#me: *unwilling but respectful salute*
clonerightsagenda · 2 months
Well I guess I have to stop joking that Barrayarans don't know about female sexuality now that that was a plot point
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awkward-tension-art · 3 months
Little Parasite Chp. 3
Your father, Leon's boss and the president of the united states, had called the agent to the White House for a meeting.
Extra warnings: pregnancy mentions, Reader isn't in this chapter but she's mentioned, I try my best at subtle threats, Leon being Leon, brief VERY BRIEF mention of Leon killing himself if he harmed you, petty shots at Leon’s past by the president
Leon’s steps through the hallway were steady and focused. He kept his eyes ahead, trying not to pay attention to the White House staff around him.
He had been called to the Oval Office personally. The president, your father, wanted to speak with him.
He heard the whispers. He’d be deaf not to.
Sleeping with the president's daughter.
Knocked her up.
How long have they been together?
So agent Kennedy is going to be the dad to the big man's grandkid?
Leon nodded to the secret service guarding the door. He waited for one of them to knock and announce his arrival.
“Wait a few minutes.” was his command.
It was a power play. Most likely your fathers way of saying ‘my time is more important.’ The agent knew that the president wasn't doing anything behind those double doors. Probably on his phone. Or reading a useless email.
It was his way of establishing power. Let Leon know that despite his connection to you, he was always on top.
So the agent had to wait. Bide his time. Presidencies only last 4 years. And hopefully, your relationship will last much longer.
Leon wouldn't entertain the possibility of a reelection. He was, in fact, working on being more optimistic.
After a few minutes of staring straight ahead, he was allowed inside the Oval Office.
The sun was hidden by thick curtains. The patterned cream walls were decorated with historic paintings. Several marble busts of leaders past stared straight, lifeless eyes piercing the air. At the very end of the office was the massive wooden desk.
And sitting behind it was your father. The president of the USA. His cold, stern eyes were on him.
His fucking boss.
“Mr.President, sir.” Leon saluted. He had to be an agent. This was the man he worked for. Not his future father-in-law.
“Agent Kennedy.” The president stood, “It’s been a while. After your report, you’ve been on medical leave haven't you?”
Another power play. He’s pretending not to know. Lure Leon into a false sense of security, and make the agent think he wasn’t in the leader's crosshairs. That maybe he had some fucking privacy in this job.
“Yes sir.” He nodded, keeping his answers short. The agent had to give only the required information. Nothing more. Nothing less.
“And how is that?” Your father leaned against the front of the desk, looking to his left. His eyes were down, roaming over some papers, “Going back to the field soon?”
This was another way for him to let Leon know that he didn't care about the man he called to the office.
“Recovery is fine.” Leon answered calmly, “The BSAA medical personnel have informed me I can return to field missions in about 2 weeks.”
He probably knew this already.
“Hm, good.” His future father-in-law nodded, “And my daughter?”
There it is.
“I’m sorry sir, what do you mean?” Leon asked, hoping to grab even a little bit of control. He could perhaps get his boss to say his intentions with this meeting.
“Well, you got her pregnant.” His boss responded rather coldly, “She hasn’t called me to talk about it. She’s spoken to her mother though.”
The agent’s guard was raised. Got you pregnant. The president made it seem like you were an unwilling participant. That Leon forced the baby on you.
He’d rather kill himself than do such a thing.
Leon swallowed, he took a shot, one that could frankly get him in trouble, “My fiancé is fine. So is the baby we both wanted.” His tone was less than respectful. At this point, he didn’t care that this was the president. The man signing his paychecks could be a fucking god, and he wouldn’t care.
It was a subtle ‘fuck you’. It told your father that yes, his favorite attack dog was having sex with his sweet, innocent daughter.
Oh if only he knew how ‘innocent’ you really were.
The president narrowed his stern eyes ever so lightly. He was irritated, but didn’t want Leon to know, “Good. That's good. This will be my first grandchild, you know.” His hand roamed over the file, “It's exciting, though, it's rather unfortunate that the child will have only one set of grandparents.”
Oh fuck you!
Leon swallowed. What was this? Shoving his dead parents in his face? Was this a joke?
Am I being punked? He thought, The president of the United states resorting to middle school insults?
Leon’s life was a fucking joke.
“I’m sure you and your wife will be wonderful grandparents.” The agent had to keep his tone calm and collected. He couldn’t break under his boss’ critical gaze.
The country’s leader nodded slowly, closing the file, “Agent Kennedy, I’m going to be frank and honest with you.”
What? Leon’s eyes widened, honesty? Here? In the White House?
Oh the world must be ending now.
“Sir?” The agent knew he sounded confused. Probably like an idiot. But he wasn’t expecting any form of honesty from the country’s leader.
“You are going to change the second you hold your child,” His future father-in-law said, putting a hand on Leons shoulder, “If you have a son, you would die for him. But if you have a daughter…” He tightened his grip, squeezing the agent's shoulder, “You’ll kill for her.”
Harm my daughter and I will destroy you.
Leon swallowed and nodded, “I understand.”
“You never will. Not until you do.” The president let go and stepped back, returning to his desk, “Now, your health reports have come back all clear, however, my daughter will need to continue with weekly visits to the lab until the baby is born.”
“Yes sir.” The agent nodded again, “is there anything else?”
“No, you’re dismissed.” The president waved him away without even looking up. Still Leon knew he was forced to salute before leaving.
One final show of power. Making him leave without even so much as a ‘bye.’
Once in the hallway, he took a deep breath.
God…despite the man in the Oval Office being your father, your fiance fucking hated him. He despised politics. He despised the government. He wasn’t a patriot by any means, and he wasn’t going to raise his child to fucking worship the USA.
Leon took another breath and began to walk through the halls of the White House again.
He couldn’t get to the exit and into your arms fast enough.
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my-watch-begins · 1 year
A match for love. Part XX.
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Pairing: Harwin Strong x Female!OC.
Words: 5.2 k
A/N: sorry about the delay! I had a college thing due. Hope you like this next chapter! :)
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Ayla tightened her lips at the sight of the silent sisters prepping Lord Lyonel's body. The only thing that replayed in her mind was the last words she had said to him. A heavy tear fell from her eyes and other followed. She cursed at herself for letting her temper overcome her and say the things she had said to him, but before she could burst into sobs, she grasped at her stomach at a feeling she hadn't experienced for more than five years. A kick.
She stroked the spot where she felt it and then cleaned her tears.
"I'm fine" she whispered as if her babe could hear her then cleared her throat.
"My Lady" Ayla's head turned to Marya, one of the eldest personal attendants of the castle, she usually took care of staff and was a right hand to the Chamberlain "are you feeling unwell?" She asked, seeing that both of her hands rested on her stomach.
"I am good, Marya. I felt a kick"
"Oh, that is wonderful news, my Lady. Thank the Gods your babe is growing strong"
Ayla's eyes moved from Marya to Lord Lyonel's lifeless one on top of the prepping table, only after giving Marya a quick and thankful smile.
"My Lady, I'm sorry to bother you" Ayla looked at Marya again "but you are needed at the front gate"
Ayla gave one last look to the silent sisters, then with a sigh she and Marya exited the side room in the Sept. Ayla was seeing that all the arrangements for the service of Lord Lyonel were being met, and had sent for a messenger to give Jaena and her family the news. She was expecting the whole of House Strong to meet at Harrenhal after years of being apart and things had to be arranged.
She walked towards the gate with a lot on her mind. Guilt was the main one of them, pure guilt of having been so unwilling to consider Lord Lyonel's words in a different way. Now she had no choice but to live with the fact that one of the last things she had told his Good Father was that she didn't want to continue any kind of pleasantries with him.
Arriving at the gate, the Marshal stood next to the entrance of the long a dark hallway of the main gate, he grabbed a lit torch that hung from the holder of the hallway and motioned at Ayla to walk in front of him.
She didn't understand why she would need to go across the long and dark hallway to end at the main gate and outside of Harrenhal. As she walked the Marshal sighed.
"Pardon me if I'm speaking out of turn, but might I confide in you with a personal accounting, my Lady?"
"Of course" Ayla glanced next to her, the tall man resembled Harwin in build and style, only with a bushier beard and unseen hair under the helmet of his armor, the same one he was never seen without definitely inspired respect and a little fear in the castle.
"Lord Lyonel often spoke highly of your knowledge and brazenness during your last visit to Harrenhal" they halted their steps as the door cracked and slowly began to open "I sincerely hope you can resolve this issue" he finished with a sigh. Ayla's palms now began to sweat, wondering what could be on the other side of the door. When the doors were finally open and her eyes could adjust to the light, she focused on several carriages lined to the entrance.
When she saw the carriage door open, she almost laughed.
"Lord Simon" she saluted. Lord Simon Strong skipped down the three steps to the carriage and walked briskly to her.
"Lady Ayla" he saluted, then looked behind her to the dark hall "my most sincerest condolences for your loss"
"My loss?" She asked frowning. Behind her the marshal took a step to stand next to her and listen with interest.
"I am aware that there was a fire last night" Ayla's silence and twist of her eyebrows made the Lord continue with his words "I've also heard about the demise of Lord Lyonel, and since he's not with you, I assume your husband was also lost to the fire"
Ayla now fully glanced at the marshal, the confusion in his face was noticeable.
"And now it's my turn to assume that you've come to the service that's to be given in Lord Lyonel's honor, I'm afraid that you are a few days early, not even his daughter's Jaena and Grayce know these news, much less are on the way to the service"
"I am more than able to wait for such occasion, but I have traveled with a different purpose"
He searched into the pockets of his tunic and produced a long roll of parchment. He extended it to Ayla and looked quickly at the sigil of House Targaryen.
She undid the knot with the sigil and opened the long scroll. The parchment was adorned at the margins and was one that Ayla had rarely seen but did recognize. It was used for royal decrees.
She stopped reading after a few sentenced and folded the scroll back into itself.
"I am, by Royal decree, the Castellan of Harrenhal"
Ayla glanced at him and sighed in an annoyance she couldn't contain.
"You would be in the event of the death of the Lord of Harrenhal"
"The Lord of Harrenhal did"
"And the line of succession is very much taken care of"
"The role of Castellan does not abide to only the death of the Lord, but also his absence or inability to perform his duties"
"It's a tough road, becoming a Lord, but he will be a fine one under my tutelage. I am his mother and the warden of Harrenhal until he comes of age"
Lord Simon Strong laughed the only amused chuckle amongst them and the expecting guards.
"You cannot disregard the royal decree"
"I can abide to the Royal decree and proceed to dismiss you as the Castellan, as is the right of the rulling Lord. As previously stated you are not needed nor wanted in Harrenhal"
Lord Simon seemed to have had enough of the banter. He took a menacing step to Ayla, she was quickly protected by the marshal who positioned his body between Ayla and the Lord.
"You are taking Harrenhal hostage, you either let me in, or I will come back with a fleet of men appointed by the crown and take Harrenhal by force"
"You might as well because I will never yield my son's birthright to the people who tried to have me killed at my wedding"
"I did no such thing!" He defended too quickly, making Ayla chuckle out loud.
"Of course you did, you and Lord Mooton already tried to have me killed once, I best not find out you tried to harm me, my husband or my children or, I assure you, you will pay"
The marshal began to walk backwards, Ayla did not bother to speak her goodbyes to the Lord. The door closed behind her and the marshal walked quickly to catch up to her at the other side of the hall and into the yard.
"Is the back gate guarded?"
"It is, my Lady, I saw to that when we saw the carriages"
"Good, put all your efforts in that entrance. The front door is of no concern to be breached and the walls are definitely too high to climb"
"Mighty I ask what exactly is what you plan on doing? You've challenged the Lord to a hostile take over and you've confirmed it's just you and your children in the castle"
Ayla stared at the marshal shocked that he was questioning her.
"He knew before anyone else about the fire and the demise of Lord Lyonel, it's a three hour trip from the outskirts of the castle where he resides and the main gate. Harwin left less than an hour ago, the fire was put out six hours ago and it was demanded no raven to fly until the King knew of Lord Lyonel's demise. How does he know?"
The marshal dropped his shoulders at the question. He had heard the Lord and did thought it was suspicious, but the timing did not seem to add up. He couldn't have known instantaneously and six hours would not be enough time to load carriages and mobilize them along with the personnel the "Castellan" would need to perform his duties in the castle.
The marshal could account for suspicions of an attack on the life of Lord Lyonel, but there being a bigger plot he couldn't quite be convinced of just yet. But Ayla was very much convinced of that. Sadly, the only Strong man she trusted at the moment was her husband.
"We will barricade the back gate and the entrance to the Godswood. Then we will wait" she ordered.
"For what?"
"For my father"
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Harwin landed on both of his feet just outside the courtyard gate. He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and glanced at the two guards that had accompanied him.
"Take care of the horses, it should not be long until we make our way back"
He began to walk but was stoped by the quick steps of the guard catching up to him.
"My Lord, you should not walk in the castle unprotected, specially in your state"
"I can handle myself in the dark hallways of the castle. I will return shortly"
Harwin dismissed the worried words of the guards. If he had known at that point exactly how he looked like he would've understood their concerns. With the amount of milk of the poppy he had been given to have his wounds cleaned and the lack of sleep since his departure form King's Landing a day ago, he didn't look any better than a beggar of the street of silk.
Despite his crazed appearance and fuzzy mind, he made his way to the Tower of the Hand. Inside, his confusion only grew when Grayce, already with a red and puffy face from crying saw him stumble into the tower and ran towards him.
When their bodies collided he grunted in pain, but still held his sister close to him.
Harwin pulled back and held Grayce's face with his good hand.
"Grayce" he lamented, she cleaned her under eyes with her hand "father-"
"I know" she sobbed.
Harwin looked down at her and blinked a couple of times.
"You know..." Grayce nodded, her eyes filling with tears and letting them fall freely again "how?"
Grayce tried to pull her thoughts together to answer and she hummed before she spoke, taking a deep breath to speak evenly.
"Larys just told us"
"Larys? He asked again, Grayce nodded "when?"
"About an hour ago, he said he was going to a meeting to tell the King now"
Harwin swallowed a lump is his throat, then pulled Grayce to him again.
He tried to find what she would do next, since she would need to leave the Tower of the hand. After a short talk Grayce agreed with her husband to travel to Harrenhal to the service of Lord Lyonel. They would see to their future after that.
Harwin could not comprehend how Larys not already knew, but told Grayce and the King about the demise of their father. The burning suspicion he had needed to be watered down somehow. He found himself walking the hidden passages of the Keep until he reached the dormitories of Princess Rhaenyra.
The Princess entered the room a while later and after he made sure that they would be alone, he emerged from behind the heavy curtains. Rhaenyra was surprised to see him, specially in the injured state he was in, she was quick to walk to him and take his good hand in hers.
"Harwin, I am so very sorry about your father" she lamented, her mouth twisting at the nervousness.
"I've arrived barely an hour ago with the news only to find out that my brother already knows, not only that but he knows of my father's demise even after I strictly prohibited any raven to travel with the news"
The Princess dropped Harwin's hand and walked around the room, she sighed in annoyance after a few seconds and turned to him.
"When Lord Larys gave the news, he was very much eager to present my father with the fact that a new Lord Hand would have to be appointed. Even though my father also mentioned me, as soon as the Queen presented her father as a choice, the decision was made"
Harwin took the liberty to sit down, the pain was threatening to numb not only his side but his mind.
"Why are you here?" She asked, her eyes turning to worry over his state.
"I came bearing the news and to bring my sister to Harrenhal with me"
The Princess stared blankly at him, then her mind began to run full speed with unwanted conclusions.
"And your brother knew before anyone" Harwin swallowed and moved to adjust the straps of his binding. Only then the princess noticed his immobilized arm and leaned in to take a better look at him "he also said you couldn't be accounted for"
Harwin glanced at the Princess, wondering if she was indeed implying what she was.
"I do not know how Larys found out about the fire before I arrived. What I do know is that he is not capable of what you are implying. I know he is acquainted with the Queen, but still. Lary's would never"
Rhaenyra tightened her lips at the response, then gave a sigh folding her hands together in front of her.
"We will be leaving shortly, for Driftmark" their eyes met again when Rhaenyra's voice faltered "my cousin Laena also died last night, in childbirth. The whole of House Targaryen is going and the Queen's father will meet us there to take over the post of Hand. I'm certain your brother will accompany us and the castle will be void for you to walk around freely"
"I'm not planning on staying. I knew what I was facing when I came here but in this state I'm not willing to take much chances"
"It would do you well to suspend your beliefs in this matter. Many of us are capable of things beyond everyone's assumptions"
Harwin did not wish to breathe anymore into the accusations towards his brother, but when he saw the Royal family get on a ship from the window of one of the hidden passages, his feet carried him to Larys' room.
The room was neat, it had always been Larys' trait to have things a little too organized. At his desk, Harwin didn't find anything out of place other than parchment to write, quill and ink, wax, seals. He opened a few drawers to find more of the same, his eyes only squinting at the sight of a parchment with adorned margins.
With nothing else amiss and now with certainty that his brother had just been lucky enough to hear about his father before his arrival, he exited Larys' room.
As he walked, slouched on his bad shoulder and closer to the wall, he cut the corner and walked right in front of the very last person he wished to see.
With his chest hugged by his old plate of the Lord Commander, Gwayne Hightower looked right in his eyes until a glint of recognition hit him.
"I thought you were banished from King's Landing Strong, never to return to your whore of a Princess"
Harwin's blood boiled instantly, but Gwayne was quick to throw his head back and smash his forehead right to Harwin's nose. The hit made him stumble on his feet and fall to the ground with the added bad luck of landing the weight of his body on his already injured shoulder.
He grunted at the pain and his head swirled, the frustration of not being healed enough to fend for himself gave his grunt an added gravity. With his good hand he tried to leverage himself to stand up, the task being aided by two guards who grabbed him by each arm and pulled him to his feet, a grunt of pain catching to his throat.
Now face to face and held by two guards, Harwin and Gwayne stared at each other with both anger and superiority.
"Take him to the cells" he ordered "Pray to the Gods that someone knows that you are still here, otherwise I don't think you'll be alive by the time your Princess returns from Driftmark"
The guards proceeded to drag Harwin through the back hallways of the castle, empty of any onlookers. The pain he felt from his shoulder being gripped and dragged devoided him of any coherent thoughts other than the overwhelming pain.
He was thrown into a cell and left there, mending his wounds and taking heavy breaths until the flashes of them stopped running from his arm to the rest of his body. He hadn't even noticed the pain and the way his head still rattled because of the headbutt, but he could smell and taste the blood running down his nose.
He spent the whole day there, sitting and kicking himself for having put himself in that situation. Had he found a passageway near Larys' room he would've escaped easily. He knew the movements of the cells and as soon as the sun settled, more and more bodies began to fill them. He searched on the faces of the guards that came to lock up the prisoners. In none of them he found an old ally or someone he knew.
In the dead of night, as guards paraded more prisoners to the cells, he found himself fiddling with the beetle pin that he had gotten from the marshal of Harrenhal. The stone resembling the body of the beetle  caught glimpses of the lit torches every now and then, until he suddenly heard:
"The firefly" Harwin lifted his eyes to the cell directly in front of him across the narrow hall. A beaten up and scraggly looking man looked at the beetle in his hand as he gripped the bars of his cell "the firefly will give you freedom"
Harwin shuffled closer and leaned over the bars.
"Have you seen this before?" He asked, now fully showing him the beetle.
"The firefly gives his sigil, gives freedom in exchange for a favor"
"And who is the firefly it, have you seen him?" The prisoner nodded slowly.
"Some cripple"
Harwin's attention was suddenly pulled when he heard a voice he recognized. He good arm grippes the bars and he pulled himself to his feet.
"Adrian!" He yelled, then rattled the bars together making a loud noise inside the closed chambers of the cells "Adrian!" He screamed again.
When Adrian reached the cell and their eyes met, Adrian's eyes widened at the surprise of seeing his Good Brother bloody, dirty, injured and caged.
"Harwin?" He had to ask, astounded at his finding.
"Adrian" he extended his hand and Adrian quickly took it "you have to release me"
A guard approached and pushed Adrian out of the way, gripping his armor, pulling him to the exit. The man from the Vale didn't let himself be manhandled and in one quick move freed himself from the grasp of the guard and produced a tiny dagger from his belt, one that ended up in between the legs of the guard rendering him completely immobile.
"Release him, now" he demanded, his jaw tight.
"I have orders from the Lord Commander" he answered with a shaky voice.
"I don't care whose orders you have, he is the Lord of Harrenhal, do you know how much trouble it would bring the Crown if anyone found out he's here? Release him, now" he demanded again.
Harwin had not thought of what the outcome of his imprisonment would be. He was sure that Grayce would question about his whereabouts if he didn't leave with them to Harrenhal. He didn't want to think what would Ayla do if she found out about bin locked up in a cell. War was the first thing that came to mind. He could clearly see Ayla calling upon her father and his army and March to King's Landing to release him. He knew Lord Edder wouldn't say no his daughters request.
Thankfully, the guard was much too scared about the well being of his manhood and did fumble for his keys when Adrian pressed the blade more between his legs. Harwin swing his arm around Adrian's frame and allowed him to carry him out of the dungeons and to safety, not before glancing at the prisoner across the narrow hall and thinking of his words.
After a day of being imprisoned, Harwin's energy had run to it's lowest levels, when Adrian's eyes met his, he only saw the same worried frown and eyes of his wife reflected in Adrian's stare.
Adrian laid him in his bed and glanced at the door, everything would have to be resolved tomorrow, for now, Adrian sat in a chair next to the bed and gripped the helm of his sword, determined to keep his guard up for the night.
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Ayla looked over at her sons with a worried frown, one she always managed to retreat when either of them look at her. Their eyes also wandered around, the three of them haunted by a sound.
The first time she'd heard the noise was in the dead of night, she carefully climbed down the steps from the son's room where she was aiding Kiran get used to sleeping and walked to the front door of the Widow's Wail. At the door, the Marshal stood guard and looked in the distance.
"What is that noise?" She asked, her hands closing an overcoat over her sheer nightgown.
"The back entrance is attempted to be breached"
Ayla was informed that a garrison of men was attempting to breach the back gate, trying to break it open with a battering ram.
The biggest of Ayla's worries was the number of men waiting to breach, the marshal had counted fifty armed men.
"Will it hold?" She asked.
"Until dawn I am certain, let us hope for your father's arrival"
Ayla had had the idea of calling upon her father when Larys last words hadn't left her mind in the carriage. Kylian had seen her pinching on her lower lip, lost in thought.
"Father doesn't like it when you do that" she stopped, now looking at her son with his head buried in a book he'd brought but could only read when the carriage wasn't moving "are you nervous?"
"I'm thoughtful"
"What about?" Kylian closed the book and moved to sit closer to his mother, Ayla placed a hand at the top of his head and twirled his curls in her finger.
"About something that was said" Kylian held his stare, beckoning her to keep talking "words matter, I am sure you're aware" 
"I guess" he replied with a shrug of his shoulders, Ayla smiled and leaned closer to her son.
"If I say 'when we get to Harrenhal we will revise some lessons' what am I saying?" Kylian stared at her blankly "what if I saw that we might revise some lessons?" Now Kylian smiled with complicity.
"That we might not"
"One is a certainty and one gives room for another option to take place, right my love?"
"Yes mother" he was quick to nod, Ayla smiled sweetly at Kylian and leaned over his head to kiss him.
"Could you get your father for me please?"
Kylian stood, but stopped and gave his mother a mischievous smirk.
"I could..." He teased. Ayla chuckled at his quick learning.
"Go and get your father for me, please"
"Yes mother" now Kylian answered and exited the carriage, Ayla stood from her seat and walked to the door of the carriage. The party had been halted for a quick lunch, but Ayla had remained in her carriage where she was comfortable. She saw Kylian run into the camp.
Harwin emerged from the lines, no sight of Kylian with him. At the sight of her husband in his riding leathers, she climbed down one of the steps and ended up at his same height.
Harwin's eyes first landed on her stomach. Both of his hand gripped her waist and his eyes met hers.
"Are you feeling well?" He asked with a little worry in his voice.
"I am. Fret not" Ayla rounded his shoulders,  the height advantage she had on him and pressed what she could of her chest to his "I had a request, I hope it's not much trouble"
"Nothing coming from you will ever be trouble. Tell me" Ayla smiled and stole a quick kiss from her husband.
"I was wondering if you could send word to my father that we will be at Harrenhal. A regiment is due to train there and I wish to see him"
"Of couse my love. Whatever you want"
The anxiousness Ayla felt from the sound of the door being banged by the battering ram increased with the pass of time. Kylian and Kiran were aware of the breach but when their mother told them their grand-sire was on the way, their worries lessened.
Ayla spent the rest of the day looking at the main gate. Because Harrenhal was so big the garrison would be able to enter the main gate and not be seen by Lord Simon on the other side.
The relief Ayla felt was immesurable when she heard the guards on the watch tower scream "banners!" and the doors slowly opened.
The sight of her father with his armor and a red mantle over his shoulder and the men from the Vale slowly filing into the courtyard of Harrenhal released her chest from the tension she'd felt for hours.
Lord Edder was immediately approached by the marshal as he climbed off his horse. Ayla saw from the inside of the castle the marshal relay to him the information until he was cut off with one motion of Lord Edder's hand, walking towards the Widow's Wail.
For days, the loss of Lord Lyonel had struck her as if she had lost her own father. Now, seeing him alive and walking towards her made her break into tears. Her father rounded her and Ayla fisted the mantle of his shoulder as she hugged herself to him.
"Ayla my girl" he pulled back and cupped Ayla's face and made her look at him "Ayla, breath" she took a deep and faltering breath "I've been told about the breach, where is Lord Lyonel?"
That only made Ayla choke on her breath once more. Lord Edder soothed her by rubbing his hands over her shoulders.
"He died"
Even over her tears, Ayla had never seen her father frozen with shock. His shoulders squared and his hands remained still on her shoulders.
"How?" He asked after a full minute of being quiet.
"In a fire, two nights ago"
"And Harwin?"
"He's left for King's Landing to tell the King. He didn't wish to send a raven. And now Lord Simon comes with a royal decree to take over Harrenhal as it's Castellan" she complained.
"Do not worry about that"
"I tried to buy some time until you arrived"
"You did good, Ayla. I will take care of it. When is Harwin due to return?"
Ayla's mind slowly cleared as her father asked her questions, but she was still crying and taking intermittent breaths.
"He left after his father's death, at first light"
Lord Edder did not ask any more questions.  He rubbed his hands on her shoulders again and leaned in to kiss her on the forehead. He didn't worry her with his thoughts of Harwin's absence and, even more important, his overdue return. If anything, a trip back and forth shouldn't have taken him a full day.
When he turned, both Kylian and Kiran were expectantly looking at his grandsire. Lord Edder smiled at them, the boys did not resemble the small children he had met five years ago. Even though it was know that the boys had more Strong resemblance, Lord Edder saw a lot of his own children in their factions.
"How grown you two are" he complimented, his hands running over their hair "what do you two know about siege tactics?"
"A lot" Kylian was the first to reply.
"Truly? We might put some to work, come" he placed his hands over their shoulders but the boys were quick to grab them in theirs.
"Not too close from trouble, father" Ayla pleaded. Lord Edder gave her a look over her shoulder and a quick wink.
Kylian and Kiran walked with their grand-sire to the yard and promptly marveled themselves at Lord Edder giving away commands.
Though the arrival of Lord Edder did bring her relief and security, now her focus shifted to her husband. She was counting on his presence even before her father's. Even if Lord Simon did manage to breach and take over Harrenhal, without Harwin to impose himself as Lord, her and the children would have to abide to the Royal decree.
In the children's room atop the Widow's Wail, her eyes remained on the horizon. She was interrupted by a knock on the door and the straightened over her wide chair to look at her father in the doorway.
"I've been told you are to stay away from any and all set of stairs" he scolded, walking towards her and taking a seat in a wide chair next to hers, sighing at the comfort.
"I like the height advantage. Despite this tragedy and my own fears, this babe is behaving like the others. We're good" she said, her hands soothing over her stomach up and down to the base of it, marveling at the size that she had accomplish after many years "I've been feeling as if I had lost you" tears piled up in a rush in her eyes, a hand appeared on top of hers and her stomach and Ayla held it tight "I cannot believe this happened. And now I have to live with the fact that I was horribly intolerant to Lord Lyonel" she complained "and I loved him like a father"
"I am sure he knew my girl. He knew you in your ways and I'm sure he didn't take your words, whichever they were, to heart"
With a sigh and a hand cleaning her tears, Ayla decided she shouldn't cry anymore and keep herself focused and strong.
"We will be breached" her father sentenced.
"Yes, we will. I am counting on it. Lord Simon thinks it's only me and the boys in the castle. He doesn't account for your presence and much less Harwin's. He believes him dead. Without this breach I cannot threaten him to stay away from us"
"Your husband does have to be here for that moment" Ayla sighed again and her eyes scanned the horizon, the sun descending slowly from its highest point in the sky and threatening to set quickly.
"I know. He will"
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@her-fandom-sanctum @stitchattacks @evyiione @mostlyskateboarding @agentstarkid @mostclevermiss @squidscottjeans @grimistangel
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Hector Barbossa x Lora (oc)🧭🍏🌊
Hector Barbossa x fem navigator reader
Synopsis: A simple dance that unites a navigator and captain.
Warnings: none
A/n: Hello, I've made a one-shot on behalf of a gift to a couple of artists I've commissioned. Hope you enjoy it, and please check out the respected artists for they are extremely talented.
A/n: Down below, I've attached an x-reader version if you're interested in that instead :).
Let me know if you would like a part 2 🙌
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Twas a silent night aboard the Black Pearl; the gentle current rocked the sailing galleon. A young woman stood on the open deck at the taffrail, staring at the heavens above her. Her blue eyes were captivated by the brightest star of the east ‘Sirius’. She couldn’t pinpoint why or how it fascinated her; she was undoubtedly no astronomer like Carina, but something about it pulled her in. The charts displayed the constellations, but observing them with the naked eye was undoubtedly more captivating. The woman stood motionless, her senses attuned to the wind’s gentle caress as it brushed against her bare shoulders, causing her golden locks to sway and dance in the breeze. In her grip, she clutched a piece of parched paper tightly, its surface etched with cryptic writings that detailed the exact coordinates leading to an uncharted island renowned for its fabled treasure trove, discovered by the notorious Anne Bonny. Despite the potential danger, she had spent countless hours gathering similar documents and ship logs from explorers, sailors, and even pirates, all in pursuit of something greater. Nothing could deter her from this quest, and she was willing to risk everything to uncover the secrets of the unknown. As she set sail, her thoughts consumed by the prospect of adventure, she carefully unfurled the yellow parchment, revealing a hand-drawn map with a bright star marking the location of her destination. The woman's grip on the parchment tightened as the wind picked up, threatening to snatch the delicate document from her hands. She remained steadfast and determined to hold the valuable prize despite the wind. Her eyes scanned the paper, memorizing the precise navigational longitude and latitude leading her to her destination. She clung to the parchment with unwavering focus, unwilling to let it slip away from her grasp.
Standing proudly at the ship’s helm was the captain, resplendent in his vibrant blue frock coat and black bicorne, adorned with intricate gold embellishments. Leaning his weight on a sturdy wooden crutch, he expertly wielded a silver-coated spyglass, his keen gaze fixed on the endless expanse of stars that gave him crucial guidance to his intended destination. Two other men, rugged and weathered, stood nearby, sporting rough coats and thick beards, their tricorne hats perched jauntily on their heads. “Orders, sir? we’ve got Jack tied to the mast.” With a respectful gesture, Murtogg raised his hand to his forehead in a salute and inquired politely, “May I ask a question captain, whadda we do with the other two” In a gesture of solidarity, Mullroy followed suit replicating the same action. Following a period of stargazing through his trusty telescope, the captain turned his gaze to the steadfast sentinels standing at his side. “Leave Jack an’ tha ot’er lad, Carina be tha one we need; she holds tha map ta tha trident”, he gave out his command. “As for the girl, sir? Shall we tie her along with Sparrow” Murtogg asked. The captain turned his head, looking perplexed at the young woman; he couldn't reasonably determine what had seized her interest. But as soon as he caught sight of the parchment in her hand, he understood, she was utilizing the constellations. The woman's fascination with the star Sirius was undeniable, but her callow experience in sailing was an obstacle. Despite her ardent love for the sea, she knew encountering a strict and uncompromising captain could result in severe punishment. The thought of being subjected to the brutal cat-o-nine tails or even keelhauling made her shudder. Nonetheless, her unwavering passion for the stars and the sea drove her forward, and she remained determined to pursue her dreams, no matter the challenges ahead.
“Sir?” Murtogg said once more.
“Nay, she ain’t o’ any use ta us fer now, we’ll maroon er’ once we obtain what we came ere’ fer”, The captain’s coarse voice confirmed.
“A-aye then, captain” After saluting, Murtogg and Mullroy proceeded to guard Jack and Henry. The captain firmly grasped the helm's handles; curiously, he glanced back at the young woman holding the parchment. Perhaps he should’ve tied her up with the others; allowing one leverage isn’t something he usually does. What is she doing? What was she thinking? What in the blazes is she wanting? 
His eyes fixated on the girl. Treasure? The sea? Freedom? Going on account?
What does she want? He was deep in thought. Further and further, his mind strayed from his position. Her inquisitive mind is—"Oh belay this, tis be addle, why on ear’t should I be—" He posed questions about her curious mind. Once he returned to reality, the young woman’s parchment slipped through her fingers. On instinct, he hobbled down the ladder and tried to catch the parchment, only for it to be caught under his wooden peg leg. He bent over and picked it up; his rough, chapped, calloused hand kept the piece in his grip. He precisely examined the intricately drawn map, tracing his finger over each coordinate until his finger landed upon the dazzling drawn star. The celestial bodies on the map and in the vast expanse of the sky were in immaculate alignment, forming a mesmerizing spectacle. The star in the sky shone brightly, and its beauty entranced him. “Excuse me, sir; you have something of mine in your possession.” He stood there, lost in thought, he suddenly became aware of a soothing, dulcet-toned voice from behind him. The voice was elegant, as if it belonged to a refined and cultured lady.
As the captain turned around, his gaze fell upon a striking young lady with luscious golden tresses fashioned in a pouffe with a single coil gracefully cascading down her shoulder. Her complexion was as fair as porcelain, and her countenance radiated with youthful vitality. She was adorned in a light whitish gold sack-back gown, perfectly complementing her complexion. Tiny freckles were scattered lightly across her nose and cheeks, enhancing her angelic features. Her lips were full and luscious, painted in a rosy, pink hue.
“Tis my map, sir; it slipped from my fingers whilst I was trying to read the coordinates”, The young woman explained.
Hector held the map in his grasp, not precisely giving it back right away, intending to ask: "What is yer purpose fer possessing it? Are ya anticipatin’ discoverin’ a coffer o’ medallions, gold, jewels, or silver?".
Instead, he couldn’t open his yap; no words came out. He felt like an utter addle blaggard. “I anticipate sailing on the high seas; I’ve no desire for treasure nor the thrill of anticipating in such greed”, The young woman spoke.
