#middle eastern black metal
defiledcasket · 2 months
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and here we have some more black metal which I swear is something I'm not obsessed with and don't post about too much. this one's got an eastern esoteric sort of theme going on with a bit of instrumentals and melodies to match. links at bottom of post!
featured artists: Melechesh, Al-Namrood, Darkestrah, Nightbringer, Order of Orias & Arallu
𓋹 spotify 𓋹 apple 𓋹 youtube 𓋹
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bizarre-and-eccentric · 11 months
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bitchfitch · 1 year
normally i have a pretty easy time with first drafts of Characters. but i fucking hate Gier's now that I'm not exhausted and a Teensy bit off my shits, and I'm not even going to post the first draft of Maalik's bc they came out so bad.
I'm going to give them both another shot tonight tho and i might just ditch full body designs and figure out their faces first.
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cavedwellermusic · 1 year
Levantine Week Day 2: Zalaam - Bottomless Black Hole
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Each month CDM spends a week looking at the music of a specific country or region that we believe deserves more attention. This month we have chosen to look at the music of the diverse region known as the Levant, covering music from multiple countries.
For day 2 of Levantine Week we turn to Palestine, where Sidney looked at the great sophomore record of one man project Zalaam. Skilfully walking the line between raw, depressive atmosphere and surprisingly uplifting instrumentals, Zalaam translated the lived experience of some truly extreme and horrifying conditions to music. Bottomless Black Hole is a tour deforce demonstrating that the DIY ethos of black metal is alive and well.
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“Ever your desire is to appear lordly and generous as a king of old...But in desperate hours gentleness may be repaid with death.'
'So be it,' said Faramir.”  
-JRR Tolkien, The Return of the King, “The Siege of Gondor”
[ID: An edit comprised of six posters in shades of light brown. 1: A close-up one side of model Jeenu Mahadevan's face. He has brown skin, dark hair and eyes, and is looking to the right with a neutral expression. White text in the center reads "faramir" in all caps, and underneath in cursive, "captain of gondor" / 2: Light shining through an unseen doorway, making an arch shape on one tan wall of a room with a brown and white-tiled floor. A palm frond leans in one corner. Small white text inset into a thin frame reads "one of the kings of men born into a later time." There is a white line drawing of a stem of flowers in the center / 3: A vase of leafy branches sitting beside and a metal bowl on a shelf, framed by tan-tiled walls. Large text in all-caps reads "prince of ithilien," set into a frame surrounding more text, reading "son of the steward denethor & finduilas of dol-amroth," "younger brother of boromir, high warden of the white tower," "pupil of the wizard mithrandir," "husband to the lady éowyn, shield-maiden & princess of rohan," and "beloved of aragorn elessar & arwen undómiel his queen." All the names are in cursive / 4: Jeenu Mahdevan, half-reclining on one elbow. He is wearing a striped button-down shirt and is looking to the left. Same text as Image 1 / 5: Jeenu Mahadevan, holding one arm across his body and wearing a white shirt and black jacket. Only the lower half of his face is visible. Same text as Image 1 / 6: A citadel with tan walls, constructed in a traditional middle eastern style. A person is visible standing on a staircase. Text in the same layout as Image 2 reads "but touched with the wisdom & sadness of the eldar." The flower drawing is upside-down /End ID]
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armory-rasa · 4 months
Bazubands part 1: A LESSON IN HUMILITY 🤣
So one of my projects for the winter break was to make a set of bazubands made for myself -- a middle eastern armor piece that provides all-in-one wrist/forearm/elbow protection, and the easiest way to get the coverage required for SCA fighting. (My garb is viking, but such are the exigencies of modern safety standards, that fighters usually wind up with a mix of armor types.)
Anyway, I packed up the necessary tools and materials and took them with me when I went to visit my parents, which is why the backdrop for these pictures isn't my usual workshop.
Found a pattern on google, cut it out of 10-12 oz veg tan, traced/carved/tooled it:
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(You can see why this is the easiest way to get elbow protection, it's WAY less fiddly than trying to do articulated plates around the joint.)
Soaked the elbow cop again (because it was starting to dry out by the time I was done tooling), rounded it out and stitched it up:
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Dyed it black, in my parents' backyard:
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(And if you use Angelus dyes, that's how you keep from spilling it -- the box has little perforations so that it can hold the bottle safely upright.)
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It doesn't show in that picture, but I have a metal bowl of wax (jeweler's casting wax) melting on the stovetop. I alternate between brushing it onto the leather, which looks like the picture above, and then putting the leather in the oven at ~200F, at 10-20 minute intervals, until the wax soaks in. Repeat until the leather is fully saturated and does not absorb more wax. (This often takes hours, so find something else to multitask with.)
But when you're done -- ta da!
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Your project will be thoroughly waterproof, very strong and hard, with a low lustre. It's functionally ABS plastic at this point.
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The next step was padding, so I got some sheepskin and and fitted it to the inside:
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(idk why it's so fucking orange, but the alternative was kind of a mint-mucus green. I think the orange is growing on me though.)
Time to pattern the other, simpler piece of the bazuband, because they're hinged to enclose your full arm:
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(I couldn't do this earlier, and therefore do both pieces concurrently, because I had no idea how much bulk the padding was going to add to my arm. I suppose you could wrap your arm in padding when you're measuring at the start.)
Slapped a quick design on it:
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(And carved & tooled it too, though I neglected to get pictures of that.)
And then--
I put it in the oven, and it lost its gd mind.
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Seriously, just -- words do not do this abomination justice. o_O
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Coming so close on the heels of the Khorasan pouch, which had turned out absolutely perfect and has been more widely shared and lauded than anything else I've posted, this was a humbling experience. 🤣 Like, yes you're good, Gabriel, but you're not immune to fucking up.
So what happened here? Why did the same leather as the bazubands, undergoing the exact same steps and processes, turn out like THIS?
I'd have to repeat the experiment to 100% confirm my theory, but I'm pretty sure the critical difference is that I was speed-running this one, and I didn't wait for the dye to fully dry before I started waxing it. It wound up with, essentially, wet leather hermetically encased in wax, and since the water didn't have anywhere to go, it did weird things to the structure of the leather fibers when it started heating up. And because I don't often work with wax, I had somehow never run into this situation before, and thus already learned that lesson.
Ah well.
It wasn't a huge amount of leather, and it was only like two hours of work, so I'm not that fussed about it. (More embarrassed than anything else, at what feels like a very rookie mistake -- and conscious that it could have been SO MUCH WORSE if that had happened to the larger bazuband pieces, which had a lot more time and materials sunk into them.)
