#mha oc story cover
fyreglyphsdesigns · 1 year
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💻 The Interface Hero - Vol 1 Cover📱
This took me MUCH longer than I expected to put together 😅 But here’s the cover art for the first volume of Taki’s story! If you’re following me on Wattpad, it’s already over there too! I’ll be posting the chapters over there soon, so make sure you follow me!
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New cover for Red Feathers! I have been updating it on Quotev, Wattpad, and AO3!
Go check out my My Hero Academia Fanfiction of Hawks x My OC if you’re interested!
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bireader22 · 4 months
Used AI to create a base, (I can do details, but I suck at creating the base shapes) and procreate to make, edit, and adjust some cover art for my fics on AO3- posting them here cause I don’t know how to put them in the fics themselves 😂 🤗🤗 link for my fic below if you wanna check it out and lemme know what you think! 🥺
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fatkish · 1 month
I imagined a character with a quirk/ability akin to Hermes (The Messenger God) where she can manipulate any item that was invented and has speed as one of her abilities as well, considering Hermes’s versatility, I want to focus on one ability of the character which allows her to hear, speak, and plea with Greek Gods if she want’s something to happen (drawbacks for this ability is having the user in an unbreakable vow or debt to whoever god she pleads with and an unhealthy mental state due to her constantly hearing them.)
This is where my request comes in !! I was hoping you’d create an Aizawa x Reader with this quirk. Reader is a pro-hero and a new teacher at UA. Aizawa felt neutral with reader and was often uninterested with her and her religious acts (praying at random times, skepticism, irrational fear of any mention of the gods) then one day (lets say there was a training event for students which paired both Aizawa and Reader as chaperones/instructors) then all of a sudden he just sees reader rush off, her ears bleeding while muttering apologies to whoever it is she was talking to.
He spots her in a silent and empty room, for some reason, although she was alone, he could hear a second voice, certain words and sentences being spurted allowed him to connect things together (debt, waters, remind him of odysseus) which made him understand what made her act a certain way (she was talking to poseidon)
While she was silently sobbing, apologizing, covering her bleeding ears even though that doesn’t stop Poseidon’s booming voice from getting to her head, Aizawa steps in and erases her quirk to allow her some peace and quiet…
I’ll let you decide what will happen next !
Thank uuuuu <33
(Sorry, I don’t know a lot of Greek mythology so I apologize if I get anything wrong. Also, I’m going to make your OC capable of telepathy as a gift given to them by Hermes.)
Aizawa had never seen anything like you before.
You were a new Greek Pro hero who moved to Japan
You worked at UA as a foreign language teacher as well as an Advanced Opportunities Program counselor or an AOP representative (this is just something I made up for my MHA story. Basically this program is an international program that allows students to gain experience and be requested by foreign hero agencies)
You struggled to understand the cultural and social differences but you eventually understood them
You acted as a support hero for the most part. You’d normally help other heroes by utilizing your speed and telepathy to help keep them updated during massive events such as natural disasters and large scale villain attacks
You had always seemed so well put together and happy that seeing you like this was unexpected
Aizawa had walked into your office with some papers for you and found you huddled in the corner with your hands over your ears as they bled. Hearing you mumble as well as hearing a second voice he decided to erase any quirks. After he erased your quirk he sat down beside you and pulled out the first aid kit underneath your desk. He began cleaning and tending to your ears, having plenty of experience with this thanks to Hizashi.
“So, you wanna tell me who was talking to you just now?”
“I-it was P-Poseidon”
“Any particular reason why he’s talking to you”
Seeing the way you subtly squirmed and looked away, Aizawa decided it’s probably not something you wanted to talk about.
“You know, you could try to ask Power Loader if he could make some kind of device that would help with the voices, as long as it’s part of your quirk. Maybe like a quirk dampener or something?”
“I-I’ll ask, thanks”
“No problem. If you ever need help, don’t hesitate to ask”
After he finished cleaning your ears and bandaging them, he invited you out to drinks with him and the other teachers.
(Sorry it’s kinda short. I really struggled with this one. I hope you enjoy it)
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ghostxrose · 1 month
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |
Summary ~ The war between humanity and aliens began in 2013 when the first Kaiju hauled itself out of the depths of the ocean. It rampaged through three cities, destroying everything in its path and killing thousands before it was finally taken down. As more Kaiju emerged from the sea, nations put aside rivalries and hatred in order to ban together and find a solution to save the human race.
Azusa had never imagined that this would be the world that she would grow up in. Mankind using giant robots to take down massive alien monsters sounds like the stuff of movies not the reality that she’s forced to live. She had also never imagined signing herself up to battle the monsters from the sea, but somebody needed to avenge her brother’s death and her father sure as hell wasn’t doing it.
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, potentionally triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Heyy, Lovelies! This fic is my twist on MHA characters in the Pacific Rim universe. I am absolutely obsessed with Pacific Rim, it's probably my most favorite movie! So this fic is my mash up of two of my fave things. It is xOC instead of xReader, but I hope that you enjoy it all the same. I'm one of those readers who will imagine myself as the main chacter no matter what, so this can be read as reader-insert. Anyway, enough with my rambling, enjoy the story My Lovelies! <3
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“Get going, Azusa!” He says with urgency as he ushers her out of the kitchen.
“I’m not fucking going anywhere without you, Toya! I have a bad feeling about this one! Please listen to me, don’t go with Dad!” She pleads over the sounds of their younger siblings crying.
“Dammit Azusa, I have to! Dad doesn’t have another co-pilot! We’ll be fine, just go!” He borderline shouts at her as he makes his way to the door.
“Don’t go! Please, don’t go!” She cries, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the door.
“Fucking let me go! This is a job, Azusa, and I’ve been called to go do it! Go help Mom with Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto!” He yells, ripping his arm out of her grasp and rushing out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
“Dammit, Toya-”
Jolting upright in her bed, chest heaving and tears wetting her face, Azusa slams the button on her alarm. Letting out a groan, she wipes at her face and tries to even out her breathing. It takes a few minutes, as it always does, but she finally manages to recover and drags herself out of bed.
“Thanks, subconscious.” She mumbles bitterly as she makes her way to the bathroom. She goes through the motions of her everyday routine; getting dressed, putting her hair up, brushing her teeth, staring at the old family vacation photo on her dresser for too long.. Numbly, she finishes lacing up her boots, then stands up ready to answer the door for the knock she knows is coming.
The predicted knock does happen and she opens the door to greet her sister, “Morning, Fuyumi.” She says as she steps out of her room, closing the door behind her and locking it.
“Good morning, Azusa! You ready for today?” Fuyumi asks her as the two make their way to the elevator.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” She says with a slight shrug as they step into the elevator.
After pressing the button for the Mess Hall, Fuyumi joins her sister in leaning against the back wall of the elevator. She bumps her shoulder against Azusa’s with a small playful smile on her face.
“It’s a big day for you, kinda thought you’d be more hyped.” She comments, her features taking on a bit of concern.
“It’s just another day, Yumi. Just another day of being one of his soldiers that he couldn’t give less of a damn about.” Azusa replies in an emotionless tone to cover up the anger burning beneath her skin.
Fuyumi lets out a heavy sigh as the elevator doors open, “He does care, Zusa… And I know that it won’t be the same without Toya there to cheer you on.. but it’s been three years. There was nothing more you could have done that day to stop him. He’s gone, you’re here, and you worked your ass off to get to this point. You deserve to feel excited about today.” She says tiredly as they walk up to the food line.
“Yeah..” Azusa responds quietly, letting the conversation fizzle out. They fill up their trays with no further conversation being made, then head for a table with open seating.
Unfortunately for both of them the only table with open seating just so happens to be next to the table that Katsuki Bakugo and his group are sitting at. Azusa rolls her eyes at the comments and praises she hears being thrown the blonde’s way as she sits down. It’s been two years since her group entered the Ranger Program and Bakugo’s arrogant personality hasn’t dimmed a bit. Not even being behind the scenes during humanity’s war against aliens has done anything to lessen his pompous attitude.
“Who do you think you’ll be Drift-compatible with, Bakugo?” Azusa hears Mina’s perky voice ask.
“I don’t think any of you extras could handle being in my head and I sure as hell don’t wanna be in any of your idiotic brains. I’m just gonna ask the Marshal to let me pilot by my damn self.” Bakugo replies with a tone full of annoyance, earning himself a few gasps of shock and a bit of laughter.
“Oh c’mon man, you know single piloting is impossible even with the tech we have now! Plus, I think we’d be Drift-compatible! We work well together and we’re both super manly!” She hears Kirishima exclaim and she lets out a small huff of laughter at the pose she knows he’s doing even without looking at him.
“I don’t need a damn co-pilot and if I am forced to have one, it better not be any of you idiots!” Bakugo bites out and Azusa rolls her eyes once again as she digs into her breakfast.
“What a jerk, Dad’s gonna be pissed if Bakugo actually puts in that request,” Fuyumi comments quietly before taking a sip of her juice.
Azusa silently nods her head in absentminded agreement as she takes another bite. Suddenly, everyone around her quiets down, their heads bowing in respect and words becoming low whispers.
“Good morning, Rangers.” Marshal Todoroki greets, his booming voice echoing throughout the Mess Hall and demanding attention.
“As many of you know, today is the day that groups A through D will be testing to find their Drift-compatibility partners, or rather, their co-pilots. All other groups will be excused from their training to witness the event, but do not mistake this as a free day. Learn something from what you witness. As for groups A through D, tests will begin at 0800. Be prepared and be on time.” He continues, his stern tone making everyone give an intimidated nod of understanding.
“Ranger Azusa Todoroki,” Marshal Todoroki calls out, causing everyone’s eyes to turn toward the girl. Azusa clenches her jaw and her eyes meet the cold blue ones of her father.
