#like mine's whole motivation in life is to be loved and accepted
How is Mine as a husband? Or do we only see him as a dad?
hold up which one of yall is seein him as a dad ????? 😭
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ghostgirl101 · 2 years
Dating John Doe Would Be Like This:
A/N: So I'm just starting to write for slashers, creepypastas and other dark yanderes like Doe here. Requests are open for hcs and imagines, but I won't write smut 🙃 (The image below isn't mine.) Enjoy!
Warnings: Unhealthy and obsessive loving behaviour, mentions of violence, emotional manipulation
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👁• Well, you've gotten his attention immediately, just for being you. Congratulations! Doe's never going to let you go now. You're stuck in a neverending loop of coming across him until you accept his love and let him seep into your life.
👁• John Doe loves everything about you. Every little thing. He wants to know as much as he can about who you are, your deepest secrets... privacy? Personal space? Never heard of them.
👁• He is very, very obsessive, no matter what you're doing. You could be simply watching TV, and Doe's not watching the channel at all, because you're so close together, as you're supposed to be, and he can't help the repeated swooning thoughts of how he just love love loves you!!! John also follows you to where you work, at the gas station, and will stare at you lovingly while you work and help out when you ask him to for the whole day. If you're shy or uneasy by the constant staring and attention, it only makes Doe more motivated to keep doing it, because the blushing and avoiding meeting his eye is so cute!!
👁• His main love languages are physical touch and words. I mean, his words are usually just giddy rambles and crazed staring in between the sentences, but his physical touch is practically suffocating. Whenever Doe can touch you, he will be, because he's very clingy with you. Now that you're together, he's not about to let you go, and the public will have to see that when you're out and about and your hand's gripped tightly in his, or an arm wrapped firmly around your waist.
👁• He's also a big hugger and cuddler, but you'll frequently have to remind him that he's holding you too tightly or that you can't concentrate on whatever you're doing while he's right up in your face and watching your every move. His cuddles include him burying his face into the crook of your neck and breathing your scent in, because it's completely unique to you, and anything to do with you is perfect in his mind. John Doe also loves kissing you, because you taste so sweet, and he could get high off the feeling because you're so addictive!
👁• John's also extremely protective. If anyone attempts to flirt with you or becomes too friendly for his liking, they won't last long at all. He could make a horrifying expression to make the weaker ones back off, but then again, could kill them, even in front of you to make a point. "Darling, why are you crying? They don't mean anything to you, now do they? Ohh, but you are cute when you're scared-"
👁• He doesn't have much of a social life, so if you do... well, that's a tricky one. Doe might give in to your sweet pleas for him to join you and your friends to go out and get drinks fr a couple of hours, or he could emotionally manipulate you into staying. "You- you're leaving me here, by myself?! Why? Don't you love me...? But you love them more than you love me. Then stay here, please??"
👁• If you're easily disturbed by blood, then you'll have to tell John not to leave you such gory gifts. He'll start getting you little things that you personally like instead of violent trinkets and stuff like that.
👁• He reminds you he loves you every day, every hour, and if you don't say it back, Doe will pout and give you big sad eyes until you do. If you tell him you love him randomly tone day before he does, he'll be over the moon, and clingier than ever.
👁• John Doe will do anything for you, and I mean anything. He'll be anything you want, too, but he might just cry if you tell him you prefer him looking as he naturally does and that he doesn't need to change for you. Any hobbies you have are now his, because he wants to share and bond over everything he can with you. It's only fair, right?
👁• He's not completely above brainwashing you into agreeing with him and seeing things from his perspective, but that's only if it's something big, especially if you somehow ignore him. But Doe prefers your responses to be from the heart.
👁• John doesn't really like it when you choose to have a bath or shower too often. He's come to understand that you do need to shower because you want to keep clean, but he'll insist on you getting unscented soaps and things.
👁• He adores it when you help paint his nails, and he'll do the same for you! He's surprisingly steady and careful when he's concentrated and not distracted by how completely beautiful you look. Doe also loves it when you wear his hoodies, or match his aesthetic and colours by wearing black and red. "Look, my love, we're matching!! We're just made for each other, aren't we? Aren't we?!"
👁• His home is a mess, and you can try cleaning some of the junk up when you're over, though it's not a great idea to examine the blood-stained bits and pieces buried within the chaos. So, it's better to hang out at your place. Doe also likes it when you brush his hair, even though it'll never stay down and straight and smooth. Still, he loves the feeling and attention, and will soak it all up with a lovestruck grin.
👁• The symbol on his t-shirt constantly changes with his mood, which is a good way to keep track of his feelings. It's almost always love and adoration when he's around you, and he's around you most of the time, even if you can't spot him at first.
👁• All in all, he's not a bad boyfriend if you can take his clingy, obsessive loving nature and violent tendencies to any minor threats to you and your love life. John Doe's a pretty creepy guy, but he loves you to death, and in the end, everything he does is for you.
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alexawynters · 5 months
Scarlet Whispers pt. 8
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Gif not mine, as always
Trigger Warnings: Smuttttttt. Horribly written smut.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Rating: M. Minors DNI
Masterlist with parts 1-7 here
Chapter Eight
Translations: котёнок - Kitten; malyshka - baby; lyubov - love; dorogoya - darling; I probably missed some… I should have probably been doing this the entire time, no? Eh… My b.
A/N: Its uhhh.. My first time writing smut for the public so uh… be gentle pls? Lol. Lemme know how it went. Writing dialog and smut makes me cringe haha. This was also written while I was in the hospital. Is it bad that the 5 day stay was almost a vacation compared to life? Haha, living the dreeeaammm. Someone pls hit me with their car or something so I can go back and have 0 responsibilities for another week. Promise I won’t sue 😛
Once again, edited while floaty. Apparently that’s the only time I can get the motivation to open my laptop. In my defense, I’m currently in the middle of a move and starting a new job so pls forgive my laziness. I’m a tad overwhelmed. It’s finnnne. 
During your time at the aquarium with Wanda, you hadn't noticed how late it had gotten. Logically, you knew it was around dinner time because you both had just eaten, but you didn't realize until you both entered the dimly lit cottage that it was so dark outside. Despite the long day you’d had, you weren't ready to go to bed just yet. Body thrumming with an unfamiliar energy, and you could tell it stemmed from Wanda's hand still holding onto your waist. Now that you were home, it would be socially acceptable for her to let you go, but instead, she chose to linger.
Never one to enjoy having others in your personal space, regardless of if you were touch starved, you were thrilled to discover that you didn't mind the witch being so close to you. In fact, the mere thought of being separated from her made your stomach roil with anxiety. Looking at the redhead next to you as you traversed the hallway towards your room for the evening, a new kind of craving overcame you. This one was different from the hunger you had experienced just before dinner, and you realized that you couldn't get enough of the witch’s touch and presence.
Reaching your shared room Wanda finally moves to separate from you, and as she heads opposite from you, her hand falling away, you make a split-second decision. Well. Decision was being generous. More accurately you allowed your impulses to take over, unable to think logically - you couldn’t let Wanda get too far. Not that there was anywhere for her to go in a bedroom you both shared, but your brain wasn’t exactly running on all cylinders at this time.
You don’t know what, or even if you were thinking, knowing only that in the scant few feet the witch was away from you, your whole world felt like it was collapsing. A lightly calloused hand shot out as you turned to grab her hand again, and in your exuberance, you accidentally ended up yanking the woman towards you. In an unexpected feat of grace surprising both of you, you managed to catch Wanda. Despite her velocity, you were able to use her momentum, spinning both of you. A small jolt of pain wracked through your bones as your back landed harshly against the smooth wall, with Wanda safely in your arms. Chests heaved for air, both of you having fully expected to collide, ending up in a heap on the floor.
After the initial surprise wore off, both women giggled, though neither made a move to separate. “What is it, Y/N?” the older woman asked. Amusement colored her gaze, mixed with something else you couldn’t quite decipher. You were still learning new facial expressions to this day. 
“I-” You started then stopped, trying to assemble your thoughts and determine just how vulnerable you were willing to be. “Thank you, Wanda. For today. For… everything. This was..” you trailed off, unable to find the words. “Everything.”
You hoped Wanda would understand what you meant by that even if you yourself weren’t quite sure just yet. What you were sure of is that you wanted to return to Wanda at least a fraction of the care and devotion she had shown you in all this time. You knew you didn’t want her to walk away, heart aching at the concept. What you didn’t know was what you wanted to do next, you hadn’t exactly gotten that far, but you couldn’t stomach the thought of being apart from her.
The redhead’s gaze softened at your words. “You don’t need to thank me, lyubov. You deserve so much, and I just want you to be happy.” 
The words “with me” went unspoken, though she was dying to let them out. Instead, well-manicured hands lifted the tips of her fingers to gently push some fallen strands of your hair from  your face, as she studied you curiously. A feeling you both were on the precipice of something settled firmly within the witch’s chest. Wanda was fairly confident she knew exactly what that something was, but she wouldn’t plunge you into anything you weren’t yet ready to fall into.
Though certain in her assumptions, Wanda was unable to clearly read your surface thoughts. A jumbled mass of emotions, each thought no more than fleeting before another took its place, your mind was a whirlwind. The next steps had to be taken by you, and if you weren’t up for that yet, the redhead was content with where you both were at this moment. 
A palpable tension filled the air, conveying an unspoken awareness that something transformative was about to occur. Anticipation lingered in the atmosphere, creating a delicate blend of nervousness and excitement. There was an understated, magnetic attraction that drew you closer to Wanda. Completely unaware as you were, enthralled by the alluring softness of her lips which stoked a longing within you to know if they felt as velvety as they appeared, you were unconsciously learning forward.
It was a moment of breathless expectation, where time seemed to stretch. The world had fallen away, leaving only the two of you suspended in the beauty of the impending inevitability. Eyes finally connecting with Wanda’s, a silent, mutual understanding was shared, and in that moment, you made a decision.
”May I…?” your voice a husky tremor, thick with emotion.
Never had Wanda found you more endearing than in that moment. Your innocent consideration that you would need to ask her permission after everything. As if she hadn't been waiting for this very moment for so long. As if this wasn’t what she had been waiting for since first discovering the Darkhold, and all the possibilities of a multiverse.
“Please, Y/N.” The witch’s reply was all but a breathy whisper.
As your lips and hers finally connected in a gentle, exploratory kiss, an electric current seemed to pass through their bodies, igniting a fire within your souls. It was a moment of pure magic, a culmination of all the emotions and desires that had been building between you both. Breaths mingled, blending together in a perfect harmony of passion and longing.
The softness of the kiss spoke volumes, revealing a depth of connection that you were certain words could never fully capture. A tender exchange, filled with a delicate balance of vulnerability and trust. Each touch, each movement of Wanda’s lips against yours, was deliberate, as if she was savoring every precious moment of this newfound intimacy with you.
