#laurel's a mess tho
forgaeven1 · 1 year
tyler ........... was groomed.
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randomperson3736 · 10 months
can you write a fisherbrothers fic where reader is their younger sister and they’re like really protective of her and she and conrad get in fight bc he was all moody and Emo during s1? And she just wants to know what’s going on in his life and be apart of it but conrad keeps like pushing her away?
Paring(s): Jeremiah fisher x sister! Reader, Conrad fisher x sister! Reader
Genre: fluff (mainly at the end tho)
Warning(s): Emo Conrad, overprotective brothers, feelings of being left behind/forgotten, auguring, swearing
Word bank: Y/N- your name, Y/N/N- your nickname
Notes: omggg, I love this idea! And I'm gonna make the reader like 5 years old cus I stuck at writing for teenagers 😶✌️but yea, I hope u enjoy.
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For as long as anyone could remember little Y/N Fisher has had her brother's wrapped around her little fingers since day one. Even though Jeremiah and Conrad would never admitted it, everyone else knew just by seeing how much their loved and cared for the youngest Fisher.
Susannah remembered almost like it was yesterday when the boys first met their little sister. It was one of her favourite memories. Jeremiah was jumping up and down almost hitting the walls with excitement, while Conrad was sitting nervously in the waiting room along with Laurel and their father.
He didn't know why he was so nervous. He wasn't this nervous when Jeremiah was born, so why is now any different? Conrad's thoughts were interrupted when his mother's midwife came into the waiting room. "Mr Fisher, everyone I would like to say that mom is doing ok and that little miss babygirl is healthy and beautiful" She smiled.
Everyone is the room (mainly the grown ups though) let out a sigh of relief, they'd didn't even know they were holding. Jeremiah took off running along with their father running after him, when the midwife said that it was okay for them to see the new Fisher slibing and their mother. Conrad didn't move from his spot after hearing the news. His fears of being a older brother clouding his mind.
'What if I drop her?''
'What if she doesn't like me?''
'What if I mess up and then everyone hates me?'
A whole bunch of what ifs, kept occurring in his mind. It almost felt like he was drowning in his thoughts and fears. It wasn't until Laurel put a comforting hand on his shoulder, startling the young Fisher boy. "You ok, sweetie? Your looking a little pale?" Conrad looked down, avoiding her concerned gaze. He didn't want to bother her but deep down he knew he needed to talk about this. "I-um... I feel like I'm going to mess up with this whole older brother thing" He said quietly, as he started to play with his fingers.
"Oh, Conrad" Laurel said lovingly, as she took the sit next to the boy to comfort him. "Your gonna be the best big brother that little girl could ask for. And you wanna know how I know that?" The boy mumbled a 'yes'. "I know this because I've seen how you looked after Jeremiah, Steven and belly. She's not gonna hate you. She's going to adore her older brother because she would know that he would always be there for her no matter what happens"
Conrad looked up at laurel, tears forming in his eyes before he lunged into her arms. Laurel chuckled before hugging the boy tightly. "Now, go see your baby sister before Jeremiah takes the role of 'best older brother'" She whispered into his ear. Conrad quickly let go of the hug and took off running to see his new sister.
That day Conrad and Jeremiah made a promise to Y/N. A promise to always be there for her when she needed them and to never make her feel sad, but that promise was soon broken when Conrad started to push away. Everyone noticed that something was up with him but they just thought it was just girl problems or college.
Y/N's little feet could be heard on the hard wooden floors as she made her way to the living room to find atleast one of her brothers. As she made her way, her doe eyes spotted Conrad trying to fall asleep on the couch. A wide smile made its way onto her face as she squealed "CONNIE!!"
Conrad only grumbled in response which confused the five year old as her older brother usually always picked her up and tickled her. "You okie, Connie?" Y/N tilted her head cutely as she questioned her brother. "It's nothing for you to worry about. Now go away" Conrad demanded even though deep down he didn't mean too. "But mommy said to always look after-" Before Y/N could finish Conrad snapped. "For the love of God, Y/N! would you just shut up for 5 minutes?! I already told you not to worry about it so just butt out of it!" As soon as the words left his mouth he regretted them.
