esoteric-chaos · 2 days
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This makes so much sense
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esoteric-chaos · 8 days
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esoteric-chaos · 19 days
Me giving an offering to an ancient deity at three in the morning
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esoteric-chaos · 24 days
Let’s Talk Money Magic
Money bowls. Green candles. Magical Cashbooks. These things all work but how effective are they really in the brand scheme of things?
Let me let you in on a little secret. They aren’t that effective. Well, they are, but they aren’t, and I’ll tell you why. Have you ever done a spell or a manifestation for money, but your car may have broken down, and your insurance gave you a large sum of money to fix it? You still have your money, but at what cost? Or perhaps you came into a large sum of inheritance out of nowhere due to a family member passing. This is more of an extreme example, of course.
This all ties into mundane and magical. If you don’t have a mundane path for that financial sorcery to fall upon, how else are the spirits/universe going to give you what you desire? They are going to find a way, just might not be in the way you want.
At the end of the day we live in a capitalist society, everyone is one paycheck away from becoming homeless these days. In order for financial magic to work we need multiple lines of income. Either that be a job, investments, a business, etc. That’s just the reality of things. You may receive that occasional sum of money from the government for an unclaimed amount but how often does that actually happen? The answer is not often.
Money and Mindset
I’m order for us to become successful with money we need to change our mindset about money. A lot of us have trauma stemming from generations having to due with finances. Some might call these energetic blockages that stop us from reaching our full potential. Which in a way that is true. It stops us from deciding and reaching our goals.
Through changing our relationship with money and our mindset. We start to notice a shift in our life. Maybe we find our passion that leads us to what we want to do as a career that’s more prosperous. Maybe we go into a business and we have great sales. We look into proper investing techniques and make a big decision and it happens to pay off.
Look at your ancestors relationship with money, your parents, and yourself. This is where you need to dig deep and look at it. Once you change your relationship with money, it flourishes in other aspects of your life. Healing that wound with finances is what’s really going to help you.
Being abundant is not about getting a check here and there. It's about enchanting your life.
Money Magic and Disabilities
In a world where we need to constantly learn, adapt and change we need to look at ways for us to make money in order for us to be financially abundant. However we run into situations like being disabled and not being able to work a career, relying on the government. Not everyone will be so lucky to even be able perform successful constant money workings.
Pushing this financial magic can be harmful, especially to those who are disabled and can’t work. So what can we do in the meantime? Here is my post on what we CAN do in the meantime.
For those who are able-bodied, the reality is that in this day and age, you will have to monetize your craft and seek higher education if you are to be financially abundant. Here is a link to a post on different avenues to do just that to build upon skills.
Also, bad grades? No problem. Check out your local community colleges; they sometimes offer free course upgrades.
The Mundane Before Magic
The spirits cannot grant you wealth without a direct avenue for it to deliver itself.
For example, you want a job but are not searching for one. If we look at probability here, there is a very low chance you'll be getting that job without actively looking. Magic can only give you so much before you have to start putting work into it.
Now, if we consider you wanting to get a raise at your job, you've put in the mundane work, lined up all of your avenues, and finally done the magical to set it all up. Your chances of getting that raise are much higher.
Now, the more avenues of income you have, a business, a job and investments, AND you did prosperity workings on top of that. That's where you'll get the real results. However, let's be honest, who has the time for all of that? It is true, though, that the more avenues of income you have, the easier time prosperity magic will come to you.
How to use Money Magic
Now let’s go into how to really work with financial magic. I talked a bit about this in this post.
Prosperity altars are so important, in my opinion, if you want to start building wealth in a magical sense. What not a better way to build wealth than by working with the spirit of money itself?
Here are some basic item suggestions to get started. You're going to want to keep within the gold and green colour scheme, which symbolise wealth and prosperity.
Altar cloth
Corresponding prosperity crystals
Corresponding herbs
Money tree
Prosperity incense
A money bowl, Jupiter cashbox, manifestation mirror box, etc
(Realistic) Petitions
Alcohol offerings (Rum or Whiskey)
Want to change your mindset when it comes to money?
In Jason Miller's Book Financial Sorcery, a ritual called Moving Your Setpoint helps you transform your past mindsets into your desired mindset. I have not personally tried this ritual, but I've heard success from those who have.
