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John Anthony West, Robert Beauval and Graham Hancock inside the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid 
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vellmontae · 2 years
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The Great Pyramid Of Giza.
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midnighskyline · 8 months
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Trying to get your attention- Megumi, Itadori, Inumaki, Gojo, Nanami
Trigger warnings ⚠️-non
Note-Hello, took a three day break lol but I'm back hope you enjoy reading!!😁
His blue stare lingered longer than intended as you flipped the pages of your book from the spot on his bed. A few minutes pass before Megumi silently gets up and later returns with a glass of water in hand, placing it on the nightstand he seated himself beside you and grabbed one of your hands in his, stroking his thumb over it every so often. Looking at you he took a breath before asking
"Can you read out loud?"
Itadori sat down on your bed, staring at you as you swept your room, he had asked you if you wanted help in an attempt to have at least some of your attention on him but failed when you gave him a 'its fine, I got it' and 'Im almost done,' so he sat on your bed; untill he didn't and was on his way to wrap his arms around you and put his cheek on your shoulder
"Can you take a break? Just for a minute"
Without a word he barged into your room
"What are you-" he laid on your lap, wrapping his arms around you and locked up "Want me to read to you?" Closing his eyes and smiling the boy spoke a small 'salmon' as you started to read aloud.
On the school field you were, training with your cursed energy. Apon hearing your ridiculous nickname being yelled by a formiler white haired mop of hair, you turned around, seeing the one and only Gojo Saturo
"Kufu-chaaaan™!~" kufu as in kikufuku "let's go to that one dessert shop"
"I can't, I'm training right now" you said to deaf ears
"Oh it'll be fine" and with that he locked his arm with yours and dragged you off wether you wanted to go or not.
You flipped a page in your book as Nanami glanced at you from across the room, debating on either to walk up to you or not, of course he doesn't want to disturb you but on the other hand-
"Are you hungry?" He asks as his body walks up to your before he knew it. A few minutes go by before he's coming up to you again with another question "Are you cold? I can get you a blanket if you'd like" this notion continued a few more times before you looked at him, patting the space beside you and trying to fight off a smile as you did so
"Wanna join me?"
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zerogate · 4 months
Master Hakuin emphasizes kufu in movement or practical training in Zen. He says, “To practice Zen in movement is superior to doing so in the stillness of meditation.” Master Ta-hui says, “You should always be one with everything instead of deviating, and must be awakened to your true self in your daily life while walking, standing, sitting, and lying down.” He advises, “You should straightforwardly leap out of the duality of birth and death with one bound.”
-- Omori Sogen, Introduction to Zen Training
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
The whole tucker is a pharaoh thing - i thought maybe hawkman would recognize him? Idk a lot about hawkman/woman but im p sure one of their origin stories is that their the reincarnation of two ancient thanagarians that crash landed in ancient egypt and basically jump started human civilization? Maybe tucker was the one human that understood their tech the best when they tried to teach primitive humans and because of that, he became the first pharaoh after the golden age of the gods or something
Honestly at this point there's so many different Hawkman's origin stories that I will simply take your word for it. His entire backstory is so endlessly confusing. Is he Carter Hall? Cool so is it Carter or Karter? Is he actually called Carter Hall or is it just an alias? Is he Carter Hall Jr. who’s actually Fell Ander? Is he Hawkgod and the fusion of Hawkgirl, Carter Hall, and Karter Hall? Is he an alien or a human this time? Is it 9th or Nth metal this time? Who fuckin knows. There's more origins and heroes who carry the Hawkman title than members of the Batfamily istg.
Okokok so let’s just stick to the OG backstory: He’s an thanagarian who is reincarnated as the Egyptian Prince Kufu who got murdered via a cursed dagger and then continues from there. Dude is a brutal space cop that grew up on a war society planet. Dude is a cannon to aim and fire. He was kinda made as a way to go “let’s push the Green Arrow being a good liberal leaning guy” thing by having a completely opposite vibe.