"No- Y/N... I didn't mean it-" Conrad tried to move closer to her but she just backed away from him, too scared. The look on her face and the fact she was scared of him broke his heart. Before he could say another word, she bolted out of the living room and went start up to her room. Conrad put his face into the palm of his hands as he mentally cursed himself for being the reason to make his little sister cry. He broke his promise.
Jeremiah soon came into the living room, a confused look written on his face because usually Y/N would always met him at the door when he comes home. "Hey, Conrad? Where's Y/N/N?" Confusion was just as much in his voice as it was on his face. And when Conrad didn't answer straight away, Jeremiah started to think of the worse. "Conrad... where the fuck is Y/N?" Conrad knew that he had to answer sooner or later cause soon Jeremiah might start a murder hunt looking for their sister.
"I-I fucked up jere... I mean, I really fucked up" Conrad's voice finally spoke. "She just asked a simple question and I-I just snapped at her, Jere. I really didn't mean too, I was just so tried and stressed because of the college shit and I-"
"I broke our promise Jere"
Jeremiah was beyond mad at his brother but deep down he knew it wasn't his fault. "Look, Conrad, its not your fault. I mean, yeah you yelled at our five year old sister but I pretty much broke the promise too" Conrad looked up at his brother through teary eyes, basically giving him a sign to continue. "A few weeks ago, I promised to play with her but I said that I was too busy even though it was just a lie. The look on her face was heartbreaking, couldn't sleep with a week after that" Jeremiah chuckled at the end of it, same with Conrad.
"We're assholes"
Both brothers laugh before it became silent again. "But you better never do this again though or else gonna kick your ass, bro" Jeremiah's threat would scare anyone else but Conrad knew that he was just looking out for their sister. And they both knew how protective they were over her.
It was a few minutes until they heard little feet coming down the stairs. "JereJere? Connie?" Both brothers looked up to see Y/N holding her stuffed rabbit that Jeremiah won her at a carnival a year or 2 ago. It was one of the happiest days for the Fisher silbings. They both remember the look on Y/N's face when Jeremiah won the rabbit, she had the biggest smile on her face despite the strawberry ice-cream all over her face.
"You guys, okie? Do you need to hug Mr. Cuddles?" She held up the stuffed rabbit towards her brothers. Both boys laugh aloud at how cute their little sister is. "Yes we would love to hug Mr. Cuddles but we also like to hug our darling Y/N/N and apologies?" The youngest Fisher girl made a some what thinking face before jumping onto her brothers.
"Look we're so, so, so sorry Y/N/N. And I didn't mean to snap at you it was very mean-" Before Conrad could add on Jeremiah cut in. "And I'm seriously very sorry about not playing with you and I'll make sure to play with you all day tomorrow" Before either boy could finish or continue, they heard soft snores coming from the youngest Fisher curled up in between them.
Both Fisher boys smile softly, before closing their eyes and soon falling into a deep sleep. Y/N opened her sleepy eyes and softly kissed both her brothers checks before mumbling a "I forgive you" and soon going into a deep sleep along side her brothers.
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minarcana · 2 months
⭐ sits at your feet adoringly
send a star for muse interaction thoughts!
minfilia is little siblingzoned by laurel so fast. not in the overprotective sibling way tho laurel is a Conspiratorial Sibling. laurels bringing minfilia contraband materials and taking her out to costa del sol for girl vacation. minfilia needs a break 2k24.
laurels ancient, ker, is hyths friend. every time emet selch talks ker looks over to hyth and goes "divorce him for me :|" /joke. anyways they can be allowed to cause problems together. the only time ker submits concepts its just exceedingly detailed notes on a type of toxin a living thing can have and then a note like "just find something to put this in idk" and theyre left in folders in the bureau. at least he brings back gifts from his journeys but when he delivers them he loiters to talk shit while hyth is on the clock.
chiyo and urianger can share custody of thancred but i think she should bother and be a nuisance to urianger for fun as a sign of friendship. menace this elf. bother him.
also im so sorry after you mentioned yotsuyu and laurel in ur ask ive been so about it. what if we were both unhinged forces of destruction. au where laurels her knight because laurel being a hero or villain is a matter of perspective and also knight/ruler makes me [puts fist in mouth]
rusi'a and x'uri being people who have run into each other often enough on the uldahnn streets. work friends. aroro also hangs out in uldah a lot if x'uri ever does adventuring jobs aroro both doles those out and leads forays.... 3 work friends....
i think tsolmon being an intermittent traveling buddy for chiyo would be fun. two dragons who like messing with people what will they do.
i think samarra is cool. urianger research buddy. also tsolmon would respect the shit out of her for her ability on the field. esugen is slightly unnerved but also going DROP IT!!! WHAT ARE YOU CHEWING!!! DROP IT if she tries to eat raw meat. 45 minute long unskippable cutscene lecture about meat safety.
