#most of the people here are brown or asian
ruthlesslistener · 2 years
idk how conservatives and other bigots can ever think that more diversity = less safe of a community. the more queer, interracial, and muslim a community, the safer i feel. like how can you not see a whole load of people from different cultures and lives peacefully vibing in the same area minding their own buisness and NOT go 'oh thank god theres some level of tolerance here I can just be myself and not have to be constantly on edge all the time bc of it'
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prussianmemes · 2 months
a white english anti-war socialist wins a seat in parliament and the next day the hindi PM says that this is an alarming sign of rising rabid-antisemitism, far-right politics, and islamic fundamentalism.
??? what
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constantvariations · 1 year
Just from a design standpoint, it's very disappointing that all the folks with bright, light color schemes (Yang, Weiss, Sun, etc) are also light skinned when it would be best to make them dark skinned - Sun and Yang especially given how little representation dark skinned Asians have
By doing this, Yang would finally be free of those awful brown slops of outfits while Sun and Weiss would stop disappearing into their white clothes because ☆~contrast~☆ would finally exist
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We are queer, we are ace, we are trans, we are men, we are women, we are neurodivergent, we are Latino, we are brown-skinned Asians, we are from countries marginalized by the media, we are so many things from so many places, and we all had and still have to go through the same things every day: living under the pressure of White Privilege standards. A white person's attitude of not recognizing their own privilege falls into obviousness when you can't say anything that goes against their fragile ego, then you automatically become the villain and you will be accused of unimaginable things. I don't care if you are part of any of the other minorities, are you white? So you are privileged YES. Keep your mouth shut and don't accuse others just because your white ego has been hurt and you have difficulty dealing with other people setting boundaries for their own safety. If we have to be villains for setting boundaries, then let us be villains.
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aceironwood · 2 years
Every now and then I come on this site and see someone say that a character named Yang Xiao Long isn’t canonly Asian and it makes me want to become the Joker
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ecologydyke · 1 year
begging pleading for people to use their critical thinking skills when it comes to the environment. way too many people have this idea:
climate change isn’t real = wrong and bad
climate change is real = correct and good
and while yes, denying climate change *is* wrong and bad, that doesn’t mean you should immediately trust everyone who says climate change is real.
ecofacism is a really concerning trend i see, especially among the younger generation because of how undeniable climate change has become to us. facists are taking advantage of the existential despair that’s rising in young people due to the climate crisis to indoctrinate them into their ideology. the most important thing to remember about ecofacists is that *they don’t actually care about the environment.* it’s a front to make facism more palatable to people who are concerned about the climate. it’s so so so important to learn how to recognize ecofacist talking points because i see them repeated by people who otherwise wouldn’t be described as a facist and it’s very concerning.
if someone says climate change is due to overpopulation, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says climate change is due to immigration, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says climate change is a necessary purge of humankind, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says all humans are inherently evil and deserve to die, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says that we are the virus, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
ecofacists claim that overpopulation is causing the climate crisis. it’s not. pay attention to the particular spots in the world that have the densest populations: china, india, bangladesh, and nigeria are usually the main countries in these claims. they are targeting asian and african people and blaming them for climate change entirely, when in reality these poorer people living in very high density cities have some of the lowest carbon footprints. ecofacists will say that overpopulation is the issue in asia and africa, and while they usually don’t say this part out loud, the implied solution to the climate crisis is mass genocide against mainly black and brown people. *facism as we know it is white supremacy.* they also use a similar argument to claim that immigration is contributing to climate change, saying that (again, mostly black and brown) immigrants are causing overpopulation in “civilized” countries and that the planes and boats used to take them across the world are causing all that pollution.
ecofacists will say that floods and famine and the subsequent deaths that result from climate change are a necessary evil to keep the human race in check. again, think of who will be most affected by climate change-related disasters (who already are being affected by them). this is not a coincidence.
because they are the masterminds behind the theory that all humans are evil and should die, logically that means the ecofacists would be the ones leading the massacres and choosing which groups to eliminate. again, facism is white supremacy. they will target people of colour, disabled people, queer people, jewish people, and elderly people until only the “ideal” (read: white, abled, cishetallo) members of society are left. this is not a coincidence.
i’m using very extreme examples here obviously but that’s just to demonstrate what the goal of ecofacism is. ecofacists want to use the climate crisis to guilt trip people into giving everything up for the sake of the environment and subscribing to their racist ideals.
it’s very important to mention how rampant ecofacist ideology has become in vegan circles online. obviously there’s nothing wrong with being vegan, but ecofacist talking points are *everywhere* in online vegan communities and it’s very concerning. it’s especially common among animal rights activists (which almost always go hand in hand with veganism, although not all vegans are aras). it’s really important to keep in mind that animal rights activism and animal welfare activism are very very different - animal welfare fights for ethical treatment and slaughter of livestock, while animal rights fights for the complete eradication of animal products. the whole argument over animal welfare vs animal rights can be saved for another post but it is very, very important to recognize how animal rights activism and in many cases veganism parrots racist ecofacist ideas.
