#but anyway beyond that mine as a HUSBAND ?????
siristaci · 10 months
Found a religious songbook in the gutter on my morning walk. Took a pic, but left it on the sidewalk in case the owner came back for it, and posted in the local fb group.
First comment I got was "And you just left it there?!"
My dude. It was new and had nothing personal in it. Easily replaceable. It had already rained. The local group doesn't have THAT many members. What are the chances the owner is going to see my post and contact me vs not seeing the post and just retracing their steps. If I had taken it, I likely would have just ended up with a songbook that triggers my religious trauma. No thank you. Of course I left it there.
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How is Mine as a husband? Or do we only see him as a dad?
hold up which one of yall is seein him as a dad ????? 😭
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adoregojo · 3 months
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what do i do when i have writing block? write a drabble for reo of course, the cure for my halt and depression, a man that i need in my life
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reo knew this is a bad idea.
maybe if he had a little piece of mind and considered the fact that you will end up inebriated to the point where you were wiggling around like a spaghetti, leaping joyfully every short second you got. even chanting a random melody, handing him a non-existence microphone as if you were in a karaoke, 一a place he grew to love because of you一
don't get him wrong, reo loved a lot of things about you, most of seeing you carefree, like a free bird. shuffling around the street for all what you cared for the world, he couldn't feel anything but the universe thumping in his ribcage.
it was you two engagement celebration. nevertheless, he scored nothing more then be enclosed by other reeking riches bastard, he spent the whole night seething at whoever laid an eye on you. violet hues filled with cold acquisitive greed. that left him drying sober, he just couldn't drift away his eyes of you. and if it wasn't for the cockblooker 一aka his parents一 crawling his way to guests that he bet reading a newspaper would have been more fun than keeping a chat with them, he would've been spent the whole night glued to your figure.
before he knew it, you were all drunk and barely able to walk two steps straight. reo wanted any reason to leave early anyway, so he take off your shoes ever so mildly, caressing his fingers cautiously beyond the pained parts, mainly the heel to the achilles tendon. you mumbled something about the pairs suffocating you throughout the whole night. so now they were hung by his two fingers.
all what he had of despair glided into ashes the moment it was only you and him, it may be left uncharted, but reo always felt like it was only the two of you in this world, a world where he doesn't have to carry the burden of being judged, where he can spin you around without worrying about slamming flatly onto the floor, where he can slow dance with you in his arms without feeling like an idiot every time he stepped on your feet 一out of nervousness, not his fault that your face was too much of a distraction.
"heyyyy, reoo, look at me! don't i look enlightened under the sunlight." you sluggish, a hand under your chin as you posed, feeling yourself as you blow your fiancé's a kiss. reo cold feel an arrow keening throughout his heart, and somehow he still managed to gather himself to not collapse on the dirty ground.
"dearest. as much as you look astonishing as ever, this is a street light, and it's almost midnight."
your face fell off onto a sulk, flipping your thumb downward at reo. "booo, haterr." you say as you stick out your tongue at your soon to be husband beaming back playfully, he wasn't even bothered.
"I assure you, my love. no hater is willing to carry these pair of shoes. they hella stinky." says reo, shoving your pairs away as possible, even blocking his nose holes merrily. and he couldn't be happier when you gasped dramatically, slamming your palm on your chest where your poor, fragile heart shattered at such painful words.
"nonsense! i will not take such a fails accusation! these twins of mine will remain memorized forever," you say heedlessly, whirling around in circles to prove your pointlessness.
reo says something about being careful, but you keep spinning yourself until your vision becomes blurry and your eyes were drifting in different directions. you were dizzy, so dizzy your feet were betraying you, you couldn't keep your balance, and before you meet the ground, a firm arm caught you midway.
"hey! i told you to be careful," reo's hand made it way to your waist, keeping you in shape. you almost felt like a slimy baby in his grip, he wanted to scold you more, for being reckless, for smiling broadly and making him gush, for holding his soul hostage, but he was far, far a goner to be rescued.
"haha, i did it because i knew you'd catch me." your chuckles overcome him any sense of life within him, the amethyst eyes of his only sees you, only felt the wreck of yearning pouring on you, reo's heart was pinning under your spell.
"yeah?" he asked, a stupid lovesick smile on his face.
"mhm! you'd always come to catch me when i fall." you were right, he'd jog his way to the end of the world for you. to make sure your save and sound.
"always," he assures you, tightening his hand to pull you even closer that no such thing as personal space exists between him and you, your light cologne blending with his heavy one. he snuggled his nose against the skin of your neck, drinking on your scents, as if it was the only air that bloomed his lungs. it was ticklish that it made you laugh inwardly, which was a balm on his chest. presses a quick peck on your warm cheek along the way. then carrying you with one hand like a lightweight tool to him.
"let's go home my prince charming, i need to take a looong bath." you babbled, fondling him a sloppy kiss just an inch away from his lips. a little dumbfounded, he still drags you alongside with him, you were a farther goner to notice the struck expression he had glued to his face, a faint reddish hue across his cheekbones and tip-ears.
"I'm already embracing it." maybe you were too drunk to hear that, maybe he didn't say it out too loud, maybe he's too in love to care, who knows.
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dittanyinbloom · 1 year
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Baby Fever
Ominis Gaunt x Fem!MC. 11 years after the events of fifth year. Could been seen as a final part to Note Taking. But trilogy is so sweet I didn’t want to include smut.
Summary: Anne is struggling after the birth of her child, and Sebastian has too many kids of his own to give Anne the proper care she needs. Sebastian calls on you for help, but your husband Ominis insists on coming along despite his affinity for children. 13.3k long so grab some tea besties.
Warnings: 9.5k of fluff and angst and Ominis healing from childhood trauma and then about 3.5k of smut. Breeding kink but like- it’s sweet I swear. Maybe a bit of cockwarming thrown in there (Sorry, Jesus. I’ll repent later). Minors DNI!
I hate to do this while business is booming for you, or should I say blooming? Sorry. I need a bit of humor whenever I can get it. Anne is not doing well since having the baby. She’s been on bed rest and she’s a complete mess. I can imagine you ridiculing me, but I am allowed to say such things. She is my twin after all.
Her husband still isn’t back from that work trip. My wife has been asking around the Ministry for me, but no one knows anything. He wouldn’t have missed the birth of their daughter. And she’s four days old now, the cutest thing, by the way. She's starting to look just like Anne’s baby photos.
Anyway, I’m getting off track here. Sorry if this letter is scattered. I’ve got all four of my kids here with me. Their mother has to work while I’m taking off time to look after Anne. Obviously, someone has to earn money for the abundance of school robes we’ll be paying for in the very near future. They can’t be home alone with the youngest being only one. He’s walking now! Have I told you yet? Well, standing and wobbling. He’s getting there. Gonna be the next Slytherin Quidditch Captain in no time.
All this is to say, I need some help here with Anne. Helping her and taking care of her newborn is a two-person job. My kids make it a three-person job. I’m drowning a bit in diapers and screams and tears. Think everyone here has had a tantrum today alone, including me.
Needing your help desperately, my dear sister-in-law of mine. Don’t let Ominis roll his eyes when you read him that bit. He is my brother, blood be damned.
Your Most Handsome Brother-in-law
P!S! Please for the love of Merlin, bring washcloths. Between everything I’m trying to keep up with laundry and it’s simply impossible.
You glanced over the top of the letter once you were done reading it aloud. Contrary to Sebastian’s predictions, Ominis was not rolling his eyes. In fact, he looked forlorn and pale. Not only was he worried about Anne’s safety considering her poor condition after having the child, but he was no doubt worrying about Anne’s husband who was actually quite a lovely bloke. He fit in just right with Anne and Sebastian, and he very quickly grew on Ominis despite his attempts to keep the jokester at bay. In his eyes, Ominis had enough of that energy with Sebastian and Anne, who had been handling her curse greatly in the last few years and was back to her wild self, until the pregnancy complications that is.
What Ominis refused to acknowledge was that Anne’s husband didn’t have the mischief or malice of Sebastian and Anne. He was just a golden, loveable, arguably dopey guy. His love for Anne was so pure. He bawled multiple times on their wedding day. Being gone for so long during the latter days of Anne’s pregnancy was unlike him. And to miss the birth of his firstborn child, and likely their only considering the complications, was beyond excusable. Not that he would even try to excuse it because he was truly that honest of a man!
And then there was Anne, the most heartbreaking part of the letter. The doctors had her on bed rest seemingly indefinitely. She spent the last two months of her pregnancy in that dreary bedroom. When her husband was forced onto his work trip a week and a half ago, you closed up your magical plant shop and stayed by her side until the baby was born. A girl. She was born healthy with the cutest button nose. You held her for hours after she was born while the healers and Sebastian all huddled around Anne in worry.
Once Anne was safe and resting, Sebastian had tiredly collapsed on the couch next to you. You hadn’t seen him that exhausted since you were teens still in school, causing mayhem that affected yourselves more than others. His wife had been watching over all four of their kids all day so that Sebastian could spend that moment with his twin. You put the baby girl in her uncle’s arms and the two fell right asleep just like that.
It had only been a few days, but you were wanting so desperately to get back to the little girl. And while Sebastian’s kids were a handful, to say the very least, you wanted to see them as well. You had done your fair share of babysitting those mongrels, so they were quite attached to you. Their obsession with you and inclination to always come visit and run up and down the hall of your home was actually welcomed, as crazy as that sounded.
By the time you realized you loved children and wanted some of your own, you were already deeply devoted to Ominis. Because of his past, he wasn’t too enthusiastic about having children of his own. That was fine. Sebastian seemed set on having plenty for everyone.
Ominis stood from his velvet armchair and announced, “I’ll grab the washcloths.”
“Ominis, you do not have to go.”
He had stopped in the middle of the hall to ponder it. His head shook in disapproval. “I’m going to look after Anne. You’ll look after the baby. Sebastian will pack up the Quidditch team and head home so that Anne can rest in a peaceful house. Does that sound like a plan?”
You met him in the hallway and took his hands in yours. Butterfly-soft kisses were left on his knuckles. You spoke firmly and slowly to make your point. “You do not have to go with me to Anne’s. I can take care of both. It’s okay.”
“Don’t insult me,” Ominis insisted with a harsh whisper. “I won’t faint at the sight of a child, and if Anne needs me, I will be by her side. She is my sister.”
You chuckle, lightening the room for a moment, “Oh, so Anne is your sister, but you can’t admit Sebastian is your brother.”
“That’s because Anne is my sister through and through, but Sebastian can’t just claim such a title just because his kids call you Auntie. Such a thing has to be earned! Bestowed upon!”
“Okay, okay,” you giggled and smoothed his shirt across his shoulders to calm him. “You know he only says it at this point because it gets a rise out of you. And perhaps that’s why I bring it up too. You’re cute when you go red.”
“Oh, well thank you for adding to the stress,” Ominis shortly huffed in annoyance then turned to the bathroom to grab your house’s supply of washcloths.
Usually, he went along with your playful tones unless he was really out of sorts. You frown and follow right at his heels into the bathroom. “Sweetheart, we are all stressed. I’m sorry to make light of things in such dark times, but you always say you enjoy my light. I’m only trying to help you feel better.”
“I know. But right now-“ Ominis pinched the bridge of his nose. “Can I just be alone for a moment? Why don’t you go pack up those strawberries for Sebastian’s kids? You know we won’t finish them before they go bad if they stay in our kitchen.”
With your head hung low, you trudged to the kitchen and began to ransack your cupboards for potential meals. If things were really as bad as Sebastian made them seem, he likely didn’t have time to cook properly for the kids, Anne, and even himself. A few sandwiches and the berries would make a healthy enough lunch. If Ominis was truly planning to go with you, Sebastian really could head home for a break like Ominis suggested. Sebastian could no doubt figure out dinner for his kids at his own home with the stress of Anne and the newborn off his shoulders.
“I’m sorry for snapping,” that was Ominis leaning against the doorframe to your tiny kitchen. He looked exhausted as though he fought some great battle during his moments of solitude in the bathroom. He hated this side of himself, the one that could be so cruel. With his history and his trauma from his childhood, you didn’t ever fault him for being triggered.
The entire friend group was blissful until Sebastian started having kids with his wife, which was only a year or two into having your adult jobs after graduating from Hogwarts. Ominis had gotten used to them, slightly, but now with Anne having a child, he felt like he couldn’t turn in any direction without feeling an immense guilt.
“That was hardly snapping,” you kept up your light tone. It wasn’t an act. You really weren’t fazed by his behavior. These were stressful times for everyone. “You’ve bitten me before, so I think I got off a bit lucky this time.”
His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. After all these years, you could still fluster him. It was actually one of your favorite pastimes. How much teasing could Ominis handle? You were always itching to find out.
“That- that was one time. And you- you said you liked it,” Ominis straightened from his lean against the doorframe as he stammered on, “And that was different.”
“I did like it,” you reassured him. Memories of that night fluttered back. The sting in your shoulder. The cold from the blood dripping down. Tasting metallic on his lips afterward… “Maybe if you would bite me more, I wouldn’t have to keep pressing your buttons to see which one ignites that side of you.”
Ominis rubbed his face as though he was tired of your antics, but his cheeks turning a deeper shade, nearly all red now, told you all you needed to know. “You drive me crazy, you know that?”
“Didn’t I just admit to doing it on purpose?”
Ominis could hear the knife come out into the cutting board. He tilted his head. “What have you been up to in here? Thought you were going to grab the strawberries.”
“Sandwiches for everyone. Doubt Sebastian has had time to make lunch yet. I’d rather make them here than amid whatever chaos is happening there.”
Then Ominis was behind you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder to map out where you were. It glided down to the small of your back and then snakes around the front, his other joining as his body pressed into yours from behind. His chin rested on your shoulder. His chest rumbled against your back as he spoke, “Forgive me for taking my stress out on you?”
“You hardly said anything, Ominis. There is nothing to forgive.”
His lips pressed right at the back of your jaw where it met your ear. “Maybe I’m asking in advance for tonight.” Then his mouth opened. His teeth grazed your skin so lightly you thought you imagined it. And then, rather evilly in your opinion, Ominis stepped back and released his hold on you. “Hurry up with those sandwiches. I’m going to handle a few things before the trip, but I’ll be waiting by the fireplace to floo by the time you are done in here.”
Sure enough, your husband was waiting for you patiently at your fireplace after you finished packaging up the lunches. He held out a hand to steady you as you stepped up on the brick, hardly a necessary gesture, but he was being extra sweet with you while he still could.
“I put a closed sign out on the shop,” he sounded almost formal about it.
“Thank you,” you breathed out in gratitude, “I completely forgot.”
“That Alihotsy is getting a bit big for the nursery. It’s extending across the walkway. Startled me for a second.”
“Sorry. Yes. That fellow from Honeydukes is meant to come by sometime this week for it. I’ll have to write him to explain that we are looking after Anne. Maybe he wouldn’t mind if we dropped it by late at night on his doorstep?”
“Maybe tomorrow night. We’ll be too tired after this.”
You chuckled and shook your head. “You always talk me into being lazy with you. Promise you won’t talk me out of it tomorrow too?”
“I would like its leaves out of the walking path, so I promise, tomorrow night we can take it to him. I won’t drag you to bed too early.”
“But I do look forward to ending up in bed with you after.” And with that, you threw down the floo power and were transported to Anne’s bungalow in Feldcroft. Upon entering, the first thing you noticed was the noise. There was a baby crying, kids screaming, and footsteps pounding around on the hardwood floor.
“I said to get that thing out of here!” That was Sebastian, sounding exasperated.
“I can’t catch it!” His oldest child, who was seven going into eight now, whined back.
“Then chase it out the door! It can’t be in here. It- oh! Y/N. Thank Merlin you’re here. Popped in at an awful time. Sorry for the mess.” Sebastian, while cradling his youngest in his arms, a baby who was about a year old now, kicked a few toys out of the way so you could step off the edge of the fireplace.
“Auntie Y/N!” Three children trapped you with hugs from all around. Then behind you, Ominis popped up in the fireplace and the three were rushing to embrace him as well.
You chuckled and put a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder to ask, “Seb, why is there a chicken on the couch.”
“It’s on the-?” Sebastian turned and started to wave the brown chicken off of his sister’s couch. “Shoo! Shoo! You are lucky I haven’t cooked you yet!”
You rolled your eyes and pulled out your wand. “Levioso. Accio.” The brown chicken squirmed in your arm, but you held it at your hip and then turned to the three kids with an eyebrow raised. “Who brought a chicken in the house while Auntie Anne isn’t feeling well?”
None of the kids said a word, but the two oldest shoved each other while they all stared at the floor in shame. You sighed and said, “If you go and collect all the toys in the house and put them in the diaper bag, I will give you the surprise I brought.”
The kids lit up. Their guilt long forgotten.
“A surprise?!”
“What is it?”
“Ah, ah, ah. Pick up your toys first.” Then the three of them were off collecting the messing they made and putting it in their youngest sibling’s enchanted diaper bag.
You put the chicken in the backyard and came back to see Sebastian and Ominis having a chat on the couch while the baby while trying to pull itself up on the side to join in. Ominis flinched when the baby grabbed his pant leg. You were quick to dive down and pick the little one up, grunting as you did so.
“My oh my, you have gotten big! What are they feeding you? Rocks?”
“That one’s gonna win the World Cup. I just know it. Gonna be the best Beater there is.” Sebastian played with the baby’s chunky ankles while you held it. It cooed back at him as if it understood and agreed.
You laughed and moved the baby to your hip to then use your free hand to touch Ominis’s shoulder. “You wanna go check on Anne while we set up the picnic for the kids outside?”
Ominis nodded and stood up to leave. He seemed thankful to have an excuse not to join the chaotic lunch plans.
Sebastian smiled wide. “Am I hearing this right? You brought lunch?”
“Just some sandwiches and strawberries. Figured you hadn’t had the time.”
With an exasperated sigh, Sebastian leaned his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes. “You thought right. It’s been… a lot. The baby is sleeping now, I mean, the other baby, the newborn, Anne’s baby.” Sebastian paused for a second then whispered, “That’s still so crazy for me to say. I’m so happy for her.”
“You and your cousin are going to be the best of friends!” You told the one-year-old on your hip. So close in age. How fun! They’ll only be a year apart at Hogwarts. Bet they’ll get into even more trouble than we did.”
Sebastian covered his face and groaned. “Merlin, don’t say that. They already make me crazy as it is. Can’t imagine how I’d handle them being as wild as us.”
“Sebastian, there was a chicken on the couch when I got here. You may want to mentally prepare yourself for all sorts of Hogwarts shenanigans.”
Meanwhile, Ominis was knocking on Anne’s bedroom door and waiting to hear her voice before letting himself in. Sebastian’s kids were still being rather loud, but the decibel levels had greatly depleted. Ominis shut the door gently, but firmly, hoping to trap out any further noise. Their little feet could still be heard scampering about the echoey wooden floors as they searched for their abundance of toys to put away.
“Thought you two must have arrived,” Anne sounded exhausted. Ominis’s heart immediately ripped in two. He hadn’t heard her voice so raspy since they were teens. Anne had mostly healed from her curse. At around the ten-year mark, she decided she wanted to try for a child. She and her husband were happy and head over heels in love. They just wanted one child to share the love with. The risk was great with Anne’s past, but she didn’t want some retched curse to stop her from living her life the way she dreamed.
“And it was a good thing we did. Sebastian’s kids were terrorizing your home.”
Anne laughed at that, though it was quiet and airy. “They are just playing, Ominis. That’s why kids do. Not a dull day around here lately, that’s for sure.”
“Still, I’m sure you could rest better if it was quiet.” Ominis took a step to the right, meaning to meet her at her bedside.
“Wait-,” Anne croaked out, causing Ominis to freeze. “The bassinet is on this side. Come around to the other.”
Oh, right. Ominis swallowed thickly. He had forgotten about Anne’s baby for a moment. The room was so peaceful. It was hard to believe a child was in here with them. “Right, sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, Min,” Anne reassured as Ominis walked around to the other side of the bed. “Just didn’t want to bump into it and wake her. She’ll be hungry when she wakes up.” Which was Anne’s way of gently warning him that the baby was probably going to cry for food soon that way he didn’t panic when he heard it.
Ominis cautiously sat on the side of Anne’s bed and asked, “Anything I can get for you? I’m here to look out for you, and Y/N is going to look out for the baby once she feeds Sebastian and the kids and sends them home.”
“Honestly, I was dying of boredom before you came in. Just you being here is enough.” Anne placed her hand over Ominis’s and squeezed. “And how is my Y/N doing? How’s the shop coming along?”
There was a thankful sigh of relief from Ominis’s lips at the subject change. He could talk about you and the shop for hours. “We’re loving it. She put me to work though with all the upkeep. I’m regretting cutting back my hours at the Ministry. At least they didn’t make me sweep.”
Anne’s soft chuckle sounded much closer to her normal self this time. Ominis let some of the tension in his shoulders release from knowing Anne wasn’t feeling too much pain at the moment.
“You know, they would take you back full-time in a heartbeat if you offered.”
“No, no,” Ominis quickly backtracked with a smile, “No, trust me, being at the shop is a walk in the park in comparison to the Ministry’s paperwork. The half of my week there is like a vacation. Besides, it’s right next door to the house. No travel sickness. And the greenhouse smells lovely. Much better to work in than those dingy offices.”
“Hey now, don’t talk bad on those dingy offices. I can’t wait to get back to them in a few weeks. I’ve already planned on how to reorganize mine. Bit of spring cleaning.”
Whatever was going on with Anne, Ominis had assumed it was to do with the curse. Hearing her so confidently say she would be back to work soon made Ominis tilt his head in confusion. Was she being her stubborn self, or were things not as bad as Sebastian’s letter made it seem. It was always hard to tell with the twins. Anne played everything off as fine, but Sebastian acted like Anne’s paper cuts were life-threatening.
“Planning to get back there so soon? Well, don’t strain yourself. The office will still be just as meek and dusty no matter how long you wait.”
“Suppose so. Might be nice to spend some extra time just with her.” Ominis couldn’t see it, of course, but he knew Anne was referring to the baby in the bassinet on the other side of the bed.
There was a soft knock on the door, and with Anne’s approval, you cracked the door open just enough to peek your head in. “Up for a few visitors? The kids want to say goodbye one by one. I’m including Sebastian in that category too, of course.”
“Hey!” Could slightly be heard from the hallway.
Then, one at a time, you allowed the kids to give their Auntie Anne a kiss goodbye. Lastly, Sebastian went in with his youngest in his arms. Anne chuckled at the red stains on the baby’s hands and shirt from the strawberries. She could picture how it probably mashed the berry in its hand before shoving it in its mouth and likely missing its mouth entirely so that the strawberry ended up mostly on the ground. Her heart tinged a bit. She wished she could have joined them for lunch and not been forced to stay in her tiny bedroom.
“Get some rest,” Sebastian mumbled as he kissed her forehead.
“You too,” Anne replied. “Thank you for looking out for me these past couple of days, but go home and relax. Ominis and Y/N will take good care of us here.”
Then Ominis felt a hand on his shoulder. By the way it lightly massaged him, he instantly knew it was his wife. She leaned in close to whisper to him, “I’m going to walk Seb and the kids home to make sure none of them wander off. They’re a bit ornery today. Will you be okay without me?”
