#like tommy did not blow up half of the smp during that one stream to have people be weird about it IN 2022????
dodgebolts · 2 years
saw a clip of Aimsey on Puffy’s stream talking about the reason he left the smp like it’s something that’s been brought up since FOREVER ago and yet still people will act like everything on that server is holy and untouchable. like guys I was sad when things got blown up or disappeared but they’re pixels. on a minecraft server people have to play on. it’s not the end of the world it will be built upon and new stories will get made!
Like l’targay? I watched Purpled build its predecessor, Walmar, I watched it get claimed by puffy, turned into l’targay, and then watched again as it got plowed and the land turned into a giant beetroot farm by clingyduo like that’s how the server works! They’re not just acting out a story in minecraft for us to laud their ability to create in the video game only for people to turn around and yell at them for…playing the video game? Another example was people getting all mad at Bad for prettying up the prime path. They were the asses because in reality? Tommy was finally able to get back on and riff off of someone. It was GOOD and fun ‼️
Like I am thankful for all of the wonderful memories I’ve watched get made on that server but people were seriously insufferable about touching anything on that server—they’re adults, if something happens to something they can work it out or play off of it! Instead what happened—leaving the server in a preserved state as was enforced by fans—was easily one of the things that killed activity on the server in 2021 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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artdev · 3 years
I’m probably gonna get attacked for this lol
Tommy Character Analysis
From a sane yet angry child
The character of Tommyinnit is one of the worst characters on the entirety of the Dream SMP. Yes, the other characters have their flaws, and they have all done some very horrible things, but Tommy has continuously made bad decisions. These decisions have done nothing good for himself and have caused suffering for the other members of the SMP. In this essay I will provide reason to the fact character Tommy fucking sucks and every other character, yes including Dream, are so much better and have redeeming qualities to their characters. I will give a disclaimer: this is about THE CHARACTERS not the CONTENT CREATORS
Tommy’s First Days on the SMP
Tommy’s first day on the SMP was the last day of peace that server would ever see. From the get-go Tommy did nothing but cause nothing but problems for the original people on the server (Dream, George, Sapnap, Bad, Sam, Ponk, Callahan, and Alyssa) which resulted in a ban from not only from Dream, after refusing to obey under his exile he was put in, himself but also from George. The bans were lifted but everything spiraled from that point on. Tommy was the spark that started the disc war. This was a war that spanned over a series of months because Tommy would not stop killing Dream, so in return Dream confiscated tommy’s discs as a punishment, it was Dreams server, so he was not going to let Tommy go around causing problems without consequence.
Quick history
L ’Manburg
L’ Manburg started out as nothing but a drug caravan, started by Wilbur and tommy, would grow into a large country separated by large black walls keeping everyone out and let only a select few in. After a war Tommy did the only selfless thing, he would ever do in his whole time on the SMP. He gave up one of his discs for L’Manburg’s independence, after losing a dule with Dream. In all this tommy keeps up his thieving and antagonizing ways.
The election
The election was Wilbur’s attempt to regain power and respect within his country, there were multiple parties, POG 2020 (Wilbur and Tommy), SWAG 2020 (Quackity), Schlatt 2020 (JSchlatt). POG 2020 was the overall winner but was beat out by 1% by Schlatt and Quackity who had formed a coalition. With Schlatt as the president and Quackity as the Vise President the country is changed to Manburg, the walls are torn down, and Tommy and Wilbur have their citizenship is revoked and are banned from Manburg.
Pogtopia and Manburg v Pogtopia
Pogtopia was the ravine that served as a base for Tommy and Wilbur after the election. This is when techno (my fuckin beloved) had joined and sided with Tommy and Wilbur with the promise of chaos and war. With techno on their side, they start to build up and prepare for war. The war between Pogtopia (with the old residents of Manburg) and Manburg (pretty much everyone else on the server). The war ended with Schlatt having a heart attack in the remains of the destroyed drug van, Tubbo becoming president of Manburg, followed by Wilbur blowing up the country, with assistance from techno, and his grand death at the hands of his father.
Tommy was sent into his third exile by Tubbo after Tommy once again was causing problems for Tubbo and the new L ’Manburg. Tommy was sent thousand and thousands of blocks away from the greater SMP and he was not allowed to return unless he wanted to die. After spending months in exile with Dream coming by every day and taking Tommy’s things, and tommy almost taking his last canon life, tommy had escaped exile and went to the closest place he could go. Tommy set up a base under Technoblades retirement home and was soon discovered by Techno. Despite Tommy stealing Techno’s items and just being a annoying ass bitch, Techno let Tommy stay. With the help of techno tommy was able to sneak in and out of L’ Manburg.
Final L’ Manburg War
After a confrontation in the remains of a now destroyed community house, Tommy had sided with Tommy, another declaration of war, with Dream and techno going to blow up L’ Manburg. Tommy planed with the other members to gather resources to face off the most powerful people on the server. In the end L’ Manburg lost and was destroyed with nothing left but a sizable crater in its place.
The end of the disc war and drams imprisonment
The end of season two of the SMP was the end of the disc war, after tommy and Tubbo meet up with Dream at the top of a large mountain, where the three fought to get the discs. Dream eventually leads the two brits to a bunker where Dream had been collecting the attachments on the server, like Tommy’s cow henry, Ghostbur’s sheep Friend, and open slots for other pets and Skeppy. While Dream was going to kill Tubbo he was stopped when the entirety of the SMP, lead by Punz, came through the nether portal that led into Dream’s base. They surrounded Dream and caused him to surrender, and landed him in pandoras vault, a large prison built by Sam under Dreams request. Whist Dream has been in prison Tommy has visited a few times and has done nothing but was nothing but an annoying child to an already suffering man. During what was supposed to be Tommy’s last visit he ended up being locked in the cell with Dream due to a potential security breach in the prison, meaning tommy was stuck with Dream for what was only supposed to be a week. Tommy was stuck with Dream for more than a week, like was stated in the terms and conditions of the prison, this extended time alone with Dream was bad for the both of them and it led to tommy losing his last canon life. Tommy was revived by Dream three days later and was freed from the prison shortly after, now out and full of fresh trauma.
Present events
After being revived and released back into the world tommy swore that he would kill Dream. As of tommy’s most recent lore stream there was an attempt. Tommy armed with invisibility and fire res pots, under the cover of Ghostbur paying Dream a visit, snuck into the prison to kill Dream. When tommy finally go to Dream’s cell, he got to trigger happy and took out the axe to soon which ended in tommy being caught by Sam and left Ghostbur stranded with Dream on the other side of the lava. Now that Dream had Ghostbur he would be able to bring Wilbur back and that exactly was happened, Wilbur is now back and as crazed as ever with 13 and a half years of isolation on top of that.
Tommy and His Trauma
I will not ignore Tommy’s trauma, nor will I downplay what he’s been through, cause truly been through a lot. That being said his trauma should not be used as an excuse to blow off what he’s done, if one is going to do that you better danm well not go around and ignore others trauma. Tommy has been through some horrible things, his exile, Dream’s manipulation, being beat to death in prison then being revived, losing not only a brother figure but also a place he called home, as well as the manipulation from Wilbur, these things can really do some damage to a kid or an adult. Tommy though uses his trauma to excuse any wrong thing he does. There are characters on the SMP with similar trauma, Jack Manifold was the first character to come lose all his canon lives but he came back out of spite, both Tommy and Jack went through something similar. Jack, however, doesn’t use this trauma to make excuses for being a massive prick. Jack uses what he’s been through as motivation, while it’s one of his motivations to do something bad, but he doesn’t use it as a hindrance. Now let’s look at someone has experienced the same things as Tommy, Tubbo, Tubbo went through almost everything Tommy went through plus more. Tubbo was manipulated by Dream, saw his country get blown up TWICE, hell he had to mourn the death of his best friend on TWO SEPREATE OCCASIONS, he was killed by someone he thought he could be trusted, was manipulated as well as verbally abused by Schlatt when working in his cabinet. Tubbo has gone on to build his own little town, start a family, he had run a country pretty danm well and created NUKES. Tubbo doesn’t let what happened to him hold him back from doing great things or keep him stuck in his old ways, Tubbo was able to break from what he originally was, a side kick, and has done wonders.
Tommy and His Relationships
Keep in mind this is not about whether Tommy cares about people it’s about how he acts and how that affects others. Tommy cares people so I cannot shame him for that, but despite that he still causes problems for said people.
Tommy and Dream
Tommy and Dream have never gotten along, anyone with fuckin eyes can see that from a mile away, they are always at each other’s throats and always butting heads. Dream is normally pretty levelheaded, until Tommy comes around. When Tommy was trapped in the cell with dream that was bad from the start, but the extended time was even worse. Tommy has always been an aggressor towards Dream, during the war for L ’Manburg when Dream was meeting with Wilbur, Tommy lashed out at Dream and put the independence of this new nation on the line to try and fight Dream. Now on to more recent examples, Tommy’s death. When Tommy was trapped with Dream in the cell Dream was pretty stand offish, if anything he was excited at first, being stuck in a cell with no one to talk to is pretty fuckin lonely. That excitement was sure to be short lived. Tommy is quick to start antagonizing Dream, hitting him, hurling insults at him, and just being all around unpleasant, Tommy would also take things like Dream’s clock and books and throw them into the lava just to upset him. Tommy also killed the one thing in prison that Dream had, a cat that he named hope, another thing Tommy took away just to show “what happens to things you care about”. All these things would build up over time which lead to Dreams burst of anger and caused Tommy’s death.
Tommy and Technoblade
Time to get absolutely PISSED. Techno was never a person to Tommy, he was just the Blade, a weapon to be used till he was not needed. Ever since Techno first logged on Tommy though he had scary dog privileges, getting mad at techno for when he went and assisted Wilbur in the destruction of L ’Manburg when techno had made it clear he was not a fan of government. After Tommy had fled from his exile he went to hide under Techno’s home without Techno’s knowledge, before he was discovered by Techno, he would steal from him and use them in useless ways, such as decorating his hidey hole with gold blocks or how he stole Techno’s gapples and ate them when he didn’t need to, practically wasting them. Once he was found by Techno, Techno let Tommy live with him despite being a leach, he let tommy eat the gapples, and even assisted in getting tommy in and out of L ’Manburg, he even hid Tommy from dream and lied to one of the most powerful people on the server to keep tommy safe. Techno was very patient with Tommy and what does Tommy do? He goes around and goes back to Tubbo, the man who exiled him in the first place, actively backstabbing Techno, and when him and Dream team up and destroy L ’Manburg for the second time he has THE GULL to get mad and shame Techno for it, it’s fucking awful.