it’s really really important to acknowledge that native populations of turtle island and polynesia in particular are damaged by ecofacist ideals. a core part of animal rights activism is the push for completely criminalizing all hunting of wildlife, and who’d have thought - that is incredibly important to the indigenous way of life and forcing native people to stop hunting (*especially* inuit living in the north) is cultural genocide. ecofacism also uses the guise of conservation efforts to push native peoples off of their own land.
it’s true that human consumption can and does lead to climate change, but it isn’t poor people living in slums or even really an average western household. ecofacists put all the blame for climate change on people of colour and other marginalized communities, even when they’re the ones contributing the least to the climate crisis. while a lot of what i’m saying here is intentionally extreme to properly illustrate the point i’m trying to make, it is absolutely a thing that happens that oppressed people actually do die because of ecofacism. the el paso shooter in texas a few years ago admitted to having ecofacist ideals and that his targeting of a store frequented by mexican immigrants was not a coincidence. the shooter that killed 51 people in mosques in christchurch that same year also shared similar ecofacist beliefs.
ecofacist propaganda can be hard to spot and can even make its way to mainstream media. do you remember a couple years ago at the height of tue pandemic when major news outlets were posting videos of dolphins returning to the venecian canals? those videos were not real. they were made with the implicit message of “humans are the virus” - which is, again, an ecofacist talking point. whether the videos were created by an ecofacist or not doesn’t really matter - what matters is that they spread ecofacist propaganda *everywhere*.
it’s really important to recognize absolutist statements like “all humans are evil and should die” or “overpopulation is causing climate change” and be able to critically think about who they might be benefiting and who they might be detrimental to. there are clues in ecofacist talking points, but they’re usually hard to spot - that is the point. if you see some statement that raises a red flag, you should think about who it’s being said or implied is causing the harm, whether it’s a radicalized or oppressed group, and how they’re being portrayed by the people saying these statements. it’s also really important to think about how they propose climate change should be solved: if it involves more police, more surveillance, excluding or pushing entire groups of people out, more military action, or closing borders and denying people the freedom to move - that is an ecofacist talking point.
also, i should mention that not everyone who spreads these types of ideas are ecofacists. in fact, i think most of them aren’t, or at least fully. ecofacism is just the most covert form of facist propaganda right now and it’s very easy to fall into the idea that all humans should die or whatever, no matter if you subscribe to the racist implications of that or not. just please be aware of how ecofacism manifests and how easily it spreads online - don’t be afraid to point out when you think someone is unintentionally spreading racist rhetoric, and be self-critical of what the implications of some of the things you might be saying have. critical thinking wasn’t taught in school just so you could figure out if the curtains were blue or not - it affects everything.
some articles about this topic that i like a lot
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zeldadiscussions · 10 months
Another point of discussion on TotK is “it’s racist/colorist/colonialist/imperialist that Ganondorf, the sole cause of most of Hyrule’s problems, is a poc coded foreign man.” (Foreign to Central Hyrule, I guess.)
While you’re all super valid for being on guard about that… Rauru, the guy Ganondorf initially starts beef with in TotK, is also a poc coded “foreign” man.
Apparently there is concept art of TotK Rauru as an old white guy. That was probably based on the Rauru from OoT, and likely from earlier on in development. The final version of TotK Rauru is not only younger, but the coding of his people’s culture is both Mezo-American and [Correction] East Asian.
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Also, [Correction] the Zonai descended from the sky. They literally like… immigrated to Hyrule’s surface.(It’s not completely clear unless I forgot something but either Rauru and Mineru came down themselves recently or they are the descendants of immigrants.)
Now, pointing this out isn’t to imply poc cannot be imperialists. The Chinese Empire is a historical rollercoaster ride of imperialism spanning several dynasties. The Persian Empire, the Aztec Empire, etc. Hopefully it’s clear here Rauru is not somehow immune to skepticism just because he isn’t white coded.
It’s just… if the primary basis of the concerns that TotK is imperialist propaganda or colorist is the belief that Rauru is white coded… he’s not. Judging by his clothes and his people’s architecture and iconography, Rauru is coded as poc.
He’s not the only one, either. Zelda is white passing but overtly canonically mixed race. Sonia is brown. Zelda’s dad Rhoam was also visibly tan. Hylians overall have much more variance in skin tone and cultural coding than they did in previous games (Lurelin villagers, the stable folk, etc.) It seems Nintendo learned from OoT that one poc sage wasn’t enough to offset the colorist/racist implications of your main villain being a dude from the desert who takes over a country of pale people.
So all in all it really doesn’t seem like Ganondorf is being othered here… Rauru is also an “other” to the ancient Hylians but he’s their leader.
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justthoughts1310 · 2 months
OG ATLA is a diverse show, Netflix ATLA isn't.
In a world where so many people are fixated on skin color and skin tone, it's crazy to me that I haven't seen anyone say anything about this yet. However, I believe most people are thinking it, so I'm going to say it.
ATLA is a show of characters with diverse skin tones. Sokka and Katara are brown-skinned characters.
Whereas, Aang has white skin and Zuko and Azula have very fair almost porcelain like skin. Their skin was supposed to be without blemish, and Zuko even pointed this out in one episode.
When you look at the live-action cast of ATLA, they are all white-washed. They all have very similar skin tones with the exception of Sokka's actor who is very fair-skinned.