A pang of guilt stabbed him in the stomach. Ominis hated that he was the one you were worried about leaving while Anne was quite literally bedridden. It was embarrassing that you felt as though you needed to check in with him before taking a quick walk just a few houses down to Sebastian’s place. His…affinity to kids was bad, he knew that, he knew that you knew that and that’s why you were being overly protective. Still, it hurt his ego just a bit.
“Take your time. We’ll be okay here,” Ominis whispered back, trying his best not to sound short. If there was any uneasiness in his tone, he knew you would drop everything to comfort him. That couldn’t happen now. Sebastian might have needed your help walking the kids back, but Ominis knew that it was partially an excuse on your part to spend more time with them. He didn’t want to take that from you.
The baby, well, Anne’s baby was sleeping anyway. Sebastian’s was blowing raspberries while Anne was cooing a goodbye to it.
He waited until he heard the front door close to admit to Anne, “You asked how she’s doing… I don’t think she’s happy.”
“With the store?” There was a hint of terror in her voice as if Anne feared it was something worse.
After a moment of silence, Ominis shook his head no. “I can tell she wants more. She grew up in a big family and then Hogwarts was always just as loud and chaotic. At first, I think she appreciated the peace and quiet after we got our house, but lately… Lately, I wake up in the middle of the night and she’s gone. She goes and falls asleep by the gramophone in the living room as if she needs the noise for comfort.”
A gentle hand touched his shoulder as Anne said, “Oh, Ominis…”
“I think she would be happier if she were with someone that could provide what she wanted, but she’d never admit that.”
“No, she wouldn’t. I know you can’t see the way she looks at you, but you’re her world. Don’t ever even suggest such a thing to her. It would shatter her. She is happy with you, just you. We’ve talked about it before, she and I. She is content with being an aunt to Sebastian’s kids, and now my girl. Please don’t worry over this in the slightest.”
Anne’s comfort eased his pain, but the guilt of it all still weighed him down. They chatted for a while about Sebastian’s wife and her exciting job until you made it back to the house. You leaned against the doorframe of the bedroom and listened to the two old friends talk for a while before interrupting, “Do you want to have a bath while I change your sheets for you, Anne?”
“Is that your way of saying I smell?”
“Your hair is a bit of a mess,” you joked as you walked up to her side of the bed and gently moved the bassinet so that you could help Anne up.
At the sound of shuffling and Anne wincing, Ominis offered, “Do you want me to-“
“It’s alright,” you said, suspiciously quick. “Us girls have got this. I’ll just set Anne up in the bath. Do you want to start removing the blankets?”
Ominis stood from the bed and started to remove the covers at your request, albeit a bit reluctantly due to his confusion and frustration. Why didn’t you let him carry Anne to the bathroom? It wasn’t like the intimacy mattered. He couldn’t see.
Wordlessly, he carried the laundry to the back porch and then felt through the linen closet for another set. The two of you met back in Anne’s room at the same time. You kissed his cheek and took the fitted sheet from him to start unfolding it. That was the only covering you managed to get on before the baby stirred in the bassinet. It started to cry out, loud and demanding. Ominis flinched and clutched the blanket he was holding while you scooped the baby up in your arms.
“Oh, that sounds like a hungry cry,” Your voice was soft and unfazed by the cries. “Come on. To the kitchen, we go. I’m going to show your Uncle Omi how to make a bottle for you.”
Ominis tensed at that. “Why? I thought we agreed that I take care of Anne and you take care of…her.”
“If we really are going to be here the next few days helping out, you might as well learn.” You didn’t say anything more as you headed to the kitchen. It was up to Ominis whether or not he followed.
And follow he did with a heavy sigh. Anne’s kitchen was far more spacious than your own. He still hadn’t mapped out where everything was since it all seemed to spread apart. There was even room under the south-facing window for a breakfast nook area that had the perfect view of Feldcroft. You stared out at it wistfully. Down the way a bit, you could make out Sebastian’s two oldest digging away in their front yard. They had told you on the walk back that they had been trying to dig to the center of the earth. You had laughed and told them they would need a pretty long ladder, but you didn’t discourage their determination.
“Do you want to hold her while I grab the-“
“Just tell me where it is,” Ominis insisted, sounding a bit exasperated. His heated tone made you giggle. When you first met him, he used to always be on edge like this. There was a cold exterior about him that was snappy and sarcastic. In his defense, Sebastian was putting him through a lot at the time with his unforgiving plight to find a cure for Anne. But you didn’t mind it then just like you didn’t mind it now. Ominis was complicated, and that’s what drew you in.
“A step forward and to your left. Should be a cylinder tin on the second shelf of the cupboard.” Your direction was easy to understand and deeply appreciated.
Sometimes at work with the Ministry, Ominis would ask something like, “Which one?” Only for his coworker to inevitably reply something stupid like, “The green one.” He never had to prod you for more information. If only he could bring you everywhere to direct him like this. Though, maybe not while you held a crying baby in your arms.
“I’m putting an empty bottle right beside the tin here. But first, we need to set up the kettle.”
“Are we making tea for Anne?” This he was familiar with even in Anne’s kitchen. Ominis made quick work of taking the kettle from the stove and filling it in the sink.
“Just heating up the water a bit. Not too hot. I’ll show you how to check the temperature after we’re done. While that’s heating, you can measure the power. There should already be a scooper in the tin. Two scoops should be plenty. She’s still so tiny.” You took a moment to admire the baby girl in your arms. She really was the spitting image of Anne.
While you rocked her to soothe her cries, Ominis poured two scoops of the formula into the bottle and tried not to grimace at the sour smell of it. Now he understood why babies smelled the way they did. It was a mix of this awful powdered milk and the starchiness of baby powder. Very off-putting and unpleasant.
“Water should be warm enough now. I’ll tell you when to stop pouring. Go slow,” you directed. You stopped him just at just a quarter full and reached to touch the bottle to feel how hot the water was. “Just a splash of cold water and that should be perfect.” Ominis brought the bottle to the sink and literally just let the smallest splash into it. You giggled and prompted, “Okay, maybe two splashes.”
Next, you handed him a clean top for the bottle which he took a moment to stir on straight then asked, “Are we done here?” in a very bored tone.
You smiled as you shook your head and clicked your tongue. “Always so impatient, my love. The powder needs to be mixed in. You’ll have to shake the bottle and-“ Ominis started shaking the bottle immediately, wanting to get this over with. Formula sprayed out of the nipple and got on the kitchen floor, Ominis’s hair, and your face. He froze, realizing his mistake.
Your laughter was so intense that you doubled over, clutching the baby to your chest so that you wouldn’t drop her during your fit. Ominis was blushing, but the sound of your laughter made him smile sheepishly.
“I am an idiot,” he proclaimed.
“Yes, yes your are. You have to cover the tip of the nipple.”
“Excuse me?” Ominis sounded almost offended. You laughed harder, not being able to take much more of this.
“That’s what the rubber part of the top of the bottle is called! It’s not like I came up with it!” After taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you reached over and placed Ominis’s finger over the tip of the bottle. “Okay, now you can shake it without making it rain indoors.”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled shyly.
“I love you,” you answered.
Once the formula was mixed up, it was time to test the temperature. “This part is simple. Hold out your wrist,” you told him. When he did, you guided his hand that was holding the bottle to dab the slightest bit of formula on his inner wrist. “Do you feel that?”
A flash of uncertainty washed over his features. “Yes, but how do I know if it’s right?”
You held out your wrist, lighting bumping it to his so he knew where you were. “Let me feel and I’ll tell you.”
The fingers of his free hand drifted across the palm of your open one, acting as if he wasn’t sure where your wrist was. You had a smug smile knowing it was all for show. You had made your movements very clear. He only wanted to touch your hand, but you weren’t about to call him out on that. The bottle dipped to let a drip fall on your wrist. It was like warm. Not too cold that the powder didn’t mix in properly, and not too hot that it would hurt the baby.
“This is perfect. You want to test it on your wrist again so you can remember this temperature for next time?”
He snorted and insisted there wouldn’t be a next time, but he tested the formula on his wrist once more and looked rather deep in thought as if trying to memorize the feeling. You kissed his cheek and thanked him while taking the bottle. A weight lifted off Ominis’s shoulders when the baby stopped crying in your arms. He let out a heavy sigh.
“Glad that’s over.”
“Well, get used to it because it’ll probably happen every four hours or so.”
That statement did not spark joy for Ominis, but you hadn’t been trying to. It was the truth. This was the reality of helping out Anne right now: a crying newborn.
“Let’s go check on Anne in the bath.” Now that was a statement Ominis didn’t mind. You followed him down the hallway and stood at his side while he knocked on the bathroom door.
“How are you doing, Annie?” He asked in a soft tone.
“Just fine, Min! I’ll be getting out soon. How’s the baby?”
“Ominis made her a bottle!” You cut in proudly.
Anne paused a moment then asked, “‘S it poisoned?”
Ominis rolled his eyes while you responded, “No! I watched him like a hawk. I promise! He did great!”
Anne’s laughter echoed in the bathroom. “Well, then thank you, Ominis!”
In the living room, you nestled in on the couch, using the armrest to support your elbow. Holding the baby in the kitchen that whole time had made you ache. She wasn’t heavy either, maybe six pounds at the most. You couldn’t fathom how Sebastian held his youngest all day. That baby was huge!
“Anything I can get you?” Ominis was hovering over you from behind the couch. His hand was resting on the back of it and his fingers were reaching up to brush your shoulder. It was clear he wanted to touch you, but you were holding a baby and that terrified him.
“Maybe turn on a bit of music? There’s a very fancy-looking phonograph sitting in the far corner on your left. It’s begging to be played.”
Your wish seemed to be his command. Ominis brought out his wand and used his sensing charm before pointing it precisely at the phonograph. The needle reset itself on the record and began to play a beautiful sonata. It started out with a feathery light piano that was quickly joined by a set of strings. You weren’t well versed enough in muggle music to know if it was a violin or cello, but its tender tones took the lead of the song while the piano supported the beat and background. There was just a hint of a wind instrument harmonizing with the main melody of the strings. It wasn’t prominent enough to tell if it was a flute, or perhaps a panpipe…
“Come sit by me,” you requested dreamily.
With the music and the airy sound of your voice, Ominis was lost in the moment. He kissed the top of your head then walked around the front of the couch to be next to you. The string instrument started to swell. His hand rested on your knee as he sat down and immediately inched higher and higher until his forearm bumped your elbow and he briefly wondered why your elbow was sticking out like that.
Reality came hurtling back like a bludger. His hand jolted off you as if your skin burned him. He had forgotten about the baby being fed in your arms.
Ominis hoped you hadn’t even noticed his slip up, that you were too lost in feeding the child. With the way you were talking to it, Ominis felt as though he was in the clear. You were commenting on how the baby’s hand was curling around your ring finger. It seemed to like the smooth texture of your wedding band.
“You trying to steal my ring, little one? Four days old and your mommy has already trained you to be her little niffler? Well, I’m very sorry. You can’t have my wedding ring. I love it too much. You can have your own if you choose to get married one day.”
“Anna and Sebastian are probably competing to see who can have the most mischievous child,” Ominis said mostly to himself since he assumed you were lost in your own little world.
“I wouldn’t put it past them,” you joked in return. “And you can put your hand on my thigh if you would like. It is not going to offend the baby.”
Sometimes he hated how in tune you were with him. Ominis put a hand back just below your knee and squeezed to show his annoyance with you, a move he often did to fluster you and keep your teasing mouth quiet.
The move was not working out in his favor while you were holding the baby, however. You gossiped to her, “Oh, Uncle Ominis is mad at me for some reason. I’m in such big trouble. He’s got the grumpy pout. I think he’s feeling a bit bashful that I called him out, what do you think?”
A loud thud sounded from the bathroom. Ominis was standing in a flash. You dropped the bottle beside you on the couch to grab him by the shirt, insisting, “You take the baby! I’ll go get her!”
A look of annoyance washed over Ominis's face and he defied your request, “Are you insane? Just let me-“
“She’s going to want it to be me, not you.”
For the first time since your school days, he bitterly reminded you, “I’m blind! It’s not like I’ll see anything!”
You were standing now, matching his volume. “She’ll just want a woman there that understands-“
“I’ve known her a lot longer than you have! She’s a sister to me, I understand her perfectly! She-“
“She’s still bleeding,” you whispered through your teeth, “You know, down there. That’s why she’s been on bed rest. They had to give her muggle stitches.”
Ominis paled and swallowed quickly. He had assumed Anne was hurting from the curse. The last thing on his mind was average birthing complications. “Oh.”
“Sit down on the couch and put your elbow on the armrest,” you insisted in a very angry tone that you only ever used on Sebastian when he was stepping out of line, which was very, very rare these days. Hearing you so angry sent a shiver down Ominis’s spine. He sat, but panic was bubbling to his surface when he realized why you told him to put his elbow on the armrest.
“My love, please, I’m sorry, I can’t- Don’t make me-“
“It’s a newborn, Ominis! She isn’t going to remember this moment! You can’t possibly do anything wrong. Just feed her the rest of the bottle!” Your screaming made Ominis snap his mouth shut.
You leaned down and put the baby, who was now crying from her bottle being ripped from her and all the commotion, into his arms with a gentleness that shocked Ominis. How you went from screaming at him to carefully making sure the baby’s head was supported on his arm just right, he would never know. The bottle was picked up from where it had rolled to the other side of the couch and put firmly in Ominis’s hand with a bit more fire to your placement this time around.
“Feed her. She can’t cry if there is a bottle in her mouth. Relax your shoulders. I’ll only be gone a minute.”
Then your footsteps were fading. Ominis couldn’t stop his entire body from shaking. The baby was still crying, and although the only other sound in the house was the soft piano and strings coming from the phonograph, Ominis was overwhelmed to the point of shock. The baby weighed in his arms, but not nearly as much as he expected it to. He had held Sebastian’s firstborn twice: once when it was a month old and then one other time when it had just started crawling. Sebastian’s baby was never as feather-light as the dainty little thing crying in his arms now. It didn’t even stretch across Ominis’s chest. Tiny little feet were kicking his right arm that had been white-knuckling the bottle. They were covered in fuzzy knit socks that felt soft and plush against his arm with each weak kick.
The baby seemed to kick some sense into Ominis because he realized it would stop crying if he would just hurry up and give it the bottle. At first, he tried placing it in the baby’s flailing hands, but it wouldn’t take it from him. Was holding a bottle not something babies could do for themselves? He was pretty sure Sebastian was able to hand his youngest a bottle and walk away. Why didn’t this one know what to do?!
Ominis was ready to give up, but he didn’t know how to move the baby properly or where to put it even if he had the nerve. The couch? Would it roll off? The floor? Surely that wasn’t appropriate.
“Fine! Fine,” Ominis grumbled. He set the bottle between his legs and then hesitantly touched the baby's chest and glided up to feel where its mouth was. The thing was so tiny, and even though Ominis was holding it, he still expected it to take longer to find its mouth. But before he could pull away, the baby sucked his pointer finger in and bit down. It might have not had any teeth, but its gums were still brutal!
“Ow!” Ominis hissed and yanked his finger away from the little gremlin. He shook his hand with a dramatic flair to lessen the hurt. The baby went right back to crying. “That was uncalled for.”
Finally, Ominis was able to get the bottle in the baby’s mouth. There was an annoying squeak from it sucking on the rubber, but other than that the living room had turned back to its peaceful state. The record on the phonograph was playing a more upbeat tune. All was well.
Meanwhile, you had sprinted into the bathroom panicked and breathing heavily. Anne was lying on her back near the sink, about a meter from the tub.
“Anne!” You gasped and hurried over to her.
“Oh, hey,” Anne laughed lightly, not acting injured in the slightest. “How was your domestic disagreement? I have never heard you two argue like that. It was quite entertaining.”
“Are you hurt?”
“Mostly just embarrassed. I slipped while I was brushing my teeth. Wasn’t even walking or anything, just tumbled over for no reason. Held onto the sink though, so it wasn’t too bad.”
“You need help up?”
“Yeah. My hip is pretty sore, as if it wasn’t bad enough down there already,” Anne always kept a light tone to not worry others. You understood the sentiment. She didn’t want to be treated like a child or hovered over. Sebastian used to do that to her constantly, he had gotten a lot calmer over the years, but Anne hadn’t learned to get rid of her coping mechanisms yet.
“Let me dry the floor then I’ll help you up. Looks like a hurricane happened in here. Were you playing with the bath bubbles?” You joked to put her at ease.
She sighed gratefully for your calm nature. “Maybe. It had been a while since I’ve had a bubble bath. Might have got a bit carried away.”
You dramatically dragged a towel along the floor at the edge of the tub and asked, “A bit?”
It took some patience, but you managed to get Anne to her bed. There was still only the fitted sheet in place, so you added the bedding around her and made a point to tuck her in so tight that she couldn’t even wiggle. She shoved your hands away, laughing at your antics. The two of you chatted for a bit about your new plant shop and whether or not you missed working at the Ministry.
In the living room, the light squeaking of the bottle stopped. Ominis frowned in confusion. He could feel that there was still a bit of liquid sloshing around in the glass. Would the baby start crying again? Why had it stopped eating? Fearing the worst, he set the bottle down on the couch beside him and then leaned his ear in close to make sure the baby was still breathing. He placed his hand over its chest to feel the rise and fall. The tip of his middle finger touched its chin and the bottom of his hand was over its stomach. How could something be so small?
The baby’s hands latched onto his, one grabbing his thumb and the other his pinky, holding Ominis against its chest. Ominis blushed at the contact. The hands were soft and oh, so tiny. It could hardly clasp his thumb properly. Its breathing started to slow. The record on the phonograph came to an end, leaving a soft scratching sound to fill the room.
“Alright then,” his voice was but a whisper so that he wouldn’t disrupt the tranquil atmosphere of the room. Having his hand cradled like that made his heart clench tightly and painfully. The baby’s little cotton clothes were slightly wet around its neck from the formula, but other than that, Ominis didn’t mind that his hand was trapped.
His own breathing started to slow for the first time since arriving at Anne’s place.
A few moments later, you had been sent by Anne to collect her child. She wanted to snuggle with the baby while they both had a nap. The fiasco in the bathroom had worn her out.
The last thing you expected to see was a soft smile on Ominis’s lips while he seemed to be resting. The baby was pulled in close to his chest and was clutching into Ominis’s hand. They both looked fast asleep. The sight filled you with warmth. Your eyes softened, and you nearly wanted to shed a tear. Instead of disrupting them right away, you turned off the phonograph that had been playing nothing and washed the unfinished bottle in the kitchen sink.
When it came time to finally collect the baby from Ominis, you felt slightly guilty for dragging it out for so long. He just looked so precious holding a child. It was doing things to you, making you yearn for things you had sworn off thinking about.
With the utmost care, you reached to scoop the baby out of Ominis’s arms. His left arm tightened around the child, drawing her closer to his chest.
“Don’t,” he whispered.
That was…odd. Was he talking in his sleep? You couldn’t recall Ominis ever doing such a thing.
“It’s just me, love. I’ve come to relieve you from your babysitting duties. Sorry it took me so long.”
You tried going in for the exchange again, but Ominis insisted, “Just another moment, please. Just one moment.” His voice was breaking. It was clear now he hadn’t been sleeping at all to begin with because a tear escaped from the corner of his eye. It had been quite some time since you had seen Ominis in such a fragile state. When he would open up about his family and his childhood, sometimes he would get quiet like this. In those times, he had held onto you like you were driftwood in an ocean of terror he was drowning in. The way he was cradling the baby so close to his chest now meant he was anchoring to her at this moment. You couldn’t bring yourself to take her from him, even if the baby’s young mother was wanting to see her.
The only thing you could do was sit beside him on the couch. Your head rested on his shoulder and your hand rubbed in soft patterns across his arm. A few moments later, you had to tell him, “Anne sent me to collect the baby.”
Ominis nodded and softly said, “We shouldn’t keep her waiting any longer then. You can- you can take her now.”
There was a tense static in the room. The last thing you wanted to do was end this moment. Even with Sebastian’s for at born, Ominis had never asked to hold them, let alone hold them longer the few times he had been forced to.
“Why don’t you just carry her to the bedroom for me, hm?”
That was not what Ominis wanted to hear. His eyes widened with fear. “I can’t I- I don’t know how to.”
“It’ll be alright,” you were already adjusting his left arm so that he was providing better support underneath her as you spoke, “Just support her bum here. You can use your other arm too if you’re unsure. Just bring that one to cover here and- There. Now you’ve got a very good hold on her. After you get up from the couch just put it right back there where I showed you. I’ll lead you to the bedroom. Come along, now.”
Before he had time to come up with an excuse, you were dragging him up from the couch and guiding him to Anne’s room. Usually, he hated being guided places unless the situation was dire or he was in a big crowd. Sometimes people at work would try and guide from around the building. He took a bit of offense to it. If he ever needed a guide, he could just use his wand!
But now he was holding this tiny little thing in his arms, and it was alive and depending on him not to trip or bump into something. Without fighting it, Ominis let you hold his elbow and guide him across Anne’s house to the master bedroom. You had him sit in an armchair in the corner of the room as you joked with Anne, “You said, ‘Bring the baby’, and I wasn’t sure which one so naturally… I brought both.”
“You two look good like that. With her,” Anne commented as you put your hand on Ominis’s shoulder.
You were thankful Ominis couldn’t see your flush or the warning look you gave Anne. Around Ominis, you tried your hardest to avoid the topic of starting a family of your own. Your mother mentioned it every time the two of you visited her. She wanted grandkids. Usually, Anne and Sebastian were safe to converse with because they knew Ominis as well as you did. A comment like that almost felt out of character for Anne, especially since she was so protective of Ominis.
“I’ll have to take your word for it,” Ominis replied smoothly.
“Have you burped her yet?”
“Have I what?”
You laughed and patted Ominis on the shoulder. “That can get messy. Why don’t we let Anne do that, hm?”
“I can do it,” he offered quickly. “Just tell me how, and I can do it.”
You draped a towel over his shoulder and directed him to lay the baby against it. It didn’t take long to burp her. Ominis winced at the wet gurgling by his ear and the pungent, sour smell of the formula coming back tenfold. You giggled at his reaction and seemed to be cleaning up the baby’s face so that Ominis could go back to snuggling her.
“I’m glad you two are getting along. I’d hoped you would. After all, she’s named after you.”
A beat of silence dragged by before Ominis was able to ask, “What?”
“My little Minnie. Cute, don’t you think?” Anne smiled softly. “You were always there for me when Sebastian and I had our falling out. I appreciate you and I’m thankful for everything you’ve done for me.”
“Minnie is such a sweet name,” you commented once you realized Ominis was too stunned to respond. “Perfect for this sweet little girl.”
A couple of hours went by while you and Anne chatted. Ominis didn’t move from the armchair with Minnie and never once complained about his arm going numb from holding her.
Went you stood up so go start something for dinner, an Apparation crack sounded from outside. All three of you were alert and tense, wondering who it could be. You brought out your wand and headed to the front door, but it burst open before you had the chance to get there.
“Anne?!” The desperate cry of her husband called through the house. His heavy footsteps sprinted for the bedroom. Blood and scrapes littered his face and his hair and clothes were in disarray and even looked a bit singed. “Are you alright?” He raced to embrace her.