He’s a space cop that is so hot headed and brutal dude that’s like a mix of Indiana Jones and Blue Lives Matter combo. (Indiana Jones is a tad odd but he was a museum curator so I think it’s pretty apt.) He’s so headstrong and fierce and even Batman is like “hey bro can u calm down the brutalness a tad?” He’s intentionally an unlikable character because he has all these memories and tragedies that he pushes everything away. (He also has a very toxic relationship with Hawkwoman but that would take far too long to get into but in summary: She has no memories of being Hawkwoman the two are literally destined to be together. Hawkman is a tad too obsessed with his lover and sometimes they meet and she is FAR too young for Hawkman.)
This is my interpretation of Hawkman since most of the comics I’ve read of him are silver age. I’m unsure how he is now but back then he was a full on sociopath who grew up on a war planet and is fully willing to kill.
Hawkman has to come to terms that everyone he loves will die and he will continue to exist. Imagine his pure delight to see a familiar person after years of only having Hawkwoman as a familiar companion.
(Black Adam also was a champion fighter for Prince Kufu so you could definitely mess around with Tucker knowing both)
I’d love that Tucker helps Prince Kufu and then proceeds to be the first pharaoh after the gods and just has a enemies to begrudging-respect relationship. This guy is just causing death and chaos and Tucker is just trying to live life. They keep meeting up and recognizing each other (mostly cause Carter never fuckin stops using the same name) and having petty squabbles. Tucker does his best to just piss off Hawkman at every possible opportunity. The League is very confused that this fucking child seems to know Hawkman and just RUTHLESSLY talks shit about him almost nonstop.
They do help each other though, they can relate to living far longer and seeing oh so many things that no human should ever see. They dispise each other but if it’s needed, they have the other’s back.
1, 2, 3
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aledisini · 2 months
Hilang Arah?
Apa sih sebenernya yang dicari? Berkali-kali gue dibilangin, jangan terlalu tinggi buat kriteria. Iya ini prolog nya perkara jodoh emang. Di umur 26 ini yang temen-temen gue udah banyak punya anak 2😂 rasa nya udah kebal kalau ditanya kapan nikah. Senyam senyum aja minta doain, Allah yang tau, gue juga sendiri bingung. Kalo jodoh nya udah keliatan juga mau nya cepet gasi wkwk.
Sampai seminggu yang lalu, gue merasa kriteria yang gue masukin cv itu adalah bentuk minimal dari wujud calon suami. Dibanding waktu lulus kuliah kriteria gue udh jauh lebih mending padahal, tapi tetep aja, kata umi gue 1 banding 1000 laki-laki kaya gitu di Indonesia. Dibilangin sama umi kaya gitu jawaban gue sama, "aku cuma satu juga di dunia kok". Nah minggu lalu, gue dibilangin, apa yang kita cari di masa nyari jodoh itu ya yang akan jadi ujian di perjalanan pernikahan. Gue gatau ya asli nya gimana, tapi karena yang ngomong orang soleh jadi shohih dong.
Kata beliau, "maka itulah cari yang paling baik agamanya, karena ujian agama itu lebih mudah dilalui dibanding ujian dari faktor lain yang berat dunia nya". Ihiy, apa tidak telak wkwk. Poin utama nya, ya perbaiki dulu niat nya. Sebelum melangkah lebih jauh lagi.
Kenapa jodoh harus sekufu? Ya supaya fiid dunya wal akhirati hasanah. Tapi menggapai kufu yang sama, perlu proses panjang. Gue langsung ngerunut, apa-apa yang gue sebutkan jadi kriteria nyatanya akhir-akhir ini di gue sendiri abai. Terutama sunnah-sunnah yang sering banget kelewat. Poin utama itu jelas lurusin niat, tapi gue bener-bener lupa sama sekufu agama yang perlu gue usahakan saat ini. Ustadzah nya teh bilang, perbaiki dulu ibadah nya. Klise kan, tapi ya emang makin kesini bukan makin bener ibadah gue malah ngalor ngidul. Tilawah ramadhan aja ga sampe setengah capaian tahun kemarin, what a shame😂
Siapa yang hilang arah? Gue. Punya banyak pinta dan harapan tapi lupa mengetuk pintu langit. Merasa cukup karena hidup ini tidak sejungkir balik tahun-tahun kemarin. Ngga bersyukur banget kan? Tahun ini Allah uji dari sisi yang jauh berbeda dari sebelum-sebelumnya.