“Then why possess a map if ye don’t intend ta track what’s marked” He seemed puzzled, with a questioning tone and expression. He held the map in one hand while leaning on his wooden crutch.
“Perhaps, rather silly of me to say, you’d expect some nautical naval admirer to want something with a map. Well, What I desire can’t be easily explained, so to answer it as easily as possible” She expressed her ambition and optimism in her speech. “I wish to know more about the sea rather than the final destination, tis rather hard for me to say; I suppose one could compare me to an explorer anticipating some exhibition”.
“An ye have naught the slightest worry, of o’, so to say—pirates, scoundrels, buccaneers” He grinned with a dry, entertaining demeanour.  
“Why should I? Tis not hard to reason with them; I would propose an agreement that satisfies both parties to a reasonable extent, ensuring a fair and amicable resolution.” She smiled in confidence.
“And what tif the other party decides ta disagree,” He asked.
“From my perspective, it seems like a fair agreement. They retain possession of the treasure while I explore an uncharted island that shall be in my name. In my opinion, it's an equitable arrangement.” The young woman seemed rather artless in knowing what pirates were like, no matter how many exchanges and fair deals she made. She would only end up marooned on some island whilst they steal her ship.
“If we start baring away 2 points on the port bow, we can head into the ongoing direction of where we need to be—well—where I aim to be. Evading any potential danger and obtaining the landmark of an unknown island” The young woman smiled affirmingly in her written directions.
“I’d watch yer ambition, missy; too much of it can getcha killed”, Hector warned her.
“Ambition or an opportunity, captain, an opportunity to find such a marvel, an opportunity to seek adventure and free one from the confines of society” The young woman grinned.
“Ye speak smartly within yer knowledge of cartography, but alas, ye lack the experience, to be out at sea, ye need to handle more than just yer “studies” He was surprised by the young lady's determination to dock at an unfamiliar island despite having no prior sailing experience.
“My knowledge of the sea is quite va—”
“Vast if ye’ve ever been in command of a ship, lassie”.
She stayed silent. Every word that came out of her mouth, he contradicted. It was like communing with a brick wall, deflecting all her ideas. She could’ve argued more and more, but that would’ve been a waste. She did have the knowledge! It shouldn’t have mattered what the old salt thought! She should just set out at sea on her father’s ship. Her father was a merchant who sailed across the vast port’s docking cargo for businessmen or nobles that wished for certain silks, foods, or goods.
“Although I am not the captain nor a sailor, I will keep clutching my goals under the watchful gaze of my father from the heavens.” She reasoned.
He laughed with wry amusement. “Aye then, who be yer father missy, was he a miserable cod that dreamed too”.
“No, he was a brilliant sailor, one that travelled to many continents”, she continued. “My father was William Rosaline—”
Hector's expression shifted from amusement to confusion, and he furrowed his eyebrows as he posed a question. “Wait! You! What’s yer first name!”.
“My first name is…Lora, sir,” she answered with a quizzical soft tone.
The captain stood upright on his wooden crutch, feeling somewhat baffled by the sudden reunion. If she recognizes him, everything will come crashing down. He didn’t speak; holding his tongue, he felt like an utter fool. He couldn’t recognize her, and for how long? For what reason couldn’t he interpret her face? Was it so complicated that his mind had to hide it deep within his distant recollections? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
“Captain?” Lora asked.
“Lor’rer” That! That was all he could muster up after not seeing this young thing for so long!
The captain quickly glanced over where Sparrow was tied at the mizzen mast. He only managed to open his mouth slightly before quickly hobbling away without uttering another addle word out of his yap. He ended up at the helm, and from behind him was the mizzen mast where Jack was tied.  “Running away, are you? Think you can outrun the world~” Jack smirked, a line that reflected what Hector had once said. “Something tells me ol Hector is flabbergasted by something; hmmm; shall I take a gander and say it’s a lass? I’m envisioning a past flame you’ve had, one involving a hideous wench” he smiled amusingly.
The captain angrily confronted Jack, brandishing his sword of triton dangerously close to Jack's gullet. “One more word an’ Yer one step away from hangin at hempen holter”.
“Hmmm, at least I’m a captain going down with his ship from which you stole, remember.” Jack continued. “And might I say, you’re still terrible at it; you don’t even grip the helm right; she prefers handsome rouges, not men with scraggly beards—”.
The captain approached Jack with a stern glare. “All right, all right, I’ll hold my tongue—only, that fine woman over there strikes me as something familiar; her face; those eyes, ohhhh~ how smitten you were back then”.
“You couldn’t even say her name, right? Something along the lines of luau, lunch, luff, leach, leaf, long—” Jack teased.
Hector was getting infuriated.
“No, wasn’t long John silver, was it; ah! That’s right, Lora” While his hands were still bound to the mast, Jack gestured with his finger. “Except you say her name weirdly and strangely”.
“I’m starting to envision this golden artless naïve creature that would go on and on about ravishing adventures and a ship of her fathers” Jack’s face coiled, trying to remember the young woman. “By god, she was so young, a smart lass she was, always talking about cartography and sailing—I’ll admit I zoned out at some of it”.
"I must confess, twas a terrible idea of mine to use her in a bet to win a keg of rum against Master Gibbs," Jack admitted.
Jack was met with a confused expression from Hector. Jack gestured with his hands. “Was in the past; she probably won’t remember a thing”.
“We’ll keep it that way cause she ain’t even recognised me yet”, Hector spoke with a coarse voice.
Hector pulled out a flask from his pocket and leaned against the mast next to Jack; he popped off the lid and drank the rum. He then handed Jack the flask offering some, which he gladly took with his mouth. After Jack had “handed” the rum back to Hector, he asked, “So, if she remembers, do you think she’ll want to run or scream when she sees you now?”.
“I mean, you haven’t even told Smyth who you are—” A rag was placed into Jack’s mouth by Hector’s white-faced capuchin. “Thank ye, Jack,” he thanked the capuchin. Sparrow furrowed his brows and rambled through the rag while Hector tended back to the helm. In some way, Jack had a point; how would she react to seeing him now—probably an old blaggard who aged like a swine in her eyes— He wasn’t precisely the same sailor she once knew. Perhaps twas a better idea to keep his identity a secret for now—or—until she recognises him. The capuchin sat on his master’s shoulders, examining his expression. For once, his mind was clouded in thought. He couldn’t stand idly by until the cows came home; he had to do something, anything, if it meant at least a gaze of recognition. The only thing was, he was hesitant for reasons that should’ve been considered fear. However, fear wasn’t precisely the case. Deeply inhaling, he started moving—hobbling—over toward where she was.
However, he stopped only a few inches from where she stood. This was bloody ridiculous! He thought. He’s been through death, faced monsters the size of gods, and fought battles that would’ve ended him, yet…why is it so hard to speak to a lass he could easily invoke fear through.
He took a step forward using his peg leg facing outward. And yet his gaze was met just as his peg leg landed on the wooden floorboard. The captain immediately composed an expression of authority and imperiality. Lora biddably faced him while clutching the parchment in her hand. Hector awaited the doe-eyed woman’s inane response. “Ay—”
“I should’ve thanked you earlier for guiding me”, her voice softened. “i-in the right course of direction”.
Lora placed the parchment in his rough, callous hands, gently curling his fingers with one hand on top of his. “Take it, tis more useful to a captain than a doting lady.”
Hector furrowed his eyebrows in a bewildered manner. “Is this what-che want, fer me ta haul in yer accordin’s”.
Lora's lips curved into a smile, conveying a sense of comfort and reassurance. “I want you to be the one who shall set sail and command this voyage to the rightful destination.”
The captain expressed a striking visage of emotion that showed a genuine side to him naught anyone had witnessed. A gentle smile had formed on his rough, chapped lips. “Yer treasure lo’rer’.”
As she gazed into his eyes, filled with earnestness, her blue eyes, like those of a doe, reflected his admiration. Her lips, slightly parted, were a silent testament to his flattery's impact on her. Hector lifted his thumb to her chin, feeling the plumpness of her skin. Oh, how he had yearned to touch her, feel her under his watchful gaze. His heart was filled with a deep longing to reach out and connect with her on a profound level. He yearned to bask in the warmth of her presence while keeping a vigilant watchful eye over her, protecting her from any harm. The desire to be with her. He delicately traced the curve of her upper lip with his thumb, following the line down to the plumpness of her lower lip, where he stopped with his nail. His hand trailed down along her shoulder and arm, only to reach her palm, lightly grasping it. He held her hand and gently pulled it into the air while his other arm wrapped around her back. Lora carefully followed his lead and mimicked his graceful movements as he began to move in a waltz step. When was the last time he had waltzed like this? It must’ve been a century ago. From a distant memory, he recalled a moment in a grand setting with a regal woman. Her striking raven tresses cascaded down her back, framing her beautiful face that was accentuated by her deep brown eyes. His image of her elegance remained vivid.
Lora accounted for how fluent his moves were as if he were gliding on ice. He was surprisingly good despite having a peg leg; one after the other, with a tap and stomp, the peg leg moved forward as the other leg soothingly assisted with turning. For Lora, it was relatively easy to follow; her heels moved back as the captain stepped forward in rhythm. If they had attended a masquerade or gala, they would’ve gripped the audience’s attention, with the pair being the most incongruous and grossing couple. Hector stopped abruptly with his peg leg and began to spin slowly, holding the parchment between their hands as they twirled around. The radiant celestial Sirius, situated above their heads, mirrored their existence with a resplendent and luminous reflection. As Lora moved closer to him, her lips parted slightly, revealing her rosy hue. She was just inches away from his chapped lips, creating a moment of anticipation and tension. Her gaze soon turned quizzical as she recalled, ' His face resembles someone familiar, someone I once knew”.
“CAPTAIN, THE SILENT MARY HAS BEEN SPOTTED OFF THE PORT BOW, SIR!” The lookout shouted from the crow's nest, holding a wooden brazen spyglass. Hector smartly came to a halt, dropping Lora’s hands, accidentally letting go of the parchment. He turned to the sailor who bellowed out the sighting. In a sudden rush, he hastened away, his gait impeded by a hobbling motion as he made his way towards the helm with a firm determination to take a brace of action. He started to bellow orders while the crew manned their stations. “MAN, YER STATIONS YE FILTHY ROACHES, ALL HANDS HOY, PREPARE TA TACK N’ START BARING AWAY 5 POINTS ABAFT STARBOARD BEAM, PREPARE THA CANONS”.  The captain started to turn the wheel vigorously, trying to change course and direction to lose sight of their pursuers who were oncoming from the port bow.
Lora witnessed the parchment being carried away by the wind and eventually landing in the water. The ink began to bleed and dissolve in the saltwater, causing the writing and drawings to become illegible scribbles. Her eyes could read a line pointing toward the star; suddenly, she turned, looking up at Sirius. A realization crossed her mind as she hatched a plan. Smartly heading up from the open deck to the quarter deck to where the helm was, over on the horizon, she could spot a Spanish three-masted royal naval galleon that was rickety and rotten. Her eyes widened at the impossible ship with deteriorated fore, aft and main sails. She lifted her skirtings and held them at her waist as she hurried, taking care not to trip over her heels. Her coiled locks bounced as she climbed the ladder when she made it before the helms deck. “Bare away from the starboard beam, captain, we can lose them faster, and the canon fire will have a guaranteed hit!” Lora raised her voice to the captain to allow him to hear.
Hector was skeptical. did she even have any plan to evade Salazar's ship, or was she improvising to head toward their death?
“Nay, belay that!” he shouted.
“I assure you, once we head in that direction, we can then tack and head broad on the port bow, eventually going on dead ahead heading into the direction of Sirius,” Lora told him of her plan.
However, Hector debated, his eyebrows furrowing together when she mentioned ‘Sirius’. He turned to the brightest star of the east, realizing what Lora was trying to talk about. “I hope yer not countin Fiddler's Green as part o’ tha plan, missy.” he complied and turned the wheel toward the direction she was speaking of.
Lora turned to face the bow and saw Black Pearl's bowsprit turn in motion. Lora's coiled lock and hair strands billowed in the wind as the Black Pearl changed direction. The Black Pearl was heading West-South along the current while The Silent Mary came from the North-East. The two ships were heading in an ongoing pursuit; The Silent Mary was gaining speed. Upon the Silent Mary’s Fore castle, the captain laughed with a mirthless wheeze. “Prepare to meet your damnation Jack Sparroh” Salazar’s grin oozed with black liquid.
The Black Pearl had picked up speed further, traversing across the sea. When The Silent Mary had just reached a certain distance behind the Black Pearl. Lora shouted, “Tack Now!”.
As the ship continued its course, the sailors smartly adjusted the various riggings to shift the gaff, foresail, jib, top, and main sails in response to the subtle shifts in the direction of the wind. Their skilled hands deftly worked the ropes and pulleys, ensuring the ship was travelling at peak performance, enabling them to navigate safely through the treacherous waters. As the Black Pearl turned, leading the Silent Mary off their track.
Hector was filled with a sense of incredulity as he witnessed the success of their plan. Against all odds, they had bought themselves a precious amount of time, allowing them to load their cannons with a newfound sense of urgency and efficiency. Although things looked swell, the Silent Mary hadn’t lost chase yet.
Lora knew she had to come up with a new plan soon. As she gazed at the horizon, she prayed for a glimpse of hope. A chance to avoid being swallowed by the ghosts of death.
X reader version
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Twas a silent night aboard the Black Pearl; the gentle current rocked the sailing galleon. A young woman stood on the open deck at the taffrail, staring at the heavens above her. Her eyes were captivated by the brightest star of the east ‘Sirius’. She couldn’t pinpoint why or how it fascinated her; she was undoubtedly no astronomer like Carina, but something about it pulled her in. The charts displayed the constellations, but observing them with the naked eye was undoubtedly more captivating. The woman stood motionless, her senses attuned to the wind’s gentle caress as it brushed against her bare shoulders, causing her locks to sway and dance in the breeze. In her grip, she clutched a piece of parched paper tightly, its surface etched with cryptic writings that detailed the exact coordinates leading to an uncharted island renowned for its fabled treasure trove, discovered by the notorious Anne Bonny. Despite the potential danger, she had spent countless hours gathering similar documents and ship logs from explorers, sailors, and even pirates, all in pursuit of something greater. Nothing could deter her from this quest, and she was willing to risk everything to uncover the secrets of the unknown. As she set sail, her thoughts consumed by the prospect of adventure, she carefully unfurled the yellow parchment, revealing a hand-drawn map with a bright star marking the location of her destination. The woman's grip on the parchment tightened as the wind picked up, threatening to snatch the delicate document from her hands. She remained steadfast and determined to hold the valuable prize despite the wind. Her eyes scanned the paper, memorizing the precise navigational longitude and latitude leading her to her destination. She clung to the parchment with unwavering focus, unwilling to let it slip away from her grasp.
Standing proudly at the ship’s helm was the captain, resplendent in his vibrant blue frock coat and black bicorne, adorned with intricate gold embellishments. Leaning his weight on a sturdy wooden crutch, he expertly wielded a silver-coated spyglass, his keen gaze fixed on the endless expanse of stars that gave him crucial guidance to his intended destination. Two other men, rugged and weathered, stood nearby, sporting rough coats and thick beards, their tricorne hats perched jauntily on their heads. “Orders, sir? we’ve got Jack tied to the mast.” With a respectful gesture, Murtogg raised his hand to his forehead in a salute and inquired politely, “May I ask a question captain, whadda we do with the other two” In a gesture of solidarity, Mullroy followed suit replicating the same action. Following a period of stargazing through his trusty telescope, the captain turned his gaze to the steadfast sentinels standing at his side. “Leave Jack an’ tha ot’er lad, Carina be tha one we need; she holds tha map ta tha trident”, he gave out his command. “As for the girl, sir? Shall we tie her along with Sparrow” Murtogg asked. The captain turned his head, looking perplexed at the young woman; he couldn't reasonably determine what had seized her interest. But as soon as he caught sight of the parchment in her hand, he understood, she was utilizing the constellations. The woman's fascination with the star Sirius was undeniable, but her callow experience in sailing was an obstacle. Despite her ardent love for the sea, she knew encountering a strict and uncompromising captain could result in severe punishment. The thought of being subjected to the brutal cat-o-nine tails or even keelhauling made her shudder. Nonetheless, her unwavering passion for the stars and the sea drove her forward, and she remained determined to pursue her dreams, no matter the challenges ahead.
“Sir?” Murtogg said once more.
“Nay, she ain’t o’ any use ta us fer now, we’ll maroon er’ once we obtain what we came ere’ fer”, The captain’s coarse voice confirmed.
“A-aye then, captain” After saluting, Murtogg and Mullroy proceeded to guard Jack and Henry. The captain firmly grasped the helm's handles; curiously, he glanced back at the young woman holding the parchment. Perhaps he should’ve tied her up with the others; allowing one leverage isn’t something he usually does. What is she doing? What was she thinking? What in the blazes is she wanting? 
His eyes fixated on the girl. Treasure? The sea? Freedom? Going on account?
What does she want? He was deep in thought. Further and further, his mind strayed from his position. Her inquisitive mind is—"Oh belay this, tis be addle, why on ear’t should I be—" He posed questions about her curious mind. Once he returned to reality, the young woman’s parchment slipped through her fingers. On instinct, he hobbled down the ladder and tried to catch the parchment, only for it to be caught under his wooden peg leg. He bent over and picked it up; his rough, chapped, calloused hand kept the piece in his grip. He precisely examined the intricately drawn map, tracing his finger over each coordinate until his finger landed upon the dazzling drawn star. The celestial bodies on the map and in the vast expanse of the sky were in immaculate alignment, forming a mesmerizing spectacle. The star in the sky shone brightly, and its beauty entranced him. “Excuse me, sir; you have something of mine in your possession.” He stood there, lost in thought, he suddenly became aware of a soothing, dulcet-toned voice from behind him. The voice was elegant, as if it belonged to a refined and cultured lady.
As the captain turned around, his gaze fell upon a striking young lady with luscious tresses fashioned in a pouffe with a single coil gracefully cascading down her shoulder and her countenance radiated with youthful vitality. She was adorned in a light whitish gold sack-back gown, perfectly complementing her complexion. Her lips were full and luscious.
“Tis my map, sir; it slipped from my fingers whilst I was trying to read the coordinates”, The young woman explained.
Hector held the map in his grasp, not precisely giving it back right away, intending to ask: "What is yer purpose fer possessing it? Are ya anticipatin’ discoverin’ a coffer o’ medallions, gold, jewels, or silver?".
Instead, he couldn’t open his yap; no words came out. He felt like an utter addle blaggard. “I anticipate sailing on the high seas; I’ve no desire for treasure nor the thrill of anticipating in such greed”, The young woman spoke.
“Then why possess a map if ye don’t intend ta track what’s marked” He seemed puzzled, with a questioning tone and expression. He held the map in one hand while leaning on his wooden crutch.
“Perhaps, rather silly of me to say, you’d expect some nautical naval admirer to want something with a map. Well, What I desire can’t be easily explained, so to answer it as easily as possible” She expressed her ambition and optimism in her speech. “I wish to know more about the sea rather than the final destination, tis rather hard for me to say; I suppose one could compare me to an explorer anticipating some exhibition”.
“An ye have naught the slightest worry, of o’, so to say—pirates, scoundrels, buccaneers” He grinned with a dry, entertaining demeanour.  
“Why should I? Tis not hard to reason with them; I would propose an agreement that satisfies both parties to a reasonable extent, ensuring a fair and amicable resolution.” She smiled in confidence.
“And what tif the other party decides ta disagree,” He asked.
“From my perspective, it seems like a fair agreement. They retain possession of the treasure while I explore an uncharted island that shall be in my name. In my opinion, it's an equitable arrangement.” The young woman seemed rather artless in knowing what pirates were like, no matter how many exchanges and fair deals she made. She would only end up marooned on some island whilst they steal her ship.
“If we start baring away 2 points on the port bow, we can head into the ongoing direction of where we need to be—well—where I aim to be. Evading any potential danger and obtaining the landmark of an unknown island” The young woman smiled affirmingly in her written directions.
“I’d watch yer ambition, missy; too much of it can getcha killed”, Hector warned her.
“Ambition or an opportunity, captain, an opportunity to find such a marvel, an opportunity to seek adventure and free one from the confines of society” The young woman grinned.
“Ye speak smartly within yer knowledge of cartography, but alas, ye lack the experience, to be out at sea, ye need to handle more than just yer “studies” He was surprised by the young lady's determination to dock at an unfamiliar island despite having no prior sailing experience.
“My knowledge of the sea is quite va—”
“Vast if ye’ve ever been in command of a ship, lassie”.
She stayed silent. Every word that came out of her mouth, he contradicted. It was like communing with a brick wall, deflecting all her ideas. She could’ve argued more and more, but that would’ve been a waste. She did have the knowledge! It shouldn’t have mattered what the old salt thought! She should just set out at sea on her father’s ship. Her father was a merchant who sailed across the vast port’s docking cargo for businessmen or nobles that wished for certain silks, foods, or goods.
“Although I am not the captain nor a sailor, I will keep clutching my goals under the watchful gaze of my father from the heavens.” She reasoned.
He laughed with wry amusement. “Aye then, who be yer father missy, was he a miserable cod that dreamed too”.
“No, he was a brilliant sailor, one that travelled to many continents”, she continued. “My father was Y/F L/N—”
Hector's expression shifted from amusement to confusion, and he furrowed his eyebrows as he posed a question. “Wait! You! What’s yer first name!”.
“My first name is…Y/n, sir,” she answered with a quizzical soft tone.
The captain stood upright on his wooden crutch, feeling somewhat baffled by the sudden reunion. If she recognizes him, everything will come crashing down. He didn’t speak; holding his tongue, he felt like an utter fool. He couldn’t recognize her, and for how long? For what reason couldn’t he interpret her face? Was it so complicated that his mind had to hide it deep within his distant recollections? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
“Captain?” y/n asked.
“Y/n’rer” That! That was all he could muster up after not seeing this young thing for so long!
The captain quickly glanced over where Sparrow was tied at the mizzen mast. He only managed to open his mouth slightly before quickly hobbling away without uttering another addle word out of his yap. He ended up at the helm, and from behind him was the mizzen mast where Jack was tied.  “Running away, are you? Think you can outrun the world~” Jack smirked, a line that reflected what Hector had once said. “Something tells me ol Hector is flabbergasted by something; hmmm; shall I take a gander and say it’s a lass? I’m envisioning a past flame you’ve had, one involving a hideous wench” he smiled amusingly.
The captain angrily confronted Jack, brandishing his sword of triton dangerously close to Jack's gullet. “One more word an’ Yer one step away from hangin at hempen holter”.
“Hmmm, at least I’m a captain going down with his ship from which you stole, remember.” Jack continued. “And might I say, you’re still terrible at it; you don’t even grip the helm right; she prefers handsome rouges, not men with scraggly beards—”.
The captain approached Jack with a stern glare. “All right, all right, I’ll hold my tongue—only, that fine woman over there strikes me as something familiar; her face; those eyes, ohhhh~ how smitten you were back then”.
“You couldn’t even say her name, right? Something along the lines of Luau, lunch, luff, leach, leaf, long—” Jack teased.
Hector was getting infuriated.
“No, wasn’t long John silver, was it; ah! That’s right, y/n” While his hands were still bound to the mast, Jack gestured with his finger. “Except you say her name weirdly and strangely”.
“I’m starting to envision this golden artless naïve creature that would go on and on about ravishing adventures and a ship of her fathers” Jack’s face coiled, trying to remember the young woman. “By god, she was so young, a smart lass she was, always talking about cartography and sailing—I’ll admit I zoned out at some of it”.
"I must confess, twas a terrible idea of mine to use her in a bet to win a keg of rum against Master Gibbs," Jack admitted.
Jack was met with a confused expression from Hector. Jack gestured with his hands. “Was in the past; she probably won’t remember a thing”.
“We’ll keep it that way cause she ain’t even recognised me yet”, Hector spoke with a coarse voice.
Hector pulled out a flask from his pocket and leaned against the mast next to Jack; he popped off the lid and drank the rum. He then handed Jack the flask offering some, which he gladly took with his mouth. After Jack had “handed” the rum back to Hector, he asked, “So, if she remembers, do you think she’ll want to run or scream when she sees you now?”.
“I mean, you haven’t even told Smyth who you are—” A rag was placed into Jack’s mouth by Hector’s white-faced capuchin. “Thank ye, Jack,” he thanked the capuchin. Sparrow furrowed his brows and rambled through the rag while Hector tended back to the helm. In some way, Jack had a point; how would she react to seeing him now—probably an old blaggard who aged like a swine in her eyes— He wasn’t precisely the same sailor she once knew. Perhaps twas a better idea to keep his identity a secret for now—or—until she recognises him. The capuchin sat on his master’s shoulders, examining his expression. For once, his mind was clouded in thought. He couldn’t stand idly by until the cows came home; he had to do something, anything, if it meant at least a gaze of recognition. The only thing was, he was hesitant for reasons that should’ve been considered fear. However, fear wasn’t precisely the case. Deeply inhaling, he started moving—hobbling—over toward where she was.
However, he stopped only a few inches from where she stood. This was bloody ridiculous! He thought. He’s been through death, faced monsters the size of gods, and fought battles that would’ve ended him, yet…why is it so hard to speak to a lass he could easily invoke fear through.
He took a step forward using his peg leg facing outward. And yet his gaze was met just as his peg leg landed on the wooden floorboard. The captain immediately composed an expression of authority and imperiality. Y/n biddably faced him while clutching the parchment in her hand. Hector awaited the doe-eyed woman’s inane response. “Aye—”
“I should’ve thanked you earlier for guiding me”, her voice softened. “i-in the right course of direction”.
Y/n placed the parchment in his rough, callous hands, gently curling his fingers with one hand on top of his. “Take it, tis more useful to a captain than a doting lady.”
Hector furrowed his eyebrows in a bewildered manner. “Is this what-che want, fer me ta haul in yer accordin’s”.
Y/n's lips curved into a smile, conveying a sense of comfort and reassurance. “I want you to be the one who shall set sail and command this voyage to the rightful destination.”
The captain expressed a striking visage of emotion that showed a genuine side to him naught anyone had witnessed. A gentle smile had formed on his rough, chapped lips. “Yer treasure lo’rer’.”
As she gazed into his eyes, filled with earnestness, her eyes reflected his admiration. Her lips, slightly parted, were a silent testament to his flattery's impact on her. Hector lifted his thumb to her chin, feeling the plumpness of her skin. Oh, how he had yearned to touch her, feel her under his watchful gaze. His heart was filled with a deep longing to reach out and connect with her on a profound level. He yearned to bask in the warmth of her presence while keeping a vigilant watchful eye over her, protecting her from any harm. The desire to be with her. He delicately traced the curve of her upper lip with his thumb, following the line down to the plumpness of her lower lip, where he stopped with his nail. His hand trailed down along her shoulder and arm, only to reach her palm, lightly grasping it. He held her hand and gently pulled it into the air while his other arm wrapped around her back. Y/n carefully followed his lead and mimicked his graceful movements as he began to move in a waltz step. When was the last time he had waltzed like this? It must’ve been a century ago. From a distant memory, he recalled a moment in a grand setting with a regal woman. Her striking raven tresses cascaded down her back, framing her beautiful face that was accentuated by her deep brown eyes. His image of her elegance remained vivid.
Y/n accounted for how fluent his moves were as if he were gliding on ice. He was surprisingly good despite having a peg leg; one after the other, with a tap and stomp, the peg leg moved forward as the other leg soothingly assisted with turning. For y/n, it was relatively easy to follow; her heels moved back as the captain stepped forward in rhythm. If they had attended a masquerade or gala, they would’ve gripped the audience’s attention, with the pair being the most incongruous and grossing couple. Hector stopped abruptly with his peg leg and began to spin slowly, holding the parchment between their hands as they twirled around. The radiant celestial Sirius, situated above their heads, mirrored their existence with a resplendent and luminous reflection. As Y/n moved closer to him, her lips parted slightly, revealing her hue. She was just inches away from his chapped lips, creating a moment of anticipation and tension. Her gaze soon turned quizzical as she recalled, ' His face resembles someone familiar, someone I once knew”.
“CAPTAIN, THE SILENT MARY HAS BEEN SPOTTED OFF THE PORT BOW, SIR!” The lookout shouted from the crow's nest, holding a wooden brazen spyglass. Hector smartly came to a halt, dropping Y/n’s hands, accidentally letting go of the parchment. He turned to the sailor who bellowed out the sighting. In a sudden rush, he hastened away, his gait impeded by a hobbling motion as he made his way towards the helm with a firm determination to take a brace of action. He started to bellow orders while the crew manned their stations. “MAN, YER STATIONS YE FILTHY ROACHES, ALL HANDS HOY, PREPARE TA TACK N’ START BARING AWAY 5 POINTS ABAFT STARBOARD BEAM, PREPARE THA CANONS”.  The captain started to turn the wheel vigorously, trying to change course and direction to lose sight of their pursuers who were oncoming from the port bow.
Y/n witnessed the parchment being carried away by the wind and eventually landing in the water. The ink began to bleed and dissolve in the saltwater, causing the writing and drawings to become illegible scribbles. Her eyes could read a line pointing toward the star; suddenly, she turned, looking up at Sirius. A realization crossed her mind as she hatched a plan. Smartly heading up from the open deck to the quarter deck to where the helm was, over on the horizon, she could spot a Spanish three-masted royal naval galleon that was rickety and rotten. Her eyes widened at the impossible ship with deteriorated fore, aft and main sails. She lifted her skirtings and held them at her waist as she hurried, taking care not to trip over her heels. Her coiled locks bounced as she climbed the ladder when she made it before the helms deck. “Bare away from the starboard beam, captain, we can lose them faster, and the canon fire will have a guaranteed hit!” Y/n raised her voice to the captain to allow him to hear.
Hector was skeptical. did she even have any plan to evade Salazar's ship, or was she improvising to head toward their death?
“Nay, belay that!” he shouted.
“I assure you, once we head in that direction, we can then tack and head broad on the port bow, eventually going on dead ahead heading into the direction of Sirius,” Y/n told him of her plan.
However, Hector debated, his eyebrows furrowing together when she mentioned ‘Sirius’. He turned to the brightest star of the east, realizing what y/n was trying to talk about. “I hope yer not countin Fiddler's Green as part o’ tha plan, missy.” he complied and turned the wheel toward the direction she was speaking of.
Y/n turned to face the bow and saw Black Pearl's bowsprit turn in motion. Y/n's coiled lock and hair strands billowed in the wind as the Black Pearl changed direction. The Black Pearl was heading West-South along the current while The Silent Mary came from the North-East. The two ships were heading in an ongoing pursuit; The Silent Mary was gaining speed. Upon the Silent Mary’s Fore castle, the captain laughed with a mirthless wheeze. “Prepare to meet your damnation Jack Sparroh” Salazar’s grin oozed with black liquid.
The Black Pearl had picked up speed further, traversing across the sea. When The Silent Mary had just reached a certain distance behind the Black Pearl. Y/n shouted, “Tack Now!”.
As the ship continued its course, the sailors smartly adjusted the various riggings to shift the gaff, foresail, jib, top, and main sails in response to the subtle shifts in the direction of the wind. Their skilled hands deftly worked the ropes and pulleys, ensuring the ship was travelling at peak performance, enabling them to navigate safely through the treacherous waters. As the Black Pearl turned, leading the Silent Mary off their track.
Hector was filled with a sense of incredulity as he witnessed the success of their plan. Against all odds, they had bought themselves a precious amount of time, allowing them to load their cannons with a newfound sense of urgency and efficiency. Although things looked swell, the Silent Mary hadn’t lost chase yet.
Y/n knew she had to come up with a new plan soon. As she gazed at the horizon, she prayed for a glimpse of hope.
A chance to avoid being swallowed by the ghosts of death.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨
22 notes · View notes
dispensingdues · 2 years
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GOOD FOR US --- dez / athena @swcrdsandshields​
clicking quickly, dez and dora have developed a close friendship over the past year. it has been an unexpected bond but they have cultured a deep trust and respect in one another. don’t do dez dirty; dora will make your life a living hell.
♪ healing : fletcher no one said that it was easy tryna piece the broken pieces but that's the shit i’m working on the journey is a work of art
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DIET ANARCHY --- alex / hermes @psychcpomp​
what do you get when you add three heaps of comradery, two spoonful's of attitude problems and sprinkle of flirting into a big bowl of bravado? something like the friendship between alex and dora. don’t be stuck in a room with this pair. they will get you into trouble.
♪ flagpole sitta : harvey danger fingertips have memories mine can't forget the curves of your body and when i feel a bit naughty i run it up the flagpole and see who salutes but no one ever does
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NO SLEEP CLUB --- kayn / acheron @infernalpxin​  +  one slot [ open ]​
dora has trouble sleeping sometimes: she has a nasty habit of doomscrolling through the news during the day then finding herself ruminating over all the injustices in the world right when she’s supposed to be at rest. this trio text, call and go on night time walks together while everybody else snoozes.
♪ lately : ed sheeran, devlin five o'clock with lights off interview with a vampire sleep is for the living and not a utensil that i require i swear i said that i'll sleep when i'm dead
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WASTED YOUTH --- lucas / macaria @betancovrts​
when she first moved to the island six years ago, dora and lucas had a fling. now you’re still buds but the type where you delete the kisses at the end of texts, make sure your emojis are friendly but not too friendly, flirt when drunk and your friends tease about what a cute pair you make. it’s a little awkward. will they? wont they? 
♪ your best friend : boyish tell me "find a stranger" but nothing hurts more there you go i’m not your girlfriend we wasted nights pretending not to kiss when we walk home
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BECAUSE I GOT HIGH ---  one slot [ open ]​​
when she needs to chill, when she needs a break from everything, dora calls [ insert } and they go get abysmally stoned together. she finds [ insert ] easy to be around. they’re fun, understanding and don’t cause an ache in her chest. it’s a solid friendship.
♪ hits from the bong : cypress hill goes down smooth when i get a clean hit of the skunky, phunky, smelly green shit sing my song puff all night long
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SPIRITUAL COMPASS ---  harley  / thanatos @mementomorifm
in her work at whispering willow, dora has heard many things, but she never met anyone she truly believed heard spirits until she met harley. she doesn’t have an explanation for his clairvoyance but she has sympathy for his situation. now they’re working together through divination practice to try find out the why.
♪ institutionalized : suicidal tendencies they say they're gonna fix my brain alleviate my suffering and my pain but by the time they fix my head mentally i'll be dead
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DIAMONDS ARE A GIRLS BEST FRIEND ---  bellamy / ares @shelvedsaints​
dora wants a diamond lifestyle on a coal budget. she can’t make that happen... but she can befriend those who can. bellamy likes to pay her way into fancy events he attends, buy her dresses and shoes, go out for expensive brunches at cygnus. she gets things she can’t afford anymore and he gets interesting company. he’s curious about where she got her taste for the finer things.; she’s unwilling to confess she’s from the type of people he loathes.
