#microlabel positivity
ssejdoesthings · 8 months
Reminder that your identity doesn’t have to make sense to be valid because gender and sexuality is complicated and it’s inevitably not going to fit into any boxes.
You’re valid no matter what anyone says and I love you <3
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notreyev · 2 years
who even decided that mogai is not cool. i love that shit. ur catcloudaesthetigender and u use 🫧/🫧s pronouns? i love u
like what r microlabels doing that hurts you in particular. u dont like funky pronouns? use they/them or no pronouns at all. u think mogai hurts the lgbtq community? cope ig bcs the mogai community is so sexy.
if exploring ur identity means hoarding pronouns & genders then FUCK YEAH ??!!? like who’s to stop u ?? the tumblr gods?? we all fuckin know that this hellsite has no god and we are alone in this vast plane of fuckall.
put ur sexy cool awesome genders & pronouns in the tags. i love them and i love u
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aroacesse · 3 months
i’ve seen a lot of aro, ace and aroace people not sure if they should or not use microlabels and my simple answer is: do what feels best for you. you’re valid anyway.
general labels might look black and white, and sometimes people who fall into grey areas may feel the need to explain better their experiences, even people who do fall into black/white may like it.
being aro/ace/aroace is a huge part of us because it determines how we see ourselves, the world, how the world sees us and how we interact with the world. if you wanna label yourself only as aromantic/asexual/aromantic asexual, awesome! if you wanna use microlabels, let’s go! if you don’t wanna label yourself at all, it’s totally fine!
that’s totally up to you and how you wanna view and experience your aromantism/asexuality.
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bizarreaizen · 9 months
i love you mspec lesbians !! i love you "cringe" bunny hat alt fashion queers !! i love you she/her gays !! i love you trans people who don't fit into gender norms or stereotypes !! i love you drag queens and drag kings !! i love you neopronouns and xenopronouns users !! i love you people who use microlabels !! i love you unlabeled people !! i love you disabled poc queers !! i love you muslim queers !! i love you non-human queers !! i love you xenogenders users !! . . ♡ /gen
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fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
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[ID: a tumblr text post edited blackout poetry style. It reads "your newly coined label for a sexuality makes sense and is different/special/valid enough". End ID.]
your newly coined label for a sexuality makes sense and is different special valid enough
Submitted by @awnowimsad
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revolutionandcake · 2 years
i love you demis i love you greys i love you aegos i love you cupios i love you fictos i love your frays i love you fluxes i love you spikes i love you lithos i love you recipros i love you quois i love you any and all aspecs <3
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your-rutherfurr · 5 months
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When one's neurotype, mental illness, or neurological conditions affect how they view their gender so they use xenogenders, or one's neurogender(s) is intertwined with their xenogender(s), or its the reason why one may be xenic. There is no wrong or right way to use this label!
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transtalesofdoom · 3 months
The Label Thing - personal experience
I've talked previously about labels I've considered, used, or decided not to use in passing. Let's talk about it in a bit more detail!
I like labels. It's a personal preference, and I understand why someone wouldn't, but I like having words to describe myself with. I like having a handful of terms to explain my experiences quickly. I also like knowing that there's more people with these experiences, grouped under my label. Makes it feel a little less lonely.
Before the whole gender thing, I had already picked out the labels of biromantic asexual. Gender never really meant anything to me, and why would I care about stuff like genitals if I didn't intend to interact with them. Opted for bi over pan because it sounded nicer and the flag was prettier.
And then the gender thing happened and I suddenly had an entirely new experience to describe. One that was still developing.
The first day after I had come out to myself, I neither liked the term "man" nor "trans" for myself. Both seemed too solid for what I was. I was a dude or a guy, but a man? There's the whole societal aspect to it, how trans men can get treated poorly for "becoming the enemy", that I won't get into here, but it definitely was at play. And "trans" had an oddly definitive feeling to it. Like I had a gender and goal in mind, when I very much didn't. This was weird to me, because I knew that's not how the label is used. Anything that isn't cis can be labeled as trans. But at first it felt like I was appropriating it.
Nonbinary was a pretty safe catch-all. I was, by the very definition, not binary. Nor did I think anyone else was, but that was beside the point. Genderqueer was another option worth considering, since my gender was most definitely queer, but something about it didn't really click with me. Maybe it was the flag and the fact that certain trans-exclusionists used the same colors because they fancied themselves suffragettes.
I became a little more comfortable with it as the compound of transmasc. That was me. I was transing into the masculine. Not very committal, but a descriptor of what I was up to with the gender.
I still liked the term "woman", weirdly enough. Having watched so many Woman-Power movies (shoutout to Oceans 8 and Birds of Prey specifically), it had taken a while for me to fully embrace that label to begin with, and once I had managed to find it empowering, I didn't want to let go of it again. Even if I was transmasc, "Woman" by Kesha was too good of a song to leave behind. I was a motherfucking woman!
I did a bit more snooping around into other labels to see if anything would stick. I found and read the comics by ND Stevenson, and came across the ones where he describes being bigender. And I liked that description. It resonated with me. Especially because he references the Kesha song, I guess. 'Vibrating between genders too fast to see' felt relatable. So maybe I was bigender?
But I wasn't vibrating between male and female. Those were a part of it, sure, but there was more. And also less. I was every gender and no gender simultaneously. And while that is a possible subgroup of bigender, it once again felt like using the term, although I liked it, wouldn't properly convey my experience.
That night I decided to coin "fuckgender", only to discover that not only did this label already exist, but it also described exactly what I was feeling. (Not to be confused with genderfuck.) And yet, while that was a fun little anecdote, it wasn't what I wanted from a label. And the fact that other people were using it, thereby turning it into a functioning microlabel, made it less appealing to me, somehow.