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tiredeyes1975 · 1 year
thank you @mickgaydolenz and @vintagecocacolainthesun for tagging me yayyyyyyy!!!!!
last song: take a chance on me by abba!
last movie: triangle of sadness. it was mid. im gonna watch the phantom menace with my friend rn tho
currently reading: i would say this book about laurel canyon but i havent picked it up in a while. i just read the chainsaw man chapter that was released today
currently watching: get back for january
currently consuming: is this question about food? i just ate jollibee chicken and rice
currently craving: cinnamon mini popcorn cakes
tagging: @makotoscoffee @iwaitforu @itsaboutnothing @repurposedmeatlocker @deathconsciousnessbf and @such-a-happy-mess if you want to!
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jackhues · 2 years
naqia rambles! tyler galpin edition
( bcz i've got a lot to say about this guy )
spoilers ahead !!
okay, so i loved this character. i mean when he was introduced, i was like, "him and wednesday, this needs to happen". it was the perfect golden retriever bf x black cat gf, or "i need a ride" gf x 'loves to drive' bf, idk i just rlly liked their opposites attract energy.
he wasn't put off by wednesday's dark attitude, he still seemed to be attracted to her. he told her clearly that he thought they liked each other bcz wednesday doesn't understand 'friends' or 'more than friends' or emotions so much rlly. he was creeped out by Thing, but then just accepted him, and was like "alright, that's a hand ig". idk but he kinda just went with whatever wednesday threw at him.
then, ofc, we find out he's the hyde and he's being manipulated by laurel gates and the perfect illusion of him shatters
i've been seeing comments saying tyler loved her, beneath the manipulation, he really did.
i don't necessarily agree with that tho.
like, he loved his mother, and even tho laurel manipulated him, he still disliked nevermore for not accepting her and teaching her how to control her other side.
imo, bcz it was laurel who told him, she could control him, and her hate for nevermore rooted itself in him. it fed to his dislike, and his hate began to mirror hers. if she wasn't the one who told him, if it was someone who liked nervermore, or he found out himself, he'd still dislike nevermore. but he was going to therapy, and i think if he acc talked about it and all, he would somewhat find himself accepting nevermore and those who go there. it might take a while, but i don't think his hatred would've ran as deep.
that being said, in the show, i don't believe he loved wednesday (which the actor agrees with)
i acc think he's just doing what laurel said ( we know he's a good actor, i thought he was innocent while wednesday was torturing him and that someone was messing with her visions ).
he wasn't in love with wednesday. i could see a hatred for her at the start, but one that might develop into the slightest feelings. as the show went on, there were moments where he didn't have to do some of the things he did.
while they were watching legally blonde, he was watching her. we don't see his eyes on the screen, and it looks like he spent most of the movie watching her even though she wasn't looking at him.
if he was watching wednesday when she looked or something, that could be more manipulation, but she was focused on the 'horror movie' that was playing. idk, that felt like a possible moment where he actually liked her.
idk, those are just my thoughts.
like i want a tyler x wednesday endgame, but who knows if that'll happen.
