#less healthy options.
reinedeslys-central · 1 month
more!! again!! for the nico after blood of olympus fic!! actually I thought of this while writing the last one but I just finished it.
His elbows buckle and he lets himself fall into Will, snorting at his theatrical groan under the weight. They lay there for a second until Will shoves him gently, and Nico lets him manoeuvre them into a more comfortable position.
"Hi," he whispers, moving a curl away from his cheek. The greenish tint of the loft window casts a weird shadow over Will's face.
"Hey yourself," Will murmurs back, winking.
Nico rolls his eyes. "You look like Apollo when you do that. Please stop." Will squawks in protest.
"I do not! Also, since when do you remember what Apollo looks like? Actually, no, don't answer that, you can't bring up my dad while we're in bed, Nico, why would you do this to me?"
Now it's Nico's turn to sputter and whack Will in the chest - getting another dramatic oof and a laugh in return - before turning around to face Hazel's bed. He's not sure when he'll ever be able to sleep facing the wall. Will can't do it either.
As Will's arms curl around his waist and draw him back against him, just like they did back in the infirmary that one day, he thinks maybe he'd be okay trying that with him sometime. One day, in a house with gates, no longer wary of monsters.
Will noses the back of his neck, causing him to twitch. "What is it?"
Will's answering smile presses through the rough cotton of his t-shirt. "Nothing, sunshine."
Nico frowns under the covers. "Hey, what do you think of houses with gates?" He whispers.
"Gates? Well, it'd be safer, I guess, but we'd lose the neighbours coming over -"
"As if you want to see random people at the door anyway. What if they're monsters?"
"Oh, come on, darlin', I'm from Austin. Of course I gotta keep space for the neighbours to come knocking."
"…Fences? Actually, hey, why'd you assume I was talking about us? Obviously - Obviously I was talking about random. Random houses. For architecture reasons."
Will muffles his laugh into the back of his neck, again. "Oh, my bad. And I'm only here because you ripped a stitch on the lava wall yesterday."
Nico feels his ears warm.
"Shut up."
"I didn't say anything."
Will reels him in closer until his back hits his chest and he can press a soft peck to Nico's still-red ears. "I think a fence is a great idea, by the way. We could ask Hazel for help with some ward stones too, like you have in the cabin. Gotta make sure we've got at least one window and standing space in every direction, though, or at least in the east, because you know my dad would sulk if he didn't get to scream me awake in the morning."
Nico's blush gets worse.
"Now who's talking about your dad in bed?" He gives up on pretending. Will sees him through every time, anyway. "Also, shrines, obviously, and we need a spot to stargaze."
"Yeah, shrines, obviously. Maybe just yours, mine, and Lady Hestia's though, or else everyone else is gonna get pissy."
Nico barks out a laugh like it's shocked out of him. "Pissy? Don't let them hear you say that."
Will holds him tighter and settles against the pillows. "Sure thing, sunshine. Now can we sleep?"
"Yeah, yeah."
It's not long after that that Will's breath evens out behind him, his muscles untensing. Nico knows he's got a few minutes yet, so he thinks.
Today was…. good.
Today was nice. Normal, even. Just a day of camp schedules, working in the infirmary, an admittedly short campfire, and this. No monsters, and no mistakes. No deaths, but..
Unbidden, the moments in the infirmary come to mind. He thinks of helping Will scrub in for his one surgery of the day, a kid that had gotten parts of an arrow stuck in their leg a week ago and hadn't noticed til yesterday. He thinks of yesterday during capture-the-flag, stepping in and desperately trying to copy what he'd watched Will do, because Lydia was hanging crooked from a tree and there was no one else around but him-
He thinks of Patroclus tying the straps of Achilles' armour, watching his lover sleep peacefully. He thinks of what Connor had told him about at the campfire weeks ago, of Silena Beauregard taking on a drakon when Clarisse declared the Ares Cabin wouldn't be fighting.
He thinks he might understand.
Lydia wasn't the same (thank the gods), but if there was something to be done that only Will could do right, yet couldn't, and the only way Nico could take up his mantle would be to die trying - then, yeah. He'd do whatever it would take for these kids. To do what Will would do. He's gone to Tartarus already, hasn't he? At worst, he'd try his best and greet his father early if he failed to survive. Nico could even give Charon a tip on the way in for the hell of it, why not?
If there is a luxury that comes from being a child of Hades, after all, it is that dying is not the thing that scares him.
There's a brazier still lit outside the window. Its glow falls in slits across their bed.
