#mitch and cam
bath1lda · 5 months
Kyle and Cartman multiverse
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moncheriesu · 4 months
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that instant regret look from Cam and the way Mitchell walked away from this 😭 peak comedy fr
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Londo: Mr. Morden invited us to lunch. I couldn’t say no.
Vir: *I* could have said no.
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“Carlos: TK! There’s a stranger in our hot tub?
TK: What? Who is it?
Carlos:… You do know what stranger means, don’t you?
TK: Oh my god! Who is that? How long has he been there?
Carlos: TK, I saw him one second before you. You know everything I do”.
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becabeale143 · 2 years
Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈
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lovecolibri · 2 years
OMG I'm watching Modern Family and they're having a sperm donor storyline 😫😫😫 I can't escape it. But also, Mitch and Cam decided they couldn't do it because they didn't think they could handle having a child of theirs out there being parented by friends of theirs and not be involved so like....Hen was On Point for asking Buck if he could do that, which we all know he can't.
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vividlyyworld · 2 years
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clownshire · 2 years
When I think about the lGbt representation I had growing up
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I mean we had some girls like Brittany and Santana but that's pretty much it.
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tkachukisms · 24 days
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happy saturday caturday everyone. sadly this doesn't work because there isn't a cats game today but if you look into your soul there can be! | yeah these are all going to be max images now. I'm also unsure how we got here, yeah
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sommerregenjuniluft · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic march 25 - eyeliner - 2341 words
<33 of losing babies and chance meetings in hawaii
Regulus rubs at his eyes, smudging the remains of eyeliner from the previous evening probably only more.
It’s been a wild night out given that Regulus found himself the only one out of his friend group appearing down for breakfast at the hotel’s buffet. He went for a classic hangover comfort food, coffee with beans and toast and while he longed for the sausages and eggs and fruit and frozen joghurt Regulus isn’t fool enough to think he would have been able to keep all of that down.
Sleep is already tugging at the corners of his mind again when he presses the elevator button to bring him back up to his hotel room to doze away another few more hours. There’s a nice breeze coming in from the double doors leading out to the pool and Regulus leans against the cooling marble of the wall, eyes closed, soaking it all in.
It’s been Pandora’s idea, to get the five of them out for a few days over easter, away from home. From work and family—not that the latter was much of Regulus’ concern—and Regulus must admit that this one is definitely one of her better experiments.
The elevator doors ding and Regulus blinks open his eyes and steps forward only to come to an immediate halt because— 
Because there’s a baby in the lift.
Just– all by itself.
Sitting in its buggy. Completely at ease.
No like…parent or guardian inside.
What appears to be a small boy with the wildest sort of curly, black hair Regulus has ever seen sits in his seat, one spiderman sock barely hanging onto his toes, chewing away on a toy in his lap and gazing with big, intensely green eyes up at Regulus.
“Uh, hi there, baby,” Regulus says. He sets a foot onto the threshold to keep the doors open and bends down, “Where’s your family, buddy?”
The kid suddenly throws his little body back into the padding of his buggy with a blinding grin and a screech of what Regulus assumes to be ecstatic elation, “Pafoo!”
“Bless you, mate,” Regulus replies politely.
The little boy reaches his hands out to Regulus, “Out!”
And, well, the little bugger might be onto something here because as of right now Regulus must look like a right nutter talking to the inside of an elevator and if the little one’s parents are going to try and find him they’ll probably start at the elevator areas on each floor.
So Regulus gets the small kid out of the elevator and wheels him over to where a set of dark leather sofas and armchairs are gathered opposite the elevator doors.
When Regulus sits down across from the little boy he giggles, happy as ever, as if nothing was amiss.
Well, at least the one time Regulus finds a lost baby it’s a happy one. Lucky draw, he thinks.
The boy is back to chewing on the little rubber ring again and Regulus eyes him curiously, chin propped on his fist. The boy’s skin is a warm brown, similar to Evan’s and Pandora’s and there’s a faint layer of freckles dotting his nose—just like it will happen to Regulus after a few more days out under the Hawaiian sunshine. There’s a small patch of drool on his yellow shirt but he looks clean otherwise. 
After another moment of inner contemplation Regulus finally reaches out and tugs the sock back into place. 
The boy snickers, wiggling his foot and Regulus finds his lips tugging at the corners.
“Pafoo, out!” the boy repeats again.
Regulus frowns, “Yeah, mate, I already got us off the elevator.”
The little boy keeps squirming in his seat.
“Oh,” Regulus makes when it dawns on him, “Oh, out. Er– yes, sure, hold on.”
He scoots forward on the leather to inspect the little belt trapping the boy in his seat. Eventually Regulus finds the lock, figures out the mechanism and untangles the boy from his buggy. Before he has the chance to freeze and wonder if the boy is even old enough to be able to walk yet there are small, chubby arms reaching out to him and tangling around his neck.
“Oh, okay,” Regulus blinks, feeling his tiny body warm where it’s pressed into his chest, “Um, okay, I’m– okay, uh. Hi.”
The boy pulls back from the crook of Regulus’ neck, smiling brightly. “Hi,” he replies, sweet as sugar and waving a hand at him. Regulus’ heart does not melt.
