#may goals
cedar-glade · 1 year
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Some green vignettes.
I still have never seen this section of the gorge in early May; this is when I feel like it would be the most vivid and colorful. Here, on an old logging road by haystack rock trad route; I feel like Im day dreaming, like looking at a road at Bruce Peninsula National Park; a mosaic pieced together with sun hitting the early forest floor: Christmas fern, wood betony, hog peanut, lyre leaf sage, starry mandrake, boreal clintonia, tall lionsfoot lettuce, two flowered cynthia, wild hyacinth  and plenty of pubescent lady slipper. Most of these would of been in peak bloom two weeks before flowers desiccating on the stems still early enough to not become buried with the leaf litter.
In late may white, yellows, blues, reds, and orange/yellows lighting up the hillside.
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April Wrap Up
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Okay, but how is it May?? like where has this year gone?
I seriously thought I did a lot of writing this month, but when I look at my tracker, I only wrote 8 days out of the whole month.
I wrote 10,561 words for 'Something in the Orange' and 1,000 words on other stories. my goal was to write 200 words a day, and while I averaged over 300 words per day, I didn't actually write everyday.
my goal for May is to write daily, a minimum of 200 words, though I would ideally like to have Part One of 'Something in the Orange' complete.
I hope everyone has an amazing May!
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nayarainchapters · 11 months
Wake and get up at 5 am ✅
No screen time right after waking up and before bed (1h)
Prepare for IELTS exam ✅
Find a scientific journal to publish my article on Film History.
Healthy lifestyle:
Gym (4/week)
Fruits and veggies every day
Smoothies/tea/healthy shots (3x/week)
Journaling (4/week)
Art History
Study The story of art by Ernst Gombrich ✅
Start an Art page on Instagram and create some posts
Clean and organize my room, including wardrobe, books, ironing and make up tools (1/week), and my altar (every day) ✅
Stick to the plan: keep my planner open and up to date; check my habit tracker every day; meal planner once a week. ✅
Reducing time on my phone and no screen right after waking up and after 20h30.
Elegance and femininity: glowing up
Self care: look my best every day; wash my hair (3/week), nails (2/week), masks and such (once a week) ✅
Build a new wardrobe: focus on elegant, sensual and romantic items. ✅
Continuing my habit of paying attention to my words: no cursing, criticizing and complaints. ✅
Learn more about being a woman and practicing it.
Cooking more often.
I am the most powerful of all witches
Learning (every week)
Practice (at least 2/week)
Offerings (once a week) ✅
Celebrating pagan festivals
Events (family, friends, work) ✅
Make new friends ✅
Hobbies: time for books, tv series, football every week ✅
Read more
2 books every month
IELTS preparation
Failed to achieve many goals. Surviving mode again, but slowly I am getting back on track.
I am usually up by 5 am, but I still have a hard time to keep my phone away. I was able to prepare for IELTS for a few hours this month. As for my article, still haven’t found a journal to publish it for free (that’s what I am looking for).
Healthy lifestyle was so hard to maintain. I struggled a lot with my diet and workout, but by the end of the month I managed to focus on it. 
Art history section was almost done completely. I am studying currently this book and I am loving it. I am planning to create some posts with some notes I am making while I am reading it. I also created a study schedule so I can learn more and use all the things I have now on the Art page I am working on. 
I was not as productive as I wanted, but when it comes to cleaning I did well.
Elegance area was also partially done. I can do better than this. I am sure of that.
The witch in me needs help.
I went out with an old friend this month and it was nice. Need to do more of that
Took some time for myself, but not as much as I wanted to be honest 
No books finished this month. 
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rigelmejo · 2 years
Language Updates! May 25, 2022
My health is still being mean but hopefully it'll turn. As expected, I'm not studying much.
But I did get the urge to study again. So I did. And it went in an odd direction (for me) so I feel like documenting it.
First the Japanese stuff - I got into playing Final Fantasy 7 again, and video games always remind me how much I want to learn Japanese, so the urge to study kicked in gear lol. As of now I'm not doing anything big, I'm too tired lately for big goals. I am playing Yakuza 0 now and having fun picking up the words I do know. And learning some words, mainly though just refreshing my memory on things I already knew like 少し,あるんだ, zenbun matte etc. Some sentences I fully understand! Most I know a couple words, some I only hear omae lol. As one would expect.
I'm also listening to Glossika Japanese again (as review so the old files I've heard already). So not much listening, at the beginning again lol, but everything is coming back fast. So that's good.
