#lightning innocent
crying-workshop · 7 months
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Auroboa Hatchling
Ultramarine Flaunt / Thicket Constellation / Cyan Firebreather
Lightning Innocent
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theladyyavilee · 1 year
do you ever think about how buck was able to pull and lift eddie to safety, while eddie wasn’t able to either pull or lift buck? like I know the physics were different and eddie would be able to pull and lift buck under the same circumstances that buck did it, it was just impossible to lift him up onto the ladder in contrast to doing the standing lift buck did to get him into the firetruck but still WHAT A FUCKED UP PARALLEL to incorporate both pulling and lifting again *screams into hands* (also to have both of those instances in the shooting be the only times eddie is making noises of pain, which while horrifying to hear were also indicators that eddie is still very much alive to feel it, while buck was just quiet and dead, but that’s another kind of fucked up)
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artemx746 · 4 months
Okay I’m sorry if I missed something but how the hell did Percy know Luke was the traitor when his reason for not arresting Clarisse was perfectly reasonable
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oifaaa · 1 year
Wait. I’m out of the loop for the Harley Quinn comic tie in. And I hope I’m reading wrong but. Are you saying they deaged Cass?? To be shipped with Damian??
I'm not sure if that's the reason why she shows up deaged but yeah in the last issue its decided that Cass will go to themyscia with wonder woman but just before she leaves she kisses damian on the check and damian blushes like im crosing every finger I have that it's meant to be platonic but at the way it was framed my hopes ain't exactly high
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
I had a sudden great need to talk about Captain Marvel and his villains with you, bc something about them seemed connected in a grander scheme of things to me and it's late at night right now but I needed to sing about this
Dr. Sivana - (movie version) A man who in his childhood was teleported against his will and essentially temporarily kidnapped to a strange and horrifying place in the middle of the night, forced to be tested for something he had no idea about but continued to be called delusional and insane for when speaking about it to anyone. Driving him mad for being unworthy, feeling like he was rotten despite the circumstances out against him were unfair at the time in his eyes. That moment stayed with him permanently, keeping him locked in that memory forever, never truly growing up, but also losing his heart.
Mr. Mind - In most versions he is an alien or magical creature, but in one version I was told about, apparently he was an abused child who loved to read as an escapism. One day he accidentally ended up in a magical room, where he was transformed into what we now know as Mr. Mind. Human experimentation as a child, possibly. Never having a chance to live as a child and forced to grow up into something he did not want to become, but had to.
Chain Lightning - From what I heard from you, Chain Lightning is a girl with multiple personalities, one (or more) of them being villainous in nature, but one of them being genuine and in love with a boy. Trapped in her own body and mind, a child who has no will of her own to live her life as she wants to.
Lady Blaze/Satanus - Children fathered and abandoned by the wizard. For reasons, I do not know yet, I'm still researching, but this sounds like serious issues that caused them to go mad, vengeful that they were not seen as worth anything in their father's eyes to leave them their "rightful inheritance" after his passing.
Sinclair Batson - A reanimated puppet made by Lady Blaze, a wish by Ebeneezer Batson. A false son. No childhood given, no innocence given, just given a purpose to fo as he is told by people he does not know in a world he does not know.
Black Adam - An ancient and crusty old man, who, in his mortal life, murdered his own nephew for the power he coveted and was not meant to be his. He took the life of the child he was meant to protect and love, and yet when the child protected him instead, he returned the act with malice. The boy was chosen as champion, for the sake of the world, an innocent boy, and the world ripped him apart via his own family.
And then, there's Billy Batson. Orphaned, foster child, homeless (depending on the version), and alone. A child that the world does not see and is also against at the same time somehow. He struggles so hard to find a place in the world for himself, but remains pure of heart during all the bad times. He refuses to become as rotten as the people who see him suffering and ignore him. When he is chosen, it is not by his choice. He did not know what he was in for, and became a superhero with more responsibility and power than he was ready for at his young age. He did not consider himself able to have a childhood before, but WITH the powers he had now?? He couldn't ever think about being a kid ever again.
Just. Them. The theme of lost innocence and being forced to grow up, or the event in childhood ruining them forever and that event being the catalyst for so much more.
At one point in all of those origins for those characters, there were children who needed help, guidance, love, understanding, etc. But they were never given any of that, and look at what happened in the end. Billy seems to be the only one who managed to turn out good, but he could have been so different
Sorry if this is a lot and if there's spelling errors or mistakes, this is just something I wanted to talk about for a long time, and something I'll make my own post about at another time, but I felt like you would have great insight on this
Okay so I've been thinking about this all day because childhood innocence (and the loss of it) have always been a central theme of Captain Marvel’s comics.
This got very long so I'm putting my analysis under the cut.
