#margret atwood
oyster-valley · 6 months
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i exist in two places. here, and where you are.
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antishoegaze · 5 months
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jondrettegirls · 1 year
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[ID: 3 quotes, each reading as follows, 1: “Nothing ever ends poetically, it ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.” 2: “A disaster is a disaster; those hurt by it remain hurt, those killed remain killed, the rubble remains rubble. Talk of causes is beside the point.” 3: “Nothing but vulnerable. And all this metaphor. An ordinary hand—just lonely for something to touch that touches back.” End ID.]
Nothing ever ends poetically | Kait Rokowski | Margret Atwood | Anne Sexton
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aro-with-bad-aim · 8 months
I just finished reading the Penelopiad by Margret Atwood and it’s honestly my favourite Greek myth adaptation. It’s a little inaccurate in places, but it’s such a unique interpretation of the myth. I love how it was set in the underworld during the 21st century with Penelope retelling the story. I love how the story is interrupted by things she does in the underworld. It’s funny, but it also tackles the more serious issues of the mistreatment of women. It’s so good, probably one of my favourite books atm :D
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oracleofmania · 2 years
Reading Oryx and Crake for class. Everyone was describing Crake as an mad scientist and a sociopath and manipulative for not acting like Jimmy. When it was revealed that he's canonically autistic the look on my classmates faces were priceless.
Turns out I may be the only one who gets Crake as a character
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litsocials · 2 years
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Ilya Kaminsky - We Lived Happily During the War // Margret Atwood - Morning in the burned House // Bo Burnam - That Funny Feeling // Hayden Carruth - Silence // Drinking tea in London during the blitz // Sue Zhao
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memesmylife1 · 2 years
I wonder whether Alanis knows why Serena is missing a finger. Because, she seems to not know about the more brutal aspects of Gilead but at the same time, she must have noticed that the finger is missing. I’d be happy to hear other peoples thoughts on the matter.
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literate-bitch-boy · 10 months
It’s always WHO is Atwood not HOW is Atwood.
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spesalvi · 2 years
The Nothing Burger's Tale
One of the pieces of literature that has become the 1984 of the intersectional progressive has been The Handmaid's Tale.
Written in the 80's as a cautionary tale if the Neo Conservatives and Religious Right were ever to have full control over the culture and political institutions.
It imagines a United States, now The Republic of Gilead where it has been taken over by a group of White Supremacist Evangelicals who have established a theocracy in the wake of an ecological and biological disaster which has rendered many women infertile so, now there are Handmaids who also get their legal names stripped from them and replaced with new names(Margret are you trying to say something about Christianity at a fundamental level or at least female religious?), who act as mistresses to the powerful men in Gilead and have a bizarre mating ritual to boot as well.
The book follows a Handmaid named Offred and her attempt to escape the confines of Gilead and make it to Canada (obviously a reference to slaves escaping to Canada in the 19th century before the American Civil War.).
The book ends in a university lecture in the future and questions the validity of the text and if it can be even trusted since, it was written by a woman.
This was a relatively obscure book mainly read and quoted by English majors, activists and the more hardcore feminists out there. However, after the Orange Man got elected it became this rallying cry women's rights and the like because a sex pest was elected president and somehow that meant we were going to rollback a hundred plus years in the struggle for equality for women.
But it never happened, in fact women hold more cultural pull than men and it's been this way for awhile. Women are allowed to get away with things men simply cannot and often are for lack of a better term "cancelled" or called into question. For example, in 2014 Lena Dunham openly admitted that she had molested her sister when they were kids and she still has a lucrative acting career.
Or the fact that for the most part, the entire Me Too movement has been female centric, with the token inclusion of Brendan Fraiser. A movement that got killed in 2020 whenever it became obvious that Joe Biden would be the Democratic frontrunner we just swept the very credible sexual assault allegations under the rug.
Not to mention that organizations like Planned Parenthood has been caught aiding pimps in order to continue prostitution and sexual exploitation. They engaged in intersectional rhetoric in order to get away with this stuff and also hides behind other layers like being pro LGBT (which makes no sense since 95% of their business model focuses on women, biological women who are seeking to destroy/terminate/end the life inside of them). It only makes sense if they want to be beyond the reproach of criticism.
However, what people don't see is that this is mainly a cudgel by one side in order to shut the other down. No one talks about the sexual assaults perpetuated by Bill Clinton (allegedly) or how Ted Kennedy killed his secretary (allegedly) but these are never really given much if any consideration when it comes to the opposition then it's treated as fact from day zero, rarely if ever will there be a retraction.
