#magical illness
blackrosesandwhump · 16 days
Nathaniel's Bane, Part 1
Whumpril Day 13: Angry Tears
CW: Gothic illness, fever whump, implied self-harm
Cold silver moonlight pierces the gloom of Nathaniel’s bedroom as the boy lies awake, tossing and turning from the discomfort in his chest.
It’s happening again, the same way it always happens: pain that starts small in his sternum, radiating through his body and bringing with it a weakness that he can never shake, an illness from which he never gets well. A few days ago, he could traverse the garden, albeit slowly, walk to the library and back, even sit outside in the bright sunlight for an hour at a time without his body failing him. Now, he can’t even leave his bed.
And it’s all because of the—
A gentle knock interrupts his thoughts, followed by a low voice calling his name. “Master Nathaniel?”
He doesn’t answer, but the door opens anyway, revealing the figure of the doctor, slightly disheveled, concern deepening the shadows on his face.
“You’re unable to sleep,” he observes, opening his bag. “Let me take your temperature again.” He helps the boy sit up and slides the thermometer under his tongue. Nathaniel closes his eyes and lets the doctor do his work. Not that it will help. Nothing does.
A couple of angry tears bead in the corners of his eyes and slide down his hot cheeks. If only he could remove the thing from his chest, get it out of him, rip it away and hurl into in the sea.
“You definitely have a fever. This will help bring it down.” The doctor holds a small vial to Nathaniel’s lips. He drinks it automatically, recoiling at the bitter taste as if taking it for the first time, not the thousandth. A wave of weakness washes over him, and he sinks back into the pillows, another tear tracking down into his already-damp temple.
He feels rather than sees the doctor examine him with a sad, pitying look. “I’ll come check on you again. Try to sleep, if you can.” The door closes with a soft thump, and Nathaniel lies alone again under the cold white moon.
To his fevered imagination, it looks like an eye, boring into him with an unblinking, terrifying stare, as if a gargantuan monster on high is observing the tiny, sick human on earth. Nathaniel rolls over, away from the eye, and the pain in his chest lessens just a little. His right hand, curled under the pillow, touches something hard and cornered. The dagger his father gave him. He forgot he put it there before night fell, before the pain in his body started afresh.
After a while, his tossing and turning gives way to shallow, fevered dreams, but not before an idea edges into Nathaniel’s mind.
Maybe there is a way to remove the devil’s stone from his body after all.
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zensations35 · 1 year
Viral Paradox (TVA Loki Part 6)
Here it is. Complete. The final chapter. I'm wrapping things up here, there is a LOT of time travel and Loki being sick and injured. See part 1, part 2 , part 3, part 4, part 5, to catch up. Things you'll find in this chapter: -sick/injured Loki doin his best -Oh sh*t moments -Loki being an angsty brother -ofc more Tony/Loki banter
Part 6: 
At the Earth hospital, Loki enchants the room to prevent anyone in contact with Thor from catching the virus. He assumes the forms of various medical staff, checking in on him for the next 24 hours until he’s certain Thor will survive. He scavenges for medical supplies to stitch up his larger wounds--the ones that will take longer to heal. He shouldn’t go timehopping while bleeding out, should he?
When it’s safe for him to go, Loki takes the portal to the past, vowing that if Thor dies at the hands of the humans, Loki will break every bone they have, as well as all of the rules in the damned time travel book to save him.
First, he must take care of several things. When the Avengers showed up to slay the Variant, Loki realized what has been happening over the past few days. And now it’s time to make them happen.
First, the antidote. If he had the pouch with him during the Variant battle, he would have surely lost or broken it. Luckily, he didn’t have it anymore. Because he’s about to go back and steal it from himself.
Sunday 12pm
Loki makes sure to “Hh-hxst!” stifle his sneeze has he wanders through the halls. He covered himself with a hooded sweatshirt--where are all the cloaks?? It says “I am Iron Man,” on the front and “Get me a cheeseburger”  on the back. Loki has no idea why this outfit even exists. Well, now he’s less conspicuous. He saw Natasha roaming around stuffed in a similar outfit, hiding her red nose and snuffling into a sleeve. Perhaps they will mistake him for her.
No glamour, though. If he sneezes it off, that would be more noticeable. Which “hh-kkk…EXSHT!” he seems to be doing quite a lot. 
He rubs his nose with the back of his clothed arm and whisks by his past self. He makes sure not to bump into him, only clamping a hand on his former self’s shoulder after a distracted sneeze. 
“Bless you,” Loki says, quickly dipping his fingers into his past coat pocket and scooping out the vials.
He hurries away, winging past a flustered Pepper who is too focused on getting to Loki, she doesn’t notice him melding into the shadows.
A bit of weaving through the halls, Loki finally comes upon a swiftly-improving Tony, strolling through the tower, munching on a snack.
Loki slinks up next to him. “Stark.”
Tony bites a tiny slice of string cheese and pulls it with his teeth. “What’s up, dust bunny?”
“You seem to be recovering quickly.”
“Yep. Told ya. Same as Pep. It gets real bad and then,” he snaps his fingers, “Poof. Gone.”
Loki rubs his lips, “Indeed. Well, I must request a favor,” he halts them and pins his gaze on Tony’s cheese. “If you are not busy, that is.”
“Mmm…if it involves continuing this conversation, then I am very very busy.”
An eye roll. “It’s important, Stark.”
“Fine,” Tony shoves the rest of the cheese stick in his mouth, “Ooo hab my fool attnshn.” 
Loki grumbles. Working with this man is such a chore. 
“In a few hours, I will have to leave. I need you to send Thor after me.” Loki presets the correct tempad and gives it to Tony.
Tony takes it from him, turning it around to inspect it with a frown. “This looks like a garage remote from the 80s.”
“It is very advanced technology.”
“Whatever you say,” he tucks it away.
“The first setting is for Thor. Send him immediately after I depart.” Loki takes a breath, “HixSGGghh!…eh…*snf*” he brushes a tendril of hair out of his face. “The second setting is for the villain’s castle. Wait until you are all well before you use it. There will be a battle, you need to be on your game to win.”
“And, you know all of this how?”
“I don’t know why I continually must explain time travel to you.”
“So, you’re saying you’re from the future right now.”
“And you’re telling us to come save you, because I’ve already done it.”
A nod.
“You realize how this sounds, right? Like are you actually listening to yourself?”
“I do realize, yes.”
Tony frowns. His gaze flickers up and down Loki’s body. “You look like shit.”
“I’m quite sure. Hek-ISZZHHhh!” 