Tommy and Tubbo
Tommy and Tubbo are great friends, I can’t lie about that, but he still manages to make shitty decisions that affect him. When Tubbo was president of the New L ’Manburg Tommy started causing trouble, all starting when he (and Ranboo) burned down George’s house, forcing Tubbo to put his vice president under a probation. Even after being put under the probation, he still caused problems. Tommy made Tubbo choose between the safety and freedom for his country or his best friend staying, in the end it was tommy’s fault for being casted into exile, he just wouldn’t behave and follow the rules. He also constantly pushed Tubbo’s trauma to the side to put a spotlight on his own, making him the center of attention, ignoring someone who’s supposed to be his best friend. Now, I will say, he did do something good for Tubbo, during the final disc confrontation he gave Dream the disc’s they were fighting so hard for in return for Tubbo’s safety, I have to give credit when credit is due.
To The C!Tommy Apologists
I know people are going to come after me for this, to any Tommy apologists reading this, please just can it /nm. In canon tommy is about 20 something? You can’t keep using “Oh HeS a ChILd!’ CC!Tommy is a child. Yes, I understand he’s traumatized, so is every other character on the SMP, he isn’t special. Also, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LEAVE US DREAM APOLOGISTS ALONE. All your arguments are so similar and you all thing dream, who is obviously mentally ill, deserves the everyday beating which is incredibly fucked up. Now I know not ALL Tommy apologists are like this but it is a lot of them, regardless of what dream did, he does not deserve to be rarely fed and he does not deserve the constant torture. Also please stop wit the whole ‘dream is obsessed with tommy’ shit, I can’t remember the tag for it at the time of writing this, but it is the creepiest thing I’ve seen and everyone portrays dream to be some yandere stalker and its just not poggers to be honest, and it comes off as very predatory which is ALSO not poggers. To any tommy apologists friends I know IRL this is not directed at you and just know I love y’all.
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chalky · 3 years
The Commodification of c!Tubbo
This essay is unnecessary but I think about it too much so here you go
At this point, y’all are probably sick and tired of me rambling about c!Tubbo, as this is about all my original posts are. But, I feel as though this is an important aspect of his character that is either swept under the rug or never given any second glance.
Whether intentionally or not, Tubbo has been constantly commodified by allies and enemies alike (don’t even get me started on the fandom, that’s for a whole other post). Like, throughout the entire story of the Dream SMP, Tubbo has been looked down upon as a yes man, sidekick, or extension of another character who is incapable of making decisions for himself, which is such a degrading thing to experience for so long and explains why his character values himself so little.
This is a long one, heads up!
 I want to break up this dehumanization and commodification into three categories:
Tubbo is either a pawn (something to be used), a trophy(something to be owned), or a scapegoat(something to be blamed) to others.
Tubbo Seen as a Pawn:
Wilbur loved Tubbo, but his treatment of him during the Pogtopia arc was definitely sad to see. (Note: Wilbur was spiraling and his mental health was in shambles. He couldn’t help his paranoia and he deserved way better than the ending he got, but that doesn’t absolve the effects of his actions on others). First he took Tubbo on as a spy, a very dangerous role that landed him dead, but throughout Tubbo’s service Wilbur saw him as an obedient pawn, while not a loyal one. A pawn ready to turn to whatever authority figure commanded him best. His remarks about Tubbo being a yes man back this up, and the way he warns Tommy that Tubbo will betray them erases all of Tubbo’s identity and reduces it to that of a spy (again, this is born of Wilburs paranoia, this isn’t his fault).
Dream made it very clear that he regarded Tubbo as lesser than a toy, so obedient and trusting that he wasn’t worth keeping alive because he was so boring to him. The whole speech about Tubbo being worthless wasn’t even directed at him despite him being right there. Dream only addressed Tommy as if he was the one whose opinion on Tubbos fate mattered.
Jack Manifold literally used Tubbo’s trust to attempt to kill Tommy, saying that he was a sweet guy but way too gullible. No better way to treat someone as a pawn to further ones own agenda than by literally using them. (Him talking about how he’d be there to comfort Tubbo after the assisted murder of his best friend still mildly disturbs me).
Quackity managed to talk Tubbo into going through with the Butcher Army, using Tubbo’s power to further Quackity’s agenda (which, by Quackity’s own admission, did not revolve around the protection of L’manburg.) Quackity didn’t care that Tubbo was against violence, and pushed his concerns to the side in favor of his own ideas and kept comparing Tubbo to Schlatt whenever he acted in a way he disagreed with.
Speaking of, THE CONSTANT DISREGARD OF HIS DECISIONS AS PRESIDENT. His Cabinet never listened to him and lowkey every stream they had together was a bit frustrating to me (I’m also a sensitive bitch). They didn’t respect him in any way and undermined his authority UNTIL THEY NEEDED HIM TO SAVE EVERYONE’S LIFE. (Elaborated on in Scapegoat Category).
Technically, as much as I am a Tommy apologist, Tommy’s constant insistence that the Disc War needed to involve Tubbo kind of fits under this category. As much as Tubbo was happy to help, his involvement wasn’t really necessary, but Tommy needed someone to help him. This involvement nearly resulted in his willing death.
The only reason Dream even wanted to kill Tubbo, on top of perceiving him as useless, was to hurt Tommy and give him something of a “hero origin story” like Batman and his parents or Spider-Man and Uncle Ben. So, literally by Dream’s definition, he wanted to fridge Tubbo.
We could refer to Wilbur assigning Tubbo to presidency as Wilbur using him to make the explosion of L’manburg hurt more, but that feels like a stretch to me.
This may be a stretch, but after Tubbo is executed and Tommy starts getting mad at Technoblade, Wilbur eggs Tommy on by saying “Think of what he did to Tubbo,” while Tubbo is literally right there. His emotions on the event doesn’t matter to Wilbur, only how it impacted Tommy.
Tubbo Seen as a Prize/Trophy
The constant referral of Tubbo as something to be owned by someone, like during Wilburs speech of “he’s your Tubbo!”, is a bit off putting though I don’t think it’s meant to be malicious. Very rarely is the sentiment reversed, seen when Ghostbur gave Tubbo the Your Tommy compass, furthering the idea that Tubbo is an object, something to be sought after and secured with little opportunity for him to own something himself. It’s always “Tommy’s Tubbo”. Also when Schlatt gloated about having “his very own Tubbo”.
Tommy shows more possessive behaviors when dealing with the discovery of Ranboo and Tubbo’s marriage, asking about permission and insisting that Ranboo stole Tubbo from him. I’m sure this is subconscious, I know Tommy values Tubbo as a person but he still reduces Tubbo to an object to guard because he treasures his friend.
Another more vague example would be the fact that Schlatt exiled Wilbur and Tommy, but kept Tubbo as his right hand man even though it was clear he was on POG2020’s side. It was a way to insult Tommy, a way for Schlatt to add salt to the wound by keeping his best friend.
The Dream Team captured Tubbo very early into the Revolution, keeping him in a hole and holding him for ransom (this could be played off for laughs, I just remembered it). They also burned down his base, unrelated really but I remember it.
We could also count the way that Dream kept threatening to kill Tubbo if Tommy didn’t return the disc, but this feels like a mixture of pawn and prize, while still dehumanizing as it compares his value to that of music discs.
Yes, I am going to take c!Tommy joking about killing Michael to get Tubbo and Ranboo to break up so he can get Tubbo back seriously. The way he glared at Michael while holding an axe was just for the stream to see, if it was a joke I feel like he would have said it out loud. Even if it is a joke, laughing about taking something Tubbo loves away just to ruin his relationships is a bit yikes and frames Tubbo as something to be won back. You can ignore this if you didn’t see that moment as canon, but there are plenty of signs pointing to this being in character. (Also to be noted, Tubbo didn’t want to show Michael to Tommy, so Tommy ignored him and asked Ranboo instead, who immediately showed Tommy to Michael despite Tubbo’s clear worries)
Tubbo seen as a Scapegoat
His cabinet flip flopped back and forth on the decision to exile Tommy every five seconds. Whenever they spoke with Tubbo, they were all “You’re right! We’re going to listen to you! We have to do what’s right!” and then they hear a half baked plan and completely switch up on what they already agreed to do. (This happened twice. One at the sit down meeting where Tommy revealed Spirit and the cabinet joined Tommy in his mocking, only to blame him for how the meeting ended. Twice at the exile). So when Tubbo had to follow the original plan to, you know, make sure their country wasn’t put under lock and key until every citizen was eventually killed, his cabinet acted so shocked and betrayed and he was Schlatt and a dictator. It’s very true that he went against their plan (THAT THEY MADE FIVE MINUTES BEFOREHAND AFTER HAVING ALREADY AGREED TO THE FIRST PLAN FOR DAYS), but the way they treated him afterwards, as if he was a vile person for keeping his country safe, heavily impacted Tubbo’s mental state for a long time after. What I’m saying is Tubbo was set up to be the villain in that scenario, accidentally by his allies, and purposefully by Dream.
Tubbo was blamed for the destruction of L’manburg by Dream and a few others (also himself)
The full blame for Tommy’s exile has rested on Tubbo (I will never forget Tommy calling him a monster), despite the fact he was manipulated and backed into a corner by Dream. Even when everyone has come to understand that Tommy was manipulated by Dream, the same doesn’t go for Tubbo and he’s hit with “imagine exiling your best friend” jokes many times.
Wilbur puts the decision of blowing people up at the festival on Tubbo’s shoulders, absolving him of the blame.
Schlatt made Tubbo tear down the L’manburg walls and the important signs so he could have to deal with the blame (though Quackity took the fall for this).
This is more theory based, but I fully believe Wilbur made Tubbo president right in front of Techno to egg him on to attack L’manburg. Since Tubbo would be the president, he would take the full brunt of Techno’s wrath (and he and Tommy did), and the destruction fell onto him.
So! With my text evidence we can see a recurring pattern in the way that Tubbo has been used by many people over the history of the server without much regard for his feelings. There are very few times when people besides Tommy ask how Tubbo feels about a situation, leaving him to his dark thoughts without anybody caring. Even during the Final Disc War, when Tubbo was literally moments from death, nobody asks how he is. Nobody (except Quackity once) checks up on him, and he builds up his community by himself. Until Ranboo came along, and I am not overexaggerating this, nobody was with Tubbo to support him. He had no support system and nobody cared. They just assume that he is always fine and if he wasn’t, it isn’t their place to intervene. Tubbo is just not respected, feared, or acknowledged unless he has someone by his side, or unless he’s doing something bad in which case he’s unhinged and evil and sure to have a villain arc.
This is just something to find interesting:
The only few characters Tubbo is actively involved with that hasn’t looked down on him as a sidekick or an object has been Foolish, Puffy, Ranboo and Technoblade. You could make an argument of how Technoblade referring to him as “government” could be dehumanizing but I don’t think I’ve actually seen him do that in character? I could be wrong though. Really, Technoblade takes him seriously, but way more seriously than c!Tubbo warrants. Like, he’s looking for a tyrant to beat up and Tubbo is literally just a guy with a lot of issues struggling to keep a handle on his cabinet, which I find funny. But, jokes aside, Technoblade saw Tubbo as a legitimate threat during his presidency and is respectfully cautious of him and his nukes presently, which is surprising to me. Ranboo adores Tubbo and all of his chaos that people are unaware of because they don’t get to know him well enough. Puffy just wants the best for all the kids of the server and knows how to be respectful of their feelings, and Foolish is respectful of Tubbo, if a bit annoyed and intimidated by him.