I also bought Koisenu Futari today and started reading it on Kindle. It's like 249 pages and my reading speed says I'll finish in 8 hours, which honestly is amazing to me since usually I read too slow to Ever finish a novel ToT in a foreign language (unless it's french). I read 7 pages and it's clear to me on some level I remember the grammar i learned i jusr don't explicitly remember it if it makes sense. Like I know what's a noun or verb or how the verbs conjugation affects meaning but I'm not able to say exactly whats going on. Basically it's readable, thankfully, cause my brain still remembers how to interpret the grammar. I still credit forcing myself to do 600 Clozemaster Japanese sentences last summer for all the grammar comprehension improvements tbh, it really truly helped me get used to real world sentences and the variety in them (versus textbook sentences). Anyway so far its nice! It's to my happiness an easier read (difficulty wise) with a lot of Kanji I know so I also can kind of cheat and guess the meaning on a lot (I'm mainly looking up Kanji pronunciations/confirmations of definition and hiragana words). But I will say :c kindles Japanese to English dictionary sucks So I'm glad i recognize the Kanji a bit.
Basically, I'm back into Japanese a bit. I also found some audio dramas with eng subs I'd like to listen to that I was going to months ago, maybe yest Listening Reading Method with. But tbh my attention span is short and I don't think I can focus for 1.5 hours to get through them (though Nier Replicant Audio drama AND mdzs Japanese audio drama are on youtube which are both very cool and i do eventually wanna get to ToT)
Now for the out of character portion. So ive been watching kdramas. Live Up to Your Name, Mr Sunshine, Tomorrow, My Country the New Age, etc. As you do. And it turns out... when I listen to something long enough I really want to learn something. So I looked into learning Korean a bit.
I want to preface with!!! If YOU are brand new to learning Korean, like comprehensible input/nature method learning methods, I highly recommend going to Learn Korean in Korean YouTube channel and just Devouring all the videos made by that guy. THAT is a well made course where you can genuinely learn through comprehensible input for the basics and some surface conversational stuff (possibly more). I watched 1 of his videos once knowing zero Hangul and not caring if i learned and learned how to introduce myself. His videos are GOOD.
That said... mejo is a messy person who doesn't follow their own advice, and despite me KNOWING I love that specific learning material... I'm not using it. Why? Because watching YouTube videos requires consistent focus and i just cannot reliably focus on something for several minutes right now. I can't do long periods of focused study at the moment. Even though I know if I binged his channel I'd learn a lot.
So what is mejos plan to learn korean?
Well studying Hangul is step 1, which I've done before and have done the past few days again. Now I'm practicing just kind of seeing it in practice (like in textbooks etc) to get used to properly reading it and remembering. As my motivations for wanting to learn korean are Extremely Shallow right now - I'd just like to know some lines in kdramas when I watch, maybe absolute MOST I'd like to have a convo in korean like hi how are you do you draw (and in a world I'll never live in... enough to read Korean guardian translation but let's be real its not gonna happen.. probably). I have no intense need to learn to read Hangul. I'm gonna pick it up anyway, since it's everywhere and reading it is ultimately critical. But books with romanization are my friends right now so I can compare romanization to the Hangul to test my reading of the Hangul, and to learn words with an approximate pronunciation instead of absolutely no idea if i picked a moderately close pronunciation up (if theres only Hangul and I read a,syllable wrong I'm gonna learn words wrong lol).
So I found Teach Yourself Korean (or some equivalent type book) on archive.org for free. And am reading it. It covers Hangul, and then simple surface level conversations like your typical beginner textbook (hi, how are you, my name is, i work at, I study, I want to eat x etc). It works fine for some Hangul reading practice and getting a chance to look at sentence structure. Realistically I know korean is SOV and a really Great help would be a textbook that does literal word by word translations cause my brain likes seeing that but I'm not putting tons of time into this. (Also sadly? I KNOW there's a cool korean textbook out there whixh starts with english but in korean sentence structure then adds more korean words, like comprehensible input for korean but also intuitive grammar instruction. And i DONT know the name so I canr find it ;-; if you know the name of the textbook I'm mentioning please message me).
For words, i was going to just be brutal to myself and hop right into Clozemaster Korean. That was utterly impossible lol! With very poor Hangul reading skills you are screwed in clozemaster, there's no romanization to help you sound anything out. Also you don't hear audio until after you answer, also the diffetent grammar structure is not explained even minimally in Clozemaster. So I have realized. Yes, yes you really do need to be upper beginner or above to use Clozemaster reasonably comfortably. Unless you're learning a language with similar grammar and a similar alphabet like French or Spanish then maybe you could jump right in as a complete novice if you were up for the challenge (I can read some Spanish, I could probably push through clozemaster Spanish to study and learn more vocab even though it would be brutal). I realized clozemaster is just NOT helpful as a complete beginner in korean with zero grammar knowledge. Now normally, I'd dive right in and spend 1 week to 1 month reading a grammar guide summary of the language so I have a vague idea of what I'm looking at verb noun adjective subject object particle wise etc at all times. But as I mentioned, im exhausted lately, i cant do intensive focused reading for hours which a grammar guide would require of me. Also... to be honest, I find it an interesting experiment to go into a language totally unprepared. I was prepared for all the other languages I studied to some (minimal) degree since i studied literally all of them as a teen at least a little (japanese, Spanish, French, German, mandarin). While it's not much, it does mean if there were ever 6 months of struggling with sound or writing system or what the heck does a verb look like in z language, i got a little practice prior to diving in more as an adult.