Now, I know what you're thinking. OP how could they all be white washed? They are all indigenous or of Asian decent. None of the main characters are white.
Well, you are correct. However, I am going to introduce you to the concept or colorism. It allows for POC characters to still be white washed, under the notion that the European beauty standard is the idea beauty standard. Translation: the lighter (whiter) the skin, the more beautiful the person.
Which is what we see here with the lightning of Sokka and Katara's skin. Now, you might say, that they were appropriately cast as indigenous. Yes, they may have been. However, idenginuous people come in wide range of skin tones. There's light-skin indigenous, brown skin indigenous, dark skin indigenous and everything in between.
Therefore, we cannot pretend that this was the only canonically correct depiction of Sokka and Katara. We certainly cannot pretend that these actors were the best fit for the job, since they both walked their parts and completely missed the motivations and central themes of their characters.
As a kid, I know that it made me as a black woman and a lot of my friends who were brown women (Indian, Asian, North African, and Latino alike) feel seen when they saw Katara. They were able to see themselves in Katara, because Katara looks like them. I felt more seen when I saw Korra, because Korra was darker and starting to approach my skin tone.
That alone should be enough to want to cast the characters correctly. I mean we so often hear people complain about the blackification of once white characters. The most recent example being Halle Balley playing the Little Mermaid. However, it has always been FAR more common, that individuals and roles of color have been played by and adapted by white actors who do not bat an eye.
Yet, that's not enough, because Katara and Sokka's skin tone meant something. It means something and so does Zuko and Azula's skin tones.
For starters, Zuko and Katara have brown skill despite living in a cold climate, in order to protect their skin from the harmful rays or the sun. Wow.... I know shocking right? 😲
Some of you are shaking your head and thinking that doesn't make sense. It's cold in the arctic, why do they need protection from the sun? It's because the sun's rays reflect off of the white snow. Without a sufficient amount of melanin, the sun's rays could burn the skin of the indigenous people who live there. However, with too much melanin, the indigenous people who live there may not absorb enough Vitamin D. Hence, the brown skin.
Secondly (this point is more race-y), Katara and Sokka at this point when the Southen Water Tribe has been demolished by the Fire Nation, are effectively peasants. They are especially peasants when compared to both the Northern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation.
Peasants work outside. Therefore, peasants tend to have darker skin amongst the people in their given region. They have darker skin because they are exposed to the sun more.
Royalty has lighter skin, because they stay inside palaces, they don't do manual labor, and they have servants, so their skin is always protected from the sun. Has anyone ever notice how pale Toph is and the fact that she's the only character in ATLA who has a last name? That's by design people.
The sibling pairing of Sokka and Katara and Zuko and Azula are diametrically opposed in the original show. They are the ultimate dichotomy.
Sokka and Katara:
- wear blue
- are Water Tribe
- are brown skinned
- are peasants
- grew up in tents and igloos
- are kind to each other
Zuko and Azula:
- wear red
- are Fire Nation
- are fair skinned
- are royalty
- grew up in palaces and slept in Alaskan King sized beds
- hate each other.
The sibling pairs are opposed by more than just their nations of origins and the colors of the clothes. They are also opposed by their skin tones in order to reflect their lot in life.
Someone once said that Katara would never marry Zuko because she's too dark. Her skin is not the skin of royalty, and that person was probably right.
However, Sokka and Katara's skin is powerful, because if you read the Kiyoshi novels you'll learn that there's a great lineage in regard to who gets to train the avatar. It's my belief that if Aang met all of his friends before the 100 year war, Azula and Toph would have been the only people deemed worthy to train Aang. The most powerful people in the world are usually associated with the avatar, yet in the OG show, the most disenfranchised people in the world: Sokka and Katara made Aang into a fully realized avatar.
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stagnation-if · 6 months
hello, hello! can we please have some descriptions of what the ros look like and what their dynamics will be with mc? or can be if we get multiple personality types with mc! thank you!
Here you go!
Below the cut because it's long lol kgkskf
I don't have time atm but I'll make a proper intro for all the ros
Hair: messy and ear-length (she cut it after a Saturday night meltdown a while back). Half of it is dyed purple, and the other half is naturally black Eyes: Dark brown. Dawn uses contact lenses Height: 163 cm Build: Scrawny Skin: Honey brown Race: Southeast Asian Other: Dawn has a few piercings. Her arms are covered in tattoos.
Personality: resilient, quick-witted and determined. Dawn knows what she wants (to get rid of Seth) and she knows how to get it (using MC). She's never hidden her intentions, or lied about her objective. Dawn's distaste for deities is evident since the moment MC meets her, and she seems to faintly rejoice in reminding them. A very intelligent woman, Dawn loves street racing and causing some trouble online. She ‘works’ as a hacker.
Tropes: Rivals to friends to lovers, Forced proximity, (possible) Rivals with benefits.
Hair: cropped short, dark brown/nearly black hair. Eyes: Light brown. Bruno uses glasses. Height: 181 cm Build: Average and soft, a bit chubby Skin: Bronze Race: half Hispanic, half East Asian
Personality: neurotic, idealistic and uptight. Otherwise known as MC's companion in jail, Bruno has been recently caught for a crime that is a product of his own very uncharacteristic and rare ambition: knowledge. He's a very intelligent individual, although not particularly assertive. This historian and divorced dad knows more about MC than he lets on, though Bruno insists he was just at the wrong time at the wrong time.
