#land vs sea etc etc
lucimiir · 2 months
I see your Sean teaches Puck about catching cappail uisce and Thisby magic post canon fics and raise you Puck introduces Sean to the social dynamics and communities on Thisby he’s never gotten to be a part of
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jaskierx · 7 months
so there's been a lot of posting about things like ofmd not being a 'kind show' and no longer being 'the queer joy show' etc etc and. i just want to remind us of where everybody is in s1's finale vs s2's
let us begin
stede: stede ends s1 on a hopeful note (setting off to go get his man) but shortly prior to that he's kind of been through it (he nearly got executed and then two different people tried to murder him). stede ends s2 on an even more hopeful note, having got his man, ready to open an inn with him. verdict: slightly better off at the end of s2
ed: ed ends s1 in absolute despair. izzy has been a real dick to ed (depending on your interpretation, he's done something ranging from being a little tiny bit mean to ed to calling him a slur and threatening to kill him, but we're not having this discourse again) so now he's back in his blackbeard persona mere days after feeling some hope that he was finally free from piracy and ready to run away with someone who loves him for who he is. the last shot we see of s1 ed is him absolutely crying his eyes out in the bed nook. it inflicts d4 psychic damage on me whenever i look at it. anyway at the end of s2 he's been on an absolute journey, he's learned that he's loved, he's free from being blackbeard, he's stood beside the man that loves him and they're going to give everything a go. verdict: significantly better off at the end of s2
stede's crew: i mean. what is there to say. at the end of s1 they've just been marooned and social order on their little island is rapidly breaking down due to buttons and roach teaming up to try and eat the swede. at the end of s2 they're happily back at sea and the swede has spanish jackie to fight off anyone who would even consider having a nibble. verdict: significantly better off at the end of s2
honourable mention - buttons: ends s1 unsuccessfully trying to eat the swede. ends s2 having fulfilled his life's dream of becoming a bird. good job buttons. verdict: slightly better off at the end of s2
ed's crew: as above, the crew end s2 happily sailing away into the literal sunset. we finish s1 with jim presumably unconscious and izzy pointing a gun at frenchie. so not an ideal situation really. fang seems to be having a good time though and ivan gets killed off between seasons (rip king) so it averages out at a slightly better rather than a significantly better. verdict: slightly better off at the end of s2
honourable mention - frenchie: ends s1 hoisting his flag at gunpoint. ends s2 captaining the bloody ship. go frenchie. we love to see it. verdict: significantly better off at the end of s2
lucius: ends s1 soggy. ends s2 not only dry, but married. verdict: significantly better off at the end of s2
izzy: ah yes this old chestnut. so. two perspectives here. one is simply that he ends s1 alive and ends s2 dead. so. possible verdict: significantly worse off at the end of s2. alternatively, he ends s1 as his classic repressed self, smiling from ear to ear because ed cut his toe off and it sparked joy, disliked by the crew, resented by ed. he ends s2 having accepted himself and having experienced all the queer joy he would never have permitted himself in s1, having experienced more screentime and growth than any other secondary character in s2 (yes he's a secondary character no i won't argue with you about this), and dies exactly as he lived - being a pirate who can pull off a plan. he gets to have his deathbed deep and meaningful conversation with ed, which brings closure to them both. he gets buried beside ed and stede's new inn, on land where his grave will be tended, having been given a nice funeral by people who once despised him. so. possible verdict: slightly better off at the end of s2. he definitely seemed happier in s2, and died at peace rather than as a frothing little ball of anger, which is more than i could've foreseen in s1.
anyway. the eagle eyed mathematicians among you will notice that even if we take it as read that izzy is significantly worse off at the end of s2...
every single other character ends s2 in a better place than where they ended s1.
ofmd is a kind show that's full to the brim of queer joy. you guys are just sad that your fave died. and that's fine. the writers did a great job creating a story with characters that were so well written that people are genuinely grieving izzy's death.
but his death does not erase the inherent kindness and joy of the rest of the show.
anyway thanks for reading. i had fun playing with the tumblr post editor settings. by which i mean changing the text colour was unreasonably difficult and now i am stressed
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paopu-kiddo · 1 month
paopu-kiddo’s 30 regression prompts!
These can be done in the form of fashion boards, stimboards, moodboards, writing, drawing, etc!
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| 1. Favorite regression activity
| 2. Dream vacation
| 3. Your favorite aesthetic
| 4. You’re going to have a picnic with your friends! What are you taking with you?
| 5. Non regressed you vs regressed you
| 6. Inspired by your little age/age range/pet type
| 7. Inspired by your gender
| 8. Favorite childhood book
| 9. Favorite childhood movie
| 10. Inspired by your childhood home
| 11. Things that give you comfort
| 12. Regression gear (either regression gear you have or want!)
| 13. Things that give you nostalgia
| 14. Favorite disney princess or prince
| 15. Favorite story
| 16. A comfort character
| 17. Favorite outdoors activity
| 18. Favorite indoors activity
| 19. Cooking or baking?
| 20. Rainy or sunny?
| 21. A place you want to visit
| 22. Favorite food
| 23. Favorite natural phenomena
| 24. Aquarium or zoo?
| 25. Favorite land animal
| 26. Favorite sea animal
| 27. Inspired by your culture or a culture you like
| 28. Favorite holiday
| 29. Favorite season
| 30. Free space! This one can be whatever you want :)
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Make sure to tag #paopukiddoprompts so I can look at and reblog them!