Regulus’ eyes however clock the small bracelet on the boy’s wrist, donned with little letters spelling out the name Harry.
“Harry, huh?” he asks. “My name is Regulus.”
Harry makes another one of his loud, elated noises, “Pafoo!”
“Nah, mate, Re-gu-lus.”
“Pafoo,” Harry grins.
“Fine,” Regulus sniffs, “I guess I shouldn’t expect too much from a one or two year old.”
Harry giggles again, nose scrunching adorably and hiccuping little laughs into Regulus’ shoulder. 
If Regulus had ovaries he’s pretty sure they would be actively doing something right now which– is decidedly a disturbing thought to have. In a manner of trying to distract himself Regulus looks around, gaze landing on the socks once more.
“So what’s your favourite Spiderman movie, Harry?”
“Yes, which one?”
“Mine’s probably the one with Andrew Garfield.”
“Mo!” Harry yells suddenly, pointing back at his buggy.
“Mo?” Regulus asks, confused.
“Mo,” Harry makes again, knocking his tiny, loosely curled fists against each other.
That’s when the clarity washes over Regulus, lips dropping open with a silent oh of understanding. It’s sign language for more. 
He’s seen young parents teach their babies sign language for easier communication and with Dorcas being hard of hearing Regulus and his friends obviously have taken on learning a whole lot as well. The basics are as easy for Regulus as English and French are by now.
“More of what?” Regulus asks, doing the according signs.
“Tea!” Harry responds, smiling brightly, clearly happy with being understood.
Regulus kicks at the buggy to turn it and then fishes a sippy cup out of the holder next to the handles.
Harry slurps away at his cold tea content and does the little gulp ahh thing small kids do when they exhale once they’re done drinking. 
Regulus does not think about adopting a baby.
“Harry!” someone calls from the end of the hall suddenly and may the gods stand by because the person running over is undoubtedly the most handsome man Regulus has ever seen.
The small boy in Regulus arms is literally a carbon copy what with the wild, black hair, the dark skin and the bright smile.
“Dada!” Harry yells, as if it wasn’t clear as day that they share the same DNA.
Regulus’ hands start sweating where they’re still around Harry’s now wiggling body, watching the young man rush over.
“Oh, god, thank you thank you,” the stranger chants, carefully lifting Harry out of Regulus’ hands, “Hi, baby, hi. Daddy’s here. Oh, holy fuck.”
Regulus snorts a little at the crude language but, alas, Harry is probably too young to remember anyways. 
He gives them their little moment of embracing, fighting against the restless squirming in his stomach, the thing scratching at the inside of his walls demanding to find out everything about the cute boy’s father.
Once the young father has got enough squeeze time and Harry starts trying to wiggle free, he lets out another string of curses, this time Spanish, and Regulus barely refrains from whimpering.
He has to trap another one behind his teeth when the man finally, actually glances at him, relief clear on his features, laughing breathlessly and chocolate brown eyes glinting happily and with ebbing nerves.
“Thank you, I’m–” the handsome stranger blinks a little, mouth working uselessly before he slips back into a lopsided grin, “Hi, I’m James, you- wow, hello, uh– thank you, um, for Harry. I’m so glad he’s okay, I’m James– by the way. And you are? Aside from my gorgeous knight in shining armour.”
Regulus cocks a brow, hands on his naked hips right above the elastic of his short running pants and below his cropped, black shirt with pink letters saying those are bold words for someone in stabbing range. It was a Christmas present from his friends and the first thing he saw after rolling out of bed with a hangover this morning, sue him.
“No problem, he’s a little sunshine,” Regulus replies, gazing at Harry where he’s fiddling with James’ necklace, “I’m Regulus.”
“Wait,” James says, jaw dropping, “Your name is—”
“James!” it comes from the other side of the hall, followed by another rush of footsteps and Regulus turns to see two more men jogging over to them. One of them being—
“Jesus, fuck, I’m so glad you found him,” Sirius says, eyes fixated on James and Harry.
Sirius, as in, Regulus’ older brother Sirius.
Sirius, as in, Regulus’ older brother that he hasn’t seen in four years.
Sirius with his long-ish hair falling down to his armpits now in long, soft curls. Sirius with his arms full of tattoos and wearing red bootie shorts and having pierced nipples and Sirius with pink cheeks and a relieved look on his face and Sirius having his fingers interlaced with another man’s.
Sirius blowing out another breath as he strokes the little boy’s cheek carefully, “Where’d you find h—”
Sirius that swivels and looks right at Regulus standing dumbfounded in a random hotel lobby on fucking Hawaii.
“I– what are you doing here?”
Regulus narrows his eyes, “I found Harry.”
“You what?”
“Are you deaf?” Regulus shoots back, “I found your friend’s baby.”
Sirius’ mouth drops open, “Excuse me, that is my godson.”
Regulus slips into a frown, suddenly and stupidly feeling a bit possessive over the little kid that is clearly taken with him but apparently supposed to be his older brother’s godson. 
He sniffs, crossing his arms, “Well, you’re clearly not doing your job well seeing as you’ve lost him. Also he called me his Pafoo.”
