#like hes still kind of a bitch hes just less murderous now
funshinebf · 6 months
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post trimax sketches idk. i still havent read trimax everything i know of it is from osmosis. for now
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cosmiiwrites · 1 month
OKAY SO I HAVE AN IDEA. What about established relationship domestic fluff with Adam?? Like waking up in the morning cooking breakfast that kind of stuff (I AM STARVED OF HAPPY ADAM CONTENT)
˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ domestic life
.ೃ࿐ adam x reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ hc/drabble: how adam would be like as a domestic partner cw: cussing, fluff, established relationship, reader is lwk fem coded a/n: ME TOO ANON. ME TOO. sorry for the hold up on the adam fics btw😭🙏
alright SOO
if you're in a relationship with adam, you obviously mean a lot to him
sure, he brags about his groupies and hookups all the time, but he's never actually been in a serious relationship with any of them
and he never stays in contact with them unless he needs a quick orgasm
without a doubt he drops them all for you
so when you’re dating him, let alone living with him, you’re a lot more than a good fuck
at first, waking up and adam being the first thing you see in the morning took you a while to get used to
you’d always find an arm slung around your waist when you woke up, stopping you from leaving the bed
you found it cute at first, but it started to get annoying when adam literally would not let you get up
“adam, hon, babe, love of my life, i gotta get ready for work,” you yawned. “adaaam,” whining his name clearly did not work. unfazed, the angel only tightened his hold on you. his face buried itself deeper into the crook of your neck. “c’mon, sera won’t be happy if you’re late for the fourth time this week…” you reminded him.
“i don’t give a shit,” adam groaned, voice muffled and barely audible. you loved his morning voice: husky, low, less insufferable. “i jus’ wanna be here with you. i don’t want to hear sera’s bitching this early in the morning…” his last sentence made you laugh, earning you an annoyed growl. “fine, i guess that’s fair.”
you settled more into your shared bed, one arm slinging around adam’s neck while the other combed through his hair. adam gave you a low groan in response. “mmh… could just stay here in bed all day, with you, y’know?” usually, you would object, but this time you gave it some thought. laying in bed with your boyfriend, cuddling all day? hm. you let out a defeated sigh.
“fuck yeah!”
you had actually found a way to let adam release you from the bed without him bitching about you “abandoning him”
that is, by cooking him bomb ass breakfast
the first time you cooked him breakfast was when he was deep in sleep and you were able to sneak your way out of his grasp
he wasn’t happy about you not being in bed with him, but your cooking made up for it.
an unfamiliar smell woke up adam. “[name], what the fuck is that sme- [NAME]?!” he frantically looked around for you, scanning the bedroom, the bathroom, he even checked the closet. this dumbass didnt even try following the smell. finally, adam found you in the kitchen, back facing towards him as you flipped pancakes.
he gave out a sigh of relief. almost instantly, adam pulled you into a hug from behind, head resting on your shoulder. because of the unexpected gesture, you let out a squeak. cute, he thought. “calm down, babe, s’ just me.” he chuckled. “but seriously, don’t leave me alone… i thought you got murdered or somethin’.” you whipped your head around to meet his eyes. was he serious? “first of all, this is literally heaven. secondly, i left to cook you breakfast, dummy. now go sit down or you’re not getting any.” immediately he complied.
“holy fuck.” he said, munching on a pancake. you giggled. “do you like it?” adam stared at you like you had gone crazy. “do i—do i like it? sweetheart, if i knew you cooked like a god i would’ve forced you to make every dish in the damn book.” his praise went straight to your head. you didn’t think he was capable of complimenting anyone that much but himself! still, you weren’t complaining.
not only did you make breakfast for adam, but lunch and dinner, too
when adam came home from work and found ribs on the table, he went FERAL
“baaaabe, im home,” he announced rather loudly. adam scanned the kitchen for you, instead landing his eyes on a large plate of ribs. never had adam wanted to wife someone up so bad.
“oh, adam! i just made some-“
“marry me.”
i feel like adam wouldn’t be too keen on doing chores around the house
washing dishes, doing the laundry, taking out the trash? not quite his forte
once said that it was a “woman’s job,” and you gave him a firm smack to his head (well deserved)
“adam, you NEVER do anything around here!” you complained. adam only groaned in response. “c’monn, doing the dishes won’t kill you,” “i dunno, it might.” “ADAM!”
“fine, jeez! so fuckin’ dramatic i swear…” he muttered under his breath. he reluctantly picked up a sponge and a plate and began cleaning the plate profusely fast. you leaned on the counter next to him, a smug grin on your face to which he only tsked at.
he put away the last dish, finally. “there, you happy now?” he huffed. “very.” you grabbed his face and pecked his lips once, twice. adam was taken aback at your sudden movement, nevertheless kissing you back more fervently. “mph- shit, if this is what i get for doing the dishes, i might start doing it more often.”
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
Soldier Boy x Reader - Prompt Response - "Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
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Summary: You're tired of running and you go to Soldier Boy for protection. He agrees to do it but not without a price.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Reader
A/N: Prompt from @thelonelyempath. The original character I wanted to respond to this prompt with before deciding to make it multi-character. This scenario immediately popped into my head reading the line and I just had to write it. Hope it's okay.
Thank you to my beta @rieleatiel for her services. You rock, girl!
Warnings: violence/murder; implied assassination attempts; sexual propositioning; Soldier Boy being himself; starts out as a blackmail type dynamic that appears as if a little dubcon at first; language?
Word Count: 2528
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
SB Taglist: @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
Beau version | Dean version | Jenny version | Tom version | Jason version | Anael version | SDV Alex version
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You never thought in a million years that you would be seeking out one of the most dangerous Supes in the world for protection. Then again, you never would have thought that a multi-billion dollar corporation would be after you, intent on seeing you torn apart and scattered to the four winds. You didn’t exactly blow the whistle on them, but you didn’t exactly tow the company line either—something Stan Edgar was less than thrilled with and now the evil son of a bitch wanted you dead.
It was no secret that Edgar and Soldier Boy had a falling out of sorts after the truth about his being handed to the Russians had come to light. His old team may have made it happen, but it was Edgar pulling the strings all along. Surprisingly, the Supe who had been so focused on revenge hadn’t hunted Edgar down after this revelation, which made you wary about going this route. However, after narrowly escaping the latest death squad sent after you, you decided you had no choice but to take the gamble. There was nowhere you could run that Vought wouldn’t find you and you just hoped this would be more of an ‘enemy of my enemy’ situation rather than a ‘handing you right over to your enemy’ situation.
Once you had managed to track him down in Hong Kong while you were busy running yourself, he had shockingly agreed to a meet, and even more shockingly agreed to help you. Not without certain stipulations, of course.
“Let me in that sweet pussy of yours and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
You should have known, especially from the way he had been eyeing you up ever since he caught sight of you. Screwing your face up in disgust, you flat out refused. “Not happening.”
He shrugged and began to walk away. “Then you must not need my protection that badly.”
You scoffed in disbelief. “You’re seriously turning me down because I won’t fuck you? Whatever happened to the ‘Soldier Boy is America’s son’ bullshit? The OG superhero who fought Nazis and protected people?”
Soldier Boy stopped and slowly turned back towards you. “I’d be putting myself on the line to protect you. For that, I deserve one hell of a payment.” 
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. “So now you’re blackmailing me into sleeping with you? Unbelievable.” You had heard he was more like America’s Asshole than its Son, but you still couldn’t believe your ears. You had even offered to help him take Vought down with what you knew, so long as he kept you safe. You knew he’d want that kind of information. Why else was he hopping from continent to continent in the last few months, trying to shake Vought just like you were? Instead, his dick was taking top priority. Typical. 
“It’s the least you can do, doll.” He faced you fully again, shield hanging off of his arm as if it weighed nothing. “Like you said, I fought for this country, fought the Nazis, and now you’re asking me to play bodyguard while taking on Vought for you. I deserve something worth all that trouble.”
You ran through all other options in your mind. You still had a contact that could possibly put you in touch with someone that wouldn’t mind tapping into Vought’s offshore accounts that weren’t supposed to exist. You were already on Vought’s kill list; what would a few hundred thousand dollars of theirs matter? “I could pay you,” you offered.
“I’m not interested in money.” His eyes roved over you as he approached. “Besides,” he murmured as he came to a stop in front of you. You tensed as he reached up to tuck a strand of your hair that had gotten loose from under your ball cap behind your ear. ”I haven’t had a looker as pretty as you in a long time. Been locked away.” He gently gripped your chin in between his thumb and index finger, his eyes intent on your mouth before lifting to meet yours. A hint of a smirk started to appear on his handsome face when he most likely heard your heart beat starting to increase.
He released you and even took a step back from you, allowing you physical and metaphorical space. “Your call.”
You bit your lip as thoughts chaotically swirled inside your head. On one hand, you refused to be manipulated or pushed into sex with this asshole. No matter how physically attractive he might be, you weren’t willing to get on your back just so he would help you. But on the other hand, the cold hard truth was that you were tired — tired of running, tired of little-to-no sleep, tired of the paranoia that came with such a flight. Hell, at present, you hadn’t slept in almost two days and you were running on fumes; there wasn’t enough caffeine or energy pills in the world to get you through another day with no rest. Your reaction time was already dragging if your last narrow escape was anything to go by. If you continued this way, you’d be dead before the sun started to warm the sky; you were certain of it.
Soldier Boy stared you down. “What’s it gonna be?”
You didn’t answer. Instead, you glanced behind you at a small noise far off down the street. Thankfully, it was an old woman tossing something out onto the pavement, but you couldn’t deny it put you further on edge. You turned back to the Supe whose eyes stayed trained on you. You took a deep breath to steady your nerves and readied your response. His lips began to quirk upwards into a smile; he knew what your answer was going to be before you even said the words.
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Vought Tower had been completely demolished. Luckily, it had been mostly evacuated before the destruction occurred. A fight between Soldier Boy and the now-dead Homelander had caused most of the damage, but the C4 that had been carefully lined throughout the infrastructure is what ended up bringing it down. 
Before it went boom, Soldier Boy had approached Stan Edgar, who refused to cower in a corner. The Supe respected that, but it didn’t change what he’d come here to do. He gripped Edgar by the throat and lifted him in the air, choking the older man and ignoring the fingers that desperately clawed at his hand.
“I thought we had an agreement,” Edgar rasped out.
Soldier Boy shrugged. “She made me a better one.” He then snapped the man’s neck and tossed his body aside like a rag doll. 
“Oi! We ought to get out of here,�� Butcher warned after seeing Stan Edgar lifeless on the floor. “Frenchie’s about to blow this place to fucking hell.”
He glared over at the Brit and picked up his shield. He still didn’t trust him, not after what he and his merry band of assholes had tried to do the last time they’d teamed up, but he’d made a deal with you and he was intent on keeping his end of it. The only conditions Butcher and Captain Lesbo had given this time around was: no civilian casualties and Ryan was off limits. He did his best with the first and he could give less than a fuck on the other. As far as he was concerned, the kid was Butcher’s problem as long as the kid didn’t come looking for some payback once he got older, which Butcher assured he wouldn’t. That, and there better not be Novichok gas waiting at the end of this mission for him. They’d reluctantly agreed, knowing they had no other way to kill Homelander and take down Vought all in one swoop.
“After you.” Soldier Boy gestured for Butcher to leave first. The man scowled but obliged, keeping a wary eye out as he moved. Smirking, Soldier boy followed. The Supe might have enjoyed the reaction—or even tried to settle the score from Butcher’s previous betrayal—if he didn’t have you to get back to. He needed to let you know that you no longer had Stan Edgar or Vought to worry about. He’d kept up his end of the bargain you’d both made — now, finally, you were free.
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You woke up to the sound of someone moving through the darkness in your room. You grabbed the gun from beneath your pillow and bolted upright as much as you could, trying to get your eyes to adjust so you could get a good shot.
“Relax, it’s just me,” Soldier Boy assured you. 
Recognizing his voice, you slowly lowered the gun and focused on his location. When your eyes finally adjusted, you realized he was near the foot of the bed, completely nude, his hair damp from a fresh shower. “Ben,” you breathed out in relief. “You scared me.”
Through the beams of moonlight shining into the room from the window, you saw him give you a smile and lay his shield down on the floor next to him. “Didn’t mean to.”
You slipped the safety back on the gun and stashed it into the drawer of your nightstand. You hated having it under your pillow at night; it was super uncomfortable and you only needed to do that when Soldier Boy — Ben, as he’d asked you to call him instead — wasn’t around. “Everything go okay?” 
“Better than okay.” You glanced back to see a smirk adorning that handsome face of his, with an all-too familiar gleam in those green eyes. You watched as he slipped on some sweats and then made his way to the opposite side of the bed. You moved onto your side to face him, smiling as he climbed in next to you and sat up against the headboard, turning to grin down at you. Within seconds, he had his arms wrapped around you, pulling you up against him, and he was kissing you a proper hello. He only pulled back when you needed air and tenderly rubbed his nose along yours, nuzzling you. “How about you, doll? Everything go okay while I was gone?”
You nodded and snuggled into his bare chest, letting out a relieved sigh when you felt his warm hands stroking your back. “Everything’s fine,” you assured him, closing your eyes. You’d never admit it aloud, but you felt so much better when he was around. Not only did you feel protected but you just felt better in general. You’d have to be under the pain of torture to admit to him (or yourself) that you actually missed him when he had to leave.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and let his lips linger there, continuing to rub your back just the way you liked. “Edgar and Vought are gone,” he murmured. “The Caped Cunt, too. You’ve got nothing more to worry about.”
Your eyes snapped open and you lifted yourself up to meet his gaze, your brows furrowed. “What?” You asked in shock.
“You heard me.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb, his grin now a smug smile. “You’re safe, baby.”    
Your eyes widened when the realization hit you. “That’s where you went?”
Your only answer was the lengthening of that smile. 
“Jesus, Ben.” So many thoughts and emotions swirled within you all at once. You were free, truly free. You no longer had to worry about Vought death squads hunting you down, Homelander coming for you, or Stan Edgar sending after you any ragtag Supes he could scrounge up. You were free. Although, Ben hadn’t told you that he was about to go on his most dangerous mission yet. He might be America’s original superhero and he might be tough to kill, but that didn’t mean he was completely invincible. He’d admitted as much to you over the last few months. “What if… What if you didn’t—”
He kissed you, effectively cutting you off. “I did,” he hummed against your lips. “Told you I would.”
You nodded, gently tracing his facial features with your hands before gliding down to his shoulders, dipping down the warm expanse of his back and then slowly returning to his chest. As always, he remained patient whenever you did this ritual of checking him for any wounds or injuries, knowing you wouldn’t find any but needing to assure yourself just the same. Truthfully, this man had come to mean more to you than you’d ever imagined would be possible. Hell, there had been a time when it wouldn’t have been possible at all.
When you were done, you met his gaze head on. “Do I want to know?”
Ben remained silent, but his eyes said it all: no, you didn’t want to know. You and Ben may have planned for the downfall of Vought and the ends of Homelander and Stan Edgar, the very same bastards that had put a target on your back in the first place, but that didn’t mean you wanted to hear the gory details of their deaths. You were just grateful Ben had come back to you alive and unharmed. 
You gave him a thin-lipped smile in understanding. “Thank you,” you whispered. 
Ben studied you for a moment, then pulled you in and kissed you again, his fingers slipping through your hair until he grabbed the back of your neck and urged you to meet him more fully. Just as you were getting into it, he broke away and chuckled. “You’re real eager for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?” You shot him a look and the smirk was suddenly back on his face. Without warning, he picked you up to rearrange you in the bed how he wanted you. “Too bad that you need to get some rest. We’re blowing the fuck out of here tomorrow and you’re gonna need to keep up.”
As if he would leave you behind if you couldn’t. “I thought you said Butcher would leave us alone after this.”
“I don’t trust that dicksucking Brit and I trust his bitch of a boss even less.”
You rolled your eyes, smirking when you felt him settle in behind you, knowing how much he enjoyed spooning you like this. “‘Kay,” you agreed. He had successfully protected you this far; you’d follow his lead on this one, too. You shut your eyes and snuggled into your pillow, content to feel his hands on your back caressing you once more. You were just about asleep when you heard him murmur in your ear, “Sleep. I’ll keep you safe.” You smiled when you heard the words he’d been saying to you every night now for many months and your heart lightened when you felt his hands trail from your back to cup protectively over your rounding stomach, rubbing gently. ‘Safe’ is exactly how you felt right in this moment, and the little girl moving to meet her father’s embrace—like she always did when she sensed he was near—only cemented the knowledge that this was the first night neither you nor she were in danger any longer. It gave you a sense of peace you hadn’t known in a long time.
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 😊
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doctorbitchcrxft · 2 months
Skin | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: mentions of assault/battery, canon violence, canon gore (take care of urselves bbies)
Word Count: 5826
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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You and Dean didn’t talk about Toledo. You were back to not talking about much of anything. Your fights had become much less frequent, and when you did fight, it was more playful than malicious. For that, you were grateful. You felt incredibly conflicted about the fact that he was beginning to grow on you. 
