#like this is specifically why i try to tag the genocides in my reblogs
directactionforhope · 3 months
Go Here for Instructions on How to Submit Posts!
And go here for an example.
Submissions limit of 5 posts per person each week, please!
Otherwise, unfortunately, I'll get too overwhelmed by the submissions volume to post anything. Thank you for your understanding!
Me and the Basics
Call me Cactus! They/them, late twenties.
I'm the person who runs the Reasons for Hope tumblr.
This is a sideblog-to-a-sideblog for Reasons for Hope, because I want to promote actions and spread awareness for things that don't always fit on a good news blog specifically
For context: Queer, trans, disabled, white, USian, for context.
Let me know if I post something offensive, I promise I have practice fixing things when I mess up instead of lashing out at the person who told me. I don't want to post hurtful things, so I genuinely want to always learn more about how to not do that, even when it's uncomfortable.
This is all very long because I'm still incapable of being concise.
About This Blog
Made this blog because I keep wanting to reblog or post about actions people can take, but didn't want to put them on Reasons for Hope unless they were actually mostly good news.
As a person who's Been There with spiraling, I really get the need to have access to a space that you know will contain good news and ONLY good news, in this day and age.
Also made it because I have Opinions and want to talk about Issues and activism and I'm committed to not doing that on my good news blog unless it involves, again, actual good news.
So, follow if you want! I definitely invite people to send in actions (links to campaigns/petitions/major protests/letter writing campaigns/etc.) specifically as submissions. I'll put up a how-to and link it here at some point, bc I've learned from Reasons for Hope that if they're in ask format I won't usually have the time/energy to reformat that/make it into a post.
(Sorry to people who've sent asks in on there, you're great. I'll switch to a submissions-based attempted system there too once I get the chance. May be a minute, I'm about to start a new job(!!).
My Editorial Standards
My usual editorial standards from Reasons for Hope apply, modified for this sort of blog:
Any donation-related posts/submissions need to be from some kind of established organization. It can be super grassroots etc. but I need to be able to verify that it's not a scam.
For that reason, no personal fundraisers/gofundmes. I'm genuinely sorry about this because I know a lot of people need the help but like I say on Reasons for Hope, there's no way to truly vet the vast majority of those posts, and I really don't have the time to try.
I'll come up with some sort of tag to put on all the particularly upsetting/fucked content so people can filter it and just see the action posts. Preferably something unique so it doesn't screen out other people's posts if you want to filter
More below:
I'll also have a tag for any particularly upsetting/fucked informational/educational things I post, because I do want to help spread awareness about a number of things, some of which will be pretty upsetting.
That said, I'll try to keep those informational posts only to things that are solutions-focused and/or have an element of good news or hopeful updates, where possible.
I'll also keep most of those posts behind a read-more where possible.
For more info about why I'm including that stuff, see the bottom of this post.
I will not post any campaigns or actions for reelecting Joe Biden until either the genocide in Gaza ends, or until September 1, 2024 (the month early voting starts).
Why do I have that policy? Because Joe Biden is absolutely committing war crimes, but Donald Trump would still, in fact be worse, for the US in general, for BIPOC in the US in particular, and for Palestinians/Gaza. I made a post about this with more details that I'll link here at some point.
Everything is going to be labeled with the link's source, the organization running it, the date posted (if identifiable), and the dates of the campaign/campaign deadline.
Re: Posting bad news here
I've been thinking about starting this sideblog-to-a-sideblog for a while now, because there are a lot of actions/campaigns/etc. that I really wanted to help promote, but did not want to put on Reasons for Hope, because I'm trying really hard to keep that limited to actual, you know, reasons for hope.
That said, I will be including upsetting stuff here. It will have its own tag for people to filter if they only want to see the links to actions. But I am committed to including it.
More below the read more, because this got longwinded and a bit personal:
That's partly because there are a lot of issues that very people know about, and I believe a lot in the power of spreading knowledge/awareness.
It's also because of the reason I finally stopped pondering and decided to start this blog: I just found out tonight that my grandfather died young because of toxic radiation from a nuclear meltdown at a super dangerous and experimental nuclear reactor, which the US government covered up completely and continued operating for decades. Right next to Los Angeles. btw.
If you live in or near Simi Valley, Chatsworth, or the West San Fernando Valley, or your parents did, get high-risk-level-appropriate cancer screenings. And if you're in Simi or within like 5 miles of it...probably don't drink the tap water. Also maybe try to move. (Consulting with a public health scientist/activist friend about this, will report back.)
I was already anti-nuclear, including anti-nuclear power, because of the absolute devastation it's done, especially to Indigenous communities and Japanese civilians. I didn't want to get into it on Reasons for Hope because of the whole "urgency of climate change" thing. But suffice to say that being anti-nuclear just shot very far up my "activism priorities" list.
None of this, or any other horrific things I may post about, conflict with or ruin my faith in humanity. I've definitely been incredibly pessimistic and misanthropic in my life.
But I believe that, for all the bad and evil things humans do, there is equal or greater potential for good. I believe it's like they say: "Hurt people hurt people." That's not the case always, but it is very often. Now, for the first time in history, we have the physical ability to end starvation and scarcity and a lot of death and suffering. We're still getting there, though we still have a long way to go.
I believe in a future where we can all hurt each other (and the other life around us) far less. I believe in a future where we have beaten and reserved at climate change.
I want to live to see that future, and I want all of you to get the chance to see it with me.
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diedbydeath · 11 months
new pinned cuz the last one sucked
[pt: new pinned cuz the last one sucked /end pt]
last updated: apr 1, 2024
will change constantly
FREE daily click to help palestine [link]
ask game [link]
making a carrd to replace my intro, hopefully will be out soon
(small tw for swearing and caps)
this is a blog for the whole system to hang out. we’re in the process of getting accounts specific for our members. might start a blog specific for system things but we’re not sure yet.
if you need to refer to us collectively, use fern.
the only blogs we would like to not interact are nsfw, cringe/flop, and suicide/sh blogs. that’s about it though.
no donation asks, heres why [link]
stances (will constantly be updating):
• pro blm, #stopasianhate, or any movement related to anti-racism
• we love you anti-racists /pla
• pro #metoo
• we’re an inclu and will support anything that exclus try to exclude (that aren’t problematic in our eyes)
• we’re fine with all good-faith labels except prat ones tbh
• not really a fan of any discourse, but we will partake in it if it’s about something we feel strongly about
• pro researched self dx
• pro acab
• fakeclaiming is a pretty bitchy thing to do
• as long as the slurs you use can be reclaimed by you, we think it’s fine
• anti radqueer and transid
• anti bigotry of all kinds and will brutally murder bigots
• pro furry and therian/otherkin/alterhuman
• pro endo, fuck sysmeds
• we fucking hate conservatives
• don’t abuse animals
• as long as what you do doesn’t harm people and makes you happy, we’re all for it
• mental health needs more awareness and less stigma
• anti proshitter because we have some harmful paraphilias (anti-c of course) and we don’t like it when people try to normalize that shit
• cluster b disorder abuse doesn’t exist
• anti antitheists (we’re fine with atheists, though, but don’t resort to fucking cultural genocide)
• being tolerant to intolerance is bigotry
• anti KAM (kill all men)
• transandrophobia is real
• pro abortion
• we love non-monoamorous people /pla
• anti-assimilationist all the way
• anti zionist, free palestine
• we stand with ukraine
if we say something bigoted or offensive, PLEASE tell us. we want this to be a safe space for anyone who needs it.
-mainly reblogs, also tend to reblog twice
-we forget to tag swearing and caps a lot
tone tags are appreciated, but we won’t force you to use them.
tag system:
#fern gets personal - my life and shit
#fern’s crush tag - talking about my crush, will be paired with the tag above
#fern irl - irl photos, may or may not use, will be paired with #fern gets personal
#fern’s miscellaneous - miscellaneous stuff
#fern gets serious - serious topics/vents
#fern answers - answering asks
#shut up fern - positive rants (eg. talking about shit i like)
#fern gets angry - negative rants
#fern being gay - just me and the homies being gay lmao
may add more in the future
personal accounts for the gang:
@empyreal-collective-main - just the main account, nothing really there
other blogs we have (and why we have them):
@that-queer-rants - just for ranting about queer stuff
@jessie-paege-fan-blog - for our daddy, jessie paege
@sick-of-radshits - a blog for ranting about these terrible people (radqueers)
@intershmex - intersex memes
@cute-shonks - cute sharks galore
@non-euphoric-positivity - a place for trans people who don’t experience gender euphoria
@fixing-rq-posts - a blog for fixing prat posts with blackout poetry
@ramblings-of-a-liege - discourse blog
anyway, hope you have fun on this blog!