Regulus expects Sirius to volley back another insult, a counter-argument or something of the likes but instead he lets the loudest, most dramatic gasp rip from his throat.
“Oh God,” James mumbles, blanching but failing to keep his lips from twitching.
The man next to Sirius looks just as conflicted, instantly cooing into Sirius’ ear soothingly and rubbing his shoulder as this one whimpers like a wounded dog.
“What?” Regulus asks, looking at James.
The handsome father winces with a badly concealed grin before he ducks close, murmuring, “It’s Padfoot. That’s what we call Sirius, it’s sorta his nickname.”
Regulus can’t help it, the gleeful laugh bubbles right out of him. He could kiss little Harry right now.
“No!” Sirius wails, letting himself fall back into the lanky, taller man’s arms. “Betrayal!”
“Come now, Pads, he’s 18 months old,” the third man says soothingly.
“Remus is right,” James concurs, “Harry doesn’t even know my mum from our neighbour most times.”
“Effie doesn’t live with you,” Sirius cries out.
Regulus thinks there might actually be tears forming in his eyes.
“And neither do you,” James says pointedly, “You’re across the hall and you work full time, might I remind you. You’re over maybe four times a week.”
“Five! At least!”
“Sirius, darling, please stop yelling,” Remus mutters, glancing at a passing old couple with a wobbly smile.
Regulus grins, “No, please keep going, this is the highlight of my vacation so far.”
There’s a poke in his naked side and when Regulus looks over James is giving him a playful scolding glare.
Regulus digs his teeth into his lower lip, voice purposefully innocent, “What?”
“Don’t be a tease,” James chides but it sorta loses the edge with how wide he’s smiling.
“Or else?” Regulus counters.
James hums, giving Regulus a once over before clearing his throat, looking back at his friend, “Here, Moons, can you take Harry for a second?”
Sirius makes an affronted noise, looking downright stricken and he quickly takes Remus’ outstretched hands, pulling, what is presumably his boyfriend, out of reach for James. “Two Potters in one day!? Prongs, are you trying to kill me?”
James sighs, pulling Harry back against his hip which then decides to reach out his hands to Sirius, “Pafoo.”
“That’s right,” Sirius sniffs, crossing the distance and ripping Harry from James’ hold, “I love you, little stinker. You’ll get it with time, I know you will. You’re such a smart boy, Hazza.”
Harry immediately starts playing with the thin braids in Sirius’ hair and his brother swivels to level Regulus with a triumphant smirk.
“Whatever,” Regulus says, crossing his arms again.
But before jealousy, no matter over whom, can spread itself in Regulus’ chest, Sirius is stepping closer.
Regulus is certain their flip flops nearly touch and Sirius is staring at him intensely with the same eyes he sees in the mirror every day, and it makes him swallow. The freckle over Sirius’ mouth is just the same as four years ago, as is the one on Regulus’ temple. 
“There’s a baby swimming lesson at the pool I wanted to attend with Harry later at 2,” Sirius says, voice husky, “Care to join?”
Regulus was supposed to meet the others back in Barty and Evan’s room at 3 but they’re probably passed out until then anyways. “I think I can make some time,” he replies airily.
Sirius blows out a heavy breath through his nose, before slipping into a grin, “Good.”
“Good,” Regulus mimics.
“I bet Harry floats better than you,” Sirius taunts, “Do you still sink like a stone?”
“It’s amazing how much of a talent you still possess for making me regret things,” Regulus snips back.
Sirius bumps their shoulder together, making Harry giggle and Regulus purses his lips in an effort to hide his smile.
And then James is there on the other side of him, taking Harry back from Sirius and smiling sweetly down at Regulus and for some reason his cheeks feel a little warmer suddenly.
[also for personal reasons i need everyone to know these were the booty shorts sirius was wearing]
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cobbbvanth · 1 year
hey reblog this and tell me the first queer character(s) you remember seeing on tv and how old you were
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suiheisen · 1 year
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mitch marner re seeing sid wearing his clothes: "i'd like to see that. that'd be juicy"… fellas is it gay to call the man you grew up idolising “juicy”
+ someone please give sid the dress code... he's confused every single asg
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adelphenium · 1 month
i want you to know i love your art so much that practically every time im on tumblr i go to your page in case i somehow missed a new piece. thank you for sharing your beautiful art!!
this is so sweet !!!!!! aaaaah !!!! thank you for your love, it really means a lot 🥹💖
here's a little something for you!! it's an old 1634 piece i never got around to posting, based on @tinyhockey's wonderful corporate auston + mermitch au ideas :')
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Franklin: where I work, I’ve gotten the unfair reputation of being the office nag, which is…
Franklin: see, it’s only because I work with a bunch of slobs. I mean, I must tell these people 50 times a day— “Wipe down the microwave,” “Clean the coffee pot,” “Whose moldy lunch meat is this, Kevin?”
Marcus: so, did they put up much of a fight when you asked for that time off, or…
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“Carlos: I think I’m laying on a rock.
T.K.: I’m laying next to MY rock”.
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patch3sthenightup · 8 months
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