#listen listen like they couldn’t NOT have been. god
minswriting · 20 hours
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DIRTY IMPULSES - Spencer Reid x Reader
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About: Spencer prided himself in being someone that didn’t rely on their hormones when dealing with others. But when he met you, he just couldn’t help himself.
Warnings: NSFW Content, MDNI, Perverted! Spencer x Clueless Reader, dirty thoughts, masturbation (m), brief mentions of a case with usual criminal minds violence, etc.
Word Count: 1,000 words
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Throughout his whole life, Spencer hadn’t been someone that was really interested in others. He prioritized education above anything else. He hadn’t really felt attraction to others until puberty. And even then, he didn’t deviate from his education. In his career, he was the same way. He put his work above personal relationships, his colleagues becoming his best of friends. He never understood the need for romantic partners or sexual relationships.
Until he met you.
The day you had walked into the bureau, dressed in this form fitting pant suit, there was a fire that ignited in Spencer. And he didn’t even know what it truly was. He had taken it as a sign to get close to you, to become your friend. And so he did. The two of you got along greatly, having much more in common than he would have assumed. You both enjoyed classic literature, you listened to him when he yapped about god knows what, you both had extensive knowledge on the cases you work on. It wasn’t hard for you guys to become close so quickly.
It was like you were made to be in Spencer’s life. To say he grew a crush on you quickly was an understatement. Your presence never failed to brighten his day. Your smile always enlivened the room. And the way you nodded your head as Spencer spewed random information, asking questions when you wanted clarification, adding on your own thoughts occasionally, well it made Spencer feel heard for once.
Each and everyday, Spencer looked forward to just being around you. At first his thoughts and motives were innocent. That was until one night, when Hotch had called everyone into the office on the night everyone was supposed to be off, and you came in wearing a provocative cocktail dress with your hair done immaculately and a face full of makeup. That was the day Spencer’s cock hardened at work for the first time. And from there on out, his thoughts took a wild turn.
It’s not like he meant them to. The average person has about anywhere from 12,000 thoughts to 60,000 thoughts per day. And he swore that at least half of those thoughts were completely normal. However, the other half? Well, they certainly shocked Spencer quite a bit. Especially as he had never been so…driven by his hormones before.
Anytime he saw you, he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to have you on your knees, looking up at him with those pretty eyes glistening with tears as his cock was forcibly thrusting in and out of your mouth. Messy hair, glossy eyes, the feeling of you gagging on his cock, the thought never failed to make Spencer cum in his pants. The first time he thought about that was the night you had shown up in that dress. He had to make an emergency stop to the bathroom before boarding the jet that night.
And now? Well, Spencer was at home, thinking about the case you guys had just finished. It took place in a rural part of Texas. A man had been murdering business women that had an “alpha” female personality. You and Spencer had to share a hotel room and the room turned out to only have one bed. It was like a dream come true for Spencer’s cock.
Night after night, sleeping next to you, talking to you about random things, accidentally cuddling one another. It had taken everything in Spencer’s power to not just bury his face in between your legs and make you cry out his name.
Spencer felt his cock hardening in his pants as he thought about your time together over the past week. There was this one instance where you had gone to take a shower but had forgotten your clothes. So he had to hand you your pajamas himself and he accidentally saw your tits. Now that lives rent free in his head. Letting out a soft groan, Spencer undid his pants, pulling them down enough so his cock was out.
He was already so hard and leaking precum just thinking about you. He whimpered as he thumbed the tip before wrapping his hand around his cock and pumping slowly. Spencer just seemed as though he couldn’t help himself when he was around you. Which is how he landed a pair of your used panties that sat on his desk. Part of him felt gross, ashamed. But his arousal outweighed the guilt he felt.
With his other hand, Spencer grabbed the fabric, bringing it to his nose as he inhaled deeply. He jerked himself off faster, smelling the faint scent of your cunt on your panties. Oh how he yearned to bury his cock inside of you. To see you whining underneath him as he fucked you. He would make sure you came at least twice before allowing himself the pleasure.
“Fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure as his thoughts were consumed by you. Your moans would be absolutely beautiful, heavenly even. Spencer could feel the heat building inside of him, signaling he was getting closer. He pumped himself faster, imagining how wet your pussy must be naturally as he sniffed the panties. And with a choked moan, Spencer began to cum, painting his hand and his chest.
He let out a deep sigh, finally relieved. And after a few moments, the shame and guilt overcame him. Spencer sat there for a moment, feeling bad about what he had just done. But that didn’t stop him when later that night, he fucked the pair of panties. And the next day, when you asked Spencer if he had accidentally taken the pair or if you had left it in the hotel, he had simply shrugged and shook his head no.
And two days later, you found your lost pair of panties in your go-bag, cleaned, having smelt much like the laundry detergent that Spencer used.
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love-rosaline · 16 hours
am i allowed to cry?
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ one slip and falling back into the hedge maze, oh what a way to die.
enemies to lovers // pierre gasly x fem!reader
prequel - how can i be guilty as sin?
authors note - god fucking damn that took a while, im so sorry lmfao😭 here is part 2! hope you enjoy! xx
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, taylorswift and 815,682 others
yourusername surprise!! “guilty as sin?” is out!! i hope you all enjoy, take care i love youu <3
username not u being horny on the main girl-
landonorris i can never look you in the eye again
-> yourusername honey i told you not to listen to it😭
-> landonorris it is a very good song though
charles_leclerc you should see his face rn
-> yourusername YOU’RE WITH HIM?
-> username WHO OH MY GODDD
username girl this cutesy post does not reflect what i just listened to.
-> username babes didn’t the song title give you a bit of a clue?
-> username you’d think😔
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Charles couldn’t wipe the knowing smirk off his face. He simply watched Pierre, waiting for more of a reaction as the song playing finally died down, leaving the pair in tense silence.
Pierre’s jaw was slack and his eyes wide as he pathetically turned to Charles for confirmation that this was in fact about him, or to see if he was just as dumbfounded as he was.
“Woah.” Is all he could muster up upon seeing the Monegasques ever cocky expression.
“Yeah.” Charles laughed. “Are you really surprised? It was quite obvious, mate.”
“What the fuck do you mean? The only sign she’s given me in the last couple years that she can even stand me was her not kicking my ass at your party!” Pierre dragged a hand over his face, simply not believing his friends blunt words.
“Okay mate, breathe.” Charles breathlessly chuckled, patting his shoulder carefully. Pierre shot him a warning look, and he holds his hands up in mock surrender. “Why’re you worrying? You’ve been in love with her for like, a year now, isn’t this a good thing?”
“Yeah- yeah, of course,” the corners of his lips curl up into a slight smile. “It was just unexpected, man. But holy fuck, you knew she liked me? For how long?”
“Months! We all figured it out ourselves, we thought you knew!”
“We? Who else knew?” Pierre exclaimed.
“Oh- uhm,” Charles trailed off, laughing nervously. “Lando, Max, Carlos, Oscar, Danny, Lewis, Alex, Yuki-”
“Okay okay! So basically the whole grid, I get it.” Pierre huffed, crossing his arms.
“So…” Charles began. “You gonna talk to her?” Pierre wordlessly fled the room, leaving Charles smiling to himself and shaking his head.
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You frowned, dragging yourself off your bed at the sound of rapid knocking on your apartment door.
“Fucking hell.” You mumbled, wondering who on earth needed to speak to you so urgently.
You cursed to yourself again, knowing you likely should have seen this coming. But, a small part of yourself doubted Pierre would even take the hint that the song was about him, let alone show up at your apartment.
“Hello?” You asked as you opened the door, feigning confusion as you see the flustered Frenchman.
“You like me?” Pierre breathlessly said, a questioning frown adorning his pink tinted face.
“No,” you laugh incredulously. “Why… why would you think that?”
“Don’t lie to me.” You groan slightly, refusing to meet his gaze as you shake your head in defeat.
“Fine. I do like you. I like you a lot, and I’ve liked you for over a fucking year now, happy?” You rambled, finally meeting his eye with a frustrated glare.
He stayed silent. He knew what was coming, he knew you liked him, but actually hearing you confess it was completely different, he felt as though his heart would burst out of his chest.
Of course, you had no idea what was going through his head as he looked down at you without saying a word.
“Just go away, Pierre. I should’ve never told you.” You moved to close your door, but he quickly stopped you.
“Sorry, I’m sorry. Just… hearing you actually say it. It was nice.”
“For your ego or…?”
“No! Dieu, princesse,” a slight smile finds its way onto his face at the way you were trying to get on his nerves, most likely to distract him from your rushed confession (he was right). “I like you too. A lot.” He places his hands on both your shoulders, almost reassuringly, as he looked into your eyes.
“Really?” You unsurely said. The hostile facade you put up to hide any feelings of undying love towards him melted ridiculously quick at his words.
“To be honest, I thought I made it more than clear.” He grinned. Your brows raised, taking the past year and a half into consideration.
In any social situation, whether it be a gathering of your mutual friends or a large celebration of some sort in which there would be no need to even look in one another’s directions, he’d find any excuse to be right there next to you, ready to annoy you or something along those lines. A prime example of this being the party days prior, or more specifically the interaction that finally led to you releasing the song completely unprecedented.