Tropes: Devotee/Worshipper X Deity, (Bruno's) Strangers to friends to lovers, Parent RO.
A Moonless
Hair: long (f!A, middle back / m!A and nb!A, shoulder-length), jellyfish cut. It's naturally brown with a colorfully dyed front. Eyes: Hazel. Height: f!A and nb!A, 170cm / m!A, 177cm. Build: Skinny Skin: Tan Race: Indigenous (unknown) Other: A has a few tattoos on their arms and legs.
Personality: caring, playful and a bit temperamental. Despite their new, much more modern look, A is and acts just like a human MC once knew and loved, Zain. A is protective of those they care about, and they're never afraid to speak their mind. They're Dawn's coworker at the Speakeasy, where VR services are offered to its clients.
Tropes: One-sided (MC) pining, Apparently reincarnated old flame/friend.
A’s hair inspo:
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Hair: Buzz cut. Eyes: Naturally light brown, V has modified them to have synth eyes (they're a very pale green, with a faint glow). Height: 186 cm Build: Athletic Skin: Honey brown Race: Southeast Asian Other: More than half of V’s body has been modified. Their arms and legs are synthetic.
Personality: dependable, loyal and stoic. Vex is Dawn's older sibling, and while their relationship is not at its best, Dawn will always be V’s sole priority. They might not be the most affectionate person in the world, but when Vex cares they're willing to defy every norm they so dutifully abide. They've worked as a law enforcer for Lord Seth and the government for a few years.
Tropes: (V's) First love, Mutual pining, Slow burn.
Hair: coiled light brown afro. People know and recognize Eris by the wigs she wears, among which a white shoulder-length bob is the most iconic. Eyes: Dark brown. Eris often uses colored contact lenses (mostly pink, white and blue). Height: 173 cm Build: Skinny and slightly lean Skin: Ebony Race: Black Other: Eris has a few body modifications. Her left arm isn't flesh but metal.
Personality: charming, humorous and flirty. Eris (real name: Estelle Lawrence) is a celebrity in every sense of the word. She knows just what to say and how to say it, she's likable, friendly and very talkative. Beneath the public persona everyone adores, Eris is a complete mystery.
Tropes: Strangers to friends to lovers, (optional) friends with benefits, (optional, stc) Fake relationship.
Hair: long dark brown, with a few braids Eyes: light brown with golden specks Height: 193 cm Build: Lean, very muscled Skin: Olive Race: Middle Eastern Other: has a short beard
Personality: blunt, practical, and very reckless. Seth acts before he thinks (a trait that he and everyone find quite inconvenient) and seems to hate planning ahead. The God of War has a very dry/deadpan sense of humor. MC remembered him to be more outgoing, but Seth’s cold-hearted reputation precedes him.
Tropes: Enemies to lovers, Immortal love, Wrong place wrong time, (possible) ex-friend or ex-crush.
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belle-keys · 4 months
My Year of (Educational) Podcasts
I spent 12,000 minutes this year listening to podcasts according to Spotify. No, I do not listen to alphamale or girlboss or true crime podcasts– I mostly listen to history, philosophy, and literature podcasts i.e. educational podcasts. Here are 12 fun, well-executed podcasts I’d recommend if you’d like to learn more about your favourite (Humanities and Social Sciences) topics.
Betwixt The Sheets: The History of Sex, Scandal & Society. This is a podcast about the history of sex and sexuality. The podcast pays special attention to overlooked aspects of queer history, pop culture, and cultural superstitions. The love life and sex life of historical and artistic figures are also discussed with historians.
Dan Snow's History Hit. This podcasts discusses the most exciting and culturally relevant historical events and figures with expert panel guests. Clears up historical misconceptions and deals with the most interesting topics in an engaging way.
Occult Confessions. This podcast is about the history of the occult, witches, folklore, magicians, and conspiracies. There are discussions of folklore, religious history, and cults. The themes are dark but quite fascinating.
Intelligence Squared. This podcast is centered on cultural and academic debates and deep-dives into polemical topics among top UK experts. I really enjoy their episodes about writers, art, and artists.
The History of Literature. This is about, well, the history of literature i.e. the contexts that created impressive writers, literary movements, and literary works. It also debates and critically discusses classic works.
The Korea File. Y'all know I love kpop and kdramas and by extension, am quite fascinated by Korean culture and society given how much I interact with Korean media. This podcast, produced by a couple of Korean guys, critically explores Korean media, culture, society, and history.
Not Just the Tudors. A fun history podcast that doesn't only cover English Tudor history, but definitely covers a whole damn lot of English Tudor history. Mainly focuses on 13th-17th century global history.
Classical Stuff You Should Know. A podcast about the classical world, the Western Canon, and world philosophy. Discussions of the classics are in conversational layman terms. Topics not restricted to the Graeco-Roman world.
Why Theory. A podcast that uses philosophy and psychological theory to examine culture, history, art and human behavior. Lots of pertinent contemporary social topics are discussed.