“You’ll have to give her up now, my love,” you whispered in Ominis’s ear while Anne and her husband reunited.
With a heavy sigh, Ominis stood from the armchair and approached the side of the bed Anne’s husband was standing on. He tearfully took Minnie from Ominis then looked at Anne in disbelief.
“She looks just like you.”
Sebastian’s wife was standing in the entryway, looking just as disheveled as Anne’s husband. While you and Ominis left the bedroom to give the new family some privacy, Sebastian’s wife explained, “There was a dragon attack that led to a cave-in. He was trapped for nearly a week.”
“Lucky you were able to find him. You’re amazing, honestly. Are you okay? Do you need anything? The both of you look like you got in a fistfight with the dragon!” You told her.
“Nearly did! Its tail swung at me at one point. It’s been an eventful day. All that’s on my mind is getting home to the kids and Sebastian.”
“We’ll be heading home as well, I think. Stay safe.”
With her gone, you cleaned up a few things around Anne’s house. Ominis tagged along on your cleaning spree, but he was nearly silent while doing so. You worried today might have been too much for him, but you would decide you would wait to check on him until after getting him to the comfort of your own home.
“You can floo first, Ominis! I’ll be right behind you. I’m just going to throw this blanket in the laundry bin.”
He was gone in a smokey, green flash. As promised, you traveled just a moment later. You hardly had a second to focus on the blur of your living room before a pair of hands were haphazardly dragging you forward until a rather demanding set of lips landed over yours. In his defense, Ominis had warned you earlier that day that he would be taking his stress out on you.
“What a lovely welcome home,” you comment when he pulls away, thinking it would end there.
His voice was a bit raspy in your ear, “Tell me what you’ve been wanting, and I’ll give it to you.” And although the sound of his voice was arousing, you could tell he wasn’t talking about anything sexual. There was a pointed annoyance in his tone. The unspoken dream you’ve been trying to keep to yourself secret all these years seemed to be weighing down on the both of you.
“Ominis, I don’t expect that of you. Is this because of what Anne said about us looking good with a baby? She was only teasing, Ominis. You know I would never ask that if you.”
Lips started to trail down your neck, tasting you. Between kisses, Ominis was whispering, “So good to me. Trying to hide her desires. It’s okay. I want it too.”
“What do you mean?” You managed out between gasps. His hands were exploring every inch of your body as if he didn’t already have you memorized. It took all of your willpower to restrain yourself and pull away from him because he seemed as though he was going to continue on without clarifying if you weren’t going to make him.
He groaned as if he was the one losing out on pleasure by you pulling away. “Want it too. Wanna give you a baby,” he whined softly. The words shocked you enough that your hold weakened. Ominis took the opportunity to lean back in, but you put your hands on his shoulders to hold him at bay.
“I think you caught an illness while at Anne’s,” you say in a worried tone. The back of your fingers pressed to his forehead. “Yup, just as I suspected. You have a bad case of baby fever. I think a good night's rest will be just the cure.”
Rolling his eyes at your antics, Ominis insisted, “I’ve thought about this before, and I know you want one. I don’t need sight to know how you feel about Sebastian’s kids. You are always coming up with excuses to be with them longer. It’s okay. I’m not going to be angry if you admit it. I just want you to be happy.”
“I am happy. I’m happy with you. I don’t need anything more. I would never ask for anything more.”
Ominis rested his forehead against yours. “I know you would never dare to ask. That’s why I’m offering.”
“And you’ll regret offering such things in the morning,” you reminded him.
“No, I won’t.”
“I know holding Minnie was overwhelming for you, but don’t let those new emotions cloud your judgment. You’ve never wanted kids before this. Just think for a moment and-“
“I have thought about it, many times. Maybe I’ve been apprehensive to the idea, but that was before. I thought it wasn’t possible for me to connect with children, that I wouldn’t be able to care for them the way a parent should. I thought I’d be cold and distant like my parents, so I didn’t want to bring a child into this world for them to feel alone and unwanted. But now, with her, I was able to care, to- to…”
“To love?” you offered
“Please say you believe me,” he sounded so lost and broken.
Your hands cupped his cheeks as you wiped away his tears of frustration. “I believe you. I never doubted that you wouldn’t be able to love our child if we had one. I just assumed you didn’t dare to let yourself try because of your parents. I love you, Ominis. Of course I want to have your children. I want them to be just as stubborn, but just as caring as you. I want them to have your sarcastic wit but also your devoted loyalty. It’s something I’ve thought about endlessly, so don’t think I’m turning you down when I ask for you to think on it just a while longer. Let the emotions from today come back down. I’ll make us dinner, we’ll go to bed. Then, whenever you are ready to talk about this, we will.”
Ominis managed to look disappointed but grateful at the same time. “I’ll think on it.”
And think on it he did, or simmer was a closer description. While you were in the kitchen, he pretended to read with his wand. There was a moment of uncertainty when he thought about how holding Minnie had made him feel. Would he be able to connect like that with his own child? But then again, how could he not? His own child would be half you, and he loved every part of you, even the side of you that thought you knew what was best for him by making him sit with his thoughts.
After a while, you brought him a cup of tea and kissed his temple. Ominis mumbled a thank you and continued to pretend to read. He could tell by the way you lingered in the doorway as you left the living room that you had used the tea as an excuse to check in on him. Instead of clueing you into his thoughts, he remained aloof and sipped his tea without showing any emotion positive or negative. The last thing he wanted was to hear you ramble about how he wasn’t in the right headspace to know what he truly wanted.
What he wanted was to be buried deep in you as he came. He wanted to, for once, not ruin his adrenaline rush by pulling out at the last second. He wanted you to have his child. He wanted a family with you, and he didn’t want to waste another second before starting it. This was something he should have done years ago.
“Dinner is ready,” you announced. There was a tremor in your voice as though you were nervous to speak to him. You spent the last thirty minutes hiding in the kitchen and wondering if he was cross with you since he hardly spoke at all when you brought him tea.
“It smells lovely in here.” Ominis played along with you, pretending not to notice your slip-up.
“Thank you. What were you reading?”
“A book that Sebastian’s wife recommended about keeping dragons.”
“That sounds intriguing.”
“It is.”
And that was all you got out of him. Ominis finished his food before you then disappeared to the kitchen to do the dishes while you sat in silence at the dining table. The wine wasn’t strong enough to keep your mind from worrying. How long would things be like this? Usually, Ominis was easy to get through to, so your arguments never lasted long. Would this remain an unspoken thing in your marriage for years to come? Forever?
You tiptoed into the kitchen with your empty plate. Ominis had done most of the dishes except for a single pan and the plate and fork in your hands. Even though you were trying to be as quiet as a mouse, Ominis held his open hand out in your direction and said, “Your plate.”
Reluctantly, you handed him the dirty dish. “Thank you for cleaning.”
“You cooked, so I cleaned. No reason to thank me. It’s only fair.”
“You’re right,” you whispered quietly.
Ominis raised his brow. “What? No comeback? No telling me how wrong I am for not accepting your gratitude? No making me think about it before I decide I want to do the dishes?”
“So you are mad at me!” You said it like it was an accusation. “I knew it. You’re being ridiculous! I’m only asking you to think on this before you decide!”
“You think I haven’t thought about it? Nearly ten years of marriage and you don’t think I fantasize about what it would feel like to hold you while my child is growing inside you?” He dried his hands on a dishrag and then leaned against the counter, looking exasperated. His volume hadn’t matched yours yet. He was holding back.
“You don’t have to do this just because it’s something I want!”
“Just because I’m scared doesn’t mean I don’t want it too!” His yell seemed to echo in the tiny kitchen.
After a second of trying to remind yourself how to breathe, you felt horrible for letting it escalate so far. Hearing Ominis was scared just made you want to comfort him. You spoke softly, “Ominis-“
“No, don’t do that. Don’t pity me and try to comfort me. Don’t use that as an excuse for us not to do this. Either you want us to have a child, or you don’t. I need you to be fully in on this as well. I’ll need you to show me how to make a bottle a few more times, how to change a diaper, and how to hold them properly. I need you to be patient with me, but I don’t want you to pity me. Is that understood?”
“I understand.” His words started to sink in. He seemed satisfied with your agreeability and turned back to the sink to finish the last two dishes. When the water cut off, you were still frozen in the center of your kitchen and trying to figure out if this was all real or a fever dream.
Ominis was humming a melody that had been playing earlier on Anne’s phonograph as he put away the pan he cleaned last. When he passed you by, a hand reached out to touch you. It dragged across your stomach to your hip and squeezed.
“If you are feeling against the idea any sort of way, now might be your last chance to speak up,” he warned, “I won’t be able to hold back tonight with this on my mind.”
“Don’t hold back-“ Was all he needed to hear before you were backed up against the kitchen counter with his lips how and heavy on yours. His approach was usually far more gentle. The two of you could kiss for hours before he’d even cop a feel. Now his hands were unbuttoning your clothes at your waistline and tugging the fabric down with haste.
This is what you’ve been dreaming of. Only a handful of times had Ominis ever devoured you in such a way. Things were more heated when the two of you were younger, exploring each other, and having uncontrollable urges. Since marriage, Ominis had calmed in that sense. You lived together, so he had the ability to take his time and appreciate every inch of you. It was always about bringing you pleasure as many times as the night would allow. Tonight was a stark contrast to those gentle touches.
Before you knew it, he had your panties around your ankles and was telling you to sit on the counter that he had just cleaned. You hopped up as told, but your position still didn’t have his approval. His fingers hooked under your knees and yanked so that your ass slid across the counter until it was nearly hanging off the edge. He smirked at the feeling of your heated core bumping into his dress pants.
“Right there. Stay right there on the edge for me.” And then he was sinking to his knees. His hands held your inner thighs to keep you from trying to close them, not that you would have.
His mouth was everywhere except the one place you wanted it so desperately. Your clit ached for attention. It seemed like Ominis would be taking his sweet time with you after all. This was usually welcomed attention, but tonight, you wanted him inside you more than anything. You didn’t even need to finish yourself as long as he spilled inside of you.
But even though your mind didn’t need an orgasm, that didn’t mean your body wasn’t craving it. Your hips bucked slightly when his nose nearly brushed against your clit. His hands held you down on the counter as he chuckled. The vibration of his laugh made you quiver.
“Don’t fall off the counter, now. Twisting your ankle won’t get you out of taking my cock. I’d just lay you on the bed and elevate your foot with pillows before filling you up.”
“Ominis,” your voice came out like you were scolding him. He’s spoken dirty before, but never quite like that.
“Just today you admitted in this very kitchen that you push my buttons on purpose to get me to snap and bite you, yet I’m the one being told off. And for what? Making sure my wife’s hypothetical, hurt ankle would be taken care of before I give her the child she so desperately wants?”
“I- oh-,” You lost your train of thought as his lips brushed against your clit before taking it in his mouth and sucking. The feeling was too much after waiting for so long. You squirmed again, this time to get away. The feeling in the pit of your stomach always felt better releasing when things had been slow and steady. Now, you could feel the tension building alarmingly fast.
Ominis took your hips trying to move as a sign of your eagerness. His tongue lapped up your wetness that had started to seep out. Then, it dipped inside of you and his nose rubbed against your clit. Your hands were gripping the edge of the counter to keep yourself from flying off.
Now you were saying his name like a prayer. Your breathy pleas were quite the opposite from how you had just scolded him a few moments ago. Hearing you pant and mumble his name made him smirk. You could feel the corner of his mouth rise slightly against you. That action was enough to send you over the edge, almost literally if Ominis hadn’t been holding you in place on the counter. He kept his tongue in place to feel you pulse around it, though he was careful not to overstimulate you and ruin your high. Only when the pulsations slowed to nearly an end did he pull back and stand up.
“Such a good girl for me. Coming on my tongue and sounding so sweet.” He kissed you with the taste of your juices still on his tongue. You hadn’t even dared to let go of the counter while Ominis got to work unbuttoning his own pants. “Was gonna wait to have you in the bedroom, but I don’t think I can.” And then, he was lined up at your entrance and pushing in.
His movements were slow as he took you in an all consuming kiss to distract you from the stretch. Normally, you could handle whatever Ominis threw at you. This time, you were sitting nearly upright because of how close Ominis held your for the kiss. The position made it hard to take him fully, at least in an enjoyable way. You tried leaning back, and while that did help things start to feel pleasurable, your hand had landed in a stick of butter. The plate clanked against the counter. You immediately cursed under your breath.
Ominis, having heard the plate, had the audacity to laugh at your demise. He pulled out and scolded you, “You aren’t making a mess of my clean kitchen, are you?”
“It seems like you’ll have to wait until we get to the bedroom after all, and now I’ve got to wash my hand as well!”
His hands didn’t leave you the entire time you stood at the sink to try and scrub away the slimy mess on your hand. Even while walking down the hallway his hands were at work taking off your shirt and throwing it who knows where. Needless to say, you were both naked by the time you made it to the bedroom.
Vibrations ran down your neck from his voice mumbling while his lips were against your skin. “Lay on the bed.”
You had expected his hands to be all over you again the moment your back landed on the mattress. Instead, Ominis felt around for the pillows at the head of the bed. He tapped your hip. “Lift up.”
It was hard to deny his odd request because of how deeply you loved when he got a bit bossy like this. You lifted your bum so that he could slide a few pillows under you. The gesture seemed sweet, but entirely unnecessary. You’d been married for nearly nine years now, it wasn’t like you were delicate in the bedroom.
“You’re very sweet, my love, but I don’t need this to be comfortable. You won’t break me.”
Ominis stilled. His hand rested on your thigh. It looked as though he was debating something. “It’s not… for your comfort.”
“Then why are you- oh.” You swallowed your words when it set in. Your hips were high in the air like this. Gravity would make the mess Ominis was about to make stay inside you instead of seeping out.
“But are you comfortable like this?” Ominis ran his hand from your hip to your breast. His hand squeezing around you was faint and soft, more akin to a tender caress instead of anything overtly sexual.
“Yes,” you earnestly answered.
“You might have to stay like this for quite some time,” Ominis leaned closer to your ear to whisper, “Can you handle that?”
You nodded, then felt stupid before replying verbally, “I’m comfortable like this. I can stay as long as you think it’s necessary for it to… set in.”
His hand moved from your breast to lay over your heartbeat for a moment. A satisfied smirk spread across his lips. “Your heart is racing.”
“I might be a bit excited.”
“Oh yeah?” Both his hands smoothed down your body until they rested on your hips. He got on his knees between your legs. “Is that what people are calling it these days?” His thumb messily rubbed over your clit then dipped down between your folds to feel the sticky arousal that had been leaking out of you since the kitchen. There wasn’t much of a rhythm to his movements because he was just wetting his hand so that he could lubricate himself, but still, his hand touching you there in any capacity made your breathing pick up.
You were mumbling his name all desperate and breathy. Ominis chuckled at how needy you sounded. Giving you what you were begging for, he lined himself up, which caused you to whimper even more because his tip dragged across your clit a few times before he found your entrance. As he started to sink in, you sighed in relief. This angle was much better than sitting on the counter. With surprising ease, he nearly bottomed out. There was just a pinch of tightness that made him still for a moment.
His lips were leaving tender kisses across your chest and neck while he let you adjust to the feeling. You were mumbling into his neck for him to move, to take you. Your neediness made him want to give in to those desires, but Ominis wanted to memorize everything about this moment. The smell of sweat and sex in the air was absolutely vile, but incredibly mouthwatering all the same. He could go deeper than he ever had before at this angle, but that area felt tight around his tip. Ominis pulled out slightly and thrust back in slowly, being careful not to go too far and hurt you.
“More,” you were begging, nearly crying in the crook of his shoulder.
Not being able to deny you a second longer, Ominis started to thrust his hips. It wasn’t shallow, but he still wouldn’t let himself go further than the two of you were used to. Your arms wrapped around him and your nails lightly skimmed across his shoulders. He shivered and his hips stuttered unevenly, accidentally driving deeper into you. Immediately, Ominis pulled back and whispered an apology in your ear, but you held tighter onto him.
“Again, do it again.”
A tentative hand brushed the hair off your forehead so Ominis could kiss it. He pushed in deeper, but deliberately slow so he could listen for any signs of discomfort. His thumb found your clit again, hoping to give you a bit of pleasure to combat the fullness. The second his thumb grazed over you, your walls convulsed around his cock and your body shook erratically.
Ominis felt his own waves of pleasure building. On instinct, he tried to pull out to finish on your stomach. Your thighs wrapped around his waist to hold him in place.
“Please, come inside me. I want to make you a daddy.”
Your words made the tips of his ears go red. But now that he wasn’t so lost in the moment, he remembered the whole point of the evening, why he had made you rest your hips on a pile of pillows, and why he was able to reach this deep inside you in the first place.
“Stop me if it hurts,” was all the warning Ominis could give before his hips started to rut against you, hitting as deep as his length would allow with every feverish thrust. His pelvis was hitting your clit each time, Turning you right back into a moaning mess beneath him.
“There, right there.”
His breath was hot and heavy on your neck, “Gonna fill you up with my seed, sweetheart. I’m gonna fuck you just like this twice a day with your hips all high and willing to take me until we find out it worked. And then, I’m going to keep coming in you every night after to celebrate. I’ll fill you up so good, that we won’t know if it’s my come or my child growing in you that’s making you bigger.”
Talking dirty wasn’t new for Ominis, but it was rarely obscene and never, ever like this. That with how deep and fast he was fucking you made you speechless, breathless, thoughtless. You couldn’t even see straight, so you just held onto him for dear life and panted, but no breath was deep enough to fill your lungs or call you down. The tension in your entire body builds to the point that your leg was cramping. You wrapped it around Omni’s leg just to ease the pressure, but Ominis saw that as you wanting him to go harder.
So he did. His hips snapped into you hysterically. You cried out in ecstasy as another orgasm hit you like a train.
His hips faltered and he groaned as he came while your walls relentlessly milked his cock. You couldn’t stop writhing beneath him. Feeling his warm spurts of come paint your walls and add pressure made your intense waves of pleasure drag out. Ominis was on his elbows and panting, his lips right above yours. You already couldn’t breathe, but you pulled him down for a kiss regardless.
“I love you,” he gasped as he pulled away from the kiss. “Was that okay? Are you hurting? Should I get you a-“
Ominis had started to move, but your arms wrapped tighter around him and your walls clenched around his length. “Don’t move yet. Stay. Just stay.”
Seeming to understand and reciprocate your need to be close, Ominis rested on an elbow and then used his other hand to caress your body as if you were made of glass. “I’m not going anywhere, love.”
The two of you laid like that for a while just playing with each other’s hair and whispering sweet nothings. Soon, Ominis started to get hard again inside of you. He slyly shifted his hips, but his excuse of getting more comfortable didn’t work on you.
“Ominis,” you whined in an exhausted tone. How was he ready to go again!?
His kisses on your neck paused while he laughed against your skin. “Well, I did say twice a day until we’re certain, didn’t I?”
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a-single-white-crow · 4 months
Household Spirits
Household sprits are personal favorite of mine. There are many examples in media of homes being alive or sentient. A famous Slavic example is the walking home of the Baba Yaga. In Western culture, we have the Castle from Howl's Moving Castle; if not from the book, then from the famous Studio Ghibli film of the same name. And seen in an absolute favorite film of mine, the 2006 animated film Monster House.
Now, what is a household spirit?
Simply, an entity or energy that specifically protects the home and Household
(Some may see their home as an energy/feeling in the home. If this energy is truly a Spirit or just the energy given to the home I’m unsure. So, for the sake of this topic, I will also be calling this energy a Household Spirit.)
There are two main categories of this Spirit. That of Deities and those of lesser Spirits.
House Deities are much more powerful and grand. They focus not on one home but many or all.
An example of a household Deity could be the Greek Goddess of Hearth; Hestia.
As for the lesser forms, they are more local. Focused on individual homes and households. They are a Spirit for the people.
Some examples of these Spirits are...
Brownies, Scottish (also taken by Irish)
Kobold/Hobgoblin, German
Lares, Roman
Gasin, Korea
Domovoy, Slavic
Nissie, Norwegian
These Spirits, as one can assume, were worshiped in the home. Some would have a small Idol/Effigy to represent the Spirit on a shrine, while others were seen more as members of the family. Going as far as to even invite them for family meals.
Personally I find caring for a household Spirit to be a priority. If nothing else they help fill one's home with wanted healthy energy. As an ignored home and Household Spirit can become dull, ill, or tired. Leading the home to become more susceptible to unwanted hauntings and negative energy filling the space.
For myself, my Household Spirit is genuinely one of my favorites to work with. His personality is so full. He has given myself and my husband so much motivation when working on our home.
It's not always happiness and rainbows with him though. He has caused a bit of trouble when he feels the need to. When I first started working with him, I let him know immediately that my husband is autistic and has adhd while I have adhd and have minor hoarding tendencies. So we can struggle with simple chores sometimes. I was clear with what to expect from us as our household Spirit. And because of this, he sometimes needs to get creative. I had a bathroom mat that was so worn and used the bottom of it was peeling away and leaving rubber bits everywhere. I kept saying I should replace it but I just never did. Years I kept that same rug. A week into working with our Household Spirit that rug was nudged towards the bathroom trashcan, rolled up slightly, and just anyway he could he pointed myself and my husband towards getting rid of the old worn thing. We never did. Always getting distacted or forgetting about it. Until one day we went into the guest bathroom and the rug was stained beyond saving. Completely destroyed. This forced instant action. We couldn't put it aside and it gave me the push to actually toss it. Since then he hasn't acted so drastically. But even then, I appreciated his act as it was the final kick I needed to get rid of that rug.
The moral of this story is to say...
They know how to get a job done. Make sure to let them know they are appreciated, and they will make it worth your while. And remember, they aren't messing around.
Food (ie. Bread, sweets, fruits, ect.)
Drink (ie. Wine, Water, tea, dairy, ect.)
Speaking with the Spirit: Saying “Hello” when you come home
Lighting a Candle
Coins and trinkets
Creating of getting an effigy/Idol for the Spirit
***Note for Brownies and Hobs- Although they wear rags or "peasant's clothes". Never give them clothes. It is an ultimate insult for them, and they will leave***
What does a Household Spirit do?
Helps clean your home- Both in a literal sense and in a spiritual sense
You can leave an offering to your House Spirit asking them to protect your home while you are away for long periods of time.
Bring good luck
Find lost things
Certain types are known to leave gifts- Kobold/Hobgoblin
Can be mischievous or down right evil if mistreated- Breaking items or stealing things
When moving away does a Household Spirit go with you?
Answer: Depends on the Spirit
Some House Spirits are more like a Household Spirit meaning family and not house specific.
Others like the Domovoy of Slavic folklore are a house specific spirit. Meaning, when you move that specific Spirit stays.
When leaving being a House Spirit (as the Domovoy) make sure to perform a Ritual of Thanks to show appreciation, allow the Spirit to understand why you are leaving, and so the House Spirit will treat the next family with respect.
If there are ever any questions about whether your House Spirit should come or stay don’t be afraid to ask. Sometimes, even just your intuition is an answer.
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mildy-vibing · 5 months
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Alright I'm going to go off on a mild Itty bitty little head canon / AU of mine. Side note, grammar is not my strong suit.