“Come to my office once you have finished breakfast. Thank you, everyone, you may carry on.” He finishes with a slight bow of his head before he and his second-in-command, Marshal Shota Aizawa, turn to leave. Noise ensues once again with the disappearance of the Marshal’s presence. Meaningless chatter and the clattering of dishware fill the room, but one voice, in particular, catches Azusa’s attention as very much intended by the voice’s owner.
“Aww, the princess get in trouble, again?” Bakugo’s taunting comment grates at Azusa’s eardrums and her grip on her chopsticks tightens.
Other than the whitening of her knuckles, she gives no reaction toward the blonde, her eyes cast down toward her food tray despite wanting to glare at Bakugo. She numbly finishes her breakfast, tells Fuyumi that she’ll see her later, then stands to clear her place. She can feel eyes on her as she takes her tray to the trash bin, but she maintains her facade of emotionless neutrality as she walks out of the Mess Hall.
“The fuck does the old man want now?” She mumbles out angrily under her breath as she steps into the elevator.
Jamming her finger against the button for the floor that the Marshal’s office is on, she lets out a long breath. Stepping back to the middle of the elevator, Azusa crosses her arms over her chest and closes her eyes. A minute or two passes and the elevator groans as it comes to a stop. She prepares herself, mentally and physically, to step out of the elevator when the doors begin to open but pauses when she comes face to face with Marshal Todoroki.
“Marshal?” She questions, bowing her head slightly, confusion flashing over her features before she settles back into her neutral state.
“We will be going down to the Shatterdome instead.” Marshal Todoroki says, his voice taking on a much different tone than earlier.
He stares at Azusa with an expectant look as he waits for her to move back so that he can step into the elevator. Azusa shakes the confusion from her mind and dutifully steps back to let the large man through the doorway. Tense silence fills the cramped-feeling space as she presses the button for the Shatterdome. The elevator groans once again as it begins descending.
“Why are we going to the Shatterdome, Sir?” Azusa asks, tone neutral and emotionless and the Marshal lets out a tired sigh.
“Azusa, please, it’s just the two of us you can call me da-”
“I stopped calling you that a long time ago, Enji. Why would I start again now? Just tell me why you wanted me to meet with you instead of letting me go get ready for my Drift-compatibility tests.” Azusa bites out, cutting off her father’s words.
Marshal Todoroki’s jaw clenches and his fists clench before the tension deflates from his body and a look of defeat fills his features, “I want to show you something.” He replies vaguely and Azusa sends him an incredulous look.
“You want to show me something?? This is ridiculous! I need to be getting ready, not dealing with your feeble attempts at earning my forgiveness ba-” Azusa’s anger gets the better of her until she cuts herself off, clamping her mouth shut as the elevator doors open.
Marshal Todoroki stays silent as they step out of the elevator, only opening his mouth to greet others. They move through the hustle and bustle of the Shatterdome, walking past Jaeger after Jaeger and all of the people working on said Jaegers. They finally stop at the far end of Bay 12, both of them turning their bodies toward the Jaeger standing tall against the wall. Azusa’s neck cranes as she looks up at the gigantic robot, a tidal wave of emotions flooding her as she takes it in.
“Bravo Inferno,” Azusa whispers out, tears building up on her lash lines and the Marshal quietly nods from beside her. “The day Toya died.. I thought she was too destroyed to salvage, I mean, you barely came back in one piece.. H-how is she here?” She asks, her voice thick with emotion and tears slipping down her face.
“It took the repair techs a long time, but they were able to put her back together. In fact, she’s better than she was before.. on the inside, that is. I made sure the outside was redone to look the same as when she first came out of production.” Marshal Todoroki says quietly, his hands clasped behind his back professionally but his face full of emotions.
Azusa stares up at her brother’s old Jaeger with a mixture of awe and sadness. The blue flame-colored paint reflects the lights of the Shatterdome, giving it a pearlescent shine. Bravo Inferno’s emblem, a flaming phoenix, is stamped proudly on the left side of its chest along with the numbers from the year it was made. From head to toe, the Jaeger looks just like it had the day Azusa watched it leave the base being piloted by her brother for the last time.
“What was the point of this?” Azusa asks, coming back to her senses and remembering that she is standing with the man responsible for her brother’s death. “You piloting again or something?”
Still looking up at Bravo Inferno, the Marshal shakes his head, “No, my piloting days are long since over with. I’m passing Bravo Inferno on to you, Azusa. It’s.. it’s what Toya would have wanted had he thought the war would still be going on.” He says looking at Azusa with the ghost of a smile on his saddened face.
It takes a moment for Azusa to work past the lump in her throat, to straighten her back even though she wants to fall to her knees and sob. A strained “thank you” makes its way out of her mouth as she blinks away the tears in her eyes.
Azusa cracks her knuckles before crossing her arms and waiting for the tests to begin. She and the other Rangers who will be testing today are gathered around the training mats, most idly chatting as they wait for Marshal Todoroki and Marshal Aizawa. She does a quick glance around and sees some of the other Rangers stretching, so she follows suit.
“Hey, Azusa!” Someone calls out excitedly right as Azusa hears footsteps approaching her. Turning her head, she catches sight of Tetsutetsu and Kendo making their way toward her. She sends them a small smile and waves, Tetsutetsu’s bright smile making her want to put on sunglasses.
“Hey guys,” she says when the two get up to her, narrowly dodging Tetsutetsu when he tries to engulf her in a hug.
“You nervous?” Kendo asks when the three of them fall back into warm-up stretches.
“Nope. I just hope that I get a good co-pilot.” Azusa answers simply as she leans further into a leg lunge.
“How are you not nervous?? Literally, everyone will be watching; Rangers, Rangers-in-training, Marshal Aizawa, Marshal Todoroki.. You’re seriously not nervous about your dad watching the tests??” Tetsutetsu rambles out before he is whacked upside the head by Kendo.
“Dude, shut up!” Kendo reprimands and Azusa huffs out a laugh.
“No, I’m not nervous. I don’t care who’s watching.” Azusa says with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Attention, Rangers!” Marshal Aizawa’s stern voice calls out and everyone stands at attention.
“At ease,” Marshal Todoroki calls out next as he steps up next to Marshal Aizawa. Everyone relaxes but keeps their full attention on the two men at the front of the room.
“We’ll go over a brief explanation of how the tests will work, then we’ll get started.” Marshal Aizawa starts as the bleachers along the walls of the room begin filling with the other groups of Rangers-in-training that aren’t testing.
“The tests will work like this; one-on-one melee combat with bo staffs. You all have been broken up into smaller groups based on your results from previous Drift simulations and screenings. These one-on-ones will help better identify who exactly you work well with. Remember Rangers, these are dialogues, not fights. The goal is to find a co-pilot that keeps up with your moves and keeps the scores even. Should one of you outright win a match then we’ll know that person is not a match for you. The cementing stage of this test will occur at a later date when you and your co-pilot are assigned a Jaeger and go through your first real Drift together.” Marshal Aizawa explains in his normal serious yet tired tone.
“Rangers Bakugo, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Todoroki, Kendo, and Hado, grab your bo staffs then step onto the mat. Each of you will have one match with each other then Marshal Todoroki and I will review your scores later. Your co-pilots will be announced tomorrow if we get through everyone’s tests today. Marshal Todoroki, if you would choose the starting pairings, please,” Marshal Aizawa says and Marshal Todoroki scans over the six Rangers lined up in front of him.
“Kendo with Bakugo, Tetsutetsu with Hado, and Kirishima with Todoroki.” Marshal Todoroki says, tone firm as always and his gaze already full of judgment.
“Rangers spread out across the mat with your respective opponent and assume position. You will begin when I say so.” Marshal Aizawa commands and the Rangers listen accordingly.
Once they’ve reached a space far enough away from the other pairs, Azusa faces Kirishima with her bo staff positioned diagonally in front of her. She takes in a deep breath, steadying the few nerves that have crept into her system, and bends her knees slightly ready to move to either defend or attack. Kirishima does the same, winking at her when their eyes meet with a playful smirk on his face.
“Rangers begin,” Marshal Aizawa commands, and the pairs begin their matches.
The match between Bakugo and Kendo ends quickly with the score being; Bakugou 4 and Kendo 1. That’s not to say that Kendo didn’t try her best to keep up with Bakugou, it’s just that the blonde was relentless. Despite them all being told that the matches were supposed to flow like dialogues and not fights, it’s just like Katsuki Bakugo to do his own thing. Tetsutetsu and Hado’s match ended a bit better with their scores being; Hado 4 and Tetsutetsu 2. In both of their typical fashions, they shook hands at the end of the match, both of them wearing confident smiles.
Kirishima and Azusa started out neck and neck, but that changed quickly when Azusa got the upper hand. Their match ended with the scores being; Azusa 4 and Kirishima 2. Azusa helped Kirishima up after her final time taking him down and wished him good luck on his next match. Kirishima, being the ever-bright ray of sunshine that he is, smiled warmly at her and thanked her for a good match.
The next three rounds of matches seemed to fly by while simultaneously feeling dragged out. Azusa had won by 1 point against both Hado and Kendo, which made her feel pretty good about ending up being co-pilots with either of them. She, unfortunately, lost by 2 points against Tetsutetsu and she was a little disappointed by the fact that one of her two best friends wasn’t a very good match for her to be co-pilots with. At the end of their, match Tetsutetsu gave her an encouraging smile and told her that he would have been honored to be co-pilots with her.
“Time for the final matches for the first six Rangers. The pairings will be as follows; Hado with Kendo, Tetsutetsu with Kirishima, and Bakugo with Todoroki. Get ready, Rangers.” Marshal Aizawa calls out, and Azusa’s entire being fills with dread.
“Prepared to lose, Princess?” Bakugo goads arrogantly as the two get into position and Azusa’s blood boils a bit.
Marshal Aizawa tells them to begin and Bakugo doesn’t hesitate to make the first move. Azusa blocks his bo staff a couple of times but ultimately Bakugo lands a hit to her shoulder.
“1-0.” Bakugo comments with a cocky smirk.