Or the more glaringly obvious sign, the constant flirting.
“Wow.” You couldn’t help but smile. “You actually like me.” He only shrugged.
“How could I not?” You giggled, leaning further into his hold.
“You’re being so sweet, it’s making me feel like shit for not releasing a cuter song.”
“Don’t worry amour, I like that one perfectly fine.” He smirked, brushing a stray piece of hair from your face.
“Y’know, I was thinking you’d just kiss me but-”
As you’d hoped, you were cut off by Pierre’s lips on yours.
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His head lifted from his phone when he heard your laugh. His favourite sound. Your head tossed back as you gently smacked your friend on the arm. Pierre couldn’t help the way the corner of his mouth tugged up into a smile.
He didn’t think it was possible to love you any more, but with every single interaction since unveiling the fact you both held the same feelings for one another, he was falling even harder.
“I thought you two hated each other?” another friend spoke up. “How come you’re sending heart eyes every time you see her now?”
“You know what they say, it’s a thin line between love and hate.” He shamelessly shrugged, just as you turned to him with a smile and a small wave. He didn’t even try hiding his blush.
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basicbunnyboo · 3 days
Learn To Beg
An Adam x Reader fic
Omegaverse AU
A.N. - Can you tell that I do better with nonfiction AUs? I can go into detail about Alpha! Adam, but your honor, I mustn’t. I swear, I need to focus to get the PrincexThief fic I started but I’m scared I’ll forget so ahhh
Cw - Omegaverse and just whiny Adam / Dry humping / Adam being a perv / Small blood mention / Pregnancy mention
Adam can really beg if he wants something enough
It would have been funny if not so arousing, seeing Adam on his knees. Having such a large, intimidating person, who could easily throw you around like a ragdoll, kissing your calf while begging for something, anything.
“Please, sugartits,” he whined, nuzzling into your leg, “I know you said not to, but you just smell so good.”
You told him that you would be back. It wasn’t even twenty minutes. After all the times he fucked with you, you figured it would only be fair to return the favor.
Besides, he’s the softest a few days before his rut really hits.
“Just a taste,” he tried to nudge your legs open, “please? Can’t I let you feel good?” He whined again as you pushed his head back with a laugh. He gripped your legs, almost like they were the only thing keeping him grounded, as he tried to shove his nose into your cunt.
“Adam,” he huffed, “I don’t ask much of you,” you grabbed his chin, making him look up at you. Although, the sight made you pause.
He was flushed up to his ears, the biggest pout on his face, as he basically begged you with his eyes.
“I told you to wait and what did you do?”
He groaned, hiding his face back in your lap as he took a deep inhale, “I said I was sorry.”
You narrowed your eyes as you tugged his hair up to make him look at you. You swore that you felt his hips jerk at that, kinky bastard. “What did you do?”
He grumbled, avoiding your eyes. “Either you answer me or you can go through your rut alone.”
You both knew you wouldn’t do that. Not when you already felt light headed with how good he smelled.
He kissed his teeth, “Fucking- I stole your panties again, but-”
You gave him a look.
“But you just smell so good,” he pawed at your hips, thumb rubbing circles as another squeezed under your thigh, “You know I can’t help myself. Not when you smell so fucking delicious.”
You pushed him back with your hand, applauding yourself for managing not to fold like a house of cards, “You still didn’t listen. Why should I let you do anything if you don’t listen?”
He winced at the thought, “Fuck, baby, please,” he sat back on his knees, hands massaging your lower calves, “let me make it up to you, yeah? Do whatever you want. Make you see stars.”
How the Hell did Lilith and Eve leave him?
“Just let me put my knot in ya,” he licked his teeth as he looked up at you, “just once. Just need to feel you,” he kissed along your leg, up to your thigh, “Love how well you suck me in. How you scream my-”
He paused when you pushed him down again, “Try again.”
“What?” He looked a bit dazed at the sudden change. You were horny, he was horny, it was clear. He could smell it. “Baby, what are-”
“You want it? Beg,” you tried to discreetly rub your thighs together. He noticed, but couldn’t comment on it when you told him to beg? He’s Adam. He doesn’t beg.
“C’mon, sweetness, you know you want me. Why fight it?” He tried again, smiling sweetly as he inched closer. Only to be, of course, pushed down.
God, he was going crazy. He was drowning in your scent and he knew you needed him just as bad so why won’t you just let him fuck you? He whined, “Baby, what do you want?”
You cupped his cheek, leaning over to get close, “I want you to beg. Or you can jerk off in the shower,” you shrugged as you leaned back, Adam following you like a puppy.
He froze at the thought, his scent souring, “Okay, okay,” he bent over more, his head on your knees, “please. I just- Fuck, babe, I need you. Need to smell you. Smell how good you taste. How tight you are. Need to feel you,” he babbled as his nose followed the scent to your leggings, something he wished were gone so he could smell you from the source.
“I can’t think of anything right now, shit. Smell too good. You getting close to your heat, yeah? I could help. Wanna help,” he kissed along your thighs, leading to your crotch, “Could make you see Heaven, baby. I’d make you feel so good. You’d look so pretty, so perfect,” he whined as you shifted, your knee pressing into his groin.
He didn’t even notice that you were a flustered mess. Having him basically dig at your leggings while mumbling about how bad he needed you as he absently ground on your leg. Your scent making his mind muddled.
“Wanna make you feel good,” he whined, “Let me make you feel good,” he licked up where your cunt would have been, nipping at the cloth in frustration. His scent softened as he tried to convince you.
Your head fell back as you sighed, “Go ahead,” you patted his head before letting out an undignified squeak as he pulled you to him by your thighs.
“Thank fuck,” he pulled you in for a harsh kiss before kissing down on your neck, only barely missing your scent gland, biting at your pulse. “ ‘m not made for that begging shit. Made to make you feel good.” He mumbled on as he kissed and nipped at you. His hands tugged at your leggings as he pulled them off, pausing only for a second to glare at them as if they personally attacked him. “Just gotta get you out of this,” he peppered you in kisses.
Moving from your neck, to your breasts, then to your hips, he left a trail of marks. “You’re so cruel to me, you know?” He kissed your core before pausing to take a deep breath, “So fucking cruel.”
You held his hair, trying to keep your composure, and, of course, failing. “You- Fuck, you didn’t listen. Only get to if you’re good.”
He scoffed, “You’re mine. I should get to whenever I want,” he licked up, shuddering at the taste. “But you’re so fucking hot when you’re bossy and mad,” he mumbled something else as he started to eat at you, pressing open mouthed kisses as he savored just how delicious you tasted.
The room was heavy with both of your scents, the sound of him messily making out with your lower half filled the room, followed by your soft moans as you bit your finger. One hand grabbed your butt, keeping you in place while the other raked down your thighs to keep you from crushing his head. Not that he would mind, but he needed to breathe if he was going to fuck to later.
“Right there, please,” you whined, tugging at his hair. A low growl filled the room as he went back to eating you out, not wanting to be distracted. The vibrations sent a shiver down your spine, “So- So good for me. Feels so good. ‘m close. There- Fuck, right there.”
“Yeah? Gonna drown me in your scent? God, I hope you fucking do. Best way to die,” he mumbled as his hand found your clit, rubbing in circles as you tighten your grip on his hair.
You nodded absently, “Yeah, please, there. So close, I-” you let out a whiny moan as he continued to go at you, the overstimulation stinging.
“So pretty. Such a pretty, pretty girl, yeah? Gonna let me knot you?” He licked up as much as he could before moving up to kiss you, “Gonna let me mark you? Gotta show everyone who you belong to.”
You sighed, “Please.”
He grinned as he pulled down his shorts, not even needing to do anything because just hearing your pretty sounds was enough to get him hard. “Thank fuck,” he rubbed himself against your slick, “Been wanting you all day. Need that sweet puss, can’t fucking live without it.”
He pushed himself in with a smooth motion, groaning at just how tight you were, “Fuck, babe,” he let out a laugh to hide his moan, “trying to squeeze me? Shit.”
You whined at the overstimulation, not sure if it hurt or if it-
Yeah, no, you decided it felt good as soon as he started to thrust into you at a steady pace. He bit at your shoulder, drawing a bit of blood before kissing it, “So fucking tight. Just for me. Only ever me, right, babe?” You mindlessly nodded. He laughed at your expression, “Hardly started and you-” he paused as he let out a groan, “you’re… fuck, you…”
He huffed as he flipped you over as you huffed, pulling your legs down to the edge of the bed as he stood, “Gotta make sure you get it all. Gonna knot you real tight and good.” He pressed kisses up your spine, giving you goosebumps. He tried to hide his moans behind low growls, but you could hear the whininess behind them.
“So fucking pretty, aren’t ya? How’d I get so lucky?” He mumbled praises as he grabbed your hips with one hand, the other pinning your upper back into the mattress. “Gorgeous. So fucking gorgeous. All f’me, yeah?”
You didn’t answer, too fucked out from the overstimulation and, maybe, having your face shoved into the blankets. Adam clearly didn’t like that as he slowed, “Answer me when I talk to you, bitch.” He bent down, giving you a harsh thrust with each word, “Who do you belong to?”