Anyway, I'm going to tweak the pattern a bit, make it narrower at the wrist and a bit longer, and change the design to something that matches the dragon better -- and let it fully dry this time. 😂
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 months
rainy green days remind me of working on ships in a way that feels so visceral and somehow overwrites every other rainy green day in my life; i don't remember how this happens every spring, maybe because i could stay inside on a rainy day, but on ships we are so desperate to be on land, to smell the earth, and it doesn't matter if it's pouring rain, you still go outside. you explore the port, because ship life is fucked up and hard and you have to make it mean something. it reminds me of working alaska, where things moved so fast and i was so stresesd, i'd be crying in my office at 2am on gala night, and it reminds of me eating stale pizza from under the heat lamp and slamming iced black coffees and getting to bed at dawn and feeling the rumble of the anchor room as we made it into ketchikan, and i think about how i'd debate if i wanted to get dressed and go upstairs for food, because i was allowed to eat the guest food if i was in uniform, but i wanted to go outside, so i'd have my big hoodie and my headphones and i'd walk around in the rain, and i'd think i should eat outside and experience the port better, but it was so much tourist food, $18 lunch entree, $20 bag of gourmet popcorn, and the time i went into a cafe to use the wifi and i bought a coffee but it turns out it's a restaurant, they only give the wifi password to people buying an entree, the entree is $30 for local seafood, they don't have to-go cups and my coffee is so hot i have to just sit there in silence and drink it and waste my whole hour outside on it, because it was expensive and i only make $2/hr and i'd feel guilty wasting it, but when i'm outside i stop worrying about work and crying in the photo lab and gala night and my douchebag misogynist manager and the argument we had about the b-deck storage locker.
anyway when it's rainy and green outside it reminds me of walking around alaska because i was so stressed i simply had to get off the ship, didn't care that it was raining, walked around ketchikan and got soaked and bought fancy lemon scented lotion that lasted me half the contract, and i remember drinking coffee one morning on the empty back deck in juneau when i was on IPM and wasn't allowed out, but the deck was so shiny in the rain and the mountain was foggy and it was so pretty just sitting there getting fresh air, and the guests don't want to sit in the rain so it was empty, and it was quiet and nice. and i remember going to the library in akaroa and going to an old cemetery in kirkwall after having expensive breakfast in a garden shop and taking a bus ride out to marlborough vineyard with a stop at a roadside chocolate shop listening to tool on my headphones watching the rain through the window thinking that the drive reminded me of eastern long island where i grew up and the time it was almost-raining-but-not-quite wandering around pago pago and it was so humid i felt soaked anyway and everything smelled like barbeque and there were chickens wandering around in the street.
sometimes it feels antithetical for stuff like this to remind me of ships because so much of ships was living inside a windowless metal room and the constant machinery hum that was white noise but sort of wasnt and the ship smell--the ship smell--that you get used to after a few days but now and then you notice it again, and cramming into the crew elevator with 10 waiters who all wear too much cologne, and the smell of photo chemicals and the motion sickness and the mind-cramping boredom of gallery shifts and the sense of being On all the time because you lived at your job and i remember my manager on my first contract who seemed a little scary but wound up being a close friend and how he caught me in the middle of a meltdown and told me i needed to go outside more because it's not natural to live inside metal and the time i let him use my uber account so that we could find an orthodox church in florida and go light a candle for his cousin that died and the way he crouched on the ground outside and pet the grass and said he missed being outside even though he was only two weeks into his contract.
it's weird that it's so lush and green outside today and i'm so excited about it, it's so pretty, i can't stop looking out the window and i keep pacing the house to go stand outside on the porch, and it reminds me of all of this. and like a lifetime of rainy days in spring somehow don't permeate my memory the way working on ships does, i guess because it mattered more.
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jpitha · 11 months
The Dreams of Hyacinth 20
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Before they walked out of the door, Nick stopped and grabbed something from Selkirk's bag.
Eastern looked over at Nick, curious. "What's that?"
"It's one of her earrings. I know she hardly ever wore them, but..."
Eastern smiled. "She had always said she was saving them for something really special."
Nick nodded. "She won't mind if I take it."
With only the clothes on their backs and their pads folded into their pockets, they walked out of the penthouse.
Eastern looked at the elevator, expectantly. "What do we do now?"
Nick noticed that since Selkirk died, Eastern was looking to him for what to do next. He was no longer just following her. "Let's take one of Raaden's Hoppers to the base. We can get passage off Hyacinth that way." Nick signaled a request for a Hopper.
They rode the elevator to the roof. As they arrived, the sleek black vehicle set itself on the roof and the doors slid open.
It was a short ride from Hyacinth One to the Hopper platform at the base. Nick looked over at Eastern. "I'm sorry that Empress Raaden isn't like Empress Melody."
Eastern looked at Nick, surprised. She smiled. "Thanks Nick. I'm sorry too. This isn't what Melody wanted. I don't think she would have liked this course of action." Eastern sighed. "Though I didn't really know her, did I? I met her when I was 13 at a meet-and-greet for seven seconds and just read what she put out as propaganda about what she was planning to do. All this could have been part of her plan from the start." Eastern blinked and another tear rolled down her cheek. "I've been an idiot."
Nick got up from his seat and sat next to her and leaned on her shoulder. "No, no, Eastern. Believing in someone doesn't make you an idiot. I'm happy you believed. Happy you saw the potential in Melody and Raaden in helping everyone." Nick kissed her cheek. "Don't ever change, Eastern Standard. Keep thinking that people are out to do good."
She chuckled sadly. "Well, for the next few hours at least, let's assume that everyone is out to get us. I have a feeling it'll improve our chances of surviving to think positively about people again."
It was early morning when they arrived at the base Hopper station, but it wasn't so early that it was odd. A few other Hoppers were arriving, and people of means who were planning on taking a flight off Hyacinth, or executives going to their offices, or ambassadors going to their embassies were in the crowd with them.
From the Hopper station, it was a quick walk into the base of Hyacinth. They walked down the spiraling ramps and barely felt the change of orientation as the centripetal force of the spinning station was replaced with the artificial gravity in the base.
The base of Hyacinth was a massive area, miles across. The center was filled with machinery that helps keep Hyacinth operational and comfortable, then there was an inner ring of embassies and administrative offices, an middle ring of shopping, hotels and restaurants catering to off station guests, and a lower,-outer ring of docks for starships, the upper-outer ring being the ramps to Hyacinth proper.
Nick and Eastern ducked into an all day cafe and sat on the small uncomfortable metal chairs placed outside. They ordered coffee and a selection of pastries and looked out at the early morning commuters. "What are we going to do?" Eastern took a sip of her coffee. She had once mentioned to Nick that she always ordered cappuccino when she was on vacation, and Nick noticed that was what she was drinking now.
"I think we should try and reach out to the Colonial AIs." Nick took a sip of his - regular - coffee. "They were the ones that defeated Melody last time, they might have a better idea about what to do."
"But how Nick? Colonial AIs are banned in Sol. The only time we ever even see one is when a transit Starjumper arrives from the colony worlds, and they stay only long enough to offload and take on passengers. The last one came though months ago."