♪ shampain : marina drinking champagne meant for a wedding toast to the bride, a fairytale ending drinking champagne, a bottle to myself savour the taste of fabricated wealth
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REACTIVE --- one slot [ open ]
dora exploded on [ insert ]. it wasn’t just a bit of a bad mood, it was a full blown rage. they’ve had a falling out. when they get along, it’s great fun for everybody, but when they fight? run for the fire exit. neither of them know if they can make this friendship work.
♪ liability : lorde i understand, i'm a liability get you wild, make you leave i’m a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone the truth is i am a toy that people enjoy til all of the tricks don't work anymore
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KNOW THE HAND YOU HOLD ---  kayn / acheron @infernalpxin​
you weren’t just a fling - this was a full-on, committed relationship of three years. dora is on good terms with kayn but they both know they’ll never get back together. it ended for a reason. still, the line between comfort and caressing is a blurred one...
♪ k goodnight : tim suby, jessie reyez goodnight up until you call broken hearts they love to hide in bathroom stalls yeah til you call, til you call say i don't care truth is i miss you
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UNFAITHFUL ---  rue / chloris @flcwerblessed​
when rue first moved to island, after her ex had left, dora took advantage of her stranger status and had a fling with her, telling rue she was single when she was in fact in a relationship with kayn. this ended said relationship and they have all kept dora’s actions and the fling a secret since. she feels a lot of shame about it and hates that she got rue tangled up in her burn-it-all-to-the-ground moment.
♪ my heart has teeth - deadmau5 ft skylar grey you've never met someone like me my heart has teeth, my heart has teeth and it's looking for something to eat my heart has teeth, my heart has teeth
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REASSURANCE --- mahalia / echo @ascreamingecho​
dora and mahalia have been dating for six months but dora’s insecure. past relationships have taught her one thing: don’t trust anyone who says i love you first. her latent empathic touch makes this more complicated. if she senses negative emotion off hal, it can send her into a spiral. she’s scared to commit.
♪ it’s all in vain : wet ( lee bannon remix ) i don't believe you when you tell me that you love me most and tell me i'm the only one and i can't feel you when you're kissin' me and tellin' me that all my fears are in my head
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GROUP THERAPY --- seven slots [ open ]
girlie got issues. taking a little bit of the good advice she’s routinely given, dora has joined a weekly group therapy session on the island. they paint stupid pictures and talk. what’s said in the circle stays in the circle but it’s been healthy for her to find people a little like herself. the fellowship of the fucked up: dora, [insert], [insert], [insert], [insert], [insert], [insert], and [insert].
♪ sit down : james those who feel the breath of sadness sit down next to me those who find they're touched by madness sit down next to me those who find themselves ridiculous sit down next to me
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QUEEN’S QUITTERS --- harlow, infinite slots [ open ]
it’s said that people from the uk have a habit of travelling abroad just to find themselves amongst their own. there’s a grain of truth in that on magnetic island, at least, and dora was shocked to find out just how many fellow english people were around. so she created a club. it’s nothing serious, just a reason for them to come together every month at different locations around the island and chat shit about home. 
♪ this is england : kano this is england, this is england where you could be a villain or a victim where you make money, make it out, avoid pen that's the idiot's guide to the manor my friend
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12 notes · View notes
robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Polyphonic - ao3 or tumblr pt 1
“Meet me on the Qiongqi Path if you want to talk,” the return letter from Wei Wuxian said, cold and distant, and so Lan Qiren went, grumbling the entire time.
He was far too old for this sort of nonsense. For all that his sword was named after the soaring of the heart, a memento of all his lost dreams, he didn’t actually fly on Xinfei all that much – after all, he was not a traveler, he did not go places. He remained home.
But for his nephew’s sake…
Lan Qiren did not take anyone with him when he went, not wanting to burden anyone else with his worries and concerns and unwilling to share them; instead, he took only his sword and his guqin on his back, as if he were Lan Wangji going out on a night-hunt.
It occurred to him as he flew towards the Qiongqi Path that that probably meant that his opinion on Wei Wuxian was not so dire as all that. It was nowhere within his expectations that Wei Wuxian would attack him, as if he were some sort of ravening dog. Lan Qiren knew himself well enough to know that if he truly thought that of Wei Wuxian, he wouldn’t have asked him for help in the first place.
That still didn’t mean he thought it was a good idea for Lan Wangji to associate with him.
Nor did it mean he had to make things easy for him.
“Wei Wuxian,” he bellowed in his best disappointed teacher’s voice when he saw the man, dropping lightly from the sky as he did, and had the pleasure of seeing the Yiling Patriarch jump a chi into the air and try to hide behind his Ghost General. Who then also attempted to hide behind him, leading to a rather amusing panicked shoving match of juvenile desperation to get away from an imminent scolding.
It was complimentary, if a little ridiculous. If either of them wanted to hurt him, he’d be dead so quickly that he wouldn’t even know what killed him.
“I see that I failed to teach you etiquette as well as ethics,” Lan Qiren said ponderously, accompanying his words with one of his better glares and waving the letter he had received at Wei Wuxian – he’d been shoved out in front after all. “Is this all the respect you think I am due as your teacher? A single sentence without any salutation? Summoning me to come to your side like a lapdog?”
“I didn’t think the letter was really from you!” Wei Wuxian squeaked. To judge by his expression, it appeared that he was in fact acquainted with shame, only that it had been a long time and the acquaintance had been very slight. “I thought – a prank – someone mimicking your signature –”
“Oh, we’re in trouble now,” the Ghost General murmured in a voice so soft it might have been missed, if only Lan Qiren’s ears were not quite so sharp.
Sharp enough, in fact, to hear how Wei Wuxian’s song, always a spritely thing, had grown a little slower, a little more sober, but not nearly as twisted and disharmonious as he would have expected from the stories he had heard about him. Wei Wuxian’s heart still sang free and clear, idealistic and well-meaning even if he was a little too wild, and Lan Qiren was reassured that he had come to the right person.
Wei Wuxian might be a bit of a madman, choosing demonic cultivation and defying the cultivation world as he did, making all the terrible choices that he had, but he was still a good person.
He would help.
The Ghost General, on the other hand, was in turns soft and gentle and rough and discordant, the rippling flow of his melody torn through with harsh and jagged trills like a clenching bleeding hand dragged along guqin strings, like a dying breath choked into a qiao, thick with the resentment of the unquiet dead – Lan Qiren would have to keep an eye on him.
Some classes on the subject of restraint and moderation would not go amiss, he thought, falling instinctively into analysis. That would help bring together the two sides of that personality, to soften the vicious rage and strengthen the too-weak tune…
Lan Qiren huffed, shaking his head at his own foolishness. It was too easy to slide back into the role of teacher, no matter how strange the environs – it had been a long time since he had left home, he thought, even for a night-hunt, and old habits were difficult to abandon. This trip, barely started, was already wearing on him.
He flicked his sleeve, folding his hands behind him, and began to walk in the direction of Lanling.
“Wait, your letter…did you say you wanted my help with something?” Wei Wuxian asked, his eyes wide as saucers as he hurried to catch up and fall into step behind him. “I…me? Really?”
“Yes,” Lan Qiren said. “The concern is of a musical nature, and there are reasons I could not ask Wangji. You are an excellent musical cultivator. Will you assist?”
“Of course, teacher,” Wei Wuxian said automatically, and Lan Qiren smiled, pleased. “A teacher for a day, a father for a lifetime – it’s the least I can do. Only, uh, as I’m sure you know, that is…my reputation…”
“I’m aware of it.”
“Then you see why I thought your letter was a fake, don’t you? If I go to Gusu, who knows how they’d respond to seeing me – no, I do know, I know exactly what would happen. They’d lock me up!”
“Not if you were my guest,” Lan Qiren said firmly. He had that much influence in the sect, he thought, after all those years of faithful service – and in the end if they did refuse to give him any face and insist on locking Wei Wuxian up, what then? Who would they turn to in order to find the music that might heal him from his purported madness, if not Lan Qiren himself? “I would ensure that you would be free to leave as you wished.”
“Even if it’s Hanguang-jun that wants to force me to stay?” Wei Wuxian asked, a challenge in his voice.
“Have you ever heard of He Kexin?” Lan Qiren asked, and Wei Wuxian blinked and shook his head. “I wouldn’t have expected you to. A criminal of my generation, guilty of the premeditated murder of an honored teacher of the Lan sect and sentenced to indefinite confinement within the Cloud Recesses. She ultimately died when Wangji was quite young, and it affected him deeply – if you think he would force you to stay anywhere against your wishes, you have fundamentally misunderstood my nephew.”
Wei Wuxian was silent for a moment, absorbing that, and then said, “Premeditated murder of an honored teacher, huh? Is that a warning for me?”
“Is that a serious question, or are you merely curious to know if you are too old for me to smack you?” Lan Qiren asked, frowning. “The answer in either case is no.”
The Ghost General’s sleeves were all in tatters, but that didn’t stop him from trying to use them to muffle his laughter. He seemed to be enjoying his master’s misfortune.
Assuming Wei Wuxian actually was his master. There was definitely a bond of some sort there between the two of them, more intertwined than friends, less harmonious than lovers, not as echoing as that between swordsman and his spiritual weapon; Lan Qiren couldn’t quite put his finger on it. A friendship underpinned by life debts running both ways, perhaps.
Lan Qiren was unable to resist: he turned abruptly and pinned the Ghost General with a dour look. “Would you like to contribute to this discussion?”
Fierce corpses could not pale, but it seemed that they could make a facial expression that suggested they had. “No, honored teacher,” the Ghost General said, stuttering a little. “Sorry, honored teacher.”
He had once been a poor student, Lan Qiren concluded, and had the fear of teachers firmly implanted in him.
“Hmm,” he said, and then, because he could, “Name the three most commonly encountered types of ghosts.”
The Ghost General looked like he was about to faint. “I – I – I wasn’t expecting a quiz –”
“…are you teasing him?” Wei Wuxian asked, looking a bit like he was going to faint himself.
Lan Qiren shook his head, because he wasn’t, not really – or perhaps more accurately, not entirely. It was certainly part of the reason, but there was more to it than that.
Poor students often had preconceived notions of what teachers were like and were so concerned with their fears that they were unable to focus on the facts before them. In such cases, it was better to give into their assumptions in the first instance, scaring them but also showing them that their fears were insubstantial and could not harm them – for instance, that the dreaded pop quiz would not actually cause them any trouble even if they should fail to answer. Only then was it finally possible to shift over into the actual business of educating them.
It was also, admittedly, rather fun.
“I would be willing to take you as a student,” he said to the Ghost General, whose jaw dropped. “When the present business is done, and if Wei Wuxian can spare you. It would be to your benefit.”
“I – I – I –”
“Perhaps we should table the discussion for now,” Wei Wuxian said quickly, blinking rapidly as if he were attempting to wake himself from a dream. “Honored teacher, what is it that you want me to help with? You said the problem you were having is musical in nature?” His eyes brightened. “An ancient treatise, perhaps..?”
“An investigation,” Lan Qiren said, but noted to himself that it seemed that Wei Wuxian enjoyed the prospect of abstract research. Perhaps they could encourage him to do that instead of whatever it was he was doing with demonic cultivation – it wouldn’t make him an acceptable match for Lan Wangji, but in the event Lan Wangji lost all reason and insisted on the match the way his father had, it might be a good way to blunt Wei Wuxian’s edges and make him more acceptable to the rest of the world. It was much more difficult to be afraid of an eccentric academic than a slaughtering war machine.
Not that Lan Qiren would be conceding defeat so easily, mind you.
“An investigation? Really? Regarding what?”
“Attempted murder,” Lan Qiren said.
“Attempted –” Wei Wuxian’s jaw dropped. “You said it was a musical issue!”
“It is.” Lan Qiren heard the whisper of distant bells, small and tinkling, and stopped walking with a frown.
Swordsmen flying in formation? Here? In this deserted place, where people came only to pass through?
“Did you arrange to meet anyone else?” he asked Wei Wuxian, who frowned in turn.
“Anyone else? No, of course not,” he said. “I mean, even with you, I wasn’t actually expecting someone to show up –”
The Ghost General abruptly moved, a burst of action, and caught an arrow headed straight for Wei Wuxian’s chest.
“Wei Wuxian!” someone roared, and Lan Qiren frowned: now that was an unpleasant sound. Self-absorbed and haughty, as many were, but without valor or etiquette or even courtesy to mitigate it; the dull and vapid piping sound of someone who bullied the weak but feared the strong, and worsened by an underlying sound of something like a guqin string breaking off while playing. The latter wasn’t a personality defect, but an external cause – but what could cause something like that?
The individual in question, it turned out, was Jin Zixun, he noted, his frown deepening. Jin Guangshan’s nephew, yet not one who had been sent to the Cloud Recesses for Lan Qiren to smarten up, whether due to bad timing or his own disinterest. He hadn’t much liked the boy during the few times he had encountered him at discussion conferences, and seeing him for the first time in a while, he didn’t think much of the man he’d become, either.
Jin Zixun was accompanied by a moderately large retinue of Jin retainers, as well as representatives from some other sects, although no major ones. Mostly ones affiliated with the Jin, from what he recalled.
“Wei Wuxian!” Jin Zixun shouted again, and Wei Wuxian was about to speak, an impertinent smirk curling onto his lips. He stopped when Lan Qiren waved him silent. “Lift the curse you’ve placed on me right now and maybe I’ll let you off!”
A curse? That would explain the sound of the breaking guqin string, the external music that did not fit, but of course Wei Wuxian was a flutist, not a guqin player; it wouldn’t have been his work.
(Truly, even though there was no rule that said ‘let stupid men speak freely and you will learn everything you wish to know’, there probably ought to be.)
“What are you talking about?” Wei Wuxian asked, looking bored. “What curse?”
“You’re still pretending you don’t know? Look at this! Look what you’ve done to me!”
Jin Zixun pulled open his shirt, revealing his chest, and Lan Qiren’s lip curled in disgusted.
The Hundred Holes curse – that was an interesting choice. That required a particular type of bitterness to cast, being both nasty, brutal and slow in a way suggestive of a personal grudge and yet, to not inform the victim of who was the caster? That was distant, anonymous, faceless. Impersonal.
Wei Wuxian denied casting the curse, naturally, and Jin Zixun began threatening to kill him, telling him he wasn’t welcome at Jin Ling’s first month celebration, and now Wei Wuixan looked enraged, was reaching for his flute –
“Enough!” Lan Qiren thundered, and everyone turned to look at him. Jin Zixun mouthed his name in shock, clearly not having noticed him before in his singular focus on Wei Wuxian. “You have presented no proof of Wei Wuxian’s ill intent towards you, nor are you in charge of the invitations to the event in question. You will either produce your proof at once, or else retreat.”
Jin Zixun did neither, unsurprisingly. “What proof do I need?! No one else has such as vicious character as he, and everyone knows that we confronted each other! He hates me! Who else would it be but him?”
“If he wished to kill you, why would he use an anonymous curse rather than simply tear you to pieces with a fierce corpse or summon ghosts to harass you, the way he killed throughout the Sunshot Campaign?” Lan Qiren demanded, irritated as much by the stupidity on display as by the delay. “You cannot kill a man simply based on an assumption of which you are unsure.”
“I am sure! And the proof will be in the act. Once he dies, the curse will lift!” Jin Zixun suddenly grinned, teeth glinting. “And if we’re asking questions, I have one myself: why are you here, honored teacher? Here in the middle of nowhere, without anyone else from the Lan sect beside you – one might almost think that you were conspiring…”
Lan Qiren scoffed.
“For someone as upright and righteous as the honored Teacher Lan to speak in the Yiling Patriarch’s defense is impossible,” one of the retainers shouted. “He’s been bewitched! Wei Wuxian lured him here to kill him!”
“Ridiculous!” Lan Qiren spat.
“Give us one good reason why you’re here, then!” Jin Zixun demanded. “If you’re not here to meet Wei Wuxian!”
“Of course I’m here to meet Wei Wuxian,” Lan Qiren said impatiently, flicking his sleeve and thinking that he would need to have a talk with Jin Guangshan regarding his nephew’s insolence. He would not tolerate such blatant disrespect. “I wrote him a letter inviting him to the Cloud Recesses so that I could discuss some matters with him, and he responded by setting this as the meeting place instead. I agreed, and so came here.”
“What matters would you need to discuss with him?” one of the other cultivators demanded – one of the Ouyang collateral branch that had split from the main family in the previous generation, it looked like, probably out to try to steal some glory. “Honored Teacher Lan, you must explain yourself!”
Oh, Lan Qiren would be having a talk with several people over this.
Still, as much as he would like to stand on his dignity and refuse to answer, that would only lead to more questions. It would inflame tempers and exacerbate the situation, turning this stupid little dispute into the horrible dissonant cacophony of battle.
“Among other matters, I intended to dissuade him from pursuing a marriage with one of my sect,” he said, raising his chin. The Wall of Discipline said Do not tell lies, but a lifetime of practicing the sort of diplomacy necessary to run a sect had taught him that Do not use frivolous words was an adequate counter: sometimes, the best way to avoid an uncomfortable situation was to tell only the relevant part of the truth.
Or, as the rules put it: Speak meagerly, for excess words will only bring harm.
These wastrels did not need to know about the investigation, confidential as it was, and so he could share the portion of his intended discussion which was not.
Several of the crowd were gaping at him, Jin Zixun included, and Wei Wuxian beside him said in a strangled voice, “Marriage?”
“I was going to raise it with you before we were interrupted,” Lan Qiren told him. “I mean no insult by it, but I truly do not believe you to be an appropriate match.”
Wei Wuxian nodded dumbly.
“This is ridiculous,” Jin Zixun suddenly snapped, interjecting himself into the conversation, such as it was. “Lies, all of it, and you think we’d believe – mm!”
He clutched at his face, presumably appalled at being silenced as if it wasn’t exactly what he deserved for such an affront. Except of course he couldn’t leave it at that, gesturing wildly, and all the Jin retainers began to move, pulling out their swords and lifting their bows in readiness.
Wei Wuxian put Chenqing to his lips and issued a single drawn-out note.
Nothing happened.
“They cleared the path of any corpses,” Wei Wuxian hissed, his eyes suddenly reddening with rage. “This was prepared in advance. An ambush! They were never going to let me go to Jin Ling’s first month ceremony…Wen Ning, I’m going to need to use you. Ready, on my count, and – mm!”
Lan Qiren had silenced him as well.
“You will do no such thing,” he said icily, thinking to himself that perhaps he really ought to have insisted on keeping Wei Wuxian at the Cloud Recesses for longer than he had, despite the boy’s disastrous brand of nonsense. It was as if he had never heard of consequences – if Wei Wuxian so much as raised a blade to a single one of these men, the Jin sect would be calling for his head. Forget setting the Ghost General on them! “I will handle this.”
“You?” the Ghost General blurted out. “But - honored teacher…”
Lan Qiren was not, had never been, much of a fighter. He had been confined to the Cloud Recesses in his youth due to being sickly, and in his adulthood due to his brother’s choices; his experience was limited and insufficient. He had lifted both blade and guqin against the Wen sect when they came to burn his home, doing what little he could, and they had beaten him so badly that his heart and lungs had been permanently injured - to this day, he coughed up blood if he became overly emotional, and over-straining himself could lead him to start bleeding from all the qiqiao.
The doctors had warned him that it was not a wound that would ever be likely to heal.
And yet – as the rules of his sect said – with a strong will, anything can be achieved.
Lan Qiren drew his guqin in a single practiced motion and put his hand on the strings.
“Do you intend to fight me?” he asked, listening to the clamor of music from the hearts of the men in front of him. The ones with truly martial or aggressive beats were few and far between: if he needed to, he would target them first, and without their informal leaders, the resolve of the remainder would crumble, and they would flee.
But – he did not think he would need to.
“You can’t attack the honored Teacher Lan!” the Ghost General cried out, clearly appalled by the very thought of it. “You can’t – you just can’t!”
Lan Qiren looked at the young men in front of him, many of whom were frozen in indecision.
“Wei Wuxian may be a rogue cultivator, without even his corpses to aid him,” he reminded them. “But I represent the Lan sect, and it stands behind me. If you attack me now, even if you were to succeed and kill me, there would be an investigation; if there is an investigation, your actions will be discovered; if your actions are discovered, my Lan sect will demand vengeance from which not one of you will escape. You, and your families as well. Or do you believe that my Lan sect will not go to war for me?”
And not only the Lan sect. Lan Qiren might not be much of a fighter, he might never had become the traveling musician he had once dreamed of being, but he was a teacher – a teacher for a day, a father for a lifetime, and his students were scattered throughout the sects, throughout the cultivation world.
Perhaps some of them would stand by in silence, disregarding their filial duty to laugh at his demise.
More, he thought, would raise up their swords for him.
It seemed the Jin retainers thought the same, because no matter how violently Jin Zixun gestured, they did not make any move to attack.
“What’s going on here?!” another voice came at that moment, the low qiao of the steadfast lover – Jin Zixuan, settled at last, grown up and happy. Well, usually happy; at the moment he was clearly horrified. “Are you – are you attacking honored Teacher Lan?! What is wrong with you all? Are you trying to start another war?!”
“They came to ambush Wei Wuxian,” Lan Qiren said, not putting away his guqin just yet. “I was under the impression he was your invited guest, Jin-gongzi. Was that incorrect?”
“It is not,” Jin Zixuan said, and he knocked aside the flailing Jin Zixun’s hand, the one with the sword. “He is invited, and A-Li is waiting for him at Jinlin Tower right now. I knew nothing about any of this – Wei Wuxian, forgive my cousin, and forgive me for not having realized that he’d do something like this. I will make it up to you when we get back home, I promise.”
Wei Wuxian’s mouth worked briefly, and Lan Qiren snapped the silencing spell he’d put on him with a thought.
“Thanks,” Wei Wuxian said, shooting him a look that seemed to contain questions. Lan Qiren assumed the questions related to his judgment of Jin Zixuan’s sincerity, and so he nodded his approval. “It’s – uh – fine, I suppose? It’s not like he succeeded even he did plan this out in advance, even going so far as to get rid of all the corpses to try to trap me…but know this! If honored Teacher Lan wasn’t here, I wouldn’t be nearly so forgiving!”
Or mute. Wei Wuxian had a mouth made for provoking people, just like his mother…why in the world did Lan Wangji have to like him so much?
“Of course,” Jin Zixuan said quickly. “Honored Teacher Lan, you will also come with us, won’t you? You can complete your conversation with Wei Wuxian at Jinlin Tower, and I’m certain your nephews will be pleased to see you…”
Lan Qiren huffed. “I am not so old and doddering as to need to be watched at every moment,” he said, knowing his tone betrayed his tetchiness – all entirely unfeigned, but it would still be helpful if everyone thought that his solo excursion had been merely a symptom of irritation at how he’d been incessantly pestered in his slow recovery. “Very well, we will return with you. Someone will need to carry Wei Wuxian and his ghost general, however, as I note that he has once again failed to bring his sword.”
“I didn’t think I’d need it,” Wei Wuxian drawled. “It seemed an odd accoutrement for a first moon party, but then again perhaps I should have anticipated the ambush?”
Jin Zixuan looked around, realizing that the only people here that could perform the escort were either himself and Lan Qiren or else participants in the ambush. “Honored Teacher Lan,” he said, looking a little panicked. “Forgive my impertinence, but could I ask you…?”
“I’ll ride with honored Teacher Lan,” Wei Wuxian announced, his tone grandiose and extremely irritating. Arrogant little brat. “Provided that you take Wen Ning, Jin-gongzi. After all, honored Teacher Lan still needs to talk to me about how he doesn’t want me to marry someone from his sect.”
Lan Qiren sighed. “It’s for your own good as well, you know,” he told Wei Wuxian even as Jin Zixuan attempted to swallow his own tongue in shock. “Our sect follows our sect rules no matter where we are, marrying in or out, and do so for our whole lives. Is that something you would be willing to tolerate?”
Wei Wuxian grinned at him, his expression – and the cheerful crescendos and upbeat lilt of his song, very nearly back to being as lively as they had been in his youth – suggesting that he was not as dissuaded as might have been hoped.
A few more moments and they all rearranged themselves, taking to the air. It was a little strange: the Ghost General, Wen Ning, rode in front of Jin Zixuan in the more vulnerable position, and because he was nearly the same height as Jin Zixuan their heads kept knocking together by accident, while Lan Qiren pointedly took the lead position as well. A sign of trust, and also recognition that he was a half-head shorter than his erstwhile student.
As they flew through the air, Wei Wuxian put his chin on Lan Qiren’s shoulder. “And there’s also that attempted murder you want me to help you with,” he murmured, voice low. “Reputation or not, ability or not, I will help you as much as I can, honored Teacher Lan, however I can…anything I can do, I will do. Thank you for trusting in me.”
Lan Qiren snorted. “What are you talking about?”
“The curse on Jin Zixun. You didn’t believe him when he said I did it.”
“That’s not trust, but logic,” Lan Qiren said scornfully. “The person who sent that curse plays the guqin, not the flute. How could it have been you?”
It was strange, though. A curse, spiritual poison, and both by guqin players – it was not an uncommon instrument to use, but to wield it with such skill that the instrument became an innate part of the player’s residual spiritual qi, the way the Lan sect taught its disciples to do…?
Lan Xichen didn’t like Lan Wangji’s crush on Wei Wuxian any more than Lan Qiren did, he thought to himself, even if he had encouraged it in their youth – but that had been before Wei Wuxian had turned to his dark and crooked path, and before Lan Wangji had demonstrated signs that he was unwilling to turn away from him despite it. Even more than Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen feared his brother following in their father’s footsteps, in damning himself for a lover who didn’t deserve him, feared that Wei Wuxian would shatter his beloved Lan Wangji’s fragile heart into a million pieces and more…
Still, a curse? The Hundred Holes, no less? His nephew?
A few days earlier, Lan Qiren would have said it was impossible. But then, a few days earlier, he would have said that it would be impossible for Lan Xichen’s lover to be poisoned through a spiritual song that, as far as Lan Qiren knew, only Lan Xichen and those he had personally trained had ever used on him.
Lan Qiren did not understand, and what little he did, he didn’t like.
Still, he had the marginal satisfaction that his initial mission had been accomplished, however uncomfortable the journey might have been – Wei Wuxian had agreed to assist him in his investigation. If he could only get the man alone long enough to explain the issue, they could even start looking into it at once, at the first month party in Jinlin Tower, which everyone in the cultivation world would attend.
They would discover the truth.
And when they did…
Let it not be Xichen, Lan Qiren thought. Let it be anyone else, no matter what – just not him.
I don’t know what I’d do if it were him.
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heyitsdoe · 3 years
Dearly Devoted | Charlotte Katakuri x OC Chapter 1
Sacrifice for the sake of duty was a concept that Onegama Yuna, beloved Princess of Seiiki Kingdom, understood well. And the highest price she'd pay would come from securing protection against slaver raids that terrorized her people-Agreeing to marry the 2nd son of the Charlotte Family, a man she knew absolutely nothing about. Slow burn.
Words: 5.3k
Pairings: Charlotte Katakuri x OC
GENERAL WARNINGS: Eventual NSFW smut, violence
From her seat on the cushioned sofa in front of the hearth, barely able to fit comfortably due to her unusual height, Yuna looked up at the sound of steady footsteps. A familiar gait, and someone they'd both been anticipating since the alert that a hostile ship had been approaching their eastern coast only hours previously. She looked to her father expectantly, whose eyes held a deep worry that she'd come to expect in the past several months. They closed briefly, as if preparing himself for terrible news.
Captain of the Seiiki Kingdom's Navy, Daigon, appeared from the hallway outside. The older seaman was still dressed in his leather armor, sweat- and blood-stained, carrying the signature smell of salt that seemed to follow him wherever he went, no matter how much time he spent away from his ship. Upon seeing the father and daughter in the room, his arm rose in a salute. But it looked stiff. Forced, even. His weathered face took on a grim expression, but he tried his best to keep his composure. Yuna's eyes honed in on the bandage wrapped around his arm, and frowned severely.
"You're injured."
His eyes widened, but he shifted his arm closer to his body so as to hide the evidence. "It is nothing serious-"
She held out her hand, beckoning him closer with her long arm. "Then you should have no issue allowing me to heal you from it."
"I'll order you if I must."
His pinched expression became even tighter, and he dutifully stepped forward when the king input no disagreement, unwrapping the crude cloth that covered the wound where the leather did not protect. The 11-foot tall young woman leaned down and took a closer look at the cut on his arm. It was small, as he'd said, but still bled evenly. With a gentle touch, she placed her hand against his exposed skin and watched as the tips of her fingers began to glow a gentle white.
The mark slowly closed, before fading entirely, and the Captain's skin was once again unblemished. Yuna sat back against the couch, careful to keep her face schooled in a neutral expression, ignoring the stinging sensation of pain that accompanied the use of her power.
"You are too kind, Princess." He said in a mutter, guilt still evident in his expression. The King cleared his throat, drawing attention away from his daughter.
"I can see it in your face, Captain, that you wish you had better news to give me." Yuna's wearied father gestured patiently, already lowering his shoulders for whatever the man may have to say. "Spare this old man the pleasantries, and tell me your report."
"The slavers were successfully repelled, however, we lost...Hanto and Botan, 2 of my veterans." The navy captain said with a regretful bow of his head.
"My deepest condolences to you, Daigon." Came her father's rumbled reply, aware that Daigon took every lost life in his command as a burden on his shoulders, a wound to the heart that even Yuna could not help heal. "Please see to it that the families are notified, and should they require anything, they may see me directly."
"Of course." He replied, but still did not move. He dared to raise his head and face his monarch directly. "Your Majesty...I should apologize for being blunt but it needs to be said. We can't continue on at the rate we are. The past week alone has seen a loss of 6 men, with 17 more sustaining serious injuries. The raids are coming more frequently, and their arsenals increase each time. I'm afraid we'll be outmanned and outgunned in a matter of weeks."
"So many? And you didn't come to me? Let me see to your injured." Yuna said immediately, but Daigon turned to her with a serious expression.
"Please understand...My men have refused to see you, as they would feel shame relying on the Princess in such a way."
"Yuna," her father interjected, shaking his head slowly, "let it go. You cannot heal every wound this country sustains. Do not forget your ability has limits."
Chastised, the seafoam-haired woman closed her mouth resolutely, arms crossed in frustration. She loathed being able to do something but having to restrain herself for the sake of her own health.
"People are growing nervous, the former slaves especially." Daigon continued, head lowering sadly. "Many fear a day when these naval raids become ground assaults, myself included. We've seen evidence that several slaver groups have cooperated together, or at least shared intelligence about our numbers and tactics.
"I know your opinion on the matter, but..." Daigon looked at the King again. "We may have to consider conscription, Your Majesty."
A heavy sigh escaped her father, and Yuna winced as he reached up to take off his glasses, wiping them against his fur-trimmed cloak with a fatigue she tried harder and harder to ignore each day. The thought that her father was no longer a spry king in his prime was sobering. But now into his 60's, the signs of his age were more noticeable. The gray in his hair had overtaken the brown, and wrinkles had taken up residence under his eyes and on his forehead.
"We've gone so long without forcing the people into service. I have no desire to see them put their lives in danger again after enduring so much before their liberation." He said with a heavy heart, finally settling his glasses back into place. "'Seiiki.' Sanctuary. That is what we offer them, a place where they no longer have to expect hardship."
Daigon nodded slowly. Seiiki Kingdom was a place of freedom for those unfortunate souls who had experienced lives of hardship and brutality. Many slaves around the world sought to reach their shores, the promise of peace and happiness too great to ignore. And on rare occasions, even the Revolutionary Army had brought those they'd freed from the Celestial Dragons' clutches to them, knowing that the King would treat them fairly.
However, being a well-known hot-spot for former slaves, those in the business of profiting from their capture and sale saw Seiiki as prime hunting territory. Their reputation, in this case, was a hinderance to their ability to protect those who sought freedom.
They'd managed thus far to keep the slavers at bay, but each attack chipped away at their navy, picking off their men in ones and twos. Over time, a relatively small country like them would begin to buckle under the consistent losses.
Her father was unwilling to compromise on his people's freedom, even in times as desperate as this. If he had one flaw as a leader, Yuna supposed this would be it. Before, they'd always been able to seek other solutions to their problems, and so far have come out alright for it. However, in this circumstance, he was stumped as to what to do.
Yuna closed her eyes, having been formulating an idea for the past few weeks that she knew he would be wholly opposed to. She was his daughter, so she knew he would not accept what she had to say. However, she was tired of seeing him worry. She was tired of watching her people grow more afraid as each week their navy was attacked and weakened. And she believed this path offered them a chance to avoid the dreaded conscription. The Princess steeled her resolve and looked at the two men with a practiced calm.
"Father," his eyes drew to her, "there may be another way we can secure protection for the country, without having to force military service. We wouldn't have to sacrifice their safety in any way. I will accept it as my responsibility."
"Princess..." Daigon caught on after a moment, stiffening further where he stood.
The king frowned, before understanding soon followed by denial overtook his expression. "No. I will not subject you to such a fate. Your mother would not have wanted it for you either."
"We may not have another choice." She stated, eyes closing in acceptance. "Their safety is our priority, always, and if I should have to put my pride aside to ensure that, I will do so."
"It's not a matter of pride, Yuna, it's..." The King let out a breath, head shaking. "You are my daughter, and I could never condone taking away such an important choice from you. Who you marry should be decided out of love, not political necessity. What's more, there are many things to consider in a political marriage like this. Whether our nation retains it's independence is one thing. There are surely to be other stipulations they will demand. It's also extremely unlikely anyone would accept an offer of marriage from a bride with your extreme height-"
The King's words cut off, realizing how his words came across a moment too late to take them back. Yuna smiled sadly, masking the slight sting. She stamped down the feelings of being undesirable as he stuttered out an apology.
"I'm...sorry. I didn't mean it in such a way-"
"I know, Father."
A short pause permeated the room, and the King seemed to realize that his Naval Captain was still there with them. He cleared his throat, giving his man a small decline of his head. "Daigon, I believe the rest of this conversation should be kept between my daughter and I. Was there anything else you needed to report?"
"No, Your Majesty. I'll take my leave." He said with a respectful bow to them both, quickly turning in place and leaving the two royals alone again. The large wooden doors shut behind him, blocking anyone from overhearing their conversation.
For a time, they simply sat together in silence. The crackling of the fire in the hearth kept the atmosphere cozy, but she could feel an apprehension had settled on his shoulders in addition to his typical worry.
Her father sighed again, clasping his hands together. "Yuna...I can't allow this."
"No, you can allow it, but you won't. Which is completely unreasonable." She responded with a crossing of her arms. "We need to do something. Anything at all should be on the table right now. You heard Daigon, our people are desperate and afraid, and nothing is getting better. This isn't some wiling idea I've just come up with. This is something I've considered for several weeks now. I understand what it would mean if I go through with it."
"Are you sure you do? You will be whisked away to an unknown land. You will not be able to have a choice in who you spend the rest of your life with, something your mother and I always wanted you and your brothers to retain, no matter what."
"I know all of that."
"Then you understand why I do not agree with this decision."
"All the more reason why we need to consider it." She replied cooly, not backing down in the slightest. "I am the eldest of the children, it's expected I would marry first. In fact, I'm past the typical age of marriage already. If I haven't found a husband within my own country by now, I don't believe I ever will. This may be my only chance of finding someone at all."