Not wasting another moment, Azusa swings her bo staff knocking the blonde’s bo staff away and rushing him. With quick movements, she brings her bo staff up, then swings it down, stopping it only inches from his face.
“1-1.” She says quietly, challenging him with her eyes while her face remains neutral.
They go back and forth for what feels like hours, both of them having stopped keeping track of the score after they hit 2-2. Both of them panting and sweating, their match continues on and on until a booming voice pierces the bubble they seem to be in.
“That’s enough! Bakugo, Todoroki, your match is over. Put your bo staffs away and get on the sidelines.” Marshal Todoroki sternly tells the two and Bakugo releases Azusa from the hold he had her in.
The blonde stands and walks off to put his bo staff away, not bothering to offer Azusa help. The two don’t even look at each other once they’re both situated on the sidelines of the training mat, standing as far away from each other as possible. Kendo and Tetsutetsu both send Azusa twin looks of surprise mixed with heavy confusion, but she chooses to ignore them in favor of watching the next group of matches.
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Note ~ I know that there may not be much to go off of but let me know what you think so far! Should I post chapter/part 2 sooner than planned? Idk, I'm just loving how the story is turning out and wanted to share it with yall! I love and appreciate you, Lovelies! <3
Ps, @tr-mha-fan I'm doing my best to work on your (second) request, I promise that I didn't ignore your ask, Lovely! <3
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almaadst · 2 years
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And my another artwork for the @mybigbangacademia event, this time I made this with help of sweet @mxonigirimiya I'm sorry I made you cry every time I sent you progress photos (ノ‥)ノ Her fic is also connected to the canon MHA plot and she writes about a really serious and mature topics there so please go check her story ASAP if you like the theme! Storytelling in artworks is very important to me so making this was really amazing to draw, even tho the tragedy of the captured moment 🥲 I also wanna thank you to all @mybigbangacademia admins, especially to @ghost-party, @titan-fodder, @savory-script and @lady-lauren thank you for being helpful and patient with me 💕 Other: Commission info Baepsae cover Shigaraki and OC PLEASE DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT MY or OWNER PERMISSION!
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gingerlee-holds · 8 months
Chapter Two: Rest Assured
Here's the second chapter of my ongoing fic titled 'Wake Up, Keidima!', a MHA alternate universe where an OC of mine ends up in Class 1-A. If you'll allow me to winge a bit - in the dub (which I watch), the names of all the students have been flipped. You see, Japanese naming conventions go like (Family Name) (Given Name), whereas in the West, it's the opposite. In the dub of MHA, they flipped the names to make it make sense for a Western Audience™ (Iida Tenya became Tenya Iida, for instance). This is very enfuriating, because I've named my OC Eivi Keidima (Family name Given name), while all the other characters are (Given name, Family name) as in the show. This really bugs me but whatever. Just keep that in mind going forward, alright? Keidima's name is the Japanese version (it's too late to change it now) and everyone else has the English version. Okay? Okay, now onto the fic:
Word Count: 6239
 "You... did what?" the old man grumbled, adjusting his hearing aid.
Jodonaki cleared his throat and spoke up for his sister. "She got into UA, Grandpa!"
"Oh, UA! I'm so proud of you, sweetie! Mazel Tov!" Grandpa Eivi Gadazi furrowed his brow and stared into the middle distance. "What's UA again?"
The twins sighed, smiling. "All Might's alma mater," Keidima said. After getting the letter, the siblings ran to tell their only legal guardian as fast as possible.
"Oh, All Might! That newbie-" Grandpa Gadazi scowled and spat, "I used to be a pro hero, y'know! They don't make heroes like they used to! Why, in my day, I'd be able to defeat All Might in combat with my pinkie finger!"
By that point, the twins were giggling behind their hands. "I-Ihi'm sure you could, Grandpa!" Jodonaki managed to say.
Grandpa Gadazi was a short man and ancient by all accounts. His bald head, once full of curly orange hair, was covered in liver spots, and his whole face sagged with wrinkles. Despite this, he was quick with a witty retort and had an endearing proclivity to wax nostalgic about the 'Good Ole Days' where he was one of the top ten Pro Heroes (the number would change every time he told the story, however). Nevertheless, the money he made as a hero kept the lights on. He wore a white button-up shirt and a pair of brown pants secured way too high on his torso with a black belt. His shoes had been custom-made for one to be higher off the ground than the other because he had gotten into a fight with a villain a few decades prior, necessitating an emergency hip surgery, making one leg permanently longer. He couldn't possibly care for himself, needing his grandson to ensure he was adequately fed and dressed.
As it turns out, Jodonaki never bothered applying to a high school. He had said it was because he already knew how to use his quirk and knew everything he needed to know about the world, but Keidima understood that he needed to stay home to take care of Grandpa Gadazi's failing health. She also understood, using that premonition all twins develop toward each other, that he was deeply disappointed with his lot in life, but he hid it from his sister.
"Y'know, your grandmother had an incredible quirk," the old man leaned back in his rocking chair, smiling into the middle distance. The twins looked at each other, and Jodonaki smiled as he got up.
"I'm gonna make him some soup," he whispered as he left the room.
"She always beat me in a fight, the old bobcat! And believe you me, my pride was on the line, so I wasn't going easy on her!" Grandpa Gadazi's eyes came back into focus. "I always knew you'd follow in her footsteps. She had chutzpah. Have I ever told you how much you look like her?"
"Only all the time, Grandpa."
"Hm, yes, I must have told you before. Sorry, Keidi-cat, my memory isn't as it used to be."
"I know, Grandpa," she said with a smirk.
Gadazi huffed and leaned forward, looking Keidima dead in the eyes. "Being a hero is serious business, young lady. Your grandmother died saving my life, leaving me to raise your father alone. He was a hero, too, as was your mother. They never even survived long enough to go on their honeymoon!"
Keidima winced and looked down at the ground, and Grandpa Gadazi leaned back in his chair again.
"I'm not telling you all this to scare you, Keidi-cat. I need you to understand what's at stake when you go out there to fight villainy. You not only endanger yourself but also your friends and your loved ones. Whole future generations will be affected by the choices you make today." He looked over at the rocking chair next to his, which was always empty, and with a shaking hand, gently rubbed its armrest. "Don't forget who you're fighting for, alright, young lady?"
Keidima looked up into his face and saw the old man tearing up. She extended a hand to his knee and nodded with determination. "I won't, Grandpa. I promise."
Jodonaki returned with a bowl of ramen and a pair of Gadazi's favorite chopsticks. "Sorry, it seems like someone-" he glared at Keidima playfully, "has eaten all the soup! So I just made you some ramen, Grandpa."
"Oh, splendid! Spectacular day!" The old man's countenance instantly lit up as he gratefully took the bowl and chopsticks, and Jodonaki retook his spot on the carpet next to his sister. "So, Keidima! What kind of hero do you want to be?"
"What do you mean?"
Grandpa Gadazi was shoveling noodles into his gumless mouth as if he hadn't eaten a meal since '75. "I mean," more loud slurping, "do you wanna be a hero that goes in guns blazing? Do you wanna be like your old man here?" He thumped his chest proudly before choking on a noodle. Jodonaki jumped up and began hitting his back as Keidima looked down at the carpet, thinking about her answer.
"Wehell? Don't keep me waiting, Keidi-cat. I'm on the edge of my seat here!" Grandpa Gadazi coughed up the noodle but wasted no time in continuing to eat. Instead of sitting down again, Jodonaki decided it'd be better to stay standing in case anything else happened, and he looked down at his sister curiously.
"I just want to be a hero that people feel safe around. I want to be strong and fearless, but more than anything, I want to be a presence that people are comforted by. I want to be like a warm blanket, protecting people from the biting cold of a hostile world and bringing peace to the hearts of those I defend. Villains have gotten more insidious as time goes on, which leads to heroes needing to resort to more drastic measures to maintain justice in our society. The world is harsh and scary, and I want to comfort those who trust me." Keidima looked up and smiled at her two listeners. "Like you!"
Jodonaki smiled as Grandpa Gadazi clapped enthusiastically. "Bravo, Keidi-cat! What a speech!" He leaned forward with a chuckle. "Just be sure not to use that quirk of yours to get out of family gatherings, eh?"
The trio giggled, and the old man handed his empty bowl to his grandson. "Delicious, as usual!" Gadazi exclaimed, and Jodonaki patted his grandfather on the head as he left the room again to do the dishes. His expression quickly changed as he began getting up from his chair, fishing for his cane on the floor, which Keidima handed him. Grandpa Gadazi motioned for her to follow him, and he walked over to his bureau, pulling out a drawer and opening a secret compartment within. He drew a small wooden box out of this compartment and blew the dust off it.
"Here, sit down, Grandpa." Keidima patted the bed, and Grandpa Gadazi grunted in agreement. They sat together, and the young girl looked eagerly at the box as her grandfather slowly opened it, revealing a small, steel wristband. He smiled wide and tried to pick it up but yelped and pulled his hand back suddenly upon touching it. "Woah, are you okay, Grandpa?"
"Yes, yes, Keidi-cat, I'm alright. This wristband belonged to your grandmother. She had a fire-based quirk, you know. Here, feel."
Keidima laid her hand on the metal, gasping and shuddering. "I-it's warm!"
"For you? That's interesting. It's always been scalding whenever I hold it. Feels like I'm touching a steam iron. But you say it's warm..." Grandpa Gadazi hummed in thought and finally handed her the box. "Here, put it on."
The young girl picked up the band and clipped it around her right wrist. The metal was warm, but it reminded her of sitting next to a roaring fireplace, soothing and cozy.
"How does it feel?"
"Then..." Grandpa Gadazi smiled and stroked a lock of bright red hair out of Keidima's face, "I believe you were meant to have it. You carry her with you now." He looked deep into his granddaughter's face. "You look... so much like her, you know."