Nick takes another sip of coffee. "I've been thinking about that on the ride over. The only limitation to a wormhole generator is power right? Theoretically, any ship can link anywhere in space. It doesn't have to be a Starjumper. We only use them because we've always used them to go between colonies and because they're huge. What if we... find a small ship, one that normally goes between Hyacinth and Luna, or Hyacinth and an OPA station like Ganymede Secundus and just tell them about Raaden?"
Eastern looks out at the crowd. Nick couldn't help but notice that she seems to be staring at the backs of necks of everyone. "It feels risky Nick. What if they're on the take?"
"What's our alternative? You and I have about 6 hours each in a simulation piloting a ship, I could probably link us to Parvati maybe, but without an empty ship we'd have to overpower an AI and take it from them. I'm a criminal, but I like to think I'm not a murderer."
Eastern sighed. "You're right. Unless we can find a brand new ship without a pilot, neither of us are going to be driving anything anywhere." She took another sip of her coffee. "Let's go see what kind of passage we can book to the Outer Planet Alliance. They never got the chance to fight Melody; I bet they'll be more interested in hearing what we have to say."
"Or an OPA AI might be more open to the idea of trying to link to a source of Colonial AI power themselves." Nick took a bite of a croissant. "An AI that works out there might be a bit more adventurous.
Eastern took another sip of her coffee and stared up at the clear ceiling. It was odd looking up and seeing Hyacinth soar away from them. "Nick, I think we should try and find an old ship."
Nick turned his head away from scanning the morning crowds and looked at Eastern, his brow furrowed. "Okay. Why?"
"AIs can live a long time right? An old ship is more likely to have an old AI. An old AI will know more AIs in general, and might know more highly placed AIs specifically. If we can convince them..."
"Then we have a better chance of convincing any Colonial AI authorities we meet. I understand Eastern. Yeah, I like it. How would we find the age of a ship though, it's not like we can ask the booking agent "give me the oldest ship you've got on your payroll!"
"True." Eastern grinned at Nick. "We still have our implants. Why don't I try and... see what I can find." She drained her coffee and her eyes flashed blue as she started the search. Nick dithered over ordering more coffee but decided against it. He tipped his cup back checking uselessly for more coffee.
After a few more minutes, the blue in Eastern's eyes faded and she turned and faced Nick. "I found her. Tinker Toy. She's listed as a cargo transport that's nearly fifteen hundred years old. Currently runs the Hyacinth to Strife route."
"Biggest city on Eris. That's one of the dwarf planets out in the Kuiper belt. Way, way out on the edge of Sol."
Nick looked at Eastern. She seemed so excited to have found a lead. "Okay hon. Let's-" He tried not to make his hesitation seem obvious "-go to Eris."
They got up from the café and made their way around the middle ring looking at transit companies. Eventually - after stopping and using Nick's pad for directions - they found the company that has a contract with Tinker Toy. They walked up to the screen and tried to buy passage.
"Absolutely not." The person on the other end of the screen at the counter was adamant. "I will not sell you tickets to Strife, for any price. Book passage with a passenger liner. We deal in cargo."
Nick flailed. He had not expected this. "B-but, we are looking to hire Tinker Toy for the trip."
"You know about Tink and you still want to hire her specifically? Now I know you're running a scam. Nobody comes to us looking to hire Tink. People ask us specifically not to run their cargo with her. We're running out of jobs to give her. We might have to release her from her contract early."
Eastern gave the console a side-eyed look. "Wait, why?"
The face on the other end of the call was flabbergasted. "You don't know why? And you still wanted to hire Tink? What are you, some kind of AI historians? Those are the only other people who were interested in Tink before. She's old as hell."
Nick started to open his mouth, but Eastern's face brightened and she interrupted him. "Yes! That's it exactly. We were trying to keep a low profile, but we're historians. We're doing a new book on some of the more..." Eastern looked left and right conspiratorially before looking back at the pad "...popular AIs. We want to find out the real deal from someone who has lived it, and might have something to dish about them."
Nick nodded and grinned. This was Eastern's pitch now.
The person on the other end of the call wasn't convinced but they weren't making movements to end the call anymore. "I don't know. Tink is... interesting, that's for sure. She's got lots of history too. She can be... a handful."
"We're okay with a handful, really, no stress." Eastern grinned widely on the call. "We can also pay up front, complete round trip passage."
At the mention of paying up front Nick blanched. He had no idea how they were going to pay for it. If they used Raaden's Hyacinth account it would get flagged immediately. Eastern didn't seem to mind.
The person on the other end raised an eyebrow, but money does tend the be a universal lubricant. "Well, if Tink takes you then she won't be available for any other jobs... might have an additional fee there..."
Nick's head swiveled back to the screen. "But you just said that yo-" Eastern stomped on Nick's foot, cutting him off.
Eastern's voice was smooth and professional. "I understand completely. What about an additional ten percent in exchange for boarding now. Tink is docked here, isn't she?"
They nodded. "She is, but it was only for resupply. She wasn't going to run to Strife until next week. I'll ping her though, she if she's up for the run."
While they waited on hold with tinny music, Nick glared at Eastern. How are we going to be able to afford this?
Oh Nick, have some faith. I've got this all taken care of. Eastern winked and smiled.
The music stopped and the image flashed back to the booking agent. "Okay. Tink is officially interested. She says she'll take you two to Strife and back if you want, and you can interview her-" Here he stopped and looked at his notes "-until 'I'm sick of talking to them'. Full fare up front, ten percent additional to expedite."
Eastern nodded. "Deal." She gestured on her pad and flipped a file towards the pad connected to the agent. "I also added a little tip for yourself because you've been so helpful, and I hope that you can use that money to purchase a little... discretion for us okay? We're looking to get published ahead of some folks, and we're trying to avoid... buzz."
The agent glanced down at his pad and his eyes widened at the sum presented to him. "O-Okay, yes Doctor. You won't hear of me talking to anyone, not for a shiny tip like that. No stress."
"No stress. Thanks so much." Eastern's voice was dripping.
"I had no idea academia was so cutthroat" The agent looked down at his pad again. "Or paid so well. Tink is over on docking bay SP455 Lower. I told her you're coming and in a hurry, so she'll cast off as soon as you arrive."
Eastern's smile shone like the sun. "Wonderful. Thanks again so much." As soon as the call disconnected, her face collapsed and she stared at Nick. "Come on, we're running now." and took off at a full sprint towards the dock.
Nick rushed after her as she ran. "Eastern! Eastern! What's wrong?"
"I paid him with Raaden's account. I gave him enough money to buy half a starship as a tip."
"You what?"
"We're leaving Hyacinth with a plan on never coming back right? And we're probably leaving Sol? We've already duped her encryption keys and carved out our own little space in them as well? I took the liberty of... moving some funds from hers to ours. She's already told us she's probably the richest sapient ever, she won't miss the small sum 'she' gave us."
