#mixed raced models
simplytegwin · 2 years
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From model Jamea Lynee’s Instagram of her recent endeavours <3
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bidoofenergy · 11 months
pleas please ambrosius is the model knight, he's what all knights should aspire to be, he comes from the right family he does well in training, he's the model knight, he works within an institution because it benefits him--as long as he works in it, because the second the director thinks he's questioning things too much she kills him--are you picking up what im putting down? he keeps his true feelings buried--never show doubt, don't show conflict, keep your head down, do what you're told, aren't you so lucky to have this chance, aren't you glad you were born as you are and not like the others--are you hearing what im saying
(listen to eugene lee yang talk about this on the trypod)
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daybreaksys · 8 months
Neighbourhoods of poor vampires in the lowest, ever-dark parts of fantasy cities, vampires who aren't wealthy because they're a racial minority and the system was designed to keep poor people poor.
Poor vampires who are functionally disabled because they can't take sunlight in the only hours services are open and have to fight stereotypes of them being all snob nobles.
A nonprofit program immersed in the neighbourhoods paints portraits of vampires for free so they can see themselves for the first time because they can't use mirrors or cameras. Some cry, some don't recognise themselves, some are weirded by their unexpected appearances.
Mixed-race vampires who struggle to navigate their neighbourhoods having to advocate for themselves reminding people they are vampires as well as their other ethnicities.
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moonfirebrides · 3 months
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Yasmin Wijnaldum Photography by Chris Colls Vogue Germany July 2021
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canmking · 10 months
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D e n i s e M a t t h e w s
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justinegreenpie · 1 month
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bywandandsword · 4 months
Since Hazbin Hotel popped off, I've seen a few times people asserting that there is something racist about Alastor's backstory, given that he is canonically a Creole from New Orleans, but his demon form does not have any overt indicators of his being a person of color
So here's a gentle reminder and clarification, as a Louisiana Creole myself;
"Louisiana Creoles (French: Créoles de la Louisiane, Louisiana Creole: Moun Kréyòl la Lwizyàn, Spanish: Criollos de Luisiana) are a Louisiana French ethnic group descended from the inhabitants of colonial Louisiana before it became a part of the United States during the period of both French and Spanish rule. They share cultural ties such as the traditional use of the French, Spanish, and Creole languages and predominant practice of Catholicism. Some mistakenly think the term is a racial designation, while in fact people of European, of African, and of mixed ancestry have all been termed "Creole" since the 18th century." (x, emphasis mine)
Please pay special attention to the last sentence. While many, probably most, Louisiana Creoles are of mixed-race ancestry, not all are. I'm not saying there aren't valid critiques of Alastor as a character, this just isn't one of them
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lala1267 · 1 year
Bow down bitches (part3)
Summary: You were on tour with Elvis, but Jerry was getting too comfortable.
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I sat on the couch with Elvis and my daughter. Elvis was holding Jasmine, playing with her and admiring her. Her giggles made a light gleam in my heart. Looking at Elvis, playing with my child was the best sight to see. He would be such a good dad. I was 20 years old, and I already had a baby. I knew this journey was going to be hard, but I would do anything for my beautiful daughter. Elvis looked at me with Jasmine in his hands.
"You have a beautiful daughter. Takes after her mother." He said as he played with her curls. I smiled before replying.
"Well, I think we know that." I said sarcastically. We both laughed. I was getting a strong feeling of deja vu. I felt his warm soul radiate of him like when we first met. I remembered when we first kissed, it felt like heaven. He continued to play and giggle with my daughter. My heart was warm just watching it.
"You know I will always be here if ya need me. I can take good care of ya." He said as he turned to look at me with his piercing blue eyes yet again. I moved closer to him so that I we were touching shoulders.
"I know you will. You're a good man, Elvis." I said before placing a kiss on his cheek without thinking twice. He just giggled before placing a peck on my daughters cheek.
"I wanna take ya on tour with me, I think you will like it." He said as he batted his long eyelashes. I didn't hesitate to say,
"Yes, I would love to." I said eagerly.