"Father." She interrupted, leaning over the gap between the couches and grasping her father's much smaller hands in her own. "I've long accepted that my own freedoms may be sacrificed for the good of the people. And if this ensures that they never have to fear becoming a slave again, I will do it. Nor will I resent you for needing me to."
For a moment, his eyes lingered down to her long-sleeve covered arm. Her attire covered from just under her chin to the very edge of her palm, skin completely hidden away by the modest dress. He slipped one of his hands from between hers and laid it on her sleeve gently. "You take on too much in the sake of duty."
"Then I am certainly my father's daughter." She replied, a pleased smile settling on her lips as her met her gaze.
He matched the expression with a somber one of his own, acknowledging that his own passion for giving everything he could had been passed down to her. With a few pats on her large wrist, he gave a slow nod. "I make no promise to go through with your idea...but I will at the very least consider it."
Two weeks had passed since her conversation with her father. The waiting, wondering if he would actually enact it, made her itch. She didn't bother asking if he had made a decision yet, knowing that persistent questioning would decrease his willingness to pursue it.
But the longer they waited, the worse the situation would become. Merchant and trading vessels were also being targeted, beginning to take a toll on on their export profits. Slavers still regularly attacked their coast, the Navy never getting a moment's respite, for fear of missing one ship and having their citizens terrorized. She could see it in the seamen's faces, the constant worry, the pressure on their backs to protect the country raising as the odds stacked higher and higher against them.
One particularly bad incident saw Yuna down at the docks, where a merchant ship had managed to smuggle away a dozen or so liberated slaves. Slavers had attacked the vessel without mercy, knowing Seiiki's methods of hiding former slaves as inconspicuously as possible. The ship was in a bad state as it limped into the harbor, taking on water in it's lower decks. They'd had to resort to dragging in the ship for the last several hundred feet, keeping it afloat with a smattering of pulleys and ropes from their own escorting galleons.
Dressed in her modest long-sleeved gown, she hunched a ways back from where the navy were assisting the terrified slaves off of the merchant's ship, directing them to sit upon the various barrels and boxes that lined the wooden dock. She was careful to remain behind one of the buildings, not wanting to scare any of them with her imposing presence. It wouldn't have been the first time she'd made a person or two faint from shock. Their faces white from residual fear, no doubt the experience had shaken them, and there was no need to add to that until they were calmed.
The merchant spoke with Daigon for a moment, before shaking hands and boarding his damaged ship once more. The shipwrights would see to the repairs.
Daigon turned and addressed the slaves. "I'm sorry your arrival here was not a peaceful one, but rest assured, you are safe now. Welcome to Seiiki Kingdom."
"Sanctuary..." She heard several of the slaves mutter under their breaths. She smiled, always enjoying the moment of joy and relief that overcame their faces when they realized that they were finally in the clear.
After a short explanation of what this place was, and slowly easing them into a much less stressed state, he gestured to Yuna. She rose from her crouch behind one of the wooden dock buildings and began making her way towards the group.
"Princess Yuna of the Onegama royal family. She is here to assist with your injuries." He introduced with a bow, and all of the former slaves turned to regard her. Most couldn't contain their gasps of surprise, having to crane their necks upwards at the exceedingly tall princess. She smiled patiently, before kneeling on the wood of the dock so as not to come across as imposing as she knew she could be.
"I welcome you all to our island." She began, hands pressed together. "You will all be given food and shelter soon enough. We have plenty for all of you, so don't worry about having too much. And as Daigon explained, this is a sanctuary. Many of our people are former slaves like yourselves. You will be treated as an equal."
"Thank you..." A few of them sobbed, tears now streaking down their faces. The thought of peace and being considered equal was too much for them to contain.
"Before we send you on your way, I can heal you of your injuries with my devil fruit. Please come forward, one at a time."
They naturally formed a line in front of the large princess, several having sustained injuries in the final few leagues of their journey. The first, a broad-shouldered man with sandy-colored hair, looked up at her tiredly.
"I was lucky enough to not be harmed, Princess. There's no need to heal me." He said with a bow of his head, but she simply shook her head.
"Lend me your hand?" She asked, and he held out his limb as requested. She pulled back the sleeve of his tattered shirt, revealing many old marks. Scars, half-healed lesions and welts where the end of a whip had connected. The man winced at the sight, but she gave him a smile. "Fresh or scarred, it doesn't matter. I can heal them all."
His eyes widened just a fraction, before her fingers touched against the marred skin and began to glow. Before his eyes the signs of his past injuries began to fade. The darkened scar tissue lightened, the jaggedness smoothing and shrinking, until his flesh was left unmarked and free of past damage.
Yuna closed her eyes to hide the searing pain, and heard him gasp out an amazed breath. Behind him, several of the slaves did the same, no doubt watching with wonder as he was healed. When she opened them, the man's tearful eyes were staring up at her. His hand came to rest upon her own in a tight grip.
"Thank you...to be free of those marks is...I can only say thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
"Live here in peace, and forget the pain you have suffered." She told him, keeping her voice carefully neutral. With a squeeze of her hand, he gave a few stuttered nods, before stepping past her to join the guards that were waiting behind her to take them to their temporary shelter.
The former slaves behind him looked much more eager to approach her now, and one by one she freed them from the last reminders of their previous captivity. Each healing left her more fatigued, and only her strength of will kept her expression from displaying the pain she was in. Keeping the visible shaking from her own body was a much harder task, but seeing the truly liberated expressions of these people made it all worth it.
After healing the last person, who threw their arms around her arm in a tight hug to show their gratitude, Yuna stood-thankful that her long dress skirts hid the shaking of her legs-and gave them a smile.
"I hope Seiiki can provide you all with a long, fulfilling life. Please follow the guards, and they will take you to your temporary housing until we can find you a more permanent place to stay."
A smattering of 'Thank you's' and 'Princess' were directed her way, and before long the slaves had all been escorted towards the housing block for new arrivals. Yuna finally let out a shaky breath, wobbling a little on her feet and trying her best to dampen the intense stinging sensation throughout her body.
"Princess, you did too much." Daigon said with a severe frown. "Return to the castle so the nurses can take a look at you."
"I'll be quite alright, but thank you for your concern. I know my own limits." She said, steadying herself and ignoring the frustrated expression on the Captain's face. To soften his irritation, she gave him a playful smile. "I already have one father prone to worrying over everything I do, Daigon. I don't need a second."
"Tch, I have to disagree." He ended, before turning to his men. "Get the ships prepared for the next patrol. We don't have time to stand around relaxing. Hop to it!"
The raiders had managed to make it to shore, for the first time in Seiiki's long history.
The news shook the ruling family, King Kuzo most of all. Though softened by the fact that no one had been taken thanks to the swift actions of their ground-standing army, it was still a stark warning sign that could not be ignored. The threat was growing, and their strength was not rising to match it.
The King had secluded himself to his chambers for the past week after the incident, requesting solitude so he could figure out his next step. Yuna and her brothers, Denji and Genji, wondered what their father would do to ease the citizens' growing anxiety. The general feeling was that having broken through their navy once, the raiders would put bolstered effort into doing it again.
"We aren't a poverty-stricken country, perhaps we can simply hire out a mercenary group to bolster our forces." Denji suggested with a shrug. The chestnut-haired middle brother stabbed through one of the vegetables on his plate before bringing it to his mouth.
Dinner had been served in the large dining room, one of the only rooms in the castle that Yuna could comfortably stand straight in with it's high ceilings. The siblings were gathered around the long table, once again without their father in attendance.
"He is concerned they would do more harm than good in the long run." Yuna replied, a large bowl of various fruit set before the table that she knelt at. Her stature prevented her from comfortably sitting on the chairs at the average person-sized table. But after years of doing so, she no longer found it strange. "We've already made the suggestion to him, but he's refused it before."
"Then...we increase the weapons and armor output at the factory, or even convert some of the caramel factories to weapons production." Denji threw out there.
Genji, the youngest and least outgoing of the three siblings, gave a small sigh. He swiped a hand through his dark green hair. "More weapons aren't going to help if we don't have enough people to wield them. Manpower is the real issue."
"I don't see why father doesn't just instate the conscription. We could fill the missing numbers in a matter of a few weeks."
"You know why." Yuna gave him a glare. "They've already been forced into captivity and slavery before they came here. He won't force them into military service, too. It goes against what this country stands for-"
"We won't be a country for long if we do nothing." Denji bit back in frustration.
Their age-old argument was no closer to being resolved now than it ever had been. They went silent, then, realizing that continuing this conversation in that direction would only lead to unresolvable anger.
Yuna bit her tongue, wondering if she should bring up her idea of marriage to her brothers. She'd kept it between her father and herself for the moment, unsure of what her brothers would think of it. Until there was a real possibility of it working, she didn't want to jump the gun and cause more issues.
Truly, she honestly wasn't sure what they thought of her to a certain extent. They may hold some care for her, but being as unusually sized as she was, how far did that fondness run? Did they see her as the expendable sibling, or-
Just when she'd nearly convinced herself to speak up, the door to the dining room opened, and their father walked in. His tired eyes took in his three children. Clutched in his hand was a letter, already opened and presumably read.
"Father, you decided to join us." Denji said with a relieved smile. They'd all worried after him for the past week, and seeing him out and about now relieved some of their concerns. "The chefs prepared a delicious roast. You'd love it, so have a plate."
"I'm sure I would, but there is pressing business that I must discuss with all three of you." He stated seriously, drawing the rest of their attention if he hadn't already. He paced over to stand across the table from where Yuna was knelt. With a glance between all three of his children, he let out a weary sigh.
"You all know that I love you dearly and equally." He began, causing the princes and princess to exchange confused glances. "I would never purposefully put anything above the three of you, if I had a choice in the matter. But in this circumstance, I find that we have no other feasible options. Given the escalation of the attacks on our country, and considering that this came from your sister herself..."
With that, he turned to look at Yuna, holding up the letter in his hands. "Several weeks ago, Yuna came to me with a willingness to accept an arranged political marriage in exchange for protection from another country-"
"Marriage!?" Denji and Genji cried out in shock, gazes swinging over to look at their taller and older sister, who nodded slowly.
"Yuna, you can't do this." Genji said. Caught off guard by her Father's admission to her plan, she decided that there was definitely no use in hiding it now.
"Why not? None of us can see any other way to keep the people safe, but this won't require great sacrifice."
"Yes it does!" Denji exclaimed, arms coming up to display his outrage. "You think we would just sit back and watch our sister throw away her chance at marrying someone she actually loves? How is that not a sacrifice? You're going to spend the rest of your life with this person, and there's a good chance neither of you will ever love each other."
Their persistence in trying to change her mind warmed her heart, but she could not back down now. In her mind, this was the best solution to the growing problem. The princess crossed her arms. "It's a freedom I am ok with relinquishing. Better that than forcing conscription on our people."
"It's too much."
"Not from my perspective."
"Why didn't you tell us about this before?" Genji followed up, looking pained as he met her eyes. "You said this was several weeks ago?"
"I had a feeling you would react just like this, and it wasn't set in stone at the time anyway." She admitted, rubbing at her sleeve-covered arms. "I am serious, you know. Like Father said, this was my idea."
Denji scowled, pushing his chair back and standing to regard them. "It doesn't matter whose idea it was, I don't agree with it."
"Neither do I." Genji stood from his seat as well in an unusual display of outgoingness, both brothers facing their father with determined looks. "There has to be another way we can solve this."
"Unfortunately," their father interrupted with a clearing of his throat, waving the letter in his hand as a reminder, "whether you agree or not matters little at this point. I have received a reply from Totto Land, the territory ruled by the Yonko, Big Mom. They have already agreed to offer their protection in exchange for Yuna accepting a marriage to one of their sons."
Yuna's eyes widened alongside her brothers, not having expected such a swift reply. What's more, she hadn't even realize her father had gone forth with the idea. He hadn't said anything to her about writing the letters. A nervousness settled into her chest, having expected more time to truly get used to the idea of marrying someone she knew nothing about before it actually happened.
Not only that, but the fact that such a large and powerful country had given a small one such as them the time of day was a staggering revelation as well. Totto Land was well-known and feared for the ferocity of their fighting force. Yuna couldn't recall the details on the country's political structure or much else other than their feared reputation. With the goal being to stave off slavers, she supposed Totto Land was the best ally they could have asked for, given the circumstances.
"Father, you can't actually be thinking about going through with this." The youngest prince prompted. When he received no other reply than a pitying look, he shook his head. "She already gives too much of herself for the sake of this country. She cannot be expected to do any more."
"That is for me to decide." She huffed, though both brothers were now focused entirely on their father.
"Do they know about her...unusual height?" Denji asked, glancing her way at the mention of the touchy subject. Since she was a child and first showed signs of being abnormally sized, they'd been careful about bringing up the topic of her height.
"They do." The King nodded. "From their reply, it actually sounds like they are more inclined to agree to this arrangement because she is so uniquely tall. Of course, a monthly supply of a portion of our caramel exports may also have something to do with it."
"Who have they arranged for her to marry?" Genji questioned then, since that tidbit of information was definitely important.
The King referred back to the letter in his hand. "The 2nd son of Big Mom, Charlotte Katakuri. He is one of their military Commanders, and a minister of Komugi Island."
None of the siblings had an idea of who that might be, but her future husband's accolades made her swallow. With no idea of what he looked like or what sort of person he may be, Yuna was already intimidated.
But this had been her idea, and she'd resigned herself to whatever might happen after agreeing to following through with it. For the good of her country. For the good of her people. Yuna would accept this marriage, like it or not.
"The matter is settled. They have already accepted, and Yuna has agreed to go through with it. It is not the solution I prefer, but it is a solution, and as you all are aware, we have a duty to this country to keep these people safe. If this accomplishes that, then Yuna's efforts won't be for naught."
Denji and Genji could not come up with anything further to say, perhaps too stunned to voice further concerns. The King looked up at Yuna reaching out to take a hold of her hand. She wrapped her fingers around his hand, accepting the comfort he sought to provide her with.
Her future from here forward would be incredibly uncertain, but Yuna trampled down the ache in her chest at the thought that things weren't going to be as easy as she was hoping them to be.
Chapter 2 ->
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Gavin’s R&S - Ashes
🍒This R&S (浴火) is part of the Dream Heart Lake event which has not been released in EN🍒
This R&S makes reference to Tilted Time, so do read that first if you haven’t!
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Cancelled Gavin R&S:
> minor’s memos
> tilted time
> little bro’s self-cultivation
> Ashes ♡
[ Chapter One ]
It is the thirteenth day of hunting down the wanted criminal.
This is Gavin’s first actual participation in auxiliary work, which is completely different from the simulations on ordinary days.
The criminal’s name is Qianyu, and his modus operandi is so cruel that it makes one’s hair stand on end. The Evol he possesses is temporarily unable to be analysed, and his excellent anti-reconnaissance skills have prevented the pursuit from proceeding normally. The situation does not look optimistic. 
This town is not large, and there are few places to hide. Even so, there’s not a single trace of him. Unless another explosion occurs somewhere--
Just as the captain of this current mission marks the previous explosion on the map, a ball of fire rises up less than ten kilometres away from the STF office. 
What follows is the sound of explosions reminiscent of thunder. 
It’s ear-splitting.
“Since it’s the daytime, there aren’t many people in the village. We’re currently confirming the number of casualties, but this entire village... is considered destroyed.”
Hearing yet another piece of grievous news, the pen in the captain’s hands snaps completely.
[ Chapter Two ]
It is Gavin’s second year in the Special Police Academy, and he has been assigned to this difficult task force. Aside from him, ten names belong to newbies like him, and thirty names belong to experienced Evol Special Agents. He didn’t think the situation would escalate to such a worrying state.
Gavin watches as charred bodies are carried out from the debris. What plays in front of his eyes seems to be another scene of a big, curling fire. It scorches him till his eyeballs hurt.
Liye walks over to him, his voice hoarse: “I suddenly feel that I’m very useless.”
Gavin gives him a glance, and Liye continues: “There was a time I thought my abilities could enable me to save many people. But it doesn’t seem to be the case.”
Gavin doesn’t speak, and simply clenches his fist. 
Liye, like Gavin, is a second year in the Special Police Academy who possesses a healing Evol. As comrades in the same squadron, Liye very much wanted to be Gavin’s partner during the task force formation. But from the looks of it, the organisation didn’t hear the prayer in his heart.
Liye also remembers the first time he met Gavin. Back then, they happened to just enter their second round of training. which involved arresting and fighting. When Gavin was brought into the training grounds by the instructor, he carried only a simple backpack, and the shirt he wore even had a few traces of dried blood.
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Liye looked at Gavin’s face, which was filled with blackish-green hues. His interest was piqued. He knew very clearly that entering this Academy required one to go through a monstrous trial. And out of all the new students, Gavin suffered the most severe injuries. 
Was he too weak? Was it really okay for him to be here?
Liye thought about this silently, and he ended up getting punched squarely in the face.
A fellow trainee comrade looked at him apologetically, and then grumbled: “Why aren’t you fighting properly? What are you looking at?”
Liye wiped away the blood at the corner of his lips, sighing that his opponent couldn’t control his strength. But he didn’t experience any pain at all, and he had already gotten used to it since early on. He waved his hands, signalling that his comrade could continue.
During their evening rest, Liye discovered that the new guy was called Gavin. His comrades’ assessment of him consisted of just a few words: Cold, arrogant, and aloof.
It happened to be Liye’s turn to go patrolling that night, and he saw Gavin on the field. He was undergoing mandatory additional training in order to catch up with their current progress. Liye was just about to greet him, but ended up on the ground when Gavin failed to retract his punch in time.
When Gavin returned to his senses, he saw Liye on the floor, completely unscathed. Liye even shot him a smile. 
[ Chapter Three ]
Gavin furrowed his brows.
Liye climbed back to his feet and said: “I didn’t get to say hello. I’m Liye, and am a new student like you!”
Gavin turned away from him, continuing with his training:
“Stay away from me.”
Liye felt that Gavin couldn’t continue this way.
So of course, he didn’t listen to what Gavin said about staying away from him. On the contrary, he got even closer to him. For example, when it was Gavin’s turn to do night patrolling, Liye would secretly sneak downstairs to greet him. When Gavin was eating, another set of cutlery would inexplicably appear next to him. There were no need for questions - it belonged to Liye.
Liye didn’t have any intentions aside from feeling that Gavin was someone with a story. He was unwilling to watch him coldly isolate himself from his comrades and live a solitary life, especially when the fighting classes required a comrade to practice with...
The other comrades also felt that Gavin’s coldness made it difficult to get close to him - there were even multiple “Gavin is too cold - let’s put a stop to his power” challenges. But at the end of the day, they all belonged “to the same species”. Furthermore, Liye was such a peacemaker. Also, there was a time when a picture of a girl was discovered among Gavin’s articles of clothing, leading to collective hollering. 
As time passed, Gavin was no longer as resistant as before. Of course, he was still the same, not revealing much expression on his face.
Gavin’s fighting skills were top-notch. Even though he emerged as the best among the trainees in almost every course, his fighting was the “best of the best”. Several comrades who exchanged blows with him ended up with extremely shocking “decorations”. This made Liye even more surprised - why was such an amazing person in a pitiable state at the very beginning?
Gavin hurriedly caught Liye’s punch. Liye, with a face full of bruises, wasn’t sure how many times he had been thrown onto the ground by Gavin. Before a minute passed, the bruises had already vanished without a trace.
Someone shouted from the side: “Gavin, there’s no need to hold back - this brat doesn’t feel pain!”
Liye immediately waved his hands: “Even though it doesn’t hurt, I still sustain internal injuries!”
In the sixth month since joining the Academy, Gavin received a command from the main instructor. 
Gavin stood in a military posture in front of a large, solid wooden table. On the chair behind the table was a man, sitting straight and proper in his seat. He flipped through Gavin’s materials. After a while, he raised his eyebrows in amusement.
He lifted his head and looked at Gavin, asking: “You fight well?”
Gavin’s posture was as straight as always, and his voice was light: “So-so.”
[ Chapter Four ]
Once the words left his lips, the figure vanished from the chair. In a split second, Gavin leaned his head to the side, raising his hand to steadily catch the fist coming towards him from his rear left, and the other fist ready to deal a blow against his opponent. However, the other party flashed to the open window a full two meters away from him. 
The man laughed loudly and applauded: “Your speed is okay.”
He could see it - this youth was very stubborn. Gavin looked incredibly cold, but what was colder were his moves. 
Gavin saluted the man and quickly returned to position, standing straight.
The man squeezed his shoulder and said: “The 8th Warriors Competition will be held in two weeks. We will send you to fight.”
Gavin was aware of this competition. Not long after he enrolled, he happened to overhear his comrades mentioning it. During the competition, every country would send its most stellar new elite student to go through live combat in various areas. It would test the students’ holistic abilities, including - but not limited to - fighting skills. The student who emerged as champion would represent the country and receive the highest honour and stand on the podium where every Evol Special Police would know him.
This is where Evol Special Police from all over the world can interact and learn from each other, engage in the first battlefield of competition, and is the only stage recognised by the International Special Police organisation. 
Gavin refused without even thinking: “I’m not going.”
The man’s hand stiffened: “This isn’t a discussion.”
Gavin glanced at him: “There are people in the team who can fight better than me and want to participate.”
The man smiled and asked: “Is that so? Give me one more reason.”
He had brought in so many officers with special abilities - when receiving such an opportunity, all of them would be generous with expressing their gratitude. This was the first time someone had rejected him.
Gavin answered: “I didn’t come here to win a medal.”
When he heard this, the man chuckled and patted his shoulder. “I can respect you, and give you time to consider. But you must know that if you choose the Evol Special Police, you’re choosing to give up the freedom to act independently.
Not long after, the news of Gavin’s refusal to participate in the Warrior’s Competition spread throughout the entire organisation. Some comrades boldly flicked his hair and whistled, expressing that it was a very cool move. After pushing his comrade to the side, Liye’s big face appeared.
“When you refused, did you feel like you were explosively cool?!”
Gavin found Liye’s exuberant smile incredibly strange. In a rare good mood, he arched a brow and asked Liye: “You want to go?”
Thinking about it seriously, Liye said: “It’s not a matter of whether I want to. But if I have the chance, I might give it a try.”
Liye crinkled his eyes: “My siblings admire the police the most. If I can become the most amazing policeman, they will definitely be very happy.”
In the end, Gavin didn’t participate in the Warrior’s Competition. The person who was sent was another student with the surname Bai. 
[ Chapter Five ]
On the thirtieth day of hunting down the wanted criminal, the two confront each other for the fist time.
He doesn’t know how long they were engaged in combat, but Gavin finally figures it out - this person’s Evol is the ability to construct barriers. No matter how one shoots, he will not get hurt. His only weakness is probably the head. Gavin stares at his head region, his eyes sharp. 
He isn’t sure how many explosives Qianyu is carrying - perhaps even Qianyu himself is a powerful bomb. It’s just that in this arrest, too many comrades have fallen.
Qianyu takes a punch from Gavin, and the force from the fist of wind causes his entire body to slam against the ruined wall. The moment he falls, a group of Special Police surround him.
Qianyu stands up, wiping off traces of blood at the corner of his mouth. He sneers: I didn’t expect that I’d fall at the hands of a small Special Police officer.”
Under the dazzling sun, a gust of wind lifts Gavin’s white windbreaker, causing it to flutter.
Looking at the youth floating mid-air, Qianyu suddenly glares and releases a roar. In an instant, his body muscles become swollen and firm, and even the colour of his skin turns a different colour - it becomes slightly blackish.
Gavin widens his eyes slightly, reacting immediately--
“Be careful!” Gavin shouts. As he dives downwards, he quickly pulls the nearest brother with him and drops to the ground.
There are an unknown number of powerful explosives detonating at the same time. The air rushes past, broken stones flying haphazardly.
The loud noise almost shatters Gavin’s eardrums. His head seems to have been fiercely hammered by something heavy, but he can still feel the rubble shifting against his body.
After an inordinate amount of time, the thick smoke dissipates. This place seems to have been stepped on by a giant beast, and has turned into a ruin.
[ Chapter Six ]
Gavin pushes away the stone weighing down on him. Suddenly, he spots a familiar figure not far away, lying in the pit, face down. His hands are outstretched as he supports himself off the ground, as though protecting something.
Gavin recognises that it’s Liye. Gavin does everything he can to push the stones away from Liye’s body, and sees his face coated in blood. There is also a broken stone piercing Liye’s abdomen, and from it continuously oozes viscous liquid.
Gavin lifts his body and finds two small figures curled up and unconscious - two children who couldn’t evacuate in time just now.
Liye sees Gavin’s face, and smiles: “You...”
Gavin removes his jacket and desperately presses it against Liye’s abdomen, which is bleeding uncontrollably. He roars: “Shut up!”
Liye smiles again: “Don’t be so fierce towards me, it hurts...”
Gavin clenches his fists, and hears a weak voice: “Are the two children okay?”
Gavin nods.
Liye channels a trace of a smile: “You must remember to bury me next to my siblings, or they will be scared.”
Gavin looks at Liye’s weak smile and suddenly feels ten thousand arrows impaling his heart.
Liye’s voice is so soft that he can barely hear it: “I used to blame myself a lot. Even though I have Evol, I couldn’t save my siblings...”
Gavin tightens his grip on Liye’s hand. He knows. He understands. Liye seems to want to say something, but his head is akin to a broken puppet. Just like that, it hangs loose on Gavin’s arm, devoid of life.
Gavin scans his surroundings. The ruins are filled with people who had stood in front of him just a few minutes ago, alive and breathing.
The corpses of his comrades are unidentifiable. It turns out that in their very first actual combat, they would face life and death. 
It felt like yesterday when they had smiled and hooked their arms around his shoulders, beckoning him to eat with them, mocking him for hiding a picture of a girl... 
No matter how cold his expression was, they would always respond with a smile.
When they went to fighting classes together, everyone would wave their hands and avoid him from afar. Only Liye would crinkle his eyes and say: “I’ll practice with you.” No matter how many times he was thrown to the ground, he never complained.
Everything that happened seems to have vanished in an instant.
There’s nothing left.
Gavin lies down amid the ruins, the scorching sun constantly stinging his eyes. From his cloudy vision, he sees the helicopter hovering above his head, and familiar voices near his ears. Some are angry, some are cold, and some are sad. He places a hand on his chest--
There, the girl’s photograph is completely intact. Only a corner of it has been stained wet with the blood continuously trickling downwards. He seems to hear the song played and sung by the girl - softy, gently, slowly and leisurely entering his body, and invading his heart. 
He remembers the book that was once held in the arms of the girl. The one he couldn’t understand no matter how he tried - “Byron’s Poetry Collection”--
For my part, I’ll enlist on neither side.
[Note] In Chinese, the line translates to: Neither “Life” nor “Death” can constrain me.
Maybe now, he can finally understand it...
Gavin smiles broadly.
Other cancelled R&S: here
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I spent hours writing a Genshin Impact fanfic yesterday because I had a sudden (sfw) image involving Razor. Somehow I have written about 3000 words and still haven't got to that scene, however I have written a Diluc scene that I like very much.
Here, have at it, I promise you it hasn't been beta read or actually spellchecked. It also hasn't revealed its name to me:
Lumine liked camping near Statues of the Seven for the ambience - it was an ever so peaceful a place to sleep - but of course the eventual healing helped. So she left Paimon to light the campfire while she took the a short walk to the statue and payed her respects to Barbatos. As she opened her eyes and checked that the bruises from the day's combat were gone, she had the distinct feeling of being watched. The Traveller turned slowly, not calling her sword yet but already in a fighting stance. A calm, cultured voice greeted her.
"I'm terribly sorry if my presence startled you, Honorary Knight, I was simply unwilling to intrude upon your prayers." The red haired arrival said, standing a few steps away, like he had been there all along. If Lumine weren't already aware of Diluc's alternate identity as Mondstadt's vigilante, she would have been impressed with his stealth.
"Master Diluc, hello. I didn't hear you arrive." She said, returning to a more relaxed stance.
"You seemed lost in thought. Any interesting commissions bringing you here?"
"No, not that." He seemed interested in her pause, so she pressed on. "Were you looking for me? I'm open for commissions. For tomorrow, I mean. I have a, hm, previously appointed engagement for this afternoon."
"Oh? And would this engagement be your fortnightly game of hide and seek with Razor?"
"As a matter of fact, yes." How he knew of that is beside her, but Lumine did her best to keep her surprise from showing. There was something about Diluc that reminded her of things long forgotten and brought out her manners. It took her conscious effort not to fall on full etiquette.
He just nodded in response. "Then please, be careful to put out any fires before leaving your camp. It's dry season and the wind carries flame very well around here."
"I guess you'd know." She said, before realizing that, yes, he would know. They were a stone's throw from Dawn Winery. She had no idea how Mondstadt's land was divided and if there were any other landowners around. They were probably trespassing. "Oh no. Are we camping in your land? Is that fine? Should we move?"
A shadow of a thought crossed his face at this, some conflict Lumine did not had time to understand before he was once more impassive. "That is not needed. Just be cautious." Then he walked a few steps before turning again. "I'm sure the Honorary Knight doesn't need reminding, but your title grants your freedom of the land."
So he couldn't kick them out even if he wanted. Lumine ponders over the idea of leaving in her walk back to camp, then discards it. After all, she does have freedom of the land.
"Hey, Paimon, how you feel about sheep?"
"They're yummy. Not many around here, though. Why?"
"Nothing, just thinking about things from other worlds."
"Paimon thinks you missed a great show!"
"I did?"
"Master Diluc came around to check who was camping. You should have seen him all dashing in his horse!"
"I saw him. Talked to him, actually. Wait, horse?"
"Yes!" Paimon said, doing her excited little joy dance. "A white horse! He was like a storybook prince!"
"Damn, I can't believe I missed that. He gave me his cold face routine."
"Paimon thinks that's a terrible waste of a pretty face."
Lumine laughs at the description. Not because pretty is the wrong adjective for Diluc, but because it is very correct, but he would probably be mortified hearing it. "Anyway, I should be going. Don't want it to be too dark when I come back."
"Okay! I'll hold the fort!" Paimon said with a mock salute.
"And, please, don't set fire to the forest." Lumine said before leaving.
Paimon acted hurt, her face a pantomime of horror and disbelief. "Paimon would never!"
"It's what your prince in a white horse asked me to say!" Lumine said. Her laugher was still ringing through the skies as she deployed her glider and rode the wind down into Wolvendom.
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jj-lives · 4 years
Sing to Me: i can hear you open up to breathe - Part 2
————————— ——————————————————-
The place gets busy. Bodies pile up at the bar, servers form a conveyor belt of empty trays returning piled with new refreshments. Blake stays a half-hour late to help her boss. She doesn’t mention the time to Yang. Doesn’t explain her reasons for not approaching her after the hour she’s promised. She looks though. Every five minutes or so, she looks, making sure Yang is still sitting on the stool at the far end of the bar. Yang’s okay with it. She doesn’t need a reason; she has eyes. She can see how busy it is, and how the bartender tells Blake to leave, saying she’s done more than enough tonight. The stubborn way Blake shakes her head before restocking the beer fridge tells Yang more about her. It’s a game for her now. How much can she learn about this girl by observation alone?
It’s clear Blake’s proud, determined. Proof is in the way she demands to stay and help, the way she performs each task, anticipating most before she’s asked. There’s a quiet respect for her boss, following instructions exactly, down to the minute details. Every single glass she stacks behind the bar show the logo facing out. Every cooler and beer fridge arranged the same. Her eyes scan the bottles he lifts, seeing which are pouring low; each replaced before he voices the need. She is meticulous.
She’s all smiles and friendliness to the other faunus as they emerge from the door behind the bar. It’s painfully obvious none like crossing that barrier. They speak only to Blake, most don’t even look to the man running the bar. He in return, ignores them, deferring guidance of their tasks to Blake which they readily accept before scurrying to the safety of the store room and kitchen beyond the free swinging door. Blake is comfortable with her boss, in the familiar space behind the bar, but she fears the customers, not meeting their gaze when they speak to her. Eyes do find the servers that come to bring her orders as her boss handles the patrons at the bar; the ones she can’t stand to be near. But she’s reserved with the servers in a way she’s not with the faunus or bartender.
Yang learns so much watching her, but she wants so desperately to learn more. She needs it just as she needs the air filling her lungs.
Only when orders finally slow and patrons start to clear is he able to convince Blake to leave for the night. Eyes dart to her corner of the bar as she asks if he’s sure. Bottles need to be rinsed and recycled, more glasses need replenishing behind the bar... which needs another cloth ran down it to rid it of the stickiness dried alcohol ponds left from over spilled drinks.
Yang can’t help but feel she’s stalling, looking for excuses to not approach her. She hopes it’s not because Blake fears her too. He presses, urging her to leave and finally she relents, disappearing into the back. The next five minutes pass, excruciating. Fear of Blake sneaking out a back way creeps into her mind, crawling through cracks in her usual confident demeanor. Cracks created by a mysterious girl she can’t help but be drawn to.
Eventually, thankfully, she returns, ducking gracefully under the wedge in the bar meant for lifting. She can’t be bothered with moving obstacles that can be circumvented. Her eyes meet Yang’s. ‘Are you coming?’ they ask. Yang’s no more in charge of her actions as she is the rotation of the planet. Slipping from the stool she’s not moved from in hours, she follows. Weaving around tables, through the door into the brisk night air of Mantle, down the street. She follows. The only sounds are their breathing and feet scraping the pavement -her feet, Blake’s don’t make a sound, she’s mindful of that too.
“I would’ve been fine walking on my own.” Her eyes remain trained ahead, but the ears atop her head swivel, directionless. What it must be like to know more of the world surrounding you by sounds rather than sight.  
“I know.” Yang chooses her words with deliberate care. “I worried there might be some retaliation for what I’d done.”
They walk a half-block in silence before she speaks. “What you did,” she starts. Yang opens her mouth to stop the renewed appreciation she’s sure is coming but Blake’s raised palm stops her. “But I would be the one paying that price. For something I had no say in, in any conceivable way besides the choice of keeping a job I need to survive.”
“It’s not fair.” Her toe kicks a pebble in her way, frustrated with the world. She doesn’t miss the way Blake flinches at the action.
“No it’s not.” She adds with a sigh, “but it’s the hand my kind’s been dealt.”
More silence. Yang’s terrified stare takes in each building they pass. Not for potential dangers, for the only thing she fears from them is the unknown; which one will end her time with Blake? She’s wasting her moments with silence.
“I don’t agree with them.” Breaking the quiet feels like taking a breath after staying underwater too long, satisfying and vital. Before she allows herself to sink below the surface of silence she continues, “The things they were saying in there. I don’t agree with a word of it. How they can see somebody and say such horrid things. As if you were an object and not somebody flesh and blood. Like them.” Blake’s feet move and Yang follows. This time one ear is pinned, listening to Yang’s words. “But you’re not like them. You’re different, so much…” Yang pauses. Blake’s fists clench, knuckles just as white as they’d been gripped to the guitar on stage. “more. Better than any one of them.”