Alternatively, you could try a dedication/values ritual where you dedicate yourself to the best version of yourself or even a phoenix ritual of transformation.
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esoteric-chaos · 24 days
Disability-Friendly Prosperity Magic
So let's face it, those who are disabled have a hard time with money in general, either from being unable to work or not having a steady, strong source of income. Sometimes we can monetize our hobbies, admittedly at a limited capacity (some less or more than others).
From our relationship with money, money mindsets, and income streams, it's hard. That's not to shame anyone, either. Some overspend to cope, while others are incredibly frugal.
In this post, I will review some resources, tips, and tricks for the struggling disabled witch.
The Mundane Before Magical
Step one is to make a budget and track your expenses. I'm serious. Sit down, look at where your money is going, and decide on a budget that you can realistically stick to. I use the 50/30/20 rule as a budget, which is 50% Needs, 30% Wants, and 20% Savings. However, I recently switched wants and savings around so I can save for a trip.
Now I do not want you to worry about a big fancy budget method. I don't want you to overthink it. Here is a resource (Canada, but it can be used in the USA) to start one. Focus on your needs like housing, utilities, basic clothing, food, etc. Then go into wants and entertainment, and finally, savings. I suggest you put any debt payoff into the needs category if you have any debt. You do not want a blow to your credit report.
Now do you have any financial goals? Going back to school? Debt payoff? A trip? Even a big medical trip coming up? Here is a resource (Canada, but it can be used in the USA) that can help you create a goal and a plan to pay this off.
Savings, please, your SAVINGS. It is vital to have an emergency fund. Job loss? Death? Vet bills? Children? Dentist? You better believe that piles up. It is recommended if you are single to have at least 3 months of income saved up, with a child and single at least 6 months. Married on two incomes, the same amount. Married with one income, it is recommended without children at least 6 months saved up and with children 9 months. It is vital you have the means to take care of yourself if an emergency strikes. It is never recommended that money be stopped from being put into these accounts.
If you are in debt, look at your debt relief options. Sometimes there are services out there that can advocate for you regarding debt. They will help you develop a plan, understand the relief options, sign documents with you, and develop a credit rebuilding program. These services are out there; even if they are paid, they can help you pay off some of your debt, especially credit card debt.
Educate yourself on investing, basic investing, and financial literacy, in stock markets and everything beyond. Know what kind of accounts you can hold and what could help you in your situation.
Need help applying for disability? Here's a resource for the USA (a lot can also be used for Canada).
The Magical
Upkeep a prosperity altar. Work with the spirit of money like you would any other spirit. Honour it, talk to it, venerate it. Money loves to be valued, moved, not wasted, and used in charity. Most importantly, money takes time. Money takes time to grow and build a relationship with.
This is the most important thing I've learned about money. It wants to be worked with. It's sitting there. It wants to help and aid you in ways that you need.
Work with this altar on Thursdays, incorporating the spirit of Jupiter. Jupiter rules over finances. Long steady finances, not quick finances. Jupiter rules over business, legal and all things finances. Jupiter is a slower-moving planet.
You can also incorporate the spirit of Mercury on Wednesdays along with your Jupiter workings. Mercury is a fast-moving planet, a planet for fast-moving money. However, you must build a long, steady form of finances over quick, easy cash (but sometimes you do need it right now).
You can create a money bowl and work with it on this altar, a Jupiter cashbox (I will make a future post on this), or a manifestation mirror box filled with petitions, sigils and your investment/banking information.
Fill your altar with greens and gold, imagery for wealth and abundance, pocket change, and anything else that symbolizes wealth.
Do not forget to leave offerings for your money altar. A simple glass of water can do but try to do more if you can.
Road opener workings or petition with an offering for the cross-road spirits who can unblock blockages in your way.
Final Take Away
I know this might not help everyone, but I sincerely hope this helps somebody. Financial literacy was not taught to everyone, nor were proper budgeting tips. I wanted to share what I've learned over the years as I believe it is vital information for some of the information I have collected.
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esoteric-chaos · 24 days
Oh, you think you're safe now?
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Nothing can deliver you from these paws!