"How small a sum, Eastern?"
"Couple hundred million."
"A couple hundred million"
"She's a trillionaire Nick. It's a rounding error for her."
"So, we're rich now?"
"If we survive to spend it, we're fabulously wealthy." She looked over at Nick while they ran. "If we're running, we need to be able to do something when we get where we're going. After all Raaden put us through, after all she did to us, to Selkirk? This is the least she can do for us."
They ran down the stairs two at a time, and reached the lower docking level. Fortunately, Tinker Toy's dock was near the shipping office, so they didn't have far to run. Still, they were panting and out of breath as they approached the dock. Eastern walked up to the umbilical and pressed the call button. "Tinker Toy? It's Eastern and Nick. We spoke with your shipping company about a charter?"
The speaker next to the umbilical crackled. "Yeah, Fel told me. You really want me to take you to Strife? Just you two?"
Nick nodded. "Yes please. It's somewhat urgent too. Can we come aboard?"
The pressure door on the umbilical hissed open. "I assume you're running from someone, so I'm at least interested. Let's go."
As Nick and Eastern walked in the umbilical towards the airlock door, his head started to hurt. There was a blinding pain and he put his hand on the side of the umbilical to steady himself.
Eastern turned and looked at Nick worried. "What's wrong?"
Nick gasped. "Unauthorized access. They're burning through my firewalls. I think Helen has picked up what we were putting down and is trying to reach me. She's held up by my version of her encryption key though. We have to leave, now."
Eastern slid her arms under Nick's armpit and picked him up bodily. Together they rushed down the umbilical until they entered into Tinker's airlock. "Shut the door Tink! We need to go now now now"
"Ha! You don't have to tell me twice, I love a dramatic exit!" The airlock door slammed shut and there was a muffled thump and shock. Nick and Eastern fell off balance as they switched from Hyacinth to local gravity all at once in the airlock. Eastern looked out the tiny window of the airlock door and saw debris and ice as they rapidly left Hyacinth. Tinker Toy had used explosives to disconnect and was now actively thrusting away from Hyacinth. Almost immediately Nick started to feel better.
"Thanks Tinker Toy, you saved me, I think. We're out of range for a cybernetic attack now." Nick sat on the floor of the airlock breathing heavily.
Tinker Toy had a smooth alto voice, she sounded like she was in her mid 30s if she was human. "Holy shit, you two have cybernetic implants? I thought that nonsense was banned?"
"Yeah, that's... part of the reason we're looking to get off Hyacinth, and... talk to you I guess. My name is Eastern, and this is Nick. Nice to meet you."
"Hmm. You had better come on up." and the door on the other end of the airlock hissed open.
Eastern helped Nick back to his feet and they stepped inside. As they stepped inside, Eastern smelled something odd. She had read that lots of old AI operated ships tended to take on the appearance of their resident and their tastes. Some were small, cozy affairs, others had houseplants everywhere, some were decorated in styles centuries old.
Tinker Toy was stacked with books. Real paper books. Everywhere. Every surface was covered in books. Eastern didn't know a lot about paper books, but knew that Tinker Toy had a fortune in literature on board.
The second thing she noticed was Tinker Toy was huge. Far, far larger than what they expected. Her type wasn't mentioned in the entry that Eastern found and the shipping company just mentioned that she hauled cargo.
"Tinker Toy, you're... larger than I expected. Are you..."
"A Starjumper? Yeah. I don't do that kind of stuff anymore, but that's why I'm so large. Works out for cargo though, I can haul lots to the OPA free cities. They like their privacy and if they can stretch resupply runs all the better for them."
As they walked down the long hallway - also stacked with books - there was a thump. Eastern and Nick were knocked off balance, and a stack of books next to them collapsed. A moment later there was a muffled siren. Immediately after, there was a whine that rose from the background noise of the ship, almost teeth rattlingly loud. Dusty red lights illuminated hand holds in the hallway. "Uh, folks, please come up here quicker. I just WEPed the reactor and we gotta boogie and I need you strapped down. Hyacinth has fired missiles at us."
Nick and Eastern looked at each other and ran.
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peppermintdraws · 1 year
Some art for @martuzzio ’s fanfic “The Shield and the Shadow” on AO3. One of the best fics I’ve read in a while, ESPECIALLY since I’m a sucker for historical AUs and knights/outlaw stories. For real, keep up the amazing work and I can’t wait for the next update!
Anyways, I was inspired to make my own König and Horangi designs. They aren’t in the story as of now, but this got me out of a VERY long art block ;-;
History nerd info dump below the image if people are interested :)
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(I didn’t know the period of the fic, so I ballparked it at about 1000 AD, the high middle ages in Europe) 
König has elements from knights/warriors of the Holy Roman Empire, which controlled the territory that would become Austria until about 1806. Though, the Holy Roman Empire didn’t exactly have a standing army during the high middle ages. A subdivision of the empire was the kingdom of Germany, formed in 846 CE. 
His armor most closely resembles the Free Imperial Knights of the Holy Roman Empire, through they wouldn’t be prevalent until about 15th century CE. And of course, an executioner hood and axe. If that was his occupation, he would have been shunned by his community as a social outcast, defined by the special clothing in public.
Horangi was based on the army under Korea’s Goryeo Dynasty, which lasted from about 918-1392 CE. Similar to how the High Middle Ages were time of more prosperity (before the black death of the late middle ages), it was a period of growth and investment into the arts. 
Part of his design is a Siberian/Amur Tiger skin. Now extinct in the region, tigers used to populate Korea and are an extremely important part of their folklore, especially creation myths. Now, due to poaching and territory loss, the tigers are only in the wild in Eastern Russia and China’s border.
His armor features a Durumagi (a long cloth coat) and Lamellar armor (body armor made by sewing rectangular plates of metal in rows on the coat), as well as a wide-brimmed feathered helmet with wings protecting the ears/neck. Masks weren’t depicted in any reference photos but I’m sure he would have some cloth lying around to use
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arwendeluhtiene · 1 year
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✨Valar and Valier series (late 2000s)✨ - 🌟Varda Elentári🌟 and 👻Námo Mandos👻. Featuring the final paintings, plus some initial sketches. Some years ago I started a 'Valar and Valier' project in which I took an existing painting/drawing as reference/inspiration to draw/paint one of the Valar. So far, I've done Varda, Yavanna, Nienna, Mandos and Aulë, and I also have some sketches of Nessa, Vána and Estë. Hope to get back to this project sometime! . I now prefer to headcanon Varda as raven-haired or white-haired and dressed in darker colours such as deep azure as well as white and gold, I think it fits the Universe theme more. I also favour non-Caucasian headcanons, such as her taking an East Asian, Egyptian or Middle-Eastern ethnicity in her form. And canonically, the Valier and Valar can technically take any form they like regarding ethnicity, appearance and such, so there’s not even an in-universe rule against having a myriad of ethnicities amid the Valar and Maiar 👌
🎨Media: Graphite, metallic pens, colour pencils, watercolours, metallic silver and gold gouache. The porportions are not quite right in the finished painting, the arm is too long and so on, but I really like how the head and the metallic paints turned out. . ✨References: The head for the finished painting is a direct inspiration of Alan Lee's Lady of the Lake. The initial sketch is original, the other Varda sketch and the hand studies are study-copies
. 🎨Media: Graphite, gouache on black cardboard. I quite like how the mantle turned out, not so happy with the shape or shading of the hands, but ah well xD. . ✨References: An illustration of mage Gwydion from The Mabonogion by Roger Garland, from a book of Celtic myths 
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🩸Vampire!La Squadra🩸
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Risotto: Lasombra
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"È vero che cerco di comandare sempre sul mio gruppo, ma soltanto perché sono sicuro di poterlo fare meglio degli altri."
