#motivation to study ig...?
etherylelixyr · 14 days
Anyways. 10pm rant bc I can
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I’ve been having a bit of a rough week. My anxiety is acting up and I’m starting to realized that perhaps signing up for a bunch of large commitment extra curriculars isn’t such a great idea after all.
I felt super overwhelmed and had to pass off some of my responsibilities, but after a hot chocolate and making some to-do lists, it’s not looking like the end of the world anymore.
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pink-academiaa · 3 months
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— [28/2/24]
hello lovely people i have graduated high school and am now on my uni degree,,,, its been about 7 months since my last post uh oh! that also means i'll definitely start posting again so i hope these pictures can motivate you to continue working as well
in this house we get HD for high distinction 💪 also because i'm hoping to transfer into law next year lol i'm currently studying criminology and pr/advertising
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lovebeing-a-girl · 1 month
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Here again<33
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siddheshmm · 3 months
11.03.2024. can't seem to focus for midterms :')
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summer eh?
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lif3lessb0dy · 22 hours
If you're living in a dorm bc your school is in a different city you would understand me
I need to pack my things for 5 days. BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO WEAR SO IM GRABBING WITH ME MANY CLOTHES and they just lay down on the shelf because it's like 20outfits. And my luggage is so heavy because of many different things that I need to bring with me every week....
maybe I'm just weird
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thedrabbler · 4 months
academic weapon? no, i am an academic nuke.
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chemblrish · 1 year
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21 December 2022
I think I had to carry out like thirty reactions today, I didn't even know I could work this fast 😵‍💫 I still had fun though, I learnt a lot, and the colors were gorgeous!
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inconmess · 2 months
I have an exam in 12 hours and all I can think about is Critical Role and the latest episode and the Grimms. Help. Haven't studied a single word and it is a bio exam *shrivels up*
And knowing me, I have an exam on Friday afternoon and the episode airs on Friday morning so I will probably prioritise the episode? and not the exam? Someone knock some sense and/or motivation into me??
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megumi-fm · 9 months
resuming to productivity
hey besties I haven't been regular for a while now and i think it's finally time to admit the elephant in the room. I'm not going to use words like executive dysfunction and burnout because if i'm entirely honest I don't really know what they mean and I'm afraid that I'd be appropriating these terms and/or greatly exaggerating my situation, but yeah, I'm struggling. I've been struggling for a while
A lot of work has been piling up over the weeks and for that exact reason I don't wanna do any of it and then more keeps piling up and. the vicious cycle just keeps going. I've been consuming way too much caffeine for my own good, and on the days I don't have access to coffee/energy drinks (which is usually the weekends when I'm home and my mom refuses to indulge my caffeine addiction) I'm passed out for most hours of the day. I'm avoiding most of my problems by doom-scrolling and my friends have been gaming on discord so I conveniently join them instead of getting any of my work done. And it's not like I'm enjoying either; everything I do to avoid work, I do while feeling completely stressed out and frozen. It's been... bad
and like yeah I know that at the root of all this procrastination and avoidance is really just a huge fireball of fear and apprehension and. I'm just so worried about how things are going to go. it feels like the time I have is so little and like I'm supposed to have planned out everything for the rest of my life in the next three months or something and. yeah. I feel compulsively driven to not even try. and instead of sitting with my resistance and processing these super unpleasant emotions I spent the past week trying to block out my brain and jump directly into a routine. and that went about as well as you'd expect. I was irritable and tired and I got nothing done.
so, yeah, I've been forced back into the healthy mature path of taking care of myself. Although it was obvious from the very beginning I always tend to learn the hard way- to be truly productive i need to pay attention to how I'm feeling.
I've decided I'm not gonna consider the last six days for my days of productivity. I'm noting today as day 45 of 100. Maybe I'll make a separate dop post by the end of the day, but we'll see. Note to self- completing any task, big or small, is good progress. I tend to get overexcited and take on wayy more than I'm equipped to hold, I wanna try to be aware of when I do that. yeah. this week is gonna be the 'in-my-feels' week
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eleanorcomegetme · 1 month
i just want to be an academic weapon 🫶
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itsjustanne · 7 months
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October 30, 2023
Letting myself relax and do some fun fall activities.
Yesterday my sister and I went to a paint and sip and an antique store. Today I'm reading one of my books before I have to go to work.
Tomorrow, I plan on doing some course work and brainstorming for nanowrimo!
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girlssagainstgod · 2 years
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today's moodboard // Oct 26th 2022
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kuiinncedes · 6 months
#one final left 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫#i am procrastinating studying#my motivation to study is nonexistent atp lmfao#which is bad that this class is last#bc idk anything in this class#😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀#and the slides aren't great and there's not a great straightforward way to study in my brain rn#i need to write down some stuff i can do#i i have like a lil les than 14 hours 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀#why was this class so bad for me it wasn't even like that bad like the prof wasn't horrible#just not for me ig 💀💀💀 i just could not pay attention to him everything he said went right in and out thru my ears no comprehension#hm so how do i reread all the chapters or something in like < 10 hours or smth lmfao#also what do i even mean reread as if i read them all the first time slkjnfgdfigbpiurghpqireughdjfhsglfgjhaldkjfh#my last two finals were ok like ........ on par for what i expect lmfao and i think i did as well as i was gonna do on them#but this one#it's fucking unfortunate timing that it's last and day after another final bc i would rly appreciate a lot more time to study for this one#and i cant manage time so i haven't rly started studying for it lmfao why would i study before the day before 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩#anyway whatever#my chinese song playlist hitting hard rn it's so good and so nice to listen to while studying bc i dont get too distracted lol#and the songs are so GOOD i've been bonding more w my roommate over it XD#i think it's kinda funny how my music this week is gonna be so different than normal lol on airbuds since it does weekly music stats#out of nowhere just only lindsey stirIing and chinese songs lol#and then mxmt/oon in btwn there bc she also chiller music#jeanne talks
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thedrabbler · 4 months
what if i am not an academic weapon but instead academic disarmament?
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