Personally, I interpret the lamb as a very damaged being. They don't take it out on the world, instead they are very sympathetic and caring of their followers. The Lamb wants to make sure that each and every follower knows they are loved and not alone. The Lamb wishes to protect them and - even at the expense of their over dependence on them - keep them from the horrors of the world beyond the cult boundaries. They wish not to have anyone experience what they had experienced. Being the last of your kind (Toothless Experience) does damage to one's psyche.
Like, having to fight 4 bishops and a God just for the right to continue living hurts. The Lamb has struggled with plagues, hardship, and far too many wounds to count. Eventually they wish to know at least some peace in the form of death.
Oh yeah, you can't when you are death.
The Lamb also struggles with building deeper relationships. In the beginning years, they took up spouses. However, the knowledge that you will outlive them and everyone around you will always remain. When Narinder came around, for once, the lamb found a stable factor in their life. A hateful (secretly loving), immortal friend-turned-lifelong-partner.
Did the lamb hate the Bishops when they joined their cult? No. They still find the actions of the bishops deplorable. However, they understand these acts were done out of fear. Even though the bishops have hurt them in the past, the lamb would rather keep them on cult grounds than have them roaming the world.
Does the lamb enjoy being the God of death? They aren't exactly leaping for joy, but they accept it. What they do not like is what came with it. For decades, they were you know, lamb sized. When they ascended to God hood, their body grew to accommodate such power. And that means more than just becoming giant. It meant their senses heightened. All around them, they can feel life and the power that flows through the ecosystem. It greatly stresses them, often leading to overstimulation. Only Narinder is aware of the more vulnerable side of his husband. However, Lamb likes to keep their forms separate. They prefer their smaller, more agile form to their taller, imposing godly form. Better for the followers and all.
What does being the God of Death bring? A lot. Other deities, gods and divine beings still believe only Narinder as the God of Death. This is a point of mild frustration for the lamb. Would you be mad too if you fought your way to get a title you hardly wanted and nobody took you seriously. The only being that even has a speck of respect is ???. Even then, ??? treats them more like a child than a adult God.
The lamb hates the name 'Infant God'.
They often find themselves reminding people that they are indeed, 'God of Death' and not someone to be joked about. Yes, they are young by God standards, but still, they find such name degrading.
Narinder still finds it humorous at people believing he is still God of Death.
Anyways, end of my TedTalk. I'm open to questions, comments and stuff :]
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'God form Lamb and Narinder'
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
SDV Alex x Reader - Prompt Response - "Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
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Summary: Alex sees something through your window one night and it scares him silly. You have to explain to him that it's pretty normal out here on the farm and there is nothing to fear. ...Well, you were pretty sure there wasn't, anyway.
Pairing: SDV Alex x Female!Reader; SDV Alex x Female!Farmer
A/N: Prompt from @thelonelyempath. Alex is the only other character I've married in the game (I usually marry my girl Leah and well, I married Shane once but I'm still traumatized by the empty pizza boxes so like fight club, I don't talk about it) and he's such a cutie. This scene immediately popped into my head for the prompt line.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 1187
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
Soldier Boy version | Beau version | Dean version | Jenny version | Tom version | Jason version | Anael version
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“Ahhhh, Y/N!”
You woke up with a start, immediately sitting up and glancing around the room. You spotted your husband running back to your bed from the window, a look of terror in his face. Before you could ask what was wrong, he leapt under the covers and burrowed himself under his pillow, the linens trembling. Beyond being confused, you glanced around the room again, seeing a green face in the window staring back at you. You jumped and then realized just who you were looking at. You silently cursed yourself for leaving your sword in the other room. She gave you a toothy smirk before flying off, her cackles being heard through the thin-paned glass. 
You shook your head and sighed, turning to glance at the shaking lump next to you. “It’s alright, honey. She’s gone.”
An eye peeked out from under the blankets. “W-What?”
You pulled the blanket back over his head, smiling. “She’s gone,” you repeated. “You can come out now.”
Alex lifted up, warily glancing around, his hair sticking up adorably. “She?”
You smiled and sat back against the headboard, reaching over to run your fingers through his hair. “The witch.”
Alex turned around and sat next to you, placing his shoulder next to yours. “You say that like it’s normal.”
You shrugged. “She flies around here sometimes and she likes to curse animals, people.”
Alex glanced over at you in alarm.
Your grin grew. “You don’t need to worry about her, silly. She usually leaves us alone.” Your smile started to fade when you thought back to what The Wizard had asked you to do a couple of months back. “Then again, I did take The Wizard’s Magic Ink after bribing the Goblin to get into her hut when she wasn’t there.” You bit your lip in thought before you turned a reassuring smile onto your husband. “But that was months ago.”
“Again, you say all of that like it’s normal.” He shook his head before studying you intently. “Are you sure she’s not upset with you because of this ink you took or whatever?”
You shrugged. “Not one hundred percent sure but pretty close.” You weren’t too worried about it. For the most part, The Witch left you alone. A few of your chickens couldn’t say the same but that was a small price to pay considering.
Alex slowly nodded, mulling it over and glancing back at the window. He then suddenly sat up a little straighter and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into him. “Yeah, well, if she comes back for you, babe, she better think twice. Or she’ll have me to deal with.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from teasing him that he had been hidden under the blankets not that long ago when you and The Witch were engaged in a staring contest. Instead, you smiled, touched at the words and the gesture your husband was trying to make. “Thanks, honey,” you murmured. “But we’ll be okay.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “We will.”
He held you for a little bit longer, rubbing your arm, before you both settled back down under the covers. You were content to lie there with your head on his chest and him rubbing your back. You were completely relaxed, ready to think about falling back asleep when you heard “Sleep. I”ll keep you safe.” 
You dug your teeth into your bottom lip to keep from chuckling and instead, you smiled and hugged him tighter. “Love you, honey,” you whispered.
“Love you, too, babe.” You heard an adorable yawn follow and his ministrations on your back began to slow. It wasn’t too long before you heard a tell-tale snoring under your ear. 
You gently disentangled yourself from his arms, got out of bed, and tiptoed into the main room. You grabbed your sword and hurried back into the bedroom, the chill of the night air infecting the floor and nipping at your bare feet. You set the sword down carefully within your reach and then got back into bed, noting the cat had joined you, all curled up at yours and Alex’s feet, staring wide-eyed at the window, almost as if on sentry. You nearly laughed at the sight, knowing that while you were intent on making sure your husband felt safe enough to get a good night’s sleep on your farm, your pet was also practically guarding you both. 
You shook your head, chuckling under your breath, before you gingerly settled yourself back into your husband’s arms. His snoring cut off for a moment and he tightened his arms around you, pulling you in closer, before it resumed…right in your ear. You smiled and pressed a kiss to his covered chest, laying your head back down to sleep. It wasn’t long before you were drifting off, The Witch’s cackle echoing somewhere far off as you did. You simply wrote it off as you starting to dream.
And if there was another Void Chicken on your farm the next morning and your husband turned wide eyes on you as he saw it while attempting to give you a hand with feeding the animals, you decided that it was simply what The Witch had done before Alex caught sight of her the night before. And when Alex moved a little closer to you, sticking to you like glue for the next hour, half-protective, half-scared, you figured a visit to The Wizard might be in order a little later that day. If he couldn’t help you, then you’d be making the journey to The Witch’s hut again, intent on settling the matter once and for all.
You didn’t mind The Witch but if your husband didn’t feel safe (and your animals certainly weren’t), then you were intent on doing whatever it took to restore that feeling for him. Especially since, you were pretty sure that you had some important news to tell him in the next day or so, once you had seen Harvey at the clinic to confirm your suspicions.
You surprised him with a hug and smiled, leaning up for a kiss. He smirked and gave you one before you both glanced out over the farm you had built that now belonged to both of you. You watched as the sun continued to warm the sky and paint the horizon in all kinds of colors. You’d seen plenty of sunrises on your own but sharing ones like these with Alex were beyond special. You were grateful that you’d chosen to make the move to Pelican Town and that you found him. You two were building a life together and no disgruntled witch was going to ruin that, not if you had anything to say about it.
“I love you, Alex,” you murmured to him, still staring at the sky. You felt him kiss the side of your head. “I love you, babe.” You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder, feeling him gently lay his head on top of yours. Your grandpa had been right; this was just how life should be.
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 😊
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thesupreme316 · 7 months
Can I make a request with the boys with a reader who is introverted and how the boys make them feel more comfortable (please add Daniel Garcia he’s my pookie🤭)
AEW STARS React To: Having An Introverted S/O
Pairings: Daniel Garcia x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Max Caster x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, MJF x Reader, Hook x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader
Word Count: 837
Supreme Speaks: otay sorry for being late but here is another post. also OVER 300 FOLLOWERS??? thank yall so much for the support and love yall show my posts💖 please remember that you are loved and appreciated!
Warnings: GIFS ARE NOT MINE, slightly proofread, fluffy as shit
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Daniel Garcia (ya pookie):
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Okay I am convinced that DG is an ambivert
Mans is both extroverted and introverted
So he understands when you need to wind down
Would constantly take you to your favorite places
I would also like to think that DG is that person who would drop everything for you if your battery dies or if you don’t feel well
Isiah: Danny, where are you go-
DG: My baby needs me, now move mushroom
Is perfectly fine with you being shy/introverted and doesn’t judge you at all
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As an introvert, he doesn’t give it any thought
He would find your introverted self adorable
I think to make you more comfortable, he would participate with you in various activities
Because of him being private, he won’t force you to do anything that you don’t want to
Keeps a list of many things you like to do
Doesn’t force you to speak or introduce yourself to others
Knows that you don’t have plans so if he needs to run errands; he’s dragging you with him
If anything he’s your security guard while you sit in the corner on your phone or reading
Ricky Starks:
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We know how spectacular (and bold) this man is
But he is super understanding and caring
Know when he needs to tone it down so doesn’t overwhelm you
He will push you to speak to others but he wouldn’t want you to change
Ricky will try to help you find new comforts but is okay with just the two of you sitting at home and watching tv
To make you comfy, he’ll tease you with loving remarks, letting you know that he adores your introverted self
He’ll also talk for you if you want him to (cause Jesus that man can talk)
Eddie Kingston (ma husband):
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In my mind, Eddie is sensitive and can detect how people from first meeting them
So when he first meets you and sees how introverted you are, he immediately attaches himself to you and becomes your guard dog
He prefers to sit in corners anyway, so your introverted life is his speed
Hates to push “out of your comfort zone” but he will support you in whatever you do
Will ditch whoever to come and check on you; it doesn’t matter who they are
To make you comfortable, he will speak up for you (especially if you can’t say no to people)
Tbh, its like Rottweiler x Black Cat type of relationship
Christian Cage: (ma sugar daddy)
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Teehee this man believes you are just adorable beyond relief
Doesn’t mind doing the majority of the talking when you two are together
I feel like he’ll introduce you to others and if you don’t show interest/or speak up, he is quick to leave with you in tow
To comfort you, he will tone down his extrovertness (? Idk if that’s a word) and make himself available for you to warm up to him
He doesn’t wanna scare you off
Christian will even let up on the teasing and “bullying” others just to make sure that you’re okay
But he will buy you gifts to let you know what he likes you
I feel like overall, the man is changing his himself and personality to adhere to you and your interest
Max Caster:
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I will admit it (cause this is how I visualize it)
He initially fucks up
Max is so damn loud and hyper that he scares you off very quickly
After calming down, he apologizes to you and actually becomes close to you before asking you out
He tries to make you louder and (boldly) confident but is told repeatedly by Anthony and Billy that you prefer to be away from the spotlight and like to be quiet most of the time
From then on, Max tries his best to ensure that he’s not being too loud around you
To make you comfy, I can see him trying to make you laugh at any place or time (so he still doesn’t shut up)
Man is whipped for you and will do anything to make you feel comfortable
That includes taping his mouth shut
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Hehe this man
He will gladly be the mouthpiece of your relationship
Unlike other people, MJF will loudly announce that you guys would need to leave and not lie
“Okay you marks, you all with your repulsive faces and boring personalities are draining my lovely yet quiet significant other. So…we are leaving, peace bitches”
He’ll introduce you to others..but that’s it for fear that you’ll get overwhelmed
Like Ricky and Max, he can talk your ear off if it’s what you need
Or he’ll just sit down and watch TV with you like Hook
Since dating you, he’s calmed down with his arrogance and tries his best not to get angry
Around you….he’s still an asshole to everyone else
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redsaurrce · 2 years
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Part 1 ! Part-3
Synopsis : After you discovered your boyfriend cheating on you, you have no option but to leave him, isn't it?
Pairing : YANDEREJeon Jungkook x dancer fem!reader
Genre : cheaterjk!au
Word count : 1.38 K
Warnings : Betrayal and cheating, swearing, heartbreak (ugh man)
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You stormed away with tears in your eyes, the one thing you despised the most with every fiber on your body became your reality. You got fucking cheated on.
You exasperated with pain in your chest as you clenched it tight and vowed to yourself to never give Jungkook a second chance.
Jungkook felt numb as he saw you go away from him with the intention of never coming back, his lips quivered as he tried to process what the hell just happened when at the very moment he felt someone lean on his side, "Baby she's gone now, let's go for a round two, shall we?" Her honey like sweet voice only felt boiling poison dripping down on Jungkook's ears.
He yanked his arm away from her with wide eyes, "What the hell is your fucking problem?" What Jungkook felt was beyond rage and confusion.
She smiled, "Mine? C'mon! All I did was come near you, it was you who took me in your arms afterall." She said with a smirk.
His eye twitched, "You clearly took the advantage of a drunk person, your level of delusion baffles me."
She pouted, "Oh really? Then why didn't you follow Y/N instead of staying beside me now?" She raised her eyebrows. He scoffed, "That is because I don't want your filthy scent anywhere near my Y/N. I will go to her again when I get rid of this filth and become the perfect man for her again. Now get the fuck lost out of here."
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Wow, after all that, you are going to throw a girl away in the middle of the night? Sounds like a perfect womanizer move to me."
Jungkook threw a threatening look towards her direction, "Woma- hah! You will pay for this." He said as he went inside and came back with all of her belongings and threw it on her face. "I will make sure that you regret your actions." He said angrily as he shoved her out of the door.
In the next few days everyone got to know about Jungkook's and your former dance partner's wife's affair, news like these spread like a wildfire afterall. People either sympathized with you or just made you embarassed of not keeping your man in check.
"Maybe he got bored of her pretty quickly, not even surprised though."
"Tch, if I were to choose between her and Kira then my choice would be Kira for sure."
"They never looked good together anyway. Kira and Jungkook look like the perfect match to me."
Your eyes stung when you heard the last sentence, right! Cheaters should stay together so others would not face heartbreak, they sure make the perfect match. You gulped as you thought.
Jimin, who was Kira's husband and your dance partner, had already resigned from the team as he decided to take the offer from France which he had been turning down from the last six months amidst all of this chaos.
Fair enough, you saw how betrayed and heartbroken Jimin looked the next day he got to know about Jungkook and Kira. He had asked you to share a drink with him while he vented to you how much he loved her with all his heart but his lover proceeded to betray him without a second thought. As much as he wanted his wife back, he could not because the trust is already broken and he won't be able to see her as she was before.
Kira had apparently already declared to him that she's never coming back because she loves Jungkook and that is how their marriage came to an end in the blink of an eye.
For you, Jungkook hadn't called a single time, nor did he even text for an apology. "What? That night it seemed as if he had some explanation? Why is he quite now?" You scoffed to yourself, perhaps it was real that both of them had feelings for one another.
You thought as you gulped yet another glass of soju to your oblivion that Jungkook had actually been watching you from afar in secret all along.
"Jimin, good for you that you are going to France. I'm thinking to leave the team as well, I don't want to stay amongst these people." You said in heavy voice as you were growing tired of all the nasty comments people kept on making about you. "For the first time in my life I felt so worthless and insecure about myself, I don't think I can live long if I continue living in such an environment." You said as you wiped your tears using your sweater paws.
You suddenly paused as you looked at your sleeve wet due to your tears, you dry chuckled to yourself as you remembered that this was actually Jungkook's habit of wiping your tears using his sweater paws and you had subconsciously took up his habit.
You looked at the ceiling in pain, those days were in fact the best days of your life, everyday with Jungkook was a gift to you, he used to call you beautiful every now and then, made you feel confident about yourself with every passing day. That's why this betrayal feels unbearable for you. Now because of his actions, you feel so low about yourself.
Jimin cleared his throat across the line, "Y/N you there?"
"Oh I'm sorry, I was just reminded of the old days." You sniffed a little.
He hummed, "I see. Where are you planning to go?" He asked you.
"Shanghai. Li Xun, my ex-dance coach when moved to China had told me that he will whole-heartedly welcome me if I ever decided to join his team. I'm thinking to contact him." You said as you sighed to yourself.
He smiled, "Sounds great. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. Contact me when you move to China." You smiled as well, "I will. Take care."
"You too."
You had turned in your resignation the same day your ex-coach had confirmed your resume. And the moment your resignation processed, you booked the earliest flight to Shanghai which was today.
When you entered the airport, someone grabbed your wrist from behind. You turned around, just to look at the man who was responsible for you to leave the country.
"Please don't go Y/N." he breathed with yearning in his voice. You yanked your wrist out of his hold as you looked at him with mocked expression, "Jungkook I told you already to never see me again."
"Y/N-" "K&J's daughter in law caught in a recent scandal is causing uproar in the business world. She had taken advantage of a drunk man and now the alleged relationships of her past are resurfacing. K&J's Mr. Park has been reported to be seen in France, sources say that they have ended their marriage, thus K&J is likely to cut ties with Mujin group." Jungkook's sentence was cut by the news reporter on the display screen in the airport.
You knew K&J was Jimin's father's company with Mujin being Kira's grandfather's.
Jungkook returned his gaze from the screen towards you, "You saw that yourself Y/N, it was a misunderstanding."
"But nothing changes the fact that you had slept with her Jungkook!" You almost wanted to scream at him in frustration.
He shook his head, "But I was fucking drunk. How was I supposed to stay calm after I saw that Park Jimin dancing so closely to you?"
You scoffed, "So you proceeded to be intimate with his wife as a revenge."
"No wtf?! I'm trying to say that I was so drunk that I thought it was you the whole time we were making out." He said in desperation.
You scoffed again, "Oh so you failed to recognize me? Great! Do you know it seems like you were never in love, you were just obsessed with me to the point that you drunk so badly to ruin our relationship the day which was supposed to be happy for us." You gulped, "Just another reason why I should hate you even more."
"H-Hate?" Jungkook finally seemed to get the picture, "That's right. Therefore, never bother me again." And you walked away yet again, the same way you walked away that night from him.
He looked at your silhoutte through his blurred vision, "Y/N I will come to you again, and when I do so.. do not push me away." He whispered with his broken voice as he looked at the contacts of his phone and clicked on the caller named- Plastic Surgeon Lee Suho.
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The fact that you guys stayed around for part 2 is so heart warming :"( <33
Tysm for making it till the end, your feedback is HIGHLY appreciated 💗 MWAHH!!
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thatmexisaurusrex · 4 months
My Current Table of Contents
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Lol finally changed the banner into something better 😂 Anyways, reposting an updated Table of Contents for my AO3 works. Check it out here or on my AO3 😆 :
Canon Divergence:
The Bucky Quest Saga, which tells the behind the scenes story between Sam and Bucky post-Captain America: the Winter Soldier through to The Falcon and the Winters Soldier and beyond that
A Captain and His Bucky which is what if Bucky was the original Captain America, Sam has been Captain America since the events Avengers Movie, Steve Rogers is the Winter Soldier, and Sam found Bucky thawing from a chunk of ice in SHIELD headquarters during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and has now taken him in to help him navigate life in the future
My Aaron Davis/Peter B. Parker Fake Marriage Enemies to Lovers Fic You're a Sunflower (I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much)
My Heimdall/Sam Wilson Post-TFATWS Fic Series, Loving Are All-Seeing Men and Midgardian Captains
Sam Wilson finds himself in a very strange game show with some asshole named Bucky Barnes, The Marriage Game
Two clubbing feelings with porn SamBucky fics. One that happens post-TWS during Bucky's European Tour and one that happens during the black market art auction nightclub scene in TFATWS. The fics titles, as well as this collection title, are based on lines in the song hand crushed by a mallet by 100 gecs, I didn’t get to tell you goodbye
A story about Sam and Bucky finding out that Sam's dead husband Riley is a Winter Soldier, Captain America, The White Wolf, and the Winter Soldier
A story about Bucky hearing Sam truly laugh for the first and a bonus series of vignettes about Bucky's twenty-three goats and their pun names, Sam and Bucky's Cabin
Time After Time, or my Sorcerer Supreme Sam Canon Divergence Fic
Back in the Gulf, where Sam Wilson tries to figure out where he fits in the world post-blip and if he wants Bucky Barnes to be part of his life.
My All Caps fic, sometimes that's all we need, an Endgame Canon Divergence where everyone lived, no one went old and went to the past, and Steve and Bucky are competing for Captain America Sam Wilson's love and attention
Five Times Bucky Got Dirty and the One Time Bucky Got Sam Dirty, a two-part fic about five times Bucky got dirty around Sam and the one time Bucky got Sam dirty
My gay chicken, post-blip, accidental undercover fake married fic, Playing with Fire
My Valentine's Day Fic about Sam Not Knowing He's Actually Dating Bucky, You'll Never Be My Maybe.
Meanwhile... a short two-part fic about Sam and Bucky figuring out their love for each other while on a mission.
My Gideon Visits and Shenanigans Ensue two-parter, A Surprise Visit
My IWTV Season 1, Episode 2 Loustat fic, I don't think you realize (but you are in my insides)
The Beyoncé Trilogy, a series of three fics inspired by the Beyoncé songs "Blow", "Cuff It", and "Texas Hold 'Em" that take place during an alternate version of CATWS.
Fantasy AUs:
My Fantasy/Medieval/Arranged Marriage AU, Golden is the Sun
His Wingless Stranger, which is a "What if WWII Bucky fell off that train into a world that spliced Tomorrowland with Hiyao Miyazaki and Sam lived in a future society where everyone has wings?"
My Apothecary Meets Prince Who Accidentally Becomes His Apprentice Fic Series, The White Wolf Apothecary
My Star Wars AU, Star Wars Episode IV.V: The Phantom Hookup
Fairytale AU, The Little White Wolf
A story about monster Hunter Joaquín meets Vampire Sam and Werewolf Bucky in a bar, Joaquín Torres Monster Hunter
The Two Strangers, A post-apocalyptic future western SamBucky AU on a different planet
My Practical Magic inspired AU, Impractical Magic
My matelotage Pirate!Sam, Merman!Bucky fic, Reaching Out For You
My Future Kid Fic, Pre-Vampire Apocalypse fic Canary in the Coal Mine
My Selkie and Pirate two-part love story, The Selkie and the Pirate Elect
My If You Were the Last AU, The Hypothetical
The Midnight Lover, my bittersweet Vampire AU
My Percy Jackson and the Olympians AU, Sam Wilson and the Olympians
No Powers AUs:
My Single All the Way AU, A No Snow Christmas
My Popstar AU, The Only Thing That I Refuse to Forget
My one fantastic impromptu date fic, A Night With You
My airport chase confession fic My Best Friend's Brother
My Bachelor AU, If I Take You Home
My Christmas Fake Relationship Fic, For the Holidays
From That Show, my Sitcom Actors!AU
My High School AU fic, Walking and Running to You 
My Anthologies:
The SamBucky Halloween 2021 Anthology I made for the SamBucky Halloween 2021 event the SamBucky Library is hosting
The WinterFalcon Week 2021 I participated in that's being hosted by the WinterFalcon Week tumble
The Nine Short Dates with Sam and Bucky ficlet series I made
The Sambtember Ficlets and Drabble Anthology I created for the Samtember event hosted by the Sam Wilson Fest tumblr
The Kinktober Collection 2021;
Water They Waiting For anthology series. It's 9 writers, 19 stories, and a lot of sexual tension involving water
My SarahBucky fics for Fleur de Louve Month2021
My SamBuckyTorres anthology, Captains and Falcons and White Wolves, Or My!