like will it be psycho x psycho, serial killer x detective, or if they'll revert back to THE wednesday addams x some guy ?? honestly, idk how they'll do it, but there's a lot of ways it would work out. i'm just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the endgame
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only-angel-28 · 9 months
Okay I’m finally here! I wanted so badly to read it when you posted but I was so freaking tired I crashed 😭 But I’m here with another rant/essay of thoughts and emotions haha I feel like with every chapter I write more and more 😂
Getting a glimpse into Conrad’s head in any fic itches my brain nicely, idk I just love him?? Anywho, the way you write his like emotions and his anger/frustration? I’m here for it, he deserves to be a little upset instead of just shutting himself down to protect himself 🥺🖤 BUT him tracking Dean down and punching him before the ass can even get a word in?! Yes!! Thank you omg, protector Conrad getting his emotions out AND making sure Dean knows he’s not welcome anymore? no and then he comes home and tucks us in??? After beating a guy up?? God I’m feral for him I need therapy 😂
Him and his moms? (Bc lbr Susannah x Laurel is the real otp here 😭🖤) I tear up every time Susannah’s cancer gets brought up bc of personal stuffs so like Conrad crying on her and letting himself feel bc he didn’t mean to hurt us while his mom was sick?? My eyes were sweating I wanna give him cuddles and back rubs and forehead kisses 🥺😭🖤🖤
Steven would be that person tho “oh don’t worry I watched the cooking channel I can do this!” And then fucks it all to hell 😂 I love him, I feel like Steven and I would be those besties that are complete idiots together because we share half a braincell 😂
And Connie calling us my girl?!?! AND baby?!! That shit gives me butterflies omg ��😭 im so lonely lmfao ahh the whole living room scene has me in a choke hold I love him, just ahhhhh the domesticity of caring for your lover after he beats someone up for you 🥺🖤
The almost kiss on the beach had me swooning too 😭 Fucking Steven and cockblocking us 😂😂
No but who tf does Thérèse think she is???? “Sorry I stole your bf I was jealous but I ended things with him” like good for you but stay away lmao like that trust would be so damaged!!! Thérèse and Dean really do deserve each other 😤😤
Okay but us hitting Dean? And just being a feral cat about him not shutting up? Yes please?! Couples who beat shitty exes up together are top tier 😂 (I know we’re not a couple yet but in my heart Conrad’s already my husband 😂🖤) AND AGAIN the of checking over each others wounds?!!! I love them, your honor. 🖤🖤
Okay but Connie immediately wanting to take off and beat the shit out of Dean, while the love of his life’s injured??? But his tunnel vision is just like “gotta kill this guy”?? Like you idiot I don’t want Jere to take me to the hospital I want the person that makes me feel safe there 😭😭😭
Overall I love how theres a bunch of little moments showing how we love each other but it doesn’t feel forced or too fast? Like obviously Conrad and her just wanna kiss (damn you Steven) but also they’re comfortable just existing together too because they both know they care?? Does that make sense? Is that even what you were going for? Idk but that’s how I’m feeling it rn, maybe it’s just my craving for love that’s reading in too deep 😂😂
AHHH 😭 Anyway thank you again for another glorious chapter, I love it, I adore you, and I’m so so excited for more! I can’t wait to see the moms reactions to their tattoos (and for getting into a fight and getting injured 💀😂) and just for more shenanigans in general with everyone 🖤🖤😭
ok so i totally agree, dean is a RAT he deserves whatever happens to him ik i wrote the damn thing but i stand w it🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
no but fr someone needed to humble dean and thérèse both like they’re so annoying. i didn’t want thérèse to have a giant monologue just explaining why she did what she did bc honestly people like that don’t rly say all that much irl, they’re just looking for ways to get back in ur life and mess it up again tbh and she was just annoying too like
and i mean i didn’t wanna say it myself but yes the main characters here ARE susannah and laurel, glad we cleared that up. they’re literally so cutesy and wonderful i love them sm
STEVENS SO FUNNY STOP- hes literally hilarious i love him sm
no honestly i love the living room scene too it’s so cutesy and domestic i thought those two needed a tiny little cute relaxed moment before it all went down tbh💀💀
and i agree, if someone called me baby??????????
that’s all i have to say. next question.
no everytime i write an almost kiss im literally on the edge of my seat as well like should i make them kiss or should i wait🤨🤨
REAL. we’re not officially w conrad yet but we bascially are married w two dogs and an adopted son (steven) so we don’t even need to go through the formalities anymore
no fr like ily conrad but now is not the time, you better get in that car and drive to the hospital.