“What if I decide to just not do it.”
“It’s already done, Tony.”
Tony’s arrogance flickers, casting a shadow of concern over his eyes. He uses the tip of his finger to tug at the sleeves of his sweatshirt, taking in the poorly stitched wounds, the purpling skin of his face and neck. 
“Dude, what happened?” 
“A battle with far worse injuries than mine.”
Loki nods. 
“Is he…”
“Thor lives, thanks to you--” he points at the tempad, “coming to our rescue.”
Tony looks from the remote to Loki. “You care about him then? You admit it?”
Loki grunts, shunting his gaze dismissively. “Of course I do.”
“Great!” Tony pockets the tempad. “I’ll give him your love. Now, go to..I dunno, a time hospital or something. Yeah?”
Loki laughs as he walks away. Yes. A time hospital.
He pads around the kitchen, knowing it’s empty, and snags a few granola bars and a small box of milk. He would wonder at this, if he weren’t 10000% exhausted. Best to just not complain. Food is food.
Loki tugs his hood and sinks into the shadows, watching his past self and the Avengers peter about.
He’s picked a good location to wait for the group to kick him out. Here he can rest for a while, hidden within a nook, glazed with a perception filter. Simple magic, so simple some races have been able to mimic it with technology. But, it will work for the few hours Loki needs to wait.
He settles in against the wall, scrubbing his nose and muffling sneezes and coughs into the sleeves of his hoodie. He may be visually hidden but, hhhe needs to khh--ih! Keep quiet--MSH-ksz!” 
Dammit, he’s doing himself no favors. 
He stuffs one of the granola bars into his mouth and watches Banner drag himself to and fro. Dear Stars, why don’t they all just rest?? It’s not like they have to stop a Variant Hel-bent on stealing the mind stone to resurrect his dead brother, or stop a deadly virus from killing the most powerful superheroes on the planet. 
Finally, the big argument happens and his past self is kicked out. Stars, watching himself is so detestable. Once the tempad portal closes, Tony grabs Thor’s arm and they hurry into another room. Hm. Good on Stark. Didn’t hesitate in keeping his word. 
Loki stands and brushes crumbs off his pants. He feathers his fingers over his mouth as his breath snags, “Hhhih-iszzzhh-hhh…” Stars, even his sneezes sound exhausted. Fatigue is spreading like fog throughout his body. His eyelids just want to close, his muscles want to loosen, his bones want to crumple to dust so that someone can find his ashes and make all the decisions for him.
Snap out of it, you mewling quim! 
He pushes the threads of his remaining energy into his legs and heads to Banner’s lab. 
Loki steps into the laboratory, or more like sways through it. He thumps against a table and nearly loses the fight against gravity, stumbling on his feet. 
He presses his fingers to his temple in a web, taking sips of air. 
Get through it. You’ll be able to rest soon.
His eyes swing around the lab, seeking Banner. Around a corner, he finds the Doctor tinkering with the equipment. Well, between fits of the smallest, breeziest sneezes Loki’s ever heard. 
“Ksch! I’Ktsh! TshH! ExsCH!” 
This is how the mighty Hulk sneezes? Like a wet kitten?
“Banner,” Loki’s voice cracks on a small wheeze.
Bruce turns, face flushed pink, mouth curling into a glower. “Loki, what--” his neck cranes, shock pooling in his eyes. “What the hell happened to you? You just left.”
Loki waves a hand, forcing himself to walk without hissing. His ribs revolt and he swallows a pained moan. “Time travel. Bit finicky.”
Bruce glares, “Did we kick your ass?”
“Heh, you’d think, wouldn’t you? But no.” Loki lifts the thumb-sized vial, red liquid swirling within. “I have your cure.”
“There’s nothing I’ve found that will cure this.”
“On your world, correct. But I come from Asgard.”
“Right,” Bruce rubs the back of his neck with his palm. “Well, you’ll forgive me if I don’t snatch it right from you and guzzle it.”
“This will save your life, Banner.”
Bruce’s face pops to life. His eyes are steel, fingers squeezing tight. “This…this virus will…kill me?”
“Ahm, yes? You’ve seen what it’s done to Rogers--”
“I’m not the same as Steve. The…other guy…he’s never let me…Izsch! IXch! Hnn-SxCH!” he paws at his nose and gives his head a tiny shake. 
“Have you even tried to transform?”
“Not something I make a habit of. Especially in the middle of a city.”
“Hm. Well, you might find the attempt futile very soon.” He holds out the vial to Bruce, who immediately recoils. Something circles in his eyes. Wonder.
Loki feels his spine turn to iron when he realizes what Banner is thinking. “You…you can’t be serious.”
Bruce rolls his lips, eyes locked onto the vial.
“You can’t honestly be considering--”
“Don’t.” Bruce growls, heat in his tone. “You have no idea…”
“I know that if you refuse this antidote, you will continue to spread the virus. It will not be contained without intervention. And it will kill others."
Bruce snaps his gaze to Loki’s. He looks like a promise has been ripped from him in the night. 
Stars, do all of these Avengers have such a collective death wish? Rushing off to fight every battle, silently wishing for an ending that won’t come. It’s not glory that fills them, but duty.
Loki won’t have it, though. He pushes the vial into Bruce’s hands. “You will drink this, if I have to force it down your throat, as I did to Rogers.”
“I doubt that would go over well with the other guy.”
“I’d love a rematch.” Loki points to the vial, “Take it. I won’t leave until I see it pass your lips.”
Bruce chuffs, shaking his head as he uncorks the vial. “For the timeline, right?”
“Yes. Of course…” For the timeline.
Loki leaves the lab, staying hidden still, thumbing the tempad. He still hasn’t figured out where the virus originated from, but perhaps it matters not. All he has to do now is to go back to last week and tell Potts to convince…
Loki stiffens, staring straight ahead.
Oh fuck! 
Loki snarls, stomping the ground with a boot, splashing the marble floor green with a starburst. He curses himself as the memories flood him.
Stars. He can’t believe he didn’t see it. Didn’t even think…
“I got this from Pepper…”
“Pep gets sick all the time.”
“She almost died....”
This is it. The virus came from the future--through Loki.
And he can’t change it. It would cause a paradox. He has to go back in time and speak to Pepper. And in doing so, he will give her the virus that eventually gets Loki sick as well. 
It is absolutely absurd. 
How did she survive without…
Another snap of realization. Loki’s hand dips into his pocket, palming the vials he made for himself and Thor. 
“And then, poof! All better!” 
Of course.