‘Like a wart,’ you thought. ‘Or a blister, maybe.’
Whatever he was, he was beginning to chip through your hard exterior. You also found out he hadn’t told Sam what you’d told him about your family which you were surprised by. 
The three of you spent more time on the road than you did anywhere else. When you used to drive cross-country by yourself, you felt yourself beginning to go crazy a few hours into the drive. As much as you loved your alone time, you also craved the company of others. Now that you had it, you weren’t sure how you were going to leave these guys once you found John. 
Dean turned in his seat to face Sam. “Alright, I figure we’d hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south, hit Bisbee by midnight.” 
He didn’t respond.
“Sam wears women’s underwear.”
“I’ve been listenin’, I’m just busy,” he finally answered. 
“Busy doin’ what?” you placed your head on his shoulder over the top of the seat.
“Reading e-mails.” 
Dean had gotten out of the car and began pumping gas. “E-mails from who?”
“From my friends at Stanford.” Sam still seemed disinterested in conversation.
“You’re kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?” Dean asked.
“Why not?” He still hadn’t turned his attention from his phone.
“Well, what exactly do you tell ‘em? You know, about where you’ve been, what you’ve been doin’?”
“I tell ‘em I’m on a road trip with my big brother. I tell ‘em I needed some time off after Jess.”
“And I couldn’t make my way into that lie?” you asked. 
“What do I tell ‘em, (Y/N/N)? That we picked up some chick in California and took her on the road with us?” he chuckled. “And I don’t lie to them. I just don’t tell ‘em… everything.”
“Yeah, that’s called lying,” you retorted. “I get it, though, the truth is much worse.”
“So, what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life?”
His older brother shrugged.
“You’re serious?” Sam wasn’t really asking.
“Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can’t get close to people, period,” Dean responded.
“How many friends do I have, Sam?” you asked him.
“Exactly,” you giggled.
“You two are kind of anti-social, you know that?” He returned to scrolling through his emails.
“Eh, whatever.” You flopped back on the bench seat.
“God….” Sam trailed off.
“What?” you and Dean asked.
“In this e-mail from this girl, Rebecca Warren, one of those friends of mine.”
“Is she hot?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Dean—” 
Sam ignored the two of you. “I went to school with her, and her brother, Zack. She says Zack’s been charged with murder. He’s been arrested for killing his girlfriend. Rebecca says he didn’t do it, but it sounds like the cops have a pretty good case.”
“Dude, what kind of people are you hangin’ out with?” his brother questioned.
“No, man, I know Zack. He’s no killer.”
“Well, maybe you know Zack as well as he knows you.”
“They’re in St. Louis. We’re goin’.”
“Look, sorry ‘bout your buddy, okay?” Dean chuckled humorlessly. “But this does not sound like our kind of problem.”
Sam wasn’t having it. “It is our problem. They’re my friends.”
“St. Louis is four hundred miles behind us, Sam.” Dean and Sam got into what you can only describe as a staring contest before Dean scoffed; seemingly admitting defeat. Next thing you knew, you were headed to St. Louis.
The massive door on the undoubtedly expensive house you’d arrived at opened to reveal a beautiful blonde girl. 
‘Damn all these pretty blonde bitches we keep running into,’ you thought.
“Oh my God, Sam!” she smiled, throwing her arms around her friend.
“Well, if it isn’t little Becky,” Sam jested.
“You know what you can do with that little Becky crap.”
“I got your e-mail.” His tone had become somber.
“I didn’t think that you would come here,” she answered earnestly.
Dean shoved in front of Sam. “Dean. Older brother.”
‘He’s making his fucking voice deeper again.’
She shook his hand. “Hi.”
“Hi,” she smiled back.
“We’re here to help. Whatever we can do.” You peeked out from behind Sam. “I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
“Nice to meet you!” You were only mildly annoyed by how wonderful her disposition was. “Come in.”
“Nice place,” Dean commented, taking in his grandiose surroundings.
“It’s my parents’. I was just crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I’m gonna stay until Zack’s free,” Becky explained.
“Where are your folks?” Sam asked.
“They live in Paris for half the year, so they’re on their way home now for the trial.”
‘Of course, they fucking do.’
“Do you guys want a beer or something?” she asked politely.
Dean obviously did, but his brother stopped him. “No, thanks. So, tell us what happened.”
“Well, um, Zack came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. And she was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn’t breathing.” Becky began to cry. 
‘She’s even pretty when she cries.’
“So, he called 911, and the police— they showed up, and they arrested him. But, the thing is, the only way that Zack could’ve killed Emily is if he was in two places at the same time. The police—they have a video. It’s from the security tape from across the street. And it shows Zack coming home at 10:30. Now, Emily was killed just after that, but I swear, he was here with me, having a few beers until at least after midnight,” she relayed.
“You know, maybe we could see the crime scene. Zack’s house.”
“We could,” Dean agreed, but you could tell he still wasn’t picking up where Sam was going with this.
“Why? I mean, what could you do?” the blonde asked.
“Well, me, not much. But Dean’s a cop.” Sam patted his brother’s shoulder.
“Detective, actually,” Dean laughed.
“Really? Where?”
“Bisbee, Arizona. But I’m off-duty now.”
“You guys, it’s so nice to offer, but I just— I don’t know,” she said.
“Bec, look, I know Zack didn’t do this. Now, we have to find a way to prove that he’s innocent,” Sam replied.
“Okay. I’m gonna go get the keys.”
“Oh, yeah, man, you’re a real straight shooter with your friends,” Dean mocked after Becky had walked down the hall.
“Look, Zack and Becky need our help,” Sam responded.
“I just don’t think this is our kind of problem.”
“Two places at once? We’ve looked into less.”
Dean said nothing, clearly defeated.
“You’re sure this is okay?” Rebecca asked Dean as the four of you walked into Zack's house.
Dean clearly was having fun with the whole “cop” thing. “Yeah. I am an officer of the law.”
You hated how smug he could be. Rebecca came inside with you and informed you that Emily had let her attacker in. 
She then informed you about a recent incident that struck you as odd. “Um, there was something, about a week before. Somebody broke in here and stole some clothes— Zack’s clothes. The police— they don’t think it’s anything. I mean, we’re not that far from downtown. Sometimes people get robbed.” In the midst of her story, you could hear a dog barking angrily across the street. Dean peered out of the window, and Becca came up behind him. “You know, that used to be the sweetest dog.”
“What happened?” you asked her.
“He just changed.”
Dean turned over his shoulder to her. “Do you remember when he changed?”
“I guess around the time of the murder,” she shrugged. 
You found Sam staring at a picture of himself, another college-aged boy you assumed was Zack, and Rebecca that was framed in the hallway. 
Dean came up behind you soon after. “So, the neighbor’s dog went psycho right around the time Zack’s girlfriend was killed.”
“Animals can have a sharp sense of the paranormal,” Sam said.
“Yeah, maybe Fido saw somethin’.”
“So, you think maybe this is our kind of problem?”
“Yeah, prob—” you started, only to be cut off by Dean.
“No. Probably not. But we should look at the security tape, you know, just to make sure.”
You shot him a look. “The evidence is staring you in the face, and you still can’t admit you’re wrong.”
He shot a look back at you that said, ‘Don’t try me.’
Before you could push each other’s buttons any further, Rebecca came over to you, and Dean turned his attention to her. “So, the tape. The security footage— you think maybe your lawyers could get their hands on it, ‘cause I just don’t have that kind of jurisdiction.”
How Becky was buying into Dean’s lie, you had no idea. He was really laying it on thick.
“I’ve already got it. I didn’t wanna say something in front of the cop,” she giggled. “I stole it off the lawyer’s desk. I just had to see it for myself.”
The three of you went back to Becky’s parents’ home to review the security footage. It was of Zack entering his house, but a strange glint on the film caught your eye.
“22:04,” Dean noted the time stamp, “that’s just after ten. You said time of death was about 10:30.”
“Our lawyers hired some kind of video expert. He says the tape’s authentic. It wasn’t tampered with,” Becky added.
“Hey, Bec, can we take those beers now?” Sam asked. 
“Oh, sure,” she replied politely, turning to go to the kitchen.
“Maybe some sandwiches, too?” He was putting on the puppy dog eyes just a bit to convince her. 
“What do you think this is, Hooters?” she snarked.
“I wish,” Dean mumbled. 
“Can you focus, please?” you asked him.
“What are you, my mother?” Your banter was no longer filled with malice, just a hint of aggravation. 
“No, but frankly, the thought of you trying to bang someone makes me want to throw up in my mouth. I’d prefer not to watch it happen,” you replied playfully. “But look.” You rewound the tape an started it over. You caught the glint again, paused it, and realized Zack’s eyes were silver. “There!”
“Well, maybe it’s just a camera flare,” Dean shrugged.
“Does that look like any camera flare you’ve ever seen?” you asked rhetorically. 
He just looked away, defeated. 
“You know, a lot of cultures believe that a photograph can catch a glimpse of the soul,” Sam chimed in. “Remember that dog that was freaking out? Maybe he saw this thing. Maybe this is some kind of dark double of Zack’s, something that looks like him but isn’t him.”
“Like a Doppelganger?” Your brow knitted together, mind trying to wrap around what you were dealing with.
“Yeah. It’d sure explain how he was in two places at once,” Sam said.
Despite the luxurious villa Sam’s friend called home, the three of you didn’t want to intrude on her privacy; opting for yet another shitty motel. Something about this case was bugging you, though, and you tossed and turned all night thinking about it. And then, it hit you.
You pulled on your jacket and boots and rushed over to the boys’ room. A sleepy Dean answered the door. You hated to admit it, but he and his fluffy, mussed up hair were adorable when he’d just woken up.
“Morning, sunshine,” you grinned.
He scratched his head. “(Y/N), what the fu—”
“We have to get to Zack’s house. I just thought of something. “
Sam appeared behind Dean, already dressed. “Whatcha got?”
Dean stepped back from the door, letting you into the room. 
“We saw ‘Zack’ go in, but never saw the killer leave,” you explained. “But of course, we didn’t. Why would the cops be looking for that when they nabbed Zack in his house with his dead girlfriend?” 
Sam was with you, nodding his head.
“Did you have to realize that before five in the morning?” Dean yawned, pulling a pair of pants on.
“Sorry,” you replied sheepishly. “Couldn’t sleep. But I figured that out, so that’s all that matters.”
Dean shook his head and yawned again. “Sam, you’re driving. I might crash my baby if I drive right now.”
“He must’ve gone out the back door,” Sam said. You and the brothers were walking toward Zack’s house. “So, there should be a trail to follow. A trail the police would never pursue.”
“I still don’t know what we’re doin’ here at 5:30 in the morning,” Dean grumbled.
“C’mon,” you groaned, dragging his arm to follow Sam around the back of Zack’s house. Sure enough, there was a dried, dark red substance smeared on a nearby telephone pole.
“Blood. Somebody came this way,” Sam noted.
“Yeah, but the trail ends,” Dean added from a few paces ahead. “I don’t see anything over here.”
Just as he finished speaking, an ambulance drove past the house with its sirens wailing. You and Sam looked at each other before hurrying back to Dean’s car. Dean followed the ambulance to its destination where a man was handcuffed and being shoved into the back of a police car.
“What happened?” Dean asked a bystander.
“He tried to kill his wife,” she responded with a hand to her chest. “Tied her up and beat her.”
“Really?” you asked.
“I used to see him going to work in the morning. He’d wave, say hello. He seemed like such a nice guy.” She shook her head sorrowfully and watched as the police car drove away.
The three of you hung around the scene for a while until it had been completely cleared out. You regrouped while you snooped around.
“Remember when I said this wasn’t our kind of problem?” Dean asked as he approached you and Sam.
“Yeah,” his brother answered.
“Definitely our kind of problem.”
You gasped, feigning shock. “Mark it in the calendar, Dean Winchester admitted he was wrong!”
“Watch it, sweetheart,” he retorted.
“What’d you find out?” Sam asked.
“Well, I just talked to the patrolman who was first on the scene, heard this guy, Alex’s story. Apparently the dude was driving home from a business trip when his wife was attacked,” Dean explained.
“So, he was in two places at once, too.”
“Exactly. Then he sees himself in the house; police think he’s a nutjob.”
You paused for a moment, thinking. “You think it could be a shapeshifter?”
“Something that can make itself look like anyone? Sure,” Sam responded. “Every culture in the world has a shapeshifter lore. You know, legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men.”
“Right, skinwalkers, werewolves,” Dean added. “We’ve got two attacks within blocks of each other. I’m guessin’ we’ve got a shapeshifter prowlin’ the neighborhood.”
“Let me ask you this— in all this shapeshifter lore, can any of them fly?” the younger brother asked.
“Not that I know of.” You shook your head. “But someone ran out the back of his house and headed this way. And then… the trail just… ends. Just like at your friend’s house.” You gestured toward Sam.
“Well, there’s another way to go.” You followed Dean’s gaze down to a manhole.
“Ew, gross.” Your face scrunched up in disgust as Sam started to move the manhole cover. 
The three of you quickly climbed down so as to not be seen. 
“I bet this runs right by Zack’s house, too,” Sam said as the three of you made your way down the tunnel. “The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around.”
You were leading the group, and stopped suddenly when you noticed a pile of blood and skin on the ground. “Blegh, look!”
“Is this from his victims?” Sam looked equally as disgusted.
Dean pulled out his pocket knife and lifted a piece of the skin off the ground. “You know, I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape, maybe it sheds.”
“That is sick,” you affirmed.
He dropped the skin back to the ground and turned to you to wipe his knife off on your jacket.
“Ew, dude!” you shoved his arm. “What the fuck?”
He just laughed in response.
You and the boys headed back up to the car to load up with some weapons.
“Well, one thing I learned from Dad—” Dean began, riffling through the weapons cavity, “—is that no matter what kind of shapeshifter it is, there’s one sure way to kill it.”
“Silver bullet to the heart,” you chimed in.
He nodded and handed you a case of the bullets. 
Sam’s cell phone rang. “This is Sam… We’re near Zack’s, we’re just checkin’ some things out… What are you talkin’ about?”
He seemed caught off-guard. You thought he was talking to Rebecca, but had no idea why she’d be upset with you. You eyed Dean who shrugged.
“Why would you do that?... Bec— We’re tryin’ to help… Bec, I’m sorry, but—” And then he clapped his phone shut, looking disappointed.
Dean found it an appropriate moment to be a bit of a dick. “I hate to say it, but that’s exactly what I’m talkin’ about. You lie to your friends because if they knew the real you, they’d be freaked. It’s just—it’d be easier if—”
“If I was like you guys,” he replied quietly. 
“Sam, I’m not trying to be heartless, but Dean’s kinda right.” Both brothers seemed surprised you were agreeing with Dean for once. “We’re not like other people.” 
“But I’ll tell you one thing.” Dean’s lighthearted tone was back. “This whole gig— it ain’t without perks.” He held out a gun to Sam, whose face was still crestfallen.
You followed Sam and Dean back down the manhole, gun loaded with silver bullets. You carried the case of bullets Dean handed to you in your inner jacket pocket; just in case. After a few minutes of trudging through toxic sludge with baited breath, you noticed another pile of blood and skin on a pipe next to Sam’s head. “I think we’re close to its lair,” you told them.
“Why do you say that?” Sam asked. 
“Because there’s another puke-inducing pile next to your face,” you snickered. 
“Oh, God!” His face scrunched up in disgust.
There was another pile of clothing and rotting skin a few paces ahead of you. 
“Looks like it’s lived here for a while,” you heard Dean say from behind you.
You turned to face him as you spoke. “Who knows how many murders he’s gotten away— Fuck, Dean!” you cried, seeing the shapeshifter in the form of its last victim behind him. 
Dean wheeled around, only to be knocked to the ground by the smirking creature. You and Sam rushed to his side as the creature sped off. 
“Get the son of a bitch!” Dean commanded. 
The three of you sped down the tunnel and followed him out of the manhole. You couldn’t see where exactly he ended up, and you decided to split up. 
Under the cover of night, you headed down streets and alleyways with your gun hidden inside your jacket. You came to a stop at a dead end and wheeled around at the sound of footsteps behind you. The shapeshifter, still in the form of the businessman, knocked you out cold before you were even able to raise your gun at him. 
The next time you came to, you felt itchy bits of rope binding your hands, feet, and neck to a cold, metal post behind you. As your vision began to clear, you could see you were in some kind of a dark, dingy room. It seemed like a house, but you weren’t entirely convinced. You heard what sounded like the older brother’s voice coming from behind you.
“Dean?” you called.
“(Y/N), it’s not—” Sam shouted, but cut himself off with a groan.
“Hiya, sweetheart,” he smirked, leaning down to your eye level. He put a hand next to your head on the post. 
You turned your face away from him, straining against the rope. He even smelled like Dean. 
“You are one fucking trainwreck,” he said, searching your face. 