Will grumbles, pushing his feet forward until their ankles are wound together. The sheets shift.
Nico smiles into the dark, into the chirping of crickets and the soft glow of the fireflies out the window, and falls asleep.
more for this fic:
scene 0 - prologue-ish scene 1 - the library of social awkwardness or here (or in my heart, 'kidney function is not a right, it's a privilege' lol)
general writing directory
also lmk if you want more lore. I am so down to talk about this fic + the worldbuilding ideas I have for it in the notes it is unreal
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neverendingford · 3 months
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(alternative title: photo dump of a midnight desert run)
#photography#Ford's Art#color says shit#it was either go on a twelve mile run or re-download grindr and get absolutely blasted so I went with the more responsible option.#b because damn I'm feeling it tonight. or at least I was before the run. I need to shower and then I'll cook dinner and go to bed satiated.#I did also jerk off under the bridge and then piss on someone's flowers on the way home. gotta get those animal instincts out somehow right?#anyway I've successfully vented most of my manic energy and a cold shower will finish it off and then we're good.#the mood meds have been helping a lot. last time I got hit with this kind of a mood I came out of it with huge bite marks and chlamydia.#and I haven't been feeling it nearly as bad this time so that's nice. more like a restless dog and less like a caged wolf thirsty for blood.#yes I'm making references to Call of the Wild again deal with it.#anyway sorry to anyone who sees this from the tags and not because you follow me. you didn't sign up for this lmao.#also. this is why I can't be a binary trans woman. this night photography shit is the most gay-man thing ever and I enjoy it.#I was doing it before my last boyfriend but he got me even more into it.#anyway bye I'm gonna go shower and then eat food. I've been hungrier more recently.#between the meds and the hrt my appetite is bigger and I'm gaining weight with the hrt fat redistribution which is cool and good.#I want to be a healthy weight and maybe even a lil chonky? we'll see we'll see.
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robinsteve · 2 years
“lucas, i’m scared. i’m so scared. i’m so scared. i don't wanna die. i’m not ready. i don't wanna go! i’m not ready.” if the duffers kill max in s5 after that we will be having words.
#not only would it destroy the message of hope and perseverance in the face of personal struggles- the message that’s been a consistent#thread through all four seasons- it would make max’s first “death” scene incredibly pointless when it could have been#so impactful had it been real#obviously i very much want max alive and healthy and happy but there’s something so cinematic and so awe-inspiring about that#shot of max in lucas’ arms with el by her side and the blue light bouncing off their blood-and-tear-soaked faces#before the camera draws back and begins to spin over them... anyway. my point is:#i will be very angry if they end up killing max via coma when they had OPTIONS. well. one option. but it was a really extraordinary option.#her death in s5 despite /everything/ would cheapen the final season immensely and would come off as almost laughably#desperate- but above all so so CRUEL to max and her friends#if she can't live and she can't just die in the attic don't prolong her and her friends' suffering for a far less impactful departure#and furthermore if she can’t live don’t purposefully degrade the meaning and remove the consequences#of a visually and emotionally stunning moment to string along viewers who want to know if max is going to be okay either!!!!#they're already on thin ice from the whole 'el revives max' thing (which i will expand upon in another post) but i've made my peace with it#because it kept max alive and it would actually tear me in two if she died for real but even so. thin fucking ice. to drag max over to#another season after all of that fragile ice walking- only to pass on resolving her arc in a careful way- would be devastating.#in terms of emotional and visual impact we have ‘max actually dying in the creel attic’ up /here/#(imagine my hand hovering slightly above my hairline)#‘max pulling through the coma and learning to survive and thrive’ right /here/ (hand at eyeline)#and ‘max dying at the hospital’ allllll the way down /here/ (hand at stomach)#which would really fucking SUCK#to be clear i think she’s going to pull through the coma (thank god) because a) the duffers are cowarddddds and b) narrative reasons that#i don’t have enough time energy or tag space to elaborate on#but i also have trust issues from this season so i can envision a scenario in which they metaphorically pull the rug out from under#us and we all riot at dawn together <3#max mayfield#stranger things#s4 spoilers#**#millie talks#st 4
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
I need life to slow the fuck down bc my skin is starting to hurt real bad from all this picking :/