Keidima smiled wide and held the bracelet, feeling its warmth. "Thank you, Grandpa. I'll make her proud."
"I believe you already have, young lady." Suddenly, the old man winced and put a hand over his abdomen. "I just... hope I'll still be here to see you become a top hero, just like your grandmother."
"And you?"
"Yeah, yeah, me as well. But I know you'll be so much better than me. I see it in your eyes. It's the same fire that your grandmother had."
"Thank you, Grandpa. I know I won't fail you."
"Oh, so do I!" Grandpa Gadazi laid back on the bed, making all sorts of grunting noises as he arranged himself. He didn't need Keidima's quirk to instantly fall asleep, snoring loudly.
Keidima patted his head as she stood. Looking down at her wrist, the bright, shiny steel made her smile. "I won't let you down. None of you."
Keidima let out a yelp, jarring her from her daydreaming. She refused to admit she had almost fallen asleep at the kitchen table. "W-whahat about costumes?" she asked.
Jodonaki gave her a funny look. "Uh, you need one, obviously! A hero costume! See, I went to the Town Hall and got you some paperwork for it."
"A hero costume? I hadn't thought about it..."
She scratched her head. "Honestly, I wasn't planning on having a hero costume."
"What! Nonsense! You need a costume, Bedhead!"
"Fine, fine, if it'll make you happy." Keidima pulled the small stack of papers towards her side of the table and began to fill out her basic information. "How tall am I now?"
Jodonaki studied her a bit. "Few inches taller than me, so... 5'10"? Ballpark?"
"Sure, we'll go with that, Jodo," she yawned.
Her brother was practically bouncing in his seat. "I can't believe it! It's really happening. You're becoming a hero, and you're getting a costume!"
"You're right. It is certainly hard to believe..." She chuckled at Jodonaki's enthusiasm. "But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little excited."
Finally, they turned the page and got to the design section.
She hummed in thought as she nibbled the end of her pencil. "Let's see... Are there any special concerns we need to consider for this?"
"Well, to activate your quirk, you just have to focus on something really hard, right?"
"Yeah, but visual and tactile contact help a bunch."
"How about a mask that looks like a sleep mask? I think it'd match the aesthetic."
"Then I'd need holes cut into them, maybe glass put in. Not a bad idea." Keidima began writing down their ideas, sketching the mask. "Okay, what else?"
"Gloves, maybe?"
"They'd have to be fingerless, but yes, good idea." They looked at everything they had so far. Then, Keidima began writing something down.
Jodonaki looked up at his sister. "Wait, you're not planning on going into battle in pajamas, are you?"
"It fits the theme! They'll be green, soft, and fuzzy, with little pockets for hiding snacks. Maybe we'll add a fuzzy pink sleeping cap. Yehes!" Keidima wrote faster and faster, giggling a little as it came together. "Ahahand! Ahahand dohohon't fohohorget-!! Dohon't forget the tactical combat bunny slippers!!" Keidima squealed with delight as she laughed at the situation, almost falling off her chair.
"No, don't write that down!"
"I'm writing it down!" She laughed all the harder as she wrote down the idea.
"You're gonna look ridiculous!"
"Maybe that's my strategy, hmmmmm? I wanna throw them off their rhythm!"
"Bedhead!" Jodo exclaimed before falling into another coughing fit. He yanked out his inhaler and breathed deeply.
"Fine, no bunny slippers - I'll write down a pair of combat sneakers. I don't want anything flashy because that's just not what my quirk is like."
"Okay, but I need to insist on at least some level of protection. Some armor, at least some padding."
"Good idea, but we'll keep it minimal." She underlined that word twice on the form. "I want to focus on mobility and dodging, dragging out the fight as much as possible. The longer I make a fight go on, the more likely my quirk will win out. Knee pads, elbow pads, shin guards, and padding in the gloves but all concealed under the outer pajamas. If some mean bastard comes running at me, I want to be able to dodge without hurting myself."
"Also, remember to put your hair up in a ponytail during fights so it doesn't obstruct your vision," Jodonaki said, pointing at the drawn mask. "But what is your signature piece?" he asked.
"My what?"
"Y'know, the thing that every hero has that's unique. It brings the costume together."
Keidima leaned back in her chair. "I have no idea. Maybe a stuffed animal?"
"No, you can't make that a viable tool in combat."
"Not with that attitude."
Jodonaki suppressed the giggle that wanted to come out and said, "What about a capturing weapon? Like Eraserhead uses?"
"Who's that?"
"Never mind, just focus on this. What if you used a blanket like a grappling hook?"
Keidima looked at her brother, thinking it over. "Is there a material that'd be that strong? And I'd have to learn how to use it... But... it'd be better to learn how to use it and have it with me during a fight. I don't exactly have a very combat-oriented quirk. Yeah... yeah, good idea." She drew the blanket, sketching a bright pink crescent moon in the middle. "What do you think?" she asked, handing the form to Jodonaki.
He stared at it before nodding his head. "I think it looks good. Besides, the form says you can alter your costume later." Jodonaki stood, picking up the form and his handbag, gesturing for Keidima to come up. "Let's drop off these forms, then we can get some last-minute back-to-school shopping done!"
Keidima smiled, nodding as she got up. "I also need a refill on my prescription. No way in hell am I going into my first week of UA without them."
The last days of March flew by like a fleeting dream. The beginning of April came quickly, and with it, her first day of school at UA High.
Keidima was ready to go, but Jodonaki insisted on doing his usual series of 'pre-flight checks.'
"Did you take your meds?"
"Did you put on clean socks?"
"Of course I did."
"Did you pack your backpack?"
"Yeah, I packed it. Last night, remember?"
Jodonaki sighed with a smirk as he looked at her hair. "Maybe we should have it be just a little neater."
"Jodo, my boy, you're gonna make the hero-in-training late!" Grandpa Gadazi called from the couch, making her brother grumble.
"I'm just... worried about you, Keidima." He looked at her earnestly, smiling a little. "But, all the same, I need you to know how proud of you I am." His eyes welled up with tears, and Keidima hugged him tightly.
"Save it for when I become a Pro Hero, alright, Jodo?"
He sniffled softly and grinned. "Will do. Now go learn how to save the world!"
"I will!" With that, Keidima turned and ran to UA as fast as she could.
She had found her locker rather quickly and looked down at her information card, then over at her map, trying not to bump into any students. "Class 1-A should be right around... here!"
She looked up right as she bumped into another student. "Sorry, I- Mina? We've gotta stop meeting like this, bestie!"
Mina turned and gasped, hugging Keidima tightly as she pulled her friend into the classroom. "You got in! I'm so friggin proud of you!"
"Same goes for you! I'm so glad I won't be starting with no friends. I have you!"
"And me, I'd hope." From behind Ashido stepped a certain smirking red-haired boy.
"Eijiro!!! I was hoping I'd see you!" Keidima practically jumped at Eijiro Kirishima, hugging him like a koala, which made him yelp as he gently set her down.
"Please go to your seats! The teacher is bound to appear at any moment!" a loud and stiff voice came from behind them. Turning, Keidima saw a tall, thin boy with dark blue hair and square glasses.
She chuckled and nodded, making a little bow. "Yes sir, mister sir!"
"It's Tenya Iida to you!"
She giggled softly as she went to seat #19 in the back of class, much to her delight. "Maybe I could catch some Z's back here without the teacher noticing." Little did she know that she was followed the whole way to her desk by the uptight chatterbox.
"And you don't have your hair brushed! Don't you know what kind of school we're attending? Your tie is crooked! How will this class succeed if we can't properly tie a tie? Look at your posture! You're slouching! And you, will you get your feet off the desk?" Tenya turned and walked over to an ash-blonde boy with his legs crossed over the table.
"Oh, thank goodness he left me alone. That's the same boy I saw from the entrance exam, with all the explosions. At least he's taking up that guy's attention."
Keidima must have looked somewhat shell-shocked after the confrontation and looked over at a tall girl beside her, who had a concerned expression. "Are you alright?" the girl asked.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Nothing I haven't heard before," Keidima giggled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.
The girl extended a hand. "Momo Yaoyorozu."
"Eivi Keidima." She shook the hand gladly and looked up to the door to see the green-haired boy talking with the gravity girl.
"Have you seen the teacher for this class?" Keidima asked.
Momo replied softly, "No, I haven't. Have you?"
"No, I..." Her focus was drawn to a man suddenly appearing in a big, yellow sleeping bag at the doorway.
"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."
"You're the man I spoke to on the street the other day when we did the entrance exam!" Keidima couldn't stop herself from blurting out, shooting to her feet. She heard a snicker from her right and saw the blonde-haired boy from before (Denki Kaminari, she soon learned) mouth the words, "he certainly looks like he's been on the street," to Eijiro, eliciting a muffled giggle.
Mr. Aizawa's eyes focused on hers. "Yes, we interacted briefly. Don't speak out of turn, Miss Eivi."
With a squeak, Keidima sat back down at her desk, pursing her lips, and got another empathetic look from Momo. The sleepy girl held onto her bracelet, comforting herself with its warmth.
"Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside." Mr. Aizawa held out gym uniforms for them.
"My size is wrong, again." Keidima huffed as she pulled down on her uniform. "This is ridiculous."
Momo and Mina giggled behind their hands as they walked to the grounds together. As the students walked, Keidima made it a goal to know the names of as many others as possible so that she'd be better able to fit in.
Arriving on the field, the students gathered in a crowd before Mr. Aizawa. "Today, you will be undergoing a quirk assessment test."
"What? A quirk assessment test?" the students asked in disbelief.
Uraraka spoke up, saying, "But orientation! We're gonna miss it!" Keidima mumbled in agreement.
"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." Aizawa looked at them all like children, almost scornfully. Keidima gasped softly. She had been a little excited about orientation. "Here at UA, we're not tethered to traditions. That means I get to run my class however I see fit." Keidima gulped. "You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your Quirks in physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day, the Ministry of Education will learn."