You eyed him curiously. He just laughed coldly in response. “The more I learn about you, the more fucked up you get.”
“What do you mean ‘learn’?” 
As if on cue, the shapeshifter held a hand to his temple, grunting in pain. After a moment had passed, he spoke again. “You made a big mistake telling him— I mean, me— about what you did to your family. If I wasn’t ready to get rid of you before, I sure as hell am now. I hope you’re tellin’ the truth about leaving the second we find Dad, ‘cause I don’t know how much longer I can put up with you. God, from your voice to your personality, you aggravate the livin’ crap outta me.” The shapeshifter leaned back down in front of your face, the two of you only inches away from one another.
“You’re a burden, (Y/N). You’re exhausting to be around. I constantly have to keep my guard up around you. I can’t trust you, not after what you told me in Toledo. How do I know you won’t turn on me and Sammy?”
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you kept them at bay. You instead reared back as much as you could and spat in his face. You had taken him by surprise, but his hand was around your throat in an instant. His lips were inches away from your ear and he squeezed your neck just tight enough to where you were beginning to see stars. “You fucking bitch. Y’know, take your voice and personality away, Dean would definitely wanna fuck you. He thought you were hot the first time he met you. Then he actually got to know you, and, eh, things changed. But I’m sure he’d have tons of fun with Sam’s little friend Becky.” A wicked grin spread across his face. “I think I’ll go pay her a visit.”
He released your throat and you sputtered and coughed when he did. He covered you up with a tarp moments later. You felt pathetic, but you let your tears flow freely now that he was gone, wiggling around to get the tarp off your head. 
“(Y/N), are you back there?” Dean called from somewhere you couldn’t see. 
You knew he hadn’t said those hurtful things to you, but it was still difficult to hear his voice. “Yeah, yeah. I’m here.” Your voice was still shaky from crying. “He went to Rebecca’s, lookin’ like you.”
“Well, he’s not stupid. He picked the handsome one,” Dean gibed at his brother.
You admired his ability to keep his snarky attitude and stupid jokes despite his circumstances. His confidence bewildered you at times.
You pulled at the ropes binding your hands, hissing when you felt the rope creating angry brush burns on your wrists. 
“Yeah, that’s the thing. He didn’t just look like you, he was you. Or he was becoming you,” you heard Sam tell Dean.
“What do you mean?” the older brother asked.
“Yeah, it was like he was downloading your thoughts and memories,” you told him.
“You mean, like the Vulcan mind meld?” 
You giggled. “Somethin’ like that.”
“Maybe that’s why he doesn’t just kill us,” Sam added.
“Yeah, he probably needs to keep us alive. Some kind of psychic connection— ah,” you yelped at the feeling of the rope aggravating your wrists again. The shifter had bound you unbelievably tightly.
“(Y/N), stop, I’m coming to help you,” Dean instructed. 
“I’m a big girl,” you replied sassily. “I can do it.”
Dean had made his way over to you. “Do you have to fight me on everything?” He untied your hands with ease and began working on your neck. 
“Yes, but thank you,” you told him. You still couldn’t look him in the eyes after what the shifter had told you. You were doing your best to keep your exterior steely. You couldn’t deny, though, that his tight-fitting gray t-shirt over rippling muscle and the way he’d helped you were starting to break down your walls a little. 
“Come on, we gotta go,” you heard Sam order from behind you. “He’s probably at Rebecca’s already.”
Dean pushed a window out of the building you were kept in and the three of you climbed out. 
Sam started down the street. “Come on. We gotta find a phone, call the police.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Dean stopped him. “You’re gonna put an APB out on me.”
His brother shrugged. “Sorry.”
“This way.” Dean led the three of you down the street. You ran shielded by the darkness until you reached a store window. There was a display wall of televisions in it, and the news was on. Conveniently, Dean was the breaking news.
“An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End—” the reporter stated, “—where a S.W.A.T team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white male, approximately twenty-four to thirty years of age, was discovered hiding in her home.”
Of course, Dean’s attitude was unwavering. “Man! That’s not even a good picture.”
You looked around nervously. 
“It’s good enough,” Sam said.
“Man!” Dean grumbled, following Sam down the street to an alleyway. 
“They said attempted murder,” you pointed out. “At least we know—”
“I didn’t kill her.”
You nodded.
“We’ll check with Rebecca in the morning, see if she’s all right,” Sam said, looking over his shoulder.
“Alright, but first I wanna find that handsome devil and kick the holy crap out of him.” 
‘He’s still as arrogant as ever.’
“We have no weapons, though. No silver bullets,” you countered. 
“Sweetheart, the guy’s walkin’ around with my face, okay, it’s a little personal, I wanna find him.” He turned to face you, but you couldn’t meet his eyes.
“I get it. We need guns, though.”
“The car?” Sam threw in. 
“I’m bettin’ he drove over to Rebecca’s.” Dean’s face began to heat up. You knew he was thinking about his precious Impala.
“The news said he fled on foot. I bet it’s still parked there.”
“The thought of him drivin’ my car—” he whined.
You shook your head. “Come on.”
“It’s killin’ me,” Dean whined again.
“Let it go,” you and Sam commanded over your shoulders.
The three of you rounded the corner along a tall hedge only to be greeted by the sight of the car.
“Oh, there she is! Finally, something went right tonight.” Dean’s joy was almost contagious.
His stupor was broken by a police car appearing down Rebecca’s street and blocking the end of the road. 
“Fuck.” You spun around the way you came, but another cop car appeared back down that street, too. 
“This way, this way,” Dean began leading you over to a fence and easily climbed atop it. 
“You guys go. I’ll hold ‘em off,” Sam told you.
“What are you talking about? They’ll catch you.” Dean turned into a seated position on top the fence.
“Look, they can’t hold me. Just go, keep out of sight. Meet me at Rebecca’s,” Sam quickly spoke. 
You and Dean hopped over multiple fences, fatiguing your limbs quickly. Several blocks from where you and the boys had run into the cops, the two of you stopped to catch your breath. You sat down on a street corner and tucked your knees into your chest.
Dean sat beside you. “What did he say to you?”
You turned to him. “Huh?”
“The shifter. What’d he say to you?”
You shook your head. “Nothing, it’s fine—”
“(Y/N), you haven’t looked at me once since we left that thing’s hideout. Tell me what he said.”
“Why can’t you drop it?” you spat, looking down at your boots.
“Because,” he protested. “I gave you a chance to explain in Toledo. At the very least, you owe me that.”
You sighed. “He said you think I’m annoying. And, um, a burden. He said you’re trying to find your dad so quick to get rid of me. And that you can’t trust me because of what I did to my family.”
Dean was silent for a moment. “Anything else?”
“He said everything about me aggravates you and that I exhaust you.”
He nodded. “Do you really believe that?” You could feel his gaze burning holes into the side of your face.
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly. “You haven’t exactly proven otherwise to me.” You looked up at him for the first time in hours.
He seemed surprised by that answer.
“Don’t look at me like that. Aside from Toledo and a few seconds on that plane, all we’ve ever done is fight,” you reminded him.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” A few moments of silence passed before he spoke again. “But I don’t think those things about you. Honest.”
“I feel like I’m pulling teeth here, Dean,” you remarked. “What do you think of me?”
“I mean, you can be annoying.”
You scoffed, but a smile tugged at your lips. 
“And you’re way too stubborn.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “And so are you.”
“And you’re too smart for your own good.”
“I wouldn’t say that…”
“Would you let me finish?” he deadpanned.
You took a deep breath. “Yeah, sorry.”
“You just… you intimidate me a little, honestly.” Now Dean was the one who couldn’t look at you.
You were shocked. “Really? Why?”
“Dammit, (Y/N), I’m not good at this,” he sighed. “I know you heard what I said to Haley about that being the most honest I’ve ever been with a woman.”
You giggled at the memory.
“This tops that by far,” he admitted.
You nodded. You’d have this conversation another time. You rose to your feet, and he followed suit. 
“Can we start over?” you asked him.
He eyed you curiously.
“As… acquaintances, I mean,” you explained. “We’re no closer to finding your dad than we were the day I met you, so I imagine I’ll be around for a little while longer. I’d rather us not fight the whole time. It’s getting exhausting, if I’m being honest.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I guess we can do that.”
“Okay, then.” You cleared your throat and stuck out your hand. “Hi. I’m (Y/N).”
Dean shook his head at your antics despite the smile pulling on his lips. “Dean.” This time, he actually shook your hand.
Later that morning, you and Dean had returned to the car for weapons. Thankfully, Dean still had some silver bullets left in the trunk. With guns in hand, the two of you headed back to the sewers. A few minutes into your walk, you came across a rancid pile of flesh, teeth, and fingernails.
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” Your face contorted in disgust. You looked up when you heard a rustling noise a little down the tunnel. You could see a dim glow from the place you’d heard the rustling. You tightened your grip on your gun and let Dean lead the way into the chamber. He nodded his head in the direction of the left side of a figure covered in a tarp at the back end of the chamber, indicating for you to go that way. You followed his instruction and crept up on the figure with him. He pulled the sheet away from the figure, only to reveal Rebecca.
“What happened?” you asked her. Her hands and feet were bound, her mouth was gagged, her hair was a mess, and her skin was littered with bruising and cuts. 
She was still shaking and crying as she spoke. “I was walking home, and everything just went white. Someone hit me over the head, and I wound up here just in time to see that thing turn into me. I don’t know, how is that even possible?”
“Okay, okay. It’s okay,” Dean told her. 
The two of you untied her and made sure she was able to walk before guiding her out of the sewers.
“We’ve gotta hurry,” Dean said. “Sam went to see you.”
When you got to Rebecca’s house, all you could hear was the grunting, furniture breaking, skin hitting skin, and bones cracking coming from the living room. And then, choking. You had no doubt it was Sam.
Dean seemed to pick up on that as well. He hurried into the den, shouting, “Hey!”
The shifter spotted Dean and got off of Sam. Dean shot twice, and with that, the shifter was dead. 
You rushed over to Sam and cradled his head in your lap. “Are you okay?” you asked him. 
He smiled painfully at you. “Peachy.”
You giggled at him. You looked up at Dean standing over… Dean… and watched as he ripped his necklace off the shifter.
You watched Rebecca say goodbye to Sam, and she waved at you and Dean who stood by the Impala. She turned to go back inside her house.
Sam approached the two of you.
“So, what about your friend, Zack?” Dean asked his brother.
“Cops are blamin’ this Dean Winchester guy for Emily’s murder,” Sam jested. “They found the murder weapon in the guy’s lair, Zack’s clothes stained with her blood. Now they’re thinking maybe the surveillance tape was tampered with. Yeah, Becca says Zack will be released soon.” 
You giggled. Dean just rolled his eyes. 
“Get in the car, (Y/N),” he chastised you. For the first time since you met him, you knew he wasn’t trying to tear you down. It was refreshing to have an amicable relationship with him.
As Dean tore down the road, he turned to his brother. “Sorry, man.”
“About what?”
“I really wish things could be different, you know?” the older brother said earnestly. “I wish you could just be… Joe College.”
“No, that’s okay. You know, the truth is, even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in,” Sam admitted.
“Well, that’s ‘cause you’re a freak,” Dean quipped.
You loved earnest moments between the two brothers. It made you feel normal; in a weird way.
“Yeah, thanks,” Sam said dryly.
“Well, I’m a freak, too. I’m right there with ya, all the way.”
“Yeah, I know you are.” Sam’s voice softened.
“You know, I gotta say. I’m sorry I’m gonna miss it.” 
You felt one of Dean’s stupid jokes coming on. “Oh, here we go.”
He eyed you in the rearview mirror. 
“Miss what?” Sam asked.
“How many chances am I gonna have to see my own funeral?” Dean smirked.
You shook your head. “And there it is.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle
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witchinatree · 3 months
i'm having so much fun with the new tmagp characters (and i will miss them dearly until april 11th) (side note: patreon members get access on my sisters birthday which is pretty cool) and i don't want to compare them to the tma characters because they are unique and different in MANY ways, i just also notice some parallels
gwen is very similar to jon, she has had a somewhat skeptic attitude but has now clearly been exposed to the horrors (bonzo..) and she's also climbing the corporate ladder if you will. she runs the place, she's grumpy, and i think she's closer to becoming an avatar than any of the others (even sam) (see my other post about it if youd like) (idk how to link it on mobile sorry)
alice and tim are kinda obvious, both comedic with younger brothers and are very susceptible to romantic feelings (sasha/sam). there was a lot more going on with tim and we haven't seen much of that side of alice, so i'm really excited to learn about her backstory and/or traumas. less excited about what that might to do her but yk.. yk..
sam/sasha is the most interesting one to me. sam is curious like sasha was. sasha wanted to know which made her archivist potential in everyone's eyes. sam also wants to know, he'd make a great archivist. except he's not cautious, he's like sasha if she had never worked in the artifact storage. i think sasha's strength was what she had already experienced and what she knew, but she didn't know enough and ultimately that got her killed. sam is going to keep learning until he does know enough, but he doesn't have that prior knowledge to stop him from going too far. very interesting characters from both of them
celia and martin i guess? celia's different since she's not exactly from tmagp
lena and elias because creepy murder boss
and finally colin and gertrude which is kind of insane of me to say but hear me out. gertrude cut out the eyes of book covers and magazines and everything in her home. she was incredibly paranoid she just was also a boss ass bitch about it. i think younger gertrude must've been a lot like colin, but she figured it out quicker and realized what she needed to do to survive. she asked the right questions and took the right precautions. she had the archive full of knowledge. colin doesn't have the archive, he's messing with the wrong thing and he's taking every precaution and hurting himself and those around him (sam's phone specifically comes to mind). i think gertrude was like colin but she had the right resources to get through it
idk all of these are very interesting and it makes me worry a bit, but ofc every character is unique and has aspects to them that change their stories. they're probably still gonna die though, we know jonny sims loves killing characters ☹️
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semiweirdshipper · 8 months
Altering Wesker's personality to make him an emotional supporter.
Usually I write this process on paper when I need to work on a slashers personality, but I wanted to share it with you guys so you could get an idea on how I turn the bad guys into emotional supporters.
So when it comes to working on the slashers' personalities, I always try to find a way to make them each more kind, sympathetic, supportive and likable while still somewhat staying true to their unique personality traits. Normally this process comes easy. I've never really struggled much with altering a slashers personality....
Until prince blondy bitch came into the picture that is.
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Yes, this rip-off Corey Hart makes me wanna hit the snooze button in my brain every time I think about him. He's just so DIFFICULT and his personality is extremely unattractive to me. But I have him put down for future roles in billions of my fics and drabbles, so mentally I can't ignore him. I've gotta work on his personality and turn him into a proper emotional supporter.
Let's break down those traits, shall we?
Prince blondy is-
- narcissistic
- controlling
- manipulative
- dishonest
- powerful
- sadistic
- cunning
- polite only when he wants to be or if he's trying to manipulate someone
- disloyal
- teases and taunts people.
- gets jealous and loses his temper.
- gets bored of his friends and romantic partners
- views most people as insignificant and lesser than him.
- backstabbing attitude
- merciless
- gets bored easily and abandons people and/or projects.
- rude.
- does not value people for who they are but rather the benefits they can provide him with. Once someone is no longer valuable to him, he either runs away or kills them.
Yeah.... He's a real tough one. There's not a lot of positivity going on with this one. He's got every unattractive trait from A to Z. Imagining him as a supporter is like trying to walk on needles.
So what do I do during hard times like these? I make the positivity myself. I alter his bitch traits and give him some positive ones.
Altered Wesker
- Let's make him narcissistic still but with the ability to accept competition and rivalry without getting jealous or murderous.
- let's make him honest. Brutal honesty or keeping his mouth shut is better than lying.
- He hates unfinished business and will not abandon anyone or anything without explaining himself first.
- he can be manipulative but only during serious situations.
- He owns up to his failures, mistakes and misunderstandings. (There's nothing more attractive than a person who can admit they're wrong).
- he is still very intelligent, strong and powerful.
- He's still obsessed with uroboros and will murder, but he's more empathetic and less sadistic. He won't murder people he cares about.
- uses his honesty to defend his loyalty.
- has a high standard for people he considers worthy of his time. These worthy people will receive his kindness, consideration and attention.
- Likes independence, trust and dependability. These are traits he seeks in a partner.
- still egotistical and holds himself in high regard.
That's just some of the traits I'm giving him to make him more supportive. Now for a little bit of writing. Albert Wesker x reader headcanons. These help me get an even deeper understanding of his personality.
Original/unaltered: Wesker x reader.
Wesker enters the breakroom and notices you sitting at a table. You looked horrible; your hair messy, your eyes dark and your outfit wrinkled. What a ghastly sight for him to walk in on. You should do a better job keeping yourself in proper shape.
Focused on ignoring you, Wesker made his way to the coffee machine on the other side of the room. His brow twitched in frustration at the sound of your pitiful "morning sir". Of course he couldn't go without drawing your worthless attention.
"(y/n)," He answered flatly, his back facing you, "Don't you have morning patrol?"