They stop again. Her grip loosens but her eyes remain glued to the distance. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know enough about them, though.”
“You. Them. Do you see a difference?”
Pain sears through her chest, burning in a way that stops her lungs from expanding. “You don’t?” She’s drowning again.
“My life has been a series of humans versus faunus. Them versus us.” Blake turns on her heel, crossing the street without warning. “And each time, yours celebrate and mine crawl back into the shadows, the mines, alleys, caves, gutters. Out of sight where we belong.”
“You don’t.” Blake’s quick to turn on her with a disbelieving glare, challenging her to disagree with what history has proven time and time again. But she remembers herself and softens immediately. Ribcage expanding she returns to her passive demeanor. “Belong there, I mean,” Yang’s quick to correct. Blake’s not interested in her views, staying quiet as they continue down a path that’s more alley than street. Yang can’t blame her. What’s one human’s view against an entire species, against centuries of disparity. “You don’t see all humans the same.”
“I do.” Her tone is so sure Yang’s feet falter and an ear twitches as Yang’s boot scrapes sharp along the cobblestone.
“Your boss?”
“That’s different.”
“How?” Her jaw clenches and shoulders straighten. It’s not a good sign. When Blake takes a step to the side, space between them growing Yang knows she’s gone too far. “Nevermind. I shouldn’t have pushed.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.”  
Their exchange dies. Yang doesn’t trust herself to speak further and Blake seems unwilling to continue any form of communication with her. Both ears swivel; she’s not listening to her anymore.
A minute passes as an eternity before Blake steps into a darkened alcove. “Goodbye Yang.” One moment she’s beside her and the next she’s gone.
Yang doesn’t even have time to return the salutation.
A week is all that’s able to keep her away. Weiss and Ruby plead with her not to return, but she’s never been one to adhere to what others suggest. A phantom’s been following her all week, to her every meeting and sits with her at every meal. Each faunus servant she passes is accompanied by Blake’s disapproval ringing sharp within her mind. What difference was Yang to the likes of the Atlas elite, living amongst the injustice, even if she didn’t agree with it. Maybe Blake was right. Maybe all of them are the same.
She watches a dozen people enter the bar, music growing loud with each outward swing of the door. If she’s not working tonight the trip will have been a waste, but Yang’s fears hang heavier on finding her there. Blake’s upset when they last parted still bothers her. What if she still was? What if she didn’t wish to see her?
Taking a steadying breath she enters. The lackluster lighting inside is a stark contrast to the brilliant neon sign above the entrance. Tables are already half full, taken up by regulars. She’s pleased the delinquents from the past week aren’t among them. She steps around the bar to claim a table in the back corner, noticing Blake’s absence behind it. The same bartender as the previous week looks up from wiping down the polished wood that’s his work station. Eyes widen, acknowledging her with a polite nod. She returns it, sinking to take a seat at one of the smallest tables, her back against the wall.
A server hurries to take her order and she’s quick to ask for two instead of one. Nerves on high alert, their synapses fire erratically. Allowing a knee to bounce out of sight below the table she clasps her hands together tightly to at least hide their twitching. The showcases are better than last time and Yang forces her focus not to drift to the bar. The difficulty is substantial.
After the second set she can no longer refrain. Eyes glance and immediately fall on the girl she’s come for. Her hair is down tonight, framing her delicate features and flowing like silk past her shoulders. She’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt again, this one navy. The neck is wider and it keeps falling off her right shoulder as she bends to restock the fridges. Yang thinks her annoyance is cute, she continues to yank the shoulder up, force increasing each time. Finally giving up after Yang counts to seventeen. She pauses, hand gripping the fabric before releasing it with an exaggerated exhale, leaving it to hang where it rests.
The focus with which she completes even the most menial of tasks is admirable. Yang knows lazier individuals that hold higher positions of honour. She’d replace any or all of them for one with Blake’s work ethic.
As time ticks on Yang thinks making herself known a ghastly idea. She enjoys watching Blake in anonymity, but knows sooner or later she’ll be spotted. She can’t even make an escape as that requires passing the bar Blake hasn’t left all night. She focuses again on the stage as a man too well dressed plugs in a keyboard for his set. Yang listens through the first verse but isn’t impressed, attention drifts to the patrons instead. It’s less crowded tonight than she remembers it being last week. Would Blake have fared better with this crowd rather than the last?
Yang knows it’s hopeless, but she desperately wants to hear Blake sing again.
Occupied by a girl singing two tables over, Yang doesn’t look up as her empty beers are snatched from the table. The girl is better than the man on stage. Yang wishes her up there instead. The cold bottle placed against her arm surprises her. She hasn’t ordered another. Her wallet comes out and money removed, she holds it up to the girl, not wanting to explain she’d not asked for it.
“On the house.” She waves the bills away.
“Seriously, take the money.” Yang presses, not comfortable with the handout. Her actions last week were not in hopes of any kind of payment.
“I was told not to take payment.”
“Tell the guy I don’t want any free drinks. I don’t part-”
“Guy?” The girl interrupts. “No this isn’t from Flynt. The faunus-”
“Blake?” She asks, half to make sure and half to correct the girl.
“Yeah, I think that’s her name, cat ears?”
Yang nods, not trusting her voice. She wants so badly to tear this girl down. ‘The faunus, cat ears.’ She wants to scream. Letting it go, she makes her way to the bar, cold beer in hand. Blake doesn’t acknowledge her as she sits, taking the same stool as before. Men approach her and she shoots them down, most politely, one she’s forced to make a scene; them leaving, tail between their legs. An hour passes before Blake ventures to her side of the bar. It’s probably because Flynt, the bartender, hasn’t checked on her even though her empty bottle was pushed away ages ago.
“Do you want another?” She asks, gaze on an imaginary spot she swipes with a cloth.
Resting her chin in her upturned palm, Yang watches her. She wonders how long she can look before Blake returns her gaze. Besides the long sleeves Blake seems to prefer, she wears the same shoes and black pants as before. Her tongue sneaks to wet dried lips. Fearing she will leave without an answer, Yang asks the first thing on her mind. “When are you off?”
“Not for awhile. Do you want another drink?” Her hand stills as her eyes shift to the stage.
“That doesn’t really answer my question.” Yang smiles, head tilting to put herself in Blake’s line of vision.
“Neither did you.” Her response is clipped, but she finally meets Yang’s eye.
“I’ll have another if you allow me to pay for it.”
“I won’t take your money.” Her lips purse and her eyes stare, determined. The look sends chills down Yang’s spinal cord.
“Look,” Her voice is low as she leans over the bar. “I think I may have given the wrong impression last week. I was grateful for your help that night. Not many would have done the same. But I was rude before we parted ways and I want to apologize. So…” Reaching under the bar she brings a fresh beer to rest between them. Condensation already forming on the glass. “This is on me.”
Blake leaves her then. Yang occupies herself with listening to the other showcases and when Blake’s near enough for her to hear without yelling she asks again when she’s off.
Blake’s eyes shoot to the clock behind the bar, but Flynt overhears.
“Now,” he speaks up. “Get out of here.” His voice: soft and playful but fear and confusion overtake Blake. He throws a cloth at her. It lands half on her head, an ear twitches under its weight before she swipes it off. The trance she’s in breaks. “It’s slow. Go have fun.”
Tonight she doesn’t disappear into the back. She nods to Flynt and ducks under the bar, motioning for Yang to follow. Words aren’t exchanged but there’s an unspoken understanding Yang is walking her home again. It’s more than Yang hoped for. The only downfall, she can’t think of anything to say.
“Thanks for the drinks.”
Shoulders lift as Blake wraps her arms around her middle. “You’re welcome. I wanted to repay you.”
Not wanting the conversation to turn negative Yang remembers a positive of that night instead. “You have a beautiful voice.” She tries to find the words to describe how Blake’s voice -that song- made her feel. Her singing’s the most beautiful sound she’s ever heard, it means something. Blake means something. Yang just wishes she could verbalize what that something is.
“So do you.”
Her train of thought comes to an abrupt halt. “I-what?” There’s a pull to Blake’s lips as she keeps her eyes in the distance. “I meant your singing.”
“I know.”
Eyes flick in Yang’s direction, the twitch of muscles at the corner of her mouth both tell Yang what she’s missed at first.
“You’re teasing me.” Blake hums, chin tucking to her chest. She stiffens with the initial sound of Yang’s laughter but settles quickly. They’ve stopped walking, Yang wiping at her eyes, and Blake watching her. “You’ve got attitude. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“In a good way?” Blake’s eyes narrow. “I don’t believe so.”
“Well you do.” And for clarification, “I like it.”
Yang waits for Blake to find her steps again, but she doesn’t. She stands there staring at Yang, intently, unsettling under the flickering dulled light of the streetlamp across the road.
“I-” Yang looks away, again words fail her. How does one explain why they like something about someone. Yang likes to laugh, loves making people laugh. She appreciates a quick wit, a sense of humour. But even more she’s happy to find Blake keeps these traits. “Because it proves no matter how hard they’re trying, they haven’t broken you.”
She captures Blake’s gaze; her eyes glow in the midnight shadows, brilliant stars housed on earth instead of heaven. She wishes to know what’s going on in Blake’s mind, but knows not how to ask. Finding her sight wandering, Yang searches the skies for the glimmer of those heavenly relations to irises still studying her. Atlas is all she finds. A giant mass blotting out half the sky, its bright illumination drowning any stars bold enough to show their light. Her eyes take in Atlas scornfully, a scar in the night sky. How any could see it as a shining Beacon of hope is beyond her. It’s only proved to snuff out the light left with the larger populace so far beneath it.
Yang wonders if Blake’s ever seen the stars in all their glory. She knows so many in Mantle rarely experience anything outside its familiar dreary, carbon-copy roads. Has Blake ever left the walls entrapping them? Or is this all she’s ever known?
They continue, walking in silence the rest of the way. Yang would be upset, saddened at the loss of precious time, but Blake has stepped closer and she seems more relaxed. She’s deep in thought and Yang doesn’t want to interrupt.
“Thanks,” Blake almost whispers as they step to her door.
“Of course.” But she can’t wait another week to see her. “Can I walk you tomorrow?”
The question seems not to surprise Blake, but she thinks it over in anycase.  “No,” she says after a time and Yang’s heart drops. “I don’t work tomorrow, but the next I do.”
“And you would like me to walk with you?” Needing clarification, she doesn’t want to impose if she’s unwanted.
Blake studies her, just as she did the day when she asked to first walk her home. It’s intense and highly unnerving. “I wouldn’t mind it.”
“Then I’ll see you the day after tomorrow.” Yang smiles. “Good night Blake.”
Blake returns her smile with a small one of her own. “Good night Yang.”
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fiction-fun · 4 years
Hidden in Plain Sight
@braidedchallah @alexanderdamnhethin @creedtheconquer @rthoney @2pintsofjohnlaurens @pixiepip @andpeggy21 @little-nymph-claro @hamiltimes @haha-gunsgoburrr
Fandom: Hamilton
Pairings: Laf/Oc, ElizaAlexander, Hercules/Elizabeth (both Hamliza and Herc/Elizabeth are secondary)
Words: 17,791{sorry not sorry}
I tied my hair back quickly after pulling on my jacket, boots already on. I took a breath and hoped today wouldn’t be the day I was found out.
“Sinnette, you look like the Majors going to eat your head!” One of the soldiers beside me called.
I turned and glared.
“I do not!” I said my accent coming out thickly.
The soldier shrugged and turned back to whatever he was doing. I took a breath; these English soldiers always knew just how to press my buttons. I walked from the tent and paused before the Major-Generals tent, I coughed softly to clear my throat.
'You just have to stay formal. You’ve got this.’ I thought.
I walked around the side of the tent; the main flap raised. I paused at the doorway, a chill going down my spine
'I hadn’t realized that Washington was going to be here! And who is that?’ I thought as I looked between the other people in the room.
“Ah! There you are Lyon! Come say hello!” the Major-General called and waved me in.
I nodded and stepped forward pausing in front of the only open side of the map table.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” I asked my eyes flicking between him and the others.
‘I'm stood to close; they’re going to see.’ I thought frantically.
“Ah! Oui I did! This is Alexander Hamilton right hand and fellow Ade-de-camp for General Washington. He’s going to be staying with us for a week or so. I want you to…...easier in French. Show him around.” The Major-General said quickly.
I nodded sharply.
“Of course, sir. I was just preparing to head on a patrol I can show him around now if you’d like.” I said my hands fisted tightly behind myself.
The Major-General shook his head and waved a hand. He looked to the side at General Washington and pointed to me.
“This is why he's my right-hand. Always ready at the drop of a hat. It also helps he speaks fluent French and English and can translate when I can’t think of the words, or when I slip into French, like I seem to have.” The Major-General said before looking at me.
“The Major-General said that it helps I speak fluent French and English and can translate for him when he needs it.” I quickly filled in.
General Washington nodded and looked at Hamilton.
“You learn everything you can from him. Understood?” The General asked and he made it clear it wasn’t a question.
“Yes, sir.” Hamilton responded.
Washington turned to the Major-General and raised a brow.
“Where did you find him anyways, Lafayette? We could use more like him.” The General said with a laugh.
Lafayette laughed beside him.
“He is one of a kind. There is no one quite to his level.” Lafayette said.
The Major-General turned to where Alexander and I stood, on the opposite sides of the table.
“Oh, go on, I have something to discuss with the good General. But come back in a little bit, I may have orders for you.” He said waving a hand dismissing me.
I nodded and saluted.
“Yes, sir!” I said before spinning on my heels and heading from the tent.
“What are you waiting for, Hamilton!” General Washington's voice carried from the tent.
It was followed by the hasty “Yes, sir!” and then Hamilton’s frantic footsteps running out after me. I stopped sharply and turned to look at him.
“First and foremost. I don’t know what you do in your unit. But we don’t run, we march. We salute and we are respectful. You will keep pace with me and not hold me back or I swear I will hang you by your bootstraps from that tree. Understood?” I said firmly, accent thick.
Hamilton nodded and fell into step beside me. After that I showed him around the camp. From the duties to were the food and rest areas were. I turned and looked at him, seeing him staring at me.
“What is it?” I asked voice tight.
Hamilton jumped.
“I just didn’t expect someone so young looking. That’s all. Sorry, I have a bad habit of getting lost in my head.” He said with a small laugh.
I shot him a look quickly before pulling him to the side. To anyone passing by it would look like I was disciplining a junior officer.
“You lose yourself in your head here, you lose your head out there. You will not be a casualty on my watch, understood?” I said firmly.
I had lost to many men who lost themselves in their heads. Hamilton nodded and looked towards the ground.
“Sorry, it’s a bad habit of mine. I’m not used to needing to be fully focused all of the time. Besides, when in actual battle.” He said in explanation.
It was then I realized why I recognized his name.
“Great, I get saddled with the idiot who stole British canons.” I muttered turning to stalk away.
“I am not an idiot!” Hamilton shouted after me.
I paused and turned slowly to him.
“You speak French.” I said it was a statement.
“Oui.” Hamilton said stopping in front of me.
I crossed my arms self-consciously, but slapped a glare on my face when he stopped moving.
“Just what are you doing here, Hamilton?” I asked voice strained through clenched teeth.
Hamilton shrugged slightly.
“I was told to learn from you. Apparently, Lafayette picked you about as soon as you walked into the field but you’d know that better than anyone.” He said.
I flared my nose and glared harder at him.
“That is Major-General Lafayette. And so, what? You want my position; you’d have to duel me for it.” I said firmly.
Being Lafayette’s right-hand was a dangerous position everyone wanted it, I had already been challenged and won 20 duels. Hamilton put his hands up like he was cautioning off a scared animal.
“No! I don’t want your position, I’m happy being Washington’s right-hand. He just wants you to get me used to the position requirements. And Lafayette is a friend of mine, he won’t mind me calling him that.” He said quickly.
I loosened my arms and nodded faintly.
“Fine, we need to report in now. Let’s go.” I said spinning around on my heel and walking back to the Major-Generals tent.
I heard Hamilton take step beside me and nodded. He was capable of learning. We paused outside the Major-Generals tent and I held a hand up when Hamilton went to enter. I shot him a look.
“You wait until you are summoned inside.” I said firmly.
Hamilton nodded, and stopped beside me. Hands at his side, my hands folded behind me.
“Ah! Come in you two!” Lafayette said looking up.
I stepped forward, Hamilton at my side.
“Sir, all is clear at the perimeter, sir.” I said quickly, I used English purely for Washington’s benefit.
“Very good, and Alexander’s training?” He asked watching me.
I shifted my weight from my left foot to my right and looked at him.
“He has much to learn, but it should be doable.” I informed switching to French quickly.
The Major-General nodded.
“Good! Lyon, he’ll be in your tent then.” Lafayette said.
I froze, my eyes darting around the room.
“Sir, are you sure that’s the best idea? Not to question your decision but sir, he’s so new and he’s new to camp, the others may become suspect and, you know the issues we already have.” I said quickly trying to talk myself out of sharing a tent with him.
Lafayette raised an eyebrow before waving off my concerns.
“You’ve handled it just fine so far; besides he’s only going to be here a week or so.” Lafayette said.
I bit my tongue and nodded.
“Yes, sir.” I said resignedly.
Lafayette didn’t seem to hear my tone as he just nodded and waved for us to join them at the table. There we discussed plans and attack strategies.
“No, we should focus here.” Hamilton said pointing to a spot.
I lifted my head and shot a look at him. The Major-General and the General having stepped to the side when we started this debate.
“You’re insane! The French forces are Naval Hamilton! Just because your American forces are land based doesn’t mean a thing! We out number you ten to one and they out number you a hundred to one! Learn your spot Hamilton, then suggest suicidal battle plans! I’m not losing men because you think you’re smart!” I said switching part way to English, unconsciously.
Hamilton slammed his hands on the map.
“You’re being intransigent!” He exclaimed.
I leaned closer to him and glared.
“And you’re too big for your bootstraps!” I said back firmly.
“Lyon, take a walk.” Lafayette called from the side of the tent.
My head whipped over to him, as I stood from my leaned over position.
“Sir!” I exclaimed.
He shook his head and gave me a look, waving me off. I clenched my fist and nodded.
“Yes, sir.” I said finally and stormed from the tent.
I took to my horse and ran off on a border patrol, needing the air. After twenty minutes I heard another horse ride up behind me. I made a split-second decision to stop, my hand on my sword.
“I was worried I’d have to chase you further.” Lafayette’s voice came from behind me.
I swallowed thickly and turned my horse to face him.
“If I had realized you were behind me, I would have stopped sooner, sir. I apologize. I said quickly.
Lafayette waved off my apology and moved closer to me, looking me in the eye.
“What was that with Alexander?” he asked.
I bit my lip, and looked away.
“He’s completely unwilling to accept direction. He thinks he knows best and refuses to accept he’s wrong!” I said my tone firm.
Lafayette nodded and watched me.
“He has always been like that. But you have been with me long enough to know where we stand.” Lafayette said and I knew he knew exactly why I was being so harsh.
I looked at him.
“I just, he speaks French. You didn’t tell me that. I’m used to being included in information like that. How am I to know what you have planned for new people coming in. Not that it matters, if you wished to replace me it would be entirely within your right.” I said carefully, my tone soft.
Lafayette placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You have nothing to worry about. You helped me to even get here, we are a pair until this and our own war are over. Actually, should the need call for it, you should expect to be my aid for a while. And if it doesn’t, you’re my friend, just because we’re commissioned doesn’t change that.” He said tone even, but firm.
I swallowed and looked to the side; I remembered the day we met. I was just a stowaway on a merchant ship he had bought the only reason I exposed myself was because we were boarded. I remember I grabbed the sword from a downed passenger and used it to go through the attackers, ending up at one point back to back with Lafayette who had also grabbed a sword. We nodded to each other and sprung back into the fray. When all was said and done, Lafayette and I along with most of the crew still stood, blood stained, but uninjured. It was then that Lafayette had asked me to be at his side in this and our own war, I had accepted without thinking.
‘If you only knew.’ I thought looking back to him.
“Sir.” I started but was interrupted.
“I don’t see any other officers out here. Not that that’s a requirement, I told you, you can call me Lafayette.” He said firmly.
I nodded.
“S…Lafayette I understand that, but I don’t have military training, he does. The others do. I was just a stowaway.” I said, he knew that much.
Lafayette let his head drop and he shook it laughing.
“He has no more training then you did! You learned on the field just as he is. As for just being a stowaway, sure that’s what you were, but if you hadn’t have been there we all would have been dead. I needed someone I could rely on, someone to have my back, that was you. That still is you.” He said just as firmly.
I swallowed and shook my head. We were to close, he’d find out.
“I should finish my patrol, and you have guests.” I said quickly trying to pull my horse from his.
He reached over and tugged my reigns from my hands, causing them to fall into my lap.
“We have a minute. Why are you so jumpy?” he asked.
My hands shook where they had instinctually fallen onto my lap, I quickly moved them.
“No reason.” I said trying not to let anything out.
Lafayette gave me a look but shook his head leading his horse a step away. I picked my reigns back up.
“Perhaps you’ll tell me one day.” He said before turning his horse around and leading it away.
I dropped my head and my shoulders shook.
'You have no idea how bad I want to tell you everything, Lafayette. But I can’t.’ I thought before pulling my horse back into a trot.
I made it back to camp twenty minutes later and retied my horse.
“There you are Sinnette, the Major-General is looking for you. At least I think he is, he’s only speaking in French again.” One of the soldiers said.
I nodded and turned quickly heading towards the Major-Generals tent. I paused in front of the tent and waited to be waved in. Inside sat Alexander and Washington. Lafayette at the side of the tent looking over some papers. He looked up when General Washington coughed slightly, and pointed over to the tent entrance.
“Come in, come in.” He said distractedly.
I stepped inside and folded my hands behind me.
“Sir?” I asked looking at him.
He glanced up and waved me over.
“The winters ball is in a few months, Washington’s invited me, and I’m bringing you.” He said still distracted.
I blinked slowly and swallowed thickly.
“Should we both be away at the same time, what if something were to happen?” I asked trying to get out of it.
He looked up briefly nodding to Washington and Hamilton.
“They are going to send spare troops for the duration of the ball. There shouldn’t be any issues.” He said finally looking up from the papers in front of him.
“Did you come to see me for a reason?” he asked confusion evident in his voice.
I backed up a step as he stood straight up.
“No, sir. I just got back from my ride and an officer came up and said you were looking for me. I believe it was because you were only speaking in French, you still are by the way.” I said quickly in response.
Lafayette lifted one hand and held it to his forehead the other naturally falling to his sword, he leaned to the side to look at Washington and Hamilton.
“How long have I been speaking in just French?” He asked them.
Hamilton looked up, before looking to Washington.
“Probably twenty-five minutes or so. Since you got back from your ride at the very least.” Washington said, not looking concerned.
I assume Hamilton had taken to quietly translating for the General. I looked away and out of the tent like I was checking the soldiers from a distance.
‘It’s my fault. I locked him in a French loop then wasn’t here to break him out of it.’ I thought faintly.
Lafayette tossed a hand up.
“Oh well, it’s a good thing both of our right-hands speak French and English huh?” He asked sending a smile to Washington.
Washington nodded with his own smile.
“It’s very good.” Washington agreed.
After that day the rest of the week went quickly but trickily, I normally had my own tent since I was promoted. So, I didn’t have an issue keeping my secret but with Alexander Hamilton staying with me it was rough. Despite our rough start Hamilton grew on me, at least as a soldier. One day towards the end of his time with us, we stood around the map table, Lafayette at the other side.
“We'd have to meet up here.” Hamilton said pointing to a spot.
I shook my head.
“That wouldn’t work.” I muttered moving his piece over to a different spot on the map, nodding.
Hamilton looked at me and I felt his annoyance.
“Why are you so….” He started before being interrupted.
“Let Lyon explain.” Lafayette cut in quickly, nodding to me.
I nodded back in thanks before turning back to the map.
“Your plan is technically achievable. But your missing something In your factoring, see this patrol line? It cuts right through here and it’s such a tight line. I’ve tried to strike it before, for supplies. There’s a cavalry line that follows that path, that’s one rider every maybe two minutes. We’d never get a full unit through before they saw us and alerted the others. They have twice as many troops as we do, it wouldn’t be a fight that we’d win easily. Over here, is a break in their lines. It would be easy to get in and out.” I said quickly indicating the points.
“You crossed enemy lines for supplies?” Lafayette asked looking at me.
I swallowed and nodded.
“Oui, last winter. You were gone, but we were running low on food and medical supplies. I used the night as a cover, which considering the line runs at night as well, wouldn’t help us before you suggest it Hamilton. I got in hit them hard and got out as quickly as I could. But that’s how I got the scar you saw on my arm and asked about.” I said pointing to the general spot of the scar.
Lafayette nodded and turned back to the map.
“Well as long you’re ok. And clearly you are. I agree with Lyons view point. I’ve seen the cavalry line myself. It’s a good plan Alexander, it just wouldn’t work here.” Lafayette said pushing back from the table and turning to his desk.
Hamilton nodded also rising to his feet, I stood as well.
“Go prepare.” Lafayette called and waved us away.
“Yes, sir.” Hamilton said turning quickly to the exit.
I turned as well.
“Yes, Sir.” I said just as quickly.
“Lyon, wait.” He called just as I was about exit the tent.
I paused instantly before nodding to Hamilton to keep going I spun back as soon as he was away from the tent.
“Yes?” I asked walking back to the map.
Lafayette took a long time to turn around, he sighed and finally turned, pulling his hair tie out and shaking his head.
“After a week, how do you think Alexander is doing?” he asked sitting down in his chair.
I swallowed and looked to the side, as if in thought.
“He’s doing better then I expected, I will admit. Will he be effective? I think he’ll be more effective in a land locked area then he will on a water camp. But he’s smart and should be able to effectively help General Washington.” I said finally.
Lafayette nodded and waved at the seat in front of his desk, pouring me a drink.
“You prepare in less than five minutes. Let Alexander rally them, if he fails you can get them going quickly. Have a drink with me.” He said head resting on his hand.
I moved slowly to the chair and sat down taking the offered drink, I was watching him. I saw his fingers gently moving against his head.
“Headache, Lafayette?” I asked taking a long drink off the glass.
He nodded and closed his eyes.
“I haven’t been sleeping very well lately. A lot has been happening and I’ve been planning.” He said without opening his eyes, taking a drink of his glass.
I hummed lightly.
“Why not let me help? That’s what I’m here for.” I asked quietly.
Lafayette huffed out a laugh.
“I know, I know. But you have been dealing with training Alexander and planning today’s attack. I didn’t want to add more to your plate.” He said just as quietly.
I sighed softly and shook my head.
“Let me help you from now on. I don’t like seeing you work yourself into a state like this, especially when I am ready willing and able to help you.” I said careful of my word choice.
Lafayette opened an eye and looked at me, before sighing.
“You’re right of course. Perhaps tomorrow when things calm down from our fight, we can discuss the things that are happening.” He said softly.
I nodded and we sat in silence for a bit. Hamilton came in after a while.
“Sir, the soldiers are ready!” He announced quickly.
I rose to my feet Lafayette doing the same. In the same motion Lafayette had his hair tied back and his hand on his sword.
“Let us ride.” He called.
I laid a hand on my sword and ran from the tent.
“Saddle up!” I shouted, my group running to our horses quickly.
I saw Lafayette jump onto his horse and Hamilton took charge of the foot soldiers. We waited for just a minute before I drew my sword, seeing Lafayette do the same. At the same time, we lifted our arms, swords aimed towards the sky.
“LETS RIDE!” we shouted in tandem.
With that the horses were sent into a run, the foot soldiers moving quickly behind us. Lafayette and I spurred our horses on, jumping over logs and dodging hanging branches. We moved quickly, reaching the spot we had chosen to hold back faster than expected. Lafayette and I pulled our horses to a stop, the others stopping beside us. The foot soldiers catching up to us now. Lafayette waved Alexander forward and he stopped between our horses. Lafayette looked between us.
“We are ahead of schedule; how badly will this throw us off?” he asked looking between us.
I looked around, taking in the dark trees and listened for the sound of the enemies nearby.
“It shouldn’t throw us off at all, we planned to be there in darkness, and we will be.” Hamilton said quickly.
I held up a hand and brought it to my lips quickly, hushing them.
“We have company.” I said quietly.
That got their attention, Lafayette sat up right on his horse and looked at me. Hamilton watched us both, Lafayette closed his eyes and listened for a minute. Within thirty seconds his eyes popped open and he looked at Hamilton.
“Get the men ready, we’re getting ambushed.” He said quickly.
Hamilton nodded and turned back to the ground soldiers. Within a few seconds they were all drawing their weapons. Lafayette nodded to me, I turned slightly to see the cavalry men.
“Swords and guns out men!” I called quickly.
“Come out come out little British soldiers!” Lafayette called teasingly.
The next two hours were a blur. I threw a man onto my horse and spurred him forward with a quick slap. I spun back to back with Lafayette.
“We need to stop meeting like this “Lafayette said a smile playing on his lips.
I laughed, even surrounded in blood and death I couldn’t help it.
“You need to stop smiling while soaked in blood, you look like a maniac.” I said with another laugh.
“Says the one laughing with blood stains soaking on his coat and a bloody sword in his hands!” Lafayette called before spinning away back into the fray.
I laughed again and ducked before jumping back into the fight. I looked over ducked and ran sliding on the wet grass, the night barely taking from my ability to see and make decisions. I slammed my sword hilt into the back of a guy’s head and spun bringing the blade down hard and fast.
“Be careful Hamilton!” I shouted before using a nearby tree as a runaround.
I spun and swung my sword using the momentum I grabbed a tree branch and used it to swing up kicking a couple of redcoats out of the way I landed in a crouch and drew my gun firing twice I stood holstered my gun and went back after them with my sword. I swung my sword one last time, the redcoat falling to the ground spraying blood from the wound I had just inflicted. I rose up out of my crouch, and looked around. I kept my sword held in my hand in case there were any stragglers. I saw Hamilton rise up a few feet away, and kept looking seeing ally after ally rise up. I didn’t see Lafayette and I froze; I took a breath.
“All those with horses grab a buddy and get back. Hamilton you’re with me.” I called swinging my sword to knock off the blood and sheathing it.
Everyone slowly started to disperse back towards camp, Hamilton stopping beside me. I watched the surrounding woods with an eagle eye.
“What are you looking for?” Hamilton asked.
I lifted a hand and shushed him.
“Come on, you’re too good for this. Where are you?” I whispered as I listened.
I kept listening, I heard a soft rustle in the bushes. I took of running towards the sound, one hand on my sword the other motioning Alexander to follow me. I jumped over a thicket and paused. Looking around for any signs. I lifted a hand to stop Hamilton. He paused beside me giving me a look. I slowly walked over to something I saw on the ground. I lifted it up and saw that it was a golden tassel, I looked up and saw another one a little further away. I waved Alexander over to me, showing him what I found.
“French only, whisper. We go this way; we need to find him.” I said quietly.
Hamilton nodded and we took off running. He had his gun out and I drew my sword again. I paused at a line of bushes, Hamilton beside me watching me. I nudged the bushes apart, and took a breath. I stepped to the side letting Hamilton see what I was seeing. There In the middle of the enemy camp sat Lafayette, tied up and coated in blood. I glanced around and saw his sword on a table, counting a half dozen men or so in the camp I stepped back.
“Hamilton.” I started in a whisper.
He looked at me, I shot him a look.
“Yes?” he whispered back just as softly.
“We go in guns blazing we’re bound to either die or get him killed. There’s about six of them, maybe more. We go around the outside, you knock them out, I finish them. If we get seen you start shooting, worry about yourself. My priority is to get Lafayette, and his sword. After that we’re golden.” I murmured barely understandable.
Alexander nodded mutely and we started around the outside of the camp. Taking out four enemies before we were discovered. I nodded at Alexander and he started shooting. I jumped over the bushes surrounding the camp and ran into the center of the camp first grabbing Lafayette’s sword, before sliding past him and slicing his ropes.
“Are you ok, sir?” I asked standing up and handing him his sword.
He jumped to his feet with a smirk playing on his lips, as Hamilton joined us.
“Better now. Although I did miss all of the fun.” He said rolling his shoulders.
I let out a shaky laugh and shook my head, Hamilton holstering his gun.
“Fun isn’t exactly what I’d call it. But at least Hamilton got some tracking training. How did you even get caught?” I said looking at him out of the corner of my eye.
Hamilton was starting to move around the camp and put things into piles of importance. Lafayette whistled sharply, and both of our horses came racing out of the woods.
“I found your horse. I got surrounded, lead them into the woods and missed a jump.” Lafayette said slipping his sword away.
I put mine away as well and nodded.
“Well, we have transportation and supplies, so I suppose mission successful. We’ll have to see how many dead we have when we get back. But they definitely took a larger hit.” I returned as I moved to help organize the supplies.
Lafayette moved deeper into the camp turning back to look at us.
“As long as I don’t have to go back home anytime soon.” He called laughing.
Hamilton shot me a look with a raised eyebrow. I just shook my head; it wasn’t my story to tell. I grabbed a couple of bags and started putting things in order. Another hour later we were loaded up. I looked at Alexander and went to reach down a hand, a risky move, but Lafayette beat me to it.
“Let’s go!” He called quickly.
I nodded and we took off into the trees. We made it back to camp and tied our horses back.
“Alexander organize our supplies; Lyon take stock of our injured and dead. I’ll be in my tent.” Lafayette said, shaking his head.
I watched him for a few seconds before moving to the medical tent to collect the information I needed. After that I walked through camp to see who else may be missing. I sighed and shook my head, turning on my heel I headed towards Lafayette’s tent. I paused in the doorway, seeing him with his shirt off, wrapping a bandage around a slowly bleeding wound. I walked inside and clicked my heels twice.
“I hope you cleaned that first.” I said voice soft.
Lafayette turned his head and looked at me for a second, before going back to wrapping the bandage. I walked over to him and took the roll, carefully but quickly wrapping it the rest of the way around the large cut.
“I did.” He said finally when I was taping up the bandage.
I nodded and stepped back, as he turned to pull on a clean shirt.
“Good, we don’t need you getting sick from something preventable.” I said carefully.
Lafayette laughed softly.
“Sick, that’s one way to put it.” He said, his tone soft.
I knew where his mind was, I let out a soft sigh before walking to his desk. I opened the drawer, he watched me an eyebrow raised. I grabbed two cups and his bottle of alcohol. I poured us both a glass before passing his to him and taking the seat on the opposite side of the desk.
“It’s not my place, but I’m here if you need to talk. Otherwise, we can just have a drink and then discuss business.” I said softly.
Lafayette did say anything for a long time, then his head dropped back.
“I don’t even know what I would say.” Lafayette said softly.
I swirled my drink and watched him.
“You don’t have to say anything, or you can just talk. Whatever is easier for you.” I said gently.
Lafayette took a sip off his glass before setting it on the table.
“It would have been so easy, just say the wrong thing. Let them kill me, just one wrong thing and…” he trailed off and shook his head.
I stayed quiet and just listened, I wasn’t sure I’d actually trust my voice enough to speak if I had wanted to. Lafayette sighed softly.