YESS IT DOES MAKE SENSE IM SO GLAD YOU NOTICED!!!! i didn’t want to make this one too like fast paced or too like oh everyone gets what they want happily ever after like i feel like you don’t need to be constantly making out or talking w someone you care about, even just spending some time w them is more than enough like just having these tiny cute little moments is so lovely
YESS IM SO EXICTED TO WRITE MORE ON THIS ONE sadly i don’t think i can post another part until like friday night / the weekend bc schooo started again today (kms) and it’s gcse year (double kms) but im so happy you like it, i love love love these conment things so much you have no idea🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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oliviabensnn · 7 years
Laurel *heart eyes* Castillo calling Michaela smart, convincing and pretty!!!! i am DECEASED
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
Do you have any guesses for louis's outfit tomorrow??? Black trousers fir the bottom is a safe guess !
Hi! Oh that's fun! Ehm okay let's go with eeeerrrr black trousers sure, and, hmm... I'd personally very much would love to see some good purple maybe mixed with a lil of orange/yellowy mess in there like a huge sweater, kinda what he was wearing in the pic LTHQ posted yesterday, but a patch is in the purply range too. Im thinking of his latest merch colors but warmer kinda thing? More of a want tho. I'm actually expecting something plain and simple still although again if we're looking at his merch mess... there's a chance he's going for something more chaotic lol. I don't wanna go for a polo. Unless it's the kinda fit of his custom AFH top where it just goes nyoom bye I'm off to the side have a lil collarbone peekaboo hmmhmm. It might. Imagine we'd get the second custom shirt with different lil prints and a different base color but the same fit I'd live for that. I wasn't relating that to what Harry's been doing on his tour but I see my words lol yeap that already happened recently 😅 Also if this mfer is gonna walk on stage with a super massive H costume again istg. Or like a fucking blazer with laurels and an H on it or some rendition of a bowtie djdjsjakw. Yk what let's just stick to the purple orange oversized sweater 💀
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greetings and well wishes traveller - ☆
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[start ID: gif of flaming text that reads "trans women rule the world" followed by a heart emoji. /end ID]
terfs get violently exploded etc etc :)
any words that are all three: bold + italicised + underlined are links !
hiya I'm Laurel and I'm an anxious queer mess....the rest you may find out through my rambles in the tags (*cough* or perhaps the rentry page that's linked below ;)
my rentry -> also has my pronouns page with other socials linked including discord. if you wanna add me on any of them, go for it! :) /nf
no set 'dni' anymore..
if you're one of those people who cherry picks which queer identity is deserving of acceptance then you will most likely be blocked :] pls don't be a dickhead, thanks :]
do not talk to me abt about shipping discourse
!! I am a minor !!
mostly nsfw, "18+" or "minors dni" blogs and porn bots will obviously be blocked (this includes blank blogs cause you never know...literally just edit ur pfp or something)
I now post art on tumblr ! my art blog is @asdfghjklaurel :3
adults can interact just be normal and also don't private message me 👍
my tag for original posts is #laurel's nonsense
queer tag is #queer <2
uh asks tag is simply #laurel's inbox but I don't get a lot (*cough* this is ur sign to send me more silly asks I love them)
just for my own record (or for anyone who finds it useful) my tag for stuff I need when I turn 18 is under #adulting
I have a queue tag as well. try find out what it is if you want (difficulty level: very easy)
I'm a multi-fandom blog (not strictly fandom tho)
Stuff I like:
<2 ace attorney
<2 bsd / bungou stray dogs
<2 rrverse / pjo
<2 grishaverse
<2 haikyuu
<2 toh / the owl house
+ a lot more but these are some I've posted about a bit and that my moots may recognise by now
none of the below userboxes were made by me btw. full credits to the original creators
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cumbercookiebatchs · 3 years
I'm having Grantaire and his sisters feels again.
You see how in graduations it's always like a competition to who screams the loudest? When Grantaire is called, between all the clapping, he can hear three specific voices, and even tho he gets embarassed as hell, he can't help but smile fondly at his girls.
They tackle him as soon as he gets down, and they morph into this pile of messed up curls on the floor and Grantaire's groaning can be heard because girls, girls you're crushing me, help.
But they don't care and keep crushing him and smothering him with kisses and only Grantaire's head can be seen underneath them, the laurel crown rolling back and away and Grantaire's youngest sister snatches it away and puts it on her head to crack a joke, but as soon as she does she gets this devastated expression while her sisters and her brother scream all together a terrified "NO!"because it's bad luck to wear a laurel crown before you've graduated.