Last Tuesday 
Loki hopes he doesn’t run into Stark. He’s not bad at glamouring as a mindless Starkbot, but he’d much prefer his true form. Once he catches Potts alone--sitting at her desk, working, of course--he drops his glamour. The weak tech is easy to disable, cameras, alarms, communications. Loki also can’t resist adding a dramatic flare by dimming the lights.
Pepper sits up, alert.
Loki shifts in the shadows, timing his reveal just right. 
When she sees him, her eyes flame to life. She heaves herself from her seat. “What--” she marches toward him, “are you,” she winds her hand back, “doing here?!” and slaps him clean across his injured cheek.
“Stars, madam, do I look in any state to be assailed?” 
Pepper folds her arms. “I think I would slap you even if you were dead.”
He touches the cheek she struck and comes away with a brush of blood. His eyes widen and he looks at her hand, flecks of it on the tip of her finger, under her nails. Barely noticeable. But, enough to transmit the virus when she touches anything. 
That’s it then. There was truly no avoiding it.
“Hm. yes, well,” Loki opens his pouch and shows her the vial.
“What’s that?”
“An antidote for the illness you are about to catch.”
“What? How do you--”
“I come from the future.” Loki flicks his gaze to the steps. “The Avengers will return from their mission within two days. It will be successful. Stark will request to study the scepter.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“To prove that I am indeed from the future.”
A snort. “Yeah, okay.” 
“One day from now, you will fall very ill. You will be dying.” Loki turns the vial in his hand, the liquid bubbling inside. “This will save your life.”
Pepper frowns. “Yeah, I’m not gonna drink that.”
Loki holds up a finger, “One day. Twenty-four hours. You will be ready to do anything to improve. Even drink this.” He grasps her hand and folds her fingers over it.
“Once you are well, you will know I speak the truth. And when I come again, you must convince Stark to believe me.”
She blinks and shakes her head. “You really expect me to trust you?”
Loki chuckles, “Not today. Only when you are desperate.” Loki checks his watch. “Thirteen hours from now.” He watches Pepper’s face pale. He points to the vial, “Also, do not tell Stark about this. He will surely destroy the antidote, and you will die.”
Her face blanches, white as a sheet, freckles popping out like seeds. She stares after Loki as he opens the tempad portal. She will believe him. She already has.
“Two days, Potts. I’ll see you then.”
The End of the Journey
The portal opens into the same hospital room, days after the battle. Thor brightens when he sees Loki.
“Oh, thank the Stars,” Thor sits up, dangling his feet over the edge of the bed. “Get me out of here, Loki.”
A laugh. “As you wish.”
Thor struggles to stand, prompting Loki to assist, draping an arm across his shoulders. With joint effort, Loki lifts his brother and they hobble into the tempad portal.
“Ngh…” Thor winces, leaning hard on Loki. Loki can’t help but chuckle.
“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” Thor smirks.
“It is quite the turn of events.”
They step through out to a cloudless sky, red clovers dusting the ground.
“You brought me back.”
“It’s as good a place as any. We are out of sight.”
They stagger toward a craggy ledge, Thor’s weight pressing down on Loki’s shoulders.
“Hnn--” Thor sweeps an inhale through his lips.
Loki stiffens, “Oh, no, don’t you dare. Not when I’m--”
Lightning envelops them both, grinding Loki’s teeth, setting his synapses on fire. His eyes squeeze shut and he shudders.
Once it fades, Thor paws at his nose, “Apologies, brother.”
“Not like I haven’t been struck by your lightning before.”
“*sndf* You don’t deserve it this time.”
“I always deserve it.” 
Loki eases Thor down on the edge of the cliff, then takes a seat next to him, head sagging into his cupped hands.
Thor’s meaty hand warms Loki’s back. “Loki, what you have done…what you are doing, I never thought you capable of such kindness.”
“Be careful of getting wet, brother. Sugar melts.”
Thor chuckles. “You still do not believe yourself worthy.”
Loki pulls his arms back, bracing himself at an angle to stare into the dappled sky. “I will never be worthy. You know this.” Loki’s lips crack apart, a rustle of air whisking into his chest, “Hh-EIZZSHhhh-eh!”
“Do you have any more of the antidote?”
Loki holds up a finger, “One more.”
“Then take it.”
Loki manifests two goblets of wine and dumps the last antidote into one of them, making sure Thor doesn’t see which. He hands one cup to Thor and takes the other.
“You’re the one who almost died. And you've been ill for longer than me. You need it.”
Thor growls. “No. I am healing fine. Give me yours.” He reaches for Loki’s goblet, then pauses. His brow furrows and he retracts himself. “I know you. The cups are already swapped. You know I would exchange them.”
Loki gives him an indignant frown. 
Thor smirks. “Your tricks grow tiresome.” He drains his goblet, smacking his lips and then wincing at the sour aftertaste. He blinks and then glowers at Loki, “Damn you. You knew I would assume deceit.”
Loki smiles into his cup, “The trick about being predictable is to know people will assume you are lying.”
Thor glowers. “That was your last one?”
“Truly. I had to give mine to Pepper Potts.” He wings his arm to his face, pressing his nose against his skin, “XxxssshhhG! ISZH-ghheh…” he sags against Thor, breath stuttering, waves of fatigue lapping at the cave of his consciousness.
“You had better get well,” Thor growls. 
Loki’s voice is cadenced with exhaustion. “You will see me again, alive and well--though I won’t remember any of this.”
“Time travel. I am technically also a variant of this timeline.”
“Then why fight for it?”
“B…” Loki looks up at his brother. The brother who taught him how to block punches, how to always be vigilant, who bandaged his injuries when they had done something stupid and didn’t want Father to know. The brother Loki sang to when they were out on missions and Thor missed their mother.
Loki looks into his lap. “Would that I could stay. Help you with the grief that is to come. But, we’ll meet again.”
Thor covers Loki’s hand and squeezes it. “You are a good man, Loki. I see the change in you.”
“Change?” Loki chuffs. “If this has taught me anything, it is that I will never change. I am the same as the variant we just fought. Trying my best to revive what I’ve destroyed.”
Loki stands and offers his hand. “Come, let me take you back to the tower.”
Thor lets Loki help him stand, both heartsick, lashes dewy with tears. 
There’s a finality to his voice that breaks him. It feels like he and Thor were crossing a bridge, lingering--tiptoeing--toward each other. And then the middle collapsed, stranding them both on opposite sides of the world. 
Loki opens the portal, and they separate once again. 