Brown History. A podcast about South Asia and "brown" Asian demographics. A wide range of topics, from Pakistani history to the Indian diaspora to Afghan migration to the colonization of India by Great Britain.
Philosophize This!. This podcast covers philosophy, philosophies, and philosophers. I highly recommend listening to the episodes in order as much as possible. Breaks down the complex philosophical ideas using simple terms.
The Thing About Austen. This is a podcast about the world of Jane Austen from the time period to the people to the culture which influenced her big literary hits. Hits that sweet spot between literature and history in a creative way. Recommend for all the Pride and Prejudice (2005) fanatics.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Just like a small question based on that one ask, but... might the lack of brown/black men in popular M/M ships have to do with people trying really hard not to be racist so they just... never feature black/brown men? Because I know several F/F ships with brown/black women, but I can't remember a single M/M or even M/F with a black/brown male love interest... well, maybe Link/Gan or Zelda/Gan? But besides that one... nothing rings a notable bell.
There are more than that, anon, even if there aren't a lot.
If we're talking about AO3, Link/Gan has 785 works. Finnpoe has 8,636. Sam/Bucky has 10,591. Do you just not watch live action media?
Part of it is "I don't know. I just don't find them hot for some reason..."-style racism. That can shift with time and exposure but there's no instant fix even if someone is interested in changing their own tastes.
Part of it is being instantly screamed at and held to higher standards. (And yes, no matter how much people want to whine and say this isn't true, it is true, and anyone who goes ahead and writes despite the haters will tell you so.)
Part of it is fear of messing up above and beyond fear of reactions. Personally, I think this is toxic white guilt-flavor time-wasting and it's better to try and fail than not try, but it's a massive factor in what some people choose to write.
A lot of it is simply the composition of the mega-franchises that tend to generate the ships with bajillions of works. If we're looking at AO3 circles, the biggest f/f ships are not that big. If you look at m/m ships of the same size, there are some with some guy who is not white and not a pale-skinned Asian.
Here's the AO3 f/f tag where you can directly see what's big in the sidebar.
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (20389)
Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (15516)
Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s) (14062)
Clarke Griffin/Lexa (12661)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (11492)
Adora/Catra (She-Ra) (10855)
Amity Blight/Luz Noceda (9751)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (7913)
Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long (7205)
Korra/Asami Sato (6866)
If we exclude nonspecific tags and misplaced dudes, we add:
Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer (6127)
Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler (6120)
Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught (5738)
Luz Noceda and Korra have darker skin. Lana Parrilla is Latina, but is Regina Mills? This isn't exactly some paradise for the diversity you're talking about.
Here's the M/M tag:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (107699)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (68231)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (65757)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (64761)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (59546)
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) (48169)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (47119)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (43665)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (41631)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (40374)
Let's exclude some things and see what we get as we head towards the 5-20k range.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (38445)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (36025)
Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn (35907)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (31634)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (30488)
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (29568)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) (28959)
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin (28191)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (27775)
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou (27193)
Well, we've got Lance. (*shudder*) He's one of the most distasteful and useless stock character types in episode one and is the reason I never bothered to touch Voltron again, but his fans are certainly loud enough about him being Latino.
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (26087)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) (26058)
Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) (21900)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (21897)
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (21296)
Original Male Character/Original Male Character (21035)
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion (20224)
James T. Kirk/Spock (18810)
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (18703)
Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin (18147)
Eddie Diaz is Latino.
Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel (17787)
Levi Ackerman/Eren Yeager (16950)
Dan Howell/Phil Lester (16818)
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (16229)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (16193)
Harry Potter/Severus Snape (15551)
Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich (15539)
Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki (14990)
Keith/Shiro (Voltron) (14816)
Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio (14780)
We've got the Taika Waititi thirsters in this cohort.
Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier (14413)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard (14209)
Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto (13135)
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) (13016)
Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know (12962)
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto (12878)
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (12817)
Loki/Thor (Marvel) (12767)
Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren (12391)
Frank Iero/Gerard Way (12146)
Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams (12050)
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou (12002)
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga (11898)
Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga (11352)
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin (11101)
Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith (11088)
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (11083)
Loki/Tony Stark (10699)
Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables) (10523)
Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin (10415)
Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield (10312)
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard (10211)
Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi (9950)
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne (9944)
Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Mark Lee (9763)
Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington (9686)
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (9625)
Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol (9471)
Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski (9367)
Clint Barton/Phil Coulson (9359)
Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist (9347)
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (9317)
Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji (9186)
Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan | Sean (8973)
Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg (8785)
Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks (8710)
Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact) (8657)
Peter Parker/Tony Stark (8607)
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto (8588)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson (8522)
Only here are we finally getting down to the range where a lot of the big f/f ships on AO3 hang out, and here's Sam/Bucky, which is frankly not a small pairing at all unless you only mean in comparison to Stucky.
I'll stop there for m/m since these numbers are getting pretty distorted by me filtering out everything higher up, but you get the idea. Even that wretched Old Guard fandom couldn't completely kill off its ship, though then we get into how you're defining your terms and how much actual skin tone matters.