“You,” you mumbled, tears pricking your eyes, “You. All yours.”
Adam softly laughed at your response, “Good girl. Now,” he sped back up, “you’re gonna take my knot, aren’t ya? Gonna be my breeding bitch? Fuck, you’d be so hot, all full of my cum. Too much so I’ll have to fuck it back into your sweet cunt. Bet you’d like that, huh?”
He groaned, his head falling to your shoulder as he started to lose himself, “So fucking pretty. All round, full of my kids. My pretty little wife. You’d be so good for me. I’d be good for you. Take care of ya. Keep you happy,” he groaned at a harsh thrust, “keep you full.”
He babbled on, his thrusts losing its rhythm as he muttered sweet praises into your neck, licking and nipping at your pulse. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum so deep inside ya that you can’t help but get pregnant. You wouldn’t mind, right? You love taking me, your sweet cunt says so with how much you’re sucking me in. Want my knot?”
You helplessly nodded, whining as you could hardly think of a coherent sentence, “Please.
“Then,” he hissed, “fucking take it,” he pushed himself as far as he could, giving a few more shallow thrusts as he rode your orgasms out. His head fell to your shoulder as he peppered your neck and jaw with soft kisses. He sighed, relaxing into you as his rut-obsessed brain quieted down.
Although, you knew it wasn’t the end when his dick was still hard and he smirked as he nipped your neck.
A.N. - Yall, I don’t know what the hell just happened but my mind said S M U T so I guess here you go??? @sprainedwriting here’s your Adam content 😮‍💨
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picturingchappell · 2 days
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ditto — e. williams
!! PLEASE READ BEFORE INTERACTING !! - Its still imperative that you do anything you can to support Palestine. You can help by doing your daily click, or reviewing this masterlist. You can also help by not buying TLOU, and here’s why.
aestras notes: WOOOOO GUESS WHO FINALLY DROPPED??? THIS GUY!!!!!! 😝😝😝 tried something new for the banner this time, i think it looks okay. 🙂‍↕️ anyways!!! everyone thank @softlysunrays for encouraging me yawp yawp!!!!
tags: loser!ellie, theatre kid!dina agenda, modern au sorta?, i suck at tagging a year later, ellie is a nervous wreck, italics indicate internal monologue (most of the time), fluff(?), one small use of y/n, okay that’s it i think
Ellie might’ve had a little thing for you — probably more than just a little thing, because you’d occupy most of the space in her brain 99% of the time. And she was, unceremoniously, an incredibly big loser. She never speaks to you directly, instead stealing glances at you during passing periods or watching you from afar whenever you’d been hanging out with your other friends. 
The hallways always seemed to be cramped and crowded, but not crowded enough that she couldn’t see you. Something about you made her always recognize it was you. 
Standing at her locker, she’d been joined by Dina as she’d been grabbing some things from her backpack. The hallways were bustling with chatter and bodies, but it seemed to only be them right now.
Dina looks at Ellie as her locker shuts with a small smirk. “I saw you staring at her again.” She teases. “You’ve got it bad!” Dina pokes her softly. She sings a cheesy love song, to which Ellie groans and puts a hand on her forehead. “You’re gonna make me die of embarrassment.” She mumbles.
Dina laughs at her, putting an arm over her shoulders. “Look at you, all grown up and having a little crush.” She says theatrically, wiping fake tears. Ellie chuckles to herself as she looks down at her canvas sneakers. 
“Yknow, I could introduce you to her.” Dina mentions without much thought. If Ellie had water in her mouth, she would’ve spit it out dramatically. She stands as stiff as a board as she turns to look at Dina. “Really? I mean — you’re serious? Like 100%?” Ellie seemed excited, but god was she nervous at the thought. 
“Yeah, totally! You can sprinkle your little loser dust on her in hopes that you absolutely woo her.” Dina throws her head back dramatically with the back of her hand on her forehead. The pair chuckle slightly at Dina’s antics.
Ellie still couldn’t believe that Dina knew her. Like, a majorly pretty girl? “Pinch me.” Ellie says, clearly in some state of disbelief. “I think I’m dreaming.” Dina pinches her on the cheek and she smiles. “You’re awake, Ellie! It’s me — Dina in the flesh!” Dina smiles at her.
“Dina, I’ve been like, dreaming of this since school started. I will come to your house later. Just please don’t be lying about this.” Ellie did dream about you a lot, and she always wished she didn’t wake up before the good parts. But she always did, so she woke up sulking all morning.
Even when the passing period had ended, she couldn’t stop creating scenarios about the two of you in her head. Well, the two of you and Dina. Cause she’d be there too. Ellie would feel bad to leave her out.
She knew that this was super cliche but she liked how cliche it was in some odd way. 
She was staring out of a window with her earphone in, tapping her gnawed up pencil against a wooden desk as she listened to songs that reminded her of you.
Which was, obviously, most of the music she’d ever listen to now because she was just that in love with you. She had it bad. Super bad. Actually, no word could describe it.
Once she started dreaming about you, she knew she was doomed. Even more so now that she’ll actually talk to you.
The anxiety of meeting a pretty girl like you sets in. What if she thinks I’m too weird? But she’s friends with Dina.. maybe it’ll be okay. This is so stupid. God, just focus on her! Her internal monologue was a flurry of ‘you got this’ and ‘don’t be a total loser’.
All of that literally goes out the window the second she makes it to Dina’s house.
As usual, Dina’s home was cluttered but homey, and the walls were covered with Dina in various grades performing in school musicals. Ride The Cyclone, Heathers, all that kinda stuff that she has little to no knowledge of.
“She’s waiting in my room — and stand up straight or something. Body language is important.” Dina says, leading her up the creaky stairs. Ellie almost didn’t hear what Dina was saying as they got closer to her room.
She’s in there! Right there! She thought, a smile creeping onto her face. The door of Dina’s room swings open and there you were, sitting on the edge of her bed.
“This is who I was telling you about! Y/N, this is Ellie. Ellie, Y/N.” Dina smiles at both of you brightly. “Hi!” Ellie blurts out, her voice cracking slightly. She instantly feels embarrassed and clears her throat. “Hello. How are you?” She attempts to reapproach the conversation, but when she saw that you’d been already chuckling and smiling, all her affirmations were lost to her.
“I’m fine. And you?” You asked, smiling at her. “I’m.. I’m good. Totally chilling right now, yeah.” Ellie rambles nervously. 
She kinda just stands there awkwardly until she thinks about another question. “How’d you uh, meet Dina?” She asks, rocking back and forth awkwardly on her heels. “We’re in the same theater class. And you,” 
You point at her. “You’ve known her since like, forever, right?” She says to Dina, eliciting a soft hum from the girl. You smile at Dina. “I’ll leave you two alone for a while.” 
Upon hearing that, Ellie snaps her head around to look at Dina. Her eyes scream “don’t leave me here”. Dina smiles remorsefully before leaving the room.
So now it was just Ellie and you. Staring at eachother while birds chirped softly in the distance. Ellie smiles awkwardly. You chuckle at her. “Are you usually this nervous?” You ask, tilting your head to the side slightly.
“..Yes, but not really?” Ellie would never in a million years admit the big fat crush she had on you, not now that you were sitting infront of her. “Well, I’m not gonna like, eat you or anything. You don’t have to be so nervous.”
“That’s easier said than done when you’re that pretty.” Ellie mumbled to herself. “What was that you said? You think I’m pretty?” You ask, smiling brightly. When she realizes you’d heard that part, she becomes incredibly flustered. She smashes her face into the palms of her hands as her cheeks become flushed. 
“I’m truly flattered! It means a lot coming from another pretty girl.” Ellie stood breathing for a moment. She thinks I’m pretty? She thinks I’m pretty?! She truly wants to jump for joy but she doesn’t. Instead she just stares at you.
Once you stand up and start walking towards her, she gets even more nervous because you smell like heaven. “I think we should get to know eachother more.” You suggest as you look at her. “I’ll give you my number.”
“Your number?” She blurts, excitement underlying her tone. “Yeah! It’s no biggie.” You say as you reach for your phone that was previously on the charger.
When you both eventually exchanged numbers, Ellie was staring at your contact in awe. Maybe you were talking to her but she was in her own little world.
She’d finally done it — talked to the girl she’d had a crush on literally all year. And somehow pulled it off enough to get her number.
Has Ellie wooed you? She didn’t know. Were you definitely looking forward to talking to her? Hell yeah you were.
“So I guess I’ll talk to you very soon then?” You raise an eyebrow at her with a smile on your face. Very soon? That could mean tonight! “Yeah, yeah totally. Call me whenever. I’m always free, yknow, never busy.” Ellie said, forming an awkward smile.
I basically just told her I have no hobbies or many friends! How charming is that? Way to go, Ellie. She internally cringes at herself. “Good to know. Bye Ellie.” You wave at her before leaving Dina’s room.
The door shuts and Dina runs up the stairs. “Oh she’s definitely into you.” She exclaims, holding Ellie’s hands. “I’m proud of you for putting your big girl pants on.” Ellie looks at Dina with a stupid smile. “She’s into me.” She mumbled with a starstruck expression. “She’s into me!” She repeats, smiling. I really hope that’s true. She thinks excitedly, squeezing Dina’s hands while looking at her.
