#lucius malfoy and severus snape friendship
severussnapemylove · 4 months
(Sometime at Hogwarts in the 1970s)
Lucius; "At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone."
Severus; "Oh, I'm sorry, I should ask: dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?"
Lucius; "Somehow that's worse."
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depressed-sugar-baby · 10 months
*The squad is over at Narcissa's house*
Lucius: Ohhhh, we each get our own oven?
Narcissa: ... N-No...
Narcissa, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have???
Lucius, motioning to her kitchen: Three, I thought!
Bellatrix: I see a-
Narcissa, motioning to one device: This is a microwave.
Lucius: Oh, well I-
Narcissa: Hey wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave*
Narcissa, amazed: Its got a bake setting!
Regulus: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
Severus: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first?
Narcissa: Now I've just discovered I have more ovens than I thought, we don't have to roshambo nothin!
Narcissa: I am a woman who owns four ovens...
Narcissa, louder and way too happy: I am a woman... who owns FOUR OVENS...
Narcissa: I didn't know I was so rich with ovens...
Lily, pointing to another appliance: Also the toaster oven!
Lucius: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- Five ovens!
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Slytherin gang be like
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yan-senna · 8 months
Fic authors self-rec! When you get this, could you reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass them on to at least five other writers? Let’s spread self-love 💗
Hi! Ugh, this ask is from August, so sorry for the late reply😭
Favourite fics by me:
1. The Keeper of the Diamond (SS, LM) (it was my first fic and will always be special to me🥹)
2. Friendship with the Potions Master (SS) (this is also special to me - plus I used a lot of time on this🫢)
3. Capture Bonding (SS, LM) (this one has a lot of facs about me, example that I can’t swim and that I don’t know my father🙃)
4. The Long Lost Princess (SS) (this one was really fun to write👸)
5. I can’t choose between Best Christmas Ever (SS) and Redemption (LM)🥲
Tagging people: @iobsessoverfictionalmen ϟ @sevsnapes ϟ @zennywrites ϟ @giosnape ϟ @smilingformoney
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
What so many people fail to realise about Snape is that he wasn’t just ostracised by other Hogwarts houses and professors because he was a Slytherin, but he also wasn’t welcomed by Slytherins either. He was a poor half-blood with a Muggle name with a muggleborn friend who clearly wasn’t taken care of well—that’s practically the polar opposite of most Slytherins. The only Slytherin we see give him the time of day is Lucius Malfoy, and even then, that scene where he welcomed 11 year old Snape into Slytherin displayed some grooming implications. Additionally, Avery and Mulciber were mentioned by Lily, but from what we’ve heard, they seem like jerks and there was no mention of genuine friendship. It’s also important to note that during Snape’s Worst Memory, no Slytherin or any student at all (aside from Lily) stepped in to defend Snape when he was being attacked.
So not only was Severus Snape not welcomed by the rest of Hogwarts because he was a Slytherin, but he wasn’t accepted by the Slytherin House either. He was an outcast, in a house full of outcasts.
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sorendeimos · 2 months
What an angry, disposable man… Nothing but a pawn … born to be damned.
How I perceive Severus Snape
Notes: Go into this understanding that to Me, Severus is deeply flawed and broke and trauma filled. There are parts of him I see as soft and squishy, covered by hate to keep Them from bruising. If you don’t like that, do not read this. Otherwise, enjoy.
TW: Mentions of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sex, physical and emotional abuse, poor mental health, death, manipulation Please do not read if you cannot handle these topics.
Severus T̶o̶b̶i̶a̶s̶ Snape—01/09/1960 INFJ 5w6 Slytherin he/she/they gender apathetic
𖤐 Anxious 𖤐 Quiet, yet explosive when angry 𖤐 Calculating 𖤐 Jumpy 𖤐 Constantly self-destructing 𖤐 Studious 𖤐 Woefully inept at being social
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𖤐 Has neatly manicured hands and wears gloves to protect them. 𖤐 Carries with him a book, a notebook, and a pen at all times. 𖤐 Gets stomach ulcers from stress and poor self care. 𖤐 Takes up smoking as an adult after The Attack 𖤐 Has terrible coping mechanisms, ranging from excessive hours of brewing in the dark to binges of alcohol, drugs, and sex. 𖤐 Developed his harsh personality because of his father hating the sound of his laughter as a kid.