In captain marvel comics, unlike in other places, innocence isn't equated with naivete or stupidity. Billy is a very innocent character in the grand scheme of things, but he's both very competent and savvy to the issues people faced. This childhood innocence, which is reflected in Captain Marvel’s own behavior even when they are separate people, is about doing the right thing, about not succumbing to things like selfishness and anger even when it's tempting to do so.
And your last point about Billy being the only one to turn out "good" is really important because it's why he was chosen to have these powers in the first place! He was pure of heart not just because he was good and kind, but because he continued to be that way even when he faced hardships that can (and often do) lead people down a darker path.
Now let's talk villains.
The movie versions of Billy and Dr Sivana have very clear and explicit parallels with each other. I think his story is the clearest in terms of how a loss of childhood innocence/trauma can haunt a person throughout their life. His lack of control of those circumstances is definitely one of the biggest factors in why he became obsessed with this one moment, a moment he believes his life was unfairly ruined.
I can't say I'm familiar with the version of Mr Mind you mentioned here, but based on what you've mentioned it's really interesting that his appearance and his powers are from something out of his control. Ironically he is now able to control others, continuing the cycle of abuse.
As for Chain Lightning (Amy is the main alter) is like many characters who canonically have DID in that her alters exist in part to protect her inner child (one of her other alters), to take on any pain or suffering in order to keep their childhood innocence in tact.
Lady Blaze and Satanus take after their mother, a demoness who may or may not have used magic to seduce him. His immediate and continued rejection of them, his assumption that they were evil from birth, certainly had an impact on them and the people they became. They never got to be innocent because Shazam wrote them off as evil from the start. Their insistence that they are owed his power and his place in the Rock of Eternity can be read as them longing for connection to a father that abandoned them and proving they were worthy of wielding his powers despite his rejection. (I'm starting to sense an additional theme of needing to feel worthy in Shazam's eyes but that's another post)
Sinclair exists in an unnatural and not fully autonomous state. He is Ebenezer's child first and foremost even if he isn't actually a child at all. He lost his innocence somewhere between death and resurrection.
And then there's Black Adam. There are a number of different versions of his story but all of them revolve around loss. Whether it's the loss of a child (his nephew or son) or the loss of his wife or brother, he gave into his pain. He have up on childish things like doing what's right and let himself be lost to his own worst impulses.
I think on top of the theme of innocence there's also this parallel theme of autonomy, of wanting male your own choices but having someone or something else taking that control away from you. Which definitely resonates with children who often don't have much control of their circumstances.
This was a lot but the English nerd in me loves talking about themes~
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the-second-moon · 1 year
aveline, trying to curb crime in kirkwall: hawke, promise me you'll keep your nose clean
hawke, looking her directly in the eye:
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kozukatt · 1 year
so I got the game on my switch (yes there’s a game on the switch Xbox and PlayStation it’s good get it now) and they changed the VA for most of the characters and the lines they all have are so funny and fit the character so well
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I know that the scene is supposed to be very serious and dramatic and it is very emotionally charged (haha) but like what was Palpatine’s plan if he continued to electrocute Luke and Luke didn’t die?
Like, he’s been Force Lightning-ing this guy for a solid minute now. He has stopped and started, he has just tried the long wait, and nothing! And like, Luke just sort of shakes it off???
He stumbles for a minute, but then he drags his dad all the way to the hangar, literally dragging him during the last stretch, flies to Endor’s moon, gives Vader a nice pyre, hugs all of his friends, and hangs out to see the Force Ghosts; Luke is just unaffected! I guess you could suggest that he immediately just passes out right after the credits start rolling, but that is a long time to be moving on adrenaline, especially since the sadness of watching his dad die would normally have overridden the adrenaline, or the part where he flies to Endor’s moon, in which we can assume he’s sitting down for a good portion, or the part where he’s hugging all his friends and the relief and happiness would override the adrenaline-
Luke just got electrocuted for minutes on end, and he is just… fine.
Even Palpatine starts to look confused! Like, he starts electrocuting and he’s having a gay old time, but then he continues and it’s not working. So he continues longer, but the boy is still not destroyed. He continues further, yet the boy remains undying. Was there a plan B? If Palpatine had continued, would Luke ever even have died? I have to assume he would have died not from lightning but from starvation or dehydration since it does not seem to actually affect him that much. He’s clearly in pain, but he is also just… fine???
There is nothing funnier to me in all of cinema history than Palpatine trying and failing multiple times to electrocute Luke Skywalker to death. Luke just won’t die!!
However speaking of the scenes with Vader, Palpatine, and Luke, I want to point out how much I love the fight scene between Luke and Vader.
First of all, it only starts because Luke pulls a bait and switch where it look like he isn’t going to try and kill Palpatine, only to try and kill Palpatine, which is really funny.