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esoteric-chaos · 25 days
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Shirley Jackson, We Have Always Lived in the Castle Vincent van Gogh, Garden at Arles (1888)
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esoteric-chaos · 25 days
Raffle: Braided Crabapple Stave (OPEN)
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This raffle is for a unique Stave of braided, thorny wood that harvested from a 120+ year old Crabapple tree. It measures approximately 34 inches/86 centimeters in length and 1.5 inches/4 centimeters wide at its thickest point.
After initially acquiring the rare specimen in question, I went about curing the wood, smoothing the ends, and cleaning up some ragged branch stumps. While I usually debark pieces of this sort before working on them, the particular helical structure and profusion of thorns made me worried about being able to strip and sand the piece without damaging it. As such, I instead gave it a thin coat of handmade Dragon's Blood varnish to help stabilize and prime the wood, and then went about staining the entire piece using a polymerized oil pigment I make from Hearth Soot (Creosote) harvested from the interior of our Wood Stove. I applied layer after layer of the pigment until the bark was thoroughly coated and preserved, then used a cloth and my homemade Wisefool’s Oil (a ritually crafted oil of empowerment that also serves as a wonderful wood conditioner) to polish away the excess, before sealing the piece with my personally developed Wisefool's Glaze (a ritually empowered wood varnish made from an array of potent arboreal resins.) Finally, I gave the stave one last protective coating of polyurethane and suffumigated it with a smoke of Apple Blossoms and Dragon's Blood in a simple rite of hallowing.
While the retail price for this item is $200, I am taking the risk of setting up this raffle, in hopes that it might aid me in raising enough money to help us ease the cost of emergency surgery my dog required recently.
Tickets are $5 a piece, each assigned a number, and you can purchase up to three of them. To purchase a ticket, simply use the link below and follow the provided instructions. You will be asked to make an account and fill in your payment details, which will allow the raffle to email you your entry information, as well as automatically notifying the winner when the time comes. Participants are more than welcome to deactivate their accounts following the raffle. A random number generator will be used after ten days' time in order to determine which ticket number is the winner.
Thank you, truly and sincerely, to anyone and everyone who takes part! Please feel free to let me know if you come up against any issues! And as an aside—even if you don't end up entering the raffle, I'm sure that sharing it would still be helpful. :~)
Raffle Link: ☆
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esoteric-chaos · 28 days
i genuinely hope that boop day inspires everyone to interact more with other tumblr users. because it’s clearly way more fun this way!! even once the boop button is gone, there’s still asks, tag and ask games, comments, dms, fuck it let’s bring back blog rates i don’t care. part of the reason that tumblr is dying is that its way less social than it used to be. let’s fix that!!
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esoteric-chaos · 29 days
Reblog if its ok to spam you with boops
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esoteric-chaos · 29 days
I don't recommend doing shadow work on your own, especially for trauma healing, without a licensed professional who's familiar with Carl Jung's methods. It can bring up many things you may not be ready for or equipped to handle on your own. I can speak from experience on this, unfortunately.
Please, if you’re going to do any sort of trauma work or deep introspective work, work with a licensed professional. Journaling and some light journal prompts are fine. Introspection is very healthy and can absolutely aid your practice and overall health.
However, with how much repressed trauma some people have, this wave of importance to “do your shadow work” really concerns me.
Think critically if you’re ready for something like that. It can bring up some heavy things and memories you aren’t prepared for, which could be disastrous for your health, depending on your background.
Memory repression in trauma is extremely common, and you will not always remember your trauma to the fullest extent. It will crawl up and be very hard to stop. I don’t mean to scare anyone with this, but that’s just what can happen in trauma therapy sometimes. It’s meant to drag up those things to work through them. Stay safe.
shadow work isn't witchcraft. "shadow worker" isn't a real witchcraft title, because -- again -- shadow work isn't witchcraft, or folk craft, or related to the occult literally at all. it was co-opted into witchcraft recently. it's a facet of psychology/psycho-analysis invented by Carl Jung to help people going through trauma therapy. since it's not witchcraft: you don't have to do it, you shouldn't put up with being shamed for not doing it, and you should definitely be seeing a therapist -- who has experience with it -- when you attempt it, because it can dredge up some really nasty shit if you're not ready or equipped to handle the fall-out. AND you should start mentioning this and talking about this in every witchcraft/occult space. get people talking about it and researching its history. because lord above if i have one more person talk about shadow work like they're doing something more ethereal or mystical than journaling i'm going to lose my shit. and there are a lot of witchcraft spaces i don't want to get booted from.