With every passing second, the world around faded away, leaving only the two of you enveloped in a bubble of pure bliss. Time seemed to stand still as you explored this uncharted territory together. A feeling as if something inside, you hadn’t known had been missing, was now perfectly slotted into place. Home.
When it came to kissing you, Wanda marveled at the stark contrasts between your Avenger variant, and you. While your other variant was self-assured, often taking command of a kiss with practiced skill, you, on the other hand, were gentle and tentative. It was evident that you were willing to let Wanda take the lead, which she found incredibly empowering, almost addictive. She knew she should probably take this first kiss slowly for you, however, your submissiveness was simply too delicious for her to pass up such an opportunity.
Long, slender fingers came to rest just under your jaw, firmly holding you close, Wanda using her body to press you harder against the wall, as if trying to merge your two bodies into one. A gasp escaped you at the length of the witch’s body pressed so intimately against you. Wanda, ever opportunistic, took advantage of your open mouth to deepen the kiss, her lithe tongue swiping softly at the seam of your lips in askance. 
You couldn’t even fathom a moment where you would ever deny Wanda this request, opening your mouth to grant her the access she desired. Her skillful tongue sensually slid against yours, eliciting a barely suppressed whimper from you. With a little coaxing Wanda was able to entice your tongues to engage in a seductive dance, leaving you breathless and heady. 
Eventually, the kiss broke, leaving both of you craving more. It had opened the door to a world of possibilities, and in that moment, everything changed. The bond between the pair of you had deepened more than you could know, and more than Wanda had hoped for. Despite initial reservations, your heart knew then you would follow Wanda anywhere, irrevocably tied to the witch forever. There was no one you wanted or trusted more.
While trying to catch your breath, no words were spoken. Taking this moment, your intrusive thoughts began creeping in because of course they were. Desperately you hoped the woman wouldn’t view the kiss as a mistake, praying that you measured up to your superhero counterpart. That you were truly what she had been looking for all this time, even if you weren’t anything special.
You would do anything to have her lips on yours again, and briefly a thought occurred to you that this woman could murder you, and you would probably thank her for the privilege. Therapy, maybe you should ask Wanda if she could get you in to see a therapist, because that wasn’t concerning at all. 
It wasn't in you to feel ashamed just then though, not when the very thought resonated in your soul. Gods, was this what you had been missing your entire life? And it had been right under your nose, for ages you had been unknowingly depriving yourself, hellbent on self-sabotage.
As you finally caught your breath, the witch gazed at you hungrily, causing a shiver to race down your spine.
"What do you want, detka?" Wanda asked, voice sultry. She tilted her head as if curious, but in reality, she was relishing in your disheveled appearance, eyes raking over your blown pupils, and kiss-swollen lips. So responsive for her, and this was only a kiss. Your first kiss with her, to be specific. Wanting to completely ruin you, it took every ounce of self-restraint for Wanda to wait for your answer instead.
Chest heaving, your brain struggled to pull together enough brain cells in order to provide her with an answer. When you finally spoke, your voice had a throaty quality you had never heard before.
”You. I want you.”
Green eyes, the color of jade, sparkled in such delight they could have practically illuminated the room with their vibrant glow. As you stared into her mesmerizing gaze, you got lost in her presence. Your mind was a myriad of thoughts, unable to focus on anything else. Every word she spoke, every movement she made, had a profound impact on you. As if the witch had cast a spell over you, weaving her magic effortlessly, and you willingly succumbed to her enchantment, eager to be under her captivating influence. 
A mischievous smile played upon her lips, adding an air of mystery to her already enchanting demeanor. The grin hinted at the hidden depths within her, the playful intentions that lied just beneath the surface. So, as Wanda’s mischievous smile lingered, you couldn't help but be drawn further into her web of enchantment, willingly surrendering yourself to the metaphorical spell she had cast.
"Oh, lyubov, will you let me ruin you?" she asked teasingly, her voice filled with impishness and a hint of excitement.
Swallowing nervously, you felt desire building deep within you. Your experiences in this matter were limited, but you trusted the former avenger all the same. Still, you had a sneaking suspicion that whatever Wanda had in store for you would likely test your limits, even if you had no idea what those were yet. Eagerly, you nodded, ready to throw yourself headlong into this unknown, trusting the witch implicitly.
The moment her silky lips met yours once again, a hunger ignited within her, surprising both of you with its intensity and passion. Wanda pulled you close, her fingers curled in your hair, keeping you in place as she plundered your mouth. You could do little but let her lead the way, trying not to embarrass yourself with how much she was turning you on. Her sharp teeth tugged on your lower lip before biting down hard enough to draw blood. A pitiful whine was barely restrained by you as Wanda lapped at the new wound she had caused.
Deciding to test your boundaries during the kiss, the redhead gently wrapped her other hand around your throat. Not tight enough to cut off your oxygen supply, but the pressure did restrict some of the blood flow to your brain, leaving you in a deliciously foggy haze. A breathy moan escaped you, which Wanda eagerly swallowed as you gladly ceded control of the kiss to her. Pride out the window, you were no longer capable of trying to withhold any sounds she could draw from you. Wanda found it delightful that so far you were proving to be the perfect little котёнок for her. The redhead eagerly anticipated discovering what other surprises you had in store for her.
The other hand not on your neck moved from your hair down to the first button of your shirt and hesitated. “Is this okay, Y/N?” She asked, voice surprisingly soft for someone who currently had one of their hands wrapped around your neck.
Sluggish thoughts hazy with lust, you nodded with what would have probably counted as an embarrassing amount of enthusiasm. Having someone as gorgeous as Wanda in front of you, asking for your consent, you found you couldn’t be bothered by your eagerness. You were a simp, and you were fine with that. Anything to get more of Wanda touching you.
The former Avenger grinned, finding you utterly adorable. She was charmed by how needy you were for her. Unable to help but revel in the power dynamics between you, relishing the opportunity to challenge your blissed-out mind and watch as you struggled to comply with her demands. It was a delightful game for Wanda, and she was going to have fun training you.
Before she could continue though, the witch wanted you to be absolutely sure. Regardless of how long she had waited for you, if you weren’t truly ready, Wanda didn’t want to push you. She wanted all of you, everything you had to give, but if you still weren’t ready, weren’t sure, she could wait. Wanda would wait forever if she had to. 
 “Lyubov moya, if you want me to stop at any point, just say the word, and I’ll stop immediately, okay? Full stop, I promise, and I won’t be upset with you.” she insisted, voice thick with longing as her nose grazed gently across yours in a reassuring manner. 
Even now, Wanda was always putting your safety and happiness as her top priority, endearing her evermore to you. How could you have ever doubted that this woman had anything but your best interests at heart? The purest of intentions?
Knowing it was a bit over dramatic, while you appreciated her reassurances, if the witch didn’t do something in the next few seconds, you felt like you might combust. Releasing a needy whine, you hoped to convey your desperation to Wanda who only chuckled at your behavior. 
“Relax, malyshka, I’ll take good care of you, I promise. But first, I need you to use your words, darling.” The hand on your throat easing its grip a little, allowing more blood to your brain, giving you back some of your intellectual capacity.
With Wanda’s body covering yours, you petulantly ground against her in the hopes of achieving any sort of friction, causing her lips to quirk upwards in an amused smirk. You weren’t going to get out of this until she had confirmation of your understanding, and if she happened to tease you into a petulant, writing mess in the process, well, that was just the cherry on top.
Giving in, you let out a keening whimper. “I understand Wands, please. Just touch me. Please!”
A wolfish grin overtook Wanda’s face at your begging. Green eyes locked with yours, and she could see the desire and longing in your eyes, mirroring her own. The way you looked at her, with a mixture of vulnerability and trust, made her heart flutter with a sense of joy and fulfillment. You were willing to surrender yourself to her guidance, to allow her to take the lead and shape you into the person she knew you could become. That kind of implicit trust and faith you had in her shot her arousal through the roof.
With each passing moment, Wanda's excitement grew, knowing that she had the opportunity to train and mold you into her perfect little котёнок. She relished the thought of all the fun games that lay ahead, confident in her ability to guide you towards your full potential. Your willingness to submit to her desires fueled her passion, making her all the more determined to own you completely. This power was the ultimate high, and she didn’t think she could ever get enough of it.
Her hand moved from your throat to wrap around your waist with a firm yet gentle grasp, pulling you closer to her in an undeniable display of ownership. The touch of her hand on your hip sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins, igniting a fire within you that you had never experienced before. It was a possessiveness that transcended the boundaries of mere desire, a possessiveness that spoke volumes about the depth of her emotions for you.
Far from being suffocating, her dominance was a testament to the strength of your bond. A tangible manifestation of the passion that burned between the two of you, it was a flame that only grew stronger with each passing moment. Her assertive touch was a declaration, a proclamation of her utter devotion and fierce protectiveness towards you.
In that instant, you couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the intensity of her feelings. A sensation that both thrilled and comforted you, it was a magnetic pull that drew you closer to her with each passing second. Feeling as if you were the center of her universe, the focus of her unfaltering attention, and you visibly preened under her attentiveness. Your hands which were clenching the bottom of her shirt held fast, unwilling to let her move more than a few inches away.
Now that she had your consent and had subtly established your place with her, Wanda's svelte hands returned to the task of unbuttoning your shirt. Unable to resist the allure of your lips for long, she passionately kissed you once again. As your lips moved against each other with a sensual rhythm, Wanda swiftly unbuttoned your shirt. Before you knew it, your shirt was completely undone, revealing your torso to her exploring hands. A shiver ran through your body as her slightly cool palm pressed against your abdomen for the very first time, the gravity of her body pressing you further into the wall. While you had felt her touch on your skin before, it had never been this intimate, this exhilarating.
As her hand glided over your bare skin, heat coursed through your body, the sensation sending shivers down your spine. The flames within you steadily stoked by every caress. Your breath hitched as her touch lingered, tracing delicate patterns along your abdomen.
Growing desperate you deepened the kiss. Your hands instinctively reach for her, moving from the hem of her shirt to tangle in her hair as you pull her closer. The magnitude of the moment was almost too much, feeling the desire consuming you from within.
Wanda's lips slid against yours with a fervent hunger. Her roving hands continued their journey, tracing every curve and contour of your torso with an almost reverent touch, sending pleasure coursing through your body. As your lips moved in perfect synchrony, heightening your senses, it left you yearning for more. The room was filled with a heady mix of desire and anticipation, as you both gave in to the draw of the moment..
Lost in the haze of passion, you couldn't help but give yourself completely to Wanda's touch. The way she explored every inch of your body with a delicate yet possessive hand left you breathless, craving more of her commanding aura. It was a dance of pleasure and surrender, a symphony of sensations that left you craving her touch like a drug. You had never needed anyone or anything as much as you needed Wanda to continue doing whatever she wanted to you.