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anime-aus · 2 years
Coral Sea Event: A bunch of characters go to visit the Coral Sea. We learn a lot more about the place. We get to see the mermaid forms of Azul, Jade, and Floyd. We meet the family members at Mrs. Ashengrotto’s restaurant. The characters need to track down a family recipe of hers that has gone missing. I think for the character cards everyone gets a mermaid form! All the characters get to become temporary mermaids with transformation magic!
Royal Sword Academy Competition: There is a “friendly” school vs. school competition between RSA and NRC. There are different categories like athletics, fine arts, and skill competitions. Each dorm competes against the one that is opposite of their own (Pomefiore v. Neige’s Dorm, Heartslabyul v. Chenya’s, Octavinelle v. Rielle’s, etc.) Many new characters are introduced. Will NRC win this competition and is someone trying to sabotage them?
Waterpark Event: Everyone gets a swimsuit. That’s the first thing I desire. Swimsuit cards! Crowley is going to take another vacation and he takes some random winners with as a surprise. Despite the fun they expected to have, everyone keeps running into bad luck (Rook gets sunburnt, Vil got pushed in the pool, Ruggie got his stuff stolen, etc.), but local sunshine Kalim is going to try and make the vacation as fun as possible for everyone with what time they have left.
Shaftlands/Land of Pyroxene Event: Jack and Vil bring Pomefiore and Savannaclaw to their hometown during the winter. The characters meet Jack’s siblings and Vil’s father. Everything is fine at first, but unfortunately Vil reunites with a former classmate. He always antagonized Vil when they were younger. The former classmate challenges Vil to competition and Vil accepts. All the characters try to win in competitions of snow games (ice skating, sledding, building snow forts, etc.) because Vil is determined to win this. Also Vil is about to reclaim his title as the Snowball Fight Master. No mercy!
Lantern Festival: A bunch of characters attend a Lantern Festival that takes place in the Shaftlands. There are a lot of new twist tunes. Songs were ver important to a princess with long beautiful hair because the music would give her magical powers. There is a small fun music competition taking place in the town and the NRC boys choose to compete.
Fashion Week: NRC has been chosen as the place to hold a photo shoot for the Poisoned Apple modeling agency (I wonder which characters could possibly be associated with that). When things start to go wrong the students guess that they either got cursed or somebody is sabotaging them. Now certain students are going to investigate before fashion week is ruined! I was thinking “How could I possibly give everyone cool outfit cards” and this appeared.
Family Day: I’m adding a family day because I want to see more characters’ family. The specific characters I want to see are Vil’s dad, Azul’s mom, the Leech twins’ parents, Kalim’s siblings, Ace’s brother, Deuce’s mom, and Sebek’s parents. That’s a lot now that I’m writing it all out. I’d also think it’d be interesting if we got to see some of the staff’s family as well.
Harvesting Harveston: I would love to see Harveston when it’s actually apple season. I’d especially like to see how Vil and Rook would react to Epel’s hometown.
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teethflavoured · 1 year
You know when you’re hit with a wave of extreme love for a character, so your heart goes ARGHEHDHFFJEJE and then you immediately need to find the UnArghifier so your heart rate can slow down and you can process all the good feelings? Kinda like the happy version of a panic attack?
That’s what your art does for me, it disarms the passion grenade. Calms me down and makes me giddy at the same time. It helps me digest my Spyke-nation-appreciation in a tangible way. Actually whenever I see it, your art immediately lights UP the passion grenade, but since it’s also the outlet, I get all the happy without the “argh I have no outlet arghargh.” Instead I’m like ah it’s ok… I can calmly obsess now… teeth understands… teeth lives in happyhappy sea urchin land like I do
this is the highest compliment I can give, thank you
(if you draw Spyke with Annie on his shoulders/picking her up/doing Tol vs Smol stuff I will cry)
this ask sent me into the family guy death pose and i mean it in the best way possible. hearing someone i don't know say they feel this way about my work is,,, very surreal! it makes me so happy it ways i cannot fully articulate! im going to be honest, i haven't got such positive reception and praise for my work in so many years, im so honored to have my work make you feel that way, its like...its very nice to know that people like what i do because I've always assumed my interests are just so weird and niche that when i do art involving my interests like with fashion, biology, liminal spaces, horror, etc, people scoff in my direction, but so far people love it. which is so fucking awesome man. it makes me want to cry
but yeah, thank you! heres the sillies as you requested! i wanted to do a little comic that involved him picking her up :)
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I could say a lot on the various interpretations of Reshiram and Zekrom (Truth is unyielding and doesn't change vs Ideals always changing, Truth is What Something Is vs Ideals is What Something Can Be, and so on), but I can't help but wonder if they were originally considered as Past and Future Legendaries. Like, Past/Future duality is weirdly prevalent in Black and White, what with the cities that look different between both versions, Black City/White Forest, and even the Dragons' designs.