Keidima looked down. "What a hard-ass... and he seemed so friendly before."
"Bakugo," Mr. Aizawa began again, looking at the ash-blonde boy. "You managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball in Junior High?"
Katsuki thought momentarily, then said, "Sixty-four meters, I think."
"Not a bad throw at all. I think I could throw seventy, but that's only because I played softball in middle school."
Mr. Aizawa motioned him to come forward. "Right. Try doing it with your quirk."
Katsuki stepped forward into a circle drawn on the dirt, taking the softball from Mr. Aizawa's hand.
"Anything goes, just stay in the circle. Go on. You're wasting our time."
"All right, man, you asked for it." Katsuki rubbed his shoulder a bit, and suddenly, a massive explosion rang out as he threw the ball as hard as he could. Keidima let out a yelp and clamped a hand over her mouth.
Aizawa didn't even flinch. "All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." He held up the tracker in his hand, showing the class what it read: '705.2 meters.'
Keidima gasped and nudged Mina. "That's amazing! This'll be fun, using our quirks like this," she whispered, to which her pink friend nodded enthusiastically. All around her, students were saying something similar.
Mr. Aizawa stared at them all disapprovingly. "So this looks fun, huh? You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and playtime? Idiots," he hissed. "What did he just call me-?" Keidima indignantly thought as she stood up straight. "Today, you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately."
"Huh?" Keidima's eyes bulged out of her head in shock. The other students didn't take it well either.
"Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. Understand? If that's a problem, you can head home right now." Mr. Aizawa looked around at each student, silently judging their expressions.
"Great... How the hell can I use my quirk to give myself an advantage here? It'd be rude of me to make the others sleepy so that I do better by comparison. I'm just gonna have to rely on my physical abilities... which are lacking."
Ochaco again spoke up. "You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair!" Keidima nodded in agreement.
"Oh, and you think natural disasters are?" Mr. Aizawa asked, making the sleepy hero-in-training tilt her head in confusion. "Or power‐hungry villains? Hm? Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No, the world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to try to combat that unfairness. To be a pro, you must push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So, go beyond. Plus Ultra‐style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here."
"I just have to keep up. I'm already pretty spry. I have to land in the middle of the pack. Some of these other kids have quirks that won't help much here, like me. With any luck, I'll end up with some wiggle room."
"Now then. We're just wasting time by talking. Let the games begin."
A fifty-meter dash.
Keidima crouched on the start line and looked over to her left, seeing what appeared to be an empty gym uniform floating in the air. "Hey! Toru Hagakure, right? Or a ghost, maybe?"
The invisible girl giggled. "And you're Keidima, right? What's your quirk again?"
Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat. "Quit wasting time. On your marks..."
"Best of luck, Toru," Keidima prepared to sprint as fast as possible.
"Get set."
"Yeah, you as well! Chat later," Toru said quickly.
A whistle sounded, and both girls flung themselves forward, running as fast as they could, Keidima pulling ahead by a meter. "It's just running two bases. Take first, take second. The ball's in the outfield, but I don't have time to spare. I've run this distance countless times!" With one final push, Keidima sped across the finish line, quickly followed by Toru.
"6.46 seconds! 6.91 seconds!" A cheerful robotic voice said.
Gasping for breath, Keidima skidded to a halt and turned to the invisible girl with a smile. "Not a bad time at all! You're pretty fast!"
"Whew! I wasn't at all ready to be doing this sort of thing today-!" The two girls walked to the side to clear the way for the next pair. "I should be training with you!"
"No, that'd be a terrible idea. I'd just put you to sleep."
"Aw, I'm sure you're not that boring!" She felt Toru give her a comforting pat on the shoulder.
"No, I- never mind," Keidima giggled.
Grip strength.
"What does this have to do with your athletic ability?" Mina asked nobody in particular.
Keidima held onto the machine as tight as possible, but to her dismay, it read '48.4 kg,' making the girl sigh in exasperation. "At some point, spite must become a factor when they make these tests."
Standing long jump.
"You ever done one of these, Keidima?" Denki asked, looking behind him in line. Keidima shook her head. "Ah, it's nothin' scary. Just jump!"
"Thanks. I'll try to remember that." Keidima chuckled as she watched the boy jump as far as possible at the whistle. She stepped forward as Denki got off the sand, and when she heard the whistle, she clenched her teeth and jumped.
"195 centimeters!" the peppy bot announced. She quickly got out of the way and felt a gentle elbow in her ribs, making her squeak. Keidima looked up as Eijiro smiled.
"Not a bad distance."
"Compared with everyone else here, it's not great either."
Repeated side steps.
Mr. Aizawa reset the stopwatch. "Go ahead, Miss Eivi."
Keidima grinned, forcing her mind to think optimistically. "This is easy. It's just back and forth but a lot and really quickly."
She ended up tripping at the end, falling onto her face.
The softball throw.
Keidima walked into the circle and clenched the softball hard in her hand. She leaned back, threw it with all the strength she could muster, and immediately leaned back upon hearing something in her shoulder pop. "Ouch. That sucked."
"Little under seventy meters." Mr. Aizawa sounded almost bored.
"Damn. I gotta get back into shape." Keidima continued rubbing her shoulder as she walked back to the other students. After her, the boy with the green hair stepped up.
"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home," Tenya observed.
"Huh? Of course, he is. He's a Quirkless loser." Katsuki spat. Keidima looked over at him with one eyebrow raised. "Not only is he mean, he's also wrong. There's no way a kid could get into the hero course without a quirk."
Tenya spoke up for her. "He has a Quirk. Did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?"
Izuku stepped forward, held the ball close, and with a face that registered pure determination, he threw the ball as hard as he could.
"Forty-six meters!" the mechanical voice spoke. The boy stood there, frozen.
"Oh no, poor guy..." Keidima mumbled.
Izuku looked at his hands. "What gives? I was trying to use it just now."
"I erased your Quirk." All eyes turned to Mr. Aizawa, whose hair was standing on end. "The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school."
"What?" Keidima was about to step forward, but Momo gently squeezed her shoulder, holding her back. Mr. Aizawa paid her no mind.
"Ah! Those goggles. I know you!" Izuku shouted suddenly. "You can look at someone and cancel out their powers. The Erasure Hero. Eraserhead!"
Keidima looked down at the dirt. "Where have I heard that name before...? It's familiar."
Mr. Aizawa's scarf suddenly shot out, latching around Izuku and pulling him close to his teacher. He began talking with the green-headed boy in a low tone but harshly. Keidima couldn't make out what he was saying but could read Izuku's face well enough to know none was kind.
"I've returned your impractical quirk. Take your final throw. Hurry and get it over with." Mr. Aizawa's hair went down again, and his scarf released Izuku.
"I wonder if our teacher gave him some advice," Tenya said softly.
"I hope so." Keidima looked at Izuku, hoping beyond hope that the poor boy wasn't about to be sent home.
Izuku stepped into the circle and threw the ball again. Instead of the wimpy throw like last time, the boy shouted with all his might, and the ball shot away faster than a bullet, making Keidima squeak and jump into Momo.
"Mr. Aizawa... You see?" Izuku clenched his fist, showing a wholly broken finger. "I'm still standing!"
"705.3 meters!" the robot said.
"His finger appears to be broken now. Just like in the exam. This quirk is very odd." Tenya looked deep in thought.
"Maybe it transfers his body into energy? Like using up all the possible energy in his cells?" Keidima asked.
"No, even if that were the case, there shouldn't be a way he could throw a ball that far," Tenya mumbled, furrowing his brow.
Suddenly, next to them, Katsuki ran towards Izuku, screaming, "Deku, you bastard! Tell me how you did that, or you're dead!"
"He's gonna kill him-!" Keidima extended an arm, activating her quirk and focusing as hard as possible. However, Mr. Aizawa's scarf was faster and wrapped around Katsuki in a flash.
"What? Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?" Katsuki growled.
"Because it's a capture weapon made of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy. Stand down." Mr. Aizawa glared at the boy. "Jodo said that earlier. That's where I remember the name Eraserhead from!" Keidima thought. "It'd be wise to avoid making me use my quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye," the teacher said. Finally, he released his scarf, but Katsuki slowly sank to the ground, unconscious.
Mr. Aizawa gasped in shock before quickly looking over at Keidima in realization. Her arm was still extended, stretched stiff, and her eyes hadn't blinked or moved from Katsuki.
"Miss Eivi, please, the situation is handled. You're gonna put him in a coma."
Keidima felt a hand on her shoulder and snapped out of her haze. Turning, she saw Mina's nod and slowly lowered her arm, rubbing her eyes and groaning.
"So that's her quirk. I was wondering..." someone off to her right said softly. Mr. Aizawa walked forward and carried the explosive boy back to the group.
"Ribbet, is he dead-?" someone else murmured.
"H-he'll be fine. He's just taking a power nap-!" Keidima stammered, reassuring her classmates. "We all need to take a little rest sometimes." She giggled softly behind her hand, and some of the other students chuckled along with her.
Katsuki let out a little groan as someone nudged him awake. "What-?"
Mr. Aizawa mumbled something to him, and he nodded, rubbing his head. A twinge of fear went through Keidima as she realized he wouldn't be pleased with her for humiliating him in front of his classmates. Then, the teacher stood up and walked to his observation area again.
"You're wasting my time now. Whoever's next can step up."
Izuku ran back into the crowd, and for some reason, Katsuki seemed focused on him and not Keidima. "I wonder why he doesn't seem angry at me? He doesn't seem like the put-together type."
"That's a pretty powerful quirk," Tenya said, looking impressed.
Keidima looked at him but yawned. "No, not yet, it isn't. Lotta drawbacks."
Mr. Aizawa looked at his tablet. "All right, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll pull up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual's score."