As the kiss broke, both of you gasped for air. Wanda, still breathing heavily, leaned back to take in the sight of your newly revealed skin, her eyes darkening with want. Though never having been confident in your own body, often choosing to cover up, to hide in your self-consciousness, the way Wanda was looking at you now though left no doubt she liked what she saw. Yet still your insecurities plagued you, especially now that you were no longer covered up and there was nothing for you to hide behind.
The witch didn’t need to read your mind to know where your thoughts were going. The expression on your face, the way you tried to curl in on yourself made it plain. Voice thick with desire, Wanda needed to reassure you. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Y/N. Don’t ever let yourself believe otherwise.”
Though you didn’t truly believe her words, her tone and the way she held you like she couldn’t get enough was almost capable of convincing you in and of itself. You decided then that throwing yourself into this was the fastest way to get out of your head. Throwing caution to the wind, you slammed your lips against Wanda’s again, desperate for more of her.
Impatient, you couldn't resist the urge to guide Wanda's hands lower, craving for her to touch you more. Deft fingers brushed against a particularly sensitive spot, sending a surge of pleasure  shooting through you, and tearing a quiet gasp from your mouth. Your body responded eagerly to her every caress, arching into her hands, silently begging for more. Emboldened by your response, Wanda's touch grew daring, her kisses to your neck pressing harder leaving red welts that would purple over by tomorrow. Her marks on you would tell all who you belonged to. Her fingers began exploring your body with a newfound confidence. The touch was both gentle and possessive, leaving you with the utter clarity that she wanted to mark every inch of you as her own, even the parts of you no one else would ever see.
The room was filled with the sound of your shared breaths, heavy with desire. Feeling the urgency building within you, your body pressed closer to Wanda's, seeking to ease some of the pressure within. Her touch was all at once overwhelming yet not enough.
Determined to elicit every delicious sound she could from you, one of Wanda's hands finally moved to your breast. Gently she cupped it while her thumb teased you by gliding around your areola, avoiding your hardened bud. She took great enjoyment in your whimpers and gasps as she teased you. If she had it her way, she would keep you like this, never giving you quite what you wanted. Wanda would ease you into that eventually though. For now, this was enough.
Eventually she had mercy on you, letting her thumb lightly graze across your nipple. A deep, throaty groan emanated from within you, your hips bucking against hers, unbidden. Taking the opportunity you had presented her with, Wanda slotted her knee between your thighs, applying firm pressure just where you needed it most. You whispered an exhaled curse as your head slumped forward onto the older woman’s shoulder. Your grip on her tightened, the urge to just rut against Wanda’s leg nearly overpowering what little was left of your rational mind.
Wanda could feel the subtle grinding of your hips against her leg, and she encouraged it, pressing harder each time you arched towards her. The witch grasped your hips firmly, helping to set your rhythm as you desperately sought more friction between the apex of your thighs.
For someone who hadn't even taken off their pants yet, you were surprisingly worked up, but you were far too focused on chasing your high to be overly concerned about it. Sensing how close you were, Wanda pulled away from you, calling forth a keening whine from you. The older woman chuckled softly at your desperation. Her raspy voice next to your ear made you shudder. 
"Patience, dorogoya, I don't want you to come just yet unless it's in my mouth or on my fingers."
Wholly unprepared for her words as you were, they almost single-handedly threatened to ruin the witch’s plans as you nearly came on the spot. Wanda was aware that you had likely never edged before, and while she should have shown some mercy, she found no enjoyment in that prospect. Her intention was to have you so drunk for her to the point where you would become a helpless, trembling wreck, willing to do anything she desired just to reach that peak. Then, she planned to repeatedly push you off that ledge so many times that you would be a boneless, quivering mess for her by the time she was done with you.
As her words hung in the air, you felt a mixture of anticipation and hesitation. This was a new territory for you, one that you weren't entirely sure of what you were getting into. But as you looked into Wanda's eyes, filled with desire and a touch of mischief, you couldn't deny your feelings. You wanted to experience everything she was willing to show you, to give yourself fully and trust in her to guide you through this journey of pleasure.
With a deep breath, you nodded, your voice barely above a whisper, "I trust you, Wanda."
A smug smile played on Wanda's lips as she gently held your cheek. "Good," she purred, her voice laced with satisfaction. "I promise you won't regret it. Now, let’s take this to the bed.” She didn’t want your first time together to be rutting up against a wall.
Wanda grasped your hand, leading you the remainder of the distance to your shared bed. Once there the witch assisted you in removing the remnants of your clothes, gently pushing you backwards onto the bed. Before joining you, she took a moment to admire your naked body, as you looked up at her with a combination of desire and excitement. You were uncertain of her intentions, but the fact that you were willing to trust her filled Wanda's heart with joy.
With a gaze that could only be described as ravenous, she studied you and quietly uttered a curse. "Fucking exquisite" she husked, hoping to drive home her words from earlier.
Squirming under her intense gaze, you blushed deeply at her compliment. No one had ever called you that before, not in your entire life. The longer you laid there, alone under her scrutiny, the greater your need for Wanda grew. Before you could ask her to rejoin you, she was already removing her own clothes with purpose. You waited with bated breath, as Wanda revealed her body which you swore could have been sculpted by Michelangelo himself. Honestly, you thought it was a little unfair for someone to look so perfect. You felt absolutely privileged to be in this moment with her, that she had chosen you of all people to witness her glory. No one you had ever seen, in person or even on tv could compare. Wanda was a goddess, and you wanted to worship at her altar.
The redhead knew she was an attractive woman, but your loud thoughts were giving her quite the ego boost. She had you right where she wanted you, but Wanda would be damned if she allowed your self-deprecation to continue. There was not a single doubt in her mind that you were equally deserving to be here with her.
“Your thoughts are loud, malyshka.” She almost giggled at how red your face turned when she called you out, reminding you of her powers, and your gaze dropped.
 “While I’m flattered, darling, you need to know.” Wanda said with certainty as she began crawling up the bed towards you. Once she had crawled up the length of your body, the witch trailed her fingertips along your thigh, and up your torso to your face. Curling a graceful finger under your chin, she tilted your face upwards until you made eye contact.
“You are stunning, lyubov moya. There is no one else I would want to be here with right now. Not in the entire multiverse, believe me, I’ve looked. No one but you. Can you trust me on that, Y/N?”
Green eyes searched Y/E/C for any sign of lingering insecurity. With the witch looking at you so earnestly, your doubts faded into the background. They would likely never be completely silent, but in this moment, those thoughts were just white noise. Speaking was currently too difficult for you so instead you simply nodded at her words.
No longer able to hear your uncertainty as loudly, Wanda felt you were ready to continue. “Good, but just to make sure, I’m going to show you.”
Before you could ask what she meant, Wanda kissed you again. Her hand, which was previously under your chin, caressed down your chest and cupped your breast. She gave it a gentle squeeze, causing a soft sound to escape your throat.
As Wanda's touch re-ignited the flicker of pleasure within you, her lips and tongue traced a path of heated kisses down your neck, leaving a hot trail of saliva behind. Her skilled hand continued to explore your body, evoking an oeuvre of gasps and moans. Eventually, her lips settled on one of the places you desired the most, enveloping your nipple.
Once Wanda's lips closed around your hardened bud, a jolt of pleasure shot through your body, causing you to arch your back in response. Her tongue teased and circled the sensitive bud, sending ecstasy pulsating through your veins. While Wanda continued to lavish attention on your aching nipple, her other hand trailed down your body, caressing and exploring every inch of your skin. The combination of her skilled touch and the intense pleasure coursing through your body made it difficult to think or focus on anything else. 
Her hand continued its exploration, gliding over your skin with a feather-light touch. Every brush of her fingertips, each flick of her tongue against you sent your arousal to new heights. Your senses were completely consumed by her, the world around you fading once again into a distant blur.
Completely at Wanda's mercy, you found yourself basking in her every touch and caress. The pleasure she was bestowing upon you was the best high you had ever felt, addictive and irresistible. Your mind was filled with a primal need, a craving for more of the pleasure that only she could provide.
Wanda switched breasts, moving to lavish attention on the other one ensuring it didn't feel neglected. Her hand continued to tease your flesh, raising goosebumps to form on your skin. 
Unable to sit still, your own hands came up to tangle themselves in the redhead’s hair. Head held firmly in place by you, Wanda's hand slid lower, exploring the wetness that had pooled between your thighs. Svelte fingers teased your entrance, and you gasped as the anticipation nearly undid you.  Back arched, begging for more, you whispered a “please!”
Helpless to deny your plea, Wanda's fingers dipped inside you, your slick allowing them to slide in with ease. You moaned lowly as she began to move her fingers in a slow, deliberate rhythm, curling and stroking against your most sensitive spots. The pleasure built within you, radiating through your body like an electric current.
Your hands tightened in her hair, pulling her closer to you as your hips instinctively rocked against her hand, seeking deeper pleasure. Wanda matched your movements, her pace increasing, driving you closer to the edge. Her lips found yours once again, swallowing your moans as the pleasure consumed you.
The room was filled with the sound of your shared breaths, the wet, almost obscene sound of her fingers moving inside you, and the symphony of your pleasure. Each stroke of her fingers sent you spiraling further into this rapturous euphoria, your body trembling with desire.
Lost in the carnality of the moment, you could feel the heat building within you, the pressure mounting until you were teetering on the edge. Sensing your imminent release, Wanda's fingers quickened their pace, driving you towards oblivion. Moans growing louder, they mingled with the sound of your ragged breaths.
“Are you gonna come for me baby?” She asked, voice dripping sweetly with lust, not letting up the pace even a little. The woman knew what she was doing to you, and couldn’t resist drawing it out just a bit. 
Beneath her, you squirmed and bucked in place, desperation eeking off you in waves. You hadn’t exactly had many partners to begin with, and you had certainly never been especially vocal with any of them. Wanda couldn't have you being all shy on her now though. She wanted to hear each and every sound she could possibly draw out of you as proof of how good she was making you feel, her fingers hitting that special spot deep inside of you that had always been just out of your own reach.
“Now dorogaya, use your words. Are you going to be a good girl and come for me? If you can’t answer me then I guess I should stop.” Wanda slowed her pace and you all but wailed your frustration.
“Yes, yes I’m going to come. I’m so close, Wands, please don’t stop!”
Truthfully that should have been enough for her but sadistically she wanted to push your boundaries further still. She smirked at your pleas. 
“I won’t stop, Y/N, but you can’t come until I give you permission.”
You didn’t think you had ever been on such a precipice of euphoria before. It was right there if only Wanda would let you. Part of you wanted to ignore what she said and let yourself go, but the part of you that yearned to be good for her won out in the end. 
You begged pitifully. “Please Wanda, please let me come! I’ll be your good girl, please, just let me come!” You would say anything the woman wanted as long as she would let you finally finish.
It was positively sinful how your submission made Wanda feel. She wanted to experience you like this every day for the rest of your lives. The tremor of your voice as you begged, how quickly and completely you accepted her commands, it was positively sublime.