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hzry · 10 months
The Lip-Lock Jinx: 20.4k
It's a jinx that renders the victim mute, unless he/she serves the purpose of the jinx and kisses the person that they desire. It's just Harry's luck that he's in love with Draco. HPDM, one-shot, eighth year.
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thxlxttlxsxrxn · 7 months
Chapter 3 - The Lost City of Atlantis; Curse of the Sea
CH 3.
I glance out the window, as Florence sighs and rests his head on his hand. “Are we there yet?” he enquires in a bored tone.
“How old are you? No, we are not there yet.”
Florence had decided that it would be a great idea to carpool since we’ll be gone for about a week. If I had known that he had the patience of a toddler I would have declined immediately.
As we pull into the harbour’s lot where Desdemona had told us to be, Florence gets out and stretches, my car being much too small for him. Which should have been more obvious in hindsight, seeing as he’s over a foot taller than me. “You all good?” I pop open the trunk and hand his bags over to him.
“Where did you get that car?” he asks, popping his neck as he slings the bag over his slim shoulders. “Did you get it second-hand from a circus?”
I ignore the jab, and grab my bag, slamming the trunk closed and spamming the lock button as the car beeps. “You know that means that it’s locked right?” Florence asked, unimpressed as he starts walking.
“Just making sure,” I say as I skip a few steps to try and keep up.
Florence looks like he wants to say more, but we’re cut short as we approach Desdemona and a tall, blonde woman standing next to her in a white button-up and black dress pants. As we get closer the tall woman spots us and points us to Desdemona, who turns and somehow, her smile gets even wider.
She skips over, taking my hand and shaking it with enthusiasm. “Professor I am so very glad to see you,” going over to shake Florence’s hand who lets his arm shake around, Desdemona not noticing or caring. 
The tall woman approaches me, holding out her hand. “Hello, my name is Dr. Lilith Leviathon, I’ll be accompanying Ms.Carita on this expedition.”
“Eric Morgan, a pleasure to be meeting you,” at this, she narrows her eyes at me.
“Eric Morgan as in the leader of the failed expedition from twenty-three years ago?” A shiver goes up my spine. She opens her mouth to say more, and Florence, shocked by her boldness looks down at her, glaring with fury.
Desdemona notices this and decides to break the tension by grabbing Dr.Leviathon’s arm and dragging her up the steps to the ship. “Come up, we’re just taking the boat till we’re close enough to the fissure and we’ll dive in,” she says excitedly, glancing behind her as we begin dragging our luggage up the steps. “I’ll just show you two to your rooms so you can settle in and then I can give you the grand tour, and you can take a look at The Dragonet,” Desdemona had released Dr.Leviathons arm by now, and stepped back to walk in pace with us a Dr.Leviathon walked off, Florence flipping her off as she walked away.
“I assume that’s the name of the sub?” I glance one last time at the sea as we step inside the ship's covered area.
“Yep,” she said as we walked downstairs, taking a left down a hallway of doors. “That’s the kitchen, restroom, my room, the medical bay, and Levy's room,” Florence snorts at this. “ And here are your guys' room. You can settle in now, or we could go take a look at The Dragonet?” She trails off in her question looking between me and Florence.
I drop my bags in the doorway of my room, shutting it. “Sure, we’ll go take a glance at it.”
“Pass, just knock when it’s time to eat,” Florence says before shutting his door.
Desdemona takes Florence's rejection in stride and turns back to me. “Well, let’s head over there,” she says, passing me and continuing down the hallway.
“I do have something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” I say as I follow her a few steps behind. She’s tied her hoodie around her waist and has her curly hair thrown up in a ponytail, and the scales didn’t stop at her forearms. They went all the way up her arm. And up the nape of her neck and down her spine, where they were about double the size. “A few things actually.”
“Hm? Just ask away, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have,” She glances back at me, taking a left.
“How are you able to afford any of this in the first place? I mean, a top-of-the-line ship and the latest submarine that has come out?” I look through the large paned window to my right, showing that we’ve left the harbour by now.
“Well, I don’t know much about my mom, but apparently she was loaded,” she says looking out of the window as well, slowing down a bit. “Wanted my Dad to live as comfortable life as possible so, just gave everything to him I guess,” She shrugs, crossing her arms behind her back as she continues down the hallway. 
I want to ask her more about her mother, but I restrain myself. “How’d you find my expedition to Atlantis, and why’d your doctor know about it as well? Last I checked the government had hidden it as best as it could,” She looks up at me guiltily, with owlish eyes.
“Yeah,” she says stretching it out. “My dad came across it because of rich privilege or something, because he was looking for Atlantis too, beats me why,” she takes the stairs down again, holding the railing to stabilize herself. “Levy just knows because I ended up blabbing to her about it,” she laughs awkwardly, looking like a kid with their hand stuck in a cookie jar.
“I’m sorry, I meant no harm, truly,” She stops at a door, looking at her hands before looking back at me. “I just thought it was so cool when I was younger, you know? I always wanted to be like you.”
I blush and look off, not expecting admiration or anything similar. “It’s fine, I- just-,” words fail me, and she takes notice, helping me out of my discomfort, opening the door, and showing The Dragonet.
“Well here she is,” she clasps her hands together as I stand in awe. It is absolutely gorgeous, similar in shape to a manta ray, and is a deep, blue metal, a lighter silver taking up the bottom. The two attenae look like the release area of a defense mechanism, and as I walk around it I realise that Florence would have loved to see this. With two propellors in the back, and two in each of the wings, it is a display of technological and engineering genius.
I point up at an ovalish orb in the front between the two antennas. “What is that for?” I ask. She looks up to where I’m pointing and turns back.
“Oh, that is the captains' deck, steering, navigation, all the works,” she says smiling, turning back to The Dragonet. “It may seem really dark, but those are actually just panels so everywhere that is dark black, you can see outside through a screen, even with night vision.”
“She is absolutely beautiful,” I say, looking up at the cords holding it.
“Right? Levy says that thinking that about inanimate objects is a very odd behaviour, to say the least,” she says, looking upset.
“You don’t have to listen to her” I say and she snorts, looking embarrassed.
“Nah, she’s kind of scary when she’s upset, besides she knows what’s best for me,” walking back out, she holds the door open for me and we walk back to the rooms in comfortable silence. 
Passing the abundance of doors she stops at mine. “Supper will be ready at about 6:30, I’ll stop by to grab you and Florence when it’s ready,” she turns to leave but then turns back. “Are you cool with cod and lemon rice soup?” she asks.
“That sounds amazing, Florence loves just about any kind of soup,” I say, and she looks relieved. “Do you need any help?”