𖤐 Tobias Snape — Father 𖤐 Eileen Prince — Mother 𖤐 Paternal Grandparents — unknown 𖤐 Maternal Grandparents — unknown
𖤐 A Moment in Time 𖤐
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𖤐 Lily Evans — childhood best friend 𖤐 Remus Lupin — study partner/friend 𖤐 Charity Burbage — close friend 𖤐 Narcissa Malfoy née Black — close friend 𖤐 Lucius Malfoy — close friend 𖤐 Regulus Black — friend
𖤐 The Malfoys
After Hogwarts, they were all close, close enough for the Malfoys to open their marriage for Severus. Not because they lusted for him, but because he needed them and it kept his destruction contained.
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𖤐 remus lupin
With Remus, Severus could exist as a whole person. There were no games or masks, as the wolf would sniff them out. Remus was and is a calming presence in his life that got him to open up, process, and relax.
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𖤐 Regulus Black
Regulus was Severus’s first kiss. They did not date, per se but they did a number of things together. Severus was regulus’s only and it still hurts Severus to his core to recall this. He tries not to.
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𖤐 a moment of weakness 𖤐
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𖤐 Severus suffers from night terrors, horrid dreams that teeter between reality and fantasy. As a result, he is jumpy, often exhausted, and irritable. 𖤐 The night terrors stem from the day his Father became a monster 𖤐 The day severus showed his first sign of magic, Tobias lost it. He flew into a fear based rage, throwing Severus into his room, and Eileen was left to explain everything. 𖤐 Tobias began to drink and hit soon after 𖤐 Severus went to hogwarts, eager to learn magic to defend himself and his mother, but became a target here as well. 𖤐 The marauders, mainly James and Sirius, tormented severus throughout Their years together. 𖤐 He became a bitter and angry boy as a result. he only found solace in his friendships with lily and eventually remus, potions, and dark magic research. 𖤐 His interests gained him friends in the malfoys and other supporters. The prank shattered his friendship with remus and followed by the assault shattering the one with lily. 𖤐 After graduation, Severus threw himself into his mastery and coped with the rage inside him via the Malfoys.
𖤐 forgiveness 𖤐
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End of part one
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sneverussape · 2 months
I just wanted to ask you about Snape and Lily's friendship in the Severus is a Malfoy Au you've done? Would he ever tell Eileen and/or the Malfoys? Would they tolerate her being a muggleborn because she's friends of Severus?
Could we also get a small bonus of if Lucius did find out please?? 🙏😊
ooh thank you for the ask :)
dk how long it will be so answer is below the cut.
tbh i haven’t thought it out that far because i like it being open-ended, especially knowing how these characters react to certain things in canon. the malfoys are pureblood and notoriously bigoted, but in this au abraxas himself has adopted a half-muggle son. does that mean he’s accepting of it now, or has he just conveniently forgotten that fact about severus? will lily befriending his son awaken that prejudice or will he be more tolerant? my instinct tells me that abraxas and lucius will find out because severus tells them, since their relationship is pretty open and trusting, but they won’t necessarily warm up to the idea right away and that’s when severus will start questioning his adoptive father’s and brother’s worldview because he wants to stay friends with lily. i don’t see the malfoys as Bad bad here, they’re just very traditional and are stuck in their ways (or so they think). i feel like it’ll be severus that’ll turn their views around.