SEE i think what they were aiming for there was not a past/future dichotomy so much as it was a natural/industrial dichotomy, like white forest doesn't seem to be trying to appeal to a past version of the world so much as it's suggesting a harmony with nature that's at odds with black city's urban development. much like reshiram itself doesn't necessarily have any elements that are "of the past" in a way that contrasts with ol' generator-tail over there (and if anything i kind of think resh's own tail was meant to mimic a jet thruster or something but that's very—nvm i just looked at the dex entries it's literally a jet engine. caveat cancelled)
which is like. i think them appealing to opposing views on how humans should develop is cute considering it further cements them as Humanity's Gods in a way that none of the other legends are. the other major legends (i.e. mostly gods) rule over various domains of reality—space/time, land/sea/sky, night/day, etc—but resh & zek's entire domain is the path of humanity. idk. i know i've said this same thing a billion times already but i just think it's a fascinating thesis statement
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happyk44 · 3 months
So I just found out that Poseidon is also the god of droughts and what are your thoughts on a child of poseidon with drought powers, a complete opposite to their more sea based children?
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[ID: Screenshot of a google search. The search term reads, "god of drought in gr...". The search term is cut off due to the mobile layout of the screenshot. A featured snippet at the top comes from wikipedia, reading, "List of water of deities".
The core of the screenshot is the People Also Ask section, of which the return is "Who is the Greek god of drought?" This question has been dropped down to show a result from "www.theoi.com". The answer reads, "Poseidon was the Olympian god of the sea, earthquake, floods, drought and horses. He was depicted as a mature man with a sturdy build and a dark beard holding a trident (a three-pronged fisherman's spear)." /end ID]
Oh! I knew this 🙌 I think it's related to him being the god of the sea/water, sort of like how Apollo is associated with healing but also the plague. I always find it funny when that happens 🤣
So for the kids who skew more to the side of drought, obviously they still have their sea powers. They're probably far more dry in tone, less empathic, less emotional. Maybe they're more prone to the earthshaker side of Poseidon as well, and the equine, to make up for the lesser interest in the sea. Plus earthquakes and horses are more land-based and a drought affects the land (agricultural loss, wildfires, increased sandstorms, etc).
In PJO canon, I'd want to say drought-based kids grew up more inland where access to a large body of water was difficult to come across. So it's less about internal nature (as with my interpretation of the freshwater vs seastorm Neptune babies), and more about familiarity and adaptation - sort of like how catci and other desert plants have evolved to handle long periods without water.
Powers that they have an increased capability for over their sea counterparts:
causing earthquakes! they can manipulate them on a small or large scale, but they have higher propensity. it's a little harder for them to cause underwater earthquakes tho (which. can become tsunamis btw)
dehydration - sort of an inverse of drowning a person in their own fluids, they will the liquids inside them to dry up at a rapid pace
as a subset of that, i think it would be so cool if they could pull a tantalus-like punishment with enough focus on someone. no matter how much you drink, you will always be thirsty, you will never be satisfied, you will be captain barbosa and his crew, turning skeletal in the moonlight
they can withstand higher and drier heats than their sea-preferred counterparts (for example, percy would be hanging off of carter in the desert, crying for water, while they're chilling and vibing, truly a cactus of a person)
similarly, they retain water better, and sweat less. their bodies need less fluid to keep going on (this makes them better at giving blood lol, stay juicy everybody!)
while most children of poseidon are capable of piling water in the air into something usable, the drought prone kids have picked up how to pull water/usable liquid from anything available, as dry climates may lack enough water in the air for it to be worthwhile compared to humid climates --- so they're more likely to pull water out of living things, pull water out of the ground, or even find water deep underground (well water!)
due to the above, they're more capable of causing inland floods, they can pull water out from deep in the earth and force it to surround areas that are devoid of rivers, lakes, or even high rainfalls - this isn't just because of the whole "god of floods" thing either, it's because after a long period of drought, sudden rains can cause flash flooding to occur, so they're good at making flood happens
heat generation! they may be able to make things hotter, and/or drier
they have perpetual black thumbs. they are... not very good at growing plants lol
finding/summoning horses. it might take a while, but if there is a horse, they will find it (like the horse version of a dowsing rod, which, lol, they're kind of the human version of a dowsing rod, i guess), and if there are no horses nearby, they will get one to come to them through ✨ vibes ✨
their version of a storm is a heatwave OR extreme rain. yes, they can summon hurricanes or typhoons, but those are much more ocean-based things. so forcing high and burning levels of heat that makes everyone stumble and sag, sweating through every inch of fabric they have OR extreme and heavy rainfall that practically drowns you where you stand and knocks you to the ground is more their instinct
lowkey i wanna give them sandstorms as well, since that can be an effective of long-period of drought, but. you know. idk how much greece was ever getting pummeled by sandstorms for that to be something they associated with drought. (egypt, on the other hand, set, my dangerous and beloved)
(funnily enough set is also the god of foreigners, so like, who knows, maybe he and poseidon struck a funny deal when one of his kids traipsed over there while wandering around)
Since I think the difference between sea-based Poseidon babies and land-based Poseidon babies is just due to their adaptation of their environment, I think someone who is sea-based could easily become more land-based after living in such conditions for a while, and vice versa. Sort of like accents, lol. You know, if Percy decided to up and move to the desert in his 40s, he'd adapt after an initial period of "oh my gods oh my gods where is the fucking water where is the ocean i am dying" lol. it would take him a lot longer to pick up on the accent of the land than if he were younger, and so he'd still maintain his "sea" accent long-term
Because of this, I think it would be really neat if, way back when, it was common for the kids to take a few months away from camp to go living in the desert for a bit so they could pick up some land skills - like a rite of passage for poseidon demigods. one of the older cabin members goes out with them to make sure they don't die, helps them hone into the skills they might not have tapped into before, etc and so on. The kids come back at the end of their outing, more well-rounded and capable of tapping into the opposite side of their powers, when and if needed. Some of the kids might repeat the outing more than once for funsies, but most of them usually just do the one time thing, and then practice their land-based powers on a smaller scale at camp.