"Leon switched me," You answered, "I had a really long night last night. It was rough..."
"Excuses, excuses," Wesker glared at the bitter taste of his coffee. Why couldn't things just be the way he wanted them to be? "Allowing your personal life to get in the way of your job is insubstantial. Do better next time."
You remained silent, soon finishing your beverage and rising up to leave.
Wesker didn't notice nor did he care.
Altered/my version: Wesker x reader. (same situation)
Wesker entered the breakroom and immediately noticed you sitting in your lonesome at a table. You looked exhausted and unkempt, the expression on your face tired and miserable. Hm, he wondered what was wrong. Normally you were well dressed and always upbeat.
"(y/n)," He addressed as he slowly walked past you, turning his head to meet your eyes.
Despite your situation, you still managed a smile at him, your body lifting and your voice kind, "Oh, morning sir. How're you doing today?"
He always respected how considerate and proper you were even during difficult times. "I'm doing well. And you?" He continued to give glances to you as he fixed himself some coffee.
"I'm fine," You say softly, "Just a rough night."
Ah, so it was something personal most likely. "I see you swapped positions with Kennedy. I'd rather not have short notices like this in the future. After you're finished here, meet me in my office and we will discuss what you are going through."
You smiled weakly and blushed. Wesker always knew when something was wrong, and he was always so quick to provide any care he possibly could. He really was a good boss.
That morning, Wesker sat with you in the breakroom.
Aaaannnnnndddd.... Emotional support slasher born. BOOM!
The reason why I have so much trouble writing prince blondy is because I really don't like him. His personality is like a smelly trashcan to me and if I ever met him in real life I'd kick him in the balls so hard his motherless grandkids would feel it. But creating these writing templates helps me to view him underneath a different light. It's how I build personalities and familiarize them.
I've done this process on paper for multiple killers. I just thought it would be fun to share with you how I altered personalities to write my stories.
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chaotic-super · 4 months
Joining The Superfriends - Chapter 27
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Kara stares at the lifeless body slumped across the floor.
It’s an odd feeling that’s settled deep into her bones. She just killed a man. A man who murdered a crazy amount of people, but a man no less.  A man who has caused immeasurable pain in the lives of countless people, including the woman standing just behind her.
Her gaze falls to the gun where it lies on the floor, discarded not by choice but shock. She can’t believe she just killed Lex Luthor. Her sapphire blue eyes flinch up to look at Lex’s face. What she can see of it anyway. With a hole in his head, the blood and brain matter seeping out covers his face, a veil of a dark, natural kind. Despite that, a sneer is still fixed in place. He was a bitter, malicious monster until the very end.
Her legs are throbbing with pain, her veins still assaulted by kryptonite. It makes her feel awful that a man has just died because of her, but her focus is instead on herself because, to put it bluntly, it hurts like a bitch.
“Kara?” Lena calls out, her voice soft and delicate, like she’s speaking to a child that has tripped on the schoolyard and is two seconds away from crying because of their scraped knees.
An unwelcomed flinch ricochets through Kara’s body at Lena’s first touch. It’s a tender caress to the back of her head, her open palm taking the weight, solid and sturdy despite the barely perceptible quake in her fingertips.
Lena doesn’t retreat at her unconscious, harsh reaction. She just keeps the pressure there. Kara leans into it, happy to take her touch's comfort and the distraction it presents from the searing pain.
“Kara?” Lena tries again. “We have to go.”
This time, Kara responds. She tilts her head back to see that Lena is crouching behind her. She’s not looking at her now-deceased brother. She’s not sparing him so much as a quick glance. Green eyes remain pinned on Kara, worry and anxiety swirling in pools of jade.
“Come on, put your arms around me.” Lena urges, helping her by physically wrapping one of Kara’s arms around her shoulder.
Kara plants her feet on the floor, trying to help gain some leverage to assist Lena’s attempt at getting her standing up, but the soles of her boots slide in the rapidly growing pool of Lex’s blood. She grits her teeth, biting back a cry as she fights against the rapid increase in pain taking over her.
“Lena, I can’t.” Kara breathes heavily after spending far too long trying and failing in the task. “You should find a way to get to the others.”
“I’m not leaving you,” Lena continues, trying to get her up. Except with Kara not even trying, she’s got no chance of succeeding. “Come on. We’ve got to get out of here together. You’re not staying here next to my brother’s corpse.”
Kara’s eyes dart back to Lex’s body at the mention and she can’t help but feel a strange kind of peace at seeing him this way. She doesn't have a guilty bone in her body after all the pain he’s caused to not only herself but to her family, to Lena. That’s scarier than the prospect of waiting next to his body for a while as Lena goes to get help.
“I’ll be ok. Maybe go and see if you can find whatever is jamming out comms so we can get J’onn to get here.” Kara pants, the pain in her legs growing with each passing moment. They’ve begun to feel heavy like they’re made of lead, and it feels like even a passing breeze could take her out, any shift in them making every muscle in her body tense up.
“No,” Lena states firmly. Kara slips further onto the floor as Lena unhooks her arm from around her shoulders, but it’s short-lived as she takes up her earlier position and deftly squeezes her hands beneath her armpits to start dragging her down the hall and away from Lex.
Kara tries her very best to contain her cries and whimpers, but the waves of agony engulf her, the current much too strong to swim out of.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Lena mumbles out, her voice strained because of the effort she’s exerting. “I just want to get you away from him, ok?”
It’s phrased as a question, but based on how she’s being manhandled, Kara’s guessing she doesn’t actually get a say in anything. “Ok.”
Lena pulls her into a side room and it’s not until they’re fully inside that they see what it’s used for.
“Tools. That could be helpful.” Lena sets Kara down with her back to some shelves, giving her something to prop herself up against. She allows her shoulders to drop with Kara’s weight off her and Lex’s body out of her direct eye line. Just like that, the adrenaline keeping her going wanes.
She’s once again aware of the searing pain of her own injuries where the shrapnel sliced her where the armour doesn’t cover and winces, hissing between her teeth.
“Oh, fuck.” A trembling hand attempts to reach over her shoulder to smooth her hand over the painful spots, not that a single hand could cover them all; there are far too many for that.
Kara’s head shoots up at the sound of her pained curse. “Lena? Are you hurt?”
“Just a little. Please remind me never to set a bunch of robots to self-destruct beside us again. That wasn’t a great idea.” Lena’s attempt at humour falls flat, the pained edge to her voice making it impossible to jest.
“Will you still be ok to find a way to get out or at least get a message to the rest of the team?” Kara questions. She’s concerned about Lena, but her main focus is on getting them both out of here as soon as possible. When Lena set the Lexo-suits to self-destruct, the ones closest to them did so, but they have no confirmation that any outside of their direct radius did, and that needs to be a top priority.
“I'll be fine, I swear.” Lena closes her eyes and takes a few grounding breaths. “You just stay here and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Ok.” Kara lets her head loll back to rest against the sharp ridges of the metal shelves. “But, Lena?”
Lena pauses for a moment. “Hmm?”
“Please be careful.”
“I will.”
Kara doesn’t look convinced. “Promise me…please.”
Taking Kara’s face between her hands, Lena presses a lingering kiss to the centre of her forehead. “I promise I’m coming back, Kara. I’ll be just fine.”
With that confirmation, they part ways, Lena sealing the door behind her to keep Kara safe the only way she can.
Lena rests her head on the edge of Kara’s bed in the med bay. Her eyelids are heavy and her bones are tired but she just doesn’t have it in her to sleep. She’s been stitched up, and loaded up on pain meds, courtesy of Alex, but even without them, she’s half convinced she wouldn’t feel anything anyway. Everything just feels…blurry.
She got lucky. She had no clue what she was doing when she left Kara in that room, and with how frazzled her brain was and still is, she has no clue how she would have figured her way through that predicament.
With a few hours between her time on Lex’s ship and his death, Lena feels like she’s yet to come back to herself. Perhaps sleeping would fix that. She’s not about to test that theory. Sleep feels like it’s a mere step away and thousands of miles all at the same time. Not tonight.
If anything, seeing Kara lying there unconscious in front of her makes her push away her exhaustion even more, her desire to watch over her much too strong. She was only alone in that room for maybe three minutes. Four at a push. Still, it was enough for her to lose consciousness, and she’s yet to regain it.
Alex has meticulously extracted all of the shards of kryptonite from her skin and sewn up every last cut she could find. She’s sure she got it all, but Lena’s seen her recheck the kryptonite scanner more than a dozen times, not convinced even with the countless confirmations. Lena understands. Of course she does. With her hand in Kara’s, every once in a while, she lets her fingers trail up to her wrist to press into her pulse point there so she can feel the steady beating of her heart, the rhythmic beeping from the heart rate monitor not enough to soothe her nerves alone.
Looking up at Kara’s face now, she can scarcely believe what Kara did for her and she can’t believe she let her.
Kara killed her brother for her.
Kara killed Lex.
Lex is dead.
She’s free.
A hand on Lena’s shoulder startles her and makes her wince all at once, the pressure directly on her freshly sewn cuts.
“Oh, sorry. I forgot.” Nia says, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Here, you need to drink.”
A warm mug of coffee is pressed into her free hand. “Thank you, Nia.”
Without waiting, Lena takes a healthy sip from the mug. “I wouldn’t have thought you would be one to promote caffeine this late at night. Shouldn’t you advocate for everyone getting eight hours of rest per night?”
“It’s decaf.” Nia shrugs as she pulls up a chair beside her.
Glaring down at the mug, Lena sniffs harshly. “That’s smart but I’m also upset it won’t help keep me up.”
Nia leans back in her chair, her eyes dancing over Kara’s face. Seeing her look so hollow and worn is strange, a complete loss of her usual sunshiney demeanour that usually coats every aspect of her mind, body and soul. She sighs before looking back at Lena. “You can rest, you know. If you want me to watch her so you can do that, I will.”
“That’s not why I’m not resting,” Lena admits before she can think to stop herself.
“So you’re punishing yourself?”
“I didn’t say that,” Lena argues.
Despite the harsh tone she’s expecting to be subjected to, Nia’s voice remains soft. “Sometimes, you don’t have to say anything.”
Lena momentarily pulls her lips into her mouth, letting out a shaky breath as she releases them. “It was my brother that caused this, and when it came to it, I didn’t even do it myself. She did it. She was protecting me when I should have been the one protecting her. She couldn’t even stand and she shot him so that I wouldn’t have to and I should have insisted. I could have taken the gun off her physically if that’s what it came down to. She wouldn’t have been able to stop me. I let her kill my brother and now I don’t know what to do.”
“You move on.”
“That’s easier said than done.”
“But it’s right.”
Lena shakes her head. “How is that right? How am I meant to just move on from this like it never happened? Like he didn’t murder all of those people, destroy a city and try to kill us. How am I meant to move on when I feel less guilty about all those people who died than I do about Kara having to live with what she did for me because I was weak?”
Nia takes a deep breath. “A lot of those questions are out of my pay grade. I would suggest Kelly as the go-to woman for that kind of stuff, but just for the record, Kara wouldn’t have done what she did unless she truly felt that what she was doing was the right thing and as long as she knows that, I don’t think she’ll struggle as much as you think she will.”
“What do you mean? She’s Supergirl. The woman with the strongest morals known to man.”
“And she’s Kryptonian. She might not believe in killing, but she knows why it’s necessary, and if you talk to her about Kryptonian history and culture, you’ll see why I know she can handle what she did.”
The corners of Lena’s lips press down as she frowns, her head dropping down until her chin is to her chest in a motion that is usually much more synonymous with one Kara would do, a fleeting thought Lena has and has to push away to stop her frown from deepening even further.
“I have a lot to learn about Kara, don’t I?”
“You do, but that’s ok. I think she’s got a lot to learn about you too.” Nia nudges her shoulder with hers. “You have a lot to learn about yourself as well. You’ve lost the monster that’s always been lurking over your shoulder. You have to figure out who you are when you don’t have to watch your back every hour of every day; you might be surprised at what you’ll find.”
“I think the day of his death might be a bit too soon for the ‘find yourself’ speech.”
Nia hums half-heartedly. “Well, that’s all I’ve got. There aren’t exactly written instructions for how to make your friend feel better when she just watched her girlfriend shoot her brother.”
“I suppose not.” Lena barks out a laugh. It’s cold and harsh but there’s something else buried deep inside it—the tiniest speck of gratitude. “And just for the record, we’re not official.”
Nia rests her hand on Lena’s forearm, nodding down at her mug to remind her to drink it before it goes cold. “Not yet, but I’ll leave you to it for a while. You look like you need time to think.”
“I do, but you don’t have to leave.” Lena hesitates before asking her next question. “Would it be inappropriate to ask you to sit with me? I know I’m not technically alone in here, but I don’t want to be by myself.”
Nia keeps her tush firmly planted in her seat. “I’m right here.”
“Thank you.”
“We’re all here for you, Lena. You’re not alone anymore. Not like you were before you found us.”
“I’m glad I did.” Lena mumbles. “I wouldn’t have managed to get out from under my family’s thumb if it wasn’t for you guys.”
Nia shakes her head. “You would have. It would have looked a lot different, but you would have done it. You’re much stronger than you give yourself credit for, and we’re lucky to have you on our team.”
Lena scoffs. “My maniacal brother followed me here, destroyed the city and murdered people.”
“Yeah, that’s bad. We didn’t sign up for your brother, but we did sign up for you. Having a crazy family comes with being a Superfriend though. Just ask Kara about hers. She had family try to mind control the entire planet, so she understands better than most.”
“Why am I learning all these things from you and not her?” Lena’s eyebrows furrow. “Why wouldn’t she tell me?”
Nia shoots her an exasperated look. “Between missions, crises and calamities?”
“Good point.” Lena gives in. “I’ll ask her when she wakes up.”
Nia nods. “You do that.”
“This is the third day you’ve spent sitting in that chair. Don’t you want to go and stretch your legs?” Kelly squeezes her shoulder softly as she lowers herself down into the chair beside her. “You know we can take it in turns sitting with her. We’ve made that more than clear, so why are you taking on that burden alone?”
Lena’s eyes flick up to Kelly’s cold and sharp. “Kara’s not a burden.”
“I never said she was,” Kelly replies, her voice no less soft, her calming demeanour setting Lena’s raised shoulders back down. “However, sitting anywhere for a long period of time is a burden, so if you would like to go and stretch your legs or go home to shower, there are people here more than willing to sit here for a while so you can do that.”
“I stretch my legs when I go to the bathroom and J’onn has been letting me shower here. Alex gave me Kara’s spare clothes to change into.”
Kelly covers Lena’s hand with her own. “Why are you so insistent on being the one to sit with her all day? Even Alex, who has been spending hours here every day, goes home each night.”
Lena turns her head away from her for a moment, and Kelly braces herself, ready for whatever reaction may come her way.
Lena’s lips are quivering when she turns back around, her eyes straining to hold back her tears. “I don’t know. I guess I just don’t want to leave.”
“What do you mean by that? You’re scared to?”
Lena shrugs half-heartedly. “Kara just tossed away one of her greatest morals for me. The least I can do is sit with her while she recovers.”
“So you’re paying her back?” Kelly tries to pin down Lena’s thoughts.
With a heaving sigh, Lena shakes her head. “I don’t even know. I just know that I want to be here, and as nice as it would be to go home and rest in my own space, I can’t bear the thought of her being here and me being somewhere else. I just know I wouldn’t be able to relax, so instead, I’ll sit here and watch over her so if something happens, God forbid, I can get Alex here as quickly as possible.”
“And while you trust the rest of us to watch over her, that anxiety and restlessness won’t fully disappear.” Kelly finishes for her.
Lena nods solemnly.
“Ok then, we’ll see if we can find you a comfier chair. We were going to pull one of the better ones in here, but Alex thought you would be more likely to go home if you were uncomfortable here.”
“You guys let me sit here in this devil of a chair for three days before realizing I wouldn’t give in?”
Guilt coats Kelly’s face. “Sorry.”
Lena doesn’t have it in her to be mad. “No, I get it. I appreciate you guys trying to give me a kick in the right direction. It’s just one that isn’t going to work. I’m staying here. As soon as she’s awake and stable, I can get back to my life. I have all of the business stuff to deal with at Luthor Corp once she does. With Lex gone, the company goes to me. I’m sure my mother will try and take over it, but she always did love Lex the most, so she’ll probably go into a grieving period for a couple of months before she comes after me.”
“That’s awful, Lena.”
“That’s my mother, for you.” She brushes it off without much thought.
Kelly frowns, her eyes locking onto Kara’s slack hand that is cradled between both of Lena’s, her thumb brushing over the back of it as though she’s trying to bring comfort to her, even in her unconscious state.
Clicking her tongue, Kelly leans back in the chair, already annoyed at how uncomfortable it is and wincing at the thought of how much pain Lena must be in after three days. “Is there anything we can do to help with that part while you’re here? Alex and J’onn both used to run the DEO and are used to bureaucracy. I’m sure they can handle some stuff for you, and the rest of us can help too.”