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userbox by us
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silas-soule · 5 months
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about me and the blog:
my name is silas (or dee or beathan). i'm white, british and autistic. my special interest at the moment is the nez perce war, but this blog is mostly about 19th century american history in general. sometimes i post stuff from earlier or later periods, or about things that aren't american, but not very often.
i am trying to educate myself, but sometimes i will make mistakes. of course, i understand that some of the things i post about may be difficult subjects, but i try to approach them with respect and understanding. i know that native history is very broad and diverse and continues to this day. (i don't post abt modern native culture cos this is a history blog, and it feels kinda disrespectful to put modern native stuff in a history blog. so if you're wondering abt the lack of contemporary stuff, that's why). EDIT: i rb some modern native stuff on my blog @bisonposting
i don't know too much about non 19th century american history, but feel free to tell me any cool facts you might have about it. but 'native american history' is a very broad topic and i might not be able to cover it all.
if you have any specific questions feel free to @ me and i'll try and answer them to the best of my ability. i promise i'm friendly and i'm always ready to learn new facts and educate myself further. at the moment, asks are turned on, but if yall start sending me threats again then i'll turn them off.
blog rules:
this is not an aesthetics blog!!! sometimes i reblog art but please remember that native american cultures are not aesthetics!!
i tag every potential trigger warning as 'tw [x]'. i tag tws for animal death, slurs and pictures of dead bodies. i don't tag tws for racism and genocide, since that's a blanket tw for the blog.
dni if you're a confederate sympathiser, believe that leif erikson/columbus 'discovered' america, believe that any pre-colonial american artifacts were made by the ancient greeks, aliens or guys from the bible or if you're a general conspiracy theorist or white supremacist. you will be blocked on sight. sending me threats will not change my mind.
my prev special interests have included the celts, medieval britain (especially the barons wars and the wars of the roses), spying and codes in ww2 and ancient egypt). for anything medieval related go to my other blog @wyncandel and for anything classical civilisation related go to my other other blog @mus-rusticus
(main blog @bison-appreciation-club. i like and follow from there.)
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 9 months
Do you feel that Edelstans are engaging in some sort of psychological warfare here? The amount of times they sealion and repeat the same talking points that have been discussed over 4 years be it about Edel's stance on nobility, her imperialism, her racism and desire to genocide an endangered race feels like it's repetitive on purpose; to make the mind vulnerable to believe anything even if there's factual evidence against it.
I don't know that they're thinking that far ahead about it nonnie lol, I just think they're trying to argue for the sake of it. They have to know by now that people have their opinions already and that arguing and telling us our opinions or discussions amongst ourselves are wrong or "strange" isn't going to make us like or even want to like their favorite. They just, for some reason, cannot stop reagitating the same old shit.
I mean, I think they're a combination of chronically online and can't handle that other people don't like their favorite. Whenever people are minding their business just talking amongst people they know with their shared interest, these people seem to butt in and argue with them. My post was almost entirely about Miklan and his influence on the story, and yet that last person was saying "Crests had nothing to do with it" and shit, but like... Sylvain and Dimitri's supports were literally about that?
Basically they ignored everything in my post regarding what it was actually about and just wanted to argue anti-Dimitri (and Rhea, who the overall post was very minimally about), because the overall post they responded to wasn't really that much about Dimitri, but Miklan's place in the story (which has to include Dimitri and what he's doing).
Generally, from everything I've seen across various Faerghus blogs/people who just like the Faerghus characters, the Edelgard stans do this to all of them or most of them (at least the ones who are actively discussing the games amongst each other). Basically if you're just any random user who likes Dimitri, they'll do this to you if you're posting about him in a positive light. That's what I meant by as soon as you start posting about Houses, that's it, you're immediately anyone's target for discourse even if you don't engage in that regularly (and only do so when it's thrown at you).
Like yeah, I give my opinions about what I don't like (such as the second half of GW and coming up, why I hate VW's treatment of Claude about as much but in a totally different way), but I'm doing it to just express my opinion on my blog to my followers in my own space without tags that aren't my own personal tags.
It's fine to talk about what you don't like, but they always come in to talk about what they don't like... on posts that already exist about liking those things these people don't like. Like... it's literally common courtesy not to go onto a post loving up about a character and being like "this character is bad and wrong".
Frankly, I think they just thrive on discourse. Why else would one of them come onto a post that had nothing to do with them, wasn't in the Edelgard tag (and was a reblog no less, from someone they don't even know and had never met), was only talking about Dimitri as a side effect of talking about Miklan, and ultimately had nothing to do with what they wanted to argue about it (i.e. they just seem to have picked a random post that was pro Dimitri to argue for Edelgard and reach as faaaar as they could to justify why they were on that post at all)?
Also yeah, it's been the same shit for four years now with some extra Hopes salt and pepper added in. It's tiring and I want no part in it. Like, my posts about why I believe the writing failed Edelgard as a character? It's my opinion on the overall writing, and while they haven't engaged with those posts at the time of this ask (I didn't tag them in the main tags specifically for that reason), I wound up tagging it as discourse in at least the first part (for followers who are worried about discourse and being found and targeted to be able to avoid that) because all the discourse that's happened ultimately ended up making anything negative about Edelgard discourse. You can't say anything bad about her without it essentially being discourse because of this bullshit.
I enjoy discussing things with my followers and mutuals and seeing their perspectives, and it's good because we realize things from each other! But the important difference is that we're on the same page with each other/understand that it's harmless discussion, just giving our thoughts to each other and we understand that we're all trying to be respectful and not drag discourse into it. We don't have to agree on everything. I've had people disagree with me to some extents regarding Edelgard, and like... that's fine if you're not an absolute dick about it?
Me and R (if you know who that is you know who that is lol, just to not specifically name drop in case?) don't agree on Ike at all but we've been mutuals for years (and that's looking at my favorite lord, one of my favorite FE characters overall, and my second and third favorite FE games in the franchise). Difference being, we can have a solid and respectful conversation about it, or even about Claude who I like and R doesn't really like all that much).
It's one thing to have a discussion, but they only want to be completely right with no contest. They also come in, instead of having a good faith conversation, saying outright that we're wrong and strange, which is an antagonistic manner of starting a conversation. They're not polite; they're demeaning right from the get go, and they can't fathom how anyone could like Dimitri.
So, to sum this up... it would appear to be a case of chronically online, people unable to handle anyone having differing opinions, and thriving on arguing and pulling people into discourse. I don't know that they're trying to wear people down, because people who like Dimitri already are set in that they like Dimitri. They're not going to magically change their minds no matter how hard Edelstans argue at them. It just seems like they want to argue and hate other people.
Sadly this is why I have to be cautious when interacting with FE fans at all (of any game), because if they like Edelgard I'm automatically wary because of shit like this.
When talking to someone who isn't in the fandom, I expressed worry about their Edelgard loving friends knowing about me (because said person was playing Houses for the first time) because I love Dimitri and because of experiences from Edelgard fans and how they target Dimitri fans.
You know what they told me in response? That Dimitri fans are the ones attacking Edelgard fans (on Twitter) just for liking Edelgard. That is to say, the Edelgard lovers already told and convinced their friend this was true before I even expressed my worry. Was I surprised? No. Disgusted? Yeah. It tells me that when Edelgard fans get their friends into the game (and have them play CF first), they "warn" them about Dimitri fans before they even start playing.
Mind you, this person has now played CF and is an Edelgard fan now, just like her friends. When I started trying to explain to this person why I'm not comfortable discussing politics from this game (because of all the discourse) she got mad because it was "too much fandom drama" for her... but she didn't care when her Edelgard loving friends "warned" her about Dimitri fans? Said person also said "her friends will filter for her", and she told her friends (which I saw from a screenshot from her) that she leans more toward Edelgard's viewpoint politically, so uh... suffice to say someone I once was a friendly acquaintance with because of another fandom I'm very uncomfortable around now.
Ironic, isn't it, how the Edelgard fan has Edelgard loving friends and they get mad when a Dimitri fan tries to explain why they're uncomfortable with the game's politics, but the Edelgard fans can actively talk shit about actual real life people for being fans of an opposing character and that's not too much fandom drama. I've felt sick to my stomach that a potential friendship has a tear in it now because of fucking Edelgard discourse, and frankly I don't know if it can mended because of how uncomfortable I feel around her now.
While I'd like it to, I don't have high expectations considering she was more than happy to listen to her friends talk about fandom drama/tell her about it but got mad at me for trying to explain why that exact drama is why I'm uncomfortable discussing the game's politics.