If a land-based kid comes into camp when they're much older, they don't typically have to do the outing, but sometimes they'll go out, not to learn anything, but to help the others, since they'll essentially receive assistance with their sea-based powers while they're at camp (presuming every version of camp has been based near the ocean or some giant water mass throughout the years - if not, then it goes the other way around, where they take a few months to go chill out on a beach for a few months).
Thanks for asking! If anyone else has any extra ideas, feel free to add them on! :)
Additionally, just 'cause, here are the four types of droughts I came across while googling "drought causes" because, lol, I'm an island boy, I am not familiar with droughts and wanted to get some facts in that weren't high temps and low rainfall (source):
Meteorological: region-specific; occur when an area receives less rainfall than normal; often measured by comparing the current situation to previous years’ rainfall. Some locations are affected more harshly than others.
Agricultural: when there is not enough moisture in the soil to sustain the growth of crops. Crops need different amounts of water based on their level of maturity, so they can be susceptible to droughts at different times. For example, most plants require moist topsoil to germinate, but this could be less important down the line as the plant matures. So, the effects of an agricultural drought hinge largely on the growth stage of the plants.
Hydrological: when there is a lack of surface and subsurface water supply; detrimental effects can be most readily observed in watersheds and river basins; affect the entire water cycle, take longer to notice, and have effects less immediately obvious than with other droughts.
Socioeconomic: when the water supply is too low to support human and environmental needs; wreaks havoc on the supply and demand of crucial commodities like water, grains, fish, and hydroelectric power.
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ineffectualdemon · 7 months
I don't know how to explain depression post a lot of good therapy and personal growth Vs before
The best I can say is a bad day depression wise used to mean either not getting out of bed at all except to use the bathroom and/or the crisis team being called because I was actively suicidal
Now a bad day means I can't really get my studying done but I still get ready for the day and eat and do washing up. I just do that while being sad and thinking I shouldn't exist
And I wish I could explain the difference in my head
Think of it instead of slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea as I drown it's more I got slappee by a big wave unexpectedly and now I'm soaked and unhappy but still on dry land
And I think it's because I not only know that these thoughts are distorted and unhelpful I also understand what actions make the depression worse even if they feel like good ideas at the time (like staying in bed all day) and I know what helps even though it's hard to do (showering, dressing in real clothing, eating regularly, etc).
Also had some productive conversations with some of the members of the internal committee who made us feel like shit about ourselves and they've calmed down
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arcadekitten · 10 months
is there any ‘taboos’ for nois rev citizens?? like would it be weird for a ‘prey’ animal to wear a wolf onesie?? like would people be all like ‘wow look at ___! they’re wearing a WOLF onesie when they’re a sheep.’ or is not that deep. 😭
Oh I love this question!! Ok ok ok so excuse me while I go on a mini-lore dump with this one!
Dressing up as other animals is OK. Might even be seen as flattering in some instances!
Having toys resembling other animals is also OK! (like dolls, figurines, teddy bears, etc)
Usually social taboos come more in the form of language used. For example, phrases like "scaredy cat" "chicken(to describe someone as scared)" "pig(to describe someone as unpleasant)" "bullshit", etc etc are typically seen as mildly offensive. You usually won't get in trouble for these though other than a slap on the wrist or a "hey!"
For example, Theo is a bull. When Crowven says terms like "bullshit" around him, Theo will sometimes go "Bull-WHAT?" to which Crowven will retort "C'mon, you know I didn't mean it like that."
Sometimes land vs sea animals can get a bit catty(no pun intended) with one another, and terms like "sea critter" "land dweller" and sometimes even "bird brain" come with extra sting. Kind of terms people will judge you for saying out loud. I don't imagine many people do use these terms or even care that much what kind of animal you are, but there's some sour individuals out there who feel the unfortunate need to be discriminatory.