Most of part of this notes emang curhat sih wkwk. Ini gue kasih aji-aji dari ustadzah supaya tulisan ini ada berkah nya yakan. Beliau bilang, perhatikan 4 waktu. Apa aja tuh, solat kan 5 bukan 4. Iya ini baru juga buat gue, dan waktu searching susah nyari pembahasan nya. So here's the details :
Sebelum subuh
Setelah subuh sampai terbit matahari
Sebelum maghrib
Maghrib ke isya
Kata nya, manusia cuma diminta waras di 4 waktu itu aja. Waras in terms of kodrat manusia sebagai hamba Allah yang diciptakan untuk beribadah ya. Sisa nya sak karepmu, mau kejar dunia, sok mangga kejar. 4 waktu itu penting karena menandai pembuka dan penutup hari. Dibuka dengan yang baik, ditutup dengan yang baik. Sebelum subuh diisi dengan sholat tahajud dan perbanyak istighfar. Setelah subuh jangan tidur, tilawah plus baca arrahman alwaqiah. Sebelum maghrib banyakin memuji Allah. Rentang maghrib ke isya, mengusahakan untuk sholat isya dengan baik sebagai tanda sudah menutup hari ini dengan baik.
Terakhir, ditambah dengan total rakaat sunnah 40 rakaat, ustadzah bilang insyaAllah khawatir nya hilang. Lho bukan jodoh nya dateng? Iya bukan. Khawatir nya yang hilang. Keraguan akan masa depan dan berbagai kekhawatiran urusan dunia yang sudah digariskan.
At last, semoga yang hilang arah kembali ke jalan yang lurus dan diberkahi Allah. Semoga dijauhkan dari apa-apa yang buruk dan selalu didekatkan kepada kebaikan. Barakallah fiikunna😊😊
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gentlylily11 · 8 months
The fairy play with the tips of hair of the fae in his lap while humming and feeding him some lemon cookies
The fae open one off his eyes to see the fairy looking at him with adoration and something else in her face
His cheeks couldn't evoid to get slightly red, many had look at him in a similar way, but never with this intensity
"I see that I have you under my spell kufu" said the fae with a cheeky smile
They fairy blush deeply but giggle in return and start to caress behind his ear massaging
Lilia quickly turn his his head away with a deeper blush in his face and sigh of pleasure
"Don't do that" said Lilia slightly annoyed "you know its intimate for me"
"Yes I know that's why it is perfect for me" she keeping her collected manner
The fae quickly sit looking at the fairy, but it was difficult to know what was she thinkg when her eyes were always close
The only give away was the huge blush adorning her face
"What are you thinking?" ask Lilia cautious of the fairy
It was not that he thought she could do something to him, he knew her by her gentleness
And still something inside him was making wary of her, his heart pounded fast and his breathing was getting slightly harder
"Whats wrong Lilia?" she said as she crawl to him and the fae only back away clearly nervous
"I-It's nothing" Lilia cought "Whats wrong with you? you are all red and acting weirder than usual, is it that you love me? Kufu"
The fairy seem taken a back for a moment and the blush in her face intensified but then she started to giggle like a child full of excitement
She open her eyes reveling and empty void with the shine of a rainbow
Despite the lack of light he could see himself reflected in those empty looking eyes
"This is what you cause in me" she said and took Lilia's hand with her shaking ones carefully and then put in her chest
Lilia could feel her heart beating just as fast as his was in this moment
"Don't you like it?"