“Well when you beg so prettily for me, how can I resist? Be a good girl, Y/N - come for me.” Her fingers curled deliciously, mercilessly hitting your new favorite spot. 
With Wanda’s permission, the world shattered around you as your orgasm crashed over. Your body convulsed with exquisite hedonism, every nerve ending alive with sensation. Wanda's name were the only words from your mouth as you rode the high, your orgasm careening over you in a tidal wave of pleasure.
For Wanda, feeling your wet heat tighten around her fingers, practically refusing to allow her to pull back to even help you through your peak, was so perfect. You didn’t know it, but it was enough to make Wanda topple over the edge alongside you, her head dropping to the crook of your neck while she whispered sweet nothings in your ear, struggling to bring you gently down from your high. 
As the aftershocks of your release subsided, Wanda gently withdrew her fingers, her touch lingering for a moment before she pressed a soft kiss to your lips. She held you close, her presence a comforting anchor as you came down from the heights of pleasure. You whimpered at the feeling of emptiness after being so joyously full.
Breathless and sated, you nestled into her embrace, feeling a profound sense of contentment and connection. And as you lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, you felt that this was just the beginning of something beautiful between you both. You had made the decision to trust Wanda with your body, heart, and soul, and in this moment, everything felt so right.
Wanting to return the favor, and make Wanda feel as good as you did, but as you tried to shift in her embrace, the former avenger simply held you tighter. Feeling rejected, you wilted in her arms. Perhaps you had already failed to live up to her expectations, so much so that she didn’t even want you to touch her. How heartbreaking to have failed so soon, to never get the chance to prove yourself.
Voice soft, Wanda alleviates your fears. “Not tonight, darling. Tonight was all about you. Rest with me for a little while, detka, I just want to hold you. May I do that, Y/N?”
Murmuring a quiet assent, you settled into the comfort Wanda provided. You both laid there, basking in the intimacy you both had just shared, feeling content and happy. It wasn’t long until your eyes began to droop, signifying you were about to nod off.
Sensing how close you were to sleep, the witch gently roused you. She giggled at your grumblings for the disruption but insisted you both needed to clean up. Shaking your head, you whined as you tried to hold her in place with you, unwilling to let her go for any reason. Wanda  had to actively restrain herself from cooing at your adorable stubbornness.
“Come on now, it’ll be just a few minutes and then we can go back to sleep, okay darling?”
Petulantly you shook your head, and Wanda full on belly laughed, holding you tightly to her while she did so. Her laughter was infectious, and you couldn’t help but chuckle as well, knowing you were being a bit ridiculous.
Eventually, both of you calmed down, and Wanda pulled away from your embrace, mentioning that she would be right back. You let her go, but you pouted the entire time she was in the bathroom. After a few moments, you could hear the sink running, and then the witch returned to you with a warm, damp washcloth in her hand. With an unprecedented level of care, Wanda cleaned between your legs, removing any trace of the night's activities, while being mindful not to overstimulate you.
“There we go, detka. All clean. Let me just throw this in the sink, and we can go to sleep.”
Doing exactly as she had said, Wanda quickly returned, swiftly maneuvering her way into the cozy bed beside you. With a few gentle movements, she skillfully arranged the soft sheets to envelop both of you, creating a warm and comfortable cocoon.
Once she was finished setting up the sheets, you wasted no time in crawling back into her arms, burying your face into the divot where her neck and shoulder met. You felt like you had been through the wringer, but in the best way. When she had gotten up to clean you both, with her no longer being in your arms, your emotions had run all over the place. Now all you wanted was to be as physically close to the redhead as possible, to reassure yourself that she wasn’t abandoning you after such a vulnerable act.
Wanda was not at all opposed. Quite thrilled in fact, and as she held you, one hand came to gingerly trace random shapes along the side of your face, whispering nonsensical words of love and solace. Pillowy lips placed a soft kiss to your forehead.
As you drifted off to sleep, feeling safer and happier than in your entire life, you heard Wanda whisper in her native tongue. You were curious, but too far gone to ask her what she meant.
“я так люблю тебя, дорогая. (I love you so much, darling.) I promise I will always keep you safe, and I will never let you go.”
A/N 2: ... Why do I have a higher word count for a chapter with smut than any other chapter? .... Reasons. We're going with "reasons". So uhhh... yay? nay? Yeet myself off a cliff? Also if anyone wants to be added to the taglist just lemme know in the comments.
Taglist: @dorabledewdroop
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loveandleases · 9 months
Wishing you a late happy birthday! Hope it was a good one. I am a bit embarrassed to say how much of my day this IF occupies my thoughts... and how did you make all the ROs so amazing?!
One thing I've being thinking about is the emotional connection Mc could make with the ROs here. I mean, I doubt Mc even thought about the possibilty that Chris could cheat. So having experienced that, and then falling for the RO, they could have a newfound sense of trust and security, like knowing the RO would never hurt them. Something they wouldn't have had with Chris. I can also see Mc being able to appreciate Cam's friendship so much more since he'll be there for Mc right at the start of it all, through not just the good, but the really bad too.
So if you want, how would the ROs feel knowing Mc has this absolute trust in and feels completely safe with them.
Aw, thank you anon! I'm glad to know it occupies your mind, it occupies mine far too much! Our RO's would love to know how amazing they are! I'm glad people enjoy them despite they all have their own issues to work through.
❤️ Cam - He is more appreciative to MC than I think he will ever truly be able to say. MC was there for him through everything, fights with his parents/siblings, when he was left to basically fend for himself, not to mention the challenges of the teen years. Cam would tear up a little bit ngl. He has always wanted MC to see him as this safe haven, there is no judgment, no ulterior motive. To know the most important person in his life, trust in him so much, and feels safe with him. Only one thing would make him happier than that.
💙 G - They would be so pleased. There was a lot for the two to get over from the past, a lot of growth happens. G would be thankful, not only to be so important to someone they care so much about, but also to know that they could get over the past. That they could rebuild what was broken between them. They would do everything possible to keep that trust and make sure MC feels safe and secure.
💚 Kara - It would frighten her at first. Kara isn't used to people placing a lot of faith in her or thinking of her as more than just her parent's child. She really is one for communication, so to know MC feels that way about her, she would want to ask MC what she could do, to ensure that the feelings stay that way. She would ensure that whatever she has going on with Chris doesn't leak into the relationship.
💛 M - They would feel the same with MC. As shy and as awkward as they are, they would love to know that someone can see them as a comfort. M would talk to MC, and be more honest and open with them, which is hard for M. But it would be worth it, it would be worth being able to know one another so intimately.
💜 Isaac - Will freak out slightly. Not because they don't want to be that for MC. But because Isaac has never had someone truly trust them, rely on them. To know they make someone feel good, safe even. Isaac would have a hard time accepting that. MC would have to really tell Isaac that is how they feel. (this one is lack in detail due to spoilers!)
🖤 Ardent - God, to trust him, feel safe with him? Of all the people in the world!? He doesn't know whose more fucked up, him or you. He secretly enjoys it. Secretly, he's happy. To think after everything, out of everyone you know you chose the biggest asshole in the whole place. He wouldn't know what he did to make you feel that way, but damn is he thankful for it. Because for once, he feels safe too. For once, Ardent feels like he has an actual person he can think of to trust.
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indras-wife · 3 months
hii! I read some of your writing and AHHH!!!<33 you're an amazing writer like I'm in love with all your works!
I was wondering if I could request a yandere! indra head cannons with a s/o who is blind due to getting severely hurt in one of her missions and now she's starting to function without her eyesight but its been hard for her to do so. Maybe this is pre-obession when they first get to now each other?
have a great rest of your day, lovely! I totally understand if you don't accept this request, no pressure! <3.
Hi sweetheart! Thank you so so much for such kind words!<3 I am happy that you love my writings, as it gives me more motivation to share my ideas with more people.<3<3<3. And yayy another Yandere Indra. He is really one obsessive man and I cant explain just how much I love writing him as a yandere.
Thank you for this AMAZING request. I did my best to write this and hope you will love it. You can request more and I will complete them with great pleasure. Have a good reading cutie<3
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Indra knew his s/o since they were kids. Even as a kid, he noticed how strong-willed and strong-minded she was. And of course, she was always appearing in some trouble, from which usually Indra was saving her.  He did like saving her, appearing as a hero in her eyes, but deep in his heart he was afraid that he would not be able to help or save her in some situations.
“You worry too much about me. I am strong and can handle everything life throws at me okay?” she would always tell this to Indra, hoping to calm him and not have him worried over her. Of course, Indra was never fully convinced of it, but as a kid, he tried to trust her and believe in her abilities. Only later on would he regret trusting her words and not listening to his heart.
As they grew up, both their powers grew as well. Despite knowing how strong she was, Indra absolutely hated the idea of his s/o fighting or taking part in anything dangerous. As a pessimist, Indra envisioned multiple bad things happening to his s/o during a mission. The one he was extremely afraid of was of course her dying. Indra would never forgive him for letting his crush die, without ever getting the chance to confess love to her.
His fears unfortunately came true one day, when she returned to the village with her teammates, severely hurt. As soon as he saw her in that state, Indra’s mind filled with dark thoughts about killing the one who dared to hurt her s/o this bad. Of course, with a lot some intimidation and searching, he found the man who hurt her. 
“You touched and hurt what’s mine. You will experience the same pain as she did, but only 10 times harder. I will NOT let you live!” His face and clothes were covered in blood as he finished dealing with the man. Despite mercilessly torturing and killing him, Indra felt unsatisfied. He wished to bring this man back and kill him over and over, till he got that satisfaction. Of course, he did use his visual prowess, but for him it was not enough at all.  
Upon returning back home and seeing his s/o in a bed, Indra’s heart filled with more hate towards the man whom he killed not long ago. He even started to dislike her teammates, even though they also were badly injured. “Imbeciles…” He would think to himself every time he saw them.
“ I am sorry Indra-sama…We were not able to help her and..I am afraid she has lost her eyesight forever”
Indra felt his whole world crush down upon hearing the head medic speak those words. She was now…blind?  Undoubtedly, Indra carried a lot of guilt in his heart, blaming him for not being with her and letting her get hurt to the point of losing her eyesight. 
He spent his free time next to her, tending to her needs and just taking care of her. Now that she is blind, Indra would not let her off his eyesight. If he had to train some students, he asked his two strongest students to guard her and not let anyone, except the medic, go to her. He would try to finish his training soon so he could spend more time with her. 
At first his s/o loved how sweet and caring Indra was, feeling as if she was only now getting to know him and his caring side that Ashura was always talking about. Indra would feed her, keep her company and most importantly speak with her. The more she saw his kind side, the more she started to fall for him. It was a shame she lost her eyesight and could not see his handsome face, but hearing his soft voice was enough for her.