The point of this essay is just to show that there is a pattern to these things. This is how Tubbo is treated, this is why Tubbo is prepared to die for whatever because because he doesn’t feel he’s worth anything while alive, and this is why it’s frustrating to see characters call him a follower, pawn, or yes man. And here’s the thing: I DONT KNOW WHY THEY TREAT HIM LIKE THIS??? Why him? I can’t really find out why this started to happen.
To sum some things up, no I don’t think every character who treats him poorly is completely evil. Again, some of this seems to be subconscious, some of this could be argued to be OOC, I just wanted to bring this pattern to light.
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beansandavocados · 4 years
(everything I talk about is from tubbo, wilbur, and technos povs)
okay everyone was on today. literally everyone and most of everything that happened before wilbur and tommy got on was just people bouncing from vc to vc, theorising who the traitor was, and last minute plans and loot gathering
tubbo and quackity had a moment before they gathered with techno, fundy, and niki. as they gathered, eret joined them and stated that dream stripped him of his title of king of the smp
they adopted eret into the group as wilbur and tommy joined the server
wilbur and tommy talked for a bit with each other before joining the pogtopia vc as they were yelled at by the same vc to join the call
once they did, chaos from that many people errupted and they moved from their spot to pogtopia over the span of a slow 10 minutes.
techno got tired of it and just yelled at everyone to head to his base under the lake. once they were all assembled in the public part of it, techno activated a secret door to a lower chamber with dozens of fully stocked chests full of weapons, foods, gear, and 5 full pieces of netherite armor
it was actually fucking crazy and everyone was wearing armor, except wilbur. once everyone gathered what they wanted, they returned to the surface where skeppy, bbh, and antfrost were waiting for them. the entire group of wilbur, tommy, tubbo, techno, quackity, fundy, niki, eret, bbh, skeppy, and ant made their way back to manberg
as soon as pogtopia was within range, schlatt and dream opened fire from eret's tower and the war officially started
pogtopia stormed the tower and chaos errupted. I couldn't understand anything anyone was saying but dream and schlatt ender pearled out of the tower towards manberg. idk if karl was actually fighting with dream and schlatt but he died several times but not really anyone else died
during the chaos, dream typed in chat asking to talk to wilbur. after agreeing to it and telling everyone to stand down, dream moved wilbur into a private vc. dream flat out said that schlatt's an idiot and wilbur was like yeah we know what's your point?
dream then says to join the vc with everyone else and after wilbur told everyone to shut up, dream said that they surrendered and led the group of like 15 ppl to the hto van. schlatt was there unarmed and defenseless
schlatt was washed up, drunk, and senile and it was actually really sad seeing the manburg dictator like that in the moment. jumping out of his stupor, schlatt started just punching fundy even though it pointless, he started calling quackity a flatty patty and so on and so forth. tommy eventually stepped in with an arrow loaded into dreams crossbow and pointed it at schlatt. words were exchanged and before tommy could fire the arrow, schlatt fell out of the world.
everyone was shocked but nonetheless, they started celebrating because the war was officially over and manburg was won back. in the celebration, wilbur told everyone to shut up again in order for dream to say that their was no traitor and he had lied about it.
more celebratory shouts and stuff happened, the vc was chaos, and whatever but wilbur told everyone to head to the podium. in doing so, wilbur told tommy to get on the mic as the president elect of manburg.
shocked, tommy took the stage for his first official speech as the president for manburg. tommy said it was a hard won honor to be on that stage back in manburg, and decreed that it was meant to be. he then said that manburg would again be known as l'manburg. everyone celebrated but tommy stopped them and said that he couldn't stay on as president, not until he got his disks back from skeppy. he then named wilbur as president to replace him
after tommy left the podium and wilbur stood in front of everyone, he decreed that the flag that signified schlatt's regime was to be taken down and l'manburg's yellow, red, white, and blue flag be errected once again. more cheers but wilbur stopped these as well and stated that technoblade had taught wilbur a lot and that in doing so, wilbur could no longer trust the government. wilbur conceded as president and named tubbo as president of l'manburg
wilbur left the podium and tubbo replaced him. tubbo have a fantastic speech and stated that they had a lot of work to do to fix up l'manburg but it was finally theirs again. and it was to be a place that everyone on the smp would be welcomed
everyone was finally allowed to cheer now that tubbo was the official president of l'manburg. while everyone was celebrating, wilbur said he'd be right back, exited the vc, and started making his way behind the podium. behind where the white house once stood...
wilbur than began to say chekhov's gun over and over again. he then entered the button room and sat down in the chair, looking at the button
eleven and a half stacks of tnt was rigged to blow under l'manburg and wilbur said that as long as the button was there, he just couldn't not press it
in the middle of wilbur's mental breakdown, the philza minecraft joined the vc and asked wilbur what he was doing. wilbur lied and said that he celebrating in l'manburg and trying to act cool
philza joined the game and spawned in the button room, behind wilbur
philza tried to talk sense into wilbur and tried to have him back away from the button. wilbur fully lost it and said that he was the traitor and had been all along
wilbur pressed the button, turned his back to it, and saluted philza as the tnt exploded and put a massive crater in l'manburg
philza killed wilbur and immediately took off through the crater, leaving wilbur in his madness as he laughed on. wilbur then stated that the traitor was both him and techno and that techno was going to spawn withers on top of the ruins of manburg
true to his word, techno spawned two and it was chaos, everyone was fighting a wither (one was called subscribe to technoblade)
in the chaos wilbur said that he wished the best to tubbo's presidency and that wilbur would be back very, very soon on the smp. he then ended stream and logged off
chaos ensued and tommy and tubbo managed some control after the withers were killed and asked everyone who remained on pogtopia/l'manburg's side to join a vc
techno then started lighting off his own three stacks of tnt on whatever was left of l'manburg. dream and george helped and everyone else who hadn't join the l'manburg vc just pretty much talked amongst themselves casually
in the mean time, dream said that his agreement with wilbur (I guess THE agreement about being a traitor idk) was that no matter what, l'manburg would blow up
I don't know what tommy and l'manburg talked about during this time, I had had to stop watching the streams but this is was happened today and holy fuck
OKAY watching tubbo's pov and updating as I found out shit from the moment wilbur left to push the button and wtffff
they started taking down the festival decorations and dream said oh yeah no there was a traitor
cue techno immediately launching into an anarchist monologue, killing tubbo, and stating that both him and wilbur are the traitors
techno is now toeing the line of villainy with an amazing analogue and spawned the withers
philza immediately is just like alright, half of my kids are violent anarchists and so I'mma suit up in full netherite and help the other half
also george finally showing up after building a fucking house for two hours on the server
l'manburg is officially tommy, tubbo, quackity, fundy, niki, eret, karl, and philza
CONNOREATSPANTS WTF OOOOHHHHH SHIIIITTTTT and apparently someone other than connor and philza?? if I understood dream right
tubbo and quackity are talking and tubbo wants to clean up l'manburg and rebuild it on stilts and a glass tunnel through it all which is fucking cool
tubbo is president, tommy is vice president, quackity is the secretary of state, fundy is the fourman (makes everything run smoothly), phil is an advisor, and karl is the creative input
l'manburg is not a government, it is a collective (so as not to have techno completely obliterate them for existing)
l'manburg is supposed to be peaceful and ask for permission from now on
okay now that's it's holy fuck
um yeah shit this was something else today and btw, this is all a bit, it's not real. don't get your panties all in a knot because of people roleplaying in a fucking block game
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dreamteamspace · 4 years
So this stream I got a bit confused with what was going on with the whole spiel with schlatt and dream, and I dont actually think theres a traitor. However if there was one why not niki ya know? I mean, he kept saying how it would be way more unexpected than eret in the independance war, and literally everyone so far has been thought of as a potential traitor to pogtopia,, except well,, why not niki? She also had this letter to her "dear friend" that sounded like a new turn for her character and idk man why not?
Alright I’m a very texting type of person and you’ve got my started on my hyperfixation here we go-
My thoughts on the whole situation and why I think Fundy is the traitor:
I think from Dream’s perspective: Everything makes sense. I’m HIGHLY certain that Schlatt’s deal, which Dream said is “Something Wilbur and Tommy would never give him”, was that L’Manburg will either cease to exist (become part of the Dream SMP, and we know neither Wilbur not Tommy would ever do that), or that Dream would essentially become leader of it.
That’s why, in this flip situation, if he wins, he wins all of it. This also makes sense, as Dream is 100% alright with Wilbur just blowing it up, too: Because essentially he achieves the very same thing: L’Maburg/Manburg is no more.
Dream is absolutely right that he was never on their side or really on anybody’s side. Dream is his own side. It’s his server. He IS the Dream SMP, in that sense, just like Tommy is the spearhead of the rebellion right now.
I’m also fairly certain Dream will pull a lot more people than they think into this, and I think they ALSO know, in a meta-way, that they won’t be fighting only Schlatt and Dream and one traitor. He’s just letting them wallow in their security, although I have to say he LOVES dipping in his dramatic implications about what he’s doing or will do. In this case, he might’ve managed to keep quiet to let them think they’re safe.
So for Dream: Either they win, and L’Manburg is his/no more, or Wilbur sees they start losing, and L’Manburg is also no more. Honestly? He just has to make Wilbur panic hard enough to hit that button... and then he wins. It would be bad if he loses, though, so I do think he’ll pull together for this. He’s very competitive.
(Lot more juicy theory as to who the traitor is under the cut)
I predict that a good portion of BadboyHalo, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Punz, potentially also people like Thunder or Alyssa?, are going to join Dream’s side. Sam seems close to the rebellion, but he’s also friends with George and Sapnap, but I just can’t see those two seriously fighting against Dream. If the stakes really are high, they’ll flip over to him, although I also can’t see them convincing Sam.
Most likely, George and Sapnap are just going to stay out of it entirely, and let Sam fight on the side of the rebellion. Maybe the current pet war might change that, though, say if Sapnap develops a new hatred against Tommy or even Sam? (I dont know what the pet war’s at atm but didn’t Sapnap and Sam fight over pets?), he would join in on Dream’s side. George? I have no idea. Most likely he just won’t be there. He doesn’t want to go against Sam (Who provides him with like. Everything), but he also doesn’t wanna fight Dream. IF he fights, though, I’m tempted to say he’d be on Dream’s side, but I’m honestly not up to date enough on his streams to say for certain.
As for the traitor: I actually haven’t seen Niki’s letter (to my great regret, I saw the news float around though), since I’m very focused on watching Tommy and Wilbur’s POVs. Honestly, if it’s Niki? That would be MASSIVELY surprising, and the biggest brain move I’ve ever seen. It’s possible, but I honestly don’t think it’s likely.
They’ve kept their characters fairly consistent, and while this IS kindof meta to say, I don’t think (with how things are atm), that Niki would betray L’Manburg, UNLESS she’s doing a double-agent thing and plans on tricking Dream in the end. That I could potentially see happening.