So. What to do. Well I know for me, comparing sentence structure truly helps me grasp grammar the best. It's why clozemasrer Japanese helped me SO much with grammar, it's why one of my fave japanese textbooks is Japanese Sentence Patterns, it's why Spoonfed Chinese anki deck ans audio files help me so much. Seeing and hearing a sentence in both languages helps me figure out where words go in each, how they conjugate, what phrases are different completely etc. Unfortunately anki and memrise sentence decks in korean would make me exhausted, as i can't do the hours long intensive focus I need for flashcards personally at the moment. Clozemaster has a radio mode (to help make it easier on me) but clozemaster sentences start TOO hard compared to educational made sentences which tend to start artificially simple but help clarify the sentence structures before adding complexity gradually. Well i was like... glossika Korean might work. Turns out I'd downloaded the old glossika korean audio files a year ago so I put them in a place I could listen to. And that's going to be my primary setup for study probably. I doubt I'm going to pick up much, certainly not at the slow rate I've got to study right now. But if I DO learn anything then I'm putting in a good word for comparative 2 language audio flashcard type study materials. They worked EXCELLENTLY for me for chinese listening comprehension, increasing vocabulary, grammar patterns, but i used them as an upper beginner who could read some stuff already. Korean would be my first time trying to use glossika with a language I can't already read some things in (aka comprehend basic stuff to a decent level when reading already). We will see if i pick up much. But I can already tell it's easier for me to figure out new words than clozemaster korean, so glossika is easier for a beginner to use for sure. (Personally I do Not recommend modern glossikas subscription model I hate the flashcards but tbh i canr do flashcards often, I prefer the old glossika audio lessons they used to make so that's what I use whenever i say glossika).
So yeah, my plan for korean right now is: glossika korean audio files (dual language audio of sentences starting simple then progressing), and Teach Yourself Korean book read through. Maybe some other stuff, but this is easiest.
A side note: I am sad to report the FSI korean course audio files on archive.org are Only korean. I say thus because FsiS chinese course audios read the English aloud, then rhe chinese, then the drill directions then the drill answers. So you can basically do the entire course entirely through audio (which is great if visuals are an issue for you, or so it can be done without needing to look if say you're walking or working, and the book is mainly pinyin so it's not a huge loss to just use the audio files). So I was expecting the korean FSI course audio to also have all that - which would have made it serve the "simple sentences with dual audio to compare and pick up words and grammar" function. But there's no English in the audio, so i found the korean glossika audios instead. (In a pinch FSI courses are yes dry, but very good introductions to several languages. I like their tone drills a lot for chinese.)
Another side note: sad to report that unlike Japanese and Chinese I am not aware of the really cool niche textbooks yet. Like in Japanese, I have textbooks specifically suited to me - ones that focus on sentence patterns, 2 that teach through reading and progressive difficulty, Kanji mnemonic books. Same for chinese - I have an old grammar book that writes a way I understand, 3 comprehensible input massive graded readers that increase in difficulty, some more graded readers by difficulty, a 500 most common hanzi book with a bunch of words that use them underneath, parallel texts, a wonderful hanzi mnemonics book, a wonderful chinese intro book that covers 1000 words (which isn't ideal but i appreciate the author and irs better than one textbook I found which only teaches 200 words total yikes). I learn well with comprehensible input books like graded readers/stuff that makes you learn by trying to understand, and with comparisons of sentence structure with a LOT of common words so I pick them up. Like I mentioned above... I know a korean textbook exists that writes the English in korean word order then gradually adds in more korean words too, I am very interested in finding it if anyone knows the name or has heard of it before.
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sophiecountsclouds · 2 years
Practicing the Work/Life Balance Thing | May Goals '22
Practicing the Work/Life Balance Thing | May Goals ’22
Hi there! Another month means another set of goals to work towards. April was a very mixed bag with my mini goals – I think I’m finding work very overwhelming at the moment and between that, bank holidays coming out my ears (I find not knowing which day of the week it is very confusing) and trying to main some semblance of a social life (badly) is burning me out and I’m only just managing to…
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nelrizz · 3 months
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i dont think i have to say much
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I think a lot of discussions would be made better by recognizing that masculinity and femininity aren't inherently preferred, but adherence to cishet standards is, which is slightly different.