 Her feelings for him were growing day by day and one day she confessed her feelings to him. “I think I am in love with you…Indra-sama” she spoke softly, hearing her own heartbeat in her eyes. She was sure Indra would reject her or ignore her, but she was pleasantly surprised when Indra pressed his lips to hers. “I waited so long to hear those words…I've been in love with you ever since we were kids…I feel accomplished now” He spoke calmly. For both of them this was the ebay day in their lives. However, the love confession would soon enough fuel Indra’s extremely protective and even crazy side to an unbearable point
His s/o  was soon enough able to get out of the bed and was trying to get adjusted to her new life without her eyesight. It was difficult, but she managed to do it. After being able to walk with a cane, she wanted to try and get back to training after her body fully recovered. When she spoke to Indra about it, Indra was very dissatisfied with her desire. “No way. Have you lost your mind? You lost your eyesight and there is no way I am going to have you trained in this state. You should forget about your past life FOREVER. I will be always next to you and take care of you so your training is NOT needed”
She absolutely hated how Indra was constantly with her, scolding her if he noticed her trying to practice in secret. He was now overly protective, not letting her off his eyesight. His s/o was starting to regret falling for him, but she knew there was no way out of this situation. Her only solution was obeying him and not making him angry. After all, her mind was replaying his words which sounded like a treat more and more each day. 
“You belong to me…Don’t ever forget about it, darling. And if you EVER think about disobeying my words, trying to escape or get your life back, I will put a stop to it right there. I WILL NOT hold back..So be a good girl and listen to me~”
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
Mama Isa
I was rereading the first few chapters of Mama Isa on AO3, and it really made me think about the way both Isabella and Alma view themselves and their actions, they both do things "for their family" Isabella takes her kids and leaves so they wouldn't be mistreated, and Alma considers her actions of pressuring the family and serving the community as ensuring that the miracle that protects them stays strong, they are both doing extreme things in order to protect their loved ones, the big difference is Alma didn't realize she was going overboard and actually hurting her family, while Isabella is very much aware of how hard leaving the Encanto was on the others and knows her actions, even if they were necessary, were extreme. It's really interesting to compare the two in this AU, I'd love to see a confrontation between just the two of them, where these similar motivations but different ideas and actions really clash, I would imagine it would go similarly to the argument Abuela had with Agustin in canon, "you need to come home Isabella, think of the family!" "I am! That's exactly why I took them and left! I was thinking of them and their happiness!"
Anyway yes. Both definitely are extreme. But like you said, Isabela is fully aware. That’s actually why she said that if they really wanted to, they could stay (of course, Isabela still would’ve taken up the raising them role). She knows how much it can and will affect them, and that’s why she tries to be the best moral support, even years after the fact.
Alma actually does find out where they went. She has gone to them on three separate occasions, and each time it basically turned into a screaming match, all of which Isabela won. Alma believes she knows better, and that what she’s doing is right. She first tries to convince Isabela (and probably herself, let’s be real) that if they come home, it will be way better than the life that Isabela (and Dolores) has worked so hard to build for them.
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“Alma, you need to go home,” Isabela said, a cactus popping up as she seethed at Alma. Why she had come back, again, was baffling.
“Isabela, you need to come home. Your family misses you, you can’t keep doing this!” Alma pleaded, though her patience was wearing then. Isabela whipped around, her eyes boring into Alma.
“Doing what? Keeping my family safe? My actual family? Because as far as I’m concerned, they,” Isabela gestured to Casita, where she knew the rest of the family had been called to by Dolores, and probably Mariano. “Are my only family. You are no family of mine. The only abuela I have is Abuela Guzmán.”
Alma clenched her jaw, her eyes widening. This wasn’t the first time Isabela had argued with her, had done this whole thing. And it wouldn’t be the last, not until she got the magic and her family back. “Isabela, this whole life you’ve made up? It isn’t real! None of this is good for you, you are poisoning them-“
“Poisoning them? Seriously? You are the one who poisoned our minds for years. Because of my decision to take my family and leave. And this “life” is not made up! It is fpvery real, and whether you accept it or not, I’m not leaving, you aren’t taking anyone from me!” Isabela yelled, stomping her foot. T more cacti sprouted and tangled vines appeared. Townspeople we’re gathering, looking upon Alma with distaste, whispering about her.
“You need to come home, Isabela, think of the family!” Alma yelled back. She had to make Isabela see. See that she needed to come home.
“I am! That’s exactly why I took them and left! I was think of them and their happiness!” Isabela said, getting in Alma’ face. “Unlike you, I put my family before a stupid candle!”
Oop 🤕 the beef is REAL
Random art lol
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mascarasalocaso · 8 months
‘Mine’ is literally Andreil (especially Neil but not just him); the song was written about them, I'm convinced. Ever since I had that realization I've had the need for everyone to know that and, since I haven't seen anyone mentioning it in the fandom, I had to do my best to ensure more people have this information. 
I mean, these are the lyrics of the song:
(Text in brackets are my comments, text in blue are the actual lyrics of the song)
Verse 1:
You were in college working part-time waitin’ tables [Well, Andrew no longer works at Eden's, but he does go to college, so I'd consider it a partial match] 
Left a small town, never looked back [Cass' house back in California] 
I was a flight risk with a fear of fallin’ [“Flight risk"? That is literally Josten's middle name]
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts [I know that Neil 'didn' t swing' (being the fandom consensus, I think, that he's demi) but at first he was also all like 'Yeah, I can't afford to trust people and caring about anyone in that way it's not worth it , since it only leads to trouble'  and so on] 
Verse 2
I say “Can you believe it?
As we’re lying on the couch?"
The moment I can see it.
Yes, yes, I can see it now [I haven’t thought of any special meaning to this, so if anyone sees anything, feel free to point it out in the comments]
Chorus A 
Do you remember, we were sitting there by the waters? [*on the roof] 
You put your arm around me for the first time [their first kiss (and many others) but it is also a safe place of sorts for them, somewhere they can go to to be alone. At first, it's Andrew's place, but later on he also takes Neil, and it turns into a safe space for the both of them, metaphorically putting his arm around Neil] 
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter [Andrew made Neil a rebel in the sense that he convinced and motivated him to stand his ground and fight instead of keep on running. And I guess the part about his father doesn't need much explanation] 
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine [They've both lived lives full of trauma, people hurting them, and other negative things. And now they have each other and it's so much better than anything either of them thought they could get. I’m not one to say that a certain couple is perfect because it sounds cheesy, but in each other they now have someone who really (bothers to) understand them, and “accepts” them, with everything they have in a way that they couldn't find in just anyone] 
Verse 3 [This might be my favourite verse]
Flash forward, and we’re taking on the world together, [This could refer to the part between Andrew coming back from Easthaven and Neil getting kidnapped, where (at least for Neil) it was a time of peace and things going fine (all things considered), or to their lives post trilogy/college, even if then it alters a bit the chronology of the song] 
And there’s a drawer of my things at your place [I was about to say that they skipped this part and moved ahead to living together, but actually, I think this could be connected to the keys. It isn't having his things at Andrew's but, ultimately, the whole thing about having something (a space) that is yours at someone else's house is that this person is allowing/inviting you in it. The drawer is like saying "This is my thing, but you are also welcome, not only as a guest but rather as it also being your thing", and that is (more or less) what Andrew was saying when he gave Neil the keys to his house and his car. ] 
You learn my secrets, and you figure out why I’m guarded, [Do I even need to explain?  I will anyway. Again, doesn’t chronologically follow the story, but I feel like the scene in Wymack’s living room coming back from the first time at Eden's really does count as Andrew “figuring” Neil out. He doesn’t get all the truth, but he then gets the blurry picture of what Neil’s life is. I guess this line is just perfect for them and really didn’t need explaining] 
You say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes [I could be tripping here, but I think Andrew does at some point say to Neil something about not being his father, not looking alike and… Alright, I don’t remember, maybe I should reread the books.]
Verse 4
But we got bills to pay, [At first metaphorical bills, then “real” ones. I already mentioned the “time of peace” Neil has before getting kidnapped. During this time, he has long decided how he’s going to play thighs and made peace with the fact that his death is nearing. So, yeah, they have their moment of calm, but bills are due, he has to answer for all the unresolved issues surrounding his life. The second interpretation, the one with the real bills, would be, of course, about the deal Neil makes with the Moriyamas at the end of the books.]
We got nothing figured out, [1. Taking into account what I said about the preceding line, this is obvious, I guess. Neil and Andrew are at a point where they are finding their footing and also their happiness, I suppose. But they haven’t really resolved their problems, and they (the problems) are just around the corner. 2: They kinda survived through the whole deal, but they didn’t exactly “solve” them (except for Nathan, I guess?), they merely did that: surviving. I think the first interpretation is much more fitting and just goes along better with the rest of the song.]
When it was hard to take, 
Yes, yes, this is what I thought about [Here I’m not completely sure I understand what the song is saying, so I’m sorry if I get it wrong, but if I’m right: This is during his time with his father. Of course life at that point isn’t very nice. And while he is suffering he also thinks about the nice things in the last years. Namely, the foxes and Andrew. 
Chorus A
Do you remember, we were sitting there by the water? [This follows the same string as the last verse. So while Neil is with his father and everything he has the good memories of Andrew, etc]
You put your arm around me for the first time [Given that Andrew wasn’t the only good thing Andrew had while with the foxes, this time we could say that the “you put your arm around me for the first time" doesn’t mean just Andrew but the rest of the foxes (especially Wymack) as well]
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine [With that in mind, this line makes even more sense, because with his troubled childhood and everything that was his life from hen on, the foxes are by far the best thing he has ever had]
Chorus B
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Oh, oh, oh
[All the chorus part is that, remembering the various instances. Both mentioned priorly on the show and not mentioned]
Verse 5
And I remember that fight, two-thirty a.m. 
When everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out crying, and you followed me out into the street
[I really liked thinking about this as a scene that’s a bit different from what the song might be describing; Which is the one in TKM, if I’m not wrong, where Wymack tells Neil he’s going to be captain the following year, and he has a panic attack (I think). So the “fight” wouldn’t be an actual fight but a conversation that did upset Neil nevertheless. This upsets him because it’s something that he wants but knows he can never get; and this causes a crash between the life that he’s kind of build for himself at PSU, where he’s a promising striker for the Foxes who could be Court, and his “actual life”, where he’s the runaway son of a criminal and will die before the end of the year. All of this to say that at that moment Neil was made aware of the fact that the life he really wanted was going to slip right out of his hands without him being able to do anything about it. He then literally ran out, except not crying but having a panic attack. And Andrew came to him.