Like, it really is always the Edelgard fans and I've seen plenty of people who originally were on the fence about her decide they don't like her now because the stans made them hate her or actively dislike her.
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retro-memo · 1 year
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I posted 1,749 times in 2022
42 posts created (2%)
1,707 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 354 of my posts in 2022
#nwh spoilers - 18 posts
#peter parker - 18 posts
#sky children of the light - 18 posts
#tony stark - 16 posts
#irondad and spiderson - 14 posts
#irondad - 12 posts
#sobbing - 10 posts
#ask game - 10 posts
#sky cotl - 9 posts
#thatskygame - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#if they aren't dating by the 3rd movie i'm gonna call sonic to be that one friend that pushes these two idiots together so they can kiss
My Top Posts in 2022:
i know your url is probably pronounced memo as in memory but i keep reading it as mee-mo and i can't stop help
Omg, now that's stuck in my head 😭 I'll never look at my url the same ever again
14 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
All of your prompts seem so cool 🥺 the "oops ? What do you mean oops ?" seems super fun if you feel up to writing it 😁
Well, I'm finally answering this... almost a year later. I'm so sorry for that, I didn't ignore any of the asks in my inbox, I just forgot about 'em. Sorta. Anyways, the good news is that I plan to finally start emptying my inbox. Honestly, these prompts have been sitting there for way too long.
While this doesn't exactly start with the sentence that was given, it does use it. Kinda. Let's just get started.
Also, special thanks to @winter-turtle for giving me inspiration for this fic!!💜 💜
“Kid, what are you doing here?” It wasn't the first time Tony had caught Peter sneaking into the Compound. In fact, on more than several occasions he’d woken up in the mornings to find the kid raiding his kitchen and being a fire hazard to society by trying to bake a dish that vaguely resembled something out of a mad scientist horror film.
Tony refused to call anything Peter cooked food. The kid was worse than his aunt when he was near a stove.
Said kid who had his back turned to Tony, jumped, spinning around to stare at Tony with eyes blown so wide they almost seemed to swallow his entire face. He looked like the exact definition of a child being caught red-handed with their grubby fingers halfway into the cookie jar.
Not only that but for the first time since the kid got here, Tony noticed that he was, in fact, not wearing one of his infamous nerdy science pun t-shirts that were part of his usual civilian attire but instead, was in his Spider-Man suit.
That wasn’t even the weirdest part.
Tony felt his eyebrows shoot up well past his hairline as he took in the kid. More specifically, what was sitting snugly in Peter's arms as if it had every right to be and not sending him through another stage of existential crisis. “What the fuck is that?”
His death was going to be caused by his disaster-on-two-legs kid. Tony knew it. He was going to keel over from the stress one of these days. It was the only way to go out.
“A turtle?” If it was any other time, Tony would’ve probably asked the kid if that was a question or statement but instead, couldn’t help the borderline hysterical laugh that escaped him.
Gods, aliens, genocidal maniacs, hydra soldiers - he thought it would always be one of the former or some fucked up ‘sacrifice himself for the greater good of the universe’ bullshit that was going to get him killed him but nope.
“Uh, yeah, I can see that, kiddo.” Tony waved his arm out, probably trying to gesture to the sheer ridiculousness of the situation “I mean, why the fuck did you bring it here?”
“Oops?” The kid’s shoulder’s bunched up to his ears in what Tony had to guess was some sort of half-shrug.
“Oops?” Tony tried not to sound like less of a madman but that was a feat in itself, especially whenever Peter was involved. The kid was trouble walking around with ’kick me’ written on the back of his shirt with disaster not too far behind him. Sure, Tony kinda knew that things weren’t ever going to be the same again after the whole Vulture and plane crashing incident. He expected a few supervillains here and there, maybe a stab wound but still.
He never planned for a whole goddamn turtle. “What do you mean oops? This isn’t an ‘oops’, Parker! Start talking!”
The kid’s lips thinned as he pressed them together, obviously not planning on spilling the beans on why he brought a turtle into the Compound. Okay, that was fine, it was fine. Two could play it that game and if Peter wasn’t going to come clean, Tony was just going to have to use the ace up his sleeve. “Alright, fine, if you won’t talk to me, I’m just going to call May.”
Tony already had his phone out in the open when it happened. Maybe later, a part of him would’ve wondered why he didn’t expect the kid to put up some sort of rebellion. Still, it’s not everyday when one’s phone suddenly disappeared from their hand.
“Did you just web my phone from me?!” Tony looked up from his now empty hand to where the kid was standing, whose eyes had somehow blown even wider than they were before while said stolen device sat perfectly in his free hand while the other was still holding up the turtle in what was clearly a feat against all known human possibilities.
Right. Sticky powers. Gotta love ‘em.
“No, uh, yes, I mean-” On any other day, Tony would’ve found the kid’s ability to stumble over his own words adorable, endearing even. “I can explain!”
Today, however, wasn’t one of those days.
It wasn’t that he minded the kid’s company, in fact, on a good day he enjoyed having the bubbling ball of energy to bounce science off of in the lab or when they binged any sci-fi movie they could get their hands on until they both passed out on the couch.
Except, after being forced to sit through a couple dozen meetings courtesy of one scary-and-should-definitely-not-be-teaming-up-with-May-Parker and soon-to-be-wife, Pepper Potts, Tony was not in the mood to deal with the kid’s babbling.
“Then please, explain.”
“I mean, it wasn’t my fault!” Ah yes, the sinner’s plea. “Well, it is. Sorta but I couldn’t just leave him there!” There we go.
“You know what?” Tony raised his hands, shaking his head. “I don’t actually want to know. Just please, tell me why you bring it here to all places?”
“Donatello isn’t an it.”
Tony did a double-take at that. “You’ve named it?”
See the full post
48 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Three people who I don't want to see in the irondad tags here on Tumblr:
Anti-irondad: This speaks for itself, you don't like irondad or Tony Stark? Fine, but don't tag your crap as irondad then, tag it as anti-irondad or anti-tony stark. I don't want to see your shit when I'm looking for wholesome content of my comfort characters.
St*rkers: I think this speaks for itself.
Anti-Ned Leeds: No. You don't go hating on my baby. Especially in one of my favorite tags. You can take your edgy reddit ass out of there and go bitch somewhere else. YOU DON'T PUT IT IN THE IRONDAD TAG SECTION. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY.
I don't appreciate hate on Ned, of any kind. You don't like him? I don't care, keep it to yourself and out of my favorite tags.
Rant over.
122 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
So, you remember this picture of Tony and Peter in Endgame?
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And we know thanks to the latest extra scene of No Way Home, all pictures of Peter are altered or changed. Which also would include this picture and now no one can see Peter with Tony anymore :)
150 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,001 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ideal-girl · 3 months
I didn’t include this as part on that original submission because it’s a really shallow reason; especially for a serious topic, but a partial reason I have problems with your recent posts and rebloggings about the Israelis people (the people, not the government); or more accurately, the TONS and SERIES of posts about it, is because, well, I’ve sent like multiple submissions that I’ve been waiting for like weeks or so. Submissions that you promised you would write a response to in like a Wednesday, or “this Friday”, and then days or weeks go by and you never did them. To the point that I suggested you write rough drafts first. So the fact that these submissions still haven’t been responded to yet meanwhile you’re posting or reblogging a recurring series of uncomfortably negative and rather malice-filled (or insensitive) content (you literally made a post saying “Death to all of them”) makes it feel like you’re intentionally ignoring them (even if I don’t think or believe that’s the case). I guess you’re venting or whatever, but it feels like an overload… (there’s more to it but it’s political reasons and you said you didn’t want to touch the subject anymore) It wouldn’t be so bad if, again, you didn’t write outright statements saying that your responses can be done on said specific days… and then it doesn’t show up (like those gifs or the mega post for example). I’m trying to be patient, but with what you were doing recently it’s wearing thin.
I'm not reblogging or reposting anything to antagonize or spite you. 
I just reblog and repost things that are relevant to my blog's primary purpose ("aesthetics"), but I also reblog and repost things that are out of my blog's scope, like Palestine vs Israel, because it's hard to ignore an active war and/or genocide. 
I understand that I have disappointed you in giving false updates about your submissions, but I cannot always control exactly how my life is going to be on a given day.
You can control the publication and presentation of your work by posting it on your own blog.
I'm not being dismissive of you; I genuinely believe that all artists, designers, writers, or general "content creators", even as hobbyists, should be in control of their work by having their own space that cannot be encumbered by other people's unreliableness, spitefulness, etc. Tumblr is a great place for that, but I tend to like Substack even better. 