“But then I thought about everything. The wars, you and our men, the dreams we all have. I couldn’t do it; I couldn’t let it happen. But you amazed me once again.” He said softly tilting his head down to look at me.
I raised an eyebrow.
“O-oh?” I asked softly.
He nodded and slouched down in his seat, the image reminded me that he wasn’t just some experienced Major-General, he was a kid barely older than me.
“One second I’m surrounded, trying to figure out how I’m going to get out, then I heard a soft thud and another and then more. Then I heard gunshots, and there you were in front of me, ropes cut and offering my sword to me. I don’t know how you managed to track me.” Lafayette said watching me.
I nodded to him.
“Your shoulder patches. The tassels must have been ripped off while they brought you into their camp. I followed them, after I heard a noise in the bushes.” I said shrugging lightly.
Lafayette shook his head, a smile on his face as a laugh escape.
“And you’re worried about what, again?” He asked looking at me.
I bit my tongue.
'So many things.’ I thought before shaking my head.
“You can’t blame me for being worried, anything can happen tomorrow.”  I said softly.
Lafayette went to say something when Alexander came in.
“Everything’s organized and put away.” He said pausing at the door.
Lafayette waved him in, I finished my drink and stood.
“I’ll let you two talk. Good night.” I said slipping out of the tent.
I walked back to mine and sighed softly, quickly getting ready for bed, crawling into my cot I closed my eyes. Hours later I heard Hamilton walk in and get in bed. Two months later I rode beside Lafayette as we made for New York and the Winters Ball.
“You look like you’re going to be hanged, it’s a ball!” Lafayette said with a bright smile.
I offer him a small smile and nod.
'If you only knew.’ I thought.
“I’m just not particularly fond of balls. That’s all.” I said in response.
Lafayette nodded and let the matter drop. We rode through town and paused briefly.
“Come, I want to say hi to a friend of mine.” Lafayette said dismounting his horse.
I swing off mine as well, making sure my sword was secure at my side, I followed Lafayette inside.
“Mulligan! How are you, Mon Ami?” Lafayette shouted as he entered the small tailors’ shop.
The man at the counter smiled large and laughed walking from behind the counter and met Lafayette halfway for a hug.
“I’ve been good my friend, and you? You seem alright.” Mulligan said looking him over.
Lafayette nodded and waved me closer.
“Oui, I am well. Mostly thanks to my right-hand, he keeps me alive. Mulligan meet Lyon. Lyon, my friend Mulligan.” Lafayette said in introduction.
I smiled and shook the man’s hand, firmly.
“Good to meet you, he needs a watcher and you seem like a good one. Keep him alive alright?” Mulligan said with a smile and a laugh.
I shook my head and laughed softly.
“I will do the best I can, but he can be a bit wild.” I said in gentle teasing.
Lafayette smiled between us; obviously happy we were talking like this. Then he turned around and raised a brow.
“You two chat, I’m going to go check something. I think I just saw someone else I know.” He said as he walked back through the shop.
Mulligan walked back behind the counter and I looked around the shop.
“So, how did you two meet?” Mulligan asked, looking up at me.
I froze for a second before dropping the skirt of the dress in front of me.
“When we were both coming over here, I was on the same ship.” I said leaving out the fact I was a stowaway.
Mulligan nodded, and looked back down at his papers, I saw him glance up at the doors. He waved me closer and locked eyes with me.
“He doesn’t know does he?” Mulligan asked in a voice barely over a whisper.
I froze as dread seized me, I swallowed thickly and looked around.
“K-know what?” I asked trying to play it off.
Mulligan looked at me with a serious look on his face.
“That you’re a…” he started.
“Shh! No shh! You can’t say that. No, he doesn’t.” I said fervently, looking around frantically.
Mulligan took my hands and put them on the desk.
“Relax, I’m not going to expose you. But you should tell him at some point.” He said softly.
I looked down.
“I know, but it’s illegal, and besides I don’t want him to look at me like some weak little….” I said trailing off not even wanting to think the truth.
Mulligan looked at me and nodded.
“Come back tonight, before the ball. You can get ready here. That way you can make an impression.” Mulligan said quickly.
My eyes widened, before I slowly shook my head.
“I can’t, he expects me to be there.” I said softly, just as the doors opened.
“We’ll figure something out.” He said softly.
I nodded faintly.
“Mulligan! Look who I found!” Lafayette called walking in with his arm around the shoulders of another guy.
“Laurens!” Mulligan called.
I stepped to the side and let them talk for a minute, before attention was turned back to me.
“This is, literally, my life saver. Lyon! This is Laurens. Laurens meet Lyon.” Lafayette said leading the man to me.
“Hello.” I said in greeting.
He nodded and smiled.
“At least you’ve got someone to take care of you.” The man, Laurens said with a laugh turning back to Lafayette.
Lafayette threw his hands into the air.
“Why does everyone think I need to be looked after!” he exclaimed.
“Getting drunk and lost, a block from where you’re staying.” Mulligan started.
“Swinging your sword around as you talk, almost taking out your own eye.” Laurens continued.
Lafayette turned to me and raised an eyebrow; I lifted my hands.
“What? All I do is organize his information! And save your ass from time to time.” I said before whispering the last bit.
Lafayette pointed at me.
“See! I’m perfectly reasonable.” He said crossing his arms.
Laurens and Mulligan laughed.
“He works for you; he’ll protect your reputation even from your friends!” Laurens said with a laugh.
“Or he’ll try.” Mulligan cut in.
Lafayette shook his head and pouted a bit. After a few seconds he brightened back up and they kept chatting for another little while. After a bit, Lafayette and I were back in our horses racing through the streets to get to our accommodations.
“See!” Lafayette called a smile on his face.
I laughed and shook my head.
“It’s not a campsite in the middle of a forest, it’s already an improvement!” I said smirking a bit
We tied our horses up and walked inside.
“Ah good! You two made, great time.” Washington said walking up to us.
Lafayette laughed tilting his head back.
“Even making a stop!” he said in return.
They chatted for a few minutes before we were ushered up to where we would be staying for the next few days. I sat on the provided bed and sighed at the softness. A few hours Later had Lafayette bouncing outside my door.
“You go ahead, I’ll catch up.” I said finally.
Lafayette nodded.
“Just don’t take too long!” He called back his tone light.
I laughed.
“I won’t, don’t worry. Go you can’t get into that much trouble for a few minutes!” I called with a smile playing on my face.
Lafayette laughed and waved as he walked away. I watched from my window, waiting for him to leave. Then I grabbed my jacket, slipped it on and ran down the steps. I jumped on my horse and spurred him into movement, heading back to the tailors’ shop. I arrived in record time and paused at the door, taking a breath I walked in.
“You came!” Mulligan exclaimed seemingly surprised.
I nodded and took a shaky breath.
“Yes, now remind me that the risk is worth it before I run.” I said quickly.
Mulligan shook his head and took my arm.
“It’s worth it because you clearly care about him. Now I’ve put the perfect dress in the back for you, go get ready.” He said giving me a small push.
I stumbled a bit but made it to the dress. I took a deep breath and pulled back the curtain. It was a beautiful blue dress that almost matched my uniform color. The white cuffs and collar added to the look. I quickly changed and stepped into the blue heels.
“How is everything?” Mulligan called softly from outside the room.
I took a deep breath as I pulled the pins from my hair letting it tumble down past my shoulders and to my mid-back. I tucked the pins in with my clothes and turned opening the door.
“I feel vulnerable. And I hate it.” I said looking at him.
His eyes were wide.
“Wow.” He said softly.
I reached up and ruffled my hair, tucking part of it behind my ear.
“What? Do I look bad? Is it too obvious?” I asked quickly already moving to go back into the room and change back.
Mulligan grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of a mirror.
“You look amazing, completely different.” He said as he messed with my hair, adding small white bows throughout it.
I took a breath and looked in the mirror, gasping slightly. Even I barely recognized myself.
“But what if he asks for me?” I said softly.
Mulligan locked eyes with me in the mirror.
“If he can pull his eyes away from you long enough to ask, I’ll tell him your walking around. Making conversation, but I wouldn’t worry.” He said softly.
I took a deep breath and nodded.
“My clothes?” I asked quietly.
“I have a bag you can bring with you. Change in the bathroom at the end of the night. He won’t know the difference.” Mulligan said turning to get said bag.
I nodded and took the bag carefully bundling my clothes into it, so as not to lose the pins. With that we set out to the ball, my horse safely hidden behind the shop. We got to the ball and I froze.
“I can’t.” I whispered.
Mulligan took my arm and lead me inside.
“You can and you will. You’ve got this.” He said softly.
I took a breath and nodded.
‘I wish I had my sword.’ I thought.
Mulligan let go of me and started to move through everyone. I cast my eyes around the room and started to make my way around the room. I stopped by the back-wall hands folded in front of me.
“It’s a lovely party.” I said quietly.
His head lifted and he looked at me, his eyes widening.
“it is now.” He said softly turning fully towards me.
“Kaleyanna Sinclair. A pleasure “I said softly curtseying slightly.
He took my hand and dropped into a bow, kissing my knuckles.
“Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. The pleasure is all mine. My fair lady.” He said smiling up at me.
I smiled at him, taking a breath.
“Shall we?” He asked looking at me.
I took his offered hand and nodded.
“Yes, but please forgive me. I have two left feet when it comes to dancing.” I said laughing gently.
He smiled and led me out to the floor.
“I'm certain that’s not possible!” he exclaimed as he spun me around the room.
I laughed as he spun me. We danced for hours before he broke away from me. I saw him speaking quietly with Mulligan, looking concerned. I caught Mulligan’s eye and nodded. I moved quickly to the bathroom, making sure not to draw attention to myself. I quickly but carefully changed, flipping my hair up and wrapping it down, tucking the pins in to keep it together, I tied it back. I straightened my jacket and nodded, tucking the dress and heels away. Glad I hadn’t worn any makeup. I tucked the bag into my jacket and moved out of the bathroom. I walked towards Mulligan and Lafayette.
“Sorry to interrupt, I heard rumors that you were looking for me?” I asked stopping beside them.
Lafayette looked at me like he had seen a ghost, but smiled.
“There you are. Where have you been?” He asked me unconsciously slipping into French.
I smiled and nodded towards the crowded room.
“I’ve been getting to know people. Was that not why we came?” I asked with a small smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“Very true! But that doesn’t mean we can’t spend time chatting together.” Lafayette said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders like he had done with Mulligan and Laurens earlier.
I laughed and shook my head.
“Right you are! But I think Hamilton or Laurens were looking for you.” I said aiming a thumb vaguely over my shoulder.
Lafayette nods, lifts his glass to both of us and wanders off. I slide over besides Mulligan, sneakily passing him the bag back.
“Are you sure?” He asked me.
I nodded.
“Yes, it was nice and I enjoyed it. But it’s just too big of a risk trying to live a double life right now. We both know he needs someone there for him, I’m no good to anyone if I’m exposed.” I murmured softly.
Mulligan nodded and looked out at the crowd.
“Alright let me know how it all goes.” He responded just as quietly.
I nodded and moved off into the crowd. I realized a problem about twenty minutes before the end of the ball. I looked around to find Mulligan but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
‘I’ll just have to deal with it when the time comes.’ I thought as I slowly spun around the room.
The end of the night came quicker then I realized and before long Lafayette and I were walking outside. I had to do a double take when I saw my horse tied off by Lafayette’s. Lafayette mounted his horse and gave me a look.
“Are you coming?” He asked laughing a bit.
I shook my head before mounting my horse.
“Lets go.” I said and we spurred our horses on.
We rode through the streets back to Washington’s New York home. We arrived and tied our horses up, before heading inside. We walked up the stairs and just as we reached the top of the steps, Lafayette reached over and laid a hand on my shoulder.
“Let’s have a drink.” He suggested.
I laughed and nodded.
“Alright, let’s have a drink.” I agreed easily.
We walked into his room and he pushed me to the bed. I laughed and sat down as he poured us drinks. Lafayette sat beside me and lifted his drink.
“Tonight, was amazing.” Lafayette said voice soft.
I blinked as far as I know he only really spent time with Mulligan and I.
“Oh? How so?” I asked looking at him.
I took a sip of my drink.
“I danced with the prettiest girl tonight.” He said softly with a slightly wistful tone.
I promptly choked on the drink I had just taken. I coughed and cleared my throat.
“O-oh you did?” I said watching him.
He nodded.
“She wore the loveliest dress. It was blue and white, she had nice ribbons in her hair. We spent hours dancing.” He said smiling softly.
I nodded and tried to think but I couldn’t.
“Thats good!” I said throwing excitement into my tone that I didn’t really feel.
Lafayette paused sending me an unreadable look, before sighing.
“I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere though.” He said a bit sadly.
I raised an eyebrow and swallowed.
“Oh? Why not?” I asked.
'I really am a glutton for punishment.’ I thought disbelievingly.
He shrugged and looked at me.
“I only got her name, that’s all. And I’m almost certain it’s fake. Since the Sinclair daughter is supposedly missing.” He said watching me.
I nodded.
“Makes sense, maybe she just wanted to fit in.” I suggested trying to defer his attention.
Lafayette nodded.
“It’s possible. I’m going to get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” He said.
I stood taking the dismissal as what it was. I settled the glass on his desk, and paused for a second.
“If it changes anything in your mind, I know she had a good time tonight and really enjoyed dancing with you.” I said softly, so softly I wasn’t sure he heard me.
Then I darted across the hall, into my room and I closed the door. I walked over to my bed, before turning back and locking the door, before going back to bed. The next few days were tense between Lafayette and I, we got on our horses the last day and I looked at him.
“We aren’t going back to camp. They’ve already been moved. We’re headed for Monmouth.” Lafayette said quickly spurring his horse to a quick gallop.
I quickly kicked my horse into action following after him on the path. It was mid-day when he slowed down enough for me to catch up to him. We were in the middle of the forest. I looked down at my horse, knowing he would follow Lafayette’s horse without my direction.
“Sir, have I upset you in some way?” I asked finally, sucking up my courage.
Lafayette looked over at me, and sighed shaking his head.
“No, no. You haven’t.” He said quietly.
I looked up at him and he was giving me a smile, I smiled back and we rode into Washington’s camp at Monmouth. A week later and I was ready to scream.
“I’m going to snap that skinny twig pathetic worthless, piss poor excuse of a solider in half!” I growled stalking around the medical tent.
My arm wrapped tightly in a bandage my jacket slung over the footboard of the bed. I heard quick footsteps and turned towards the door. I saw Lafayette pause in the doorway and suck in a deep breath.
“You’re ok, oh thank God.” He said walking over to me.
I gave him a small smirk and shifted my arm carefully.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just caught a bullet with my arm. The doctor set me right, pretty quickly. But I heard you got the command out there, congratulations.” I said offering him a smile.
The frantic look didn’t exactly leave his face as he looked me over, I tilted my head and watched him.
“Sir?” I asked softly.
He seemed to freeze for a second before lifting one hand and resting it on his forehead, fingers splayed out and pushing his hair back. He turned slightly and looked at me from the corner of his eye with a smile. I felt my heart stutter, and my breath caught in my throat.
“I’m glad you’re ok, Lyon. We have a meeting with Washington and Alexander. Let’s go.” He said, and like that everything was back to normal.
Or at least closer than it had been the last few days. I grabbed my jacket and carefully pulled it on over my arm. I kept a step behind Lafayette, a glare on my face directed at anyone who came close to us. We stepped into the meeting room and I sucked in a breath through my nose, my eye twitches and my hand inches towards my sword.
“Let me kill this bastard.” I hissed quietly.
There sat Charles Lee at the table with Washington and Hamilton. Lafayette laid a hand on my shoulder and shook his head.
“No, he’s being dealt with. Come, sit by Alexander.” He said softly.
I nodded, a hard look on my face. I sat beside Hamilton, carefully. He looked at me and I took a breath, refusing to look at the fifth person at the table. Lafayette settled beside Washington who nodded before turning to me.
“I’m glad to see the injury in the field wasn’t dire.” He said and I nodded.
“Thank you, sir.” I said as politely as I could.
Washington nodded before turning back towards Charles Lee. What followed was a two-hour dressing down, and me fighting not to laugh.
“Dismissed, Lee.” Washington said looking down at the stack of papers in front of him.
“Sir!” Charles Lee yelled out and my hand instantly fell to my sword.
Lafayette shot me a look, and I flared my nose letting my hand fall from my sword.
“Lee, leave before I let you get stabbed.” Washington said voice firm.
It was then Charles Lee realized exactly who else was in the room with him. He quickly made his way out of the door. Hamilton raised an eyebrow.
“Would you have really let him get stabbed, sir?” he asked curiosity clear.
Washington laughed and shook his head.
“I wouldn’t have allowed it, but I probably couldn’t stop it if I tried. Not that I would. Look at who’s at the table Alexander. Lafayette, the quickest swordsman we have. And Lyon, the quickest fighter in any regiment. If one of them decided to actually ignore rules, Charles Lee would be as good as dead before either of us could blink.” Washington said firmly.
“I wouldn’t have hesitated but then I’m a little angry, after getting fucking shot for that pathetic little piss ant…” I started muttering.
Alexander sent me a look and Lafayette shook his head.
“I’m with you, but you need to calm down.” Lafayette said softly.
I took a breath and nodded. Washington spread out a map on the table.
“I’m going to refuse a translation, and say it was some less then nice comments on Lee’s person.” Washington said looking at Lafayette and me.
I looked towards the map, but I assume Lafayette nodded, as Washington laughed softly.
“We have some strong minded right-hands, don’t we?” Washington asked turning to Lafayette.
Lafayette smirked and nodded.
“That we do, that we do.” Lafayette said nodding in agreement.
With that we went to planning. Two weeks later Alexander was sent home. After a duel. I raised an eyebrow.
“Is he going to make it?” I asked him before he left.
“I don’t know, but I don’t think It was bad enough to end him.” He said quietly.
I nodded my head and dropped a hand onto my sword.
“Don’t, they are going to need at least one of us. I’m getting sent home. Washington and Lafayette need you.” Alexander said quickly.
My nose flared as I took a breath to calm down, I closed my eyes and nodded.
“Yeah I know. Laurens should have shot him in the mouth.” I muttered darkly.
Hamilton laughed as he moved towards the door.
“That’s what I said to Washington, and I’m sure part of the reason I was sent home. Keep them alive ok?” Alexander asked me.
I nodded.
“I’ll do my best.” I said firmly.
He nodded and walked from the room. I heard footsteps, and didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
“He’s going to live, isn’t he?” I asked.
Lafayette laid a hand on my shoulder.
“Unfortunately, however Washington has already downgraded him. That’s all that can be done. We need all the men we can get. France isn’t sending another ship; I haven’t had the chance to tell Washington yet. But as far as I know we’re alone in this.” Lafayette said softly.
I nodded and turned to look at him.
“Then we’ll do what we do best.” I said as I turned and started towards the planning room.
“Plan and fight.” Lafayette said catching up to me easily with his long legs.
I laughed and shook my head.
“Win.” I said simply.
Lafayette nodded with a smirk, his hand dropping to his sword. I let mine drift to my sword as well. We must have made quiet the sight, when we opened the door and stood there. Washington hunched over the map looked up at us, his eyes wide.
“Well? Are we planning or just going to let the British fully claim the York providence?” I asked sitting down at the table.
Lafayette raised an eyebrow at Washington before also moving to sit at the table.
“You two have a new energy to you.” Washington said.
I looked up at Lafayette and raised an eyebrow, he sighed and nodded.
“As far as I know, there is currently no plans to send more French aid.” Lafayette said finally.
Washington nodded, but looked at the map. Concern etching his face. I laid my sword on the table, causing them both to look at me.
“We don’t need French aid more then we have. You have me and Lafayette. You have our swords. You have our service, don’t look so dire about it. We more then make up for a singular French ship.” I said firmly.
Lafayette nodded sending me a smile. Washington nodded.
“You’re right.” He said, turning back to the map.
I looked up at Lafayette, he raised an eyebrow. I lifted my sword tilted it towards him and then slid it back into place. The rest of the afternoon was spent planning. The rest of the next few weeks were spent planning. I dropped back into my seat and crossed my arms.
“You’re playing this stupidly! With all due respect sir, you really aren’t thinking this through!” I exclaimed.
I glanced at Lafayette, who stood tall.
“If we rendezvous with Rochambeau consolidate their gifts…” Washington started.
I groaned and Lafayette slammed his hand on the map. I looked up it was rare he got annoyed like this. But we had both done everything in our power to get another envoy and it would still be a miracle to win this.
“We can end this at Yorktown. Cut them off at sea, but you know as well as we do, for this to succeed, that there is someone else we need!” He exclaimed looking at Washington.
Washington shook his head; I rose to my feet.
“He knows what to do in the trenches sir, he’s ingenuitive and fluent in French a skill your men desperately need. The more stressed we get the less we’re going to be speaking English because French is easier!” I exclaimed standing beside Lafayette.
Washington still didn’t look fully convinced.
“Sir, you are going to have to use him eventually. What is he going to do on the bench?” Lafayette asked.
I saw Washington starting to crack.
“No one has more resilience or matches our practical tactical brilliance!” I said firmly.
“Do you want to fight for your land back?” Lafayette asked raising an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.
Washington nodded and grabbed a quill and parchment, beginning to write.
“You’re right, we’re going to need him back. I gotta get my right-hand man back.” Washington said firmly.
It was a few days later that Alexander arrived, I paused in what I was doing and looked up at him.
“General Washington said he wanted to see you as soon as you got in.” I said tossing the rag I was using to clean my sword down.
“Hello to you too.” He muttered softly.
I stood and swung my sword around, sheathing it quickly, I turned and cast a sideways glance at him.
“Alexander Hamilton, Lafayette and I fought Washington to get you back. Go see your commander, and don’t disappoint us.” I said as I started to walk away.
“I’m going to be a father!” Alexander called.
I paused and looked down at the ground for a second, swallowing thickly.
“Congratulations.” I said before continuing away quickly.
I found Lafayette sat at a table. I stood at his side until he motioned to a seat.
“We’re leaving for Chesapeake Bay the day after tomorrow. This is it.” He said and his voice sounded distant.
I nodded and glanced at him.
“Well, for the Americans at least. We still have a war waiting for us at home.” I said softly.
Lafayette laughed a bit and shook his head.
“All I’ve done my whole life is fight. I can’t even see the end anymore. I know why I fight, but why do you?” Lafayette asked turning to face me.
I looked at the table before turning to look at him.
“Fighting seemed the only option for me.” I said softly.
Lafayette nodded and went silent for a few minutes.
“it’s going to be dangerous.” He said voice still soft.
I couldn’t help but laugh, causing him to look at me.
“I’m sorry. That just made it sound like the rest of this has been a walk in the park. It’s all been dangerous. But we always have each other’s back. We aren’t called the quickest draws for nothing. The British don’t stand a chance. Will we loose people? Absolutely. But we have this.” I said firmly, and I wasn’t entirely sure if I was just trying to convince him.
He looked at me and nodded.
“You’re right of course. I meant to ask, is Alexander in yet?” Lafayette asked watching me.
I nodded.
“Just in, he’s with General Washington.” I said.
He nodded. The next day we prepared what we would be taking with us, barely having time to sit and eat. Then I was sat on my horse, awaiting leave orders.
“Monsieur Hamilton!” Lafayette called with a smile on his face, and tension in his eyes.
“Monsieur Lafayette!” Hamilton returned a similar looking forced calm on his face.
“In command where you belong.” Lafayette said nodding.
Hamilton lifted his hands.
“How you say, no sweat!” Alexander said and Lafayette laughed.
“Finally, on the field we’ve had quite the run.” Alexander smirked at that.
Lafayette laughed and shrugged.
“Immigrants…we get the job done!” Lafayette started but Alexander shouted the ending with him.
“So, what happens if we win?” Alexander asked.
Lafayette looked back at me and smiled.
“We go back to France, bring freedom to our people if we are given a chance.” He said before turning back to Hamilton.
“We'll be with you when you do.” Alexander promised.
I saw Lafayette shake his head with a smile on his face.
“Go lead your men!” Lafayette said turning and racing to his horse
“I’ll see you on the other side!” Alexander called.
“Until we meet again!” both Lafayette and I called.
Lafayette looked at me and with a nod we spurred our horses on. I glanced at Lafayette he looked confident.
“We seize in and out make them think there’s more of us then there are!” Lafayette said turning his head to face me.
I nodded.
“We go until we can’t, then we go some more.” I agreed firmly.
We struck with our unit in early afternoon. It took a full week before finally a young man stood on a parapet, waving a white flag. I had turned when everyone stopped fighting to look. I heard the gunshot, and saw Lafayette’s eyes widen. Before I could turn, I felt the searing burn. I fell foreword, Lafayette lunged over a railing and caught me as I fell. He held me close.
“I’m ok. I'm ok.” I said faintly.
Lafayette’s hands rubbed my back until they found the wound, pressing on it. I gasped and grabbed his jacket.
“Stay with me, you promised me you wouldn’t leave me.” He whispered faintly to me.
I nodded and tried to swallow.
“I keep….my….prom..is…es…” I said softly, my voice trailing off.
I heard a choked sound and wasn’t entirely sure if it was him or me. I wasn’t sure how long I was out, I opened my eyes and looked around. Lafayette had his head on the side of my bed. I looked up and saw Hamilton and Mulligan at the door, seemingly guarding it. I took a breath, feeling my body, I groaned softly as the pain laced through my back. Lafayette’s head sprang up at the small noise.
“You’re awake, thank God.” Lafayette said voice shaky.
I tried to give him a smile, but even I knew it was weak.
“I told you, I keep my promises.” I whispered.
He laughed and nodded; it was then I noticed the tears, falling down his face.
“You had me worried.” He said softly.
I smiled shakily and weakly lifted a hand.
“I told you, I was going to help free America and our own people.” I said softly.
Lafayette nodded, and glanced at the door. I looked up to seeing both Alexander and Mulligan gone from it. I looked at Lafayette, and then his hands were on the sides of my face and his lips pressed to mine. I gasped softly, before practically melting into the kiss. After a few seconds I realized exactly what would happen if we got caught. I pulled back, slowly hesitantly.
“Lafayette, if we get caught….” I trailed off.
“You’re right.” He said hesitantly.
I looked around, before looking down. Registering that Lafayette’s coat laid over me. I looked at him, he shrugged lightly.
“They fixed your back up with you on your stomach before rolling you. I laid my coat down to cover you.” He said.
I closed my eyes and laughed a bit, coughing a bit right afterwards.
“How long?” I asked softly.
Lafayette leaned closer to me, wiping my face gently.
“Since the ball.” He said softly.
My eyes popped open and I smiled a bit.
“Damn it, Mulligan.” I whispered.
Lafayette laughed softly.
“Don’t blame Mulligan for you missing a bow in your hair.” He said just as softly.
I groaned softly, closing my eyes.
“I tried so hard. Who else knows?” I whispered softly.
I felt Lafayette’s hand in my hair, and I sighed softly.
“As far as I know, the only ones who know for sure are Mulligan and myself. Although I think Alexander suspects. And you succeeded for a long time, you can keep going. I’m not going to out you and neither of them will either, that is if you want to continue.” Lafayette said gently.
I opened an eye and looked up at him.
“You’d still fight with me? Knowing the truth?” I asked softly.
Lafayette smiled down at me.
“Of course, you’re still one of the only ones who can match my practical tactical brilliance!” He said and I laughed a bit.
I let my eyes close, and I felt Lafayette’s hands on me again.
“Hey come on, stay awake.” He said and his tone had turned begging.
I smiled softly and opened my eyes again.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere, I’m just tired.” I said softly.
Lafayette hesitated but nodded. I closed my eyes and felt him grab my hand. I smiled and drifted off to sleep. The next month was spent recovering.
“I CAN WALK MYSELF YOU PHSYCHOTIC FRENCHMAN!” I shouted on the day the doctor had finally released me.
Lafayette laughed at that and looked up at me.
“I know, just let me do this.” He said quietly.
I looked into his eyes and sighed nodding.
“Alright. Where are we off to?” I asked gently.
He smiled and nodded towards Washington, thankfully I was able to be fully in uniform at this point so the risk of exposure was minimal.
“I’m glad to see you are up and about.” Washington said smiling at me.
I smiled and huffed a laugh.
“I’m glad to be out of that medical room, I have to be honest.” I said smiling softly.
Washington nodded before his look turned serious. I nudged Lafayette’s shoulder.
“Let me down, I think something happened.” I said softly.
Lafayette looked between me and Washington before carefully setting me on my feet. He turned to look at Washington, I looked around, I saw Mulligan but not Hamilton or Laurens.
“What happened?” Lafayette asked him softly.
In response Washington handed him an envelope. He looked down at it and froze up. I glanced at it, and swallowed harshly. He slowly, mechanically opened it. He unfolded the parchment and began reading, I looked up at Washington he didn’t look ok.  I turned my attention back to Lafayette; his face blanked the more he read. He looked up.
“Excuse me.” Lafayette said softly spinning on his heel and walking away.
I looked after him, before turning back to Washington.
“Which one?” I asked softly.
He closed his eyes taking a deep breath before opening them.
“John Laurens.” Washington said softly.
I nodded and spun on my heel, carefully.
“Excuse us.” I called back over my shoulder.
I stalked off down the hall and looked for Lafayette. I finally found him outside leaning against the horse fence. I stopped in front of him.
“We can stand here and be quiet or you can talk about your thoughts. I’m here for you.” I said gently.
Lafayette took a deep breath and looked up at me.
“He wanted to free the slaves here in the colonies, well now I suppose it is America. But he gets shot and killed after the damn war is over! How is that fair? How is anything about that fair?” He asked hands fisted and he slammed one into the fence below himself.
I stepped closer to him, taking his hand in mine. And just holding it for a second.
“We will keep his memory and his wish alive. If we have to start in France and work towards freedom here then we will. Between us I know we can do it. It isn’t fair that he was killed after the war, but we knew there would be some areas that would be slower to get the news. We were bound to lose more people. It isn’t right that it was John. It isn't right to lose more people than we did during the battles. But look at me, I know I almost died, and I was there at the last battle. I was ten feet from you, and I was shot. Laurens was miles away, news didn’t reach him for days, if not weeks to reach down there. Lafayette I’m sure he did his best to survive. You four, you’re brothers, family. He didn’t want to leave you. But he did, and now we carry on his dream.” I said firmly.
Lafayette had started staring at me, watching every word I said. When I finished speaking, he nodded and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around him, offering him comfort. He tilted my head up and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.
“How do you always know what to say?” Lafayette asked me softly.
I smiled and shook my head.
“I don’t, a lot of the time it’s just luck and speaking from my heart.” I said softly.
Lafayette smiled faintly and slowly let me go. The next few weeks were a blur of political negotiations and terms of surrender. When it was all done, I leaned against a wall outside of the building taking a deep breath. Lafayette found me there nearly twenty minutes later, and settled next to me. He bumped our hips together and reached behind them, grabbing my hand. I let out a soft sigh and smiled at him.
“I didn’t realize I could be more tired than fighting a war.” I said softly.
Lafayette nodded looked at me from the corner of his eye.
“Marry me.” He whispered.
I felt my breath hitch in my throat.
“W-what?” I whispered just a softly.
Lafayette turned to me, and gently placed his hand against my cheek.
“Marry me.” He said again firmer this time.
“Lafayette…. I…” I started but couldn’t form words my brain froze.
He leaned down and kissed me softly, a risky move.
“I can’t lose you too. Don’t make me beg, marry me.” He said lips hovering above mine.
I took a breath and nodded, daring to lean up and connect our lips.
“Of course, I will.” I whispered against his lips.
Lafayette gifted me a bright smile and pressed another kiss to my lips, before we separated before we got caught. Two weeks later and Lafayette had managed to successfully spread that I had gone back to France already, when in reality I just let my hair down and slipped into a dress and heels. I smiled as I stopped beside Lafayette, one day, Seeing Eliza beside Alexander also smiling. Today was a good day. Lafayette and Alexander were set to be honored for their help with the war, technically I was too, but I was in France already. Lafayette looked down at me and took my hand in his, bringing it up to press a kiss to my knuckles. I sighed softly and smiled at him gently. I saw Washington watching us and, swirled my finger at him and he looked down at the parchment in front of him. Mulligan stood to the side smiling at us, he had already been honored earlier that week.
“Oh boy, forgive me Lafayette. But I have to read your full name I am going to mess something up.” Washington said, to laughs.
Lafayette raised a hand.
“The name you have is about 4 names shorter than my actual name. Be glad you aren’t a pastor…. Although I suppose you technically can perform marriages.” He said and murmured the last bit to me in French.
I gently patted his arm.
“Still, alright.” Washington started pausing for a second.
I giggled softly.
“Someone needs to teach that man French.” I whispered to Lafayette.
Washington cleared his throat and looked up.
“Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette.” He called, and Lafayette laughed and walked up to him bending slightly and accepting his honors, simultaneously accepting mine as well.
He stood up straight and nodded at the crowd. Before making his way back down to me. Washington sighed thankfully, and turned back to the crowd.
“Alexander Hamilton.” He said sounding relieved at the easier name.
Alexander followed Lafayette’s lead and bowed to accept his honors, turning to the crowd with a smile, before making his way back to Eliza.
“Thank you for your service, a special thank you sent out to those we lost.” Washington called.
Everyone in the crowd cheered. I leaned against Lafayette, my back still hadn’t actually fully recovered yet, he wrapped an arm around me, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I sighed contently. I saw Alexander leading Eliza over to us, Mulligan moving closer from the other side of the room.
“Lafayette, who is the lovely lady you have been hiding?” Alexander asked with a smile and Eliza shot him a look.
I giggled softly and leaned into Lafayette more. Lafayette shifted slightly to let me take some weight off of my injured back. Lafayette smiled at Alexander.
“This is Kaleyanna, you met her at the Winters Ball. Of course, I don’t blame you for not remembering.” Lafayette said with a small laugh.
Alexander looked at me again and smiled.
“Well I apologies. It’s lovely to see you again.” Alexander said with a smile.
“You as well, sir.” I said softly.
Lafayette kept talking to the guys for a little bit, Eliza and I just stood there wrapped around our guys. Eliza nudged Alexander, a while later.
“We have to get going, Phillip.” She said in a hushed voice.
Alexander nodded and smiled at us all, before waving.
“I will see you again.” He said walking away.
Lafayette turned immediately to look at me.
“Are you ok?” he whispered.
I shook my head quickly; something had popped in my back. Lafayette looked over at Mulligan and tilted his head to a back room. Mulligan nodded and cleared a path for us without drawing attention. Lafayette carefully guided me to the room. I groaned softly when we finally got away from the crowd.
“What happened?” Mulligan asked quickly.
I huffed and leaned heavily against Lafayette.
“Something popped in my back.” I whispered softly.
Lafayette lifted his hand before looking at my back, I saw his face go pale.
“Get a doctor.” Lafayette said quickly moving me to sit down.
I held Lafayette’s hands.
“Exposure, what I did was illegal.” I said worriedly.
Lafayette shook his head looking into my eyes his hand going up to the side of my face.
“I can’t lose you too.” He whispered fervently.
Washington decided that moment was the best time to come in, he looked around at us before turning his attention to Lafayette.