Mina squeezed Keidima's hand gently as they looked at the screen, simultaneously comforting her nerves and keeping her awake. Using her quirk on Katsuki had drained her a lot, and it was all she could do to stay awake for the final three tests. If it weren't for Mina slapping her calves during the sit-up test, she would have passed out. "Isn't my fault it's a good sleeping position."
"Keidima! Look, you got 11th!" Mina shook her, and Keidima jumped up and down in delight.
"Woo! Average!" She hugged her friend tightly and looked back up at the board. "You got ninth!"
"You definitely would have beaten me if you hadn't used your quirk earlier."
"I couldn't help it. My body acted before my brain did."
"And I bet your body was pretty upset with itself after that long-distance run!"
Keidima groaned. "Oh, goodness, don't even talk to me about that." She had thrown up.
Mina pointed back up at the board. "Look, Izuku's last."
Sure enough, in 20th place was Izuku Midoriya. "Oh no, poor kid... He was so determined to do well." Keidima looked at the boy, who seemed to be looking at the ground, close to tears. She wanted to scoop him up in a hug but decided against it.
"And I was lying, no one's going home. That was a rational deception to ensure you gave it your all in the tests."
The whole class gasped, and if Keidima weren't also shocked into disbelief, she would have laughed at their silly expressions.
"That's it. We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning." Mr. Aizawa walked to Izuku and handed him a slip, saying something to him in a low tone.
Keidima jogged forward and tapped Mr. Aizawa on the shoulder as he walked off. "Sir?"
"Hm? What is it?"
"I'm sorry for using my quirk earlier. It wasn't polite of me to do. I should have trusted you."
"Don't worry about it. I told Mr. Bakugo that he had pinched a nerve struggling against my capturing weapon and passed out. He doesn't expect that you did anything."
"Oh, thank goodness. I was worried I would get my head blown off," Keidima chuckled nervously.
"No, you'll be fine. Just be sure not to use it if you can afford to. It has a pretty big drawback."
"Yeah, I know. Thank you, sir." Keidima looked at the ground, rubbing her arm.
"Oh, and I saw you had asked for a capturing weapon on your hero form. I could teach you how to use it."
Keidima gasped softly as she looked up. "Yes, that'd be amazing!"
Mr. Aizawa grunted, nodded, and walked off.
The young girl turned, seeing Izuku coming toward her. "H-hey, Keidima, right?"
"Mhm! That's me!" she giggled, making Izuku blush. "Oh, he's gonna be so much fun."
The boy rubbed the back of his neck. "I-I just wanted to thank you for, y'know, saving me earlier!"
"Huh? Oh, I didn't save you. Mr. Aizawa did. I just helped." Keidima smiled softly. "But I'm glad I could help."
Izuku blushed deeper at her smile and nodded.
"By the way, I'm relieved you're not being expelled! I was rooting for you the whole time! I'm a sucker for underdogs," she giggled again, making it a personal competition to see how deep the boy's blush could go.
"T-Thank you! Anyways, I gotta go to the nurse now. Bye!" he said quickly, avoiding her eyes as he walked past.
"Izuku!" she called after him, and he turned momentarily. "You're not getting enough sleep!" He chuckled and turned again, walking off.
Keidima went with the rest of the class back to the classroom to change and collect their syllabus. She sighed as she changed out of her gym uniform, hoping that her hero costume, at least, would be the correct size.
She grabbed a syllabus and stuck it in her bag, then began walking out the door if it weren't for a tap on the shoulder. Tenya pulled her aside and bowed stiffly. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior this morning. You have more than proved your worth and did not deserve to be treated so harshly."
"I- thank you, Tenya." Keidima smiled at the kind gesture and gently lifted him out of his bow. "It means a lot."
"Of course. Hopefully, we can be on a good footing from here on out."
"I hope so, too! I'll see you, Tenya!"
Walking out the main doors and down the steps, Keidima grinned as she approached a familiar duo. Mina and Eijiro turned and waved at her as she approached. "We live in about the same part of town. Why don't we walk home together?"
"I don't see why not!"
"Wait!" She turned and saw Denki running up to them. "Don't forget me!"
"We couldn't forget you, bro! C'mon, let's get home."
The four walked home, proud that they had finished their first day with relatively no problems, although Mina had to keep Keidima awake the whole way home. Still, Keidima was glad to have reconnected with old friends and even made some new ones.
And there you have it! Chapter 2, done! Lemme know what you think!
Also wowie I wrote so much more for these 1.5 episodes than the first four. Maybe that's because most of the first episodes were focusing on Izuku. No clue. Anyways, there's no way in hell I'll be able to keep this pace up, especially with me going back to school soon, so expect much spottier uploads.
Lemme read Chapter 1! Lemme read Chapter 3! Lemme start at the beginning!
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Ruisu Entrance Exams
mha oc writing anhdjd
Kagehoshi held her breath as she gawked up at the building. It always seemed to loom over her, a reminder that she had to put her all into getting there. Her sister didn't seem to put any mind to where they were as she talked on the phone. She was yapping with a friend about one thing or another.
The teenagers made their way to the entrance, a hundred different ways this could go wrong playing in her head. She wasn't always this nervous but her father's worry rubbed off on her when they were in the car. A sigh fell from her lips as her sister laughed with who was on the phone.
The hallways seemed endless as shoes squeaked and clacked along the tile. The ceilings were tall, shrinking even the tallest of the potential students in comparison. Idle chatting did nothing to ease the nerves of everyone there, a shared anxiety plaguing the building.
The sisters sat down observing everyone. Megumi was pointing out different people to Kagehoshi, betting on if they would end up going to the school with them. It was her way of calming the nervous wreck beside her.
"Did you see the legs on that one when we were finding our seats?" Her finger pointed to a student a row down. His posture made Megumi assume he was a straight edged kid. Oh how right she would be. "He's definitely getting into the hero course."
"The ones with the engine legs?" Kagehoshi looked down at him. "He walks like he would uphold the law good."
"That's... a way to put it I guess."
Kage eased into her seat as she looked around for more targets. She'd even pointed out a girl with bright orange hair claiming the most she'd get is general studies. It seemed a little mean, but the girl looked more terrified to be there than she was.
They quieted their little game as Present Mic had started speaking. The thought of fighting robots spiked her anxiety. She could pass the written part of the exam with flying colors, but a brawl was another story. Would her quirk be enough to land her a spot in at least one of the classes? She hoped so, begging the sun to work in her favor and provide enough shade for her to work. Her sister didn't seem phased at all, hell she didn't even look like she was paying attention.
"Aww, we're not fighting together," Megumi pouted. Kagehoshi looked at her sister's sheet and shared a frown. If they were allowed to help each other it wouldn't be that big of a problem. Still, they parted ways with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Megumi waltzed away to fight first. She looked over the fresh meat, excited to let her quirk shine. She wondered what fears she could pluck from the other contestants. She at least hoped one of them would have arachnophobia, one she had gotten accustomed to using to her advantage.
As soon as the doors swung open she was off, covering as much ground as she could. Her eyes met with a few people, fears not being available for her skillset. A loud huff escaped her before she was pulled away by a rope of sorts. Her body collided with that of someone else, both gasping for air.
Megumi was met with orange hair and golden eyes, the girl muttering an apology as the vines released her. She looked back to where she once stood, a robot arm in its place. The girl took off before anything else could be said between the two.
Once she had found the right person to meet her eye her body cracked and molded to the fear. Other students gasped and gawked at her, fear running through a few of them. A gashadokuro, its size alone, would be enough to take the lead in points.
One by one she racked up points, the robots falling and crumbling under her grip. A few had thought she was an enemy despite only four designs being placed on the sheets they were given. Still, she fought her way to gain a spot in the school's hero course. She ended with a solid 65 total points and an empty stomach. She hated when she had to quit using her quirk, losing everything she ate the last 12 hours was never fun.
Kagehoshi did a fair job once it was her time to go in. She stuck to the dark areas, her fingers dipping into the shadows and pulling what she could away. She watched as flashier quirks pulled apart the robots, worried her's wasn't all that great in comparison. No, she wouldn't let her own head get the best of her.
The shadows were used as anchors, pulling Kagehoshi to the tops of the buildings. The height was an advantage, attacking from above. The shadows she managed to collect spread into nets, tangling and pulling down the enemies and letting gravity take hold.
Points slowly added up as she made her way further and further through the empty buildings. At one point she had accidentally grabbed another person from the shadows. She apologized profusely, the person understanding with an awkward laugh. She gathered what she needed before running off, letting him have the area to gather points as well.
By the end she was about to collapse, the running making her legs ache. She expected something intense like this, but still she felt the toll on her body. Her head spun as she sat down in the sunlight, the ache in her cramped hands almost unbearable. How many points had she gathered? She'd have to find out later, keeping track didn't even occur to her as she fought. She later finds she beat her sister by one point, landing a nice 66.
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asirensrage · 4 months
Find The Words!
I got tagged by @residentdormouse in this. Thanks! This is going to be fun! I tried to keep it to things I haven't posted or shared yet.
The rules are simple - find a sentence, or excerpt, that includes the words you're given and paste it in, and include a link to the finished story of you want. But honestly, guidelines at best - do what you want.
My words to find: White, Cold, Snow, Frost, Ice, Gloves, Hat, Cocoa (or Tea), Blanket, Snuggle/cuddle (or any variation of this)
No pressure tags: @chickensarentcheap @ninjasawakenedmystar @mabonetsamhain @arrthurpendragon @faithfire-writes @starcrossedjedis and anyone else interested.
Your words: Deception, Ship, Register, Bike, Chair, Leather, Record, Dog, Cream, Gun.
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White - (from my Demon Slayer wip The Sacrifice....)
“Apologies,” a woman says. “You did not hear me.” The woman is tiny, dressed with a white coat and a large butterfly clip in her hair. It’s easy to assume she’s the doctor but she looks as though she could blow away in the wind.
Cold - (from my Tokyo Revengers wip Saudade)
Takara ties the laces together and tries not to wince as her feet quickly get cold. She hangs the roller blades around the back of her neck, letting them rest just under her arms. It’s not going to be comfortable, but since Mikey had basically demanded she comply, he could deal with them digging into his back for all she cared. 