Even tho there was still some distance between them Lilia swore to feel as if those words were whisper in his ear
And remain sit there, frozen place before explode in to laughter
"Oh for the sevens this is too good to be true hahaha"
The fairy's eyes dim for a moment and her treambeling grasp on fae's hand weakened slightly before
She got closer to him giving mostly no space between them
"Lilia I won't tolerate this again, I want an aswer" she said with a more serious face "If you said yes then is more than perfect but if you said no, then i'll back away"
The sudden uncharacteristic seriousness of the fairy surprised the fae even more
He composed himself and smile while stroking the fairy's cheek
"Kufu im sorry if It seem I was laughing of you, it's not that...you took by surprise. Its just look at you"
He said looking directly at her now more relaxed face while she lean on his touch
"Back then you were so shy and fearful, you bearly look at me or said a peep"
he massage her cheek in circle with his tumb playful in the red fairy's face
"But Im sorry sweet fairy, I can't accepted you...im a dying fae, I can't let you life the rest of your life regretting loving a-"
The fae was silent by a kiss of the fairy who held him tightly against her, afraid to let him go and let him dissappear again
"I already lifed my whole life regretting loving you and I'll keep regretting it if I cant have you even If its in your last moments, If you love me too as i can feel it then let me have you" said the fairy letting some of her possesive actitud shine
Lilia keep quiet a blush adorning his face looking at the night sky while the fairy hid under his neck probably feeling his rapid pulse
"It would be beautiful to die heartbroken by you..." she murmur and Lilia smile hugging the fairy
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herricahyadi · 1 year
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Kak izin tanya, menurut pandangan kak heri bagaimana jika ikhwan yang mengajukan taaruf memiliki penghasilan yang jauh lebih rendah dari pada akhwatnya? Menurut kak heri seberapa penting se kufu-an dalam hal materi baik dari sudut pandang seorang ikhwan dan juga akhwat ?
Semoga kak heri diberikan kemudahan untuk menjawab pertanyaan saya.
Wa'alaikumsalam wr wb
"Jika ikhwan yang mengajukan taaruf memiliki penghasilan yang jauh lebih rendah dari pada akhwatnya?" Ini tergantung bagaimana perempuan melihatnya. Apakah dilihat sebagai sesuatu "yang tetap" atau sesuatu "yang bisa berubah". Jika perempuannya melihatnya secara materialistik, mungkin tidak akan mau karena gaji itu sumber penghasilan dan besarnya tentu berdasarkan rasionalitas kebutuhan. Penghasilan dianggap sesuatu yang tetap dan kadang jadi pertimbangan besar. Tapi, jika memandang penghasilan itu sebagai rezeki yang ketetapannya ditentukan oleh Allah ﷻ dan usaha manusia, maka besar dan kecilnya sangat relatif bukan? Saat ini, mungkin seseorang berada di puncak kekayaan. Tapi tidak ada yang menjamin lusa dia bangkrut sebangkrut-bangkrutnya. Hari ini, mungkin penghasilannya lebih kecil dari perempuannya. Tapi tidak ada yang menjamin minggu depan perempuannya malah tidak berpenghasilan. Apa masih sempat bertanya "kalau penghasilan lakinya lebih kecil dari perempuan"? Menurut saya, yang musti dilihat itu adalah kemampuan dan kemauan dari laki-lakinya untuk mendapatkan penghasilan. Usaha yang dia lakukan untuk itu. Apakah dia punya pikiran visioner dan apakah dia konsisten dengan sikapnya itu. Dan, kalau saya pribadi, lebih memilih bagi keduanya untuk sama-sama berpikir tentang mencari penghasilan bersama.
"Seberapa penting se kufu-an dalam hal materi baik dari sudut pandang seorang ikhwan dan juga akhwat?" Kalau soal materi, saya memilih untuk tidak terlalu memusingkan. Karena materi itu terlalu menyibukkan kita sehingga lupa menghasilkan karya. Ini buat saya pribadi ya. Bisa jadi ada orang yang dengan membuat karya justru menghasilkan materi. Ini banyak contohnya. Cuma kebanyakan dari kita tidak demikian. Jadi, ketimbang saya memikirkan materi, termasuk pasangan, lebih baik saya memikirkan apa yang bisa dilakukan bersama agar kita jadi manusia yang bermanfaat. Jadi, ini sebenarnya tergantung dari bagaimana si laki-laki dan perempuan memandang materi. Jika dipandang itu adalah fondasi kehidupan, tentu akan sangat penting. Dan, kadang pilihan ini menjadi rasional di dunia dewasa ini. Hidup kan butuh penghasilan ya. Definisikan saja "mengapa materi menjadi penting bagi kehidupan berumah tangga", nanti kamu akan menemukan tujuanmu terhadap materi itu.