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talzane · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of ghost purring related concepts in fan fictions lately, but as I looked down onto a reef recently, I thought about whales, which--in general--lead to me thinking about how the oceans work and I realized that basing the Infinite Realms on the ocean makes a ton of sense. 1) While ghost purring is a great idea that I love, “ecto-signatures” also exists in canon. What we also know is that the Fentons only rarely seem to respond to ghost attacks, which means that, for some reason, they don’t detect all ghosts. Whales sing, but they aren’t constantly singing, which seems kinda like how Ecto-signatures work in canon; this would mean that the Fentons can only track ghosts that want people to pay attention to them and are keening for some reason or another. This could be used in a “ghosts trying to adopt Danny” way as I would assume that whales sing while looking for their calves. Also whale songs can sound pretty haunting, so depending on if people can hear the sounds, it could add a new layer of ambience to Amity Park. 2) Coral reefs are amazing, and apparently release millions of little blobs that can eventually go on to form new reefs if they don’t get eaten by other sea creatures. This sounds exactly like blob ghosts to me. Imagine the Carnivorous Canyon, River of Revulsion, and all other large, living features to be like coral reefs, every year (or however long), they release tons of blob ghosts, which can be devoured by other ghosts. 2a) The idea of blob ghosts being released by other formations reminded me of jellyfish, which are also apparently spawned from polyps, and some variants also return to polyp form to release more jellyfish (I am not an expert). If almost all predatory ghosts have fangs, what if blob ghosts, released from the “reefs” of the realms could develop into, say, ectopi if they aren’t eaten, but (this is where it becomes a question of ghost-vore vs ghost energy drain) if they get drained of energy--think ghost fangs being used to suck all the ectoplasm from their husk--and their husk lands somewhere, it’d begin to reabsorb ectoplasm to create a new “reef” to release more blobs. There’s more to this idea, but it gets into possible ghost biology, so I’ll cap this point here. 3) Many ocean creatures have lairs: octopi, lobsters, clownfish, icefish, etc., which is another trait shared with denizens of the Infinite Realms. 4) The ocean is three dimensional, although dens are almost exclusively formed on the bottom, which is not a trait shared with the infinite realms, but the contours of the ocean floor and the structuring of reefs is fairly similar to the original appearance of the Infinite Realms as seen in Prisoners of Love. 5) Danny, while frequently compared to a feral kitten, could also easily be compared to a feral Orca...the color scheme is even the same.
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igniting-quill · 3 months
1,2,3, and 19 for any OC? :3
Thanks for asking! I'm going to answer your question with my main D&D character Hai for this one.
What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
Our party needed a tank, so I was thinking of creating a martial character with a strength based stat. You know which (fantasy) race shows up as one of the first options on D&D beyond? Half-orc.
So I chose a Half-Orc, I wanted to really go against the grain of what that fantasy race is associated with, and decided to choose a character with a noble background.
So yeah, that was the beginning into her backstory, and for most of my characters it will probably be backstory!
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
Yes I did! @silly-goofy-mood was creating a character concept more or less at the same time as I was, and we wanted our characters to have some sort of connection prior to campaign. We eventually decided on being exes.
Otherwise, i think I knew that I wanted Hai to have a deity so I was also aware of one god, the God of the Unknown, which was my DM's creation @theccrowsnest!
All other characters and OCs were mostly just figures from the past that only now am I really beginning to flesh out. This consists of a human mother, a human stepfather, an orc father, an orc grandma, and a younger sibling, all which were concepts that I created around Hai.
I don't know if you noticed, but there's already two dads in the equation, three because the God of the Unknown is basically a dad, four if you count the first mate who I'll touch up on later.
3. How did you choose their name? 
I wanted some spice in this fantasy campaign so I went to my heritage, but also be aware that my Chinese is pretty mid.
Hailang = 海浪 (hǎi làng)
Ocean waves. Yep. I named a character ocean waves. But! Consider that it is a pirate campaign so I needed to get even more sea themed stuff.
By the way if you're thinking of naming your character this, don't. Every time someone says "Hi" I don't know if they're talking about my character or greeting me because I'm not with a group of people who know about Mandarin Chinese tones nor do I expect them to. This was shortened to "Hai" because it was a cute nickname in my mind, until of course, reality caught up to me about the "Hi" as a greeting vs "Hai" as a name thing.
Only after I named her did I realize the conflict between the big famous Japanese wave that might be conflated with her name. I did not mean that. Whoops. And also, the Japanese word for indicating “Yes” so. Whoops x2.
Also after I named her, I realized that there's 骇浪 (Trad. 駭浪 Pinyin: hài làng) or “swelling/stormy seas" according to my translator app (can you tell, I'm not that proficient in the language). Well. My character has the personality of someone who's pretty calm so we'll see what happens. Will she start becoming more akin to those stormy seas or stay the way she is? I'm asking because I don't know either.
Saangbiar = “上边儿” trad: “上邊兒” (sǎng - An incorrect interpretation of the Wu dialect, biār - erhua Northern/Beijing Dialect)
Yeah. If I stuck to an actual Wu Chinese dialect, her last name would be "Zabiar," as zɑ̃ would be the correct tone for 上, so that's my bad.