Snow - (from my original wip for a Divergent isekai oc Quest)
Since Groucho won’t talk to me, I whistle as we walk. If it happens to be the whistle song from Snow White…well that’s on Groucho here.  A muscle in his jaw is twitching by the time we reach the kitchen.  “Hey Ram! How much did these people eat today?” I call out. The not Steve Rogers looks over at me. He still looks like he’s going to cut me. 
Frost - from the wip part 3 of Unexpected Company - my oc Emma and Eddie Munson)
 “You’re not half bad.” “No?” “I didn’t attempt to pierce my eardrums with a fork, so no.”  “Well that would be a shame,” he says. “Might not be invited back with that kind of trauma in the audience.”  “You could say it was visual effects.” “Even when you’re in the hospital?”  “All part of the act.”  He laughs at that. “Quite an act, Frost. Maybe you should head to Hollywood.” “Can’t,” she says. “Banned. Too many deals with the devil there.” 
Ice - (I just wrote this earlier today for my Tokyo Revengers oc Takara)
She eventually skids to a stop, feeling more like herself. Her mother had forced her into ice skating in return for playing hockey. She never thought it would work like this. The repeated motions work better than any therapy. 
Gloves - (from my My Hero Academia wip Dig My Grave (take my hand))
Sayuri sits on the ground, letting the cold seep in through the floor. Eri is fast asleep on the bed, drained from the experiments done on her. Every time she closes her eyes, she hears Eri’s screams. She sees the way the girl was bound in that chair, Kai leaning over her and taking his gloves off as his man drew blood. Fury rolls through her. She’s getting the kid out. No matter what.
Hat - ...apparently the only mention I've ever written of a hat was Hoppers in Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down and I already posted those scenes...
Cocoa (or Tea) - (I also don't write cocoa...but I do write about tea. At least in my MHA fic...)
Sayuri stares at the small animal that makes up UA’s principal. “Yes, please.” She watches carefully as he pours out tea for both of them before he takes his cup and sits back. Sayuri picks her cup up with her left hand and carefully sips it. It’s light.  “How are you finding your accommodations?” 
Blanket - (from a Sons of Anarchy fic I started and haven't gone back to yet lol)
The phone was ringing. Again.  Her hand shot out from under the covers, smacking down on the nightstand before rummaging around, trying to find it. She yanked it free of the charger as she pulled it under the blanket and answered.  “Hello?” she asked, wondering who the hell was calling her.  “Dad’s dead.” That woke her up.  “What?” “Dad’s dead. Police just called. Apparently, he still had me listed as an emergency contact.”  “God damn it.” She shoved the blanket down and sat up. “Okay. I’m up. Sort of.” She pushed her hair back before running a hand down her face. “Now what?”
Snuggle/Cuddle - (I could only find this in a SPN fic I wrote AGES ago and only posted on ffn, so here...)
"Alright! Magic Fingers!" Dean exclaimed and I turned to raise an eyebrow at him before moving to the bed furthest from the door. "Right, have fun snuggling on that bed." I tossed my bag on the bed and turned to see Sam and Dean sharing awkward looks before playing rock paper scissors. "Son of a bitch!" Dean muttered with a longing glance at the bed. Sam won.
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So I had this great MHA fic idea for either an op y/n / oc / midoriya / whoever you wanna stick the quirk with but I hate writing so whoever likes to write can use this.
So the quirk is basically Aoi Todo’s power rom Jujutsu Kaisen which has so much potential in that show as well but I love my hero fixit fix’s lately.
Anyways for those who don’t know when Aoi Todo claps he can switch places with any person or he can switch the places of any 2 people.
I think a mha character with this quirk could get up to a lot of shenanigans and is of course super op and because of this, the scenario I’m thinking would never happen but idc I do what I want.
Allow me to lay the scene for you, y/n is UA Student on a mission, and they get into sticky situation, aka a fight with Dabi and they are about to die b/c ya know them flames be very toasty. Well they were gonna just switch with Dabi again but then they get this wave of anger about all for one (for whatever reason you may choose) and so they switch with him instead of Dabi ( I know there should be a distance from which they can switch with some one but idc) well Dabi doesn’t notice the change because he’s just trying to burn y/n up so he just hammers out his fiery hot anger on, unbeknownst to him, all for one(AFO (I’m getting sick typing that out)) this somehow kills him (no I will not explain how this happens the writers can deal with it).
Y/n meanwhile is in AFO’s lair wondering where the hell they are be, figures it out and just starts letting loose on the place destroying everything they can. Eventually they awaken some of the nomu and are like shit, that is one fish that I can’t fry so they swap back to where they were before with, let’s say it to together now, an inanimate object bc idc about rules. They end up seeing the end of Dabi burning up AFO, like 🫢 I think I did my job a little to well. Dabi eventually leaves ones he confirms that ‘y/n’ is dead. Y/n now trying to figure wtf to do with body of the worst villain calls up tsukauchi for a favor. Y/n knows that Dabi going to tell the remaining league that he’s them so they make AFOs body a decoy leaving behind some remnants of dna for anyone who decides to check out Dabis story ( also don’t ask about how they left dna idk and idc this is my story I do what I want even it defies all laws of the universe). Y/n’s favor from Tsukauchi comes though and he retrieves the body knowing that y/ns still actually alive and puts out a statement saying that they found the body of y/ns hero name. Y/n of course attempting to cover all their bases calls nedzu and like yeah you’re gonna see on the news soon that I’m dead but Im obviously not I just need certain people to think i am. (nedzu being nedzu agrees and gives them an address for a hideout for them to stay until thinks blow over). With both phone calls (on burner phone, they let tsukauchi and nedzu know about the nomu, that the body is AFOs, and them being the only ones aware of there status of being alive so far. They of course freak out about this but being the pros that they are they ‘keep there calm’)They also try to call Aizawa but it goes straight to voicemail (cause he’s mourning over y/ns lose like the rest of UA) they leave a voicemail thinking that Nedzu would let him know (he doesn’t (for whatever reason you may fill in here) but basically so we are clear y/n is under the assumption that all of there class and Aizawa + other important people know they aren’t actually dead, spoiler they don’t. ). Anyways y/n stays at the hideout for a while which is honestly pretty nice and has snacks and stuff so no complaints. During this time there funeral has been held (unbeknownst to them since they hate watching and has been staying off of socials incase anyone tracks there activities).
At the same time the league have found out that AFO is missing the nomu are running rampant/captured or killed by hero’s and finds the lair/lab destroyed. Luckily y/n manages to wait out about 2 weeks after death before the return to the school which by the way the think that the necessary people have been told of there alive status which they haven’t for whatever reason you may fill in now. Anyways they get into the school w/out any issues because it’s the weekend so no one’s really around and nedzu, but once they walk into the commons where all of class 1-a is In the main room watching the news, playing games, etc everyone freaks out for obvious reasons. Some come to the conclusion that it’s toga, others thinks it’s one of twices clones and some think there just hallucinating y/n again. Those who think it’s a villain attack which y/n can evade since they know how they fight and the class is hesitant on instinct. Eventually y/n pins someone to the ground and is like “back the f up unless you want me to break this one’s arm” (or smthing) Aizawa and nedzu take this opportunity to walk in on this mess (for reasons of your choosing). Aizawa comes to similar conclusions as the rest of the class and erases y/ns quirk to see if it’s toga which ofc it’s not but before Aizawa can do anything else Nedzu takes control of the situation, gets y/n to let go of there ‘hostage’, and doesn’t let anyone attack them as they go to the room (angry bc there friends attack them and they don’t know way) Nedzu wanted y/n to stay and hear his explanation as well but y/n still walked off to which Nedzu let happen bc he understood why they were angry. Nedzu ofc then explains to everyone most everyone that actually happened in the past 2 weeks except for the decoy body being AFO. The class is distraught that they just attacked there own friend and want to go comfort them but feel like the don’t get to do that anymore. Aizawa understands this and doesn’t push them but does go himself (so this is a large part of where I’m bad at writing but I am thinking Ike fluff and comfort and happy the you’re alive and back is the vibe here also I’m thinking that the fact the y/n was thought to be dead by there class mates and aizawa just doesnt come up probay bc aizawa seens it as a sensitive topic and y/n is angry about being attacked and doesn’t want to talk about it)
anyways after talking with aizawa for a while about there latest mission y/n decides to get there anger out by going to the support students class rooms to hang out with hatsume (yes they are friends) and make any adjustments to there suit that they need too. They have a sweet heartfelt reunion and y/n is surprised that she didn’t know that they were alive but didn’t say anything. While there Mei learns that y/n was attacked by there class. She however doesn’t really understand why y/n is mad because Mei knows that y/ns class thought they were dead but doesn’t know that y/n doesn’t know. She urges y/n to forgive her class while intentionally steering around the being dead since Mei also sees it as sensitive topic. Y/n eventually says something like “ I don’t get it though I came back from my mission just like any other mission It wasn’t like i died or something but no they just all attacked me like some sick prank” (so I don’t know if this next scene is in character for Mei so pls call me out on it). this of course makes Mei realizes what’s happen and says something like “you don’t know…. Oh my god…” and then starts to cry. Y/n attempts to comfort her but isn’t very good at it. They also ask what’s he’s talking about but doesn’t get a response so she eventually calls over one of Mei’s classmates who can comfort her and power loader who y/n explains what’s happening too. Power loader also realizing what Mei did calls Aizawa gives him a short but alarming explanation about the situation and tells y/n that it’ll all be explained in a minute and they should go back and help comfort Mei. Shortly after Aizawa is there and sits y/n down and tells them that everyone but Nedzu thought they were dead. For a moment y/n stars at him blank face for a moment then a single tear rolls down there cheek and they wipe it away but then another comes down and they wipe that away too but they keep coming, aizawa gives them a soft look and wraps them in a hug, rubbing there back as y/n sobs uncontrollably. (That’s the best you’re getting out of me) aizawa being all knowing understands just what y/n needs rn and picks them and brings them back to the dorms. Everything (but AFO) is explained everyone’s happy untiiiiilllll Kaminari, Mina, or someone ask, “so who’s body did we use in the funeral and cremate then?” And y/n starts to say who it was but then Tsukauchi and is sleep deprived self over not being able to tell anyone that y/n is alive slams open the door and screams “YOU USED THE BODY OF AFO A YOUR DECOY BODY?!?!?!” Everyone’s shocked no one says anything until y/n chirps up and is like “yeah I thought I told you??”(they did not) tsukauchi then starts trying to say something but nothing comes out for a few minutes (like that one scene from the Big Bang theory with Leonard Sheldon and Amy when Leonard finds out Sheldon returned the super Mario brothers the movie, the scene is linked down below but also keep in mind the that Tsukauchi doesn’t have the same level of animosity to anyone in the room nor does he rip of his shirt and put ice packs on his chest, only the flabergasted is what I’m thinking) everyone else then freaks out and aizawa is just like ‘what’ and has no words. Nedzu who is watching from his many cameras is cackling in his office, I’m not sure why but feel like tsukauchi is crying at this point and someone idc who but some definitely says “ooh plot twist” probably Aoyama.