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In which Ghost is an eldritch horror who feasts on memory, and you go willing to the slaughter.
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It's common knowledge around these parts, like tossing salt over your shoulder and tapping wood and never breaking a fairy ring. When things aren't going your way and you're down on your luck, someone will invariably joke that you should find the Ghost. Call on the devil and he will answer. Call on the devil and he'll find you. Call on the devil and he can make your dreams come true.
It wouldn’t be so bad, would it? Your three favorite childhood memories go missing in exchange for your debts paid. The scent of your mother’s perfume disappears from mind forever, but so does the blight on the farm. You could find a husband if you forget the first boy you loved.
Most people don't believe in it. In him. They think he is a fairy tale, a myth forged of mist and shadow. You believe in him, though. You wouldn't be here if you didn't.
Your grandmother was the first of your line to call upon the beast. By all accounts she was the first to ever learn the truth. Granny didn't trade her favorite memories, the ones which kept her warm. She took one look at that cracked skull and understood greater power lies in pain.
Granny traded memories of riot and ruin and rot. She fed the monster well. In return, the Ghost made a ghost of her husband, and ensured no memory was so painful again.
Your mother, also, had called the Ghost, once upon a time. She fed him memories of death and decay and deviance, that she might drive the highwaymen from town. She told you only the skin of the story - not it's blood and bones. In stories, you came from a line of heroes brave and bold and wise enough to tame the beast.
You have been woefully unprepared.
They all think the Ghost is just a legend, a homegrown superstition. Who would be so desperate, they ask, to give up something so precious?
(Who would be so foolish, you wonder, to sacrifice something so beautiful and useless?)
There is power in the painful things, in the scar tissue and bile. There is power in the altar, in the sacrificial blood. There is power in the naming of the things you'd leave behind.
Granny had been cursed with a husband who would bruise as soon as bed her. Mother had been cursed by the violent opportunists of this world. You've been cursed by that which cannot be named nor pinned to one single cause.
Luck had never been on your side.
But you had listened to the stories, and instead of gathering bouquets of bitterness by the roadside, you gathered sacrifices, instead. When they mocked and bullied, you thought, "That will get me riches." When they pushed and prodded you, you thought, "This is enough to take me far from here." When permission never granted made no difference to the hands which sought to trap and tame, you thought, "Maybe he'll accept this sacrifice, too."
Some days it seemed all the memories you made were in service of an Eldritch God. You stored them up and let them fester and knew one day he would feast. You would bring him such a meal he might never go hungry again. This alone keeps you warm, when the night is at its peak. You live in flux, one step in the future where you know your gruesome end. Until then, it is nothing but noise, nothing but the patter of rain against your neck.
Perhaps they think it strange that you seem so unharmed. They call you witch and wanderer, an orphan of no father with no riches or home. They call you the devil’s plaything, and you can’t prove them wrong. 
Granny couldn’t warn you and Mother didn’t try. But there is power in many things, and none so much as three. 
You tried to live as people do and make the best of any home. You tried to live as the good ones did and find joy in the mundane. You tried to make the best of things, but you’d been rotted to your core. 
Thirty-three years you wait, until you know the time is right. The third of your line, on the third night of March, you walk into the woods and leave the past behind. 
There is no ritual to call the beast, no secret magics passed around. When one wants to find a Ghost, all they must do is ask. You walk into the woods until the echo of your steps is in fact no echo at all. You walk until your memories bleed, his fetid breath upon your nape. 
There is power in the third of things, but you think you offer him more. Every thought that comes to you is more foul fuel than the last. The curse you’ve carried since the womb begins to lift at last. For the first time you wonder if you were nothing but a pig fattened up for slaughter. Suffered, you had suffered so that he might be fed. 
And now, all that suffering, it drops out of your head. 
You wander through the forest, with a monster on your heels. He herds you far away from home, in honor of your deal. The Ghost will take your suffering and give it all away. The Ghost will hold your bargain up and you will never hurt again. 
In the deepest forest, where the sun can’t find him, the Ghost has made a home of wood, of stone and rugged mortar. You think it odd and almost charming that the monster has a home. This Ghost has never frightened you. Not in the way he should. He leads you to his table and lets you make yourself at home.
Without the warmth of memory, you’re a strange and broken thing. There are holes now inside you where you think your spirit should sing. You scraped away the broken bits, the rot and ruin and rust. You cut away the wicked scars and are left with skeletal remains. There are holes inside you, where the human used to dwell. 
“What gift would you have of me?” the Ghost asks with a growl. 
How can you say the gift is given, before he even uttered a word? He’d feasted on your demons, that they might no more haunt your door. Now, there is nothing left to hope for, except another dawn. Now there is only hunger, in the yawning chasm that is your soul. 
When the Ghost smiles it is with the blood of your soul still dripping from his teeth. 
When you smile back, there is poison on your tongue. 
Even monsters need a mate, in the darkness of the woods. 
It is myth and legend and mysticism, the ghosts who haunt the woods. Aunties say they’ll eat your dreams and steal the good away. Fathers warn of violent ends and hope hung out to dry. But some remain who know the truth, who know where power lies. They’re storing up their hurt and grief to make their sacrifice. 
One day, when the power is right, the Ghosts will become three. 
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dairymistress05 · 9 hours
Colin as a character has been my favourite since Season 1 for so many reasons, but it was recently brought to my attention that he takes the emotions and opinions of women seriously, which is such a contrast to the other men on the show.
I can’t remember who the creator on TikTok was that I first heard this mentioned but it has been a bit of a lightbulb since. This is a long one so bear with me but I have some thoughts…
Example: Season 1 The Duel…
Anthony has decided, and honestly it’s rather infuriating how he treats Daphne and refuses to listen to her. Sends her to bed like a child. Then Benedict is with him and he just seems to implicitly follow and support him.
When Colin is informed he is shown to be bringing a rather inebriated Violet home, which is sweet in and of itself but also, his adorable humour is also a brief highlight “Good God, did someone die?” Which I loved.
But then, He LISTENS to Daphne. This is what I hadn’t ruminated on until recently, because quite frankly it’s so true to his character and something that I guess I had just come to expect of Colin.
Yes, he tries to dissuade her and He begins with the expected lines about dishonour and leaving the men to their matters, but when she speaks He Listens. He pays attention, he does not disregard her and it’s precisely because he listens that she is able to go and speak with the Duke.
Why is this significant? Well because his interaction with the Daphne in the scene in Anthony’s study feels genuine. Colin does not treat her “lesser” or ignore her. This is important and is in direct contrast to a scene Daphne has with Anthony.
Earlier in the season there is an exchange where Anthony says he would have acted differently if Daphne had told him about Berbrooke. She calls him out on his dismissal of her feelings “because” she is a woman and doesn’t believe that he would have believed her, and honestly I agree. However, I would suspect that No One would say the same of Colin. In every interaction with the women in his life, he seems to truly listen and to care about their thoughts and opinions.
Now before anyone comes at me in defence of Anthony, (Yes I know, it was the time period) and I also say, this is not about Anthony but about how even in the smallest of details the show and writers have seemed set Colin apart.
He listens to his sisters/mother and not in a patronising or dismissive way, not in an obligatory way either. He even has what could be seen as an inappropriate friendship with Pen, which for whatever reason, has gone unnoticed or ignored throughout the years.
So when it comes to spending time with her in Season 3, enjoying her company and truly connecting with her I would venture to say that the relationships he has with his mother/sisters might be a big factor in why he didn’t know how to/couldn’t contextualise his feelings.
He has had emotional relationships with women and values them highly so this is not seen as something separate in his mind
Until. The. Kiss.
Because that is the ONE thing that can differentiate his relationship with Pen from ALL other female relationships. No wonder he fell so hard,those feelings were always there, it just wasn’t until that physical intimacy that it all made sense.
Lastly I think it is all of this, Colin’s emotional intelligence, that makes his “persona” at the beginning of Season 3 seem so out of place. When Penelope (his arguably most cherished female relationship) didn’t reply to his letters he seemed to completely lose himself.
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huffelpuff210 · 3 days
Ours Part 2 Soft Dark Alpha Stucky x Omega Reader
Ours Part 2 Soft Dark Alpha Stucky x Omega Reader
Warning: withdraw, anger, dark themes, kidnapping, drugging, held against will, confinement, forced relationship, manhandling, past abuse, 
Your senses slowly start drifting back, 
“Jesus Bucky how much of that did you give her? She’s been out for two days,” You hear a male voice, 
You can smell they were Alpha’s and you could feel your heart rate spike, You didn’t like Alpha’s, they terrified you, they made you uncomfortable. 
“The exact amount Tony told me to give.” You hear another voice, 
“Well obviously his math was off.” You hear the other voice say 
You slowly turn you head trying to wake yourself, 
“Steve.” You hear 
and suddenly it got quiet, 
You were trying your hardest to open your eyes but it was proving to be a bit more difficult.