But her face's so miserable they can't help but laugh at her and "Don't worry honey, nana will take care of it".
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A bunch of The Tyrant’s Tomb stuff
Gentle reminder that on page 200 of the Trials of Apollo: the Tyrants‘s Tomb, Apollo mentions that he’s gotten crushes on statues before.
Why was this so hard? I had spoken of love to women before. And men. And gods. And nymphs. And the occasional attractive statue before I realized it was a statue. Why, then, were the veins in my neck threatening to explode?
Also, Reyna does not ship theyna. (No offence to the theyna shippers.) Following is from page 195.
“So,” I (Apollo) said, making a second attempt at nonchalance, “are you and Thalia, er...?” Reyna raised an eyebrow. “Involved romantically ?” “Well, I just...I mean...Um...” Oh, very smooth, Apollo. Have I mentioned I was once the god of poetry? Reyna rolled her eyes. “If I had a denarius for every time I got that question...Aside from the fact that Thalia is in the Hunters, and thus sworn to celibacy...Why does a strong friendship always have to progress to romance? Thalia’s an excellent friend. Why would I risk messing that up?” “Oh —” “That was a rhetorical question,” Reyna added. “I do not need a response.”
Also, this one is probably just for me, but Don is the same Don that almost picked up ne of Hazel’s jewels in SoN. Same one who help Claudia in CJC: APJ. Same Don in TTT who died and turned into a laurel tree. Btw, he thinks wearing a trench coat over his tie-dyed shirt makes him look inconspicuios.
And Larry (third cohort centurion camp jupiter person) wants to be a pirate as of page 180.
Here is how you sneak out of Camp Jupiter. Go through a hole in the fence, down a trench, through a tunnel, past the pickets, and out of sight of the camp’s sentry towers. As of page 183.
Finally, Apollo didn’t count casualties for the yachts plus Tarquin simultaneous attack but let’s try to estimate the number anyway. Okay so, halfway through the fighting, Frank orders both the 4th and 5th cohort to protect New Rome. On page 274, Apollo says there were a dozen demigods holding the line for cj. That’s 12 people from 3 cohorts. On page 81, Frank mentions that their maximum strength was 250, and the battle decimated (every tenth soldier killed) them. So after that one, they should have around less than 225. Each cohort, assuming each around the same size, would be highest 45. 45 times 3 minus 12 equals 123. Well, there would be less than 123, except that the 4th and 5th cohorts definitely suffered casualties. (eg. Dakota)
Someone please calculate casualties for other books, because I’m so far too lazy to read THO and TBM.
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imgoodloveenjoy · 3 years
Guess who’s back with a brand new bag to shift through this MESS!
Although her son creeps me out a bit, Sharon is such a mom LOL. She kinda reminds me of my mom when I moved out to my undergrad college apartment; she cried and everything but didn’t realize that I would be back every other weekend to eat and wash clothes LOL. Sometimes it’s hard for moms to stop moming but it is absolutely out of love.
Well that went quickly didn’t it? And I didn’t like how it ended…it seemed kinda rushed IMO.
I knew that when they did this unconventional surgery that has very little success rate that they wouldn’t be fired LOL. Just like how they never fired Connor, Marcel is a talented surgeon who got the surgery done right, no way would he be fired, maybe some restrictions but not fired. I actually like Marcel and Nat working together and they’ve had this slow burn up until now, to immediately cut to them about to have sex was odd and jarring. I kinda got the feeling that the writers just threw that in there to gratify us, the audience, but it was just weird. They really could’ve drawn out the “will they, won’t they” for at lease a couple more episodes and leaned into them being intimate in a much slower manner.
I wonder how this will effect their relationship going forward? Will it feel like a one night stand cause that’s what it’s giving……
I 100% get where Ethan is coming from and wanting to get everyone to not rest on their laurels but he has to understand that not everyone is like him and not every initiative has to be implemented immediately. I think he would benefit from setting small obtainable goals then once those have been accepted and implemented, to move the goal post bit by bit until he get’s the results he’s gunning for.