But knowing that she changed the anthem from Wilbur’s posessive “My L’Manburg” to just “L’Manburg”, that she’s been loyal even when they kinda half left her alone with Schlatt to tax her, and even during the pet wars she never strikes blood, but rather takes hostages and wants a sincere apology... I don’t see it right now. Then again, I don’t watch Niki’s streams on the SMP, so I could be wrong, as I’m not quite familiar with the intricacies of her character on the SMP besides the surface level.
On on hand... I also doubt whether there is a traitor at all, and Dream is just hoping to drive them apart and make sure they don’t get things done as efficiently as they could, because they’re busy pointing fingers at eachother, suspecting eachother, potentially even throwing somebody out once the tension between them snaps.
He needs to win this fight. If he does, he gets EVERYTHING. What they think of him after that point doesn’t matter, so the lie doesn’t matter. They can laugh at him afterwards, but he’ll still have won. I don’t know how many actually highly important details Dream would drop into conversation like that.
Consider, he does have a traitor. Why would he tell them he has one there? Why tell them that they’ll never guess? It just sows chaos in their group, and that’s what he wants. If he DID have one, he might just not say anything.
On the other hand: He might just be dramatic like that honestly. We all know they’re meta-fighting for the next spot in a sad-ist animatic, so Dream could very well be taking a more active role to insert himself into the story and cause some drama. Even if he DOES have a traitor on the inside, saying it still sows chaos. It’s a little risky, but if it really is something they won’t guess, then the chance that they’ll suspect the wrong person might be high enough, and make it worth it.
If he DOES actually have a traitor, my top sus are honestly Fundy, Tubbo, and maybe Ponk. I’m very sure it’s NOT Wilbur, Tommy, Sam, or Quackity.
Ponk doesn’t seem like the type of person to be reliable enough. He’s just kinda in it for the ride, and he’s too quiet to set a focus on. I don’t think Dream even considered him on the side of the rebellion for certain until today. It is, however, still possible. Tommy seems to trust him, and he’s not in deep enough for them to intently interrogate him on his loyalty, cause they know he’s more laid back when it comes to that. He feels only half in the rp to begin with, just wanting to fuck around with everyone. And then, BOOM, he’s actually been playing a massive role this whole time. It’s a little bit of a safe target, too, albeit a little underwhelming.
Tubbo... listen. We all love Tubbo. Tommy loves Tubbo, and we know Tubbo cares greatly for Tommy. Tubbo also seems(?) to care for L’Manburg. But I just....
It’s Tubbo, man. I have no idea. He seemed SO close to ACTUALLY flipping over to Schlatt before the festival. Everyone keeps pushing him around like this innocent tiny kid when he has the biggest third eye out of everyone and is the only one actually doing any work.
Tubbo has stated before that his official motivation is that he just wants peace for everyone. He just doesn’t want to fight and wants to do fun stuff. So of course he sounds horrified at the prospect of having to hunt down Tommy after Tommy was exiled, but happily went along with the festival. He was excited to do his speech. Schlatt actually placed responsability on them for once. He truly did seem happy about that.
It doesn’t matter as much to Tubbo who’s who. What matters is that the fighting preferrably stops, and they all just have a good time. Dream gave the line “I’m very convincing”, so I think he did actually have to convince the traitor, if there is one, to join his side. It wasn’t automatic.
Technically speaking, if L’Manburg is no more, and they’re all part of the Dream SMP again, doesn’t the fighting stop? If there’s no nation to fight over, then there’s no reason to fight. If L’Manburg is no more, then Schlatt has 0 power, and if Dream takes over, he could’ve promised to un-exile Tommy and Wilbur. And then they’re all part of the Dream SMP! No more fighting! Everyone’s on the same side!
Tubbo seems to care less for nations or sides, and much more for people, and for the people around them to be happy. His switch to enthusiasm at Schlatt’s festival came quickly, because many of the people he cared about still partook in it, and he never did hurt Tommy, because he does care about him.
But Tubbo DID say the line “may the festival begin” after his speech, and they knew what that would start. So why? In a way, I think Tubbo waged his options. Who does he care about more? Tommy, to his knowledge, is on Wilbur’s side. He might’ve decided in a moment of uncertainty that Wilbur and Tommy’s opinions of him are more important to them than the opinions of the other people there. Mostly Tommy, because we know those two would die for eachother. They chose Tommy over everyone else at that festival, potentially even over their own motivations, over their own gut.
Fundy, in fact, has MANY reasons to be the traitor, but isn’t quite obvious in that sense. They thought he was a traitor, actually, but once he showed them his diary, he essentially convinced all of them very certainly that he’s not the traitor, and they believed him. Dream joined the call later, so it’s possible he heard that part or Fundy told him about it (They’ve all been known to listen in on convos sometimes to know whats going in. They have to in order to build a good story line.)
Fundy has all the reasons. Reason number one, to me, is Fundywastaken. It’s canon in the Dream SMP lore, they just surprisingly haven’t done anything with it. During the independance war, that wasn’t a thing yet, and since they ARE a thing in canon now... they’ve never actually fought eachother. In fact, as things are now? We’re EXPECTING to see Dream fight his canon fiancé. Fundy officially joined the fight when Tommy asked him, confirming that they can count on him and that he will fight. We know for certain that Dream will fight.
If Fundy isn’t the traitor and doesn’t become one, then Dream and Fundy are inevitably meeting in battle on the 16th.
Consider his storyline: We’ve all been highly expecting Fundy to either punch Wilbur in the face or at LEAST be dissapointed in him or SOMETHING. He hasn’t, as far as I’m aware. He’s just standing there near him, very very quietly, giving a firm but quiet “yes” when Tommy asked him if they could count on him.
Fundy hasn’t expressed much to Wilbur at all, despite heving been left alone with Schlatt by him, despite how much he deserves to be angry at him for being patronized and not trusted with anything.
And, y’know... He’s officially Dream’s fiancé. The others don’t seem to know yet, and I don’t know how many people do know or not. It’s possible they just don’t know, and of course Dream wouldn’t tell them anything, not even tell anyone, this close before a fight. Dream might not even tell his close allies out of fear that the information could spread or that they could turn on him.
So honestly... Fundy seems the most likely for me to be the traitor, especially because there’s been plenty of foreshadowing for it, there’s a good setup, he has good reasons, and it wouldn’t seem like a cheap plottwist, but rather a gradual change.
Not to mention that meta-wise, Fundy has been actively involved in the rp and been dropping some pretty good lines himself. This isn’t something that Dream would have some non-rping person do.
I’m also kindof sure it’s not Technoblade, because Dream laughed it off and half-indicated that it is (Tommy: “I bet it’s Technoblade” Dream, cracking up: “I didn’t say that, you said that”), because he profits from doing so. He profits from them thinking Technoblade is the traitor. And also I really, really don’t think Techno would team up with Dream in this rp. Then again, Dream recently proclaimed to be on the side of chaos.... so who truly knows? I’ll definitly be surprised if it’s Techno, but I suppose it is a possibility. I just don’t think Techno can be convinced to much of anything, unless of course all it took was saying “Hey it’s Schlatt and Me against like 6 people so if we want an actual fight for once-” “Finally some bloodshed and war. I’m in”. I mean, I doubt it, but I’m leaving the possibility open.
TLDR: Dream wins if he wins the fight OR if Wilbur blows everything up. The traitor is likely either Fundy, Ponk or Tubbo, and I think there will be more people fighting on Dream’s side than just Schlatt and one traitor.
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Thoughts on the Pogtopia Traitor - My Tubbo Theory
I’ve been hearing a whole lot lately about conspiracies for who the “unexpected” Pogtopia traitor is gonna be, who will likely be revealed on the 16th during the big Dream SMP stream event. While there are lots of advocates for people like Tommy, Wilbur, or Techno, below is my explanation of why I wholeheartedly believe that Tubbo would be the most perfect choice for the traitor, and who I hope will end up being said mole in Pogtopia’s operation.
And here we go: why Tubbo is the perfect, unexpected, most reasonable possibility for the traitor.
I definitely think that Dream’s word choice of “finding out” about a traitor among Pogtopia’s ranks is significant. It’s a direct reflection of who ended up recruiting the person - and the only rational remaining option for who the recruiter was is none other than Jschlatt. Now, I get it: “Why would Tubbo side with the man who just tried to execute him in front of the entire Manberg population?”
You know why? Because Tubbo understands. Here’s the layout:
Although the two seemed to have an incredibly strained set of relations following the festival events, recall what Tubbo said to Wilbur and Tommy before he gave his speech: he never explicitly stated that he wasn’t happy in Manberg. All he said is that it would be better if Tommy and Wilbur were there as well. Yet, his desire to be with his friends in that sense takes a massive hit when Wilbur soon thereafter calls Tubbo a “yes man”. And if you’ll notice, Tommy never blatantly disagrees with the notion before Tubbo takes his place on stage.
When delivering his speech, there was a clear delay in Tubbo saying the words for Wilbur’s explosion activation, only ever bringing them up hurriedly at the very end when Schlatt asks if he’s done talking. When I watched the stream, I legitimately thought he wasn’t going to say them at all because he felt hurt by his two closest comrades. It was a blatant sign of his hesitance to go through with the plan, and therefore hesitance in his loyalty to the current ideals of Pogtopia.
Despite the fact that Schlatt tried to expose Tubbo at the festival for conspiracy, he still ALWAYS listened to Tubbo and his ideas to improve the nation whenever he proposed anything. He always complimented him and gave him power to do what he wanted. Tubbo was a very crucial part of Schlatt’s cabinet as his right hand man, keeping the nation organized, productive, and growing. And you know what?
Even though Schlatt had his moments of lashing out and all, Tubbo was one of his most valued acquaintances - and Tubbo knows this.
When he wasn’t getting outed for helping Pogtopia, Schlatt was always with him on his ideas and things he wanted to do to help improve. It was consistently, “Great idea, Tubbo.” “You are so important to this team.” “Thank you for your input.” “Where would we be without you?”
You know who never truly expressed that same sort of mutual respect for him? Wilbur.
“Tubbo, I want you to promise me that you’re not going to speak to Tommy.”
“Wilbur said he wasn’t going to hurt me.”
Let’s remember that Wilbur could have easily communicated with Techno that he should not go through with the execution. He had the time, with how much Techno was stalling to protect Tubbo. And with Tommy being subservient to whatever Wilbur says, despite the fact that he TRIED TO BLOW UP MANBERG, his trust in his friends’ decisions are brought into jeopardy.
Tubbo also knows, with his vast understanding of the government that he practically kept afloat half the time, that Schlatt technically did the disciplined and reasonable thing to maintain the nation. There was a traitor looking to take down the government, so to consequently prevent it, he took it out effectively. I think secretly, Tubbo gets that and respects it in a way.
Now lets look at some of the other proposed Pogtopia traitors that I’ve seen, and compare them to Tubbo’s circumstances.