eileen i think would also be pretty conservative about the idea but thats because she’s been there and done that and she doesn’t want severus to go through the same disowning issues she went through when she married tobias. she probably warns severus to not take the friendship any further but yknow our boy never listens. XD
lucius i think would initially be against it and he’ll be quite direct to severus about his feelings about it being “not the way we do things”blabla and only gets frustrated when severus demands WHY. it just IS and he’d better not test father any further than he has or he’s going to get lashes and lucius isn’t going to save him if he does. i imagine lucius is actually a good big brother and he really tries to save severus from any trouble with their father but sev isn’t the type to let anyone tell him what to do. lily is fascinating to him and maybe (read: definitely) sometimes he steals a portkey from father to get to spinners end to watch her play and when he feels brave enough, he’ll approach. lucius probably catches him at some point and ends up going to spinners end with him where he has a difficult and unforgettable encounter with petunia. :))
it gets more complicated when you consider when voldemort steps into the picture because where will the prince-malfoys stand, with abraxas’ halfling son and disgraced wife? would they even be accepted in the circle? what more when severus’ friendship with a muggleborn is found out?
the fun thing about this au is putting severus into the malfoys has the potential to shift their power dynamic. consequently, how will they react to them losing social capital? the malfoys love power but do they love it more than they do eileen and severus? will they be able to balance it out? all questions i don’t have answers to at this point in time hehe.
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quillinhand · 8 months
favourite snape hcs go 🎤
this is gonna take a while cuz I've been waiting for someone to ask this question for so long- so sorry for answering this post after a while lol
ok so.
he hates coffee, but marking and juggling all his work means it's often the only thing keeping him awake, and my man, he likes to take his coffee with enough cream and sugar to kill a small child. for energy, of course.
he likes to sleep. will commit murder if someone disturbs him.
actually likes marking. something about shitting on teenagers calm him down.
sometimes, he'll take out his old essays and go thru them with red ink. no teenager is as fun to shit on as yourself. except perhaps potter.
pan ace. am not accepting arguments
had sex for the first in the early days after graduation and initiation into the death eaters. hated it. very much.
loves physical touch and so, naturally, will make it impossible for anyone to touch him
has the weirdest possible relationship with Lucius malfoy but like, we don't talk about that.
(They are as close as you get to fucking/killing each other without actually fucking/killing each other. Knows each others darkest secrets but still would kill the other to keep themselves alive sort of close)
has a similar relationship with voldy shorts except, with our resident evil it's like, not consensual? Sort of? idk . My man's into tall dark and creepy ok? except in Lucius's case it's tall blonde and rich/ridiculous but. we don't talk about that.
Severus fucking Snape didnt become friends with Lily fucking Evans cuz she was pretty. nope. Twas cuz ma girl was powerful as heck(like him) and, more importantly, a bitch(like him). You are kidding yourself if ya think their friendship was anything other than that.
his relationship with his parents is a toxic one in that there IS some level of care there, but Tobias is too much of a depressed 30 something man to be a good father and Eileen was too much of a proud hag to be a good mother, and Severus was too much like them to be able to deal with their shit.
a huge part of why he used the mental arts so much was cuz he couldn't handle his emotions easily for the longest time, and would burst at the smallest thing. this was the trait that made him such a good target for bullying. the one trait he could never quite get rid of- just hide, under steel walls and scars that opened far too easily.
after lily died, he occluded to the point of magical exhaustion and ended up collapsing. wrecked his body to the point of him not being able to move for months. this was one of the first, and only things he learned to be kind to himself for, and relaxed with his occlumency shields as much as he could. and then voldy returned, and. well.
he is the Slytherin house's hero. not that he understands why. something about the whole, evil, dark, vampire aesthetic was very appealing ya see.
my man wears heels to look taller. not accepting arguments
his whole outfit was carefully planned. 20s Snape had FUN, I tell you. My man spent YEARS cultivating his whole vibe, from the expressions, to the poetry, to the ROBES- perfection, perfection. have you any idea how much he argued with tailors that, no, he actually didn't give a fuck if the robe he wanted was too tight for pockets. what the actual FUCK do you mean.
the buttons have so much history
his eye colour is actually just. gray, but like my man likes the whole vibe of ✨ obsidian ✨ more so. makes sure to stay around dimly lit areas for maximum effect.
he did actually go to school before hogwarts, but like he couldn't control his magic, so my man would bust the lights and flood the bathrooms and make the chairs hit the teachers he didn't like. The AMOUNT of confounding Eileen had to do to distract the town from their magic- worthy of a book series on its own.