Instead, I decided to embrace "trans" as an umbrella term for the time being. I didn't really need to define it any further. "transmasculine nonbinary" worked well enough to convey my identity to others. I could elaborate for those who wanted to know more. For myself, the label was the same as my gender. It was kinda there and kinda not, both everything and nothing all at once. More of a general vibe than an actual word.
And that works for now. Maybe that will change. Probably, even. I might embrace bigender, or multigender, I might find my trans experience to be binary enough to go by trans man. Maybe I'll do a U-turn and become a nonbinary woman.
There's only one way to find out and personally, I'm excited for it.
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intersexfairy · 1 year
i love hyperspecific MOGAI microlabels truly, yet i'm finding more peace in ambiguity. using common terms in fucked up ways that nonqueers and queer assimilationists refuse to understand. leaving how i really feel and exist an open question instead of clearly defined - because what i am cannot be fully defined, and i find trying to lay all of my identity bare too stressful and vulnerable.
so it wasn't for me. but thank you to all the wonderful coiners who put their heart and soul into the world so others could find themselves too. your creations still helped me find my way to this wonderful ambiguity i'm finding my home in, by giving words to feelings, and allowing me to think on them.
keep being weird little queers you lovely wonders :) don't let anyone stop you from finding your happiness.
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
stop invalidating people, start validating them!
use whatever the fuck terms you want!
use xenogenders, use microlabels, use neopronouns! who cares! it isnt hurting anyone.
so what if your gender/orientation/pronouns/whatever is weird or "cringe"? its yours! you can describe yourself however the fuck you want
(Anti xeno/anti neos/anti microlabels/anti mogai and other bigots dni.)
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redtail-lol · 1 year
Interrupting my flag posting to remind people of something because I saw not nice things trying to find a faunic lesbian flag before making my own
Other people using a microlabel doesn't undermine your experience
Other people using an alternate label doesn't undermine your experience
They're not insulting you, telling you that your label is wrong, or claiming the label you use is somehow dirty.
Lesbian is inclusive of nonbinary people. Trixic is still a valid label for nonbinary people who want to emphasize they are not women and/or are not comfortable being called lesbians. It does not invalidate nonbinary lesbians. Trixic and lesbian can be used together or someone may choose to only identify as one or the other. They do not invalidate each other
Same goes for Vincian/Veldian/Turian/Cinthean/other equivalents. I'm gonna say veldian because it sounds nicest. Veldian js inclusive of nonbinary people. Toric is still a valid label for nonbinary people that want to emphasize they are not men. It doesn't invalidate nonbinary veldians and it may or may not be used in combination with veldian.
This also goes for faunic and floric. Faunic and floric are valid terms. They do not invalidate lesbian and veldian. Both lesbian and veldian have wlw and mlm connotations even if they're not strictly limited to those people, and it's okay to want a term without those connotations. It's okay to use faunic and lesbian or floric and veldian if you wanna specify your attraction is broader than the wlw or mlm relationships commonly associated with those labels
Being a full-moon springtide lunian/bi lesbian/omni lesbian or a summertime solian/bi veldian/omni veldian does not invalidate lesbians and veldians who are also technically mspec but would rather just identify as lesbians or veldians. I wanna be specific about the genders I'm attracted to being inherently mspec even without including both binary genders. You don't have to. I'm not forcing you to.
Being a lilaean or violaen also doesn't invalidate strictly wlw or mlm lesbians or veldians that don't use the microlabels. They're just being specific about their attraction because they want to.
If you don't wanna use a microlabel, don't. Stop trying to tell others we should just call ourselves lesbians or veldians because we're a lot more than that.
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wizardpigeon · 1 year
This pride month be normal about people who do things differently to you
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paracosmic-gt · 1 year
Plural Coining!
Edit: renaming as I didn't realise "truesona" was a concept.
Under the readmore are three terms related to headmate origins. They are in the same category as autoject and mostive headmates.
These terms:
Can be combined with other origin terms.
Can be used as an origin and as a headmate descriptor.
Are for all plurals.
Flags may be coming soon. Please send ideas if you have any. I've never coined a term before, so hopefully everything's good.
🌸Please don't recoin. Syscourse and endo-hate DNI. 🌸
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🐾 Fursonagenic/tive; a headmate who's origin is from a personal fursona.
Headmate A makes a fursona. This fursona becomes Headmate B.
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💭 Idealisgenic/tive; a headmate who forms from an "ideal" or "true" version of another headmate.
Headmate A makes a character that represents their ideal/true self. This character becomes Headmate B.
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💭🐾 Truesonagenic/tive; a headmate who's origin is from a personal fursona that is an ideal/true version of another headmate.
Headmate A makes a trusona (represents their ideal/true self). This trusona becomes Headmate B.
This one is slightly alterhuman-coded, but you don't need to be Alt-H to use it. This is also my personal microlabel.
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artsyaech · 7 months
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bizarreaizen · 9 months
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ihhfhonao3 · 11 months
Getting older and coming to the crushing occurrence that a lot of the villains/otherworldly beings in older media are just minority/marginalized group-coded
The monsters are physically disabled. The evil mastermind is gay. The hired thug is black. The rebel against the system is an indigenous person. The aliens are nonbinary. The evil businessman is plus-sized. The sentient ai is neurodivergent.
And yknow what? Fine. My ass is reclaiming that. Ooooooo scary creature that doesn't fit into the societal norm ooooooooo it's gonna indoctrinate your kids oooooooooo it's gonna make them love themselves for who they are
Glory to the villains, I say. Glory to those that dare exist in bodies that are different from what we have deemed "normal." Glory to those who have only been represented by characters we see as "bad" or "evil." Glory to you.
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