“What happened?” He asked looking at the blood on his hands.
Lafayette swallowed thickly and I nodded minutely.
“I think I’m stuck…...she was shot that’s what!” he murmured before turning to Washington and raising his voice a bit.
Washington raised an eyebrow.
“He said I was shot.” I whispered looking away.
“What?” Washington asked moving closer to us.
I nodded and Lafayette looked up at Washington, he took a deep shaky breath and I lifted a hand gently running my fingers through his hair.
“She is…was Lyon.” Lafayette said finally after a second if opening his mouth silently.
Washington looked between everyone in the room.
“Wha…what? I don’t understand. Women can’t fight, it’s against the law.” Washington said quickly.
Lafayette had turned back to me, and I could tell by his expression I didn’t look good.
“With all due respect sir, we don’t have time. Get a medic! And then pardon one of the best strategists we had.” Mulligan shouted, raising his voice for the first time that I had ever heard.
Washington nodded and turned back to the door, racing out of it. Lafayette’s hands lifted and rested on either side of my face. I smiled weakly at him.
“I'm ok, I’m ok.” I whispered softly, beginning to get light headed.
Lafayette gave me an equally weak smile and nodded.
“I know you are, you’re strong and you don’t break promises. Kaleyanna, come on stay awake.” Lafayette said patting my cheek.
I hummed, my eyes closing as I fell forward.
“I'm...ok…” I whispered.
Lafayette’s arms wrapped around me.
“No, stay with me, please don’t go! I can’t lose you too. Please, don’t go…” Lafayette begged softly, rocking us.
I don’t remember anything after that, not for a while a long or short one I’m not sure. I opened my eyes slowly, taking in the room. A bright white hospital room greatest me and I winced slightly, I looked down and saw Lafayette laying with his head on my bed, holding my hand and I could just make out tear tracks on his cheeks. I looked around the room as best as I could, seeing a chair on the opposite side of the bed as well and then on the bedside table what I could just make out as both my War Honors and a Presidential Pardon. My eyes slid back to Lafayette; I gently squeezed his hand. His head popped up, before his eyes even fully opened. I smiled weakly at him and he immediately leaned over me sobbing hands on either side of my face he pressed kiss after kiss to my face.
“I'm ok, shh shh, I’m ok.” I whispered to him.
Lafayette nodded, still openly crying.
“Ah, I see our patient is awake.” A doctor said coming in.
He tried to look me over but Lafayette just wouldn’t move so he could.
“My love, let the doctor look me over ok? I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.” I said softly.
Lafayette finally seemed to register the doctor and nodded backing up just enough for the doctor to look me over. The doctor smiled and nodded.
“You are mostly healed.” He said.
Lafayette’s head snapped up at that.
“We’ve heard that before! And look at where it got us!” He said sharply.
I reached over and took Lafayette’s hand.
“Breath, breath calm down.” I said softly.
Lafayette nodded and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I looked at the doctor with a small smile.
“Sorry about that.” I said quietly.
The doctor shook his head, smile still in place.
“We are well use to his quick attitude. Actually, it’s been a few friends of yours that have been able to actually calm him down, while you were out.” The doctor said and it caught my attention.
I turned my head a bit catching Lafayette’s eye.
“How long have I been out?” I asked a small measure of shock running through my tone.
Lafayette looked at me.
“Almost six months.” He said softly.
I swallowed thickly and closed my eyes looking at the ceiling. The doctor made that the moment he left. I took a shaky breath and opened my eyes.
“I’m so sorry.” I said softly.
Lafayette shook his head.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” He said just as quietly.
I lifted the hand he didn’t have in a death grip and wiped my face.
“I kept you waiting, I put you through so much stress. I missed our wedding!” I said voice choked and shaky.
“You came back. That’s all that’s important to me, we can get married anytime. I don’t mind waiting if it means you're ok. Stress is a normal part of life, I’m ok as long as you are.” He said softly, gently running his fingers through my hair.
I took a shaky breath and nodded, smiling softly.
“I’ll always be here no matter what.” I whispered softly.
Lafayette smiled at me and nodded watching me. I smiled softly at him, seeing his eyes in the distance I took his free hand in my hand and gently rubbed his hands with my thumbs trying to bring him back to the present. It took a few minutes before he shook his head and looked back at me.
“There you are.” I said gently, watching him.
He gave me a small smile and pressed a kiss to my hands.
“I didn’t mean to get lost just….” Lafayette said trailing off.
I shook my head and smiled softly.
“It’s ok, I understand.” I said gently.
Lafayette gave me a small smile and leaned forward, moving one hand to run through my hair, giving me a gentle look.
“Get some rest, I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said gently.
I nodded and let my eyes drift shut. The next time I came too I heard soft voices whispering beside me. I opened my eyes and looked around, seeing Alexander and Mulligan chatting softly I tilted my head looking for Lafayette.
“He had to run to the bathroom, he’ll be right back.” Alexander said looking away from Mulligan.
I looked back over and slowly, with some help, sat up. I nodded, and watched the door, Alexander and Mulligan went back to their conversation and I barely paid attention to it.
“She ripped me up one side and down the other!” Alexander said with a small laugh.
Mulligan laughed and shook his head.
“You were new to her camp can you blame her!” Mulligan came back with, and I tuned in then.
I turned my head slightly so I could see them as well.
“Are you talking about when I yelled at you for running in camp, knowing French, trying to take my position, or the incident with the map?” I asked with a small smirk and curiosity in my tone.
Mulligan looked between me and him and laughed sharply.
“You, tried to take her spot?” He asked Alexander sarcastically.
Alexander threw his hands up and shook his head.
“No! I didn’t want your position!” Alexander exclaimed, and I couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
It was quiet for a few minutes as Hamilton pouted. Alexander looked up at Mulligan and gave him a small smile.
“At least Lafayette will be able to breath now.” He said and Lafayette’s name caught my attention.
I turned and saw Mulligan nod, as he leaned against the wall.
“Yeah, I was getting worried about him.” Mulligan said just as much relief in his tone as was in Alexander’s.
“Yeah especially after what the doctor said.” Alexander said softly with a small shrug.
Mulligan nodded and closed his eyes. I took a breath a chill going down my spine at their words.
“Yeah, barely eating, hardly sleeping. I was worried we’d have to keep him from doing something stupid.” Mulligan agreed.
I swallowed thickly and turned my attention to Mulligan specifically, Lafayette had let slip that he knew what had happened as well.
“What did the doctor say?” I whispered softly, staring at him.
Alexander looked at me, confused. He clearly didn’t know.
“That, since it’d been almost six months, he shouldn’t expect you to wake up.” Alexander said.
My eyes widened, as it all made sense.
“No, tell me he’s not telling me the truth Hercules.” I whispered, my voice shaking.
Mulligan nodded, raising an eyebrow at me. I lifted my hands and covered my face.
“No wonder he acted like that….” I said softly, my throat feeling clogged.
I heard the moment Mulligan realized what I had. I heard him let out a breath and then slide down the wall.
“What? What happened?” Alexander asked looking between us.
I couldn’t lift my head, feeling so horrible about being away for so long, even though it wasn’t my fault. I heard Hercules take a breath and shift.
“He was married when he first came over.” Hercules said finally.
“W-what?” Hamilton asked.
I took a breath and looked up.
“It’s not our story to tell.” I said softly.
“It’s ok, he should know too.” Lafayette said voice barely over a whisper as he rejoined us.
He immediately sat in the chair closest to me, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to my cheek. I looked at him and opened my mouth, he shook his head giving me a soft smile.
“It wasn’t anything you could control. It’s ok, I’m ok now that you’re ok.” He said quietly.
I swallowed and nodded; Lafayette looked up at Alexander.
“I was married when I came over here to fight. My wife was pregnant at the time with our first child. I tried to go back as often as I could in the beginning but….” Lafayette broke off and shook his head.
I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair gently, he looked up at me, I nodded and turned to Alexander. I took a deep breath.
“His wife died in child birth, his daughter followed hours later.” I said softly, explaining the rest to him.
Alexander took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
“I’m so sorry, I…I didn’t know. I never…” He said voice shaking, my head turned to him then and I leveled a glare at him.
“Never should have what, Alexander Hamilton?” I asked my voice low and dark.
Lafayette lifted a hand and placed it against the back of my neck carefully turning my head. Alexander meanwhile, stood out of his chair and started backing up away from me.
“It’s ok, he didn’t know. He was trying to be helpful, but without knowing…. everything it didn’t come out right. I’ve already forgiven him, breath it’s ok.” Lafayette said softly voice even and gentle.
I took a deep breath and nodded.
“Ok, I won’t gut him.” I said tone soft and joking.
Lafayette laughed at that, which was good. The less he dwelled on the past the better. He lifted his head, looking away from me and looked over at Alexander.
“Relax, you both took all of the sharp pointy things out of the room already. The only thing she has is her hands.” Lafayette said laughing softly.
I smiled gently hearing his laugh. Mulligan laughed and shook his head, also looking at Alexander.
“and we’ve seen where those two want to keep their hands lately.” Hercules said laughing at Alexander’s reaction.
Alexander brushed his hair behind his ears and straightened his jacket, a face-saving move if ever I’ve seen one.
“Sorry, but when you spend two weeks getting threatened to be hung by your boot straps by an angry Frenchman…err excuse me, French woman…with a sword, you get cautious when you see the same person giving you angry looks!” Alexander defended himself.
I couldn’t help it, I broke out into laughter and looked at Alexander, Lafayette looking over at me.
“You aren’t even wearing boots, Hamilton!” I exclaimed, a smile lighting my face at the image Alexander made.
That set Lafayette and Mulligan off into fits of their own laughter. Meanwhile Alexander tried to look upset but we all saw the small smile playing on his face. After a few more minutes Alexander had to excuse himself home, Mulligan left shortly after that. I turned to look at Lafayette, a smile lighting up his face. He lifted my hand and pressed a kiss to it.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” I asked, I’d seen him putting on fronts for others before.
“I am ok, and I’ll be better when we can get you home.” He said softly with a small smile.
I laughed softly and nodded.
“I agree with that motion!” I said laughing a bit.
We sat quietly for a little bit after that just relaxing. Another month down the road and I was finally released, and the doctors assured us both that I was fully healed. Lafayette lifted me into his arms and I laughed softly shaking my head.
“I can walk you know.” I said gently, making no move to make him put me down, taking comfort in his arms instead.
Lafayette laughed and shook his head.
“I know just let me do this, also our lovely friends have set up a surprise for us.” Lafayette said softly as we walked from the hospital.
I sighed softly and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Then lead on, my lovely knight.” I whispered with a giggle.
Lafayette let his head drop back and he laughed with me. We reached Lafayette’s home in the city after a little while and walked inside.
“There you are! Let’s go! Lafayette the boys are waiting for you upstairs!” Angelica said swooping down on us as soon as we entered the house.
Lafayette carefully sat me on my feet and pressed a kiss to my lips.
“I'll see you soon, love.” He said quietly.
I raised an eyebrow watching as he ran up the steps. I didn’t get long to look after him, as Angelica grabbed my hand and led me away to an office, I turned my hands on my hips.
“Lafayette’s office? Why?” I asked.
That’s when I saw Eliza and Elizabeth step forward. One held a long dress in her hands and the other a long white veil.
“We put together a wedding for you both. And his office because Alexander said good luck to Lafayette letting you walk up the steps currently.” Eliza said smiling.
My eyes watered and I smiled softly.
“Oh you, thank you.” I said softly.
“Of course, you both deserve this.” Elizabeth said smiling as well.
I was sat in a chair as Angelica and Eliza did my make-up and hair. Elizabeth untying my dress. Elizabeth being Hercules' wife, I had met her briefly in the hospital. I looked at the dress and laughed softly, shaking my head.
“Hercules made the dress himself, he said it held special meaning to you both.” Elizabeth said in response.
I smiled and looked down for a second swallowing.
“It’s almost exactly like the one I wore to the Winters Ball, the first time I interacted with Lafayette as a girl.” I said softly.
The girls all awed at that, before we quickly got back to work. Before I knew it, I was dressed in the beautiful dress, my hair twisted into a braid. A bright white edge blue ribbon was twisted into it and tied off into a bow. I slipped on the shoes and took the bouquet of flowers from Eliza.
“We have to get out there, but Washington should be in shortly. You look amazing.” Angelica said as she ushered the other two out of the door.
I took a breath and looked in the small mirror on the wall, trying not to cry in excitement.
“Nervous?” I heard behind me, turning I saw Washington stood there.
I shook my head, smiling.
“When it comes to Lafayette, I’m never nervous. I’m just beyond excited and happy.” I said a small tremor to my voice.
Washington nodded a small smile playing on his face. He offered me his arm.
“We should go, everything is ready.” He said as I took his arm.
I smiled and nodded, Washington led us out of the back of the house and my eyes watered. Stood at the end of the aisle, was Lafayette in his blue uniform sword at his side. I saw him blink and swallow a bit. I smiled as Washington led me down the aisle.
“You look amazing, hopefully I’m not to awe struck to remember the words…” Lafayette said with a small smile.
I smiled back and nodded.
“You look handsome, and I think I’m in the same boat.” I whispered just as softly.
With that the ceremony started. I cried at Lafayette’s vows, and he sobbed at mine. We both did end up saying most of them in French, having very few people, including the pastor, understand us. When the pastor asked us to say “I Do” he also specified, “English please.” To which both us and those in attendance laughed a bit. When I was all over, we were presented as a married couple for the first time. Leading the procession back into the house we celebrated most of the night. Late into the evening Lafayette walked up to me and held his hand out, I took it and he led me away from the party and up the stairs. I smiled softly at him as he led me to the largest bedroom in the house, we stepped inside and he wrapped his arms around me spinning us slowly around the room. I giggled and leaned into him, he reached up and tilted my head back pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.
“My love.” Lafayette whispered leaning his forehead against mine, and brushing his nose against mine.
I giggled softly and brushed my nose against his.
“My heart.” I whispered just as softly.
We fell onto the bed softly and smiled at each other sharing small kisses. I sat up a few minutes later.
“I’d like to continue, but we should probably change…” I whispered softly trailing off a bit at the end.
Lafayette nodded also sitting up.
“We should, would hate to ruin that lovely dress.” He said smiling gently.
I giggled softly and nodded, before pausing. Lafayette already moving towards the closet turned to look at me.
“What are you waiting for, love?” He asked turning back to me.
I smiled softly and looked at him.
“I don’t have clothes here, well any that I know of.” I said standing up.
Lafayette nodded and turned back to his closet.
“You can use one of my shirts tonight, and we can collect…...or our friends planned more than we thought.” Lafayette said laughing and shaking his head a bit.
I raised an eyebrow and walked over to him, inside the closet sat what was in essence, a brand-new wardrobe for me. I smiled and laughed, seeing a note attached I reached up, pulling it down.
“Happy wedding, happy life. From your best friend Hercules.” I read and laughed softly.
Lafayette laughed softly beside me, and nudged me gently, pointing towards the top of the closet. I looked and couldn’t help but laugh, on the top shelf sat both of our uniforms, and our swords and guns. I shook my head, pulling a sleeping gown down I smiled and turned, taking a step behind Lafayette’s back. We had already talked about it and would just be sleeping tonight. After I pulled my sleeping gown on, I felt arms wrap around my waist, and leaned back.
“Let’s get some sleep.” Lafayette whispered against my ear.
I nodded and gently took his hand, letting him lead me to the bed. We laid down and curled into each other, relaxing together for the first time in a while. Over the next six years we spent a lot of time moving back and forth between France and America. We had a few children, who hated the travel but understood. Then one day it happened.
“France is officially at war with England.” Lafayette said one day as he dropped his hat onto the counter beside me, leaning against it.
I took a breath and nodded, looking up at him. We were currently at our French home.
“What are we going to do?” I asked softly.
Lafayette looked over to the children and gave them a gentle look, turning to face me.
“I’ve already contacted Hercules. He said he and Elizabeth could take the children if….” Lafayette started trailing off.
I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
“If?” I asked trying to lead him.
He smiled and lifted his hand.
“If you’ll come back as my right-hand.” Lafayette said smiling softly.
I lifted my hand and clasped his with it, our rings shinning in the dim light.
“Of course, I will. Let’s prepare.” I said smiling gently.
Lafayette nodded and we turned to the children. Over the next week we prepared what we needed, and sent the children to America. Two weeks after he told me, I was dressed in my uniform beside him. Our hands resting on our swords as we stalked down the hallways of the palace. With a smile to each other, we stood shoulder to shoulder and shoved the door open. The king looked up and his face relaxed into a welcome, thankful look. I glanced at Lafayette and let him take the lead. The next 10 years were difficult especially the years when Lafayette had been falsely arrested. I took over in his time away, leading us to many battle victories and also tight retreats. I stood beside the short dictator who had ordered Lafayette’s immediate release from the prison, amidst Lafayette’s uncle’s arguments. I turned swiftly, my sword out in a second and blade against his neck.
“It will take less then a fraction of a second for me to slice your throat open, less then a minute for you to bleed out. Stand there and be quiet or you will join my enemies in the ground, is that understood.” I stated in a growl.
“Lyon, stand down. It’s alright, I know he is not fond of me.” I heard Lafayette’s voice call from a few feet away.
I turned and even though he was dressed in full uniform, sword at his side I saw the weary look on his face. I turned and stalked to his side, swishing my sword through the air, to sheath it as I did so. I stood at Lafayette’s side through the following days and weeks as he had meeting after meeting.
“With all due respect sir, I’m going to America. The war is practically won. The rest of the men can lead a victory wave without me.” Lafayette said firmly on the last day of meetings.
The king turned to me and nodded.
“Well, we’ll have Lyon to help out.” He said confidently.
I shook my head.
“Apologies sir, but I’ve already accepted placement in America as well. I’ll be helping get their troops up to par in case they should ever be attacked again.” I said just as firmly as Lafayette had spoken a moment before.
The king looked momentarily defeated before his face brightened.
“I’ll deny your travel papers. No ship will give you access without them.” He said clearly thinking he had won.
Lafayette smirked and sat back, and I placed my hand on my sword turning slightly to the side.
“You forget, we have our own ship. You can deny our papers, but we will still be leaving.” Lafayette said with a smirk and a small laugh.
I ducked my head and shook it laughing as well.
“Yeah, there’s also the fact that we both have citizenship in at least one state so there’s nothing you can really do to stop us.��� I said a smirk playing on my face as well.
The king looked to the side.
“I’ll send my guards after you, if you survive them, you’ll never be allowed back in France.” He said threateningly.
With less than a thought I was over the desk, sword drawn.
“Is that really something you want to do?” I asked softly.
Lafayette folded his hands and leaned back in the chair; ankles crossed.
“Are you not going to do anything?” The king asked him.
Lafayette laughed and shook his head.
“We saved your life repeatedly, and you want to deny our right to leave. I will say Lyon shouldn’t kill you. But if he does, we’ll get away fine, and probably be forgiven by the people. No one really likes you.” Lafayette said leaning forward a dark look crossing his face.
I smirked and twitched my blade against the king’s neck. He gasped and started to sweat.
“N-no, you can both leave. J-just let me be, please!” The king begged.
I looked at Lafayette who nodded, I slipped my sword away and lunged back over the table. Before the moon was fully in the sky, we were on our way back to America. We stood at the front of the ship the wind blowing across our faces.
“Would you have actually let me kill him?” I asked quietly.
Lafayette laughed and shook his head.
“Probably not, then again if he kept being an asshole, I likely would have done it myself.” He said just a quietly.
I nodded and we lapsed into silence. The two-week trip took its toll on the crew and we reached America with a few less crew then we had started out with. We were welcomed as hero’s, our children racing up to Lafayette, not recognizing me in uniform. Washington invited us to his Mount Vernon home, and we accepted, as soon as we were out of the public eye, I pulled my hat off and let my hair down.
“You both look a little worse for wear then the last time I saw you.” Washington said as Martha passed out the tea.
The children had jumped on me as soon as my hair was down, and I quickly changed when we reached his home, having kept a few dresses there for visits.
“Well, that’s because we are. But we’ll get into that later.” Lafayette said looking over at me with a smile.
I looked up and smiled at him as well.
“Yes, perhaps after the children are asleep.” I suggested softly.
The men nodded and we turned to lighter topics. That night we discussed the war, Lafayette’s arrest and my attempt on the king’s life.
“Why am I not surprised?” Washington asked shaking his head.
Lafayette laughed and shook his head.
“Maybe because we have threatened others.” Lafayette said smiling at me.
I shrugged.
“It’s not my fault people piss me off and I’m defensive.” I said smiling and looking to the side.
“Technically I think it would be protective. But still, valid point.” Washington said shaking his head.
We laughed at that and nodded. We settled in for the night and the next morning woke up early. Martha was watching the children and Lafayette and I suited up.
“Ready to try and teach these soldiers the way of the French?” Lafayette asked lifting his hand.
I clasped my hand around his and nodded.
“Let’s go.” I said smiling.
Lafayette dropped my hand and we walked from the room, meeting with Washington in the entrance hall.
“Let’s see how this works.” Washington said opening the door and putting his hat on.
Lafayette and I followed after him, slipping our hats on as well. Mounting our horses, we made the quick trip to the training grounds. That’s what we did, for a long time, we trained the soldiers taught them French. Well at least we did for a long time. The day Jefferson came to the training grounds was also the last day I trained anyone.
“I’m going to beat the man senseless.” I muttered by Lafayette.
He laughed and shook his head.
“Don’t, he isn’t worth it.” He returned smiling down at me.
I nodded and took a deep breath, relaxing for a bit. The peace didn’t last, and I ended up punching Thomas Jefferson in the nose.
“Well at least I was only relieved of my duty!” I said as Lafayette looked at me.
He shook his head and I couldn’t tell if he was trying not to laugh or yell.
“You shouldn’t have done that.” Lafayette said finally.
I shrugged and nodded walking around our bedroom.
“Yes well, what’s done is done. And now I can play the perfect wife and take care of the children.” I said settling down on the chair by the desk.
Lafayette turned to me and laughed softly.
“You’ll be bored in a week.” He said shaking his head.
I shrugged lightly.
“Then I’ll sneak away to the city and visit the others. Jefferson deserved that punch in the nose, and you know it. Not just for the crap he said to and about us, but also because of what he’s said and done to Alexander.” I said firmly.
Lafayette raised his hands and nodded.
“I’m not saying he didn’t deserve it. I was just saying you could have challenged him officially. But what’s done is done.” Lafayette said finally, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me.
I sighed and leaned into him. That was that when I got bored, I went to visit Alexander and Mulligan, teaching the children the best I could as I did. Over the years we saw friends turned enemies and we lost friends, those we considered family. Then the day happened and I laid beside my Lafayette one last time. We had both gotten I’ll and hadn’t been taking the best care of ourselves. Both of us thinking we were still in top soldier shape. I reached over and took Lafayette’s hand, he turned his head and looked at me, giving me a smile.
“I’ll see you on the other side my love.” Lafayette whispered softly.
Our children stood around us trying not to cry but we knew the truth.
“Until then my love.” I whispered just as softly.
With that we closed our eyes, and I felt first his grip slip, the. I slipped.
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lady-spieroles · 4 years
also based on the last thing I sent - a fic to tie season -1 to season 1 where sparklez doesn't remember anything from season -1 except a very vague concept of ianite which explains his reluctance to join mia or dia in and bring about her existence in season 1 and then it's all full circle and yeah
Get ready because this one's a doozy. 
Note, without knowing how S -1 will end, I tried to keep it vague. The bulk of this fic takes place within S1 due to that.  
Enjoy and as always
Find me on Ao3:
Selenejessabelle12626 for the tame stuff
Lady-Spieroles for the less tame stuff ;)
“Well this is it lads. It’s been a proper honor.” Tom said, looking between Jordan and Karl. Though his gaze lingered on Jordan for a long moment. They’d kept it from Karl, their suspicions that they would wake up on the island they’d first met. Karl had not been a part of that life and the odds of him joining it now were slim at best. “See you on the other side.” He saluted, boarding the ship that was supposed to take him back to his original homeland. 
“It’s been a pleasure Sparklez. Good to meet you.” Karl said, giving his own salute before stepping aboard his ship. 
“Safe travels.” Jordan said with nod, he watched the two ships launch and begin their voyage to the horizon. His own waited still, bobbing in the waves. He wasn’t ready to leave yet. The next time he saw Ianite, it would be in a world where Dianite had stolen her heart and imprisoned her. He knew it would all work out but still, knowing that he would be subjecting her to that made him hesitate. 
“It will alright My Champion.” She said, appearing next to him on the beach. “It’s hard, but your time here has come to its end. Whatever awaits you, never forget that I will be beside you. My faith in you is unwavering, it has been and always will be.” He turned to meet her eyes, knowing that they would not be the same when he saw her next. There were no other Ianite’s with Heterochromia, this Ianite, the one who’d stood by him from so early in this life, would change as time passed. She would grow and mature from this young, ambitious woman destined for strength into the ethereal, powerful Goddess  he would one day come to know. All the Gods would. All because of what he, Tom and Karl had done in this time. It was their efforts that would lead to everything that was to come. It was just something he had to accept.
“Thank you My Lady. For everything.” 
She tentatively embraced him, kissing his temple. “It’s time my friend.” Of all the Ianite’s he knew, this one was the only one he’d truly call his friend. It was a nice change to get to know her as a friend instead of a deity just out of reach or a whatever strange familial relationship he’d had with the Ianite of Ruxomar. 
Jordan boarded his ship, looking back at her as it began to drift out to sea. She didn’t wave or cry or look sad by his departure. Instead she simply gave him one last goodbye the same way the Ianite of Ruxomar had “See you soon, my man.” 
When Jordan opened his eyes, there was solid ground beneath him. The last thing he remembered was pounding rain, lightning, shouting, and the horrifying sound of a splitting wood. He’d been on a ship, at least he thought so. The memory was fading quickly though, with each breath it grew hazier and hazier until he had no recollection of anything at all.  How had he gotten here? Where was here? Who was the man descending the hill down towards him?
The names Tom and Tucker, Syndicate and Jericho respectively, seemed familiar. But for the life of him Jordan could not figure out why. As Tom gave him a tour of this land, Mianite they called it, Jordan couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d been here before. 
“You’ve got to choose a team. You’ve either got to be Dianite or Mianite. I’m Dianite, which is evil, Mianite’s the good guy.” 
When Tom began what could only be a recruitment speech Jordan’s first instinct was to join him. There were three worshipers of Mianite and only one of Dianite. “So I should probably join your side for the sake of balance.” He didn’t speak the last word, faltering before it left his mouth, something about it resonated within his head, echoing in his mind in a dozen voices. 
The tour continued, Tucker piping in and out with commentary as they went, giving his own opinions and thoughts. 
“Well you say you’re Dianite but you have to prove yourself to him. You have to do something evil...” Tom was saying.  Well that wasn’t what Jordan wanted. He was so new to this world, he didn’t want to make enemies already. He didn’t want to kill anyone. He’d only agreed to join Dianite for sake of fairness, so that Tom wasn’t the only one. From what it was sounding like, Mianite’s beliefs were much closer to what Jordan wanted to be, a good guy and friend to these people. Though honestly, Mianite did sound a bit, restrictive. There had to be a better option. A middle ground between the two. 
He mulled over it while Tom continued to show him around, laughing at the appropriate moments and making small comments to keep him talking, though Jordan was entirely in his own head. This was all so eerily familiar. 
He got inadvertently thrown into a feud between Tom and Tucker, the unwilling carrier of stolen goods. He decided to give it back because really what was the point? Tom called him out on it, annoyed at how quickly he’d pulled back from Dianite. 
“Yo whose team are you on?! Pick a side!” Tom accused with a disgruntled look. 
“I’m on both teams for now.” Yeah that seemed fine, don’t pick either side, not yet. The feeling that neither were right for him was pervasive, a pull to something else he just couldn’t shake. But nothing they said hinted to any other option. It was good or evil. Mianite or Dianite. But why then, later when he was alone with his thoughts, would the idea of balance not leave him? 
A woman named Sonja arrives a few days later, Foxx she called herself. Just like the other two she seemed so oddly familiar. Her arrival does give him a strange notion of wholeness, like a new puzzle piece slotting into place. 
He’d begun to get more glimpses of what could only be memories, or perhaps they were visions? Nothing ever very clear nor anything that really stays in his head for long, fading as quickly as it comes. The color purple features in most of them in some way or another, but he can’t fathom why.  He hears a woman’s voice sometimes though never remembers her words. He has visions of an underwater structure of purple stone and another of an immense castle on an island above the void. He doesn’t tell the others, wary of any of them thinking he’s choosing one side or another with who he talks to or even worse, thinking him mad. He can’t even go to the priest, who might have an idea of the source, because the priest has chosen a side in this odd conflict. Jordan had said he’d be neutral, but he’d not expected how difficult that would be. 
A mining expedition in the Nether earns him a recruitment pitch from Tucker this time, the man waxing poetic about how good his God was. And really, if it weren’t for that feeling of staunch wrongness that reared itself every time Jordan considered either side, he might’ve agreed, Mianite the lesser of two evils. But the thought of committing to Mianite just felt so wrong, the same way the discussion of joining Dianite did. He didn’t understand why, but the fact was, it just did. 
“Well I haven’t chosen my God yet.” He defended, for what felt like the thousandth time. What was it about him wanting to be in the middle that they didn’t understand? He would find another way. There had to be another way, another option. 
“Yes you have!” Tucker dismissed.
“I’m on Team Ianite!” Jordan argued without thought, but realized after a moment, he was unsure where he’d gotten that name. 
Tucker had fallen silent at the declaration but a moment later seemed to consider it. “Nobody is on that team yet so that’s an interesting move.  We have no idea who that is, so that’s uh, a bold claim.” 
They laughed it off and went about their business, but Jordan could not help but feel that something significant had just occurred. 
His house was full of water when he returned home and despite it being most obviously Tom’s fault, he didn't own up to it and Tucker only added fuel to the metaphorical flame with his taunting and teasing. It was the first true prank he’s been on the receiving end of. He’d told them he was neutral, not on anyone's side, the hope had been that by declaring that he’d be out of either firing line. Apparently that was not the case.  ‘Ianite’, the name had been almost a throw away to get Tucker off his back but the more he mulled it over, said the name, the more it made sense. The more right it felt. 
There was a middle ground. Ianite was the middle ground. He would be Team Ianite.
“Alright, Alright if that’s how it’s going to be. Welcome Team Ianite to the game.”
“Who the hell is Team Ianite?” Tom asked
“Independent of the others.” Jordan continued. They laughed, Tom and Tucker. But Jordan had never felt more sure. “Yeah, Yeah. You messed with the wrong guy. Team Ianite is coming into play here.” They laughed, made fun of Ianite without hesitation. 
“I picture Ianite like an enderman…” Tom was meaning to insult Ianite but maybe he was on to something. The idea of an enderman didn’t sound wrong, maybe the way Tom was describing it did, but the End. That seemed right.
“Don’t insult Ianite man.” Jordan said, but already he could feel his certainty waning. Maybe they were right and he was just making something stupid up. But if that were the case, why did it feel so right?
They move on, not even sparing another thought once they’d gotten the giggles out of their systems. Jordan spends the rest of the day emptying the water from his house, enjoying the fact that the twisting anxious feeling he’d had ever since he’d been told to choose Mianite or Dianite had finally disappeared. He’d found his path. He didn’t know much about it yet, Ianite was barely more than a concept, let alone a proper God, maybe they would never be a proper God in the way Mianite and Dianite were, but at least Ianite was his. 
He’s grown used to the dreams by now. Tonight however, there was a shift. He saw a vision of a crystal prison in the sky, of a village that appeared to float upon the sea with a tiny temple-like structure, a home of purple wood built into the side of a hill made of ender stone. 
He saw a regal looking woman swathed in purple and gold, her hair the color of deep violet flowers draping down her back, a thin golden crown encircling her head. He saw the same woman in a port town with a castle, dressed in pale blue, a kind smile on her lips. Again he saw her, in the purple building under the sea, dressed in casual attire with an almost childish gleam in her two different colored eyes. They shifted from one to another endlessly, all the same yet all different. They surrounded and encircled him in a void of darkness but he did not feel unsafe, in fact, he felt at home among them. 
“My Champion” They addressed him all as one with smiles on their faces but then began to fade into a wispy purple haze. The haze grew and grew, reforming into a strange and massive sculpture of a dancing woman made of black and amethyst stone. He took a step closer and was suddenly transported. The dream felt real in an instant despite him not knowing exactly what was happening. He could hear the eerie hum in the air of the End, see the purple homestead in the hill, feel the weight of armor on his body and the heft of a bow in his hand. He was flying then, hovering off the ground without even a thought towards the effort. Cautiously he flew up towards the sculpture's head, investigating what had become of the His Lady. And where had that come from? His Lady? What was that supposed to mean? A gnawing sense of dread began to build within him, this was not something happy nor something good, this was something quite the opposite, something very very sad. He reached out towards the sculpture’s cheek but before his fingertips could brush the surface, it began to turn to ash. He watched horrified, as it fell, drifting and floating to the ground below. Against all reason or understanding, he began to cry. 
Jordan sat up in bed, disoriented. Out his window he could see the beginnings of the sunrise, the sky tinged lavender and periwinkle, just barely beginning to bleed into orange. He scrubbed at his face, yawning. No point in going back to sleep now. He took a moment to think back on what he could of his dreams, a practice he’d picked up soon after he realized he was having dreams that were out of the ordinary. It didn’t work very well, he rarely remembered more than a snippet or two, but it was better than nothing. Today he remembered seeing a woman. He couldn't recall what she looked like or if she’d spoken to him or where they’d been, but he was certain that there had been a woman. Who could she be? A wife? A sister? A mother? None of those ideas felt particularly wrong, but in the same measure that they didn’t feel quite right either. He sighed and put his face into his hands, he wished he had his memories.
Weeks passed. Shenanigans happened. The notion of Ianite was all but forgotten by the others aside from a passing teasing remark. However, they’d all stopped their attempted recruitment of him to their sides. Perhaps they, as he did, believed in Ianite. Or more likely, they’d realized he was too stubborn and would not be choosing either of their Gods. 
Then came the day that changed everything. 
A temple appeared. A massive, elaborate, beautiful structure dedicated to Mianite. Jordan explored it in awe alongside Tucker and Sonja at their invitation. In past weeks alliances had been formed and chaos had reigned. They, Jordan especially, lived their lives on the edge of a sword, constantly expecting a follower of Dianite to appear and strike them down. He’d aligned himself with the two Mianitees in hopes that the three of them might be able to survive better as a group. 
Mianite himself awaited them within the temple. Jordan explored by himself, leaving the others time to converse with their God. But then, Mianite had spoken to him, asked him to speak alone. Jordan complied, having no real reason not to trust the God. He was the good guy after all, the Order to Dianite’s Chaos. So he trekked to the top of the temple, stopping before the God. 
‘Say nothing to anyone but me and you.’ The sign before Mianite said. In his hand he held a book, shimmering with magic. Jordan fell silent in an instant, unsure of what exactly was happening. He nodded, somewhat reluctantly but said not a word. Mianite handed him the book  and simply said his goodbyes, vanishing. 