Here we have the most obvious option with Technoblade. Techno is a clear option for traitor material. He’s said it before that he likes being the outnumbered one and that’s why he sided with Pogtopia in the first place. Even Wilbur himself claimed that it was very likely during the recent stream. However, Dream stated that this time around, the traitor is going to be a more surprising shock than Eret back in L’manberg’s fight for independence. Could Techno still technically decide to fight with Schlatt and Dream when the fight arises? Sure. Do I think this is who Dream was referencing when he was talking about a mole in the ranks? Absolutely not.
On the other hand, we have Wilbur. He is unpredictable, clearly unstable, and very hellbent on getting vengeance. But what I think many are forgetting is that Schlatt is everything he despises about Manberg. He’s the one who started Wilbur’s thirst for revenge in the first place. He exiled him, cut him off from everything he’s ever worked for, and has never once held any semblance of remorse - only rubbing it in that he’s always one step ahead. No matter if Wilbur is off his rocker at this point, it’s a reach to think that he’d side with Schlatt, especially if Schlatt has apparently made a deal that “neither Wilbur or Tommy would have ever agreed to” regarding the fate of L’manberg territory. And just to set my reasoning in stone for this one, Wilbur’s surprise when he discovered that the TNT was gone from the bunker did not seem falsified or played up to convince the others. It felt like a genuine reaction. That’s why I don’t think it would make sense for him to be the traitor.
Finally, as for Tommy, he’s too much of the protagonist role for his sole betrayal to make much sense. I feel like it would leave a lot of people a bit lost. While people think that there’s an incentive hidden there with Wilbur telling Tommy that he would never be president, I feel like his betrayal would have happened much earlier on in the storyline, and the fact that he stayed with Wilbur despite his harsh words and psychotic ideals to blow up Manberg leads me to believe that he would not leave Wil behind. My idea that Tommy would never side with Schlatt is only emphasized by the fact that Schlatt legitimately tried to execute his best friend, Tubbo, in front of the entire Manberg population. He would never take a side with him after that point...
...unless, he had some persuasion.
Tommy and Tubbo are very frequently a package deal. Everyone saw Tommy’s response when Tubbo was shot by Techno at the festival. The two even joked about running away from the entire conflict before, just the two of them. They would clearly protect each other with everything they had. So what I think could happen is Tubbo announcing his betrayal to the rest of the SMP and attempting to persuade Tommy into joining him. Tubbo isn’t gullible, stupid, or assuming. He’s incredibly organized, very observant, and a very reasonable person. I don’t think it’s hard to believe that he could convince Tommy to see his side of things.
Just as an extra note, everyone absolutely loves Tubbo, no matter what side of the conflict you’re on. Who in their right mind would say no to him? No👏freaking👏body👏 - he’s a solid negotiator, can be serious and silly, and has the creativity to find solutions that would make everyone happy. If someone finally saw that potential in him and offered him a place at the table, I think he would grab at it for sure, especially at a point in time where he doesn’t know who else to turn to besides himself.
So yeah, I think Tubbo’s the traitor. Send tweet. His role in this entire situation is so underrated despite the amount of sway he could have, so I really hope my thoughts come to fruition at some point. To be completely frank, he’d make an outstanding leader as well, so it would be super interesting to see how that sort of twist would play out.
Thank you for coming to my rant :p
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 3 years
On Resurrection and Revival on the Dream SMP (Part 1: Before)
I know the events of January 23, 2021 aren't necessarily canon, but I'm inclined to interpret parts of it as canon (based on my own discretion) as a means of attempting further understanding of the workings of the server-universe.
We have 3 people who have canonically lost all their 3 lives: Jschlatt, Wilbur Soot, and Jack Manifold.
Based on what we know of these three, I've come to understand and ride on a theory that in order to bring back someone who is canonically dead back into the world of the living alive and well, the following elements must be present:
A Strong Desire, Willingness, & Want to Return to Life
Unfinished Business, or an Objective Need to Return
The Validation and Permission of Death and the Forces that Run the Server
Should one or more of these things be missing, the person in question:
may remain in the void where all the dead people are
manifest willfully as a ghost in order to finish what must be finished and then finally rest
be forcefully summoned as a ghost, the outcome of which is quite unpredictable and dependent on the identity of the ghost in question
An elaboration of these necessary elements are below the cut. Personal headcanons will influence my points. See Part 2 here, which contain theories discussing what may happen after a resurrection/revival.
A Strong Desire, Willingness, & Want to Return to Life
One of the major factors of Jack Manifold's revival is his pure, sheer will to come back from the dead. His persistence to "crawl out of Hell," as he had put it, in fact made him stronger and made him prevail in coming back.
Then we have Schlatt, who according to the failed attempts on Ghostbur, preferred to stay dead. He died in a state of aggressive substance abuse, clearly resigned to death once he recognized that he was dead. 
I will note that Glatt slowly expressed desires to stay around after being summoned by ConnorEatsPants on the 23rd, most likely gaining the will to stay after being exposed to the opportunities being made in the living world. His plans seemed to lean towards business, showing a desire to sell inventions, if his words during Bad’s late-night stream (this was when Bad went to repair the Nether Hub) the following day were of any indication.
Now Wilbur (Alivebur/Ghostbur) is an interesting case! Based on this element, one could argue that one of the canonical reasons the spirit of Wilbur Soot split in half was because his will was not certain. It was divided. In Alivebur is his resignation to death (he literally begged Phil to kill him) and in Ghostbur a willingness to carry on living. This will, I noted, only manifested fully during Doomsday, where he finally becomes the victim of a crime he himself has committed before. After all, Ghostbur doesn't seem to properly understand why he was brought back as a ghost, only merely accept; he wasn't summoned by people but rather by the forces of the server, denoting that at some point the entirety of Wilbur wished to remain in peace. It also seems that the server could only summon the part of Wilbur that still behaved and believed in confidence of the L'Manburg ideals. Perhaps it respects the wishes of Alivebur.
Both aspects are aware that a resurrection will cause them to merge back, the individuality of these aspects of Wilbur killed through a ritual attempt. (We see this mess up during the January 10 streams)
Unfinished Business, or an Objective Need to Return
Jack Manifold, as his arc suggests, has many plans to do in mind. When he lost his 3rd canon life, he still had desires to kill off Techno, Dream, and Tommy, as well as to finally be taken seriously and with an amount of respect. Manifoldland exists and it still needs someone to take care of it.
Jschlatt's intended business would be to continue to run Manburg until he is no longer legally fit to do so. If he dies mid-term, it's not like he can get it back. It'll be given to the Vice President. His character had no further motivation outside of Manburg other than coping with his health, which in its poor condition, is what killed him in the first place. He has nothing to genuinely come back for.
Here's the Wilbur dilemma:
Alivebur did what he had to do--blow up L'Manburg and forever leave a legacy via marking the effects of his troubling actions on the "unfinished symphony" and those who collaborated on the symphony country in question. He successfully did that. His job is done.
Ghostbur's unfinished business seems to stem from the part of Wilbur who still thinks the symphony can be finished, who has hope that L'manburg will rebuild and restore itself into the country he envisioned it to be, what it was supposed to be. He made himself present when there were attempts to rebuild L'Manburg, willing to help around.
Arguably shared between the two is the need to see Tommy (and Tubbo) secure their personal victories. There’s no explicit confirmation as to which aspect of Wilbur spoke to Connor in order for Tommy and Tubbo to receive Ghostbur’s Pick and Chekhov’s Gun; I’m leaning towards Alivebur for characterization purposes, and the fact that it’s Alivebur who greets the clingy duo at the end of the Disc War.
Wilbur has expressed being in major lore soon as of writing, so whether we see Ghostbur or Alivebur or some unholy combo ghost (or Glattbur) is up in the air.
The Validation and Permission of Death and the Forces that Run the Server
According to Jack himself, he had to ask permission to come back to life. He had to give something up in order to come back. Whatever it was, the server deemed it acceptible and allowed him to come back.
Things I see as proof of server permission is how his house, Manifoldland arguably, was relatively untouched during Doomsday. When he “went to Hell”, he fell through the Prime path, implying this to be deliberate in some way.
Now Schlatt and Wilbur clearly don’t have that kind of permission. Not many people actually do, which would explain the need for resurrection rituals.
Individual souls and entities of all kinds can exist in the server, so a variety in the history of resurrection in the Dream SMP is to be expected. This is why Eret and Phil’s individual methods varied. Connor’s methods can be interpreted as him having misunderstood the ghost summoning method as a resurrection one. (Given his tendency to have difficulties playing minecraft from time to time, this is in-character, so I think it checks.)
After all, the way the canon life system affects the members isn’t completely the same. Phil is stuck with one life. Skeppy and BadBoyHalo are soul bound, with Bad effectively being immortal as long as Skeppy is alive. There’s still Dream, for those who doubt that he has just three lives.
We know how the attempted resurrection of Wilbur Soot went down on the 10th. It has to be done right or something bad may happen. The mishap has led to Schlatt being forcefully linked to Wilbur’s ghost. Schlatt teased on the 23rd that he’s probably gonna come back with Wilbur but I’m going to wait on the canonical outcome of the next resurrection attempt. Whenever that would be...
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czarojay · 4 years
//This is gonna be a long, probably not properly formatted post, but i just couldn’t help but gush about and ramble about this. Also prepare for a wall of text why everyone is the traitor /hj//
I just have so many thoughts on what happened yesterday. Like all the foreshadowings and plotholes and plotlines have been set in motion, completed or filled. And it makes my little writer soul happy, you know?
It was obvious Techno and Wilbur would be the traitors, since Wilbur multiple times said so himself and Techno literally murdered Tubbo in cold blood. Maybe not so much cold blood cause “hE WAS PEER PRESSURED” and stressed af, but you get the point. 
We knew Philza would join Dream SMP pretty much, since Wilbur showed him the script on stream recently. Also like Traitor Philza anyone? How many posts have you seen of the ultimate traitor being Philza? I have seen lots, but in the end weren’t like half the people traitors? Niki betrayed Pogtopia subtly by leaving and building another city, but i guess this depends on your point of view and opinion, since in the final battle she did fight for Pogtopia. Wilbur was the traitor (everyone knows that) by blowing up Manburg, when it all seemed to go right. Techno was the traitor to Pogtopia, but was also betrayed by Pogtopia. Techno was here to abolish government not make another, but at the first time, he knew what he was getting into. Tommy spoke about taking back L’Manburg for two months, since the election, so I do not know why the surprise. While I agree with Techno that they were just terrorists, because Schlatt was elected, voted, not a tyrant in full meaning of that word (this is so complicated, i love this). Eret was the traitor to Dream for a change, because he wanted to help and join Pogtopia, but was also betrayed by Dream, who had supposedly no way of knowing Eret was going to betray them, he just took the crown and plopped it down on our cottagecore lesbian George, who either sleeps or builds cute houses. 
Also Philza being the one to slay Wilbur is just amazing, because there are so many possibilities motives. Philza said he couldn’t kill Wilbur, but he looked on the people of Manburg, L’Manburg, Pogtopia and Dream SMP, Badlands, he looked at all the people gathered here, staring up at him and he said he couldn’t kill his son. Wilbur said he was the one who destroyed L’Manburg, His L’manburg and ordered Philza to murder him. And he did. But why?