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esoteric-chaos · 1 month
just wanted to post about the books unbanned initiative — it allows teens/college students to get library cards in the following cities:
brooklyn public library (ages 13-21) — email [email protected] to get your free card
seattle public library (ages 13-26) — sign up here
boston public library (ages 13-26) — sign up here
la county library (ages 13-18; california only) — sign up here
san diego public library (ages 12 -26) — sign up here
brooklyn public library, seattle public library, boston public library and la county library all use libby, whereas the san diego public library uses cloud library.
there's also the queer liberation library, which is a free digital library you can sign up for here. anyone with a US mailing address can apply for this one, and there's no age limit!
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esoteric-chaos · 1 month
“source?” divine intuition, gut instinct, and cryptic symbolism from my dreams
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esoteric-chaos · 1 month
Been working on my local nature correspondences. Like Ferns for instance here on my end of the west coast are so abundant. You wanna know what they are good for? You got it. Abundance. There’s so much of it. That’s not just my UPG either. After I sat with them for awhile to see what they spoke to me saying they like to work on I looked into them a bit further and I was correct!
I’ve also seen some folklore speaking of it as protective which is really interesting. I’ll be making a correspondence and deep dive post on this lovely plant soon! I’ll be bringing with me stories and some rich history from around the globe.
From magical to medical properties. Ferns are lovely to work with. However please be careful as not all species of Ferns are edible or can be used medicinally. Just like everything else use caution and research appropriately.
Please also be careful as some spores can be dangerous to humans and pets with compromised immune systems. ALWAYS do your research
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esoteric-chaos · 1 month
Help Coin Get Top Surgery!
If you'd like to hear my story, read the post. If you'd like to go ahead and donate, click the link below:
Check out my kofi link to donate to my fund! 
Who am I?
My name is Coin and I'm a trans man looking to get top surgery--shocking, right? A bit more about me, I have two cats and 15 plants and I love writing and creating.
Why am I setting this goal?
Earlier this year I had to get off of testosterone due to medical issues and since then my chest has gotten bigger and I can no longer adequately hide it any more with tape or a binder. I've tried saving on my own but I am a college student who has been paying his own bills since I was 17. Of these bills, I have too many current and past bills to pay to afford saving much of anything towards my goal.
That said I have asked everyone in my life to put money towards this goal instead of giving me birthday/holiday gifts and extra money (from gigs or freelance) is being put into this.
However, my goal is to have top surgery by April 2025 so that I can enjoy summer with a huge weight--or weights--off my chest!
Why $5,000?
I'm asking for $5,000 because my insurance won't cover any of my surgery and I will also be out of work for two or so weeks after the surgery, more if I am unable to work from home. This would leave me with a gap in paychecks enough that I would need that buffer of money to make sure I don't go totally broke.
Truly, anything helps. If you can't donate, please consider sharing as I would really appreciate it.
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esoteric-chaos · 1 month
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Just a fairly frog, doing fairy frog things
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esoteric-chaos · 1 month
🌻 Magic, Spirituality & Religious Ask Game 🌻
I was inspired by @little-ginger-witch witchy ask game and wanted to make an ask game that was a little more inclusive to those who don't necessarily identify as a witch. No hate to the person who made that ask game! This is all for fun.
What kind of practitioner do you identify as?
Do you have any daily practices? What are they?
What's your favorite type of magic to use (knot magic, candle magic, pop culture magic, etc)?
Do you use any tools in your practice? Which one is your favorite?
What types of magic are you not willing to do?
Do you have a moral code that guides you in your craft?
How do you feel about "problematic" workings (baneful workings, love workings, health workings, doing workings on others without consent, etc)?
Do you use divination at all? Why or why not?
What's your favorite divination tool?
What's your least favorite divination tool?
What's a method of divination you'd like to try?
What are your favorite types of divination readings?
What types of divination readings are you willing to do, but don't really enjoy?
What types of divination readings do you refuse to do?
Do you identify with any religions?
Do you celebrate any holidays? Which ones?
Do you venerate or work with any deities?
Do you venerate or work with any entities or spirits?
What kind of offerings or acts of devotion do you give those deities, entities or spirits?
What's your unpopular opinion regarding magic, spirituality or religion?
Who are some of your favorite practitioners on Tumblr? Tag them.
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