“Thanks for the offer but you’re the guest and my dad sent us with a cook,” she says looking embarrassed at the fact. “Feel free to rest and roam about anywhere, You know where I am and the captain is just up top.” she starts walking off but turns her head. “Toodles,” she says, disappearing into her room.
I gently shut the door behind me, and as I walk further into the room I realize there is a huge window on the side of the room, showing the ocean waves as the boat pushes forward against the sea. I take out my computer and phone, seeing it’s only three in the afternoon. I lay down on the bed and open my laptop, turning on a show as I open a book to read.
Before I know it, Desdemona is knocking on my door softly, trying to be quiet enough so if I were asleep she wouldn’t disturb me. As I get up the soft knocking is soon followed by what I can assume is Florence kicking the door with reckless abandon.
I hear a sharp smack followed by Florence cursing loudly. “Good fucking lord, what the hell was that for?”
“You’re acting like a complete moron you imbecile,” Desdemona shout-whispers, obviously still trying to be quiet.
I open the door, Desdemona looking mortified at being caught scolding Florence, who looks bored. Florence walks ahead, feet silent on the floor while mine and Desdemona make resounding clicks. The kitchen is full of the people working on the ship, laughing and joking, clearly familiar with each other. Slipping into a chair, I notice Florence getting a steely look, and in walks the captain and Dr.Levaithon, the latter sits next to Desdemona and immediately pushes more vegetables on her plate, looking down her nose at Desdemona as she picks around them.
“Morgan?” Florence's whisper next to me snaps me out of my thoughts, unnoticed by the other people sitting at the table. He gives me a look I know all too well, making me uneasy, but I start to eat anyways, which seems to sate him. 
I struggle to keep up with Desdemona's rapid talking, so instead, I settle with listening, chiming in with the occasional, “Yeah,” or a hum. The captain eventually gets up to retire for the night, leaving the four of us.
Florence waits as I finish, and as the both of us say goodnight to Desdemona and Dr.Leviathon, Florence ignores the latter entirely, and as we leave the kitchen Desdemona calls out. “Toodles!”
With my steps echoing around me in the hallway of doors I turn to leave, but Florence grabs the edge of my shirt. “If you need me I’ll be right across from you,” he seems to notice how awkward that sounds, choosing to shove his hands deep in his pockets.
I smile, clapping my hand down on his shoulder. “I appreciate the sentiment, but you need to sleep, be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed tomorrow instead of looking like a wet mop,” 
He grins good-naturedly, blowing air out of his nose and shoving my arm off his shoulder. “I don’t need sleep.”
“All humans need sleep,” I say, yawning exaggeratedly to prove a point.
“I’m not human,” he teases. “I just wanted to let you know,” he walks into his room, turning back to look at me.
“I’ll be over if I need to,” I say over my shoulder before closing the door. We both know that I won’t though.
I walk in and immediately shut the curtains, finding one of Florence's many hair ties and using it to keep it covered. Stepping back, I shrug off the look, as it still blocks out the view.
Collapsing onto the bed I sit up, rummaging through my bag as I look for a pair of pyjama bottoms. Pulling my day clothes off, and shoving on the black shorts with cartoon starfish on them, I turn on my computer, finding another movie to listen to. I lay it on the nightstand next to me, and try to relax by reading a book, but after being unable to focus, reading the same page five times I put it to the side, along with my glasses and lay down, turning on my side and slipping under the covers to watch the movie.
I struggle to fall asleep, trying and failing to get past a few pages in the book I had brought. I end up just watching another two movies, yawning my way through them all. I turn off my laptop, but that leaves me rolling, tossing and turning, turning for a while, as I try to fall asleep, eventually passing out at an ungodly hour to a night of restless sleep.
Waking up to the shrill sound of an alarm clock is never pleasant. Pressing the off button on my phone to silence it, I turn over to see that Florence’s hair tye had come loose, leaving the curtains to wiggle open a crack. From what I can see, the sky is darkening with clouds, a promise of a storm in the next few days. Stretching and rolling out of bed, I grab my toiletries bag, eager to get into the bathroom before Florence otherwise I’ll be waiting until noon.
Walking across the hallway, I see Dr.Leviathon on my way. She spots me and quickens her pace a step, which causes me to stumble a bit, startled by her determination.
She stops in the middle of the hallway, leaving me no room to slip by and avoid the conversation. “Professor Morgan, I am glad that I,” she pauses looking me up and down, And I realize that I’m still in my pyjamas, while she’s washed up and in a crisp white coat, “ran into you this morning.”
Feeling my embarrassment in my ears, I try to swallow down the lump in my throat. “Yeah, thought that I would just freshen up first,” I chuckle to try and ease the tension, and she seems to notice my predicament, and laughs quietly but it sounds forced and doesn’t meet her eyes.
“Yes, well I just wanted to apologize for my behaviour the other day, I was just startled, to say the least,” she says, plucking at the cuff of her coat. “I just didn’t think that you would be the best choice, Desdemona has a tendency to make rash decisions.”
I am taken aback, stepping back, which she quickly covers in a step of her own, the distance between us remaining the same. I quickly recover, looking up at her, as she stares down her nose at me. “I disagree, Desdemona is perfectly capable of making her own decisions,” I’m done with this conversation and step to the side, she takes the hint letting me past.
“Apologies, it was not my intention to insult your capabilities, Professor,” she says as I walk past. I get the sense that she is used to working with others having the same brash attitude and wonder how Desdemona can remain so positive around them.
“It’s fine,” I reply, knowing it’s not. 
Stepping into the washroom, I quickly do my business, it’s only when I’m rummaging through my bag that I realize that I’ve forgotten my razor. I shrug it off, and start brushing my teeth, only to be startled by the door handle rattling and incessant knocking.
“Wait, one-please,” I yell, trying to shove a pair of pants on, my toothbrush still in my mouth.
“It’s an emergency, hurry up!”
I rip the door open, startled by the urgency in Florence’s voice, to find him staring down at his phone, his toiletries bag balanced between his other arm and hip. He looks up, only for me to slam the door in his face, locking it before he can try to shove it open.
“Come on, Morgan please,” he whines through the door. “I need to get in there.”
“You can wait your turn,” I snap at him putting a new drop of toothpaste on my brush as he continues to whine outside the door. Taking my sweet time, I open the door once Florence has finished his hissy fit. Walking out, he rushes in and I throw my bag in my room, going down to the kitchen.
Walking in, I am greeted by Desdemona, who looks up and tries to talk through a mouthful of cereal spewing it everywhere.
