thatshitkrejci · 4 months
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teecupangel · 1 year
What if Desmond time travels not with Clay/Ezio/other assassin, but with a modern-day Templar with minimal fighting training (Rogue's modern protagonist?) that's freaking out the entire time and follows him around like a lost puppy?
Why just Numbskull?
Why not make him responsible of all the nameless/voiceless protagonists?
Imagine Desmond waking up in some random time period and he has three people he doesn’t even know all looking at him with varying faces of surprise and confusion.
Just imagine the dumb shits Desmond has to deal with on top of trying to figure out what the hell to do in this time period (bonus points if it’s like the 3rd Crusaders where they would definitely stick out soooo badly).
Their backstories…
Initiate: Be careful! They’re a Templar!
Numbskull: Berg had a gun! You think I have any real say if I was going to become a Templar?! Hey, at least I’m not some rando who gets instructions from some woman I don’t even know the real name of and only leaves messages on my computer. Really feel the UNITY there!
Noob: Hey, you think we can pop in and kill Juno?
Desmond: … It’s in my to-do list but we can’t do it right now. Why?
Noob: I have a list of how we can try to kill her without setting her loose.
Desmond: (stares at Noob for a moment) Why?
Noob: She tried to take over my body after her reincarnated husband tried to frame me and kidnapped me.
Desmond: … I need a drink.
Noob: (perks up) Can I get a Shirley Templar?
Then Desmond has to deal with them having skills that just give him headaches.
Desmond: Uuuhhh… Where did you get all these?
Noob: I pickpocketed the guards after I pretended to be a guard. Guard meetings are borings.
Desmond:…………… Are we sure you’re not a kleptomaniac?
Initiate: If I stand perfectly still and control my breathing, they won’t see me.
Desmond: ……… That’s… that’s not really… oh my god…
Numbskull: I did it! I made a grenade launcher! Look!
Desmond: ……… I’m pretty sure you just made mortar.
Numbskull: …… I miss Benjamin.
Assassin: Your acolyte is a danger to everyone!
Desmond: (not even surprised anymore) Which one?
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hate5sixofficial · 2 months
Initiate 2023-11-19 VFW Post 577 Tulsa, OK
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guerrilla-operator · 8 months
Initiate // The Surface
Don't forcе your way Smiling through it There's so much more past thе surface
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coline7373 · 7 months
|keep the wolves away| - littlekaracan - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
This was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seventy-two coments only? How???!??!?!?!? Phillistines!
This is so… T_T
Oh, my heart.
Reva survive and is found by Yoda and Obi-Wan when they come to the Temple before trying to defeat Palpatine and Anakin respectively.
Then, Tatooine exile.
The strugle of two jedi in hidding, on a desert planet. One, an ex-councillor with trauma. The other, an ex-initiate with also trauma.
Obi-Wan is actually Obi-Wan instead of a cartoonish version of a grieving man, "here insert PTSD". He is Obi-Wan in all his complexities, with his qualities, his warmth, his relentless will to provide and protect the vulnerable, his natural ways ot teaching, and his flaws, his fear, his brooding, his at-times blindness, his certainity in things not really founded in anything concrete but born from negative feelings…
And Reva… Finally, Reva as an actual child instead of a cartoonish angry child, "here insert vitriols that everyone has to bend over backward to sooth regardless of if she's right or not". An actual child, with the expected sadness related to the murder of her family and destruction of everything she has ever known. But also one with dreams, questions, idle curiosity and games, thoughts and chatter, friends from the neighbourhood, childish absolute certainty but also wise reflections… Just… a child, a good one with her struggles and her own strengh.
I love how we see everything from her eyes.
The change in perspective, at times more simplistic or perceptive, is just great.
I love all the exploration of Tatooine like a kid.
I love how she try to adapt and want to be a jedi, even if a new different kind of one in this new era where they are hunted; while also taking the time to just... be a kid.
It was just… a lot. Simple, complex, aching, sweet, heavy, uplifting and just… T_T Yeah.
Read it.
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artemisintheory · 11 months
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veenlijken · 2 years
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god was a parlour trick. / until he was killed. / death is what makes us holy.
-Initiate by Mabel Martin
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icegrillz · 10 months
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jsbashirmd · 21 days
Starter Call
I'm bored and drafts aren't helping bc I want something new, so. y'know. interact and I'll write you something.