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Writing Short #6
When they blamed Muslims we said nothing.
When they blamed black people we said nothing.
When they blamed immigrants we said nothing.
Now, with the world on the brink of change or collapse, we stand above the fiery wreckage and survey all that has been destroyed by our complicity. By our hubris. By our cowardice.
Men have seized power, they always do if given the chance, and they are howling for total control. “The good old days” are brought up more and more, female politicians quietly removed from current elections with little fanfare or explanation. I can feel the shackles, once constrictive until suddenly removed, tighten more bit by bit.
I grew up free, free to make my own decisions, free to choose my own destiny, and free to live my own way. We are no longer free, but now asks the question: were we ever free to begin with? How free were we with staggering student debt? How free were we with stagnant wages and increasing cost of living? Is the world we left behind, where men were men and women had no say, really that bad?
I have lived to see the world become better, the ideals of our forefathers begun to be realized, and now I will live long enough for all of it to come crashing down. We didn’t want to fight, we didn’t want to yell, and we didn’t want to argue. Now our voice is gone, snuffed out by those in power, and our rights taken away because we didn’t want to be mean.
We changed the world once, making it a little brighter and a little better, but now the darkness is snapping at our heels and threatening to plunge the world back into the darkness of ignorance and malice.
“The new executive order,” a man droned on the news channel, “has commanded government contractors to fire all female staff effective immediately. Outcry from women has been intense, picketing at factories and outside political offices has been broken up by police arresting all who refuse to disperse, but the President has indicated that there will be no mercy for any women who violently oppose this order.”
“The 119th congress was sworn in yesterday, with Republicans making up a supermajority, it is a historic victory for Evangelicals who petitioned and politicked to ensure that no women or female presenting individuals were elected. The majority leader Evan Smith of Utah stated, “Our first priority is to ensure that the rights of men, to lead their households or to care for their children in event of divorce, is protected to the highest order. God has ordained men as the heads of their households, and not even feminists could challenge the word of the almighty God without suffering his divine retribution.”
“Divine retribution? Is that what they call domestic terrorists?” Stacy’s voice was full of unconcealed malice, “You bomb a few Pride parades and suddenly it’s “gods will” that women’s rights be revoked?”
We all stared at the television, and each one of us fervently prayed that this was a nightmare that we would wake up from soon.
------------------------------------------------------------------- “Tonight the world has dimmed as 38 states ratified the constitutional amendment that will revoke the voting rights of women, and the amendment that also makes it illegal for women to work in any gainful employment. Odd jobs, like babysitting or elder care can be monetarily compensated as long as it doesn’t exceed $2400 a year or $200 a month.” Margaret Atwood’s world of religious persecution of women has now come to pass.
“Fierce division within the Republican party as many Mormon members introduced new legislation that would allow polyandry within the United States and would legitimize any children resulting from polyandrous marriages,” The newscaster droned on and kept his eyes fixed on the teleprompter, “The legislation would allow marriages of multiple men to a single woman or multiple women to a single man. Same sex marriages are still illegal, and all previous same sex marriages have been dissolved. The age of marriage would be raised to a minimum of sixteen, and judges are not allowed to issue marriage licenses to anyone under the age of sixteen for any reason.”
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1universe1soul · 2 years
"But in life, a tragedy is not one long scream. It includes everything that led up to it. Hour after trivial hour, day after day, year after year, and then the sudden moment: the knife stab, the shell-burst, the plummet of the car from the bridge."
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karfild · 1 year
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one directions song you dont know you're beautiful was written about franz kafka
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mysaddiary92 · 1 year
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rat-man-fruit-juice · 2 years
The idea of morality police is a fucking terrifying one. Like holy smokes, Gilead type shit.....
I am grateful I live in a place where that is not a reality, where I reference a work of fiction to relate to what's going on in Iran.
However, with Christian Nationalism on the rise in the U.S, it is like a painful whisper that that isn't out of the zeitgeist for some very powerful people.
Sorry for dumping shit here, whoever even looks at let alone likes my blog, but I need some kind of healty outlet.
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most culturally 'untrustworthy' professions are those that made money through means that weren't tangible. Currently it's lawyers and banks (who make money by selling advice and time), but historically it was millers (since they made money by making things into more valuable versions of those things)
Luxury brands are the opposite. A opposed selling something intangible but real, They sell things that are tangible but unreal (the fantasy of wealth etc)
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delicateimage · 1 year
You won’t enjoy suffering when you’re the one experiencing the pain
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