Here's f/m on AO3:
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (32122)
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (26417)
Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s) (23498)
Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (23403)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (18497)
James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (18142)
Kylo Ren/Rey (15915)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader (15200)
Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (14547)
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (13843)
Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (13551)
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (13145)
Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (11318)
Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (11031)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (10851)
Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth (9236)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (9152)
Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (9141)
Other Relationship Tags to Be Added (9108)
Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper (9046)
Bellamy Blake's actor is Filipino, isn't he? I remember race wank.
I don't see anything particularly significant until we get further down the listings, but there are definitely smaller fandoms like Leverage where everybody loves and ships the black guy.
I mean, yes, clearly, media does have a bias against darker skin, and the darker the skin, the bigger the bias. This bias may be exacerbated by fandom, but in a lot of cases, it just seems to be replicated at about the same level.
That pattern notwithstanding, it seems like you just haven't heard of a lot of ships.
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queerryan · 9 months
Begging gringos (and some latin-americans descendants who were born and grew up outside America Latina) to learn somethings.
There's no such thing as "white passing Latino" unless that person is indigenous.
Stop saying that you're not white because you're Latino, you are white. You're not a victim of racism for being Latino, you're affected by xenophobia.
Latino it's not a race.
If one of your parents is Latino and the other is not you're not "half Latino and half white/black/asian/brown etc" you're whatever race you are AND LATINO, you're both, the entire thing, no half.
Latinos aren't mixed or biracial for being Latino and white/black etc.
Latino it's A CULTURAL IDENTITY, an attachment we have to the country we came from. And that country HAVE TO BE PART OF AMERICA LATINA.
French, Italians, Spain people, THEY'RE NOT LATINO. (I can not believe I have to say this) yes, Latino have this linguistic meaning of people who speak a latin language and that includes french and Italian, but no one use the word in that sense most of the time. Latino it's a cultural identity related to only America latina.
PEOPLE FROM SPAIN AREN'T LATINOS, they're Hispanic, Wich is also not a race and does not make white Hispanics less white. Hispanic are people who are born in spanish-speaking countries, that's it.
For the mother of god STOP SAYING LATINX. Not only is completely useless when you're speaking in English since the English language ALREADY HAVE A NEUTRAL FORM OF SAYING LATINO (literally "Latin"), but also not even inside America Latina with our languages we say "Latinx" since people with Dislexia here often have a problem pronouncing and reading that. Insisting In the use of that is ableist and stupid. Either say "Latin" or "Latine"
NOBODY LOOKS LATINO, we don't have "Latin phenotypes", you could show me a picture of a Chinese family, tell me they're Brazilians and I would believe in you because that's how diverse america latina is, no one look Latino.
Doing this list because I was reading ultimate Spider-Man and miles called himself "Half Hispanic" and that pissed me off because he said that as a response of someone saying that he's black. As if this would make him less black or half black and he's both black and Latino, no halfs.
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murderandcoffee · 3 months
I'm sorry I sent the ask too early-
Can i get some of your tma character design hcs
well of course you can! sorry it's taken me a bit to get to this ask, I'm uh. bad at keeping up with messages lmao
okay so quick disclaimer: I didn't have solid visual ideas of all the tma characters--details would change or shift or whatever, so I'll only list some major ones/the ones I really imagined well
I see jon as a japanese-british guy who's like 5'6"/5'7" (168-170cm) with a bit of a dad bod. stern-looking, with short black hair that's graying around the temples, and some well-kept facial hair. I imagine him growing his hair out over the course of the show. he's also got glasses. I've drawn my interpretation of jon a couple of times--check out my bs.art tag if you wanna see it!
uh oh this is the one that could get me in trouble with the fandom. now listen: I had NO contact with fandom interpretations of the characters when I listened, so there was no influence from fanon designs. the martin in my head is a very tall, very lanky, awkward trans guy with blue eyes, shaggy blond hair, and a crooked smile. he's got freckles and glasses, and moves kind of like he's still a teenager getting used to how long his limbs are after a growth spurt.
okay so the way I imagined sasha is actually pretty close to a lot of fan interpretations! I see her as a tall-ish, well-put-together, academic-looking black woman with glasses and a natural hair. I picture her wearing a lot of skirts and sweater vests. she's definitely the most professional-looking of the archival staff in my mind.
I'm not gonna lie I really pictured tim for longest time as tim wright from marble hornets. I kinda still do. tall white guy with dark hair, sideburns, and expressive eyebrows. goofy and expressive. not much else I can say for him lmao.
michael distortion:
this is another one where the picture in my mind is waaaaay different from popular fanon. the distortion, to me, was not psychedelic-eyestrain-tie-dye-colorful. it was more of a black and white, reality but a little to the left, slenderman-/cryptid-esque vibe. definitely inspired by the visual auras I get from migraines. the distortion looks completely normal until you see its reflection/see it through a warped pane of glass, then it's all sorts of fucked up! but fucked up in a take too much nyquil and see the hat man sort of way, instead of a take too much acid and see god sort of way.
I believe in natural redhead gerry
okay okay another one that people are gonna disagree with. the basira in my head does not wear a hijab. she's got her hair slicked back into a tight, military-style bun. brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin, some moles and freckles, some scars, no-nonsense, take-no-shit attitude.
the daisy I picture is a small firecracker of a woman. she's dangerous the way brass knuckles are dangerous--sure they fit in the palm of your hand, but they will deliver blows that you won't ever recover from, if you're lucky enough to survive. she's covered in scars, muscular, very pale (I see her mostly as a redhead), and with some tattoos, too. sometimes I picture her as blonde, but I like ginger daisy.