I'm ending cuz this is already so longgg. sorry for answering lateee. ilyy 💜💜💜
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rosie-love98 · 3 months
About Severus's Friendship With The Malfoys...:
Would Snape still be friends with them had he lived after the Second Wizarding War? I'm trying to do a fic series where Snape is (magically) brought back to life and reunites with Constance Hardbroom (of the 1998 "Worst Witch") and their long-lost son, Nick Hobbes (of "Weirdsister College") in 2006. Snape and Hardbroom would remarry and have a daughter, Morrigan, in 2009.
With this in mind, how would Constance and Nick view the Malfoys. Constance does think highly of the rich, judging by the Hallows. Yet, it's doubtful that she wouldn't be very thrilled with Lucius or Narcissa (ESPECIALLY when hearing about Cedric Diggory and Charity Burbage). Though I'm not sure how she'd feel about Draco, Astoria and Scorpius. So it's uncertain on whether of not Constance would let Nick or Morrigan anywhere near such a family. No matter how much Severus would try to defend them. Not to mention, Constance would've probably put some blame on Lucius for Severus getting in with the Death-Eaters in the first place.
What also wouldn't help was that, (in my fics), the Rowling Wizards and the Murphy Wizards are of different magical "breeds". The Rowling Wizards are known as the eccentric, powerful and progressive "Imperiums" (or "Barmies") while the Murphy Wizards are the traditional, limited, Muggle-like "Ex-Codices" (or "Killjoys" or even "Faux-blood"). If anything Lucius (and maybe Narcissa) wouldn't think to highly of the "Faux-blood" Constance. The Malfoys would even look down on the wealthy Hallows for it too.
Then there's Nick; knowing him, I doubt he'd be so anamored (if that's the right word) with any of the Malfoys. He didn't even care much for the rich girl, Ethel Hallow. Not even asking her if she can use her wealth/connections to help with his endeavors. With Draco being Ethel's male counterpart, Nick would be annoyed with him, if not more. Then again, since this is post-"Deathly Hallows", Draco would've mellowed out a bit (especially with Astoria and their son). So, maybe Nick would, at least try to get along with Draco and maybe Narcissa. As for Lucius, I can't help but see Nick punch him after an insult too far about Constance, his Ex-Codice upbringing or his friends. Either way, Arthur Weasley would be proud.
Still, what are your thoughts? Would Severus still try to reconcile with the Malfoys? Would Constance and/or Nick stop him? Or would Severus only stay in touch with Draco and Astoria? Would there still be some emotional distance?
@m1lfinghot @nonbinarypals01 @darlenicy @snapeaddict @sevvysn4pe @snonions-and-cream @redroses694
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Draco Malfoy
No Good Deed one shot
Summary: Inspired by the song "No Good Deed" from the musical Wicked.
George Weasley
George messing up a prank because he thinks you like Fred imagine
Sirius Black
Sirius finds out his and your son is not in fact a death eater, but rather is actually a spy for the Order drabble
Special: Remus Lupin x Muggleborn!Werewolf!OC, Sirius Black x Malfoy Sister!OC
Where Secrets Abound series
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Summary: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew are instant friends when they meet on the train to Hogwarts. One is the leader, one is a follower, one is out to spite his family, and one carries a terrible secret. What will happen when they encounter Lily Evans and her friends? James immediately hates Severus Snape, but Sirius isn’t sure what to think about Lucius Malfoy’s younger sister, Lyra - the Pureblood girl who would rather die than be put in Slytherin House. Could she be a friend or will she turn out just like her brother? Remus finds an unlikely companion in Lovetta Rawly, a Muggleborn witch who has the carries the same burden as he, but how long can they hide their condition from their friends?As these kids journey through their years at Hogwarts, loyalties are tested, and secrets are revealed. Will their friendship be enough to see them through?