Your heavy eyelid slowly flutter open, and you are now staring at an unfamiliar ceiling, 
“Thank god she’s finally awake.” You hear next to you, 
You slowly turn your head you saw two men, one had dark hair icy blue eyes and a metal arm, 
He smelled like pine, and cinnamon, it was almost intoxicating, the other man had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, he smelled like the forest right after a rainstorm, 
these two were Alpha’s you were still in a bit of a daze,
“Good afternoon sleeping beauty you’ve been asleep for a few days, we were starting to worry.” The blonde says 
Then everything registered 
These two were Alpha’s and they kidnapped you, the terror running though your veins, 
You jump out of the opposite side of the bed, backing away from the two, your legs still a bit shaky, 
“You- You-” You couldn’t even speak you were so terrified, 
“Easy Omega were not going to hurt you.” The dark haired Alpha says with his hands up meaning peace, but you don’t trust these men, you don’t trust any Alpha, 
You could feel your heart pounding against your chest as it rose and fell rapidly, 
As you look around the room not entirely sure where you were. Memories of your past come flooding back, your father, whipping you with a piece of bamboo, just to cause you pain, your brothers holding you down as you cried, 
The small room, you feel your green eyes glow the icy blue as you start to panic, the two alpha’s look at you in shock and in their shocking state you make a run for it, bursting out of the room, past the living room and out the main door where there was more hallways, you run left your breathing, shallow and ragged having a panic attack as you were running you smelled many Alpha’s in the building, you find a stair well running as fast as you could down the stair well, while you were panicking at the same time, what did these Alpha’s want with you, you were on pills that block your smell, why did they kidnap you? 
suddenly someone jumped from above blocking your path, making you back up and look as small as you could possibly look it was the man with dark hair, you back into a corner, 
“P-Please don’t hurt me.” You say with a shaky voice, 
“No one is gonna hurt you doll.” He says approaching you cautiously 
You slide down the wall looking up at him, you’ve heard those words many of times, from your father, He was a ruthless Alpha, he blamed you for your mother’s death and always treated you as an object not a person, 
And because of that you didn’t want to be in the clutches of an alpha, but here you were terrified trapped like prey, helpless to do anything, panic taking over all your training in self defense forgotten, you were paralyzed in fear, your heart hammering against your chest, 
“look doll, no one is going to hurt you but you need to calm down, your on a verge of a panic attack.” He says 
you can still feel your eyes glowing the electric blue that your father said were disgusting that he would love to dig them out of your eye sockets. 
“Watch. In through your nose, out of your mouth, Deep breath in slow breath out.” He says 
Sadly you listen to what he says, you feel yourself calming down, your eyes turning back to their green color, 
“Good doll your doing good.” He says with a smile as he is kneeling in front of you as you look into his eyes and look down quickly, 
They only want one thing from you. 
“Now why don’t we go back to the room so we can talk?’ a voice to your left says it was the man with blonde hair, you have no idea how long he was there you were too much in a panic to notice, 
You hesitate, 
“You don’t really have a choice in the matter doll, we are just giving you the option to walk.” The man with the dark hair says, 
You stiffen and swallow thickly, you nod slowly standing up, they both walked aside of you, 
they both were massive compared to you, nothing but muscle you stood no chance against these alpha’s even if you used self defense against them, they would break you in half like a twig, 
the three of you arrive back in the room, it was massive, you didn’t notice before since you were in such a panicked state, 
“Now let’s sit and talk.” The blonde says with a smile as you stood there still in disbelief that all of this was happening. 
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brutalizers · 2 days
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— patrick zweig x reader smut
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You were a Standford women’s tennis player and we’re in the middle of your freshman year. You are watching Tashi play an intense match. She was your teammate but the two of you were never really close. You look through the stands and notice her boyfriend, Patrick, was not there. Although confused you brushed it off. You had hoped he was there. You’ve had the biggest crush on him since he visited Tashi and Art at the beginning of the year.
Moments later, you hear something crack and Tashi is on the ground. Everyone was worried about her . The crowd went silent and all you could hear was her screaming on the ground while holding her knee. You watch as Art runs down to help her. You knew Art had feeling for Tashi, even if she was with Patrick. You and Art were close with one another because you were in love with different sides of an existing couple.
After the match you found Art in the trainers office. You walk over to him to ask about Tashi.
“Art, is she going to be okay? Do you think she can finish the season?”
“It’s not looking good. This is going to be a tough recovery for her but I’ll be with her the whole way.”
“You? What about Patrick?”
He laughs. “Yeah they’re done. Got into a big fight before the match today.”
You were shocked, but so relieved. Maybe you had a chance.
Patrick heard about Tashi’s injury and immediately went to find her. He shows up to the trainers office to find Tashi laying down with a towel set under her knee and Art siting next to her.
Patrick walks in out of breath, “I’m sorry-“
Tashi cuts him off by sending him out of the room. “Out.”
Patrick keeps trying to get her to listen to him but all she is saying is “out.” Their arguing is interrupted by Art yelling at Patrick in Tashi’s defense.
“Patrick get the fuck out!”
The room goes quiet and Patrick leaves after staring at both Art and Tashi waiting for someone to apologize. He can’t believe his best friend yelled at him infront of his girlfriend and soon to be ex.
Patrick’s mind is racing and he doesn’t know what to do. But he knows exactly where to go.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You were in your dorm room cleaning because you left it an absolute mess before leaving for Tashi’s game. While cleaning you hear a knock on the door.
You walk over and swing the door open to see no one other than Patrick standing there out of breath. He didn’t say anything he just looked at you, panting from running up so many stairs. The elevator would have taken too long to get to you. Clearly something was wrong.
“Patrick, what’s wron-“
You are cut off by Patrick kissing you. You couldn’t help but kiss back. Although this was everything you dreamed of, you had so many questions. You pull away from him confused and see tears in his eyes.
“Patrick what is going on?”
“You,” is all he can manage to say.
“It’s always been you. I have seen you around campus and at Tashi’s games and wow. I knew I couldn’t do anything because I was with Tashi but she treated me like shit. Not only that, but I’ve seen you play and you’re fucking incredible. Y/n, I don’t know what I’m doing here or even if you want me here but-“
“Zweig, shut up kiss me again.”
You grab his face and pull it into yours. A smile forms on Patrick’s lips as he guides you to your bed, laying you on your back. He slowly takes off your shirt, trying not to break your kisses. He moves his hands up and down your body feeling your thighs, your ass, and your hips.
“God, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this,” you say in between kisses.
“Wasn’t soon enough, huh?”
His mouth makes its way to your neck where he begins to leave hickeys wherever he can. You can feel his hands making their way to the heam of your pants followed by, “can I?” He looks down and back up at you. You nod. He smirks.
He slides off your pants and is in absolute awe of you and your body.
“Fuck, what have I been doing?”
He puts kisses all along your stomach making his way down. He makes complete eye contact with you until he reaches your entrance. You nod in excitement to let him know you’re ready.
Immediately chills are sent up your spine when you feel his lips practically making out with your pussy. You can feel him taking in every moment while he puts your thighs over his shoulders. You throw your head back and he notices, laughing against you. You feel a vibration which makes you go crazy. You grab his hair pushing him harder into you which you can tell he enjoys.
Your moans get higher as your about to cum, screaming his name; before you can, he lifts his head up from under you and starts unbuttoning his pants and taking his shirt off as quickly as possible. He throws his shirt on the floor next to him and he fumbles with the buckle on his belt a couple of times. You hear him curse under his breath in frustration. Soon enough, you feel him slowly slide into you.
It’s uncomfortable at first, and Patrick noticed the look on your face.
“We can stop if your not comfortable,” he says quietly, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“No Patrick please. I want this.”
With hesitation, Patrick begins thrusting into you. He’s moans at the feeling which turns you on even more.
“Faster,” you beg which he happily complies with. He goes faster and deeper into you, needing to use your bed frame for support.
“You look so pretty like this” he moans, pressing kisses on your neck and chest.
You are scratching his head with one hand and holding his back with the other leaving nail marks.
“I’m close,” you whisper into his ear, your moans getting louder.
“Please cum for me baby,” he says looking you in the eyes, “please.”
Before you can respond, you reach your climax. Patrick can feel you clenching around his dick. He falls into your chest, his dick still inside you. You can feel his sweat on your skin. Both of you are breathing heavy against one another.
“Um, we should definitely do this again,” Patrick says trying to make a joke.
“Just as long as I get to spend time with you,” you say whipping hair from his face that was sticking because of the sweat.
Patrick places a kiss on your forehead leaving his lips there for a moment. He didn’t want to forget this because after all, it has always been you.
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milkypompon · 2 days
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Chapter 3 | Pick Up
pairing: Marc Spector x Reader (implied Steven Grant x Reader, implied Jake Lockley x Reader)
summary: Even after a year living with Steven and Jake in the headspace, Marc struggles to quiet the buzzing chatter. He finds himself frequenting Coffee for Two, a place where brewing roasts fill the air and the cookies are as sweet as the barista.
this chapter: you finally receive a phone call...?
content: Mentions of Marc's past, plotty plot plot
wc: 2k+
a/n: I'm exploring the dynamic between the moon boys! Specifically on Steven and Jake's understanding of the system.
