#mspec lesbian
elysianmadness 19 hours
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Happy lesbian visibility week/day to every lesbian around the world! I hope you're going to have a wonderful week, wherever you are. Your lesbianism is perfect and needed in the world. In this household, we love and appreciate the diversity of the lesbian experience <3
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noahizslay 1 day
another lesbian post cause lesbians are gonna rule the world 馃槀馃槄.
happy lesbian visibility week to:
- mspec lesbians
- trans lesbians
- nonbinary lesbians
- lesboys
- lesbois
- straight lesbians
- aspec lesbians
- closeted lesbians
- disabled lesbians
- jewish lesbians
- muslim lesbians
- bipoc lesbians
- all lesbians
i love y'all 鉂わ笍馃А馃馃┓馃挏
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sapphic-boy 23 hours
Happy lesbian visibility week to all the lesser-visible lesbians, I'm talking about the mspec lesbians, the abro lesbians, the lesboys, the ftm lesbians, the gaybians, and any other lesbian who's validity is constantly questioned, you are all so strong and so powerful, keep on keepin' on, I love you!
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flutterrloves 23 hours
Happy lesbian visibility week to-
ftm lesbians, transmasc lesbians, mtf lesbians, transfem lesbians, genderfluid lesbians, nonbinary lesbians, multigender lesbians, 2spirit lesbians, gaybians, mspec lesbians, abro lesbians, asexual lesbians, aromantic lesbians, acearo lesbians, lesbians of color, butch lesbians, femme lesbians, futch lesbians, studs, ALL LESBIANS!
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redacted-coiner 2 days
NOTE: I quite literally don鈥檛 care about discourse don鈥檛 bring it up or I鈥檓 just blocking you.
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Mspec Lesbian, Mspec Straight, Mspec Gay/Veldian
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Straightcian, Gaybian, Straightbian
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Lesboy, Contrapan(link), Turigirl
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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userbabies 23 hours
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In honor of lesbian visibility week here's some stuff
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sir-sillybunny 1 day
happy lesbian visibility week(?) to my fellow weird lesbians
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lesbianpolls 3 hours
happy lesbian visibility week to all lesbians!! all lesbians are important and valued members of the lesbian community!! this includes trans lesbians, intersex lesbians, he/him lesbians, nonbinary lesbians, lesboys and male lesbians, transmasc lesbians, multigender lesbians, butch and femme lesbians, aspec lesbians, polyamorous lesbians, mspec/bi/pan/omni/abro/etc lesbians, gaybians and straightbians, any and all good faith lesbians!! you belong in the lesbian community!! fuck the exclusionists!!
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silly-media-enjoyer 9 months
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Image Description: The "I bring a sort of X vibe to X that X don't really like" edited to say "I bring a sort of all these rules are made up vibe to sexuality and gender that exclusionists don't really like"
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fagbearentertainment 3 months
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I wanna see how much of the tumbr user base is queer so I made this 馃構
Reblog for larger sample size! 鈽猴笍
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queerbatting 1 year
people need to realize that dissolving the lines between gender also means dissolving the lines between sexuality. you cannot say gender is fake and then say sexuality is strict and rigid.
there are multigender/genderfluid people who are lesbians and gay men at the same time. there are mspec lesbians/gays/straights who have a complex relationship with gender and their sexuality. there are gay men who are women and lesbians who are men because male isn't the opposite of female.
"conflicting" labels are a part of many people's queer experience, because the human experience isnt simple enough to be put into neat perfect categories. if you truly support trans/genderqueer people, you need to accept the fact that gender and sexuality is complex and there will be people whose identities you don't understand
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bisexualsafespace 6 months
We don鈥檛 owe you simplicity.
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michaelmilkers 8 months
i'm regularly astounded by the cognitive dissonance some of yall have to accept that gender is a social construct with infinite possibilities with the capacity to be deeply personal and individual but still think there's a list of like 4 acceptable sexual orientations and if you go outside of that list or mix entries on that list or relate to them in a non-traditional way not only are you Breaking The Rules you're personally directly harming people who follow them
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icarusxxrising 8 months
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everyponie 2 months
2 transgender children have been MURDERED this month and yall are worried about??? labels?? Queer children are being killed, DO SOMETHING!!
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genderqueerdykes 3 months
honestly as a butch, i just gotta say it: that "chivalrous knight in shining armor" crap is objectifying as hell and it's not fun, cute, or validating to apply to us, it provides a burden for us to bear, it makes us paranoid, tired, weary and feel like we're being reduced to a stereotype, or like we're being forced into a mold.
i'm not a knight just because i'm a transmasculine person who looks tough and can theoretically protect femme queers. i'm literally just standing here, being transsexual. i'm not inherently "chilvarous," i don't have any obligation to protect people just because i adopted the label "butch". what if i'm weak? what if the butch needs to be protected? what if the butch is disabled, traumatized, or just scared? i'm a wheelchair user.
why can't femmes protect their butches? why does it always have to be the butch being the chivalrous knight in our yearning posts and poems? why do we have to weave a performative ass narrative of the masculine partner swooping in to protect their defenseless feminine partner? how the HELL is this progressive or subversive at all? this is literally reinventing the binary.
the way the (white) cis lesbian community treats its butches is alienating as all hell. we are not here just to protect other people. we are not inherently protectors. we are not all strong. we are allowed to be weak. we are allowed to be scared. we are allowed to be hurt. we don't HAVE to protect our femmes, if we like femmes at all. not every butch is attracted to femme people in the first place.
butch isn't a lifestyle, it's not a set personality type. it's not a specific set of actions; it's just queer masculinity, that can be expressed by a multitude of queers for a multitude of reasons. it's not one specific set of traits. masculinity is not just found in protecting others and acting tough, it's also in being soft, vulnerable, weak and tender.
just let butches be people, don't turn us into objects before we even get out of the gates. all of this removes the human element of being butch. if the queer community can't afford that, we can't get it from anywhere, because we sure as hell aren't seen as humans by cisheteronormative society.
don't force me to see myself as a knight when i'm the one who needs help just because i'm masculine, or just because i'm a man.
butches need help, too.
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