It's easier for me to reblog or repost something than it is to give my thoughtful opinion, even in bullet points. I still have to put cognitive effort into reading and interpreting stories, and it may take me awhile to formulate thoughts in my brain that I want to express on paper and on my blog. I'm willing to just publish and tag your submissions without my commentary because that's so much easier, but you do have the expectation that I give a response more complex than "it's gud!" I cannot always do that, even if I want to. 
That's just how it is! 
You need to understand that @ideal-girl, and it's many iterations, belongs to me. Your work, although I post and comment on it, belongs to you. You have the right and the obligation to protect and control it, not me. I do not recommend that anyone rely on someone else's space for anything when it comes to their work, and they should not expect someone else to labor for their work either.
If you want GIFs, you should create them yourself. 
If you want a particular story, you should write it yourself. You have the skill for that. I don't even know why this is even be spoken about! When you realized that I didn't have the time or interest to write particular stories or commentaries, then you should have done it yourself. This includes questions you had about Sam's Ex, which I'm using as an example of labor that should have been done by you, but that was done by me. I didn't mind interpreting and characterizing him, but he was your character. You knew him better than me and you should have been the one to understand his mindset and motives. You should have been telling me about him, not the other way around. 
I will be very clear: I liked giving commentary on your stories and I liked answering your questions about your characters when I could. You just have to understand that many of the tasks you asked me to complete are for the author, not the audience. You would understand that if you had your own blog or "space" that requires you to sustain your own authorship. I cannot do that for you here; this is @ideal-girl, nowhere else. 
We do not need to have a "falling out" to part ways. You can make the mature decision to not interact with me. I thought you had already done that after you wrote that rant accusing me of exploiting the Palestine just to spite (Israeli) Jews and to incite ethnic and/or racial violence towards them. You made that accusation, along with some other ones in that same vein, because you didn't see me post fundraisers in support of Palestine and because I provided evidence that racist people do weaponize identity politics and historical trauma to justify being racist. 
I do post things that are purely about the Palestine, with little to no relation to Israel and/or Jews. You will have to go into my archive and scroll through my blog to find those things. I also reblog fundraisers. I also reblog articles that implicate Israel and its complicit citizens, which includes racist people and pedophiles who I have the right to dislike and even wish death on, if they're gonna wish death on children and masturbate to their suffering. 
I will not go back and forth with you about this subject. 
I read that it was racist to challenge racism in particular communities, which I disagree with. I also read that no one in particular communities weaponizes identity politics and historical trauma, which I disagree with. I gave evidence of racism in particular communities and how they weaponize identity politics and historical trauma. My case-in-point was zionistbiker2024, who is Jewish, who is racist, and who exploits his identity and historical trauma to spread disinformation that people are forced to accept if they don't want to be branded Anti-Semitic.
I used him as my case-in-point because the "particular community" in question was Jewish. If the argument was that it's racist to challenge Black people's racism and that Black people never weaponize identity politics or historical trauma, I would have posted jumeisex instead because she does that. It just wasn't the case and so I didn't need to post her. 
FYI: I considered posting jumeisex anyways to "prove" that I confront and challenge all bigots, not just Jews. However, pandering and virtue-signaling is for the weak. It's up to you to understand context and circumstances and to stop attributing malicious intent to someone just because you don't like or understand how they live their life. You accused me of exploiting the Palestine out of spite for Jews because I don't even post fundraisers. I actually did, without intention, discover and reblog fundraisers. These are the posts you consider antagonistic and spiteful towards you, but that's what you wanted from my blog. I gave it to you, not even thinking about you, and you are still upset. 
There's something within you that you need to handle on your own. 
You have to figure out why you feel entitled to my blog, why you attribute malicious intent to my posts without even engaging with them, and why you have certain values (restorative justice, good publicity, "individualism", etc) that you only reserve for certain people but that should apply to everyone.
You said that your patience is wearing thin; my patience is beyond that. I can't keep reassuring you that I don't hate Jews because your belief in my Anti-Semitism is disingenuous anyways. If you read my personal posts in good faith, you would have been able to understand my intentions and my beliefs. You would have understood that they were not rooted in bigotry, but in facts that undermine some of the racist beliefs that are held within some people about the ancestral land being killed for.  
The Palestine, before it was even called the Palestine, was already full of life before the Twelve Tribes decided to join forces and create the Kingdom of Israel. Therefore, Jews have always shared their ancestral land with other communities, and so they are not any more entitled to it than them. This is something you don't agree with but you can't prove me wrong, and so you decided to label me a bigot and end there. There are plenty of other things you dislike about me but that you can't make reasonable criticisms over, and so you criticize my character as if that's meaningful to me. 
We do not need to have a "falling out" to part ways.
That's why I didn't respond to your submission that vilified me for my beliefs and behaviors that are not vicious or bigoted at all. I skimmed through the other one, because what's the point of responding?
I'm not going to waste my time continuing to explain why I post things, why I believe things, why I wish death on necrophiliac pedophiles, even if they are Jewish and/or Israeli, the implications of accusing people of being racist for being anti-racist, what people mean when they wish death on a country (which means death to an oppressive empire and its enablers, which often includes citizens), how decolonialism is inherently violent but not inherently bigoted, and everything else. You're not going to engage with what I say in good faith merely because you don't want to.
You have the right to dislike me, just like you have the right and the obligation and to protect and control your work. You don't have a right to my blog or the right to insult me or defame me because you don't like my opinions or my neglect of your submissions. This isn't a serious thing for me because this is my domain, but you should reconsider the way you treat people when you are disappointed in them.
I was very kind to you in letting you post on my blog when I was more active, and I was very kind to you in explaining over and over again what my beliefs are and why I behave in a particular way to make you understand that I wasn't being Anti-Semitic, I wasn't exploiting the Palestine, or trying to find an excuse to discredit and defame Israel (zionistbiker2024, jumeisex, etc, just appeared on the apps I was using). You still continued to attribute intentional malice and bigotry to my actions, but never gave any clear, definitive examples of that. You just assumed things or sympathized with necrophilic pedophiles (who I wished death on) because of identity politics. That's okay. You life your life. 
We don't need to have a "falling out". We don't have to disrespect or defame each other. We don't need to have a prolonged discussion about anything. 
@ideal-girl, which is my blog, is no longer the best place for your work. I recommend that you get your own space so that you can protect and control your portfolio, and not be reliant on inconsistent, spiteful, or bigoted people like me (allegedly) to maintain and post it. I also recommend that you go into my archive, find your submissions, and make a copy of them so that you can always have them, even if my blog gets terminated or something. This is only if you need to do that and this is just my suggestion. You life your life. 
I will post everything of yours that's in my inbox before I post this response, and then we can be done. We don't have to become enemies just because my blog doesn't pander to you anymore. We can just...stop. 
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softceleste · 4 months
i don’t know how to deal with the fact that one of my favorite actors is completely ignoring the ongoing genocide. the implication of their silence and them not even deigning to share a call for a ceasefire is something I genuinely can’t get past. they haven’t even cleared the bar of doing the bare minimum and i’m finding it hard to imagine engaging with any media they’re a part of at this point.
i’m sorry to bother you with this message but the person i’m talking about is someone you also like and i didn’t know who else i could talk to about this. i deliberately left out any identifying information so as not to invite any weirdos to your blog should you choose to answer this. i can send their name in a separate ask if you wish. once again, sorry to bother you
Hey love! So from the get go, I just want to say you are absolutely not bothering me whatsoever, okay? I’m glad that you feel safe / comfortable enough to come talk to me about how you’re feeling, and honestly like... if people are weird in my anons, I’ll block them. You’re good!
I’ll also be honest that I’m still trying to navigate my feelings with this specific thing happening with a couple of my favorites too. Like on the one hand, I obviously prefer that they’re not actively calling for the deaths of Palestinians given how many horrible posts I've seen from celebs doing that, but on the other hand, being silent is frankly just enabling genocide at this point and I fail to see how anyone doesn’t see that. It’s part of why I’m frustrated with people who were posting daily at the beginning and hasn’t posted the entirety of 2024 about it as well currently, because like... right now it’s extremely important to keep posting.  So I’m taking this case by case currently, and keeping an eye on the letters and stuff (because a lot of celebs are not posting zionist on IG to avoid being canceled rn and signing shit like the Biden letter, but on the flip side there’s been celebs I personally haven’t seen post yet, but I’ve seen photos of in the streets protesting for a ceasefire) right now, and in a lot of cases I’m leaning towards drop so you may see me drop more and more people as time goes on, but I’m gonna keep my eyes on stuff and see how it continues to go.