As leaders of the Sabbat, Clan Lasombra is comprised of Social Darwinist predators who believe themselves, and no other clan fits enough to rule the night. The traditions of the clan have not wavered at all going into modern nights, even as the Sabbat is bent to their will.
The members of this clan tend to be the most loyal and aggressive vampires in the entire Sect. Their unchallenged success in combating methodically all vampires who are not part of the Sabbat only adds more prestige to these cainites.
​Disciplines: Potence, Dominate, Obtenebration
Weaknesses: Lasombra's body is no longer mirrored by reflective surfaces. Mirrors, pools of water, metals, glass, mercury; none of these reflect the Lasombras' image.
Appearance: Lasombra's vampires commonly show Spanish and Italian people's physical traits. For the most part, they have a Mediterranean complexion, with black eyes and hair. Their refined fashion choices often reflect 16th-century Spain's high ideals of nobleza.

Formaggio: Ravnos
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"Come si possono prendere le cose seriamente, vista la forma in cui ci troviamo? È puro divertimento!"
Masters of misdirection, the Ravnos prefer not to fight or bleed for something they can obtain through subtler means.
Gypsies, thieves, con artists, and vagabonds. Clan Ravnos clings very deeply to its independent ways. Always on the move, Ravnos enjoy good company as much as independence.
Among Ravnos honor is very important, they do not deceive or rob each other and feel obliged to take revenge if their "good name" is besmirched. They also place great value on friendship and will always help those whom they consider their "brothers"
Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Chimerstry, Fortitude
Weaknesses: A turbulent history makes the Ravnos slaves to their vices. Each Ravnos has a penchant for some sort of vice, such as lying, cruelty, or theft.
Appearance: Today, Given that the Clan is widely spread and holds no traditional central domain, no consistent look can be said to be predominant. However, Young Ravnos often come from Eastern European Romani stock, with a relative paucity of “non-gypsy” gadje in the ranks. What few elders of the Clan may remain are presumed to come from Indian or Middle Eastern origins.
lluso: Tzimisce
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" Salve straniero! Oh, non fare caso a Johann, vuole solo prenderti la giacca. Sai, non ne avrai più bisogno.".
Clan Tzimisce is a Clan of extremes, and long, cold nights spent in remote castles have turned the Fiends’ perspectives both greatly inward and outward.
Mystics of the Clan study a philosophy of metamorphosis, seeking to discover what lies beyond the state of vampirism. An alien attitude of spiritual secularism characterizes many Tzimisce.
Tzimisce are among the most formal vampires, who highly value culture and etiquette. For many centuries they have been the most cultured among all the Cainites.   
These vampires are excellent scholars, successfully engaged in the study of both the magical and the scientific field. This Clan does not consider itself as 'cursed', but a superior form of life.
Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Dominate, Vicissitude
Weaknesses: The Tzimisce are inextricably tied to their domains of origin, and must rest in the proximity of at least two handfuls of "native soil".
Appearance: Given their ability to manipulate their physical appearance with Vicissitude, Tzimisce look however they want, and they often want to provoke or frighten. Some prefer extreme modifications and experimentations with their bodies that leave them looking only vaguely humanoid. Others seek to redefine and even transcend the limits of their forms, rebuilding themselves in the images of angels, monsters, nightmares, and things even less recognizable.
Prosciutto: Giovanni
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"Nessun altro essere al mondo ha una comprensione della morte profonda e vasta quanto la nostra.".
Achieving prominence during the Venetian Renaissance, the Giovanni family built their fortune on the rise of the middle class and the ready profit of banking and Mediterranean trade (and the criminal enterprise that came with it). However, with the family’s rise came hubris, as its paterfamilias sought ever more power, and with that hubris came horror. With his earthly power at its apex, Augustus Giovanni turned to the arts of controlling the dead, and in doing so, gained the Embrace from a forgotten Antediluvian.
With a conclave of conspirators, the Giovanni plunged a now-forgotten Clan into oblivion and built their own legacy on its corpse.
Since those first nights, the Giovanni have accepted no limits on their ambitions, despite opposition from Kindred outside their Clan and a well-deserved reputation as “Devil Kindred.”
Giovanni studied forbidden arts, becoming formidable in the nigrimancy that allowed them power over the spirits of the departed, and degeneracy followed in the wake of unclean ritual. To this night, the Giovanni are known for the insular nature of their Clan and the incestuous practices by which they populate it.
In public view, the Giovanni make a great show of humility and respect. Part of this gentility is a habit of centuries, still in place from when the other Clans hunted the usurping Necromancers.
To hear the Giovanni tell it, Princes and Archbishops alike owe them favors, and anyone with something to offer may earn their patronage.
Clan Disciplines: Dominate, Necromancy, Potence
Weaknesses: The Kiss of a Giovanni vampire causes excruciating pain in mortal vessels who receive it. If the Giovanni isn’t careful, her vessel may die of shock and agony before being wholly exsanguinated. When a Giovanni feeds upon a mortal, she does twice as much damage as the Kiss of another vampire would inflict.
Appearance: Outwardly, Giovanni dress with subtlety and taste. Much of the Clan comes from the original mortal family, and have not only olive Italian complexions, but some amount of inherited family features. Those outside the immediate family often appear “of a type,” and in the traditional garb of their regional family branch.
Pesci: Nosferatu
Sewer Rats
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"Non cerco guai, ma se capitano vado a nascondermi. E' una cosa dannatamente giusta, ragazzino. Puoi anche darmi del coniglio, ma in tutti questi anni ho conosciuto un sacco di Fratelli che hanno fatto gli spiritosi per pochi secondi di troppo."
Clan Nosferatu are warped by the Embrace into hideous monsters. As such, they skulk and keep to the shadows, and they often rouse the ire and mockery of other Kindred for their nightmarish appearances. Still others are so terrified or revolted by the Nosferatu that these warped Kindred have little social interaction at all.