Luke begins on the defensive, only really halfheartedly fighting back, but can we talk about how funny it is that he kicked Vader down the stairs?? Vader is a head taller than him, has to weigh several hundreds of pounds in mechanical parts alone, which speaking of, since his legs probably take up the most space, logically speaking, he’s probably weighed down, which makes it even more difficult to knock him down since he wouldn’t be top heavy — and Luke manages to kick him down a flight of stairs.
I know it’s fun to assume that Vader isn’t trying all that hard, as in he’s going easy on his son in hopes he won’t have to hurt him, but it’s also fun to assume that Vader got knocked into another unexpected tailspin by a rebel with a good shot and it is so funny…
Anyway, Luke hiding is also kind of funny.
“You cannot hide forever.”
Vader is the worst hide-and-seek player :(
We all know how it goes: Vader threatens to turn Leia instead of Luke, and Luke gets so upset at the thought that he starts actually fighting Vader.
And this, like Palpatine with the lightning, is a series of progression. At first, Vader isn’t taking him very seriously, which is what leads to him being overwhelmed by Luke just attacking constantly (the best strategy when facing Vader is to spam the attack button-) But, when Vader gets knocked down and his hand gets cut off, we can see him raise his other hand, like he’s asking Luke to ease up. Like, Vader got overwhelmed by Luke’s flurry of attacks, that’s just what happened, that’s why he grabs the railing to try and catch himself, leaving himself wide open to more attacks, and that’s why he tries to hold his hand up to stop Luke, an instinctual act when people are overwhelmed, and that’s probably why he doesn’t try to use the Force.
At first, he wasn’t taking Luke seriously, so of course he didn’t use the Force. Luke is correct, after all, that Vader is conflicted. He goes back and forth between trying to hurt Luke and trying really hard not to hurt Luke. But, Force users really can’t use the Force, the way they’d like to at least, when they’re distracted. That’s evident in this movie alone, when Luke uses the Force but then just throws a rock. Vader can’t focus enough to use the Force, he probably couldn’t focus enough to use the Force during the whole fight. Luke is distracting to him, and we can assume the reason he’s distracting is any number of things, but Luke is the catalyst, Vader doesn’t use the Force on or around Luke, like, ever.
But, Luke wins against Vader. And he stops. Even before Palpatine speaks, Luke stops. Because he knows he’s won, and he kind of has to take a moment to process the fact that he has knocked Vader down and literally unhanded him.
I’ve seen people complain that, if Palpatine hadn’t spoken, Luke would’ve probably killed Vader, but I sort of disagree. Both with the idea that Luke would’ve killed Vader and the idea that Palpatine should’ve known better than to try and taunt Luke into doing something.
Luke doesn’t actually want Vader dead, you know? Like, he just doesn’t.
But more important than that, the central theme of the movies is that Luke, despite being constantly told how similar he is to his father, isn’t actually similar to his father.
Like yes, okay, he’s a Jedi and a pilot and he’s loyal to the point of suicidal. But he really isn’t like Anakin. Anakin did respond when he was taunted to kill Dooku. Anakin got overwhelmed with hate and let it overtake him completely. But Luke isn’t like Anakin, and assuming he is is the mistake that Palpatine makes.
More than that, it’s the mistake the Jedi make too. Both sides of the conflict between Dark Side and Light Side are wrong on a few key things. They think Sith can’t turn back to the light, they think Luke is just like his father, and they think Luke’s ability to kill Palpatine is the deciding factor.
Luke not being like Anakin is the big revelation. Even as he says “I’m a Jedi, like my father before me.” Which, he’s likening himself to his father, yes, but it’s a double entendre, in a way, where I, for example, can say “I’m a doctor, like that guy down the street” like I’m not actually saying I’m just like the guy down the street. And even if Luke was saying “I’m just like my dad,” he’s just lying?? Like, I don’t know why people try to use that dialogue to point out Luke being like Anakin, Luke hardly ever says anything correct in these movies. Luke says “you won’t take me to the Emperor” and Vader takes him to the Emperor, like, Luke gets stuff wrong consistently, he’s just really good at winging it.
But, you can kind of tell that the Jedi think Luke is like Anakin, because they don’t actually tell him not to go? Like, if Anakin said “I don’t know if I can kill this guy” and they sent him anyway, the guy would’ve ended up dead by Anakin’s hand, that’s pretty much indisputable, so Ben just sort of being like “okay, yeah, sure, Skywalker, sure” makes a bit more sense, since Ben especially was one of those people who likened Luke to Anakin.
Also I saw someone say that Ben and Yoda never actually told Luke he had to kill his father, but like, yes they did? I guess neither of them ever explicitly said “Luke, murder your father” but that doesn’t mean they don’t expect him to kill him. Luke says “I can’t do it. I can’t kill my father.” and Ben literally says “Then the Emperor has already won.” That’s pretty clearly confirming that they wanted him to kill his father.