That being said, I got your anon about who we’re discussing and... yeah, so I kinda already have dropped her and decided to only post her when my friends tag me in stuff of hers for a variety of reasons (including realizing the sheer amount of vocal transphobes she follows and engages with, and not being able to think of a single time she has positively discussed the trans community) until I 100% decide how I feel about her - it may even end up being a 100% no reblog situation, we'll see after I sort out my feelings. But she did post in October, and I’ll put that post that IG story under the read more. I’ll be completely honest though, I wouldn’t expect any future posts from her, and between her closest friends politics / posts on the matter and what I know about the area she grew up in (because I have family who lives in the same town), I’m not sure we’d like any posts she’d make if she did decide to post about Palestine. Like it sucked dropping someone I was following/loved like a decade, but I'm trusting my gut on this one you know? Would rather listen to it and get proven wrong, than not and be proven right in this situation, personally 💕
Image Link (because I can't readmore it ??? yikes tumblr)
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constable · 2 years
Basic Etiquette Expectations:
Don’t godmod unless we’ve discussed it.
I support reblog karma and so I expect you to not reblog memes from me unless you send some.
Please don’t remind me about replies/threads unless I ask (because I have a tracker and if I’m not replying it’s because I don’t have muse for it) but questions are a-okay! Bothering me about plotting is also great because I will forget we were doing that.
If you’re not a rp blog, don’t interact with my starter calls or plotting calls.
Don’t reblog threads you aren’t a part of.
OOC, preferred names and pronouns need to be respected.
If you don’t want me as a part of your rp experience, just block me.  You don’t have to tell me why you’re doing that and I’d rather you didn’t.
Things to Know About How I Run the Blog/Interact So You Can Decide How to Curate Your Own Experience:
This is an 18+ only blog. If you’re a minor, please don’t hang out here because I’m a real 21+ adult and it makes me uncomfy. If you do though, and I realize it, I’ll block you.
I don’t do in-character stuff in the IMs or write off-tumblr with people I don't know well.
I’m very friendly to side-blogs and multis and I set my blogs up specifically to be mobile-accessible.
I’m not going to write with you if your muse doesn’t have an easily-accessible bio or about page. This goes double for if your muse is canon-divergent.
I’m happy to rp with well-developed and interesting OCs, including relatives of canon characters, but not without plotting and available background info for reference.
I’m not mutuals-only. If you are and you’re not going to follow me back, just know that I’m not going to remember which blogs on my dash care about that and I might accidentally interact.  If that bothers you, I’m fine with you blocking me.
Just because I don't want all of your stuff on my dash all the time doesn’t mean I won’t write with you. If I’m not following you, you can still interact.
I might not want to write with you based purely on vibes. That’s fine.  We’re all here for fun.  And it’s fine for you to do the same in regards to me, but don’t tell me why you’re unfollowing/blocking/not interacting. 
I’m not going to pay any attention to your DNI list.  Curate your own experience. If something about me bothers you, you can block me, but I’m not going to do that work for you.
I’m probably not shipping or writing smut on this blog, but if there is NSFW content, it’ll be tagged ‘lemon’.  
I try to tag major triggers using the format ‘_ cw’, ‘_ tw’, or ‘_ mention’ but I’m not very consistent. If you want me to remember really specific things to tag and want me to tag it in a specific way… I’m probably going to forget.
There will be a lot of intense themes on this blog including past and current medical/domestic abuse (Mora is the worst), genocide, war, child abandonment, and changelings setting themselves up as gods (and Odo potentially liking it). This is the warning.
My brain is terrible.  I’m probably gonna vent about it and other stuff ooc.  If I think I’m being especially annoying, I’ll put it under a readmore, but if occasional negativity and vagueing is a big problem for you, you can just block my ‘ooc’ tag.
If that's not enough info, I have a 'psa' tag you can scroll through.
If you’ve read all this, let me know, yeah? Just a ‘hey, I read your rules’ is plenty for me. Or just like this post.
Odo’s bio
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
I am a humble xenos but I was looking through that blog who criticised you and...I don't know what to think? I'm sure they are young and are interested in polytheism and that is great but when someone who knows a lot about polytheism who is from the country that polytheism began in (you) says to you (the person who runs that blog) that you might be mistaken in your findings, would it not be wise to listen to them?
yaaa! (hello!) Thank you for your message!
I partly understand what they are trying to do. I started this blog wanting to correct unchecked misconceptions about Greece, for all eras. Sometimes that includes getting into arguments and defending your position with fervor. They started their blog trying to weed the dangerous people out of the H.P. community. But... I think this user got a bit out of hand?
I am sure they have no ill intentions, although they are going about it the wrong way. Specifically about Greece, they know things on a superficial level and they couldn't even tell you why the Greco-Turkish tension exists. In the article they shared about "whiteness" the tension was dismissed as "Greeks are racist to Turkish people" (implying that the tension exists because Greeks don't like that Turks are darker in color or something?? wtf??)
And for everything Greek, they only see Classical Greece or modern Greece. No in-between. For them, Greeks never got victims of Orientalism, slavery, oppression, cultural erasure, and genocide. They willingly ignore 2.000 years of history. Before they make a statement about a country they don't know about, they better go to Google first. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought we remained unbothered amidst the tragic events of history like a slice of feta in the fridge. Like we wore chitons, then closed our eyes and tsoup! we wear jeans now.
In their country, the main reason for bigotry is skin color, so they assume that when Greeks safeguard traditions it's because they don't want people of other "races" to join Greek culture 😱 Jesus! Do they forget that my blog is completely open and doesn't ask you for your "race" before it lets you see educational posts about Greek culture??
The projection from this user is CRAZY. If they got offended by being called "foreigner" by a person of another country, then imagine what logical leaps their mind makes.
I mean, they assumed I somehow found about their "race" and that's why I called them xenos in a tag. No, I did it because they just said they are not Greek 😂 They weren't offended by the 'doing bs' in the tag but by the implication they are not Greek (while they said they aren't xD)
I've seen more of their logical leaps when they chase off users from the site. One person will make a joke and the user will twist it to mean the statement was serious. You can't argue with these people. I, too, think they are young - an older teenager perhaps.
P.S.1 I also have the tag "xenoi doing awesome stuff" but to be honest, I haven't tagged many posts that because I mostly wanted to have an archive of the 'bs' people with no knowledge of Greece say.
But the truth is I have many posts where foreigners are saying great stuff about Greece, they are knowledgeable and teach about the culture and the language and are very supportive! It's very convenient to especially reblog/share content from English speakers/foreigners speaking in English because other people here will be able to understand the content. Meanwhile, it's harder to find English content from Greeks.
You'll find these posts all over in the blog. They are hundreds, seriously! I just didn't tag them because my blog focused on the 'opposition' for most of the time. If the ratio is good xenoi /bad xenoi = 80/20 I'll prefer to tag the smaller ratio and save me some time xD And also my predeposition is that xenoi are doing awesome stuff! It's the outliers I take note of.
P.S.2. For the people who don't know, xenos is not a slur or offensive. If a person uses it offensively run. I personally use it because I watch lots of content from the Greek diaspora and got accustomed to saying the Greek word when conveying stuff in English, as they do. It's just one of the native distinctive words that stick. It's like saying yaya instead of "grandma" and fasolada instead of "bean soup".
Other Greeks might feel it gatekeeps people so they use "foreigner" but honestly... they have the exact same meaning xD (But hey, they should use what they want to use!)
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dimonds456 · 3 years
Okay, listen:
You know what? I am going to say this right here, right now. People aren’t reading the tags I write on things I reblog, and I am clearing the air. 
NO ONE deserves to die because of something their group or circle is doing. NO ONE deserves to die because they said something racist, transphobic, aphobic, ableist, ect. NO ONE deserves to die because of another death related to them, on purpose or otherwise. NO ONE deserves to die because they have some kind of mental illness, or they’re struggling emotionally/physically. NO ONE deserves to die because of the way they were raised.
Yes, people do bad things. THAT DOES NOT MEAN IT’S SUDDENLY OKAY TO TAKE MORE LIFE. All you’re doing is brewing more violence. There are other punishments for all offenses, and the chance to let these people see that what they did was wrong.
Am I saying to forgive people who do terrible things? NO. It’s up to you if you want to forgive anyone for things like that. 
It’s not your place to play with people’s lives and lifespans like that. A lot of the time, isn’t that why you’re mad at the person in the first place? Because they took a life?
I am NOT an apologist. I am NOT forgiving people who do bad things. I am NOT defending people from consequence. What I am doing is putting my foot down. Death isn’t a good punishment, EVER. You can’t learn if you’re dead. You can’t see the ignorance you held onto if you’re dead. You can’t pull your life together because you wouldn’t have one anymore.