My collection of three fics for the MYSU Holiday Gift Exchange 2021!
My collection of fics based on the SamBucky Library's Candy Hearts Event 2022, SamBucky Library's Candy Hearts Event 2022 Fic Anthology
My collection of stories inspired by my the Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary on my tumblr, The Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary Auxiliary Stories
My collection of fics based on the 2 card of the MYSU Valentine's Day Bingo 2022, MYSU Valentine's Day Bingo 2022 Fic Anthology
My collection of fics based on the photos in post by hot-chocolates-world on tumblr, The Tush Collection
My collection for the SamBucky AU Week 2022, My SamBucky AU Week 2022 Collection
My collection of Drabbles and Ficlets for Samtember 2022
My collection of WinterFalcon Bingo Round Two 2022-2023 Bingo Fills 
My collection of fills for SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2022
My collection of fills for the Sam Wilson Bingo Round 2
My collection of fills for the SamBucky Festive Bingo 2022
My collection of fills for TFATWS Anniversary 2023 Fics
My collection of All Caps Bingo Round One 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Summer Bingo 2023 Fills
My collection of Samtember 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Gift Event 2023 Fics
My collection of SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo 2024 Fics
My SamBucky One-Shots!
My Other One-Shots!
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headphonesbones · 3 months
Shattered dream sans x a reader who works for nightmare- [idk if this is what you mean by like you know writing reqs-]
Cas and Null decided to write this together! Hope you enjoy <3
Alright, this is probably gonna get real complicated REAL FAST
Man is crazy (obvi)
But he’s thankfully (or maybe not thankfully) crazy for you
Uhhh… good luck with that…
So man, this can go a few ways… None of which are probably good lol
Let’s say you’re close to Nightmare before stuff hits the fan. Well, as close as you can get to him…
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but we love him (kinda)
Nightmare, if he actually gives a damn about you, probably would be… let’s just say “reluctant” to have you around his newly corrupted brother.
He trusted him even less now tbh
I mean, at least he’s not suspiciously nice anymore??? /j
So, man’s crazy x2 so both of them are kinda trying to manipulate you in order to “see their side”
Basically, they’re fighting over you. One as a romantic interest and the other as platonic… probably.
But basically, neither are exactly “right”
You were doing a pretty good job at trying to stay away from Shattered!Dream until, one day, he managed to corner you when you were really sleepy
“Oh, poor thing. Aren’t you tired of mercilessly working for that…. Imbecile brother of mine? Come here, rest your head.” Shattered cooed at you from the other end of the room, watching you stumble your way into your house after a particularly rough mission. How did he even get in here? You were too tired to care. You shuffled over to him and slumped down at his feet, resting your head in his lap. He places his hand on your head, tenderly stroking your hair and murmuring sweet nothings. 
So naturally, you were like “whaT THE FU-”
Nah, you totally didn’t suspect anything. I mean, how different could Shattered!Dream be from his old self? (very different, as you’d come to find out)
You hadn’t slept in literal days, you’d just come back from one of Nightmare’s missions, things got messy in that mission, “your husband is dead, we found him with no head” type shenanigans. 
(… the frick did I just say???? ADHD brain is wack as frick, don’t do vegetables, kids)
Your brain was confused and static-y (is that a neurodivergent thing???) and you were just done by that point
You were kinda not too trusting of him, buuuuut… his lap was comfortable, what else can I say, Your Honor?
(I was just in a silly goofy kinda mood, so I fell asleep on my mortal enemy’s lap)
His voice was relaxing, his lap cozy, the mood just right, and you were exhausted beyond belief
So what did you do?
You fell asleep
I have no idea if any of this is coherent
When you woke up (like 16 hours later, thanks to exhaustion) you found that you were in your bed.
You, not knowing wtf just happened, are confused, of course.
Was that all a Dream? Well, Dream was involved but NO, IT WAS NOT A DREAM
You have gay panic for a bit until you see the note on your bedside table
He called you mi cielito in the letter.
Mi cielito?? Depending on if you know Spanish, you may be a little confused. Means “my little sky”... what can I say, he’s a sucker for Moon, Sun, Stars, Sky, etc. motifs
Alright, so…
Thankfully, unlike Nightmare, he’s probably not gonna leave dead birds outside of your doorstep
You know, for someone that doesn’t really like cats (we all know what I’m talking about), Nightmare sure does act like one… Neko! Nightmare coming up? (I know the word “neko” just dealt +40 psychic damage to one of you out there)
Alright, I didn’t really answer your request but I am PLANNING on making this a smol series. So like… a few parts? I just really want to get this out! :]
Cas was sorta working off of first caffeine in week, combined with not sleeping in over 24 hours.
Hope you enjoyed! Please, feel free to send as many requests as you want!
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atrwriting · 2 years
control — aemond x highborn!fem!reader
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me @ 10:15am: posting smut
morning sluts! latest installment of control
as always, warnings: SMUT, choking, overstimulation, p in v penetration, light breeding kink, dub con because you cannot consent in this world, talk of domestic violence, moody aemond
minors fuck off
chapter eight
the hot water was enough to dull anyone’s aches and pains, even those of the heart, but apparently not a pain in the ass.
nope. aemond targaryen still insisted on annoying the shit out of you even in the most relaxing place you could think of.
in fact, to carry out his master plan to annoy you beyond belief, he got into the bath. with you. and sat across from you.
“i find you insufferable,” you mumbled, leaning your head against the tub.
“likewise,” he spat.
your gaze tried to focus on the ripples of the hot water you rested in, but the steam rising from it was making you hazy. sleepy. you didn’t feel safe across from an aemond who was as hot tempered as the water you sat in, so you tried your best to keep your wits and your husband at bay.
“what else would you like to know about me, husband?” you asked, eyeing him.
“how did my grandfather know you’re acquainted with weaponry?” he was quick.
you chewed the inside of your cheek, honestly contemplating his question. “your guess is as good as mine, my prince. he had asked if i ever held a sword, which i didn’t feign the truth to, but he knew before i had spoken of my experience with daggers that i preferred daggers. i highly doubt my father would’ve told your grandfather.”
he narrowed his eyes at you. “you fully expect me to believe that?”
you rolled your eyes. “i’d prefer to keep my jaw in its current place, aemond. it wouldn’t serve me to lie to you.”
he continued to stare at you, studying your face.
“it is beyond me why it matters anyway,” you sighed, sinking lower into the tub. you closed your eyes, leaning your head back against the tub. “women who can wield a sword don’t exactly prompt men to ask for their hand.”
“no,” he mused. “however, they prove to be very useful in a time of war.”
you rolled your eyes. “i beg to differ, husband. your grandfather asked cole to train me in private, and the both of you met us in private. no man wants to fight next to a woman.”
he hummed, letting his eyes drift to the flames roaring in the fireplace. “you’re my wife, princess, and i would gladly fight next to you.”
your eyes snapped to his face then. the orange flames cast delicious shadows all along his upper body not concealed by the bath water, accentuating his strong jawline. you liked the way he also chewed the inside of his cheek when he appeared to be thinking deeply, even if he was most likely thinking of ways to annoy you. if he wasn’t such an asshole, you would’ve asked if you could kiss his stupid, handsome face.
but you wouldn’t. he would have to earn a kiss.
suddenly, lost in your trance while staring at his face, he turned to face you. his eye held your gaze, as he spoke, “i regret hurting you today, princess.”
was that… his way of apologizing? you weren’t sure, but as you stared at your husband, who did not appear to be very close or affectionate with very many people… you decided it would aid you in the long run to take it as such.
“i am not as fragile as i look, my prince,” you stated with a slight smile on your face.
“no,” he sighed, both of his hands fell into the water to find one of your feet in the bath. in his strong hands, he molded the skin on the bottom of your soft foot between his finger tips. your feet were sore, and you didn’t want to admit it, but the light massage felt good. too good. this did not seem to be an advance of the prince, no. this was not sexual in nature. this was intimacy. pure intimacy. you almost objected, but you decided against it. it felt good to be cared for by your husband. relaxed, you glanced at your husband. he continued to appear to think deeply at the flames and massaging your sore muscles was something he was doing absentmindedly. “no, wife, you are not fragile.”
after food had been sent to your rooms and you concluded your bath, your husband and you found slumber soon after. the soft sheets and fluffy feathering of his bed was enough to make anyone forget qualms of the day. sleep washed over you, but not for long.
you awoke with a start, trying to catch your breath. a nightmare had turned your brain into mush and curled your insides around each other. you were red hot, but the room around you was freezing. your eyes flipped to the light embers of the fire and you went to tend to them.
you placed three logs, standing, into a triangle shape and ripped bark from other pieces of wood to use and kindling. you threw them on the embers, and blew three times. they slowly caught, and you hoped it would be enough to light the other three to keep your husband warm.
you crawled back into bed, to which your husband rolled over and wrapped an arm around your middle. you tried to still your breathing, but you were no match for someone as smart as aemond. with his face close to yours, he whispered, “is something troubling you?”
there was no sleep in his voice. you immediately grew worried. “my apologies for waking you, husband-“
“nonsense,” he stated. “while i’m concerned for your thrashing, you’re also quite warm. very convenient when the room is freezing.”
you chuckled. “i started the fire back up for you, husband.”
he hummed. “never met a woman who would sully her fingertips with coals. you’re convenient to have around when i’m too tired to call for a servant. will you be able to find sleep?”
you sighed. “i should be able to.”
“i know you’re lying,” he quipped. “what is the matter?”
“i have terrible nightmares,” you sighed.
“elaborate.” little to no affection in his voice.
you bit the inside of your cheek. “the ones i care about most were hurt, husband.”
he hesitated before he spoke, fumbling with the soft silk of your nightgown. “your family is safe. i made sure of it.”
“i am grateful,” you sighed, smiling. you let your finger tips lightly dance across his back. “maybe there are other things you could do this very moment to quell my anxiety.”
“i can’t have more men sent until the morning,” he stated plainly, completely missing your point. “the ones there should be-“
you scoffed. “i’m flirting with you, aemond.”
the prince blinked as realization hit him. since he had rolled over, you could feel his hard length, most likely due to the early morning hours, against your thigh. selfishly, you wanted to hike your skirts around your hips and ride him until the sun came up. the prince had other plans, though — ones he was eager to share.
“i would like to try something, my sweet,” he spoke. he slid to the lower half of the bed and raised himself above your legs. aemond stood on his knees, grasping the backs of your calves, and pushed your legs back so your ears were level with your ankles.
“oh…” you spoke, shifting in place and embarrassed.
“quiet, wife,” he responded softly. “you are so beautiful like this.”
aemond wasted no time in flattening his tongue and running it up the length of your sensitive lips. his tongue was wet and warm, and you needed him oh, so badly…
“sweet cunt for a sweet wife,” he mused before sliding his tongue into your hole.
you felt his tongue glide against your walls as you felt one of his thumbs draw circles on your clit. the muscles of the back of your thighs immediately tightened, straining against the prince’s hold. your strength was no match for his, though — and he counted on it.
“please, my prince,” you whimpered, squirming in his hold.
“please what, my sweet?” he spoke, raising an eyebrow at you from between your thighs. he licked another stripe up your slit. “princesses use their words.”
“you’re… you’re not…” you tried to find the words, but you were too embarrassed with your lack of experience. you wanted more. you needed more.
“you don’t like when i tease you, is that it?” he asked, sliding a finger inside of you. you slightly gasped, but kept your eyes locked on his. a smirk still played on his lips as he played with you. “but what if i like watching you squirm?”
“you’re cruel, husband,” you whined, shifting your hips uncomfortably.
“cruel?” he laughed in disbelief. “what’s cruel is how i had to watch you in the ring today with my hard cock straining against my pants for almost an hour. then to have a knife pressed to my throat, when all i wanted to do was fuck you into the ground? i’ll show you cruel, wife.”
his tongue showed you as little mercy as he did in the ring earlier that day. he had spread the lips to your cunt, exposing your clit fully, just so his hard tongue could flick against it. the sensitivity was overwhelming as he stuffed your cunt with two fingers, in and out, fast and hard. you were rolling your hips in his grasp before your head was thrown back against the pillow, completely succumbing to the touches of your husband.
and then suddenly, he stopped. like the cruel bastard he was.
“-nugh!” you groaned in a high pitched voice. “why did you stop-?”
“because i want you to beg for the chance to feel good because of me, wife,” his smirk leaked into his voice. “i want you to feel every bit of desperation i felt that made me spar with you today.”
“aemond, please, let me finish,” you all but cried, squeezing your eyes shut. “nothing feels better than your tongue, husband. please, please…”
“is that so?” he tittered as he flicked your clit with his thumb. “you follow every direction i give you, like a good little wife. i want to see what happens when i push your limits.”
you had little time to be confused as he immediately resumed his assault on the most tender parts of you. it did not take long for the string that aemond had strung so tightly to wind itself to the point of snapping. warmth and pleasure flooded your veins, and you collapsed against the bed. you were disoriented beyond any point prior, but aemond refused to stop. you began to shake from his fingers still fucking your oversensitive cunt.
“aemond,” you squeaked, voice breaking. “it’s so sensitive— i need your cock inside me—“
he smacked the thick flesh of your thigh and it made you jump. you glanced down at your husband, but he had left the inside of your thighs and climbed up to hover over you with each of his knees planted on either side of you. one hand remained playing with your clit before he grabbed your throat with his free hand.
“you’re going to give me another, my gorgeous wife,” he ordered. “do as i say.”
“aemond…” you lazily grasped at his hand around your neck, surprisingly loving the way it felt around you. your gaze melted on him as your lips parted in ecstasy. “i don’t know if i can…”
“your husband — your prince — is ordering you to cum on his fingers. are you going to disobey a command?” he bit.
you shook your head and bit your lip. “i want to please you, aemond. ahh — it’s so —“
the tender skin of your cunt was hot and puffy as aemond’s fingers rubbed delicious, mean circles on your swollen clit. every bit of blood had left your brain and went straight to the lower half of your body, but every bit of your agency went into aemond as he smirked down at you. he had you exactly where he wanted you.
“you want to be a good girl for me and give me another?” he asked softly. “are you going to give me what i want?”
“yes, please, husband!” you sobbed. “please let me be good for you!”
“seven fucking hells —“
aemond slammed your head down onto the pillow. your mouth fell open in a gasp, and he immediately took advantage of your parted lips. his tongue fell into your mouth and tangled with yours. you moaned into his mouth, shocked by how consumed with passion aemond had become in the situation. there were no hmms or other small noises that barely left his throat like they did throughout the day — aemond was groaning and grunting against your pretty lips, and it sent you painfully tumbling over the edge.
a sharp sob snapped from your throat, and you immediately grabbed onto the neckline of aemond’s nightwear to steady yourself. tears leaked from your eyes, down your face, and onto his hand still clasped around your throat. he held your tongue with his own as your body fell absolutely spent into his grasp.
the prince’s hand left your cunt and immediately began fisting his hardened length. his swollen lips began leaving hard kisses all over the side of your face as your gasped onto whatever part of him you were able to hold. you rasped, “husband, it hurts without you inside me. please, let me feel you…”
he groaned, against the side of your face. he pumped himself a few more times before he began to slid it up and down your sensitive folds. “the devil in each of the seven hells has no power like that sweet, cock-dumb voice of yours, my princess.”
he pushed into you, and you threw your head back once more. aemond kept his eyes on you as you fought to keep yours open and on him.
“soft as silk,” he spat, kissing you.
“better than fucking velvet—“ he groaned against the side of your face.
you knew you had him when he could only grunt against the side of your face. with each word of yours, his movements seemed to stutter. despite the fact that exhaustion was plaguing you, you couldn’t help but swell with pride at the thought that aemond was so close to finishing inside of you.
“oh my god, aemond — i love when you use my body like this…” you cried out. “please — don’t stop!”
“you like when i claim you like this, wife?” he seethed, thrusting his hips against yours. “conquering your body like i conquer every challenge i face? i can hear the wet sounds of your cunt echo throughout our room — and it’s all for me, isn’t it?”
“only you, aemond,” you gasped, the pressure building in your lower abdomen once more. “never anyone but you, my prince.”
“fuck-!” he growled into your ear before you pulled on his mane. you were a whimpering mess underneath him and you hooked your legs around his lower back and pulled him into each thrust he started. you sucked and nipped at his neck, trying to feel as much of him as possible. “you devil woman. you’re going to empty me.”
you lightly giggled at that, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “do it. finish inside me, aemond.”
“you’d like that, wife?” he struggled to grunt out. “you want me to put a child in your womb?”
that set off something primal inside of you.
aemond had let go of your throat and place both hands by the side of your head. he leaned his forehead against yours as he slapped his hips in between your thighs. his muscles were stirring, signaling he was close, so, so close…
feeling brave, you grabbed both sides of his cheeks with one hand and rested your palm underneath his chin. with your ankles locked behind his back, you started pulling him into you, back and forth, more aggressively. aemond’s eye immediately went wide at the sudden change of your demeanor. it made you smile.
against his lips, you spoke, “spill your seed deep inside of me, my prince. i want the entire court to know that i’m yours.”
“fuck-!” he pressed his forehead against yours, his eye screwing shut. “give me an heir, my dear, i’ll give you both the world…”
your pleasure washed over you as aemond’s did. you were sensitive, so, so sensitive as you clutched into your husband for dear life. a strangled grasp left your lips as he let out a guttural groan against the skin at the base of your neck. you held each other as you both rocked yourselves through your orgasms, supporting the other.
“oh, my prince…” you moaned, engulfing him into a kiss.
aemond was spent, but that did not stop him from fucking his seed into you. he would not waste a drop as he forced it into every crevice inside of you, hoping to fill your womb. the sensation was too much for your body to handle as shivers went up and down your spine. little whimpers left your pretty lips as they prince whispered into your ear.
“you are mine, wife,” he breathed, kissing the side of your face. “mine to bed, mine to breed, mine to fight, and mine to adore. do you understand?”
you lazily giggled, rubbing his back. “are you only mine, husband?”
“despite how infuriating you are, i would not leave this bed if given the chance,” he mused, sleep appearing to consume him. “you madden me where you, and only you, consume my thoughts.”
you bit your lip in apprehension, but didn’t want aemond to notice. you began to rub the back of his head and pressed a kiss to his temple. “i’m yours if you are mine, husband.”
and with that, you both fell asleep.
lmk what u guys think :) -lex
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Dropping In
Summary: The only way to get your daughter to fall asleep is to take her for a walk in her stroller. You end up in the neighborhood where Steven works and decide a surprise visit is in order. 
Set in the SHAPE OF YOU verse 
Pairing: Steven x afab!Reader, though Reader is married to the system. All three alters are no longer working for Khonshu 
Rating: Explicit, Minors DNI!
Word Count: 3.9k 
TW/CW: Breast and nipple play, lactation kink, fussy babies, fluffy doting dad!Steven, a hint of professor!kink and roleplay, parents getting dirty while they’re baby’s in the vicinity (Nyla isn’t scandalized I promise!), sex in a public place (no one catches/hears them), handjobs, oral (m and f receiving), dirty talk
A/N: I got this idea in my head and couldn’t get it out until I wrote it. It’s just as filthy as it is fluffy, enjoy!! ALSO TYSM FOR OVER 1K NOTES ON THE MAGIC TOUCH!! 
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“It’s okay, little girl, it’s okay,” you tried to soothe your cranky baby while she squirmed in your arms. You’d tried everything - changing her, feeding her, holding and rocking her. Nyla was in a mood and you desperately needed her to settle, for both your sakes. You placed around the flat, cooing more cajolery and comforts to her to no avail. “Wow, you are making Mommy work for it today.”
Sun had peaked through the seemingly permanent layer of clouds over London you noticed, and a stroller ride usually knocked Nyla out cold. Plus, you couldn’t remember the last time you left your building that wasn’t a mad dash to the Tesco Express across the street for some essential. 
So you packed up as quickly as you could, placing Nyla in her swing, hoping it would simulate the movement enough that she wouldn't completely lose her shit while you got everything together, even sneaking a minute or two for yourself to freshen up a bit and look presentable so people wouldn’t fear for Nyla’s wellbeing when you left the house together. 
You wrangled your fidgety daughter out of the swing and into the stroller, marveling at the fact you were legit wrestling a creature a fraction of your size and strength. It took a good mile or so of walking, but soon enough, your little daughter dozed off. The sunshine stayed and it felt downright invigorating to be outside the confines of your flat, so you kept walking, wandering the streets of London for the first time in months. 
You only dared to stop long enough to treat yourself to a coffee at a shop you loved just over Waterloo Bridge, honestly afraid that if you stopped moving for too long it would wake Nyla up. It felt good to be among people beyond your husband and Nyla as well, and London never disappointed when it came to people-watching and window displays to take in. 
Your strolling had been mostly aimless, the steady movement to lull Nyla your primary goal, but you chuckled at where your feet had taken you when you passed the British Museum. You checked the time and a plan unfolded with a smirk across your lips.  
“Alright everyone, that about covers what a pyramid in the old Kingdom contained,” Steven addressed his forty-odd undergrads in the lecture hall, “but exactly how did they bloody build them?”
A laugh rippled through the group. Steven clicked to another slide and continued, “Remember, there were no cranes or power tools back then, everything the Egyptians made had to come from ingenuity and a frankly staggeringly sophisticated understanding of physics. Now if you see here–”
A clang reverberated in the back of the hall just as Steven had turned his attention to the projected diagram of the ancient Egyptian mining methods. He pushed through, not allowing the interruption to affect his lecture. There’s only fifteen minutes left of the class anyway, Steven thought while he explained the pulley system the Egyptians used, why bother coming at all honestly?
He knew he shouldn’t, but Steven had an urge to make a flippant remark to the latecomer to set an example that he wouldn’t accept his pupils treating his class so cavalierly. It was early in the semester and he was still considered a junior lecturer, so perhaps there was a small chip on his shoulder. He was currently only entrusted with the introductory course for students reading Egyptology, though this was the second term he’d been able to advise graduate students on their theses. 
Steven loved both of his duties, his enthusiasm for Egypt proved infectious to his students and delighted in shepherding doctoral candidates through the demanding process he himself recently completed, paying back all the excellent guidance he’d received. He clicked to the next slide, ready to let his perfectly wry zinger loose when he realized exactly who had joined his students. 
This time, Steven did falter, because there you sat on the aisle of the back row of the room with Nyla’s pram next to you. The two of you locked eyes, and you beamed at him across the hall. Steven’s features brightened as a result, and he resumed his breakdown of pyramid construction with an extra sense of pep. 
Mercifully, Nyla stayed asleep throughout her father’s lecture and when Steven dismissed the class, he raced over to where you both sat as his students filed out. 