To their credit, the Nosferatu come to possess many of the whispered secrets of their reluctant fellows.
On the whole, the Nosferatu condition is lonely and alienating. How they react to the Curse of Caine varies with their outlook and mental stamina, but it’s hard to be an object of utter revulsion and not let it shape one’s disposition toward one’s “Kindred” in some way.
Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
Weaknesses: All Nosferatu have an Appearance score of zero, and they may never improve it. Cross it off the character sheet. Dice pools that use the Appearance Trait are inherently difficult for these hideous Kindred
Appearance: Physical horror is the lot of the Nosferatu, and their unsettling deformations are countless. No two Nosferatu share the exact same malformation, and the Clan is a freakshow of snarled limbs, fanged protrusions, hellish countenances, serpentine spines, ruined faces, spasmodic appendages, and even features not usually seen on the mortal stock from which the Nosferatu are drawn. The Sewer Rats often hide these disfigurements under shapeless robes and rags, but some exult in the discomfort their presence causes, and don’t bother disguising them. They may even emphasize them.
Melone: Toreador
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"Oh, sì, non è deliziosa,? Si, è la mia ultima trovata. Sono la sua musa ispiratrice, la dolce piccola creatura."
The Kindred of Clan Toreador often involve themselves greatly in the world of mortals. They have any number of reasons, whether enjoying proximity to the blush of life, cultivating veritable cults of doting followers, or influencing and following the trends that their own kind simultaneously mock and venerate. To hear the Toreador tell it, they are the Muses of a desperate mortal world, inspiring through their beauty or patronage.
Toreador culture is a mixture of sybarites, dilettantes, and visionaries. Some Toreador, with echoes of mortal passion, Embrace lovers or “project” progeny who seem to fly in the face of every Toreador custom. These either don’t last long or rise to great prominence as subversives and individualists. Ideas, trends, and “the next great thing” spread through the Clan, and other Kindred often look to the Toreador to guide them.
The Degenerates know this, and many become Harpies, Princes, and other key figures in vampiric society.
Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
Weaknesses: When a Toreador experiences something truly remarkable ,a person, an objet d’art, a lovely sunrise..etc. could experience the Stendhal syndrome.
Appearance: Almost to the last, they are attractive in some way, whether the traditional beauty of a runway model or the dangerous allure of something more predatory. The Degenerates augment their physical beauty with a sense of personal style, which may take the form of expensive couture, avant-garde street wear, or classical fashions designed to emphasize their appealing qualities. This isn’t to say that ugly Toreador don’t exist. Indeed, those gifted with less physical beauty often go that much further with their choice of accoutrements.
Ghiaccio: Gangrel
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"La città non è la nostra casa: è l'unico posto in cui ci è dato vivere più a lungo".
Often closer to beasts than other vampires, the Gangrel style themselves apex predators. These Ferals prowl the wilds as easily as the urban jungle, and no clan of vampires can match their ability to endure, survive, and thrive in any environment.
A glint of red eyes in the darkness, the scent of a predator’s musk, a flash of fangs, the sound of flesh tearing: These mark the presence of the Gangrel. More than any other Clan, the Gangrel resemble the beasts associated with the legends of vampires: bats, wolves, and other creatures of darkness. Indeed, the Outlanders may develop the ability to transform themselves into these and other, more primal forms.
The Gangrel have other characteristics in common with animals as well. Many shun the elaborate social constructs of both Kindred and kine. A number of them prefer to move alone or as a member of small packs or coteries. Most are tough and, when pressed, ferocious. And when Gangrel succumb to the depredations of the Beast, they are left with some feature redolent of the animal kingdom.
As a Clan, the Gangrel are wary and aloof. Most would prefer to spend their nights stalking prey or wilding on the rooftops than minding Princely edicts or lobbying for recognition of domain.
Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Weaknesses: Every time a Gangrel frenzies, she acquires a temporary animal characteristic. A patch of fur, a brief torpor after feeding, or skittishness around crowds. All Characteristics acquired in Gangrel frenzies need not only be physical but also relate to a particular behavior.
Appearance: Personal presentation is often not high on the list of many Gangrel priorities, and a Gangrel’s appearance is often more a matter of circumstance than it is of active decision. The Clan’s weakness can contribute a great deal to their appearance, as does an extended unlife in the places where they make their havens, which are frequently short of modern conveniences.
Sorbetto e Gelato: Malkavian
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"Pazzia, dite voi! Mi temete, avete paura di quello che potrei dire? Che reazione affascinante! Non trovate che sia una sensazione opprimente?".
Clan Malkavian is twice damned: once by the curse of being Kindred, and again by the turmoil that disturbs their hearts and minds.
Upon the Embrace, every Malkavian is afflicted with an insurmountable insanity that fractures her outlook for every night thereafter, making her unlife one of madness. Some consider this a form of oracular insight, while others simply consider them dangerous.
Make no mistake: Malkavian insanity is a painful, alienating phenomenon, but it occasionally provides the Lunatics with bursts of insight or heretofore unknown perspective.
Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate
Weaknesses: All members of Clan Malkavian suffer from a permanent, incurable derangement. They may acquire and recover from other derangements, and may spend Willpower to ameliorate the effects of the derangement for a scene, but they can never recover from their original derangement.
Appearance: While Malkavians can come from any culture, the madness following the Embrace tends to lead them to extremes of self-presentation. Malkavians may appear disheveled, injured, or simply dirty. They could still be wearing the same clothes from the night of their Embrace or they may have stolen clothes from a laundromat or a department store during a fit of confusion or fugue. Of course, Malkavians are just as likely to be meticulous and exacting in their appearance, trying obsessively to appear as normal as possible.
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fortressofserenity · 6 months
Dune and Avatar without Orientalism
Orientalism is something that’s used to describe western ideas about what eastern cultures are like, not so much eastern cultures as they really are. Initially used to describe western ideas about Middle Eastern cultures, this has been expanded to critique western (and in my case at one point, westernised) ideas about Far Eastern cultures. This shows you how malleable and adaptive this critique is, given it’s useful for deconstructing western ideas about nonwestern cultures. When it comes to Dune and similar stories, they’re oftentimes western ideas about Middle Eastern cultures and in Dune’s case, Middle Eastern coded cultures.
Not that there can’t be any black people speaking Arabic, being Muslim and stuff but in the case with Africa itself, the sub-Saharan cultures and communities most likely to be this Arabicised are usually those with a lot of Muslims (including cultural ones at that). At any rate, even if Dune were to continue having black people be influenced by Islam and Arabic culture, any Arabicised sub-Saharan community would have more in common with the Senegalese Wolof and the Nigerian Hausa and Fulani. All three of them are actual African folks who are both Muslim and Arabicised over the centuries.