Originally, I was going to have Hai's last name be from the north, as it means "above," but uh then my DM's map came out and I realized the location from where that last name came from would be the south.
Fair, because I also tried to use the Wu dialect, which is a much more south-eastern dialect of Chinese, in her name. Did I want to change her entire name of "above" to "below" just to fit the standards of a fantasy land? No, not really. Plus, I was getting kind of attached to it already, with the funky non-pinyin type spelling Frankenstein of two Chinese dialects that are part of my heritage (tho I messed up one I apologize to everyone on that side of the fam).
And that is how I got her name.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Ooo, great question. Fun fact, Hai's favorite fruit is oranges because the island that all the orcs are from produces those. She's got memories of sharing the pieces between her and her grandma (orc dad's side, 奶奶, iykyk).
She also shares these with the First Mate of the ship, @wall-e-gorl's character. Pirates you know, gotta keep up the citrus fruits lest the scurvy gets you, matey.
Edit: also oh my gosh I need to find the art they did of the oranges stattt
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horizon-verizon · 8 months
Is Criston Cole Dornish on the show?
This is from the 2nd episode of the first season:
Harrold: Ser Criston Cole. Son of the steward of the Lord of Blackhaven.
Rhaenyra: Be welcome, Ser Criston. You saw combat in the Stormlands.
Criston: Dornish marches, Princess. I fought for a year as a foot solider against the Dornish incursions. Ser Arlan Dondarrion knighted me after we razed two of the watchtowers along the Boneway.
We learn that, like his book counterpart, he is the son of a steward.
In the book, that steward was the steward for the house of Dondarrions, which is actually a Stormlander house near the Dornish Marches. Their castle, Blackhaven, is in the Marches. The Wiki of Ice and Fire says this of what the Dornish Marches is:
an area of southern Westeros in the border region north of Dorne. The marches are predominantly in the southwestern stormlands and extend east to the Sea of Dorne, although much of the western marches are within the Reach. People from the region are known as marchers, and they are ruled by marcher lords
And this of Blackhaven's location:
in the southwestern stormlands. Part of the Dornish Marches, it is located in the northern Red Mountains near the Dornish border, north of the Wyl and south of the Cockleswhent.
These are maps of the Dornish Marches vs Dorne vs Stormlander vs the Reach:
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So, the Dondarrions Criston & Criston's father are all Stormlanders, not Dornish in the show as they were in the original lore.
Another anon has pointed out that the first episode has Alicent calls Criston Dornish and many scripts of the same episode has Alicent SMH this while one has its narrator call Criston a "Dornish knight", which means that this one where the narrator says is possibly a past draft of the script. Even so in the show, we are meant to understand that he is supposed to be Dornish and apparently Blackhaven is --where he is supposed to come from-- and the entirety of the Dornish Marches is in Dorne in the new, "separate" HotD universe.🙄
This is the Narrator portion of the episode 1 script from this site:
During old king Jaehaerys Targaryen’s reign, tragedies took his sons’ lives, leaving the succession undecided. A Great Council convenes to choose Westeros’ future ruler. Jaehaerys’ grandchildren, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen and Prince Viserys Targaryen (Rhaenys’ younger cousin) are the candidates. Westerosi law gives a male heir precedence over a female, regardless their birth order and Viserys is chosen. Nine years into King Visery I’s reign, the Triarchy, an alliance formed by the free cities of Essos, threatens the kingdom, wanting to seize the Stepstones region. Viserys must also restrain his brother Daemon’s brutality as the City Watch commander in King’s Landing. Viserys, certain that pregnant Queen Aemma will bear him a son, holds a tournament to celebrate the impending birth. During the event, Dornish knight, Ser Criston Cole defeats Daemon in a competition while Queen Aemma and her son die in childbirth. The Hand of the King, Ser Otto Hightower, proposes that Viserys’ only living child, the young princess Rhaenyra, be named heir to the Iron Throne. After a dispute with Daemon, Viserys proclaims Rhaenyra as the next ruler.
It's possible that the writers tried to show through Alicent's pointing Criston out that his looks lend to "outsider" and thus a sort of racial or ethnic pressure in his characterization. Show!Alicent could, in universe, just mistake him for Dornish because he looks like their idea of Dornish. However nothing follows up here to build from that element into his actions and how people treat him later on, and if it's not on screen nor even something the characters themselves hint, use, etc, it doesn't in the story.
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captainsvscaptains · 1 year
Battle of the Ships
Round 1 Part 2 Poll 1
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The Nautilus picture was submitted via the Google form, with the submitter mentioning this pic is from the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen's comic.
Description for the Nautilus : Nemo's submarine. It is referred to as "The Nautilus", the original is from the book written in 1870, but there have been various versions of it over the years.
There's some concept art made for various copies of the novel from over the years.
It features in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Both the comics and the movie have different cool Nautilus designs.