I get it. Some actions are inexcusable. I am going to stop being general and specify that I’m referring specifically to the whole “kill the cops” thing going around right now. YOUR PROFESSION DOES NOT DETERMINE WHETHER YOU ARE GOOD OR BAD. Just because someone is a cop, why does that automatically make them a bad person?
To everyone who knows me: I wanted to be a cop for the longest time when I was little. They were so cool and caring to us. I live in a rural area, and not a diverse one either, but my point is the same. If I decided to become a cop, does that make me bad? Or am I just trying to pursue a career that seemed healthy? Helpful? Protecting people, stopping bad guys- that’s what cops are to me. Yes, that can be abused, and as we’re seeing now, IT IS. But that doesn’t make all cops bad.
If you decided to become a police officer right now, are you suddenly a bad person?
By wishing death on someone, okay. I get it. That person did some really messed-up things. I don’t agree with you- I wish death on no one- but I’m not going to argue unless I seriously think they don’t deserve it. However,
If you have a problem with what I am saying here, please leave my blog. I WISH DEATH ON NO ONE, and I certainly don’t believe an ENTIRE GROUP should be killed off because of the horrible actions of a select few. You know who else has those mindsets? Genocidal people. WHICH IS AN INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME. FOR A REASON.
To any cop reading this that is just trying to get by: thank you. Thank you for trying to keep this world safe. Your peers are making you look bad just by deciding to pursue this career, and I hope it gets better. This blog is a safe space for you.
If you are a cop reading this who has done any of those racist things, like arresting black children for petty crimes or automatically assuming violence when dealing with a non-white person, this blog is NOT for you. People are people, and that’s final. Treat everyone with equal respect and fairness, don’t be an asshole, and I hope you can understand why your actions are wrong one day, before it’s too late. I hope you can maybe one day rise up and stand with us to stop racism, and these violent acts on the street for the smallest things that while people wouldn’t even need to get out of their cars for. Until then, leave this blog and don’t come back until you understand- well and truly- what I’ve said here today.
Black children shouldn’t have to be taught to fear cops. They shouldn’t have to be arrested for being suspected of theft with no evidence, then getting screwed over because of it. Black adults shouldn’t have to deal with obeying every law to the letter 24/7 all the time, because even the slightest tiny error may result in their deaths. That shit needs to stop. But it doesn’t end with police officer’s deaths; it ends when the bad cops get their badges taken away forever, and good people replace them. That way, we can arrest the bad people, as it was supposed to be from the very beginning.
I WISH DEATH ON NO ONE. If you can’t agree with this simple statement, get off my blog.
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What I tag: (will be updated. No point in reblogging because why would you??? But I won't be mad if you do. Just confused.)
I don't add cw or tw to tags because first of all, that creates too many damn variations for me to cover when I could put everything related under one tag.
I also don't inherently tag tw or cw in case someone Wants to follow it and wants to find it with a tumblr search.
Indigenous genocide, residential schools, & anti-indigenous (all separate tags),
Antisemitism (from here on out)
White supremacy, genocide, racism (separate tags)
Ableism, eugenics (from here on out/two sep tags)
Sexual assault & rape (these are two separate tags)
Self-Harm, Suicide (two separate tags)
Other than that, I don't really tag as I usually speed-reblog. Organized tagging systems are ultimately useless for me bc I keep it up for like a week then I'm back to not doing it at all. I'm going to be honest, I don't tag most triggers, especially obscure ones. Not out of disrespect to obscure triggers (I absolutely understand having weird, confusing triggers, I have them as well), but because I do not want to play a captcha game with every post I reblog trying to figure out if it meets your obscure trigger.
Safest bet is either to unfollow me if you're following me already or not following at all if you haven't yet. Or browse my blog and if anything is upsetting and untagged, it will probably not get tagged in the future.
I don't tag spiders or arachnophobia or insects because again, I speed reblog and considering my love for them.
Edit: if you want specific things tagged, you can ask, but I can't guarantee that I Will. But I'm also pretty chill, so like, hmu. Don't waste my time by asking me to tag "q slur". You will get blocked and deleted as soon as I see it.
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aotopmha · 4 years
So, you know why I called AoT fucked up specifically with this chapter?
Oftentimes when authors try to subvert expectations with violence and more than that, go against the grain of character (or other) tropes, it tends to be just to put said archetype or some trope down.
There is the shock value (which is certainly there here), but there is often also a meta sense of superiority from the author. They are above such dumb things like friendship and idealism.
I don't think this is the case with AoT. I think all of this is sad because Eren is human and has reasons that make sense for his character to be doing this and it's not here just to shock us. I think AoT has mostly been a meaningful series with all of the violence happening for a reason, but early on especially, it was in pretty simplistic ways and you could argue the story was doing everything for shock value much more easily.
Eren cannot deal with any of what he is doing without retreating back to the innocence and black and white mentality of his child self. It's a psychological protective mechanism keeping the last remnants of his sanity in check.
I've said it for many chapters, but Eren could not see any other way out of this and this is also true for many suffering emotionally. They just can't see the world beyond themselves.
I think this has been hinted at and said in various ways, but this chapter spelled it out in the most direct way it could.
I think one of the strongest bits of writing in the story has been to make a genocidal maniac human despite all of the horrible things he's been doing. This makes for an extremely unique narrative in my eyes.
AoT asks where people like that come from and they come from single-minded principles, hurt and desperation.
At the same time, what Eren is doing is absolutely horrendeous.
I don't think the story supports, but most importantly, even, idolizes what Eren is doing. I think people can take away very wrong messages from a story for various reasons and for this particular one idolizing Eren is one of those messages.
Nobody wanted this, not even Eren truly wanted this and this is the kind of thing that makes you talk memespeak along the lines of "This is fine", "real depression hours" and "haha genocide go brr" (with biggest sadface possible).
Add some more memes in replies, tags and reblogs for funtimes!
Once other translations are out, I might do more posts about this chapter.
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thecomfywriter · 4 years
Character Motivations:
Guess who’s back back back... Back again ‘gain ‘gain...! @thecomfywriter​‘s back back back! Back again ‘gain ‘gain! 
Okay sorry lol. 
But anyways-- another post, written by, yours truly. Same deal. if you like it, reblog and like to show your love. Comment if you wanna see specific things. If you wanna repost it (though no one ever does LOL), tag me. My insta is @ tovwriter and my tumblr is @thecomfywriter​. Now, onto today’s post!
Character motivation is the center of your entire story. It is the driving force of the plot. Nailing your character motivation is an integral part of creating your story. 
Here are some questions you should ask yourself when discovering your character’s motivations. 
Why do they want *this*?
What’s stopping them from getting *it*?
How will they get *it*?
What are they willing to risk? [or the opposite: what is something they won’t give up?]
How will *this* impact them in the long run (their life, their future, their family, etc)? 
Who is standing in the way of *it?*
How does your character feel about that person? (very good for character building as well)
I will be using my character Alan from my book, Throne of Vengeance to answer those questions. 
Why does he want *to overthrow the Queen*?
Because she runs a reign of terror, has banned magic, and is the reason for his mother’s death
What’s stopping him from *overthrowing the Queen*?
He is an inexperienced teenager with no abilities whatsoever and is extremely sheltered from the knowledge of magic. He is not powerful nor skilled enough to complete his quest/rebellion
How will he *overthrow the Queen*? 
By learning magic with the last person who tried (and nearly succeeded) and convincing the ‘Prince’ of Soilaila to join his quest 
What is he willing to risk for *his quest*?
His allegiance with the law (since magic is banned), his time, his body, his relationship with his father (who is very loyal to the Queen) 
What isn’t he willing to risk?
His morality, his values (which is ironic, if you’ve read the book)
Why? Because his mother held those values on a pedestal, and he wants to honour his mother’s memory 
How will *overthrowing the Queen* affect him in the long run?
The government will shift into a democracy. Magic will no longer be villainized and will be legalized once more. The threat of another genocide won’t hover over everyone’s heads. Alan will have magical abilities and redeem the reputation of his mentor as well as build a reputation for himself
Who is standing in the way of *his quest*? 
The government (magic is banned; he is trying to overthrow the Queen) 
He is hesitant, but does not give a shit and will do it anyways 
His father 
He feels conflicted because it is his father. It is a big internal conflict for him in the story because of this
These are just some examples of how to set up character motivations. Ultimately, if your character does not have incentive to *do the thing*, there is no reason for your story to occur. If your character’s motivation is weak, you will have a difficult time keeping the character consistent or avoiding plot holes. Good luck! 
Happy Writing!