I've drawn my version of melanie! I see her as desi/south asian, with wavy brown hair and brown-green eyes. I hc that she dyes her hair red, but once she's infected with the slaughter it starts staying that way (un)naturally. she's short in my mind, probably a few inches shorter than jon.
I don't have much for elias, georgie, or helen, really. their designs kind of shift around in my head. I feel like I'm forgetting characters, but oh well!
I've drawn a few not listed here (annabelle, agnes)
if there are any characters in particular that you're curious to see how I envision them, lemme know!
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nopointic · 5 months
blue eye samurai was so funny to me how everyone who saw mizu's blue eyes immediately were like YUCK! 🤮 DEMON! *hides children behind them* because in modern society today it's the opposite. i remember always being bummed when a character would have blue eyes and that was their defining beauty trait. books would go on to describe characters with brown eyes as dull and lifeless and you don't think these things stick with you but it does. and then colored contacts came out. and i remember so many black people in my city buying blue contact lenses to feel "prettier". it became a huge thing. so with black girls it was ok we gotta straighten our hair with toxic chemicals and for a bigger glow up pop in blue contacts.
then photoshopping became very common. fans would give their favorite artists blue eyes. i remember this specifically with zayn in one direction. it made me so fucking mad. zayn looks like something out of perfect runway anyways. and here fans were making his eyes blue and saying "now he's perfect!" imagine thinking zayn malik needed a makeover. mind boggling then and now.
but here we have a whole show where the culture is like nah those blue eyes? that shit is demonic and ugly. it's obviously cruel and nobody should be treated as such.
but remember when fowler bragged how one day they would love a face like his and consider his beauty above their their own when he got done colonizing their country? it happened.
in damn near every country where nonwhite people exist, european features are the pinnacle of beauty.
we see this when we have "international" modeling show. a model from every country but the sharp jawlines and lightest skin always win. loose curls not tightly coiled hair like some black people have. thin bodies. tall bodies. international but those qualities are always wanted. the same fucking look. a slight shade difference at most.
hell the natural hair movement with black people is oddly just a parade of expensive products to give one the looser curl pattern that society accepts. curl puddings and products to combat "shrinkage" makes up majority of black hair products in the natural section. it's something.
chemically straightened hair. the natural hair that grows out of my black scalp has been called unprofessional and needed several laws to protect others like me from various job discrimination policies. kids with natural black hair are still being told their hair is out of dress code.
skin bleaching is popular in several ethnic cultures. i can find a bleaching soap at my local big box retail store. they're not advertised but it's still a big seller. i want you to put that into perspective.
many products today boast about glowing skin. brightening is a nicer way to say bleaching. turmeric powder and lemon in everything now.
western media loves to point fingers at koreans now due to an increase of kpop in the media. they judge those who spend a massive amount of time, money, and resources to obtain a strict set of beauty standards. lighter skin, weight loss plans, sharper cheeks, new eyelids, color contacts, chin exercises you can learn on youtube it goes on and on. western white people judge asian people on their beauty obsession standards and it's tone deaf. it's a slap in the fucking face when i see it. your ancestors told all of us people of color we were ugly and needed to look like you to succeed in life. now we do it and you wanna point fingers and talk about how vain and fickle we are? that's fucked up! it pissed me off!!!!!!
so i guess it's a bitter taste in my mouth when i do laugh at mizu's "unfortunate eye color" being the cause of so much pain. because now it's the opposite.
as the cool kids say, she would do "numbers" in beauty standard rankings now. ethnic, but not "too" ethnic. blue eyes, androgynous and athletic but not too bulky and long hair? the algorithm says money honey!
funny how all this works out. eurocentric beauty is a hell of a drug. no katana will be able to kill that. no body positivity campaign or hashtag will undo any of this global phenomenon we now live with. we can call brown eyes beautiful now in songs and yet the angels in the church will always have blue eyes. this is the first time i've not seen a fandom go batshit insane when seeing a person of color WITH blue eyes. usually it's all caps with phrases like "woke liberal bullshit" or something. the fallout from the black little mermaid with red hair showed this very well.
white people have damn near colonized every other race and then they cry foul at the thought of a non white person with eyes other than brown and hair other than black and brown. it's the funniest shit. i mean they'll accept a mermaid. but her being black with red hair? too far. we truly would have never heard the fucking end if they made halle wear blue contacts as ariel. white people would have lost their fucking minds on another level lbh!
we joke that brown contacts would have given mizu an easier life. it's sobering that blue contacts and other fucked up beauty rituals give people of color the same easier life now.
mizu in blue eye samurai during that period is shunned for their appearance. today mizu would do numbers on instagram and make money being the face of some random blue low calorie sport drinks available at big chain stores.
anyways that's my TED talk on blue eyes, eurocentric beauty standards and why i really really love how blue eyes samurai shows all of this. i am in awe of the creators making this show from them having a biracial asian baby with blue eyes. because so many don't even realize how their blue eyes will always leave them being talked about no matter what. they will be called a a faker with contacts, have to constantly prove with baby pictures their eyes were and have always been blue. people will make immediate judgements and even though you would think this would not happen in 2023 it does.
so i commend the parents for making this show. it's a conversation we need to have more. how society treats those with certain features when you are not in control of said features. and how far we go personally to try to "fit in" in a world that is hell bent on neat and tidy labels. this is good this is bad blah blah blah.
i fucking love blue eye samurai. please let there be a season 2!