Series Warnings: Angst, Pureblood Ideologies, Abusive Parents, Arranged Marriages, Major Character Death, Implied/Mentioned Torture
Read on Ao3
Read on Quotev
Sequel: Time Will Tell series
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Summary: Continuing the events of Where Secrets Abound, the children of the Marauders navigate the return of the Dark Lord and the Second Wizarding War. The secrets of the past come back to haunt some, while others are relieved by the truth. Ophelia Lupin and Elara Black grew up as sisters, but what happens when the sorting splits them apart?
Everyone knows Harry Potter’s name, but almost no one knows about his twin sister, Jessa. Will she drown in anonymity?
Only one man holds answers to the whereabouts of Lyra’s son - he’s the only one who knows she even had a son, but will he ever reveal that secret?
Series Warnings: Angst, Pureblood Ideologies, Major Character Death, Implied/Mentioned Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, Slight Divergence from Canon Events
Read on Ao3
Read on Quotev
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depressed-sugar-baby · 10 months
Lucius, about a fight between Bellatrix and Severus: It scares me how many knives were involved.
Lily: There… weren’t any knives involved though?
Lucius: That’s what scares me.
Narcissa, about a fight between Lily and Severus: It scares me how many knives were involved.
Regulus: There… weren’t any knives involved though?
Narcissa: That’s what scares me.
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Severus and Lucius looking at Arthur Weasley :
Lucius : I hate this blood traitror
Severus : " hate" is a strong word
Lucius : I have a strong opinion
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yan-senna · 2 years
“Their Soulmate” (Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy) will be up on 8/22/2022 instead while “Daughter’s Boyfriend” (FWTPM) will be up on 8/23/2022! Sorry for all the delays lately, it’s not going so good for me🥲
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dhr-ao3 · 10 days
Si vis pacem para bellum
Si vis pacem, para bellum https://ift.tt/7oxp63L by MissCera War demands sacrifice, and Hermione Granger is no stranger to it. But the sacrifice she's about to make, a secret so dark and profound, could shatter her world. It remains concealed from her friends and peers, a revelation that could upend everything they know. As the battle concludes and the dust settles, she's faced with a decision of monumental importance that could strip her of everything she's fought for. Draco Malfoy was unprepared for the aftermath of witnessing the great Albus Dumbledore's fall from the top of the Astronomy Tower. The task was completed, but now he could only hope that the Dark Lord would overlook the fact that he wasn’t the one who sent the killing curse, ending his Headmaster’s life. He expected severe repercussions for his failure, but none came. Instead, he discovers that not everything is as it seems. In the epic battle of Light against Dark, the Order versus Death Eaters, the ticking clock of time becomes a nerve-wracking adversary. Only time will tell how the pieces will fall and who will ultimately stand victorious. Words: 5675, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Death Eater Characters, Order of the Phoenix, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson, Luna Lovegood/Blaise Zabini Additional Tags: Dark Hermione Granger, Half-Blood Hermione Granger, Dark Draco Malfoy, Supportive Narcissa Black Malfoy, Supportive Lucius Malfoy, Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, Ron Weasley Bashing, Death Eater Draco Malfoy, Death Eater Hermione Granger via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/DG7aSwB May 25, 2024 at 05:09PM
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sideprince · 19 days
There is limited evidence of Severus Snape's character and social interactions beyond Harry's perspective, so I will share my own thoughts from the books and eagerly await your opinions.
I've noticed that in most fanons and fanfiction, Severus Snape is depicted as a solitary, isolated, melancholic individual with unkempt clothes and hair, who only bathes monthly and holds animosity towards others.  I personally believe it goes against Snape's established storyline. ( I am sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes because English is not my first language.)