As I said I liked seeing this part as a reference to that scene, maybe because I like the scene, but now I’m thinking it actually matches way better with another scene. It’s still not chronologically in order, but it doesn’t go as far back (as the aforementioned scene). The scene in question is the riot. There was in fact a fight. It was not 2:30 a.m., but it was late at night. Everything was in fact slipping out of their hands (except Andrew didn’t know it, but still), that with Neil getting kidnapped, probably never to be seen again. Neil very much did not run, and he did not cry, but he was in distress and Andrew went to follow him where he went. (I know Andrew at the moment was looking after Aaron and Kevin, not so much after Neil, since they had broken the deal. But once his people were safe and stuff had calmed down a bit, he did try to find Neil in the car park, he choked Kevin for information, he tried to fight the FBI, etc. Neil doesn’t really know about what Andrew is doing at the time, but when he speaks with the FBI he knows Andrew wouldn't just leave him. And later, of course, he hears of what happened, all that Andrew did.]
Verse 6
Braced myself for the "Goodbye"
‘cause that’s all I’ve ever known
Then you took me by surprise
You said, "I’ll never leave you alone"
[Even ignoring how Neil thought he was going to die at the hand of his father and because of that said goodbye to Neil and everything he (Neil) had. 
When Neil is with the FBI, he thinks the Foxes probably hate him now that they know the truth, so when he goes to meet them at the hotel it’s mostly to say goodbye. He thinks Andrew, more than anyone, will be mad at him for lying to him, but when they actually see each other Andrew is just relieved to see him alive. He then refuses to leave his side, both while they’re in the room and later with the FBI, making it really clear to Neil that Andrew will be with him no matter what, “you aren’t going anywhere”.]
Chorus C
You said, "I remember how we felt sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it’s like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter
She is the best thing that’s ever been mine"
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine
Verse 2.2
Do you believe it?
We’re gonna make it now
And I can see it
I can see it now
[They're in love (or something) forever, etc, etc ]
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plutoscosmoss · 1 year
Fire Inside ➸ c.13
Warnings: This series includes themes of violence, death, smut, childbirth and childbirth complications (if I forgot to mention any please let me know)
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x OC
{Series Masterlist}
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Previous Chapter
Chapter 13: Decisions
Back in her chambers, Renva was wrapping her shoulder with some herbal oils given to her by the maester to make sure her shoulder wouldn’t bruise. Once the wrap was secured on her shoulder Renva slid her sleeve back up and tied her dress in place. Looking at the spear that was leaning in the corner of her room along with her training clothes, she released a heavy breath she didn’t know she was holding. Having her eldest brother here made her feel as if she was home again. A knock sounded at her chamber door, the guard outside alerting her of a visitor. 
“You may enter.” Renva spoke as she crossed the room and ran her fingers along the small detailing that was on the spear. 
“His Royal Highness Prince Jacaerys.” The guard spoke as he took post in the doorway of Renva’s room. Most likely by order of Queen Alicent or even her brother, both having different motives for the guard being stationed there. 
“Hello Jace, it has been some time.” Renva spoke, glancing up to see him twisting his family ring along his pointer finger. 
“And for the Renva I take full responsibility. I know the news of the betrothal offered by Rhaenys was sudden and my mothers lack of decline was also a surprise but I promise you I had no knowledge of the event-” Renva cut him off, “I believe you. There is no need to stress yourself.” Renva placed the spear back down and fully turned towards Jace. “I do, however have one question.” Jace was quick with his response, “Anything Renva.” 
Smiling at the Princes’ nervous nature Renva walked over and placed a delicate hand on his shoulder, “What is it that you want? It seems that no one has asked your opinion on any of your sudden betrothals. Mine and Baela’s offers were thrusted upon you by others. What is it that you want?” Renva spoke with such softness Jacaerys felt like he was finally seen as more than the First born son of Rhaenyra and heir to the iron throne, and finally as a person like he should have been this whole time. 
“I love my cousin, but that’s just it. I love her like I should love my family.” Jace took her hand off his shoulder and held it softly as if he could break her any second, “With you however, I feel like I can see a future. Growing old together, having children with heads full of brown hair, and no matter the gender being trained to protect themselves just as their mother has before them. I’m scared of losing you to my uncle because if you end up with him, I don’t know if I could go on.” Jace spoke while looking at their intertwined hands, refusing to meet the eyes of the person he just confessed his love to. Feeling her hands slip from his, he was sure he lost her. 
The soft hand placed upon his cheek swiped a stray tear away and made him look up at her. “If you will have me, Jacaerys Velaryon, I would love to be your wife.” Renva spoke with her own tears falling. The tears were not because of the sadness of loss of freedom if she accepted, but because she would be able to spend the rest of her life with the one person who made her feel like she was more than a piece on a chess board. 
Renva loves her brothers and father, but even she knew that a woman would only ever be under the control of man unless seen as an equal. Her family tries to break their prejudices, but sometimes they slip through the cracks. She knows they’re trying to change, but it would take longer for one generation to be the change she wanted to see. 
“I will talk to my brother about conversing with your mother, and if your mother agrees then he shall break the news to the Queen Alicent.” Renva spoke composing herself to leave her chambers, as she turned to leave she was stopped by Jace. “Before we speak to them, can we have one more day knowing that we have no responsibilities?” Renva smiled at his words and nodded her head as they moved across the room to the pile of books. 
Sitting on the two seater bench they read until it was time for lunch to which they both went their separate ways to inform their family of their decisions. Cregan was in his own chambers a few doors down from her own. Her brother however had no guard posted outside his room, even if one was sent there she knew her brother would just send them away. Knocking on the door before opening it slightly Renva announced to her brother it was her.
“You do know you do not need to knock.” Cregan spoke to Renva as he wrote a letter presumably to their father. “And if you were indecent I would have to pluck out my own eyes as a result so I shall continue to knock thank you very much.” Renva spoke as she sat in the chair closest to the desk her brother sat at. “Is that a letter to father?” Renva questioned as she toyed with her mothers necklace that hung around her neck. “It is, how is your shoulder?” Cregan asked, he knew his sister was tough so he didn’t feel too bad, she endured harsher training back at Winterfell. 
“It hardly throbs after the oils given by the maester. I do have something I would wish to tell father if you could include it.” Renva said changing the topic of conversation. “And what would that be little sister?” Cregan spoke as he glanced up at Renva, “I have accepted Prince Jacaerys betrothal proposal.” Renva sucked in a deep breath, momentarily forgetting to breathe and release the breath. 
“You have?” Cregan spoke, turning his full body towards his sister, “I would like for you to speak to Princess Rhaenyra about the terms if she wishes to continue it, since father is not here.” Renva bit the inside of her lip, a habit she had yet to break since she was little. “Well alright then, if that's what you desire.” Cregan sent a small smile towards his sister as he stood. “Wait where are you going?” Renva urgently stood, “I am going to secure your proposal of course, I heard about the other offer and would like to settle this as fast as possible. Also between you and I, I do not like the Hightowers, I more so do not like that dog the Queen has running around. The quicker we settle it, the quicker we leave.” Renva was all too happy to hear her brother's words. 
But even she knew happiness didn’t last long, not while she was trapped in the house of the dragons. 
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
next chapter
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It hurts my heart how excited and happy Jamie was to go for a beer with Roy and whennRoy said how proud he was of him. I'm preferring to ignore the following part, but it did make me happy them realising they were being stupid and going for a kebab so Im hoping that was just a stupid lapse of sense. Although it is making me side eye Roy especially for behaving that way knowing Jamie's past.
Ugh, yes, the latter half of the bar talk really didn't sit right with me.
It started out so great, but then it made a u-turn …
You know, I understand why they brought up the love triangle with Roy and Jamie, since their feelings for Keeley was something that was still standing between the and that they needed to talk about, but I didn’t like the execution of them getting needlessly sexist about it (bringing up the sex tape, really? And Roy’s whole “stay away from her, we are talking again so she is clearly mine — although, women, who understands them?”).
I could even accept the fist fight as some sort of necessary catharsis for them, if it wouldn’t be for Jamie’s history with abuse and him just two minutes earlier saying how Roy gave him something positive he didn’t get from the other older men in his life. (I’ll assume Simon wasn’t that much into football, so he wasn’t as motivational and didn’t train with him etc., otherwise just … ouch.) And the thing is also, all of Roy’s jealousy aside … they never actually fought over Keeley, which was the part I found so refreshing about the way the love triangle was handled. But, yeah, I can see how there was some lingering animosity that had to get settled before they truly could be best friends. But they could done that without actually fist fighting …
The whole asking Keeley to choose thing was … quite arrogant of them and icky, but good for them to realise they were being idiots and that it apparently didn't mess with their friendship.
Still, I would have preferred if they hadn't come to the conclusion, that Keeley should chose (with her choice being neither for good reason), but that they had used this opportunity to talk with her about their feelings for her and that they needed to know where they were standing with her to find closure. And then them having an actual conversation adressing their conundrum and how it would be best for all of them to stay friends, yadda yadda.
Like, the thing that annoys me most is, that we didn’t get a follow up, no apology to Keeley for acting so stupid. She kicked them out, which was the right thing to do, but I'd wished they had actually talked things out.
It is nice to have it so open that you can interpret it whichever way you want, but after seeing the trio's blooming friendship last episode this felt like such a step back in their relationship. I just would have loved to get a little bit more resolution, to have them properly established as friends.
Especially if you read the montage as something only happening in Ted’s dream—like, that is the only way I can excuse Beard’s and Jane’s wedding (with Ted not being present on top?) and Jamie visiting James and laughing with him. (I saw so many people on reddit being moved to tears by Jamie reconciling with his “dad”, like, yeah, applause for years of abuse and trauma being ignored in order to get a sappy ending. Like, if the show had at least acknowledged the abuse and shown James taking accountability, BEFORE Jamie decides to reconnect, but yeah, no one has to ever be accountable to Jamie, soo … And it is especially upsetting considering they added sexual abuse to the long list of James’ crimes just to … completely drop this, as if it didn’t matter. They could have made Jamie’s first trip to Amsterdam traumatic in other ways, if the contrast between bad trip with dad and good trip with mum was all they wanted to accomplish …)
On a side note: Jamie enjoying and missing drinking beer threw me off, since he never seemed to be too fond of alcohol, but they probably wanted to get the Darsteiner callback in. Way more important than consistent characterisation.