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riphimopen · 13 days
srsly... like no question second i die its that one way ticket to the dakhma but ur gonna build me a pyramid regardless i aint letting mf kufu upstage me bitchhhhh someone better be carrying my earthly damn goods in that tomb
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arizonaguide · 1 year
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Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt. Believed to have been created by pharaoh Khafre (Greek Chephren) of the 4th Dynasty Old Kingdom in association with his pyramid, this guardian of the Giza Plateau is said to have been built around 2500 BC. #sphinx #greatsphinx #giza #egypt #plateau #ancientegypt #history #archaeology #archeology #egyptology #arizonaguide #nateloper #bucketlist #pyramids #kufu #khafre #menkaure — Nate Loper
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objecteiespai · 2 months
 25 / 04 / 2024 - 16 / 06 / 2024
Pure Gold. Reutilitzar! Revalorar! és una exposició de l’ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen d'Alemanya-, amb la col·laboració del Goethe-Institut i el suport del Disseny Hub Barcelona, que aborda la reutilització de residus i la seva transformació en objectes de disseny a través de propostes artístiques. L'exposició es complementa amb una plataforma virtual i amb tallers locals. Els pilars d'aquest projecte són l'ètica, la responsabilitat, la internacionalització i la cocreació.
El Disseny Hub Barcelona presenta una selecció d’obres feta pel seu comissari, Volker Albus, i l'amplia amb obres de reconegudes figures del disseny local amb peces de les col·leccions del Museu del Disseny-DHub. 
L’exposició ha comptat amb aportacions comissarials de diferents regions del món, des d’Europa fins Asia, passant per Àfrica o el Pròxim Orient, el que permet oferir un ampli ventall d’exemples de com la reutilització és un sistema d’aportació de valor en la creació de nous objectes.
A més, del 7 al 10 de maig, el DHub acollirà un taller adreçat a la comunitat local del disseny i la creació que vulgui mostrar el seu coneixement sobre la reutilització i la transformació de residus en objectes de disseny a través de la creació de vídeos en stop-motion. Els resultats d'aquest taller es mostraran a la plataforma virtual de Pure gold en forma de tutorials. Dirigiran els tallers Axel Kufus, Annika Unger i Anja Lapatsch.
Volker Albus
25 / 04 / 2024 - 16 / 06 / 2024
Del 7 al 10 de maig, i en el marc de l'exposició temporal PURE GOLD. Reutilitzar! Revalorar!, tindrà lloc un taller adreçat a la comunitat local del disseny i la creació que vulgui mostrar els seus coneixements sobre la reutilització i transformació de residus en objectes de disseny mitjançant la creació de vídeos stop-motion.
Els resultats d'aquest taller es mostraran a la plataforma virtual PURE GOLD en forma de tutorials. Els tallers estaran dirigits per Axel Kufus, Annika Unger i Anja Lapatsch.
Per a inscriure-vos en el taller, si us plau, llegiu abans els següents documents:
Disseny Hub Barcelona
Registre gratuït. Les persones interessades envieu un e-mail amb una carta de motivació i informació sobre les vostres creacions a: [email protected]
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ninetytwos · 4 months
Ya Allah Bismillah tahun ini dipertemukan teman hidup yang se kufu 😊🌱
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444namesplus · 5 months