The others were suspicious when Jordan claimed to have received nothing. But what was he to do but lie? He did his best not to flounder as the others made their disbelief of his lies obvious but he had to admit to himself, he was not the best at lying. As with many other things, they dropped it soon enough, giving Jordan a chance to actually open the book.
It spoke of a secret vault that would gift him items that only he may be worthy to hold and of the danger of having them. Included were coordinates of where to find the code to open the vault and the wish of good fortune from the God. But it was the last lines that made him fall to his knees upon the sand. 
‘I hope you find my long lost sister, Ianite there. We will need her to defeat Dianite for one final battle.’
Ianite was real. His throat suddenly felt tight and his eyes stung as tears began to well within them. He had not a God, but a Goddess. He let out a laugh of shocked astonishment. He was not alone in this world with a made up deity. Every urge, vision, thought and dream had actually meant something. Ianite was real and she was waiting for him.
Even leaving as soon as he could, it took hours of travel by horse and boat to reach the coordinates. It was late in the night when he eventually made landfall on the island where his destination should be. In fact it might have even been nearing dawn. He was exhausted from the nonstop travel, sore from sitting in a boat all day and just emotionally drained from the voyage. But he was so close, he could not stop now, not when he was so close to finding her. 
By the time he collected enough materials to build up to the structure he saw in the sky, the sun was peeking over the horizon. It had taken him all day and all night to reach this spot but it was all going to be worth it. The closer he got to more it became clear. The structure was some sort of crystal platform floating on what seemed to be a wispy cloud. It could only have been created by a God. 
He set foot upon it, heart sinking in his chest. He’d seen this before, this strange prison in the sky. It was void of life and all hopes of meeting Ianite disappeared in an instant. He would be worried about what was clearly a prison cell if not for the fact that one side was open, destroyed even. She’d been here but was no longer. 
He was too late to help her. Someone had imprisoned his Goddess, Dianite if he had to guess. An unexpected fury filled him at the very idea, a flare of vengeance rearing its head. He’d get his revenge, they’d see that balance went both ways. An eye for an eye, an offense for an offense, a life for a life. 
The wind whistled through the bars, the rustling of paper catching his attention. A scroll had been slotted in the spot where two bars met, tied down with a bit of leather cord. Curiously he undid the knot and removed the paper. On one side was written a simple code, the numbers he needed to access the vault, but the other was decorated with a fine script in dark ink.
‘If you find this then know I am alive. Do not worry about me… I will come when I need to. -Ianite’
His fury faded like smoke in the wind.  He closed his eyes and pressed the paper to his heart, relieved and overjoyed. Hope filled his soul like the rising sun behind him. He would meet his Goddess one day but for now, knowing she was alive was enough.  
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fangzeronos · 4 years
What You Leave Behind
I’ve lived a good life.
 That was the thought running through the Fire Lady’s mind as she laid in her bed in the Fire Nation Palace. Her whole life was dedicated to defending others, whether she was on Kyoshi Island, the Fire Nation, or Ba Sing Se. Suki knew the ramifications of her dedication to so many titles and places would be long lasting, and she hoped for the best. From leading the Kyoshi Warriors, being Zuko’s Captain of the Guard after his father’s defeat, and becoming Fire Lady, a title she held most dear for thirty years, Suki knew her life was good. She felt her daughter’s hand in hers, and she squeeze softly, trying to give Izumi strength.
 Izumi sat on the bed with her mother, Suki’s hand in hers. Tears flowed down the young woman’s face, impending dread in her heart. She knew her mother’s time was soon, as much as it pained the young heiress to the throne. Izumi looked around the room, seeing her mother’s friends and family from all of her travels around the world.
 Aang sat beside the wall, his airbending tattoos glowing as he meditated, trying to search the Spirit World for answers or anything that could help his longtime friend. He’d been in the Spirit World four days, the ethereal glow of his tattoos the only light in the room in the darker nights.
 Katara stood beside the bed, occasionally using her waterbending to try and soothe Suki’s pain, healing what aches she could to make her friend more comfortable. It hurt her knowing that with all of her knowledge, she couldn’t find a cure for the woman she thought of as a sister. She’d worked with the Royal Family’s healers, looking over Suki’s medical records to try and find anything that could help, but to no avail.
 Sokka sat beside Katara, his hand on Suki’s free one. It had been decades since they’d been together, but she still held a special place in his heart. He squeezed her hand lightly, trying to give her his strength. It broke his heart knowing he couldn’t help her. All the Chief of the Water Tribe could think about was how many wasted years there had been when they were together, things unsaid and unspoken but clearly known. Sokka’s mind was filled with regret and nervousness, knowing what was coming.
 Azula, despite not being near the top of Suki’s favorite people, stood behind her husband, her hand on his shoulder and rubbing softly, trying to give Sokka some comfort. She knew where his heart was, and when they’d received the letter from Zuko saying Suki was ill, it was her that planned the trip and packed, knowing Sokka’s emotions wouldn’t let him think. In all the years since their first encounter, there had grown a respect between the two, something Azula, even as she grew older, would miss in the end.
 Near the foot of the bed, Toph sat cross-legged in a chair, feet tucked up underneath herself. She couldn’t bear to feel Suki’s heartbeat getting slower and slower, unwilling to feel it in the ground. As much as she’d bickered with Suki in the past, she’d come to admire the other woman, and for the former Blind Bandit, it was a rare friendship she still treasured.
 Ty Lee stood beside the door, a new generation of Kyoshi Warriors standing guard outside. As the former captain of the Warriors, Ty Lee was probably the closest to Suki other than Zuko, and it broke her heart to see her friend and sister laying in bed, death slowly creeping up. She first knew something was wrong when Suki’s aura had gone from strong and green to dim and grey. She’d convinced Suki to see the healers, sitting with her while her diagnosis was given.
 “Where’s ZuZu?” Azula asked softly, breaking the silence in the room for the first time in over thirty hours. “He should be here.”
Izumi sighed softly, looking over at her aunt. “He had an emergency to deal with in the Council chamber. Daddy said he’d be back as soon as he could, Aunt Azula,” she said.
 Katara bit her lip, looking at Izumi. “Well…maybe someone should go get him,” she said softly. She looked over at Izumi. “Izumi, there isn’t much time, honey.”
 “I’ll get him,” Toph said, putting her feet on the floor and doing her best to ignore the feeling coming from the bed. “I’ll get him and drag him down here by his nose if I have to.”
 “No, Toph,” Suki whispered, opening her eyes softly and coughing. “Don’t…don’t hurt him. Please…” She tried to sit up, Katara holding her down softly. “Katara—”
 “No. You need to stay laying down,” Katara said softly, rubbing Suki’s shoulder.
 “Please, Suki,” Sokka said softly, his voice breaking.
 Suki looked over to her left, seeing Sokka and smiling softly, the smile marred by the pain in her entire body. “Sokka…you’re here…”
 “Course I am,” Sokka said with a sad smile. “You wanted me here.”
 “Did I…? I’m sorry, everyone…my memory isn’t…”
 “It’s ok,” Izumi said, squeezing her mother’s hand softly. “Toph, please go get my father. And hurry.”
 Toph saluted lightly. “Yes, ma’am,” she said, turning and walking out of the room. She felt someone behind her, stopping and folding her arms. “Y’know, Azula, I can find him myself.”
 “I know, but…maybe if we’re both there, he’ll move faster,” Azula said with a small smile. “Come on, Chief.” She started forward, leading Toph through the palace before making their way to the council chambers.
 Pushing the door open, Azula looked around at the council members, Lu Bai’s jaw hanging open, the older woman clearly speaking. “Lady Azula, Chief BeiFong” the councilwoman said, blinking and standing straight. “What can we do for you?”
 “I need my brother,” Azula said. “Now.”
 Zuko looked over, stepping away from the table. “Azula, Toph? What’s happened? Is Suki--?”
“Not yet, Zuko,” Toph said, reaching forward before feeling Zuko take her hand. “But…Katara says there’s not long. We need you back. Please.”
 Zuko shook his head. “I have to see this through. The uprising could—”
 “Damn the uprising,” Azula said, grabbing her brother by the front of his robes. “Your wife is dying. You’re down here playing politician rather then being with her on her deathbed, ZuZu. Get your ass in gear, get upstairs. Now!”
 “Fire Lord, we can…postpone this for a day or two. Decisions don’t need to be reached right now,” one of the councilmen said.
 Zuko sighed, nodding softly. “Thank you, Hung,” he said softly. He turned and faced his sister and Toph. “Alright…let’s go.”
 The three walked out and headed back upstairs, Zuko feeling like every corridor was a thousand miles long, each step feeling like the weight of the world was pressing down on his shoulders. He couldn’t breathe, and the thought of losing Suki was overwhelming. He’d already lost Ursa and Iroh. He didn’t know if he could survive losing Suki.
 “I know everyone will be here when I need them, but…it hurts so much seeing her in the state she is when six months ago she was up kicking my ass in a spar. She’s been there through everything, and I…I don’t know that I can do this.” he thought, looking up as they stopped outside of his room.
 “Go,” Azula said softly, putting her hand on her brother’s back. She pushed the door open, seeing it stop and Ty Lee peek her head around the corner.
 “Zuko,” the normally overly cheerful woman said, hugging him as he walked in.
 “Hi, Ty,” Zuko whispered, hugging her back before moving toward the bed. “Zumi.”
 “Daddy,” Izumi said softly, hugging her father tightly and kissing his cheek. “Aunt Katara says there’s not much time…”
 Zuko nodded softly, sitting on the bed before rubbing Suki’s arm. “Hey, beautiful.”
 Suki smiled weakly, turning her hand over and taking Zuko’s, their fingers lacing together slowly. “Hi…” she said softly. “Where’ve you been, Zuko?”
 “Dealing with a possible uprising,” Zuko said. “Nothing to worry about right now.” He kissed Suki’s hand, reaching up and moving some of her hair out of her eyes. “What matters is that I’m where I need to be now.” He smiled softly, feeling Suki squeeze his hand softly.
 “Good,” she whispered. “Zuko…please don’t mourn me forever. I love you, and I know how you are. You still mourn Ursa and Iroh all the time. Don’t let my passing be the reason you shut everyone out. They’ll all need you as much as you’ll need them, love. Promise me that.”
 Zuko sighed softly, biting his lip. He nodded softly, rubbing Suki’s hand. “I promise, honey,” he said. “I promise.”
 “Good,” Suki said with a soft smiled. “Izumi…my darling little turtle-duck. Take care of your father. He’ll need you more than ever now, sweetheart.”
 “Ok, Mama,” Izumi said, sniffling softly and nodding. “I promise.”
 Suki nodded and smiled, looking at Sokka. “Take care of all of them, Sokka. Please…” she said. “They’ll all need you to be the pillar you always have been.”
 Sokka nodded softly, tears falling down his face slowly. “I promise, Suke. I’ll do my best.”
 Suki smiled, laying her head back against the pillow as her eyes closed. She felt loved, surrounded by the people she loved more then anything in the world. “Zuko…did I have a good life?”
 “You had an amazing life, Suki,” Zuko said softly, tears stinging his eyes. “You had a wonderful life. I wouldn’t trade any of our days for anything.”
 Suki felt the tears falling down her cheeks, and she smiled contently. “Neither would I…” she whispered, her head lilting to the side softly. Her chest rose and lowered for a few seconds more before she took her last breath, a smile on her face.
 Toph, having stood by silently beside Ty Lee, bit her lip and sniffled lightly. “Zuko…I’m sorry,” she said softly. “She’s gone. I can’t…I can’t feel her heartbeat anymore.”
 Zuko nodded softly, pressing his forehead to Suki’s hand, reaching out and taking his daughter’s hand, feeling her press against him. “Uncle, Mother…please guide Suki home,” he thought, sniffling.
 Three days later, everyone stood around Suki’s graveside. The earth had been freshly bent back over the casket by Aang, a task he took utmost care in doing. Zuko sighed softly, looking at his wife’s burial site, a pained feeling in his chest.
 “I…always thought I’d be the first. With assassinations, uprisings, attacks, just…general hate left over or instilled because of the War, I thought I’d die first,” he said. He chuckled, smiling softly. “I always kind of envisioned Suki as going down swinging. Kyoshi Uniform, fans, and sword stained in blood, yelling “Come on, I’m still standing!” and taking down three or four more men before getting overwhelmed. It’s how she would have wanted it. Not…not like this.”
 “No, I think surrounded by the people she loved was how it should have been, Zuko,” Sokka said with a small smile. “As much of a fighter as she was, she would have wanted it to be all of us around her. Like it was. Trying to give her some comfort. I…I just wish we could have done something to help her.”
 “We did,” Katara said. “We were there for her.”
 Aang nodded, sighing softly as he stepped forward. “Monk Gyatso once told me, “What you leave behind is not what is engraved into stone monuments, but woven into the lives of others.” Suki wove herself into our lives, helping us grow and find the better sides of ourselves. That’s what she’s leaving behind. A legacy on Kyoshi Island and in the Fire Nation. She was…the best of us, and losing her feels like we’ve lost a part of ourselves. It’ll take time for the pain in our hearts to fade, but it will.”
 “We’ll see her again,” Azula said. “Sometime down the road we’ll all see her again.”
 Zuko nodded. “Goodbye, Suki,” he said softly, kneeling down and putting his hand on the headstone. He lit a small fire in front of it, one that would never extinguish, and he closed his eyes softly. “I hope you’re in a better place and not in any more pain, my love.” He stood and faced the clouds, a small ray of sunlight peeking through the greying clouds, giving him a small amount of hope.
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messinwitheddie · 4 years
Did anything happen to lich that made him a asshole or was he just born an asshole?
Height based elitism is instilled in Irken smeets from the very beginning. Lich was born tall and naturally headstrong. His mean streak was largely nurtured and rewarded by the society in which he was raised. Lich was never taught to have or value empathy, sympathy or respect towards anyone besides himself. By the time he climbed the rank of general, he was completely unwilling to learn.
However, his bitterness towards his fellow Irkens and hatred for Pepperoncini both blossomed from an event in Lich's early smeethood...
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Irk, the underground smeeteries; Sometime during Pepperoncini's 300th year as tallest.
Pepperoncini performs a tightrope routine for the smeets before answering their questions, as per tradition.
Pepperoncini notices one of the taller smeets shoving around the shorter smeets. "I saw that! You! Boy!! Cease and desist this instant!!
What on our mother Irk are you doing? About-face, soldier-to-be!"
Lich *saluting* "Greetings, my tallest."
Pepperoncini "Why are you shoving your way to the front of the swarm?"
Lich "I wanted to stand in the best spot to watch your act."
Pepperoncini "Can you not see over the heads of your shorter peers?"
Lich "Yes, but, the best spots are my spots. I'm the tallest smeet in my age bracket."
Pepperoncini "Then behave like it!! Being tall means acting like a bigger Irken as well as physically being the bigger Irken. The taller part of the swarm must show courtesy for the smaller part of the swarm."
Lich "Not when you're the tallest."
Pepperoncini "ESPECIALLY when you're the tallest! If a tallest is to demand unwavering obedience and undying loyalty from their subjects, that tallest must EARN their respect and loyalty. You exhaust me, boy. State your name."
Lich "Lich, my tallest."
Pepperoncini "Apologize for your shameful behavior, young Lich."
Lich "......."
Pepperoncini *shoves Lich. The other smeets laugh* "That didn't feel very nice, did it? Let that be a lesson to You-- two lessons-- NEVER disobey your tallest and remember; there is always someone taller than you..."
Lich (Pepperoncini was nothing but a short-sympathyzer, a showman and a hippocrate. He wanted everyone to think he was sooo wonderful, but he was just as cruel as the rest of the universe.
I wasted my youth trying to earn his approval and praise. Nothing I ever did impressed him. Even when I was promoted to general, that old fruitcake kept me tame and idle under his boot heel. He was always threatened by me. He knew I was coming for him. He knew once I was measured tallest history would forget he ever existed.)
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animetrashlord-007 · 4 years
LTAS;; Tea Stop, Coffee Shop
Word Count;; 2.5k
Genre;; Fluff!
Pairing;; Hinata x Kageyama
Side Pairing;; Oikawa x Iwaizumi, Matsukawa x Hanamaki
That chapter where Hinata receives relationship advice from Makki and Mattsun. That's pretty much the whole thing.
Published;; 4.20.17
My Masterlist
Lemme Take A Selfie Masterlist
   Hanamaki shuddered as he opened the door to the quaint café and ushered Hinata and Matsukawa inside. The overwhelming aroma of coffee beans and mediocre pastries crashed into him like a freight train. Two baristas bellowed out a welcome as they prepared some pretentious beverage for an uptight woman in a cheap, black suit. She looked tacky with her knockoff shoes and fake pearls. Makki groaned at the obvious attempt to garner attention, perhaps even respect, from her peers. Not only was her fashion in poor taste, her makeup did naught to hide the exhaustion that devoured her eyes. She was plain in appearance and her personality was lackluster as well, emphasised by the impatient demands she snapped at the anxious employees. Her shoes made an unpleasant click as she tapped them on the polished floor. Casting a glare in the small group’s direction, she rolled her eyes before stalking closer to the counter to inspect her drink. Hanamaki pointed to the corner booth, a silent request for his friends to take residence within the cushioned fortress whilst he ordered. He scoffed as he overheard the woman’s conversation. Oblivious, or perhaps indifferent, to his presence next to her, she continued to berate the cashier.
   “-pathetic! I've told you twice now, how can you continue to screw it up?” she snarled, face flushing with anger, “Make it again!”
   “Of course, ma’am! I'm so sorry for the mistake,” the timid girl murmured as the drink was shoved back into her grasp.
   “If only sorry could fix this atrocity you call a frappuccino! It's no surprise you work here in this rundown, dingy cafe! If you can't even follow simple instructions and make a decent drink, how could you ever make it in the world? I hope someone takes pity on you and takes you in as their wife, though I'm sure you'd manage to screw that up too! You're a disgra-”
   “Are you kidding me? Listen here, you snob,” Makki interjected as he glared down at the woman. “Take your shitty drink and get out. I don't have all day to wait on your snippy ass.”
   “Excuse me?” she gasped, reeling back as she met his apathetic eyes.
   “Did I stutter? Perhaps your age has caught up to you and your hearing is failing you? I'll say it a little louder-” the room fell silent and the other patrons focused on the commotion. He raised his voice, venom lacing his tone, “-Leave. I don't want to see your pitiful face anymore.”
   “How dare yo-”
   “What's wrong? Can't handle it when you're on the receiving end? You're really starting to piss me off. Why don't you hobble back to your dead end job and stop taking your frustrations out on others.”
   An elderly couple shook their heads with disapproval, whispering between themselves as they stared at Makki. Two teenaged girls snickered and raised their cups in a mock salute while a businessman choked on his croissant. No one dared to speak up, however, as the woman trembled with anger. She opened her mouth but no words were formed. With heavy feet, she took another step back in an attempt to escape the much taller male’s intimidating aura. Some time during the interaction, the other barista found her way next to her coworker. Trying to comfort and protect her younger colleague, she wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to her chest. Makki maintained eye contact with the fuming woman, his expression altering into one of boredom and nonchalance. A minute passed before she buckled and snatched the drink, dashing for the exit. Once she left, chatter resumed amongst the other customers as if nothing had occurred.
   “I'd like three large green teas with a slice of lemon in each, please.”
   “O-oh, of course! Coming right up! That'll be 650 yen.” She smiled and offered a small bow as she accepted the money. He let his gaze wander to the corner, holding in a laugh when he saw Hinata’s shocked expression. Matsukawa faced the opposite direction but upon hearing whatever idiotic comment the underclassmen spewed, he turned to his boyfriend and gave a thumbs up alongside a small nod. Makki smirked before turning back to the counter.
   “Three teas with lemons!” The girl chimed, grinning from ear to ear, “We appreciate your business!”
   “Wow, that was fast.”
   “Thank you! For everything!”
   “Huh? I didn't do anything for you.” Uneasiness jolted through him as the girl’s face quivered before her grin returned in full force. She seemed nice, the type not yet tainted by the negativity of the world. Her optimism and naivety would soon be consumed by the harsh reality of humanity yet, in this moment, she shone brighter than the sun. He didn't understand people like her or Hinata. He sighed, unwilling to quicken her inevitable awakening, “It was nothing. I'm sorry she caused you trouble.”
   Without further hesitation, he took his leave to return to his companions. Handing out the drinks, he dropped into his chair with a thud. Matsukawa grunted a thank you, sighing in unison with Hanamaki as they took their first gulp. Before Hinata could speak, Mattsun raised a finger to his lips and narrowed his eyes, drawing his hand across his face in the motion one does when they zip up a jacket. Both of the Aoba Johsai alumni closed their eyes, their desire to relax and to quell their irritation from their current predicament taking precedent over engaging with Hinata. The serenity didn't last however; it never lasted when their newfound friend was around.
   “What was that about, Makki-senpai? You seemed really angry!” Hinata burst, unable to contain his confusion from the spectacle any longer.
   “Shut up and drink your tea. I need to finish this whole thing before I can even accept the fact that we're stuck giving you relationship advice while those two jerks are having a damn all-day date in Tokyo. I want to go on a date,” Matsukawa grumbled, earning a nod in agreement from Makki.
   Hinata was still dubious around the two other males. They had their moments of generosity and kindness, though fleeting and far between, but for the most part they were just sarcastic and blunt. He thought of them as friends and hoped they felt the same, but he still wasn't confident in his ability to interact with them. Oikawa often had petty ulterior motives but otherwise spoke and acted with sincerity. Iwaizumi was friendly and welcoming, going out of his way to make Hinata feel comfortable with the often volatile personalities of his longtime friends. Hanamaki and Matsukawa on the other hand did their best to avoid speaking with their kouhai whenever possible. They let Oikawa take Hinata under his proverbial wing, watching their interactions from afar without so much as a second thought. Now they had the small ball of sunshine thrust upon them, and his enthusiasm was already draining them. On most occasions they liked to take things slow and savour the moment, yet they had spent all morning chasing after Hinata as he pranced around the city. They had even lost the boy at one point, though they chose to shop for new matching scarves instead of exerting the energy to search for him. After an hour passed, they began to bicker over who would call and be forced to reveal their number when he skipped up to them with a fire in his eyes. Not caring about what had worked him up, they entered the nearest establishment that sold any type of drink. After a rough morning of babysitting, they basked in the warmth of their tea. Their fortune turned sour, however, once they both finished their drinks and Hinata jumped straight into conversation.
   “Mattsun-senpai, please teach me how to be romantic!”
   “Seriously? I don't think anyone could teach you anything, you're an idiot,” Makki deadpanned.
   “I agree, but the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can hand him back over to Oikawa. Then we can have some one on one time, if you get my drift.” Mattsun winked, trailing a finger along Makki’s hand.
   “Really get some use out of that nice hotel. They provided such a soft bed and roomy shower, after all.” Makki smirked, a playful twinkle in his eyes.
   “So I should take Kageyama to a hotel?” Hinata questioned, eyes wide as looked between the two.
   “How forward of you, Hinata. I don't think he would appreciate you making the moves on him so quickly though.” Mattsun relaxed back into his chair, biting into his lemon slice. After a pause, he returned his attention to his lover with a sigh, “I'm just going to be distracted if you're here. How about I give him a crash course then we can meet at that clothing store across the street, Takahiro? I know you like their clothes, you should buy some while we're here.”
   Hanamaki frowned as he stood, brushing past Hinata to stand next to his boyfriend. He placed a kiss on his head and entwined their fingers, inhaling the scent of his minty shampoo. Neither of their features faltered from their usual neutral expressions, something Hinata had come to admire about the two. Matsukawa still didn't react as the light-haired male pulled him into an embrace from behind, lifting his left hand up to place a kiss on the smooth skin before nibbling at his earlobe. Hinata wasn't able to keep his own face indifferent and a blush crawled across his cheeks as Mattsun grabbed his retreating boyfriend’s collar, yanking him back down into a deep kiss. It felt like an eternity before the two broke apart and the young crow’s blush spread to his ears and nose as he heard their soft pants. They both smirked at the younger male as he averted his gaze.
   “Sure, I'll see you later, Issei.”
   “So how far have you and, uh, the other one gone?” Mattsun asked, unaffected by the sudden intimacy he had just experienced.
   “You two are cute together!”
   “Tell me something I don't know. Answer the question or I'm leaving.”
   “Don't leave, I need your advice senpai! I'm sorry!” His voice dropped low and his eyes fell to the floor once more, “One time I kinda kissed Kageyama.”
   “How does one kinda kiss?”
   “It was just a quick kiss… like a peck. But we're not dating or anything.”
   “Thanks, Captain Obvious, I would never have realised that,” Mattsun groaned, staring out the window. He tapped his fingers on the glistening table, lost in his own thoughts. “I thought Oikawa was just being Oikawa but turns out you two really do suck. Listen, I can give you some pointers on romantic shit to do but you didn't hear it from me and I definitely don't care how well it works for you.
   “First and foremost, you have to set the mood. You can't just confess out of the blue, just like you can't kiss him out of nowhere. It doesn't have to expensive or flashy, but you should take him on a date. Theatres, restaurants, picnics, arcades, events - it doesn't matter where you go, as long as you're together and you make the effort to make him happy.
   “You need to be aware of his feelings. If he isn't enjoying himself, you need to figure out why and rectify it. If he's bored, you need to leave or strike up a better conversation. If he's making a move on you, you have to be aware of it so you can reciprocate it. You're pretty stupid but apparently so is he, so I imagine miscommunication and ignorance is common between you two.
   “So once the mood is set, and he's comfortable and enjoying himself, you need to make sure the timing is right before you make any moves. Since he still talks to you and didn't kick your arse, you did well enough with the timing of the first kiss. The problem now is that if it's been too long, he might think you didn't like it or, more specifically, don't like him. If it's too soon, he may not have figured out his own feelings fully yet. Timing is key.
   “You need to figure out his feelings before making any more moves or you'll lose him. You might have confused him or maybe he's been trying to initiate a relationship but you're too moronic to pick up the signals he's putting down.
   "Don't forget the little things either; send him texts in the morning when you wake up and before you sleep so he knows he's the first thing on your mind and your last thoughts before you dream. Bring him coffee or pastries or whatever he prefers and strike up conversations about things he's mentioned before so he knows you're truly listening to him. Make subtle contact, like brushing your hand against his, and maintain eye contact. It's all in the little things, don't forget th-”
   “I've never heard you talk this much, Matsukawa-senpai!”
   A heavy pause descended upon the two as Mattsun’s eyes narrowed. Much to Hinata’s chagrin, Matsukawa stood with a sigh. He flicked the smaller male’s nose, clicking his tongue and shaking his head in irritation. Hinata threw his hands up and choked out an apology, slamming his head against the table in his attempt to bow. His words fell on apathetic ears, however.
   “I'm leaving now. Call, uh, the guy and talk to him. Not about your confession, but about going on a date. Then meet us at that store, X B X.” Mattsun pointed across the street then turned on his heels, waving at the nervous boy without a second glance.
   Pulling out his phone, Hinata gulped as he pulled up Kageyama’s contact information. He exhaled with a determined shake of his head, willing his anxiety away. He had known the setter for a year now, and he felt confident that his feelings were mutual. Kageyama had said the kiss was sweet and that he didn't mind it, so that had to be a positive sign. Not to mention how he did all the things Mattsun had suggested as romantic, including buying him meat buns every other night on their way home from practice and texting him every day. Kageyama was showing his affection through the little things, and Hinata needed to meet him halfway. He pushed the call button and waited with anticipation, the ringing drawing out for what felt like hours.
   “Shouyou, is everything okay? Did Oikawa do something to you?” Hinata smiled; Kageyama always worried about him.
   “No, no. He helped me realise something important!” He exclaimed, excitement erasing his previous unease, “Tobio, date me!”
   “D-date you? Idiot! You can't just tell people to date you!”
   “I really like you, Tobio-kun! Let's go on a date together!”
   Hinata grinned as he heard his setter choke on the other end. Kageyama stammered and spluttered for another minute or so before continuing, “Whatever. Just make sure you put more effort into the date than you did in that confession!”
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mo-mo-and-porkchop · 4 years
Umbrella academy fiction
Chapter 3 (Chapter 2 here)
Canon and OC; Deigo x OC, Klaus x OC platonic
*as always I do not own any part of the canon characters or show. I am merely writing my own adaptation to the storyline. Nor do I own any gifs/gif credit. And apologies, I couldn't find any "young" gifs of them, but they are all meant to be young adults to show age in this fic.
**I do own all things related to the OCs and additional story elements.
Tagging: @imcrowley , @wicked-bitch-of-the-west
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Phoebe dropped to the floor, her heart racing and her lungs still fighting for air.
She watched her captors as they began what she could only guess was damage control from their very sloppy exit; hurling insults at each other as they worked.
Only one of the three managed to glance at her during the chaos. The quick, sad half-smirk he gave her when their eyes locked sent a wave of calm through her. A weightless chill washed across her skin. All her fear left her. She knew, that, for whatever reason, this was where she was meant to be.
"What the hell was that?!" Diego asked hurriedly as he ran to the window and peered outside. So far no sign of the nun anywhere.
"Well maybe if Klaus had shared that Emily wasn't her real name I would have been able to get her out of there without raising an alarm," Five shot in response.
"It isn't exactly easy convincing a total stranger that you know her if she doesn't exist," he added with a motion her way and a glare at their brother.
"Hey, I didn't know," Klaus said in defense. "She's always been Emily to me," he continued with a quick glance and half smirk her way. Though he was hurt finding out that he'd never known her real name. He'd always thought they were close. "Why would I keep that from you anyway? I gain nothing from it."
The three young men continued to argue over their fumbled extraction of Phoebe; speaking of her as if she wasn't there. Each one grew louder than the other as the three of them fought for control of the situation. The noise became deafening and regardless of who they believed her to be, she was right there.
"Stop! Fighting!" she yelled.
All the lights grew brighter before exploding with her command and three sets of eyes found her. Her chest heaved slightly from the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Silence and darkness surrounded them.
"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" she added slowly forcing calm to wash over her.
"Oh Em." Klaus moved to hug her, but she recoiled slightly, avoiding his embrace.
He hated having memories no one else could recall. He wondered how his brothers came put the other side of the future without it bothering them.
"Sorry," he said, pulling his arms back toward himself. "Um, hi," he offered with a small wave and a slight smirk. "I'm Klaus and these are my brothers, Diego and Five." Each one gave acknowledgement with their respective names.
"Phoebe," she replied flatly.
"Phoebe," Klaus repeated in a whisper followed by a small huff. He never pegged her as anything other than Emily. But Phoebe it would be.
She looked to him expectantly.
"Um, yea, well, we," he continued glancing back at Diego and Five - who would be no help in explaining their situation. Diego had already busied himself inspecting the lights and Five dropped into his armchair and otioned for him to continue.
Thanks for nothing.
He sighed and turned back to Phoebe. "We busted you out so you wouldn't have to live in that place anymore because you shouldn't have to, but you're gonna get out in three years anyway so it's not that big of a deal. We just expedited the process," he blurted out before he could stop himself, trying his best to hide the anxiety in his smile.
Five covered his face in his hands. Diego froze in place and looked back to him wide-eyed.
"What do you mean 'I get out in three years'?" Phoebe asked, her confusion and anxiety growing over his answer.
Well, the cat was out of the bag now.
"We know each other," Klaus said as he stepped closer. Phoebe instinctively stepped backward just the same.
"No. We don't."
"We do," he said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Even though she was standing right in front of him, he missed Emily. "I know everything about you." He risked taking one more step forward. "Even about your...." He held up his hands and wiggled his fingers.
Her breath caught in her lungs. Tears began to pool at the corners of her eyes.
Her blood turned to ice. The hairs on her arms tingled from struck nerves.
"How do you know about that?" she choked out in a whisper.
"You told me," he said gently, taking another step toward her. She recoiled again, bumping into Five's dresser. "I can prove it, but you're gonna have to trust me." He continued loving forward until he was close enough to take hold of her hand.
"Klaus, I don't think that's such a good idea," Five warned.
He rose from his chair and started toward them. Diego held out an arm stopping him and shook his head in disapproval of his intentions to intervene.
Things obviously hadn't gone right, at all, with their mission and Diego would be the first to admit Klaus had screwed up big time with his intel. But something about the way those two seemed to be connecting gave him enough reasonable doubt that his brother was still on that losing streak. They had been best friends before after all. Maybe she needed the shock to her system.
She stared at Klaus for a moment, actually considering his offer, but the reality was she didn't know them regardless of what they believed. She pulled her hand from his. "No."
Klaus left his empty hand hanging in the air. "No?"
"No. How can I trust any of you?" she asked rhetorically with a small wave, motioning to the room.
"Because we saved you," Klaus replied sheepishly and hurt.
"Saved me? Maybe St Christopher's wasn't the most welcoming place, but at least I was safe there. And everyone else was protected from me and my..." She shuddered and hugged herself. "...from what I am."
"But we..." Klaus began, his bottom lip started to quiver.
"Look Emily or Phoebe or whatever your name is," Diego cut in. "We busted our asses to come get you. You could be at least a little grateful."
"What is their to be grateful for? You took me from my home."
"That place isn't your home. It's an institution."
Before the argument could go further a knock sounded throughout the room. "Is everything alright? I heard shouting," their mother's muffled voice asked from behind the door.
Klaus immediately grabbed hold of Phoebe and rushed her into Five's closet. "Please just stay quiet," he frantically whispered, the desperation in his voice clear.
Diego grabbed a book and dropped into Five's reading chair, quickly flipping it back upright once noticing he had it upside down. Five calmly walked and opened the door, unwilling to wait for them to conceal their guest.
Grace leaned back slightly when the door was flung open. "We are fine mom," Five offered with a quick, forced smile. "Just brothers being brothers."
She peered around and saw Diego, who gave salute in acknowledgment of her presence. Her eyes then found Klaus who waved happily. She smiled back at Five. "Why don't I make you all a snack. I know how hungry growing boys are." And with that she turned around and left.
Five shut his door and turned on Klaus. "I did what you asked," he said pulling him up from his bed. "Now figure out what to do with your friend. She isn't my problem anymore," he added going to the closet and taking Phoebe out.
He corralled the three of them out of his room and into the the hall. He gave a forced smile and wave before dropping it as fast as it showed and slamming his door in their face.
"I know it's not perfect," he said glancing around at the attic. It was finished, but no one ever used it - the space having served its purpose for play long before. "But at least it quaint," he added playfully.
A sad smirk tugged at her lips.
That was one way to put it.
But at least he was trying.
Whatever Klaus had planned for her it clearly hadn't included harboring her. She hugged the pillow he'd given her. Phoebe felt even more unsure about her future now more than ever.
Klaus hated seeing the sadness in her eyes. He wanted to hug her. Pull her in close and tell her that everything would be okay. That he would be right there beside her through whatever may come. He wanted to reassure her with their friendship.
Only that was Emily. And this wasn't her. This was Phoebe.
"Just...just try and get some sleep. Okay?" he added softly before leaving her alone. The soft sound of crying drifted to his ears and doubt gripped at his chest.
Maybe he'd been wrong.
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