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thepineconelord · 1 year
In honor of AAPI Heritage Month, I’ve decided to make a long-post about the white-washing of Minhkhoa Khan aka the Ghost-maker.
To start I want to establish Khoa’s probable(it has not been said is in detail yet) race/ethnic background. Being from Singapore It’s very likely he’s Chinese, Malaysian, or Indian, as those are the most common ethnic groups in Singapore. Khoa’s last name ‘Khan’ is mostly a middle eastern(only in certian parts of the middle east)/east Asian name(I’m sure you can think of one guy in particular with this last name).
Anyway ethnic background aside, it’s been well-established that Ghost-maker is brown.
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Here he is in batman v.3 109
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batman v.3 106 (ft. bruce for white guy reference)
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batman 2021 annual
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batman: the knight #4 (again ft bruce for white guy reference)
Point being: he’s not white
So then it’s a little off to get hit with this face reveal in Batman Incorporated #7
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Now does he look like a white guy? Not necessarily, he could be a lighter skinned Asian person, but I don’t appreciate the deviation from his earlier depictions as being darker. Colorism is a big deal, especially in Asia right now. Pale skin is seen as much more beautiful than dark skin, and this has led to many people doing things such as skin bleaching to achieve lighter skin tones. With this being the current state of things, it’s so important to have visibility for darker Asian people in media, and for this reason it comes across as a shitty move for dc to white-wash Minhkhoa.
Additionally dc had this alternate cover for batman inc #8, because they’re so good at diversity and totally didn’t just whitewash this guy :)
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(btw not saying dc did any of this on purpose/with malicious intent, but rather that regardless of intention this was bad and they should fix it)
tldr: dc white-washed ghost-maker despite him being previously portrayed as much darker-skinned
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annlillyjose · 9 months
Rock Salt – WIP Intro
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hello again! on today’s news, your girl has a new wip aka something to fixate on and mould her life around for the next couple of months (or years). and because i cannot keep any exciting news to myself, here’s a wip intro.
but before we head into that, here’s a little backstory to how it happened. i finished writing dairy whiskey, i worried about my brain being incapable of forming new book ideas, two to three days after i get this new book idea that i’m totally hooked on, struggles to find a name, names it, decides to go forward with it, so again, here it is – rock salt!
here are the specifics:
disclaimer: this is an original work of fiction. plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. don’t be a pathetic loser.
genre: literary fiction
pov: first person retrospective
structure: probably going to be just full-length chapters
projected word count: 50k
concept: identical twins rain and norah move out of their family home for college where they purse two different degrees, live with different people in separate homes, and fall in troubles of their own. these begin to affect each other and they grow apart, being forced to navigate the the most confusing part of their lives – their shared existence as twins.
aesthetics/vibes: indigo skies, the beach, moths, seawater, salty breeze, chopping off one’s hair because existential crisis and queerness, lesbian relationships, house parties, fire, gloomy days where you feel like it’s going to rain but it doesn’t, cheap housing, bad grades, rotten food in the fridge, the moon, hanging plants, weed and local flowers
if you’ve heard these names before, no you haven’t, but again, they’re from twinepathy – the short story i wrote nearly three years back and scrapped afterwards. i tried to create new characters for this book but they feel like the perfect fit, so here they are.
lesbian, she/they
her real name is eleanor
the protagonist and the narrator
studies political science
shoulder-length black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'3, skinny, wheat-coloured skin
always wears basic t-shirts or sweatshirts with a pair of mom jeans
distant, secretive, in constant disapproval of everything
strives on academic validation (and is being too hard on herself to bring in good grades)
also 18
aroace, she/her
her real name is lorraine
studies painting and the applied arts
long black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'3, skinny, wheat-coloured skin
is a goofball, sunshine and rainbows, has a lot of friends, is extremely talented in her art, golden retriever energy with some drama to be unleashed
cannot keep her mouth shut so ends up in trouble with norah
don’t want to introduce them officially, because they’re not key characters, but here’s a little info on their older sisters –
is called harp
is a high school geography teacher
engaged to her college boyfriend
oldest child in an asian household (i guess that’s saying enough)
is called viv
the neglected middle child
in her last year of a nursing degree
wanted to study music but was too scared to bring it up to her parents and ended up being stuck at a hospital
plans to go abroad and marry a rich guy
well, that’s all i’ve got for you today. i haven’t started writing this book yet and i think i won’t until i finish editing dairy whiskey in august. i think i’ll start in september and then hopefully do nanowrimo for it in november. i’m super excited to work on it because it’s so different from dairy whiskey in a lot of aspects. but i’m discovery writing (as always) and we’ll just have to see where it goes. but until i come back with an update for this book, you take care, stay hydrated, water your plants, and eat a second dessert tonight.
– ann
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