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Just got an angry reblog response to my "the Starks are sneaky manipulative bastards" post, and I'm actually quite honored they were angered enough to feel the need to bitch about it! Stark stans just don't seem to understand they can block the pro-Dany/anti-Stark tags or scroll on past, I guess. You know you're only giving me notes, right?
Some "points" they made and the answers:
"She committed genocide" Fuck's sake, at least learn English. Genocide is the systematic searching for specific races and cultures and then only eliminating those people. Burning some random streets is called mass murder, which the reasons why that's out of character are another story. But no, not genocide. Thanks for insulting victims of the real thing.
"And it was the end of a long series of violent crimes!" Ah yes, defending slavers and rapists. No anti-Dany post would be complete without it. But let's go over some of these "crimes" anyway. Crucifying the masters? Slavers who did the same thing to fucking children. Burning the khals? They were planning to rape and murder her. The Tarlys? Just murdered a whole House (that's genocide), were racist and sexist bastards, and she gave them a choice first which they willingly denied. Executing Varys? The bastard was trying to poison her. That's treason, which every leader in GoT would execute for. (If Dany really executed everyone who disagreed with her, she would have done so to Sansa, who was committing treason by insulting the woman the rightful king had pledged loyalty to. Notice she didn't?)
"Dany has inherited madness" Hello, ableism! The "flip a coin" quote antis love is bullshit, especially considering looking back over Targaryen history there were very few "mad" Targaryens. Interestingly enough, a lot of the non-mad ones did similar things to Dany, even worse, but aren't demonized for it in the same way. Be honest with yourself, is it because most of them were men, or are you just reaching for any reason to spit on Dany?
"Bran's vision isn't preventable!" In most cases that tends to be true, but there's a big difference between inevitable fate and pushing people down paths towards a conclusion you know will happen. "Why do you think I came all this way?" It's pretty clear that Bran knew damn well what would happen if he kept his mouth shut, but if he'd said something he wouldn't be king, so why would he? That's pretty manipulative, and definitely not something I can call heroic. So yes, I'm blaming Bran.
"So you're blaming Bran for her inevitable madness?" Yes, and also the whole mad queen argument contradicts itself at every turn. Did she just completely snap and suddenly lose her mind, or did she premeditate mass murder for a while? Is she evil or mad? It can't be both. At least pick one before you argue about it.
"Dany only freed the slaves because she needed an army". I think we've been over this before, but I know antis have no reading comprehension so I'll simplify it. If that were the case she wouldn't have been so risky about doing it—if they'd chosen not to listen, she would have been killed. In fact, why even bother freeing them at all if she needs an army? They'd do anything she asked as slaves, so why even give them the option to leave at any time? If she were evil the whole time, she would have done that.
"She's self-serving" Dany is one of the very few characters in GoT who has actually sacrificed things for others. This isn't about losing things—everyone in GoT has lost things—but actively giving them up for the good of others. Name once when Sansa gave up something she loved for someone else. And let's be honest here, if anyone's self-serving, it's the person breaking a sacred oath so she can get power.
"She's still going to be evil and die in the end" Well, I don't have the time to write a full length meta on that, but I know several others who have, so since you're so determined to go through the pro-Dany tags go ask them about foreshadowing. If she does die, it'll most likely be a heroic death. If you're really rooting for the series' most empowering woman to die a violent, misogynistic death, I really hope you don't call yourself a feminist.
I'm sure there's more, but I don't have time to write a whole essay on several different subjects. Always interesting to see if the antis have come up with any new bullshit! (Which according to effleuresense here, they haven't).
I think they're just mad that no matter the ending, Dany will always be the favorite because nearly everyone rejects their crackpot theories. No one likes their version of the story, and they will be bitter about it forever. We will always stan Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons... and there's nothing they can do about it!
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dictacontrion · 5 years
About the Draco/Harry Nazi AUs
In response to several asks and messages about this round and the last.
First, I want to summarize and center the takeaways that come at the end of this post: 
Complicity with, silence around, or diffuse support for bigotry matters. It is not neutral. 
This is not - it is never - about one or two people, but about how communities signal that they will or won’t tolerate bigotry. 
But do beware of people who are more interested in trying to garner sympathy than in taking responsibility 
This recurrence may be in part because popular members of this community have defended and protected people who were involved in propagating romanticized misinformation about Nazism in the past. Certainly, this community has not taken a zero-tolerance policy towards this content. 
This type of event is not isolated to two events or to antisemitism - see e.g. RaceFail 
If we want to make fandom a space that does not support bigotry, we must stand against it loudly and unequivocally
We must do this even - especially - when it involves holding our friends and community members accountable, and even if it is uncomfortable. 
If we are not willing to speak up and take action in defense of our principles, those principles mean nothing. 
That said: 
I’m not going to name names in this post – not because I don’t think there are good reasons for people to want to know who was involved, but because the naming of names was used to derail the conversation last time. All of these people are still active in fandom and on tumblr, and if you want to know who the main players are, I’ll tell you in a private message.
Last January, an artist posted a picture that depicted Draco as a Nazi and Harry as a Nazi prisoner. The caption (with tags that will become relevant in a minute) read:
Tumblr media
I - as a Jewish person, as a queer person, and as a member of this fannish community – found this disturbing for a number of reasons. The idea of a Nazi AU squicks me hard enough on its own. This piece also used anti-semitic language, suggested that a “Jew servant” would fall in love with a Nazi soldier and that it could be the case that “war brought them together” when the war was predicated on the genocide of Jewish people, Roma people, disabled people, and queer people. That last bit is important too; the piece ignored/erased the Third Reich’s internment and killing of queer people, and suggested that same-sex love could flourish in the Nazi regime. All of this adds up to misinformation that is – always, but especially in the current global political climate – dangerous.
A well-known author and blogger in the H/D fandom reblogged this piece, including the caption, with supportive tags, as pictured above. They were the first, and at that point only, person to reblog the piece, and without that reblog it's unlikely that it would have gained attention or been seen by many people. Several people pointed this out to them. They responded to private messages from me and several others and, iirc, to anons, saying that they hadn’t been aware, that they hadn’t seen the caption, that they hadn’t done anything wrong, that “the art by itself is lovely and it was for that very plain and simple reason that I reblogged it,” and that they shouldn’t have to and were not going to apologize or remove the art from their blog.
It would have been very, very easy at this point for the reblogger to apologize and remove the piece. They chose not to.
I contacted the artist and the reblogger privately before making any public statements. The artist defended their work unequivocally. The person who reblogged it continued to defend their reblog of and support for the work across several back-and-forths.
While this was going on, I made a very general post about it: "so some of y’all are starting 2018 by adding antisemitismn and ignorance of historical homophobia to the giant flaming pile of homophobic stereotypes in the tumblr drarry fandom, huh? not a good look, folks. "
A third person – also a well-known author and blogger – entered the fray at that point. They replied to that post, saying that I was "having fun vaguely calling people out" and "mak[ing] people paranoid."
In response to that comment and other ongoing conversation happening in the moment, I then reblogged and added on to my post. I named both the artist and the reblogger and said that that their actions, in creating the art and in giving it a large platform, were “moving into a territory of softening and downplaying the significance of horrific actions taken against, and ideologies that still endanger, queer and Jewish people. I don’t know about y’all, but I have less than zero tolerance for that.”
I stand by that statement.
Following that addition, along with several other bloggers’ posts about it and continued criticism from a number of people, the reblogger took down the art and apologized.
I had never engaged with either the artist or the reblogger before this encounter. I have not engaged with them since. I would have been content to leave it there.
However, the third person reblogged and commented on my expanded post. In that reblog, they defended the reblogger's actions, said that I was being unfair to the reblogger, that the reblogger was very upset at being attacked like this, that I wasn’t really concerned about the post but was using it as an excuse to attack the reblogger (who, again, I had not named prior to the third person's accusation that my vagueness was making people paranoid, and who I had never previously interacted with), and said that I should leave fandom.
The third person is someone I had engaged with beforehand, though have not engaged with since. I had not contacted them about this set of events; they initiated this exchange.
I will also note that they had left provocative comments on my posts prior to this, including telling me that I should leave fandom. I have heard through multiple grapevines that this, generally and in the specific instance of the debate around the Nazi AU, was intentional – that, because I wasn’t excited about their work (though also did not criticize it) and because I was critical of fannish trends their friends supported, they were trying to get me to do something that would give them reason to call me out, to make me look bad, to paint me as a bad actor. This is consistent with other interactions I had had with them – with they way they spoke to me about other people, and the way they had behaved towards me previously.
What that means, in this case, is that this person exploited the fact that I – as a queer person, as a Jewish person – was upset by and angry about antisemitic and homophobic art, to get a reaction that they could use towards their fannish political ends. 