“Hi, darling,” he pecked your lips, “This is a lovely surprise.”
“We both needed a walk today, and we ended up in the neighborhood.”
“You walked all the way from home? That’s quite the hike, innit?”
“It was the only way I could get her to nap, plus home was starting to feel like baby jail,” you confessed. “And since we were here, I thought we’d come say hi to Daddy. I hope we didn’t throw you off.”
“Nah, I could do that lecture in my sleep,” Steven allayed your concern. “Oh, but look who’s awake!” 
He lifted Nyla from where she was kicking in her carriage and held her close to him. “Hello sweetie, I heard you’ve been on quite an adventure today…”
You watched the two of them with shining, adoring eyes. There was nothing more heartwarming, nor sexier frankly, than watching your husband and his alters doting on their daughter. 
“Sorry to bother, Doctor Grant, but I had a question about your office hours,” one of Steven’s pupils had approached Steven.
“Yes, of course,” he passed Nyla back to you. 
“Is this your wife and baby?” a young dark-skinned woman with braids asked. Steven introduced her to you as Ada, one of his most clever students. 
While Steven and Ada conversed, you were joined by another man, still comparatively young, and when identified himself as Dean, your face lit up. He was Steven’s TA for the semester.  
“Great to meet you! I’ve heard wonderful things!” You greeted him, setting Nyla down in her pram for the moment. 
“Likewise,” Dean replied. “If we aren’t talking about ancient Egypt, I’m getting the latest installment of the Nyla slideshow.”
You laughed, equally endeared and embarrassed. “I’m so sorry, he’s a terror with his phone.”
“No, it’s not so bad, and I mean, you two made a cute baby, which doesn’t come as a surprise.” He gave you a once-over. It wasn’t leering, you knew Dean was gay, but you bristled under his gaze. It had been a long time since a man other than your husband looked at you in a way that was remotely desirous and it felt foreign. 
Steven and Ada turned their attention to you. “Now, what are you two talking about?” 
“We’re talking about how you pulled, Dr. G,” Dean informed him, a mischievous lilt to his tone. 
Steven, of course, blushed. You, on the other hand, were genuinely surprised your husband knew what the slang meant. 
“Yes, well, I had good wingmen,” Steven offered as an explanation, ruffled at the spotlight on his prowess with women. 
“Oh please, look at him!” you interceded, melding yourself into his side. “You know, I fell head over heels for Steven on the first date.” 
“Really?” Ada asked, intrigued, before she caught herself. “Sorry, I love hearing how couples met. Gives me hope.” 
You knew the feeling all too well, so you recounted, “We met through a friend, and Steven took me to the National Gallery because our friend told him I liked Renoir, and there was an exhibit of his work on. Little did I know that Steven had also extensively researched Renoir beforehand, and so on our first date, he basically gave me an in-depth tour and lesson on the artist and his works. Stuff I didn’t know and I'd loved Renoir since uni. It was very considerate and very sweet.”
It was the D.I.D.-free version of the story, there was a  small circle of family and trusted friends that you two had chosen to share your husband’s condition with. It only occurred to you then that with any other man, a lesson on your favorite artist would have been intolerable mansplaining, but Steven was so genuinely invested in using Renoir’s works and biography to connect with you that you couldn’t help but be charmed by him. 
“And very romantic,” Ada added. You smiled in agreement, your gaze on Steven’s face, his cheeks still tinged red. 
“Who knew Steven had gaaaame!” Dean teased with a good-natured grin. 
“Never underestimate the smart ones,” you quipped. 
“I got lucky,” Steven insisted, ever self-deprecating, but no one believed him.
Nyla began fussing in her stroller, clearly miffed that she for once wasn’t the center of attention. 
“I’m sorry” you told the students as you picked Nyla up out of her stroller. “We’ve been a bit grouchier than usual today.”
“No worries, we should let you go,” Ada said, her gaze lingered on your infant. “She’s beautiful.”
“Thank you so much,” you grinned, jostling Nyla to soothe her. “So lovely to meet you both.” 
Ada and Dean said their goodbyes which left you and Steven alone in the lecture hall. He encircled his arms around your waist from behind you. 
“You walked all the way here to embarrass me, didn’t you?” he accused you.
“Embarrass you?” You turned in his grasp, a bit stilted because you were still holding Nyla. “Excuse me, I came here to solidify your status as a DILF to your students, thank you very much.”
“Thank you indeed,” Steven murmured, kissing you over Nyla’s head. “I’m sure I’m now at least fifty percent cooler in Dean’s book. There’ll be another class in here soon, let’s go to my office, shall we?” 
You situated Nyla back in her carriage and followed your husband to his cramped but cozy office. The last time you’d seen it, Steven had just made professor and been assigned the space. Now the confining square of a room had been made more homey, more Steven, with books upon books upon more books, papers scattered across the every surface of his desk, plus the armchair and lamp you’d thrifted with him tucked into a corner. 
“Oh Dr. Grant, I need that extra credit,” you intoned in a faux porn star voice, “I’ll do anything.”
Steven shot you a look over his readers. “Don’t start something you aren’t intending on finishing.”
You sent him a smirk, deflecting. “I see you’ve made the place your own.”
“Translation: I’ve made a mess of it,” your husband bantered back while he began fiddling with the electric kettle on his desk.
“I said nothing of the sort,” you countered. Nyla began to cry. “Honey, what time is it?”
Steven checked his watch. “Quarter past four.”
“She’s hungry,” you concluded, digging for your nursing apron cover thing in her diaper bag. 
“Babe, you don’t need that,” Steven noted when you unearthed it, “there’s no one here.”
It was your turn to give him a look while you collected Nyla in your arms again. “Are you going to behave?”
“Of course,” he promised, dropping a tea bag in a mug for each of you. “I may love your tits babe, but not at the expense of letting the baby starve.” 
“Mmmm thank you,” you hummed, when he set a steaming cup of tea next to you on a makeshift end table comprised entirely of books. Nyla latched without issue thankfully. 
“I’ve never gotten to see you lecture before,” you commented.“You’re brilliant, hon.”
“Thanks, I have to say it was the best surprise seeing you and Nyla among the students.” 
“We should do it more often,” you suggested. “I wouldn’t mind getting out of the house more, and now that we’ve finally figured out the stroller, the Tube or a cab shouldn’t be too crazy. And I could just meet you for lunch, or after class like today, or just for a stroll around Russell Square–”
“I’d love that,” Steven stopped you with a warm grin. “Nothing would make me happier actually. After Nyla’s finished, what do you say we walk home and try that spot on the Strand for dinner?”
“Sounds great,” you replied, glancing down at her. Nyla may have been giving you a hard time today, but at least she was feeding like a pro. 
Steven insisted on burping Nyla. Having a husband so besotted with you who also proved to be an attentive father was indeed a blessing, though you weren’t sure who to thank, God, the universe, or their former employer. You watched Steven and Nyla and couldn’t help but remember the last time you’d been in this office. Back then it was empty and desolate, so you and your husband decided to “warm it up” by christening it. 
You took a sip of your tea, a plan forming in your mind. It took a minute for Steven to notice how you were looking at him. “What is it?”
“You are quite the DILF,” you began, your voice lowering to more a seductive register, “and seeing you teach today so confident and in control, it’s got me all and bothered. I think you should come over here and suck on my titty while I jerk you off so I can earn that extra credit after all.”
Steven groaned, “Now I have a stiffy while holding my infant. Aces.” You giggled, and it was then Nyla graced you with a burp. He moved gingerly to put the baby back down in her pram, “You really are a minx, you know that?” 
You bit your lip and nodded. A minx with raging postpartum hormones might’ve been more accurate, but there was something about the wholesomeness and domesticity of moments like this that overwhelmed you with passion. Perhaps it was because for the longest time, Marc feared that you all would never be able to achieve this kind of stability in your relationship. Therefore, it was precisely these “normal” and “boring” moments that needed to be celebrated and consummated.
Steven knelt on the floor at the foot of the armchair and traced his hands up the length of your legs. It was truly a sight to behold, only made sexier when Steven took off his glasses, setting them next to your mug. 
“You sure no one’s going to come by?” you asked as he pressed kisses in an ascending line from your navel. 
“Nuh uh,” he confirmed while he pushed up the fabric of your shirt, “it’s always dead on Fridays.”
“Oh-oh-okay,” you stammered. Steven had wasted no time unhooking your bra and sealing his lips around your nipple. 
Steven drinking from you after Nyla fed always felt like a salve for your breasts. Your daughter, understandably, had little finesse, whereas Steven was suckling to pleasure you…as well as himself. The way he would draw circles around your areola with his tongue in between pulls of mouth on your peak never failed to send a shudder through you. 
He transitioned to lapping at your dribbling tit, gently pinching its twin to stimulate you further. 
“Fuck honey, come up here,” you ordered him. “Wanna stroke your hard cock, daddy .”
Steven complied instantly, scrambling to a standing position, his erection tenting his trousers. He chanced a quick glimpse at Nyla – she was chilling milk-drunk in her carriage – then resumed his advance toward you, also in search of getting milk-drunk from your tits. Like father, like daughter, he supposed. 
He had you switch positions so that he was sitting on the chair and you in his lap. Your fingers scrabbled at his fly to free his boner from its cloth confines. Steven’s dick was already leaking when you fished it out, the tip flushed red and leaking a steady stream of precum. You lifted a hand to lick it for additional lubrication but Steven caught your wrist. 
He lowered it to your chest and squirted some of your milk into your hand.  “Use this.”
“Steven Grant,” you murmured as you wrapped your soaked hand around his length, “you are a dirty bird.” 
He grunted then countered, “You bring it out of me, love.”
You began jerking your husband’s cock, slowly bit firmly, twisting your wrist at the end of each stroke just how he liked it. Steven resumed his worship of your breasts, suckling greedily, then pulling off to spray a splash of milk from each puffy peak. 
“Ohhhh, that’s…fuck, that’s good darling,” he babbled as you continued. “Taste so good, can’t get enough…”
He swooped back down to your bosom and latched on to your left nipple. The pressure and tug of his mouth on your teats made you keen. 
Steven pulled off to kiss you, angling his head down after you broke apart to watch the milk trickle from your breasts and your hand work over his cock. “Unnnghh, loved having you here so I could show off my fit as fuck wife and her huge titties.” 
“All for you,” you panted back, “you’re the only man who gets these titties, they belong to you.” 
Apparently that was enough to bring Steven to the edge. “Shit babe, I’m gonna come” 
“Ok,” you said, removing your hand from dick and wriggling off of him. “Do it in my mouth.”
It wasn’t that you were trying to be particularly sexy, it was just efficient clean up-wise. You quickly shuffled to your knees as Steven sat back into the plush cushions of the chair. 
You hovered over your husband's throbbing erection and purred, “Come on, Doctor Grant, wanna taste your cum.” 
Your steady stream of filthiness coupled with drawing his cock into your mouth had Steven coming, his length spurting hot ribbons of his seed into your awaiting mouth. You’d barely swallowed Steven’s spend down when Nyla began crying again. 
“Fuck,” you swore. Pushing yourself up, you went to go to her. She could never doubt how much you loved her, seeing you were willing to sacrifice what was shaping up to be a spectacular orgasm to tend to her.  
Steven stopped you, speedily tucking his cock away and zipping his trousers back up. “I’ve got her.” 
“Babe, it’s alright,” you tried to protest but your husband was incredibly spry for someone who’d just come his brains out and had a stomach full of breastmilk. 
“I want to,” he pressed. “I’ll sort her and you stay right there and take off your trousers.”
You snorted. “And why is that?”
“Because I’m going to eat you out once she’s settled down,” Steven informed you nonchalantly as he picked up a wiggling, upset Nyla. “I still owe you an orgasm.”
“Hon–” you wanted to tell him that it was okay, that this is what parenthood was, that he could make good on his debt when you got home. But Steven was adamant. He was into the professor thing more than he let on, you guessed. You slipped off your shoes. 
“Ah! It’s just a wet nappy,” Steven proclaimed after sanitizing his hands and  examining your daughter. ‘We’ll have that sorted in a jiffy, won’t we, little dovey?” 
Steven got to work, deftly turning his desk into a changing table. And to think, a little over a year ago he had bent you over that desk as part of your celebration of him starting his new job. 
“Do you think we’re bad parents?” You asked.
“How do you figure?” Steven inquired, not taking his eyes off the task at hand. 
“We kind of just had sex in front of her,” you pointed out. 
“Well, not in front of her,” Steven parsed. “Near her sure, but we didn’t prop her up or anything and make her watch.” 
You couldn’t keep the laugh in at the bluntness of his comment. 
“It’s how she was made after all,” he carried on, “Besides, it’s like that article your mum sent us said ‘Happy and healthy children are the product of happy and healthy marriages.’”
“I see why they gave you that doctorate,” you mused, watching him with fondness and wonder as he finished changing Nyla’s diaper, “you know to drive your point home.”
“All in a day's work,” he shrugged. Nyla was freshly changed and deposited into her pram once again. When Steven turned to you, his brow creased. “Your trousers are still on.”
You acquiesced quickly, Steven nestling between your thighs on his knees once again. He pushed the crotch of your panties aside, inhaled deeply, and got to work. 
Steven was a goddamn expert at eating pussy, in fact, he could have a Ph.D. in cunnilingus in addition to Egyptology. Your husband had spent literal hours between your legs before – your mind dreamily drifted to lazy, syrupy sexy afternoons in Greece on your honeymoon – but today wasn’t one of those days. He needed to be quick and efficient, getting you off before Nyla could interrupt you again.
It was a barrage of your favorite moves of his: Steven drew long stripes up the length of your slit with the flat of his tongue, moved to circling the appendage around your clit, then switched it up to spear his tongue into your clenching entrance. You limited your sounds of ecstasy to breathy sighs, you didn’t dare to make any louder a sound for fear or rousing your baby, or one of Steven's colleagues overhearing you. 
He took it into the home stretch, feverishly lapping and suckling at your clit while he inserted two fingers into your slick cunt at once. He fucked you with his digits while mouth redoubled its efforts. When he shook his head back and forth with his tongue firmly pushed into your bundle of nerves, you snapped. Your climax surged through you, overheating you from the inside out, prompting you to slam a fist on a padded arm of the worn leather chair as you rode the hot waves pleasure as Steven licked you through it. 
At last you came down, your limbs akimbo on your husband’s office reading chair, said husband looking up at you with a devilish, sated glint in his eyes. He made a little show of cleaning his fingers of your wetness too. 
“I think I’m going to take you out to dinner after that orgasm, Doctor Grant,” you told him, still somewhat out of breath. 
“By all means,” he chuckled back, rising to check on your daughter while you readjusted your now soaked underwear and re-dressed. 
Soon enough, you were able to stand and peeked into Nyla’s pram. She was relaxed, treating you to her signature happy kick and squirm on her back. You played with her tiny socked foot. “You ready for a night out on the town, sweet baby?”
“She sure is,” Steven replied while he packed his laptop and various papers into his messenger bag, a present from you two anniversaries ago. “Though babe, your hair.”
You whipped out your phone, opened the camera, and saw what Steven meant. “Oh! Thanks.”
While you tried to smooth down your hair, ultimately pulling it back, you noted that Steven didn’t have many pictures of Nyla other than a sonogram and her birth announcement on his desk, despite him being borderline obnoxious with photographing her on his phone. You squirreled the observation away for later, since another anniversary was fast approaching. 
He’d already maneuvered Nyla’s stroller towards the door. “To Thai on the Strand?”
“To Thai on the Strand,” you confirmed. Your heart soared as your little family departed Steven’s office into the London early evening. 
A/N: Steven Grant, father of the year? Yes or yes? I gotta get back to Ballroom Blitz in the Scared to Be Lonely verse next, but I have a running list of ideas for this little AU of mine, and the support always keeps me writing and inspired. 
Plus, I’m nearing 500 (?!?) followers and a celebration will be in order if/when I reach it! 
Taglist: @twwcs​, @rmoonstoner​, @hot-mess-express1​, @murdickdocked, @toracainz​, @saahmi​, @unspokenmoon​, @winterbiipp​, @avatarofseshat​ @ilikeoldermenhelp , @losers-club6​  @johnny-simpfinger @stormkobra-5 @lovely-cryptid
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mountkennedie · 2 years
Hi there! I saw you take fic requests and I would absolutely go feral if you wrote an anakin x fem! Reader fic based on the song Love On The Brain by Rhianna! If you take requests I’d love if you could do this one!
I like how you think
Can't Get Enough
Anakin Skywalker x fem!Reader
Summary: Anakin returns from a long mission and his only thoughts are about you
Warnings: swearing, leads into smut, basically smut
*I based this off heavily from the scene from revenge of the sith when anakin, obi wan, and palpatine land on corusant in half of general grievous' ship. But I changed it so that Anakin is returning from a long mission and the reader isn't pregnant.*
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Of course when Anakin confessed his love to you, you thought it was a "normal" amount if that makes any sense. You've seen relationships from the side lines, and they all of course were filled with love but this was different. He loved you. If anyone was going to say 'I love my wife' it is Anakin Skywalker.
Anyways, he was coming home from a three month mission today and from the calls yow two have, he was beyond excited.
"Only three more days until I can see you again, my love. I can't begin to explain how ready I am."
"I am too, Anakin. But these day's will hopefully go faster than we realize."
"I can only pray. Maker I... the thought of your soft lips on mine again. Being able to feel every acre of your skin again. Feel every entrance again like the first tim-"
"As excited as I am. Are you not in a public space right now?!"
"The others have gone off to do their other- fuck I don't even care to remember. I only want to think about you."

You just knew for this first day back, your husband was going to be attached to your hip and you honestly didn't mind. You had missed him dearly too, and had been counting down the days yourself.
The hanger was always chilly so you brought another layer over Anakin's favorite dress. You stood next to the closest column to the entrance, and waited. Thankfully, you saw his ship on the way to land. You had left a little later because you didn't want to have to anxiously wait for him to appear.
It felt like his ship was purposely flying as slow as possible. You knew that no matter how desperate you were for them to land, they had to be safe. It's just that 'safety' was taking an eon.
They touched the tarmac. The door opened. The 501st flooded out of the opened door. When the final clone stepped off- there he is. It took everything in me not to run to him, and you could see from his eyes were looking around that he was expecting you.
You both were not public of course so you had to wait until the smoke cleared with all the people to approach him. Instead though, Anakin excuses himself from all of them and they let him. I'm not sure when he saw me but he must have sensed it.
He knew immediately which column you’d been hiding behind. He quickly came to you with open arms. “Y/n, Maker it’s been too long,” he said as he lifted you up and into an embrace. 
“Too long Anakin,” you responded and he set you down. The moment your feet graced the floor his lips were on yours. The moan he laced in his lips hit you hard. He was so incredibly passionate that if you nearly forgot how exposed you were. Though where you two were was cleared, that could so quickly change. 
Pulling away to his reluctance you said, ”Ani were still in the public.” In a desperate tone he responded, “Please Y/n, I’ve been away from you for so long,” attempting to reconnect your lips. 
“At least in our room,” you started, “so I can truly let you know how hard these months have been for me.” His eyes lit up at that and his mouth curved into a smirk.
“Lead the way,” was all he said before you both began the trek back your shared apartment. 
While in the elevator up to the room, Anakin hands just couldn’t help but wander onto you. You both had time in the elevator before your floor and he was determined to make that time last. 
“Is that my favorite dress, Y/n?” His tone itself was sultry and it made it so much harder not to give into him. “It is,” you said. 
“You know how I know? Of course color but, no other dress sits this fucking- nicely.” He was truly challenging his self control. You had to mess with it. 
“It does? Does it make you hard by the sight of me in this dress? They way it accents my hips...” you took his hands and placed them on your hips. HIs stare into your eyes was hungry and you couldn’t get enough. “Is it because it easily slips on and off, Anakin? How easily it can be pulled up to my waist...”
“You are an evil woman,” was all he said as the bell dinged and the doors opened. You could have sworn Anakin was almost jogging to your apartment.
Once the door was shut he was on you. “I’ve needed you for so long, I can’t take it any longer,” he then immediately pressed his lips back to yours. And you thought that initial kiss behind the column was strong. HIs hand came up behind your head and into your hair, pressing you even further into him. His other hand was on your back sliding lower and lower until finding a home on your hip. Your hands were around his neck getting as close as you could.
The kiss only broke when you both had to breathe. “I love you,” you breathed. “No I love you,” Anakin countered before placing another kiss on your mouth. This new one was even messier as you both meandered into your shared bedroom. 
Once the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed you gave in and fell back onto it, dragging Anakin with you. The collision was all you both needed. His growing erection pressed right where you needed it. As your hips grew more synchronized, more moans slipped in threw kisses. Nothing was enough. 
“Shit Y/n, I- I can’t even begin to explain what you do to me.” His hips moved at a quicker pace, desperate for the clothing between you two to be gone. 
“So show me,” you told him. He pulled up a little and looked into your half lidded eyes. His eyes were filled with awe before an idea replaced it.
“You’re too good to me,” he responded before he had truly fulfilled his thoughts. 3 months was a long time, and so would be this. You savored every goddamn second. 
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littlespacereader · 10 months
Hello! can we have daddy will bringing littl!reader to work with him? maybe hanni picking them up at the end of a work day? 🩵
Have a wonderful day!! stay safe🤍
HECK YES YOU CAN GET THAT! When I wrote Will’s Headcannons I had this idea in mind. I think Will is so cute as a professor and the idea of him bringing his Little to work is even cuter!! Such a cute concept! I might’ve went above and beyond for this request so it is lengthy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic!
Bring your Little to Work Day (SFW)
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Caregiver! Will Graham, Caregiver! Hannibal Lector & Fem Little! Reader
Tags: pull-ups, stuffie, coloring, helping CG, naps, and general fluff
Nicknames: Daddy (for Will), Papa (for Hannibal), Sweetheart, Darling, Sweetie
“Y/N.” Daddy voice said to me, so far away yet so close. His hand started to make small circles on my back. But my bed was just so cozy this morning. Why was Daddy waking me up so early?
“Y/N,” Will repeated. “Come on darling, we’re going to be late if we don’t get up soon.”
I whined as I started to wake up. Why were we getting up so early? Were we going on vacation again? But just as I started to open my eyes and my brain finally switched on I realized.
Today is Take Your Little To Work Day!!!!
I sit up and look at Will. He looked half asleep himself, his hair was messy, he wore a plain white shirt and long plaid pajama pants.
“It’s go to work day!” I said with a smile then a yawn.
Will smiled back “Yeah we’re going to the academy today.” He lifted me from my bed and brought me over to get changed. “See how early Daddy gets up for his job?”
I yawned again and shook my head. “Too early!” I complained with him.
“Well you’ll have to bring that up to Uncle Jack when we see him today.” Will smirked.
Will helped me get changed out of my old pull-up and pajamas, and into a fresh pull-up and cute outfit for the day. Nothing too babyish which I appreciate especially going to a new place.
Once changed Will took my hand and lead me to the stairs. “I’m going to go get ready. You go downstairs and get some breakfast. Papa is waiting for you in the kitchen.”
“Okay!” I said about to rush down the stairs.
Will stopped me noticing this. “Wow! Take your time with each step. Or do you need me to walk you downstairs?” He asked but I shook my head.