I snort, grabbing a bowl and making myself a bowl of cereal as she tries to mop up the mess she’s made. Sitting down, she has managed to clean up most of the mess.
“Please excuse my table manners of a toddler,” she says as she wipes off the spoon she had dropped. “I was just asking you how you’d slept.”
I look at her, finishing up the bite. “Excellent, the boat doesn’t rock as much as I had expected it to.”
She looks excited to tell me about the reason behind this. “Yeah it has this technology in it, so it rocks with the waves better, minimizing the amount it leans over waves,” she says as I continue eating. She continues talking between bites while I listen, and by the time I’ve finished, she still has half a bowl of now soggy cereal.
“Ah,” She says, looking down at it, I get up to wash my bowl, and she takes that as me leaving. Eager to continue the conversation she shovels the cereal in her mouth, getting up in the middle of it and racing over to wash it as I start drying mine.
We end up going back down to The Dragonet, talking about the ocean and all the things that interest us. Finding my way back to my room as she goes to get tests and blood work done by Dr.Leviathon, I step into my room, and close the curtains, tying Florence's hair tie around it extra tight.
Getting into my pyjama shorts, these being a dark blue with submarines on them, I pull the covers over myself, pulling out my phone noticing the mass of missed texts from Florence. 
“I really need in there.”
“Stop ignoring me you fuck.”
“You’re humming is off-tune.”
“I’m sorry, that was below the belt.”
I snorted, not realizing he had been listening to me hum off-key to Ship in a Bottle. He stopped for a couple of hours but had obviously gotten bored.
“The doctor keeps trying to talk to me about biology and stuff cause I said I majored in it.”
“I’m not talking about work on this vacation.”
“Still ignoring me?”
“That’s cold AF.”
I closed the messaging app, Florence found other ways to entertain himself, obviously unaware of the location of The Dragonet after brushing off Desdemona the other day. Opening up my downloaded music, I quickly fell asleep to the same song that Florence was grieving about me humming.
Brushing my hand through my hair, I realized that I could get away with not showering today. I thought to show Florence the location of The Dragonet, so he would have an area to ‘escape’ Dr.Leviathon. Pulling on a pair of pants and a button-up purple shirt with the Kraken on it, I open the door to be faced with Desdemona in inner turmoil.
I bounced back a step as she turned to me, seeming to make up her mind after I had opened the door. “Do you want to come with me for the blood work?” she asked, looking down at my shirt. “I just thought you’d be bored, sitting around all day.”
I glance over to Florence’s room, her eyes following mine. “I’m not so sure about me being bored, but I’ll come with you,” I turn around to grab my phone off the charger and text Florence about the location of The Dragonet, getting a swift middle finger in response to missing his previous texts.
“I can invite him if you think he would want to come, I just thought he wouldn’t be ecstatic about it,” she said, crossing her arms. “He was complaining an awful lot about biology to me.”
Closing my door, she leads me down to the infirmary. “Yeah, he was doing the same to me,” I turn to follow her into the room, spotting Dr.Leviathon near the back, preparing tubes and needles. A shiver goes down Desdemona’s back.
“Not a fan of needles?” I ask while she sits in the chair.
“Not really, you think I would have gotten used to the by now,” she laughs, sparking Dr.Leviathon’s attention.
“Good morning Ms.Carita, Professor.” She says, pulling an antiseptic wipe out of its package and rubbing it over Desdemona’s left inner elbow.
“Morning Levy,” Desdemona says cheerily, though I can see the blood already starting to drain from her face as she looks at the butterfly needle in Dr.Leviathon’s other hand.
“Good morning to you as well.”
Dr.Leviathon has thrown out the antiseptic wipe and is getting ready to draw Desdemona’s blood, who looks petrified, looking into the corner of the room.
“I’ve been looking into coral reefs lately and how to help them,” I say, trying to distract Desdemona who looks at me. “Florence and I have been developing a new protein that takes to the coral, and protects them, similar to a shield of sorts, protecting them from calcification,” I ramble on, and Dr.Leviathon draws her blood, but Desdemona doesn’t look as scared, instead focusing on asking me an array of questions, quizzing me on what I know. 
Dr.Leviathon cracks a smile, glancing up at Desdemona who is happily talking away. As the tests move on Dr.Leviathon takes all of her vitals, eventually, she brings out another needle, and after disinfecting the elbow area with missing scales, she numbs the area.
This strikes my interest, prompting me to interrupt Desdemona. “What’s going on now?” I ask, aiming my question at Desdemona once the needle is put away.
Desdemona looks at her arm, exclaiming. “Oh, just taking a scale,” she says looking nonchalance about it.
“Doesn’t that hurt though?” Dr.Leviathon looks up after grabbing the tweezers, considering me.
“Not when it’s numbed.”
“I mean after,” I press on, not letting that short of an answer go by.
She sighs, looking at me. Desdemona fills in for her quickly. “It’s fine honestly, I have some numbing cream for it after and I always have pain meds if it gets too bad.”
“Too bad?” I repeat her words back to her in disbelief as Dr.Leviathon gets her tweezers under a scale at the edge of the patch of missing ones.
“Well yeah, I’m used to it anyhow, I’ve been doing this for years now, and they always grow back anyways.” she winces as Dr.Leviathan pulls, which does nothing o sate my nerves. “Don’t you do the same with fish when you’re trying to find what’s wrong with them?” looking at me questioningly.
I give her a look. “If we’re pulling pieces off the fish to find what’s wrong, it’s dead by then and we’re trying to figure out the cause,” I wince as Dr.Leviathan fails to pull the scale out again, blood spurting from the wound, which makes Desdemona look away as it is wiped up.
“Good thing she’s not a fish then, isn’t it?” Dr.Leviathan asks rhetorically as she finally pulls the scale free from Desdemona’s skin, who looks relieved at this, sinking into the chair. The scale is put into a container and slid into a freezer alongside the blood. She turns back to Desdemona, spraying disinfectant on before putting sterile cotton on and wrapping it in a bandage.
She turns back to the table, ignoring the two of us as she begins pulling out materials I’m familiar with to look at what was just taken from Desdemona under a slide. Not eager to stay any longer, I look at Desdemona, smiling. “So you all done here?”
“Yep,” she says, popping the p at the end of it, pushing herself out of the chair.
“Would you like to head down to The Dragonet? Maybe we can catch Florence and drag him down with us,” She grins at the thought of it.
“Hell yeah,” she says with determination, already making her way down to Florence’s room.