#marquilla#i need a healthy coping mechanism but nothing hits like self destruction dgdgdghddg#my brain is hard wired from genetics to pick at my skin and hair on both sides 😭 i was doomed from the start#i do try to not do it btw im not like oh well guess theres no options! like no i know but i need a foolproof one#or for life to fucking chill#every four years i become an over plucked chicken for 10 months and think ab pulling my head hair out bc yall are driving me up the wall#i got into a fight in 2016 ab the election and i nearly started punching... like i had to hit the bed instead bc im like god i cant hurt#them but GOD DO I FEEL THE NEED TO TO GET YOU TO GET IT#i think i like plucked DEEP that day just taking my anger and frustration out bc good lord#like how can you be like hmm well im gonna vote for this guy bc fuck poor people. i work retail and so i see people abusing ebt a lot#therefore it makes me mad and i wanna stop it.#like you only notice the 'fraud' and misuse/bad choices people make bc thats negative in your mind so#your brain holds onto it. youre not noticing the poor people who are just minding their business using ebt and feeding their family#ive gotten through to them at least a little ab how fraud is less than 1% and that the fraud is usually selling stamps for cash for diapers#and shit and that it's people sharing cards bc they need to pool their funds to feed their families#that the people you see stealing or buying expensive ass meats on ebt are not the majority and if they wanna waste their limited funds each#month like that then thats a them problem. mind your business.#anyway im fucking like deteriorating sggdgdggd
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inkblot-inc · 1 year
Skitch’s diet isn’t awful prior to being with Wanda, but it isn’t great either. They’re one person and they live alone. They stay hydrated(you only need to pass out on the job once to learn you gotta drink a long of water when you sweat that much) and they have protein shakes and things but when it comes to meals it’s a lot of frozen meals, occasionally takeout, and whatever they throw together. Cause cooking for one person is kind of a waste of time in their mind, and they don’t often have the patience to cook(when you’re hungry who has time?!). So the folks at the Damned definitely notice when Skitch’s lunches go from like a protein bar, two peanut butter sandwiches, and a jello cup to actual meals.
Why can I see Skitch living off Hungry-Man dinners tho- 💀
I mean- there is an effort, Skitch has more than one set of utensils in their house 😂
Skitch is definitely more about convenience when it comes to making/getting food. Microwaveables and oven ready meals are golden, and the number to their local pizza shop is also saved on their phone.
Wanda cannot and will not let that continue.
Wanda likes cooking her meals most of the time anyways, but Skitch almost feels spoiled when most days they don't even take in leftovers from their dinner the night before for lunch. Sometimes Skitch's coworkers will even ask if they're tryna share their lunch at any point 😂
Wanda and Skitch still do takeout sometimes, because it's always nice to just sit down and order out once in a while. That and they both enjoy the Chinese food spot around the corner from Wanda's place.
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theinfinitedivides · 5 months
Jae Wook crying about how he doesn't gain weight easily bc of his metabolism and then saying Soo Hyuk (yes, Lee Soo Hyuk) is the same way so they both have to eat something a couple hours before they film so they don't look too skinny he gets me
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foxgirlplushie · 1 year
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baekuras · 1 year
well i dont need to go to the doctor but my boss also asked if i couldnt come in later before changing his mind because i was actually bawling my eyes out as a result of even thinking about calling him (thanks brain) so i don’t need to go out tomorrow to my doc if i dont want to
but dear god this is exhausting i also feel like i should be taking notes just in case i do actually smarten up and go to therapy or smth just so I know how fucking bad i can get and not just do the thing teen me did and act like everything was fine so people believed me and nothing happened and i was mad about it bc i obviously still felt like shit but i was able to just act normal enough for me to be left alone i GUESS gdi teen me leading the way for adult me to hide that anything could be wrong right until there is some breaking point last time i left school don’t actually wanna cold quit work though-feels like having no income might not be a great idea <-<
#txts#i do have savings i can fall back on and i can p easily find a new job in my field#just most other places suck ass so....no thanks#option B is i just go start my own company and become independent doing art or smth#idfk i am sleep deprived and tired as i had to point out to myself so i would actually call in sick and not try and go through work#bc that made me less anxious than calling my boss#but i am clinging to the idea of 'hey healthy human intelligence dictates that g#oing over 24hours without ANY rest is a bad idea :D#so dont fucking do that :D'#gonna have to call my dentist when they open and see if i can reschedule my appointment bc ofc the nearest date of tooth removal#is on a day where we are max 4 ppl if i am around at work#and after having a tooth broken out of you which is basically tug of war w/ your tooth vs the dentist#yeah no i WILL go home and SLEEP#every other day we are like 6 to 8 ppl w/ or w/out me#but nope-that ONE day ofc#fine whatever#suits me better bc that means i have a full day off and not just a half day#just needs to happen in that week pls#this better be rant/venting posts over for now tho#bc i am tired and hungry but nauseous but i dont feel like eating anyway which wtf#but also urgh energy required to go obtain food#mind you i have bread at the foot of my bed atm-like its not filling like a good lunch would be#but it is here#i also made chicken&rice like now 5 days ago#i nibbled a bit of that yesterday but now its been out the fridge for a full day#i cant smell so i dont trust it so i can toss that out i GUESS#maybe not the rice tho...but thats dry af anyway...idk maybe i'll fry at least that#so i also feel shit about food waste#i should make a pizza later on#generally a food that sits well w/ me no matter what AND it just has a lot of foods around
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starscelly · 1 year
scrolling to the point in my dash where i keep seeing the tragic otter postgame interview like. actually i need to see myself out. bye !!