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oldxenomorph · 8 months
Taps chin thoughtfully. Does the Resident Evil franchise fit somewhere in the Emperor’s universe? And is so, where and how?
slaps the hood of the mako. the beauty of mass effect is that it can fit as many franchises in it, if you're strong enough.
i think the classic re-in-mass effect is that umbrella is still the same shady corporation just with ties to cerberus, or something. but i personally prefer exploring that 600 year gap between the end of the main trilogy and the beginning of andromeda.
and this will only be about re8, bc that's the re that means the most to me, personally.
we've seen from the experiments on virmire, that one mission in me1 where a mining team turned into husks, the arrival dlc, cerberus in me3, the entire purpose of sanctuary, that the reapers require organic life to interact with their technology. the emperor hasn't exactly forbidden organic life from interacting with reaper technology for the very same reasons: the spread of indoctrination, the development of reaper infrastructure, etc. most people keep their distance from reaper technology (even though it's everywhere now) because they just don't want to mess with it.
but the emperor is always interested in seeing how creative organic life can get with reaper tech.
miranda (not to be confused with thee miranda lawson who was the head of cerberus after the end of the war) was a human biologist working on an isolated colony in the terminus systems. the fungal root at the heart of the colony was really a reaper artifact, the fungus having been affected by indoctrination and began growing all over it, around it, and rising up to the surface. after the death of her daughter due to an epidemic that swept through the colony, miranda came in direct contact with the fungal root and became indoctrinated. she then began dedicating herself to studying the interaction between reaper technology and the fungus, eventually turning to worshipping the reaper-fungal root. in doing so, she began to shape herself into how she perceived the emperor. (in many ways, miranda's not that different from the illusive man in me3, but only in the ways she aggressively used the reaper-fungal root. she's not motivated by a desire to advance organic evolution, she's mostly motivated by grief and her desire to bring back her daughter.)
which is a huge transgression. the emperor discourages people worshipping her (because she's not a god, she's jewish), but can't necessarily stop people from doing little things like making offerings or mentioning her as a presence that watches over people. what is a forbidden is attempting to shape yourself in her image, or however you perceive her to be. (nobody really knows what she looks like and most people go their entire lives without ever seeing her. they only just see the reapers.)
it was only a matter of time before miranda eventually met her fate. eventually after the events of what happened with ethan (local dad who just moved his family to the colony) and later rose, the all that remained of the colony was purged and all traces of reaper technology was returned to the emperor. (at least she got some useful information out of those several decades miranda was active.)
i personally like to believe that alcina dimitrescu and her daughters survived the whole encounter with ethan and were accepted into the court of the emperor where they're currently living their best lives. the darkness of the ziggurat is perfect for them. the xenomorphs like them (that's most important). alcina gets to be adored by the emperor and nyx. the great family also loves them; shub-gorgoroth, yhoundeh, lilith, and cassilda are especially fond of them. after a few years of living in the ziggurat, their conditions stabilize, but become strange due to their contact with the great family and pure, unobstructed reaper technology. they enjoy a lot of freedom within the emperor's court; alcina has gained the title of countess and all the power and respect that comes with it. having the affections of the great lord of extinction and the night incarnate are an extra bonus to a very ideal situation.
(in many ways, it's bittersweet considering she tried so hard to love miranda, only to lose it when miranda became displeased with the mold's development in her. to be loved by actual greater and elder entities is different, her heart aches from fullness from the amount of love she's received.)
the very last bottle of sanguis virginis was gifted to the emperor and remains unopened, aging in a special room along with all the bottles of ambrosia and nectar that have been gifted to her. production of the wine has ceased. for now.
also huge congrats to seras for acquiring three new besties overnight, we love that for her.
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mentalisttraceur · 6 months
Y'all ever get just like, very jealously possessive of your followers?
No? Hopefully not, hopefully you don't have my emotional damage.
I, however, am blessed with the hell of occasionally slipping into a state of being validated/"fed" by a follower and attached to having them that way, so then seeing them interact with any blog I don't see as basically part of a very loyal-to-me/aligned-with-me in-group causes me to instantly emotionally be... like:
No. Bad. Wrong. Angry. Why would you betray me like this? How could you let them influence you? Tainted. Cannot trust again. At least not until proven that my influence is strictly stronger and takes precedence. Maybe I can scrub it out of you? What post or private interaction can I do to scrub it out of you!? How do I make you cleanly exclusively mine again? Why do you not see their errors and flaws? I do not like that you don't see how much Worse they are! (You might as well be on their side now. Part of their tribe. *shudder* Theirs. You will side with them. You will eagerly give them what I want or need from you, but not me, especially not if you had to pick. In the end you will go with them over me. I cannot trust you to do otherwise in any time that it actually matters to me.)
I think it's time to acknowledge that I actually have two root insecurities. The one I've already identified years ago and wrote about extensively, summarized as "when others are wrong, I am not safe", and what I've written out in that parenthetical above.
I think for a long time I kinda convinced myself that the latter only mattered because of the former... Or I just forgot about it in the focus on my other issues. But the latter truly does stand alone.
Because even without any of the wrong -> unsafe learned predictions/fear, it's there. My desire/need to bond is more fundamental/primal than assessment of wrongness or rightness. It craves the satisfaction of having people who I like and want reliably on my side and available for what I want with them, and it doesn't give a fuck if the person getting that instead is righter or better in every way so there's no unsafety.
In fact, it hates that. When someone isn't in wrong, not in any way at all, that is was the one thing that kept it from the only angle of resolution it had available for most of my life, due to
lack of genuine deep confidence (until very recently I did not believe/know I could be so attractive, good in the relevant ways, and earning of love/loyalty that I don't even need to worry about losing to others to the point of being left unfulfilled), and due to
me not permitting any of my selfish and unempathetic cognition any room to move for like a decade, since as a teen I went hard into being an ethics sperg to supply my narcissism needs through the moralistic path until just... like five years ago (which left no self-acceptable way to win except ethical merit or stuff compatible with it, which of course required pushing my ethics values/rules onto everyone else in the unacknowledged motivation to beat them at my own game instead of whatever actually made them more appealing than me to others).
Anyway, I guess I'm finally ready to see it this way, because I've worked through all the other pieces. I have embraced and integrated and accepted the all the selfish and not-empathetic-enough stuff in me as valid parts of the whole that I should let influence things, so I am free of the internal hard-line stuff that was getting in the way of even seeing myself clearly. But more importantly, I now have the confidence, I have the axiomatic self-worth core and the evidence that I can indeed get everything I want.
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Okay I'm using this ask to share some thoughts (not hate!) regarding Tae's album.
I've always had difficulty "getting" Taehyung, and he's the member I relate least to despite his vibes matching mine pretty well. But his songs kinda hit home for me, and I was looking forward to his album because it could be something entirely unique in terms of the sound. His voice is amazing, his love for jazz could really shine- maybe even sth operatic. I loved all the solo albums thus far, as well as the solo songs (except dreamers because I don't touch the whole Qatar world cup stuff), but Love Me Again just completely disappointed me.
The lyrics are unimaginative and repetitive, and the melody is just...weird? I barely could finish watching it once. It's not generic, just forgettable (whereas f.e. Harry Styles' music is maybe generic by virtue of being pop but definitely not forgettable).
The MV is a thing I can't be bothered to analyse because the song gives me no motivation to go look at it. The MV for Set Me Free pt 2 wasn't overly complex (compared to Like Crazy, other BTS productions or the AgustD trilogy), but the song was so good you wanted to connect the lyrics to the poem on his chest & the choreography. There was depth. Layers!
If it was sth Tae had his fingers in, I'd just accept it but learning now that he wasn't actually involved is just confusing. After witnessing the care, love and soul the other members put into their releases, it feels off-putting (say what you will about seven but the sheer meme-ness of the MV is worth its existence. Also JK being constantly infantilized by ppl younger than him, and him doing such a song is very liberating). Like this album was just something he thought he had to do because the others were doing it? An afterthought. Maybe I'm being unkind, maybe I shouldn't expect BTS to always write emotionally cathartic pieces about the human experience.
But after crying to The Astronaut, being shocked by JitB, pondering life to Indigo, getting my world rocked by Face and going through every human emotion ever conceived with D-Day this fell flat. Every other BTS member has proven with their solo albums that they're more, that they have depth and complexity in both who they are and how they use music. That there's a point to what they're doing. I'm holding off on JK because I'm somewhat hopeful he will release a full album, and from what we've seen from him (Magic Shop, Decalcomania, Still With You etc) he could do something just as emotionally meaning as his hyungs (The pressure on him is insane).
I've never not cared about a release. I've never checked out of promotions. I won't go around spreading my opinions. One because I just don't care that much, and two because I feel like Taehyung's fans tend to be more toxic - even non solo just regular Tae biased army.
Tl;dr: If you don't want to have a deep song (which is fine) at least don't make it boring both musically and visually, and don't just hint at concepts (through clothes or set design) but commit.
Well, I understand what you mean. I just listened to Love Me Again and Rainy Days again, and they're pretty nice songs, but not really my style. Having both pre-releases be so similar is a bit unexciting too, as are the MVs are. Overall nothing V has done lately has been exciting to me. But that's okay. There's tons of BTS content I haven't watched. I haven't even watched Yoongi's D-Day tour. I'm busy and it feels like too much pressure to watch everything even if no one is making me. I didn't expect to care about V's debut since I wasn't looking forward to it (in the sense that I just didn't care much, no offense to V, I do love him but he feels distant from me) so I'm not disappointed, but I think he had the potential to do a lot more and it's still a bit sad he likely won't blow it out of the park with his debut, like Jikook did, in very different ways (even if I had major complaints with their debuts, they did surprise people and challenge people's images of them).
Thanks for the ask! You shouldn't worry about sharing your opinions. If you knew the amount of hate asks I deleted when I shared my not so positive Seven opinions... There was one private message and a reply to my post as well...
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Can Hollywood work on better roles for women of all ages and sizes before finding new ways to give roles to men?
What we see on our screens is a direct — and often flawed — reflection of the world around us. People like TikTok creator Dylan Mulvaney know all too well how the industry can sometimes erase the identities of marginalized communities — which makes her even more motivated to be a changemaker.
As an accomplished actor and comedian, Mulvaney — who uses she/they pronouns and just celebrated their first Pride Month as a trans woman — started a TikTok career in 2020, using the platform as a substitute for their typical stage work on Broadway during the pandemic. 
Mulvaney's TikToks took off on March 12 of this year, when she began her "100 Days of Girlhood" series, a video diary documenting her transition process and major moments like her first dress, first pair of heels, and more. "I was questioning my gender and I had identified as nonbinary and was going through a private time," she recounts to POPSUGAR on day 109 of her transition journey. "Then, once I did know that I wanted to be a trans woman, I thought about how — as much as there are incredible trans idols and role models in the industry — I felt like I didn't have one that I could watch from the start and watch how they got from point A to point B." The series, which Mulvaney originally started as a joke, has since turned her into a leader among TikTok's queer community. 
"The frustrating part can be that, often, we're auditioning against cis people or heterosexual people for trans and queer roles."
"The group of humans surrounding me with love and acceptance and being my cheerleaders online, in my comments, in my DMs, it's overwhelming," Mulvaney says. "It's from trans people, it's from cis people who are reliving their girlhood. Some of my favorite followers are trans men that are finding peace in the fact that they didn't enjoy their girlhood but now I can enjoy mine. It's been so special to also see parents of trans kids messaging me and saying, 'Hey, I didn't know about this topic but you really helped me approach the subject with my child.' So, if I can be a service to anyone through this app, I'm happy to do it."
Since the launch of their TikTok platform, Mulvaney, one of the app's 2022 LGBTQ+ Trailblazers, has gained over 6.2 million followers and begun auditions for their first role as a woman onscreen — a journey that has been exciting but arduous. "The frustrating part can be that, often, we're auditioning against cis people or heterosexual people for trans and queer roles," they say. "Queer people don't always have the same opportunities. A lot of established actors or very successful [actors] sometimes take those queer roles and take those trans roles. It would be awesome to get to a place where a trans person is also playing a trans character, and I think we are starting to see that."