Amavdei Baboisar Balokonoe Bane Bdeinudoaf Bdoebar Bdudre Bdukolisnoe Bduvar Bedkeir Beldoe Bemir Bez Bidnosez Bilaf Bindusoar Binimoe Bisenir Boekiste Boiner Bokar Bomobbojur Budar Budnargimoz Budnasir Budnunuddir Bufbioe Bufuse Buise Buker Bummarke Bummisnoe Bunisnoe Bunose Buriolus Burnkidne Dafose Danaboei Darimmei Dipamvoaf Dipommaf Dokose Dufamar Dufe Dufesur Duvopar Duvopu Eadimoes Eadude Eaparnar Earnid Earuse Ebduloni Eboumei Ebummu Ebummusoe Edir Edkeloar Edlunemoe Edneverlur Ednifor Edoumoke Egdokar Eide Eikaoner Einidsoner Ekaeiramor Ekaomu Ekiddeikendoei Ekkaonidfi Ekonar Eldoes Elduner Eliuse Emifusoe Emizeslid Emizour Emroaf Enise Ennor Erkmiboar Erno Esekou Eserneroar Esernerour Esldusojur Esnifoar Esnifsei Esnikudni Esnusosar Espiduse Espone Esse Evalesnoe Eviuse Fane Fanorndenus Fanosar Feadoki Fedkar Fedkoes Fedr Fedufepu Fefakoaf Fekdosar Fenane Feoe Feoirne Fepsar Fesaim Fesir Fesnae Fesoe Fexudoes Fezisnoar Fezofoes Fezofosar Fidkada Figoner Filondose Filoumesaf Fimmuse Firrud Fisdke Fise Fisr Fokeim Fonder Forisu Fosidke Fudne Fudolasaf Fudr Fusgiddenu Fusine Gadoir Gadose Gampude Gearnoner Geasar Gease Gefe Gekusoar Gemekdosi Gesu Gevamosar Gidusoe Gimokoner Givdor Gmude Gmudoes Golir Gudafgamkoo Gudafsukaf Gudnase Gudsez Gusnar Ibeirnar Idaz Ide Ideie Idejmuser Idekmoar Idfir Idkamesiaf Idkamir Ifbesle Ikisnar Ikolisrke Imepevemar Indadoe Ipirnir Irnoe Islukimokar Isnimme Ivudekaf Kabol Kadoe Kamkes Kamnadsar Kaodonor Kaodosar Kaosnommar Kasose Kavimi Kdifuse Kebotto Kedar Kedekemme Kedfisne Kedlekeni Kedlie Kedosar Kedsie Kedufepu Kefamulasaf Kefidoe Kefiseiir Keiredufepar Keisose Kekase Kemidoes Kemir Kemisnosoes Kemisr Kemkedoe Kemopame Kenesoe Kepmoedo Kepsoekei Kernimribdou Keslimogide Kidamefoaf Kidir Kidkimmo Kidnafsar Kidoner Kigemù Kiknor Kimioe Kindesou Kioukor Kirberoes Kirne Kisar Kisegdaf Kisnofopmoe Kmealoar Kmearisnaf Kmenidsei Kmifisnoe Kmuekose Kmunepisoaf Kodnar Kodobmekee Koekisse Koido Koknudoe Kolaar Konafsar Konimmoar Koslumesle Kosukoe Koszoe Kuboe Kudar Kudoe Kudosoaf Kuffular Kufu Kuimar Kumafse Kumnadsar Kumussene Kure Kuskespor Kuskiknud Kuskudloe Kusleni Kuslonud Kusrar Kusrnesnoar Kusrnesnosi Kusrnesr Ladsukedoe Ladukopanaf Ladukudsukoaf Ladukuvdokor Ladumobusr Ladumonaf Lavdor Leilemoaf Lesaf Lie Lifinid Likidde Likide Likofe Loar Loe Loese Loloar Lor Lorkobmose Lorkudloe Loukminoes Lufonoes Maisnosaf Makidoe Makoar Makogid Makose Mapakemoaf Mase Maso Medir Mekidse Meknesr Meknuludaf Menoaf Mepisnoaf Minukinaf Miu Miulor Miusnour Mofe Mokosoar Moslosor Movid Movide Movidemoner Movidner Movoar Movonose Mudoaf Muslosoaf Muspame Muspedokaf Nados Narkamaf Ndexes Ndivusoesar Ndofusnoaf Ndokoe Nekonar Neudfose Nidde Nidfosar Nifbirnir Nimmar Niubomur Niulude Niuluroar Niulurour Nonar Novidoar Nudnuse Odisi Ofekede Okdie Orbimmaf Oreek Oror Oslokoe Osnidefse Pdenoes Peddoesusaf Peine Pemidoar Pemmoisar Pemve Pevoo Pidienor Pine Pisue Pmakidoar Pudloes Raelime Raere Raffesar Rammusoekei Ravdoskosenud Rbir Redonud Reibosaf Remar Remosei Renads Reskar Ribnifbile Ribnofoar Ridebor Rifusoe Rikadoner Rikidar Ripusnoaf Risnosaf Rkoekke Rndisae Rneadejour Rnene Rnevoei Rnofame Romkesar Rudr Rufsar Rum Rumasnaf Safidoes Saslose Seisoe Sekou Sekuse Sibnasi Sidke Sidu Sifirndosar Sikirroner Sinaf Sojibudur Sudve Suse Suz Tiareifomoes Tisu Tuiekiddei Ubr Udkar Udnusoaf Udvuse Ukkenud Umavdoar Umokese Unu Urnomoes Usudoar Usur Uvedenud Vavuse Vdannoaf Vekkar Vemvosar Veoei Verom Veromorkar Vessekisne Vikepse Vimmuse Vukommei Vuse Vuvvou Xabonid Xakisner Xamoar Xamoes Xanadse Xarnos Xarnosoes Xasu Xesar Xuessir Xukoes Xus
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midnighskyline · 7 months
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Tital: Loves twisted curse
Angst-Gojo Saturo
Trigger warnings ⚠️-blood, implied character death, pain.