Everyone likens Luke to Anakin from the very beginning. Beru and Owen, Ben, Yoda, Palpatine; it’s set up from the start that people look at Luke and see mini Ani. And that assumption is what makes Luke able to ultimately overcome the Dark Side. Because Palpatine assumes he’ll act and react just like Anakin did, because why wouldn’t he, and Luke not only doesn’t act like Anakin, he doesn’t act like much of a Jedi, since he literally tosses his lightsaber (you know, the things that represent their “lives”) away.
Luke says “I’m a Jedi, like my father before me” while doing things that directly contradict those statements, and it is wild.
In conclusion, Luke is truly the most terrifying man to go up against. He’s a damage sponge, he cannot be killed, and he, unlike his father before him, basically said, “I’m going to do the opposite of what you want, just to spite you. And I’m going to throw my lightsaber away, just to prove how far I’m willing to go out of spite.”
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auroradicit · 30 days
nobody asked for this but i've thought about it too much | kalma + clothes your character would wear to a ball
florals and natural off-whites. simple lines with complex layers. pale greens that bring out her eyes. lines of intricate buttons. stiff brocade.
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 2 months
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writermich18 · 3 months
Remember that Legend of Zelda and D.Gray-Man writing prompt a few months back? I made a one-shot. :)
Summary: Riju dies and reincarnates as Tyki Mikk, or in her case, Tylah Mikk. Her Secret Stone follows her and transforms into Innocence to fit the world's rules. The world changes years before her birth and after to adjust to the appearance of the Sage of Lightning. Pleasure disappears and makes way for a Gerudo Warrior turned Exorcist.
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Diamond Head - Sweet and Innocent
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brainslash · 7 months
Slasher oc ideas but I'm not so sure about them
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 1 year
So about the Malleus Overblot music- you are actually correct! There’s a data-mined copy of the music in a Google document!
I feel faint. I'm gonna pretend it doesn't exist because Disney terrifies me but thank you sm anon for the confirmation.
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
every day i wake up abd i see your yakuza posts and its like a daily occurrence
the sun is shining so nicely today :) and i open my phone is the furst thing i see is “i wish kiryu would let me suck him” abd i feel fulfilled
this blog is how i learned about yakuza and i want nothing more than to see it from you
You guys are literally so nice to me... every day i think to myself maybe i wont be so horny to spare my followers from the whorrors and then i open tumblr and immediately type some shit like i wanna strap metal bands to his ankles and deglove his legs with electricity and hit post without even thinking maybe i should give the keyboard a rest today ... i hope every day after this one is beautiful for you .... grins
#Thanks for the ask !#you got me down so well like yeah i do wish kiryu would let me suck him#but if he doesnt then ill just have to do it within a split second so that he doesnt notice#like a lightning strike on his groin. quick attack on his inner labia. one suck and i have his pants back up whistling innocently with my#hands tucked into my pockets and he regards me with suspicion before he unzips his pants to see and ive left him a small box of chocoates#and a love letter and he reads it with one hand while i hug his other arm and blink wetly at him like a seal and then he says sorry i just#dont feel the same way. and i say at least keep the chocolates ..? and he thinks for a moment before going no thank you#and he walks away and then when he rounds a corner he drops my beautiful handcrafted letter into the bin and the camera zooms in on it and#it just says any1 up? who wants 2 suck me#kiryu sees me around often and he approaches me one day like hey are you my new neighbour ? and i go im your stalker#i will catch sight of him coming down the street then i will start squealing and giggling and running back to my house to sift through my#belongings and bring a cinderblock out to the balcony so i can throw it directly at his head then call the ambulance so i can ride inside#with him and watch him concussed as hell with his eyes rolling in his head and i go it will be okay kiryu !!! and he goes mfrrgh#im crawling into the hospital bed with him so i can hug his arm and kiss his shoulder all day and he mumbles that he needs to go to the#toilet and i nod in understanding and kneel at the foot of the bed with my mouth open and he gets angry at me#how nice would kiryu be to hug he is so big and burly and so much space on his beautiful skin for kissing and bite marks. he lifts up his#hospital gown to piss and ive already dove between his legs and started sucking the goop straight out the cervical tap. im jumpscaring him#its like a majima everywhere event but instesd of fighting him i crawl out the sewer and attach my teeth to his ankles and dont let go no#matter how much he shouts at or kicks me because im giggling and so happy we are hanging out#i say all this but if i knew kiryu irl he would be my sweet baby boy who i would go out of my way to give massive discounts to (i work at#the m store and always throw in some free hair gel for him)
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Definitely reworking cars 2 into a fun spy romp that touches on how corporatism/capitalism uses diversity as tools to shill a product than actually allowing true inclusion
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