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
i need to go to bed but i dont wannnaaaaa
#the bin#i work at 7am and its 1:23 am i have GOT to go to bad but ugh. if i go to bed then that means ill have to go to work as sokn as im conscious#so the longer i stay up the more time i have. but km gonna be so tired at work. hhhhh.#i dont know why but ive felt so horrible today. super anxious. miserable and really sad#im trying to just deal with it. soon enough things are gonna change. its only 34 days till my planned moving date. i will only bave like 20#more shifts at this job. maybe less depending on what i get given. including tomorrows shift. and tomorrows shift is only 5 hours long#and the day after its only 4 hours and then i have 2 more days off. itll be ok. but i still feel so anxious and depressed and awful#i just wanna stay home and be high all the time. i feel so lonely always. literally the only thing that helps me not feel completely crushed#and paralyzed by how lonely i am is getting high. i know its not healthy to rely on getting high to feel better about stuff but idk what#else to do so who cares. when i dont do anything about it i i stead end up relapsing or worse so i think its an ok option#i hope i can meet nice people this year. year after year it doesnt happen but so much has changed!#it makes sense i havent met people since i moved out. and everything is so different from wwhen i last lived with them#all my siblings are in school. they have people over at the hair a fair bit afaik. my dad wont be there to me make feel awful. my sister#also wont be there to me me feel awful. i can figure something out. itll be ok. it has to be.#i just want to squeeze someone. i just want like. a hug. a good cuddle. and i need to talk to someone. its been so long since u had an actul#fun time hanging out with another person. i need to watch a movie with someone and joke around and. ugh.#how did my life reach this point? what happened that resulted in me spending ages 10-19 all alone. im not even 19 yet but i will be soon#and theres not a chance ill meet someone before then esp bc im moving. when i was little i didnt have mych friends but i had some#i had such high hopes for the future. i also thought the future would be terrible but i imagined id still have friends and peopwl to talk to#all ive wanted sincei was 10 is just to have people to talk to and hangout with. but i dont have a single friend. i can hardky name anyone#besides my family and coworkers. and like aa couple of my sisters friends. there isnt even like people i know who i dont really consider#friends but we talk sometimes. if i dont go to work. call my mom. or tex a sibling. i dont see or talk to anyone period#i guess unless i go to the store. that doenst really count tho.#i want to have a friends group. i want to have A friends. just like. a person. to interact with. what happened that made mw spend the past#8 years just not interacting with anyone? whats wrong with me.#its fine tho. becausebit will change. i acan heal from this and i can meet people. even if half my conscious life has been spent all alone#it will get better. it has to.
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butrememberthesong · 2 months
i have so many thoughts on the squid entity and i cannot share them with either of my Thoughts People so. skip the tags if you are avoiding endgame spoilers.