Note-Not gonna talk about how I got spoiled for the new manga ch😒😒. Also I wrote a one shot about jjk characters getting your attention the one for Gojo this is kinda piggy backing off that . Sorry if you don't like it I'm tired as hell, enjoy!!
With his crystal-like eye's, strong physique, and his snow white hair, who wouldn't fall in love with someone as perfect as him? And every moment his charming blue gaze meets yours you were no exception to this, however, loving him- truly loving the man that Gojo Saturo is isn't easy and the more you fall deeper in love with him the more you come to realize that love truly is the most twisted curse of all and mostly...just loving the untouchable Gojo.
"Kufu-chaaan!" Your ridiculous nickname was yelled from across the training field by a formiler white map of hair, kufu as in kikufuku; turning around and seeing the one and only Gojo Saturo. He smiled at you when he cought up to you "Let's go to that one dessert shop"
"Can't, I'm training" you said to deaf ears
"Oh I'll be fine" and with that he locked his arms with yours and dragged you off wether you liked it or not.
You stared at the man before you as he continued to eat -what seemed like- every cake in the shop
"I don't understand how you can eat that much sugar and not get sick"
"Huh? Want some?"
"I'm good, thanks" truth be told, Gojo inferated you, how every woman and man practically graveled at his feet wether it was because he's the strongest man on the planet or the hottest, people either wanted to be him or be with him. And from your prospective he got everything he wanted, he inferated you, 'the choosen one' people would say 'he's the strongest' it all inferated you but somehow you were drawn to him, you hated the strongest sorcerer known to man but you loved Gojo Saturo, who never even paid attention to you untill...
It had been a year since Gojo Saturo left the jujutsu school, sence he had left everything behind, sence he had left Saturo
"How are you?" You asked before you could stop yourself, he looked up
"Nevermind, forget what I said"
"...I'm fine, why wouldn't I be anyway? I'm the strongest, something like that shouldn't bother me in the first place, that's what I hear people say when they think I'm not listening" he slid a pice of cake your way "What about you? Your his sister"
"Half sister, and I didn't know him that well so..." you took a pice of cake in your fork and ate it. It hurt, you don't want to admit that it does or even that it's true; after all, you are just temporary, a destruction from Geto.
With the day quickly passing and you having a mission tomorrow, you walked back to the school, stopping at a train station
"Gojo" your voice was barley above a whisper as you called out to him, he looked at you
"What am I to you?" Your question took him off gard to say the least, with a sound of confusion he began to think
"A friend" it sounded like more of a question than anything else
"You know Gojo...Im not sure if I like you for the same reasons Geto did, or if those are the exact reasons I hate you"
"What- what do you mean?" You shook your head and smiled, looking at him
"You don't think we're friends because we fight along side each other, you just like the idea of being friends with the closest thing to Geto, right?" From under his glasses you could see his eyes widen and lips part
"Do you have nothing to say? Let's stop this then, I'm far from being my brother so there's no reason to hang out anymore"
The next morning you get ready for your mission, ignoring the few messages you received from Gojo. Saying goodbye to Shoko, you set off for your assignment, not knowing that might be the last time you'll say that to her.
The curse laughed as you struggled to stand, blood streamed from your parted lips as you caughted; you were reaching your limit and some of your ribs were broken, there was no mistaken that as surges of pain shot from your side everytime you attempted to stand. You wiped the blood from your mouth and stood, with a last stich effort to win this fight you put your hand on top of the other with the bottom hand closed in a fist while the other one was the opposite.
"Domain Expansion: Death Dual!" The room fell silent as a black fog clouded all four corners. This was probably going to kill you but forgetting about that you laughed aloud, this was the first time you had successfully pulled your domain expansion off, so to hell with the risks
"No fucking way! Hahahaha! Damn I actually did it, so what's gonna happen now you filthy curse?"