She walks at a pace faster than mine, and I can hear her banging at Florence’s door before I have turned the corner. I hear a thump, followed quickly by Florence cursing expletives all the way to the door, ready to raise hell. I take a stance leaning against the wall and try to mimic his bored expression, though I’m not nearly as skilled at it, so a smile begins creeping through my face.
He throws open the door, unimpressed by being disturbed. “What the hell,” he says, drawing out the hell. He looks at me, starting to lean against the doorway before realizing my stance and using his shoulder to bump himself off.
“Going down to the Dragonet,” grabbing his hand in a grip unlike her, she pulls him down the hallway with him sputtering. “And you’re coming with,” she says, sounding pleased with herself.
I close Florence’s door before following behind the two at a leisurely pace, Florence trying to force his hand out of her grip, as she tightens it to keep him from getting away. “The hell I am, Morgan stopping standing there with your dick in your hand and do something,” he screams shrilly, looking back at me as Desdemona takes a sharp turn, causing him to nearly hit the wall, “Watch it,”
I shrug his attitude off, seeing the smile he’s trying to hide.
Finally reaching the Dragonet, Florence has quieted down considerably and as he looks up at the submarine, he whistles lowly. “Shit, how many sugar daddies you need to pay off that?”
Desdemona rips her hand back, disgusted at the thought. Florence chuckles at her red face, before making his way around the room, looking up and admiring the Dragonet. Desdemona rubs her hand off on her shorts, trying to get the ‘grime’ from Florence off, causing me to chuckle. 
Florence sits on the floor, patting it enthusiastically looking at Desdemona with an exaggerated smile. Desdemona sits down next to him, albeit hesitantly rolling her eyes and groaning. Once Florence starts asking questions she’s talking away though. I sit close to them on the floor, struggling to not fall flat on my back as Florence looks at me humour dancing in his eyes while Desdemona has stopped talking, ready to help me should I ask for it.
As I finally sit Florence snickers but lets me off easy as Desdemona jumps back in from where she had ended. As I make my way back to my room I regret my decision to have sat on the floor, cracking my back and feeling pain shoot up the base of my spine.
 Bidding good night to the two, Florence flipping the bird as Desdemona gasps at him in disgust. Closing my door, I can hear Florence’s voice raising. “Des, don’t you dare hit me again,” followed by Desdemona’s quieting snickers and Florence’s door closing.
Though I’m in a good mood I find it difficult to sleep, the nerves about going back down to the fissure coming back full force. I double-check Florence’s hair tie is tight around the curtains, as I listen to movies and music trying to relax. I fall asleep early the next morning, hearing Florence’s alarm go off and him quickly making his way to the washroom.
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colorful-horses · 4 months
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lunchbagmonster · 1 year
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Lol I forgot I never posted this here
Seatbelts, everyone ✨
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some-pers0n · 3 months
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wr0wn · 30 days
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Is it mad to pray for better hallucinations?
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aria-greenhoodie · 6 months
*stumbles out of my drawing app covered in dirt and blood* Heyyyy um. Um. This.
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lillybean730 · 19 days
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RTVS is doing a 3-day fundraiser for various charities and people in Palestine. You can watch at: http://stream.rtvsfundraiser.live/, and find information on how to donate and who to donate to at: http://rtvsfundraiser.live @weirdrtvscomments
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nicomoru · 6 months
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rarijackers I haven't forgotten bout u
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puppyeared · 6 months
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esoteric-chaos · 2 months
Spring Equinox Masterpost- Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Art Credit: Anastasia Catris
The Spring Equinox, also called the Vernal Equinox or Ostara, is usually celebrated between the 21st of March in the Northern Hemisphere (In the Southern Hemisphere around September 20th or 21st)
In 2024, Ostara and the Spring Equinox land in the Northern Hemisphere on Monday, March 19th.
The Spring Equinox celebrates the arrival of spring. Celebrating balance, growth, and new beginnings as Winter has finally ended.
Spring Equinox Correspondances
Light Green
Sunny Yellow
Light Blue
Pastel Pink
Apple Tree
Cherry Blossom
Birch tree
Ash tree
Salad greens
Spring veggies
Fresh berries
Edible flowers
Baby Chicks
Clear Quartz
Flowering or Tree Buds
Spiritual meanings
Cleansing (removal of stagnant energy)
Good fortune
Floral scents (rose, lilac, jasmine, etc)
Herbal scents (rosemary, basil, mint, etc)
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Eostre –  (Anglo-Saxon)
Aphrodite - (Greek)
Gaia - (Celtic)
Gaea - (Greek)
Venus - (Roman)
Athena - (Greek)
Aurora - (Roman)
Eos - (Greek)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Freya - (Norse) 
Persephone - (greek)
Cybele - (Roman)
The Green Man - (Celtic)
Odin – (Norse) 
Osiris – (Egyptian)
Pan – (Greek)
Thoth – (Egyptian)
Adonis – (Greek)
Apollon –  (Greek)
Apollo - (Roman)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I've got you covered.
High energy celebrations and ritual
Deep cleaning of the hearth and home
Nature hikes
Visiting farmers markets
Making preserves
Create a fae garden
Create a seasonal altar
Abundance/Prosperity ritual
New beginnings ritual
Low energy celebrations 
Wear pastels
Create flower crowns
Light a candle with scent correspondence
No spoon celebrations 
Opening a window
Journaling Prompts
Keeping hydrated
Drink floral tea
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not Wiccan-based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
Feel free to post how you celebrate in the comments or reblogs!
Want to see more of my posts? Check out my Wheel of the Year Masterpost or my Main Masterpost.
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zirkkun · 7 months
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... they aren't ready for that responsibility yet.
Ink!Sans by @/comyet PSAU redesign by @zirkkun Error by @loverofpiggies Error redesign / Neon by @tatatale ✨💚 kofi! || comms open! || reblogs appreciated! 💚✨
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thxlxttlxsxrxn · 7 months
Chapter 2 - The Lost City of Atlantis; Curse of the Sea
CH 2. -
I unlock my door and after locking it behind me I very nearly collapse into my couch. I want to lay there for all of eternity and soak up the sun shining through my window, but as I lay there my stomach growls and I push myself up, realizing I hadn’t eaten since yesterday. As much as I want to just collapse into the throw pillow and forget about all of my problems for the night, I’m able to force myself up. I call my favourite local Thai place, and pick up my laptop bag, putting the laptop on my desk for me to use later tonight. After a shower and eating the food I put myself to work, making up a proposal to help the local coral, that has been dying due to tourism.
I find it hard to focus though, and I’m ripping my hair out before noticing it’s late and going to bed. My thoughts keep me awake and eat at me, tossing and turning, trying to let sleep take me, and I’m back at my desk in an hour.