Lena shakes her head. “No, no. It’s fine. Sam is covering a lot of that for me and Jack…well, I assume he’s attempting to help but really slowing Sam down.”
“That’s nice of them.”
“Yeah, they’re the best.” For the first time today, Kelly has seen a hint of a smile grace Lena’s lips.
Kelly’s glad to see it. She’s seen people completely shut down in situations like this, but Lena is pretty aware of herself and her emotions. It’s impressive. Usually, people end up acting out of character or making dumb decisions. “So, Lena. If you don’t mind me asking, do you see you and Kara dating long-term?”
Lena’s head flies to the side to look at Kelly, shock written over her face. “That’s the question you’re going with?”
Kelly shrugs.
“Do all therapists start out with those kinds of questions?”
Kelly eases off. “I’m not here as a therapist, Lena. I’m here as your friend. It was a question that has more to do with what I’ve been wondering about your budding relationship rather than me trying to psychoanalyze you.”
Lena takes a few beats to think over her answer, taking Kelly’s claims of simply being her friend at face value. She hasn’t even got the energy to let her self-doubt have a voice, so she will blindly believe her.
“I would like to see where my relationship with Kara goes,” Lena says with a firm nod. “I had a discussion with Nia the other day and realized that I don’t know as much about her as I initially thought, so that will be my first point of action when she’s well enough. I need to learn more about her. It’s not until we get to know each other better that we can fully commit to each other.”
Kelly tilts her head, her eyes pinned on the side of Lena’s face. “Interesting.”
“Don’t do that.” Lena recoils away from her, her cheeks flushing.
“Sorry. It’s just not the answer I was expecting. You guys have been all gung-ho about following your emotions that seeing you putting logic to your relationship is a little odd.”
“Well, I realized I don’t know much about her as a Kryptonian, and that’s a very large part of her life. I can’t be with someone if I don’t know everything about them.”
Eyebrows furrowed and lips tilting down, Kelly frowns. “You know, you don’t have to know everything about the person you’re with. In fact, I would recommend you don’t.”
“Doesn’t that take away from the whole spiel therapists usually drone on about, the one about open communication and talking at every opportunity?”
Shaking her head, Kelly replies. “Not at all. In fact, I think it’s good for couples to have privacy within the relationship. To have their own private space in the far back corner of their hearts.”
“If you don’t have that, where will you grow? Every person deserves to not only grow with their partner but to grow within themselves. We adapt, we overcome, we change. To do that, we need our own space, and it’s not wrong to have that. That private space is what gives us the space to become who we need to become so while, yes, you should know about all of the important parts of each other’s lives, it’s ok if you never fully learn every last thing about one another. Holding yourself to that standard would be as good as you walking away right now.”
Lena’s brain can barely wrap around the words. “What?”
“I’m saying that yes, there’s plenty for you to learn about each other, but if you add the caveat of you needing to know everything about each other into your relationship, you’re setting yourself up for failure.”
“Oh. Ok.” Lena nods, her brain too tired to fully follow exactly what Kelly is saying, but if there’s anyone who does know the healthiest thing for her relationship, it’s the therapist who is happily married with a gorgeous little girl at home. “I’ll think about that.”
“Good. Now, are you sure I can’t talk you into a nap on the couch in the other room?” Kelly asks, shifting her weight.
Lena shakes her head. “Bring the couch in here and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
“You know what? I’ll take it. I’m going to get J’onn and Alex to help me.”
It takes five days in total for Alex to determine that Kara has recovered enough from the kryptonite poisoning to come out of her coma and let the sunlamps finish the job of getting her to heal, and when she does wake, it’s with every member of the team crowding around her and two Legionnaires hovering about in the other room waiting for an update.
Upon being informed of what is happening by Brainy, they all hustled back to come and check on her. Mostly at the insistence of Winn, but Mon-El didn’t exactly put up a fight either.
Lena is right there beside her in the same place she’s spent the best part of the week but she’s in a much comfier chair than the one she started in.
Kara wakes slowly and it’s a lot less anticlimactic than the group was expecting, except for Alex, who knows how this stuff works – thank you, med school.
Lena’s hands are sweaty around Kara’s, but she can’t seem to force herself to let go, especially when her eyes start flickering open. She stands, leaning over the prone Kryptonian. “Hey, Kara.”
“Hi,” Kara mumbles out, her throat dry and scratchy.
Alex rushes to do her tests and checks. All the while, Lena is talking softly to her, easing her back to the land of the living. As soon as Alex clears her, Nia, Brainy and Kelly move over to wish her their best before leaving to give her some privacy and also give the others a chance to come in and see her.
Lena doesn’t move.
Winn and Mon-El make their way in once the others file out, both of them unsure of themselves, not only because Kara isn’t in the best of shape, but because there’s a woman they’ve never met before at her bedside looking at her like she’s just hung every star in the sky with stands of her own soul to declare her love for all the universe to see.
They round the bed to stand on the opposite side to Lena and end up beside Alex, who simply rolls her eyes at them and joins Lena on the other side.
 “How is she?” Winn asks, directing his question at Alex despite Kara being awake.
“She’s good,” Alex says. “She could have told you that.”
Chastised, Winn meets Kara’s eyes. “Hey, you. Long time no see, best friend.”
“You’ve been demoted.” Is the first thing out of Kara’s mouth, followed by a round of giggles that everyone has to suppress a smile at. “Lena’s taken your place, ex-best friend.”
Winn’s mouth drops open. “How? I’m the coolest person I know. I made your suit for you.”
“I made her a suit too. It has anti-kryptonite capabilities and doesn’t have a skirt that will accidentally flip up and give the enemy an eyeful mid-fight.” Lena raises a challenging brow at him, a deadly smirk in place that disappears when she turns back to Kara, her expression instantly softening.
Winn huffs a little, but a nudge from Mon-El has him refocusing. “That’s rude, but I’ll debate it with you when you’re not high on sunlight.”
Kara scoffs. “Whatever. Thanks for coming, guys, even if it’s not necessary. I’m fine.”
“You were just in a five-day induced coma. You don’t have a good sense of what ‘fine’ is,” Mon-El says with a boyish grin. “We wanted to see if you were ok with our own eyes. It’s not every day that you defeat your greatest rival. How do you feel?”
Kara and Lena share a look, and Lena does her best to sense what Kara is thinking, but it’s impossible, the cluster of emotions running wild and free behind those bright blue irises making it a task and a half even to try.
Kara swallows harshly. “A lot. I feel a lot.”
The mood dampens and Mon-El shies away from the group a little, realizing he just made a mistake. “Sorry, that was a poor question to ask. It’s just that we used to speak about the Luthors when we were dating, and there wasn’t much positivity around that. I thought you would be happy to have him gone.”
Lena freezes. Partly because she never realized that this is Kara’s ex and another because he said ‘Luthors’. They spoke about her entire family, probably including her. She understands why she would be lumped in with them; it is her surname after all, but it’s not information she would have liked to have learned in this situation, with Kara’s ex spilling the beans.
“Mon-El, shut up.” Alex hisses.
“What?” He asks.
Lena takes over, her face once again cold and unfeeling as she lets go of Kara’s hand with one of hers so she can offer it to the man. “Lena Luthor, pleasure to meet you.”
His eyes grow wide and his jaw practically drops to the floor.
Winn is the one who saves the day, jumping in to shake her hand in an overexaggerated manner in his excitement. “Oh my stars! You’re the Lena Luthor. I can’t believe I’m meeting you; this is insane! Your work with…I don’t know if you’ve done it yet, so I can’t say anything, but your work is the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. It’s unbelievable! Can I pick your brain about your ongoing projects?”
Lena shakes her head. “Perhaps another time. I would like to spend some time with Kara. As you can imagine, I’m not in the best state of mind given that Kara is hurt and my brother just died.”
Mon-El seems to wake from his stupor at that. “You’re letting a Luthor be in here? You’re letting her touch Kara?” He briefly pins his eyes on Alex before they dart to glare at Kara and Lena’s joined hands.
“Stop, Mon-El. You’re acting like an asshole.” Kara jumps in, the words taking more effort than she has to give.
“I’m the asshole?” He asks, his voice coming out in a whine, his eyebrows practically meeting his hairline, which is quite the task.
“Stop. Just stop.” Kara pleads, her free hand coming up to cover her face, a headache sinking in. “Can I just please have some time to rest? I can’t deal with this.”
Alex jumps onto Kara’s request, using it to get everyone out. “Alright, you heard the lady, everyone out.”
Winn goes easily, looking pissed at Mon-El and grabbing him by his arm to pull him out of the room. Lena watches them go before she stands up too, leans down to press her lips to Kara’s forehead and then moves to leave.
“You don’t have to go, Lena,” Kara says, clinging to her hand.
“I won’t be too long. You rest. I’ve got a few things to handle, and then I’ll be back.”
“I promise I’ll come back. Go to sleep.”
Check out the next couple of chapters on Patreon here!
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canary3d-obsessed · 1 year
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 37 part one
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Never Trust a Big Butt and Smile (Poison)
Wei Wuxian has gathered all the juniors together in the paper-offerings shop run by the corpse lady, and asks for volunteers to help him in the kitchen. 
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Teacher's pet Sizhui jumps forward, abandoning Jingyi and leaving the field clear for Ouyang Zizhen to make his move.
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He tells the other kids to stay put, but Jin Ling follows along to go make a nuisance of himself.
DLWJLF (Dad Lan Wangji would Like to Fuck)
Now we get to see Wei Wuxian in a new dad mode; not entertaining and protecting young A-Yuan, but guiding teenager Jin Ling to be less of a prat. On one level he is talking to him forcefully and generally not having patience for his crap, but on another level he is carefully teaching him.
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Wei Wuxian explains that glutinous rice (aka sticky rice, aka sweet rice) can cure corpse poisoning, and proceeds to cook it up with every kind of pepper he can find in the kitchen, in a sequence that has got to be an intentional parody (full gifset here) of the lovingly-filmed food porn that shows up in so many Asian dramas (for example).
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(More behind the cut!)
While the rice is cooking, Jin Ling finally explains what brought them here; they all came following a trail of hideously murdered "cats." The show avoids having to put an explanatory note on the screen saying "this is a digital cat and no actual cats were harmed" by showing us this ridiculously bad stuffed toy cat. 
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On this occasion I genuinely appreciate the department of dubious practical effects, since I don't really want to see a realistic dead cat. But wow, this is super bad. It doesn’t even have paws, just weird stubby peg feet. It is probably made from leftover bits of whatever they used to make Wen Chao’s dog. Also, the MEOW noise happens right when Jin Ling opens the door, when the cat is clearly already dead. Maybe the cat's ghost is doing the meowing.
During Jin Ling's flashback, we get to see Fairy in action. Fairy is a special, extra smart, spiritually attuned dog. 
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His powers include barking at the door when someone stands directly outside the door stringing up a dead cat from the rafters. I feel like maybe Fairy needs to aim a little higher in life.
Wei Wuxian thinks about the cat-murdering, and reflects that it's horrifying, but that whoever did it "didn't actually cause any harm."
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Ghosts of a whole lot of deceased cats: easy for you to say, asshole
I'm still a little unclear on who actually did the cat murders. I think it was Xue Yang? since he wanted to lure the Yiling Laozu to Yi City, and couldn't rely on the qiankun bag of plot convenience to get him there.  Possibly he also wanted to kill and eat the juniors, like the clown in IT. I've seen people saying it was Nie Huaisang, but I don't think he had a motive to get the juniors to go there, given that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were already headed that way because of the spirit thingy.
When the rice is ready Wei Wuxian sends the kids to deliver it to their poisoned buddies. Wei Wuxian pauses to give Jin Ling a little more uncleing.
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Jingyi tries the rice, which is absolutely loaded with spice, and asks if Wei Wuxian is trying to poison them some more. 
Wei Wuxian has the audacity to think "could it be that I accidentally spilled pepper powder in there?" Bitch, we just watched you dump a whole bowl of red pepper flakes AND a bowl of black pepper AND several whole-ass red chilies in there. Your memory isn't that bad.
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Sizhui tries it and does a nice spit-take; then he says that the taste is familiar. I think this is the first instance of him remembering something from his time with Wei Wuxian, and I love that the trigger for his eventual cascade of recovered memory is Wei Wuxian's terrible cooking.
Wei Wuxian makes them eat it anyway, and then laughs to himself about it.
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Young Miss Jump-Scare
Wei Wuxian hears A-Qing's stick in the lane outside, and goes to a hole in the wall to look at her. Once he's had a look he says "wow! she's amazing!" to lure the kids into looking. 
Jin Ling goes to look and A-Qing obligingly sticks her face right into the camera for a jump scare. 
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Camera Operator: Damn, warn a guy, will you?
Next Jin Ling lures Sizhui to look, and A-Qing provides another jump scare, this time drooling blood out of her mouth. Then she goes back to walking in circles in the street while the boys all check her out, mostly platonically, except for Ouyang Zizhen, who is in love with literally everybody so can’t do platonic.
Wei Wuxian, fully in Wei-Laoshi mode at this point, tells the kids that they should look at A-Qing precisely because they are scared; as cultivators, they need to look past their fear and be able to identify things correctly. 
Sizhui, Jin Ling, and Ouyang Zizhen all take turns looking and all make different observations about her, and receive feedback from Wei Wuxian about the quality of their observations. 
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Itty-bitty Lan Sizhui, hilariously, says that she’s only as tall as his chest. According to wiki.d-addicts, he is a whopping 7 centimeters taller than she is in real life. He has doomed himself to having to stand on a box any time he is next to her. Which, you know, he mostly won't be, because of all the death.
Conveniently, the window has a whole bunch of strategically-placed rips in it, so several of them can look out at the same time, like the Joke Wall on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-in. No I am not that old, but the reruns were inescapable when I was a child. 
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Do these knuckleheads think they are hiding? Very subtle, guys.
A-Qing wanders around and bleeds for a bit, but then she hears someone coming and skedaddles. The someone who arrives is Xiao Xingchen, wearing a ribbon/bandage over his eyes, no guan, and dark robes. 
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Wei Wuxian recognizes him anyway, because Xiao Xingchen is famously pretty no matter how he's styled. Also he has his sword and waves it around conspicuously.
Wei Wuxian immediately decides to rescue him, over the objections of Jin Ling, but has to move quickly to avoid being poisoned by the AfterEffects volumetric fog that covers the street. 
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He also has to do a hella cool spell, with a mix of light-talisman drawing and poetry reciting, which impresses all of the youngsters.
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 For some reason it also causes a bunch of mild squib explosions on the outside of the wall. He comes back in, super-quick, with Xiao Xingchen clutched against his side, warning the kids not to come near because "even skin-to-skin contact will poison you." 
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Dude, we weren't planning on getting naked with your uncle, chill out.
He sets him down and whispers to him, calling him Xiao Shi Shu,小师叔 which is how he would address his father's martial younger brother, not his mother's, according to my deep Google-translated knowledge of Chinese forms of address. I'm going to go ahead and assume that Wei Wuxian knows the subtleties of this sort of thing better than I do. 
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ANYhoo, Wei Wuxian lets Xiao Xingchen know who he is, without actually saying his name, since some of these kids might have good hearing. He tells Sizhui to get a bowl of congee. Jin Ling objects to helping XXC, because he might be a bad guy, and Jingyi vigorously defends him, saying that he was being attacked by corpses, so is definitely a good guy. That...is not how zombie attacks work, but ok. He also cites Lan rules about helping the dying, which is a rare instance of Jingyi giving a fuck about the rules.
After bringing the congee, Sizhui looks at Xiao Xingchen's sword and immediately recognizes it as Shuanghua, announcing it to the other juniors, who come racing over to look. 
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The kids instantly figure out that the guy is Xiao Xingchen. They don't recognize him, mind you, just his sword. Sword fans, amirite? All of these kids are active members of the spiritual-sword fandom and can recognize swords they've never seen, but only heard about on Tumblr.
Zombie Stroll
A bunch of zombies start walking down the street at this point in a thoroughly un-menacing fashion, including one disturbingly hot zombie who looks into the window. 
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This is to prepare us for the arrival of the #1 Hot Zombie, Song Lan. 
Before that, though, Wei Wuxian is going to do another spell to lock the door, so he slices his fingers open *before* asking the kids if they have any talisman paper. 
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This is like when I start cooking the green onions for my protein-obsessed teenage son's omelet that I make every goddamn morning in a bid to always do the exact opposite of my own mother's shitty parenting before I check to see if I have any eggs. Crack the eggs first, Wei Wuxian.
All of the kids offer up their blood, which he doesn't need, but don't have any blank talisman paper. Why does he need paper when he drew the other spell in the middle of the air? Never mind, never mind.
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He is unfairly annoyed at this, considering that he didn't bring any paper either. He overwrites an Already-Been-Chewed one that Jin Ling produces and uses it to seal the door, which totally astonishes all of the junior cultivators, like they haven't seen magic before.
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Immediately after he seals the door, Song Lan drops in through a hole in the ceiling, that Wei Wuxian really should have thought about when sealing the room up.  