Did Philza kill Wilbur, because he knew, that even with Schlatt gone, Wilbur would continue to cause wars and battles and death and pain? Did Philza kill Wilbur, because he knew that Tommy looks up to Wilbur and wouldn’t be able to not let himself be manipulated? Did Philza kill Wilbur, because he thought nothing else could stop him from becoming a monster? Did Philza kill Wilbur, his son, because he couldn’t bear the thought of not being able to help his son, while one is traumatised, staring at them from where he miraculously survived the explosion and the other one was betrayed, but also a traitor and he just needed to do something? Did Philza kill Wilbur, because he looked at the blown up land and he heard his son begging for death and he at that moment was the only person who could make a change? 
Hell if i know, there are too many posssibilities, but what i DO know is that i’m going to meet theories and conspiracies across my tumblr dash for weeks and I will be able to read all your amazing essays and I just can’t wait for it you know?
Chekhov’s gun. We knew L’Manburg would blow up. It would make no sense for it to not blow up after a month of it being the major plot device, one of the few things to keep it going. It needed to happen or otherwise the plot wouldn’t make sense. If this was a book and not minecraft roleplay, I bet everyone would be angry that the Wilbur character didn’t blow up as he said he would through half of the third book of the series! Sure there would be people happy that he didn’t, but let’s all be honest here, all the AUs would feature him blowing it up, it was really the only way for there not to be a massive plothole.
Tubbo becoming a president wasn’t that to be expected before the stream, but during the conversation with Quackity it was hinted towards. We all thought it would be Tommy who’d been hinted towards in the “You’re never going to be a president, Tommy” speech of Wilbur. And to be fair, he was a president for like 1.2 seconds, before he went back to get his discs which as exasperated leave me, because come on you’ve been at these discs for like almost HALF A YEAR WOW, make me happy cause it means more plot to come, chekhov’s gun right? I’m not sure if this applies here though, since they’ve already been used. We’ll wait and see right? Tubbo became a president like he was supposed to become. We all expected him to become the vice president, since Tommy always titled him his right hand man and the parallels were too strong. From Secretary of State through Schlatt’s right hand man through a traitor to end as the President of L’Manburg. Or New L’Manburg should I say?
And it’s even worse when you think about how Wilbur appointed Tommy KNOWING L’Manburg would blow up in a moment. He wanted to give him everything he could ever want and then steal it away the next second, violently, not leaving a shred of hope for it to return. Because, you see, with the discs? Tommy always could fight for them, steal them, get them back. Physical small objects, but worth so much. But L’Manburg? Tommy just got it back, his second home, his people, his place and Wilbur planned to immediately rip it away violently. Tommy would rage, he’d curse, he’d plan revenge. Which is exactly the reason Tubbo is the better choice to be a president. 
Tubbo doesn’t hold grudges, so unless he’s manipulated, not many wars will be initiated by him. He was one of the people who tried to fight the wither, he was the one who immediately jumped to gathering people and making plans for the future of their country. He was the one who made plans to rebuild their nation stronger and better. He jumped to making and building and communicating rather than fighting, which seems to me like something a good leader would do. 
Wilbur as the president barely did things, mostly used pretty words or fought. Only later in Pogtopia he actually did most of the stuff in their ravine, but he still left grinding and food for Techno and in the end he went insane and no good leader should be an insane one. Schlatt? Schlatt wanted to chop down the trees, kill the animals and destroy the nature. He may have been a better, closer and an actually elected leader compared to Wilbur, but that doesn’t mean he was a good leader. So it is possible Tubbo will be the best leader yet. 
But will he even be able to be truly a leader? Tubbo said himself he’s not sure how the whole president thing goes and he agreed to just call it a friend group, so they’re not demolished by Technoblade again, so he’s never going to be truly a leader, especially since Philza joined and everyone looks up to Philza. They’re not going to have a leader, because Techno will kill anyone who even hints towards it and Dream would probably do that as well. Or so he says, but then he made Dream SMP a kingdom, a proper kingdom with a true king. Because let’s agree, Eret was never a leader before. He was just there, sitting pretty in his forest. There was no true kingdom before, just a group of people who decided to play along for the sake of the spy. But even then, it seems pretty hypocrytical of Dream, doesn’t it? He says down with the government, with organized nations, presidents and leaders and yet...
King George has happened. But at what cost, I would say sadly and possibly crying if I didn’t expect it to happen. It was bound to happen since the very first WHITE FLAGS, TOMORROW, OR YOU’RE DEAD. He’s earned no right to the title, he didn’t participate in this war, he hardly does anything on the server. He’s just an heir. Dream forcefully removed the last monarch, so George could become the king and I feel this is going to be a big thing in future, since it wasn’t that focused on during the last streams. I think so at least? We’ll see. 
There’s just so many things to cover here, possibilities are WILD, the lore is just SO HEAVY and I am Thriving, capital T. But isn’t the whole fandom? We’re all loving it here, right? And I want to write even more, but at the same time, I’ve already got 1.5 k words and I’m afraid nobody will read it if i continue, SO HAVE A GOOD DAY IF YOU READ SO FAR. SUBSCRIBE TO PHILZA.
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square-blunt · 3 years
I have a history quiz due on Sunday, why am I writing this character analysis of a sixteen-year-old minecraft streamer for fun-
I am hyper-fixating on the Dream smp. This has caused many problems for me. I have been in the fandom for a semi-short amount of time, since Tommy’s exile, but I was immediately attached to him, because of the arc he was in and the relationship with c!Dream. I was amazed at how much he actually went through because I only had a quick rundown from a friend. And this ‘much’, I think, actually validates the many ‘controversial’ choices that Tommy has been forced to make. Keep in mind that a lot of these choices that Tommy made were unwilling- and sometimes both of the options have very big consequences. My name is Nix, I kin the gremlin child, and thank you for coming to my very biased ted talk. Essays are just scholarly rants, and I will now rant about this angsty block gremlin child.
I feel like we forget that he is a child. I feel like those who criticize c!Tommy forget that he’s a literal child. He is 16. And he has already been through an unspeakable amount of trauma. It’s almost sickening, the fact that a lot of these adults know what Tommy’s been through, they know that he’s a kid, and yet they treat him like an adult, and they expect him to act like an adult and punish him when he doesn’t. They expect him to make choices like an adult like he hasn’t been traumatized like he hasn’t been through literal wars, saw his best friend get blown up by his brother, had his other brother blow up the country, had his father kill that brother, and then get emotionally manipulated into isolation until he almost fucking killed himself, and then that first brother and his father blew up the same country again with the guy that emotionally manipulated him into almost killing himself. He is still a child. And the adults of the server seem to fucking forget that. Puffy is one of the only people to stand up for him, and yet no one listens to her. Big fucking surprise. But she stands up for him still, because she understands the fact that Tommy is a child and he should not be expected to act like an adult. She understands this. And no one else seems to. Ghostbur treats him well, but that’s because Ghostbur treats everyone well. I’m not saying that everyone should treat Tommy nicely because he is traumatized, what I am saying is that they have no excuse to treat him like shit. These adults should treat him nicely because they should be decent human beings (Or piglin hybrids or half-enderman or furries or whatever else). They shouldn’t be fucking assholes to Tommy especially because he’s been hurt by assholes almost all his life (on the server, I mean). They should be nice to everyone, but especially to Tommy because he’s been hurt so much. The people who believe that Tommy should ‘learn a lesson’ (cough cough Philza) and try and ‘teach’ that lesson through violence (COUGH COUGH PHILZA [and technoblade but like, techno’s an enigma that I’ll talk about later]), like, it’s not gonna work! It hasn’t worked the ten million other times they’ve tried before! Like fucking jesus the kid already lost his disks and his country and half of his family, what more lessons can you teach? Like yeah. Tommy, he has fucked up in the past. He’s made mistakes. But I personally believe that he’s been held more than accountable for all of them. Stop. Using. Violence. To. Try. And. Teach. Tommy. A. ‘Lesson’. 
Most of this does stem from c!Dream and his iron grip on the serve, and I am a firm fucking believer that he was the one to blow up the community house with the sole purpose of framing Tommy. Because that is something Tommy would do. Because he's ‘grown up’ in an environment where the only way to work through your issues is to blow shit up. Tommy knows that there are other ways, but every time there has been a conflict, violence seems to be the only way out. And it is perfectly in line with Dream’s character to know that and use that against Tommy. I think Dream also knew that Tommy would end up going back to Tubbo in the end, too. That’s another thing, I don’t think Tommy betrayed Techno. Like, yeah, Tommy left him, but he didn’t betray Techno in the normal sense of the phrase. One stream before that, Techno legit said “Oh I’ve just been using you as a pawn for my own personal gain up until now but y’know now I actually don’t physically want to kill you so good job I guess. By the way, I’m blowing up everything and killing everyone you’ve ever loved whether you like it or not. You don’t have to help me, you can just let it happen and sit it out I’m cool with that-” LIKE BITCH EXCUSE ME? Tommy has given up two lives, his disks, he’s been exiled twice, his country has been blown up twice (by that point)- and now Techno is telling him that he’s gonna blow it up again? Because you people seem to forget, Techno blew up Tubbo first. Techno. Shot. First. Sure the butcher army didn’t have to go after him when he went into retirement, but Techno shot first intending to kill Tubbo, did that, got away with it other than Tommy yelling at him right after it, and then worked with Dream to spawn withers and blow it up after they killed Schlatt. Sure, Techno gave them gear. But during that, whether he was knowingly contributing or not, Dream was corrupting Wilbur and Techno was contributing. Once again, knowingly or not, he was still doing that. And Tommy realized this. Tommy cares about L’Manburg. He cares about Tubbo. He cares about Wilbur. And Techno hurt all of them. Tommy didn’t forget that. And yeah, Techno stood for Tommy during that whole ‘this guy’s with me’ thing, but like, Techno still offered to hand Tommy over for the favor. Techno could have kept his mouth shut. But Techno still saw Tommy as somewhat of a pawn for his own personal end- blowing up L’Manburg. He said, ‘Oh we’ll get your disks, Tommy, don’t worry, but you know I’m gonna just gonna side with the guy who isolated you from everyone you ever cared about first to blow up one of the only things you have left of Wilbur but you know, government bad, they took everything from me, don’t mind the fact that I killed your best friend and blew everything up no it’s all their fault-’ Techno saw Tommy as an opportunity. Techno didn’t care about Tommy’s well-being, until maybe the day before but even then. (Yes, I know about the ax and Ranboo giving it to Techno and all that bullshit and how he’s hesitant to let anyone in bc everyone has ‘betrayed’ him but he said. To Tommy. Directly. That he was simply using him for his own personal gain). At least Tommy was open about what he actually wanted.