I agree that book, Snape is depressed and bitter and not as appealing as someone like Tom Riddle. He shows signs of depression and regrets his past actions, but I don't believe that makes him too pitiful and detestable. I also don't think he's so destitute and inconsequential that he can't form connections with anyone other than Lily and Dumbledore, causing everyone to despise him. I believe Snape's portrayal in the movie contributed to this perception, as he appears quiet, old, and distant. However, the book depicts a more assertive and self-assured version of him.
For example: His connection with Lucius Malfoy is not that of a master and servant; perhaps he used to be a follower of the Malfoys, but now their dynamic appears to be one of friendship and equality. It is clear that Lucius Malfoy shows respect and appreciation towards Snape and Narcissa trusts him. People like the Malfoys pay close attention to the appearance, clothes, and poverty of others. However, for them, Snape is not an ugly and dirty man lacking social etiquette and friendships. The Malfoys see him as a respectable ally and colleague, not a poor and helpless half-blood in need of assistance. Umbridge's behavior reveals Lucius Malfoy's admiration for Snape as he praises him in front of others and holds him in high regard.
Observing Draco's interactions with Snape in the early books, it is evident that Draco admires and idolizes his teacher, while he has been taught to scorn and ridicule anyone beneath his family's social standing. It is evident that as a grown-up, Snape met the standards of wealthy families and pure blood, leading Draco to believe that Snape possesses the traits of Slytherins and pure bloods. Consequently, Draco considers Snape a better fit for the headmaster role than Dumbledore, knowing that his father shares the same sentiment.
Bellatrix is shocked to come across Snape's residence in the sixth book; she finds it hard to believe that someone like Snape would reside in such a house. If Snape had always stayed poor, dirty, and disheveled, as Harry and Fanon claim, Bellatrix wouldn't be surprised. Furthermore, throughout all the instances where Bellatrix verbally attacks Snape, she never brings up his status as a half-blood or his lack of wealth. In the continuation of the sixth book, Snape appears very calm and exhibits self assurance. He displays his typical sarcasm, but he manages the situation effectively. He is no longer a depressed, isolated, greasy man At this particular moment, he has high emotional intelligence, exhibits strong self assurance. He greets his visitors, serves them wine, shows compassion towards a weeping mother, attempts to soothe her, engages in a verbal confrontation with Bellatrix, and ultimately executes his espionage duties effectively, leaving both women impressed. He has a significant position among the noble and pure Death Eaters. Some Death Eaters are amazed by his strength and grandeur and fearful (Grayback) and doubting that he resides in the humble home of a Muggle (Bellatrix). He is the Dark Lord's trusted assistant and has been chosen to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts, a location of great significance to Voldemort. He is held in high esteem by his Slytherins and their families, such as the Malfoys. Despite being a half-blood teenager and before becoming a spy and honing his abilities, he managed to infiltrate the exclusive group of wealthy pureblood students in a prejudiced house like the Slytherin.
He is not someone who isolates himself by locking himself away and avoiding communication. Instead, he relaxes in the staff lounge and catches up on newspapers during his breaks. Charity Burbage believes Snape will likely save his colleague, despite being a Death Eater and in favor with Voldemort, because he has treated them well and respectfully. Quirrell mentions that Snape's popularity decreased due to rescuing Harry, indicating that he was moderately well-liked before, and not everyone at Hogwarts is as disgusted by him as Harry is. I am aware that Snape may not be as handsome as Tom Riddle and Sirius Black, or as wealthy as the Malfoys, but he is still attractive, wealthy, and respectable enough for Voldemort to believe that he can date suitable pureblood women.
This is all due to his high level of professionalism in his position.He is capable of feeling remorse for his errors and feeling let down, he can experience sadness, and he can occasionally struggle to manage his emotions. Nevertheless, he is able to emulate the behavior of pure-bloods and apply his intelligence and abilities. He is knowledgeable in communicating and acting with grace and in a distinct manner to garner attention and admiration. He has the ability to exude charisma, strength, and a sense of confidence.