Propaganda for the Nautilus : Main character in the book, the naturalist whatshisname, didn’t gush over the sub for chapters and chapters, didn't ad drop for a gear shop in Paris that definitely doesn't exist anymore, and loved the ship so much he didn't mind the fact that he and his friends had been kidnapped and held against their will, for me not to nominate The Nautilus. (The book is such a trip to read. The protagonist is so unintentionally funny.) The Nautilus was supposed to be a futuristic version of what technology should be capable of in some decades. Electric long lasting lights, technical design that allows it to dive to unrivaled depths and speed, a research vessel, etc. It was such an influential ship for the sci-fi genre that I believe it's the most well recognized fictional submarine there currently is.
Description for Skiff : Railboat
Propaganda for Skiff : what the fuck... he can go on land AND sea. pretty op if you ask me
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spacedustmantis · 2 years
alright me and @chaos-caverns just spent the past few hours spitballing back and forth thoughts and ideas about triton biology within the jrwi riptide universe. here's what we got so far:
triton evolved to survive both in water and out of it (i mean they breathe air), but it's unlikely that they evolved to live on land/above water. obviously being on the surface won't kill them (we have three very alive examples to prove that) but they probably experience some serious debuffs while up there.
triton are described to live in very deep places, therefore being deep sea inhabitants.
in riptide we also have multiple references to the fact that the buildings in the undersea, or at least in the area that gillion grew up in, are in fact not filled with water, but with air. this means that triton can maneuver both through water and through air/on ground without issue. (this includes any differences in stuff like gravity, drag, walking vs swimming etc.)
we also see humans inside the capitol building, which means the atmospheric pressure inside that building, or at least that room, has to be much lower than the pressure in the water surrounding the buildings, which in turn means that triton (and other underwater races) are not harmed by drastic changes in pressure, nor by the much lower pressure of above water at mean sea level.
however, since building structures that can withstand the difference in atmospheric pressure is unnecessarily expensive and inefficient, it's likely that in general the rooms, even if filled with air, have the same pressure as the water outside, meaning that triton are not at all used to the low atmospheric pressure of the oversea, and any triton coming to the surface will most likely face some aches and pains while their body adjusts.
on top of that, fish can and will get sunburnt if the water is too clear or they swim to close to the surface, and the sunburns are much worse, sometimes even detrimental to the fishes health. this would mean that triton probably have very sun sensitive skin and if at the surface might need to stay in the shade or get some special potions to avoid permanent damage to their skin.
deep sea fish are much less dense than other fish for buoyancy reasons (if you've ever scuba dived before you know this). that includes their bones. triton have brittle bones and weigh much less than one would suspect.
triton definitely have some mammalian traits, as gillion has been described to sweat on multiple occasions
now for something really fun: the opah is the only known full warm blooded fish, and because of that has much more energy and is much faster than the other, very slow, deep sea fish that need to conserve their energy. it also has an internal temperature regulation system not unlike a radiator built in that is mostly used to keep it warm, but can also cool it down. considering triton seem to be the strong, agile, fighter type (pursuit predator), and don't overheat despite the vast difference in temperature between the undersea and the oversea, a circulatory system reminiscent of the one the opah has seems likely. again that just means the temperature change won't kill them, they might still get uncomfortable with the heat at first, or just in general. this could be one reason why gillion keeps jumping overboard. (trying to fact check some stuff and i just found out that some lizards cool off by standing around with their mouths open. i think that would be a very gillion thing to do)
now for something really really fun: the lungfish! and yes it's exactly what it sounds like, it's a fish with both gills and lungs. and it can fucking breathe below and above water. triton having both gills and lungs officially makes sense. (the lungfish is a freshwater fish found in shallow rivers and such, and i don't know how this would translate to a saltwater deep sea humanoid creature, if at all, but this is fucking fantasy alright? we're allowed to pretend that this is flawless logic)
fish, like amphibians, need to keep their skin moist if they want to survive. we just don't talk about it because most fish can't breathe above water. another reason why gillion jumps off the ship constantly. also explains why he keeps saying "stay moist" to caspian, who does not, in fact, need to stay moist.
now for the eyes. there's two factors to that: light sensitivity and light refraction.
let's start with light sensitivity. as we have previously established, triton did not evolve for survival on the surface, and they are deep sea creatures. both of that explains the darkvision, but also implies that their eyes are very likely to be highly sensitive to light and the daylight might be too bright for them to really be able to see well. as for a real life example, shark eyes are super well equipped to see in dark, murky waters as they have a layer of mirrored crystals behind their retina, reflecting the picture into the retina again to increase clarity. and bottom-dwelling or nocturnal sharks are in fact pretty light sensitive. all in all this makes for a good estimate for triton eyes. the fact that gillion's vision would already be too bright makes the fact that he keeps staring into the sun even more concerning. then again if you're already constantly blinded you might as well, right? (also i don't know if i'm remembering this correctly but isn't gillion's perception pretty low? this could be part of that. potentially)
now light refraction. the refraction of light underwater is different from the refraction in air. that's why everything is blurry when we open our eyes underwater, but not when we wear goggles. but we evolved to live above water, while triton, as previously established, evolved to live both in water and in air. since evolution would have no clue that they already see bad when in the sun and the smartest move would be to make them able to see when underwater really good, the most likely result would be that in an attempt to optimize triton would end up farsighted underwater and nearsighted in air, like frogs.