#type: thoughts#i saw a post about morally gray characters and like#it's a very complex Guy. but from#tav: aria#'s pov it's both less complex and more complex#and im chewing on their dynamic again#she feels responsible for how everything ends. she can't stand him. he's familiar and almost comforting by the end. the silence is deafenin#she tried to kill it. it manipulated and lied to her at every opportunity. she mabipulated and lied back. it held a whole ass person captiv#for an indefinite amount of time.#like this is not a healthy dynamic. but she has so much regret about how things end#AND THEY WERE BOTH BEING MANIPULATED BY THE BRAIN.#<- critical To Her. bc the brain brought them to the end. thru him. so how much of a victim was he. in her mind she drove him back to the#brain in the end out of his own complete lack of options. to the one thing he wanted to escape. and In Her Mind#she did so by Not Being Willing to sacrifice#ch: orpheus#when presented with impossible odds. she looked for alternatives she *tried*#but when#ch: the emperor#is the one she has to sacrifice when facing impossible odds (the wrath of a would-be god vs the wrath of a would-be god)#it's 'i have to'. BEFORE SHE EVEN KNOWS HOW MUCH LYING ITS BEEN DOING.#(which Actually made her trust it less than she ends up trusting it but#anyway.)#i think its genuinely top five regrets from the entire adventure. its moonrise/yanna/him. shes a little messed up#tav: beithir#playing the role of her ansur it makes everything so much more complicated for her#bc in my canon. when it reacts negatively to Bronze Dragon Bestie it loses some Points.#and then when she finds out *why*. its a very mixed bag. bc on the one hand how could you ever but on the other#i know Exactly how. and that horrifies her.#bg3 spoilers#woetp: fiddlehead soup
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queertransetc · 11 months
- ED trigger warning -
Being skinny ruined my life. If you’re thin and think to yourself, “why don’t fat people just lose weight?” Please read this
I was the “ideal fat” in the sense that I did everything skinny people wanted me to do. I tried every diet in the book. I exercised regularly. I worked with doctors and dietitians to figure out the best way to lose weight. But nothing worked. I did everything “right” to lose weight, and my weight stayed the same
But the thin people in my life kept telling me that I wouldn’t be happy, attractive, healthy, etc. until I lost weight. So, heartbroken, I came to the conclusion that anorexia was the only option left. It felt safer than bariatric surgery, and was obviously much more affordable
I became the perfect anorexic. 700 cal a day or less, except once a week I allowed myself 1400 cal. For reference, my body required at least 2800 to maintain weight, and at least 1800 to keep my organs and stuff fully functioning. Still, 700 a day, I persisted because everyone in my life told me weight loss was all that mattered. If dieting didn’t work, anorexia had to
And it did. My weight dropped all the way down to 110 pounds. I was skinny - underweight, even - in all sense of the word. The people in my life saw it as a miracle. The ultimate success story. My mother, my “friends,” my doctors, they all congratulated me on my accomplishment
When I confessed my eating disorder to my doctor, he told me, “that’s not the best way to go about it, but I’m glad you lost the weight.” My mother took pictures of me and sent them to relatives to brag
Okay, great. I was skinny. I did what I set out to do. But there were severe consequences
The most obvious was my joint pain doubled, maybe even tripled, to the point that I couldn’t leave the house without a wheelchair
I also developed several health complications, including fatty liver disease and extremely painful GERD. I had to see a handful of specialists and get an endoscopy because of severe stomach pain
My partner, who was the only person who saw my weight loss for what it was (a horrible thing that only happened because of an eating disorder), convinced me to enter a recovery program
For nearly a year, I relearned how to feed myself. I ate everything I was told to eat, nothing more and nothing less. My diet was 100% in the hands of somebody else
And I gained back every pound I has lost. All of the work to become thin went right out the window. It was proven to me that thinness and health were incompatible with my body. If I wanted to be thin, I had to forgo my physical and mental well-being. And vise-versa
Prior to the anorexia, I never once struggled with binge eating. I was naturally an intuitive eater, and I did a good job of having a well rounded diet. After the anorexia, after recovery, I developed a binge eating disorder. I had spent so long starving myself, that my brain and body got stuck in survival mode, desperate to consume any and all calories out of fear that I might starve again. To this day I struggle with binge eating
I did everything thin people wanted of me. I dieted. I exercised. And when all else failed, I starved myself. Now I have liver disease, stomach issues, and BED. Not to mention the loads of mental issues that accumulated as a result of my weight loss journey. During the throes of my anorexia, I had to be hospitalized for suicidal ideation
When you tell fat people to “just lose weight” you are suggesting they give themselves illnesses for which treatments are not always effective. You are asking fat people to destroy their stomachs and livers. When a fat person loses so much weight that they become skinny, they are likely giving up so much of their health in efforts to be treated like a human being
If you’re thin, do your part. Treat fat people like people before we tear our bodies apart
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cjcooksvegan · 1 year
Rise & Shine! Here's 13 Vegan Breakfast Ideas For When You Don't Know What To Make
13 #vegan breakfast ideas for when you don't know what to make #veganism #cookwithme #breakfast
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Hello! I was wondering if I could maybe as for Malleus, Azul, Idia, Vil, and maybe Leona with an S/o who tests the Orange peel theory on them?