Hello! Sorry this has been in my ask box forever, I've had a bad flu for a couple of weeks and my brain has been off.
Firstly I think this ask is worthy of its own post and appreciate your curiosity about my opinion, even though it's not needed! I should tell you that I don't really read fanfic, so I can't say much about how Snape is depicted in it. I do think some of your ideas are interesting and kind of want to debate them! For example:
"Bellatrix is shocked to come across Snape's residence in the sixth book; she finds it hard to believe that someone like Snape would reside in such a house."
I don't think Bellatrix is shocked because of how she sees Snape, but because she's a pureblood wizard from a Sacred Twenty-Eight family who hasn't really been exposed to muggles or their lives, and who considers her status as a Death Eater something that makes here even more elite. She looks down on muggles and, presumably, poverty, and I think what shocks her is the idea that someone she has to share status with, a Death Eater who Voldemort trusts and respects, would have their residence in an area that is not only a muggle one, but a "Muggle dunghill" as she calls it. I don't think her reaction reflects Snape's own hygiene or how he presents himself, but how Bellatrix sees herself and her own status as mirrored by the people she's surrounded by. She even says, “We must be the first of our kind ever to set foot -” which I read as showing that her perspective is self-focused and more about her understanding of her own identity as a wizard and a Death Eater than anything else. As for not bringing up Snape's identity as a half-blood, it's known that Voldemort is one as well (he refers to his father's "Muggle parents" when he regains his body in GoF), and I would imagine that Death Eaters just don't bring this up between each other. As Ron says in CoS, “Most wizards these days are half-blood anyway. If we hadn’t married Muggles we’d’ve died out.” So it's likely Snape isn't the only half-blood Death Eater, and blood status among them isn't discussed because it would expose the hypocrisy of their movement.
"He is not someone who isolates himself by locking himself away and avoiding communication. Instead, he relaxes in the staff lounge and catches up on newspapers during his breaks."
To be fair, we only see him do this once, and I've always thought he did it to antagonize Lupin and his class. Lupin must have notified the rest of the staff that he would be holding his class in the staff room, and it seems like Snape was waiting for them to turn up. We do also see Snape have at least a cordial relationship with other staff members, like McGonagall, that hint at something more concrete, and I agree that Snape doesn't necessarily isolate himself, and wonder if maybe the fanfics or fanons you're referring to just don't distinguish between his character trait of being guarded and private and being unsociable. The two are definitely not the same!
"Charity Burbage believes Snape will likely save his colleague, despite being a Death Eater and in favor with Voldemort, because he has treated them well and respectfully."
I get where you're coming from, but I personally don't feel we have enough information to make this assumption. Charity Burbage asks for Snape's help when she's terrified and knows she's almost certainly about to die. She tries to appeal to him the best way she can, which is that they've worked together and know each other. She spends the first part of the scene unconscious and the only words she says, once conscious, are, "Severus … please … please …" After that she's silenced and then killed. We see Hogwarts professors call each other by first names regularly, so this is nothing unusual, and her doing so in this moment seems to me to be a desperate appeal but doesn't indicate any kind of belief or conviction that Snape will, in fact, save her, or that he has treated her with any respect or well in any way in the past beyond what is due any co-worker. We also see Snape treat Lockhart with basic respect, despite how clear it is that he disdains him, and Lockhart is completely oblivious. We have no information on Charity Burbage's character to understand what her relationship was with Snape, whether it was friendly or ambivalent or antagonistic, and whether Burbage saw it the same way Snape did. It's also worth remembering that these books are written by an upper middle-class British woman about a British boarding school, and politeness even when one has contempt for someone is a basic social expectation.
"Quirrell mentions that Snape's popularity decreased due to rescuing Harry, indicating that he was moderately well-liked before, and not everyone at Hogwarts is as disgusted by him as Harry is."