Moon Knight Masterlist || Main Masterlist
Coffee Doodles Masterlist
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Take it out of that pile of shit, Stevie. 
“I won’t.”
Ay, do it before I sit your ass to the back. 
Steven stares into the rubbish, listening to Jake’s half-hearted threats. 
It didn’t matter if he tossed it into a trash compactor and cast it into the open sea, they both memorized the number on the cup. 
How else could they have survived as Khonshu’s avatar? 
The god spouted astronomical coordinate systems during missions, instead of cardinal directions. It was disrespectful of his domain to merely water down the night sky into four words or their combinations, according to the squawking bird. 
Regardless, no point of direction from his alter or the moon god could shift his moral compass. 
“I dare you, mate.” 
Jake grumbles under his breath. 
Neither of them liked to tug on the string that forced control over the body. They wouldn’t be any better than Khonshu rattling his wrapped talons over their lifeforce — a puppet at the hands of its master. 
We’re allowed to live our own lives. Isn’t that what you wanted?
“This isn’t just about me anymore. Or just you for that matter.”
Once, Steven wanted nothing more than to free himself of the sleep-deprived nights and taste a drip of normalcy. He thought the only way to do that was to overcome whatever was going on in his head.
The happenings in the Duat with Marc and Jake.
But now, his life, their life was more than that.
Steven was more than elated to discover support from a place he couldn’t even begin to fathom. 
Finding a way for each of them to front was a balancing act through understanding. It isn’t created by compartmentalizing the week into color-coded days or agreeing to a first come first serve basis. Their system was far from perfect, but it was their’s. 
Restraint was the seed of their problems, among other things, but the anxiousness of being confined (like they were in the sarcophagus) was something they couldn’t stomach. 
An attempt to claw himself out would forego the delicate trust built on an unsteady foundation.
No more lies.
No more secrets. 
And definitely, no more double duties.
“Besides, you said it yourself. We should live our own life. If either of us rings up the barista, despite all her loveliness, you’d be pretending to be Marc.”
Jake knew what was coming next. Don’t tell that story again–
Steven turns up his nose toward the reflection on the toaster. “Need I remind you, the last time you filled in my shoes, I ended up at a steakhouse for a date?”
You’re never gonna let me live that down, eh? At least it got you outta the stuffy museum for the night. 
“Hmph, I’m never take dating advice from you, no matter how desperate I get.”
Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. 
How about you take those pretty little fingers and pick up that damn cup! And use your other set of five to press the numbers into your phone. 
Jake tended to spear-head ways to bring the out of their shell, it stemmed from years of hiding away. His actions came from good intentions, though the sentiments among the three weren’t always shared. 
“Not gonna be late for my first day, you twat.”
Steven tugs the handles of the trash bag into a neat bow, double-knotting it to emphasize the point. 
He chews the inside of his cheek. It’s been a day, but he still couldn’t feel Marc’s presence after retreating into the recesses of their mind. He’d be lying to himself if he said that things were a little easier this time around.
Despite going through hell and back (almost quite literally), maybe there would be a shared bonding experience that would lead them on the right track. But it always seemed like something veered them a little bit off-center. This time it wasn't a life-threatening mission...
Steven shrugs on his jacket and tinkers with the doorknob.
Since the last time Steven worked at the gift shop, he swears the British Museum didn’t sell the stone statues of the Ennead. (He wonders what else popped up during his absence). At least nine deities are behind the display case, instead of the misprinted eight on the poster.
How the toymakers laid their hands on strangely accurate models of the ushabtis is beyond him. It isn’t his problem anymore, the days of working inventory are over.
Whoever is responsible for the new figurines must be the same person who sorted out his new job. After the loo and jackal incident, he swore up and down that he blew the opportunity to become a tour guide.
He shoulders his bag and heads to the information desk, where a familiar blond sifts through papers.
Steven clears his throat. “Morning, Donna!”
“Stevie.” She peers up, a strained smile splitting her face, and hands him his nametag. 
It doesn’t matter if she calls him the wrong name, nothing could take away the bubbling joy in his heart. He holds it in his two hands as if cradling a duckling. 
Steven marvels at it briefly and smiles, noticing the engraved designs. He runs his thumb over it.
A scarab and a moon. 
Layla must’ve put a good word in for him before she left for Egypt.
He clips it onto his breast pocket.
Steven Grant Tour Guide
Donna pipes up, “After you’re done ogling, group A is waiting up front. Speak up a bit for that bunch. Mostly grandparents looking for a day out.”
Steven weaves between visitors meandering through the halls before standing in front of about ten people. A few wandering eyes behind a pair of thick glasses are already looking past him and at the exhibit. Others are fidgeting with their canes. 
“Hiya, there everyone! I’m Steven with V and’ll be your tour guide for the day.” He claps his hands with a bright smile. 
Steven walks backward to face the group while explaining each artifact with animated hand gestures and fluctuating voice impressions. There are tidbits of information he sprinkles in pulled from personal encounters with the gods. But, he skirts around how the unfriendly croc wanted to consume the souls of the living. 
The tour ends in a little under an hour, leaving enough wiggle room for a q and a portion. He rounds them up in front of a sectioned-off hall where they are free to discuss the pieces without the usual prattling of sugar-infested children. 
“Anything you’d like to know more about off the top of your noggin?” 
A shaky hand raises, a paper bracelet decorating the granny’s wrist. 
People rarely asked questions, so Steven beams at the prospect of going off into another tangent with someone as captivated as he is in Egyptology. 
“Yes, please! Go ahead.”
She smiles curiously and points to the unopened area of the museum. “What’s in there?”
“Ah, your guess is as good as mine. It’s my first day here so the curators haven’t filled me in on what’s going.”
“Could we take a peek?”
The hall isn’t open to the public for various reasons – there are fragile steles, brittle canopic jars, and parchment that resemble closer to dust than paper. Still, it tickled his fancy to be one of the first few people to check out the unearthed pieces.  
He scratches the back of his neck. “The guided tour has ended, but feel free to stick around with me and the missus here if you’d like to look in.”
The group is seemingly uninterested, except for her. They disperse with an appreciative nod and head toward the exit. 
“Well, aren’t you a sponge for knowledge!” Steven unclips the rope from the pole and ushers her inside. “Watch your step, might be bits and pieces of packing stuffs.”
Wooden crates line the walls along the respective categories of tools, ceremonial weapons, and non-utilitarian objects. The last are Steven’s particular favorite.
His eyes land on a slab of stone with carefully carved hieroglyphs. “This poem is dedicated to Hathor, the Goddess of Love. How lovely!”
It’s set inside a glass case, Marc stares back at him on the reflection with a slight frown, but it isn’t directed toward him. 
Her hand sidles up to the barrier, Steven glances at the strip of paper around her wrist… it’s a hospital bracelet. 
“Can the other two read this like you can?” 
Steven’s mouth gapes open and before he can reply she recites the hieroglyphs to his (and Marc’s) surprise. 
One plus one Equals two One for me And one for you 
Frantic footsteps near them, J.B. sets the rope back in place and tuts. “Oy! That’s where you went off to. I couldn’t find you on the cams. Off you go, you two.”
Steven tucks his chin down, voice going into a low whisper. “Think the missus here got lost.” 
“What’re you going on about–” J.B.’s gaze flits over to her. 
He rolls his wrist to emphasize his point.
“Gotcha, I’ll call security. Can’t believe she’s back.”
“Back?” He whispers to himself, just barely catching J.B.’s last sentence. 
Steven adds, “Heya, no need for a big fiasco. She’s a nice one.”
The chime of the entrance bell hasn’t rung all morning at Coffee for Two.
You gnaw at the end of your pencil in deep contemplation. Your decision darts between opening the shop to kill the boredom or listening to Nan about joining her for a break after she was given strict doctor’s orders for bed rest. Years of baking sweets and brewing coffee weren’t easy on her knees or head for that matter. 
Either way, you were supposed to be on vacation, yet here you were working on a new bread recipe. 
You worked around the clock before she practically forced you to hit the pause button. Even with the help of your part-timer, she couldn’t hold a candle to Nan’s experience with folding dough, piping frosting, and roasting beans. 
Though sitting behind the counter were moments few and far between, you missed the daily hustle and bustle of serving the regulars who were often in pairs.
The gray hairs of a Mister and Missus would peek from the velvet couch as they dipped a biscotti into a dark roast. Or a budding romance between a young couple would lead to sharing an affogato by the wooden stools. You’d smile to yourself and throw in extra cookies for them, claiming that you miscalculated the measurements and made more than usual.
You aren’t a stranger to the coffee shop meet-cute. It happens often enough to warrant the thought of writing a collection of romance novels. 
Between work… and work, there wasn’t much time to do anything else.
The tangents meet when Marc showed up. 
At the right moment and time.
You flinch when your phone plays a jingle, fumbling to grab it and pressing the green button.
When you prayed to any god listening about receiving a call out of sheer boredom, you didn’t expect a call from the Royal London Hospital. You gripped your phone waiting for the nurse’s message.
“This is the number we had on file in case of emergencies.”
“Yeah, yes. That’s me, I’m her granddaughter.”