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Song Lan strikes a sexy pose--oh, who am I kidding, all of his poses are sexy--and stands there being admired for a bit, before half-heartedly swinging a sword toward Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian responds by verrrry sloooowly booting up his flute and playing something, while all of the kids lunge toward Song Lan at the same time, and all get deflected and knocked down. 
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The flute playing does seem to stop Song Lan from actually killing anyone, and they are able to tie him up with their magic shibari rope.
A note about how Wei Wuxian's powers appear to work, for those who find his abilities confusing. As I understand it, any skilled cultivator can make use of ambient energy from the world around them. This allows the use of talismans without needing a golden core. With a golden core, a person can store qi in their body instead of relying on ambient energy.
Wei Wuxian, as the inventor of Demonic cultivation Xue Chonghai? We don’t know him. is able to pull on ambient *resentful* energy from the dead folks around him and use it to do stuff. But he can't store it in his body very well, which is why he creates the Yin Tiger Seal. It's already pre-loaded with Yin energy and he dumps more into it to get it out of his own body. At least, he stops farting big clouds of resentment smoke after he refines the tiger seal. 
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Episode 21: That’s-a spicy meatball
So, Wei Wuxian in Yi City doesn't have the yin tiger seal to draw on, but the place is chock full of ambient yin energy for him to use. Also the tiger seal 2.0 is in the room with him right now, although he's not aware of that. Is it weird that he can’t sense that his supposed uncle is carrying a giant chunk of yin metal? Never mind, never mind.
When Wei Wuxian sees that Song Lan is wearing the same black contact lenses that Wen Ning had before --well, probably not the same exact ones, the budget wasn't THAT low--he remembers about the nails in Wen Nings head, and pulls a similar nail out of Song Lan's head. 
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Unfortunately he only remembered one of the two nails he extracted from Wen Ning, because he doesn't check Song Lan for a second nail, and Song Lan's contact lenses remain stubbornly in place.
Soundtrack: 1.Bel Biv Devoe, Poison 2. Coolio, Fantastic Journey
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mrsaltieri-real · 11 months
Thrill of the Kill (Mickey Altieri X Fem!AFAB!GF!Reader)
You are Mickey’s accomplice to the Windsor college Ghostface murders and realise that you get off on the thrill of murder just as he does.
Warning/s: smut, blowjob, masturbation, gagging, choking, murder, sadism, readers a twisted fuck whose obsessed with Mickey (mood), discussion of murder, blood, gore, etc
A/N: I changed how Cici Cooper dies for plot reasons, Mrs Loomis isn’t Mickey’s accomplice at all the reader is.
It’s low-key kinda fucked up so don’t read if you don’t like violence or anything previously mentioned. This didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted but I can’t only rewrite so many times before I want to throw my fucking computer out of the window. If you do read on, enjoy!
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2 days ago
“A practice run.” Mickey had explained, stood leaning against his desk with your Ghostface mask in his hands as you sat on his couch, listening intently as he spoke. “That bitch always has far too much to say. I want nothing more than to rip her vocal cords out so she she can’t ever speak again. But Cici Cooper is all yours, baby.”
“Jeez, Mick.” You’d laughed. “Is this because of her bashing sequels in film class?”
“Partially.” He said thoughtfully, tossing the mask and walking away from his desk to stand in front of you, his hand tilting your chin up and his thumb lightly running over the soft skin of your lower lip. “But mostly, I just want to see you rip her apart.” You smiled up at him, eyes fixed on his beautiful face as he continued to speak. “I’m so fucking glad I met you.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?” You asked, shivering a little as his hand slid from your lip to caress your cheek.
“You want this just as much as I do. And you don’t even have a motive. You just want to kill people for me. Do you understand how fucking sexy that is?” He murmured in a soft voice, his hand moving from your face into your hair, gazing down at you in awe.
The plan was made. Mickey had his defense planned out to it’s very core, go to trail, blame the movies, which you were more than willing to assist him with, and you, well you were so unbelievably infatuated with him that when you stumbled across his plans a couple of months ago instead of being terrified like any normal rational person, you’d asked him if you could assist him.
You’d met Mickey during first year film class, and the attraction was instantaneous. He could see a hidden darkness in you that you yourself hadn’t truly realized yet and he made it his life’s mission to bring that part of you out of it’s shell. He’d introduced you to his true self slowly but hadn’t needed to worry at all, because as soon as he told you what he was planning you, much to his surprise, hadn’t even really been phased. More intrigued and fascinated with him. He loved how she admired and practically worshipped the ground he walked on. It stroked his ego in just the perfect way.
From an outsiders perspective, you were just a sweet dorky couple, fairly publicly affectionate. Mickey’s hands were never really off of you, always finding some way to make sure he had any kind of contact. Weather it was holding your hand, arm around your shoulders or his hand in the back pocket of your jeans it didn’t matter. He liked people knowing you belonged to him.
He was not insecure about your relationship by any means, he knew the last thing you’d ever do was cheat or even flirt with somebody else, but if he saw a guy so much as glance at you in a way he didn’t deem appropriate, he’d have a burning hot rage spread through his entire body which would only be cooled when you noticed and gently stretched up on your toes and kiss his scowling lips and whispering to him that if he wanted you to, you’d fucking kill them for him.
He loved how twisted you were, how passionate and how much excitement and anticipation you’d had for the upcoming murders. In a strange way, it made him feel less alone.
Now, with his fingers still tangled in your hair, he gazed down at you, thriving off of how you stared up at him like a blind person seeing the sun for the first time. It was that admiration that really did get him off.
“You excited about it? Killing her?” He asked you, gently beginning to pull your hair back until you made a little whimpering sound and nodded.
“Wanna show me how excited you are, sweetheart?” He cooed at you and now your response was much more eager.
“Yes.” You said, a wide smile spreading across your face as you fell straight to your knees in front of him, reaching for the waistband of his sweats, only for his hand to grab yours before you could even touch the soft material.
“What do you say?” Mickey murmured, his voice a little lower as he stared down at you with dark eyes.
“Please let me suck your cock, Mickey.” You begged, gazing up at him desperately. “I need to feel you in my mouth so bad, please please let me.”
He smirked down at you a little, loving the sight of your wide eyes pleading with him, the small pout on your lips as you begged him to let you blow him. He could feel himself swelling harder and harder as you relentlessly continued to plead with him, before brushing his finger lightly over your cheekbone and giving you a small nod.
Without missing a beat, you pulled down his loose grey sweatpants, looking lovingly at his already hard cock. Just talking about murder turned Mickey on to the highest extent. And the rush of the kill? No pussy could ever compare. Except one.
Your hand gently slid up his thighs, finger nails lightly grazing his skin, making him shiver a little. “Don’t tease me, Y/N.” His voice had a slight warning tone and as much as you wanted to ignore it, past experiences made you think better of that. The last thing you wanted was for him to deny you, and you knew that’s exactly what he’d do if you played with him. That was for him to do to you, never the other way around.
He let out a small groan when he felt your warm, wet mouth taking in as much as him as you could, moving his free hand to join his other one in your hair, pulling you closer until your nose touched the stubbly skin above his cock and you let out a soft gag.
You made sure to swirl your tongue around his tip just the way you knew he liked it as you bobbed your head, consistently making eye contact with him as you did so. His hands still gripped your hair as he forced you to speed it up, grinding his hips on your face till you could feel his cock hitting the back of your throat repeatedly. The sounds Mickey made as he fucked your face made your clit swell and you crossed your legs, trying to cause some subtle kind of friction as you hummed with your mouth around his cock, saliva beginning to dribble out of your mouth and down your chin.
“Jesus fuck, baby.” He groaned, one of his hands moving right on the back of your head as he pushed your head as close to him as possible. You began relishing in the feeling of his thick cock filling your throat. “Fuckin- fuckin’ touch yourself.” he managed to stutter out between small pants as he continued to thrust himself in and out of your mouth.
He didn’t need to tell you twice. Your hand quickly moved down to your panties, shoving them aside as you starting gently teasing your clit, letting out a small satisfied moan as you did so. The feeling of him fucking your face mixed with your fingers circling your clit was driving you crazy, making you eager to take more and more of him as his thrusts sped up, along with the movement of your own fingers. The feeling of his dick gagging you repeatedly mixed with you rubbing your own clit was driving you absolutely insane. You could feel the tears start rolling down your face he did one more brutal thrust into your mouth, suddenly holding his position with his cock choking you, making it harder for you to breathe as you felt his seed spreading straight down your throat, causing you to splutter a little as he let out a long and satisfied groan, his head falling back a little.
“So fucking pathetic.” He laughed breathlessly, squeezing his hand into a fist around your hair and pulling you off him so he could look down at your face, his eyes mocking as you gasped for air. “Look at you, a fucking mess after you begged for it.” He laughed again as you coughed a little as you looked up at him with those same pleading eyes, his thumb wiping your tear stained face.
He tilted his head a little at you, seeing something else behind your eyes other than the deep satisfaction that you’d made him cum down your throat and his cocky smile turned into a small frown. “Are you okay?” He asked anxiously, still a little breathless as his hand still rested on your flushed cheek. “Did I go too hard? I’m sorry baby, I know I can get a little-“
“No! No it’s not that!” You said quickly. It was absolutely not that. You loved the feeling of Mickey abusing your mouth for his own pleasure, you always had.
“Then what is it?”
You took a deep breath, wincing at the sore feeling in your throat before talking.
“What if I can’t do it? Kill Cici.” You suddenly blurted out, eyes dropping to the floor, taking Mickey a little by surprise. “I mean.. what if I pussy out last minute?”
“Y/N.” Mickey’s voice turned stern as he moved his hand to grip your chin, so you were forced to look at him and he bent down a little. “You’re not going to pussy out. You were made for this, just like I was. You’ll see. You’ll feel the power of holding someone’s life in your hands and you’ll fucking thrive off that shit. You’re my girl, right?”
You nodded as much as you could.
“Exactly. And I’ll be there the whole time if something goes wrong, but it won’t. You are just like me.” His soft brown eyes and his words seemed to soothe you and his hand gently released your chin, satisfied that his little speech seemed to work. He meant every word of it. He knew you could do this because whenever he looked at you, he could see the exact same burning desire in his eyes that he himself had.
Although you appeared a little calmer, he still noticed something slightly uncomfortable in your face and body language as you shifted a little. Mickey looked you up and down curiously before his eyes widened in sudden acknowledgment of what the issue was.
“Didn’t manage to get off, baby?”
“You didn’t tell me I could cum.” You said, shrugging a little like it was obvious, the feeling of denial settling into your lower stomach.
“Ah.” He helped you stand up before gently pushing you down on his couch, his strong hands sliding up your inner thigh and a satisfied smile spread across his face when he felt your drenched panties and your still swollen clit through the thin material, the slight sensation of his fingers making a shiver pass through your body and a small whine fall from between your swollen and abused lips.
“Let’s fix that.”
You stood above the body of Cici Cooper and pulled the Ghostface mask off with one fluid motion, a sadistic smile plastered across your face, chest heaving with pure adrenaline and excitement. You couldn’t get over how amazing it had felt, sinking that knife into her chest and torso over and over again, relishing in the feeling of the knife slicing into her warm flesh and the sounds of her screams and cries begging you to stop, with your even more psychotic boyfriend watching you carefully and proudly as you did so. You’d never felt that kind of power, that kind of uncontrollable bloodlust in your life. It made you feel things you’d never felt before. It made you wonder why you’d never killed before.
“You did amazing, sweetheart.” He crooned, coming up behind you and kissing the back of your head gently. You turned around to face him, looking almost smug.
“You were right.” You said gleefully. “Killing really does make you feel-“
You were cut off by Mickey’s hands yanking you toward him by your waist, his lips melting against yours in a way that made you almost fall to the floor.
“Powerful.” You mumbled against his mouth and the laugh he let out was muffled by your lips.
You noticed how sensual the whole thing had been for you, how turned on you felt. It was a whole other experience to anything you’d ever felt before. Then you realised as Mickey pressed you against his body, you could feel his hard cock pushing up against your stomach from behind his own Ghostface robe. You relished in the newfound knowledge that Mickey watching you brutally murder that girl had turned him on too.
Because of course it did. The woman he loved was just as sadistic as he was. Loved the thrill of the kill exactly as he did. What’s hotter than that?
You wanted to deepen the kiss, beg him to fuck you right next to Cici Coopers corpse more than anything but he let out a small, groaning sigh.
“We’ve got to go.” He sighed as he pulled back, his hand reaching to cup your cheek. “We don’t wanna be here when the cops get called. We need to get to that party so we’ll have an alibi.”
You felt your lips turn into a pout and it made Mickey smirk a little, gently tracing the outside of your lips with his gloved hand.
“Fine,” you stretched up on your toes, you arms slinking around his neck and pulling his face back down to yours. “Can we at least fuck when we get there?”
Mickey let out a small laugh before nodding his head, hand still cradling your face.
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
A/N: Ugh I hate this. But we move.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 4 months
The high school kids in Unordinary have like, such a f**ked up life.
Like, we have Seraphina who was raised to be a perfectionist. She never got to make choices of her own and had to follow the norm imposed by the society while she never felt happy. Have an abusive and controlling mother who doesn't give a sh*t about her, might have beaten her up her entire life and was never given a break. She doesn't have any privacy and she was controlled like a doll by her parents. And her sister was pushed way past her limits and abused to the point that she had to run away. Which resulted in Seraphina having to endure everything alone. Everybody would judge her no matter what and she had to keep up an image of being the strongest and the top student. Everybody looks upto her, but at the same time us jealous of her and talks behind her back. She didn't even have a genuine friend, maybe because everyone was too scared or intimidated by her or she doesn't think she wants friends. The expectations placed on her was such a burden. There wasn't a moment she could relax. Let's not talk about the torture she went through when she lost her powers. Truly the fall if a goddess.
It's quite refreshing how Seraphina actually got to let go of all those nuisances in life. Like, she doesn't have to attend the classes, but she's smart enough to get enough marks. She minds her own business and couldn't care less of what others think of her. She started to live for herself and make her own decisions.
Then there's Arlo who had the rights, wrongs and hierarchy ingrained into his brain from his childhood. He was an ass during season 1. And most people hated him. But I kind of understood why he did what he did. In his eyes, John was like the one and that strayed out of it's path while all the others are walking in a perfect line. He was taught that the authorities are right, and the current system us the best for everyone. That peace will only exist like this, the low tiers being oppressed and looked down upon and the high tiers receiving all the benefits and titles. It's just like the time when someone found out the earth was round and declared to the world, but the people who had grown up learing the fact that the earth was flat since their childhood couldn't accept it. For them, the world is flat is a fact like the sun rises in the east. Most people just saw him as crazy while some others decided to burn him alive for saying such nonsense. They're wrong, just like Arlo is. I'm never going to defend him and say what he did was the right thing. But according to what he was taught, it was the right way. Later when he slowly starts to see the cracks in the society that the authorities either overlooked or created, he starts to doubt the system. Then he knows everything he had been taught and believed was wrong. He had a big character development, and there's still room for more. His aunt who he thought he knew and looked upto turned out to be different than what he thought. What he doesn't know is that she's a cold blooded murderer who doesn't hesitate to kill even the kids. And she's the one who killed Rei. Imagine the person whom you looked upto, your mentor and best friend, the one who has a special place in your heart (platonic ofc) was murdered by your own family, the person whom you trusted and idolized the most. We haven't even reached that part though. Because Arlo is now working with the authorities, thinking that he can somehow change it. He tries his best to help his friends. But turns out his aunt is a manipulative bitch and the entire bureau is rotten to the core. He nearly died and lost his powers in one of the missions to help his friends (I suppose all of those kids went through that). He gets blamed by his friends too, and he's trying. But the evidences are glaring at him and he has to make a choice and he's conflicted. I feel bad for him in a way. He was stubborn but he did change when he realized he was in the wrong. Him apologizing to John when he realized what the latter went through was a proof of that. Arlo was the just one of the successfully created product of the system.
But it's good that he was capable of understanding that he was wrong. He had to deal with a lot, but I like it that he's trying his best to keep a level head.
Then we have John, whose essence itself is trauma.
These God tiers did have a hell of a childhood. And they're still kids!
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nutamused · 5 months
Some htf dynamics that I think are very sillay
Warning: mostly just rambles lol
Handy and toothy- THEY TOTALLY HAVE A SIBLING DYNAMIC!! I don’t think they’re actually related, but I think they just act like siblings and get along well despite their differences. Toothy would be like the younger brother and handy is older, and toothy would probably just be annoying asf to handy and handy just deals with it. Toothy also probably goes to handy for advice, and handy doesn’t rly care so he just says some bs so toothy can leave him alone
Flippy and lammy- I think these two silly heads would be sweet friends, and both also connect cause of their mental illnesses. I haven’t gone too into it, but I think lammy would be the “less stable” one of the two cause she’s younger and doesn’t rly know how to deal with her issues like flippy does. Flippy would try to help Lammy sometimes, and they would have tea together. I’d like to think that he tells her about his past, as she’s one of the younger tree friends who could actually understand his problems.