That both Nigeria and Senegal are in close proximity to North Africa would make the path to Arabicisation more organic and immediate if because it’s just around the corner, it would that easy for both Arabicisation and Islam to spread and take hold of other parts of Africa this way. One would wonder if Denis Villeneuve, the latest person to adapt Dune in any way, is ignorant of the real sub-Saharan cultures that are Arabicised that would’ve been used to inspire his take on the Fremen, that planet’s people by the way.
If he did along with having actual Nigerians and Senegalese onboard, then the Fremen would have far more in common with real African communities than it does with the fevered Orientalist imaginings that prevail in every version of Dune. Conversely speaking, an Avatar series without Orientalism would be rather alien. Alien in the sense that although the Avatar series takes place in countries that are influenced by East Asian countries, there are western undertones to the way it depicts things sacrosanct to their cultures. Especially when it comes to dragons.
In the world of Avatar, dragons are associated with fire. But in Chinese thought, dragons are associated to water and weather. Not to mention the Azure Dragon is one of the four celestial beasts and linked to both wood and the east, just as the Black Turtle is linked to the north and water, the White Tiger to metal and west and the Red Bird to the south and fire. If there’s any creature in the Chinese folkloric bestiary that’s linked to fire in any way I know of, it would be the Red Bird that’s most deserving of where the firebenders got their powers from.
To go a little further with the (earlier) Chinese conception of geography, firebenders should live in the south as it’s the cardinal direction that fire’s linked to. Conversely speaking waterbenders would live in the north, per its association with water whereas the airbenders would live in the east but that’s because wind is subsumed under wood (perhaps an early Chinese understanding of how plants give off air and that both penetrate something) and wood is linked to the east. Metalbenders would be associated with the west, per the element’s cardinal direction.
But I feel this involves a deeper knowledge and understanding of a foreign culture, how it sees the world as and why it believes the way it does. Supposing if the Philippines were to become more heavily influenced by China, then the Chinese undertones would come off more organically/naturally since China’s just around the corner enough to have it take off. Okay this is my bias coming through, getting interested in Chinese geography and stuff. But you should know how I feel since I’m getting leery of western colonialism and its impact on the Philippines, since I feel it’s far too westernised for its own good. I even think westernisation hasn’t done the Philippines any favours, if I were honest about this at all.
Maybe that’s why I feel more drawn to China and the like, I feel the Philippines is too westernised for its own good. Perhaps my growing distaste for Orientalism goes hand in hand with my distaste for the Philippines’s westernisation, it feels more like a westerner’s idea of Asia especially when it goes hand in hand with colonisation. I feel more drawn to East Asia, perhaps as an attempt to decolonise and dewesternise myself. If only the Philippines were to be sinicised, I would feel the full force of dewesternisation in any way I’ll appreciate.
It wouldn’t stop other countries from having orientalist imaginings of nonwestern countries and communities, at any rate if Russia were to replace America as the centre of the west it would still be prone to Orientalism. Russia itself was prone to Orientalism, as far as Central Asian countries were concerned. There was Orientalism when Turkey was a superpower well onto the early 20th century, there will still be an Orientalism in the future. But I feel any country that’s actually influenced by a nonwestern superpower that would feel genuinely nonwestern.
Perhaps in ways westerners don’t imagine and immediately understand, despite their best because they themselves don’t have much of a deep understanding of and interest in these cultures. Something I struggled with and finally overcame in a way.
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daimonpriestess · 1 year
30 Day Deity Devotion
10) Offerings – historical and UPG
Offerings to King Asmodeus include:
Meat (NO FISH!)
Home cooked meals
Middle Eastern Dishes or Asian
His imageries (Art of him,a bull or ram)
DragonFly (personal gnosis,only if he sends them to you)
Strong liquors (like Rum or Gin)
Anything Spicy
Persian food
Bread or Cake (home made)
Candles (in red, black, gold or green)
Devotional time/space set up for him
Black coffee
Dark chocolate
Chocolate Coffee Beans (UPG)
Fiery Crystals like Tigers Eye, Red Jasper, Amber and Rubies or Garnet. My other personal stone for him is a polished Obsidian that he adopted.
Personal Gnosis is also a Crown insignia
I also have a charm that bears his Initial and looks like a playing card that he really likes (his candle absorbed it) anything personal or related to gambling like dice he also likes.
Personal Poetry or stories (especially smut)
Music (no preference but with me he usually sends 90's songs and all demons like metal.)
Love or Lust offers (only if it's genuine of course)
Anything representing his black dragon or horse (UPG) Gold,Flames,Art,Onyx ect)
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pyoorofficial · 11 hours
Color Trends for Pakistani Suits This Eid
Find the latest color trends for Pakistani salwar design this Eid with PYOOR. From traditional hues to vibrant prints, PYOOR presents a chosen selection of colors to elevate your festive wardrobe. Embrace timeless classics or experiment with modern neutrals and metallic accents. With PYOOR, you can browse a range of color options that reflect elegance and sophistication while staying true to your personal style. Make a statement this Eid with PYOOR's exquisite collection of Pakistani Salwar Suit Designs, designed to celebrate the joyous occasion in style. Here are a few salwar suit designs from our collections: 
1. Jaipur Summer Set Middle Eastern Fit
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Get ready for Eid with the Jaipur Summer Set from PYOOR. This Middle Eastern fit features beautiful Pakistani salwar designs, perfect for staying cool and stylish. With elegant Pakistani salwar suit designs, this outfit is ideal for festive celebrations. Pyoor offers the perfect blend of comfort and tradition, ensuring you look your best this Eid.
2. Chikankari Kurta Set with Tassels
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Celebrate Eid in style with PYOOR's Chikankari Kurta Set with tassels. This elegant outfit features intricate kurta designs, blending traditional artistry with modern flair. Perfect for festive occasions, the Chikankari work and playful tassels add a unique touch. Embrace the beauty of Pakistani salwar suit designs with PYOOR for a sophisticated Eid look.
3. Solid Pakistani Kurta Set
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Check out PYOOR's Solids Pakistani Kurta Set for Eid. Simple yet elegant, these sets feature classic Pakistani salwar designs that are both stylish and comfortable. Perfect for festive celebrations, PYOOR offers a variety of Pakistani salwar suit designs that make you look your best while staying true to traditional elegance.
4. 'GULDASTA' Silk Brocade Set with Dupatta
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The 'GULDASTA' Silk Brocade Set with Dupatta by PYOOR features a beautiful Pakistani salwar design perfect for Eid. This elegant set combines traditional craftsmanship with modern style, making it an ideal choice for festive celebrations. With its intricate patterns and luxurious fabric, this Pakistani salwar suit design ensures you look stunning and feel comfortable.
5.'NOOR' Middle Eastern Fit Silk & Brocade Set
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Embrace elegance this Eid with PYOOR's 'NOOR' Middle Eastern Fit Silk and Brocade Set. Featuring luxurious silk and intricate brocade, this outfit showcases exquisite Pakistani salwar suit designs. The beautiful Pakistani salwar design ensures you stand out, making it perfect for festive celebrations. Celebrate Eid in style with this stunning outfit from PYOOR.