Before I knew it I was packing a bag of clothes and essentials for tour. All of the clothes that I packed were ones that Elvis had brought me. Ever since i began to stay at his house, he would spoil me like a child. I didn't complain, though. Once I was done, I passed the bag to one of Elvis's assistants. I picked up Jasmine and placed a kiss on her button nose.
"Honey, we have to leave now." Elvis shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I smiled as I headed down to him. I reached the bottom of the stairs, and I was met with Elvis. He had a big smile on his face.
"I love seeing ya with your daughter, it makes me smile." He said sweetly. I stepped towards him and planted my lips onto his. I didn't know why I did it, I just did. We weren't even toughether, but there was definitely a spark between us. I pulled away, and we headed to the car. He opened the door for me, I got in, and he followed behind me, grabbing my hips slightly. I sat Jasmine on my lap and tied her curly hair up. She was only one year old, and her hair was shoulder length. She had light brown, luscious curls. Elvis watched me do her hair with a grin on his handsome face.
"I love her hair, it's nice to see a mixed race child." I just smiled at his comment as I continued to do her hair.
We soon arrived and I could already see the paparazzi. My heart pounded faster, and I gripped my daughter tightly. I looked at Elvis with a worried expression on my face.
"Elvis, I can't go out there. All of the shouting and flashing will be too much for Jasmine." Elvis looked at me and then at Jasmine, who was curiously trying to look out of the tinted window.
"Hmm, take this and put it over her head. She won't be able to see all of the flashes." He said as he handed me a black handkerchief from his pocket. I put it over my daughters head and exited the vehicle with Elvis by my side. He grabbed onto Jasmine and me tightly and rushed us inside. Cameras were flashing, and fans were shouting. Once we were inside, I let out a sigh of relief. I took the handkerchief off my daughters head. She had a cute smile on her face, I was glad that she wasn't fazed by the fans and paparazzi. Elvis walked up behind me and slightly squeezed Jasmine's cheek.
"See, happy as ever." He said with a little giggle. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he inched closer to kiss my cheek. Just his touch made me so happy.
A group of men, known as the Memphis Mafia, walked over to us. Their eyes widened, and eyebrows furrowed as they looked at me, with a baby in my arms. Elvis was quick to speak.
"Don't worry, boys, i ain't a father yet." He said with a slight giggle. The boys laughed before talking amongst themselves. Once all the attention was away from me, Elvis leaned down towards my ear and whispered.
"But I wish I was." I turned my head to look up at his smug face before planting my pink lips on his once more.
A group of professional looking men walked over to me, Elvis, and the Memphis Mafia.
"Elvis, the show starts in thirty minutes. Your dressing room is backstage, and your outfit is already in there." One of them said confidently. Elvis nodded before grabbing my free hand and escorting me and Jasmine backstage. We walked into through the tall door that had Elvis's name on. It was quite small and had just one bench to sit on. I placed myself on the wooden bench as Elvis walked over to his costume. He picked it up and showed it off to me. It was pure white and was studded with red, blue, and yellow diamonds. It also came with a rather large belt that was also covered in diamonds. He stepped behind the curtains. He walked back out with the jaw-dropping outfit, fitted to his body perfectly. It exentuated his small waist and flared at the bottom of his long legs. His broad shoulders looked strong and big. Everything about this man made me want to scream. Jasmine was sat in my lap, giggling and smiling as usual. Elvis stepped closer to me.
"Do ya like it?" He asked in curiosity. I smiled.
"Like it? I love it!" I said. He bent down to place a kiss on my cheek. Jasmine reached her small, chubby hand out to play with the diamonds on Elvis's expensive suit. As he stood back up, he looked down at Jasmine whilst giggling.
"I think Jasmine likes your outfit too." I said cheerfully before placing a kiss on Jasmine's rosy cheek. He just laughed like a child before stating,
"Well, the show is about to start. I've got you a private seating area, it's away from all the noise so that Jasmine won't cry. Is that ok with you?" He asked as he raised his brows.
"Yes, that's fine, but will I still be able to see you perform?"
"Of course ya will, honey."
Just then, a man walked into the room and laid his eyes on me.