You breathed in sharply as blood fleeted from your side, holding a hand there to slow the crimson liquid. The walls cracked and parts of the roof caved in, with any luck the building would hold up for another three minutes before you'll be buried alive; the buzz of your phone broung you from your thoughts, wincing in pain as you moved to dig it from your pocket 'Gojo Saturo' the bright screen read, pushing the green button the sound of his voice filled the dark cold room
"Hey, you should be finishing up your mission now, right?"
"Well..." You looked around the room "the curse is exorcised"
"Great, can we meet?"
"Not sure that's happening, can you do something for me? Tell Shoko I can't make it back to jujutsu tech"
"What? Why?...Where are you?"
"Haha, I'm not really sure, I had to chase the curse somewhere it's all kind of a blur really"
"Are you hurt?"
"Well my leg is crushed, this buildings collapsing, and I'm not sure if it's the blood loss or the fact I'm exhausted but I wish you were here" you could hear him panting on the other line "Are you...running?"
"Just hang on, ok?, I'm coming"
"Oh come on, that's just cruel, don't give me faluse hope like that" you looked up at the sky as more of the roof fell, you smiled bitterly
"Sorry about last night..."
"Humor me?"
"It's fine, we can talk about it later, right?"
"Stay awake"
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
Thank you for reading, also the likes on my other fics?????? The follows???? Hello???? Thank you so much😣😣❤️💍💍 hope you enjoyed!
Bye now💞💞
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sergiothepsychic · 6 months
Training! ( Scotty Kufus ) 💰👇🏻💰👇🏻💰👇🏻💰👇🏻💰👇🏻💰 New zoom link for Webinar!! http://Www.Tranzactcard.live click the links below! Let’s Go!! Or 💥💥💥💥💥💥👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 https://tranzactcard.zoom.us/j/86954065820?pwd=ZlFrcEg0K3RQN3lNS2IzeUx6ZFdudz09
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eponastory · 6 months
And now for something completely different...
Continuing with Character Bios...
Tet-en-Hur (Seth) The Alchemist
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Tet-en-Hur or Seth, as many call him later on. Was born during the reign of Kufu during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. This was during a very chaotic time when Demons had run rampant through the world and not long before Empress Lilith was sealed away.
Seth was alive to see the Great Pyramid being built. He was the son of a merchant from Mesopotamia who married an Egyptian woman. As a boy, a fever spread through Memphis taking out his parents in the process. This was where his desire to become a healer came in. During his time under the tutorlage of a Healer, he met a man claiming to turn one element into another. He quickly became enamored with this concept and asked the man if it was possible to learn this.
Seth became a student of Alchemy and before long, his mentor Ruhak, began working for the Pharoah who commanded him to find a way to become immortal. This is where a woman by the name Anrn came into play as she was secretly the Goddess Neith. Both Alchemists approached her hearing of her wisdom and asked if there was a way to achieve Immortality. Neith explained that there was an elixir that she knew of, but only one Alchemist could make it. However her terms for the elixir were steep. One of them would have to turn a diamond into water. Whoever succeeded would be granted the ingredients for the elixir.
Both Seth and his mentor struggled to make this happen, but in the end Ruhak was able to complete the task, while Seth struggled. Unbeknownst to Seth, Ruhak cheated with slight of hand. Because of this, Ruhak was given poison instead of the elixir, leaving Seth as the honest man. In reward for his honesty, Neith granted him the true elixir, but only he could drink it. Seeing this as an opportunity to do good, Seth took the elixir for himself. He resided in Egypt, serving under Pharoahs and through the Nubian dynasties before fleeing to Babylon, where he met Sparda.
Thus began a long friendship between Sparda and The Alchemist.
After the fall of Babylon, Seth ventured back to Egypt to serve under the Pharoahs again until Sparda came looking for him again after the collapse of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Seth was crucial in the sealing of the Underworld and the separation of Sparda from his power.
From then on, Seth remained a faithful companion to Sparda during his travels throughout the world. Seth chronicled many happenings on their journey and was instrumental in the formation of The Holy Order of Sparda (that accidentally became a cult).
There you go, my version of events that will be told through the eyes of this guy right here. Seth. The Alchemist.
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