since triton's eyesight seems to be less than optimal no matter what, they have probably developed some senses to compensate, for example picking up subtle vibrations in the water around them, or good hearing or sense of smell.
a lot of aquatic mammals can close their nostrils so they don't get water in them, and seals can do the same to their ear canals. triton would also do that i think.
the fins on the side of triton's heads might be used for not only the usual fin stuff, like balance and steering, while underwater, but also as a sort of outer ear that funnels the sound waves into the ear canals to amplify their hearing while outside of it, and on top of that to express emotion, similar to almost every mammals ears except humans'. the fins on triton's limbs might also reflect their emotions, though probably much subtler. a lot of animals also use their ears to regulate heat, and this could very well translate to triton's fins.
also one final fun thought we had was that even though triton seem to be pursuit predators (actively hunting and fighting and running and stuff), they might be ambush predators instead (sneaking, ambushing etc.) and the reason gillion is Like That is because of his training, not because of triton biology.
i desperately hope there's no mistakes in this because there is no way that i am proof reading all of that at 1 am. anyways if you read this and think "oh hey, i know some stuff about deep sea fish/ aquatic mammals/ physics!" feel free to add some stuff. and if i said something wrong don't hold back.
@grizzlyplays i feel like you might enjoy this. we certainly did
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void-botanist · 6 months
🪼🪓 for any character!
From this game.
🪓 - does your character have an axe to grind? a need for bloody vengeance against someone who wronged them? why?
I'm gonna answer this one first because there's a shortlist lol. Imagining a graph of "would commit bloody vengeance" (bloody being the operative word here) vs "is likely to commit bloody vengeance", you will find that only Isabel, Fay, and Edith clearly fall in the yes to both category. Isabel will enact bloody vengeance for relatively little (see: transphobe at the Svando's), but it's also not going to be that bloody. Fay is genuinely unsure how far she would go if she was ever faced with Lou again. Especially if his new wife was also there. She wants to stab somebody about it. Edith doesn't personally have an axe to grind with someone, but she would gladly step in and do some axe-murdering of Shirley in Leon's place. All he has to do is say the word.
🪼 [jellyfish] - what would your character do if they were stranded at sea or trapped underwater with monsters? (it could be sea gods, merpeople, sirens, etc.) or maybe they're stuck in a coastal town where they're sacrificing people to the sea. what do they do?
Isabel would have little trouble with being stranded at sea or stuck underwater (fight monsters? yeah okay), at least compared to being in a sacrificial town. Things on land are supposed to be normal, damn it! She'd try to blend in as long as possible if she wasn't able to actually escape.
As a planetsider Fay is the opposite: she would much rather deal with town drama than sea shenanigans. She is excellent at keeping a pulse on who said what and how everything is going down, and if she stays alive long enough she's going to break this case wide open. Out at sea though she would be one of the first to go.
Edith is not in as good of shape for fighting monsters as Isabel, but she would keep a level head in that sort of situation. Which might mean she's trying to survive by seducing the more humanoid ones. In town, she would be forming her alliances and trying to research her way out of the situation, but depending on how they're deciding on sacrifices she might be in harm's way pretty quickly because of her age.
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kk7-rbs @outpost51 @writernopal @athenswrites
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scenario time.
I don't know anything about victorian england, but. victorian england.
Navy captain retires, and the guy who was his steward on his ship ends up working for him as his personal servant, or whatever nobility had then. This captain's not nobility, he worked his way through the ranks with the help of childhood friends in high places and he's uncomfortable with a lot of that world even while he has to navigate it, so he's always been more open with his steward than most others in his position might be, and more open than he is with most of his peers.
the steward's already really loyal to this guy, admires him a lot, maybe has a little bit of a crush, but once the captain retires on land it turns out. the handsome navy captain has allergies. and this weird little secret his steward has that was pretty easy to keep about himself out at sea becomes a lot harder to hide.
rest under a read more for anyone interested:
his steward is The Guy who makes up excuses for him to leave certain events long enough to have a sneezing fit, who ushers him somewhere private and hands him the extra handkerchiefs he's been keeping for him, who helps him get ready in the morning when the captain's still too sleepy to realise he shouldn't have kept his window open during the night because he's forgotten to constantly avoid allergens now after so long at sea, etc. The steward is having A Time, and is great at keeping a straight face, but less great at it with people who know him well.
so the captain eventually finds out. and when he does! sometimes the captain tries to stifle but only for the steward's sake to make things (or so the captain believes) easier on him. the captain is genuinely really chill about it, comfortable talking about it, very casually brings it up when it becomes relevant and gently teases about it, etc. The ex-captain even sometimes actively doesn't avoid an allergen when he otherwise would have in order to help his steward out/tease him.
maybe they get together eventually and maybe they don't, but the part of it where the tension comes from the steward's determination to always be (mostly) professional vs his crush and his Big Reactions, and where they're like, very comfortable with one another in a way they're not with the rest of the world, is a dynamic that's really working for me right now.
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