#love this bby
mari-writing · 2 years
Kisses Through The Wind | Venti x Traveller! Reader | Genshin Impact
[Your fatigue gets overwhelming after you finished your commissions in Inazuma. Even the wind worries for you.]
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Genre: Fluff, maybe a tad bit angsty, but fluff at the end.
Characters: Venti
Perspective: 2nd Person for reader.
Word Count: 1001 (beautiful number)
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You sat upon the highest hill top of Seirei Island, gazing to the shore line.  There was almost no wind here to rustle the naku weeds or the grass. The water was relatively quiet in its gentle ripples, but much louder in the cackling of electro. In fact, the loudest thing in the island was the occasional hillchurls and the mechanical workings of Khaenri'ah’s machines.
It was comforting here. It reminded you of some of the world you have visited previously.
You slowly lowered yourself to the ground, all you energy finally leaving you as you limbs began to the limp and heavy. Being so far away from the stars and space was starting to take a toll on you. Despite you being native to the earth, you were far more aligned with the physiology of stellar beings. It was a miracle you hadn't died during your 500 year slumber.
But now, you were starting to get more tired than usual. Apparently, you were starting to get tired by human standards as what would have been a simple jog for you was now enough to have you catching your breath with your human adventuring partners. You wondered if you were starting to truly become human again.
That revelation would have made you happy under normal circumstances. But for the first time in your life, you didn't need your physical humanity. You were now destiny bound to fight gods, monsters, and whatever else this world wanted to throw at you so you could return back home. If you were a human doing all of it, you'd have no chance.
A frustrated groan was bubbling in your chest, and when you tried to let it out, it came out as a helpless whimper. You were too tired to use a simple waypoint, let alone sit up.
You managed to shift your head up to the sky, watching the dark plumes of electro swirl round and round. It was hypnotic in the way it lulled you towards sleep. Your eyes were getting heavier as you decided you would rest here, at least for a little bit.
"...bloom..." You imagined the distant call of your beloved Venti as the wind tickled your ear. It only made you relax more.
"...windbloom..." You heard it more clearly this time, making you mumble out Venti's name. You then felt a tug on your heart, pulled by the feeling of longing. You must have missed him enough to start imagining him being at your side. 
"Windbloom? Can you hear me? I haven't spoken to any one through the wind like this in centuries, especially so far away."
The clarity of his voice in the wind that blew gently by your ear, was enough to make your eyes shoot open. "Venti? Is that really you?"
He let out is signature laugh, warming your heart. "Indeed it is, my muse. I'm having my words be carried from Mondstat to Inazuma by the wind. Perks of being the Anemo Archon!"
You hummed, watching the green glow of anemo energy that gently swirled around you. "I agree, it’s quite useful."
"But, the wind also tells me you’re not doing too well." As soon as you got over that reveal of information, you frowned. "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay." You assured him, trying to steady your voice. "I'm just... tired."
There was silence for a short moment. You knew he knew there was more than simple fatigue at play.
Venti spoke up first. "Can you teleport to Windrise? Or at least, enter the Serenitea pot? ... I just want to be besides you as you rest to make sure you’re okay."
Those words were enough to make your heart flutter, but your frown only deepened when answered him. "Thank you for your worry but, I feel as though I can barely move my arms or legs." You closed your eyes again, unable to keep them open anymore.  "I promise, I'll rest for an hour then make my way into the pot. I just don't have the energy right now."
"...I see." Was his response.
It was clear he was unsatisfied, but not much could be done. You were simply too far away-
You felt the wind, warm and gentle, brush against your lips. The same breeze brushed against your cheek, your forehead, and every inch of your face. It was feathery, like Venti's kisses. It made you chuckle the same way as you would when Venti would kiss your face like this from time to time.
The wind carried his laughter. "This is my first time doing this, but it seems to be working. So, how do you like kisses from afar, my muse?"
"They're nice." You nodded, savouring the breeze on your cheeks. "But I wish I could kiss you back as well."
"While I was hoping the power of love through my kisses would give you the strength to teleport to me, I also imbued you with so anemo power. You should feel a lot lighter. How is it, my love?"
You took a deep breath before managing to flex and lift your arm up. Yes, your arm still ached, but the wind helped you pushed your arm up so it wasn't using as much energy as it normally would.