What Quirrell actually says is this:
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He begins by saying Snape seems like the type who would be a villain. When he says Snape made himself unpopular, there's no indication that he lost popularity, only that he increased his unpopularity. He also says it in the context of the other teachers thinking he was trying to interfere with Quidditch, so the comment seems to refer specifically to Snape's popularity among the staff, not the students (I would also posit that Quirrell, with Voldemort in the back of his head, wasn't too concerned with the students' lives and opinions and wouldn't know much about Snape's popularity or lack thereof among the student body). It's also worth noting that this whole exchange is more about exposing Quirrell as the real villain and Snape as a foil (and to foreshadow that he is on Harry's side) than it is about reflecting Snape's status in any way.
"I am aware that Snape may not be as handsome as Tom Riddle and Sirius Black, or as wealthy as the Malfoys, but he is still attractive, wealthy, and respectable enough for Voldemort to believe that he can date suitable pureblood women."
I want to preface my response by saying that I think throughout the books Snape is presented through the lens of Harry, who is biased against him, and that I think attractiveness is much more about personality and chemistry than about meeting standards of beauty (which change frequently anyway). Firstly, There is no evidence of Snape being wealthy, in fact it's made clear by the text that he grew up in poverty and continues to carry signs of poverty into adulthood. I've seen some great meta posts delving into how Snape's greasiness, his yellowed teeth, his stringy hair, are reflective of a childhood in the slums where bathing was a weekly ritual, not daily, that he carried into adulthood. Like I said, I don't really read fanfic and maybe one of the reasons I don't have much of an interest in it is because I'm too focused on exactly these kinds of things: I don't see these descriptions of Snape as having a bearing on his attractiveness because I'm not particularly concerned with his attractiveness, and read them more as coded language meant to indicate his socioeconomic background (I could write a whole essay on the author's own internalized biases as reflected through her descriptions of Snape and the subtle references to social climbing and questionable trustworthiness). As for Voldemort, I don't think he cares about wealth or attractiveness at all. He views the world through the lens of those who have power and those who don't, and he knows that his own approval carries enough clout to make the usual social values of his pureblood followers moot. We can only assume why Voldemort accepted Snape as a Death Eater, but presumably it was because of his exceptional intellect and abilities, not to mention his vulnerability as a social outcast with little money when he left school. Voldemort is, essentially, a cult leader and people like him prey very readily on people like who Snape would have been when he left school. I also think that Voldemort's approval of Snape's "desire," as he put it, for Lily is more about exerting control and the transactionality of relationships for him. As for Lily, she isn't a pureblood, she's muggle-born - and whatever Voldemort says about blood purity, we know that he he tried to recruit the Potters (and their rejection of his offer was one of the ways they thrice defied him). So I think it's worth considering that Voldemort uses Pureblood rhetoric as just that, and doesn't actually believe what he says, because we see him try to recruit a muggle-born, and a half-blood (which he is himself) becomes his right-hand man.
Overall I think your ask puts forward some really interesting analyses of various aspects of Snape's character. Tbh I think you could take each paragraph and write a whole essay on each, because there are a lot more ideas going on there than what you've touched on. Thank you for sending it!
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hptransfest · 1 year
HP Trans Fest: Day 5 Works
Day 5′s fic is an 8 chapter long Lucius/Narcissa fic with a side of Severus/Lily, set in a no Voldemort AU! Features genderqueer!Narcissa forming a friendship with trans!Lily.
Title: Zeitgeist Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy, Severus Snape/Lily Evans Word count: 54K (8 chapters) Rating: Explicit Summary: Narcissa Malfoy wears trousers in Diagon Alley. On the same day, Lucius discovers that whose likeness he's been borrowing for his stage persona has died. He won't be able to use Polyjuice Potion anymore. As result, one push and one shove drive the wizarding world toward a revolution in self-expression. Not everyone is ready, but that's the thing when a new spirit of the times emerges: once momentum is gained, not much can stand in the way. Link: AO3
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