The disks, I feel like, are more than just disks. They represent all the sacrifices that Tommy’ ever made for L’Manburg. Notice how, yeah Tommy wanted the disks back when he had L’Manburg, but that ‘I-want-my-disks-back’ arc really picked up when he was in exile/when L’manburg was taken from him. L’Manburg and the disks are interchangeable. If Tommy has L’Manburg, he doesn’t have the disks. If Tommy doesn’t have L’Manburg, he wants the disks back. And he’s said this from the start. That’s why he gave the presidency to Tubbo was because he knew that he would be a bad president. He wanted his disks back. That want has always been there. But notice that when Tommy gets to Snowchester, he says to Tubbo “I want the disks back.” Not ‘I want L’Manburg back’. Tommy wants the disks. He knows he’s lost L’Manburg, (even tho L’Manburg is the bond between him, Tubbo, and Alive/Ghostbur but that’s a rant for a later date) so maybe he can get his disks back. One thing I should touch on is Tommy’s struggle between choosing his disks and choosing people. Don’t get me wrong, I know that if it came down to Tubbo or the disks, he’d choose Tubbo, but in little things. Like when Tubbo invited him to stay in Snowchester, Tommy didn’t respond but instead asked for his help in getting the disks. Tommy has trouble getting his priorities straight in minor things. I think that’s why Tubbo is such a good fit for Tommy. Tubbo knows that Tommy would choose him over the disks if it came down to it, and Tubbo understands what Tommy has gone through, and Tubbo understands that even when Tommy can get a little too fixated on the disks, he will still put his friends first. That’s what the others don’t get. That’s why, I think, Tommy told Tubbo to give Dream the disks on the 5th. Because Tommy realized that by saying “The disks were worth more than you ever were” he is putting the disks above Tubbo- he’s putting himself above Tubbo. And this ties back into the emotional trauma that Dream inflicted on him, he was told that Tubbo didn’t care about him, that no one cared about him, and Tommy wanted to not be that. Tommy wants to care about people, and because Dream had invalidated what care was shown to Tommy, he believes that that is the bare minimum. He believes that ‘being kind to other people’ is the norm, especially considering the way he was treated before the exile. Dream has made it so, that in Tommy’s mind, the only way to show someone you care about them is to put them above yourself. So by saying that the disks matter more than Tubbo, Tommy is putting his own needs above Tubbo, and therefore, he doesn’t care about Tubbo anymore. And he still cares about Tubbo despite Dreams, and Techno’s, best efforts. He felt that the only way to apologize is to give up what he wanted, to make sure that Tubbo knows that Tommy does actually care about him. Granted this could have completely backfired. Tubbo could have seen that as, ‘If the disks are worth more than me, and Tommy’s giving up the disks like they’re worth nothing, then what am I worth to him?’ but thankful Tubbo knows that Tommy didn’t mean it. Because Tubbo knows Tommy for who he really is when he’s not hurting, or manipulated- when Tommy is Tommy. Not Techno’s sidekick. Not under Dream’s influence. And Tommy knows Tubbo knows.
This is why, in the end, Tommy was always meant to side with Tubbo. Because Tubbo and Tommy have cared about each other from the start, meanwhile Tommy went to Techno at his lowest, and Techno, for the most part, was using him for his own personal gain. Tommy knows that he wasn’t himself, too. When Tommy offers for Tubbo to move in with him, Tommy was doing that as a sign of ‘Hey, I’m trying to heal, I know I’m fucked up, and I need you to help me.’ Tommy is trying to heal. Tubbo, and Puffy, and Ghostbur (Maybe Wilbur will, too) are trying to help him heal. (Ghostbur less so, only because I don’t think he has a proper grasp of how much Tommy has been put through, but he’s trying his best and I love him for it) And maybe, the other adults on the server will start acting like adults and quit expecting Tommy to be one. Tommy is a threat- to Dream. Dream knows that Tommy is the main protagonist, and he knows that Tommy can take him down. He’s tried to turn everyone against him, and it was working for a while. But maybe the others will understand what Tommy’s (and tubbo, of course, but I’m gonna give Tubbo an essay of his own later) been put through, all the choices he’s been forced to make- with all options being not very good, and actually try and help to take Dream down. Because Tommy does want his disks back, but he also wants to make sure that Dream won’t hurt anyone ever again. The disks would just be a plus. I’ve been Nix, and if you couldn’t tell, I am a Tommy apologist.
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furrysmp · 2 years
Also what’s your au? -🎩
... ok I know I said "ask me about my au" but at this point I think I need you to specify ^^"
I have.. actually mostly 2 main mcyt based aus. I have sunbringer, which is the one Ive mostly been posting about, and...
... and then there's foglorn forest, which is just me accidentally breaking my own magic system and making an au out of it.
rant about both ahead ;)
so, sunbringer basically has a full magic system - the primal gods (aka the primes) have been around for as long as the world has - "the world" being like.. a hub from which you get across servers, most smps are built in its image. those primes being the gods of the classic 4 elements, then also the dragon queen, goddess of void, the goddess of death (whose name was lost to time), and the god of chaos.
some gods are unkillable, some are killable and just reincarnate, and some.. if they die, that's it.
the au was based on all the concepts of like... dream being non-human? all those ender dragon dream/god dream stuff. I made the au, originally, before tommy died in prison, and it started as a dsmp au because.. ngl I dont even know if empires was around or if I just didnt watch it yet.
basically, dream is the god of the sun. he defeated the dragon queen, and she gave him the sun and stars to give to the people in the overworld, who then went on to give him the name "sunbringer"
... that's about it for this au. I mean, there's a lot more, but that's the premise, pretty much. I have 27 pages worth of google doc about this......
now, foglorn was made due to the fact that, at some point, I added empires and hermitcraft to sunbringer, and had to give everyone roles. that was a bit after 3rd life ended, so. I was in pain and needed to make the people I like more important.
so, joel became the chaos king (like. the primal god of chaos), and half the hermits were suddenly like old as time itself.
and then my brain, one night, decided that instead of making scar a fire elemental, because Arson™️, he should be a chaos elemental. and then I went from there to make chaos hybrids like... a Thing.
and, the thing about foglorn, is that during its evolution away from sunbringer, its magic system changed, and now every magic user is also compelled to act in ways opposite to their magic - so chaos hybrids are also compelled to create, hence joels megabase on empires, scar making... literally half of boatem his base on season 8, all that. at that point I entirely forgot dsmp exists.. until like last week when everyone did their final streams for 2021 and brainrot hits hard.
so, I started logically and made niki a chaos hybrid. her baking became her output for creation.
I honestly dont know why I made quackity a chaos hybrid, but I dont think I can go back now.
... anyways, because of how magic now works in this au, the fact they like building and creating things made their need for chaos and destruction grow. and there used to be a solution for it, in the au's history. that solution is a server named Forlorn Forest. it was a chaos server in the most true sense of the words. it also got shut down by watchers once a group there finallly managed to blow up the moon.
basically, the Forest is considered a myth among younger hybrids, such as niki, while Q and scar have been there for a while before it closed.
so, after the gang gets to talking about how much they miss the place (after scar waxes poetic about how murder is super poggers), grian kinda. uses watcher magic along with his being technically an admin (he was the admin for evo, yknow), he makes them a new server that wont ever be shut down. and that server is called Foglorn Forest. its always foggy and nighttime there, and there's no safety even with your allies because they might have secret allies, and if you step on anyones toes you might have to respawn and have to grind for more gear while your head is now proudly displayed in the enemy gang's base... its true chaos.
yeah, those are the aus, basically. thanks for asking, I have exactly one fandom friend for mcyt stuff and I think I might have talked their ear off about these aus lately.... ^^""""
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i-maybe-exist · 3 years
gonna talk about the dream smp for this one! :D
under the cut cuz i wrote a Lot asdfschdxvggzx
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
ooh theres a lot that’s interesting to me about it. gonna bullet point my main ideas cuz if i dont i’ll end up writing a whole ass essay about it afoewjoaifewjof
the amount of content! there are so many streams and videos of people playing on it (even if it’s just grinding instead of rp), so theres like no chance you’re gonna run out of content to watch (this doesn’t even include all of the other content the members make and the fan animatics n stuff like that)
i honestly havent really seen anything like it? it’s a minecraft geopolitical roleplay with over 30 people on the server, and there’s usually multiple plot lines happening at the same time. and there’s things like rebellions, betrayals, exiles, and prisons. all in minecraft. its just SO cool to me.
the drastic difference between all of the shit that happens on that server. on one hand, you have things in the rp like a half-enderman having a panic attack after he realized that people shouldn’t choose sides, a god-like toying with a kid by keeping his discs, and a son asking his own father to kill him after blowing up the country he established. and then on the other hand, phil and techno are using an end portal to make a table, a literal god helped george, sapnap, and bad build a wendy’s, and how there’s a fish-fucker who’s mom is a samsung smart fridge. like you can’t get this shit from a netflix original. it’s so chaotic and i love it.
how it’s kind of like-impacted the internet if that makes sense. like, it seems like minecraft is making a comeback. again. which is just-so cool!! and i’ve seen a few other smps with some level of rp being created after the dream smp (including the hsmp!) which kinda shows how popular it became. and the whole premise of telling stories through
the variety in character lore we get and all the different perspectives. like if you wanna know more about c!ranboo’s motives? just watch one of his lore streams. wanna know more about the syndicate? watch techno’s vod about it. everything feels more-personal, if that makes sense. you can’t really get that from a netflix show. the show just gives you info/shows you stuff and that’s it, but you can really pick and choose which characters you want to learn about.
i said i wasnt gonna write an essay about it but then i did. fuck afewjoejwfoijfoewjoief
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
c!eret!! theres probably a bit of bias, as cc!eret is one of my favorite mcyts, but i honestly love their character too. their redemption arc is really interesting to me, and kinda seeing how their viewpoint has changed after betraying l’manburg and being a king for a while. and like the book that he wrote and put in the museum replica of the final control room that just says “i’m sorry”? oh my god. and like c!eret’s related to herobrine in some way too!! i’m always a sucker for characters with Lore, and i hope that it comes into play for the plot at some point
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
c!dream. i fucking-i Hate him so much. he forced tubbo to exile tommy, and then manipulated tommy into thinking that he was dream’s friend during the exile. and then like he killed tommy after they were stuck in the prison for a week, and when he revived tommy, he just kept asking questions that made tommy seem like a science experiment.
theres probably more shit but that’s just what i remember off the top of my head. anyways i hate c!dream and i want to punt him into the sun.