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loveandthepsyche · 1 month
In my experience, everyone will say they want to discover the truth until they realize that the truth will rob them of their deepest ideas, beliefs, hopes and dreams. The freedom of enlightenment means much more than experiencing love and peace. It means discovering a truth that turns your view of yourself and life upside down. For someone who is truly ready, this will be unimaginably liberating. But for someone who is still clinging on in any way, this will be an extreme challenge indeed. How do you know if you're ready? You are ready when you are ready to be absolutely consumed, when you are ready to be fuel for a fire without end.
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stigmatamama · 2 months
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Todays record pickups
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bogatzke · 11 months
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INITIATE - cerebral circus
Triple B Records, 2023
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peridot-tears · 11 months
I don't know why Ubisoft is ashamed of their silent first-person Animus user period. It was actually really neat to look inside Abstergo's fancy-evil corporate guts and see Shaun and Rebecca slip in incognito. The implications of Numbskull's coerced initiation are fantastic, and you got these delicious soundbites of Juhani Otso Berg's interactions with Warren Vidic and Violet Da Costa.
Not to mention that at this period in time, Ubisoft seems to have mastered weaving the modern-day plot into the memory you're playing. It's smooth, it feels like it drives the story forward, and you still get to enjoy the past timeline.
(Desmond sneaking into the soccer stadium in Brazil during ACIII and all those tunnels you have to explore as Layla felt exhausting. At least Layla's gave you a nice look at how she's literally walking in Kassandra's footsteps, but those caves get repetitive.)
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guerrilla-operator · 8 months
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teecupangel · 11 months
What do you think happened to Noob and Numbskull? I’m surprised they haven’t been properly introduced as established characters as Juhani Otso-Berg yet…
I personally think they will never be introduced as established characters together with Initiate because
They’re meant to represent the players.
Ubisoft seems to not want to talk about the modern day storyline of their Nameless Quiet Protagonists phase XD
So this is purely headcanons of mine and I’m adding Initiate to the mix because they’re like a buy 1 get 2 free deal for me…
Noob (Black Flag):
Canonically, they did leave Abstergo and it seemed Abstergo just let them go with Melanie citing that the main reason was that getting almost sacrificed by John Standish left them ‘shook up’.
Nobody. We had one researcher last year who was very talented. But it... it didn't work out. I think the episode with John Standish really shook everybody up.
I like the idea that they did just that. That they’re in therapy and have a less stressful job, maybe being a QA for office laptops or something and both the Assassins and the Templars are keeping an eye on them but not really doing anything.
But considering that Noob is known for having high Isu genes (for a human anyway), a possible idea is that they were almost captured by the Will of the First Bitch but they got saved by the Assassins. Shaun and Rebecca did start talking to them post-game so they do have a connection to the Assassins. Are they an Assassin? Probably but I think that what happened with John traumatized them and they prefer ‘desk work’ more than anything.
Honestly, it would nice if they’re part of the whole secret war. At least one of them can live a ‘peaceful’ life.
Numbskull (Rogue):
Okay, so for this one, I’m more on the side that they got proper Templar training via the Animus and they have the bleed of Shay Cormac. They might be a high ranking officer in Berg’s Sigma team too, might even have taken Violet’s old spot after her betrayal and death.
But they also hate being a Templar.
It was never a choice for them.
It was either be a Templar or die.
What else were they supposed to do?
So, for Numbskull, I think they took a page from Master Shay Cormac.
They ran away from the Templars. Sometime during the Layla Trilogy but I’m betting more on when Berg was captured by Layla.
They’ve gone AWOL and they’re using everything Berg has taught them to remain that way.
Will they join the Assassins? I think it would be more interesting if they didn’t. Maybe they’d act more like a distant secretive sorta ally with an agenda of their own.
But if you wanna add Watch_Dog to this, I can totally see them joining DedSec as it’s a group that would fuck Abstergo up but won’t have any actual connection with the Assassins. XD
Initiate (Unity and Syndicate):
They’re still part of Bishop’s group and they provide various supports for the other Assassins cells. Honestly, I always assumed Initiate is the primary ‘user’ for the games that don’t have an actual modern day protagonist so for any upcoming game that doesn’t have a modern day protagonist (Red/Jade/etc), Initiate will be my go-to nameless voiceless protagonist XD
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constable · 9 months
Starter Call
come talk to my goo man
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