“Okay, see you in a minute.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on my head before walking to his bedroom.
I took my time going downstairs. But the moment I hit the ground I took off to the kitchen! The excitement of the day was in my veins! I’ve been talking about going to Daddy’s work for weeks! And todays the day!
Hannibal was in his usual fancy attire only difference was his sleeves rolled back and his apron on while he cooked. He was making a yogurt parfait for me and an omelet for Will. On top of this he was packing a lunch for the two of us, Will’s in a paper bag and mine in a…
I gasped in shock as I looked at my new lunch box. Hannibal smiled seeing my excitement as I entered the kitchen. “Good morning darling. Do you like your little lunch box?”
Like?! Like wasn’t the word for it! It was shaped to look like the Mystery Machine!! “I love it Papa thank you!” I ran around the counter and gave him a warm hug.
He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back just as tightly. Once we broke apart he lifted me up and held me on his hip while he cooked. “Are you excited to join Daddy at work today?”
“Yeah,” I replied. Resting my head on his shoulder. “He gets up too early though.”
Hannibal chuckled, “I got up earlier than you and I’m not tired.”
“You’re a morning person. I’m not.” I replied with a yawn to tie the point over.
Once Hannibal finished cooking he brought everything to the table. He sat me down in my seat then took a seat at the head of the table. I looked across at the empty chair.
“What about Daddy?” Will’s omelet sat deserted infront of me.
“He’ll be down soon. You start eat your breakfast.” Hannibal explained. But knowing his husband, he would scarf it down anyway and rush out the door. He sighed to himself and shook his head.
Like clockwork Will rushed downstairs and sat at the table. “Sorry I couldn’t find my coat.” Will was dressed his usual Professor fit, his small brown glasses, plaid shirt, blazer jacket with the patches on the elbows and tie. While he looked pretty nerdy to anyone else, Hannibal was head over heels.
But true to Hannibal’s word, Will sat down and scarfed down his food. Not caring for the taste of everything like he does. But he gave Will a bit of an excuse today, it was a lot to get yourself ready but adding a Little to the mix certainly didn’t help.
Once breakfast was done the three set out to the front door to leave. Hannibal scoped Y/N back into his arms while he grabbed everyone belongings, including his own. He handed Will his lunch and had Y/N hold onto theirs.
Will grabbed his leather briefcase, putting his lunch inside before closing it. “Alright, ready to go?”
Hannibal smirked, “You’re forgetting something love.” He pointed with his eyes since his hand were full. There on the bench with all their belonging was Y/N’s Little bag. Inside contained anything and everything they could possibly need for their little one.
“Right,” Will looked a bit embarrassed he almost forgot it. “Thank you.”
“Wait!” I stopped the two in their tracks. “What about Comet?” I couldn’t leave without my favorite stuffie! She’s a deer stuffed animal Will and Hannibal got me when I first became their Little. She’s named after one of Santa’s reindeer. I never go anywhere without her.
“Is Comet in the backpack?” Will asked knowing full well that the odds were never in his favor.
“No she’s upstairs.” I forgot to grab her this morning. How rude of me! I couldn’t forget my friend! Especially not on an exciting adventure like today!
Will and Hannibal shared a look all Caregivers could relate to. “Alright, I’ll go and grab her while you and Papa go in the car.” And with that we parted ways.
Hannibal placed me in the car seat and buckled me up. He put my backpack and lunch box by my feet. His brief case and Will’s sat in the seat next to mine. After that he hoped into the drivers seat.
The weight of everything seemed to have hit me the moment I got buckled up. Will works as a professor at the FBI academy, meaning there were going to be a lot of people seeing me today.
Littles are everywhere in the world so it’s nothing out of the ordinary. But when I’m in my headspace and meeting new people, sometimes I tend to hide in my shell at first. The thought of so many people was starting to make me feel a bit anxious.
“Papa, why couldn’t I go to your work instead?” Hannibal’s job would’ve been the best. Just me, him and whatever client he was seeing for the day.
“I’m sorry my love, but I can’t have you in the office while a therapy session is going on. It’s for the patients privacy.” He tried to explain.
“But I wouldn’t tell anyone.” I reasoned.
Hannibal smirked, “I know you wouldn’t but Papa would get in a lot of trouble if you were there.”
I sighed and crossed my arms. That’s unfair!
“Are you nervous?” He asked, almost reading my mind.
I uncrossed my arms and sighed, “A little.”
Will hoped into the passenger seat. He leaned back and handed Comet before buckling up.
“Alright I think we’re finally all ready to go.”
And with that, Hannibal started to drive us to work! I held Comet tightly as the journey began.
Soon we arrived to the FBI Academy! Students walked around with their backpacks on and teachers walked around chatting with one another. Hannibal pulled up outside the front of Will’s lecture hall and dropped us off before heading to work himself.
Then it was just Will and I, standing outside the building. I had my backpack on, Comet under my arm and my lunch box in hand. Will took his hand in mine and started to walk toward the building. But he only took one step and was yanked back by me, who was frozen in place.
Will turned to me concerned, his original worry of being late disappearing seeing me. “Y/N sweetheart. What’s wrong?”
This had all been my idea. I brought up the holiday, I wanted to go to his work. Why was I so nervous right now?
I looked up at him with worried eyes. “What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m weird? Or they don’t like Littles? Or-.” My brain was spiraling with thoughts.
Will immediately stopped those thought in their tracks. “Y/N,” he leaned down and met my eye level, “My classes are so exciting to see you. I made a class announcement and both my morning and afternoon class can’t wait to finally meet you.” He tried to reassure.
“No one will say anything bad to you. But, in the very rare chance someone does, I will expel them from the class immediately. Sound good?” He asked me and I nodded, feeling a bit better hearing his reassurance.
Will smiled and ruffled my hair a bit. “Okay sweetheart. Let’s go to work.” Instead of taking my hand, I put my arms out for Will to carry me. He didn’t even hesitate in picking me up.
Once we entered the building I noticed some of the student looking over at us as Will walked to his lecture hall.
“Good morning Professor Graham!” Someone said as we passed.
“Good morning Jess.” Will replied. I simply hid my face in his shoulder as we continued down the hall.
There were a few more student that wished us a good morning. They all seemed so nice, especially this early in the morning.
“You know, since you’re at work with me that makes you my teacher assistant.”
That got me to lift my head and look at him. “I’m your teacher assistant?” I said with a bit of excitement.
“Yeah, I’m the teacher and you’re my little assistant. If you want, you can help me throughout the day with my classes. Are you up to the task Professor Y/N?” He smirked poking at my sides and making me giggle.
“Yeah!” I smiled back. The excitement beating away my anxiety for the moment. “Can Comet help too?” I asked lifting her up.
“Of course she can. We can use all the help we can get.” He winked.
Then, faster than I imagined, we were standing outside his classroom. Before we entered he put me down and held my hand. “Are you ready Professor Y/N?” He asked.
I squeezed his hand and smiled. “I’m ready!”
And with that the two of us entered.
Since we were running a bit behind the class already had a good number of student already seated. Once we entered the class started to quiet down. Will and I walked over to his desk, setting his briefcase on the desk and my backpack behind it.
I sat in his desk chair and realized something…this chair can spin! So while Will grabbed his laptop and hooked it up to his little podium for the projector in the center of the classroom, I did a couple of spins in the chair.
After my head stopped spinning I looked out into the crowd of student. Most of them were smiling at the sight of the two of us. One waved at me and I shyly waved back.
Will checked his watch and looked into the crowd. For once in his classroom instead of seeing bored or tried faces, he saw curious and adoring faces. It seems his little one was having an effect on his class.
“Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a nice weekend. As I said last week, today is bring your Little to work day. Over here, sitting at my desk is my beautiful little one Y/N.”
Will turned towards me and smiled. I looked up at the crowd and smiled, waving to the crowd before grabbing Comet and bring her close to me.
“Since our usual subject matter is not suitable for someone with a younger mindset, we’ll instead be going over last weeks exam. If you’d like to grab a pen or pencil, we’ll start to look over the exam.”
As the student grabbed their pens and pencils, Will walked over to me and grabbed his briefcase. He grabbed the stack of exams inside all marked with red ink corrections.
“Y/N, want to help out?” He asked me, big stack of exams in hand. I nodded, looking at him curious.
He held the opposite hand out to me to take. I put Comet in my chair and took his hand. Will lead me to the middle of the class where he was standing next to the podium. Unconsciously I started to lean closer to him.
“When I call your name I’d like for you to raise your hand and keep it up. Y/N will come to you and hand your exam back.” Will explained.
I smiled at the idea. I mean it looked like a lot of fun! I could run around the classroom and up the stairs to the people sitting high up.
Will looked back at me before going on. “Is that okay darling? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He quietly asked.
I shook my head, “No! No I want to! I’m the teacher assistant!” The classroom laughed, finding the comment adorable.
“That right, you are.” He ruffled my hair a little before grabbing the first paper and reading it off. “Henry?”
He handed me the paper and I looked into the crowd. Sure enough there was Henry, sitting in the second row. I looked at Will who gave me a reassuring nod that I could go over. Instead of taking off right away I simply walked over and up the step to the second row, handing it to Henry. He thanked me before I went back to Will.
I grabbed the next paper and walked to Spencer, seated in the front row. He thanked me as well.
She raised her hand, seated in the back row. Yes!! This time my enthusiasm started up and I ran up the steps to the last row. She smiled and thanked me but she also complimented my outfit. I thanked her and went back to Will.
And it continued like that for the remainder of the students. Grabbing a paper from Will and brining it to the corresponding student. Most of them, if not all of them thanked me and smiled. This seemed like a nice class!
Once I returned to Will the stack was gone. “All done?” I asked.
Will smiled back, “All done. You did such a good job.” He looked so genuinely proud of me. I was beaming with pride.
I returned to Comet at Will desk and took a seat. Wow! Running around the lecture hall was tiring.
“Alright take a look at your exams, see what you got right or what you got wrong. In a moment we’ll begin to go over each question.”
Everyone turn the pages of their exam and started to look it over. During that time Will came over to the desk.
“I am so proud of you. You’re such a big help to Daddy.” The two of us smiled.
“Thank you. It was fun!” I smiled, blushing a bit under the praise.
He grabbed my backpack and pulled out my coloring book and some crayons. “Now the boring part of the day. So why don’t you relax for a little bit and color a nice picture for me.”
I nodded and happily took the crayons and coloring book from Will. Once he walked back to the podium I started to flip through my book for the very best picture to color for him.
But as the morning started to drag on, I was getting more and more tired. Soon I was leaning down, head on the desk, coloring my picture. Soon without realizing it, my eyes started to get droopy. I put my crayon down and brought Comet close as my eyes started to shut.
Mid way through his review Will noticed that Y/N had been exceptionally quiet. He turned around and noticed her sleeping soundly on his desk. He laughed to himself, his little one was not a morning person. Then again he isn’t either. But coffee helps.
“Give me one second please.”
He stepped away from the podium and went over to his desk. He took his jacket off and draped it over Y/N’s back. She snuggle into it immediately. With a little kiss to her head, he walked away and back to the podium.
“Alright let’s continue on.”
He continued on through the rest of the exam for another 15 minutes until the last question.
“Onto our last question: what is not an optional service in crime labs? The correct answer is B, physical science unit. The Toxicology unit, the Finger print unit and the Polygraph unit are optional services.”
He closed his exam key and looked into the crowd. “Now does anyone have any questions before the end of class?”
No one raised their hands. Will looked at Y/N still sleeping and back at his class. Everyone was smiling just like Will was.
“Well now I can’t yell at you guys for falling asleep during my lectures anymore.” Will joked, getting a few chuckles from the students. “With that I think we’ll wrap up today’s class. I’ll see you on Wednesday when we start chapter 11.”
With that his class started to get up and leave. On the way out of his class Will heard some student talking about Y/N.
“She’s so cute!” One said.
“What an adorable Little!”
“What an adore pair they are!”
“I wish she was in class with us all the time.” Another added.
“She’s so much fun! Running up and down the walkways.”
Will smirked to himself as he gathered his materials from his podium. Just as the last student left someone else entered.
“Looks like Y/N was a big hit in class today.” Jack entered the now empty classroom. “But what kind of a lecture were you giving? You put her right to sleep!” Jack joked.
“No, she just not a morning person.” Will replied.
He walked back over to his desk and started to wake his little one up. It was close to an hour she’s been asleep. As much as he didn’t want to wake her, it was their lunch break between his two classes and he didn’t want her to go without eating.
I started to hear Will talking to someone as I woke up. Why was I laying on a desk? Oh! It all started to come back to me out of my sleepy state. I’m at Will’s work and- oh. I feel asleep at Will’s work…
I stared to open my eyes and stretch a little. Will’s jacket sat on my shoulders as I sat up in the chair, rubbed my tired eyes, and greeted everyone.
“Hi Uncle Jack.” I said with a yawn, still a bit tired.
“Hi sweetie. Enjoying your day at work with your Daddy?” He asked.
I smiled back. “I am but it’s too early in the morning for this.”
Will and Jack shared a laugh.
Will leaned against the desk facing me. Before he could say anything I spoke up first. “I’m sorry I feel asleep while you were teaching.” I said a bit embarrassed.
“No, no, no, don’t be! I’m happy you took a nap. You’re not use to getting up so early like this. The nap was good for you.” Will reassured.
“I’m sure plenty of your students wish they could take a nap in class like you.” Jack smiled.
I smiled back, “Yeah. It was nice. Daddy works too early.” I explained to Uncle Jack.
“Well thankfully now is a break time for us. So why don’t we run to the restroom real fast then we can enjoy our lunch break. Sound good?” Will explained.
I looked at him confused until I felt the cold and damp pull-up beneath me. My face immediately started to heat up. Before I could get upset, Jack excused himself. “If you don’t mind I’d love to join you two on your lunch break. I’ll go grab my lunch while you’re gone.”
Jack left soon after giving Will and I some privacy. I put Will’s jacket on as he grabbed my backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. He handing me Comet, “Don’t worry,” he reassured, “I know a quieter bathroom us to get you changed in.” He said as he picked me up.
And with that we entered the busy hallway of the academy. While I was coming out of my shell the more I was here, being in a wet pull-up in my Daddy’s arms started to put me right back in my shell. I simply hid my face in his shoulder.
I heard student chattering as we walked by. Nothing about me thankfully but more about drama going around. I did hear one person mention me, but they were just saying how cute Will and I were. That was kind of them!
Finally though Will reached the bathroom. He was right, it was much quieter than the busy hallways and thankfully we were the only ones inside. Will walked into the big stall that had a changing table inside.
He hooked my backpack on the door and started to grab everything I needed. Then once all set, he picked me up and laid me down to get changed.
This used to be embarrassing beyond belief to me. I used to be so incredibly self conscious and ashamed of having an accident. But Will and Hannibal helped me to understand that it’s just a part of my regression and it’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. They helped me through a lot. I’m so incredibly grateful to have them as my Caregivers.
Will is like a ninja when it comes to changing me. Two second and he’s done. Hannibal is more delicate and easy does it.
“All done!” Will helped pick me up and off the changing table. He cleaned everything off and washed his hand. “Wash your hands too, we’re going to have our lunch when we get back.” He instructed.
“Okay,” I walked over and washed my hands in the sink as well. Will helped, getting the soap from the crazy descender and the paper towels from the other crazy machine.
Once we finished in the bathroom, Will and I walked out and back into the madness that was the hallways of the school. He held my hand tightly in mine. “Don’t want to lose you in the sea of people. I’d be lost without you my first mate.” Will said in a pirate voice, I giggled.
“Are you enjoying your day at work?” He asked in his regular voice.
“I love it! It cool to see your world!” It really was cool to step into his shoes for the day and see what he does on a daily basis.
“Am I ever going to get my jacket back?” He asked seeing me still wearing the oversized jacket.
I smiled and shook my head, “Nope.”
We walked back inside the classroom to find Jack setting up two extra chairs for us all to eat at Will’s desk. Upon seeing us return, Jack opened his arms up for me to run into. He didn’t have to ask twice. Immediately I took off and ran into his arms. He spun me around and gave me a big hug.
“My favorite niece in the whole world.” He said still holding me in his arms. “I see you brought your stuffie with you today. What their name again?” He say noticing my reindeer.
“This is Comet. She’s one of Santa’s reindeer.” While my stuffed animal looked closer to a deer than a reindeer, my little side couldn’t really tell the difference. Plus I got her around Christmas time.
“Well it’s nice to see again Comet.” He said shaking the reindeer’s hove.
“It’s lunch time you two.” Will took out his lunch and my lunch from our bags.
Once Jack set me down I ran over and held my lunch box for him to see. “Uncle Jack! Uncle Jack! Look at my lunch box!”
“Wow! Is that the mystery machine? What a cool lunch box Y/N!” Jack praised. He took a seat across from Will at his desk. I sat next to Will, and Will sat in his desk chair.
Then we started to dig into our lunch. While the adults talked about adult stuff, I opened my lunchbox to see a little handwritten note from Hannibal.
Dear Y/N,
I hope you have a wonderful day at work with Daddy. I’ll be thinking about you all day and I’ll miss you every second we’re apart. But I can’t wait to hear about all the exciting adventures you’ll have today. Be good for Daddy today and eat all your vegetables in your lunch box.
Love always,
Papa xoxo
I smiled and held the note close for a minute. I put it my jacket pocket for safe keeping before I started to dig into the fancy lunch Hannibal made me.
Jack, Will and I talked for a while and ate our lunch in peace. Jack talked to Will about more adult boring stuff, then I talked about Comet and the adventures we went on recently, then Jack started to talk about us coming over for dinner at his house with his wife Bella.
But as soon as the lunch break started, is as soon as it finished. Jack helped us clean up before saying his goodbyes.
“I hope you have a fun rest of your day at work Y/N.” Jack said before he broke apart from our hug.
“Thank you! Bye Uncle Jack!” I waved.
“Goodbye sweetie. Talk to you soon Will.” And with that he left.
“Student should be coming in soon. Would you like to help Daddy again with passing out papers?” Will asked.
“Yes!!” I ran back over to the desk and grabbed his briefcase, when I noticed something inside. A flashlight looking thing. I pulled it out and pressed the button and WOW! A laser light!
“Daddy do you need this for your class?” I handed him the laser pointer.
Will smiled but shook his head. “No I won’t darling. But you can play with it until students start to come in.” He handed me back the laser pointer and I handed him his briefcase.
The laser pointer was fun! I got to play with it for at least a good 10 minutes before the first couple of students started to come in. Then I handed it back to Daddy.
The classes started to fill and eventually it was time to start. “Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all had a nice weekend. As I said last week, today is bring your Little to work day. So standing at my side is my lovely little one Y/N.”
I waved again to the crowd. This time a couple of people waved back at me and smiled.
“We will be going over last week’s exam. Y/N will be passing them back to you. So when I call your name please raise you hand and keep it raised until she hands you the paper.”
Will picked up the stack of paper and handed me the first one.
“Robert?” Will asked. Robert raised his hand.
And just like before I did my laps around the classroom handing out papers to everyone. Thanks to having lunch before I had plenty of energy passing out the marked exams.
Once I finished I went back to Will’s desk to finish up my picture while he began his review of the exams. I occasionally would stop and listen to Will’s lecture. It’s so boring! But Will looks so cool standing up there so confidently explaining to the class the right answer from wrong.
My colored picture was more than 50% done before I fell asleep, so within 10 minutes I was finished with my picture for Daddy!
But he was still teaching…but I needed to show him my picture now…it’s for him after all… Maybe there’s a way for me to go over all sneaky like so I don’t bother Daddy but I give him my colored picture.
I ripped the page from my coloring book and I picked up my stuffie Comet. Then I slowly but carefully walked over to the podium that Daddy was teaching at. There were a couple of students who noticed me sneaking up who started to laugh.
Eventually I made my way to Daddy who was just going to the next question on his exam review. I pulled on his sleeve to get his attention.
Will turned to me and stopped mid sentence, “Hey, what’s going on? Is everything okay?” He leaned down to talk.
Now that I was up front in the class I started to get a bit self conscious. I just held up photo for Will to see. “I made you a picture.”
There was a second where I was worried that he would be mad at me for interrupting his class. After all I just bothered him about a colored picture of a dog.
But Will had the opposite reaction, in fact he lightened up seeing my picture. “Did you color this for Daddy?” He asked.
I started to smile, “Yeah! I colored the puppy to look like Winston! And he has sunglasses on too!” I pointed to the picture to show him.
“It looks exactly like Winston! I love it! Thank you darling.” He kissed the crown of my head causing me to giggle.
“Now do you want to stay with Daddy at the podium or do you want to go back to Daddy’s desk?”
“With you,” I said holding onto his sleeve.
“Actually I have a great idea on how you can help Daddy.”
Will lifted me up into his arms then handed me the laser pointer off the podium. “I’m going to whisper to you the right answer and you’re going to point to it with the laser pointer on the projection board.” Will turned and showed me the projection on the back wall. “Sound good?”
I was beaming with pride! I nodded and held the laser pointer ready!
“Okay, onto question 32. Who established the first crime lab?” Will asked the class.
Then he turned to me and whispered “The answer is A.”
He turns with me in his arms and I use the laser pointer to point to A’s answer. The class giggles as I circle the A enthusiastically.
“Thank you my little teacher assistant. Yes, the answer is A, Edmund Locard.” Will praised, I smiled back.
Hannibal quietly entered the classroom some time later, hoping to get a glance of his husband and Little hard at work. What he saw made his heart swell with love. His husband holding onto Y/N tightly in his arms while teaching, and Y/N wearing Will’s jacket helping the review along with her laser pointer.
The Caregiver Professor and Little Teacher Assistant hard at work!
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arielhopepeace · 10 months
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Sorry this part took a bit! Been getting ready to move and now I’m sick lol 😭 but enjoy and check part 1 for more extensive TWs, please ❤️
TW: smut, dirty talk, talk of sexual trauma
18+ only
5,400 words
Part two
My leg bounces about anxiously beneath my desk, constantly checking and re-checking the clock in the bottom right hand corner of my computer screen. It's nearly five, and I'm more than ready to go home and enjoy my weekend. But as every day passes, I become more apprehensive about my date with Joel tomorrow.
Of course he was wonderful, kind, a damn good kisser, and hot beyond belief, but I'm still terrified. Without any sedative-like influence from the alcohol, I'm back to the withered shell of a woman I was when Joel walked into my office.
I can't believe I was fully prepared to sleep with him the other night. I had convinced myself that I was safe enough to do something like that with him, and I'm glad I didn't. What if I kiss Joel again and I panic? Or what if we're ever intimate and I panic? What will he do? Laugh in my face and continue anyway?
No, not Joel. He's too sweet for that, right?
Obviously my libido is calling the shots rather than my rational anxiety. It's been eight years since I've slept with anyone, and I'm jumping into this way too quickly for my liking. Am I crazy? Next time I'm with him, I'm not drinking any alcohol. I need to be myself and not a sedated, sex obsessed freak.
My eyes flutter closed, my lashes dancing against my cheeks as I recall Joel's hands on my body, and his soft, skilled lips against mine. Of course he was eager, he's a man. Is that why he fixed my washer? To get laid?
Part of me is tempted to go off on him for being such a disgusting pervert, but he hasn't done anything to me. My mind is fabricating all of these scenarios and reasons for his kindness when even I know it's probably out of character for Joel.