This person used the vulnerabilities that are an unavoidable part of my life in the real world to provoke me so that they could malign me in fannish space.
This third person has since made a public statement, as well as a private one to me (which I have not responded to), about their actions. These statements have had several things in common. They have consistently painted themselves as in need of and deserving of sympathy. They have never named or apologized for the harm they caused. They never take responsibility - there is no “I’m sorry for defending the spread of misinformation about Nazism” or “I acknowledge that my actions may have signaled to white supremacists that they can spread their ideas in this space” or “I apologize for supporting an action that harmed people within my community” or “I was wrong to stand up in defense of the spread of the romanticization of the Third Reich." They have never, to my knowledge, come out and said that their defense of someone who gave antisemitic and homophobic art a platform was wrong. They have, however, talked about why this has been hard for them, about how difficult it is to hear other people tell them that they are wrong, about how it’s made them cry and how they feel so bad about it all.
It’s made me cry, too. It’s made me feel more uncomfortable and unwelcome and unsafe in fannish space than anything else ever has. It was and continues to be a reminder that the people who I am in community with may very well hate the things I am, and may have no reservations about using that against me. It’s made me withdraw from fannish spaces.
As all of this was happening, a number of other creators and bloggers seemed to get on side with the reblogger and the third person. A number of authors who I had known for some time and had respected and counted as friends or friendly acquaintances unfollowed me after this third person’s very vocal insistence that I was a bully (which, I'm told, extended beyond those public posts). Several people have told me that, following this, reccing my fic or referring to my posts became unofficially verboten in the Drarry Discord and other semi-public fannish spaces. The reblogger and the third person have a lot of sway in this community. They used it - used my reaction to antisemitic, homophobic work that glamorized Nazis - to provoke a reaction and use it isolate me from a space that had been a respite, to create an environment that felt so hostile and uncomfortable that, for a long time, I couldn’t stand to be here.
This whole string of events - the creation and promotion of bigoted works, the defense of that creation and promotion, the unwillingness to learn or hear criticism or take responsibility, the framing of people who are asked to reckon with their actions as victims, the framing of people who insist on naming and resisting bigotry as bullies or problems, the isolation and vilification of people who speak up - is not unique to me, or to this case. It happens over and over and over again, in spaces online and off. It will keep happening unless we stand in its way. 
I still do not regret my refusal to tolerate antisemitism and homophobia in this community. I would do the same again. I only hope I would - I perpetually aspire to - do it with just as much conviction and just as much willingness to take risk for those of you who are marginalized in other ways, and who also look to this community as something of a respite from that.
At the time, I was too upset to say any of this. I was panicked. I was hurt. I just needed to get out. But I’ve since wished that I had said more, so I am now, particularly as I see some dynamics of it playing out again.
Again, if there are takeaways worth taking away, it’s these:
Complicity matters. Silence matters. Support for people who give a platform to bigotry matters, even if you call it by another name. It is not neutral. I know that no one has the energy to respond to every thing at every time - but if you use the energy you do have to defend and excuse it, you are worse than complicit. 
This is not – it is never - about one or two people. There were quite a few people who supported and excused the artist’s work, the reblogger’s decision to give it a platform and initial refusal to apologize, and the third person’s defense of the reblogger.
But do beware of people who refuse to apologize, who paint themselves as victims instead of taking responsibility for what they’ve done.
If this is recurring, it may well be in part because popular members of this community defended and protected people who were involved in propagating romanticized misinformation about Nazism. It may well be because people have signaled that those who want to tell stories and spread ideas that glamorize Nazism will not only get away with it, but will be defended and protected.
This is not an isolated event. This pattern of behavior has recurred again and again in fandom. Especially if you are not already familiar with it, please see the fanlore entry on RaceFail.
If we want to keep fandom from being a space that does not support Nazism, white supremacy, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, ableism, and all other forms of bigotry, we must do what I still do not regret doing: we must stand against it loudly and unequivocally.
We must do this even – especially – when it involves holding our friends and members of our community accountable. We must do this even when it is uncomfortable.
If we are not willing to speak up and take action, if we are not willing to risk our comfort, risk our status, risk our ease in order to defend freedom and equality, than we are not defenders freedom and equality. If we are not willing to speak up and take action in defense of our principles, our principles mean nothing.  
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✰ The Important Rules ✰
Greetings, lovely visitor.
Allow me to thank you for taking the time to read these rules I have carefully incorporated for the safety of all those who choose to participate with this blog. Understand that these rules are constantly changing as time goes on, though I will reblog it occasionally to remind the public of certain rules which must be followed. I have created this blog for every single one of us to have fun, so do try to keep that in mind when speaking to me, yes?
Do not ask about my opinion in regards to real life events such as the Holocaust, concentration camps, political discourse, and genocidal events. 
Going off of that, do not call Lotor any derogatory terms such as racist, genocidal, misogynist, etc. for I do not see him as such NOR portray him as these insults.
Do not overshare personal information. 
Do not appropriate real life culture and race within your ask/request.
Do understand that I do not ship Lotura and most, if not all, ships in Voltron are viewed as friends or acquaintances in my eyes.
Following this, take note that I despise Allura with a passion. If you are not okay with any critical opinions I have of her, then interacting with this blog is not suited for you.
Do not tag my Reader-Insert stories or art of Celeste and Atlas as Lotura.
★ Asks ★
Absolutely no requests/asks that involve real life tragedies. Understand that there is a line between fiction and non-fiction. Please refrain from requesting/asking anything that have happened in REAL life, specifically terribly tragic events dealing with real people’s lives. 
Do take care of how you present your words to me and to the public. Understand the implications of what you say beforehand.
For example, comparing Lotor’s Colony to concentration camps of WWII is not in any way respectable to ask. This is a real life horrifying event that happened. No opinion from a space alien Prince should even be considered where real people have suffered and died and continue to live with those haunting traumas.
Keep race strictly prohibited from your ask. Especially when vaguely, or purposely, mentioning a race in a poor regard. This is an example of a disrespectful Ask.
I am of Asian descent and my ancestors have literally been bred to look pleasing to the point where unwanted sexual advances are a daily occurrence, even in front of their wives and children. How do I deter such harassment when my boundaries are constantly being crossed?
This is implying that those of Asian descent have only one defining quality: their beauty. Any of my followers who are Asian may read this and feel very uncomfortable about it, especially if they are already self-conscious of a well-known stigma among the public. It may even make them disgusted of themselves knowing that they were bred to simply be put on display for perverse eyes, whether the original historical statement stands true or not. Do not do this. As much as I wish to know about you all, please keep your in-depth personal history associated with race out of Asks. Instead, simply asking like this is a much more safer, conscious route.
Prince Lotor, you are beautiful. Surely you have had many suitors who overstepped your boundaries in your lifetime. How do you deter unwanted sexual advancements?
I am perfectly fine with anons telling me their race. I encourage sharing public safe traditions or funny historical blurbs regarding their culture purely for educational purposes. This is the exception I will allow.
Questions regarding Galran disabilities, cultural customs, and other topics are accepted since this is not a real race and 100% of the answers I give are simply headcanons (example).
★ Request ★
I am willing to accept requests regarding headcanons / imagines at my discretion due to time constraints concerning my educational goals. Here are a few examples of how I answer imagines / headcanons ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ). 
I only specifically keep close to x Reader in my stories, though I am open to canon character-centric interactions.
I will write gore and NSFW for certain characters. The only exception is, well, Pidge.
As far as shipping goes, my main ships are x Reader, Shotor, and Lodak.
I am not a fan of Lotura and I do not ship it. This is a personal preference of mine. If you ask why, I will answer. Please respect my decision on this and refrain from inserting Allura in any of my work, even as tags. 
Do not tag any of my Reader-Insert writing as Lotura. 
Do not tag any art and writing with Celeste and Atlas as Lotura or relating to Allura. Celeste and Atlas are the children of Lotor and Reader. 
My Ask box will always be open, but I will be selective about which questions I answer. My chatbox is also open, though I rarely reply to them. In regards to why I have not answered your question(s), there are many reasons behind it.
It has already been asked by another previous anon.
It has already been answered or is in the process of being answered, as in I have not thought of a worthy response yet.
It was excessive spam. 
It was rude and broke one of the rules.
I thank you again for taking the time to read these vitally important rules. If you have any questions in regards to the rules, do not hesitate to ask. Fret not, for I will still answer NSFW asks on Sunday. This blog is NSFW/18+ so do be responsible if you decide to follow me. In the event of explicit messaging, I will raise the age restriction to 21+ for personal preference and I will ask for proof of age. This is for both of our safety.
★ Please do remember that kindness and respect go a long way. ★
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