The alarm ringing in my pocket signals the start of the next day and after turning it off, it starts vibrating while I’m getting ready. The caller ID is a random number, though Florence tends to get whatever newest phones are out so I answer it anyways. “Hello?”
“Professor Morgan I-,”
“Ah it’s you, how did you come across my number?”
“It’s on the website, but I have a proposal for you,” I put the phone on speaker, continuing to get ready.
“Really? We just met yesterday,” I snort at my joke, buttoning up my shirt with a lionfish pattern on it. She ignores the joke and goes on.
“Take me to the fissure, I have my equipment, a top-of-the-line submarine that just came out last year, and a doctor on board already, I know you don’t believe it’s there,” she keeps me from cutting her off. “Just take me down there, take a glance around, and if it’s not there, I’ll double your payment, just for the trouble.”
“How much?” I say, pulling blue socks with boats on.
“Twenty million upfront, the other twenty when we get back,” she says, sounding ecstatic I haven’t hung up on her yet. I have to mute my phone, holding my hand to my face. That money could potentially be enough for my project and more, and all it would take is a quick look at the fissure. I groan, knowing I’m about to make the decision of a moron.
I unmute my phone. “Triple it.”
“...What?” she sounds shocked.
“Sixty million upfront, the other half when we get back,” I pull on a shoe. “That’s if we find Atlantis, so it’ll be the sixty and then the hundred and eighty when we get back.”
“You-you’re actually going to do it?” she exclaims.
“I don’t really got anything much better to do,” I pick up my laptop bag and notes with a grunt. “When are you wanting to do this?” I take my phone off of the speaker.
“Next week,” she says sounding elated. “If it’s too soon I can make it for the week after…” She trails off, looking for a reaction.
I sigh. “Best to do it when I don’t have a chance to think about my actions,” I say, pinching my phone between my ear and shoulder while locking the door behind me.
“Fabulous,” still over the moon she continues. “I’ll have my lawyers edit the legalities in your payment, adjust it appropriately and have it over to you by tomorrow.”
“Splendid,” my words not following through to my voice, paperwork has always been a major pain in my ass.
“I’ll just need it back with your signature by July 14th at noon, so my legal team has enough time to glance it over again.”
“Right, but I’m keeping a copy.”
“Of course, well I’ll be seeing you on the 15th then.”
“Alright, see you then,” I hop into my boiling car and start it, turning the AC up as high as it will go, the fans on max power.
“Toodles,” The phone displays that the call is over, enquiring if I want to call back.
I sigh to myself, backing out of the space what have I just gotten myself into? I think to myself as I turn the radio up. As lady luck would have it, I get stuck behind the 8:35 train, just barely missing the cut-off to make it past, and I cursing all the old gods and the new for my misfortune.
Pulling into my parking spot, I notice Florence's absence from taking up half my space, his car missing altogether. I shrug it off, grabbing my bag and double checking the car is locked before walking up the steps to the entrance. Walking through the blast of cold air, I nod and give a tight smile to Cathleen as I pass by her desk. “Good morning.”
She takes a sip of her coffee before grunting. “Mornin'.”
I walk into the laboratory, pull on my coat and open my computer to be greeted with the proposal I was tearing my hair out for yesterday. I consider it for a moment, my mouse over the exit button as I think about calling Desdemona back and cancelling it all, but I’m quite tired of this shoddy equipment and laboratory that’s too small for the large-scale work I used to do.
Closing the window I sigh. “Guess I won’t be needing that,” I say to myself, swivelling in my chair to grab the microscope Florence had neglected to put away, just putting a cover on it and calling it a day.
“Guess you won’t be needing what?”
I gasp, jumping as I swivel around to face Florence a hand over my chest. “Florence, one day you’ll actually kill me,” he says nothing, and makes his way over to his desk, dropping his bag on it as he sits. “Just the proposal for the reef protection and restoration project,” at this he whips his head over.
“What? Why?” I open my mouth to respond before his pale red eyes light with understanding, and I notice how dishevelled he looks, with a messy bun, and eyes sunken with exhaustion. “You actually took her offer?” he scoffs, pulling out a page filled with his illegible writing.
“It’s two-hundred forty million, It could fund my project and allow me to get a head start for opening my own research center,” I say. He doesn’t look at me again but I see his eyes widen in shock so I continue. “She has the more recent sub, known for its maneuverability, so I just take her down there, a quick glance around, and back up.” I grab the microscope and plug it in, getting up to grab the samples of a biological enhancer I’ve been working on for the reefs.
Florence hums in acknowledgement. “Are you sure this is what you want?” he questions glancing over at me.
“No, but I’m-,” I pause trying to find the words, sliding a sample under the lens. “I’m tired of letting this blip in the past control me, it was two decades ago,” he looks up.
Swivelling in his chair, he grabs something from the cabinet behind him. “When are you going?”
“A week.”
“I’ll be there,” he says and as I look over at him he continues. “Just text me the exact time and place.”
“You don’t need to come.”
He snorts. “And miss the discovery of Atlantis?” eyes dancing with humour. “You wish.”
I smile and look into the lens, adjusting the focus. “Stop smiling.”
“I thought we were having a moment,” I say, still smiling as he tears a hole into the paper with his pen and curses harshly. I quickly send a message to Desdemona, informing her of my impromptu plus one and sending her his number.
“I’m still pissed, shut up you old man,” his voice still had a slight upturn. I bite down on my cheek, covering my mouth to try and stop, but the nerves that had been settling in my stomach all day have been crushed by excitement.
“I’m still in my forties you know, only ten years older than you,” I say as I text Desdemona about the plan changes, looking back in and counting the cells to see how many have reproduced. My phone vibrates with a message but I ignore it till I jot down the number of cells compared to yesterday when Florence had been looking at it, a wild improvement by far. 
Glancing at my phone, Desdemona has responded fairly quickly. “ Oh yeah totally! The more the merrier!” followed by a plethora of smiling emoticons.
 I smile down at my phone before putting it back in my pocket, sliding out the sample for the next. This one has begun dying off instead, but nothing seems to break my attitude for the rest of the day, even hitting the train heading home. Behind me I can hear Florence’s phone go off a series of times, hitting the floor witha clatter as he swear under his breath.
Making supper is as enjoyable as can be, listening to a Disney oldie play in the background. I finish up my report, stretch and glance at the clock, displaying a respectable time to go to bed. I get up, yawning, finding myself falling asleep almost the second my head hits the pillow.
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tottallytoby · 4 months
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the classics
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