“We’d like to inform you that she’s left the premises… again”
“Left the– Bloody hell! You could’ve started with that! You would think after the first time, you’d keep a closer eye on her, eh?” You accidentally bite your tongue after hurtling word after word at the nurse. 
“We’re not responsible for the patient who’s left the area. But, we–” 
“Tried?” You make your way out of the coffee shop, nudging the door close with your hip. “Yeah, like the first two times? Third time’s a fucking charm. You better hope she’s at the same place as last time.”
A call from another line intercepts your current one.
“Uh, hello, Miss!” A light voice chirps from the other side. “We’ve got a bit of a situation at the British Museum.”
You groan inwardly, she was there again. No wonder why the incoming number was familiar. (Not that you were expecting an unknown one from a particular curly-haired regular...)
“Did you find Nan?”
“If you mean the nice granny with the dangly bracelet, then it’s safe to say, yes.” 
“Did she– Is she okay?”
He chirps, “Oh yes, mhm! No need to worry, we’re sat down together.”
“Good, okay. Thank you, by the way, uh…”
“Oh bollocks, forgot to introduce myself. It’s Steven. Steven Grant.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen.”
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frozenjokes · 15 hours
If It Ain’t Broke! [it’s extremely broken] Don’t Fix It! [it’s in desperate need of repairs]
“Hotguy, I have something I’d like to tell you.” Grian fluttered down to the scene, distracting Scar right as the villain across from him started to wind back.
Scar grunted as Puppeteer’s large forearm collided with his face, the hit in itself enough to make him see stars, but the following kick to the chest really did him in, falling back and hitting the pavement hard, knocking the place where his prosthetics started to meet skin. Pain like electricity shot up his spine, which, augh, ow, that was unlucky- oh fuck, he definitely landed wrong didn’t he, something was not right here. Hm. Well it was a good thing CuteGuy was here!
“Yeah,” he wheezed, though the word came out a little more like a whine, “Sure, uh, mind helping me out a little first though?”
“No,” Grian said all too simply, and out of the corner of Scar’s eye he saw the other hero cross his arms, looking thoughtful, “I’d rather do it like this. It’s easier, emotionally, if you’re preoccupied. You’ve got it.”
“What a coincidence,” Puppeteer sneered, bright green eyes lit like the fire in Scar’s back, “I also have quite a few things to say.” The snakes that made up her hair hissed as Puppeteer veered over him, Scar throwing up his hands in a weak defense. His back felt a little bit like it was caving in on itself and that electric pain wasn’t getting any better! Oh god. Was he even going to be able to stand? Fuck, what happened? Scar struggled to sit up with a strangled gasp, but Puppeteer kicked him right back down. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Scar threw up his arms, frustration overwhelming his sense, “It’s not like snakes have any feelings for me to hurt, they’re called cold blooded for a reason!”
“That is not what cold blooded means you fucking imbecile!” Puppeteer seethed, “Reptiles are treated poorly enough as it is, we don’t need extremely influential superheroes going on TV and telling the world why it's okay to keep hitting them with their cars!”
“Wow, you said that?” Grian asked, judgment oozing off his voice, and Scar wanted to scream.
“I did not say that! I did not say ANYTHING CLOSE TO THAT. God forbid anyone be afraid of anything! Dare I say it, I think you may be overreact-“ Scar didn’t get to finish, Puppeteer’s hefty kick sending him tumbling in a movement that pulled a real shriek from his lips. His ears rang as his entire head seemed to buzz, his back and body equally numb as it was screaming in stark agony. What was happening??? Somewhere in Scar’s conscious mind, he heard Puppeteer, then Grian, sounding disappointed.
“..never screams for me like that. Damn. What’s your leg routine?”
Good god. He was doomed. He was going to die.
Scar didn’t have the mind to think of the words he needed to yell for help, but even then, he was pretty sure he couldn’t form them anyway, the only noises leaving his throat being muffled whines and groans, none of which Grian seemed to think was odd given that he made zero move to do anything about it. Grian was instead talking to Puppeteer like nothing was wrong- couldn’t either of them see his entire back had caved in? Unless it was internal. It was probably internal. But it FELT like it looked like his back had caved in. Help. Help. He tried to say words, but only tasted concrete. And blood. Decidedly both bad things.
“Geez, you’re really down in the dumps over the snake thing, huh. Whatever, as long as you’re listening,” Scar heard the shift of Grian’s voice, enough to know he was being talked to, but he failed to process any of the words, “So I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve decided I would like to be friends. Yup! There we go. Friends. I think I’m ready to give it a shot at least, I mean, you’re going to be with Cub a bunch and Cub’s going to be with me and I was just thinking about some things he was saying to me.. I don’t know. Maybe I want to do this for him. Maybe I’m tired of feeling shitty about you. I don’t know exactly what’s going on in my brain, but I’ve made my decision, and I’m telling you so I can’t just back out or change my mind.”
Scar heard Grian’s footsteps, pacing, and gave up all hope of being rescued. He sobbed into the concrete, but Grian clearly didn’t hear him, rambling on, “Plus, I kinda like this gig! I like the theatrics, the costumes, and meeting all these weird new people, no offense Puppeteer, you’re killing it.”
“I know.”
“But I think I would like doing all these things with you, because even if you’re kind of a loser, I’ve come to the conclusion that superheroes are kinda like worse furries, which is to say, losers having a good time, they just also happen to work for the government and go on weird bad power trips and I- I mean, I’m not immune, obviously. But I want to engage with more of that good loser stuff, and I think you’re a prime candidate. You’re goofy. It’s your best quality.”
Scar wondered if he would ever receive the blessing of passing out, or if he was damned to lay here waiting to die forever. Had Grian decided to gouge his eyes out before speaking to him?
“And maybe, eventually, if you still like me or whatever, I may allow you to try and woo me just as you did to Cub. Take me out, charm me, whatever. Give it your best go.”
“Ah, so the media gossip surrounding you two is true?” Puppeteer spoke, reminding Scar that they were also still here and either not noticing or not caring about Scar’s condition.
“It’s not. We’re definitely not anything, just playing it up in the field. The attention is kind of fun I think, and obviously HotGuy thinks so too even if he’s too pouty to say it. Honestly, I’m kind of shocked. Thought he’d be jumping for joy by now.”
“Looks like he’s going through it over there, I dunno. Breathing pretty hard it looks like.”
“Oh, shit,” Grian paused, and Scar prayed he wasn’t about to leave, “Hey, you good?”
Silence. Well, besides Scar’s own labored breathing and moaning, but apparently none of these noises registered as out of the ordinary to Scar’s new least favorite people in the world. Grian, Puppeteer, and Death in that order. Scar barely registered the footsteps as they closed in on him, Grian saying something before touching, turning him over- ah, so the pain could get worse!
Talons dug into his side, and when Grian tried to lift him, finally, finally, his body graced him with sweet unconsciousness.
Scar chuckled to himself as he heard Grian’s anxious rambling from all the way down the hall, talking far too loudly for someone who presumably didn’t want to be heard.
“What do I do? I don’t know what to do. I just- two weeks, it’s been two weeks and he isn’t even out of the hospital yet! Does this happen a lot? How was I supposed to know this could happen? Hotguy doesn’t just go down for the count like this, he gets his ass beat, gets stitched back together and is fine the next day! Do you know how much worse I, personally, have done to him? He just got knocked on his ass! I thought he was fine! Two weeks!”
Scar heard the low rumble of Cub’s voice, probably telling Grian to quiet down since Scar didn’t hear him anymore other than the raised squeak of urgent whispers. However, the noise stopped abruptly as the pair of footsteps neared Scar’s room. The door was open, but Cub knocked anyway.
“Hey Scar, can we come in?”
“Sure, sure!” he bellowed, hoping the cheerful tone would curb Grian’s anxiety, mostly for his own sake. Spending the only hospital visit he could worm out of his bosses telling Grian ‘It Was Fine’ sounded like the least appealing way he could utilize this time. “Please! Come in, come in!”
Cub did so, looking as he as always did with that slight frown and relaxed shoulders. Which is to say, absolutely delighted to see him! Grian, just about as horrible at masking his feelings as it gets, waddled in behind him, lips pursed and wings puffed up to twice their size.
“I’m sorry-“
“Up bup bup!” Scar cut Grian off before he could say another word, “Shush, none of that. You’re fine, I’m fine, you coulda left me there for another week and I would have been fine, though, probably a little more upset with you! But ultimately, fine.”
“But I- we couldn’t even reach you. I couldn’t-“
Scar rolled his eyes, “They’re a little tight when it comes to security, I don’t get the luxury of internet access.”
“That’s kind of fucked.” Cub said, and Scar shrugged.
“Necessary, I’ve been told. There was a public statement on my socials, did you see it?”
“The announcement that you were taking some time off to travel and you’d be back with one of those awful merch calendars sometime next month? That’s not exactly an update- actually that’s a little more concerning than the truth!” Somehow, Grian’s wings managed to grow in size, and Scar couldn’t help but laugh.
“If I was dead they wouldn’t tell the world I went on vacation! And hey! The calendars are best sellers!”
But Grian was not to be distracted. “And if you were in critical condition?”