He knows he’s getting push back from everyone and it shows, everyone gives him attitude and I believe it’s because they didn’t expect him to be Chief of ED (especially Maggie and Will) so they have to find the respect for him not only as a fellow doctor but as their superior which will be harder for others (April, Will, Maggie), not Doris tho; Doris has been shady since day one and I like the consistency LOL.
His issue with this episode and how he will handle ethical and moral decisions will absolutely change how he would like his ED to run. Seeing him break down with Charles once in private about not being allowed to let the resident use chest compressions on the COVID patient & how he wishes things could be different shows that he knows he has to enforce a lot of unfavorable policies & that he also wishes things could be different. Also his patient, the doctor who has BDD and is very particular about what he wants is like a mirror unto himself; he puts a lot of pressure on himself to, not only be perfect but to do things in a certain manner, and the pressure that he also puts on his staff.
I love Ethan and Charles together; the mentor and mentee relationship they have I really enjoy. Someone Ethan can talk to who isn’t judging him or telling him what to do (April) but allows, and supports, him to figuring the solution out for himself that still works within his moral code. The writers have decided to humanize him & give him a redeemable quality for once.
This is a pain in the ass coupling LOL I can see it coming especially since Will acts impulsively. Him going back to that one doctor, the cardiologist, and then back to the ED with files makes me think he agreed to the kickback to get the results he wanted, and I feel like once April learns that, she’ll be so upset and will likely not want to continue to work with him.
April needs more responsibilities. She’s still hanging on to her purpose being near the COVID ward, as though helping the patient who was abducted last week didn’t let her know that no matter where she is in the hospital, she is helping people and serving a great purpose. I guess she’ll have to get that lesson a few times before she believes it for herself.
Finally Maggie having a storyline that doesn’t revolve around her being up Will and Natalie’s asses. I almost forgot she was married with a foster son, maybe because the writers forget out her character outside of holding up these two white characters. Using a DNA ancestry site to assist Auggie was smart thinking; I forget how resourceful Maggie can be. Although I don’t think it will work out, I’m interested to see how it unfolds; I have a feeling that if Maggie does find a relative, they may not want to give Auggie the kidney.
Storylines are moving along ok, let’s see how the writers redeem themselves. 
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spydered-arch · 3 years
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I hope everyone has an amazing day and a great weekend! 
I’ll be on tonight, maybe, It depends on how I feel. But I do wanna get some things knocked out tonight so most likely I will be at some point. I won’t be very active tomorrow as I have a lengthy hair appointment ( five hours LOL ) tomorrow in the middle of the day so there is that. And Sunday I’m gonna focus on housework to try and get some of my depression mess cleaned up.
So I’ll be on and off all weekend. Catch me on Discord or wire tho, I’m always logged in on my phone.
I’ll be here and there during work today, so I might pop up and do small things but mostly I’m going to try and read when I can. I have a new Laurell K. Ham.ilton book to read so.
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skylesbian · 4 years
1) laurel x michaela! 2) coliver 3) blasnior (and no I have no idea who they are)
thank you for  1. sending this 2. asking me about blasnior even tho you don’t know who they are 3. ADDING A SHIP I DIDNT ASK FOR OMG (we were robbed with laurel and michaela :( )
i answered coliver here and blasnior here
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks: michaela
who worries more about the other: michaela
who is more afraid about the other leaving them: michaela :(
who is more likely to leave (for any reason): both (they are a little messed up)
who is more likely to drunkenly confess: i can see both of them but probably michaela
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason): michaela
who picks fights more often: michaela
who usually apologizes first: michaela (i feel like she starts the fights but then apologizes)
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other: michaela
who is more likely to lash out at the other: laurel
who gets more jealous: probably michaela
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”: laurel (michaela would do it too but she would be very bitter about it lbh)
thank you so so sooooo much for this!! i’m sending so much love your way!