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lana-1526 · 3 years
Dream smp timestamp | Dawn of the 16th
Oh hello 
so a friend of mine just started on the mcyt fandom and isn’t that familiar with the lore and i’ve been helping him catch up and we both watched sad-ist’s newest animation and he didn’t understand but still loved it nontheless and i procastinated and didn’t want to do my school work so i made him like timestamps for the animation explaining what’s happening and what’s the context in each scene it’s under the cut and if there are any mistakes pls tell me so i can change it to the correct information pr any info that can be added/any that i missed (also he already knows the charas and a few bits of lore so there’s no explanation on who’s who) 
here’s the video by sad-ist:  “Dawn of the 16th” | Dream SMP Animation
0:00-0:04 is the talk of tommy and wilbur during exile planning the revolution 0:05-0:07 is the bench that's like the friendship place of tubbo and tommy (their special hangout place) 0:08-0:11 is the caravan ruins of the first war 0:12-0:14 is the sapnap's fish which he had to release due to some fighting with tommy 0:15-0:18 shows the castle eret made (the dream smp team's castle essentially) 0:19-0:27 shows eret (the current king at the time of the dream smp team) and dream talking about respect and backstabing, which i think is funnny cuz he was the first ever traitor of lmanbrg and became king after dream even if dream was supposed to give the crown to george 0:28-0:40 shows tubbo overlooking lmanburg (he is a known traitor to schlatt at this point in time and he's planning the revolution with tommy) and then it pans to quackity (former fiance of schlatt and new traitor to him as well) joining tubbo in overlooking lmanburg 0:40-0:47 the dialogue between eret and dream continue 0:50 shows the declaration of independance of lmanburg made by the first president (wilbur) if u look closely u can see a big SUCK IT GREEN BOY on the side cuz wil did a joke while writing it XD 0:52 shows tommy overlooking the declaration 0:53-0:55 is the founding members of lmanburg before the first war 0:56 are tommy's discs (which started the first war and the current war that takes place after the animation's timeline) which are like aa keypoint to tommys chara 0:57-0:58 - tommy gives tubbo the discs as like a sign of trust and they do this in the bench place shown earlier 1:00 shows the aftermath of the explosion seen later 1:02 is the aftermath of the fight due to the terrorism act done by technoblade 1:03 shows dream and techno side by side with tommy's voice saying "the best pvp players" and then it pans to tommy saying to tubbo that it's basically them against dream (the literal puppet master of the smp) 1:10 dream leaves the palace 1:13 shows the election stand and basically the white house of manburg (lmanburg and manburg are diff due to schlatt being the dictator of lmanburh turing it into manburg also teh structures are diff as well in per era) and then it just zooms out idk what the symbolism of the fallen chair is but i think it's the chair wilbur and tommy sat in when they got exiled 1:19 the first appearance of philza who is the canon dad of techno, wilbur, and tommy (phil's chara is shown to have wings due to his experience in mc with hard mode where he always has the elytra on and also it's always white so the raven transition seems to mean about wilbur having dark wings, i think, not really sure but it's my interpretation to it) 1:20 is where techno shows his underground bunk to pogtopia (the rebelling/revolution party) which literally has so much shit 1:21 -1:30 is the bunker with the stuff needed in a fight, each chest is filled with stacks of one item ex. one chest is full with strength pots and the other with flaming arrows 1:30-1:31 shows techno saying the most iconic line, and also shows how his chara is an anarchist (someone who doesnt like any form of government) sadist seems to like remind people that hes basically chaotic in this scene 1:31-1:32 shows pogtopia getting the loot with an easter egg of tubbo taking all the emeralds of a chest (he actually did this on stream so kudos to sadist for that little detail) 1:37 techno actually gives a powerful enchanted sword to tommy personally and then the awesomme af transition of to tommy leading the pogtopia to kill schlatt 1:42 shows dream preparing 1:43-1:47 shows the all three parties, the first is lmanburg (maburg) party with schlatt and dream takig charge, second being the pogtopia party and if u noticed wilbur is the only one not happy and the only one without armor because at this point he became insane and want to blow up lmanburg but people do not know, the lastly the neutral party which showcases badboyhalo talking about that it doesnt really matter with flames in the bg (i think this references to the egg which is seen later in the future but at this point in time the weird egg is just starting to grow with bbh tending to it which made him go crazy up until the whole skeppy thing (skepp is bbh's best friend so yea)) 1:48 is the buttonn to blow up lmanburg but wilbur hasnt pushed it yet cuz he is still trying to figjt the urge to push it 1:49-1:53 wilbur is losing his mind and is on the verge of destroying everything with his black wings showing to represent his dad which shows up on the next scene 1:54-1:55 phil shows up and wibur doesnt know what to with his dad confronting him and knowing that phil wouldnt approve and would try to stop him 1:57 shows the bridge where pogtopia is running through to get to schlatt and it's iconic due to the fact of the coinicidence it being a sunset 2:00 is the start of the fight with an explosion then the fight sequence between pogtopia and lmanburg happen to get to to schlatt 2:10 happens and u see schlatt on the ground at this point in time hes an alcholic and hes drunk and surroounded by once friends turned enemy due to his tyranny 2:18 fundy explains why he joined pogtopia to schlatt 2:22 schlatt dies losing his last canon life due to a heart attack, tbh im suprised on how sad-ist made this so serious but in teh streams he dies while saying to quackity that his ass his flat or i quote "flatty patty" 2:23 tubbo is made the new president by wilbur 2:24 everyone rejoices but technoblade cuz he joined and helped pogtopia becauase he thought that after they won there would be no more governemnt 2:25-2:45 the act of terrorism of technoblade starts with him explaining his beliefs as an anarchist, he threatens tubbo which is serious because tubbo has only one last canon life left and tommy goes to fight him to save tubbo 2:45 pogtopia fights technoblade 2:47 we go back to wilbur where the button is that will start all the tnt hidden underneath lmanburg 2:48 the fight is still going on outside and people are unaware of what wilbur is going to do 2:51 wilbur quotes the first ever traitor: eret saying "it was never meant to be" and phil is shocked and doesnt do anything to stop wilbur from hitting the button 3:02 he couldnt stop wilbur pressing the button which in turn explodes everything even half the room but phil was able to protect wilbur from the blast 3:04-3:05 teh explosion happens and disrupts the fight between techno and pogtopia 3:06 tommy's closup to his reaction of seeing the land he fought for blowing up 3:07-3:09 wilbur hands philza his sword and says to kill him but phil refuses saying that he cant kill his own son 3:11 the other;s reaction seeing phil and wilbur in the room after the explosion dies down 3:12 tubbo is in shock 3:13  dream is watching in triumph as he sees wilbur blow everything up 3:15 techno prepares the withers //also fun fact when phil killed will he finds out techno is the traitor they were warned about who will bring destruction and chaos during the earlier stages of the revolution, it isnt wilbur as he exploded everything on his own volition rather than teaming up with dream like what techno did 3:16 techno's speech starts alluding to a previous conversation he had with tommy where he warns tommy that being a hero will result in a gruesome death 3:18-3:20 different scenes pop up, the first being tommy's discs being held by someone with armor (i think its dream due to the fact he has the discs later in the timeline to threaten tommy and lmanburg), the second being someone in a lmanburg uniform (not sure if its tommy or tubbo but if its tommy it seems like it'sthe exile), 3rd is the throne room with george on the throne and dream and callahan at his side , then last is the scene of the newest members, captain puffy, connor, and ranboo joining with emphasis on ranboo as he is  important to the plot later on the sequence also shows phil holding a now deceased wilbur crying and then techno realeses the withers on everyone (withers are very difficult to kill and cause so mch chaos even if its alone and its hard to summon it as you have to farm for wither skulls which is also hard so the fact techno has enough to make two is a big deal) 3:27  shows the lmanburg tree, it is a tree that represents lmanburg and has been there for both wars and is extremely important to the history of the nation and thats that :3
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aliferous-ly · 4 years
*whispers* can you explain the war(s?) to me? I’m trying to figure it out but it’s difficult and all I’ve learned so far is that I don’t think I like Tommy but tubbo is adorable
HASKLDASH yes of course!! i gotchu
so far two wars (to my knowledge) have happened, one of them much bigger than the other. the first is probably what you’re referring to which is generally called the dream smp war/the l’manberg war, the other is the pet war which primarily happened between fundy and sapnap later on and just recently was resolved. 
also this is kinda long so its under the cut 
l’manberg is a nation that formed by wilbursoot. iirc, he tried to start a drug business (potions) with tommy and it was unsuccessful because of other members (only the american ones ..?). i dont remember exactly but you can probably find stuff online about the beginning. the important thing is, l’manberg was formed by wilbur, his right hand man is tommy, and the other members initially include the_eret and tubbo_. fundy joins later on. they are l’manberg because they are asserting masculinity (the only woman on the server, alyssa, is american) and european-ness (thus the l’ on l’manberg). 
they declare independence and create a big wall, declaring this area “l’manberg” and separate from the rest of the smp. 
dream does not take lightly to this and burned down tubbo’s house, burned down the forest around l’manberg, constructed tnt cannons around their walls and fired one warning shot (not being allowed into l’manberg itself/within the walls), and made the surrounding area look gross with cobblestone using water and lava. he was helped by sapnap mostly, and george came in near the end. punz wasn’t present during the declaration of war video but is a part of dream’s side. 
dream gave them the ultimatum “white flags, outside your base, by tomorrow, or you are dead”. 
this declaration of war can be found on dream’s twitch and on dreamteam streams on youtube
l’manberg did not surrender. there was a three day peace period given before the Big War. during it tubbo grinded and got like nine stacks of emeralds to help l’manberg, which were stolen by sapnap shortly before the war. tubbo attempted to reclaim these emeralds and was killed multiple times by dream smp members.
the day of the war happens, and everyone is online. you can find war videos on various twitch streamers accounts, i know a lot of people watched from wilbur’s, tommy’s might have it too. there aren’t any videos from the dream smp’s perspective that i could find, but there are a couple from l’manberg (eret’s too i think)
i dont want to explain the battles in detail so shortened, the first battle goes to dream smp, the second to l’manberg. after the second battle eret tells them that he’s been amassing weapons and materials in a secret bunker. all of the members of l’manberg follow him into a room with chests, each having someone’s name on them, and a button in the middle of the floor
tommy, curious, presses the button. pistons move the walls and the members of the dream smp flood in, doing a grand sweep of the unsuspecting l’manbergians, and eret is revealed as a traitor. dream had come to him early on and promised him kingship of l’manberg/dream smp if he betrayed them. (which, dream told george that george was the second king of dream smp,)
l’manberg is now in an incredibly tough spot. dream goes to their entrance and places a block of tnt down, saying if they do not surrender he will blow up l’manberg. they don’t surrender, laughing at the concept of dream being able to blow up all of l’manberg. dream tells george to light it, and it explodes, revealing tnt buried throughout l’manberg that eret had planted. 
they retreat to tommy’s bunker. wilbur and tommy go to talk to dream to negotiate peace, where tommy then challenges dream to a duel. if tommy wins, l’manberg gets independence, and if dream wins, l’manberg dissolves (essentially). 
they remove all armor and give each of them a bow and arrow. they do the duel on a bridge and use a poison potion to get to half a heart. the duel happens, it’s very high stress, and tommy loses. l’manberg loses. 
now: there is another, series? going on that has to do with tommy’s discs. these discs are his most prized possessions. he goes into a private call with dream and tells him that he will give dream both of his discs for l’manberg’s independence. dream takes the deal, and while dream smp wins the war, l’manberg gains independence. 
um. yeah. if you have any questions askkk because theres like a lot?? and its hard to figure out. there’s stuff on like a wiki too. i really want to see the war from dreams pov but T_T
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