The orange peel theory being the theory in which someone requests their significant other to peel an orange for them. If they say yes, then it means they are willing to do small tasks for their lover. If they say no, it may suggest they are less willing to offer support.
If you can’t then that’s good I just wanted to ask.
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul sighed, looking at the orange in your hand and then back to you with raised eyebrows. Were you serious? You couldn’t peel your own orange? He let out another sigh, mumbling that you were truly hopeless without him before taking the orange from your hands. He removed his gloves (as cleaning them was more of a hassle than cleaning his bare hands) and expertly peeled away the skin, giving a beautiful presentation on your plate before sliding it back over to you. He quickly went back to his work but you did note that he completely stopped what he was doing in the middle of it to attend to your silly request.
Idia Shroud:
In the middle of a raid?! These relationship QTE’s continued to get harder the longer you were together, but he feared the consequences of failing one. He quickly typed in the chat to his teammates before setting his character on auto, fumbling with the orange and trying to peel it as quickly as he could while making sure he didn’t go down in flames in the virtual world. He handed it back to you wordlessly when he was done as he was locked back in again, letting out an agonized cry when he realized he forgot to wipe his hands so now his keyboard and mouse were hopelessly sticky.
Leona Kingscholar:
There’s something that Leona picked up in your tone that indicated this was a test of some sort, and while not knowing exactly what you were up to, he wasn’t about to fail. He did complain that you married into royalty and therefore had access to some of the perks, including servants who’d be more than happy to peel an orange for you. He was peeling it for you as he complained at least, and he retracted the orange before you could grab it and asked if he’d get a proper reward for listening so closely.  
Malleus Draconia:
Malleus it not used to being asked to do such domestic tasks. It seemed natural that everyone around him just attended to his needs and, by extension, your needs as well. Seeing as you were asking him directly to do something for you he couldn’t help but be excited about the prospect, feeling a sense of pride that you’d trust in him even if it was a simple task. He peeled the orange with a smile on his face, peeling off a piece of the actual fruit and holding it up as he asked if you’d like him to feed you as well.
Vil Schoenheit:
Vil was curious about what you were doing that was so important you couldn’t peel your own orange, weighing the options of asking and deciding it’s easier to just acquiesce. You didn’t ask him for things often while you often wordlessly retrieved things for him during his intricate skincare routines, so he didn’t see the harm in repaying your kindness. He’s also happy that you’re eating something healthy, although he doesn’t know the exact benefits oranges might have on your skin—he’ll have to look it up once he’s done his careful work, handing over the most beautifully peeled orange you’d ever seen in your life.
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listentoace · 25 days
Everything and everybody wants you to get fatter
Everything you buy at the grocery store is filled with sugar, even in products you don't expect. There are more and more delivery services that can bring you any meal you crave right to your doorstep. Junk food is cheaper than healthy options. There is more and more content to stream online, keeping your mind occupied and your body sedentary. You can work from home, moving less and less. Anywhere you go, there will be a fast food place. Body positivity makes it easier to just be fat. Fat characters in cartoons and movies have become normal and beloved. Gyms keep getting more and more expensive. Whenever you gain a few pounds, people will cheer online and want you to get fatter. You're probably getting off on the thought of getting fatter already. You've turned ruining yourself into a fetish. You don't even want to try and fight it, do you? Stuffing yourself and feeding your addiction is just more pleasurable. Everyday new snacks are being invented to keep you eating. New shows are created to keep your mind empty. More people are sucked into feederism, fetishizing obesity. It'll only get worse, but that'll just make it so much more pleasurable. You might feel fat now, but it'll be nothing compared to what you'll look like in a few years. You'll never be this skinny again. You'll never be able to return to normal. The perception of "fat" keeps shifting. While a hundred years ago, a person with a BMI of 30 would have been considered fat, now they're chubby at best. One third of the population is obese already and those numbers - just like those on your bathroom scale - will only be going up. You can't escape, there is no need to. Fat feels good. Obesity feels good. No more worrying about exercise. No more paying attention to what you eat. So much soft and jiggly mass you carry around with you. Sitting and laying down become so much more comfortable than standing and walking. Your stomach will expand, increasing your capacity for food. You know you love it. You need it. It's natural. It's good. Give in. It's easier. Don't fight. Be consumed. Rest your mind. Rest your body. Stuff yourself. Dumb yourself down. Turn into a blob. Eat. Gain. Grow. It's what's best for you.
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