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canarypoint · 4 years
from Pilot to Fadeout
okay so imma be real with y’all, i have absolutely 0.0% clue what i’m doing. like... sometimes an idea shows up in my head and then it somehow ends up in a google doc, and in even rarer occurrences, it ends up on tumblr (or ao3 but we don’t talk about that).
i’m like Oliver Queen but like...before the badass everything (and no one thinks i died in a random and tragic shipwreck “accident”). like, i’m just on a scary island after watching two of the most important people in my life (Robert and Sara) tragically die (or “die” of you know what i mean and have seen the show...) and i’m just waiting to get shot in the shoulder by Yao Fei and then get yelled at to survive but in a language idk how to speak yet.
i’m waiting for my Billy Wintergreen to come along and teach me what pain truly feels like.
i’m waiting for my Shado to teach me how to let myself experience happiness even when all hope is seemingly lost, even if it’s only temporary (the happiness. and the hopelessness ig).
i’m waiting for my Slade Wilson to teach me things Yao Fei didn’t get to before eventually going thru a huge battle and then getting neurologically messed up because of a weird serum from WWII (despite the fact that it’s ironically named “Mirakuru” which - according to the show - means “Miracle” in Japanese).
i’m waiting for the one who “died” to show up again and show me that there’s hope, only to lose them again (for a little while, that is...).
i’m waiting for my chance to travel (even if it’s unwillingly) and meet a group of people who will teach me valuable life lessons, even if one of them hates me at first (Tatsu), another thinks i’m some lost badass (Akio), and the last one (Maseo) is just indifferent to my existence (even tho it’ll eventually change).
i’m waiting for my Laurel Lance, who i’ll tragically lose, but use that loss to inspire me to keep going.
i’m waiting for my John Diggle, who’ll teach me what it’s like to truly trust.
i’m waiting for my Thea Queen, who’ll support me even when everything and everyone dictates that they shouldn’t.
i’m waiting for my Felicity Smoak, who i’ll fall in love with, even if my fandom is divided between Fefe and Laurel.
i’m waiting to become my own hero in the light, my own Spectre.
i’m waiting to be able to tell someone, “It’s a long story. Lucky for us, we have all the time in the world for me to tell it to you.”
maybe i have some of these already, maybe i don’t. i guess i won’t really know until i know, right? maybe i’ll just have to wait for my Barry Allen before i can really find out.
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overnightheartbeats · 4 years
@emptyolympus asked: Otp parents meme - for any and all of our chaos kids cos lbr it'll be disasterous
Thalia & Irvin
Who’s the one to wake up the kids: Thalia Who makes breakfast: lol make breakfast? uh.....thalia, but if not, take them out to eat  Who’s the more discipline parent and who’s the more lenient one: no discipline in that house tbh, they’d both be lenient af Who helps with the science fair: Irvin would try and it’d go terribly, Thalia would probably have to give it a shot  Who does baby talk:  both would do it and then even become a game for them, who can do the silliest baby talk Who wakes up for midnight feedings: Thalia, though he’d try so she doesn’t need to wake up  Who’s the one who always worries: Irvin Who picks up the kids early from school for some fun: both, no questions asked Who’s the competitive parent: both would jump on any chance to be competitive, in a fun way though Who kisses the ouches: Irvin would def be that cheesy parent Who’s the sucker for the puppy eyes: Thalia Who makes the “dad jokes”: Irvin and he’d be terrible Who embarrasses their kid for fun: once again, both, no questions asked Who’s the overprotective one: Irvin Who’s the “take a sweater!” parent: Thalia
Poseidon & Laurel
Who’s the one to wake up the kids: Poseidon Who makes breakfast: Laurel Who’s the more discipline parent and who’s the more lenient one: Poseidon would probably be the more disciplined, Laurel would def be more lenient  Who helps with the science fair: if anything, Poseidon bc she’d make a mess Who does baby talk:  like very low-key, Laurel Who wakes up for midnight feedings: Laurel bc she stays up anyway Who’s the one who always worries: both? maybe not great at showing it tho  Who picks up the kids early from school for some fun: Laurel would be reckless like that Who’s the competitive parent: tbh both of them and I think they’d be the type to be extra about it Who kisses the ouches: want to say neither just bc I think they’re more ‘tough love’ so they’d just let it be so there’s not crying  Who’s the sucker for the puppy eyes: tbh I want to say neither but also, I’m sure one of them would cave in w/ puppy eyes Who makes the “dad jokes”: neither Who embarrasses their kid for fun: Laurel Who’s the overprotective one: Poseidon Who’s the “take a sweater!” parent: Poseidon
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