Venti's little wind kisses, may have played a bigger part in your ability to now move your arm though. "It worked," You began trying to get back on your feet.
Venti wasn't in front of you, but you could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm glad. Teleport into the Serenitea pot. I'll be there to make sure you get the rest you need."
There was a lot of things racing in your head: words of gratitude, questions about how he could do this, questions about how exactly he knew you were in such a state. But you decided to settle on three simple words. "I love you."
You knew he was beaming brightly when he replied. "I love you too."
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These kisses posts were meant to headcannons, but apparently I am incapable of writing bullet point ideas without making a whole fic out of them.
Enjoy x
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while we wait.
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may i offer you all a pubby?? lil bby barns?
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bxsmxx · 19 days
the aroace experience of confusing people by treating them like a partner NOOO!!!!! I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU!!!!!!! I JUST VALUE OUR FRIENDSHIP A LOT!!!!!!!! PLATONIC!!!!!!!!!
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happyheidi · 3 months
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happyfoxx-art · 2 months
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Aftermath Family Meeting 4 | //squishes them all in my hands T_T
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sungjinwhump · 4 months
hunter sung jinwoo:
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there's a difference.
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shmunter · 2 months
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[“Change is destruction,” huh?…….You suppose you’d better get used to it]
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haunted-xander · 4 months
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For what do you live?
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soothedcerberus · 1 year
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Krobus,,,best stardew valley NPC sorry i dont make the rules 
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theoldkyokodied · 4 months
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posting all my genderbent sunny (mostly toxic yuri macden) art at once like i'm known to do tehee :) ft Charlie in a little mini comic where mac and den try to give her a make-over for a scheme, based on a conversation i had with my friend kath, who is THE person i'd trust most with writing an actual iasip episode btw.
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vbla · 6 months
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So I've finished playing donna's route and I'm.. I'm..SHE'S JUST SO PERFECT AAGHHH I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT
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loveexpelrevolt · 1 month
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You were spared witnessing that which Rogue and I saw in Genosha. What she battles is not mere grief. And our dear Jubilee is wise to be afraid.
Rogue + grief X-Men '97 | "Bright Eyes"
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justaz · 4 days
thinking about arthur who has crazy quick reflexes and is a relatively light sleeper who woke up to the sound of someone in his room and saw merlin crouched down messing with his keys before softly asking “whatre you doing?…before breakfast?”
#like in that scene in s2 when merlin was calling out arthurs name from under his bed#and he jumped up (thinking merlin was long gone) grabbed his sword and postured for a fight#or that one in idk which season when merlin was sneaking in his room and he woke up and grabbed his sword when merlin bumped a chair#and then merlin brought the canopy/curtains around his bed down on him#vs waking up to see melin splayed over him and staring for a beat#before flinching back#(he was definitely having some thoughts and/or dreams)#idk thinking about arthur who trusts merlin inplicitly and allows himself to lower his guard around him#his guard which he keeps up even in his sleep#GOD imagining them in an established relationship and merlin for once has so much trouble waking arthur up#like before it was sorta bad but arthur was always in that half awake state#but now that theyre together….arthur wont even groan when merlin starts poking his ribs#arthur finally feeling so safe and protected that he allows his guard to drop in his sleep#and its the first time hes ever felt truly refreshed in the morning#so now merlin has infinitely morr trouble waking him up but when hes up hes UP and ready to go#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#arthur bby they could never make me hate you#hes just a girl desperately craving love and protection#merlin isnt even offering it#hes shoving it into arthurs arms with insults flying off the tongue#theyre so disgusting#(affectionate)#<3#headcanon#head canon#hc
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thenameisgul · 15 days
if supernatural creatives just put in a little more effort into the show it could’ve been so good
Like, you introduced a character that speaks ASL so let them speak ASL!
If Sam speaks ASL then show him get better at it as time progresses other than just some simple gestures.
Show dean try to learn and speak in broken ASL because eileen is his friend and she’s important to sam.
Let Castiel, ‘I don’t get words wrong’ , angel of the lord, speak fluent ASL because ofcourse he does.
If they just used a little bit more of their budget and tried a little harder. Ugh
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simonsaysletsgo · 2 months
How does literally everyone have a complicated and obsessive relationship with Kevin Day??? What is going on here???
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airenfolio · 2 months
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Happy (belated) trans day of visibility!
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