While the entertainment industry as a whole is far from an accurate portrayal of life in 2022, Mulvaney says she hopes we can get to a place where queer people are telling their own stories onscreen — and soon. 
"I think that seeing trans people in the media is how we get a larger amount of acceptance, especially in states and cities that don't have a blossoming trans community," they say. "Ultimately, people are afraid of things that they don't know, so if they see me on their TV screen and they can tell that I'm a kind human being and I'm doing good in the world and have love and acceptance, it will help them also do that in their normal lives and share that experience with their families and their loved ones. Hopefully, we'll get to a place where there's a trans person in every story, of every color, disabled trans people — so we'll just get to a place where our media really reflects what's actually outside of our houses and our apartments and in this world. Hopefully, I'll get to create some trans stories — whether it's scripted or unscripted, onstage or onscreen. But I think it all comes back to reflecting the realities of society."
"Gender euphoria, for me, is those little moments. It can be very subtle, such as putting on lipstick or a very big thing like going to a doctor to talk about a potential surgery."
Mulvaney is doing her best to make strides for the trans community in the entertainment industry, encouraging fellow trans actors and comedians to achieve their goals — even when certain obstacles seem insurmountable, and especially in light of recent anti-trans legislation. "Don't get discouraged by the level of doors that we have to try to open," she advises. "Network and find other trans actors to speak with and share experiences and auditions . . . We all have to help each other out because we are not in competition with each other. We are here to help the greater trans community become accepted."
Mulvaney says they appreciate trans elders in Hollywood like Alexander Billings, Laverne Cox, and "normal people" on TikTok who inspire by being their authentic selves and making them feel accepted, a small dose of "gender euphoria." "Gender euphoria, for me, is those little moments. It can be very subtle, such as putting on lipstick or a very big thing like going to a doctor to talk about a potential surgery," they say. "There's the good and the bad, and what I'm trying to do online is show both sides. Gender dysphoria isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's how do we work through it to get to that euphoria place."
As the trailblazer patiently awaits their first onscreen role as a woman — preferably, she notes, as Elle Woods or a character like Holly Golightly in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" — she adds that she's grateful to fans on social media who have cheered her on over the last 100 days and beyond. "Fifty years from now, if I was the next Ellen or Betty White or Audrey Hepburn, I might look back, and I'll be like, 'It's all because of TikTok.'"
See some highlights from Mulvaney's "100 Days of Girlhood" series ahead.
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b1nibaddie · 2 years
lost (+also, august dump.)
i wrote a long ass rant dump with some inspirational shit a few days ago, but i lost it completely when i checked the tabs again. fuck, i hope i don’t lose this one.
august is self-care month. all the tiredness i experienced in the previous months, i totally made up for this month because i haven’t felt (physically) tired the whole month. work was lax, and i actually have a lot of free time to rest after work since brad is also busy doing his things.
because i have so much time to rest and reflect tho, mentally, this month has become a shitshow for me. i tried living healthy at the start of the month, but i got sick after that (viral infection, but that was the worst cough + sore throat combo i’ve ever experienced). so the dieting + living healthy thing is wearing off even though i really want to maintain it. also, i spent most of the month worrying about the SDS application. when i finally confirmed that i got the job, the counteroffer comes in. my appointment will only be signed provided that i work for U/RGE the rest of the year. 
of course, i wasn’t happy. it’s like booking a flight somewhere, finally getting the ticket you paid for, and ending up to a completely different place than the one you booked. i was agitated. i didn’t understand why she wanted me, of all people, to work for her. of  course it was still a bit flattering, but i wanted a normal office life in SDS. i wanted to learn and soak up as much as i can. i wanted to work with new people, just to get over the fact that i lost the best team i have ever worked with (so far). i wanted to be good with my job, and i wanted to prove myself so i could start climbing up the ranks and land a scholarship, hopefully, under that division.
but ig life has different plans.
took me a few days to process that news, and also to come to terms with it. for a few days i was extremely lost-- i was grasping on straws thinking of counteroffers so that i can be reintegrated to SDS. i desperately soaked up as much self-help books, inspirational quotes, bible verses, and other motivating content i could find just so i could accept that i’ll be working on a post i didn’t originally wanted. i also felt guilty, that i’m being ungrateful of the opportunity, so i tried to accept it internally as quickly as i could.
once i’ve dealt with that, news just kept pouring.
josh got accepted for a scholarship that he applied for. it was in another country. while i was really happy for him, i couldn’t help but feel jealous. i knew i was capable as well. i wished it was me. i was proud of him, but i felt extremely bad for myself.. just because i want the same thing. then again, i scrambled to find as much “we go at our own pace” quotes to console myself from this. i felt like, i was being left out. people around me were getting really good, life-changing opportunities, and i was being stuck in a position i didn’t want, albeit it was an opportunity. 
rene, a college classmate, recently passed away. 
i deactivated my facebook account and my twitter because i couldn’t bear to see the posts mourning his death. he was a very close friend of mine during college. the last time i saw him was during the wake of dada, and i never expected that the next wake i’ll be attending is his.
life is fucked up. and damn is it short. i couldn’t bear the fact that a very close, personal, friend of mine left this world too early. i know he wanted to be a doctor so bad, and he was on the way. he was class president. it really broke my heart hearing the news, scrolling through all the pictures he had on facebook. 
i love you rene. may you rest in peace. 
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nerdnonymousreads · 2 years
Live Reading Blog and Favorite Quotes from I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Start Date: August 11, 2022
Finish Date: August 13, 2022
◆ Chapter 1
▪ But what does mean something to me is the general air in the McCurdy household. The best way I can describe it is that, for as far back as I can remember, the air in the house has felt like a held breath. Like we’re all in a holding pattern, waiting for Mom’s cancer to come back. Between the constant reenactments of Mom’s first bout of cancer and the frequent follow-up visits with doctors, the unspoken mood in the house is heavy. The fragility of Mom’s life is the center of mine.
◆ Chapter 50
▪ “Like, since I’m more attached to her than anyone, I worry all that attachment toward her will just pile onto whoever I’m with,” I say.
“Well, that’s fine with me. I want the pile. Pile it on.”
Not the response I was hoping for. I backpedal.
“Maybe I misspoke. I just think it’s a distraction from what I need to be focusing on. Family.”
“I’m a distraction?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know.” (hits close to home (though, no, i do NOT condone their relationship))
◆ Chapter 67
▪ I know focusing on myself won’t be easy. It will take continuous effort, time, and attention. It will mean working on my issues, facing them head-on instead of letting them serve as distractions or trying to pretend they’re less than they are. It will mean doing THE WORK. The soul-scraping introspection it takes to understand where bad habits and insecurities and self-sabotaging patterns come from and why, plus the motivation to challenge and change those bad habits and insecurities and self-sabotaging patterns even as they continue to get triggered over and over again by various life events.
◆ Chapter 72
▪ My whole life, my entire existence has been oriented to the narrative that Mom wants what’s best for me, Mom does what’s best for me, Mom knows what’s best for me. Even in the past, when resentments started to creep in or wedges started to come between us, I have checked those resentments and wedges, I have curbed them so that I can move forward with this narrative intact, this narrative that feels essential to my survival.
▪ If Mom really didn’t want what was best for me, or do what was best for me, or know what was best for me, that means my entire life, my entire point of view, and my entire identity have been built on a false foundation. And if my entire life and point of view and identity have been built on a false foundation, confronting that false foundation would mean destroying it and rebuilding a new foundation from the ground up.
◆ Chapter 81
▪ Maybe this acceptance of slips is the missing piece. Maybe when I have a slip, I can acknowledge how disappointing and frustrating it is without getting caught in the shame spiral. Without letting that spiral lead to more slips, and more slips, and more slips, until they’ve become a slide. Maybe now a slip can be, as Jeff says, just that. A slip.
◆ Chapter 83
▪ “A good investment for one person might be a bad investment for another.”
◆ Chapter 90
▪ It’s a sad reality for me in my late twenties. At the beginning of the decade, the people I was close to seemed like friends for life, people I could never imagine not seeing every day. But life happens. Love happens. Loss happens. Change and growth happen at different paces for different people, and sometimes the paces just don’t line up. It’s devastating if I think too much about it, so I usually don’t.
▪ “But there are things more important than money. And my mental health and happiness fall under that category.”
◆ Chapter 91
▪ I was conditioned to believe any boundary I wanted was a betrayal of her, so I stayed silent. Cooperative.
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mcbex · 8 months
Be Kind
A very good friend of mine had on a shirt the other night that caught my eye. Not because it was flashy in any way but because of the words written in small, bold print. It said "Be Kind". I couldn't help but notice this and be reminded of my bible study that led me down a rabbit whole earlier this week, to Hosea 6:6. In fact 'be kind' is repeated in the Bible so many times it's pretty hard to over look and the great thing about God repeating himself is that you know he's trying to make sure it sinks in.
This was a timely message for me as I navigated pretty gnarly waters this week. I seem to have been surrounded and captured by people with angry faces and me first attitudes. The aggression has seemingly followed me like a song stuck on repeat wherever I go. To the point that I began to question if it is my attitude that's bringing such malice. I questioned myself and motives long and hard Wednesday afternoon and ended up telling a coworker "Man I just need to give more grace".
To this point I recognized that it was not me that was causing all the madness that I was surrounded with and I became aware that others do not seem to have the same patience or positive outlook as I do. In dealing with this type of person instead of saying "why me" I need to ask "Am I giving them the grace that Jesus would give me?"
Ugh- the answer is always no. It doesn't seem to matter how hard I try. When faced with the Karens of the world I genuinely fail to produce the kind of person truly worthy of Christ's generosity. Although I think that might be part of the point.
The last few years have been a test on humanity. I think we can all agree that's true. A test that had me searching for strength and peace in a chaotic world. I sought acceptance and clarity that led me back to Jesus. The Jesus that I thought I knew I realized I only knew of, and had no real expectation for what he really wanted from me.
But now somehow increasingly I must pause and thank God for these people in this life here and now. Even on day and weeks where the burdens seem larger. Grace and kindness seem to be the one thing that will bring us together in a world that just wants to separate us.
Hosea 6:6  I want your constant love, not your animal sacrifices. I would rather have my people know me than burn offerings to me.
 Ephesians 4:32 Instead, be kind and tender-hearted to one another, and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ.
Colossians 3:12 You are the people of God; he loved you and chose you for his own. So then, you must clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience
Matthew 9:13. Go and find out what is meant by the scripture that says: ‘It is kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices.’ I have not come to call respectable people, but outcasts.”
Matthew 12:7 The scripture says, ‘It is kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices.’ If you really knew what this means, you would not condemn people who are not guilty;
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