"Natalya, I'm here to escort you to your seat." He said with a smile. I simply nodded and followed him as I blew a kiss to Elvis on my way out. He led me to the area, and Elvis was right. It was settled and quiet. I sat down, and the Memphis Mafia sat next to me. I placed Jasmine on my lap and grabbed the baby milk bottle that was sat on the marble table in front of me, just for Jasmine. I placed it in Jasmine's mouth, and she began to drink. And the show had also begun. Elvis was singing and dancing like a mad man, but it was so sexy. I was still feeding Jasmine when I felt one of the members of the Memphis Mafia, Jerry, move closer to me. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed slow, tender circles onto it. I tried to ignore it, but soon he was playing with my long black hair and caressing my pink cheek. He whispered seductively into my ear.
"I can put another baby in ya, I bet you would like that." His breath smelt of liquor, and his hand was moving down towards my breasts. This man was crazy, he was all over me whilst I had a baby in my hands. I looked at him with a disgusted look as I turned away from him. I held Jasmine tight.
"Don't go all cold on me baby, I know you want me." His cold voice said to me. His voice made me physically ill. His hands traced down my hips and waist. This was getting out of hand. I turned to face him.
"Get your dirty fucking hands off me." I said whilst raising my voice slightly. He just giggled.
"I like my women when they are angry." He said with a smug look on his rodent face. I quickly picked Jasmine up so that she was secure in my hands. I got up and looked at Jerry with furious eyes.
"Just wait till Elvis hears about this!". I said before angrily storming off into the backstage corridor. Little did i know, Elvis was watching this all play out, and he was going to stop this. Jerry followed behind me. I stopped In the hallway as I felt Jerry's hand in my shoulder.
"Come on baby, don't be like this."
"Don't call me that." I said coldly as I turned to face him, with my baby still in my arms.
"Elvis doesn't have to know. Either way, you're going to do what I say." He said as his face dropped. His cold gaze sent chills down my spine.
"She won't be fucking doing anything you say." a deep voice called from the hallway. It was Elvis. He ran to Jerry, and before I knew it, Jerry was on the floor getting strong blows to the face. Elvis nuckles were red, and so was Jerry's now bloody nose. I just stood there, watching in shock. Once he was done, he got up and stepped closer to me.
"I'm so sorry baby, he won't be seen near me or you ever again." Elvis said in his deep breathless voice. He looked at Jasmine, in my arms with soft eyes. He kissed her cheek, then mine. I just smiled as I looked into his blue eyes. Jerry was on the floor, bloody nose and unconscious. Elvis and I were loving eachover, this felt like a movie. I felt safe and protected around Elvis. I knew that he would go to extreme lengths just to keep me safe. He would cause disaster just for me. I was the queen of disaster.
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ghostieezz · 1 year
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indeedgoodman · 7 months
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nick-close · 1 year
I will never be a demon Glenn truther I don’t care!!! That didn’t happen, the appeal of Glenn is he’s JUST A GUY AND ALSO A WEIRD CHARISMA LOSER!!! He can’t be a demon, that makes him cool in a way that matters. The dads appeal is that they’re all just dudes. Glenn is just a guy.
Freddie knew what he was doing when he refused to give Glenn magic. Anthony went ‘you can give him magic’ and Freddie went ‘NO he’s fucking setting off fireworks.’ And that was IT!!! The guards at the prison were afraid of him telling them to cool it BECAUSE THEY THINK HE’LL BE TOO CHARISMATIC TO RESIST DESPITE THERE BEING NO MAGICAL REASON FOR IT TO BE A PROBLEM!! THAT’S IT BABY!!! AND THAT’S COMEDY!!!!
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armaniswrld · 1 year
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face card
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moonfirebrides · 1 year
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Kinky Afro, photographed by Juergen Teller and styled by Judy Blame, December 1990
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livingloved007 · 8 months
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The Tenacious Five…..
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blueiight · 10 months
Someone brought vikings back on my tl n i got pissed off again thinking how bts shady favoritism+ politic rly killed the latter half of what was eking out to be a good show
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winglingtings · 2 years
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Kate 2016
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