He's a single dad who lost his wife nine years ago, and who's devoted to his daughter who he's crazy about. Joel seems to be an incredible father. There's no way a man like that would ever try to hurt me, is there?
"Y/n?" I hear from my open office door.
"Yes?" My eyes snap up to see Cynthia, my secretary.
She smiles wide at me. "Are you done for the day?"
I gaze down to see that it's ten after five, meaning I've been sitting here spiraling over Joel for almost twenty minutes.
"Yes," I sigh with a smile. "More than done. I'm ready for the weekend."
Cynthia walks beside me as we leave the building, our cars being parked next to each other's outside.
"You have any exciting plans?" she asks with a large grin.
I decide to not tell her about Joel. "Nah, just me and my wine. You?"
"Ex-husband has the kids this weekend, so I'm probably going to be doing the same as you," she giggles. "Get home safely, y/n, okay?"
"Thanks, Cynthia. You too."
  When I get home, I see a lovely bouquet of flowers sitting on my doorstep along with a note. I beam as I unlock my front door, placing the flowers on the kitchen counter and fishing the little card out of the leaves.
I'm excited for tomorrow night. I hope you enjoy these flowers as much as I enjoy your company.
My face aches as I hold the card to my chest, feeling like I'm in a movie or something. I read the note several times, my mouth curling up wider and wider every time. Who knew my cheeks could stretch this far?
I carry the flowers into my bedroom, setting them on the nightstand beside my bed with the card leaning against the pretty blue vase.
I immediately press on Joel's contact, hoping that he's done working for the day. With every ring of the line, my apprehension climbs, until I hear that low, inviting burr of Joel's voice.
"Hey, you," he says sweetly. "I'm assuming you got my gift."
My cheeks burn as I beam at the floor. "I did. Thank you. You didn't have to get me anything, you know."
Joel chuckles lightly. "I wanted to."
The line goes quiet for a moment before Joel speaks again.
"Can I be honest with you?" he asks.
My heart jumps into my throat. "Of course."
"I haven't stopped thinking about you, y/n."
"Same here, honestly," I laugh sheepishly. "I feel like I'm going crazy."
He laughs, the sound warming my chest. "You know, I haven't been on many dates since my wife passed. Maybe only two."
My brows raise in surprise. "Really? How come?"
"Never felt right."
I chew on my bottom lip nervously. "But it does with me?"
"Mhmm," he hums, "very right."
"I guess I should be honest with you too and tell you I haven't been with anyone in eight years."
"What?!" Joel chokes out. "Why? How?"
I swallow hard, shaking my head. "I'd rather talk about it in person. It's—awkward."
"You don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable, y/n. You never have to do anything you're not comfortable with."
My eyes feel misty at his comforting words, but my mind is screaming at me to keep my walls up. "Thanks, Joel."
"Of course, y/n. As I said, you shouldn't be thanking me for the bare minimum. I'm sorry for whatever guy made you think that's all that you deserve."
Deciding to change the subject before I panic, I quickly swallow my fear that's clawing its way up my throat. "Uh—what time should I meet you tomorrow? And where are we going?"
"I could pick you up, if you want. I'd like it to be a surprise." He audibly smiles in his words.
I can't help but giggle. "Okay, that's fine. Could at least tell me the attire?"
"Hmm, I don't know. Casual-slash-nice? I'll be wearing a button-down and some jeans. Nothing too fancy."
I nod my head, planning my outfit already. "That sounds good to me. What time will you be here?"
"Six-thirty okay with you?"
"That sounds perfect."
"I'll see you tomorrow then, y/n. I have to attempt to make a good dinner for Sarah and I. I told you I was a shit cook, but I do practice so that she's not eating crap food all the time."
I laugh, flopping onto my back on my bed. "You're a good dad, Joel."
"I do my best."
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye, y/n."
We hang up, and I toss my phone to the side, staring at my ceiling.
Am I making the right choice by going out with him? I won't have any way of getting home if things go poorly, or if he switches and is no longer the man I'm assuming he is. What if he's exactly like...him? I hate saying his name, or even thinking it. Joel can't be evil like him, can he?
  I'm straightening out my powder blue sundress when there's a knock on my front door. My hands are shaky and I feel like my knees are going to buckle at any moment. Taking a steadying breath, I pull open the front door, revealing a stunning, handsome Joel before me.
He's donned in a black button-up as he said, and dark blue jeans with black dress shoes on his feet. His hair is lightly tamed with some gel, adding a bit of shine to the  deep brown strands.
I feel winded at his appearance, and I'm suddenly hoping he feels the same about me. I've done my makeup to the best of my ability, and even went the extra mile to straighten my hair. Even with my heels on, Joel is still taller than me, and I don't know why I enjoy that so much.
"Wow," he breathes out, still standing on my doorstep. "I can't believe you're my date tonight."
My heart soars as I blush, looking down to my floor to try to focus my gaze elsewhere. "Thank you. You look amazing, Joel."
He scoffs. "Next to you, I look like a bum."
I giggle, meeting his soft brown eyes and the straightness of his teeth. "Are you ready?"
Joel nods, reaching his hand out for mine. "If you are."
Tossing all of my anxiety and negative thoughts aside, I grab his hand, locking my front door behind me as he leads me to his truck. He opens the door for me and helps me in, his hand letting go once I'm settled in to the passenger seat.
My eyes follow him as he walks around the front, getting in beside me behind the steering wheel. We gaze at each other for a moment, my focus falling to his delicate lips that I've missed the feeling of, no matter how hard I've tried to deny that fact. I want to want him without feeling afraid, but I can't help it.
"Kiss me," I say gently.
Joel immediately leans forward with his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me into him firmly. His lips are so soft, and his tongue is back again in its eager, talented way. I can't help but moan, his tongue the match that struck across my body to wrap it in delicious flames.
He pulls away, both of us a bit winded from the kiss. "How the hell do you kiss like that if you haven't been with anyone in eight years?"
I giggle slightly as I shrug. "You're a good guide."
Joel chuckles and leans fully away, holding his hand out for me as he keeps the other on the steering wheel, pulling away from my house. I gently slide my fingers into his, feeling euphoric and safe in his truck with him.
Not seeing him for a few days has only made my attraction grow tremendously. How does he melt all of my fears away just by being around me? Nobody has ever done that for me before, or maybe I just never let anybody try. Why am I letting him in?
  We park in front of a swanky restaurant, one that I've always passed, but never eaten at. It's New Orleans style food served in a comfortable, yet classy environment. I've always wanted to try it, but it seemed odd to come here alone, even though that's what I prefer.
Joel holds my hand as we walk in, the host guiding us to a table once he tells her the name for our party. The air smells heavenly. It's like Cajun food and Texan food had a baby and this restaurant is the outcome. God bless whoever came up with this place.
The server orders our drinks, and I opt out of getting wine. Joel orders an appetizer for us, my eyes scanning the menu as he does.
"No wine?" he sneers playfully at me. "Thought you were a wine lover."
"I am," I laugh, "but I'd like to be more connected this time."
Joel nods. "That's why I didn't order any beer. I still have to drive you back home, too."
Against everything my brain is telling me, I reach beside me at the table and rub Joel's thigh gingerly. I keep my eyes on the menu, my hand shaking as I bring it to a stop against his pants.
Joel reaches down and grabs my hand, bringing it up to his lips and placing a gentle kiss against it. My gaze moves from the menu to his, seeing the slight concern etched into his face.
"Y/n," he says gently, "you're shaking again."
"I'm sorry," I say quickly. "I guess I'm nervous."
"About what?"
I shake my head. I can't tell him about my traumatic past on our first date, can I? He'll think I'm crazy and divulging way too much information for someone I barely know. It's not like me to open up, but I feel compelled to with him. I want him to know that it's not his fault that I'm so fucking terrified all the time.
"I don't know," I say softly. "I'm sorry."
Joel's brows knit together with worry. "Do you want me to take you home?"
God. That simple question has my anxiety skyrocketing down; that reassurance that if I need to leave at any given moment apparently being all I needed to calm down.
I give him a warm smile, leaning across the corner of the table to place a gentle kiss against his stubbly cheek. "No. I want to be here with you."
He beams at me, kissing my knuckles again. "You're not shaking anymore."
"I know," I beam, turning back to the menu. "Everything sounds so damn good. What are you thinking about getting?"
"Honestly the gumbo sounds amazing, and I've never had any."
"Ooo," I coo, nodding. "That does sound good."
  After our food is brought out, Joel takes a generous bite of his dish as I dig into mine. The flavor of everything bursts in my mouth, and I let out a moan of contentment. It's incredible, and I can't believe I've never eaten here before.
Joel holds out his spoon for me with his steaming food piled onto it. "You've gotta try this."
I lean forward and take the spoon between my lips, groaning with a nod as I enjoy the taste of his meal.
"God, that's amazing." I pierce my own food with my fork, holding it out for Joel. "Now try mine."
Watching his lips slide across my fork does something sinful to me, and I'm not entirely sure why.
"This might be the best food I've ever had," he beams.
"I can't believe you haven't eaten here before. This is my favorite restaurant."
"It felt weird to come here alone," I laugh, placing my fork down to sip my water.
Joel eyes me with a glimmer in his eye. "Well, now you don't have to."
My cheeks warm as I break the eye contact, unable to hold it any longer. Although his eyes are kind and gentle, there's something so intimidating about them. Maybe it's because I'm so attracted to him, but god I can't look into them for too long.
  We finish our meals and I go to pay, but Joel quickly grabs my card from me, slamming his down into the checkbook instead.
"Absolutely not," he shakes his head as we both laugh. "You can be a control freak all you want on your own time, but I'm paying for dinner tonight."
I giggle loudly, crossing my arms as I do my best to act offended. "Only I can call me a control freak."
He holds up his hands in defense. "I was only quoting you"
I playfully shove him, watching as the server walks away with the bill. "I want to pay for the next date."
Joel leans on the table on his elbows, handing me my card back. "Oh, there's going to be a next date?"
My eyes land on his, admiring the deep chocolate river that flows in them. "Yes."
"Maybe I like that you're a control freak," he beams, his eyes floating down to my lips. "It's charming."
"Charming?" I guffaw. "You don't think I'm crazy?"
"Of course not," he laughs. "Everyone has their quirks, and I want to learn all of yours."
My gaze softens. "Really?"
Joel nods. "Really."
  Back at my house, Joel walks me to the front door, giving me a long, lingering kiss before I unlock it.
"Would you like to come in?" I ask somewhat timidly.
He nods with a smile, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "We could watch a movie again, if you wanted."
I beam. "I'd like that a lot."
We enter my house, and I immediately kick off my heels, picking them up by the backs and carrying them into my bedroom. I put them away where they belong, checking my reflection in the mirror to make sure I'm tidy and presentable enough for Joel.
He stands near the couch, my eyes flicking down to his shoes. "You can take those off if you want."
Joel chuckles. "Do you not like shoes on in the house?"
I smirk, walking up beside him. "No, not really."
He laughs, bending down and slipping his shoes off to leave them by the front door near the little entrance carpet.
We sit on the couch, my thumb clicking on the remote to go to any streaming service.
"Do you have to be back to Sarah any time soon?" I ask, suddenly worrying that I'm taking up too much of his time.
"No," he smiles. "I told Mrs. Cheshire that it might be a late night. She knows I'm on a date."
Hearing him say that makes me beam vastly, gazing into his soft eyes. "Yeah, you are."
Joel chuckles, leaning in and placing a soft kiss to my cheek. "What do you want to watch?"
"Anything. How about I stop being a control freak and let you pick?"
He laughs, nodding as he takes the remote from me. "Any particular genre you like to avoid?"
"I'm good with anything, really." My eyes admire his beautiful profile. "You pick."
Joel ends up landing on a rom-com, making my lips tweak up as I giggle. He laughs with me, throwing his arm around my shoulders as I lean into his chest. He smells incredible; the scent warm and musky yet clean. I inhale him deeply, needing more of him.
My head turns up to face his, admiring the stubble along his jaw. Joel flicks his gaze down to look at me, giving me a gentle smile.
"What?" he asks quietly as the movie plays in the background.
"You're a handsome man, Joel."
He chuckles, shaking his head. "It blows my mind that you think that."
"You're delusional."
"No, you're just that beautiful."
My lips attach to his in an instant, a hungry, needy feeling washing over me. I'm consumed by my own greed to have him near, desperate to have him closer. I slip my tongue against his, savoring the taste of Cajun food and Joel.
His hands rest on my hips, gripping them tightly as he begins to push me back onto the couch. My head hits the cushion gently as our lips never part, the weight of him feeling—suffocating and overwhelming. The horrible thoughts begin to flood my mind, and I do my best to push them away. But Joel is on me, devouring my mouth and keeping his grip on my hips. I can't do it. It's too much.
"Joel," I breathe, my chest beginning to heave.
"Yes, y/n?" he rasps, his lips on my neck.
"No!" I shout, pushing at his shoulders roughly.
He immediately flies back, fear and confusion staining his wonderful, beautiful face. "Y/n, hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
Before even realizing it, I'm crying and shaking, curling into myself on my cushion that I was just pressed against moments ago. I close my eyes, hoping that it'll vanish. Whether it's the thoughts or Joel, I don't care. I just need them to go away.
"Remember the breathing?" he says quietly, sounding so far away it's like I'm floating in space. "Breathe with me, y/n."
My hands are over my ears, and my eyes are squeezed shut. I slowly open them to look at Joel, watching his chest inflate and deflate slowly. I follow his rhythm, moving my hands slowly away from my head to hear his deep breaths. He encourages me, smiling gently with those soft eyes of his melting me.
His hand slowly reaches out to grab mine and I let him, watching as he places it against his heart. It's racing against my palm, but his breathing is easy and calm.
"Joel," I begin, but he shushes me gently.
"Just keep breathing for a minute. Follow mine."
We sit there gazing at each other, easily breathing in and out for a few minutes until both of our hearts are no longer pounding hard against our chests.
"I need to tell you something," I say, hanging my head.
Joel brings my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles. "I'm sorry, y/n."
My brows pitch up. "What for?"
"I came on too strong and I scared you. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."
"No," I shake my head. "Joel, it's not your fault."
His vast, saddened eyes search mine, wrenching my heart. "I never want to scare you, y/n."
"Please, it's not your fault, I promise."
He nods, kissing my knuckles again.
"I haven't been with anyone in eight years because I was—" Words fail me, and I seem incapable of explaining what happened to me in this moment.
"You were what?" Joel asks gently.
"T-taken advantage of by my ex-boyfriend and his friend when I was seventeen."
Joel's face twists with disgust, and the tenderness has left his eyes. "My god, I'm so sorry, y/n."
"No," I shake my head, "please don't pity me. I don't want your pity."
He gingerly reaches out and cups my face, my cheek pushing more into his touch. "It's not pity, y/n. It's compassion."
A tear falls from my eye, and Joel swipes it with his thumb. "I panicked when you first took me to the supply store for the washer hose because I was scared I wouldn't come back home. With—him—I had no way of leaving. I was trapped."
Joel frowns. "Honey, you didn't have to go with me."
I smile faintly at the pet name. "But I wanted to. I wanted to spend time with you."
"Y/n, listen to me," he cups my face in both hands, "we don't ever have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. I don't care what it is, it won't happen if you're uncomfortable. Do you hear me?"
I nod. "I still want you, Joel. I want you so badly."
"We don't have to rush into anything. I haven't even slept with anyone in years. I'll wait for you, y/n. I want to wait until you're ready."
My eyes soften as I hang my head. "God, you're amazing, you know that?"
"I'm not amazing, y/n. I'm just being a decent human. You're still fragile, and I don't want to—"
I scowl. "I'm not fragile."
Joel frowns slightly. "I didn't mean to offend you, I just don't want you doing something if it's too soon."
"Joel, I've spent the last eight years being terrified of men. You're the first man I've let kiss me in eight years. I'm not a porcelain doll. I'm a woman that's healing, and you're helping me put on the band-aids."
He smiles gently. "I'm the luckiest damn man in the world."
I scoff, sniffling a bit. "You think you're lucky because you have a trauma victim that likes you?"
"You're not that to me at all," he shakes his head. "To me, you're a strong woman who's beginning to trust. And only god knows why I'm the one who made you want to start. I'm just happy to be here with you."
My body leans forward, wrapping my arms around his neck as I push our chests together. Our lips and tongues connect effortlessly, like it's second nature for us at this point. I fling my leg over his, straddling him and pinning his thighs to the cushion.
"Y/n," Joel pulls away, his eyes searching mine, "please, if you're not ready—"
"Shut up, Joel," I tell him, reattaching our lips.
My fingers are in his hair, his hands on my hips as I gently rock them back and forth against him. I can feel how hard he is beneath me, and it only spurs me on further.
I've never ridden anyone before, but it doesn't take an expert to figure out how to do it. My hands fumble with the buttons of his shirt, our lips never leaving each other's as I work at his shirt.
"Touch me," I breathe against his lips, continuing our kiss.
Joel's hands stay at my hips, rubbing them tenderly.
His shirt lays open, and I part our kiss to give him a look of disapproval. "Joel, I didn't tell you the truth so that you'd be scared of me." I bring his hands up from my hips to my breasts. "I said touch me."
He leans up to reconnect the kiss, his palms against me, kneading my chest through my dress. His hands move down beneath it, sliding up my bare thighs until he's gripping my ass tightly.
"You tell me if you want me to stop anything," he says gruffly, his eyes alight with hunger.
I nod, desperate to return to his lips.
His hands move up the sides of my dress, and I part our mouths for a moment just so he can lift it off over my head. My fingers are on his jeans, shaking from desperation as I do my best to unfasten the button. Joel helps me, making quick work of his jeans until he's sat beneath me in only his boxers.
I lick my lips in anticipation, staring down at the thick, weighty erection that rests beneath me.
"I don't have any condoms, y/n," Joel says with a ragged breath.
"I don't care. I'm on the pill."
Joel's fingers play with the band of my panties, and I can tell he's still hesitant to touch me. My lips trail along his jaw and neck as I guide his hand into the fabric that he's toying with. A small groan leaves his lips once his fingers come in contact with my slit, making me clench down onto nothing.
"Oh, my god," he groans slightly, his head falling back against the back of the couch. "You're so fucking wet."
I hum against him, sliding my tongue from his collar bone up to his earlobe. "Just for you, Joel."
He eases a finger gently inside of me, stopping my body in its tracks as a shudder of pleasure runs through me. Joel moves it out slowly, pushing it back in with ease. My hands are on his shoulders, gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly as I let out a quiet moan against his neck.
"Gotta prep you, honey. I won't fit if I don't get you ready for me."
My breath hitches in my throat as he works a second finger into me, my lips tucking between my teeth. "Fuck," I breathe out shakily.
"God, you're so tight," he groans. "Don't wanna hurt you."
"You won't," I whisper. "Please, I need you."
My hands hook into the sides of his boxers, pulling them down so that they're resting on his thighs with his jeans. Joel's fingers move up to my clit, making me gasp at the sudden contact.
"Cum first and then I'm yours."
"Joel," I groan, my head leaning back. "Please."
He rubs me easily, swirling my little bundle of nerves in quick, neat circles that have my thighs already quivering with anticipation.
"It's okay, y/n," he coos. "You don't have to beg. You'll have me."
My body is on fire, and my chest is heaving dramatically. I'm already so close to the edge; so close to a feeling I haven't experienced in years, not even when I'm alone. I never wanted to. I've never been so hungry for an orgasm than I am right now with Joel beneath me and his fingers against me.
That blinding rush of euphoria courses through my body and I scream out, my entrance fluttering as my release takes over me. Joel groans quietly, his fingers guiding me through it until I'm shivering from the overstimulation.
He gently pulls my face down to his, kissing me deeply and passionately. I take his thick cock into my hands, groaning at the sheer size and weight of him. My other hand moves down to pull my panties to the side, rubbing Joel's tip through my soaking apex.
"Fuck," he curses, briefly breaking the kiss. "Tell me again that you want me."
I nod, biting my lip. "I want you so bad, Joel."
"I'm yours, y/n. Take me."
I pull away, leaning up onto my knees as I position myself above him. With one hand on him at the base, I gently start to ease myself down. My jaw unhinges, my eyes open wide from the overwhelming feeling of the stretch of him. I feel full, and he's not even halfway in yet.
Joel grips my hips tightly, his eyes on where we're connecting. "Take your time. I don't want it to hurt."
"It doesn't," I breathe out sharply. "Just—a lot."
He chuckles cheekily, the sound seemingly vibrating through my body to send another rush of arousal to where he's stretching me out. I move my hand, allowing myself to settle at the bottom as we both let out a coo of approval.
"Go slow," Joel says gently.
I breathe, adjusting to him still, feeling stretched beyond belief. "Don't tell me what to do."
Joel laughs, his fingers quickly undoing the clasps of my bra. He attaches his mouth to my left nipple, making me shriek and tense up around him. He groans against me, his eyes briefly squeezing shut.
I slowly start to move up and down, groaning out towards the ceiling from the intense pleasure. Joel drops his fingers to my slick bud again, immediately making me clench down on him.
He groans, moving to my other nipple. "You're so beautiful," he praises. "Riding me so good, y/n."
His compliments spur me on, and I move my hips faster, becoming more and more acclimated to the stretch of him. My moans are constant. Every time he's buried in me to the hilt, I can't help but cry out into the emptiness of my home.
"Joel," I moan, my eyes squeezed shut. "Please, I'm so close."
His free hand comes up and grips me behind my neck, pulling my lips down to press against his briefly. "I know, honey. Can feel you squeezing me. Cum on me, y/n."
His words are my undoing, and I'm crumbling. My walls are flexing against him and my teeth are sinking into the skin of his neck, needing something to keep me grounded to earth.
Joel groans loudly, only making my orgasm more intense. "Yes, y/n," he moans. "Tell me how I feel."
"G-good," I shudder, kissing the teeth marks on his neck. "Please, Joel."
"What, honey? Tell me what you want."
"Fuck me."
His hands immediately go to my hips, his legs adjusting a bit before he starts to thrust up into me, the quick pace making me scream and bury my face back into his neck.
"Oh, my god!" I cry, my eyes squeezing shut. "Fuck, Joel, please."
"I can't hold it anymore, y/n. Tell me where you want it," he says gruffly. "Tell me."
"Inside of me!"
Joel's fingers dig into my skin so tightly I'm sure they'll leave bruises. He cries out, his head tilting back as I feel him throbbing inside of me. Every spurt of cum and jerk of his hips makes me groan, and I finally open my eyes once I feel his release stop pouring into me.
His hands move to my bare back, caressing me gently from the bottom of my spine to the top. He rubs me silently for a few moments, both of us just panting and breathing together.
"Please tell me how you are," Joel finally says. "I need to know."
"I'm perfect," I breathe, moving my head out of the crook of his neck. "More than perfect."
He beams at me, leaning up to pull me in to a wonderful, tender kiss that has my heart soaring.
"You're incredible," he says as our foreheads press together. "I can't believe you like me."
I giggle, shaking my head. "Would you stop it? You're perfect, Joel. I mean it."
He chuckles, kissing me again. "What do you want me to do?"
I cock my head. "About what?"
"Do you want me to stay the night? Or would you rather me go home?"
"Stay," I smile. "Please."
He beams at me. "I was hoping you'd say that."
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