“I wasn’t in critical condition.”
“Are you sure?”
Scar huffed, patience running thin. “Cool it, Grian, it was just an accident. Something just got bumped the wrong way, that’s all. Things get a little fucky if something goes wrong in my back, it’s just painful, nothing that can’t be fixed. Now, if we don’t start playing a board game or a few games of cards in the next minute I’m going to really throw a fit, so please, I’ve got two hours before they want to prep me for my next surgery.”
That seemed to get Grian’s attention, wings twitching as he glanced toward a shelf full of the games Scar had collected over the years, as well as other knick knacks that had piled up in his glorified apartment of a hospital room. Mercifully, Grian hopped over to check it out without another word, hopefully realizing that arguing about Scar’s condition was not how he wanted to spend his time.
“What do you want to play?” Grian asked instead, and Scar hummed.
“Anything. I know them all. I could teach you something, but personally I��d rather just get right into it with something we all know.”
“I haven’t even heard of half of these,” Grian said, poking through the shelf with a curiosity that made Scar smile, gingerly lifting a couple of the games to look at the boxes and spinning them around.
“Me neither,” Cub mumbled, looking more thoughtful than concerned with being heard. But he didn’t move to look beside Grian, instead drifting next to Scar’s bed. Scar’s heart nearly exploded when Cub’s hand drifted over his in a silent question, and Scar took it eagerly. “You okay?”
Scar closed his eyes, “Happy to have visitors.”
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it,” Cub hummed, and Scar nodded. “You know when you’re going to be out? Maybe you’ll get your phone back sooner than that?”
Scar shook his head. “Don’t know, but I doubt I’ll be texting anyone until I’m fixed. Hopefully not any longer than a couple weeks; the tech is a little old and it can be finicky, so they really have to be careful when they work on it.”
“Why don’t they hire The Goat to work on it? He built it, didn’t he?” Grian turned away from the board games, and Scar felt the energy drain from his soul at the hint of snideness edging his tone. He just didn’t want to deal with it. Didn't want to talk about this.
“I don’t know what he told you, Grian, but that’s not true. Not really.”
“Is it not?” Grian narrowed his eyes, and Scar felt his own grip on Cub’s hand tighten. Cub looked wary, but didn’t speak. Too curious to say anything maybe, though that was Scar’s own cynicism speaking. Maybe it was twisting Grian’s tone as well, but Scar didn’t care all that much.
“Well I did ask, and apparently my parents did enlist his help briefly at the beginning of the process, but it was brief. The Goat did some work on my prosthetics, but the blueprints weren’t very good, hardly enough to build a solid foundation. Most everything he did got scrapped. So sure, you could say he worked on it, if being a pain in the ass and producing a faulty outline is ‘working on it.’”
“That’s not what I heard.”
“Grian,” Cub cut in, firm. “Drop it.”
Grian looked conflicted for a moment, stuck between his passion and the surprise of being interrupted so suddenly. Cub took advantage of the silence by tugging his hand away from Scar’s, making a beeline to the board games and plucking one off the shelf more decisively than Scar ever had in his life.
“Let’s play this. Then maybe if we have time, you can teach us another,” Cub looked back to Scar, voice even and mediating. Calm. The forceful kind that grabbed you by the throat, sat you down, and lowered your hackles.
“Ooh, I like that one,” Grian said, and a guilty glance back to Scar was really all the apology he needed. Grian got caught up. It happens. Happened to Scar more times than he could count, and it would happen again just as much. Scar didn’t want any big, sweeping gestures. He just wanted a break. To be normal, if only for a few hours. So he took a deep breath, exhaled, and let the smile return to his face.
“That sounds like fun.”
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rosemary-bells · 1 year
just absolutely Speedran reading the no doubt in us manhua. what’s life even
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lesbianlenas · 8 months
i made my friend a playlist bc i’m always sending her songs to listen to & she was like you can just make me a playlist of songs and i’ll listen to them right. so i made her a playlist that was admittedly 3 hrs long lmfao. anyway she only listened to a couple of songs so far & sent me a text abt some of the songs & what she thought and then was like i think i’m lacking the religious trauma for some of these songs to really hit & i was like that’s fair i love my religious trauma music 😩 and unlike me she did not go to catholic school for 14 yrs. so today i was talking to her and i was like how many songs did you listen to bc she only sent me a text abt how she felt abt the first 5 and she was like only the 5 i told you abt and i was like 😭 none of those songs were abt religious trauma how tf did you know that there’s a bunch of songs abt that on there and she was like. actually idk what made me say that. the whole thing just sent me lmfao like? 😭
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crossbackpoke-check · 5 months
when you get this ask could you perhaps maybe bless us with 5 of your fav songs (currently or of all time), and then send this ask to 5 of your mutuals who you think have good taste!
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whipping out this old meme to say: sorry i’m basic and also have never once made a ‘favorites’ list without agonizing intensely 😭 so i narrowed it down to ‘favorite songs that have been used in hockey fancams’. HOWMSTEVER i also struggled with that. so. in no order are five songs shuffled from my fc songs playlist:
i cheated already i forgot we need to include anything hippo campus. yes i had to no i don’t even care which song (fc specific… bambi… semi-pro…) they’re my favorite band
sarah - alex g / astrid- glaive (*two songs but same vibes. it’s fine)
make out - julia nunes
junk of the heart (happy) - the kooks
pa’lante - hurray for the riffraff / thy mission - the garden (cheating again but these are both knox songs to me so they can be in one)
good old fashioned lover boy - queen
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brockachu · 2 years
the sedins and luongo are being inducted into the hhof on their first year of eligibility. first ballot. i’m in tears i’m not kidding. i’ve been down fucking Bad with covid for the past 4 days and today on the first day i can fucking breathe and stay conscious for more than 4 hours at a time the sedins and lu are going into the hhof i’m laughing and crying in my lil armchair i’m So Happy
#i just. i’m alive and i’ve been writing and i’ve been thinking about these fucking dudes for weeks#i’m just like really fucking happy to be alive and enjoying it like idk how to say this without sounding fucking ridiculous#i have a fucking chronic cough i was so worried this would make it flare up or actually make it worse#i’ve been sick in bed filled with dread and catastrophizing for four fucking days#my dog has been crying outside my door for three days bc i can’t let him sleep in here in case he carries it to my housemates#i couldn’t listen to music for the past 3 days bc the migraines got so bad and i basically live with music on usually#at its worst with my cough i literally can’t laugh without hyperventilating. it’s so depressing.#i just like 2 months ago finally shook of a really bad depressive episode paired with the Worst seasonal depression in years#i have survived this past 9mos by transmuting my feelings through hockey#the sedins & lu in hhof is so gratifying. so important. one day maybe i’ll have the words for it in poem#god do i need to write a sedins poem & a lu poem. they’re just. so important. so good.#did y’all know lu was the only nhler to speak in support of the marjorie stoneman douglas kids? yeah#i just told someone on twitter about the sedins & bc children’s hospital#i’m fucking happily sobbing listening to muna & bad bunny & rina sawayama#i am So Grateful to be alive and mostly healthy and for my brain to not be fighting me as much and god yeah#i’m not even mad i missed pride this weekend! 😂 the sun is shining and so is motherfucking aily#aily talks#canucks lb
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apathyfairy · 1 year
i’m not even kidding everytime i experience any sort of joy whatsoever something bad happens it’s like in friends when phoebe was killing people everytime she went to the dentist but for real
#speaking of dentists. lmao.#first of all i have a broken wisdom tooth that i’ve been putting off removing for 2 years now but i have all of them#tonight i was actually in an ok mood like it’s early i was gonna go to bed early and just relax#but i was like hm maybe i want to trying doing something new with my hair so i was fucking around with that and listening to music#and just being fine! like contentness which is v rare. anyway i was like ok i’m gonna start taking better care of my teeth#so back to wisdom teeth the one on my bottom right didn’t fully come out so it gets like plaque on it so i got a small child toothbrush#to really get in there and brush it yeah tmi i guess but in front of that wisdom tooth i have a temprorary filling#from 1 year ago bc this one dumbass dentist i went to well actually i went there as a kid but she’s terrible but i needed a filling fast so#i went there last year. anyway she put a temp in and said ok come back in 6 months and i didn’t because i wasnt gonna go to her anymore#and i couldn’t go to my good dentist bc he told me to remove my wisdoms and i didn’t lmao. anyway long story short i was brushing that#wisdom bitch really good and a chunk of my temp filling tooth broke off. not the filling of course but my real tooth and i’m like ok.#so god isnt real for real then. like. the reason i put all this fucking shit off is bc i don’t have money and now i fucking have to go fix#it so i’m 100% fucked i’ll never move out from my abusive gr*ndmothers house and i’m just completely fucked i’m so upset.#anyway hope i die in my sleep tonight#*temporary. if i die tonight i don’t want u guys thinking i can’t spell temporary i’m just fucking upset#it’s literally gonna be thousands isnt it like. i don’t even fucking know if they CAN fix it and who has thousands of dollars not fucking me#idk i have literally no idea what i’m supposed to do now
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Finally this boy came to his senses, it’s been seven years
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