6. Starry Night Set, Black
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Get ready for Eid with the Starry Night Set in Black by Pyoor. This elegant Pakistani salwar suit design features beautiful embroidery that sparkles like stars. Perfect for festive occasions, this stylish set offers a blend of traditional and modern vibes, ensuring you look stunning. Elevate your wardrobe with PYOOR's exquisite Pakistani salwar suit designs.
7.Sitara Set: Sharara
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Introducing the SITARA Set, Sharara by PYOOR, a stunning addition to your Eid wardrobe. This Pakistani salwar suit design combines elegance and tradition effortlessly. With intricate detailing and a modern silhouette, it's perfect for celebrating Eid in style. Embrace the beauty of Pakistani salwar design with PYOOR's exquisite SITARA Set, Sharara.
8. Pakeeza Organza Suit Set of 3: LAVENDER
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Introducing the Pakeeza Organza Suit Set of 3 in Lavender by PYOOR, perfect for Eid celebrations. This elegant outfit features a Pakistani salwar design crafted from luxurious organza fabric. The set includes a kurta, salwar, and dupatta, all adorned with intricate detailing. Embrace traditional Pakistani salwar suit designs with this stunning lavender outfit from PYOOR.
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idiotcoward · 10 months
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Jute Gyte - Ship of Theseus
Holy fucking SHIIIIIT. Jute Gyte has to be one of if not my favorite solo-black metal project, black metal, project, fucking whatever cool experimental stuff he does I love. The main thing that Adam Kalmbach's project Jute Gyte is known for is its use of Microtonal Music. If you don't know, western music is generally split (super simplifying here) into half tones. So you have A and then A Sharp and then B, C, then C sharp, D, D sharp. So it progresses in these half steps. In Middle eastern Music and south asian music, and many other cultures outside of the western school of music theory. There are many many more. So there could be a note between d sharp and E that is just like D sharp sharp, or maybe D.78 or D.92 depending on how specific. Essentially Jute Gyte is playing notes, chords, and scales that do not exist within western music canon. If you've never listened to music outside of that space (which includes everything from Justin Bieber to Darkthrone to WuTang to Mozart to Elvis to Miles Davis to Taylor Swift) then this is going to sound insane to you. Even out of tune, it isn't. This is just that cool ass experimental music. This whole album, once you get into the sound he's going for, is such a slow and particular burn filled with incredibly dense riffs and noise orchestration. The guitars prick and and pop almost sounding like metallic crashes or high pitched banging to fit in with the noisey sampling and electronic soundscape. They float between almost recognizable sounds by incorporating notes that aren't within the western canon but are a similar space apart between familiar chords / scales (for instance playing in D.75 Major scale). This playing with familiarity makes everything feel uncanny and uneasy, yet still beautiful. Each song has it's low quieter moments that build into epic, high intensity climaxes that are so dense and well constructed that even after a few listens there will still be details, notes and references. An absolute fucking experience. Jute Gyte is one of the best to be making music right now.
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saphira5 · 9 months
David x Lycan Reader Part 4
Y/n arrived back home to see the rotting bodies of y/n friends and packmates. Y/n buried your packmates and friends in the middle of the castle.
Once y/n had buried your friends, y/n waged war against Viktor.
Y/n had killed him and most of his Coven, those who survived fled and made their own Covens. Y/n had found Lycans were slaves to Viktor, y/n released the Lycan prisoners, they have spread across the globe killing many vampires.  
Y/n got up from the throne and headed to the graves of your friends.  
Y/n walks through a stone arch, y/n then follows the old stone path to y/n friend graves. Y/n had planted a bunch of different colored flowers near your friend's grave. Behind their graves y/n had put a gray fountain, white roses surrounded the fountain. Soon the white roses begin to ascend on the fountain. Over time the roses had hidden the fountain. 
 Y/n misses them so much, y/n bent down, you placed your hand on each grave. Y/n then stands up and you head to the library. You open the big wooden door, y/n walks inside and goes to the end of the library. A huge table lies in front of the window, a huge portrait of y/n and your friends hangs above. Y/n had a painter paint y/n and your friends on horses and wearing armor.  
Everyone was smiling in the picture. 
 Y/n pulls out a chair and you look outside, y/n hears thunder in the distance. The once clear sky had turned dark. You then see heavy rain coming y/n way, the rain began hitting the windows. Y/n gets up and heads to your room, you couldn't believe y/n would ever be back here.
A couple of days after the death of Viktor, y/n had locked down the castle and y/n moved from place to place, when y/n finally settled in Western Europe.  
Y/n had walked past many doors and staircases going up and down until y/n had stopped in front of a black metal door. Y/n opens it, and you step inside, y/n sees the fireplace on the left. Above the fireplace is a huge flag, y/n had made a pack flag. A huge black wolf barring fangs, with the word wulf under it. Y/n and your pack have lived more like wolves than humans.  
A huge bed lies near the right wall, and in the far back a huge window is covered by a dark red curtain. Y/n walks to the curtain and pushes it aside, then something had grab y/n by the throat. You went through the glass, y/n sees Marcus Corvinus, his huge pale grey wings flapping silently. 
 His body is also pale grey, Marcus brings your neck close to his mouth. He bites you and drinks you blood, Marcus then gets shot rapidly. 
 He let's go of y/n; you fall to the ground. Y/n makes a huge dent in the ground, y/n gets up and sees David, Selene, Micheal and Eve, also the elders Amelia and Thomas, some members of the Eastern Coven. Marcus lands in front of you, he transforms back into a person. 
 Marcus smiles at you. "I cannot believe it is true, my brother had a child". 
 "A bastard child", y/n says, you then tackle Marcus, you bite him in the neck. He pushes y/n off, Marcus stands up and holds his neck. Marcus looks at y/n with anger in his eyes, y/n does the same, you swallow his flesh. Y/n sticks your tongue out and licks the blood off your lips. 
 Marcus shifts and begins flying, y/n watches him fly towards the lowering moon.  
Y/n then looks at the vampire's, Micheal and Eve. "YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE", the ground beneath y/n begins moving. Pale white Grey hounds emerge from the ground, they begin running toward the vampires and Micheal and Eve. The Grey hounds circle the group, then they attack. 
 A Grey hound drags a vampire to the castle gate, David fights off the grey hound and begins walking towards you. But the grey hound grabs his leg, tripping him. David falls to the ground; the grey hound drags him to the entrance; he looks at y/n. "I wanted to apologies", y/n turns and begins walking into the castle.  
You walk up to y/n room, you look through y/n broken window and see everyone gathered outside. The Grey hounds are in front of the entrance growling and barking at the Vampires and Lycan-vampire hybrids. 
Part 5! coming 9/13/23
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