Toothy and sniffles- they are nerd loser besties!! They would totally geek over nerd stuff like those Splendid comics and anime or smthing else nerdy. Even tho they’re both nerds, toothy is the bigger loser cause he’s more of a wimp and just kind of a pushover (I’m trying to give him SOMEWHAT of a personality 😭), while sniffles doesn’t take shit and and be a bitch (also they are lovers, you can’t convince me otherwise ☺️)
Lammy and handy- they have a “normal person and crazy ass person” dynamic. I headcanon that it’s still pretty ambiguous whether lammy actually murders people or not, but she still helps with hiding bodies and cleaning up the messes that Mr. Pickels makes. Lammy usually tries to kill off anyone who catches her and Mr pickels cause she doesn’t want to go back to jail, but she trusts handy cause he just doesn’t care. He doesn’t mind lammy or Mr Pickels killing anyone, just as long as it doesn’t get in the way of his work. He is kinda put off by her creepy demeanor, but still tries his best to be respectful to her
Russell and cuddles- ENEMIES TO LOVERS!! I find it funny that many people put them against each other cause they both want giggles, but I wanna put a spin on that and make it so that they want EACHOTHER. (Also I hc giggles is a lesbian so she doesn’t give a shit abt them) Cuddles and Russell first act like they hate each other cause they both dated giggles, but secretly they want each other but are both too dumb to realize it. (Toothy and lumpy are the only ones that know abt it, but both cuddles and Russell are too dumb to listen to them)
That’s all I can think of for now but I will def have more later
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fireemblems24 · 11 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 9
Spoilers for GW up to Ch 9 below.
Edelgard makes no progress in the war. More news at 6.
Wow, 6 month time-skip. Part 1 finished. Didn't think we were getting another time-skip, but with Edelgard licking her wounds, it makes sense because no one tries to murder anyone when she stays in her own country.
"End of the Alliance" - sounds ominous.
Oh. It's now a Federation. Like Star Trek. But shady as fuck. Because Claude just crowned himself king so he could take more control. Weird how everyone just accepts this. It doesn't really fit the narrative that people don't trust Claude.
So . . . Edelgard's war actually made the Alliance less progressive 😅. Because now the Liecester is just a monarchy.
Claude didn't tell Shez, lamo. It really feels like these two aren't close at all. I feel like Shez is closest to Dimitri -> Edelgard -> Claude.
It would be nice if this was an Alliance focused part and not about Edelgard's nonsense anymore.
There's trouble in Alliance territory with areas that didn't want King Claude and they're rebelling. Honestly, don't blame them. Ohhh, they want to join Faerghus. They like King Dimitri better. Agreed.
This really is heading towards an Edelgard Claude team up, isn't it? With the people who don't want to bow to king Claude wanting to leave and join the Kingdom. Welp, at least it'll be different. And hey, Claude's funeral, not Dimitri's so what do I care? As long as it's interesting and different from VW.
Don't blame Claude for wanting to put down the unrest. Happy not everyone drank the Claude kool-aide. And don't blame anyone for wanting to leave the Alliance. It's kind of a no one is the bad guy here (except Edelgard), unlike with Dimitri with the Western Lords where they are definitely the bad guys.
I don't trust Claude farther than I can throw him though.
This "battle suggestions" is interesting, but it makes it seem like Shez is in charge of the whole army lol.
Can someone explain how the "merc whistle" works? It seems like you can take someone's special ability and give it Shez. But you could also equip it on someone else? So I could make someone else invulnerable like Lorenz if I gave it to him? But that person's "ability" goes away? Anyone have a list of what those abilities are exactly?
You can actually tell Claude you don't support his actions (or are unsure). Edelgard routes could never.
NPC says the minor lords now get no say in what happens.
Yep, here it goes. Claude's meeting with Edelgard to ally with her again. At least here Claude's calling out her shit on attacking them for no reason.
Edelgard is so two-faced, denying that her end goal is take over.
"We'll take tangible resources over insincere apologies any day." - Lamo, Claude, if you know she's a two-faced, insincere liar why on earth are you doing this?
I like this version of it better since at least Claude seems like he has two brain cells at least. In SB, he really came across like Edelgard's mindless bitch.
Now he's calling her out for creating her BS southern church lol. Holst called it an "obvious sham."
Arval said Edelgard wouldn't even acknowledge Shez's existence.
Shez is actually not supporting Claude's decisions in cannon.
See, this makes it WAY more interesting. SB/CF cram what you should think down your throat (SB less than CF, but still doing it), but GW is giving it more nuance.
I think I can say GW is by far my 2nd favorite right now.
Oh, another time limit one! I liked that in the paralogue.
Hurt having to fight the Kingdom again.
Judith also calls out Claude, saying he's talking about people's lives like they're just pieces on a chessboard.
Marianne and Ignatz are also upset.
"You let the Empire talk you into buying the whole store." - Judith
Claude claims he's using the Empire right back. I'd like to see how. Like, I think GW is a way more interesting take on this, but I'm honestly super confused why he thinks this is a good idea for the Alliance.
Lorenz also said he's throwing the Kingdom to the wolves for no reason.
Claude drags up ancient history as an excuse. Which is hysterical since recent history the Empire just killed Alliance people.
Seems like Claude just hates the church and that's why he's siding with Edelgard. Even though that leaves it really easy for her to take over and she said she would through non-military means later.
Claude is a complete dumbass here, but at least it's interesting.
Aww, Shez checked on Shamir, making sure she's ok fighting Catherine. This game really ships Shamir x Catherine and I'm here for it.
Shit. I missed Claude x Hilda's B Support. Did I miss something amazing? Does this mean I'll have to play GW again? Not sure I care enough. I like them both well enough and all, but I can really only see myself replaying AG. IDK, maybe one day.
Anyone else find it shady that Claude is killing any noble who doesn't want to follow his new system? I get it, but that's sus as hell. It's esp funny because the Empire is trying to smear Dimitri for taking out the Western lords (who all helped in a genocide), but their allies doing the same to not-evil people is fine.
This is going to be funny with how openly Shez isn't trusting Claude right now lol.
They're just talking about him being king and how Shez first suggested that the Alliance had a king.
Claude wants to open up to Shez because she doesn't have any strings attached.
Talking more about Shez's mystery mom who just died of illness. Then she got kicked out by everyone else. Wonder why?
Hilda still lecturing Shez on charging to the front lines, but thinks Shez is skilled enough to handle it.
Hilda compares it to Holst who also leads the charge, unlike most leaders who stay in the back.
Hilda doesn't think her brother is capable of dying because no one is good enough to kill him, and now thinks the same for Shez. No one told the poor woman about arrows.
Hilda now fights more up front but denies it.
Shez can tell Hilda her cheerleading annoys people, lamo.
Welp, that explains why she's ok with attacking innocent people and continuing war because rHeA bAd, because she's convinced herself the people she loves can't die. Ummm. Ok.
I feel like Lorenz got flanderized a bit in this game. Like, there's not much to any of his supports so far but "I am noble, so I am better." I honestly don't care much about him, but he had more depth in Houses.
Shez expects Lorenz to complain more. But he's just her to brag about why he's grown stronger.
She can assume he did it to get the ladies lol.
But nope, of course not, it's because he's a noble and a noble is better than commoners than he needs to be stronger than her.
He wants Shez to get in trouble so he can rescue her. Ugh.
Shez says that Lorenz fulfilled his oath to get stronger bc Shez only does what she does bc she relies on allies.
That was really one-dimensional, and Lorenz was just unlikeable in it.
Oh, Hilda's here. So they just squeezed her in his support with Holst to excuse giving her a support with Balthus.
Hilda is worried that Holst is acting weird and thinks Balthus might be behind it because they've been hanging out.
Hilda is convinced that Holst is uncurroptable because he only like things that are just. Balthus seems to hint otherwise.
Seems like Holst is DRUNK. Or just being cringy. Hilda's mad that Balthus set her up so Holst could listen in.
Hilda's embarrassed, understandably.
Holst calls Hilda his "hope." Yeah, I get why she's annoyed.
Lorenz points out that his family has always been friendly with the Empire, so this change is no big deal.
He accuses Claude of just copying his father.
He says House Gloucester should rule and not Claude, and says he will be the next king.
Claude accuses Lorenz of his ego being out of control.
Claude suggests letting the people of the Alliance pick the king. Lorenz thinks it's silly until he changes his mind.
Lorenz, rightly, points out that Claude's new position in precarious and its success or failure is on Claude.
Claude is a doo-doo bird though. He thinks that the Empire and King in Adrestia and Faerghus, respectively, are upheld because of "the Goddess's blessing" and not, you know, really complex stuff. Like, both Edelgard and Dimitri face getting thrown out in the two games over things that have NOTHING to do with religion.
That's weird, their support had a picture.
Lysithea feels that their relationship is strained and wants to clear the air. Shez didn't even notice lol.
Shez is a pretty simple character, but I like it.
Oh, wow, Lysithea realized she acted like a brat and apologized. This self-awareness makes me like her a LOT better.
Aw, Shez is helping Lysithea feel mature and older. But then put her foot in her mouth when she referred to people under Lysithea's command as "real adults" lol. Lysithea struggled but kept her head!
Honestly, I like this a lot for Lysithea. Character flaws are great, but they're annoying as shit when they're not acknowledged properly (I still get flashbacks to her awful Ignatz support), but when they're used to show growth, that flaw is suddenly sooo much better.
Leonie wants mercenary advice.
Lamo, Leonie thinks the bow isn't good enough to be a first-class mercenary. Homegirl's been watching too many movies and not reading enough military history. Mounted archers were unmatched.
So now they're just discussing over specialization vs versatilty.
It's kinda nice seeing Shez in a mentor role.
They go out to eat together. Marianne didn't eat her meat and Shez is concerned.
Marianne is now determined to believe she doesn't curse people around her.
Shez encouraged Marianne to just be herself, which Marianne wants but worries about her father.
Marianne accused Shez of talking without thinking and thought it was a good thing lol.
Lorenz absolved Balthus of his debts to House Gloucester.
Lorenz credits it to Balthus helping and saving Lorenz on the battlefield.
Lamo, I forgot that Balthus investigated Claude and claimed he found all kinds of dirty laundry.
Lorenz wants him to hold onto it so he can use it later to unseat Claude and take over the Alliance instead.
Balthus is upset Lorenz isn't a lady because he's impressed with him being a scoundrel lol.
Hahahaha lamo, the Knight of Serios are beating Edelgard's army, which has to be like 5x bigger.
Oh - led by Randolph, THAT explains it. Against Catherine? Pft. Catherine wouldn't even consider that a bout it's so one-sided.
Shez still doesn't understand what Claude's doing. I'm not the only one who thinks these two aren't even remotely close, right? I feel like Shez is way more invested in Edelgard and Dimitri, and like Claude's just some dude who hired her.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Claude legit just left Randolph to die, lamo.
I think we just killed Catherine :(
😂😂😂 Edelgard's forces got wiped out. Randolph is really the punching bag of Fodlan. They should've made it Dorothea or something if they wanted us to give a shit.
Yep, time for Claude to get chewed out. As if Randolph isn't foaming at the mouth to invade the Alliance in SB.
It's funny how offended everyone is. As if this didn't happen in real life all the time. I mean, they'd only be mad a noble died because you can make money taking them as hostage.
Is this evil!Claude, the route? Like because he was such a goody-goody in Houses? I still think it's funny it's always Randolph.
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i don't exactly know how to deal with this - I'm not a big enough person on tumblr to have ever been confronted to this type of comment :
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but it still surprised me to see this when my experience on here has honestly been overwhelmingly positive and I've never really talked or met someone who'd comment something like that on here.
i don't honestly think it's wrong to put this person on "blast" (even though, let's be honest, me posting about it is less of a blast and more of a nice summer night breeze.) since they have commented this publicly for everyone to see - so i see no issue in answering in a just as public of a way.
anyway just wanted to say that I think it's kind of sad that you value fictional characters and people in general based on their physical appearance, and that you seem to forget there is an actor aka a real person behind that role.
and oops - guess what - whatever you think of the appearance of any fucking actor - that's not the part of their job that fucking matters!!
Now, let's try to see walk a few centimeters in your shoes. In your eyes, Foggy is ugly as fuck. So that means he can't get the girl, right? Is that how the story goes? Whatever his personality, his humor or his charm - everybody always only looks at physical appearance and there is not ONE person on this earth who cares, or should care, about what's really underneath.
now apparently, Hallelujah, Karen is attractive in your eyes so she deserves love. Ugh, but that is SO RUINED by the fact that she's ANNOYING AS HELL.....EW.....
There's 2 ways for me to take that Karen is annoying comment.
1 - it's the Skyler White Syndrome and any woman who worries, cares, makes mistakes or has any kind of character flaw is just a nagging annoying woman who's ruining your badass man show. like "guys? what the fuck? there's someone else than a muscular superhero dude or the very evil/murderous/manipulative/actually annoying guy that i somehow forgive on my fucking screen!!! hide that shit or else my masculinity will dissappear!!!!!!!!!"
Now since I don't know your gender or your background - this could be either internalized misogyny or plain old sexism at play. Couldn't care less. Either way it's stupid to think that a female character is either perfect or horrible, a mary sue or a bitch. and that you'll complain either way.
2. I give you the benefit of the doubt. You finding Karen annoying has nothing to do with your gender or what you think of women in media and entertainment and more with the fact that you honestly do find her annoying. What exactly has she done to be described as annoying? Is her dialogue bad? Is her story taking away from Matt's? Are her decisions stupid or irrational and you just can't take it when a character makes actual mistakes?
What exactly are you criticizing her for? Because since I've written my post about romantic relationships i'm willing to bet that your "Karen is annoying" thing is said in a romantic context and that it's just the way she speaks or her personality that you dislike, and this has nothing to do with what actually makes her character interesting or how her backstory has shaped her actions and behavior.
Now I get that we all have our favorite characters - and we have characters we don't like to see on screen. But I wouldn't say that Foggy "being ugly" and Karen "being annoying" qualify as legitimate reasons for you to think they don't deserve to have romantic relationships or that they. "TERRORIZE" MATT??
What kind of show have you been watching? Did you get a bootleg iron man dvd and get confused? where are you getting this from?
Are you saying that you take any conflict that Matt can have with his friends is terrorism? That they're ruining his life? That every time they say they're worried, everytime they tell him not to be Daredevil, because of their own love for their FRIEND, that's terrorism???
Matt cares about them just as much as they care about him, and I'd hardly qualify their overprotectiveness, or honestly, with Matt putting himself on the brink of death all the time, just protectiveness, as TERRORISM.
These "two bums" deserve to be on the show because they're an essential part of Matt's character development and Matt's life in general. He needs loved ones to protect, loved ones to worry about him, loved ones to encourage him, loved ones to call him out from time to time, loved ones that have been through it with him and have stuck with him for a long time.
And the two actors that play them deserve just as much of a chance to get to bring something new to their performance and get to share the screen with long-time friends.
you know.
in the reboot of a show that they were major characters of.
i think i got everything out. hope you're willing to expose yourself to a different opinion and that you read this whole post @nyxxhecate
also. your blog is pretty empty. you should get on that if you don't want people to think you're some spam account.
the end :)
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Nightmare Blunt Rotation
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What’s one thing you never expected to happen in February 2024? Is it an Ervmir Demork Drabble?
(hehe, a short little side thing I wrote)
It’s late into the day. You are playing an indie dating sim on your laptop in the front hall. It is the only place in your penthive apartment where there are reliably no other people or servants. Though the dark glow of security cameras reminds you are always being watched all the same. You like to stay up late in the day, when it’s quiet and most of the staff and your father’s ‘friends’ have long since gone home. You are completely bombing it on all these conversation options. You like to do no-mercy runs on kiss in the dark demon quadrant simulator and get all the bad endings. 
Suddenly, the doorbell rings. 
“Uh, sir?” You hear from behind the wood. 
“Hello?” You reply.
“Ervmir” The voice replies, and you recognize it as the buildings security guard. “Can you get your father?” 
“Depends why” You answer. 
“This woman is demanding to see him, I tried to get her to leave, but I think she’s lost her marbles-“ 
“OPEN UP HASCHA” insists a demanding, female voice who begins banging on the doorway. 
You curl up into a little ball on the couch. 
“You’re a really bad security guard!” You yell. “Who the fuck is that!” 
“She’s like eight feet tall! What was I supposed to-“ The guard argues. 
“Figure it out!” You squeak. 
“I demand to speak to Hascha” Orders the woman. 
“I’m going to tase you” the guard says to her. “If you don’t leave.” 
“Less warning-more tasing!” You order. 
There is a sound of a large thud, and a scream.
You back further into your corner, hoping the security guard has been triumphant in whatever struggle just occurred, but the universe would never be so kind. 
“Open the door” says the woman. “Hascha will recognize me” 
“Yeah well” you stutter. “If you hurt the security guard! He’ll be angry!” 
