to the firehouse, then his and Eddie’s shift would end, and they could find some alone time.
We’ve Got Fun & Games
Giddiness ran through Buck’s veins. He stretched his arms, his hamstrings, even his calves.
Eddie, on the other hand, leaned against a tree wearing a lazy smile like he was waiting on a weather report.
Not Today
The first time Eddie encountered death was at his Tía Lula’s bedside. He held her limp hand, whispering thanks for all the times they baked cookies together, for the days spent outside in her lazy hammock, or playing with her cats.
The last place in the world Buck wanted to be was in one of the worst neighborhoods in the middle of the warehouse district. But his rent was due in a couple of weeks and his savings account was already depleted. Beggars couldn't be choosers.
The Shape Of Water
Pennsylvania was made up of trees and mountains. Every day was just another shade of gray.
We're In This Together Now
Eddie stared out through the window of the fire truck counting the number of billboards rushing past. Occasionally, he risked a glance in Buck’s direction, confirming that Buck was also staring out a window. Both trying to ignore the other.
Whatever It Takes To Find You
Buck dumped double portions of beef stew and mashed potatoes onto his plate. It was 2000 hours and breakfast had been at the crack at dawn. This morning's training with the 75th regiment had lasted four hours longer than needed because of a sand storm.
Hand Covers Bruise
Eddie had always wanted to kiss and touch Buck. To know him in every way possible. But he’d never expected the raw physical pleasure of it, of having Buck's long, lean torso over him, Eddie’s hands clutching at Buck’s shoulders. The intimacy of skin on skin, the adrenaline spike that coursed through him with the mere presence of Buck naked in his bed.
Misadventures In The Great Outdoors      
Buck had been humming with energy ever since he and Eddie got off duty. Today was the day to hit the road, just the two of them, finally.  He was giddy. Buck couldn’t remember the last time he felt so excited and he put all that excess adrenaline to good use by filling the back of Eddie’s truck with their gear.
This was fun to see :)
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Natsu-Mon! 20th Century Summer Vacation details daily life, characters
Gematsu Source
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Publisher Spike Chunsoft, and developers Millennium Kitchen and Toybox have released new information and screenshots for summer vacation adventure game Natsu-Mon! 20th Century Summer Vacation, introducing a day in the life of the protagonist and the game’s characters.
Get the details below.
■ Enjoy a One-Month Summer Vacation in the Naturally Abundant Town Yomogi
The story is set in Yomogi, a naturally abundant town surrounded by mountains and the sea. The protagonist, the son of the traveling circus troupe Maboroshi Circus’ ringmaster, will spend one month here when the circus comes to town. While Yomogi is small, its central area has a shopping district and supermarket, with various shops that supply daily living essentials. And not far from the town center are numerous points of interest, including a harbor and lighthouse, a factory with a large smokestack, a mountain castle, and more.
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During the summer, the protagonist and troupe members will stay at a shared residence called Ashitaba Lodge. Several other guests will also stay at the lodge. Breakfast and dinner are prepared by Ashitaba Lodge owner Kyouko.
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■ A Day in the Life of the Protagonist
The game will take place over the course of one month, starting from August 1 and ending on August 31. Each day will have some events that always occur, as well as free time to do what you like. After you wake up and eat breakfast with everyone, your free time begins. Radio calisthenics are held every morning on the shrine grounds, which the protagonist can also participate in. Run around the naturally abundant town and go on all sorts of adventures until dinnertime.
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—Certain events, such as new character encounters and other significant happenings, will occur on fixed dates.
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At night, circus troupe member Tokotoko will come to pick up the protagonist. After returning home, the protagonist will spend a short time with everyone around the dinner table. During this time, you may even hear interesting stories about the town. More free time will become available after dinner, but since the mountains and sea are dangerous at night, activities are limited to near the town center. The day ends after drawing a picture in the protagonist’s picture diary and heading to bed.
Bedtime is at 10:00 p.m. every night. If you go to sleep any later than 10:00 p.m., you will wake up slightly later the next morning and will not be able to participate in radio calisthenics. If you want a perfect attendance record in radio calisthenics, it is essential to go to bed early every night.
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■ Characters
● The Protagonist’s Family
Protagonist (voiced by Makoto Koichi)
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Papa (voiced by Yousuke Akimoto)
The protagonist’s father.
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Hime (voiced by Misa Ishii)
The protagonist’s mother.
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● Residents of Yomogi
Kyouko (voiced by Mariko Honda)
Owner of Ashitaba Lodge and skilled cook.
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Junko (voiced by Moe Nagamuta)
Kyouko’s niece. She is the middle-schooler daughter of a bookstore owner and loves reading.
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● Circus Troupe Members
Tokotoko (voiced by Takaaki Uchino)
The circus’ high-wire and flying trapeze act. He is like an older brother to the protagonist.
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Nagase (voiced by Naomi Kusumi)
The circus’ juggler, and the backbone of the troupe. His catchphrase is “bo!”
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Love (voiced by Youko Honna)
The circus’ flying trapeze act. She reads fortunes for fun and will tell you your fortune for the day.
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(voiced by Takahiro Yamamoto)*
The circus’ clown and accountant. A versatile troupe member.
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Natsu-Mon! 20th Century Summer Vacation is due out for Switch on July 28 in Japan. Read more about the game here and here.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
*(There was no name listed for this character; might be a mistake)
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