This is why a masculine trans man* or a feminine trans woman* often still face stigma - it isn't that they aren't gender conforming to the gender they are. It is that cishetero standards do not want trans people to exist at all, in any capacity.
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batbabydamian · 4 months
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thtstonedpoet · 2 years
May Goals 2022
May Goals 2022 A little late with this post, but there’s no better time than the present. A couple of more days left in this month, but it’s plenty of time to complete these goals. I thought of these goals in the last weeks, weekly thoughts. So some of you may be familiar, but for those who aren’t. This is my goals for this month. If you have some goals in your head. Then jot them down. Stare at…
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ladycalleddella · 2 days
If this post hits ___ notes by June 1st, I’ll . . .
50: Draw Sallie May and Mille
100: Draw Angel Dust and Molly
200: Draw Lucifer and a pile of duck things
300: Draw something spicy (sfw)
400: Draw my Hazbin OC as a request
500: Paint (IRL) a famous painting
600: Do a cover of a Hazbin song *
700: Do a cover of a Helluva song *
800: Do a cover of a Lemon Demon song
900: Do a cover of a Mother Mother or other requested song
1,000+: Start selling painted wooden ducks
* I will set up a poll to pick one
Reblogs are appreciated!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Thank you all for voting in the poll to decide who was going to be the leader of the band! It turned out to be such a close race!
#poorly drawn mdzs#better drawn mdzs#mdzs#madam lan#A-qing#Band AU#(Reminder that Madam Lan's design inspiration goes to Qourmet!)#Madam Lan may have been the winner per vote count but there were so many strong advocates for A-Qing!#I played around with a few versions of what the 'poll winner' art was going to be and ultimately decided I wanted them both.#As any good theater love knows though - The battle for leadership was a ruse. They *all* get a chance to be featured.#Cooperation was the real end goal! However I do think these two have the best frontman energy of the group.#Or at least 'crowd favourite' energy. I also really loved hearing what people thought their vocal styles would be like!#This was probably one of my favourite polls to do and I love drawing these characters a lot B*)#I'd love to spend a bit more time in this AU so count on me bringing it back.#One thing I keep feeling like I need to redeem myself on is Madam Lan's Translucent skirt. I have *not* done the concept justice yet.#It is such a crack-platonic ship but I want to think Madam Lan and A-Qing would enjoy each other's company.#Possibly also with JYL as well. They can be like mutually beneficial therapy dogs to each other.#Madam Lan never got to see her kids grow up into teenagers after all. She only had sons. Never daughters.#Even if she saw her kids once a month we do know she treated them with so much love and kindness.#She would bite the shit out of YZY for yelling at JYL. What a sight to see. A-Qing would also start biting (for fun).
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dany-japanese-study · 2 years
Well this last month was okay, sure I didn't study every day but, it was productive specially since i’m just now getting back to japanese. However, this May I want to do better so here I list of things to do so that every time i see this, my failures will motivate me lol.
Currently doing :
finish watching the Persona 4 gameplay(it's definitely above my level, but I played this game so many times that I basically know all dialogues, so it's being quite enjoyable.)
continue the Nukemarine’s LLJ decks
finally finish with all N5 grammar points(i don't study too deep in grammar, i memorize i bit and then do a shit ton of immersion to stick it in my brain) 
keep listening to the Core 2k Pimsleur audio.
and listen to more of the Japanese with shun podcast.
Plan to star soon (... hopefully):
Start reading Yotsuba&! ( i have read one chapter and could keep up fairly well)
Start playing a game in Japanese (it's probably going to be Skyrim, another game i played to much)
Star writing journal entries(...don’t have much faith in this one, lol)
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strangegirl4ever · 2 years
May Goals
no social media on phone
begin 75 hard challenge
DEEP CLEAN my room
saving money/ no buy
Pray and Read Bible!!
Journal (specifically prayer and gratitude)
learn to savoring every present moment... (time with family esp)
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730kc · 1 day
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gotta work out to pull off all those crazy stunts during the heists
gotta get strong enough to carry a full-sized tantei-kun while running away from people shooting guns. /deadlifts
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meanie--zucchini · 5 months
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what could've been
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fan-kingdoms · 3 months
mai is THE prime example of the ‘drop your weapons! all your weapons. i said ALL your weapons. *character keeps taking out an increasingly comical number of knives*’ memes like girl just has projectiles Everywhere on her person and i love that for her. how does she store them without tearing her clothes
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