“Go to bed Erv,” Says a male voice. “Two in the damn morning.” 
You jump as your father enters the room from behind. Against all logic, he walks over and opens the door. 
A giant, horrific beast of a woman dressed like Mary Poppins straightens her back, covered in blood. 
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Hascha glances at the bottle of wine in his hands, and then back at her. 
“Haha” he says. “I wondered if Eponin and all those bitches were crazy.” He says. “Are you real?” He says, waving a hand in front of her. 
“Im real” she says. “I'm standing right in front of you” she says, sidestepping your father into the hive, much to your dismay. 
“Verula, did you fall from heaven because I thought you dropped dead 50 sweeps ago” Hascha jokes. 
“Ha ha. You’re drunk” she says. 
“I must be. Did you kill my security guard?” They stutter. 
“My kismesis was murdered right in front of me” Verula replies. 
“Right” your father says, wincing, scratching the back of his neck. “Bummer. That is so rough Buddy.”
“Do you still have that cask I gave you 60 sweeps ago from that off world winery?” 
“Now you’re speaking my language. But also no, I already drank it.” Your father says, leaning on the wall. 
“Hascha!” You squeak. “Who the fuck is this! She killed our security guard!” 
“I’ll explain to you when you’re older. Go to bed, Erv.” 
“Why. It’s not like I’ve got shit to do tomorrow” you retort. “In case you forgot, you fired me” 
“Who is that?” Verula says, staring at you. 
“Oh this grub I adopted” Hascha replies. 
“Why?” Verula.
“I dunno. For fun. To make my life worse”
“Whatever” she dismisses. “Can I stay at your place for a couple nights.” 
“Of course,” he says, leading the woman upstairs. “Everyone’s trying to kill you by the way. They’ve all lost it.” 
“Wonderful” the jadeblood says, wiping blood off her face. 
And then you are in the front hall, alone. You sigh. It’s just you and the dead security guard. You try to ignore him for a moment, but you have not yet sunk so low morally that you can continue to play a dating sim over a fresh corpse. You take a deep breath, closing your laptop, and walking over to him. Shakily, you reach over and pull his id out of his vest, and go to call this guy's family. 
You are in the front hall again the next time you see her. You had to wait even longer for the hive to empty. Hascha and their mysterious undead fling had been having some kind of kismesis grief bender for the past week, and avoiding them at very nearly any time of night or day has become more difficult and frustrating. You are trying to finish a demon’s route in the game when you are once again interrupted. 
The two large trolls are walking into the kitchen, giggling with each other. 
“Maid!” Hascha calls. “We can cook something- Where is the- Maid!” He says, stumbling around. 
You sigh. This was not the first time he’s lost track of time and forgotten the servants go home at day. Hopefully Verula could be a voice of reason to him. You don’t want to have to tell him again. For some reason he always gets upset with you, like you were insane for reminding him the hive staff slept. 
“Maid!” Verula calls. “Maid!” Oh, wonderful. You think. They’re both on something. They’re both intoxicated. 
The calling out for the maid and wandering around the hive and resolving into giggling continues for some time, before you snap. 
“It’s two am! The staff went home!” You shout. 
“Motherfucker.” Hascha complains. “Go to bed, Erv!” He says, hypocritically. “Whatever. We’ll order online.”
“You can order food online? Like through a computer?” Verula says, like a woman who’s been dead for a long time.
“New age magic darling- the miracle of computer.” He says, taking a moment to try and doordash on his phone. The jadeblood plucks a joint from his hand. 
“Do the robots deliver it?” she jokes. 
“Nah, just app people” he dismisses. 
The woman coughs. 
“Like the people who work for the app” he says. “They get a message and deliver the food” he attempts to explain. The jadeblood takes another hit. 
“An army of people in the app?” She says, looking over his shoulder. 
“Yeah” he says. “Wait- give that back” he says, trying to grab the joint. 
“What?” She says. 
“I forget if I laced that one.” He says, taking back the joint.” 
She stares at her now empty hand. 
“You know Hascha” she says. “I didn’t think you’d still be like this.” 
“What?” He says. 
“You know. When you got kicked out of the fleet and put on planet arrest” The jadeblood says, giggling. “And you were like, I’m gonna spend every day partying like there is no tomorrow and doing hard drugs and shit. I thought you were just like. Going through something. And you’d come to your senses in like, a few sweeps at most. And get back on your feet. And weasel your way back into the fleet or something. And you’re still doing this shit? And you have a kid?” She says
“Hey” he says. “I own a billion dollar news company.” 
“You’re having a laced joint on a Tuesday night after we already drank the rest of that wine.” 
“One you just stole from me” They retort. “Glass hives, darling.”
“If I were a better person,” She says. “I’d be worried about you.” 
“If I were a better person” He replies. “I’d want you to worry about me.” 
“You’ve really been doing this?” Dentry says. “For 50 sweeps? Did 857 truly break your pan so badly?” She says, miming a knocking motion on their head. It’s unfitting the seriousness of the conversation, but he does not seem to mind. 
“Maybe not all the time,” He says. “Sober up for a couple weeks, or a month, your tolerance builds back up, you can put your life back together just enough that everything looks fine on the surface and money keeps flowing, and then go have fun again.”
“Sounds like you have it down to a science” She says. “What a miserable way to live.” 
“Oh it's a wonderful way to live” He argues. “Probably gonna die someday” They admit. “But it’s a wonderful view from halfway down.”
You turn up the music on your headphones, and try your best to return your focus to the game. But it’s too late- it's ruined. You are clicking through the options but your brain is barely processing them.
Eventually there is a loud thud from the other room.
“Fuck” you hear the jadeblood say. “That is- shit” the woman says, clearly having a sub optimal time. 
“What?” Hascha says. 
“I think it just hit me” she stumbles. “I think that was laced. That is- too much uppy. Not enough downy.” 
“Don’t freak out,” he retorts. 
“I’m not freaking out. I’ll be fine. Do we have more wine? Or normal weed? I’m just need something more downy” 
“Maybe-“ Hascha says, and then proceeds to look in all of the various places in the hive where they kept alcohol. This takes a long time. There are many places. 
“Fuck” he says. “I think that’s everything. Where’s- MAID!” 
“The maid went home!” You snap, again.
“Erv” he says. “Perfect” he says, stumbling into the room. 
“I need you to go to the winery on 5th and downing. The one we like. I need you to grab like 15 Domaine Leroy for the lounge and 10 Corton-Charlemagne for the cellar. Make sure it’s the one with 18%  alcohol from that place in Tuscany. Take the spaceship.” He says, dropping the keys in your hand. Fascinating, how he’s able to remember everything about the winery so specifically except a very key detail. 
“The winery” you say. “IS CLOSED! IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY.” 
“Christ, well you don’t have to yell you little shit.” He retorts. 
“I don’t think you need more wine” You say. 
“Verula’s freaking out” They say, waving their hand dismissively. 
“Exactly why you should not give her more alcohol, genius” You say softly. 
“What was that?” He snaps. 
“Nothing” You mutter, losing your nerve. 
“Okay” Hascha says, turning and stumbling away. “Here’s what you do-“ he begins, and then walks out of earshot. Several minutes pass. You begin to silently hope he has gone and passed out someplace, muttering to himself, but right when you are going to go back to bed, he returns, holding a crowbar, which he then hands to you. 
“Okay Ervmir- here’s what you do. You’re going to break into the winery.” 
“What?” You say, hoping he is joking. 
“Step one: you break the winery window. Step two, you leave 5 hundred thousand Caegar bills on the desk in reimbursement. You take all of the liquor you can fit into the spaceship- actually I don’t trust you with the spaceship. You WALK to the winery but still carry as much alcohol as you can fit in the spaceship. And everyone wins” 
“I lose,” you say. “I get arrested.”
“No you don’t- you do it all very quietly.” Hascha reassures. 
“I can’t WALK to the winery!! It’s day! I’ll get burned!”
“Erv, Verula is really freaking out. And her freaking out is freaking me out. And we really do need new alcohol.” Hascha says, picking you up, and placing you in the hallway outside their penthouse apartment. 
“What! No! I’m not stealing you booze! What if a paparazzi sees me!!” You plead to deaf ears as he takes your keys, holding them out of your reach. 
“Listen” he says. “I’m going to lock you out. And you aren’t allowed back in. Unless you go to the winery. Okay? Thank you. Goodbye Erv.” He says, and he shuts the door in your face. Motherfucker. You are going to kill him for real someday. You bang on the apartment door, part in hopes he’ll change his mind and part in an expression of anger and frustration.
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Before eventually, your breathing evens enough that you pull yourself to your feet, and storm off in search of an umbrella. 
Two whole hours later, you bang on the door again, with a cart full of wine from the winery. 
Hascha opens it. 
“Ervmir” he says. “What took you so long” 
“Ha Ha” you reply, voice layered with contempt. “It takes a while to break into a winery”
“It seems like an in and out kind of deal” he critiques. 
“You’re lucky I came back at all” you say.
Verula, the woman herself, peeks out of the hallway. 
“Thank you Ervmir.” 
“I hate you both and I hope you die. I poisoned every one of these” you say, shoving the cart into the room. 
“He’s joking” Hascha reassures the jadeblood, who true to his word, looks a little freaked out. 
“One of these days I won’t be!” You snap. “I’m gonna go call Esveri.” You say, your voice cracking. 
“You’re gonna call your boyfriend at, what is it? 4am?” 
“WHO ELSE WOULD I CALL?” You snap. “Hire me a twenty four seven therapist! You might as well pay someone to parent me if you’re going to try this hard!” You yell, storming off to your room. 
You shut the door, but linger by it. 
“He’s a good kid,” You hear Verula mutter softly to your father, popping the cork off a bottle.
“He hates me.” Hascha replies
“Yeah, well, no shit” the jadeblood answers.
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amethystroselily · 2 years
What is your opinion on soukoku?
As a ship? Yeah, I do ship it.
I don’t like it as a “they’re eachother’s one true love” sort of thing, but as a complicated “I hated you at first, but then I warmed up to you, then I hated you again because you screw me over constantly and we’re being pitted against eachother by our boss, then I started to deeply care about you because of the forced proximity and the fact that we were just two teenagers who were never allowed to really be kids and we can find common ground in that, then you left and I still love you even though I dislike you” sort of thing with some sexual tension thrown into the mix? That’s great. Not the most important relationship in each other’s lives, but there’s still an unbreakeable bond.
I’m of the opinion that Dazai is way more invested in their relationship than Chuuya is, and has been since the moment they met, but Chuuya started to really care about him at like 16-17. I think he still resents Dazai though. Dazai was kind of horrible to him. But I think he has forgiven him for it on some level, like he’s forgiven every other character who has ever wronged him. (Forced proximity does a lot for Chuuya I guess idk)
Sometimes I think I kind of just ship it as one-sided with Dazai being on-again-off-again obsessed with Chuuya, but every time he expresses it Chuuya’s just like “you crazy bitch”. But sometimes I enjoy it as mutual. Depends on the day really.
I don’t think it’s particularly healthy, but I don’t really care. I don’t think ANY of Dazai’s relationships are actually healthy, and the only healthy relationships Chuuya had were Adam and the flags. So it… checks out…
I think the fanon version of them used to be SO out of character like 3 years ago, but ever since Stormbringer came out the fandom got a lot less obnoxious about them. Because they actually have a canon past dynamic to go off of. It’s a lot less cutesy and “they only care about eachother🥺” than it used to be.
I think I enjoy their dynamic outside of shipping because it gives someone who knew Dazai well in the past, who he has wronged, who at the time was generally viewed as a more upstanding person than him, but is now still on the “bad guys” side while Dazai attempts to redeem himself. It’s a really interesting angle. Like, Dazai probably does still think Chuuya’s a decent guy, but the people who he surrounds himself with now in an attempt to be better would probably still view Chuuya as a terrible person. He’s a murderer, he’s incredibly loyal to the guy Fukuzawa and Yosano have intense personal beef with, he bragged about selling out their powerless clerks to an enemy, and he’s all around hostile towards them. And yet, Dazai has always felt that Chuuya was more human than him, more feeling, more loyal and caring. But in the end, Dazai’s putting in the work to “be a good person” and Chuuya’s still stuck right where he was at fifteen, right where Dazai helped trap him. How fun.
Also I just kind of enjoy their bickering, but I think fan content leans too heavily into the Chuuya getting embarrassed thing, because sometimes he is but he’s also either pissed or like passive-aggressively indifferent about Dazai being annoying. You need a real mix of the three. And on that note, I’d argue if anyone’s a tsundere in that relationship it’s Dazai. He’s the one who’s making these grand declarations towards Chuuya and as soon as Chuuya’s like “…what the hell man?” he’s like “never mind. I hate you and I want you dead.” And it’s like… a pattern. Chuuya just gets angry at Dazai for completely reasonable things.
Chuuya’s not the only person I ship Dazai with if you were curious, because Dazai has chemistry with like half the cast. I’m more invested in Chuuya’s platonic relationships in general, but there are a few other ships involving him that I don’t mind.
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Do you have any favorite Descendants headcanons?
Yes! This is absolutely a permission to share an absurd amount of them, right? (Say yes, please-)
Anyway. Canon is a suggestion and so is Rise timeline.
Uma and Harry have been married pretty much since Ben's coronation. They... Kind of got drunk along with every other Isle kid and decided to get married, as you do. It's legal. They don't remember a thing.
Neither does Harriet. CJ however knows and is just waiting for the best opportunity to tell her brother. The Lost Revenge crew also knows, mostly, but just assume that the Captain and first mate also know. Which would make sense.
The mother of the Hook siblings was a siren (that bloodthirsty type that lures sailors to their deaths) and Captain Hook was completely in love with her. He was also completely blind to all of her murder attempts.
As a result, the Hook kids think that murder is a love language. Like, yeah. Mama tries to kill papa from time to time. That happens. It works for them.
They are having fun.
As is Ursula. She watches Hook family drama (tm) as a telenovela and used to take baby Uma with her. This might or might not be how Uma and Harry met.
None of the Isle kids knows how death works. This would be because Hades decided that Isle kids and their still-alive siblings are too much headache to deal with, especially while on vacation, when technically, the Underworld is a problem of his younger brothers.
CJ Hook treats the Underworld like a bus station. Hades has resigned about when she was ten and now lets her take the Cerberus for a walk from time to time.
The Isle kids regularly try to make s'mores over Hades' hair. The only one who ever got Hades to cooperate was Anthony Tremaine, while looking after his baby cousins, who really wanted the s'mores. That would be because he actually asked. (And Hades felt his suffering on a deep personal level. Younger siblings.)
The Tremaines have the only neutral territory on the Isle. You see, if you fight by the Tremaines, you'll get kicked out of the hair salon and you won't get your hair done. This threat works because the Isle kids are vain as fuck.
Anthony Tremaine/Harriet Hook/Ginny Gothel. Mutually destructive threesome.
Audrey Rose and Anthony Tremaine are vibing. They bonded over fashion, their horrible grandmothers, and Auradon's disaster finances.
Audrey is generally vibing with the pirates, as she deserves.
Aro ace Audrey Rose.
Freddie and Celia Facilier and Marya Rasputin are basically half-demons from a different end of the spectrum.
Freddie can walk absolutely quietly even with all the gold trinkets CJ gives her.
Uma and Freddie wore ninety percent of the Isle gold at some point or another. The last ten percent is still locked in EQ's vault and the Isle kids are very much trying to break in.
Uma just. Feeds people to the sharks. That's a thing that happens. She also doesn't necessarily bother to kill her hostages before that. (Harry very much supports this. He might drag some hostages to her, too. Murder is a love language and all that.)
Claudine Frollo was adopted by the Hook siblings and is a part of the Lost Revenge crew. She is a bitter bitch and I love her.
She is also wholeheartedly convinced that the Lost Revenge is a cult, and she is right.
The de Vil cousins couldn't give less of a fuck to the rivarly between Uma and Mal.
Evie has already mentally killed Cruella in about forty six different ways. She is counting.
De Vils, Hearts and Hooks argue over who wears red the best. They can and will kill over it, but that's fine. Death is a social construct.
Fairy Godmother sealed off Jane's magic.
On the Isle, Mal misses the concept of wings, freedom, something that she has never had.
Evie has social anxiety due to ten years spent alone with her mother.
Mal can be controlled by a laser pointer. As can CJ. And Harry. Yzla and Zevon. Marya Rasputin. Begrudging Uma and Harriet. Technically, Claudine Frollo, who will start praying and backing off and will never touch the surface with the laser dot again. De Vils and Faciliers know this and they are having a blast. (Carlos will just shine a laser pointer away from him when he wants to work on his trinkets and it works.)
Alice accidentally fell down the rabbit hole on the Isle and consequently kidnapped a kid. That kid happened to be a twin sister of CJ Hook. (Alice and Ally's ages don't match. This works ✨)
There is a reason why there are three schools on the Isle. The reason is: „You could never pay me enough to deal with more than one sibling at time, now fuck off.“
If I remember anything else, I'll add?
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