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blazewatergem · 2 years
👻 & 🌙 for the fall ask game pls :3
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Sure can! So, I’m heavily falling back into BNHA/MHA and thus a new idea spawned from the ashes of an old one. Dancing in the Dark will be an analyst Izuku/Vigilante Izuku fanfic, with a few OC’s I’m excited to introduce! (Like always 😆) It’s mostly crackish, as I’m mostly writing for vibes and have no idea if I plan to stick to a mildly canon timeline or just. Off the rails we go haha.
Something I want to write in the future, hmm…I think I want to do something in the “Rising of the Shield Hero” fandom? But I haven’t a grasp yet on how that fandom feels about OCs…or shipping canon characters with OCs…so very vague ideas there at the moment.
There’s also an original idea I want to do - a few of them. One is I want to write a bunch of “Where Were You” fics for The Lost City cast. I want to write where exactly they were when the apocalypse came to a head, like where Dr. Ender was or what Erik was doing. There’s also a Surefire Camp snippet for Halloween I want to finish up, it’s almost done but needs fine tuning. And I really want to do some worldbuilding for the other universes I’ve made - ahhh! I’m swamped!! 😂 😅 What a pleasant problem to have lmao
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👀 I mean, if you’re asking…
Because I plan on going all in, I’m gonna put a “Read More” in case no one wants spoilers for these certain OCs such as: Dr. Ender(The Lost City), Victoria(The Lost City), Cleona(Surefire Camp), Althea(Cloaks in the Wind), and finally — Midoriya Jinx(Heiress)
Still here? Awesome! Let’s get started.
Dr. Ender: Ender actually never got their doctorate, like, they’re not currently supposed to be a doctor. What happened was, while working alongside their father on the front lines of the Mutant Virus, they ended up witnessing more than they should. After seeing their father experiment on countless infected, and the death of one they bonded with closely, they decided to leave. After setting the base on fire and running for it. Surprisingly, they’re more determined to keep the whole “Not Completing Classes” quiet than the other half!
Victoria: Victoria is one of the few humans who never gained a Mutation, so she decided to force one. She’s been experimenting on herself using the poisons she creates, and it’s actually showing. Her hair has gone white and brittle, she’s pale as a ghost, and constantly wears gloves now to cover marks. This is more of an open secret, as the others are trying to help her, but they don’t realize just how far she’s gone to try - after being seduced by a enemy soldier, she sold out Ricky to Gillihead, got him kidnapped, and is still keeping quiet about this. Nobody knows she had a hand in the event that, in the story, ends Arc One and really starts the action.
Cleona: Before Cleona came into the care of Phil and The Marksman at Surefire Camp, she was found in a barn - outside, three corpses. Two of the bodies were killed in a gunfight, but the last one was found holding a gun and appearing to be mauled to death. It’s assumed the two shot were her parents, but it’s unclear who the third was. Cleona has never told the others this, but she hates living deep in the woods because of this. She can hear gunshots of hunters, and it still scares her.
Althea: Before the events of Cloaks in the Wind, Althea was actually a really brutal person! Her magic was dangerous, and she was almost addicted to the feeling of it. It’s why she was worried about teaching Izuku hostile magic, and why she was so relieved he didn’t want that. She knows first hand how it can change someone, and now she is doing her best to stick to a vow of pacifism moving forward.
Midoriya Jinx: Technically not as bad, but Jinx has two big secrets she’s keeping from Izuku. One: The reason she won’t come home. He has a feeling it involves their mother, but has no idea how badly. On Jinx’s 16th birthday her Quirk(All for One) came in and made Inko push her away. Inko was very against Jinx’s previous “choices”(Critical of heroes, standing out, being as bold and loud as she could) but the final straw was having her father’s Quirk. It ended in a blowout fight that led to Jinx leaving and never properly coming back. Jinx knows Inko loves Izuku, and doesn’t want to damage their relationship. The second secret is her job: she fights in underground Quirk rings, and even takes the Quirks of her opponents. For obvious reasons, this is highly illegal.
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Working on a cover for RED FEATHERS👀
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mortalia2064 · 2 months
So, I've cooked up an OC, inspired by a MHA fic where Shoto comforts an alley cat, Shigaraki finds him, they talk for a bit, and then shigaraki offers to lend a video game to Shoto (hint: ... it's cheat code, the fanfic was cheat code.)
[This character was not made to fit into the world of My Hero Academia, only inspired by something I read. My intentions, if I were to ever do anything with this idea, would be to fit him into my own original world. Any powers described below are NOT quirks. ...you know, unless you retrofit this character into MHA.]
Shaun Doma, the Parade Leader of the Forsaken
A bit on the shorter side, thin build, with brown shaggy hair that falls to the bottom of his head. Has a few nicks, a few scars, a few scratches. From what? Who knows.
A short kid (not a literal child, either an old teenager or a young adult) with an acoustic guitar and a good singing voice. A good singing voice, just, unfortunately, not perfectly fitted for the songs he wants to sing. It's a good thing for him, then, that he has the power that he does; he can make sounds he's heard from memory, well... *sound* once more. Much more intuitive than an audio file, he can listen to a full song, pick out all the instruments while listening, then sound only the parts of the song that aren't covered by his voice and instrument, so that he can play covers of songs without an instrumental track of the song, or even audio equipment. With practice, he's been able to make his guitar sound electric, and even modify his voice as he sings to sound more like the singer he's covering. The bums, criminals, street rats, and kicked-out youths love listening to him play, and his songs are sure to beckon all sorts of uncommon characters to gather around the oil drum trash fire.
His favorite band is Bear Ghost, and his favorite song from them is Gypsy. All his spectators tend to find aspects of themselves or their stories in the lyrics to that song.
...although, sometimes, when singing the parts of bear ghost songs that really emphasize how the narrator is flawed, the dementedness of the lyrics leaks into his smile...
Anyways, Shaun has built up quite a rapport with the community, what with the various requests and odd jobs he's done for them. He always seems to be ready to help, with a big smile and a patient ear. And yet, for all of the socializing that he does within these circles, not one person has a very clear picture on how he lives most of his life. To most, he only offers scant details here and there. Whatever the case is, odds are he doesn't have the usual "financially comfortable and emotionally stable 2-parent household" support system to fall back onto; folks with those sorts of lives tend not to find themselves interacting with the destitute sorts.
If you want a description of his personality, then... hm... how about tarot cards? Shaun likes to give the appearance of belonging to the fool arcana, but he's likely much closer to the hanged man.
[This character has the capacity to be repurposed as a minor villain [again, not "villain" in the MHA sense of the term, just in a metanarrative sense], one who lures in the forsaken with his siren song. (The pull comes more from a sense of comfort, not from any literal siren powers.) Once lured, who knows what fate they'll end up in? People don't really know. I want to say that the community never picks up on this and always trusts him, but depending on the frequency with which he does it, some old soul might eventually catch on.]
Doma is sanskrit. Thanks, Wikipedia :)
(On that note, I'm afraid of adding character design elements to Shaun to make him Romani/gypsy-coded, for fear of using racial stereotypes I do not understand)
...let's see if I can tag this post right...
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chikoyama · 4 months
12 & 14 for munday meme
Munday Meme | Accepting
12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
Not from this fandom, but maybe my MHA OC (@silverthief). Blog had very little interaction though.
14. Who is an author that inspires you?
Actually, I think I've answered a similar question before! (x)
Shortly, there's a particular fanfic author whose stories just make my brain explode. They have a specific way to incorporate hard natural science concepts and add symbolic meaning to them... and it just makes complete sense somehow? But even if they're not, their stories just makes you feel older... wiser, or they twist popular tropes and add a fresh new take on it. Unfortunately, they have asked their readers to not recommend them — they want to be discovered organically so to speak.
For more action-driven plots, an author that has inspired me is Robert Muchamore. He has written the Cherub series which I read when I was younger. They were way too inappropriate to be placed in the children's section at the library though, LMAO. Books covered various topics including death, child neglect, animal abuse, religious cults, terrorism, drugs, gangs etc. — wild but interesting shit.
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lightdraws21 · 5 months
It has been a while since I last stepped here on Tumblr but I wanted to show off a cool MHA OC story I have made so here is the cover for it and I’m working on the first chapter as we speak, along with the animation project on said AU story so enjoy this!
This is purely just for me having fun, and I just really want to show off this BNHA OC content!
The blue hair is my main OC, Kiyoko Matsaki! but I know a villain protagonist as well ^^
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I was listening to Avant for this because why not and the current season of JJK has my heart shattered with deaths so here! 🥲
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